#ss celtic
Hi! I saw your post about your top ocean liners! If you're still answering questions, what do you know about the Adriatic? Feel free to include another ship as I'm trying to learn more about ocean liners!
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So, the Adriatic occupies a strange position in the Ocean Liner community. If you were to ask someone which of the Olympic class was their favorite, you'd get various answers, including the Britannic. However, very few people would say they picked Britannic because "she's the best version of the Olympic class". Most people would discuss her building, or her World War 1 service. Meanwhile, most people who I have spoken to about the Big 4 prefer the Adriatic because "she's the best version of the big 4". And, I mean, they're right, but its strange. She's the largest, the fastest, and the most luxurious. She was the first ocean liner to feature a swimming pool and Turkish bath, and all of her accommodations were generally a significant upgrade from her predecessors. But it's strange to me how THAT is the reason everyone prefers her. I mean, it's why I prefer her. She's the ultimate ship of the Big 4. But like I said earlier, very few people who prefer Britannic over Olympic and Titanic hold that opinion because she was (planned to be) more luxurious.
Anyway, here are some cool facts for you.
1. The Big 4 was almost the Big 5.
After Titanic sank, White Star apparently put in an order with Harland and Wolff for "A new Adriatic class ship". This is VERY strange considering the Big 4 had since been superceded by the Olympic class. As far as I know, no company EVER ordered a new ship from a previous generation like this, other than this instance. The ship was to be named RMS Germanic, after the SS Germanic of 1874, from the Britannic class. She presumably would have followed and improved upon Adriatics design, just as the Adriatic improved on the design of her predecessors. RMS Germanic had her keel laid down right around when World War 1 started, but the war delayed her construction, and she was eventually canceled.
2. The name
Like the Germanic, The RMS Adriatic was named after another White Star ship, the SS Adriatic of 1871. The SS Adriatic was the 5th ship in the Oceanic class, White Star's first class of ships. Like the RMS Adriatic, the SS Adriatic was an enhanced version of her predecessors. However, the SS Adriatic was later improved upon by the SS Celtic. The RMS Celtic of the Big 4 was named after this ship.
3. The Specs
The third ship of the Big 4, the RMS Baltic (named after the SS Baltic from 1871, also from the Oceanic class) was significantly larger than the previous two ships. However, Harland and Wolff left her engines unmodified. This meant that she was slightly slower than her predecessors. The Adriatic was even larger than the Baltic, but Harland and Wolff made her engines significantly more powerful. This meant that the largest of the Big 4 was also the most powerful, and the fastest. Her fastest crossing time was 7 days and 6 minutes. Also, her top speed was around 17 knots.
4. Coal consumption.
The Lusitania and Mauretania were the fastest ships in the world. From 1907 to 1929, their speed was unrivaled. The Mauretania specifically held the record for 19 uninterrupted years, and even beat her own record once. This, however, came at a cost. The Lusitania and Mauretania consumed 1,000 tons of coal PER DAY. The Olympic, only a few knots slower, only consumed 650 tons per day, despite being nearly 10,000 GRT larger than both of them. I actually discussed this in more detail in a previous post. Anyway, the Adriatic, by comparison, only consumed 260 tons per day. Now, she was nearly 10 knots slower than the Mauretania, but you can see how much more economical it made her by comparison. Because this was before late stage capitalism, these savings were passed on to the consumers. Tickets for the Adriatic (and by extension, the rest of the Big 4) were SIGNIFICANTLY CHEAPER than other competing ships, even the Olympic, and the RMS Oceanic, the predecessor to the Big 4. Also, after the first World War, most Ocean Liners like Olympic and Mauretania were converted to burn Oil instead of coal. This had several advantages.
1) Oil made the refueling process several magnitudes easier and shorter.
2) Burning Oil instead of Coal made the ship marginally faster (the Olympic was 1/10th of a knot faster after the conversion).
3) Burning Oil made the ship produce much less smoke, increasing the air quality in EVERY PORT THESE SHIPS WENT TO.
4) Because fluid takes the shape of its container, you were able to store MUCH more of it, greatly extending the ships range.
However, an unintended consequence of this was the Stokers. Generally, a ship like the Olympic had 350 men stoking the boilers with coal. After being converted to Oil, this number dropped to 50 or 60. Also, because Coal and Oil boilers were so different, coal stokers would need to be completely reeducated to work on these new ships (contrary to popular belief, stokers were considered skilled labor at the time, and required very specific and specialized knowledge and training. It wasn't just a matter of finding a strong guy and handing him a shovel.) As a show of good faith to their employees, White Star didn't convert any of the ships of the Big 4 to burn oil, to help ensure that the coal stokers could maintain employment. This was especially appreciated once the Great Depression hit in 1929.
The RMS Adriatic was launched on the same day as Cunard's RMS Mauretania. Because of this, as well as the fact that the RMS Lusitania was launched earlier, the Adriatic was the only member of the Big 4 to not hold the title of "largest ship in the world".
⚓️🛟🚢 - BONUS B O N U S FACT - 🚢🛟⚓️
The longest trip the RMS Adriatic did was her voyage to be scrapped in Osaka Japan.
Now that I've infodumped all over your dash, here's a disclaimer:
90% of this was from memory. I occasionally checked some sources for specific numbers like speed and coal consumption, but otherwise this was all stuff I just knew off hand. Before you use ANY of this information ANYWHERE, I'd reccomend fact checking it to make sure I didn't get anything wrong.
If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out and ask! This is my favorite thing in the world.
