#st leoba
Catholic Worldbuilding and the Wizarding World - Headcanons and More
If you've read All That Remains, my Regulus-Black centric work, you'll know I've incorporated Catholicism into my fics since then. The inspiration to incorporate Catholicism came from both @artemisia-black's Lacrimosa and Fiat justitia and her world building in D&D and Pietas, and @green-and-grey-kenaz's And he Drank.
Some caveats before I go on:
These are just headcanons of mine and things I've put into my fics. They work with the world but you don't need to accept them as canon or canon-compliant. Nor am I asking you to do so. I'm just excited to have this list put together of what I've done and the research that went into it.
There are other religions and faiths in the wizarding world. As Britain became more multicultural and diverse, it meant the purebloods and wizarding population did too.
This list is specifically for certain old-school Catholic families, particularly ones like the Blacks.
Catholic HCs and world building in my works:
Old-world pureblood families were Catholic. As the Roman Empire spread, witches and wizards from other areas hopped into Britain and converted Muggles and purebloods alike from paganism to Christianity. Wizarding world Jesus was a wizard; the Resurrection can still hold up as a miracle because no magic can reverse death.
When Hogwarts was founded in about 1000 AD, a chapel was installed inside the school. In my Regulus Black-centric work, I have the chapel and its tabernacle being a personal gift from Pope John XV to Salazar Slytherin in honor of the new school being built. 
Magical Catholic Mass isn’t terribly different from Muggle Catholic Mass. The key difference is that since purebloods/wizarding society tends to be more old-school than Muggles, purebloods never bothered to implement the vernacular changes of Vatican II. They still celebrate Mass in Latin. 
The Pope is always aware of magical Catholics, not unlike the Prime Minister knowing about wizards. There are wizarding bishops and cardinals buried in the catacombs in the Vatican.
Magical Catholics have their own dioceses; they’re bigger, geographically speaking, because there’s a much smaller wizarding population than the general population. 
Pureblood Squibs are sent to monasteries or convents. 
I’ve created several locations like St. Mungo’s to accommodate various parts of wizarding society. St. Mungo was a real Britonnic saint, so all these saints below are also Anglo-Saxon/British and I’ve incorporated them into my worldbuilding, particularly in my current longfic, Supernova. Again, these are all my creations - not actual canon. 
There is a privately-funded pureblood hospital called St. Teilo’s. It’s where purebloods go to avoid being treated by Muggleborn Healers or associating with Muggleborns in general. St. Teilo’s bio page.
I created a day school for pureblood girls called St. Leoba’s. In the context of my fic, Supernova, it’s where a lot of pureblood girls go to school before they go to Hogwarts, whose parents aren’t keen to educate them themselves. St. Leoba’s bio page. 
There is a long-term care home called St. Hugh’s Home for Hopeless Cases. It’s a poorly funded Ministry facility for wizards with long-term illnesses and inmates from Azkaban who have been Kissed. St. Hugh of Lincoln’s bio page.
Purebloods worship at St. Aelred’s Cathedral. St. Aelred of Rievaulx was a real monastic whose abbey is now in ruins in Northumbria. I weave that into my stories by having Muggles see the abbey in ruins, but purebloods can see a proper cathedral and that’s where they have Mass. St. Aelred’s bio page. 
St. Aelred also has an extensive graveyard, complete with private mausoleums for individual families. The Blacks have one of the grandest mausoleums. 
The stained glass windows and art in St. Aelred’s move like photographs and portraits. The crucifix appears to be ‘living’ with blood shining on Christ’s wounds. Purebloods think it’s neat.  
The Statute of Secrecy and the creation of the Church of England were tied together. The CoE was founded in the early 1500s. The Statute of Secrecy went into effect in the late 1600s. The rise in persecution against witches and wizards, particularly from Muggles associating Catholic practices with witchcraft in general, was one of the reasons why the Statute went into effect. As a result, this is one of the other reasons why purebloods are so resentful towards Muggles and Muggleborns, as most of them are Anglicans.
