#stamping parts supplier
campmanufacturing · 2 years
Well Known Heavy Duty Industrial Tiles Manufacturer in Gujarat
With over 10 years of experience, we provide heavy duty industrial tiles that are manufactured using the best of raw material and designed by eminent architects. The company has been serving its customers well with its range of tiles that are widely demanded by various schools, universities, colleges and other organizations across India. Our best interlocking garage floor tiles are extremely sturdy, colorful, durable and lightweight. We have used high quality material to manufacture these tiles which offer excellent resistance against moisture damage or breakage even during extreme weather conditions.
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We Create Custom Products, Suited To Your Needs!
We are a stamping parts supplier in domicile. Our goal is to satisfy all your needs and requirements regarding one stop solution for stamping of various rubber parts. A broad range of rubber moulded parts in various dimensions and styles to meet your specification. Our staffs are knowledgeable, experienced and friendly. We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss with you your needs. We hold an ISO 9001 quality certificate and we pride ourselves on our delivery record and service.
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nirajindustries · 1 year
Niraj Industrie’s Sheet Metal Pressed Parts Manufacturers in India
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When your industry requires high-caliber precision parts, you need a stamping company that meets the most stringent quality standards. Niraj Industries, a registered company, has been manufacturing precision tools for companies worldwide since 1994. Today, we produce over 1 million highly detailed parts every week for even the most technologically advanced applications.
We, at Niraj Industries have positioned ourselves as one of the major Press Parts Manufacturers and Suppliers located in Mumbai. We manufacture all types of strips in CRGO M6 M5 M4 Grade.
At Niraj Industries you will find global Press Parts in Nashik. Niraj Industries you will find global suppliers and manufacturers ready to meet your demands. No matter where you are, you can easily get your products without going beyond your national borders. As a leading platform, we cater to listed manufacturers and suppliers.
For More Details Contact us: +91 92251 28155
For more information on Press Parts in Nashik visit our site:-https://www.nirajinds.com/press-parts-crgo.php
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metalineindustries · 2 years
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flowersbane · 10 months
The Series Of Unfortunate Events That Lead To Putting Carrots In A Cake
Joshua Rosfield X Reader
This is the second version of this request. It's a bit similar in some parts, but I like having fic variants. ( ^_^ ) b
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Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1.3k
Tags: Baker!Reader, Finally Getting Joshua To Eat Some Gosh Darn Vegetables, Fluff, Teasing, Unedited, Fun, Cutesy.
It was truly a wonder how this recipe book had fallen into your hands.
A trader from the Crystalline Dominion had been making his way to Rosaria when a flock of chocobos had attacked his wagon. Clive had happened to cross the man’s path and while most of the man’s merchandise had been destroyed, he was still able to repay Clive’s kindness with a tattered recipe book. And yet, as Clive was returning from Rosaria, the book toppled over a cliff, never to be found again. However, as luck would have it, a group of bandits happened across the book. They tossed it in with their collection and forgot about it. Months later, the bandits stole from a supply caravan that was carrying goods meant for the Hideaway. Otto had intended for the Cursebreakers to retrieve their stolen goods, but Joshua offered to go instead. After some convincing, Otto agreed. Joshua, Jote, and Torgal confronted the bandits. Joshua had intended to only take what the Hideaway needed, but one of the bandits called Torgal a mangy mutt, causing his mercy to dissipate. After a short battle, Joshua and Jote hitched the wagons to some chocobos and made for the Hideaway. During their travels, Joshua rummaged through their loot until he found something suitable for you. A baker’s book. Perfect. He grinned, ignorant of the way the stars aligned for this one moment.
Now, you leaned against the counter of the Ale Hall, leisurely flipping through the pages of recipes. A recipe rut had been plaguing you for the past week and you were hoping that this new book might put an end to it. You had just turned to the next page when commotion on the Main Deck caught your attention. You turned your head a little to see Gav rising from placing down a heavy-looking, wooden crate. One of many, from what you can see.
“Founder,” Gav muttered, “what a mess this is.”
“It could be worse,” Cole commented, having dropped off a box of his own. “They could be turnips.”
“Eugh, turnips.”
Gav crossed the Main Deck and ordered a mug of ale. You leaned closer to him. “What’s with all the boxes?” you ask.
“Carrots. Blasted things. You know, it really is quite the story, how they got here.” You wordlessly motioned for him to continue. After a swig of ale, he did. “One of our suppliers, ah, one that has a deal with Clive’s uncle, was meant to be sending us a shipment of vegetables. Well, at the docks, his son made a mistake. Put all the carrots on one boat, all the turnips on another, and all the potatoes on another. Ordinarly, something like that doesn’t just slip by unnoticed, but the man in charge of inspections had eaten a bad breakfast, didn’t agree with his stomach, so he just stamped the papers before running off to deal with his, uh, returning breakfast.” You wrinkled your nose at that. “So the ships set sail, all with the wrong contents. Now, we’re stuck with a dozen crates of carrots and no potatoes.”
“And no turnips,” you pointed out.
This time, it was Gav’s turn to wrinkle his nose. However, his attention was quickly caught by the book laying out in front of you. He motioned to it as he lifted his mug for another drink. “What’s that?”
You glanced down at the book. “Oh, this? It’s just something Joshua brought me after…” You did a double take, something on the age having caught your eye. You trailed off as you began to read.
“Ah, right, sorry, it’s just…”
The book spread out the solution to your problems in one simple, sweet, perfect recipe. You grin widely. “I know what to do with the carrots.”
“All of them?”
You rolled your eyes. “No, not all of them, but some of them.”
Without bothering to explain further, you leapt from your seat and began dashing around to get to work. Otto gave you a skeptical look when you asked to take from the supply of carrots, but agreed without need for any further convincing. The recipe was completely new to you and, as strange as it sounded, you knew you had to give it a try. Perhaps it was even because it sounded strange that you knew you couldn’t just let it pass you by. The opportunity was perfect. And your curiosity was insatiable.
In a matter of hours, you had baked enough cake for the entire Hideaway. Just in time, too, as supper was coming to an end.
“There’s a sweetness in the air that completely distracted me from my supper,” Joshua teased as he approached the bakery’s counter. He had an easy smile on his face as he leaned against the wooden edge. “Must you tease me so?”
“A bit of anticipation can be a good thing,” you countered. “But, worry not, your wait can finally be over. They’re ready.” He took a seat on one of the stools, eyes wide and expectant. You stifle a giggle. “So eager.”
“You haven’t seen the half of it. He was glancing in the direction of the bakery for the entire duration of our meal,” said Clive as he and Jill approached. “I thought he might get up and run off if I so much as glanced away from him.”
“Clive…” Joshua casted his brother a look that only made him chuckle.
You laugh behind closed lips. “Alright, alright. Here, Joshua, you can have one of the first slices.”