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rms-mauretanic · 11 months
Some slightly-stale homemade ocean liner memes I've had saved to my desktop for a while and felt the need to share:
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notpulpcovers · 1 year
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Robert E. Howard _ The King's Service https://flic.kr/p/7TKdrD
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cmqari · 1 year
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I know that the first 2 are held 2 hours before so you can watch one of those + one of the others but just choose one which you prefer the most
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slyandthefamilybook · 10 months
since some of y'all apparently need a refresher course. as always, use your judement when deciding if it's a dogwhistle or just innocent usage of a number or symbol
100% - 100 percent white
109 or 110 - A reference to the 109 countries that have expelled, in whole or in part, their Jewish populations. 110 refers to the hope that more countries will do so, usually specifically the United States. Often posted on its own as a reply, or phrased as a question (e.g. "If you were kicked out of 109 bars it's probably our fault")
1290 - A reference to the Edict of Expulsion of 1290, which expelled the Jewish population of England
13/50 or 13/52 or 13/90 - The supposed statistic that Black Americans make up 13% of the population yet commit 50% or 52% of violent crime, or 90% of interracial violence. Often posted on its own as a reply
14 - The Fourteen Words, a Neo-Nazi slogan
14/23 - A number representing the Southern Brotherhood, an Alabama prison gang
1488 - A combination of the Fourteen Words and Heil Hitler
C18 - Combat 18, a British neo-Nazi group
18 - The letters A (1) and H (8), standing for Adolf Hitler
21-2-12 - The Letters U (21), B (2), and 12 (L), standing for Union, Brotherhood, and Loyalty, the slogan of the Unforgiven, a Florida prison gang
23 - Often thrown up as a hand sign, with two fingers raised on one hand and three fingers raised on the other. Represents the letter W (23), standing for white
271,000 - A reference to the supposed fact that the Red Cross claimed only 271,000 people had been murdered in concentration camps. In reality, that number reported by the Red Cross only came from reports from 13 concentration camps (there were 23 main camps, plus a large number of smaller "satellite" camps)
88 - H (8) H (8), standing for Heil Hitler
9% - A number representing the percentage of the world's population that is white
((( ))) - Triple parentheses, or echo. Used by neo-Nazis to call out someone as Jewish
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Iron Cross - A German military decoration
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Sonnenrad (Sun Wheel)
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Reichsadler (Imperial Eagle) - A blocky, art-deco eagle facing to the side. Variants exist, some facing right, some facing left. The Parteiadler (Party Eagle) has a slightly different design. The Reichsadler is usually clutching a wreath with a swastika, although this is sometimes left out to maintain plausible deniability
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Totenkopf (Death's Head) - A symbol used by the SS
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Wolfsangel (Wolf's Hook) - Used as the insignia of various Wermacht (Nazi Military) divisions
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Wolfsangel (horizontal)
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Odal Rune - From the Proto-Germanic "Othala" meaning heritage
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Algiz Rune - A symbol used by German nationalists
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Celtic Cross
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"Broken Sun" Cross
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Arrow Cross - A Hungarian nationalist party that was active from 1935-1945. The symbol has been re-appropriated by modern neo-Nazis
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🤑 Greedy Face Emoji - Used to refer to "greedy Jews"
💰 Money Bag Emoji - Used to refer to "greedy Jews"
🥸 Disguised Emoji - Used to refer to Jews because of the enlarged nose
🤥 Lying Emoji - Used to refer to Jews because of the enlarged nose
👃 Nose Emoji - Used to refer to Jews
🙋‍♂️ Raising Hand Emoji - Used for its resemblance to the Sieg Heil salute
✋ Raised Hand Emoji - Used for its resemblance to the Sieg Heil salute
o/ or 0/ - Used for its resemblance to the Sieg Heil salute
🐸 Frog Emoji - A reference to Pepe the Frog, a webcomic charcter co-opted by the alt-right
👌 Okay Symbol Emoji - A hand symbol co-opted by the alt-right. Sometimes said to resemble the letters WP, or White Power
🚪 Door Emoji - Refers to the fact that some of the gas chambers (such as the ones at Auschwitz) had wooden doors, and therefore could not have been airtight enough to contain the Zyklon B gas used to murder prisoners. In reality, many of the wooden doors were either replaced with airtight metal ones, or were made airtight with strips of felt that then deteriorated or were removed
🚿 Showerhead Emoji - Refers to the showerheads used to dispense Zyklon B gas in the gas chambers
⛽ Gas Pump Emoji - Refers to gas chambers
⚡⚡ Double Lightning Emojis - Used for their resemblance to the Siegrune (victory rune) badge worn by members of the SS (Schutzstaffel)
💀 Skull Emoji - Used for its resemblance to the Totenkopf (Death's Head) used by the SS
☠️ Skull and Crossbones Emoji - Used for its resemblance to the Totenkopf (Death's Head) used by the SS
6MWE - Six Million Wasn't Enough. A call for further genocide against Jews
AKIA - A Klansman I Am
Annudah Shoah - A mockery of both the Shoah (Holocaust) and the fear of further genocide
Auschwitz had a swimming pool/rec center/maternity ward/etc. - An attempt to diminish the horror of concentration camps by making them seem more like labor camps with amenities
Blood and Honor - A neo-Nazi slogan
Blood and Soil - A neo-Nazi slogan
Blood Libel - Not a phrase used by the far right, but something they often believe in or claim. Blood libel is an antisemitic conspiracy theory stretching back hundreds of years. The original claim was that Jews used the blood of Christian babies to bake matzah (a ritual food eaten on Passover). It has since evolved into images of Jews drinking blood, kidnapping and killing non-Jewish babies, and conspiracy theories about harvesting adrenochrome
Bowlcut - A reference to white supremacist mass-murderer Dylan Roof
Cohencidence - A portmanteau of Cohen (a common Jewish last name) and coincidence. Used to refer to Jewish control (e.g. "All these companies are owned by Jews! What a Cohencidence!")