Most pureblood families aren’t necessarily devout. Cultural Christianity/Catholicism is fairly common, but even when it’s cultural, it’s still very much a way for purebloods to wield power, influence, and control. 
Like many Catholics, old-school purebloods really like their relics and/or more ‘gory’ mementos. You may be aware that Catholics venerate (not worship, not adore, more like honoring) relics of dead saints, such as fragments of bone, skin, blood, etc. Given the Black family’s cool collection of blood and other unusual items, it makes sense to me that pureblood Catholics are fully on board with collecting pieces of dead bodies and having their own reliquaries at home. 
The splitting of one’s soul is an act of violence against the sacred. I wrote a meta on Horcruxes and Soul-Splitting; I imagine that the most zealous purebloods would find horcruxes to be outright offensive, not because of the murders involved, but because of the disintegration of the soul. I would also like to highlight this meta written by @artemisia-black and @ashesandhackles, the Importance of the Soul. 
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This year, to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day, we wanted to show the Reylo Writing Community a little bit of love by hosting a Reylo Fanfiction St. Valentine’s Day Love Fest.
We will accept recommendations for this project until the end of February.  You can find details about how to submit a recommendation to the project here.
Trying Something New by Vivien
Summary: “I can do this, I can do this, I can do this,” Rey thought to herself as she tugged her bag over her shoulder. She wanted to do this. She’d pored over holonet sites in preparation. The mere idea of Ben’s request made her wet. And terrified. Just a little terrified.
Recommendation by @leofgyth​: “It's a very sweet story about Rey just beginning to learn how to dom Ben. I love dom!Rey and sub!Ben and this story is a really nice, fluffy version of that dynamic.”
One by Arwen_Evenstar
Summary: The path of the Force is never clear or decided. One moment right, the next moment wrong. And both of them must ride it through, until the end.
Recommendation by @tmwillson3​: “This fic is the first in a series of 9 interconnected post-TLJ one-shots. This fic introduces the reader to the author's signature style that slowly weaves everything in that you could ever want in a fic. It's a slow-burn with a fantastic payoff as Kylo/Ben and Rey both go through realistic struggles, with Leia brought in masterfully along with some beautiful descriptions of and usage of the Force, showing how the dark and the light both reside in the couple.”
The Temporary Husband (A overboard/reylo fan fic) by Hellyjellybean
Summary: Single mom Rey is down on her luck, and just when she thinks things can't get any worse, Ben Solo proves her theory wrong, and provides her with one last humiliating blow. Licking her wounds, Rey picks herself back up but Ben finds himself in a bad way. Injured and without any knowledge of who he is, Rey may be the only person able to provide Ben with the information he so sorely needs, but perhaps there is a way Rey could use Ben's situation to teach him a lesson and get back at him once and for all.
Recommendation by @obsessivescientist​: “Her writing is funny and intelligent and both characters, Rey and Ben are snarky and cute.”
Let's Dance Slowly Forever by MissCoppelia
Summary: Ben Solo doesn't usually find himself at karaoke bars. He left the opera world behind for a music licensing gig, and he hasn't done much of anything since his parents died. But one night he gets dragged to one by Phasma and Hux, and something inside him starts to change.
Recommendation by @aionimica​: “I love the uniqueness of this fic - I love the characters and how well they fit with each other, not to mention imagining Ben Solo and Rey singing is just perfect and I need more if it in my life and i want more people to enjoy it too.”
Hiraeth by Melusine11
Summary: Hiraeth - a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for lost places of your past. Rey had never put any stock in anything beyond what she could see and touch, and then she had stowed away on a stolen ship […] it was there, on that ship, that she learned that anything was possible. She had seen a ship consumed by a kraken, could still hear the panicked screams of its crew as they echoed across the waves…she had traded trinkets with mermaids…she had seen the green flash on several occasions and been close enough to touch St. Elmo’s Fire while in the crows’ nest a time or two. She had never heard of someone coming back from the dead.
