#srkw profile
orcacharm · 6 years
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J11 Blossom 
J11 was first seen in 1972 by researcher Michael A. Bigg. She was an adventurous young whale that often strayed from her mother J4 Mama’s side to hang out with the older whales in the pod. She later passed her adventurous spirit down to her three surviving calves.  
In 1976, the year the first orca survey occurred, J11′s mother gave birth to a male calf. He was dubbed “J15″, but he passed away 5 years later before he was given a nickname. J11 gained her first sister in 1979 when her mother gave birth to J19 Shachi. Her fourth sibling, J21 E.T., was born in 1982 and passed away a year later. 
In 1988, researchers were shocked to see J11 carrying her dead calf around on her melon. Despite the fact that the calf was never seen alive, it was dubbed “J25″. Three years later, J11 gave birth to her first surviving calf: J27 Blackberry. 
J11′s mother, J4 Mama, passed away around the age of 38 in 1995. At the time, it was considered unusual for a Southern Resident to die so young. J11′s first daughter, J31 Tsuchi, was born the same year. 
From then on, J11 was the matriarch of her subgroup that consisted of her two children and her sister. She was kept very busy by having to corral her curious son away from boats and other dangers. In 2003, she gave birth to her third and final son J39 Mako. Two years later her sister had her first calf, a female named J41 Eclipse. 
In 2008, when J39 was merely 3 years old, J11 Blossom passed away at the age of 36. Her spirit lives on in her three surviving children. The elder two, especially J27, raised J39 in her place. While they all survive to this day, history repeated itself in J31 when she was seen carrying her dead first calf with her in 2016. 
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saddlepatchkid · 4 years
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Procap (“pro animal welfare” on their profile lmao) posted this FB post they wrote on Twitter RE the new show on seaworld or whatever. Can you smell the “I’m susceptible to propaganda from a corporate entity that is known for lying, and am incapable of critical thinking”.
I’m not a fan of a new Blackfish-type media on SeaWorld, especially if it’s going to marketed as a drama/thriller, but this post is so full of shit:
-much of seaworlds “amazing work” just looks good for PR, but they hardly monitor any of the animals they release, so they don’t actually offer any evidence of success
-people do care about the SRKW :) you know who doesn’t? SeaWorld :) who, funnily enough, are partially responsible for the state of the SRKW according to the NMFS :)
-I’m not going to anthropomorphize like OP by saying that some of SeaWorld’s animals have also been traumatized, but if you don’t think some of SeaWorld’s animals haven’t lived through traumatic events that are directly caused by seaworld (every death Orkid has seen), you either need a memory refresher or you are deliberately ignoring said events. Accredited does not equal problem free
-I’m sorry, but are we forgetting all the whales SW stole from the wild and ripped from their families?? Hello???
-ah I see we are also conveniently forgetting that Katina beat the everloving shit out of Tilikum
-ah yes, I’m sure “saving” Tilikum was the first thought SW had when considering purchasing him.
