garadinervi · 9 months
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Dem Raum Raum geben. Marguerite Hersbergers architektur- und raumbezogenes Werk, Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich, VFMK Verlag für moderne Kunst, Wien, 2023
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Editor: Sabine Schaschl Texts: Sabine Schaschl, Margit Weinberg Staber, Burkhard Meltzer, Marguerite Hersberger Design: Harald Pridgar
Exhibition: Marguerite Hersberger: Dem Raum Raum geben, Curated by Sabine Schaschl and Evelyne Bucher, Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Zürich, October 26, 2023 – January 14, 2024
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yukipri · 2 years
The Prime Override - Chapter 43 is up!
Jango - Before the Curtains Rise
Apologies for the late posting this week! AO3 was down on Friday when I usually try to reply to comments, and I was too busy over the weekend to get to this sooner. I hope you'll still be able to enjoy it! It's the MLK long weekend in the US, so it still sorta counts as the weekend, right? ^ ^;
Also a head's up that there won't be an update next week, I'll be taking some time off! But the next chapter will be going up on Patreon later today (the 16th) for those who want to read ahead!
This chapter: Nala Se calls Omega. She says it's time to terminate the Experimental Batches.
At the controls of the transport, Omega once again hesitates.
“Nala Se…said that she sent you to…terminate…the experimental batches,” Omega whispers, staring out into the transparisteel. She isn’t shaking—just frighteningly still.
“That is correct. We have only three hours to complete our objective, so please proceed to activate the transport.”
> > Read Ch 43 on AO3
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if Dick Staber asked you to listen to his song
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would you do it?
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mycenana · 4 months
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So who's the best at backstabing his ally ?
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lonely-cereal · 10 months
Songs that fit Ray (the promised Neverland)
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
Devil Town - Cavetown
Burning Pile - Mother Mother
Dinner is not over - Jack Staber
Dollhouse - Melanie Martinez
Burned - Grace Vanderwall
Are You Satisfied? - Marina
Love Like You - Rebecca Sugar
The Family Jewels - Marina
Hayloft - Mother Mother
Lemon Boy - Cavetown
Problems - Mother Mother
Me and my husband -Mitski
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To things that must convey their action of hope. A vy lie in idli plates. A thin lie in enclaves snd the money-mortifying love was a deep lie in exile. A die in deep. A sister that swept and the way in which love was. A sanctum deep santuary. An ishq well recomprise. And a lie that was a deep dying lover was that telling you that timbre walls can be like a love song. Eckled in me is a hermit what lies that was a lie that deeps of an inkle. A lie greatest of all is that a lie and half. A vitamin was that alie was alive. A livers were lifers that stabers arose withers. A lie dandles a whole candles of deep faith you fight with the speed of the ocean. A sly. A hane. A game. A zahara khan. A killing victim judged hers only love gone like the nickels of a podium. A faith that withtook a K. for love hiest. A lie laid could leap let alone stay. A stayed paradise would be pronounced faith. A deep star. A deep lie. A flower wall. A block garden. A deeper sir.Things nothing ofthings. A lie well of surreal seal that ends like horse tails. If there is any. A lie. A deep dictobar. A die. A die of things. A tea. A whole character. A whole death in its deepity. A Hollywood Arnichar. A dancy. A sanct. A pant. A whose.
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matthewtak · 2 years
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Daily Sketch: Fish Staber
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arypurple · 1 year
DL - Résumé foireux S01.ÉP12
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Ça commence bien avec une musique hyper triste alors que les frères se plaignent que Plante Verte ait décidé de s'embrocher elle-même dans l'espoir de cesser tout ça (ce qui n'a pas fonctionné, malheureusement). Ils ont un sacré culot de critiquer alors que personne ne s'est bougé le cul quand elle pointait ce putain de couteau dans sa direction ! Le tonton a décidé de fuir par les tunnels souterrains, affirmant qu'il n'a pas le droit de mourir. Désolée Richter, mais j'attends que tu te décides à crever ! T'es chiant, inutile et même ta voix viole mes tympans. Du coup, alors que les frères ont l'air de se faire chier, que Tsundere Simulator s'amuse à staber des roses blanches et que le Butler réfléchisse à un moyen de se débarrasser de cette saloperie de MST Cordelia, le tonton inutile a largement le temps de visiter le manoir entier en tachant tout avec son sang avant de débarquer dans la chambre rouge de Christian Grey et... merde, je me suis trompée de scénario, là ! La robe est encore là à dégouliner de sang. Oui, sa robe dégouline encore de sang et je plains sérieusement la femme de ménage ! Laito qui voulait profiter de la chambre rouge débarque. Il dit à Richter qu'il n'avait rien remarqué... dude, t'es en train de dire qu'en tant que vampire, t'as jamais remarqué qu'une robe toute dégoulinante de sang traînait depuis dix-sept ans dans le manoir ?! Idem pour tes frères !? Pendant ce temps, Plante Verte devient assez blanche pour ressembler à Michael Jackson... tiens, il ne lui manque plus qu'un nez bien relevé et des cheveux noirs !
