#sso bracket
Botanic Tournament : SSO Bracket !
Round 1 Poll 6
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Rowan :
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Pistachio :
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its-to-the-death · 9 months
Villain Song Showdown Bracket F Round 1
Dark Riders (Star Stable Online) - Villain: Katja
Wicked Always Wins (Once Upon a Time) - Villain: Zelena Mills/The Wicked Witch of the West
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dorianwolfforest · 1 year
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Hello I'm losing my mind quickly and violently and so in order to gain it back I'm doing another bracket (not sexy ladies yet, sorry. listen, i know you want it, but i know sabine is going to win and that is not very motivating so i cant put my whole dorianussy into it yet)
Anyway time to vote on what SSO home stable is the prettiest! Not necessarily the area or city, just the location of the home stable :)
Firgrove and South hoof will sit out the first round.
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penname-artist · 2 years
Star Stable Horse Name Ideas
I did this once or twice years back (and they’re still on my Deviantart here) but this was before the new additions of blank columns and add-ons like “ie”, “y”, and “ly”. With that new addition - and with me throwing myself back into the game for nostalgia’s sake - here is an additional list of Star Stable horse names I’ve dutifully sat and come up with for an hour.
(Side note: I was going to alphabetize them, and then I was just like “fuck it” so, I didn’t)
- Cakebox
- Carrotcake
- Dogdare
- Raindeer (Look rein wasn’t in the column)
- Robinhoof (you laugh, this’ll be their next story next to Knights of Unistria)
- Lemonlime
- Keylime
- Junglerunner (I was hoping for temple runner, to make a clearer reference to temple run, but eh, this was close enough)
- Flowerbox
- Ivorykey (aka piano keys)
- Paperkite
- Mirrormaze (Additional: Papermaze, which I’m attaching rather than adding because it doesn’t really make sense like the rest do, BUT it sounds super cool and I’m probably going to swipe it before too long)
- Watermelon
- Powerplay (If you’re brave enough. I got away with Moonshine, so like...)
- Sadie (that is, sad + ie)
- Trailrider
- Brokenchain
- Airtime (for you junkies)
- Uno (I SHIT YOU NOT. Un + o, you are so welcome)
- Unmasked
- Quickbreak
- Spellbreak
- Springbreak
- Sugarwink (this sounds dirty and that’s why it exists. Also saved in my list of names to use)
- Spiritgarden (or like a witch’s garden. If you’re into that)
- Rosegarden
- Beekeeper
- Butterwaffle (Please I swear to god if you name your horse butterwaffle I am obligated to be your friend)
- Candycrush (Please I swear to god if you name your horse Candycrush I am obligated to block you)
- Egg
Names that I COULDN’T DO that need to be shouted at the SSO team for JUSTICE on: [brackets indicate words that we don’t have in those columns]
- [Chicken]nugget
- [Dinosaur]nugget
- [Knock]knock
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ginnyzero · 4 years
Completely Harmless Ch. 32
Completely Harmless An SSO SilverGlade Re-imagining Story (Or Fix it Fan Salt fic) By Ginny O.
When Lily and her friends wanted to buy horses and were directed to the Silverglade Manor and its myriad of problems, they didn’t expect to start a revolution. They were just a bunch a stable girls. Completely harmless. Right?
A/N: Things are only canon if I say they’re canon. Pre-Saving the Moorland Stables compliant for the most part. Posted in its entirety on my website. Posted in 2000 to 4000 word bits here. Rated T for Swearing Word Count 177,577
Chapter Thirty-Two Meeting JoJo Siwa! Rainbow-adical!
At lunch, the Baroness approached Lily. “Who is Jojo Siwa?” She asked after complimenting them on the cloud display in the stable. (She found it elegant and impactful.)
“She’s a pop singer who’s headlining the festivities in Moorland. She’s from the United States,” Lily told her. “Her songs are on J-Tube.”
The baroness tilted her head and slightly pursed her lips. “I would like to meet her. Invite her to dine with me tonight. I doubt she’ll have time once the festivities start. All of you are invited.”
Lily blinked. “I, yes, I’ll do that. Thank you, Baroness Silverglade.”
The Baroness smiled softly and left.
“I, um,” Lily looked at all the other girls. “Is she even in Jorvik yet?”
“She’s staying at Fort Pinta Inn,” one of the girl’s said. “She had the choice between that and Silverglade. The festival stand is halfway between pretty much. I think she’s hanging out at the Disco?” She checked her phone and Jorvikgram. “Yeah, she’s at the disco.”