-obligatory “your desire to see them/their limited educational value in captivity does not override their right to live in the ocean”
-if we have to listen to pro seaworld trainers we have to listen to the ones who criticize it too :)
-whether or not trainers love the animals in not in question. The welfare of cetaceans in captivity is. Frankly I don’t care about currently employed trainers opinions, because they’re going to be biased
Procaps, seaworld isn’t going to fuck you 😔
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respectanimalrights · 4 years
Credit © 🎬 @sonicseafilm Voice Ken Balcomb @centerforwhaleresearch via @pnwprotectors 🖋 72 Southern Resident Orcas and 294,715 marine mammal species in the Salish Sea will be impacted by Navy training and testing activities. ⁣ ⁣ Let’s all send a letter to NOAA. ⁣ 30k individual letters are far more powerful than a petition signed by 30k people.⁣ We need to STOP this. ⁣All Together. Let’s all send a letter to NOAA. ⁣ ⁣https://linktr.ee/pnwprotectors 📝Link in our profile ⬆️ link @pnwprotectors to download a letter template to NOAA that you can print out and send via snail mail to:⁣ ⁣ ✉️Jolie Harrison, Chief Permits and Conservation Division, ⁣ ⁣ Office of Protected Resources National Marine Fisheries Service ⁣ ⁣ 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910⁣ ⁣ 🔺Here are some Navy training Facts: ⁣ ⁣ 🔺The Navy’s application and NOAA’s proposed rule would allow for 51 instances of level B harassment affecting Southern Resident Orcas every year for the next seven years. ⁣ ⁣ 🔺As the proposed rule notes, that means that 68% of the endangered Southern Resident orcas could be affected. ⁣ ⁣ 🔺This is just the Southern Residents. In total, they estimate 149 killer whales impacted during training & 325 from testing. ⁣ ⁣ 🔺Those numbers account for total from 4 different populations (Alaskan Residents, ENP Offshores, West Coast Transients/Bigg’s & Southern Residents⁣ ⁣ 🔺294,715 marine mammal species in the Salish Sea will be impacted in total. ⁣ ⁣ “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”⁣ -Margaret Mead⁣ ⁣ ⁣🎥 @sonicseafilm ⁣ Voice: Ken Balcomb @centerforwhaleresearch ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #srkw⁣ #orca⁣ #killerwhale⁣ #blackfish⁣ #salishsea⁣ #conservation ⁣ #navy⁣ #pnw⁣ #weprotectwhatwelove ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/CDEHPjbBM9e/?igshid=1w46jfxqalvgd
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jimabernethy · 4 years
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#Repost from the great @pnwprotectors @download.ins --- Let’s all send a letter to NOAA. ⁣ 30k individual letters are far more powerful than a petition signed by 30k people.⁣ We need to STOP this. ⁣ All Together. ⁣ ⁣ 📝Link in our profile to download a letter template to NOAA that you can print out and send via snail mail to:⁣ ⁣ ✉️Jolie Harrison, Chief Permits and Conservation Division, ⁣ Office of Protected Resources National Marine Fisheries Service ⁣ 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910⁣ ⁣ [email protected]⁣ ⁣ •Here are some Navy training Facts: ⁣ ⁣ •72 Southern Resident Orcas and 294,715 marine mammal species in the Salish Sea will be impacted by Navy training and testing activities. ⁣ ⁣ •The Navy’s application for testing and training activities and NOAA’s proposed rule would allow for 51 instances of level B harassment affecting Southern Resident Orcas every year for the next seven years. ⁣ ⁣ •As the proposed rule notes, that means that 68% of the endangered Southern Resident orcas could be affected. ⁣ ⁣ •This is just the Southern Residents. In total, they estimate 149 killer whales impacted during training & 325 from testing. ⁣ ⁣ •Those numbers account for total from 4 different populations (Alaskan Residents, ENP Offshores, West Coast Transients/Bigg’s & Southern Residents⁣ ⁣ •294,715 marine mammal species in the Salish Sea will be impacted in total. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ‘Action is the antidote to despair.’ ⁣ -Joanne Baez ⁣ ⁣ #srkw⁣ #southernresidentorcas⁣ #Jpod⁣ #blackfish⁣ #orcas⁣ #weprotectwhatwelove ⁣ #nofishnoblackfish⁣ #nopipeline⁣ #getthefishfarmsout⁣ #racingextinction⁣ #extinctionrebellion⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/CDC7oXghacx/?igshid=u9lctaqjcu4d
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cetacean-content · 7 years
Kyara died. That's captivity.
@allthegoodnamesaretaken You know what, yes, Kyara died. That is incredibly upsetting.
But next time a wild orca dies, will I see you yell “THE WILD KILLS!!!!”? No, of course not. Animals die all the time, in the wild and in captivity. It sucks but it happens.
Orca calves are extremely vulnerable in their first year of their lives. But lets put out some statistics, yeah?
