#sry i haven't been posting as much about it
delulu-sushi · 8 months
Mikey-Kun Wedding/Proposal HC!!!
Sry I haven't posted recently ;(. Requests r open!!! (Feel free to ask for any anime, I'll see what i can do) Future Motorcycle racer Mikey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Enjoy!~~~~~~~~~~~~
✧ From the moment he saw you, he knew he wanted you to be his, his Sano
✧ After you guys have been together for a good while, he'll definitely start thinking about marriage and having a family
⋄❥ Although tbh, he would talk about it all the time, every year
✧ The first thing he'll do is slowly try to incorporate talks of marriage and family to see your reaction, he wants it to be a surprise
✧ When you answer with a smile, he knows, you're ready
✧ He will go to Mitsuya the next moment to get EVERYTHING ready - the man hasn't even proposed yet. He takes Mitsuya's opinion on color, designs, etc. bc ur Mitsuya's #1 consumer
✧ He will be super fidgety and start internally screaming when it's time to propose, but he knows you won't hurt him
✧ He loves you so much don't reject the baby boi
You make him the happiest man in the universe
❧ He calls all his friends to boast the new "Fiancé" status, and makes sure you're there to see his reaction
❧ He will immediately start planning the whole wedding scene and talk about it with you -> Late night bed talks
❧ He will start calling you "Wife" in his head, and blushes a little every time
❧ Midnight rides to all your favorite places
❧ He wants an extravagant Wedding to make it the most memorable day of your life
❧ He doesn't release the engagement to the public, and doesn't like gathering attention to his personal life. Fans are one thing, media is another.
❧ He will travel the world with you, enjoying your last months before becoming wife and husband
You went from his companion to princess to queen to empress to goddess, you're his everything
❥ The wedding is extravagant, and he makes you feel like a diamond
❥ A lot of white, but some hints of blue and purple
❥ LOTS of dessert, he has a dorayaki on the cake
❥ He looks his most handsome, hair combed how you like it, and a tailor maid outfit by Mitsuya that you absolutely adore. You feel proud that this is your man
❥ The moment you enter, his eyes land on you immediately, and he can't stop staring. The way your dress embodies your heavenly beauty, the way your hair enhances your face, and how the hickey he gave you last night peeks out a bit, despite the make up artists' best efforts to hide it
❥ He never leaves your side. He's not clingy, but he wants to spend every moment with you.
❥ Everyone is happy for you two.
❥ He sheds a tear when you get married and happy cries when you two are alone
❥ He has the first dance with you, in a beautiful garden, under the moonlight, lights shining on the two of you
❥ He records the entire thing and shows it to your kids when they are getting married
He's your world
A/N: Kinda wrote this half-asleep... Would you guys like me to write this as a scenario?
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readypanda · 4 months
Indigo Park Spoilers (and very long post) ahead
Since Indigo Park is the newest fandom I've been dipping into, I figured I might as well make my own analysis for the game. The question I'll be discussing today is,
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(sry for bad picture quality lol)
The thing I find interesting about these mascots (Molly, Lloyd, and what we've seen of Finley) that kind of sets them apart from other monsters in the mascot horror genre is...they almost seem like they're just animals. (I'll go over evidence for this in this post)
Think about it. In other mascot horror games, we've gotten:
animatronics possessed by dead children
employees/kids surgically(?) turned into toys
people mutated by a giant ink machine
animals/people who have had their DNA spliced with a mutagenic chemical
A little girl somehow turned into a monster (I think??)(really sorry Amanda I don't know what you are)
(I'm not up to date on all these properties and I know there's many more, so forgive me if my lore understanding is less than adequate. you know how it is with indie horror)
The important note about all these is that for the most part, these mascots are intelligent, or at least have the capability of intelligence. Almost everything on this list was at one point human, in fact.
So why do I think Indigo Park is any different? What leads me to believe they aren't intelligent? (at least, the animal versions of the characters that we run from in the game. Whether they are separate from the versions of the characters Rambley interacts with is something I'll touch on later)
I think the most obvious piece of evidence in regards to Molly and Lloyd (again, not much info on Finley yet) is how Lloyd acts. He doesn't talk at all, he just stalks the main character and attacks like an animal might (with the exception of a couple times he stands on two legs or props himself up here and there).
As for Molly, I hear you saying, "But she talks! We hear her speak!" And yes, dear reader, you are right. Molly does speak. This would disprove my argument of the mascots being purely animalistic, if it weren't for this kill screen.
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Now, do we ever actually hear Molly say something that isn't a repetition or couldn't reasonably be a repetition? Has she said anything to prove her intelligence at all? (genuine question here because I haven't examined every one of her voice lines lol. If I'm wrong about this then whoopsie!)
Despite the past 250 words of speculation, though, whether they act just like animals isn't actually that important. We'll see more of them in later chapters anyway (or Lloyd and Finley at least) so that will likely prove or disprove this point with time.
The more interesting question is, what are they? Like, physically?
When Molly dies, we clearly see blood around her decapitated head. At the very least that rules out animatronics or something mechanical. In addition, in the audio of the hidden tape you get when you show Rambley one of the collectables, you can hear two staff members complaining about being replaced by "new mascots" right after they "got a new raccoon costume." This could mean a few different things, but it seems to imply that the mascots we see in this chapter are meant to be replacements for actors in suits (for meet and greets, promotion, shows, etc) and/or replacements for limited, expensive, and cumbersome animatronics. If this is true, we can also probably rule out them being human. Unless Indigo Park also had a secret human experimentation lab, which I wouldn't put past them.
I think it's too early to definitively state what these mascots are, but based on the evidence of above, I have a theory.
My personal theory is that these mascots are just animals who have been changed or mutated in some way to allow the park to have more "realistic" representations of the characters (also probably to cut down on the costs of paying a human employee). That would explain why they act the way they do and why they are so violent. They literally are just wild animals who have been warped to represent these cartoon characters.
Another important caveat to this theory is that, if this is true, then the mascots who attack us in the game are most likely NOT Rambley's "friends" as he knows them. That would explain why he doesn't call attention to Molly chasing us or Molly's dead body (with the exception of one very small reaction when he talks about the mascots). You would expect him to seem a little more upset if he thought that was his friend, but maybe on some level he knows it's not really her, just a representation of her.
That brings up another question, which is a can of worms I won't fully open here: Do Molly, Lloyd, and Finley have sentient "AI" equivalents like Rambley? If not, does Rambley know his friends aren't real? I'll let you decide.