His expression immediately brightened. He accepted the small plate with a grin, one that he quickly flashed at Clive in an almost boastful manner. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes as you continued passing out slices of cake.
Joshua made an approving sound at his first bite. “This is quite delicious. Well, that much should be expected. It is your baking we’re speaking of.”
A blush dusted your cheeks. Jill nodded her agreement as she had her first taste of the treat. “Truly remarkable.”
“You’ve outdone yourself. This is… different, somehow, from what you’ve made in the past.” Joshua looked up from his plate. “What is it?”
“Carrot cake,” you declared.
He froze. Jill’s chewing slowed. The corners of Clive’s lips twitched upwards as his gaze glided towards his little brother.
Your brows knit together with concern. “Joshua?”
Complicated emotions pass over his face. Confusion and horror, as well as a handful of other things you couldn’t quite place. It seemed that Clive was unable to hold back his amusement any longer. A sharp laugh escaped from his chest. Joshua glared at him, but the expression lacked any true anger. Clive’s laughter only grew louder, encouraging giggles from Jill as well.
“Not you too,” Joshua muttered.
“I’m sorry, it’s just–” She couldn’t even finish her sentence for the mirth that stole the words from her mouth.
Joshua sighed and shook his head. “What sort of unfortunate series of events leads to putting carrots in a cake?”
“You don’t like carrots?” You frowned. “I’m sorry, truly. I–I didn’t know–”
He soothed your worries with another shake of his head. “No, no, you have nothing to apologize for.” He looked back down at the cake. “I suppose I shouldn’t complain. If I couldn’t tell in the first place…”
“It seems we have found the only way Joshua will eat his vegetables.” Clive snickered. “Baked into a cake.”
“All they have to be is coated in sugar and cream,” Jill added.
Joshua gave them both a tired look. It only made them laugh more.
You reached out, taking his hand in yours. “But, you liked it, right?”
He seemed to have sensed that you were in need of more reassurance, for he forsook his brother’s teasing and focused his attention on you. His closed his other hand over yours. “Of course, my dear.” He brought your hand to his lips and pressed a kiss on your knuckles. “I would love anything these hands crafted.”
The blush returns to your cheeks, accompanied by a bashful smile. “Then, you’ll keep eating, right?”
A flicker of wariness flashed across his face, but it was gone as soon as his eyes met yours. “Gladly.”
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Author's notes: Zaarius in Husbandry
Past =-= Next
Warnings: Let me know if I need to add anything.
Summary: Zaarius, happy from collecting the items from his Loyalist clients, the intel, and other resources that they paid in response for his Delights. Now, he just needs to trade with Hura so that he gets stuff from him.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Zaarius hums to himself pleased at how much he’d received from his Loyalist clients making sure to carefully put his trade goods in carefully protective crates with his name stamped on them. He knows that will only have some of those within the Base hesitate briefly before rifling through his stuff for their own benefit.
Now- he’s got an Apothecary to trade with, he’s heard the complaints from some of the Apothecaries about how stingy the Loyalists are with sharing supplies in certain kinds of medications and other sorts of supplies that they need. Some of those supplies are growing ever lesser, and thus more valuable to trade for.
Which has him grin sharply, and has those who are smart, avoiding him, while also watching him carefully for his Shenanigans. He pushes the crate on a rolling cart, it’s annoying that they don’t have any anti-gravitation hover carts, which are a much more elegant way to move things.
“Hura, dear cousin!” Zaarius calls out with a churring trill in his voice. “I am glad that we were able to have time to discuss something with each other.”
He’d requested some of Hura’s time, knowing that the other is very busy being a higher ranking Apothecary who’s really good at his job and isn’t an entirely sadistic piece of work, which can be a trend among the Renegade, and more particularly, the Chaos Apothecary Space Marines.
Hura inclines his head as he looks down at his smaller fellow Chaos Marine, Zaarius could be quite the entertaining fellow. So long as he wasn’t in a Spiteful mood, Hura gestures for Zaarius to follow after him.
“My office is just down the way,” Hura says, looking at the crate filled with something. ”What’s that you have there?”
“Supplies I traded some Loyalists for,” Zaarius says with a grin, his six sets of eyes squinting a little as he gives out a bit of a pleased trill. “That is why I wanted to meet with you Hura, is some of the supplies I gathered, I figured you would be interested, what with some of the supply issues that the Medicae of Chaos have been having due to that little squabble that you lot have been having recently.”
“Just what kinds of supplies did you acquire?” Hura asks, “and how did you acquire them?”
“I acquired them through honest, legal trade with some Loyalists who are interested in my particular services that I can personally do,” Zaarius says honestly, “how they acquired the goods is not my care to know.”
Hura looks at him steadily, for a few hearts beat, slowly taking in what the other has said and looks at the crate again before looking at Zaarius, “What kind of medical supplies did you legally acquire?”
 Zaarius grins up at him and with one of his extra arms he carefully lifts up the crate and grabs out some of the medical supplies, a sample of each of the medications that they are starting to sorely lack that the Loyalists have a decent supply of.
“A little of this, a little of that,” Zaarius replies as he hands over the samples, so that Hura can test the quality of the supplies for himself. “Please tell me if the quality is off so I can discuss with my suppliers the foolishness of their actions, please Hura?”
If they aren’t of the quality that he’d requested, then he’s going to ensure that those Loyalist clients of his will be properly punished for their hubris and foolishness for trying to short their Dealer of their rightful due.
Hura takes the samples, and uses part of his assessor array to test the quality of the medicines, which are what they are labeled to be as of the high quality that can be made on ancient terra with the limited supplies and technology that they have available.
He informs Zaarius of such, he seems most pleased with the answer, he knows that this crate of supplies is not going to be given to him, or to the Medicae at the base, but is something he’s going to trade for something he needs or wants instead. 
Such is the way of Chaos, even in these unprecedented times, so long as supplies are hoarded too much and theft is kept at a minimum those in charge are willing to look the other way, because trying to fight over petty stuff will leave them at a serious disadvantage with the Loyalists and Renegades. 
Not to mention the factions within the baseline humans that could also take advantage of such disharmony. So Hura negotiates with Zaarius for the supplies, discussing with him the details of the trade, and doing his best to not have to give the other too much.
Hura manages to get a good deal out of Zaarius, but reminding the other that he lives on this Base as well, and how they do need to maintain a professional relationship with one another.
Also, that he or one of his fellow Death  Guard Apothecaries are going to be the ones to do his next health assessment. And then he gives the other one of his pleasant smiles. Zarius’s main eyes stare at him and narrow slightly, while the other sets of eyes dart around a little as he thinks over his next response.
Zaarius decides to make the smart decision and not try to be too greedy with his request with only some minor Slanneshi Space Marine dramatics. Which mildly amuses and annoys Hura at the same time. 
