#squints at usagi
rhinocio · 6 months
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I need to stop following and befriending people with TMNT OCs, I can't draw fanart of every one of them hnnngh. And @princessjadyn15 ( <- the creator of this OC) you need to stop hurting Dawn istg
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femceltomura · 9 months
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love these silly goobers (they are fighting for their lives out here)
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t4transara · 2 months
alice in borderland headcanons that make me go insane 🚙 season 2 spoliers under the cut!
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cw suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, self loathing, mentions of blood, using cigarettes as a coping mechanism, implied arisu x usagi, angst overload ☆
kuina and chishiya had this secret meeting spot only both of them knew where they sometimes talk about anything that comes out of their head which eventually ends with one of them opening up about their life before the game along with their own struggles. when chishiya went missing after the king of spades appeared, sometimes kuina would go there hoping he would be there but he never showed up.
usagi and arisu sleep together in the same tent, sometimes when arisu is sleeping he tends to have nightmares about his friends which causes him to start crying in his sleep. usagi comforts arisu as tears fall out of his eyes, apologizing to her for being a burden and he needs to be strong if he wants to protect her. usagi continues reassuring arisu telling him he was never a burden and she is already happy with him in her life. the tears stopped dropping and arisu pulled usagi for a tight hug, both of them spared no words but continued to be each others arm for the entire night.
tatta never had real friends his entire life was filled with fake people and he could never express himself with others fearing that they would look down on him, it suddenly disappeared when he started to get more closer with arisu and expressing his personality and humor more. arisu never judged him but laughed and smiled at his stupid comments and remarks, tatta never felt more happier in his entire life.
chishiya smokes a cigarette when he needs get something off his head, he often reminisces about his life wandering whether the choices he made as a doctor was partially his fault. even though his boss told him it wasn’t still it hold no purpose for chishiya because it eats him up from the inside no matter how much he tries to deny it.
ann is interested in photography she owns a digital camera and captures of what she thinks is beautiful. in a world filled with so much despair and horrible things happening she wants to be reminded theres always something good waiting behind the dark.
arisu, chota, karube as a joke had matching bracelets for their friendship anniversary. when chota and karube died in the 7 of hearts game, arisu checked on them to see if they still had theirs to his shock they still wore their bracelets he took them from their bloody bodies and carries it with him to honor their death. whenever arisu is going through a difficult time he always manages to get a bit of strength knowing a piece of his bestfriends were with him.
aguni misses takeru alot, he misses his presence and memories he had with him he wonders whether if he should have died in the beach and joined his bestfriend instead. suicide lingers a lot in the back of his head sometimes he hears his bestfriends voice tempting him to do it. the thought eventually gets to him and he sets a date where he would then heiya unexpectedly appears in his life and a part of her reminds him of takeru but he doesnt know why, but he doesnt want to repeat his mistake again and he chooses to protect heiya. she eventually grows on aguni sometimes he accidentally calls her by his deceased bestfriends name, she gets confused about it but decides not to act upon it when she sees a slight spark in his eyes when he mentions that unfamiliar name.
chishiya knows how cruel the world is towards the unfortunate he seen it himself as a doctor. he came to the terms to suppress his feelings not expressing it to anyone, it eventually leads him to lack any empathy towards anyone. no matter how much he forces himself to understand he doesnt feel anything when he sees someone on their knees begging for their life after losing a game. so why did it feel different during the jack of heart game, when he saw his partner, ippeis lifeless body? this was supposed to be normal for him to see such a horrifying sight of someones life being taken during a game. instead he feels remorseful remembering how ippei wished for all of this to end so nobody else would die in a such sincere tone. chishiya himself remembers and heard countless last words of the people he was partnered before they got killed, so why does this feel different?
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hatchi-matchii · 2 years
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don’t ask me what’s going on in half of these I just really really loved drawing @twistedfinch ‘s design for the boyy
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sapphicauntie · 10 months
Kenichi: Two years ago, I married my best friend.
Kenichi: Mariko is still mad about it, but me and Usagi were drunk and thought it was funny.
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sadlynotthevoid · 7 months
Once, I had a dream where Og!Cale had been travelling back and forth between Rain City and Little Garden. Then he had to stay on his natal world for a few years, no world hopping for a while, only to come back at Azi Dahaka trying to squash his Kuro-noona's new friend.
He was pissed off.
Just to be clear, he didn't come back alone at that time. His previous travels had been just him teleporting from his room to Little Garden, and then back again, without anyone noticing. This one, however, was not his doing. Mostly.
It's just that he got bored easily and Little Garden's games were fun. It's just that he has always been good at riddles, so beginning with games based on intelligence and deduction skills was the logic thing to do. It was that he got luck and won useful gifts. And it was that winning other kind of games becomes easier the more gifts you have. And, maybe, it was that he didn't realize exactly how well-known was himself between the people there.
Okay, so maybe not having to act the same trash role as always has taken quite a big weight of his shoulders. He felt so free that he forgot to pay attention to his reputation. Running here and there, doing whatever he wants.
(Now that was a luxury he would never indulge in his homeland. Cale could buy almost anything in Rain City, but being himself was not one of them. That was the choice he made, because the price would had been too high.)
Then, one of the residents of Little Garden had heard about him and decided to challenge him. Cale had been at the Henituse County at that time, pondering the pros and cons of healing himself. The child and the foreign god had surprised him a bit, but it was a pleasant surprise. It has been a while since he had been challenged by a kid like this.
The god, some guy that got dragged as the responsible adult— a plant-based deity, if he had to guess—, is designated as the impartial third part. They're not in Little Garden right now, so an extra pair of eyes to act as a judge is necessary. And he won't lie. "Even if I wanted, I wouldn't be able to, since I'm currently under punishment from a previous game", is what he says.
The kid— a redhead with reptilian pupils (was she a dragon?)— also offers a nice deal. Most likely because she doesn't owns a Host Master Authority, she prepared a tempting price for him: salvation from an uncoming danger.
The [salvation] she means is, in simple terms, a massive transmigration to Little Garden. Of course, it doesn't apply just to him, but to anyone of his world according Cale's conditions. (If his conditions include almost everyone who isn't responsible of the threat, and maybe some more that are, that's between him and his guests). Is not Cale's ideal method to keep his family safe, but is the avaible one. Which is good enough for him.
The punishment for Cale if he loses would be just his strongest gift. A bargain, if he says so.
Sure, he likes that gift, is one of his favorites, even. But its worth is not remotely close to his family's lives. Besides, she's not asking his whole deck of cards. 'She would have to wait too much to play with him again if he did so', is what the kid said.
Naturally, Cale accepted.
He also won, but because they were too into the game, they ended up landing on the capital. Inside giant bubbles and with blindfolds covering their eyes. And just in the middle of the Plaza. He's going to have to explain a thing or two to his family, isn't him?
It was good then, that Little Garden wasn't ruled by a noble society.— Noble what? We have demon lords and host masters. Even deities don't get a pass.— Because there's no way his trash persona survives the inquire.
Anyway, the kid kept her word and fulfilled her part of the deal right there. In a matter of seconds, the stone floor under them became grass and their surround changed.
"Space control, my element", she cleared out. Definitely a dragon, then. And one of his world, it seems.
She looked so proud that Cale didn't have the heart to tell her she has just let out two big hints about herself. She's still young, isn't her?
But it was an impressive power. The thousands of people (and maybe even more) hadn't have time to panic before being teleported to a completely different world. Although it seemed like there were some people already grasping into the situation.
However, before they could start asking questions, a little black blurr flew right into the red haired girl.
"Noona! That old white lizard is back! The Rabbit-noona and her friends are fighting him!"
The red dragon stayed still, blinking at the space where his new friend had been just a moment ago.
"Wow, Noona, that red human is really fast!"
Yes, he is. After all, a great dragon like her had almost not being able to see him leave.
Bassen, after he met with most of his family: Where is hyung-nim?
Violan: I think I saw him over the front.
Lily: *sees a bright red blurr* He left!
Deruth: What?!
Lily, wide eyed: *raises her voice* That he left!
Bassen, still looking right and left for him: when?
Lily: Just now! He was like "fwoshh". Like a lightning :D
Bonus II
Izayoi: *about to be impaled by a bastard*
Azi Dahaka, the bastard: *about to open a new hole through this brat*
Cale, falling from the sky in pure rage: —your ugly-ass paws away from my friends, scaly-branded cerberus, discount hydra fucker!
Azi Dahaka: *freezes* what?
Izayoi: *snorts*
So, a few things more about this dream/AU:
•Cale's deck of cards is like it sounds: a deck of [gift] cards. Bro seriously did not intended to collect so many, but he was having fun.
•If you're wondering why or how can Cale travel to Little Garden and back to home, I think it was a present a sort of big deity gave to him. I have this vague memory of twelve-ish year old Cale sitting on a bed in a milky way-looking room, a giant pink lady standing besides him. She was really cheerful.
•When he is in Little Garden, he spends a lot of time at the No Name community. So much to the point he has his own room there. The only reason he hasn't joined the community is because he still wasn't a full-time resident of that world, an therefore he has some restrictions.
•Due to those restrictions, he can't use all his acquired gifts back outside what counts like Little Garden's world. Most of them get blocked or restrained when he goes back home. The ones who doesn't are the one who lets him jump between worlds, a healing gift and one that basically works like a library. The reason of this is to avoid a big disbalance in his and other worlds.