Anyway, that just about closes my thoughts on this silly raccoon game. Thanks for letting me ramble on about it, and thanks for making it to the end of the post!
Lemme know about your own theories in regards to what these things are, or if there's any key evidence I missed. Kinda threw this together lol. Most of it will likely get disproven by future chapters but hey, thus is the price of theorizing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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mintsalsa · 1 year
relationship hcs — sam coe (starborn!mc)
a/n: this post may contain spoilers, please skip if you haven't completed starfield's main story and come back later!
sry fallout peeps im in space cowboy dreamland rn 🤒 if anyone's interested i'd be down to write a non-starborn mc version too, so if you'd like to see that lmk! now buckle in losers bc i am feral
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(nsfw below cut!)
★ ! sfw
he's going to be somewhat wary of you at first
you don't divulge the nature of your relationship with "the original" sam coe at first, but he can tell there's something pulling at your heartstrings every time you look at him
so after a while and some getting to know each other, he decides to ask
he's a little wooden and awkward about it, but it still almost manages to make you tear up
when you admit to him that you and him were lovers in your universe, he's caught off guard
he doesn't really know how to react, so he just reaches out to touch your shoulder in comfort as you try not to cry
he liked you, of course - you were strong and dependable, and your dry sarcasm never failed to light up his eyes in amusement - but lovers?
you assure him that you don't expect anything from him
it's the strangest feeling for you as well - it's him, but at the same time it's not really him, after all
sam tries to ignore what you've told him as best he can
there's no obligation to make you feel comfortable, you've told him that much
then why could he not stop thinking about what it must've been like to kiss you?
he'd rather die than admit it, but he grows significantly more observant of your behavior, more attached
he thinks about this other sam, this other him, and that there must've been a reason why that guy ended up falling in love with you
if he did it once, surely it could happen again, right?
and before he even realizes, he's absolutely smitten - once again, he can't deny that his souls seems to yearn for yours
you're conflicted when he awkwardly stumbles over a confession one night
but then you think of the other sam, your sam - and all of a sudden you're convinced that he would've gone to find you again, too
it almost breaks your chest when he kisses you again for the first time
he's warm, safe, and he feels so, so much like home
that night he holds you in his arms as your tears soak the fabric of his shirt
dating sam coe is chaotic in the best way possible - not even the slightest chance of boredom
he loves to tease, and you're no exception
the way you are with cora makes his heart swell inside his chest - it makes him want to marry you right then and there, on the spot
he's always dreamt of a partner like you, and there's nothing he wants more than to explore the entire universe with you, all over again
yet, his favorite thing is to hold you in his arms at night after a slow evening at the lodge, feeling your chest rise and fall under his palms while you quietly poke fun at each other
his kisses taste like cherries and spice, and he's so, so good at it that you sometimes fear you might lose your head
now you know no matter when, no matter where, you'd always fall back into each other's arms
★ ! nsfw
this man is a tight bundle of unbridled passion and sweet words of affirmation
sometimes it's hard to catch a break from everything and find the time for intimacy, but that doesn't dwindle his burning desire for you
much like with kissing, he's definitely spent the odd night wondering about what sex with you must've been like, what you might look like underneath your clothes
and when he sees you and the tips of his fingers touch your skin for the first time, it almost feels like the revival of a distant memory
he loves being teased, but he might love being in control even more
it always feels like his hands are everywhere at once - your face, your hips, your neck
he goes absolutely crazy whenever you push your hands into his hair and pull him closer
i see a bit of breathplay with him
he just loves feeling your body whenever his chest is pressed against your back, with a gentle hand on your throat and sweet, filthy words spilling past his lips
if you submit to him fully you can expect a lot of praise, too
you make him the happiest man in the world, in the universe - and if you had to do it over and over again, then he knows he'd let you
© 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘴𝘢𝘭𝘴𝘢 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘳
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enden-k · 4 months
it always makes me really happy to see artists that are more 'fandom-centric' by nature posting their OCs and other things along that line and getting positive feedback, which then in turn causes them to create and post more OC stuff tbh (this is meant 100% genuinely, i apologise if the way i phrased it is a little stilted or odd, i just love seeing non fandom content on my dash)
anyways, feel free to use this ask as a free pass to give us some random tidbits about your OCs and their stories! whatever is swirling around in there that you haven't been about to find a spot to talk about just yet would be great /gen
tbh i always drew my own characters and stories since childhood but started doing fanart when i joined my first big fandom back then (which was bleach in my teenage years); i kept drawing my own things until college between fanart here and there but the moment i made my art blog here i neglected my works more and more and did more fanart instead (for fgo back then). i havent drawn any of my comics again for 4 years or smth but now that my sister got back into hers again she motivated me to pick up my old stories again!!
i think bc ppl were so excited abt my fanart i always knew my own stuff wouldnt get as much reaction so i didnt even try and then just stopped working on it hhjhdfkj but yea, now that my sister gave me motivation and energy and now that i see ppl are actually liking my stuff its smth else aaaa. sry for rambling, i just wanted to clarify that im not fandom-centric by nature, it just happened over the time
anw idk what i should babble abt so uhhh have a fun fact:
not only is this specific story the first proper, planned through one i drew in my teenage years, its also the one that got me in trouble and caused a lot of serious pain bc my adoptive father snooped in my room back then and stole specific pages (like gore or smut scenes, yea i was edgy but also heavily traumatized and in a very bad place) and made up random shit about it to make fun of me, expose me by showing my friends and others and claim outrageous stuff. i tried to remake it later but always stopped with each version and never attempted to revive this story again bc it always filled me with shame and horror knowing he still owns these pages. me redrawing it now is lit the first time in YEARS that i touch it again and it feels very healing, like im seeing my teenage self again drawing this stuff with sm passion and not the person anymore who trampled on it and used it to cause me pain. bc that exact thing was what kept me from working on it again. i just couldnt do it.
(as usual w personal stuff, im just sharing this very dry like facts and i get uncomfortable when people send comfort so ye, reminder to not do that please)
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scribbly-bear · 4 months
hi can you plz help I would like to know what artfight is but I have no idea what it is or how it works. And the website doesn't really help. I also sent an ask to actual artfight but that was weeks ago and they haven't responded. So could you tell me what you're supposed to do before and during july in detail. And what are attacks? sry I am very confused abt this whole thing. (sry you dont have to answer if you dont want)
Hey don't worry about it!! I don't mind at all! Not sure how well I can explain but I'll try!