Zaarius gives half of the supplies, waiting on the recompense for the trade that he just made with Hura. Following after the other and humming one of those stupid Ancient Terran human songs that are so annoyingly catchy.
Hura gets the requested trade supplies and he makes sure to double count them as he watches Hura take the supplies that he’d gotten in trade with the Loyalists. Pleased that Hura hadn’t tried to short him  he takes the supplies and plans where he’s going to keep the supplies and not have them stolen from him by some bastard either a wanderer or a resident of the base.
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rosemary-crane · 3 months
Pt. 2 of the stem of my corset-making ✨mistakes✨
So as we last left off, I was in the throes of complete and utter Audacity, thinking I could make the corset perfectly, with zero(0) experience with corsets. So, I made a mock up with cotton muslin and 1/2” twill tape, as seen below, wrote down my alterations and tried applying them.
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Jk, I started having DoubtsTM, not helped by the fact that I was wavering over how wide the waist actually was, because my mockup and the description of the pattern’s measurement weren’t the same, whether to leave a few in. gap in the back or making it meet perfectly center back after lacing up (as is historically and og pattern accurate), getting confused when my mockup did not have the measurements as a costuber who was using the same pattern, and last but not least, I was fitting only one half of the corset and without any boning/busk, because I hadn’t gotten them yet. :/
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Fml the pics got cropped weirdly
anyways, eventually I caved after trying to make another mockup as seen above and still not sure but unwilling to use up more fabric and time because I wanted it all done by December, and decided to run with the Etsy description measurement and add 1” on both halves of the corset, but split evenly between the panels 5, 6, & 7, because I thought they were too small, and extend the bust line on the other panels by half a cm to cover my nips, but hey at least my boobs weren’t bulging unseemly so over the bust of the corset so that part was clearly Fine otherwise. Mind you, I didn’t sew in the bone channels except like 2 and that was more for funsies than actually helpful in fitting a mock up. I also made a little make-shift pattern around the end of November for the top band of boning in the cups since that wasn’t provided but appeared to be added only after sewing panels 2, 3, & 4 together. Also, sometime in August to September, my busk and metal stamps had arrived and I made time to try and stamp the flowers onto the metal loops. Even though I had bought them in the smallest size available, the stamps were still too big to fit on the loops, which I ALREADY KNEW when I bought them, but I was in Denial :D I still tried, but quickly realized that for some godforsaken reason, the metal stamps weren’t stamping no matter how hard I hit it with a hammer (because we don’t have any softer mallets) and I’m✨ a cheapskate✨ so no buying another tool. Just to make sure, we tried stamping the actual um, hmmm would u call it a body? of the busk just to test whether it was the stamps or the small surface space, but even then they refused to properly create the stamped image so ig it was the metal?? *leans into the metaphorical mic* So that was a failure. AND AND just to top it all off, I realized that the busk I ordered was too long for the pattern, and because I didn’t want to make the front longer at the bottom, I had to order a shorter one, which also took time.
So, around mid to late September, like any good young individual, I was so confident things were going great that I drew up my altered pattern pieces all nice and official-like. Clearly, several months and a pound of blood, sweat, and tears later, that was wrong, cause I now am having to go back and scrap all of them except panels 1 and 7 >:///// but since I was oh so proud then of my work, here’s the general lineup, partially obscured out of respect for the pattern maker. Also, I had later decided to double the bones in panels 5 6 7 because I only realized after drawing them up that the bones I got, 3/16”, were like half the width of the og pattern bones, and pls don’t ask me about the smaller vertical bones in panel 7, because even I don’t remember what the fuck was going on there and u can’t erase ink. And if ur asking, well why the fuck didn’t u just buy bones in the correct width? Well, the supplier I ordered them from took like, 2 weeks to a month to arrive which wouldnt arrive in time for my deadline and were expensive as fuck, so I thought that I could just skate on by on my thiccc panels of tiny bones. It was already December 6 by the time I realized this mind u, so I also had to push my deadline back to December 20 as the latest I could tolerate, because I wanted to wear it for an event at the end of the year.
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my fabric arrived in late September to early October and this was when I realized my second mistake, which was that instead of greige, I got cool grey toned to purple, so that was fun :/ like I like that color but it still wasn’t what I was originally going for, so a lesson in always buying a swatch first ig. Also it looked less like a sateen and more like a plain weave, and I was expecting something with a sheen like my moodfabrics cotton sateen, so another lesson in the reliability of quality from random suppliers. ://// I gave them both a thorough soak in clean water before leaving the to dry on the line for like 2 days? Just as a precaution if I ever get the corset wet so that it doesn’t shrink or warp, and also any excess dye for the sateen. I had finished drawing and cutting out my patterns sometime during all this too. Then I also ironed them both out to get rid of wrinkles, which I did over 3-5 days I think. I was also trying to buy cotton thread in a similar color to the fabric, but my first spool ended up being too light and in a fit of desperation, I tried dying it, failed miserably in terms of efficiency, and finally gave up that attempt to buy actually similar colored thread with a sample of some of my sateen. :|
From there, there’s multiple options on how you cut ur pattern out, but since coutil is so dense and sturdy, I decided that I would cut the pattern pieces out of that first, baste them wrong sides together to the sateen, then cut them out using the coutil pieces as the pattern for the sateen, which is much lighter and delicate. Obviously, you have to make sure to cut them according to the grainlines, and then for me, also baste them to match the sateen’s grainline. I spent a good chunk of time doing this, all the way into the beginning of November. I can remember because I vividly recall sewing basting through Halloween instead of getting out of the house. I don’t have any pics of this because I was so focused on making that I didn’t remember to take pics. 😔✌️ I did start sewing panel 1, my new busk, and the twill tape and did in fact remember to try testing the sewing machine on scraps of coutil and sateen first, but was again delayed when I had to face the fact that I had to get an actual awl and not just use the thin knitting needles I already had access to in order to poke holes for the pegs of the busk to poke through because I didn’t want to cut the fabric and compromise the stability of the corset, which would be under quite a bit of tension. I was also taking classes so I got delayed several times, increasingly so as we got closer to the end of the year/term. Even then, it was only until the beginning of December that I finally got to properly start sewing everything together. And by then, everything I had ordered had also arrived, which is good. Well, not rlly in regards to the grommets haha ha….
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shade-without-color · 11 months
Being subtle is questionable (Osakita drabble)
Note: So I made this in a whim from a chat with a dear friend known as BKAK colleague about certain affairs, and I know I have to write this story 😉😉, and this is being my first subtly NSFW story, some discretion would be advised, thank you BKAK colleague to be my bouncing point to my Osakita madness
In Onigiri Miya, it is expected to see the round of gossips from his regulars and new faces, when they munch upon Osamu’s onigiris, it goes simply as one drunken salesman ranting about how shitty how his job is, along with the rounds of draft beer, tourists who flocked by, with their otherwise mediocre Japanese- fumbling over the correct terms of the food, which thankfully one of his quick-witted part-timers managed to navigate through the language barrier thanks to her self-learning Spanish in her free time. (His English is mediocre at best, but he learned it along the way), and young families flocking to Onigiri Miya, which Osamu took the time to high-five every energetic kid that comes by the shop. 
