kurung-kuring-aing · 2 months
- YEN ALAM ATAWA JAGAT TEH AYA 2 NYAETA JAGAT KABIR SARENG JAGAT SOGIR. - Saur eta katerangan, eta 2 Jagat teh kaayaanana henteu beda.
- ari JAGAT KABIR teh nyaeta Alam Semesta/Alam Dunya/ Alam Dohir.
- Ari JAGAT SOGIR mah, nyaeta Wujud Manusa.
- kaayaan dina eta 2 Jagat teh sami, sakumaha katerangan Hadist piraku make lepat.
- Di ALAM DUNYA eusina parantos pasti ‘ Papasangan’. Aya Siang, aya Wengi, - tah di Diri Manusa oge piraku henteu karaos, kapan aya Nyaring sareng Sare. - Nyaring babandingan Siang, - ari Sare babandingannana sareng Wengi.
- Dinten Anu 7 (Tujuh) nyatana di Diri eta palawangan anu di Luhur (Dina raray) :
1. CEPIL 2 Liang
2. SOCA 2 Liang
3. IRUNG 2 Liang
4. BAHAM 1 Liang
- mun di Jumlahkeun sadayana aya 7
-nu disebat Dawuh 5 (Lima) ?
Ari Dawuh 5 mah, eta eusina anu 7 tea :
1. CEPIL Jeung Pangdanguna
2. SOCA Jeung Paninggalna
3. IRUNG Jeung Pangangseuna
4. BAHAM Jeung Pangucapna
5. RASANA nu 4 (opat) diluhur
- Sataun teh aya 12 Bulan, nyatana dina Diri Buktina dina Diri - heg bilang, eta ugel-ugel panangan sareng ugel-ugel sampean.
- Dina Panangan sabeulahna aya 3 ugel-ugel. - Jadi 2 Sampean teh jumlah 6 ugel-ugel. - Tuh Panangan 6, Sampean 6. pan pas janten 12 ugel-ugel.
- janten 12, upami di Jagat Kabir mah 12 bulan, ari dina Wujud Manusa (Jagat Sagir) mah 12 ugel-ugel. - Ayeuna kantun Sabulan teh aya 30 (tilu puluh) dinten, nyatana dina Diri
- Ari anu 30 (tilu puluh) dinten mah, geura etang ugel-ugel panangan anu panghandapna, sareng Ramona, sadayana teh 2 (dua panangan). - Aya 30 ugel-ugel. - Kitu deui dina Sampean, sami aya 30 ugel-ugel. Ieu teh babandingan : SIANG 30, oge WENGI 30.
- Kantun ayeuna Sawindu teh aya 8 (dalapan) taun, dina Diri urang
- Eta buku-buku diantara ugel-ugel, boh ugel-ugel Panangan, boh ugel-ugel Sampean pan eta, dina sabeulah Panangan aya 2 buku, - upami 2 Panangan teh janten 4 buku. - Teras dina 2 Sampean, pingping 2, atuh bitis 2. jumlahna janten 4.
- 4 dina Panangan, 4 dina Sampean, tuh pan pas, janten 8 bubukuan.
- Bilih kalangkung di Jagat Kabir aya Panon Poe (Srangenge), aya Bulan, aya Bentang, aya Hawa Panas, aya Hawa Haneut, - naon nyatana dina Diri manusa
- Ari Panon Poe (Srangenge), Bulan, Bentang, teh, anu ngahirupkeun saniskara di Alam Dunya ieu. - Da upami henteu aya Panon Poe mah, panginten moal jaradi, moal aya hasil Dunya.
- Tah dina diri urang mah, nyaeta Hirup, - tapi perkawis hirup mah teu tiasa ditinggal ku soca lahir, da ieu mah bagian Hakekat. - Mung ku ayana Hirup Jasad Manusa bisa usik malik.
- Ari anu 4 (opat) rupi mah, nyaeta : Daging, Sumsum, Tulang, Kulit. Hawa-hawana jadi Nafsu tea, nyaeta : Amarah, Lawamah, Sawiyah, Mutmainah.
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kithmet · 6 years
Hi, i ask you this because you did VM astrology. I read that Tessa in her saturn return and Scott in his neptune opposite Venus phase. Is this true? What does it means? Thank you
Hello! Thanks for remembering me for my astrology posts, those happened a few months ago. (For those who haven’t seen it and are curious, I did a really thorough astrological examination of Tessa and Scott a while ago. You can find the masterlist here or look through my astrology tag for other questions.)
Indeed, Tessa is in her Saturn return at the moment. It typically begins around ages 27-30, when a person’s Saturn placement returns to the sign they were originally born in. Here are some basic facts about her Saturn return, and what it means:
For Tessa, it had taken 28 years for her Saturn sign to orbit completely and return back to its original sign, Capricorn. Which is also, coincidentally, the sign ruled by Saturn.