COORS - "Comerades of Our Racial Struggle"
Cultural Marxism - A conspiracy theory that Jews are intentionally weakening "Western values" in order to make countries like the United States more susceptible to communism. This was called Cultural Bolshevism in Nazi Germany
Da Shoah or Muh Shoah or Muh Holocaust - A mockery of the Holocaust
Day of the Rope - A day referenced in neo-Nazi book The Turner Diaries when all race traitors will be hanged
Degenerate - An insult based on the false theory that bad morals will cause human beings to regress along the path of evolution (to de-evolve). Used to describe groups, individuals, or ideologies
Early Life - A reference to the "Early Life" section of Wikipedia biographies, which will reveal that a person is Jewish or has Jewish ancestry
Every Single Time - Every time something bad happens, the perpetrator is Jewish
Featherwood - A term derived from racist prison subculture. A featherwood is a woman associated with a racist gang
FGRN - For God, Race, and Nation. A Ku Klux Klan slogan
The Fourteen Words - A neo-Nazi slogan. "We must secure the existance of our people and a future for white children"
The Frankfurt School - A school of sociology founded at Goethe University Frankfurt in 1923. Usually blamed as the originator of "Cultural Marxism"
Fren - Internet slang. A diminutive of "friend", used to diminish Naziism and make it seems more harmless. Often used in usernames to describe one's self (e.g. sad_fren_88)
Globalist - A person who desires connection between countries in terms of politics, trade, and travel. Used to scaremonger about Jews destroying countries by removing their borders
Gorillion - A mockery of the number 6 million, being the amount of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust
Goy - Hebrew for "nation", used by Jews to refer to non-Jews/gentiles. Used disparagingly by neo-Nazis to suggest Jews view non-Jews as beneath them
Goyslop - Unhealthy food that Jews force non-Jews to eat to keep them weak
Groid - A shortening of "Negroid", an archaic terms used to describe Black people
Groyper - A follower of avowed neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes. A reference to the "Groyper" meme, a variant of Pepe the Frog
GSHW - Germany Should Have Won (i.e. won World War II)
GTKRWN - Gas the Kikes; Race War Now
HDKH - Hitler Didn't Kill Himself. A neo-Nazi theory that Hitler escaped Germany and fled to Argentina
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John 8:44 - "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies." Part of Jesus' rebuke of his Jewish followers
Joo or Jooz - An intentional misspelling of "Jews" in an attempt to bypass censors or automatic content filters
Kate Hikes - A spoonerism of "hate kikes"
Kek - 4chan variation of "lol"
Kekistan - A fictional country imagined by white nationalists with a flag that resembles the Nazi battle flag
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Khazar - A reference to the conversion of a group of Khazars (a Turkic people) to Judaism. Antisemites speculate that the entirity of Ashkenazi Jews are descended from these Khazar converts, and therefore have no historical, cultural, or genetic tie to the Levant. This has been proven false on multiple occasions
Kike - A racial slur against Jews
Lizard People or Reptilians - A conspiracy theory by far-right figure David Icke, claiming that world leaders are really reptilian aliens. Most people who believe this theory believe that the lizard people in question are the Jews
Magic Soil - A protest against the idea that people of one nationality can become people of another nationality simply by living in a country (i.e. "France doesn't have magic soil that turns Africans into Frenchmen")
Nicker - An intentional misspelling of the N word in an attempt to bypass censors or automatic content filters
Ns - Black people (as in the plural of the letter N)
NSDAP - Nationalsozialistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. The Nazi party, but using an acronym that is unfamiliar to most people
NS - National Socialist
Noticer - Someone who "notices" that Jews control the world
The Noticing - A mass movement of people "noticing" that Jews control the world
New World Order - A far-right conspiracy theory about Jews taking control over the world and implementing a single world government. Also used in conjunction with phrases like "world banks"
OFOF - One Front, One Family. Slogan of the neo-Nazi group Volksfront
ORION - Our Race Is Our Nation
Oy Vey - A Yiddish exclamation meaning "oh woe". Used by neo-Nazis to mock Jews
Pattern Recognizer - Someone who has recognized the "pattern" of Jews always being in control
Peckerwood - A term derived from racist prison subculture. A peckerwood is a man associated with a racist gang
Power Level - A memeification of far-right beliefs. The more fascist your beliefs, the higher your "power level"
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - A 20th century Russian hoax claiming to be the minutes of meetings between Jewish leaders discussing how they will take control of the world
Pure Blood - Someone who is a pure member of the white race
Rabbi Smolett - A claim that Jews fabricate antisemitic hate crimes (a reference to actor Jussie Smolett who was accused of doing the same)
ROA - Race Over All
The Goyim Know - A phrase used by white supremacists acting like Jews who have discovered white supremacist activity, and are afraid that they've been found out. Often "The Goyim Know, Shut It Down", which adds the idea that Jews will prohibit any conversation that gets too close to the truth
The Red Cross - A reference to the supposed fact that the Red Cross claimed only 271,000 people had been murdered in concentration camps. In reality, that number reported by the Red Cross only came from reports from 13 concentration camps (there were 23 main camps, plus a large number of smaller "satellite" camps)
Tiny Hats or Tiny Hatted People - A reference to the Kippah or Yarmulke often worn by Jewish men