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Heureusement, Laito a tout le temps du monde devant lui pour se taper la discute avec son oncle. Prends ton temps, Fedora-chan ! Après tout, c'est pas comme s'il y avait une fille avec la poitrine transpercée qui repose sur le canapé ! Ensuite, le gamin demande si elle va crever. Bien sûr qu'elle va crever si vous restez plantés là à discuter ! Vient enfin le Butler qui a trouvé la solution miracle afin d'empêcher leur casse-croûte préféré de mourir. Monsieur arrive avec une petite fiole, affirmant que c'est une potion capable de la faire disparaître l'autre pouffiasse. J'espère que t'es sûr de ton coup, parce on les connaît les effets de tes potions 🙄.
Malheureusement, la potion ne peut être achevée que si on a un bout de la personne que l'on souhaite tuer... et intervint la facilité scénaristique lorsque Yandere King arracha la tête de Teddy (ça valait bien le coup de le protéger, tiens !) pour sortir une fiole avec les cendres de sa chère môman. Je ne vous dirais pas la passion de Kanato pour les cendres de ses victimes... ah merde, c'est dit ! Reiji mélange le tout et la potion est prête. Durant ce temps, Laito a eu la meilleure idée de tout l'anime: buter son oncle. Oui, il était grand temps que quelqu'un le fasse ! Sauf que... je ne suis pas persuadée qu'allumer un grand feu dans une pièce du manoir soit une brillante idée, même si c'est un noble de geste de calciner ce gars. Mais bon, advienne que pourra, je suppose ? Durant ce temps, Oréo-sama, qui a la potion en bouche, embrasse la princesse dans son sommeil pour lui faire avaler. Rapidement, Plante Verte reprend des couleurs et comme par magie, je suppose, sa blessure semble avoir disparue ? Non, mais je dis ça parce qu'il y a peu de temps, elle s'est stabée elle-même en plein dans la poitrine et alors qu'Ayato l'appelle par son prénom pour la toute première fois, elle s'assoit sur le canapé comme si elle n'avait jamais été blessée ! Mais bon, il faut se montrer super gentil avec elle pour mieux pouvoir la maltraiter dans la prochaine saison, voyons ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Le suspens vous avait manqué ? Parce qu'à peine vient-elle de s'asseoir, Yui fixe les garçons avant de déclarer qu'elle a soif. S'ensuit alors le générique de fin et les frères qui proclament chacun un discours, tous plus malaisants les uns que les autres. Inutile de m'étaler sur la scène où Oréo-sama trouve Plante Verte sur le balcon pour lui donner son chapelet et que Claude Faustus verrouille de nouveau la pièce où se trouve la chambre de l'autre traînée. Sur ce, je vous dis à la saison prochaine ! Je sais pas si ce résumé foireux sera à la hauteur de vos attentes, mais j'ai fait de mon mieux, surtout que je voulais vraiment finir la première saison et que ça doit faire plus d'un an que je travaille dessus.
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Hi, here's another poem of mine. It was written on 21st December 2022.
Love that felt like a fairytale
I swear, I could see your halo
When on that beautiful day you said ”Hello
There, do you perhaps need anything?
I ask because I feel like I could give you everything
You look like a star that is wandering
And looking for some love and peace”
You offered me to be friends
But then I realized that I don't look at you this way
We were friends but I felt more than just ”like”
I could feel a new feeling that was so fine
Everytime I looked at you, I felt something I never knew I could feel
Everything that happened felt like a dream
I was like a princess lost in the darkness of a cruel reality
Then you found me and showed me how beautiful world can be
I didn't have to search for the light any longer
When I found you, I started having someone that I could be holding
In my arms when the darker days and nights are coming
I felt that I finally found the missing puzzle piece, the true sense of being a human that's still living
Everything felt like a dream I didn't want to wake up from
I was never more grateful for anything else than for having you, my love
I was living in a fairytale every single day
It was even better than the ones from Disney
I didn't expect us to have a sad ending
But as we know, life is not listening to what we're wishing
After some time I realized that the halo I saw
Wasn't like the one that is the property of an angel
I was blinded by the beautiful lies you used to tell me
I didn't see any red flags even though you had so many
I used to think that I'm so lucky for getting to live in a reality that is so dream—like
Before everything ruined and everything that I feared the most came back
The loneliness started to killing me from the inside
I've never wanted to hide from anything, but here I am
Feeling like a zombie but I keep on walking
I keep on pretending that I am not hurting
The last words you told me were the ones you wanted to tell me since the beginning
But it was me who didn't see what's coming
Next even though everyone else could tell
That you were just pretending to be sincere
You played with my heart, I got pulled in your little game
A little game I didn't sign up for, a little game that made me gain
A lot of pain, now thanks to you I am broken once again
I lied to myself that you're the one for me, would never hurt me but it happened
You invited me to play your little game that left so many girls broken
I promised myself that I won't be a victim of yours, but I couldn't keep the promise
Your charms were more visible for me than the flaws
I guess that I will never learn my lesson
I always fall for the ones that aren't worth my heart
They leave my heart bruised and I only cry
I try to hold it in, let no one see how hurtful it can be
But sometimes I just can't believe that I was so naive
After all it's not about the boy that hurt my feelings
It's about the fact that I let him did it
I fall on my knees again and again, you say you didn't mean it
Your love for me was real but in the end you cheated
You said that you will change for me because I am the one and only
Queen of your heart, but can you tell me how you could hurt me so badly?