“It's my child and I love it is my knee-jerk reaction answer, but...it's got pirates, it's got a freakin kraken that guards an underwater city of the dead, it's got Kylo who really messed up (but lbr, when hasn't he) and he's trying to do the right thing, and Rey who isn't here for his bullshit, plus she's got a sword and she's not afraid to use it. Sword-fights, and brothels and high seas hi-jinks and angst and naked cuddling to survive and mermaids and mystical objects and Han gambles with Captain Morgan. It's historical fantasy and I've been having the best time writing it, so come check it out!”
The Repatriationists by leoba
Summary: Rey has become involved with an underground group that returns cultural objects to their peoples of origin. She pulls in Ben Solo, her on again / off again lover, to help with their latest job.
“The story is about repatriation - returning cultural objects to the people who made them - which is a hot topic in my field right now. So this story was a way for me to write about it in a really positive way. It's almost-but-not-exactly a heist story. It also has hot scenes between Rey and Ben (including a sex scene in the tree on Ahch-To, which should *really* be more of a thing) and a characterization of Finn that I adore and want everyone else to see too.”
Starpoint Woods Power Station by tmwillson3
Summary: After being talked into applying for a job by Han Solo, Rey finds herself working at a nuclear power plant. There, she meets the man of her dreams - because who isn't attracted to arrogant sticklers for rules who are good with their tools and carry around a jar of bright green lube? This is the nuclear power plant AU you never expected. A silly, slightly informative, and humorous look at working in the nuclear industry, as well as all the pop culture references possible.
“I love this story because it is a unique modern AU for Reylo since it takes place where I work, at a nuclear power plant. I based this story on my experiences working at a plant, and I spent a lot of time to make sure all characters were placed properly and given some odd quirk as befitting a feel-good romcom. I think that everyone who's looking for some fluff and lots of silliness will find that here, especially if you like pop culture references. It's also a brief introduction to nuclear power and what goes on at a plant, but without getting super technical so that the reader can learn something new while laughing.”
To Hold by aionimica
Summary: “I had a bad dream.” For god’s sake, she sounded like a child, waking up in the middle of the night, unable to soothe herself back to sleep. But Ben was there, Ben was there and he didn’t care -- hadn’t ever cared. And so he asked the question Rey both wanted and desperately hoped he wouldn’t. “Do you want to talk about it?” ----------- Rey can’t sleep. Ben never sleeps. So some nights, they just talk.
“This was one of the closest fics I’ve written to my own heart and my own mind. I love how it shows an uncommon side of intimacy and a hope for a future between these two characters. It’s close and personal and oh so dear to me.”