•Before this, Cale had been on a break from world hopping. He wanted to get officially out of the heir position before going back. With his 18 birthday coming soon, he had to do it soon before someone realizes that he's tecnically still the heir. (Then Choi Han happened). He hasn't seen his friends for almost a year.
•He usually gets into games/fights alone, but he's strong point are group fights where he can help them and use the battlefield like his own scenery.
•He had a gift even since before putting a step into Little Garden, but he wasn't aware. Is not something useful for most games, specially not friendly ones. Deathly fights, however... Let's say he can touch souls, and pulling one out of its body, hence separating them, is not something you can survive. He either fails and his enemy lives, or he succeeds and his enemy dies. He only has used it to pull a soul all the way once before, and it was a possession. The owner of the body was already dead by then, sadly.
•One of his gifts can be used like a warrior legion. It looks like ghostly samurais: glowing, translucid japanese warriors with an ominous aura. He got it from a war deity. (In my dream, he used it to fight Azi Dahaka)
•The gift he used to get to Izayoi and Kuro Usagi so fast was actually an object. A magic hooverboard, basically. Though he is fast, just thought saving energy would be better.
•He and Jack-o-lantern are close buddies. They met when he was thirteen, still so young and naive, travelling around Little Garden for the best sweets. Jack managed to trick him and then teased him about it (not to be mean, he was just to easy to annoy and his face went red really fast, looking like a red panda). In reprisal, Cale kept showing up near him, eating pumpkin desserts for a whole month. Somehow, they grew found of each other in a uncle-nephew relationship. Cale calls him uncle Jack.
•After the fight with Azi Dahaka, Jin presented Cale to the newest members. He and Asuka have a weird rich-kids conversation that no one else understands where they only spoke one or two words per turn (they were comparing life experiences).
•Yo, in all of her cat learned manners, measured him, determined he was not going to harm them, and blinked twice to show approval. For everyone else it looked like she stared at him for a long minute before blinking again. For some reason, Cale feels like Hans would be found of her.
•Izayoi and him get along like a house on fire. Izayoi likes to cause chaos and Cale likes to watch the chaos. Instant friendship. Although Asuka is absolutely sure that Izayoi has a puppy crush on Cale. (Idk if he has, dream asuka was always like "I know what you're" to Izayoi. Most likely not going to happen tho. Cale sees anyone younger than him like "little sibling aged")
•Cale finally joins No Name and some people of his previous world decides to follow as well.
•Lily and Lily bounding.
•Not really important but quite funny: in my dream, because Cale kept running here and there, kicking ass and being a decent person, but forgetting to properly introduce himself, he got an embarrasing nickname. "The Crimson Knight", they say. Cale was so ashamed when he found out. It took years for him to get used to it. Lily was thrilled once she heard about it.
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More ROTTMNT incorrect quotes-
Leo: You can de-escalate any situation by simply saying, 'Are we about to kiss?'
Leo: By the way, Doesn't work for getting out of a fight.
Raphael: If Mikey and I were drowning, who would you save?
Donnie: You two can’t swim?
Raphael: It’s a hypothetical question, Donnie! now, who would you save?
Donnie: my time and effort.
Leo: Tell Mikey about the birds and the bees.
Donnie: They're disappearing at an alarming rate.
Leo, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing.
April: Okay
Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink?
Leo: Orange soda, please!
April: I'll have the strawberry soda.
Donnie: Me too, strawberry soda.
Leo: How's the sexiest person here~?
Usagi: I don't know, how are they~?
Leo, flustered: I-
Donnie, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
Mikey: Dad, can you pass the salt?
Splinter: *Throws Barron Draxum across the table*
Raph: We know you snuck out last night, Leo.
Inner monologue Leo: PLAY DUMB!!!
Leo: Who's Leo?
Inner monologue Leo: NOT THAT DUMB!!!
Mikey, calling from the bathroom: guys! Help April has been kidnapped!! I went over to her house to give her a cooking lesson and was a stranger with April's voice in the kitchen!! She doesn't suspect I know anything yet but she is freaking me out!!
Raph: We are on our way!
Leo: April? We thought you were kidnapped?
April: Whaddya mean, Mikey right next to me the whole time-....give me a minute...*turns to mikey*THE NEW HAIRCUT ISN’T THAT BAD!
Mikey: WHO ARE YOU?!
April: I love you guys, meeting you four was the best thing that has ever happened to me!
Mikey: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
April: Yes!
Donnie: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you.
Donnie: Why are you on the floor?
Leo: I'm depressed...... Also, I was stabbed, please help.
Raph: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time?
Mikey: The car takes a screenshot.
Donnie: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Leo: Don't worry, I got a plan.
Donnie: Alright.
Leo: TraitorSayWhat?
Jennika: Excuse me?
Leo: What?..... No, wait-
*gang coming back after a mission*
Raph: What time is it?
Donnie:*about to check the time*
Mikey: Don't worry, D. I got this *pulls out a sax and starts playing it, extremely out of tune*
Mikey: It’s 2 am.
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yoyomomiko · 5 months
heyyy!! I was wondering if you could write a Muichiro x s/o similar to Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon?? If you don't know who she is she's a really clumsy girl that's quite emotional and lazy. She's really sweet and she can get jealous easily over her boyfriend. If you can't do this it's okay!
“She wasn't supposed to be talking to you.”
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Pairing: Muichiro x F!reader
Summary: Just Muichiro with an S/O that's clumsy, slightly emotional and easily gets jealous;
Warnings: Jealousy;
(A/N): Hiii! I'm not really sure how i should've written this, but i tried my best!! Sorry if this isn't what you wanted... (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)
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The sun shined brightly, as you made your way through the dirt path. Each step you made left dust behind, as you quickened your pace.
Your heart skipped a beat when you caught sight of Muichiro, your boyfriend. The corners of your lips tugged upwards, forming a smile on your face, as you started to sprint towards him, wich made him turn around to the sound of your shoes tapping on the path.
Unfortunately, fate had other plans for you. You tripped over your other foot, and went flying forwards, falling face flat on the ground.
Muichiro's eyes widened in surprise, lips twitching with a hint of a chuckle. He made his way to you, crouching down as he took your hand in his, pulling you back to your feet.
Once you got up, you threw yourself into Muichiro. You gently wrap your arms around him, feeling the warmth of his embrace as you hold him close, cherishing the moment togheter.
“I missed you!” You exclaimed as your grip got tighter.
“It's only been about a week, i think...” Muichiro spoke in his usual quiet and calm tone, lowering his voice.
“It's still too long!” You claimed while pulling away from him, already missing the comforting warmth.
Muichiro nodded his head, a smile making its way on his face. It was rare to see him smile, and your heart instantly started beating faster, a faded blush slowly rising on your face.
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
“Get up, it's starting to get dark.” Muichiro mentioned, watching your relaxed expression.
“No... Five more minutes!” You whined, head laying back, hitting the tree trunk, making you flinch slightly at the impact.
“No, i'm not waiting anymore. You've been sleeping for what feels like too long!” He replied, his voice slightly higher than usual.
“It's only been like... 3 hours...” You muttered while looking around with squinted eyes.
“Come on, we have to go back...”
“Fine then, i'm leaving without you.”
Muichiro began to walk away from the tree you were resting against, as you glanced towards his form.
“What? No! Don't leave!”
You crawled a little, forcing yourself to your feet as you ran towards him. All of the sudden, you tripped over a small stone, and fell hard on the path, making Muichiro turn towards you.
“Ow!” You winced as you made contact with the ground.
Muichiro quickly walked up to you, picking you up and examining you for any possible injuries.
The only thing he caught a glimpse of was a small bruise on your cheek.
“You're fine... But be more careful...” He stated while taking your hand in his, gently brushing his other hand on your bruised cheek.
You started pouting and you looked like you could cry any moment, but instantly smiled and quickly kissed Muichiro's lips, before pulling away and running as far as possible from him, tripping and falling down yet again.
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
The small town was filled with noises, crowds everywhere, people eager to buy anything.
Mitsuri brought you and Muichiro to check out some stuff there, since you didn't usually go anywhere with your boyfriend.
But, something had been bothering you for some time ever since Mitsuri went to buy food for the three of you...
You glared at the girl who dared to set her gaze upon your boyfriend, heart beating faster.
You didn't know her, and you were sure he didn't know her either. Your face heated up, and you started getting a headache.
Her voice seemed so annoying, and yet Muichiro wasted his breath just talking to her.
Were you jealous?
You couldn't stand it anymore, and you wandered towards Muichiro, clinging onto his arm.
“Hello! Am i interrupting something? Do i know you?” You asked sweetly, trying not to seem too jealous.
“No, excuse me, i just wanted to know-”
“Ask someone else.” You replied with a kind smile, tilting your head at the girl.
The girl looked puzzled, but shrugged her shoulders and left. Muichiro raised his eyebrows, his eyes setting on you.
“What was that...?” He asked in a quiet voice.
“What was what? She wasn't supposed to be talking to you.”
“She wasn't... Flirting...”
“She... She wasn't?” You started to feel slightly embarassed, since you thought she was making sweet eyes at him earlier.
You felt sorry that you spoke to the poor girl in such a mean tone, and felt the need to go back to her and apologize, but you had other plans right now.
“It doesn't matter, let's go and find miss Kanroji!” You smiled brighter, taking his hand in yours, wandering through the loud crowd of people.
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usetheeauthor · 2 years
I’d Stop The World… (+18 MDNI)
Sub!Arisu Ryohei x Plus!Touch-Starved!Reader
Summary: After nearly losing your friend, Arisu, during the witch hunt game and experiencing the King of Spades, you realize the fragility of life and just how important he is to you.