However Osamu’s ears perked at the sound of the chime, to see the tanned white haired man Kita, huffing a little from the long journey from driving from his farm to his little restaurant. “Special delivery for Osamu Miya!!”, Osamu monetarily paused his motion of fluffing the rice, running over to Kita, who heaved a little deep breath. “Give me a moment….” He called one of the smaller male part-timers to help him to carry the rice packets. 
Osamu’s eyes widened to Kita peeling the banana from his pocket, slowly shoving the fruit slowly in his mouth
“Your delivery order…..” Kita whispered quietly, fluttering his eyelashes in fake bliss, before finishing the banana in one gulp. “Samu”. Osamu withheld a cough, shit this is my supplier, I just need to forget a few nights ago when we actually snog that hard at the counter. His cheeks growing more flushed at Kita’s hand purposely brushing to him.
I need to focus on signing the order and stamping it, he should be gone.
Osamu shut his eyes, trying to think of the worst situation, and right now he could think it is Atsumu stealing the last pudding cup in the fridge. “Oh….Thank you….” Constantly adjusting his cap, Kita smiled a little, unaware of the stamp slipping away from Osamu’s sweaty palms.
“Boss….the rice where do you want to put the sacks of rice….” The young part-timer Hiro shouted to him. “You seems to be dazed….” Osamu shake his head,  noticing Kita giving a cheeky smile, lost in his words. “If you need any more, come by my farm to see the new crops, my grandma asked for you though she did not…” 
“I’ll come by your farm whenever you like….”
Kita’s complexion turned red, “Yeah, excuse me….” And in thin air, Kita seems to disappear, which Osamu heaved a sigh of relief, unaware that one of the older ladies Aiko gave a side eye to Osamu. “Samu-kun…..may I have my order” Osamu gave a bow to her “Oh I am sorry….” continuously folding the onigiri back and forth.
“What is going between you two…”, Osamu frowned a little, focusing his efforts to plate it prettily . “Aiko-san….I”,  The wind chime to Akaashi, Bokuto’s husband shouting his order. “One umeboshi and one Ikura Onigiri please!” Osamu quickly distracted himself to greeting Akaashi. “Yep, coming up…” Though he hid his reddening expression with marvellous grace, focusing on making Akaashi’s order. 
“Miya-san…..” Akaashi quietly muttered to Osamu. “Thanks, seems that new author is driving me nuts…..” Osamu bowed to him. “Oh, sorry, welcome….” he quickly passed the plate of rice balls to him. “How is everything, and your husband Bokuto-san….”
“Good, expect that I heard from Bokuto-san, that your brother Atsumu may accidentally received …I would say….suggestive texts during practice, and it is addressed to Kita, your former captain….”, and perhaps too coincidentally one of his servers passed a customer broiled eggplant. Osamu gulped to himself. “Akaashi-san, do you know what is the context of the texts….”
“I do not pry on gossip like that…..” Akaashi mutter quietly, munching the onigiri. “You should ask your brother…”, Osamu gulped to himself, trying to think of few nights back when he made his way to his farm,  which they drank themselves too silly, reminiscing happy moments in their volleyball team, and perhaps get themselves too frisky. “All I know that Bokuto seems curious about this, and I do not see Atsumu being frisky with Kita….“
Osamu heaved a little. “Perhaps, curiosity will do bad for us….”, forcing himself to fold the onigiris over and over again. If he got the chance, there would be a heated FaceTime call with Atsumu over the contents of the texts.
“I am keeping my lips sealed for now Akaashi….”
“I know….” Akaashi nodded a little. “Try to be subtle next time….”
Subtleness is perhaps not their forte after all
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writethelifeyouwant · 2 years
Made For You | Chapter 6
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Summary: Dean and Sam like what they have together, and if screwing your brother screws with the universe’s “grand plan” while they’re at it, then even better. Neither of them has ever cared much for tradition or fate, but it turns out there are some destinies you can’t escape. Sometimes, someone is just made for you. 
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader Rating: 18+ Warnings: Incest Tags: AU, Time Jump, Omegaverse, Alpha!Dean, Harvelle’s Roadhouse, Alpha!Jo, Omega!Reader, flirty Dean, age difference, taboo relationship, scent attraction, innocent reader, Virgin!Reader, romantic reader, true mates, Jo is super pushy, reader is fed up with her shit Word Count: 2.4k Created For: @spnabobingo - Female Alpha
A/N: Sorry for the late post! Some of you might have seen my website or the ask I answered last week – I haven't been feeling very well the past few weeks, so I needed to take a bit of time to catch up with myself. This series will resume posting every Tuesday, as scheduled, from next week.
Series Masterlist
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Your POV
You roll your eyes at Jo as she slides into the booth across from you with yet another tray laden with pitchers of cocktails. She flashes you a wink as she grabs your glass and proceeds to pour a luminously blue liquid into it that smells like a candy shop. 
“I thought you were supposed to be the adult here,” you shout at your companion over the loud thumping bass of the club music. 
Jo had insisted on bringing you along for the ride on her trip into Lincoln this weekend. The reason she’d given your father and her mother, Ellen, had been to introduce you to some of the microbrew suppliers for the Roadhouse. Both parents had thought it was a great idea and were happy that you and Jo were starting to show an interest in how Ellen’s business operated. 
You know, however, that the only reason Jo had volunteered to take the quarterly meeting with the suppliers was so she could get laid. Actually, as she had explained to you vividly on the three-hour drive to the city, she was looking to find an omega who wasn’t twice her age, didn’t have a beer belly or a beard, and would let her sit on his face. You really could have done without knowing that last part. 
Even though Jo is almost double your age (she’s just a few years younger than your father) she has always felt like more of a big sister than a substitute parent. She acts like she’s still twenty-one at heart, and you could tell the lack of a viable dating scene around your hometown was really starting to wear her down. It was pretty unusual for Alphas to be unmated by her age, and the available patrons at the Roadhouse have been thin on the ground lately. So, even though you aren’t exactly wild about sneaking into a club with the fake ID she had procured for you, you hadn’t had the heart to turn her down when she’d asked you to come with her. 
Once you were in the club you stopped worrying so much about being underage. Clearly, no one is checking IDs at the bar here, and you have the admittance stamp claiming you’re twenty-one inked in big, bold digits across the back of your right hand, so as the drinks flow between you and Jo, you start to relax and enjoy yourself. That is, until Jo starts to pester you about your own love life. 
“See any alphas you like the look of?” Jo asks you with a smirk as she misses her straw with her mouth trying to drink her own purple cocktail. 