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naugard · 2 years
Dunkles, erstarrtes Mittelalter ! Plötzlich bekommt es Farbe, Lichter, Dynamik, Menschlichkeit. Zu studieren in Thüringen und Hessen – wenn man nicht dogmatisch an den alten Texten der sogenannten Aufklärung klebt wie die Fliege im Netz der Spinne. Der Petersberg in Erfurt, Erfurt Petersberg die St. Michaelskirche in Fulda helfen bei der Blickerweiterung. Fulda Zur Sache: Meine Kindheit und…
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Holidays 9.28
Banned Websites Awareness Day
Cabrillo Day (California)
Canterbury South Day (New Zealand)
Czech Statehood Day (Czech Republic)
Drink As Much Beer As Possible Day
Drink Beer Day
Feast of Khepera (Egyptian Beetle God)
Festival of Wawatsari (God of Deer Peyote; Huichol, Mexico)
Fiesta of San Miguel (Mexico)
Fish Tank Floorshow Night
Frances Willard Day (Minnesota)
Freedom From Hunger Day
Gold Lining Day
Gone-ta-Pott Day [every 28th]
International Day for Universal Access to Information (UN)
International Right to Know Day
Michaelmas Eve (Celtic)
Monkey King Festival (China)
National Drink Beer Day
National Day of Awareness
National Day of Awareness and Unity against Child Pornography (Philippines)
National Good Neighbor Day
National North Carolina Day
National Voter Registration Day [4th Tuesday]
National Woman Road Warrior Day [4th Tuesday]
National Women's Health & Fitness Day
Read a Child a Book You Like Day
Shemini Atzeret (ends at sundown; Judaism)
Silver Lining Day
Simhat Torah (begins at sundown; Judaism) [23 Tishrei]
Strawberry Cream Pie Day
St. Wenceslas' Day (patron saint of Bohemia, Czech brewers)
Teacher’s Day (Taiwan)
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 45 of 60)
World Rabies Day
Christian Feast Days
Aaron of Auxerre
Faustus of Riez
John of Dukla
Leoba (a.k.a. Lioba)
Lorenzo Ruiz
Paternus of Auch
Richard Rolle, Walter Hilton and Margery Kempe (Episcopal Church (USA))
Simón de Rojas
Wenceslas [Bohemia, Czech brewers] *
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ao3feed--reylo · 6 years
Statera Trium
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2mv6pF1
by flypaper_brain, leoba, LoveThemFiercely
Medieval AU in which troubled Brother Ben is the lead scribe at the Abbey of St. Augustine in the early 15th century under his uncle, Abbot Luke. Oblate Brother Finn has just returned to his home monastery of Debre Damo after travelling to Marrakech to take delivery of a gift from the King of England to the Hatse of Ethiopia, sent in hopes of amicable dialogue between the English Catholic and Coptic Ethiopian churches. Reyna/Rey/Reymund (you'll see) is a determined, kind-hearted servant girl, sold to a disagreeable merchant in her home country of Spain, longing and hoping for something better. That's how they start. They are going to discover how much more they really are and how much they need each other. Mystical battles, angels and demons, beautiful manuscripts to make the heart sing, and Ben's soul in the balance. How will they save him from the demon that plagues his dreams?
Words: 7889, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi, F/M, M/M
Characters: Finn (Star Wars), Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker
Relationships: Finn/Kylo Ren/Rey, Finn/Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Finn & Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Finn/Rey (Star Wars), Finn/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren/Rey
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Medieval, Spot the Canon Character Analogs, Lead Scribe Brother Ben, Debre Damo, Aksum, Marrakech - Freeform, Ceuta, 15th Century, manuscripts, Rock of Gibraltar, Brother Finn, Symbolism, Visions, Force Bond (Star Wars), Force Visions, Prophetic Visions, Demons, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Abbey of St Augustine, Canterbury - Freeform, Scriptorium Deep-Dive, Monastery, Self-Flagellation, Angst and Tragedy, Angst, Ben Solo Needs A Hug, Finn Hates Camels, Animal Death, Rey Picks Up Strays, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Mystical Romance - No Smut, finnlo, Reylo - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2mv6pF1
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stiles-wtf · 6 years
Dug Up at Dogster: September 2018 Dog Events
The post Dug Up at Dogster: September 2018 Dog Events by Melissa L. Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Bring on autumn with its colorful leaves, cooler temps and fun fall festivals. It’s the perfect time to take your dog to any one of these September 2018 dog events and happenings. If you’ve got a dog event for September or any time in the future, please contact us and we’ll add it to our dog events calendar.
All Month: It’s National Service Dog Month and Responsible Dog Ownership Month
September is National Service Dog Month. Photography ©krugli | Getty Images.