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A/N: Wrote this because there just isn’t enough Arisu fics and my boy deserves some lovin’
Word Count: 3.8k words
Warnings: spit kink, dirty talk, doggystyle, scratching, biting, crying during and after sex, squirting, creampie, using underwear as gag, cum eating, if you squint ass worship/body worship, body hair kink, multiple orgasms, existentialism, mentions of violence, graphic language, talks of death and impending sense of doom, depression, markings/hickies, hair pulling, oral (m & f recieving), fingering, choking, hand kink/finger sucking, size kink (reader likes how small Arisu is despite him being really tall)
You wondered how it got to this point. How did you end up in a place where you constantly had to fight for your life? A place far from home. Not even existing in your normal universe.
You remember wanting to get away from all of your problems back in America, a year ago. You ended up moving to Japan. Being a city girl, you didn’t think much of the difference in perspective aside from the language. Luckily for you, your mother was a teacher who’d taught English in Japan so you were pretty familiar here.
You mostly kept to yourself, no friends in question. Just how you intended it. All you wished was for a peaceful life. Something you felt hadn’t been granted to you ever since your father lost his battle with depression and your mother developed early dementia. Believing she was too far gone, you’d left. Leaving only a phone number on file to the nurse back home only in the case of emergency. You never visited your mother since.
Now…all you wanted was to visit her. To hold her. To tell her you were sorry for leaving. Her nurse is probably calling you now. Maybe even your friends and family have called you as well. But you’ve pushed them away and you have no way of letting them know that you’re lost in the borderlands with no idea whether you’d be able to get back home.
Along the way, you met countless others who’ve been forced to play the games, too. Countless lives lost. It was enough to wear you down.
But then you met the courageous, intelligent, and inspiring Arisu Ryohei. When you wished to die on the “distance” biking challenge, he encouraged you to love in hopes you’d one day see your mother again. That was your motivation.
However, the closer you got, you realized just how much he meant to you as well. You wanted nothing more than to leave the games with him and start a fresh life together. Maybe even introduce him to your mother.
Then, the night of the Witch Hunt came around. People frantically trying to win the game to proceed and retrieve the Ten of Hearts card. You learned that Arisu’s visa would soon expire at midnight but he’d been tied up somewhere around the hotel. With the help of some players, you were able to save him. Only for Aguni and his goons to continue to attack Arisu nearly beating him to a pulp. Now present day comes around and you’ve made it to the King of Spades level in which he’s mindlessly killing people. An absolute massacre.
The fragility of your mortality comes into question. You’ve met so many great people who you’ve come to know as friends. Usagi, Kuina, Chishiya, Ann…Arisu. People who’ve taught you how to let people in again after building walls for so long. Now you’re at risk of losing them all and never seeing your mother again.
You needed to confess your feelings for Arisu if tomorrow’s your last day. This meant regardless of whether those feelings are returned. Obviously, you sensed that Arisu had feelings for Usagi as he also has a close friendship with her.
“Are you okay?” Arisu asks, snapping you from your panicking thoughts.
The group has separated in pairs, currently searching for supplies to bring to a safe house (abandoned hotel) far from any of the hot zones.
“Mhm.” You simply say, nodding.
“You seem tense…which is fair. We are being chased by a madman with sub machine guns,” He says with a small smile. You give no reaction, continuing to search through the ruins of the convienence store.“Seriously, what’s wrong?”
You sigh. “If I tell you, it’ll make things different between us.”
“I thought we were friends. Nothing could possibly change between us.”
But that’s exactly what I want!
“Okay, I will tell you,” You began. “But I have some rules.”
“And they are…”
“Number one: don’t interrupt.”
“Shhh, I said ‘don’t interrupt’. Number two: When I say what I have to say, you don’t have to answer me. At least not yet. You can tell me some other time later just not now.”
You inhaled and exhaled deeply, eyes squeezed shit before opening them once again. “Arisu…I…I like you. Like a lot. I long to touch you and hold you. To kiss you. I feel like I’m alive when I see that you’re okay. I’ve been thinking of my motivations for keeping alive. I wish to see my mother again but also I wish for a life where I can be with you and things would be normal. I wish for all our friends to be alive and well. I wanted to let you all of this before it’s too late. When I thought I nearly lost you at the Beach, I felt so sick and lost. I realized that I just couldn’t bear the thought of not having you. You make me feel less alone. I don’t want to go out with so many regrets when I could’ve said something while I can. I release this truth for a lighter conscience. So in case I die tomorrow…Ryohei, I love you.“
He’s stunned by your confession. Rendered speechless. You awkwardly give him a small smile before packing up some food in your backpacks. The rest of the trip back to the safehouse was quiet aside from the one time you wept having to go through a street littered with bodies of players not much older than you.
The group sat in a circle in the middle of a fire outside of the safehouse, talking about their fears and dreams in life. Every now and then, you noticed Arisu glancing at you before quickly averting his gaze.
Deciding to call it a night for wnough rest and energy, the group had gone to their designated rooms. Before you enter your room, you spotted Usagi and Arisu speaking together in the hallway. You knew his feelings for her were stronger but it didn’t hurt any less knowing.
Climbing in bed, you curled the sheets around you. Silently crying to yourself, you here a knock at your door. You wipe your eyes, grabbing a nearby t-shirt to cover your body half-naked body. Trudging over, you opened the door. Arisu stood in the doorway, hair disheveled and eyes needy. He quickly pulls your body to his, planting a passionate kiss on your lips.
The two of you stumble into your room, him kicking the door shut. You pull away for a moment, him pecking your lips with each word you spoke.
“I dont (kiss) understand (kiss). I thought you (kiss) liked Usagi.”
“Usagi’s a friend. A good friend. She encouraged me to not be afraid to say how I feel about you. I was worried that you only felt like you had to say those things because you were scared. I thought a girl like you could never want someone like me. But now I know you mean it because I feel it, too. I love you.”
“I wanna feel you tonight. All of you. No holding back.”
“I’m not very experienced. But if you teach me how to touch you, I will do my best to please you,” He whispers against your lips, cock hardening against your stomach. “I want this to be perfect for you.”
“I don’t want perfect,” You grip him through his shorts, biting down on his bottom lip at the same time. “I wanna fuck. I want sloppy, messy, dirty love making. The kind that will make everyone blush in the morning. I want it to where I could feel you between my legs even when your not there.”
“I want you so bad. I ache. Do you feel me throbbing in your hands?”
“How could I not? All I ever wanted was to feel you. I can’t believe I get to do that now,” You sink down to your knees before him. “But I need more. Need to suck your cock and taste you.”
He caresses the top of your head. “I might cum in your mouth.”
“That’s what I hope for.” Untying the strings of his shorts, you tug them off to reveal his boxers. The head of his growingly hard cock peaking through the hole. Too impatient to pull down his underwear, you suckle on the pink head through the hole; tasting the salty and addicting taste of his precum. Increasingly lowering your mouth around the base, you jerk and bobbed until his cock was fully through the hole.
He groans, biting his lip and watching you through the dark strands of his hair. Once in a while, he’d run his fingers through your hair keeping it out of your way as you gagged around. He was fairly thick in size, dick surprisingly tanned and pretty. Although, he wasn’t extremely huge, he was fucking perfect.
Hands free, you continued to move your mouth up and down his cock. Your hands busied themselves, pulling up at the hems of his shirt. He takes the hint, pulling the shirt over his head. He reveals his toned stomach and faint happy trail of which you happily crawled angry lines down his abs while he fucked you mouth.
His hand rests on the back of your skull, thrusting sing into the back of your throat while saliva dripping down to the cleavage of your breasts, soaking your shirt and forming a puddle on the floor.
You pull away, stroking his cock. “You taste so good, baby. Love it when you fuck my throat.”
“You need to be naked.” Arisu whimpers.
You remove your shirt, breasts exposed to the cold air and your nipples immediately get hard. Only in your lace panties, you shove your hand down to play with your swollen bud while resuming to suck on his deliciously veiny cock.
“Oh, fuckkkk,” Arisu whines head thrown back and knees nearly buckling. “I can’t…It’s too much. Too good.”
You slurp the thick saliva off his cock, jerk him a few times before spitting it right back on the base. You deepthroat his cock, fingers playing with his balls. Never again would he question your desire for him. The sight before him right now is proof enough that you wanted him bad enough to devour him.
“Mmm.” You hummed your enjoyment, sucking hard on the tip for more of his essence while folding his testicles. Your only given his high-pitched cry as a warning before his shooting his warm cum down your throat.
You greedily swallow him down, sucking and moaning until he has to physically pull you off. By the time you look up at him, he’s trembling. His hair even messier from his head trashing around.
“You were amazing,” He breathes out a chuckle. “I’ve never had a girl do that for me.”
“I’d do anything for you, Arisu.” You say, doe eyes and kiss-swollen lips glistening in the moonlight.
“Could I taste you, too? I’ve always wanted to try. I’m not sure how to begin.”
“I can teach you,” You rise up to your feet, eye contact not breaking as you played with the band of your panties. “Off or on?”
“O-off.” He says.
You lower the blue lace material down your legs, keeping them close for later use. “I’d like yours off, too.”
Arisu obeys, finally peeling off the boxers. He’s freed of his restraints and it’s as if he’d gotten even more beautiful somehow. The underwear held back from just how perfect his cock appeared, still drilling wet with your spit.
