#stacker is everyones dad
taintedmind6669 · 3 months
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driftwithme · 1 year
Dump of my pacrim thoughts today:
Stacker would have never ejected Chuck because he knows what is like to be the co-pilot left behind / alive and his j-pilot honor wouldn't let him disrespect Chuck like that. Also, Chuck would have known.
I think Herc could have try, though. I'm not sure, but I think the Hansens were either let's day together as a final fix of our relationship or Herc would have tell Chuck he needed to live because there's no way he could let him die anyway. Also Herc is rebellious enough to have tried.
This is another of those moments when Raleigh doesn't care for the rules or the should-be. Yes, losing your co-pilot is in a mission is painful as fuck but as long as one lives on, it's not over. Raleigh has never endorsed the martyr way or went sucidial, not really. Both times he's solo-pilot, he has done anything to go back home as safe as he can.
Sending Striker first to the Breach was a bad tactic. It makes me think of that one scene when Raleigh is wondering what's changed and Pentecost refuses to go in detail. Most of Pentecost's mistakes in the movie are because he didn't listen to Raleigh, in truth.
Newt and Raleigh saved the world by insisting on disobeying Pentecost and any military structure lol. It just makes their meeting funnier. Also makes me think of how Hermann and Mako saved Newt and Raleigh by both believing in their nonsense and caring about their wellbeing.
The highlight of Chuck's life was getting to due a martyr how can you ask me to be nornal about him. He said he liked his life and wanted to live and the best he got was to die a hero. He is the tragedy of this movie.
I know how Herc loves Chuck more than anything in this life and Chuck knew, but it hurts to know that Chuck wanted to hear all those praising his dad was giving Raleigh directed to him. I mean, Chuck did half of it to himself, yes. Still, I wish Chuck had gotten more kind words in the movie. He deserves the love.
Herc is the character I respect the most in the whole movie. Never treated Mako or Raleigh wrong and instead praised them and defended them any time he could. Tried to comfort Pentecost when the UN cut the jaeger program funding. He actually was a good man to everyone, someone who accepted the good and bad he got quietly and focused on the work ahead, what had to be done.
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ceremcny · 3 years
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(STEPHAN JAMES, TWENTY EIGHT, CISMALE, HE/HIM. ) WILL JEFFRIES has been living in Clayton, Georgia for A YEAR. They are a PROSPECT FOR BLAZING PHOENIXS and currently working as a STACKER at FOOD DONKEY. They are known to be EXPLOSIVE & IMMATURE, but also known to be LIVELY & GENEROUS. I hope you are enjoying their time in Clayton, there is no place quite like home. ( egg, 24, aest, she/her. )  
tl;dr: half brother to bash mcknight, has a short fuse n rlly just wants  to be part of something  tw: violence, brief allusions to depression
full name: william jeffries nickname(s): will, only his ma calls him william. willy, jeffs, he’s trying to get “fry”/“fries” going, as in... french fries, but it’s not catching on :/ age: 28 date of birth: 4th april, 1992 zodiac sign: aries hometown: nyc current location: clayton, georgia gender: cis male pronouns: he/him sexuality: bisexual religion: raised christian occupation: stacker at food donkey, prospective for blazing phoenix living arrangements: share house with five other dudes language(s) spoken: english siblings: four half siblings on his mother’s side; one half brother, bash mcknight, on his dad’s side.
grew up in the shadier parts of the bronx, with his half brothers and sisters. five kids in a cramped apartment was enough to make anyone mad, to not want to be home. his mum tried her best, she was just... struggling, and could never seem to get out of it. with a rotation of men coming through the door, will’s father being one of them, there was never a real sense of stability
but he had his half-siblings and they all just kind of raised each other. every now and then his father would pop in, take him for ice cream, promise him it would be better but it never was. his ma never got better, the kids never got easier, it was all... stuck. the only real change was how much hope Will had
went to high school, tried to keep his head down, study, but it never came easy for him. a little bit dyslexic, very angry at everything. in and out of juvie, in and out of bad shit with bad people was his childhood. too bored to really apply himself to anything.
 was really good at running though, could outrun all the kids in the class. was promised it would take him far. but it didn’t. to go far you needed money, you needed the ability to dedicate your time and effort. Will barely knew how to spell effort, let alone put any in. it was a glimpse into a better life, but one he couldn’t be bothered to pursue 
After high school he had a few solid, relatively stable years. He got a job working around cars, made a few friends who could be good influences on him. it was going okay until his temper got the better of him again, and Will’s left without a job, without his friends, stuck once again.
when his Pops shows up at his house for the nth time, Will, freshly 27 demands he takes him with him. he’s sick of waiting around, he’s sick of being stuck. his dad, of course, refuses. but he does press an address on a piece of paper into his hand and advises him that he has a brother. Will’s got brothers, he doesn’t need any more, all he wants is a parent to stick around, for his life to be a little less shit. 
still, he finds himself packing up his bags, kissing his siblings on the cheek and heading south. maybe he didn’t need another brother, but at least this way maybe his life would be a little better, he can start fresh
head canons:
his shelve stacking skills are legendary, the fastest in the business. with quick hands and an eye for detail he makes what would be an mundane job into a competition. how many cans can he stack in under a minute? can he stack them in the shape of the eiffel tower? he can try. mans a mastermind... or he’s just really, really, bored. 
also think he might use the food donkey as a ‘discreet’ way to sell drugs to customers. slides them a lil something extra when they’re getting their cereal
he’s a prospective in the way that he wants it bad, he wants it so. damn. bad. that feeling of belonging to something, being in it. what he lacks in skills he makes up for in sheer enthusiasm. he’s fast,  he’s quick with his hands, and he’s not afraid to throw a punch by any means so it should go off without a hitch. hopefully. 
the type to blame his circumstances on his parents, the people around him, everyone else than like,, realise how much trouble he personally causes himself 
wanted connections
the Usual, u kno: best friends, give me idiots who joke around n love each other a Lot, fast friends, his half-siblings (wc!!!), friends from new york, flings/fwb, enemies w/ benefits, exes, i have this idea that he’s kinda hung up on one person but they don’t see him as a Viable Option (which is fair lmao), enemies - he rubs people the wrong way, and also is Very Easily rubbed the wrong way himself, regular customers, friends that had a falling out, party buds, one of his many roommates, people he’s super protective over, people he tries to stir up, or try to stir him up, i wanna see him get caught up in some bad shit and be like ‘ah fuck maybe this isn’t want i signed up for’
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The Stacks Two Year Anniversary Thing’a’ma’jig
Hey, ya so two years ago, today, August 11th 2018, I published the first chapter of The Stacks. I realized a bit too late that the anniversary was coming up, but I wanted to do something. So first I wanted to make this:
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If The Stacks ever were to become an actual book, I would like to think the cover would look something like this (please excuse the poor coloring)
Secondly, I just wanted to talk about the story, how I came up with it and all, so yeah let’s do that-
So I didn’t have any actual plan for the book when I started writing it. The only ideas I had were: steampunk, and Virgil is a clockmaker. That was all I had. Then when I started to write the first chapter and began world building I realized two things: this isn’t steampunk, and Virgil being a clockmaker doesn’t make sense.