“Then, um,” Lily finished her lunch and looked at her outfit. She didn’t think she wanted to see Jojo looking like this, not to invite her to see the Baroness over dinner! “I better change.”
“Right. You want to make a good impression.”
“I’m the Baroness’ lady,” Lily said mock seriously.
They giggled.
“And we’ll start on the balloons.”
“And get the bunting on the paddock.”
“And we’re going to put the little clouds and hearts through the Silver Glade track and all the trees on the side of the road across the bridge and towards Silverglade Village.”
“And the ones in the grape fields. Balloons too.”
“Get the fences. Can’t forget the fences.”
“Because you never know who is going to take a ride through the fields during the festivities.”
Lily just nodded.
“We’ve got this under control, boss.” Pauline grinned at her.
“You represent our stable!” Regina shook her fist in front of her face.
“This isn’t pokemon!” Several of them yelled at her.
Lily retreated as Regina started arguing that the stable was like a gym. She looked over her clothes and decided on the midriff baring Baroness bow blouse in lavender and grape with her pair of white baroness capri pants and silverglade clan sneakers in lavender with the mulberry stripe. It was a good balance between showing appreciation for Jojo Siwa (bow blouse) and pride in her club. On a whim, she kept the sparkly bow in her hair.
She took the transport to Fort Pinta and left her horse at the stable. She had to smile because the farmer’s cart near the stable had changed their awning for one with rainbow stripes. And well, the girls in Fort Pinta had the same ideas they had had on how to use the decorations around the stable area and in the huge courtyard with the fountain.
Saffi and Selma mobbed her before she got halfway across the courtyard to gush at her about wearing the bow and how great it looked.
Lily grinned. “Thanks. I think it’s fetching.” She touched it briefly. “We have a lot of girls interested in supporting Jojo over the next week.”
Saffi and Selma squealed. “Girl power!”
“Girl power,” Lily agreed with a grin and bumped their knuckles.
Her outfit changed was all for the good. Jojo was on the disco balcony, not quite looking bored. “Oh, you’re awesome!” She shouted and pointed at Lily.
Lily posed and pointed back. “No! You’re awesome!”
Jojo laughed.
Lily sauntered over to her. She held out her hand. “Lily, President of the Silver Drakes Riding Club.”
Jojo smacked it. “Jojo Siwa! But, err, you probably know that.” She tugged Lily closer. “Selfie!” She said holding up her phone and snapping a pic of both of them. She let Lily go after.
Lily grinned. “I do. I follow Jorvikgram like everyone else.”
Jojo waved her phone. “You’re part of my jorvikgram story now!” She said as she posted the picture.
“I’ll be sure to download it,” Lily promised. “My Club is looking forward to coming to watch the show.”
“Radical!” Jojo looked excited. Her eyes darted back and forth. “You want a dance lesson first. Just so you can be on the edge of coolness.”
“Sure,” Lily agreed.
Jojo led her through some of her signature moves. “You’ve got it!”
Lily laughed. “I’ll teach the other girls and we’ll do a show.”
“Maybe if you’re good enough you can get up behind me and be my, like, back up dancers.”
“That’d be great.” Lily wrinkled her nose. To her, Jojo seemed a bit lonely. It had to be tough being alone on Jorvik. “Say, I have an invite for you. Actually, it’s not an invite. It’s more like an order to appear. Baroness Silverglade wants you to join her for dinner. It’s kind of like,” Lily paused. “Okay, not the mayor, since the mayor of this town is a pony, but more like the President of the area asking. She owns a lot of land around here and she wants to know more about you.” Lily made finger guns at Jojo.
Jojo’s eyes widened. “Really. Um, wow.”
“I don’t think you’re really getting the option to refuse.”
“What should I wear?”
“Well, the Baroness likes roses and purple. If you have a nice dress, tonight would be the time.”
“I have, like, the perfect thing! This is going to be so cool. What is she like?”
“Ice queen, but she does have a soft heart. She cares a lot about this area and her people. I hope you like Greek food. If you don’t, um, Antonia, her chef, makes this apple smothered pork chop that’s to die for, not literally, but it’s delicious.”
“I am down with the Greek food.” Jojo fiddled with her sequin dress. “Um, Lily, I’m supposed to go meet someone named Loretta at this festival site. But the only transportation they have around here is horses.”