“We aren’t here for me,” you point out in accusation. “So how about you tell me if there’s any omegas who are catching your eye.” You take a sip of your cocktail, trying to determine what the flavours are besides sugar, alcohol, and blue, but you’re coming up empty. 
“I have my feelers out,” Jo smiles secretively, and you roll your eyes. 
“So, what? You’re just going to sit here all night and feel? We drove like three hours for this,” you complain. 
“They’ll come to me, just wait and see,” she answers, giving you a look that suggests she thinks she’s being incredibly clever. It’s not that you’re doubting that people will come up and flirt with her, they always do because Jo is positively stunning, but you’re just surprised she’s being so passive about this exercise. She’s typically much more of a hunter. 
“I don’t need you to sit here and babysit me,” you say, leaning closer to her over the table, guessing correctly why she might be holding back based on the sheepish expression that flashes on her face. “I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself,” you reassure her. 
“Are you suuuuure you don’t see an alpha you want to get to know a little better?” Jo double-checks, her eyes flicking towards the dance floor of the club, and you follow her line of sight to see several guys milling around the edge of the crowd in the centre, all their gazes darting towards your table in a sort of shy optimism. 
“I told you in the car, and I’ve told you plenty of times before, I’m not planning on losing my v-card in some random hook-up,” you laugh as Jo pouts childishly. “I’m not getting laid tonight, because I don’t want to. You, on the other hand, clearly need to; so go!” You shoo her out of the booth, stealing her drink from her hand and taking a tentative sip. Deciding you like the purple cocktail better than the blue, you swap her pitcher for yours. 
Almost as soon as Jo reaches the dance floor she’s hounded by a group of omegas, all vying for her attention and affection. You smile absently to yourself as you watch her disappear further into the mass of writhing, pheromone-soaked bodies, then you happily settle back into your booth with your phone and Jo’s cocktail. 
You’ve always told Jo that you aren’t into the idea of just having sex with someone new whenever the mood strikes, despite her persistence to bring you over to her way of thinking. You don’t have any problem with people who do start having sex as soon as they present, it has just never particularly appealed to you. Sure, your heats the past two years haven’t been walks in the park, but they weren’t awful. You’ve gotten by just fine on your own with the knotting toy that your father had very awkwardly taken you to buy after you presented. The idea of shacking up for your heats, being so bare and intimate with somebody who might not even remember your name by the time their next rut rolls around, just makes you feel sad; people should be worth more than that. 
So, as you’d explained to Jo several times over the course of your teenage years, and as you had reiterated in the car on your drive to Lincoln earlier today, you don’t plan on losing your virginity until you’re in a real relationship with somebody. The part you’ve never elaborated on is that you are holding out for a very special kind of relationship. You want your first time to be with your true mate. 
You know it’s cheesy, and you know Jo would laugh at you if she ever found out, but you don’t really care. You believe that your true mate is out there somewhere, just like your dad has always promised you he would be, and you want to wait for him. You don’t even particularly care if you’re his first, too, you know you can’t control that, so there’s no point getting your heart set on the idea. But you can control your own actions, and you are happy to wait, even if Jo continues to tease you about it every day until you’re finally mated. 
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One Week Later
You wipe the heat from your forehead carelessly with your serving apron before grabbing the food from the hotplate and loading up your tray. You push out of the swinging kitchen door with your hip and glance around the Roadhouse, looking for the table that order belongs to. You spot them on the other side of the pool tables, some of the regular truckers that pass through this route, so you plaster on your friendliest smile and begin to weave in their direction. 
As you come around the back of the table and begin to pass the burgers to the correct recipients, movement over by the bar catches your attention. Jo is there, chatting amiably with a customer you don’t recognise. One of the patrons at your table notices the direction of your gaze. 
“You know him?” the man asks gruffly, jerking his head towards the stranger, and you shake your head, pursing your lips as you consider your view of his back. 
“Nope,” you shrug, “but stop looking so suspicious. You were all new here once too,” you remind them with a smile. 
This group of regulars aren’t just truckers, they’re hunters, too. Not everybody that visits the Roadhouse is a hunter like Ellen and Jo are, but a majority were. And hunters are always on their guard, always ready to pick a fight. The hunter community has a tendency to attract a few too many damaged and trigger-happy members – not usually a good combination. 
“We haven’t been new here since before you were born,” the woman at the table smiles widely, showing off one of her missing teeth, and you giggle. 
“I know, I know,” you wave away her comment. “Just don’t go scaring away paying customers, or Ellen will run you out of here herself.” 
You smile and excuse yourself, heading back towards the kitchen. Before you go back through the door though, you pause and look over your shoulder, back at Jo and the newcomer. He’s leaning across the bar familiarly, clearly turning on the charm, and you smirk to yourself. Whoever this guy is, he might actually have a shot with her – he’s was easily one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen at the Roadhouse, or anywhere else for that matter, and you can only see his profile. You shudder to think how much better he would look up close. 
Thank god Jo’s working the bar today, you comfort yourself, heading back to check if Ash has the next ticket ready to serve.
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Jo bursts through the kitchen door in a rush of girlish excitement and runs directly at you, nearly bowling you over as her shoes slip a little on the tiled floor and she catches herself by throwing her arms around your neck. 
“What’s the big hurry?” you smirk knowingly, expecting her to start gushing about the attractive man at the bar and how he was all over her. 
“Tonight’s the night,” Jo smiles, giddy and out of breath, looking much more your age than her own. 
“What night?” 
“The night you finally learn why I’m a sex addict,” she answers and you choke on your own snort of laughter. 
“What do you mean ‘learn why’?” you scoff. “Believe me, you’ve given me enough details in the past, I don’t think I could learn any more about your sex life unless I watched you in action,” you laugh but then your face drops in seriousness. “That was a joke, just to be clear. I have no interest in watching you get it on with Mr. Handsome out there.” 
“Me? Oh no, Y/N,” Jo shakes her head, her slim lips curling into a scheming smile that fills you with mild dread. 
“Jo…” you caution, giving her a stern look. “I’ve told you-” 
“Y/N, you have to at least go talk to him. He’s gorgeous, and funny, and an alpha-” 
“And probably old enough to be my father–” you remind her with a critical quirk to your brow. “Your age, not mine.” 
“It just means he will know exactly how to treat you right,” Jo smirks, undeterred by your protests. “Just think of all the things he could teach you…” she trails off suggestively, as if she was trying to seduce you herself instead of convincing you to sleep with some stranger. 
“He probably isn’t even interested in me,” you shake your head in annoyance, trying to think of any reason you can to make Jo drop the subject, but you have a feeling she would continue to hound you until the man in question was out of the Roadhouse and back on the highway to wherever he was headed. 