You lie on your back on the plush mattress, sitting close enough to edge. You prop your up by your elbows, gesturing him with a beckoning finger to come closer to you. When he does, you then gesture him with that finger to get on his knees. His blown pupils assured you that he was more than eager to do this.
He looks down at your glistening core before him as if staring at a 5-course meal. You were, in fact, his meal.
You tug his hair, bringing him forward. His face hovers over your puffy pussy. “You have such a pretty mouth, Arisu. So pink and full. Even when facing death, my eyes can’t tear away from them. I bet they’d feel like heaven on me.”
“Please let me taste you,” Arisu begs. “I promise I’ll do anything to make you cum.”
“How can I deny my good boy?” You cooed. “Go on and taste me.”
Tugging on his hair once again, you bring his face down. He sticks out his long, thick tongue licking a long stripe up your cunt. Flicking the tip of his tongue rapidly against your clit, he sucks it into his mouth causing you to whine out.
You pull at his hair again to pull him away for a bit, looking into his eyes. He was far gone. His eyes trained on your perfect cunt. You decide to let him take the lead releasing his hair. He kisses your inner thighs, enamored by the thickness in them. God, he’s dreamt countless nights of you squeezing his head between them. Tonight, he plans on getting that wish.
He dives back in, kissing and sucking on your lips like he would with the ones on your gorgeous face. Your eyes roll into the back of your head. He’s already doing so good.
With his lips clamped around sensitive nub, he takes a large hand and kneads your thighs before slipping his longest finger into you. You groan out loud, rolling your hips and shoving mouthfuls of your pussy at him.
“Ohhhh, Arisu. You’re so fucking incredible. Ooo, baby.” You groan, removing the hair falling over his face. as stared at you with intense lust-filled eyes. You bite your lip to keep from screaming when he adds another finger in proceeding to do the ‘come hither’ motion and triggering your impending orgasm.
“Oh my god, I’m gonna cum.” You squeak. Arisu works his fingers faster into you alternating between pumping them into your tight core and playing with spongy trigger. He hears the sound of your wetness before he see it. The squelching noises sounding off and then you’re squirting around his fingers. He continues to pump until your eruption practically shoots them out if you. He eagerly licks at your arousal from his finger and the source itself. You take his fingers, sucking them into your mouth.
He can’t take it anymore. He needs to be inside you. Now. You’re turned over on your stomach, hands stretched behind you for him to pin them behind your back. Cuffing a hand over your wrists, he slips his hardened cock into your sopping pussy. The two of you moaning out your bliss.
“Feel so good inside me, my good boy. You’re so tiny compared to me. You really think you can handle all of this body.” You tease, you voice sultry and fucked out.
He bottoms out, biting his lip to keep himself from whimpering. “I can handle all of you. Your curves, your beautiful ass.” He lets a hand collide on your ass cheek causing it to ripple.
“Fuck me, Arisu. Fuck. Me.”
He picks a pace. A pace that—although felt incredibly pleasant—would make you cum soon. You wanted to stretch the moment for as long as you could.
With your cheek pressed to the mattress and your eyes rolled, you beg him to change pace. “Slower. Please. Need to feel every inch.”
He listens, hitting into you with long, deep thrusts timed like the swinging of a pendulum.
“Oh shit,” You whimper, hearing the sounds of your sticky release squelching with the churn of his cock. “Arisu, please, don’t leave me.”
“So good, hanii. I’ll never leave. Never. I’m going to make this pussy my home.” He growls.
Arisu picks up the pace a little, hitting deeper and deeper. You involuntarily began to fuck back against him, your plump bottom smacking against his pelvis.
“Oh god, I’m not gonna last long at this pace. You feel sooooo good and wet,” He punctuates with one thrust against your cervix. “I’ll have to pull out.”
“Just cum in me.” You whine, sounding desperate.
“I don’t want this to end so soon,” Arisu pulls out, letting out a shaky breath. He looks down at his length coated in your creamy arousal. “You’re making it so hard.”
You turn around to face him on all fours. “Want me on top?”
“I need a few minutes to calm down. If I’m inside you again, I’ll blow my load.”
“Do it,” You beg. “Let me be filled by you.”
“Please, hanii…I’ve waited for this moment and I won’t blow it so soon.”
“You can fuck me as many times as you want, Arisu. If I die, I don’t want to live with regret. I don’t want to die without ever having the chance to have you in as many ways possible. The next game we go into, I’ll look at the marks you leave on my body and I’ll remember exactly how I got them. I’ll remember them each fondly. You’re my motivation to live. To come back into your arms and hold you.”
A corner of Arisu’s lips twitches as if he’s attempting to keep himself from smiling, too shy to let you know how much your words made him feel like he was on top of the world.
He nods his approval. “Okay. You can get on top now.”
You push at his chest, making him lie back. Slowly crawling over him as a predator to a prey, starting from licking at the creamy release on his dick, up his chiseled stomach, then finally to his lips. You plant a soft kiss on his lips, gentle enough to leave him wanting more but present enough to run your tongue over his chapped bottom lip.
Taking your lace underwear, you shove it into his mouth and straddle him. You line him up with your entrance than sink down, sobbing out at the feeling of him stretching you. His big, round eyes watched you in awe, mouthful of your panties wet with your arousal. He savors the taste of you on his tongue.
You grind slowly on his cock, biting your lip and watching his lips part. He looks up at your face then your breasts then back at you. But your primal emotions had gotten the best of you and your back to setting a dam-breaking lace, grinding down hard on his cock to bouncing on it.
“Ahh.” Arisu muffles out a whimper at your newfound energy, squeezing his eyes shut.
You wanted slow but did he have to feel so goddamn good?
“Look at me when I’m fucking you.” You growl, grabbing him by the chin. He opens his eyes. You pull the gag from his mouth, parting his lips. Sticking your tongue out, you let a trail of spit fall onto his tongue and he immediately swallows.
After a few bounces, you notice Arisu breathing has gone ragged along with the tightening of his balls from under you which indicated he would be coming very soon. You squeeze around his neck bouncing harder and faster, not giving him any room to breathe.
“That’s it, little one,” You hiss. “Just stay there and take it.”
You loved how fragile he looked under you as if you could easily break him. You can tell he’s never been with a curvier girl. You were going to make sure you’d be his first and his last.
You pull off him causing him to groan and protest. “Why’d you stop?”
“Because I want you on top of me. I want to feel your chest against mine and kiss your neck while you drive into me.”
“I really won’t be lasting long this time. Even if you pull out for the last time, I’ll cum.”
“It’s okay, baby. I won’t pull back this time. Just fuck me slow.”
You lie on your back once more and waited for him to get into your arms. The moment he does, you grip his butt forcing him to quit beating around the bush and fuck you properly.
The gooey, squishy noises were music to your ears. You moan and sob, tears running down from how incredible he felt. You intertwine your fingers in his hair, pulling hard. The other hand clawing angry lines down his back. Your mouth occupies itself biting into his shoulder hard enough to draw blood.
He sucks a bruise on the top of your right breast. He sounded so pretty and desperate. Shaky moans and high-pitched whines whenever you’d clench around him. He pulls his length out for only the tip to stay in, playing with your entrance by shallowly pushing in before going in deep again.
You circle your fingers over your clit, gasping at the feeling of him. He was just so special. “Arisu…I gonna cum so hard. I want you to know that I love you so much. If this kills me, I’ll die happily.”
Taking one hand and pinning it above your head, he tangles his fingers in yours. His eyes still boring into your soul while the heavyness of his breath tickles your skin. He’s panting louder and louder the closer he gets to cumming as well.
“I love you, too.” He reciprocates, placing his beautiful pink lips against yours and it’s enough to awaken a rapture within you.
You cry out, the tension snapping and a splash of wetness shooting out of you and coating his pelvic area and pubic hair.
“Arisu.” You chant his name over and over, the tears continuing to flow as you felt every sensation on every part of your body that contained nerve endings.
Arisu releases his thick, hot essence into your tightening pussy and milk him passed the point of sensitivity. He’s just as loud when he cums, whimpering and begging you to take all of him.
You pull him in for another kiss, your tongue swirling around in his mouth to stifle his cries. By the time you pull away, a line of saliva tracks before you flicks a tongue out to lap it up.
He flops down on the space beside you, letting out a sigh of relief. “That was…”
“Otherworldly? Heavenly? God-tier? Because that pretty much sums it up for me.”
“R-really,” Arisu says dwindling with his thumbs.
“Uh-huh, I’ve never cried this much during sex. You’re one of a kind, Arisu.” Tears still flowing from your face.
“You’re still crying.” Arisu says with concern.
“So are you.” You say, wiping away a tear from his eyes.
“I just don’t want to lose you.” He whispers, taking your hand to kiss it.
“Me neither. I want us all to live.” You sniffle.
“Then, we’ve gotta do whatever we can to survive. I’ll do everything I can to protect you.”
You and Arisu share a passionate kiss, staring into each other’s eyes until you fell asleep for another day…and another game to come.