In the Pacific Northwest, for example, an estimated 43% of all calves die in the first six months. In other killer whale populations, calf mortality may be as high as 50% during the first year. (source)
The SRKWs had a 69% pregnancy failure rate during our study and an unprecedented half of those occurred at later stages of reproduction when the energetic cost of failure and physiological risk to the mother was relatively high. Temporal patterns in T3 and GC hormone profiles suggest that the SRKWs are experiencing periodic nutritional stress.http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0179824
Times Colonist, Dec 5, 2014: The death of J32 [and] her baby, paints a grim future for the southern resident whales… Balcomb said. “We haven’t had any survivals in babies for a couple of years. We have had stillborns and newborns die… It’s like zero survival in birth rate here.” Howard Garrett of Orca Network said… “There was a calf born in early September that lived less than a month and that was the first calf in two years… There should be two or three births at least per year… Instead, there have been seven mortalities and no births.” http://www.globalresearch.ca/100-death-rate-for-baby-killer-whales-along-the-canadian-west-coast-in-the-past-3-years/5419272
Wild orcas aren’t off much better. Kyara died surrounded by staff who absolutely did their very best to try and save her. Sadly, if pneumonia is indeed the cause, there was very little they could do. Pneumonia is a tough disease to beat in adult orcas, Kyara was only 3 months old. Shit happens now shut the fuck up and get out of my sight.
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Urgent! From our friends at @pnwprotectors!⠀ "PNW Protectors, we just made a petition to halt all salmon fishing immediately! (Link in profile) ⠀ Dear ones, we need to flood our calls & letters to the director of the department of fish & wildlife:⠀ Kelly Susewind & ⠀ @govinslee to Halt all Salmon fishing until the dams are breached. This is an immediate solution that will save the Southern Resident Orcas until the snake river dams are breached. Salmon fishing in the Salish Sea must stop if we are going to save the starving Southern Resident Orcas. The Orca whales need the salmon to survive, humans do not. This is an emergency!🚨. The audio numbers you hear in this video only indicate commercial fishing in a small part of the Salish sea fishing quota. Feeding J50, Scarlet, would not be necessary if we stop all fishing of her food. These whales are starving to death.⠀ .⠀ Governor Inslee: ☎(360) 902-4111 / Address: 416 14th Avenue SW⠀ Olympia, Wa.⠀ Please Ask him to immediately BREACH the lower four snake river dams and HALT all salmon fishing. ⠀ Extinction is forever. .⠀ Kelly Susewind: ☎(360) 902-2200⠀ PO Box 43200⠀ Olympia, Washington ⠀ 98504⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ ⠀ #weprotectwhatwelove #srkw ⠀ #oceanlove⠀ #pnwprotectors #nofishnoblackfish #oceanconservation ⠀ #salishsea #southernresidentorcas ⠀ #jpod ⠀ #tahlequah ⠀ #scarlet #extinctionisforever #eleventhhour ⠀ #breachthesnakeriverdam ⠀ #nofishnoblackfish .⠀ Please share this💙"
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orcacharm · 6 years
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The L15′s
The L15 subgroup consisted of three Southern Resident Killer Whales:
L15 Gracie
L13 Orpheus
L20 Trident
L15 was estimated to have been born in the year 1930. While it is not known for sure, L15 was thought to be the mother of both L13 and L20. L13 was estimated to have been born in the year 1952 while his thought to be brother, L20, was estimated to have been born two years later in 1955.
This small subgroup was first observed during the first encounter the members of the orca survey had with the Southern Residents. It was reported in 1980 that L13 Orpheus had disappeared and was declared deceased. Only a year later, the matriarch L15 Gracie disappeared as well. L20 Trident fell to the fate that many male killer whales do when they lose their entire family and he disappeared also in 1982.
Not much was known about this group and they were gone before we ever got to know more about them.
Pictured above is L13 Orpheus (right) with L16
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orcacharm · 6 years
Oh man I’m really proud of the SRKW profile I just finished writing for J18. He was one of my faves, I miss him so much! The post is in my queue and should be posted on Monday!