“Haven’t been on them much?”
“Not really. Come with.”
“Absolutely,” Lily agreed without reservation. She should check on what the Bobcat girls were doing for decorating the area anyways. One never knew with Loretta. “I think Tan is a mega Siwa fan. She’s Loretta’s right hand girl. If it’s not right, Tan will get it fixed. Come on, you can meet my horse, and we’ll find you a nice pony.”
“A pony?”
“They aren’t so far from the ground,” Lily winked. She actually liked Jojo. She didn’t want to intimidate her like she’d intimidated James.
Jojo relaxed slightly. “Sweet.”
They went to the stable and after making sure Jojo met Mayor Peanut, who through James, had greetings for her. She took selfies with him. Lily introduced Jojo to her horse. More pictures of Lily and the horse together mostly. And then, they found her a nice steady Jorvik Starter Pony to ride. Jojo took a self of her and the horse together.
On the ride, Jojo was full of questions about how long Lily had been in Jorvik and was it all so rural and did she like it and so on and so forth. Lily answered freely enough. She didn’t mind telling Jojo about herself. She made it a point to point out special things about the parade route. The Bobcat Girls and the Ponies had worked the rainbow and sequin streamers into the ivy, and put rainbow sequin swag bunting and the big bows both inside and outside of the archways. There were huge bunches of ombre rainbow balloons too.
On the fences, they’d put more bows, and swags of sequin bunting, and bracketed the places where they ended with balloons. At the base of the fence post, they’d put the lanterns. Lily took a picture and texted it to one of the girls.
Jojo bounced in the seat of her saddle and took pictures. Her fingers flew over the keys as she captioned them.
“On it!” She got a response to her text from Regina.
Tan met them as they entered the site, jumping up and down and waving. She was ecstatic to point out the decorations.
At the festival site, there was more of the same, lots of sequin swag bunting, lots of bows, tons of balloons. One of the carts with a rainbow awning had set up to sell merchandise. They had set up a photo wall with both pastel and bright color rainbow curtains behind it but they were all sequins. There were bows and gold beads too.
Jojo insisted on doing several selfies and included both of them.
Tan gestured at a tent with a rainbow awning.
“For the friendship bracelets and to make the bows,” Tan explained.
They’d left a large empty area in front of the stands.
“So everyone can dance,” Tan said as to why all the benches were further back. “We’re having our rainbow swirl sugar cookies and milk. The Farmer’s Market is just over the fence so we thought it’d be too much to have food.”
Jojo’s eyes widened. “There’s a farmer’s market.”
“Sure, it’s free for anyone to go to,” Lily said. “If you want to check it out.”
“Do I ever!”
Tan jumped in. “I can take you if you want! Linda sent over these program flyers for the craft tent with a map so everyone knows where to go.” She jogged off and came back. “Here. I hope you get some time to go to all the festivities between sets.”
Jojo read it over. “This is so awesome. I can’t believe you’re doing this much stuff. I’ll definitely have to get around. I don’t know if I’ll have time to see the other performers though. Bummer.”
“There’s a charm bracelet in it for you if you do,” Tan said. “I’ll come with you and we can collect the charms together.”
Jojo grinned. “I’m sure Selma and Saffi would like to come too. This will be great.”
Lily nodded at Jojo. “Well, I need to check in with Loretta then. You two have fun at the Farmer’s Market and I’ll see you tonight at dinner. I’ll make sure Godfrey comes to pick you up.”
“The butler.”
“Butler. Got it.” Jojo nodded. She grinned at Lily. “Thanks for taking the time to come with me.”
“She’s renting a pony from Fort Pinta stables,” Lily said to Tan.
“I thought it looked like one of theirs. I mean, though, why would you be out to see the Welshies on South Hoof yet. Though you really got to do it. Have you ever ridden with a wild horse herd? It’s so totes amazing!” Tan beamed at Jojo.
Jojo looked a bit leery. “I’m down,” she said trying to be game.
Lily took off. “Dinner’s at six,” she called over her shoulder.
Lily rode down to Moorland Stable proper. There were tons of camper wearing Jojo bows and they grinned at hers pointing at their heads. Lily gave them a thumbs up.
They gave her thumbs up back.
Lily was quite relieved to see that the Bobcat girls had managed to use the rainbow decorations instead of the pink ones. She stopped by Julie next to one of the entrance gates. “Any problems?”