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Japanese Translation: Hanii means “Honey”
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byhuenii · 2 months
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. 𖦹˙— She’s so bad it’s dangerous..
pairing chishiya x fem!reader
synopsis in which chishiya slowly realizes he is falling for arisu’s twin sister in the most non romantic spot every; a apocalyptic wasteland.
warnings usage of yn. implied twin sister. pretty short kinda a blurb but🤷‍♀️. THIS IS OLDD, 3rd person. fluff if you squint. freak-shiya. he’s such a weirdo..
authors note i’ve had this in my notes for so long HELPP, i was in japan recently and omw back i became actually obsessed with chishiya, sanji, basically just one piece and aib again..I ACTUALLY WENT TO THE 7 OF HEARTS GAME AND OMG it’s gorgeous, japan was so nice it made me fall in love with writing stories again
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“so. how do i know i could trust you?” yn leaned on a wall arms crossed near her stomach, her eyes bright big boba like though that was contradictory to her demeanor.
chishiya whom yawned scratched his head titling it to the side, “you don’t trust me?” a sarcastic pout formed his chapped lips, rolling your eyes you licked your bottom lip while pressing them together. “i don’t owe you a reason chishiya, i just want to get out of here with my brother.”
“i’m trustworthy enough for you and your brother join kuina and i!…and usagi can join too sure” chishiya maintained your eye contact sticking his hand out for you to shake it. you looked at his hand glancing back to his eyes giving him an annoyed look. “i don’t trust you once again so no. but since you saved my brother,” you heaved a sigh “i’ll join.” you shook his hand before pulling it away giving him a flat smile.
arisu seemed nervous yet ecstatic he didn’t know how much longer he could last at this so called beach, usagi just wanted to go home no surprise. “i guess.. we’ll meet you at your room tomorrow and discuss plans” usagi smiled at kuina and chishiya before turning around on her heels walking closer to you.
kuina and chishiya watched as the three of you walked away, telling from your body language it’ll take him a lot more to earn you and your trust. he liked that for some reason, what kind of issues did you have? why did he like that? something is definitely wrong with him.
“well that went whats the word..Fabulous!” kuina empathized the Fab in a sarcastic tone. chishiya stuffed his hands in his pockets giving small nods. “i’m going to play a game tonight, i’m running low on time.” he walked ahead of kuina, kuina furrowed hee brows in confusion he just did a game yesterday..
that game was dreadful annoying and muscle inducing. for a spades game that felt like so much work—the card you guys already had so it was pointless. frustrated you harshly run your hands through your hair groaning outloud, god you just wanted to leave this damn hell hole. “you know what my little ladybug!” a low cheery voice rumbled the empty lobby.
rolling your eyes you had already knew who it was and you didn’t even want to deal with him right now, just the cherry on top of a beautiful ice cream sundae, “what do you want fleabag.”
“i think you put up this whole facade.” his hands were stuffed in his pocket. the hood of his hoodie rested on his head as his hair rested out, an earnest scoff left your lips. the scoffed turned into a laugh.
chishiya felt his stomach do a little tingle, it felt like butterflies were flying all over the place, how could he find a laugh so attractive? “you’ve never been so wrong in your life fleabag. i don’t put on no facade.” your voice was a sweet but harshly bitter,
chishiya just had a lipped smirk. he knew he somewhat got under your skin and it was kinda hot. “this ‘facade’ you say i’m having is just me, it’s me only caring for my brother and i getting out of this jail.” you put your fingers up in air quotes.
“so if you excuse me i would enjoy my rest before i have to deal with those stupid speeches you executives have to tell us.” you finally took a deep breath, you turned on your heels to leave but you let a huff escape your dry lips facing back towards the hooded man.
you had almost forgot about the card in your hand, 5 of spades. it was useless, “i forgot i had this. here, your stupid card” you gave him the crumbled up card. huffing you walked back to your empty room.
chishiya had been smiling like a mad man, he doesn’t think you realized. well he didn’t care. his heart was thumping, he felt his ears get hot. the slightest touch from you sent his body into this trance, and hell it wasn’t even a hug it was graze of the fingertips because she was mad and handed him the card.
it’s safe to say chishiya went to kuina’s room to tell her and recap the whole conversation with you, if you could even call it a conversation. his ears were still tainted red. maybe he was into you.
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surshica · 2 years
Stay Home !
synopsis : yn was caught in the meteor incident instead of chishiya taking her to the boderlands when he was at work — a surpise visit.
genre : angst — fluff
A/N : my first one shot HAHA; this was kinda shit but yeah…ANWYAYS i trued i saw fruit basket tiktok and thought let’s make a one shot, and it’s kinda shit and rushed but 🧍‍♀️
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‘and in my eyes, there is a tiny dancer watching over me.’
you could never sleep properly, there was an urge to leave this hell of a whole called the borderland. the mere thought of you on the verge of death didn’t startle you; the thought of chishiya leaving alone did. you made friends at the beach and very much foes. you enjoyed the company you had from kuina arisu and usagi. you were alone now. maybe it wasn’t a good idea to separate from the group.
running from the king of spade was though, you weren’t sure if you truly did want to risk your life to get into some car. you were more headstrong and empathetic yet stern at the beach. that made you let out a small chuckle. after playing many diamonds and heart games the itching burn made you want to leave more.
the black jacket you found comfort in had gotten dirty so you tossed it getting a new one, the skirt had been flowing in the winds slight breeze, your hair had been the least of your worries to keep maintained, messy yet you still felt beautiful. you were kicking the pebbles on the ground, a frown formed on your lips. chishiya was the only person you could think about there was nobody else, you knew your family were fine since they were out of japan but chishiya. every night you wished for you to get out of this place faster.
the sun beaming down made you hiss slightly, a sting coming from your swollen slept deprived eyes. covering the sun with your arm. you squinted your eyes to see arisu and what looked like niragi. a frown formed on your lips quickly yet quietly walking your way to arisu. “what’s happening?!” you yelled at arisu, he simply pointed to the gun next to you. nodding you grabbed it waiting for the right time to shoot niragi.
the burning hatred you had for this man was unreal. all the things he did to women was disgusting, he was the biggest reason you want to kill someone. niragi’s laugh boomed loudly in the area, a scowl escaped arisu’s mouth as you just inhaled sharply being aware of your surroundings.
you tried shooting when he was laughing but you were a tad bit too far to the right, your face twitched in annoyance. “seriously?! is that the best you can do? that’s so disappointing and..” “sad.” the pause in the sentence gave you time to calm yourself. “come on!” “shoot me!” “or are you too much is pussys to do that?” niragi licked the metal part of his gun like it’s his. arisu was very much shaking, you shot arisu a look that told him to calm down or we can die here.
“arisu im going to need you to pull yourself together or this can be the end of us!” you whispered yelled, arisu looked at you his uneasy breath was obvious; he was redeeming himself though. the air was filled became thicker and musty, niragi’s laugh was very much vibrating the air as he carelessly shot the cars. you rolled your eyes, he was seriously getting on your nerves and you just wanted to kill him.
the sound of feet walking alerted you, losing up the gun you put your hand on the trigger, pointing to the direction. you were about to shoot until you noticed the short brown hair, “usagi?” your question sounded more like a statement. arisu turned his head to happy to see usagi.
he wanted to drop everything to go to her but he knew he couldn’t, “what’s going on here?” usagi questioned looking at you arisu and niragi with guns point at eachother. “well isnt this interesting” niragi let out a wicked smile shooting two bullets towards usagi.
“USAGI WATCH OUT” arisu screamed towards her, the girl couldn’t move fast enough; her leg was injured. a gulp was viable and the sign of anguish watched over her. “fuck it.” you snarled under your breath running over to usagi stepping in front if her. a bullet above your chest and the other one in your stomach, arisu took the chance to shoot niragi in the stomach before running over to you.
the fall to the ground was rough but you couldn’t subside it from the pain of being shot. usagi’s face grew worry on it as she held your head in her hands. tears brimmed her face, “why would you do that..” hee eyes examined your body, you had a fox like grin on your face. “something told me i should” your breathing stopped slightly before you exhaled deeply, “plus i wouldn’t want the lovers to be separated~” you couldn’t help but crack a joke at the moment.
usagi slapped you lightly on the shoulder, you looked over to arisu, “i don’t know how critical these are..” you paused giving him a smile, “but please different the queen of hearts for me.” arisu nodded before resting your head on a jacket he found in the ground; grabbing usagi as they headed to different the queen.
you can feel more and more blood come out, some worry washed over you letting out a small laugh, the laugh turned into small crys. tears formed your eyes as the pain worsened, hands were shaken but you couldn’t help but laugh. as night approached your eyes grew slightly heavy. you didn’t know if it was because you were tired or because you were losing too much blood.
your bangs stuck onto your forehead as the sweat mixed with the cold air, breeze washed over. you looked up to the sky to see fireworks. a smile washed over your face, you can finally go home, you can see your chishiya. tears fell down your cheek; you did it. “niragi if you are sadly still alive,” yn grew a grin as tears rolled down her cheeks, “i hope you go to hell.” she closed her eyes as the darkness consumed her.
ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🦢 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
chishiya had clocked in for work grabbing himself a coffee, a black coffee. he didn’t mind it but it was definitely not his favorite. he only drank it to keep himself awake, the bitterness washed over his tongue making his face scrunch in disgust.
finishing the small cup he tossed it out heading over to his next patient, he had plans with you today, they were going to go on a picnic together but chishiya got busy per usual resulting in you just going to the cafe.
chishiya sped through patients hoping it could make time go faster but it just didn’t. he headed back to the hospitals cafe to get another coffee, he felt tired. as he grabbed his new cup of coffee he looked towards the now loud commotion  building; walking over to one of the nurses who had been watching in distress. “what happened?” his rasp liked voice had made the nurse jump in surpise before looking back at him.