So basically the game is about people drawing each other's characters. There's two teams, and the theme changes every year, the theme for this year hasn't been announced yet but they're things like: dream vs nightmare or sugar vs spice, just things that are opposites. After the theme is revealed you can either chose which team you want to be on, or wait until the event starts, then you'd automatically join the smaller team. The theme reveal this year is streaming on twitch on the 15th this month, so (if I remember correctly) people will be able to chose their teams from the 16th to July 1st.
Everybody uploads their characters, you can upload anywhere from 1 to 100, you can upload either fan characters (with credit to the creators) or original ocs, I've seen people even do their pets, which I honestly don't understand, BUT you can do it. For uploading a character you add pictures to be used as drawing references for your character and a description, the description is optional but it does help people know what to draw the character doing, what their personality is, and do they have a story? You can upload a character at any time in the year, including July. I like to do all my character prep before July, but my first year I uploaded a couple on July first.
After the game begins on July first (there will be an exact countdown) people can start drawing and posting attacks. Which are drawings of other user's characters. (Friendly fire is an option) The more effort put into the attack the more points it gives. For instance: a full body picture of a character sitting on a bench with shading, gains more points than a headshot of a character with a solid color background without shading ect. Friendly fire takes a percentage off of the points since it's done against team members, though I don't remember how much. The attacks are not rated on the skill of the user, so a headshot made from an expert artist would not get more points than a headshot from a beginner. How much of the character is visible, how much shading, how clean the coloring, how clean the line art is and the background, all of these go into how much points the attack earns.
Drawing attacks before the game starts is against the rules, as the whole point of the game is attack during the month.
As the month goes on people continue to attack each other, the game ends on August first, the point tailing usually takes a few days but then the winning team is announced, there is no prize other than a digital badge, and bragging rights. But even the team that lost is happy, since everyone got art of their ocs. I know I don't fight to win, I just like drawing people's characters.
Here's a link to my artfight, I dunno, maybe you can kind of use it as a reference.
I think I mentioned everything? But if you're still confused on something just ask again and I'll try to word it better. You are not bothering me I'm glad to help! I hope this helps and you join!
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chromotps · 5 months
p-please. if you still ship ace/luffy? if not then it's fine no need to read/answer etc. i just wanted to ask because i think i saw you post related art on here earlier at some point? and i haven't stopped thinking about it since honestly. could you possibly. please add some more thoughts on that future/time-travel/age swap (??) AU that's basically older/pirate king luffy meeting spade captain ace? because it has infinite angst potential to me (something something you're as beautiful as the day i lost you....), but also an equal amount of emotional hurt/comfort. and i'd like to hear more. how would an older luffy react to a young-ish (still alive.) ace? like, how would their dynamic change? (or not at all, with luffy going immediately into younger brother mode despite being in his 40s or something like these videos of fully grown up golden retreivers acting like puppies in specific situations. though not gonna lie, a more collected/a fully grown luffy in both the physical and emotional aspect is also. ugh.) would he respect the potential time-travel /rules/ that probably the rest of the strawhats would try to make him adhere to (like not talking about events that ace doesn't know about yet, or generally not engaging physically with people that clearly don't belong in the timeline), or would he just selfishly try to enjoy the moment while it lasted? (or a secret third thing, maybe?)
it's like. a purely self-indulgent AU for me because it both allows luffy to meet ace once more/say goodbye to him/thank him for a lot of things or just do things that he didn't get to do being the younger brother (even more self indulgent sub-scenario to this is. similar to your acelu week work? luffy helping ace bathe/washing his hair because it had always been the other way round, with ace taking care of him), and ace technically gets to see luffy as the pirate king? which partially equals to seeing him accomplish his dream.
yeah. sry for all the spam but i'm. just so weak for this AU honestly and just wanted to reach out to you as i think you came up with it initially?
hello!!! yes, thank you for messaging—I've had Ace on the brain so much lately... Definitely still ship acelu!! It just started seeming like there were fewer and fewer people who shipped it in, er, the same way I did? Which is totally fair, with how much possibility for interpretation there is with these characters.
ANYWAY, my version of the time travel acelu AU (since, you know, I don't think I came up with anything groundbreaking—there are a few fics out there, I think, with an older Luffy saving his younger brother Ace, things like that)... So much of it depends on the circumstances, like, if Ace was briefly transported forward in time, or Luffy + the SHs went back. I might go with the first option—let Ace get a fullllll sense of Luffy in his Pirate King grandeur, haha.
"angst potential"—I definitely see that possibility, like, the pure shock Luffy would have seeing Ace young and healthy, miraculously alien after however many years it's been and yet so, so familiar. The little details Luffy might have even forgotten... the particular way the freckles fell across Ace's skin, the way he was always so expressive in his movements, tensing up in this new environment, leaning in toward Luffy when he's laughing. Also, different kind of angst, but I could imagine Ace having this sinking, freezing feeling when he finds out he died. A sort of resignation, like, his fear that he never deserved to live confirmed. Then, Luffy explains more about the situation—how he owes Ace his life, how so many people fought for him, how even Ace was moved to want to be alive. So then Ace is like, at least my death was worth it—I made something valuable of my life. And finally Luffy has to be like, no. I appreciate your sacrifice, but what I really wanted was for my brother to live.
Also (it's probably clear already) but because this is *my* take on the AU I wouldn't have it get too angsty. Not that I want everything to magically be perfect, I'd want whatever catharsis happens to feel earned... but with any of my headcanons, I'm just not compelled by a story where Ace still dies. 😂 So:
"would Luffy respect the potential time-travel rules" absolutely not, ahahaha. Mr. "I heard your rules, and they're stupid, so I'm making my own"? Fair, a more mature Luffy would recognize the true weight of messing with the past/future... But even recognizing that risk, he'd actively choose to prioritize his connection with Ace and his faith in his own instincts. Plus, I don't know, Luffy feels like the kind of character who you could tell, "It's either you let Ace die, or your crew" and he'd say, "no! I'm taking option #3" and then he makes it happen.