If you loved me, you would never do that
You're getting only more lost in your own lies
You keep on making excuses, you want to go back
To what was in the past, but I can't do that
I know that I was way too naive and couldn't trust you in the first place
But I still have my dignity, so you should face
The truth: I will be no longer a victim of this fake love
It's time to get past this and move on because it's definitely not
How a human should be treated, we all deserve so much better
We deserve to have people around us that will not be back stabers
But instead, they will stay loyal to us untill the very end
And won't feed us with the beautiful lies but the truth, even if it's bitter
We all deserve to feel understood and needed
Have our hearts that are completed
This is the truth that should be heard by many
Let's spread these words to everyone. We can do it, can't we?
A song recommendation:
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Johann Walter - Geystliches gesangk Buchleyn (Excerpts) : No. 1, Nu bitten wir den heiligen geist ·
Bremen Weser-Renaissance · Manfred Cordes · Marie Luise Werneburg · David Erler · Mirko Ludwig · Hermann Oswald · Ulfried Staber
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just watched the new staber spooky month short and I’m just hhhhhffffgd it’s so good I’m really hperfixateding right now
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ansgar-skoda · 4 months
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Konzertbericht: Romanische Nacht 2024 in der Kölner Basilika St. Maria im Kapitol. O Ewigkeit (12.6.2024)
Fotos 1-3: "... et vitam venturi saeculi", Bonner Kammerchor unter der Leitung von Georg Hage mit Frank Martins "Messe" für Doppelchor a capella (1922/1926)
Foto 4-5: "... in stiller ewiger Klarheit..." Minguet Quartett mit Luigi Nonos "Fragmente - Stille, An Diotima" für Streichquartett (1979/80)
Foto 6-7: "Cantus firmus" Cinquecento [Countertenor Terry Wey, Tenöre Achim Schulz und Tore Tom Denys, Bariton Tim Scott Whiteley und Bass Ulfried Staber] mit Guillaume Dufays "Missa Se la face ay pale" und A-capella-Werken von Heinrich Isaac
Fotos 8-11: "Bach to the roots" Uwaga [Instrumentalquartett mit Violine, Jazzgeige, Akkordeon und Kontrabass] mit Johann Sebastian Bach in Durchleuchtungen und Grenzüberschreitungen zwischen Klassik, Jazz, Pop und Balkan
Foto 12-13: "Glauben und Hoffen" Vokal Trio Insingizzi [Dumisani >Ramadu< Moyo, Gesang Perkussion, Blessings >Nqo< Nkomo, Gesang, Shakers, Vusa Mkhaya Ndlovu, Gesang] mit polyphonem A-capella-Gesang im Imbude Stil der Ndebele aus dem Süden von Simbabwe
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444names · 4 months
Names generated from American, British, Chinese, Finnish names, plus American states and cities
Aarbouls Abearna Abrand Adalby Agnen Aillowne Alason Allett Aloven Angtongton Anler Apoanforry Appen Arley Arrommon Arroodfon Aster Atchawkell Athriwes Atorson Aulgans...