“oh they’re the poor unlucky souls that got hit with the meteor.” her frown was evident, sadness in her eyes. “when was this?” his eyebrows furrowed as he scratched his head, “it happened around 5 minutes ago..” her lips agaped before closing it and shaking her head looking down at her phone.
he took his phone out his pocket to see if you had texted him back but you never did, a displeased look washed over him. you were never one to leave him on delivered for more than five minutes heck even ten, but almost twenty? he figured something was up. as he looked up he noticed a figure that looked oddly fimilar to him, as he looked closely the person had the same matching necklace as chishiya.
his breathing bitches, the lifeless body laying on the stretcher. the medics hurrying the bloody bruised girl to a room to hook her up. chishiya felt his feet start walking towards the girl. the walking went to a sprint, the sprint went to a full on jog. his hands weren’t even in his pocket. his phone was clutched in his hand with a picture of both of them on his lockscreen.
looking from the outside chishiya could see a boy’s lifeless body and yours. his eyes rested on the heart monitor that stopped beeping and went cold for a minute; his eyes winded slightly. breathed hitched. his lips turned into a downward frown. he didn’t want to believe what he saw, he wanted to think it was fake. he didn’t want to believe you were gone from him.
he was intently watching from the windows, he ignored even the slightest hi’s and hellos, his eyes were fixated on you. after countless defibrillator attempts they were finally able to get your heart back on track. they hooked you up quickly before exiting to other patients rooms. as the doctors and nurses left he slipped his way into the room closing it on his way in.
the curtain for the other patient was closed so it didn’t matter to him, he didn’t care for them he cared for you. he looked at the monitor before looking back at you. his hand brushed the messy strands off your face, his hand intertwined with yours. he placed small kisses all over it.
he was mumbling sweet nothings to your sleep body, this was way of hoping you would wake up soon. he had closed his eyes calming himself. he didn’t like stress, he felt your hand slightly twitch making his eyes flare right open.
ılıl﹔ ◌ 𓂂 ˳⁺ 🦢 ꯭ ⊹ ⋆ ࣪
your eyes opened slowly as a bright light beamed through the windows and the ceiling, hissing at it you quickly close your eyes. opening them back slowly you felt someone’s hand holding onto your, looking to the right you can see him and in his glory.
a small smile formed on your face as you put your other hand on his cheek, “chishiya..” a roughed voice escaped your lips, you didn’t know if this was real or if this was still the borderlands. you quickly look down to see your bandaged wounds; your head slowly looked back up at the happy chishiya.
“i was wondering why you didn’t text me back” he smiled moving your palm to his lips placing a soft kiss. “well i didn’t expect me to die yet” you countered back. chishiya let out a soft short laugh. you were still debating if this was truly real or just a dream. a single tear rolled down your cheek as you felt chishiya’s loving kisses warm your hand.
“how long was i out?” you questioned, you spent basically 4 months in the boderlands so she’d like the time here as well. “your heart stopped for a minute..” your eyes has widened slightly as the words, lips agaped. closing your eyes you let in another small breathe before looking at chishiya.
“i have so much to tell you chishi..” you moved your hand around his neck pulling him closer, nose touching eachother, your smile was brighter than he could ever remember.
“i’m sure you do..” his cat like grin formed onto his face—leaning closer he kissed you ever so slowly. a gentle slow kiss that had so much passion in it. you smiled into the kiss, oh how much you missed his touch. you pulled him closer to you lightly to deepen the kiss.
the kiss was short yet sweet, his hand still connected to yours. he licked his lips as his eyes stared into your tired ones, “next time stay home” a small like smile formed on his lips. “alright doctor~”
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tags !!
@nanamora @saiewithakatana @chiishiiya @bowscale @theinfaethablefig @luv4kuina @eissaaaa @fiona782 @eshtravagent
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daidonzo · 2 years
Doctor, thanks for seeing me today
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"She hit her head."
You looked at Usagi, wondering what the best way to kill her would be. Maybe strangling her? No, no way. She was way too strong for that. Drowning her or asphyxiating her with a pillow while she slept were also out of the question. Maybe you could throw her down some stairs or something. If you were at her back and gave her a little push…
"I did not." You pronounced each word clearly, as if they were a sentence on their own, shooting daggers at her.
You had gone bouldering with your friend. She had been asking for a while and you had finally agreed, although you were nowhere near as physically active as she was and were a little bit scared of heights. Not too much, just like any other sane person would be. And boy, were some of those walls high.
She had taught you the basics before getting started.
"It's basically a game of balance, technique, strength and brain."
"I have maybe like one and a half of those things." You had said, not very convinced.
It had actually been quite fun. The place you had visited had the circuits' difficulty organized by colors: white, yellow, orange, red and black, white being the easiest and black being the hardest. You had manage to do all the white ones, and Usagi was nearly beaming with pride.
You had got a little bit too confident, adrenaline pumping through your veins.
"Now I'm going for a red one!"
"I think… Maybe you should just take it slow, progressively. Let's go with yellow?"
But once you set your mind set on something, you always found a way to achieve it.
So you walked towards the artificial rock walls where those were, with your extremely uncomfortable climbing shoes and hands full of chalk to get a better grip on the fake rocks.
Usagi had given up.
"Well, at least there are safety mats…" And shrugged. She knew you too well by now.
You kind of wish she had kept insisting, because while you managed to get pretty far on the red circuit, you also lost balance at some point in time and hit your head against one of the fake rocks. And then you fell. Pathetic. Utterly awful.
It didn't hurt that much, but Usagi still insisted on taking you to the hospital.
"Slow down, cowboy. This is not my first rodeo. You know how clumsy I am, I fall all the time!"
But just like it happened with you, there was nobody stopping her when it came to worrying for her friends. And you loved her for that.
What you didn't love her for was for telling your long-haired, blonde, extremely-handsome doctor every detail about your ridiculous fall.
"She did hit her head. And then she fell. She also scratched her hands, trying to grip at anything while she was falling, but she couldn't do it so…"
"No. That didn't happen like that. I decided to let myself fall because…"
The doctor's brown eyes moved from Usagi to you and from you to Usagi. Was there… A hint of entertainment in his face? Was he actually enjoying this?
"If you don't tell me what happens, I cannot do a proper examination." He finally said, his intense gaze focusing on you.
You looked at his identification badge, squinting your eyes to read what it said.
"You see, Dr. Chishiya…" You started, curving your lips upwards, into the most charming and seductive smile you could manage. "Nothing happened. I'm fine."
He kept looking at you, without changing his expression. He was kind of intimidating.
"Whatever, I hit my head." You finally agreed, rolling your eyes. Usagi laughed, but covered her mouth with her hand, and had the decency to mask it as a cough, at least.
"Could you wait outside?" Chishiya said to your friend, who nodded and left the room.
He started his examination. He checked your vision, your hearing, asked you simple questions, and touched your head to see how it felt. You felt shivers down your spine when his skin came in contact with yours, but didn't say anything.
He was just a doctor, doing his job. There was nothing strange about this. However, you couldn't help but imagine that his fingers lingered for a moment longer on your skin because he liked you, that maybe he was not required to touch you but he also felt the connection, the attraction…
Of course, that was not the case. But there was nothing wrong with creating fake scenarios in your head, as long as you were realistic about it. One had to be.
"You are alright." He determined after the examination, sitting behind his desk. "The spot where you hit yourself is inflamed. It shouldn't hurt more than it does already, but you can take ibuprofen if it does."
"Thanks, doc."
"If there is nothing else…"
But there was something else. You didn't want to just leave. You wanted to get to know him. Maybe get his number? Was it ethical to ask for a doctor's number?
No, really, was it? Maybe since he was not your doctor, but someone who simply had to work today in emergency care…
Your brain was spiraling, fast and furious, trying to find a way.
"What if I hit my head again?" You asked, trying to gain some time.
He lifted his eyes from the piece of paper he was writing something on, perplexed. "Is that something that happens often?"
"More often than you think. It's quite big so I guess it has its own gravitational field and you know, objects get attracted to it."
You didn't have a particularly big head. You used to, back when you were a kid, but your body had grown as well and now everything was more or less balanced.
You still made jokes about it, from time to time.
He looked as if he didn't know how to react.
"Well, then…"
"Do I just come back and ask for Dr. Chishiya?"
Damn, that was fast. He could have pretended at least to think about it for a few seconds.
"I'm actually still a student."
"Specializing in pediatric cardiac surgery."
"None of those words have anything to do with me, I get it."
One of the corners of his mouth lifted up. Well, at least he found you funny.
"And it wouldn't be very moral."
"What do you mean? Repeating an appointment with the same doctor is not moral?"
"I meant I was waiting until after your visit was over to ask you if you wanted to get coffee. And it would not be appropriate for me to do so if you were my patient."
You blinked, unsure of what you were hearing.
He wanted to ask you for coffee?
"Ah… Okay, sure. Are you…"
"I'm free in half an hour."
"Okay, yeah. I'll… Be by the entrance?"
"See you then."
Was he serious?
You left his office, still not believing what just happened. Usagi was waiting for you by the door.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, don't worry. I'm having coffee with him in thirty minutes."
"You are what!?"
You lifted your shoulders, your mind devoid of thought. "I don't know…"
Usagi let out a bubbly laugh, feeling all the excitement you should have been experiencing.
She agreed to wait with you by the entrance.
Arisu, her boyfriend, would come pick her up in thirty minutes and you could leave with them if it all turned out to be a cruel joke the handsome doctor Chishiya was playing on you.
It wasn't, because exactly twenty-eight minutes later you heard his voice coming from behind.
"Are you ready to go?"