“He absolutely is,” Jo retorts, looking very self-satisfied. “You should have seen his face when I pointed you out to him, I could tell he wanted to mate you right on the pool table in front of the whole damn bar.” 
“Jo!” you hiss, looking around in embarrassment, hoping Ash hadn’t overheard that. “You pointed me out to him? What did you say?!” You really can’t believe her right now. 
“Just that you’re omega,” she shrugs innocently. “But he could tell that the second he scented you; thought he was gonna go feral for a second,” Jo snickers.
“Huh?” your face scrunches up in confusion. “You can’t go feral just by scenting someone, especially not from across the damn room like that.” 
“Well, maybe he’s more pent up than you are, I don’t know,” Jo rolls her eyes. “Though I would find that hard to believe, considering you’ve literally never had sex. Your heats have gotta be getting tough to get through on your own by now,” she looks at you with sympathy and you feel frustration pound in your chest. 
You don’t want her pity, you are perfectly happy living your life how you want to. Sure your heats aren’t exactly a walk in the park, but omegas live without partners all the time, you’re hardly the first one to shun the biological necessity to mate as soon as your body turns eighteen. And it really isn’t anybody’s business but your own, but for some reason, Jo’s prodding is setting you on edge much more than usual. 
“Look, just bring him his order and talk to him,” Jo sighs, putting on a pleading face and pouting her lips. “Pleeease?” 
“Jo, I’ve told you, I don’t want my first time to be a one-night stand, I want it to be someone I care about,” you protest yet again. 
“Okay, fine, so don’t have a one-night stand with him, but you’re never gonna find someone you do care about unless you actually talk to an alpha other than me once in a while,” she points out, and you hate to admit it, but you don’t have a retort to that; she was right. You aren’t ever going to have a relationship with someone, let alone find your true mate, if you never even speak to alphas of the opposite sex. 
“Right, will you stop bothering me if I bring this guy his burger,” you sigh in defeat, not in the mood to keep resisting when Jo clearly isn’t going to let you weasel out of this. Her smile brightens immediately. 
“Yep,” she says simply, then turns on her heel and goes to collect the food from Ash, arranging it on a tray and forcing it into your hands. “Go get 'em, tiger,” she giggles, shoving you towards the kitchen door, and you roll your eyes at her one last time before you push through to go back into the bar.
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Chapter 7 posting on July 26th or subscribe to my website to read up through Chapter 10 today!
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Series Tags: @outofnowhere82
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What is African wax print fabric?
African wax print fabric is a 100% cotton fabric most popular in West African countries, including. Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Gambia, Kenya and Tanzania.
African wax print fabric has its roots in Indonesian batik, which was brought to Africa by Dutch traders in the 19th century. The designs were initially produced in Holland and exported to the Dutch colonies in Indonesia, but were eventually brought to West Africa where they became popular.
In the early 20th century, European textile manufacturers began producing the fabric in Europe and exporting it to Africa. However, the fabric was not widely accepted by Africans until it was adapted to suit local tastes and needs. African entrepreneurs, particularly in Ghana and Nigeria, began producing their own versions of the fabric, incorporating local designs and motifs.
Today, the fabric is produced and worn throughout Africa, and has become an important part of African fashion. It is used to make traditional clothing such as dresses, skirts, and head wraps, as well as modern clothing such as shirts, pants, and even shoes.
1. Preparation
2. Raw cotton fibres
3. Spinning the cotton to make yarn
4. Using the yarn to produce grey cloth
- Design
- Wax Printing
- Indigo Dyeing
- Crackling Effect
- Colouration
- Washing
- Finishing
African wax print fabric is produced through a process called wax-resist dyeing. The fabric is first washed and bleached, then a wax design is stamped or printed onto the fabric using a copper stamp or roller. The fabric is then dyed, and the wax is removed, leaving a design that is resistant to the dye. This process can be repeated multiple times to create intricate and colorful designs.
African wax print fabric has a rich symbolic meaning in African culture. The patterns and colors used in the fabric often have specific meanings related to cultural traditions, spirituality, and social status. For example, some patterns may be associated with specific tribes or regions, while others may be worn for special occasions such as weddings or funerals.
The fabric has also become a symbol of African identity and resistance, particularly during the colonial era. It was often worn as a symbol of African pride and cultural independence, and was even used as a form of protest against colonial rule.
African wax print fabric is a beautiful and important part of African culture and fashion. Its complex history and rich symbolism make it a fascinating subject of study, and its vibrant colors and designs make it a popular choice for clothing and accessories. Whether worn as a traditional garment or incorporated into modern styles, African wax print fabric in Rajkot, Gujarat will continue to be a symbol of African culture and identity for generations to come.
For more:
Where Can I Get Authentic African Fabric Supplier In India?
Why You Should Pay Attention To African Printed Fabric?
African Fabric Supplier In Zambia
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A subsidiary of Hyundai Motor Co has used child labor at a plant that supplies parts for the Korean carmaker's assembly line in nearby Montgomery, Alabama, according to area police, the family of three underage workers, and eight former and current employees of the factory.
Underage workers, in some cases as young as 12, have recently worked at a metal stamping plant operated by SMART Alabama LLC, these people said. SMART, listed by Hyundai in corporate filings as a majority-owned unit, supplies parts for some of the most popular cars and SUVs built by the automaker in Montgomery, its flagship U.S. assembly plant.
Hyundai didn't respond to phone calls or emails from Reuters seeking comment.
SMART, in a statement, said it follows federal, state and local laws and "denies any allegation that it knowingly employed anyone who is ineligible for employment." The company said it relies on temporary work agencies to fill jobs and expects "these agencies to follow the law in recruiting, hiring, and placing workers on its premises."
SMART didn't answer specific questions about the workers cited in this story or on-the-job scenes they and other people familiar with the factory described.
Reuters learned of underage workers at the Hyundai-owned supplier following the brief disappearance in February of a Guatemalan migrant child from her family's home in Alabama.
The girl, who turns 14 this month, and her two brothers, aged 12 and 15, all worked at the plant earlier this year and weren't going to school, according to people familiar with their employment. Their father, Pedro Tzi, confirmed these people's account in an interview with Reuters.
Police in the Tzi family's adopted hometown of Enterprise also told Reuters that the girl and her siblings had worked at SMART. The police, who helped locate the missing girl, at the time of their search identified her by name in a public alert.
Reuters is not using her name in this article because she is a minor.
The police force in Enterprise, about 45 miles from the plant in Luverne, doesn't have jurisdiction to investigate possible labor-law violations at the factory. Instead, the force notified the state attorney general's office after the incident, James Sanders, an Enterprise police detective, told Reuters.
Mike Lewis, a spokesperson at the Alabama attorney general's office, declined to comment. It's unclear whether the office or other investigators have contacted SMART or Hyundai about possible violations.