Read about service dogs right here:
What It Takes to Be a Service Dog
New York is the Latest State to Crack Down on Fake Service Dogs
Let’s Meet Some of the Best Service Dog Breeds
10 Types of Service Dogs and What They Do
How to Certify Your Dog as a Therapy, Search or Rescue Service Dog
Read more (and spread the word!) about responsible dog ownership here:
The Best Dogs for First-Time Owners
Are You Ready to Adopt a Dog? Here’s How to Find Out
How to Care for a Dog — 9 Things You Should Never Do
Let’s Talk About Responsible and Professional Dog Breeding
All Month: Howling Hounds Exhibit
Photography credit: John Sargent Noble, On The Scent (detail), Oil on canvas, Gift of Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Lindsay, Collection of the AKC Museum of the Dog, St. Louis, MO
Find fascinating exhibits at the American Kennel Club Museum of the Dog — one of the largest repositories of canine art in the world. This month, check out the Howling Hounds exhibit — fine art pieces that pay tribute to our beloved hound dogs — located in the Main Hall Gallery of the museum. While there, peruse the museum’s first-ever dog-and-cat exhibit, Fr-enemies. Both exhibits end September 30th. More at museumofthedog.org.
Tuesday, September 4: Paws on the Walk at the Anaheim GardenWalk
Share happy hour with your best furry friend at the Anaheim GardenWalk, an “entertainment” destination close steps away from Southern California’s Disneyland Resort and Anaheim Convention Center. The first Paws on the Walk Happy Hour program runs from 4 to 7 p.m. on the upper level patio at the House of Blues Restaurant & Bar and features a special event-only Happy Hour menu. During September’s inaugural Paws on the Walk event, there’ll be a special photo opportunity for you and your furry pal that includes props and a VIP artificial turf “green carpet” for dogs to walk on while a photographer snaps complimentary keepsake pics. Humans will also be treated to henna tattoos. WAGS Pet Adoption and Anaheim Feed & Pet Supply will be on hand, too. More events to be announced, like a tour of the other GardenWalk restaurants and bars for future Paws on the Walk Gatherings. For more info on this and future events, go to the events page at anaheimgardenwalk.com.
Sunday, September 9: Somerville Dog Festival
Woof it up during this full day of summer fun! Enjoy contests, demonstrations, shopping and food for both humans and canines. The annual free event not only raises funds for the Somerville Foundation for Animals’ pet food bank, it purchases one K9 protective vest for local K9 officers. The festival takes place rain or shine at Trum Field in Somerville, Massachusetts. Find out more at somdogfest.org.
Monday, September 17: Detroit Tigers’ Bark at the Park
Two American favorites — baseball and dogs — come together at Comerica Park in Detroit, Michigan. Take your furry pal to watch the Detroit Tigers take on the Minnesota Twins. Game starts at 7:10 p.m. Get game and park info at tigers.com.
Tuesday, September 18: Heart-felt Dogs book comes out
Heartfelt dogs available now.
Love dogs? Love craft projects? Then you’ll enjoy these hand-felt models, plus the sweet true-life stories and photos of the canines behind the art. Gifted artist, teacher and dog lover Stephanie Cowburn creates lifelike representations that will amaze and inspire you. Published by Hubble and Hattie, retails for $16.99. Available at hubbleandhattie.com and Amazon.com.
September 23 through September 29: National Deaf Dog Awareness Week
Read more about deaf dogs on Dogster.com:
What to Know About Living With a Deaf Dog
5 Tips for Training a Deaf Dog
Thumbnail: Photography ©Leoba | Thinkstock.
Read more about dog-friendly events and tips for getting outside with your dog on Dogster.com:
Let’s Talk About Dogs and Muzzles
5 Easy Backyard Games for Dogs
5 Dog-Friendly Breweries to Check
The post Dug Up at Dogster: September 2018 Dog Events by Melissa L. Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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jeffreyrwelch · 6 years
Dug Up at Dogster: September 2018 Dog Events
The post Dug Up at Dogster: September 2018 Dog Events by Melissa L. Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Bring on autumn with its colorful leaves, cooler temps and fun fall festivals. It’s the perfect time to take your dog to any one of these September 2018 dog events and happenings. If you’ve got a dog event for September or any time in the future, please contact us and we’ll add it to our dog events calendar.