“Conrad won’t let us decorate the forge. We’re going to do it anyways,” Julie eyed her nails. “Do you think I should do a rainbow manicure? That’s the thing right?”
“If you want, maybe one gold nail, to be hip,” Lily advised. It wasn’t that the Bobcat Girls were bad people. They were just a bit vapid and shallow.
“I better wait until I don’t have any chores left to do.” Julie sighed. “We haven’t been able to recruit anyone else. They all want to run off and form new clubs.” She glowered at Lily.
“Viva la revolution.” Lily said blandly. She tipped an imaginary hat to Julie and trotted around the stable to check on Loretta.
Loretta widened her eyes at her. “You will not believe all the trouble putting up these decorations has caused. Josh is refusing to talk to me after I put hearts on his poles.”
“Poor baby,” Lily said. “It looks nice.”
She looked towards the Pole Bending track. Josh knelt next to his poles with his hat knocked back and a roll of tape meticulously taping down each heart. She wasn’t getting involved. Nope. Let Josh and Loretta sort it out between them.
“And I told him that it’s Rainbow Week. Unless the skulls were painted like rainbows, they had to go. Now he’s threatening to leave Moorland. I don’t know what his problem is? This is Rainbow Week and it has to go off perfectly. Tan���s so busy setting up the festival site making sure it’s perfect for Jojo that I’m not sure she’s going to get the parade outfits done in time.”
“Jojo seems pleased with the site.”
“Something’s going right then,” Loretta huffed. “I don’t know why she decided to come up with new parade outfits, last years were fine. I mean, they’re black with black.”
“I thought they were nice. They had the black vest with the black capris, right?”
“Yeah, but no, ‘the power of friendship compels me’ or something. I told her that it better not be anything like Daxton’s rainbow vest. It had better be fashionable or I’m not wearing it.”
“It can get rather loud very quickly,” Lily agreed. “That was the danger in the decorations too.”
Loretta wrinkled her nose. “That might be the first thing we’ve ever agreed on.”
“Well, as long as Tan hasn’t taken them apart, you still have last years if hers turn out to be not fashionable.”
“True,” Loretta chewed her lip.
Things looked under control enough. Lily rode through the stable area to check out all the different decorations. She breathed a sigh of relief. No one had tried to sneak the pink things in at all. A quick tour through the other courtyard revealed their photo wall set up in front of Moorland’s distinctive camp office.
Lily took the transport back to the winery and directly into some teasing about her adventures with Jojo.
“As Tan says, don’t be jelly,” Lily rolled her eyes. “Jojo’s an enthusiastic and sweet girl.”
They all giggled.
“You’ll meet her soon enough for dinner,” Lily sighed. “And you can get your selfies with her then.”
“I think we’re about done,” Pauline said.
“It looks great,” Lily said. There were bunches of balloons everywhere to fill up space. It really made the whole thing come together and not look tacked on. “Where is everyone else?”
“Decorating the pavilion and setting up our photo wall,” Pauline said. “We’ve got the supplies for the crafts locked up in the tack room right now. I think we can lock them up in the arena overnight.”
“That sounds like a good plan.”
“Make it so,” Pauline said and texted it out.
Lily rolled her eyes. “While you’re making me out like Captain Picard, Number One. Tell everyone to dress nicely for dinner. Dresses.”
Pauline nodded. “We better rotate shower time.”
Lily decided she better inspect everything. She wanted to have a good report for the Baroness.
Jojo Siwa slid out of the car in front of the huge Greek style manor and looked around, her eyes huge in her face. She smoothed her skirt.
Lily darted forward to greet her. “Jojo, glad you came.”
“You didn’t say it was so fancy,” Jojo whispered.
“Baroness implies fancy,” Lily implied. “You look great.” And Jojo did. She’d put an ombre purple sequin bow in her hair which was thankfully down instead of her signature ponytail. The top of her dress had a huge blown out rose done in smaller sequins on it. It covered her entire chest. The skirt was a darker purple large sequins and the sleeves matched the skirt. Her ballerina flats had bows on them too. Fortunately, only the bows had sequins.
Lily didn’t know what the Baroness felt about sequins. It didn’t matter. Jojo looked decent.
“You look nice too.”