Badchura Bagriell Baija Balcoween Banen Banenene Banney Barkerson Batween Bechowrang Beepnennen Belds Beres Berowling Beton Biell Binon Blauddes Blumnes Boaters Bobraudd Bodson Bolent Bongh Bordoy Bouce Bouchatla Boxforney Bradiairam Brang Bravi Bredgkin Brickhum Brield Brins Bristin Bromangs Bronk Broton Brovion Bullaze Bumnennei Burhammo Burkarby Burodmone Burriney Burrolphes Burry Burtowde Butch Butts Calas Carnen Casell Cashita Caskeber Cettack Chana Chapnedan Chayle Chazquey Cheph Chfiell Chickwell Chity Chles Chrison Cillgell Civance Clappelau Claragg Clarles Comfin Compluddon Conght Copajam Corton Coterk Cotteen Couiles Coutneli Coxlerthuk Crila Crine Croseade Cuars Culim Cuorey Cwales Cworking Darson Denran Dentonwila Dilling Dinatt Dinen Dineyney Doveaturs Eacquergis Eadell Eathcon Eddexan Eddley Edmaley Efiellosve Eliner Enbeen Eston Falaurgill Farvainis Farvo Fieljack Fiempfore Fiets Fityroa Florth Foress Forna Frakriell Fraubb Fryliao Futhu Galvenswei Gamber Gamplipint Garkkars Garrue Gibby Gibollyter Gineall Ginee Glaull Goosage Gradge Grang Grexsopell Grittes Grolam Guarjaplan Guortter Gwalk Gweathena Halto Hamaht Hambielina Hambla Hamerkin Haragg Harlock Hater Hayrtnilti Healla Hende Herie Herko Herry Herth Hibblomer Hilley Hishih Hitheild Hitwist Holbung Hoodge Hosett Houtt Hoverle Hoydens Huairjölä Hudlo Hudmolling Hulestmads Humles Huort Hurcum Hurgerrell Hämäki Iaiff Idgla Iiverd Illarther Inors Irkin Jachothen Johireen Jough Kaighford Kainne Kaley Kanes Karbe Karop Karrylett Kessin Kevey Kildikey Kiman Kingfie Klingtord Knong Knurcis Konnitter Krong Kuotte Kurben Laamben Lacumbild Ladwil Lanamum Lasterson Latill Lehton Lenna Linen Lingar Lingforday Linisan Liowns Losley Lowle Luling Lumliney Lummey Lumplers Lwelä Lyton Mabne Maggien Maley Mallina Manal Manichei Marinez Marja Marliettla Mattley Mattrister Mcman Meatch Merriston Mestre Millum Mimernter Miney Mischer Mitownie Monassald Monwrebent Mornen Moyar Mundley Munen Munes Mussey Nascoms Nenche Niemill Ninchauvia Nintock Nixle Nounely Nuehtio Odrin Ojacks Olmarnes Orgeng Orrecton Ossen Osteppold Ourton Overtley Palafiell Panth Parkin Parry Patchburse Peandawsby Peldockwon Pesmäkin Pesson Pewsops Phitchis Pickelord Pilap Pinen Piphau Polinner Pomäne Poparnen Porre Poydinse Pretsap Prondson Prounceth Proweld Puladsbus Purite Purylin Puusson Raffier Raifelä Rames Ratte Redgpen Rhaylling Rinshoptor Rolton Rossaa Rough Rowlee Sablon Sadelinen Sadhart Sallevitt Sallsibary Samharby Sankebb Santley Sartones Saten Scains Scought Seell Seltongs Shamo Shbow Sheadead Shfit Shigg Shilkings Shors Sibbs Simales Sinendals Sinkalay Skalling Skard Smele Smers Smyrow Snashen Somber Sonor Spalviiand Speedga Sperd Spirg Sprunt Staber Stacktow Staingwall Stapleend Starson Sterse Stessu Sting Stley Straveybou Suckson Swarrspa Swootton Sworaggin Tainsbyle Talver Tamingell Tamnessill Tandered Tannetarpp Tenhaminse Thaltbell Thance Thelder Ticurtalam Tiellso Tilen Tinenton Tinglarce Towlispus Triithank Tswey Tulam Turme Tusey Tuuntones Tyrian Tzues Tzuorg Vanney Velmenton Veste Vianklen Visontt Vownda Vumalton Waiss Wandy Warinennin Wattles Waurhape Wayea Waylood Weavo Weerea Welie Whitlester Whixon Wighaack Wiitchaw Wilboon Wildary Wilen Wiljan Winenao Wingley Wirearson Wirku Wookey Woorbins Wordsouge Wylett Wymestrook Yerrickson Ziemantal
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schoensacral · 9 months
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st brae - staber.... or t. saber. ts reba. rabets.' barets.
well girls do put barets in their hair. sort of like Prince's "Raspberry Beret."
be star.
r beast.
to have them and in ample goodness is to say you're preparing to perhaps be a mother. sometimes it tells us that you've slept with too many men. especially if the areolas are discoloured.
I'm glad that for nearly fifty years I've been a size double AA. No man was ever to claim me until I turned 50. And now, preparing to be a mother.
Well they did try to trick me out, but I have savvy skills and I'm a seasoned escape artist.
~emma ruth mccallister
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tostawafle · 10 months
how about this?:
What is your favorite series to see art of thus far?
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diedandgone · 2 years
I am sooo done with eveyone honestly u all back stabers ! Lesson learned trust 💯
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