#srn 002
theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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This sucks!!!
MMV Week Day 2 - Mercury vs. Mega Man
This was actually the first one I completed to sort of... test the overall colouring/inking/etc. style I wanted to go with.
Sure makes me wonder what happens to Mercury when you suck him up with the Black Hole... does he appear elsewhere? Is he trapped in Mega Man's (or Saturn's?) pocket dimension? Things to think about.
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geosabor · 2 years
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SRN-002 Mercury
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quietlydiabolic · 3 years
Top Ten Robot Masters I Forgot
My mind is like a steel trap... that’s rusted open. And truth be told, I haven’t personally played every single Mega Man game... okay, I haven’t played most Mega Man games. Between that and some Robot Master’s complete and utter lack of fan presence, I forgot what a few of them looked like, or what their gimmick was, or, well... that they ever even existed to begin with.
Having started a project that requires review of all the Robot masters, I was surprised to discover just how many had slipped my mind. So here’s my list of the top ten Most Forgettable. (Please note that this list is not a reflection of how good these characters are, how difficult they were or were not to beat, the quality of their design or level or music, etcetera.)
Honorable Mention: MKN-002 Punk [MMIII] - there’s Ballade, there’s Enker, and then there’s Whatshisname The One With The Buzzsaw Mohawk.
10: DLN-006 Bomb Man [MM1] - while his design is unique and memorable, his lack of fan presence makes him the most forgettable from the early games.
9: WWN-002 Mega Water S & WWN-003 Hyper Storm H [Wily Wars] - sure we all know there were three special Robot Masters based off of characters from Journey to the West. But let’s be honest, Buster Rod is the only one who manage to endure.
8: DWN-043 Flame Man [MM6] - I think we all kinda want to forget about him and Tomahawk Man...
7: DWN-035 Stone Man [MM5] - pretty unremarkable from a group of otherwise very memorable Robot Masters.
6: DLN-065 Concrete Man [MM9] - who even remembers the poor man's Guts Man?
5: SRN-004 Mars [MMV] - has a literal head cannon and yet I could not recognize him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single solitary fan art of Mars.
(Actually if you go by fan art, there are only like four Star Droids.)
4: DWN-051 Burst Man [MM7] - the most forgettable of the... wait, I already forgot what kind of Robot Master he was... hang on... oh yeah, the "water types".
3: DWN-076 Chill Man [MM10] - literally the reason I started this list.
2: Dark Man Series 1- 4 [MM5] - ?????
Winner: DWN-080 Solar Man [MM10] - dead up thought he was a MMWiki April Fool's prank.
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comedianrobotmaster · 5 years
Mercury Design Sketches
Here are some sketches of Mercury (SRN-002)
(Again, sorry if it looks rough; I’ll later re-draw this on my digital drawing pad along with color it for more clarity of small details.)
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My interpretation of these re-designs will mainly try to be realistic and practical with some (and in this case Major changes) to the characters; so lets get into more detail with Mercury, the horrific space abomination, and specifics of what he is and can do, along with a character bio. (Basically, these are head-canons with sketches and details of such.)
[But first, a little explanation: Mercury, since he poses the ability to turn into a green slime and have a weapon that saps away energy, I thought it would make more sense if he was the green morphing slime because it seemed more likely, out of the countless galaxies out there, that a living [and horrific] organism would have those characteristics than a robot made as an experiment.]
Mercury is slime-based shapeshifting alien organism that specializes in disguising and assimilating as other alien species, then finding the critical flaws within that alien society for more efficiency when he and the other Stardriods later destroy the civilization inhabiting that planet. (On the Stardroid’s space ship, he is in charge of maintaining order of his other crew members as well as making secondary decisions of what the Stardroid’s should do next) He originated from a dictatorial planet deep in space and is a unique hybrid from two unknown alien species. 
His general appearance is that of a mass of translucent green slime; similar to a man-sized amoeba, he can alter his shape, size, and color to his advantage by condensing and de-condensing, rearranging and modifying himself at the cellular level. Mercury’s true form when he is not using his shapeshifting abilities is quite unsettling, he is a mass of slime -towering at 95 meters- covered mostly with flailing tendrils (which is quite similar to Ra-moon) and prominently features a misshapen crocodilian head with endless rows of moving teeth inside his jaws, along with six dark pupil-less eyes. Mercury does have some key limits with these abilities since he is still an organism; he can only morph his body up to a certain point, any form he takes has to have his six prominent horns( he can only have them retracted for a short amount of time), along with having most his body still retaining his green translucent slime appearance (besides the shape of coarse (some of his slime an mimic the appearance of skin and or hair, but that is a small percentage))- typically, he realizes that he could only change his form to a point, and wears either clothing, armor, or both to still have a viable disguise. Mercury, since he can control his body at the cellular level, has the ability to absorb and breakdown any substance, organic or otherwise(but, typically he prefers organic matter over strange substances). 
Mercury is weak against high voltages of electricity because the energy absorbed into his body scrambles the control of his form as well as his mental-state(temperately); He will subsequently faint and remain unconscious for hours at a time as a result of being exposed to high volts of electricity (and since it scrambled his ability to control his form he’ll reform into a formless pile of liquid-like slime while in this unconscious state). 