Lily glanced down at her Winery Rose Evening dress. She didn’t think the white color made it any less formal but it matched Pauline’s lace dress she’d bought at the Jorvik Shopping mall color wise. “Francezka Ironsaddle, big Jorvik designer. She did all our outfits. The Silver Rose opens tomorrow,” Lily gestured at the building almost hidden now behind the trees in the reflecting pool. “Well, not all of our dresses, Francezka only designed three and it is difficult to find nice dresses here on Jorvik.” Lily tucked her arm around Jojo’s and led her up the stairs. “Try not to let her intimidate you.”
“Too late,” Jojo said.
The girls were waiting inside beaming brightly. Lily made introductions and Jojo kindly did pictures with all of them.
“Okay, phones away,” Lily said once they were done. “And on silent!”
They all tucked phones away.
Godfrey opened the doors of the dining room promptly at six. The Baroness stood up to greet them at the head of the table. There was gleaming crystal glasses, elegant china, and more silver flatware than most of them had ever seen.
Lily introduced Jojo to the Baroness.
“Ms. Siwa, please, take a seat on my right.” And a glance at Lily had Lily seated at her left. Linda sat next to Lily. In fact, everyone who worked at the Manor and even Anastasia and Aaron were in attendance. The girls took up the middle of the long table while Aaron ruled the other end with his sister. (Anastasia’s dog had its own chair.)
The Baroness asked Jojo about herself as the soup course came out, the lemon chicken soup Lily noted. Jojo was happy to talk about herself, her music and the messages she tried to sing about friendship, being kind, and supporting each other, and her v-log. Though Linda had to interrupt to tell the Baroness what a V-Log was.
“A visual diary for the public, how, interesting,” the Baroness said politely.
Pauline sat next to Jojo and with low voice prompts managed to get her to talk about Jorvik and meeting the Jorvik Starter Ponies and since Jojo phrased everything enthusiastically (like they figured she would) the Baroness didn’t get offended over anything. Jojo loved Silverglade Castle and raved about the food she’d had at the Farmer’s Market.
Anastasia managed to slip in a question about Jojo’s fashion style.
Lily had no idea what the Baroness was hoping to learn or Anastasia for that matter.
After one of Aaron’s sundaes, it was time for Jojo to leave.
The Baroness walked her out to Godfrey’s car. “Ms. Siwa, it’s a pleasure to see young people in this day with such passion and enthusiasm for what they do. You appear quite genuine rather than being an act. You’re always welcome to back to my part of Jorvik.”
Jojo brightened. “Thank you!” She gasped and got in the car.
Godfrey smiled at his employer nodding in approval before he got in the driver’s seat and took Jojo back to Fort Pinta.
Lily concluded that probably couldn’t have gone any better.
FOR THE ACCOMPANYING IMAGES PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE MY WATERMARK AND CONTACT INFORMATION. THANK YOU. I get it. Some of you might get excited and want to see this stuff in the game, especially the clothes, tack, and pets. However, the only way I want to see this in the game is if I get paid for it. If I see it in the game and I’m not paid for it, there will be hell to pay. You think I’m salty. I’d be angry. Personally, I’m not going to send this info to SSO. If you do, leave my contact information there! Don’t give them any excuses to steal.
Now, I’ll know you haven’t read this note if you leave me comments about how ‘salty’ I am about the game and if I hate it so much I should do something else. I am doing something else. It’s called Mystic Riders MMORPG Project. Mystic Riders however is a very baby phase game. You can check out our plans on the game dev blog. (Skills, Factions, Professions, Crafting, Mini-Games, 25+ horse breeds!) If you know anyone who would be interested and has money or contacts about game making, direct them to the blog.
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writingonjorvik · 7 years
Can We Discuss Why Reducing the Price Will Help the Game?
Don’t get me wrong. I get there is a business to funding SSO. The whole thing must cost millions to produce, in euros and in USD. I don’t want anyone to take a pay cut to get SSO out. And it’s not like I stand to gain any discounts from saying this, I got Lifetime for $50 when it was still the annual membership price. However, with the current pricing scale, the dev team isn’t really keeping up with their competition. That’s bad for the game overall, and if the devs can’t turn a profit in a year then there’s no game. As such, let’s discuss.
I will acknowledge a few things. One, the dev team keeps the lights on and they are expanding the company. I am not one to say that the game is failing. But it’s also not making a profit. It is increasing its size enough to expand, but it’s also keeping its gains about equal to its losses. That’s not bad, that’s most indie companies, so this is a plus overall. Two, SSO’s membership does reward members with Star Coins each week which is, complicated. Because while that is a service that may take away from sales over all on their micro-transaction front, there’s also no production cost on a Star Coin. There’s no work lost on that service as it’s an entirely computer generated good, no employee involved. But it is an overall plus for the company.