"how would their dynamic change?" - so, tbh, I first came up with this AU on a horny whim. I wanted older, even more self-assured Luffy to just have the time of his life messing with Ace while also piling on the adoration. I don't think Luffy would really "revert"... The way he acts in Wano, and other places, shows that his mindset has really shifted over time. (Actually, okay, caveat—I could see Luffy in his initial shock of seeing Ace, if you wanted to really push the angst, completely breaking. Then he might get a bit clingy, wrapping Ace in as close as he can get him, crying for his big brother...) On Ace's side, maybe he's put at-ease, because this really is Luffy, the person he loves most in the whole world... Same ridiculous laugh, same unstoppable smile. But Ace is also completely thrown for a loop, because you're telling him this guy?? Right here?? Is his baby brother (who he last saw as some 14yo pipsqueak??)? The guy able to shove him around with a slap to the back, and who's somehow able to restrain himself from yelling for meat because he's so engrossed in Ace, for some reason?
I definitely think Luffy would thank Ace for everything he did, both during Marineford, and just their whole lives... I don't even need to get into it in this post, but thinking of how Luffy carried Ace's love with him all those years (this post says it better). Anyway, Luffy would express all that to Ace, and then let that lead into why he wants Ace to live this time around even more desperately.
From there, it just depends on how long the time travel effect lasts. If it's brief, it might just be Luffy trying to convey some way to make Marineford go differently to Ace ("train your haki!!!! don't make reckless sacrifices thinking it's the only way you can show your love!!"). But............ if I wanted to be really indulgent, I could say the effect is a few days, maybe even weeks. And then, I could so see Pirate King Luffy just doting on Ace completely. Being the one to show Ace all kinds of wonderful things in this future, interesting treasure they've found—the same way Ace made him feel that wonder when they were kids. And then, like, treasuring Ace's physical form, that he's whole and safe... Gosh, with how defensive Ace might get at this whole situation, I could see older Luffy and his insight immediately clocking how much teen Ace was hurting and angry in a way his younger self never noticed. Especially Ace from his Spade Pirate days... So, Luffy's response to that could be the care you mentioned—insisting on doing something soft and appreciative, like bathing, or bringing him his favorite food to share in a private place, like a quiet spot on the ship or Luffy's room or somewhere...
Ahhhhhhhh I have once again dumped an absolute mess of thoughts into the world. Hopefully this is something like what you were looking for (even with all my biases 😂)!
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice's 10th member has anorexia part 2 ft Big Sis Tzuyu
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that the anonwho gave me this idea on Tumblr likes it! :)
The request: hi 🙈
was wondering if you could do a pt 2 to the anorexia story? with tzuyu.. based on the link below, and tzuyu wondering why reader isn't eating and helps her out through a meal. only if you want to though!! i love all your work 🩷
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The days at the TWICE dorm had fallen into a comfortable rhythm. While the members had hectic schedules, they always made time to bond over meals, sharing stories and laughter. However, there was something amiss during these meals that hadn't gone unnoticed by one particular member... Tzuyu.
Tzuyu, known for her gentle and considerate nature, had developed a habit of making sure she ate last during their communal meals. It wasn't because she had a preference for eating alone, it was because she wanted to ensure that no food was wasted. She would observe how much each member ate and then finish whatever was left, preventing any leftovers from going to waste.
As time passed, Tzuyu began to notice a troubling pattern. Y/N, the youngest and 10th member of TWICE, had been eating less and less during their meals. Her portions grew smaller, and she often found excuses to skip meals altogether. Tzuyu couldn't ignore the signs any longer. She had seen the same behaviours in Y/N that she had once observed in herself, a struggle with food and an unhealthy relationship with eating.
One evening, as the members gathered around the dining table for dinner, Tzuyu took a deep breath and decided it was time to reach out to her little sister. She had been quietly observing her bestie's behaviour for weeks, and her concern had grown with each passing day.
As they began to eat, Tzuyu noticed that Y/N was pushing her food around her plate, barely taking a few bites. Her heart ached at the sight, and she knew she couldn't stay silent any longer. Tzuyu leaned closer to Y/N and spoke in a gentle, soft voice. 
Tzuyu - Baby, is everything okay? You haven't been eating much lately.
The maknae looked up, startled by her unnie's question. She quickly tried to put on a brave face, not wanting to burden her mate. 
Y/N - Oh, it's nothing, Tzuyu unnie. I'm just not that hungry today.
Tzuyu didn't buy the excuse. She had seen the same words come from her own lips before she had sought help. 
Tzuyu - My heart, I've noticed that you've been eating less for a while now. Please, talk to me. You don't have to go through this alone.
Y/N's eyes welled up with tears as she met Tzuyu's concerned gaze. She hadn't expected anyone to notice, let alone confront her about it. She felt a mixture of shame and relief wash over her.
Y/N - I...I've talked with Jihyo Omma and Nayeon unnie but I'm still struggling with anorexia. *quivering voice*
 Y/N - I didn't know how to tell anyone else, and I was afraid of disappointing everyone. *pouts*
Tzuyu reached out to gently hold her sister's hand, her eyes filled with empathy. 
Tzuyu - Darling, you could never disappoint us. We're here for you, and we care about your well-being. We want to make sure you're okay. If something's bothering you, you can talk to us.
Tzuyu's words struck a chord with Y/N, just as they had with her during her own struggles. She couldn't hold back her tears any longer and allowed herself to cry, knowing that she was in the presence of a true friend who understood her pain.
Tzuyu moved her chair closer to her sunshine's, wrapping her arm around her shoulders in a comforting embrace. 
Tzuyu - It's okay, angel. Let it out. You're not alone in this.
As TWICE's golden youngest cried, the other members of the table exchanged concerned glances but decided to give the maknaes their space. Tzuyu continued to offer her support, silently reassuring her little sister that she was there for her no matter what.
When Y/N's tears had finally subsided, Tzuyu offered her a warm smile. 
Tzuyu - You don't have to face this alone, sweetheart. We're going to help you every step of the way.
Over the following weeks, Tzuyu and Y/N embarked on a journey towards recovery together. Tzuyu made it her mission to ensure that TWICE's cutie pie ate properly during their joint meals. She sat beside her, encouraging her to take more bites and providing a comforting presence. Tzuyu's own experience with food struggles allowed her to empathize with Y/N's situation and offer guidance without judgment.
The youngest's portions grew healthier, and she began to regain her strength. With Tzuyu's unwavering support and the understanding of the other members, she felt more confident in her recovery.
One evening, as they sat down for dinner together, Y/N looked at Tzuyu with gratitude in her eyes. 
Y/N - Thank you, Tzuyu unnie. You've been a lifeline for me during this. I don't know what I would have done without you.