I honestly didn’t know what or where I was going with the story when I started it, and I only got an idea around chapter 15 (which was around where I had originally planned to end it.) But I credit @impatentpending‘s Powerless as inspiration and drive for my story. Her take on societal issues (although a superpowered one) really inspired me to continue my story and gave me a bit of direction (also what’s not to love about enemies to lovers). My other inspiration was John Steinbeck, one of my favorite authors, specifically his book Grapes of Wrath, since my story had a lot to do with poverty and social class issues that were similar to the Great Depression and the plight of the Oakies.
Once I had this goal of what I wanted to portray in mind I started to delve deeper into the main four characters.
Virgil: I wanted to show the anger and strife of the oppressed, as well as showing the comradery that tragedy often brings out in people. This as well I also wanted to portray the feeling of helplessness and entrapment that abuse situations often brings, but also the kindness that can come out of it. In addition: his ‘romance’ (or lack of one for the majority of the story) was meant to display how looking to other people in romantic entanglements due to trauma can often be harmful to one or both parties. I wanted to show that Virgil first took the time to work on himself and heal from old wounds BEFORE he went into a relationship.
Patton: I wanted to mainly use him as a way to show the differences of social class, since he was the only one two live in both worlds as a Stacker and as a Non-Stacker. His interactment with new ideas and technology was meant to show just how little the Stackers have and know due to their confinement.
Logan: He was a tricky one to develop, as he kind of had his own subplot all together and didn’t interact much with the other main four besides Patton. However, I decided to use him to show how ignorance of other’s issues while being in a position of power can actively cause damage for the suffering minority. Those in power should know the intimate lifestyle of all citizens so that everyone has their needs met and recognized. I also used his perspective to show the corruption in Politics, and how some politicians actively choose do to evil to specific groups because they view them as less than another.
Roman: I said that Logan was tricky, but Roman was a whole ass struggle to write. Roman’s role is similar to Logan’s but taking a different approach. He’s ignorant to the struggles of the Stackers not because he doesn’t know anything about them, but rather because he was raised and taught perpetuated stereotypes about them. This was to demonstrate how generations of people who look down on or abuse certain groups act because of conditioned thinking taught to them by parents/school/media, etc. Not to excuse the bigotism that these people exude, but rather to show that this way of thinking can be unlearned if given time and self-checking. (This and also that when it comes to romantic pursuits with someone who deals with trauma, to never pressure them into anything or make them feel bad for not being able to give themselves to you the way you’d want.)
Damien: Although I love and adore Janus, Damien can go burn in a pit of fire. Nevertheless the reason I wrote him to be so despicable was to portray those who take advantage of the suffering around them to benefit themselves. People who come from a harsh background and come out of it can sometimes shun those who live in similar situations that they did, or even make their lives worse, due to a lack of empathy, a feeling of superiority, and being a sociopa- I mean a dick.
Q/A Time! :D
 @dreamyzworldlove​ asked: do emile and thomas ever call logan dad??
A: Yes they do, they did in the last chapter. I tried to show the difference by having them call Logan ‘dad’ and Patton ‘pa’
Anonymous asked: Weird question I know but, in the stacks, if things had (from whatever point) played out differently, what other pairings do you think could’ve ended up together or you might have paired together in the World you built??
A: If Virgil hadn’t ended up with Roman than I like to think he wouldn’t date, at least not anyone from the main cast. I also think Patton and Roman would have made a cute couple if they interacted more in the beginning. 
Anonymous asked: did you have an idea in mind for Damien’s age?
A: I never thought too much on it but I had the idea that Damien took to power at age 17 or 18, ruled the Stacks for about three-four years before Virgil came to him to help Patton. That would mean he’s about 25/26, so around the same age as Roman and Patton
Final Thoughts:
The Stacks is my favorite work I have done so far, and I credit it for being the reason why I realized I wanted to be an author and what helped me develop my skills the most. It’s hard to believe it’s already been two years, and that it took took two years to write the damn thing. Nonetheless I am eternally grateful to all of you for being with me along the journey, and if you’re new, thank you for reading, and if you haven’t read it, then the story just got spoiled for you. Sorry.
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itslaurenmae · 4 years
Spurred by some recent posts, I am now inclined to ask your thoughts on Pacific Rim. Is it also something you've found yourself revisiting lately?
To put it shortly, yesss. A mutual reblogged a gifset a few weeks ago and I decided I needed to give it a rewatch. I did so with my best friend (socially distant style) and I think it totally holds up still.
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Yes, it’s a monster movie. Yes, it has some cheesy sci-fi tropes. But at the heart of that movie is the concept of drift compatibility, and I will never be over how much I love that.
The success of piloting a Jaeger doesn’t just ride on one person, and it doesn’t need you or your co-pilot to be the best or the brightest. You have to be able to connect with someone - to trust them and let them in to your very mind if you are going to be a solid team. That’s beautiful, and it’s not a concept I’ve seen in other films in the genre.
There’s also some really touching displays of familial love & some nuanced exploration of toxic masculinity that I still think is resonant. Raleigh Beckett loves his brother and tells him. The loss of his brother deeply effects him, makes him scared to try to drift with someone else again - super compelling reason to be reticent to jump back in a Jaeger with just anyone. The Wei triplets who pilot Crimson Typhoon are playful and affectionate with each other. Herc and Chuck Hanson have a stereotypically gruff, arms-distance father/son bond, but find the words to express their deep care about the other before the final showdown. Stacker Pentecost affirms Mako Mori so beautifully when he tells her he’s proud he got to watch her grow - beats the pants off of any overprotective dad story arc I’ve ever seen.
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Mako and Raleigh connect profoundly in their first drift - the cinematography and direction of the scenes in Mako’s childhood memory are SO FREAKING GOOD; it’s quite possibly my favorite sequence of the whole movie. We see what she sees, and we see Raleigh in the scene in his Jaeger suit walking through her memory and it’s just... *chef’s kiss.* 
I could write paragraphs about Beckett’s body language with child Mako. And adult Mako. With how their scenes are blocked. They’re often side by side, - right next to each other, or she’s standing a bit above him. I am trash for this kind of detail.
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Mako and Raleigh don’t have a traditional romantic arc in this movie, and I found that really refreshing the first time I watched this movie, back in 2013 sometime. I usually get grouchy when our leads have an obvious connection but don’t share a kiss, but I make an exception with this movie (and with Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor from Rogue One, but that’s maybe another post for anohter time). After Mako and Raleigh (and Gipsy Danger) have saved the world, they have this very tender forehead touch at the very end of the movie, and I actually love that, more than I think I would a kiss. This is specifically because it’s Mako and Raleigh’s minds that have saved them - themselves - each other - the world around them. By sharing the rawest, deepest, scared-est parts of their minds, by holding that kind of space for the other person, they succeeded. The literal and figurative putting of their heads together is what saves them and everyone else. They’re so relieved the other makes it out alive, and they put their heads together again - forehead to forehead, eye-to-eye - this time quietly, reverently, seeing the other and holding space for the other, and I am just... wow. Blown away. I will never be over it and I do not want to be.  
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(And there’s also Newt and Hermann, who are totally Science Husbands. The “You’d do that for me?” exchange is such an endearing point of character development for both of them. I haven’t seen the second movie - and from what I’ve read, it doesn’t sound like I’m missing out on much, but they’re in it, so I can imagine that part of it is good, even if the rest of the movie is a misfire.)
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TL;DR - Pacific Rim totally stands up on rewatching and is worth a revisit. You can always find me in the drift. 💛
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ghostgirlvii · 4 years
Ok first time doing this, but I need to take all of this out my system. I never did such thing before, but I really want to make some sort of review.