That said, some of SSO’s prices are way out of line when compared to their competition. To start, let’s look at a few other popular MMOs. Here is a list of some of the most popular MMOs and their membership prices. SSO’s monthly payments are about average, if not a little lower, with most MMOs at $8.50, but the issue with monthly payments is convincing people to keep paying. Buy-to-play and one time purchases are much more appealing model to most players because it’s the most financially responsible decision, and most MMOs with membership options have much larger free to play sections with membership just having some added benefits for show and level gain. So with SSO’s limited demo area where it’s much harder to get a sense of the game compared to the wider demo sections or completely full free versions of some MMOs, SSO might be a little harder to sink $8.50 monthly, and definitely is a hard sell for $75. Why spend that on a relatively indie game when you could sink your money on a more established MMO with about the same deals?
Now, that’s not an entirely fair comparison. SSO has a niche market it’s playing to. That’s fair. SSO is one of the few fully open world horse centric MMOs out there. Again, credit where credit is do. But again, let’s have a price comparison to some other popular horse MMOs and online games. Alicia Online, free with micro transactions to be added. Little trickier to get because of the wonky install, but free. Riding Out, in beta, but it’s only $20 and on Steam. Riding Club Championships, free. Horse Isle, both of them, free. Ostwind, $15. Any number of browser based games like Howrse, White Oak, Pony Isle, so on, all free with micro transactions. And this is all before we start getting into just horse games, to which there are numerous for cheaper one time purchases, the highest being about $30 based on age and active bidding. SSO and its franchise are about the only exceptions to this, with the old CD-ROMs being about $40 a piece on average.
No part of this is saying that SSO isn’t worth the price. To me, it always has been. But I fit the market and have the funds to afford it. I am a minority in that statistic. What I’m saying, with SSO’s competition in and out of this niche, they don’t hold a candle. Why pay SSO for what you can get basically get for free somewhere else? Sure you lose 3D graphics and some of the open world nature, but for free? Most people would settle those loses and chose the free option. In fact, most people do. Howrse is still way more popular than SSO. In particular, most parents would settle. And I know this from experience. No only can I personally not get any of my friends to try SSO because of the price, but I can see first hand these prices being more than most parents can afford. 
I work at the Boys & Girls Club of America. For those of you who don’t know, it’s an organization that provides opportunities for kids in families that aren’t doing great financially. It’s kinda like a cross between a daycare-like service and Scouts. And at my club, I’m the nerdy teacher. I know about video games. A lot of girls at my club play SSO, or played. When they found out I play too, the first thing they asked was how many horses I had. How many regions of the map I had unlocked. It was 60-ish at the time, and all. They nearly lost it when I told them I had all, at the time, six of the color changing horses and Spirit. Absolutely thrilled. But when I asked them how many they had and how far they had gotten, most of them said they had their starter and could only play for free. And that they couldn’t play anymore. Their parents couldn’t afford membership and so they gave up on the game.
Look I get pulling this statistic is kinda a low move, but I think it’s fair. Mostly because it’s not just kids at Club, and also because the families who come to Club buy other video games, cheaper video games. Kids I used to babysit had their parents say the same thing, and those families were well off. So for families of all income brackets, SSO’s prices are too high to consider when there are cheaper options. SSO has potential customers who would love to play their game, but their prices, in particular the most financially reasonable price of Lifetime, makes the game unobtainable for new fans. It gates the game off to the super fans who have the means to afford the game, and thus SSO develops its own echo chamber financially. SSO is funded by its whales. Its numbers are largely stagnant, and it’s not going to expand. The average family simply can’t afford it.
I’m not suggesting SSO wildly changes its prices. No, not at all. Mostly I’m just suggesting that the purchase of lifetime drops to $30-$50 USD, the average price of an indie game. It’s more expensive than most horse games, but it’s lower than most modern games and MMOs. It’s a nice balance between niche competition without selling SSO’s devs short. They are making a quality game, and they deserve to make money. But the devs need to be reasonable with where that price point is for most families with young kids. Further, SSO needs to have standardized payments for Star Coins. The fact that the prices are different on the Friends app compared to on the website is confusing and weird.