Pedro Tzi's children, who have now enrolled for the upcoming school term, were among a larger cohort of underage workers who found jobs at the Hyundai-owned supplier over the past few years, according to interviews with a dozen former and current plant employees and labor recruiters.
Several of these minors, they said, have foregone schooling in order to work long shifts at the plant, a sprawling facility with a documented history of health and safety violations, including amputation hazards.
Most of the current and former employees who spoke with Reuters did so on the condition of anonymity. Reuters was unable to determine the precise number of children who may have worked at the SMART factory, what the minors were paid or other terms of their employment.
The revelation of child labor in Hyundai's U.S. supply chain could spark consumer, regulatory and reputational backlash for one of the most powerful and profitable automakers in the world. In a "human rights policy" posted online, Hyundai says it forbids child labor throughout its workforce, including suppliers.
The company recently said it will expand in the United States, planning over $5 billion in investments including a new electric vehicle factory near Savannah, Georgia.
"Consumers should be outraged," said David Michaels, the former U.S. assistant secretary of labor for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, with whom Reuters shared the findings of its reporting.
"They should know that these cars are being built, at least in part, by workers who are children and need to be in school rather than risking life and limb because their families are desperate for income," he added.
At a time of U.S. labor shortages and supply chain disruptions, labor experts told Reuters there are heightened risks that children, especially undocumented migrants, could end up in workplaces that are hazardous and illegal for minors.
In Enterprise, home to a bustling poultry industry, Reuters earlier this year chronicled how a Guatemalan minor, who migrated to the United States alone, found work at a local chicken processing plant
Alabama and federal laws limit minors under age 18 from working in metal stamping and pressing operations such as SMART, where proximity to dangerous machinery can put them at risk. Alabama law also requires children 17 and under to be enrolled in school.
Michaels, who is now a professor at George Washington University, said safety at U.S.-based Hyundai suppliers was a recurrent concern at OSHA during his eight years leading the agency until he left in 2017. Michaels visited Korea in 2015, and said he warned Hyundai executives that its heavy demand for "just-in-time" parts was causing safety lapses.
The SMART plant builds parts for the popular Elantra, Sonata, and Santa Fe models, vehicles that through June accounted for almost 37% of Hyundai's U.S. sales, according to the carmaker. The factory has received repeated OSHA penalties for health and safety violations, federal records show.
A Reuters review of the records shows SMART has been assessed with at least $48,515 in OSHA penalties since 2013, and was most recently fined this year. OSHA inspections at SMART have documented violations including crush and amputation hazards at the factory.
The plant, whose website says it has the capacity to supply parts for up to 400,000 vehicles each year, has also had difficulties retaining labor to keep up with Hyundai's demand.
In late 2020, SMART wrote a letter to U.S. consular officials in Mexico seeking a visa for a Mexican worker. The letter, written by SMART General Manager Gary Sport and reviewed by Reuters, said the plant was "severely lacking in labor" and that Hyundai "will not tolerate such shortcomings."
SMART didn't answer Reuters questions about the letter.
Earlier this year, attorneys filed a class-action lawsuit against SMART and several staffing firms who help supply workers with U.S. visas. The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia on behalf of a group of about 40 Mexican workers, alleges some employees, hired as engineers, were ordered to work menial jobs instead.
SMART in court documents called allegations in the suit "baseless" and "meritless."
Many of the minors at the plant were hired through recruitment agencies, according to current and former SMART workers and local labor recruiters.
Although staffing firms help fill industrial jobs nationwide, they have often been criticized by labor advocates because they enable large employers to outsource responsibility for checking the eligibility of employees to work.
One former worker at SMART, an adult migrant who left for another auto industry job last year, said there were around 50 underage workers between the different plant shifts, adding that he knew some of them personally. Another former adult worker at SMART, a U.S. citizen who also left the plant last year, said she worked alongside about a dozen minors on her shift.
Another former employee, Tabatha Moultry, 39, worked on SMART's assembly line for several years through 2019. Moultry said the plant had high turnover and increasingly relied on migrant workers to keep up with intense production demands. She said she remembered working with one migrant girl who "looked 11 or 12 years old."
The girl would come to work with her mother, Moultry said. When Moultry asked her real age, the girl said she was 13. "She was way too young to be working in that plant, or any plant," Moultry said. Moultry didn't provide further details about the girl and Reuters couldn't independently confirm her account.
Tzi, the father of the girl who went missing, contacted Enterprise police on Feb 3, after she didn't come home. Police issued an amber alert, a public advisory when law enforcement believes a child is in danger.
They also launched a manhunt for Alvaro Cucul, 21, another Guatemalan migrant and SMART worker around that time with whom Tzi believed she might be. Using cell phone geolocation data, police located Cucul and the girl in a parking lot in Athens, Georgia.
The girl told officers that Cucul was a friend and that they had traveled there to look for other work opportunities. Cucul was arrested and later deported, according to people familiar with his deportation. Cucul didn't respond to a Facebook message from Reuters seeking comment.
After the disappearance generated local news coverage, SMART dismissed a number of underage workers, according to two former employees and other locals familiar with the plant. The sources said the police attention raised fears that authorities could soon crack down on other underage workers.
Tzi, the father, also once worked at SMART and now does odd jobs in the construction and forestry industries. He told Reuters he regrets that his children had gone to work. The family needed any income it could get at the time, he added, but is now trying to move on.
"All that is over now," he said. "The kids aren't working and in fall they will be in school."
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jacopro · 4 days
Jaco Products
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s the largest supplier of plastic injection molding service, plastic machining, and plastic stamping, Jaco Products works with an extensive range of materials G10, PEEK, FR10, Delrin, Nylon (glass filled too), Ultem, Phenolic) for parts that are either CNC machined or injection molded. We provide world-class custom plastic injection molding services across a variety of industries. From our extensive asset base of state-of-the-art equipment to our meticulous attention to detail and product knowledge, we are able to service our established and ever-expanding customer base as a plastic fabrication company. We’ve positioned ourselves as the #1 plastic machine shop in the US providing unparalleled service.
Address: 15060 Madison Rd, Middlefield, Ohio, 44062, United States
Phone: 440-632-58
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mxmparts · 1 year
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China metal stamping parts manufacturer Custom sheet metal strips.
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nirajindustries · 1 year
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When your industry requires high-caliber precision parts, you need a stamping company that meets the most stringent quality standards. Niraj Industries, a registered company, has been manufacturing precision tools for companies worldwide since 1994. Today, we produce over 1 million highly detailed parts every week for even the most technologically advanced applications.
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metalineindustries · 2 years
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There are many Bike Spare Parts suppliers in India. These suppliers are grouped according to their state, city, and service areas. The page provides you with detailed information about each one. To buy parts online, you need to search for a trusted supplier. You can find these suppliers by following some simple steps. To start, you need to look for a supplier that specializes in bike spare parts. Alternatively, you can look for a distributor in your city or state.