Tzuyu smiled warmly. 
Tzuyu - You're not alone, Y/N. We're a family, and we take care of each other. I'm proud of you for fighting this battle.
As they shared their meal that night, Y/N felt a newfound sense of hope and support. She knew that her journey to recovery wouldn't be easy, but with Tzuyu and her other older sisters by her side, she felt stronger than ever.
The days passed, and Y/N continued to make progress in her recovery. She began to eat more confidently, and her laughter once again filled the dorm. Tzuyu's heart swelled with pride and joy as she watched her friend regain her health and happiness.
One day, as they sat in their shared room, Y/N turned to Tzuyu with a smile. 
Y/N - Thank you, unnie. You've been my rock through all of this.
Tzuyu humbly brushed off the praise. 
Tzuyu - It was my pleasure, love. We take care of each other, remember?
Y/N nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude. 
Y/N - I do remember, and I'm so grateful to have you as my best friend.
Tzuyu leaned in to give her sister a warm hug. 
Tzuyu - And I'm grateful to have you as my best friend too, sunshine. We'll always support each other, no matter what.
As they embraced, Y/N felt a deep sense of belonging and love within the TWICE family. She knew that with a sister like Tzuyu, she could face any challenge that came her way, and her journey to recovery was proof of their now stronger bond. And as Tzuyu looked down at her only dongsang's expression, she had a single thought:
I am proud of our dear maknae.
And the writer behind the screen had something similar in mind:
I am proud of my dear readers.
A/N: I'm sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there is something wrong, ty for reading <3
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equalseleventhirds · 1 year
Hey, do you have any recs for long form, more serious ttrpg systems for fantasy settings? I feel like I hear a lot about short/definitively-lengthed systems, but I've been yearning for a DnD-esque system without all the baggage of equip loads and complicated Challenge Ratings and other rules-y baggage I don't super care about.
do i! do i ever!
serious & long-form systems do on the whole tend to be crunchier than shorter systems (not always, but generally); nevertheless, i've picked out a........ handful......... ok there's Several, i did try to control and limit myself but u kno.......... games......... anyway, here are some that are considerably less crunchy than d&d but still lend themselves to long fantasy campaigns.
uh. under the cut for. oh god it's so long. it's so long. tried my best to explain them, u see. (which is also why it took me so long to reply lol, sry abt that)
godeater (& godeater 2.0): play in a broken, post-apocalyptic fantasy world, where dead and dying gods warp the land, and you raid their bodies for divine magic to help support humanity. 2d10-based, get weird & funky with it! i admit a small preference for version 1.0, which gave u some loose examples but left much of the worldbuilding and even character building up to u to create; 2.0 has some extra books that go with it that i haven't much looked into yet, but seem to give more solid lore to work with, if u would like that.
when the guilds pay in copper, crime pays in gold: alchemical guilds pay shit wages to use people for magical experiments. go do crimes on 'em with your own magic. d6 base, assign dice to stats to make ur own dice pool; fairly light rules and in fact very little in the way of instruction or hard lore on the gm's side, so better played with an experienced gm who's good at making their own stuff, but certainly campaign material for the right gm!
third empire - violence + beauty: the world sucks, and has sucked for a while, through two oppressive empires and into a third one. you play adventurers who are trying to carve out a little goodness, a little justice, a little vengeance, in the world. y'know. lasers & feelings based, but expanded beyond the original (which also comes with it if u get it!) into more lore, more character choices, very collaborative worldbuilding, downtime mechanics, etc etc.
ruby radiance 6e: streamlined dungeoneering built to let ppl play the way actual play podcasts sound, essentially. d20 pool system, based on trophy mechanics but v much adjusted. lots of choices to make during character creation & leveling, but much much less to keep track of during the playing part. u get it.
wizard pals: all of you are wizards, going on adventures and trying to accomplish your goals in a fantasy world. d12-based, fairly lighthearted (can lean silly but u could use it for more serious if not super grimdark adventures), much worldbuilding left up to the gm, but very simple rules, so.
grimblade rpg: (speaking of grim lol,) action & adventure in a grim fantasy world; things like character creation and rewards (and magic) fully imply a fantasy world, but worldbuilding is left up to the gm, altho there are many tables to roll on to give some help. uses d4, 6, 8, and 10; all rolls are contested rolls, with dice picked based on how serious the gm feels this roll is.
shattered aether: post-apocalyptic science fantasy, you roam around a fucked up magic world and protect ppl from various dangers. 2d6 based, based on the lumen system so fairly combat-forward in a very high-action very cool asskicking way. for some reason the font chosen for this book is murder on my eyes, but if u can get past that (or just zoom in lots and read a bit at a time) it's straightforward, simple, and fun!
familiars of terra: this one may be a little too crunchy, but i love it a lot and rly the most crunch is in character creation and tracking experience, actual gameplay is (imo) pretty easy. post-post-apocalyptic fantasy world, some science fantasy elements depending on where you choose to focus, bcos there are absolute PAGES of lore on this extremely cool and enormous world; you and your party go around with your soul-bonded animal friends to spread hope and healing and also do cool shit. y'know. card-based, again it is probably more crunchy than ur looking for but less abt tracking what you can do during things and more abt tracking experience in order to level up stats, so.
1400 quest: ok that last one was crunchy, this one's very uncrunchy. pick a handful of things and get going! clearly inspired by d&d, but very very streamlined, so things that were pages of mechanics are like, one or two sentences. gm's side of it is like, a handful of rollable tables and then do whatever, so prolly for the more experienced gm. d6 based, but you may have occasion to use other dice. also if you like this one there's others by the same author focusing on other things (1400 mage, sneak, etc), or you can check out others in the 24XX type of games, which started out sci fi but has since been expanded to a bunch of other stuff. u kno.
beast dream: pokemon-inspired game where you make friends with magical beasts and go on magical adventures! d6-based, forged in the dark, so there is a little crunch wrt deciding on position etc and stuff like stress, but the author rly wanted to focus in on letting u adventure and have fun without getting bogged down in numbers and i think that shows, stuff like load and reputation aren't so much a thing.
cognatons: play as sentient, magic-filled automatons doing whatever fantasy adventures your robot heart desires. d4-based, caltrop core, so you get a fairly simple & defined set of actions; less to keep track of, easy to follow.