To compensate for lower prices, the dev team could instead offer more low priced digital goods. For one, there are dozens of hard core fans and old fans of those games who would buy digital downloads of the old CD-ROM games, since according to everything we know, SSO owns all the rights to those and they should be able to rerelease them. Not to mention that generates money for the devs instead of only online auctions holding those funds. Also, a $10 game or a $30 bundle of four is an awesome deal. It would certainly make SSO more interesting to have access to all of previous entries, and finally add a unique option to their gift store.
More seriously though, the dev team needs to change the prices on Star Coins. The prices are abusively high. I’ve said several times, but SSO’s current prices abuse people with whale tendencies, people who psychologically and biologically have the need to spend that kind of money on prestige items. I said this before with my silver fox comments, and perhaps I should have clarified it better. SSO does not have a pay to win or gambling situation, but the mentalities that come in to play when talking about whales is very, very similar to how casinos abuse people with gambling addictions. There was a Game Theory about this recently, or if you want a less nerdy source, look at Adam Ruins Everything’s episode on vacations and his comments on slot machines. Or, here’s Extra Credits on whales and this exact topic. 
To clarify the difference though, imagine a loot box system with 30 prizes in it. You can buy individual tickets for $10 and randomly get a prize, or just buy all 30 for $270. Someone with a gambling addiction would individually go through buying one or two at a time until they got the prize they wanted. Someone with whale tendencies would buy the whole pack. But both come from hormonal imbalances that give these people higher endorphin releases for doing so, and both end up spending unhealthy amounts of money in the end. SSO generates situations of the latter.
It was very easy for a lot of people on the silver fox controversy to say, “Well, I have self control, so others must too.” And I don’t want to keep dragging this up to beat a dead horse, but that’s extremely simple minded. Just saying “Adults with control over their finances make smart choices with their money, always,” but even with people who don’t have gambling addictions or whale tendencies struggle with this. You’re telling me that you’ve absolutely never splurged with your money? One tiny feel good purchase? Never ever, on anything at all? You really can’t, particularly if you bought anything from SSO. That’s not a need purchase, even if you were in your budget when you bought it. Now, your one feel good purchase could be 1 to every 100 purchases you actually need in your life. Good, that’s normal, and there’s nothing wrong with buying feel good purchases every now and then. But people with gambling addicts and with whale tendencies have a much harder time saying no to those impulses. SSO, with limited events and $30 horses, can make it a lot harder for someone who’s mind is biologically feeding them hormones to “have everything” to turn that voice off. So they sink the money, and with the prices so high, sooner or later that gets people into financial trouble trying to get everything. And SSO doesn’t encourage people to be responsible with their spending, unlike most gambling businesses who are legally required. Most video games aren’t, and that’s not SSO spearheading that problem. But that doesn’t mean they should be a part of it.
Another argument is that Star Coins are given out once a week, and that buying 100 Star Coins is just advancing a week in allowance. So why is that advance worth more than half of the membership to get it? Think about it, it’s $8.50 USD for one month of membership, again, a really fair price. But 100 Star Coins, an extra week so to speak, is $5.50 USD. How does that add up? Supposing that at minimum half of $8.50 USD is for the game itself, $4.25 USD, then the other $4.25 USD is for 400 Star Coins over that month. The next increment up for 500 Star Coins is $17. How is that a fair deal? Even supposing we give an expediting fee for skipping a week, 100 Star Coins still shouldn’t be worth more than $2. Not to mention that micro transactions work because of low prices. Why would SSO just ignore years of empirical data showing that the lower the price, the more likely people are to buy more of digital currencies? Also, how many of you would buy more Star Coins if a horse was $8-$10 USD instead of $30 USD? And more often? More for your money, and suddenly more Star Coins doesn’t sound so bad too a lot of you. And without being whales, I think a lot of you would be more eager to help support SSO financially, with a little more freedom to be able to give that kind of money.
SSO deserves to make money as a business, but the prices they currently have make the game inaccessible to most and dangerous to many. Cutting the seriously high prices for Lifetime and Star Coins would not only makes it easier for new players to join, but it would also protect people who biologically can’t really help that they tend to be whales. I know the short term of this would be a dip, but if the dev backed it up with merchandise that gamers actually wanted, like posters and games and books, or even shirts with actual SSO related content, and not all generic horse shirts, they’d probably be able to minimize those costs fairly well. Like, who would buy those sweaters from Jarlheim with the Soul Riders’ horses? Or a shirt that had a big SSO logo? Things that actually relate to the game. You could probably buy a “horse heart” shirt a dozen other places. And without going into that other topic, SSO could easily compensate loses from lowered prices by introducing merchandise that people would buy, and then have player’s friends ask what game was that shirt for. 