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orcacharm · 6 years
So I'm doing research on a few different things right now and I wanted to get your guys input as to what you want to see most:
Profile on J11 Blossom
Profile on L73 Flash & L74 Saanich
The relationship between resident and transient killer whales in the PNW
Profile on L51 Nootka
The Dyes Inlet incident of 1997 involving part of L pod
Russian whaling in the 1900s
How humans destroyed the SRKW population starting from the beginning of the 20th century
Also let me know if you have any requests for other SRKWs/topics you'd like to see!
Edit: Made a straw poll
Please vote for one or more of the topics you'd like to see!!
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orcacharm · 8 years
I need to stop going on facebook... 
I was having a nice discussion with someone about our opinions on cetacean captivity and some random procaps decides that they’re apart of our conversation and starts going off about where our outrage for all the southern residents dying was ?? and accusing us of not caring about the environment and only wanting to bring down helpful corporations ?? I tried to explain to them that I was very upset and outraged about every southern resident death (I literally cried everyday for a week after Doublestuf died!) and that I’m an environmental science major so there’s no way that I could not care about the environment and that I just want to see Seaworld change their ways and bring more attention to conservation of wild orcas (with correct info) and not destroy it. They then said that they didn’t believe that I’m an environmental science major to which I answered that they should actually look at my facebook profile since my major and school are listed right at the top and can be seen just by hovering over my name and if that wasn’t enough I gave them a link to a field study that I participated in. Then they told me to get off of my high horse and proceeded to attack other people 
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respectanimalrights · 4 years
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Post by @pnwprotectors All © in caption L103 “𝘓𝘢𝘱𝘪𝘴” ⁣ 📸: @pnworcapodsquad⁣ ⁣ 🚨This week, let’s all send a letter to NOAA to stop the Navy’s harmful activities endangering the southern resident orcas and all marine mammals of the Salish Sea. ⁣ ⁣ 🚨Let’s all sign the Navy petition.⁣ ⁣ 🚨Let’s all write Governor Jay Inslee imploring him to breach the lower four snake river dams in 2020 to save salmon and southern resident orcas from extinction. ⁣ ⁣ 📝Link in our profile for letters, numbers, addresses and petitions. ⁣ ⁣ • Jolie Harrison, ⁣ ✉️: Chief Permits and Conservation Division, ⁣ Office of Protected Resources National Marine Fisheries Service ⁣ 1315 East-West Highway ⁣ Silver Spring, MD 20910⁣ 📧:[email protected]⁣ ⁣ • Washington Governor,⁣ Jay Inslee ⁣ 📱 : (360) 902-4111⁣ 📝: 416 14th Avenue SW⁣ Olympia, Washington ⁣ 98504⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #srkw⁣ #southernresidentorcas⁣ #Jpod⁣ #blackfish⁣ #orcas⁣ #salishsea⁣ #weprotectwhatwelove ⁣ #nofishnoblackfish⁣ #nopipeline⁣ #getthefishfarmsout⁣ #racingextinction⁣ #extinctionrebellion⁣ #kpodorcas ⁣ #kpodkillerwhales ⁣ #lpodorcas ⁣ #lpodkillerwhales ⁣ #southernresidentorcas #southernresidentorca #southernresidentkillerwhales #southernresidentkillerwhale ⁣ #salishseaorcas⁣ #salishseaorca ⁣ #salishsea ⁣ #killerwhale ⁣ #orcinusorca ⁣ #orcawhale ⁣ #savethesalmon ⁣ #nofishnoblackfish ⁣ #wearetheorca ⁣ #biglittlefish ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/CDUVYTiBjKb/?igshid=1pw5fundz929p
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respectanimalrights · 4 years