dethrone the divine: you're gonna overthrow the gods, and also take their places. you're already either divine, semi-divine, or magically powerful in other ways, and you adventure with the goal of gathering power and followers so you can take the place of the shitty gods in power. d6-based, pretty straightforward system, makes characters v cool and powerful, which is always fun.
perilous: do you love dungeon crawls bcos i love dungeon crawls... streamlined and easy to understand fantasy dungeoneer adventures in this one! d20-based, leans towards tags instead of complicated numerical skill stuff to keep track of. go to dungeons, fight monsters, get treasure. simple n good. (adds in some metaplot, like who sent you, how will this affect the people living here, whatever, but rly strong with the very old core of d&d-style 'go do a dungeon' kinda thing, if that's what u like.)
high magic lowlives: ok my latest obsession bcos i'm currently planning a big ol campaign for friends in this one. there are classic adventurers in this world, out there cleaning out monster nests or whatever, but they're usually in the employ of the immortal aristocracy. you? you make your money by stealing from and humiliating the immortal aristocracy, because you're a lowlife. it's a dangerous gig, but isn't it better than going into student debt at wizard school? melds high fantasy aesthetics with like, magical twitch streaming aesthetics. fun as hell. uses all the dice and also sometimes tarot cards (mostly just for character creation, u kno). easy to understand rules, i'm having a great time.
ellipses rpg: setting-agnostic system (make ur own setting!) with simple, streamlined rules and an emphasis on improvisation. d20 based, rly just some very basic foundation and then a lot of encouragement to make things up and do what's fun. so like, loosey goosey & not super structured if you want structure, but could be fun!
unbound: setting-agnostic system but with much more formal structure, got structure around how to collaboratively worldbuild your setting and everything. obvs this means some crunch, but it's still not super crunchy, nice and straightforward rly. lotta character options but not so complex and math-heavy, u kno. card-based system. designed actually for a series of short campaigns in a linked world, tho, so if ur not up for exploring new characters a lot, may not be for you.
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Thank you very much for taking my requests if it's all right can I please ask for a yandere hunter again but where he has a quiet darling that wears Jirai Kai fashion because of their Mental Health/
abandonment issues and where the darling dresses him up as a way to comfort him and the darling gives him his own Jirai Kai outfit as a way saying thank you and comforting him when he had a nightmare of them leaving
Something like this:
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Okay I know he's a boy but I can't get that idea out of my head
Sorry if this is too much and and you can choose if it should be romantic or platonic
No problem I really don't mind the asks, I enjoy writing them:
Platonic (Part 1)
Instead of meeting you through the emperor's coven, hunter met you when he was patrolling the streets of Latissa
You had stood out to him the moment he laid eyes in you
Your fashion was bold considering your location, yet you yourself seemed quiet. Like you wanted to sink into the ground and never return
So naturally, Hunter approached you to find out more about you
When you saw THE golden guard come up to you you panicked
You turned to run, but before you could felt a warm hand on your shoulder keeping you in place
You opened your mouth to call for help, but the witch behind you spoke first
"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you"
You turned and saw the Golden guard
Instant relief rushed through you as you realized you weren't in immediate danger
Then it hit you that THE golden guard had approached you
And you panicked again
But this time internally so he didn't know
(yes I have issues)
Hunter asked who you were and told you that he had approached you because you had stood out to him
After you answered his questions he answered some of your own
None to personal
Just things about the emperor's coven and such
Over your conversation Hunter felt a strange bond with you
When the time eventually came for you two to go your separate way, Hunter asked for your crow number to keep in touch
You were surprised at first, but complied saying you'd love to talk more
As hunter was walking away he couldn't stop think about you, excited to talk again
"(Y/n), we'll meet again soon. I'm sure of it"
Sup my dudes. I'm so sorry this one took longer to post, I've been distracted with my finals and studying. Anyways here's the first part, I meant to do a one shot but got lazy and decided to split it up. Part 2 will probably be up soon idk.
You've probably noticed by now that I don't do romantic hunter (sry), and if you haven't now you know.
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orngemilkshake · 9 months
sry i basically dissapeared :/
sry i haven't been on tumblr that much, ive been focusing on my youtube channel atm, here's the link to it if you want to see it https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI5_HLzRAZAS6XvijwXbgAA, idk if anyone will even check it out because like half of this community hates me, but there it is if ur interested, also another reason that i've been gone is just because i wanted to take a break from this, because of all the regret i feel for the things i've done and the rejection i felt and still feel by some of the people in this community, i hate the things i did, and i take full fault for doing it, like the thing i sent to @dxzziie, and that ricocheted through to a lot of people like @xxtc-96xx @penumbramewtwos, and a lot of others, and another reason i left is because of how @chip-dip6 reacted to me when all i did was post something spooky and i forgot to put a warning on it, they called me names and reacted completely different to the situation with @a-purple-mew, oh yeah, speaking of that, i also wanna say i'm sorry about that too, and i hope that you will understand that i take full fault for not respecting ur boundaries, i completely messed up with so many things with so many people, and anybody that i mentioned sees this, i hope u guys will understand, this stuff has really been on my mind lately and i just wanted to take this off my shoulders, I love and want to respect everyone. i don't like or want to have any conflict with anybody, i just want to be a nice and loving person, but if I just make everyone angry, then I don't even want to be here, I'm very sensitive when it comes to hurting someone's feelings or anything related to that, so I just want to makes things right again, i hope everyone will understand ❤️
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 9 months
Hi! Sry for not interacting much (haven't rly been on Tumblr) but I'm gonna be posting my first post about my Octopath OCs soon — this one's just worldbuilding, but still — and I remembered how excited you were when you saw my poll asking about which Octopath OC I should post about first. With that in mind, do you want me to tag you when I post those? It's totally ok if not but I figured I'd ask since you seem interested in my silly little guys [gender neutral]!
hira, i would LOVE it if you tagged me on that. you'll have to forgive me for being cliche, but i was literally thinking about your octopath ocs not two hours ago.