End of the day, I’m not a business person. I don’t know for sure if this would work. But when compared to dozens of games on the market today, maybe the other guys have some pretty good ideas too. And maybe it would help SSO to take some notes so they can start turning a profit in more years.
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space-unicorn-dot · 7 years
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Well, my self-control didn’t hold very long on my alternate account, but it still won’t take me long to save up for my fourth horse. Now that my outfit and tack isn’t all cringy starter gear though, I finally felt like I could post some pictures!
So this little darling is my new queen of a character, Freja Mountainpeak on Hazy Galaxy (Night Sprinkles was a little too quiet and lonely for my taste, so I gave Hazy a whirl and it’s where most of the Tumblr community seems to be, so I also hope I can maybe meet some more of you in-game now!)!
Up top, y’all have already met Copperflame, who I realized shortly after making this account looks like a not-dappled version of the Dutch Warmblood with a brown mane. xD I’m really happy with my new Soul Steed and actually really digging the bay. He isn’t as monotone-colored as Astrid’s Emberblaze and I’m really appreciating that. He’s also just a really cute, good boi. I love him very much.
Second, when I first started this account, I wasn’t expecting to get a pony so soon, but I’m crazy if I have quest markers on my map for too long, so I needed one to do the pony race quests and I fell in love with the white one! So, apparently my trend now is lighter colored horses for this account bc most of my horses on Astrid’s are all dark? xD Idk how long this will last, but for now, I’m alright with this! Moonmist is my darling little Welsh Pony and she’s rocking some really cute braids! None of the other hairstyles seemed to look really nice on her, so I actually really like the braids on her! I didn’t like them on my bay Cocosurprise that Astrid has, so they seem to fit this color better than the bay. :3
And, last, but certainly not least, my guilty pleasure buy, Hawkfeather the Mustang! I adore the Mustang animations and I started out wanting the blue roan, since I had been planning on getting that one for Astrid before Misty came out, but I decided to have a look at all the Mustangs at Marley’s and Hawkfeather just seemed to have the sweetest face of them all, so I got her! When I first started playing a couple months ago with Astrid, I thought this was one of the colors I’d never buy because it was so light, but... like I said, apparently I’m really feeling the lighter colors for Freja. xD I also got her because I know how hard it is for me to save star coins, especially in the 900 bracket, so I figured if I really wanted one, I should get one while I had purchased ones and didn’t need to grind through the process of saving. xD
I also went through more coins than expected from getting lifetime during the 4,000 SC offer just to find this tack setup because I was soooo unsure about what I wanted. I needed something that looked good on both my light horses and my Copperflame, so it took plenty of trips to the mall to finally hammer out. xD I’m also really digging the Exclusive set from Jaharla as a darker set, but I’ll get to that after I get my next horse because I really want a cold tolerant horse for when I get to Dino Valley. For now, my selection for that horse is the Haflinger in Misty once I get there and have enough, but... if they update the North Swedish before then...
*wink, wink, nudge, nudge SSO* XD I doubt it’ll happen within that timeframe, buttt.... Idk, I’ll probably definitely get to Misty before I have enough saved bc I’m terrible at saving SC and I’m only at 500 something left after all my shopping now, so it’s three weeks of saving before I could get the Haflinger. Something could happen, theoretically. Will just have to see what comes up in their news updates. xD Come on, Wednesdays! xD
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Botanic Tournament : SSO Bracket !
Round 1 Poll 8
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Peanut :
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Sprout :
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Botanic Tournament : Star Stable Online Bracket !
Third Place Match
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Botanic Tournament : SSO Bracket !
Round 2 Poll 4
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Cypripedium Sabine
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Botanic Tournament : Star Stable Online Bracket !
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Botanic Tournament : Star Stable Online Bracket !
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Lignos comes from the Latin word for wood
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Botanic Tournament : SSO Bracket !
Round 2 Poll 1
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Lignos comes from the Latin word for wood
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Botanic Tournament : SSO Bracket !
Round 1 Poll 2
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Lignos comes from "lignus", Latin for wood.
Willow :
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Botanic Tournament : Star Stable Online Bracket !
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Lignos comes from the Latin word for wood
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