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A message to all of us from @pnwprotectors if you see this on This Is it (this page sisterpage on Facebook) look up pnw protectors on Facebook /Kimberly Let’s all send a letter to NOAA. ⁣ 30k individual letters are far more powerful than a petition signed by 30k people.⁣ We need to STOP this. ⁣ All Together. ⁣ ⁣ 📝Link in our profile to download a letter template to NOAA that you can print out and send via snail mail to:⁣ ⁣ ✉️Jolie Harrison, Chief Permits and Conservation Division, ⁣ Office of Protected Resources National Marine Fisheries Service ⁣ 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910⁣ ⁣ [email protected]⁣ ⁣ •Here are some Navy training Facts: ⁣ ⁣ •72 Southern Resident Orcas and 294,715 marine mammal species in the Salish Sea will be impacted by Navy training and testing activities. ⁣ ⁣ •The Navy’s application for testing and training activities and NOAA’s proposed rule would allow for 51 instances of level B harassment affecting Southern Resident Orcas every year for the next seven years. ⁣ ⁣ •As the proposed rule notes, that means that 68% of the endangered Southern Resident orcas could be affected. ⁣ ⁣ •This is just the Southern Residents. In total, they estimate 149 killer whales impacted during training & 325 from testing. ⁣ ⁣ •Those numbers account for total from 4 different populations (Alaskan Residents, ENP Offshores, West Coast Transients/Bigg’s & Southern Residents⁣ ⁣ •294,715 marine mammal species in the Salish Sea will be impacted in total. ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ‘Action is the antidote to despair.’ ⁣ -Joanne Baez ⁣ ⁣ #srkw⁣ #southernresidentorcas⁣ #Jpod⁣ #blackfish⁣ #orcas⁣ #weprotectwhatwelove ⁣ #nofishnoblackfish⁣ #nopipeline⁣ #getthefishfarmsout⁣ #racingextinction⁣ #extinctionrebellion⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ https://www.instagram.com/p/CC-7uUmhu6J/?igshid=1qc1ghgoj4vfv
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respectanimalrights · 4 years
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@pnwprotectors Good news! We just published a new blog post written by our talented conservation writer @chadisonmurchill on pnwprotectors.com: ⁣ ⁣ “During this time of global uncertainty, it’s important to step back and celebrate the⁣ positives and find ways to help our planet heal. In just a few rapidly changing weeks, we have seen how the Earth responds to a slower pace. ⁣ ⁣ While human movement eases to a quiet halt, we start to see how quickly the planet speaks back.⁣ ⁣ ☁️Pollution maps all around the world show that in just a few weeks, the atmospheric CO2⁣ has reduced dramatically. ⁣ ⁣ 🦌Animals are wandering back into big cities that used to be their habitats. ⁣ ⁣ 🐟Many fishing operations have slowed or been shut down around the globe. ⁣ ⁣ 🐬Boat traffic has greatly reduced through the Salish Sea. Our Southern Resident orcas can now enjoy their favorite feeding grounds and communicate effectively without the sound of dozens of fishing, shipping, and tour boats. ⁣ ⁣ 🌏It’s incredible to see how resilient the Earth can be when we all take a moment to slow down. ⁣ While we are all resting at home during this time, there are a few actions we can take to⁣ continue helping the ocean from our homes.”...⁣ ⁣ Visit pnwprotectors.com to read the rest of this brilliant article. ⁣ Link in profile.⁣ ⁣ 📸 J38 ‘𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘦’ ⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #srkw⁣ #jpod⁣ #orcas⁣ #nofishnoblackfish⁣ #weprotectwhatwelove https://www.instagram.com/p/B_N4jSiBxRx/?igshid=d96uf0lgbdc0
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respectanimalrights · 5 years
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🚨Call To Action!🚨⁣⁣⁣via our friends at @pnwprotectors.⁠ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁠ The Orca Task Force has completed the 2nd year of meetings and are seeking public comments from ✨you✨until Friday.⁠ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁠ Throughout all of the orca task force draft recommendations there in not a single mention of breaching the lower four snake river dams. ⁣⁣⁣⁠ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁠ So today is our chance to tell Washington Governor Jay Inslee and his orca task force that no other recommendation is as paramount, immediate and critical as Breaching the Lower Four Snake River dams.⁠ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁠ 🐬We all know the facts:🐟⁣⁣⁣⁠ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁠ 1. There are 73 Southern Resident Orcas left on earth and they are starving. ⁣⁣⁣⁠ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁠ 2. They need more wild Chinook Salmon to survive. ⁣⁣⁣⁠ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁠ 3. The Transient/Biggs Orcas (mammal eaters) share the same polluted, loud Salish Sea waters and yet they are thriving and had over 80 successful births in the last 3 years. ⁣⁣⁣⁠ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁠ 4. The glaringly obvious difference = Food. ⁣⁣⁣⁠ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁠ 5. The lower four snake river dams kill 8 million salmon every single year. ⁣⁣⁣⁠ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁠ 6. The lower four snake river dams lost $100 million dollars last year in maintenance costs.