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ddelline · 1 year
You encouraged people to ask away when it comes to your JJK fic, and I'm taking the invitation to ask if you've got a 5k essay about the way Gojo perceives the world with Six Eyes? Also any more thoughts on how jujutsu society functions, especially now that it's fallen apart? So much of your fic has me curious (I mean this as such a compliment, I want to live in the world you're building)
omggg my first ask. this feels like a special day ngl (I'm serious lol this made me happy). also crying in the club at the last sentence, thank u so much, I can't believe I get to talk at length about making up a bunch of headcanon shit it's been my dream since I started writing fic 🥺❤️‍🩹
ok enough of that, let's talk jjk *cue inhaling seagull meme* cut be here bc this really did become a f*king novel
so, the six eyes + gojō seeing through them is something I haven't put much (of my own) thought(s) into: gege has, for once, explained a phenomena we encounter in-verse quite well, lol. the six eyes are, as explained by gege, "eyes that can see cursed energy extremely clearly; even when covering his eyes, it's like he has high definition infrared vision" (fanbook pg 43, for the curious). since most living things generate CE (tōdō in yūji + tōdō v hanami; one notable exception being plants (hanami in the same fight)), that means seeing all CE traces/active output at all times. extrapolating from this, then, is being able to comprehend also surroundings made up of 'dead CE space', such as buildings and whatnot, since living organisms outputting CE move in/around/above them, etc. furthermore, the amount of information uptake + processing that 6E + limitless gives is insane; we know that the 6E allows satoru to see CE extremely clearly, which one would assume amounts to sight, ergo being able to make sense of something's shape through processing a cursory amount of information in the way we do when we see things as humans. but the 6E supplies information on a molecular level: as satoru explains in ch76, he's not just automatically sorting objects by CE amount at that point, but also by mass, shape, and speed; something he did manually before, implying that said information, now processed, digested, and understood per auto, is: 1) density x 2) volume = mass; 3) shape (speaks for itself); 4) speed = distance/time I think (lmao I'm not good at math), the latter of which also require a sophisticated level of processing + understanding of the object itself. the more I get into this the more I stray from the topic, I think. sry lol, I wasn't joking about that 5k essay. I also have ADD, in case that wasn't blatantly obvious through how incoherent this probs is.
ANYWAY, I think seeing w/o glasses/blindfold is basically like if you turn your 5k retina powerbook/sophisticated media editing computer up to max in both intensity and contrast (like a post-ironic ugly meme), AND THEN you add being abso-fucking-lutely bombarded with information, on top of this. it's like seeing a thing so clearly it's not even seeing that thing anymore. however, satoru's most likely so able to sort through and process information, that it sorts itself out: a very brief scene in S1E20 did give us somewhat of a look through his pov (veil is down and he's looking at yūji), and it's vaguely normal looking, save for the bright blue flame of CE bursting out from yūji. (by comparison, limitless is explained as a normal brain having all of that above subatomic comprehension thrust upon you an infinite amount of times, all at the same time, which makes you process things infinite times, making you seem as though you're comprehending things infinitely slowly.)
QUESTION NR 2 lmao my god this is already so long. this is something I've thought about A Lot. on the one hand I imagine, since it's highly unlikely that a US breach of jp borders in a large scale military op would go unnoticed - esp considering that a lot of people seem to live vaguely standard lives in as well as around the culling game barriers - that it'd cause global mass panic. it's stated that it's out there (source is some or several manga chapters I can't remember off the top of my head), as in out there out there, which ofc means all the world's top leaders gathering at a bunch of useless symposiums to talk crisis management, military intervention, and whatnot. on the other hand - and this is me talking as a EU citizen - I'd also imagine that a lot of the world would attempt to erect literal and figurative walls around japan, and leave it to its devices; the EU is useless in the EU; they're extremely unlikely to march in to what is essentially an apocalyptic warzone in which outcome can't be predicted, like at all. a bunch of industries are sure to topple, and the world economy is in fucking shambles, I imagine (and we're also kind of supposed to imagine, since the culling games open to a panicked jp government talking about plummeting stock + evacuating citizens). there'll be a lot of talking around it, but I think in the end, since sorcery/jujutsu is nearly strictly confined to jp land (w the exception of some diasporic tribes, as seen in the movie + prequel manga), I'd think much of the world is trying to contain it to japan, take what defensive measures they can, and just wait it out. all supply + import/export routes are most likely cut off by now, and most of Important People evacuated to allies, soooo. zombie apocalypse!world state impending, is what I sort of imagine. considering all of shibuya is fucking dead by dec 24th, this seems marginally supported canonically as well. well ok, not all of the above, but somewhat, anyway.
EDIT + ADD TO QUESTION 2 bc in my excitement I actually did not read this properly at all, lmao OTL ok so on jujutsu society: I'm still a lil hazy on exactly when it's implied that power couple okkotsu & inumaki massacred the jujutsu council; whether it's closer to shibuya or to the culling games/satoru's unboxing, it's likely to have either the one or the other effect. however, I think that it kind of is as I broached in adsr 6: jujutsu society has declared a state of martial law; it's kind of "you should follow protocol as usual", but also "we technically can't force you to do that bc anything you do, if tried in a court of law, will just default to "I did what I had to under martial law yr honor". I think it's interesting to think about curses actually being fucking invisible, like completely, to normal people; there's not much point, really, to jujutsu sorcerers or curse users suddenly being super obvious with what they're doing; it's not like normal people can comprehend it, anyway. there's bound to be a ton more 'unexplained' property destruction, lol, but also, that's already likely to happen with normal people out and about in a city that's been abandoned by its authorities and government. I think there'll be a bunch of frenetically working techies + scientists who'll work around the clock at supplying foreign military with the capabilities to see curses, so that people with time are able to see curses as well. what that means for jujutsu society... well, they'll have to survive sukuna/kenjaku/satoru/culling game mayhem first. I could imagine a bunch of new gen sorcerers reaching across the aisle to attempt to broker something with 'normal' society though, since it is out there, and they'll have to adapt to that. that said, bc of the above 'curses are invisible anyway, so what's the point' I also think that a lot of sorcerers (not curse users) kind of feel honor/duty bound to keep doing exactly what they're doing, which is protecting the general populace from curses: this should mean that they'll likely continue working as covertly as possible, since mass panic = likely to lead to outbreak of mass curses, when you consider curses = negative emotions experienced by many in specific spaces
THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK, I'm sincerely sorry to have subjected u to this much of my brain, lol. EVEN MORESO NOW (ffs lol). if you (+possible others) made it this far holy shit. I hope u got something out of it. thx u for coming to my TED talk, I'm sad to report it's likely to be more of them
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marley-manson · 2 years
Im back with a few more for the fic ask game (sry if you answered one already, i did read your answers but i dont rmr them all) if youre still up for this:
And my freeform question 💋: how much fic would you say you read? Can you give us a sense?