Reject Modernity, Embrace Tradition - A fascist slogan warning against social progress and calling for a return to a prelapsarian (usually ethnocentric) paradise
Rubbing Hands - A reference to an antisemitic charicature called "The Happy Merchant"
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"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you're not allowed to criticize" - A quote often misattributed to Voltaire, which neo-Nazis use to decry claims of antisemitism as efforts to silence them. In fact, it's a quote from a neo-Nazi pedophile
Shabbos Goy - A non-Jewish neighbor of a Jew who can be asked to perform acts Jews are forbidden from doing on the Sabbath (e.g. turning of a light or turning on the heat). Used by neo-Nazis to claim someone is a slave to Jews
Sheeeiiit - An over-the-top representation of how "shit" is said with a Blaccent. Often used in memes declaring Black people to be less intelligent
Shekels - Jewish currency (from the Hebrew word for weight, similar to how British currency is called the pound. In reality, the plural of shekel is shkalim). The name has been adopted by the State of Israel for the NIS (New Israeli Shekel). "Shekels" is used by neo-Nazis to mock Jews as being greedy
Synagogue of Satan - An antisemitic term for Jews, stemming from the Chrsitian Bible
They or Them - When used to describe a nebulous group of undefined adversaries, these words almost always refer to Jews
They Cry Out in Pain As They Strike You - An antisemitic proverb claiming that Jews will make false cries of antisemitism while at the same time perpetrating atrocities
Troon - A slur against trans people, particularly trans women
Volk - German for "folk", or "kind". Used by neo-Nazis to refer to white people
We Wuz Kangz - A racist phrase ment to mock Black nationalists
White Genocide - The myth that a group of people (usually Jews) are conspiring to eliminate the white race through various means including immigration, intermarriage, and homosexuality
WP - White Power
WN - White Nationalist or White Nationalism
Wooden Doors - Refers to the fact that some of the gas chambers (such as the ones at Auschwitz) had wooden doors, and therefore could not have been airtight enough to contain the Zyklon B gas used to murder prisoners. In reality, many of the wooden doors were either replaced with airtight metal ones, or were made airtight with strips of felt that then deteriorated or were removed
Zio - An abbreviation of "Zionist". Used derogatorialy by neo-Nazis
WPRWS - 'Weimar Problems Require Weimar Solutions" (sometimes shortened to just "Weimar Problems" or "Weimar Solutions"). Prior to the rise of the Nazi Party, the democratic Weimar Republic was in financial crisis (the eponymous "Weimar Problem"). This was often blamed on the Jews. The "Weimar Solution" is Naziism
ZOG - Zionist Occupied Government, reflecting the belief that the United States government is controlled by Jews
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I got the majority of this information from the YouTuber Annamarie Forcino's video "The Alarming "Gnome Hunting" Trend No One's Talking About". (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pf0bZOMuVFs)
This post is to help spread this information.
Please be aware:
• If you come across anything with the term "gnome hunting" or anything listed below online, block and report the account immediately. If you come across it offline, covertly and safely get the absolute fuck out of there. Warn others.
• Keep yourself safe. As with any bullshit like this these people may be violent. The wearing of tactical gear and the use of the word hunting when talking about a group of human beings is not peaceful or respectful of life. Exercise caution. Especially if you are in a group the groups they're in target.
• This is mostly on TikTok, DO NOT SEARCH FOR IT ON SITES WITH THE ALGORITHM. This will drive engagement and help it spread. If you come across it block and report it but do not search it.
The term "gnome hunting" is being used by antisemitists/neonazis/white supremacists to refer to themselves, they themselves being the "hunters" and those they target, Jews, being the "gnomes" and is a way for them to talk in code.
Things to watch out for with this specific wave of antisemitic bullshit are but are not limited to:
"join the hunt" = join us.
"millions wear the hats" millions = the Jews, hats = the Jewish Yarmulke/Kippah (a Jewish head covering). This phrase refers to Jewish people in general. When they use this phrase they are talking about Jews.
"kike" a slur against those of Jewish descent and or those who are practicing Judaism.
"88" H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 88 = hh = "hail hitler".
"⚡⚡" "ᛋᛋ" "ϟϟ" Two lightning bolt emojis, two Greek letter ᛋ's, or two lighting bolt symbols side by side = the nazi ss. The nazi ss flag is two lighting bolt symbols side by side.
"Z" or "z" The English letter Z/z is used by russian nazis against Ukrainians who are being murdered by and suffering war crimes at the hands of russian nazis since the current russian dictator putin invaded Ukraine. Has unfortunately spread and is being used by nazis in other countries. The symbol has similarities to the wolfsangel.
"Ƶ" The wolfsangel. An ancient runic symbol believed to have been capable of warding off wolves, appropriated by nazi organizations in nazi Germany. Still used by white supremacists/nazis today.
(Cannot find a symbol for this.) The sunwheel, sonnenrad, or black sun. A symbol from old Norse and old Celtic culture. Also appropriated by nazis, still used by neonazis today.
"schizopost" "schizoposting" Used by neonazis when they use neurodivergence/mental illness (they do not struggle with) as an excuse for their bullshit. Ex: saying "I'm insane" "I'm schizophrenic" "me and the boys being schizophrenic" in the same post about "gnome hunting" or with any relation to nazi/white supremacists ideology.