So, I was excited to know that we would have more Pacific Rim content after Uprising and I was really looking forward to it. I did not do much research about anything because I love to keep everything a surprise and of course when Netflix dropped the trailer, I didn’t watch it. Today I binged watch the first season of Pacific Rim The Black with only 7 episodes. It was… interesting. I’m kind of glad I didn’t hype myself too much for it. Don’t get me wrong it was good, but not exactly the best. The only + points I would give now are the animation/design and story. Music vibe with the Pacific Rim universe but not that much. Uprising did a better job at catching the ‘main theme’ vibe. This series have good soundtrack but doesn’t have the catchy theme that make you feel like every thing you do is in a jaeger and you can fight anything. Also, the story take place in Australia. The first movie was a bit a let down with actor not having a real Australian accent, but hey the Hansen are still my favorite! The Black has only 2 (two) characters with Australian accent and it’s two bad guys. Not even the main characters. I’m very disappointed by it.
I guess that was the less spoilers-y part of all that’s coming, so heads up spoilers coming next. I don’t want to describe each episode fully, mostly just talking about general stuff and spoilers come from moment that made me went ‘WTF’, so I won’t spoil everything but probably some major moments.
First episode opens with a jaeger that looks very much like Striker Eureka, which turn out to be Striker Berserker (because we all know what happened to the beautiful piece of metal was Eureka!) Thing happened and the PPDC initiates something big (later reveal to be some sort of protocol that everyone call The Black) We also get introduced to our main character, Taylor and Hayley. Isn’t very clear at the beginning when this take place, however a few episodes later it said that it takes place years after the Uprising war. For now, it is safe to assume 5 years has the story is 5 years after the event of the blackout. Kaiju seems very easy to kill also, then again some are only Cat. 3 so maybe? Even then, I’m not super comfortable with this when we saw how all other pilots always struggled to kill their kaiju. Breaches also seems to appear on land now!
After some events, episode two force Taylor and Hayley to wander off the safe place their parents told them to stay 5 years ago while they went looking for help with their jaeger (Yup Mom and Dad are pilots!) Taylor and Hayley end up in a weird city with dog like kaiju after them and found out an old PPDC lab/place. They found a boy (named ‘Boy’ all season long) in an experiment lab. Oh no is the PPDC the bad guys now?! Well, answer later. We also see a kaiju/jaeger hybrid kind of fully transformed/evolve. That is just so weird at first.
Remark on episode three are small, mostly the usual people selling kaiju part or jaeger part and that feels very normal, honestly that just normal stuff. Also imply some worshippers which is then again nothing new. What’s knew is interrogating someone via drift and store everything on ‘mermory drive’ ? Cool, I guess? I don’t know, drifting always feels more ‘intimate’ it’s weird to force yourself in someone mind to find the intel you want...
Episode four is the moment where I had to check back on info about Uprising, I only saw the movie once, so I had a lot of piece and bit missing. But at this point it sort of made sense that the world would be infested of kaiju because at the end of movie Newt says the Precursors will keep attacking over and over again. So okay at this point I made peace with the idea of the world, no excuse me, Australia being invaded by so many kaiju and left in a post-apocalyse place. Also, I forgot to mention that there’s one kaiju named Cooperhead who sort of is the main kaiju who always find Taylor, Hayley and their jaeger. Which come to the point that is seems like kaiju can hear from VERY far away. Maybe this was always a thing, but it never felt like it would be like 100 kilometers like the series make it feels like.
Fifth episode is by far my favorite for one reason only…. Herc Hansen baby! Yup he made a cameo, voiceless, struggling to fight a kaiju and very old. We learn this because Taylor need to learn solo drifting via ghost drifting (using the memory drive we talked earlier, how did they get his last memory??). Turn out he is the one, under the order of I don’t remember who of the PPDC to initiate the blackout protocol and it has to be in a dramatic way. He fought solo a kaiju while making sure he could succeed his mission. Oh they also included Raleigh and Stacker when they were looking for candidate. The one who survived, although technically Herc died? If this is really canon, yup no original pilots are alive anymore. We learn that trying to drift too much with failure can cause lose of memory and ghost drifting side effect is you gain memory of the pilot you drifted with. Yay, joy! Or not. Because this mean they can, with the help the ‘memory drive’ , change the memories of someone to the point they don’t remember who they are (guess what it happen to one of the side character!)
Episode 6 gave me a headache! It is the episode with the most inconsistency. Uprising was better. I mean this episode had inconsistency coming from both movies, hard to beat. But first may I point a breach open in the middle of ground and no kaiju come up? Ok… At some point, Taylor and Hayley found a cave with jaeger and kaiju remains. Oh, that looks interesting. Wrong. The graveyard it somewhere in Australia, on land, right? Well, here’s the three kaiju found; Leatherback, Slattern and Mutavore.
Mutavore was indeed killed on Australian ground by Striker Eureka, but that was in Sydney and this cave seems very far from any city. Leatherback attacked Hong Kong! How did he ended up always the way there? Slattern was killed near/in the breach by Gipsy Danger. Once again, how it finds the way in the cave?!
Unless we are talking about the ‘cloning’ theory of Newt and there are kaiju with the same DNA has those three but then maybe precise it?
Then our jaegers; Titan Redeemer, November Ajax and Omega Valor.
Omega Valor was damaged during the attack of the Moyulan Shatterdome, then the remaining part used to fix Bracer Phoenix. All of this also took place near Japan, very close to inland Australia. I suppose we could assume Bracer Phoenix had a fight in Australia at some point and when the AI scanned the part, she tought it was Omega Valor.
But then come Titan Redeemer. Taylor has now Herc’s memory because of ghost drifting and he is sure that he knew the pilot of Titan Redeemer and helped/took down Yamarachi. Wrong. Yamarashi was taken town by Gispy Danger aka the Beckett brother with another unknown jaeger. Herc was no part of this fight.
Also remember Boy and the kaiju/Jaeger? Well Boy and him sort of drifted and we learned that the K-J is actually a surviving drone from the uprising war who fully merged to become a actual biomecha. He also eats kaiju. But at this point, Boy feels very not normal for the kind of universe Pacific Rim is. Too ‘magical’ and ‘OP’.
And the final episode, where everything resolves, in away. The kaiju who have been following Taylor and Hayley since the beginning is finally defeated, they found clues about their parents whereabout and Boy turns into a kaiju that looks like a gremlin. Yay everyone happy. Hmmm hold on. Human found in PPDC lab who turn into a kaiju? Could it be that the Precursors found a way to introduce kaiju that look human in our world? That’s what implied at the end. The worshipper called ‘The Sisters’ are revealed too and they seems to have plan… for season 2!
 That’s it! Overall, it left very unfazed. I did not hook me up as much as I hope. A lot of elements feel too magical/fantasy for the world of Pacific Rim (that’s my opinion) and errors in episode 6 really threw me off. I know that there was already some inconsistency between some infos in the first movie and the (not canon) novelization. But there were small. Also, that whole thing of be able to change people memory, I didn’t knew I was in Total Recall. The characters are nice, the story is okay, just some classic tropes, but some stuff just don’t seems to fit. And then again, would it have been hard to find actor with Australian accent? Not everyone but at least for Taylor and Hayley and not just the big bad guy and his assistant, sort of not sure who he was but definitely not the big boss’s right arm. In the end, I would give this series a 6/10. It wasn’t bad but wasn’t not as good as it could have been. I’ll watch season 2, because of the story, I’m curious of those worshippers and their business.