Thanks again! 💖
🌙 What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
Definitely night. It's when I'm most comfortable because I know I won't be interrupted, plus I think a lifetime of writing before bed to help myself fall asleep has just made it easier to get into that writing mood at night compared to during the day.
📚 Do you read your own fic?
Oh yeah lol, I am fundamentally writing for myself at all times. The reason my fics tend to be pretty well edited on a technical level is because I constantly re-read my wips just for fun and fix mistakes/adjust them as I do. In fact one of the downsides of posting fic on ao3 is that I feel I can't edit as I read them now lol, so re-reading them has a new frustrating component. (I know I technically could still edit them, but it feels like cheating. Unless I literally just posted it in which case I can't resist reading through and editing one more time anyway lol.)
💋 Freeform
It somewhat depends on what my current fandom is. Like when I was into mdzs I read so much, I spent about 2 hours in the bath reading wangxian fic almost every night for like 2 years lol. But in Mash fandom I read way less. I think it's mainly just because it's a much smaller fandom so there's less to choose from, and I tend to be picky.
Though recently, like in the past year or so, I've been reading much less in general due to my schedule shifting, changing my habits, etc. So in previous small fandoms with slim pickings I usually branched out, read fic in old fandoms I used to be into, got into side fandoms to read fic there, etc, but more recently I just haven't really been reading much of anything except non-fiction.
But yeah like as a lifetime average I’ve read so much fanfic it’s ridiculous, i’ve probably read something like, almost every day for 20 years.
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excaive · 2 years
This has almost definitely been answered, but can a person have multiple parasites? What if they try to have multiple major parasites? Naturally or with modified parasites? I figured someone could have way more minor parasites if I understand the lore so far correctly, but what would the limit for minor parasites be? Sorry for the redundant questions but this is rlly interesting!
And on that note, one final question! Do parasites ever get into little fights over the body space the occupy? Like minor parasites fighting over real estate or even a major parasite scooting some minor parasites out to take up the space?
Sorry if this is all completely wrong to ur lore but either way i love the writing you've done its all rlly cool!! <3
(SRY IT TOOK A HOT MINUTE TO REPLY I was writing a response the other day but had to dip to do stuff so it’s been sitting in my drafts and I forgor about it💀) WELL LOVELY ANON I LOVE REPEATING MYSELF LIKE A BROKEN RECORD 💖💖💖
That said I do recall I've talked about this somewhat, but I think that was just on my own accord, and let's be real Tumblr isn't known for their amazing search engine, AND it's not like I have a comprehensible well written paper on all my lore available + I literally can't expect every single person who follows me to read Everything I post about OR remember Everything I've Said bc that's impossible
And there's always the chance ya come with a question I haven't considered or it's about something I haven't developed much yet and then you help me figure it out! That's always fun :3
A person can have up to 7 minor parasites and 1 major parasite before it might pose a risk for straining the bond with the parasites. This is however just a guideline - it can vary from person to person, being a few more or less.
And if you DO have a major parasite, it can merge with natural minor parasites, which reduces bond strain, and you'd be able to get some more minor parasites. I don't have an exact number but like. the major parasite can only merge with a limited amount of minor parasites before THAT would pose a risk for strain, on top on any additional minor parasites a person gets. But it would not ever get over the 20 number mark in total of parasites (includes the minor parasites merged with the major parasite) because That's Just Too Much Man.
Regarding the guidline, a person CANNOT have more than 1 major parasite because those are more autonomous than minor parasites and getting another one is gonna strain the bond real bad, making it Unstable, Unhealthy, Chained, Broken - or in the worst case scenario it will result in a Take Over (lethal - either the parasite becomes malicious and Wants To Kill You((happens often with modified major parasites)) OR the parasite is literally losing its grip on its sanity and panics and kills its host and itself in that action)
As for parasites tussling for space, this never really happens! Sharing is caring :] Parasites are all homies with each other and they’re all down for merging to compromise and combine attributes - and major parasites will gladly take minor parasites into itself if desired and to reduce bond strain.
THAT SAID. Modified minor parasites, especially the ones who hold more attributes than they can naturally, can easily become miserable at any sign of bond strain, becoming incompatible, and become desperate and might turn on other minor parasites in an attempt to alleviate the strain. It’s not done with malicious intent, the modified minor parasite is just suffering and wants it to stop :’) If there’s a major parasite present, it will initiate a Parasite Override, aka kill the modified minor parasite out of mercy, if it does show signs of incompatibiliy.
It’s not an ideal situation but it needs to be done so it doesn’t jeopardize the stability of the bond to the host, which would make the rest of the parasites and host miserable too.
Thank u for the ask!!! feel free to ask me more stuff whether it’s about anything I’ve already said or you’re wondering about something else :3 💖
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I posted 482 times in 2022
3 posts created (1%)
479 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 186 of my posts in 2022
#miraqueuelous ladybug - 12 posts
#i love him - 3 posts
#same - 3 posts
#anyway - 3 posts
#naruto events - 2 posts
#me - 2 posts
#tag game - 2 posts
#i have so many questions - 2 posts
#this is so fucking cute - 2 posts
#i love - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 122 characters
#i’d wear my glasses for the day (i usually wear contacts) then i’d just take them off when i had to do the public speaking
My Top Posts in 2022:
Tagged by @woofgang69💕
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better or catch up with.
Favorite color: lavender :3
Last song: Stay - Mayday Parade
Currently reading: are we talking novels or webtoons or what cuz i'm trying to read a novel but I haven't picked it up in three months, and i'm reading literally every romance webtoon imaginable so like *shrug emoji*
Last Movie: I think it might've been the Cheetah Girls surprisingly
Sweet, savory, or spicy: sweet is v good but has to be a very specific kind like i don't like pastries as much as i like say gummy bears. i guess that does mean sweet huh cuz savory would be pastries. ima be honest i've never looked up the word nor have i grasped it
Currently working on: literally every single wip in my folders is collecting dust. i am muse-less
Tagging: (i don't know who's been tagged cuz i'm dumb but if you see this you have to do it sry i don't make the rules)
1 note - Posted February 24, 2022
Bruh I’m like way over sharing in tags rn if you see that I’m sorry I’m not gonna stop but I’m sorry if you read all of it
1 note - Posted January 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I made a quiz about which background naruto character you are hehe https://uquiz.com/maueu9
50 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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goldpilot22 · 5 years
i beat pokemon shield today yeet
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