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cuppajj · 2 months
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On the Beast Yeast theming thing again, my other hope is that Silent Salt and White Lily have Arthurian Legend/Celtic Folklore themes. Credit to my moot @/darkfluffydragon, they pointed out how there’s a lake in their territory (Kala Namak is a type of black salt) so it could be a Lady of the Lake situation, and personally there’s also ample room for parallels between SS being King Arthur and White Lily being Morgan Le Fey, just a reverse version of them. Outside of Morgan, Arthurian Legend has depictions fae involvement: for example the Lady of the Lake is depicted as either human or fae, and the Fae world has also been in tales with Gawain and Percival, two of his round table knights.
This is also just a hc/hope of mine but I also hope SS is themed after a/the Dullahan. They’re a headless rider who mounts a black horse, carrying their head in their hand and a spine whip in the other. They’re sometimes classified as being an Unseelie fae, which would fit nicely in theme with Lily imho, and on top of that, a common way I see the Dullahan drawn are with billowing flames or smoke coming from the stump of their neck. We have no idea if Salt has anything under their helmet, but with how smoke/flame pours out from behind their helmet like a ponytail/feathers, it could just be because the helmet contains the flames inside it right??
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BUT then there is the question of where SS’s head would be, which yeah idk, but the Dullahan hc/theory is too fun to pass up imho. As someone who likes Celtic folklore and was ecstatic to see crk fae, I hope we get more references!
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yoga-onion · 11 months
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Legends and myths about trees
Celtic beliefs in trees (24)
Ss for Straif (Blackthorn) - Samhain/Hallowe'en, opening the veil between this world and the spirit world…
“Mother of the Forest – The Celtic Tree Calendar (Ref), The Beginning of Winter”
Colour: red; Star: Mars, Saturn; Gemstone: black opal; Gender: female; Patron: Morrigan; Symbol: inevitability of death, protection + revenge, discord + insidiousness
Blackthorn forms vigorous young trees from the roots, from which dense, thorny bushes grow in dense clumps. Armed with sharp thorns, which can damage human skin. It already starts flowering in early spring, at the beginning of March, and with the onset of winter it produces black berries, commonly known as 'sloes'.
Samhain is the most important festival in the Celtic world, celebrated on 1st November to mark the beginning of winter and therefore the new year. The name 'Samhain' means 'end of summer'. The seasons change from summer to winter (the time of the dead) with this festival. It is a period of short days and darkness, but it is a necessary period for nature to enter a peaceful rest and welcome the bright spring. In the calendar of agricultural societies, this is an important stage for the germination of crop seeds.
Samhain was the solemn festival, when fires were lit and sacrifices were offered to gods such as Taranis and Teutates. Importantly, it was believed that on the eve of this day, 31 October, a passage between this world and the spirit world was opened, allowing inhabitants from the other world to come and visit this world freely and interact with humans in this world. However, while the comings and goings were sometimes favourable, it was also envisaged to be dangerous.
On the Samhain eve, children went from house to house to collect festive offerings. It was also customary to celebrate Samhain by placing a brightly burning candle inside a hollowed-out turnip at the entrance to the house.
Blackthorn is a tree traditionally used for black magic and witchcraft, and its thorns remind us of our own insidious roots. We must remember that we hurt ourselves and others in many ways. If we think about how to avoid hurting each other and courageously face our own insidious roots, blackthorn can guide us to overcome this dark side of our human nature and help us to return the debts of our hearts.
It also helps us to accept the fact that death is something from which no one can escape.
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ケルト人の樹木の信仰 (24)
SはStraif (リンボク) -サウィン/ハロウイーン、現世と霊界のヴェールを開く… 
『森の母 〜 ケルトの木の暦(参照)、冬の始まり』
色: 赤; 星: 火星、土星;  宝石: ブラックオパール; 性: ���性; 守護神: モリガン; シンボル: 死の不可避性、保護+復讐、不和+陰湿
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raphoupix · 6 months
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Ciro Immobile SS Lazio v. Celtic FC UEFA Champions League (november 2023)
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Hi, I saw you mention the Olympic in a post about an hour ago, and wanted to know if you’ve ever listened to “The Pride of the White Star Line” by The Longest Johns. It’s a sea shanty about the Olympic and its one of my favorite sea shanties
Apologies that it took so long to respond to this. I'm not particularly a fan of sea shanties, and I hadn't heard of it up until you mentioned it. I gave it a listen, and it got me pretty emotional. I think it's such a shame she was scrapped in the mid-30s. She was scrapped pretty soon after the big four, which were built nearly a decade earlier. If not for the great depression, I imagine she'd have sailed for at least another decade, if not more. When she was scrapped, she was described as being in immaculate condition, with her engines in fantastic shape. The Aquitania was built only 3 years later, and she wasn't scrapped until 1950. She served the Cunard line for 36 years (as opposed to the Olympics 24 years), and she was described as being in really rough shape by the time she was scrapped. I really wish some more of these liners survived into the 21st century. Especially some more White Star Liners. Their only ship not to be sunk or scrapped was the SS Nomadic, a tender vessel built for the Olympic Class.
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imagine-silk · 2 years
Hi it's me again! I absolutely ADORED the way you wrote for my past ask and so here I am with another one! Could I request the FO4 companions with a Werewolf!SS (lycanthrope)? They're permanently in said lycanthrope form and many people are freaked out by them. In actuality they're very friendly and would prefer to avoid conflict. But should the need arise, they can easily tear something apart (much like a deathclaw). Sorry if this is long but tysvm if you do fulfill it 🤗
This took embarrassingly long to make, but it did make it in October! Happy Spoopy Season! But for real I am so sorry it took so long (TTMTT)
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You transformed when you exited the vault, almost like the air triggered it.