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stayinguplate · 5 months
Chapter 3 tea party
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okay chapter three, this one took almost forever along with my family driving me crazy. Other than that, this story idea belongs to @moshispace and you can check out there works to see how they explain it ,I repeat I am the Writer and they are the Creator .
WARNING:This story contains yandere themes ,some blood and wound mentions, slight foul language
Enough yapping from me let’s get into the story
I started traveling down the SNUD path my feet
ache as i walked down the path ,the sun started
to set turning into dusk as the time progressed
the time was odd here but I was getting tired.
I eventually entered a forest it was half engulfed
with mist ,as I was walking looking around the
twisted tree branches it gave off the illusion of
that it was moving but I knew it was just the mist
that was creating it.
As I duck under a tree to keep moving I wince as I
stopped to look at the still fresh looking wound on
my upper arm from the monster it stings as l wipe
the dirt off, a cold breeze blows by as I sighed not
knowing what to do.
“It looks like you ran afoul of something.
with wicked claws.”
I flinched as I turned around to see another turtle
A box turtle more like as he was sitting on the tree
Branch observing me with a smile.
“ …and I’m still dreaming “
I said as I looked at him confused
“ well what did that to you?”
He said curiously as he pointed to my wound on
My upper arm.
“ banner or bander-“
“ the Bandersnach?”
He said with shock mixed with amusement as he then disappeared,
“ well ,I’d better have a look “
I jumped slightly in shock as he reappeared right
next to me .
“ what are you doing?”
I asked with Apprehensiveness
“ it needs to be purified by someone with
evaporating skills ,or it will fester and putrefy “
He explained calmly
“ I’d rather you didn’t ,I’ll be fine as soon as I wake
up from this confusing world “
I said as I felt on edge. I then attempted to walk
away before he gently grabbed my forearm
“ well at least let me bind it for you “
He said as he magically pulled out rag bandage ,
He started to gently wrap my arm in the bandage
“ what do you call yourself?”
“ reader”
“ the reader ?!?”
He said happily with a smile as he finished the
binding on my upper arm .
"There Has Been Some Debate About That..."
"I Never Get Involved In what is it..Politics."
He said with a smiling smirk as he vanished again
“ you’d best be on your way, shame i would have
loved to catch up “
He said as he reappeared behind me I turned
around looking at him confused and in disbelief
“ what way ?!, all i really want is to wake up from
this confusing dream “
He sighed softly
“ fine…I’ll take you to the hare and Leo ,but that’s
the end of it dear”
He said as he disappeared into thin air, I looked
around hearing more of the owls and frogs
making noise . I look around for him waiting to
Appear but nothing…
“ coming ?”
I look to where to the end of the forest goes and I
see him waiting , I hesitate for a second
Before I go running next to him, it was better than
being alone in this odd and confusing world .
After most likely a few hours we had made it out
of the forest walking for a couple of minutes
before the the orange turtle disappeared again I
was confused as I run up a little to see if he went
ahead ,but no instead I saw a somewhat broken
Down windmill house down the hill I was on ,
I walked down the hill carful to watching
Where I stepped so i didn’t trip.
As I got closer I saw cass , Usagi and another
turtle sleeping but all seemed to have woken up
as soon as I got close to the table .
The turtle then squinted his eyes and widened
them as he saw me a smile appearing on his face
as he abruptly stepped on the table and walked
on top of it to get to me ,breaking a teapot and
stepping on pastry’s in the process .
I look at him my stomach churned in uneasiness
as I look up at him
“ it’s you “
He said happily with a smile
“ no Raph had gotten the wrong reader “
Cass said
Usagi said in shock and also craziness
“ it’s absolutely reader ,you’re absolutely reader id
know you and your lovely face anywhere …”
He said as he turned his head back to the table
“ I’d know them anywhere!”
He yelled as then the hare and cass started
slightly giggling ,
He then turned around back to me with a smile as
he then grabbed my hand lifting me up slightly as
if he was helping me walk
“ as you can see we are still having tea “
He said as he then again walked on top of the
table over everything , I couldn’t exactly walk as
he was lifting me to the point me feet couldn’t
touch the ground or …table
“And it’s all because I was obliged to kill time
waiting for your return .”
He said as he finally made it to his chair and let go
of my hand setting me down
“ you’re terribly late, you know. Naughty, well
anyway, time became quite offended and
stopped altogether “
He explained , as I looked around observing I see
the other turtle the orange one appear and
slightly spook the hare .
“ Not a tick ever since “
He said as he pats a seat gesturing me to sit
down , as I sit down, he does too
“ time can be funny in dreams “
I said as I looked up at him
“ yes yes ,of course,but now you’re back you see
and we need to get on to the Frabjous day. “
He says as the others join
“ frabjous day!”
“ Frabjous day!”
Cass and the hare exclaimed in excitement
“ I’m investigating things that begin with the
letter ‘ M’ “
He said as he then gets a little closer then
Whispering to me .
“ have you any idea why a raven is like a writing
He asked ,I shook my head confused .
“ Downal wyth bluddy behg Hid!”
He said as cass and Usagi start chanting it
“ Downal wyth bluddy behg Hid!”
“ Downal wyth bluddy behg Hid!”
They all said as I look at them all confused
“ what?”
I said as I looked to the other turtle who had not
said it .
“ down with the bloody big head “
He said simply as he had just seem to be looking
at his empty cup but then he looked up from it,
staring at me from across the table
“ the bloody big head being the purple king “
He said as he looks back down at his cup
“ come, come. We simply must commence with
readers choosing and what she will choose, we
must convince her , therefore it is high time to
forgive and forget… or forget and forgive,
whichever comes first”
He said as he quickly paused then started to
continue talking .
“ or is ,in any case, most convenient I’m waiting “
He says as he pulls out a pocket watch
“ h-hey it’s tick-tick it’s ticking again.”
Usagi stutters as I look at him as he pulls a
pocket watch out of the teapot .
“ all this talk of blood and choosing has put me
off my tea …”
The turtle said as he puts the teacup down
“ ah …the entire world is falling into ruin and poor
Mikey’s desire off his tea”
‘ Mikey so that is his name’ I thought to myself
as the other turtle says that to Mikey with a little
bit of venom 
“ what happened that day was not my fault leo”
Mikey replied with the same type of tone he did
Leo inhaled sharply he looked angry,
“ oh ,dear”
Usagi said nervously , Leo then stands up and
walks to the left side of the table, 
“ you ran out on them to save your own skin, you
guddler’s scuttish pilgar lickering shukm juggling
sulking urpal shukm juggling sulking urpal
Mikey looked slightly, startled as Leo said these
things I couldn’t let it pass as Mikey helped me
out of the forest 
“ Leo Leave Him Alone!”
I yelled, Leo then turns to me pausing
“ thank you….”
He says, with a sort of strained voice 
“ meow “
Usagi randomly said as he looks to Leo
Leo takes a deep breath in and breathes out
“ I’m fine….”
He says ,he sighed as he looks down
“ what’s wrong with you , Leo, you used to be the life of the party ?”
Mikey says as Leo looks to him , Mikey had put
himself an actual cup of tea and started stirring it
as he popped the sugar cube in .
“ you used to do the best flutterwacken in all of
witzend “
Leo looks up in a daydreaming matter, smiling as
he probably recalls the memory 
“ flutter what ?”
I ask out of curiosity
“ FlutterWacken !”
Usagi says as he knocks the spoon off of the
table to the floor
“ it’s a dance “
Cass said explaining it in a more simpler way
“ do you know when-“
Cass gets cut off as Leo interrupts her
“ on Frabjous day when the final decision is once
made and if we get the hopeful wish, we are
wishing for …”
He said as he looks at you 
“ on that day i shall flutter wackiness vigorously”
He said as he looks away from me as all the other
start giggling, except for Mikey .leo then heads
back to his seat and sits down.
Suddenly Usagi lifted his ear, signaling that he
was hearing something 
“Oh no “
He said as he looked to the fog of the forest
Mikey looked back to see
“ uh-oh”
He said as i heard the familiar stomping of the
robot guards growing closer
“ Goodbye.”
He said as he then evaporates disappearing ,
Usagi was behind him but as Mikey
disappeared the hare scrambled back as he yelled
“ Hide Her!”
As he scrambled back to his seat.

You all will see a drawing of Leo in the next chapter:3
Hope you all have a great day or night or even afternoon and I’ll see you soon.
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solitaryearthperson · 9 months
A Ghost
(The reader is gender-neutral and uses they/them pronouns. The ethnicity/race is preferably black/person of color.)
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Clever and Stealthy. That's what Chishiya thought of you as you both looked over the beach in comfortable silence, your shoulders almost touching each other. Clever, stealthy, and quiet. Almost similar to him. That was something that was rarely ever thought of by Chishiya. There were not that many people he saw as just as smart as him or clever, most being of average intelligence, and some like Niragi, he would consider stupid. A person almost as clever and smart as him always intrigued him.
He first noticed you at a spades game. At first glance, he thought you were a newcomer to the Borderlands. You were extremely quiet, fidget-y, looking around with wide eyes, and a nervous expression on your face. Either die tonight or in another game. Probably won't last long at all. By the end of the game, you had completely taken him by surprise (another rare feat) and not only survived, but somehow didn't have a single scratch on you. Like him, you wore a light hoodie over your bathing suit and had a Beach bracelet as well.
He tried his hardest to search for you throughout the hotel. He first asked Kuina if she had seen you before, and she had told him 'no.' He then went to different Beach residents and even some of the Executives, but everyone said that either they didn't remember you or didn't know you even existed.