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valentinesparda · 4 years
dani is 30 during pacrim bc they deadass just have my birthday (march 15th, 1995 babeyy)
I'll work through logistics eventually but their dad was a renowned marine biologist that enlisted with the ppdc around the time that trespasser attacked and dani was like 18
dani wanted to be a jaeger pilot and enlisted at age 20 but didn't pass psych screenings. bc of their mental fuckery it was actually a dangerous thing for them to try and drift
so they followed their dad's footsteps and took full control of their ocean special interest and went ham to help the ppdc any way they could while also lowkey being forced into college
long story shorter but their dad got involved in illegally selling kaiju parts on the black market and ends up working for hannibal chau sometime around 2018-2020
so once all the shatterdomes close outside of the one in hong kong and he and dani lose their jobs, theyre practically guaranteed jobs with hannibal
so stacker comes into contact with them around 2024 / 2025 to see if they wanna work with them in the k-science department
the problem is that dani is and always has been at professional odds with newt because his work is more theoretical than anything and dani is a natural scientist / doesn't believe in cryptozoology and stacker didn't say they were gonna be working together
stacker, tendo, mako, and herc are the only ones who know about dani's black market work, in that order
as far as everyone else knows they're just an out of commission russian marine biologist who did previous work with kaiju blue and the impact it made on marine life while also being fuckin obsessed with the kaiju I mean do you see the bioluminescence on this bitch--
dani speaks all the other languages they know (russian, french, spanish, cantonese, and japanese) better than they ever could speak english and they often forget words in english, cycle through every other language they know, eventually just describe said thing
that's it that's all I have rn please take these
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bthenoise · 4 years
Prom Stories: Here’s 14 Tales Of The Dance Floor From Some Of Your Favorite Bands
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With this year’s prom most likely cancelled for all high schoolers across the nation (super sad, we know), we didn’t want to leave you in dark for what can be a pretty memorable night -- both good and bad.
So, in an attempt to help you both experience prom and also realize that missing it might not be the end of the world after all, we’ve collected some pretty interesting stories from some of your favorite bands.  
To check out how members of This Wild Life, Grayscale, Beach Bunny, Broadside and more spent their "My Chemical Slow Dance,” be sure to see below. Afterward, make sure to enjoy our prom-inspired playlist here. 
Kevin Jordan - This Wild Life
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I was too nervous to ask a girl to prom so instead I made a huge banner and hung it on the side of the tallest building at our school that said, “Ashley Debry, Prom? - Kevin Jordan.” She was the cheerleader captain and proceeded to break her shoulder and arm tumbling or some shit but she was a good sport and attended in a lace-adorned sling. It went better than my buddy Kris though, his Ford Falcon’s hood flew up on the freeway on the way there and he couldn’t see the road. Had to pull over and [his date] asked to go home.
Lili Trifilio - Beach Bunny
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I went to prom like five times because I was obsessed with school dances but nothing beats the time my date ditched me, made me buy him Chipotle, then tried to hang out again later. This guy was different from the rest of my prom dates because I was secretly in love with him. He accepted my invite but then “forgot” to pick me up so my dad had to bring me to the photo portion, which was super embarrassing and a bad start to the night. Then, when the slow song came on at the dance, I was like “Yes, this is my shot!” When he approached me, I assumed he was going to ask me to dance. Instead he told me he was gonna leave with this other girl and left me in complete shock. Luckily, one of my guy friends saw me crying and asked me to dance so that I wouldn’t be a complete mess. Then, this boy has the audacity to text me in the morning asking me to see his new motorcycle?! Keep in mind, we were all in the same friend group and hung out every weekend but after that night I never talked to him again -- at the time, I didn’t know this, but he sure as hell didn’t deserve me and I definitely dodged a bullet.
Nick Ventimiglia - Grayscale 
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To be honest, none of us in Grayscale ever went to prom. BUT I did go to a few homecomings. I actually won homecoming prince in 10th grade and then homecoming king my senior year. Here’s the catch: I went to private school and there was only like 36 kids in my graduating class, so what can you do? One time that actually sticks out was when I went to my girlfriend’s (at the time) snow-coming, which is essentially a winter version of homecoming. She actually won queen for her class and they didn’t end up nominating anyone for king of her grade, so by default, I won king of her class. I didn’t even go to her school. I was just on stage, with a sash, standing there smiling and it rocked. Come to find out, they cut me out of the yearbook because I didn’t go to the school, so I have no hard evidence. Here are some songs from 2007 that we most likely danced our asses off to while we were buzzing off trash Burnetts Vodka: T.I. - “You Know What It Is” Soulja Boy - “Crank That” Bird Man, Lil Wayne - “Pop Bottles” Fabolous, T-Pain - “Baby Don’t Go” 50 Cent, Justin Timberlake, Timbaland - “Ayo Technology” Unk, OutKast, Jim Jones - “Walk It Out” Shop Boyz - “Party Like A Rock Star” DJ Khaled, Akon, T.I. - “We Takin’ Over” Kanye West - “Good Life” Playa Circle, Lil Wayne - “Duffle Bag Boy”
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Ollie Baxxter
My prom coincided with my first real breakup. One week before we were meant to go together my date/girlfriend bailed. I was working two jobs at the time and already rented my tux so I just decided to go with my group of friends as the “solo heartbroken guy at prom.” When I got to the dance, the music was terrible and either my loneliness consumed me or I was just a horny teenager but all my classmates looked beautiful. Eventually my ex showed up with a mutual friend and my friend group tried their best to keep me distracted but eventually we met face to face in a hallway on the way to the bathroom. She went to say something and I think I just tried my best to hold back the shame and tears. I left the prom and spent the rest of the night skating with my friends in a parking lot somewhere. Being young is hard. 
Jeff Nichols
I only went to prom one year when I was in high school. I was a sophomore and my girlfriend at the time was a junior. I wore a tux with an all-white jacket and my date wore an all-white dress to match. I don’t remember too much since it’s been awhile but I remember it was like an “Under the Sea” type theme, which a lot of us thought was lame but we all still felt like we had to go. We danced some but all ended up leaving early to go bowling then hit Waffle House after. I only went to prom once and I don’t really regret missing the other years. During this time of quarantine, it is sad that a lot of kids don’t get the experience their prom due to closures but if you spend a bunch of money renting an outfit then take a bunch of awkward photos and dance to “Cupid Shuffle” or whatever the equivalent would be now, you pretty much got the main experience of prom. 
Dom Reid
My prom night was lackluster, to say the least. I think the new Alice In Wonderland movie had recently come out so that was our “theme” for decorations and what that turned out to be was like a large poster a student had made outside in the hall and then absolutely no decorations inside. I was one of those kids who dated a girl from a different school so it was nice to finally prove she was real. The dance floor was ruled by Lady Gaga and The Black Eyed Peas but someone did manage to get 30 seconds of “Downfall Of Us All” by A Day To Remember played. My date and I left early, grabbed some sushi on the way home. My life truthfully would be the same if I never went to prom. I do feel bad for the kids who don’t at least have the option to go to theirs this year, but I’m sure after a night of recreating TikTok dances in their bedroom, they will be just as fulfilled. 
