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المدرب المغربي فؤاد الصحابي يعاني من حالة صحية حرجة بسبب كورونا https://ift.tt/3dVDLXt
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الإصابات بكورونا في العالم تتخطى عتبة الـ35 مليون حالة https://ift.tt/3db4VJO
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5 Dicas de como gerir as redes sociais com sucesso!
5 Dicas de como gerir as redes sociais com sucesso!
1. Primeiro de tudo invista nas redes sociais corretas para o seu negócio!
Se ainda não criou uma página da sua empresa na internet ou um perfil nas principais redes sociais (facebook, instagram, linkedin, twitter, etc.) é hora de tomar uma atitude.
É cada vez mais habitual os consumidores comprarem e discutirem as marcas e produtos pelas redes sociais, pelo que as empresas que não…
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BLOG: Can exercise help those who are already “healthy”?
#BLOG: Can exercise help those who are already “healthy”? #CutsCurvesFitness
Photo by Guilherme Almeida on Pexels.com
Tons of research already exists to show that physical activity is a wonderful resource for those diagnosed with clinical depression, severe anxiety, or other serious mood disorder issues.
The American Psychological Association conducted a new studyto see if regular exercise can also help those who are generally mentally healthy, but just are…
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Teknik memotret malam hari dengan minim cahaya
Teknik memotret malam hari dengan minim cahaya
Teknik memotret malam hari dengan minim cahaya – Setelah sebelumnya kita telah memahami materi fotografi dasar serta teknik photography pemula, kali ini kita akan membahas teknik memotret pada malam hari. Memotret pada malam hari merupakan hal yang menarik. Karena disitu kita akan belajar untuk mengeksplor segitiga exposure yang dapat membuat foto kita menjadi bagus. Tidak hanya itu, kita juga…
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إصابة أسطورة نيويورك نيكس بفيروس كورونا https://ift.tt/3bZu9IE
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The largest women-only motorcycle celebration in the world takes place Saturday, August 22, 2020
The largest women-only motorcycle celebration in the world takes place Saturday, August 22, 2020
This female-powered ride is extremely popular with each year, more women participating in over 120 countries. Photo: Oleg Magni / Pexels
International Female Ride Day (IFRD), celebrates women riders collectively while making a positive difference for women in motorcycling around the globe.
The “JUST RIDE!” event is celebrated annually worldwide on the first Saturday of May. Due to…
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Porque é difícil proteger as florestas?
Porque é difícil proteger as florestas? Veja a importância e as dificuldades que as ongs e os governos tem para proteger as florestas no Brasil principalmente a Amazônia. #SalveaMata #Brazil #Amazonia

Foto por David Riau00f1o Cortu00e9s em Pexels.com
Proteger as florestas é sem dúvida o objetivo principal de muitas Ongs, ambientalistas e simpatizantes das causas ambientais em geral, mas isso não é tarefa fácil, até porque nem mesmo o governo com sua guarda ambiental tem conseguido sucesso e tem encontrado dificuldades para preservar as florestas que ainda temos, principalmente a amazônia,…
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L come libri - "I libri letti sono sempre libri nuovi, non gettiamoli, doniamoli"
Nei giorni scorsi abbiamo pubblicato un articolo che denunciava l’azione di una scuola di Casal Bruciato che buttava libri “superflui” dal titolo:
Municipio IV, Casal Bruciato: “una scuola non dovrebbe mai gettare libri”
Un nostro lettore, che chiameremo convenzionalmente FG, sensibile all’argomento ci scrive:
Foto di cottonbro da Pexels
«Salve, mi chiamo FG, faccio parte dello staff di oggicambi…
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Quelques fashion faux pas quand on est ronde :
Nous avons décider de vous conseiller sur les quelques choses fashion faux pas à ne pas faire ou à ne pas mettre quand on est un peu ronde.
En effet il suffit d’un petit détail pour que votre tenue ou votre silhouette soit entachée.
Alors c’est parti suivez-nous !
Le total look noir
Tout d’abord il vrai que beaucoup de personnes disent que le noir à tendances à cacher les formes.
Alors bien…
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सिरदर्द नहीं जा रहा ? यह पोस्ट जरूर पढ़ें।
सिरदर्द नहीं जा रहा ? यह पोस्ट जरूर पढ़ें।
क्या आपका सिरदर्द बहुत लम्बे समय से है।और सारे उपाय करने के बाद भी सिरदर्द नहीं जा रहा। तब आपको यह पोस्ट जरूर पढ़नी चाहिए क्योकि मैंने बहुत रिसर्च के बाद आपके लिए कुछ ऐसे उपायों की खोज की है. जो आपके सिरदर्द में लाभदायक होगी। सिरदर्द नहीं जा रहा तो इसके बहुत से कारण हो सकते हैं। आज हम उन सभी कारणों और उनके उपायों के बारे में बात करंगे।
मै भी कभी इस सिरदर्द की परेशानी से परेशान था। लेकिन अब…
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#आधे सिरदर्द का इलाज इन हिंदी#सिरदर्द#सिरदर्द और उलटी का कारण#सिरदर्द का इलाज इन हिंदी#सिरदर्द की बीमारी#सिरदर्द के कारण#सिरदर्द के घरेलू उपाय#सिरदर्द क्यों होता है#सिरदर्द गोली#सिरदर्द टेबलेट#सिरदर्द दवा#सिरदर्द मीन्स#सिरदर्द से छुटकारा
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Worldbuilding - Caretakers
Worldbuilding – Caretakers
The Scholar
Patron of scholars and mages. Head of the Academy at Gyntarekh – the academy is built around a ruined ancient/historical city. Knowledge, civilisation, books, keys, maps, and Arcane knowledge. The written word, and languages. History. Ruins.
Symbols: books, arcane symbols, keys, quill, ink bottle,
The Oracle
Divination, light, truth, insight, deserts, purification, the…
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baked goods
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