⁣⁣⁣⁠ ⁣ ⁠ ⁣⁣ 7. We need to breach (dig a ditch around) the lower four snake river dams IMMEDIATELY. ⁣⁣⁣⁠ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁠ 🚨Please click the link on our profile to let them know your recommendation. Your actions make all of the difference in helping, protecting & saving the Southern Resident orcas from⁣⁣⁣⁠ extinction.⁣⁣⁣⁠ ⁠ ⁣⁣Beautiful photo of J47 & J46 by @gary_j27⁣⁣⁣.⁠ ⁣⁣⁣#FreeTheSnake #NoFishNoBlackfish #PNWProtectos #DolphinProject #SRKW #SalishSea https://www.instagram.com/p/B4B1NAWD-mZ/?igshid=10jiairw6yy7g
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respectanimalrights · 6 years
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@pnwprotectors Our calls are working! Let’s keep the pressure on our politicians by calling them every day (their phone numbers are in our profile). Thank you @dam_sense for bringing us this update!#powertothepeople #jointhepod #nofishnoblackfish ・・・ This statement was released last night by Governor Inslee’s office. But we have to be sure Governor Inslee supports IMMEDIATE BREACHING and is not supportive of the CRSO that won’t be done until 2022 at the earliest. Still MUCH work to do, we can’t stop working, if anything this should motivate us to keep on doing what we have done! We can’t forget to keep calling the Corps, Senator Murray, and Senator Cantwell. This shows what our voice can do!!!! Let’s keep it up team!!! Thanks for all you are doing! Link to news interview: https://www.king5.com/mobile/video/news/local/health-concerns-for-southern-resident-orcas/281-8210037 Thank you Tahlequah. If any good can come from this, this may be it. #dams #dam #orca #orcas #srkws #srkw #southernresidents #southernresidentkillerwhales #tahlequah #j35 #j50 #scarlet #salmon #chinook #chinooksalmon #saveoursalmon #breach #breachthedams #freethesnake #snakeriver #lowersnake #lowersnakeriver #lowersnakeriverdams #salishsea
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orcacharm · 6 years
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J18 Everett
J18 was the first calf and only son of J10 Tahoma. He was born in 1977 and was very close to his mother and grandmother J9 Neah. Over the years, J18 gained two younger sister. The first was J20 Ewok who was born in 1981 and his youngest sister, J22 Oreo, was born in 1985. The same year J22 was born, his grandmother J9 disappeared.
The J10′s were a very tight knit pod and could almost always be seen together. J18 became an uncle for the first time in 1996 when J20 gave birth to a female calf: J32 Rhapsody. He was very caring towards the new calf in the pod and often “babysat” her while his sister hunted down salmon. He became an uncle again in 1998 when his youngest sister gave birth to a son, J34 Doublestuf, who bore a striking resemblance to J18. 
The same year that his nephew was born, his sister J20 Ewok disappeared. J18 was quick to adopt her daughter while his youngest sister was busy with her newborn calf. They were almost inseparable with one was rarely seen without the other swimming by their side.  
In late 1999, his mother J10 Tahoma disappeared. Not long after, he himself passed away at the age of 22 and washed ashore in Tsawassen, Canada leaving his 14 year old sister to care for two young calves by herself. A necropsy revealed that an infected cut caused blood poisoning. Not only that but he had an extremely high level of toxins in his body as well as a nonexistent sperm count. This led researchers to ponder about the effect that pollution was having on the genetic diversity among the SRKW population. 
Today, only two members of his pod are still alive: his youngest sister J22 Oreo and her son J38 Cookie. The young niece and nephew that he helped raise passed away in 2014 and 2016 respectively. 
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