Pat Diaz
I went to prom my junior and senior years, both with the same girl. From what I can remember (because my memory is horrendous, not because I was on the juice), it wasn’t all that fun. Senior year, I was basically stuck in a relationship (for reasons I won’t discuss) and really didn’t want to be there. The highlight of my night was getting breakfast at Perkins at 3:30am. Society puts so much unnecessary significance on prom for no reason other than “if you wanna be cool and fit in.” Sure, you’ll be bummed it’s not happening but I’m pretty sure you’ll be fine knowing that you’re not missing much. If you really want the “prom experience”, drink an energy drink, put on some music and start dancing in your room until 2am then go get McDonalds or something. Same same.
The Wrecks
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Nick Anderson 
I showed up to prom pictures late because I was playing a show with my high school cover band. I wore my white prom tux on stage during the performance because I literally didn't have time to get changed before racing over to where the pictures were being taken. My date was very unhappy but the disappointment did not end there. Because of the rush, I didn't have time to eat dinner. So on the way to prom, I made my prom date pull her 2005 Volkswagen Beetle through the Burger King drive-thru so I could enjoy a Double STACKER KING with extra bacon. She stood outside of prom for 15 minutes while I ate fast food off the hood of her car. We didn't hang out much after prom. 
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Aaron Kelley 
Nothing classier than a tuxedo t-shirt, black skinny jeans and a DeLorean. I’m sorry for everyone who missed their prom this year but I promise you there’ll be many more opportunities for you to have a tuxedo t-shirt night. <3 
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Jade Castello - Picturesque
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It’s been a year or two since I was in high school but I went to a couple different proms throughout my high school years with my previous girlfriend(s). If my memory serves me correctly, the radio hits at the time were artists such as Jason Derulo and Panic! at the Disco. I might not have won prom king but I did close out the night of my senior prom with a dance-off competition by busting out a backflip to “Let’s Go” by Trick Daddy. Everyone jumping up and down chanting my name was something straight out of a movie ha. Prom was a great experience but missing out on that night isn’t the end of the world. Once we’ve all moved on from high school, you’ll realize that one night doesn’t define your “high school experience.” You have much more to offer this world than how sick you were back in high school.
Nick Zawisa - Breakup Shoes
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Senior prom… what a trip. The year was 2014: I was wearing a three-piece suit in like 95 degree weather (cuz, you know, Arizona) driving my Hyundai into downtown Phoenix with one of my best friends (still to this day!)… and I’ve gotta say, that’s about all I remember. I had always thought prom would be this extraordinary experience like how it’s romanticized in the movies but it turned out to just be an awkward ballroom packed with sweaty people I don't even like trying to dance in heels or suits to the all-time worst playlist of 2010s pop music. All that to say, my feelings on the night could be summed up into “Prom: an experience to forget.”
Dead Lakes
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Cody Hurd
For me, prom was pretty overrated. I was voted prom king, but to be fair, our class only had like 70 people in it voting. I had to awkwardly go on stage and accept my royalty with people I didn't really know because my date was unfortunately not voted prom queen. The rest of the prom I basically spent sitting at a table waiting to just hang out with my friends afterwards. So [if you’re missing prom this year], just spend a night dressing up and FaceTime with your friends. Have some “non-alcoholic” drinks (responsibly of course) and blast some music and dance your hearts out. You won't miss a thing.
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Chon Adam
Man, I haven’t thought about prom since basically when it happened. We had our prom at the Space Needle in Seattle with Drake playin’ in the background. Half the people were way too into prom and the other half didn’t care at all. I was definitely in the latter category, so I didn’t have a great time. But most people don’t go to prom to have fun at prom. They go to kick it at parties afterward. Definitely not something that even remotely defined that year for me. So if you’re missing it this year, I promise you you’ll be alright!
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House & Home
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Joey went to prom and ended up talking to the teachers more than the students. The best part was for sure watching the wrestling coach absolutely lose it to a Vanilla Ice song. Pat went his junior year and decided to sit out his senior year. The best prom related memory from his high school career was when he played the afterparty with his high school band at Dave and Buster’s. Prom was never really anything any of us really looked forward to or made a big deal of much in high school. It’s always fun to look back at the memories, though.
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sweetjaegerlove · 4 years
by Trash_Queen
In 2155, it started again. And, since the third time’s the charm, human kind was ready. More or less. It turns out Alaska is still the ass-end of nowhere, and it still sucks to be stationed there. Not that you have much of a choice, when you and your brother are pulled out of a jaeger you cobbled together with after-market parts and given a choice: Anchorage, or jail.
Words: 2585, Chapters: 2/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Pacific Rim (Movies), Supernatural
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Meg Masters, Ruby (Supernatural), Castiel (Supernatural), Jody Mills, Samuel Campbell, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Kevin Tran, Benny Lafitte, Charlie Bradbury, Ash (Supernatural), Jo Harvelle, Ellen Harvelle, Original Female Character, Crowley (Supernatural), Rufus Turner, Original Jaeger(s) (Pacific Rim), Garth Fitzgerald IV, Newt Geiszler (mentioned)
Relationships: Castiel/Meg Masters/Dean Winchester, Ruby/Sam Winchester, Jody Mills/Bobby Singer, (mentioned) - Relationship, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, past Bobby Singer/Karen Singer, Past Amelia Novak/Jimmy Novak, past tyson brady/sam winchester - Relationship, Past Jessica Moore/Sam Winchester - Relationship
Additional Tags: Alaska, Anchorage Shatterdome, weird science, Post-Movie: Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018), Post-Operation Pitfall (Pacific Rim), wayyyyyy in the future because why not, PPDC, KPN (kaiju prediction network), so pacific rim and uprising have already happened but are way in the past, Mary is still dead, john is still a bad father, Bobby is Everyone's Dad, Drifting with a Kaiju Brain, Alternate Universe- No Supernatural, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Bisexual Sam Winchester, dean's poly i guess?, technically soulless sam, eventually, RIP stacker pentecost and everyone who died in operation pitfall your sacrifice was not in vain
pacific rim April 8, 2020 at 06:58AM via AO3 works tagged 'Pacific Rim (2013)'
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taintedmind6669 · 3 months
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driftwithme · 1 year
Love Line Mako is the most confident person you know WITHOUT getting the extremely cocky factor like Raleigh and Chuck did.
Don't get me wrong, she's definitely cocky because Pacific Rim (2013) Mako already was like that. It's just that she took the chance to be a j-pilot and never looked back.
She knows there's still so much the Jaeger Program can do for the world, kaijus or not. She wants to figure out how to make them smaller, lower the issues of a bad drift and the radiation risks. She got out of Med Bay and cornered Hermann to ask the probability of the precursors finding a way to open the Breach again. She loves his parents' legacy, enough to take her swords to war and now enough to push the Jaeger Program forward not matter what.
Mako loves the jaeger world. Like Chuck, she chose that life, that war, Pentecost and Herc never forced on it. True, Mako and Chuck did it also to be closer to their dads, but at the end of the day, the circumstances of their decision doesn't mean they cannot love their line of work. Chuck and Mako were not the best merely out of sense of duty. They were nerds, obsessed with the technicalities, they were passionate to their craft, devoted to the cause they decided to fight for.
Operation Pitfall pushed Chuck to walk away and clear his head enough to notice if being a ranger was something he still wanted or if it was just the habit keeping him there. On the other hand, Mako didn't need to rethink any of it. She has nothing left to prove to anyone and she knows it. She's a legend at 22 years old. Everyone fully expects her to step up and become Marshall once Herc retires even.