Most people don’t shoot you on sight because they’re just so terrified, which gives you the chance to talk and show you are no threat
After a while of doing quests for everyone around the Commonwealth they don’t really react in fear anymore unless they don’t hear you coming
The people of the Commonwealth unanimously agree to defend you against people who would do you harm because they know how much you dislike conflicts. Hell, they intervene when a merchant is trying to scam you.
Kids love you. To them you’re a form of controlled danger, like a roller coaster.
Raiders have the mixed reaction that boils down to shooting on sight or running away.
When she met you she was so high she didn’t react to you being what you were. Tommy also keeps his composure but that was to hide the fact he’s shitting his pants. And when the high wears off she doesn’t know how to react so she’ll very scarcely refer to it. Only off-hand will she ever really say anything about it. “You hairy shite! You should’ve ripped him a new one. What’s the point of claws if you’re not gonna use ‘em?”
Your friendly nature is a lot more off putting than your snout. She was never really afforded kindness so to her this is all strange so her. But it did ease her into it considering you are a literal monster, it makes you so foreign it’s more digestible. Like a unicorn.
She doesn’t have that healthy fear of the supernatural that the Celtic usually do, so you won’t have her tell you about that folklore. Probably for the best, she most likely would’ve killed you if that were the case.
Recognizes you as soon as he sees you and sees no real issue with your transformation, because he's known since he met you before the war. You’ll have to explain why it’s dangerous to walk around in this form otherwise he’ll not really address it.
Tries to pamper you as much as he can. From his understanding the only times you transformed at home was when you were under a lot of stress, like when Shaun had an allergic reaction to the detergent and his chest was red, so he tries to soothe you in hopes to relieve tension. Every night he takes a brush to you and gently takes out all the knots he can find. He cooks all your meals and when you leave without him he packs you lunch. Makes sure no one disturbs you while you are in the house, it is your safe haven. And he knows the importance of you getting exercise so he asks you to fetch the water he uses for chores.
If someone says something rude about your supernatural form he will tell them off. How rude of them! Who are they to say you are lesser? You are perfect! The very model of a proper gentleman! No one in the commonwealth can compare! Good day to you!
She will run tests on you, that’s just a fact. If you have any sort of healing factor she will experiment with it to make new cures. In the name of science she will need a blood, hair, skin, and nail sample (more invasive test pending).
Your dog face has no real effect on her one way or another socially. She simply talks to you, nothing new there. If someone mentions it she will ask why it matters and most of the time that person will back off.
You two are an odd pair to see in the wild. A traveling Miss Nanny medic and a standing yao guai who both will do anything to not fight but wreak face when they do. And let me tell you, when she becomes a synth you two are still confusing. This giant hulking beast with a petite woman with a pixie cut and a french accent. Strange.
It is by the grace of god that he did not shoot you, or in this case gun smoke. After the meeting fight he goes over talking to you, as the fog clears and is not prepared to see the world’s hairiest deathclaw.
He will punch you a few times when you show up out of nowhere and god forbid if you try to scare him intentionally. Contrary to popular belief he’s not that trigger happy to accidentally shoot you, however if you scare him before he’s used to you it won’t be accidental.
Not going to lie, he will not trust you fully until he’s depresso espresso after blind betrayal. His whole world view banked on preserving humanity, so when his humanity was questioned and found wanting it made him question it for the first time. And when you are there for him he wonders why; Why did you help him even when he was more than rude to you? Why did you smile after avoiding a fight with someone asking for one? Why were you upset when you couldn’t avoid it? Why did you save him? Why did he never consider you a person before?
Because you transformed immediately after you left the vault he saw you change. It freaked him out and immediately thought you were going to be a huge problem. A person came out of a vault that has never opened ever and they turned into a werewolf! But he calmed down when he realized you couldn’t transform back and forth. No surprises.
When you finally meet he doesn’t react to you and you find that very very strange but you appreciate it nonetheless. Of course he doesn’t tell you he already knows you’re friendly and nonviolent and you become fast friends. 
He even makes plans of attack; Sick ‘em = where he pretends to be a merchant and threatens them with his vicious mandog, Get help = pretends to be seeking refuge running away from a monster, or his personal favorite Follow me = You lead them with your voice and then show yourself when they can’t run back. All of them focus on scaring them away.
Unlike Cait he knows all the folklore but he just jokingly throws sticks and says fetch. If you do chase it he does it every now and again when you are just traveling. If you don’t find it amusing he nervously laughs and never does it again.
Without him Good Neighbor would have killed you. Daisy and KLEO alone had their guns out the second you walked through the doors and best believe Finn didn’t offer you protection. But when he heard you say hello he still tried to scare you. But to everyone’s surprise you didn’t attack him, Hancock dealt with him. RIP dumbass. He calmed down all the watching bystanders and turned to address you smiling with blood on his face.
If you have a problem with his willingness to kill he will offer to join in your pacifism, as long as you are able to avoid it. Like, you would have to be cornered and even then he would deal with it for you. It’s a real Spiderman and Deadpool situation.
Checks in with you to see if you're doing okay. He treats you no differently just because you’re a bit hairier than everyone else. People treat him differently because of his lack of hair so as long as you have empathy he has no problem with you.
He actually laughed when he first met you. Not because he thinks you’re funny but because he’s terrified and doesn’t know how to express it. It boils down to a nervous chuckle when you ask if he’s for hire because now he’s not only terrified, he’s confused. You want him to protect you? That sounds inaccurate no matter how good of a shot he thinks he is.