Mercury, when he first arrived on earth, quickly analyzed his environment and found a easy form to take that won’t attract too much unwanted attention- a common humanoid construction robot. At first, when trying to capture what a human face looks like, mercury couldn’t quite get get the shape right; so when he destroyed a construction robot to take his place, he removed the robot’s skull and absorbed it to improve the new form he was attempting to make. The suit he has features a large battery with two power-outlets, two mini storage tins on both sides of the torso, and a armored headlamp on the front torso, as well as a electric welding torch that can cut through most metals. 
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The upper arms of the construction armor are made of a fire proof ribbed polyester-like fabric; and the forearms feature durable metal welding gloves, a small storage compartment and extra wrist coverage with a metal tube. Since the armor was intended for robots, there are various vents and crevices in most of the suit- Mercury’s slimy form tends to leak through these crevices, which makes it more convenient for him to attack anyone easily and quickly than if he took the effort to retain a humanoid form entirely. He can attack his foes by expanding part of his mass (such as a arm or leg) and slamming foes with the dense slime or grasping them with tendrils; in addition to that, he can also can morph that slime into his head and bite his foes, or even tear them into pieces.
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The boots of the armor feature soft knee-pads, extra flexible knee-joints, specialized rubber treads and steel reinforced plates. The tips of the boots are sharpened to a point and can be used in self-defense similarly to Elecman’s boots, but lack the wheel-function entirely and have average heels instead. Mercury, since he just occupies the armor and doesn't use it like a robot, often gets frustrated when the extra-reinforced hydraulics on the boots jam and lock in place due to the boots not receiving any input from a robot and always remaining neutral to any movements he makes (basically, the boots still absorb shock, but always feel stiff). Similarly to the arm pieces of the armor, he can still fit his form through the vents and use it as a method of attack against his foes.
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Mercury’s life cycle is quite slow and takes many stages until he reaches adulthood, the stages and the duration of such stages are as follows: Squid-like Egg (lasts 1 year), Newly Hatched stage (lasts 5 years), Observant stage (lasts 11 years), Adolescent stage (lasts 20 years), Adulthood (lasts indefinitely, he doesn't age at this point). Mercury’s form of reproduction is parasitic, and will ‘hijack’ whoever’s normal cells to maximize the number of offspring that is created, essentially killing whoever he encounters slowly and painfully. (tried to keep that part mostly vague for less cringe)
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Next I’ll try to finish up those Stardroid Pluto sketches I set aside quite a while ago...
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dwarfstardroid · 5 years
stardroid heights
it's headcanon time babey !
srn-001 terra: 5'9"
srn-002 mercury: 5'8"
srn-003 venus: 5'7"
srn-004 mars: 5'9"
srn-005 jupiter: 5'11"
srn-006 saturn: 5'6"
srn-007 uranus: 8'0"
srn-008 pluto: 5'5"
srn-009 neptune: 6'0"
sunstar: 6'1"
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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Wanna see a big kaboom?
Wanna see it again?
MMV Week Day 10 - Sunstar vs. Rock and Roll!!
... and that's actually it for me this year! I mulled over a couple bonus day possibilities, did concepts but nothing really stuck. Perhaps it's more fitting we get Sunstar as the finale anyway, hmm?
And yes, these have all been redraws of the Cardass series. ;) I thought it'd be fun to make them look like screencaps from an animated series. How well I achieved that is up for debate, but that was my theme this year!
Hope everyone enjoyed them!!
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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Not that it ever had a chance to appear during V Week (or Mega Man V itself), but I did have a concept for Roll with Sunstar’s power.
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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Fuzzy, small, packs a ... slash.
MMV Week Day 8 - Pluto vs Roll
Given what Mercury is, do you think I was just going to pass up the opportunity to give Roll (or Rock, if I had chosen him) a big sticky hand? I feel like that's what Mercury's weapon SHOULD'VE been, but there's only so much you can do on the GameBoy.
No wonder Pluto hates it!
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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It's always such a long wait to get to this guy but other than Mercury, Neptune's definitely one of my favourites. There's always something fun about seafolk designs, ya know?
MMV Week Day 9 - Neptune vs. Roll
Thanks to @dahlia-the-nurd for helping with Roll's Spark Chaser design. (Not that I ended up drawing it at an angle you could really see it in the final anyway, unused variant under the cut)
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While it showcased the characters better the background was horrendous and the composition was... blah at best.
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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We were talking about Neptune’s boss fight and why it wasn’t underwater. I mentioned it was probably because he’s more likely to be snoozing and would probably look like a corpse.
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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Pretty big grin for someone within pocket sand throwing distance!
Day 1 of MMV Week - Terra.... vs. Roll! After all, why shouldn't she get to join her twin brother in having adventures?
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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Do you think his stage is ice themed because the cold can be just as shocking as his weapon?
MMV Week Day 5 - Jupiter vs. Roll
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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"And if that don't work, use more gun." Seems to be the entire design philosophy behind Mr. Danger Pumpkin here. I'm surprised he doesn't straight up have a glock but maybe that was due to sprite limitations.
MMV Week Day 4 - Mars vs. Roll
Bonus: the original block in I sketched when figuring out the composition... was going to be a lot more comedic.
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