I think her conflict in Love Line is not "should I be doing this" or "Am I the right person to do this" but "How will I pull this off?"
She dives into Pentecost's archives to figure out how her dad did it. She chases down old allies, rebuilds in her mind a version of her dad that shouldn't have met because he was always a father to her first, always careful to balance his paternal responsibility with his Marshall persona.
Her conflict is not "everyone thinks I can't do this because I'm too young or a girl". Hell, she has serious work to attend and she needs to learn to play the political game and for that, she needs to chase Stacker's ghost. There's her personal life too: pills she has to take after Pitfall, her friendship with Chuck that she doesn't want to lose, the deep ache in her ribs whenever she spends weeks without meeting with Raleigh or at least video calling him, she wants to make sure Newt project is going well and he's dutifully meeting with Hannibal Chau, she needs to send a gift for Tendo's newborn daughter, visit Hermman and talk about the logistics of the new lab they will need.
J-pilots are emotionally equiped to deal with the stress of such environments, so she's not cracking any time soon. It doesn't mean she has no problems. It just means that doubting herself is not an issue at the time.
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pwnyta · 5 years
:-) PACIFIC RIM for the fandom meme....
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my favorite female character: MAKO. Theres a reason I havent watched the 2nd film. PR2 Shoulda been about Mako almost completely. The writers are villains and I refuse to be apart of that nonsense.
my favorite male character: NEWT! The only tempting thing about P2 is whats happening with Newt and him bein mind fucked by aliens… or w/e tf is happening to him.
my favorite book/season/etc: The first movie was great. It was goofy but still fuckin cool. Kaiju were awesome. Robots were awesome… Hannibal was awesome. Idris Elba looked FINE.
my favorite episode (if its a tv show): The 2nd movie is dead to me.
my favorite cast member: I mean Idris Elba? I dont know much about him (or any of the cast really) tho… hes just attractive. I guess Charlie Day is the person Ive watched the most of since I like Its Always Sunny and Third Watch. ((RIP Mikey. You didnt deserve that.))
my favorite ship: Herman/Newt but Raleigh/Mako is there as well. And I also ship Newt with Hannibal. Cuz no one can stop me and I have a size kink so…
a character I’d die defending:  Newt I guess? I remember there was a lot of criticism of his character for being a Kaiju fanboy. Because the people he works with die fighting them… but its not like Newt wasnt doing his best to stop them from the jump. He wasnt on the field much but he still risked his life to save everyone. Him being intrigued and excited by these interdementional beasts shouldnt be such a down side that someone would hate him for it.
a character I just can’t sympathize with: The douchey Australian guy whos name I dont remember. He came around in the end but it was a redemption=death moment so its like….. ???? Oh well. STACKER NOOOO!!!!!
a character I grew to love: ………??? I liked who I liked through the whole film.
my anti otp: Raleigh/Douchey Australian. Mako is RIGHT THERE. Even Australian guys hot dad is right there… Stackers right there…. Newt… Herman… the guy with the bow tie whos name I dont remember. LITERALLY KAIJU WITH TENTACLES… Theres so many better options.
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Stitches- Winn Schott
A filled request from my Wattpad for @badthingshappenbingo
Fandom: DCU/Super Girl
Request: Stitches
Requested by @ MANGO_CHEESE_ on Wattpad
(Stars are complete, Swirls are requested)
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I'm sorry if this is incredibly out of character; I've only seen a few episodes of Super Girl and am mostly going off of what I know from Tumblr! Please don't hate me if this is awful!
"You couldn't have let the bullet proof alien take the, you know, bullet?" Alex asked, dabbing alcohol onto a sterile pad.
"It was instinctual; plus, it's just a flesh wound." Winn defended. He tried not to look at his arm, he already felt woozy and he definitely didn't need to add passing out to his rap sheet.
"This time," Alex admonished. "a few inches over and you could have been looking at permanent nerve damage." Alex brushed the sterile pad across the gash on Winn's arm, blotting away as much of the blood as possible.
"Agh!" Winn hissed. "Warn a guy!"
"Would it have hurt any less if I'd warned you?" Alex asked, her voice echoing off of the walls. They were the only two in the med bay right now, everyone else was still somewhere in the city and fighting yet another crazy guy in a suit of armor. When Winn had gotten shot she'd basically dragged him back to the DEO.
"That's not the point." Winn blushed and rolled his eyes.
"If you thought that was painful, you're really gonna hate me for this next part. You need stitches." Alex sucked at her bottom lip.
"No-no. I don't think so. It's not even that deep. Just slap a band-aid on me and send me home." Winn laughed nervously, trying to push himself off of the hospital bed. This turned out to be a bad idea when Winn was reminded, by a blinding pain in his right arm, that he had indeed been shot recently.
"Agh!" He yelled, grabbing his arm and falling back against the pillow. "Dammit!" He cried, tears clouding his vision.
"You know, for a genius, you can be pretty dumb sometimes." Alex cringed.
"Hey! You can't be mean to me, I just got shot!" Winn groaned.
"And who's fault is that?" Alex asked, spinning around on her stool and getting up to go find a suture kit.
Winn grumbled something that Alex didn't quite catch.
Honestly, Alex was glad to have Winn back here where he couldn't be hurt anymore. Everyone that fought beside her and Kara was either bullet-proof or highly trained in combat. Winn was neither of those things. He was just so soft and human. Alex would be lying if she said that the thought of him getting hurt hadn't kept her up at night, especially after night's like this, when he was too brave for his own good. Of course, she would never admit any of this to anybody, especially Winn.
Alex walked into the medical supply closet and, after searching through a mountain of labeled blue boxes, found a suture kit and went back to make sure Winn wasn't trying to jump out of the window or otherwise escape.
To her surprise, Winn was exactly where she'd left him. On closer inspection, Alex thought he must have been asleep. For the first time all night, Alex really looked at Winn. His face was twisted in a grimace of pain, even in his sleep and he was scary pale. Alex swallowed back the ball of fear that was bubbling in her stomach and shook Winn's leg lightly.
"Winn?" She whispered.
"Hmm?" Winn opened his eyes.
"Just wanted to make sure you hadn't died on me. That would be so much paperwork." Alex smirked.
"Nope. Just trying not to think about the hole in my arm. Finding my happy place." Winn laughed, his breath hitching when the movement aggravated his injury.
"Where exactly is Winn Schott's happy place?" Alex asked, opening the suture kit and finding the needle and suture thread.
"It-it's stupid."
Alex figured it was decidedly not stupid, but felt like she shouldn't push.
Both were quiet for a moment as Alex worked to thread the needle.
"All right, on the count of-"
"Woah, woah, woah! Don't I get morphine or something?" Winn jerked away from the needle.
"I thought it was "just a flesh wound"." Alex mocked.
"Flesh wounds still hurt!" Winn exclaimed, his voice rising an octave.
"Alright, fine." Alex put the needle down onto a sterile pad and went to look for the local anesthetic. "Baby" She muttered under her breath as she walked away.
"I heard that!" Winn called.
Alex smirked. She found the stacker where the various syringes and bottles of medication were kept and, picking out the local anesthetic and something for the pain that Winn would surely be in after the adrenaline wore off, she went back to Winn.
"Happy?" Alex asked, shaking the two little bottles of liquid at Winn.
"Don't I get the pill option?" Winn asked, eyeing the syringes in Alex's other hand.
"Oh, so getting shot is no big deal, but a little needle is too much?"
"There is nothing little about those needles." Winn gulped.