Is very good company for you. Don’t like fighting? He doesn’t like close quarter fighting so it’s never an option to go in guns blazing. He’ll pick them off from a safe distance because let’s be real, raiders don’t specialize in snipers and gunners only shoot when there is money to be made. You can even have a casual talk with him while he does it.
Your hairy disposition becomes endearing after a while. Like, “Yeah, that’s my best friend. They’re almost seven feet tall.” “You know they hate fighting right? Yeah, they can’t stand it.” “Aye aye! Be careful! You’re not invincible.” The way he talks about you varies from helpfully informing to bragging. If you romance him he says things like, “Aren’t they cute?” or “How did I get so lucky?” and those around him just kinda shrug.
Is surprisingly unfazed by your appearance. He just looks up at you and goes, “Well that’s new.” He’ll laugh and say something about the hero being the monster. If you're put off by that comment he’ll apologize, to him it was just a comical fairy tale stereotype and not a hill to die on.
Has also been called a monster so anytime you feel conflicted he’ll give you a little pep-talk. He’ll bring up the fact that you save people regularly and go out of your way to avoid conflict, he doesn’t believe a monster would do that.
Did at one point save you from a mob single-handedly. You know how he knows everyone, well he talks down several people in the crowd. Even throws in, “I’m not human. What makes me different?” Very risky but it disperse the crowd.
Somehow more invasive than Curie. Because instead of her research being for science it's for a newspaper. You did it because she is very persistent and you don't like fighting. Even if some of the interview is flattering it's still a little uncomfortable.
But she's very tricky and as mush as she gets into situations she gets herself out of them. She is confrontational but only to the degree of revealing the truth.
McDonough gets excited when he sees you. To him you're tourist attraction. He'll offer you a house immediately and Piper snarks at him. But for real, you can make deals with him. Like agreeing to live there or greet people or even having some sort of shop. Piper is conflicted about it though. On one hand she hates him but on the other you can be a spy or something.
Not gonna lie, when you went to help him he didn't call out to you. He hid, terrified he got this far only to get everyone killed, even more scared he would survive. Barred the door and only opened it when a stranger asked if they were okay and that they took care of the raiders. As relieved as he was he opened the door and was greeted by you.
Because you immediately and continuously help him and his wards he very quickly gets used to you and your uncommon figure. It's an added bonus that you detest violence. Makes it easier to trust you, but harder to assign you to get rid of raiders.
With your kind nature he feels stronger, more dependable. And because your less confrontational he steps up as general. Being with the Minutemen works for you. They're a hand-holding militia not a brute military so killing is not the main priority.
What a fascinating person you are, scientifically and in identity. Scientifically you are a human who transforms into a bi-pedal wolf and due to unknown circumstance cannot turn back. But also you personally have the capacity to cause so much damage and yet you refuse to.
He has no issue killing for you just as much as he has no real issue using non-lethal force. Sometimes he does think it's stupid but it's not him decision to make. Besides, the institute is more than capable of make tear gas and things of that likeness.
If some scientist pressures you into experiments he will find out and supervise it. Most of the scientist are afraid of him so they'll either drop it or conduct low-stake tests. If the scientist is invasive and holds neither of you in regard he will remove you from the situation. If the scientist protest he will use force.
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stairnaheireann · 1 year
#OTD in Irish History | 29 September:
Old Michaelmas Day – Celtic holiday. According to an old legend, blackberries should not be picked after this date. This is because, so folklore goes, Satan was banished from Heaven on this day, fell into a blackberry bush and cursed the brambles as he fell into them. Michaelmas, the Feast of St Michael the Archangel (also the Feast of SS Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael or the Feast of Michael and…
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Oh my god SO MANY! Where do I even start!! Here is a quick and short rundown of some of my favorite womens history facts:
Women in the military during ww1 and ww2 is one of my favorite subjects. Let's talk about that for a second:
Women served in every branch of the U.S. military throughout both world war 1 and world war 2
Did you know women served in the US Army and as such were stationed in every front of the war during WWII?
Female switchboard operators served in the trenches of France during ww1.
The most feared bombers in ww2 were Russian women flying wooden planes and physically throwing the bombs out
Women were the ones to help break enemy codes
Women helped planned D-Day
Russian snipers were fierce badasses.
We have computers thanks to women. Ada Lovelace, Grace Hopper, Hedy Lamar, etc.
DNA's double helix form was discovered by a woman. Rosalind Franklin.
Women got us to space by performing complex mathematical calculations by hand during launches.
Science Fiction was started by a woman. Mary Shelley.
One of the most fearsome pirates ever was a woman. Ching Shih. She was undefeated and was one of the few pirates who retired.
Hypatia was the last last librarian of the Library of Alexandria and is said to be the first female mathematician
The first female historian was Anna Comnena of the Byzantine empire
Sybil Ludington was a 16 year old girl who joined the famous "Midnight Riders" and rode from Putnam County, New York to Danbury, Connecticut to warn of advancing British troops.
Hatshepsut is the the fifth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. She was the second historically confirmed female pharaoh, after Sobekneferu
Deborah Sampson was a woman who served in the army during the American Revolution. She disguised herself as a man and served admirably
We wouldn't have airplanes without Katherine Wright who made sure her brothers had everything they needed. She ran their family shop, booked speaking engagements for them, was basically their marketing director and made sure these two idiots didn't die from starvation.
Agent 355 was a female spy in the Culper Ring during the American Revolution.