A ghost, He called you. His clever, stealthy, and quiet ghost who apparently seemed to be haunting the hotel.
It wasn't until almost a month later that he actually saw you outside of the games.
He gone up to the roof, bored and frustrated at not finding you. Usually he was always on alert wherever he was, in the hotel, a game arena, or anywhere, but he somehow didn't sense your presence already on the roof, sitting on the ledge, looking down at the partying guests with silent fascination.
"Heard you were looking for me," You had said, a grin on your face at seeing the shock on his. "Name's (Y/N)."
He quickly covered his shock with his usual bored expression, and made his way over, sitting down on the ledge next to you.
"How'd you figure out I'd be up here," you asked, furrying your eyebrows. You would soon tell him that you went to great trouble to make sure barely anyone at the hotel knew who you were, where you came from, or where you were staying, finding and using secret passages in the hotel that neither the Executives or Militants knew about.
"I didn't," he told you, a smug smirk appearing on his face. "I just got lucky and found you."
A ghost. His ghost that soon he would look for in every game, almost surprising himself at how eager he was to see you.
Curiosity, he called it. It's not eagerness. Just curiosity. He knew he was lying to himself, but he wasn't ready to face the fact that he may have been developing a crush on you (another rare feat).
"Mmm," you hummed, squinting your eyes, looking down at the multiple guests dancing and drinking. "Which one?"
He had to take a quick breath, before answering you, the fact that your bodies were almost touching each other, making him slightly flustered. "That one," he said, nodding down to the party. "Tall. Bushy, unkempt hair. Innocent face."
At the description, you quickly spotted Arisu sitting on one of the pool chairs with Usagi sitting on the one next to him.
"You think he'd fall for it," you asked, turning your gaze to him, making him even more flustered. "What if he's smart enough to figure it out?"
Not as smart as you, He wanted to say, but he kept it to himself and covered up his flustering again, before responding, "He won't. He's smart, but naive." Not as clever as you.
"Well, let me know if I can be of any help," you told him, placing a hand on his arm, making goosebumps appear under his hoodie.
"I will." He won't. Not his ghost.
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niki-phoria · 2 years
Hey!, may i request Chishiya x Militant reader? Who finds some fun in the games, ands is pretty apathetic towards death but finds it somewhat exciting? Sorry if that doesn't make sense lol, it doesn't really matter to me if its an established relation ship or not, but gn!reader if you can! thank you so much, your posts are always amazing!
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the return of the eyeliner cat looking chishiya gif sklens
pairing: chishiya x militant!gn!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff word count: 1.3k
warnings: slightly ooc chishiya, i tried to make this canon compliant but honestly this was so chaotic i don't really remember how this part went lmao, canon typical violence, blood, light descriptions of reader giving chishiya stitches, i feel like i write every confession the same lmao
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i'm kinda running out of games to write about lol i didn't set this at the beach so it's kind of implied that reader was a militant (mention of a subordinate, reader has a gun and knows how to shoot) i hope that's okay i tried to make reader apathetic about death and excited about the games but i'm not sure how well it comes across. it means so much that you enjoy my writing <33 i hope you like it :))
requests open !! read my rules first
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the pavement is hot against your hand when you sit down next to kuina. a heavy silence still hangs in the air, the anticipation of what will happen next nearly suffocating. chishiya paces around, hands stuffed in his pockets. he stops in front of you, sighing. “maybe they forgot to press the start button.” 
“i hope not,” you lean back on your hands, squinting up at the sky. “this is getting boring.” 
“boring is better than death games,” kuina retorts. 
“i’m just saying, this is a little anticlimactic.” 
kuina’s response is cut off by the approaching sound of an engine. “might’ve spoken too soon,” chishiya murmurs as a group of cars arrives at the shibuya crossing. 
a man steps out of the car. “y/n,” he calls. he’s followed by a woman leaving the passenger’s side. “what’s going on?” 
chishiya raises an eyebrow, glancing down at you. “you know him?” 
“he’s one of my subordinates.” you brush the dirt off of your hands as you stand up. “we’re not sure yet.” 
slowly, the rest of the people leave their cars. they’re members of the beach, nervously glancing at your group and each other. 
a woman begins walking closer to you when a loud crack rings through the empty city. you nearly flinch when her lifeless body falls to the ground in front of you. blood pools around her. 
you aren’t given enough time to fully react when another noise echoes, this time a man collapsing. a low rumble emits from somewhere above you. you can barely hear usagi gasp, pointing up at the sky. “is that a fucking berg?” 
kuina’s comment would’ve made you laugh in any other situation. a gray airship floats through the city. a giant king of spades flag waves underneath it. you can see a few others in the distance, each carrying their own flag with a different face card. 
“run!” someone yells. people continue falling to the ground. cutoff screams and loud whips of gunshots spur you to move faster. you duck behind a wall in between kuina and chishiya, peeking over the edge. arisu and usagi lean over the side, watching as the panicked crowd continues running. 
“is this exciting enough for you?” chishiya asks. 
you roll your eyes. “let’s split up!” arisu yells over the gunfire. 
after a few shared nods, arisu takes runs off to the left. usagi is the next to leave, followed closely by kuina and chishiya. you duck behind the abandoned cars, desperate for a place to hide. a bullet grazes your arm, through you pay it no mind, forcing yourself to keep moving. 
you all but throw yourself against the side of a car, panting. kuina is quick to join you, ducking behind the metal. “are you okay?” she asks. you brush a hand against your still-bleeding arm, shaking your head. 
“i’m fine. where are the others?” 
“i saw arisu and usagi earlier but i’m not sure about chishiya.” you swallow your fear, peeking behind the car to see who’s shooting. 
the king of spades is almost impossible to see. he’s a man dressed in thick black clothing - almost like a cloak. his hood is pulled far over his head to cover his face. he fires mercilessly at any movement. 
kuina flinches when chishiya joins you behind the car, pressing his body against the side. he shifts so his back is against the metal, catching his breath. “ah, you scared me,” kuina huffs. 
“he’s not gonna stop anytime soon,” chishiya says, reaching into his pocket to grab two soda cans. “here.” he hands one to kuina and passes one to you. it feels heavy in your hand. 
“is this a bomb?” chishiya nods. 
two people slam against the side of the car across from you. arisu and usagi. they lay a dying man down on the ground. chishiya raises a hand to wave at them. you shove the bomb into your pocket where your gun used to be. 
a car skirts to a stop in front of you, the door swinging open. “get in!” tatta yells. 
“go!” you urge. arisu and usagi clamber into the backseat, quickly followed by kuina. a spray of gunshots hit the back bumper of the car. you lean over the hood of the car you’re hiding behind, shooting at the king. he’s quick to return fire, breaking the window of the car. 
the shooting stops for a second, allowing you to return fire. the king throws a grenade towards the car tatta’s driving. you steady yourself with a shaky breath, aiming for the king’s head. 
your shot misses, hitting his shoulder instead. the man winces, giving you enough time to move to a different area for cover. tatta’s car screeches when he begins driving again, swerving through the streets. you watch as the king looks around before running towards another car, jumping onto the back of it. 
you wait until you can’t hear gunshots anymore before running towards the pile of debris where you last saw chishiya. he grunts when you push a piece of concrete off of his body. blood has started seeping into his jacket, staining the fabric. you hold a hand out for him to grab, helping him up. “are you okay?” 
chishiya coughs. “besides almost being blown up? i’m doing fine.” 
you shove his arm over your shoulders, wrapping your own around his waist. “come on.” 
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chishiya limps along with you until you find a building to hide in - an old convenience store. you help him sit down in a corner before searching for a first aid kit. you frantically look through the cabinets, desperate for anything that will help. finally, in the back of a cupboard underneath the clerk’s desk, you find one. a small metal tin filled with bandages, alcohol pads, needles, and thread. 
you rush back to chishiya’s side, kneeling down beside him. you push the fabric of his jacket out of the way, exposing the gash on his abdomen. “you know how to give stitches?” he raises an eyebrow at you. 
“no, but anything is better than nothing, right?” 
chishiya forces himself to sit up higher, grabbing your wrist. “i’ll teach you.” 
you nervously look up at him. something about him soothes your worries, even with a single look. “okay.” you will your hands to stop shaking as you prepare the needle. you start slowly, gently tugging the thread through the skin. 
after the first few stitches you get the hang of it, confidently sewing the wound closed. “i saw you shoot the king,” chishiya rasps, eyes still focused on your hands. “why did you save me?”
“because i love you.” the words leave your mouth before you realize what you’re saying. regret builds in your stomach, cutting off your air supply. it suffocates you, preventing you from speaking again. you don’t dare to look up at him. the tension feels heavy in the air as you focus on chishiya’s wound. you finish quicker than expected. your relief is tainted by the uncomfortable realization that you’ll have to talk about your confession. “do i just tie it off and cut the rest of the thread?” 
“yeah.” you brace yourself for rejection, wrapping the wound with bandages. “y/n,” chishiya whispers as he reaches out to lift your chin. you remain silent, even as he moves his hand along your jawline to cup your cheek. even as he brushes his thumb against the skin. even as he pulls you closer, resting his forehead against yours. even when he whispers, “i love you too.” even when he hesitantly leans in to press his lips against yours in a sweet kiss, hand still resting on your face. even when you pull him back in, unable to hide your smile. especially when chishiya smiles back at you and coaxes you closer so you’re leaning against his chest, wrapping an arm around your waist.
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