"Pony up, Schott." Alex sat back down on the stool and uncapped one of the syringes, putting the needle into the bottle of ��codeine and drawing up the liquid.
"Easy for you to say!"
"Shh! I need to focus." Alex hushed Winn. "Don't tense up, it'll only make it worse."
"You're not the one having a needle waved at them. I don't think you get to say anything about being tense."
"Would you rather go without?"
Winn took a deep breath. "Lesser of two evils." He closed his eyes.
"Now, this is codeine, so you're probably gonna feel weird for a while, but it's better than being in pain."
"Let's get it over with." Winn closed his eyes.
"Alright." Alex took a breath and held Winn's arm steady with one hand and carefully aimed the syringe needle into his arm above the wound.
Winn hissed, his breath hitching, but he didn't open his eyes.
"Good. Now I'm going to do the local anesthetic." Alex said, keeping her voice as even as possible.
Winn didn't open his eyes or move.
Alex capped the used syringe and reached over to put it into the biohazard bucket over the bed Winn was sitting in. Once she was settled back on the stool, she uncapped the other syringe and pushed the needle into the rubbery cap of the anesthetic bottle. She carefully drew up the liquid and pulled the syringe out, taking a steadying breath.
"This'll sting." Alex said, aiming the needle closer to the edges of the wound this time. She slowly moved the syringe around the wound, making sure to numb the entire area. When she was done, Alex realized that Winn hadn't moved or spoken for the past few minutes.
"Winn, breathe." Alex commanded, seeing that his jaw was clenched and his breathing was coming in short, shallow gasps.
Winn, seeming to notice that he'd quit breathing for the first time, inhaled deeply through his nose and coughed.
"Go back to your happy place?" Alex asked.
"Ha, yeah." Winn blushed, which was made even more evident by how pale he was at the moment.
"The meds should kick in in a few minutes and we'll get you patched up."
Winn sat back and closed his eyes and Alex grabbed her phone and started scrolling through her messages.
Alex thought Winn Schott must have been a lightweight, which was honestly so predictable, when he started giggling uncontrollably a few minutes later.
"How're ya feeling, Winn?" Alex smirked.
"I have no idea why I'm laughing." Winn giggled.
"I'd say the meds are working."
"Oh yeah. They're working big time!" He smiled.
"Okay, I'm going to start suturing the wound. I need you to stay very still, Winn. Do you understand."
"Yeah." Winn tried to look serious, but sputtered and started laughing again.
Alex couldn't help but laugh with him for a moment before regaining her composure and picking up the needle again. Steadying her hand, Alex started suturing.
After that, Winn was quiet except for the odd giggle. Eventually, he closed his eyes and Alex thought he might be drifting.
"Just go to you're happy place." Alex muttered.
"I's not real."
"What's not real?" Alex asked, pausing her stitching and looking up at Winn.
Winn's eyes were half lidded and he was oddly droopy when he spoke, definitely a lightweight. Alex made a mental note to have someone add that to his medical file.
"M'happy place." Winn said, his head lolling to the side as he tried to look at Alex.
"Okay?" Alex said, confused. "What exactly is your happy place?"
"Winn, breakfast is very much-"
"With m'parents." Winn slurred, cutting Alex off.
"That could be a memory."
"Nope." Winn was quiet for a moment. "Not this one." He giggled again. "You wanna know m'happy place?"
"Sure, Winn."
"It's, a-it's breakfast with m'parents. Before my dad-" Winn's eyes got darker for just a moment. "It was a Friday night. Saturdays were always pancake days. That's my happy place." Winn slurred. "My dad never put the bombs in the bears and my mom never left. We just had a normal Pancake Saturday."
"That's, um, wow. That's a good happy place, Winn." Alex stuttered.
Not really sure what to say after that, Alex went back to silently suturing Winn's arm and Winn was quiet too, not even giggling anymore.
"All done." Alex said, putting a strip of sterile gauze over the sutures and taping it in place.
"'M tired." Winn mumbled.
"I'd say the adrenaline finally kicked it. Get some sleep, Winn." Alex patted Winn's arm.
Winn obediently closed his eyes and within a few minutes his breathing had evened out enough for Alex to see that he was asleep. Dimming the lights, Alex left the medbay to go wait for Kara and the others in central command.
Somewhere around an hour later, Alex heard the elevator and stood as Kara and James stepped out.
"Hey. How'd it go?" Alex greeted.
"After you and Winn ducked out, it was just a matter of getting someone in to dismantle the server that was accessing the robot." James explained.
"Basically, I just had to keep the robot busy while someone found the server." Kara chimed in. "Barely even broke a sweat." she smiled.
"How's Winn?"
"Resting. It wasn't as bad as it looked in the field, flesh wound." Alex led them back to the medbay where they could all see Winn sleeping. "Major lightweight when it comes to meds, though." Alex laughed.
"Figures." Kara and James said in unison.
"I'm sure you're both exhausted. Go get some sleep. I'll stay here tonight and make sure Winn doesn't manage to get himself into anymore trouble." Alex said.
"Are you sure?" Kara asked.
Alex nodded.
"Alright. See you in the morning." Kara hugged Alex and went back to the elevator. James waved goodbye and followed closely behind.
Alex stretched and realized how tired she was as well and, after changing into a set of sweats she kept at the DEO for late nights and the odd coffee disaster and curled up in the bed opposite Winn's.
The next morning, Alex was walking Winn to the elevator. One of the DEO doctor's had seen him and given him the all clear to go home.
"So, exactly how much of last night do you remember?" Alex asked.
"Everything's mostly clear after I got shot, until you gave me the shot of whatever that was-"
"Yeah. After that, things get fuzzy. I didn't do anything stupid, did I?"
"Besides take a bullet for a bullet proof alien? No." Alex rolled her eyes and smirked. She'd decided not to mention what Winn had told her last night, he hadn't meant to tell her. It wasn't as if she hadn't read his file when Winn'd been brought on at the DEO, but reducing someone down to a few words never quite told the full story. He could tell her if and when he was ready to talk about it.
Winn huffed a laugh and adjusted the sling cradling his arm.
"I did find out that you're a major lightweight when it comes to meds, though. You're a giggler." Alex laughed.
"Oh, God." Winn smiled ruefully.
"Oh yeah. You're never living this one down." Alex smiled as they stepped into the elevator.
"Aren't you staying?" Winn asked.
"I refuse to work in sweat pants." Alex gestured to her attire. "Also, I'm dying for a hot meal. Care to join me for breakfast? My treat."
"Sure." Winn smiled and nodded and then grabbed at his shoulder, hissing sharply. "Also maybe more meds?"
"Sure thing." Alex said as the doors closed and the elevator started it's ascent.
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Writing about chuck hansen is such a fine line between describing this genuinely upsetting character and woobifying this fuck boy supreme, which I think is exactly the point of him. His character introductions are always a forced contrast between his actions, never mind his intent, because we see him on the news saving the day but also directly, deliberately insulting the hero and the hero's struggle. We see him again eating with his dad and defending the hero's improbable goal of saving the world with infectious bravado, but also cruising for a bruising from everyone in earshot. He had all of the exposition-established fame and prestige the world has to offer plus the opportunity that becomes mako's personal goal and character motivation, but zero agency. The unique thing about pacrim is most of the characters have personal goals or emotional investments (relating to but still) independent of the A Plot We never hear him express any kind of personal goal besides "I want to come back from this mission" because his formative years where everyone has an identity crisis were consumed by fighting kaiju, training to fight kaiju, drifting and reliving the kaiju fights, rinse and repeat. His personhood was dead long before he left with stacker, and raleigh rightfully saw him as a second-to-worst case scenario.