All Month: It’s National Service Dog Month and Responsible Dog Ownership Month
September is National Service Dog Month. Photography ©krugli | Getty Images.
Read about service dogs right here:
What It Takes to Be a Service Dog
New York is the Latest State to Crack Down on Fake Service Dogs
Let’s Meet Some of the Best Service Dog Breeds
10 Types of Service Dogs and What They Do
How to Certify Your Dog as a Therapy, Search or Rescue Service Dog
Read more (and spread the word!) about responsible dog ownership here:
The Best Dogs for First-Time Owners
Are You Ready to Adopt a Dog? Here’s How to Find Out
How to Care for a Dog — 9 Things You Should Never Do
Let’s Talk About Responsible and Professional Dog Breeding
All Month: Howling Hounds Exhibit
Photography credit: John Sargent Noble, On The Scent (detail), Oil on canvas, Gift of Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Lindsay, Collection of the AKC Museum of the Dog, St. Louis, MO
Find fascinating exhibits at the American Kennel Club Museum of the Dog — one of the largest repositories of canine art in the world. This month, check out the Howling Hounds exhibit — fine art pieces that pay tribute to our beloved hound dogs — located in the Main Hall Gallery of the museum. While there, peruse the museum’s first-ever dog-and-cat exhibit, Fr-enemies. Both exhibits end September 30th. More at museumofthedog.org.
Tuesday, September 4: Paws on the Walk at the Anaheim GardenWalk
Share happy hour with your best furry friend at the Anaheim GardenWalk, an “entertainment” destination close steps away from Southern California’s Disneyland Resort and Anaheim Convention Center. The first Paws on the Walk Happy Hour program runs from 4 to 7 p.m. on the upper level patio at the House of Blues Restaurant & Bar and features a special event-only Happy Hour menu. During September’s inaugural Paws on the Walk event, there’ll be a special photo opportunity for you and your furry pal that includes props and a VIP artificial turf “green carpet” for dogs to walk on while a photographer snaps complimentary keepsake pics. Humans will also be treated to henna tattoos. WAGS Pet Adoption and Anaheim Feed & Pet Supply will be on hand, too. More events to be announced, like a tour of the other GardenWalk restaurants and bars for future Paws on the Walk Gatherings. For more info on this and future events, go to the events page at anaheimgardenwalk.com.
Sunday, September 9: Somerville Dog Festival
Woof it up during this full day of summer fun! Enjoy contests, demonstrations, shopping and food for both humans and canines. The annual free event not only raises funds for the Somerville Foundation for Animals’ pet food bank, it purchases one K9 protective vest for local K9 officers. The festival takes place rain or shine at Trum Field in Somerville, Massachusetts. Find out more at somdogfest.org.
Monday, September 17: Detroit Tigers’ Bark at the Park
Two American favorites — baseball and dogs — come together at Comerica Park in Detroit, Michigan. Take your furry pal to watch the Detroit Tigers take on the Minnesota Twins. Game starts at 7:10 p.m. Get game and park info at tigers.com.
Tuesday, September 18: Heart-felt Dogs book comes out
Heartfelt dogs available now.
Love dogs? Love craft projects? Then you’ll enjoy these hand-felt models, plus the sweet true-life stories and photos of the canines behind the art. Gifted artist, teacher and dog lover Stephanie Cowburn creates lifelike representations that will amaze and inspire you. Published by Hubble and Hattie, retails for $16.99. Available at hubbleandhattie.com and Amazon.com.
September 23 through September 29: National Deaf Dog Awareness Week
Read more about deaf dogs on Dogster.com:
What to Know About Living With a Deaf Dog
5 Tips for Training a Deaf Dog
Thumbnail: Photography ©Leoba | Thinkstock.