Virne “Jackie” Mitchell, a pitcher, was the first woman in professional baseball. During an exhibition game, she struck out both Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig.
The first novel. As in the very first novel. Written by a woman. Murasaki Shikibu who wrote the Tale of Genji in 1000 AD
The earliest recorded female physician was Merit Ptah, a doctor in ancient Egypt who lived around 2700 B.C. Many historians believe she may be the first woman recorded by name in the history of all of the sciences, making her achievement all the more impressive
Victoria Woodhull ran for president in 1872.
Julie d’Aubigny was a French bisexual opera-singing sword fighter from 17th-century France. A total badass.
Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to go in space.
Stephanie Kwolek was an American chemist who invented Kevlar
Lyudmila Pavlichenko is the most successful female sniper in human history. Initially barred entry into the Red Army to due to her sex, Lyudmila would go on to rack up 309 confirmed kills in WWII. Her terrifying skills as a sniper and impressive kill count earned her the nickname “Lady Death” from her German enemies.
Nancy Wake who killed an SS Officer with her bare hands
Khutulun was the great-great-granddaughter of legendary conqueror Genghis Khan. Taught the inner workings of military life by her father, Khutulun became a skilled and powerful warrior. For her marriage, she proposed a challenge: any man that could best her in a wrestling match would have the honor of taking her hand in marriage. If they lost, they would have to give her a horse.
Boudicca was a queen of the Iceni tribe of Celtic Britons, who led an uprising against the conquering forces of the Roman Empire in AD 60 or 61.
Honestly I can go on forever. There are so many amazing and interesting women in history and I can't learn enough about them. This is only a very small list and a condensed version of their stories. I highly recommend looking into each of them more.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
"We don’t know a lot. I’m guessing the three men never met in life. Two were buried in the summer of 1915. In February 1916, the third of them died. They might have known each other before they got to Kingston — but since we don’t know where they came from, or when they arrived, there’s no way of knowing. They weren’t the only ones who died in captivity — 20 men succumbed after being confined in Kingston’s Rockwood Asylum for the Criminally Insane, also known as the Rockwood Lunatic Asylum. Eight were misidentified as “Austrians” while the other 12 were Germans. All were branded as “enemy aliens” during Canada’s first national internment operations of 1914-1920. “Dozens” of those deemed “insane,” collected from various asylums across Canada, were among the 2,000 or so “aliens” returned to Europe after the war. The first repatriates sailed in July 1919 aboard the SS Sicilian. The last batch were on the SS Melita, which steamed east from St. John in March 1920. None of them had any choice. They were deported whence they came.
The Rockwood three we know something about were named Dezső Benscura, Walter Grooham and Andreas Moritsky. Whether those are accurate renderings of their names, recorded by immigration officials or jailers who had little knowledge or interest in the languages, nations or faith groups of eastern Europe, I can’t say. As noted on Sept. 30, 1920, in a final report tabled by General Sir William Desmond Otter, the officer in charge of the Office of Internment Operations, 8,579 men along with 81 women and 156 children, were herded into 24 camps behind Canadian barbed wire. Of that number, 106, a majority of them “Austrians,” were deemed “insane” and placed in provincial institutions — at Ponoka, Alta.; Essondale, B.C.; Brandon, Man.; Hamilton, Rockwood, and Mimico, Ont.; St Jean de Dieu, Que.; with three other internees hospitalized in Nova Scotia. Only one man, an “Austrian,” died of “insanity.” What killed the other two at Rockwood is not preserved in the historical record.
Gen. Otter claimed that “great care was observed in having the cause of death established and recorded, the place of burial marked, due regard being paid to the latter ceremony, while the effects of the deceased were cared for and whenever possible their nearest of kin informed.”
Records were kept about some deaths, like the names of the six men killed attempting to escape including the dates on which they were shot. And perhaps the possessions of some of the 107 deceased internees were, somehow, returned to their families. But the three buried in Kingston were laid to rest in unmarked graves, somewhere within the confines of St Mary’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, no one knows exactly where. That they ended up in this burial ground is likely because they were Catholics, as many immigrants from the Austro-Hungarian Empire would have been. Or perhaps it was because their mortal remains were not wanted at the Cataraqui Cemetery, a territory then reserved for this city’s Anglo-Celtic and Protestant elites.
Were they buried close to each other? No one knows. Was a prayer said over each man before he was covered, as Gen. Otter wrote? I hope so. But I doubt that any of their family members or friends left in the “old country” — somewhere in that multinational, multi-confessional, and multilingual Austro-Hungarian Empire that would itself disintegrate at the end of the First World War — would ever find out what happened. These men simply disappeared. Having left their homelands hoping for a better life they never suspected that arriving with an Austro-Hungarian passport would mark them, under the terms of the War Measures Act, as “enemy aliens,” subject to detention and forced labour. Even more galling was that they knew they had done no wrong. They had immigrated legally. They were not criminals. And yet, following the outbreak of the Great War, they found themselves suddenly treated as prisoners-of-war, without just cause. Thousands of Ukrainians and other Europeans suffered various state-sanctioned indignities. For many, the racism and xenophobia they endured would be debilitating." - Lubomyr Luciuk, "They will be remembered together," Kingston Whig-Standard. July 14, 2023. Opium Column.
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Group E
Feyenoord, well I don't hate nor love them 😂
Atletico Madrid, idk what to expect from them, they could be a medium level team of a potential UCL winner
Lazio 4th at home.
Celtic same as Feyenoord
My hopes:
Atl. Madrid
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