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gutterballgt · 6 years
Your blog always cheers me up :). Also I just had an amazing thought. So since the jaeger pilots are basically celebrities, they obviously have major fan bases right? Well what if literally everyone ships Chuck and Raleigh. And they’re both like why??? We hate each other??? And Mako tries so hard not to laugh but it’s an ongoing struggle until these two idiots finally get it together and then the internet explodes. -Kai
Holy shit, that is amazing. Because that kind of thing had fallen off during the hardest, worst years of the war, with jaegers falling left and right, but they resurged after Pitfall, and the SHIPPING started.
Raleigh had no idea at first. He hadn’t considered himself “date material” since Knifehead shattered his whole world, so the idea of the internet reviving his “most fuckable celebrity” status never even once occurred to him.
Chuck was too young at first (though he was displeased to find out about the “X more months/days until Little Charlie Hansen is OF AGE!!” websites that Herc had Tendo routinely seek out and destroy), and by the time he might have actually been flattered by the attention, it was too late. Jaegers were falling. The glory days of the PPDC were over. No one had the heart for shipping pilots when those pilots might literally die any time.
Mako’d had enough of so-called fame when she was “the little girl that lived” after Onibaba. When Stacker adopted her and the world started calling him a “Hot Dad”. When she got into the academy with flying colors and was bidding to be the youngest pilot ever until she started edging toward engineering and jaeger specs. She had no interest in the shipping sites and, frankly, found them distasteful.
It was Tendo who saw the first one. He wasn’t even looking for it, just doing a regular news sweep to make sure nothing had slipped through the cracks that needed his ban hammer. He almost immediately crashed the site… until he actually read it.
At which point, he called Mako in and, without even trying to hide his laughter, watched her read it with growing, unholy glee.
They immediately brought it to Raleigh’s attention.
Raleigh was not impressed.
“They CLEARLY don’t know about the fight in the hallway.”
Tendo snickered and pointed at a paragraph he’d highlighted. “Oh, yes, they do. It’s It’s the #3 reason they ship you, according to this poll.”
Scowling, Raleigh crossed his arms. “What’s the #1 reason?”
“No one can decide whose ass is better, but they clearly deserve one another.”
He immediately dragged Chuck into the situation, pointed out the page, and crossed his arms. “Well?”
Chuck, who was up to his forearms in jaeger grease, sweaty as hell, and none too pleased to be dragged away from what little work the goddamn PPDC would let him do now that his goddamn job description didn’t exist anymore, started to snort and pull away, then took a second look.
“Oi, what the fuck?”
Mako, trying so hard not to laugh because she knew Chuck would take it wrong, tried to explain. “They ship you.”
“The fuck does that even mean?”
“They want you and Raleigh to be a couple.”
Grey eyes blinked wide.
Raleigh grunted, still crossing his arms and scowling. “What I don’t get is… why?? We’re at each other’s throats. We can’t even sit next to each other in interviews anymore because of The CNN Incident.”
They didn’t talk about The CNN Incident.
Tendo, gleeful as ever, pointed at another part of the screen. “That’s the #2 reason!”
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Raleigh gave up. “You can nuke it, right, Tendo? Like you used to do?”
Chuck, still blinking wide eyes, huffed. “The fuck does THAT mean?”
But Tendo suddenly looked very smug. “I dunno, Becket boy. I’m out of practice, and technology has really taken a leap since the last time I had to kill a page. It may take me a while to get this one.”
Mako’s mouth twitched.
“Wait wait wait.” Chuck put his hands up. “You buncha fucks know what’s going on here?”
Raleigh, still pinching the bridge of his nose, sighed. “These pages used to spring up all the time, pairing up pilots in fantasy relationships. Apparently, they’re starting to come back, and… we… seem to be the current most popular ship.”
“Oi, what the fuck??”
“Now you know why I’m so upset!”
But at that, Chuck bulled up. “Oi, why? I’m not fucking worthy of you or some shite?”
Mako and Tendo sat back and watched with glee. If there had been popcorn, they would have shared it.
“I didn’t say that! Jesus, kid, it’s embarrassing and intrusive!”
“Embarrassing? It’s fucking embarrassing that these wankers think I’d ever date a fucking has-been like you!”
“Not so goddamn funny when the boot’s on the other foot, is it?”
“When did I ever say any of this was funny??”
“Fuck you, Becket! They can ‘ship’ us to kingdom fucking come, for all I care! I deserve fucking better!”
“Better than what??”
Tendo and Mako could have been watching a tennis match, their eyes ticking back and forth between the combatants.
“Jesus Christ, kid, you WANT them to ship us?? Just so you’re shipped at all??”
“Too fucking right! You’re a fucking asshole, but you’re better than no one at all!”
“Goddammit, Chuck, that is NOT THE POINT–”
The shouting only got louder the closer they got into each other’s faces, and, without looking away from the show, Mako leaned over and whispered to Tendo.
“You made the site, right?”
“No, but I will be making the next dozen.”
“You still take bets, right?”
“Are you kidding?”
“Ten on them sleeping together within a week, just to prove… whatever they’re yelling about.”
“Done. I’ll set the odds and get a bracket set up.”
She smiled. “Make it twenty.”
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smash or pass // george, kirsten, maria r, joan, johnny, sherlock, stacker, herc, silver
smash or pass || accepting
“Isn’t George into Alicia? No, never mind, I know it’s a game, I just — well, yes. I swear, if anyone tells, you’re going to be trying to get to class while your legs are like jelly.”
“I mean, I used to date a paralegal, and that was fun. Kirsten’s smart, talented, beautiful. Can’t really go wrong with that combination, can you? I did throw a wrench in any kind of thing by literally just hiring her, but maybe after she’s settled and I’m not the one that’s in charge of her.”
“I’m going to have to pass on Rambeau. Just because it would be a little too weird to get involved with someone who has the same name. Too meta, you know? Nothing against her as a person. Aesthetically she’s very much my type.”
“How can you go wrong with a doctor? I doubt that she’d have a lot of patience for my schedule, though. Sure, hers is pretty busy too, but at least she’s normally in the same city the majority of the time. Yeah, absolutely, but I don’t think it’ll happen.”
“Well, literally everyone says that Johnny is great at — you know how the tabloids are. I’d prefer to stay out of them, obviously, but he already flirts with everything that moves so the occasional flirt back won’t hurt.”
“Going into anything with Sherlock means that it’s most likely a one time thing anyway— and then he’d just hit me up for help with his cases. I’ve had worse deals with people I’ve slept with.”
“Stacker? He’s like. Mako’s dad. And my boss. Sort of. Concurrent departments, that type of thing. Sleeping him would be like... sleeping with my best friend’s dad. A little? A lot? Awkward? He is attractive though, I doubt he has any trouble getting the ladies.”
“Herc’s — hot. Yeah, I said it. It’s more likely that hell would start a snowball fight, I think, but I wouldn’t say no to the opportunity. He’s a nice guy once you get past the prickly exterior. I get it.”
“My number one hacker? Yeah, I think — that’ll be a pass too. I do try not to sleep with the people I’m directly in charge of. And I’d hate to lose an asset like him because of interpersonal issues.”
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