Read more about dog-friendly events and tips for getting outside with your dog on Dogster.com:
Let’s Talk About Dogs and Muzzles
5 Easy Backyard Games for Dogs
5 Dog-Friendly Breweries to Check
The post Dug Up at Dogster: September 2018 Dog Events by Melissa L. Kauffman appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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ao3feed-kyloren · 6 years
Statera Trium
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2mv6pF1
by flypaper_brain, leoba, LoveThemFiercely
Medieval AU in which troubled Brother Ben is the lead scribe at the Abbey of St. Augustine in the early 15th century under his uncle, Abbot Luke. Oblate Brother Finn has just returned to his home monastery of Debre Damo after travelling to Marrakech to take delivery of a gift from the King of England to the Hatse of Ethiopia, sent in hopes of amicable dialogue between the English Catholic and Coptic Ethiopian churches. Reyna/Rey/Reymund (you'll see) is a determined, kind-hearted servant girl, sold to a disagreeable merchant in her home country of Spain, longing and hoping for something better. That's how they start. They are going to discover how much more they really are and how much they need each other. Mystical battles, angels and demons, beautiful manuscripts to make the heart sing, and Ben's soul in the balance. How will they save him from the demon that plagues his dreams?
Words: 2801, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Finn (Star Wars), Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren
Relationships: Finn/Kylo Ren/Rey, Finn/Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Finn & Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Medieval, Spot the Canon Character Analogs, Lead Scribe Brother Ben, Debre Damo, Aksum, Marrakech - Freeform, Ceuta, 15th Century, manuscripts, Rock of Gibraltar, Brother Finn, Symbolism, Visions, Force Bond (Star Wars), Force Visions, Prophetic Visions, Demons, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Abbey of St Augustine, Canterbury - Freeform, Scriptorium Deep-Dive, Monastery, ethiopia, Implied Relationships, Eventual Romance
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2mv6pF1
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naugard · 2 years
Dunkles, erstarrtes Mittelalter ! Plötzlich bekommt es Farbe, Lichter, Dynamik, Menschlichkeit. Zu studieren in Thüringen und Hessen – wenn man nicht dogmatisch an den alten Texten der sogenannten Aufklärung klebt wie die Fliege im Netz der Spinne. Der Petersberg in Erfurt, Erfurt Petersberg die St. Michaelskirche in Fulda helfen bei der Blickerweiterung. Fulda Zur Sache: Meine Kindheit und…
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queenofcarrots · 6 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Finn/Kylo Ren/Rey, Finn/Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Finn & Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren Characters: Finn (Star Wars), Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren, Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Medieval, Spot the Canon Character Analogs, Lead Scribe Brother Ben, Debre Damo, Aksum, Marrakech - Freeform, Ceuta, 15th Century, manuscripts, Rock of Gibraltar, Brother Finn, Symbolism, Visions, Force Bond (Star Wars), Force Visions, Prophetic Visions, Demons, Alternate Universe - Angels & Demons, Abbey of St Augustine, Canterbury - Freeform, Scriptorium Deep-Dive, Monastery, ethiopia, Implied Relationships, Eventual Romance, Self-Flagellation, Angst and Tragedy, Angst, Ben Solo Needs A Hug, Finn Hates Camels, Animal Death, Rey Picks Up Strays
Summary of Chapter Two, Conventus et Memoriae:
Coming Together and Memories. In which we see travel, history, memories, guilt, and two of our principals meeting. We learn that Rey is kind-hearted , resourceful, and stronger than her beginnings; that Finn is adaptable and protective, and that Ben wants to be free but doesn't believe he deserves forgiveness. We knew these things, but it's always good to discover them again.
Chapter two is posted! Three cheers for @lovethemfiercely!
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(Unicorn from The Luttrell Psalter, British Library Add MS 42130, fol. 15r)
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