The Metaline Group directory of stainless steel stampings suppliers provides you with the contact details of the top decision makers. You can find their name and address, and even LinkedIn profiles. The directory also contains strategic information about each shipment. It is recommended to look for companies with the same business ethics and a proven track record. Using this directory to source your Bike parts will make your buying experience more seamless. The convenience and ease of Metaline Group makes finding suppliers easier than ever.
Can Pakistan Become A Hub Of Auto Exports?
When choosing a bike spare part supplier, make sure to choose a brand that is reputable. Car parts are often more expensive than aftermarket ones, as they are produced by the same manufacturer. They also bear the dealership's brand, so you'll pay more for them. However, they are better than aftermarket parts. In fact, many aftermarket manufacturers improve upon original parts to increase their quality. This means you'll get your bike back in no time!
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okokbiscut · 17 days
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The sheets are then bent to shape. By about 1850, Great Britain had become the dominant world supplier of tin plate, through a combination of technical innovation and political control over most of the suppliers of tin ore. 
The breakthrough in decorative tin plate production was the invention of the offset lithographic process. It consists of bringing a sheet of rubber into contact with the decorated stone, and then setting-off the impression so obtained upon the metal surface. The advantages over previous methods of printing were that any number of colours could be used, correctly positioned, and applied to an uneven surface if necessary. Thus the elaborately embossed, colourful designs that were such a feature of the late Victorian biscuit tin industry became technically possible.
The introduction of the baking of processed cereals, including the creation of flour, provided a more reliable source of food. Egyptian sailors carried a flat, brittle loaf of millet bread called dhourra cake while the Romans had a biscuit called  Roman cookbook Apicius describes: “a thick paste of fine wheat flour was boiled and spread out on a plate. When it had dried and hardened, it was cut up and then fried until crisp, then served with honey and pepper.” Many early physicians believed that most medicinal problems were associated with digestion. Hence, for both sustenance and avoidance of illness, a daily consumption of a biscuit was considered good for health. Hard biscuits soften as they age. To solve this problem, early bakers attempted to create the hardest biscuit possible. Because it is so hard and dry, if properly stored and transported, navies’ hardtack will survive rough handling and high temperature. Baked hard, it can be kept without spoiling for years as long as it is kept dry. For long voyages, hardtack was baked four times, rather than the more common two.[12] To soften hardtack for eating, it was often dunked in brine, coffee, or some other liquid or cooked into a skillet meal. The collection Sayings of the Desert Fathers mentions that Anthony the Great (who lived in the 4th century AD) ate biscuits and the text implies that it was a popular food among monks of the time and region  At the time of the Spanish Armada in 1588, the daily allowance on board a Royal Navy ship was one pound of biscuit plus one gallon of beer. Samuel Pepys in 1667 first regularised naval victualling with varied and nutritious rations. Royal Navy hardtack during Queen Victoria‘s reign was made by machine at the Royal Clarence Victualling Yard at Gosport, Hampshire, stamped with the Queen’s mark and the number of the oven in which they were baked. When machinery was introduced into the process the dough was thoroughly mixed and rolled into sheets about 2 yards (1.8 m) long and 1 yard (0.9 m) wide which were stamped in one stroke into about sixty hexagonal-shaped biscuits. This left the sheets sufficiently coherent to be placed in the oven in one piece and when baked they were easy to separate. The hexagonal shape rather than traditional circular biscuits meant a saving in material and was easier to pack.[14] Biscuits remained an important part of the Royal Navy sailor’s diet until the introduction of canned foods. Canned meat was first marketed in 1814; preserved beef in tins was officially added to Royal Navy rations in 184. Early biscuits were hard, dry, and unsweetened. They were most often cooked after bread, in a cooling bakers’ oven; they were a cheap form of sustenance for the poor. By the 7th century AD, cooks of the Persian empire had learnt from their forebears the techniques of lightening and enriching bread-based mixtures with eggs, butter, and cream, and sweetening them with fruit and honey.[4] One of the earliest spiced biscuits was gingerbread, in French, pain  meaning “spice bread”, brought to Europe in 992 by the Armenian monk Grégoire de Nicopolis. He left Nicopolis Pompeii, of Lesser Armenia to live in Bondaroy, France, near the town of Pithiviers. 
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wearplatesindia · 19 days
ASME SA387 GR 9 Plates Suppliers
ASME SA387 GR 9 Plates
We at Vandan Steel & Engg. co. are resolved to build our piece of the pie by fulfilling our client prerequisites through offering products at focused costs, on time conveyance, better backing & giving in transit data wherever needed by customer. We should persistently enhance in knowing our customer needs and proactively following up on things needed to carry out the same.
Resolved to attain 100% client fulfillment, we determine that each customer gets the esteem for cash from our products and administrations. We trust in moral transaction strategies in distinctive parts of our business.
SA387 Grade 9 Class 2 – weldable carbon steel plates for pressure vessels and boilers utilized as a part of lifted temperatures. The material advantages from included chromium and molybdenum which gives the steel more prominent abrasion resistance and imperviousness to high temperature. Sa387 Grade 9 is utilized by fabricators who serve the oil, gas and petrochemical industry.
ASME Sa387 Grade 9 is accessible ex stock structure our India stockroom and we can dispatch to customers on a worldwide premise. Similarly as with all our carbon steel plates, the material accompanies factory affirmation and stampings.
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1. High Temperature Resistance
The chromium-molybdenum composition of ASME SA 387 GR 9 plates offers exceptional resistance to high temperatures. This makes them suitable for use in power plants and other applications where the material will be exposed to extreme heat.
2. Corrosion Resistance
The chromium content in these plates provides excellent resistance to oxidation and corrosion, which is essential for longevity in harsh industrial environments.
3. Enhanced Strength
The addition of molybdenum improves the strength and durability of the steel, ensuring that the plates can withstand high pressure and stress without deforming or failing.
4. Versatility
ASME SA 387 GR 9 plates are versatile and can be used in various applications, from pressure vessels and heat exchangers to boilers and other critical components in industrial systems.
Product Overview
At Vandan Steel and Engg. Co., we pride ourselves on offering top-quality ASME SA 387 GR 9 plates that adhere to the highest industry standards. Our plates are:
Precisely manufactured to meet the specific needs of our clients.
Thoroughly tested for quality assurance, including checks for dimensional accuracy, mechanical properties, and chemical composition.
Available in various sizes and thicknesses, ensuring that you find the perfect fit for your application.
Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has made us a trusted supplier in the industry, and we continue to strive for excellence in all our products.
ASME SA 387 GR 9 plates are an excellent choice for industries requiring materials that can withstand high temperatures and corrosive environments. With their superior strength, durability, and resistance properties, these plates offer unmatched performance in critical applications.
For more information or to place an order, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at +91-8828813630. Our team of experts is ready to assist you with all your industrial material needs.
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