Her Saturn return began on December 19, 2017 and will last until March 21, 2020. 
Saturn returns can be—quite honestly—cruel. They put the person through a lot of emotional turmoil and through their toughest lessons, because planet Saturn wants to whip them into shape and turn them into the best human they can possible be. 
Saturn returns are considered a rite of passage in the astrological world. It basically takes the human that you are, puts you through a bender of crap, then spits you back out a better person. 
I would like to point out, at this point, that Scott has already endured his Saturn return. It began from September 17, 2015 and lasted until December 18, 2017.
Saturn returns are all about learning lessons. This phase will force a person to realize the right method to go about solving a problem. (Potentially, a problem they’ve endured many times in their life.)
I read a really interesting thing about Tessa’s Saturn return which might apply but I don’t know, obviously. Here’s what it says on this site:
“Goals, goals, goals! You may be obsessed with success to a detriment, and your Saturn Return will remind you that the end does not always justify the means. […] Ambitious Capricorn is associated with men and the father. Daddy issues could plague you, or you may have a strained or distant relationship with your father. Or, your dad could have been very stern and authoritative, making it difficult for you to express yourself in his company. These will need to be dealt with during the Saturn Return, but powerful men will also help you manifest your dreams. Big business could call your name. You may return to school for an MBA, be promoted to a director’s position, or open up shop on your own venture. Hello, CEO.”
Regarding Scott in his Neptune opposition Venus phase… I’ll admit I didn’t even know this was a thing, so I had to do some research before answering this ask, lol. But I think I’m equipped to answer it now, sort of.
Planet Venus does not move slowly (unlike Saturn), so I’d imagine this phase will occur multiple times throughout a person’s life. 
Neptune opposite Venus in the transit (which means, when it’s moved into this phase in a person’s chart, as Scott wasn’t born with this conjunction) can definitely have an impact. This is because Neptune clouds judgment and causes confusion, so it can definitely disrupt the Venus sign, which means it will disrupt relationships that are already occurring, or influence a person to enter a relationship (or multiple relationships) that they shouldn’t be in.
Neptune opposition Venus can influence you to “fall victim to people who seek to take advantage of your caring and accepting nature. People may see your niceness as a weakness, appearing more loving or generous than they are. Over idealization or gullibility can lead to embarrassment or disappointment in love, or financial losses that would all have a harmful effect on your self-esteem. You need to be more aware of the potential dangers of any offers, schemes or dating sites at the moment. Being generous and giving also has it problems at the moment. This is no time to be a martyr.” (Source here.)
I think that’s it. Hope that answers your question!
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wiedzie · 5 years
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Srangenge meletek nyaangan Buana Panca Tengah sangkan jalma lumaku nyiar rezeki sasieureun sabeunjeureun =============================================== . . #garut #instahub #ig_shutterworld #best_longexposurepics #instanature #instagarut #natgeo #instapict #sawah #nature #langit #sky #instasky #instasunda #paddyfields #dronephotography #dronestagram #uavphotography #skyexplorer #haze #sunrise #galunggung #mentari #garutendah #indonesia_photography #cameraindonesia #instapetualangindonesia #serikat_FI #sun #sunlight #matahari (at Tarogong Kota Garut) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5iJOEGhdzT/?igshid=a3jgyoly6jb3
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derifirman · 7 years
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Wanci sareupna, kuring unggah ka bale lamunan. Rek nyalayadkeun pikir sugan bae kaparengkeun panggih jeung bentang baranang, si bentang timur anu jadi pangharepan, panuduh jalan sangkan kuring ulah katambias dina ganggasna leuweung kahirupan. Ari bentang baranang, najan tilem waktu beurang tapi caang mabrak lir ibarat beurang nalika surupna srangenge. Wondening hirup ditutur ku nu kawasa, najan rupa tilem hakekatna tetep aya.
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rijallumayung-blog · 7 years
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Kieu kaayaan kampung mah jauh tina ugeran "kerén/hadé" 😁 teu kawas didayeuh nu ngajegir téh wawangunan jadi ningali meletékna panon poé téh dina suhunan wawangunan. 😂 Anigdu'alaa hartsikum inkuntum shorimiin: "Gera indit dina wanci isuk-isuk iyeu ka kebon anjeun lamun anjeun hayang ngala hasilna" #sakitu #sunda #cikuda #jatinangor #sumedang #jawabarat #srangenge #panonpoe #pagi #fajar #gunung #kampung #morning #sunrise #time #sun #dawn #mountain #air #fresh #away #from #city #building (di Sumedang)
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