#squiddy drabbles
glitchysquidd · 2 years
Seems Inverted Sun needs a bit of guidance on how to properly interact with squishy humans. Just that no one wants to put themselves in the firing line to do it xD (except the newbie who's on thin ice)
Yeah, which is why Y/N gets an email stating that because they already have some experience with Inverted Sun that they will be fixing him. Aka you will be going into the Daycare late at Night (which is against Inverted Moon's rules) in order to help train Sun on how to treat children and that they indeed need to nap or rest sometimes.
Obviously though, Sun does not understand.
Here you were.
Staring at Sun nervously.
You had attempted at explaining the whole situation but the moment you told him that he would be able to play with kids again, he began jumping up and down. The springs in his legs making him jump up at a very unsettling height. With how excited he was he literally looked like one of those flailing inflated balloon men.
However the moment you got him to stand still (mostly) and explain to him that he needed training on how to handle children he sagged. The blades in his head retracting, but soon perked back up after you explained further.
The training was honestly going horribly.
"Sun! Sun-" he wasn't listening, squeezing the oversized stuffed animal you had told him to pretend was a child. It was practically ripping at the seams and it was horrifying to think that what if it were an actual child. "Sun! If that were an actual child you would have killed them!" Now he froze.
Looking down at you he tilted his head at a 90° angle. "But hugs are meant to be tight! Squeezing someone in a hug is a way of showing them that you are there for them and will protect them! It is meant to be comforting." Okay, you guess he had a point. "Alright, but! You can not squeeze that tight and for that long, if the poor stuffed bear were a child they'd be crying out in pain."
He stared at you for a while before dropping the bear and picking you up. "Then I could try hugging you and you can tell me when to stop!" You stiffened, then started squirming and pushing on his chest plate, one of his buttons making a loud honk when you accidently pressed too hard.
"H-Hey! Wait okay, practicing on a live person may be a little too dangerous right now." You gave him a nervous laugh. "Put me on the floor please, you are literally holding me four feet off the ground-" Upon hearing you want to be placed on the floor again his eyes dulled. "Can I please, please, pretty please with a bunch of whip cream on top and a cherry with gummy worms and chocolate drizzle continue holding you?"
Pausing on your flailing , you stared at his eyes. They were a bright yellow with big white pupils giving you puppy eyes, groaning you gave up.
Now completely limp in his grasp, you sighed.
"Fine." And you regretted saying that, as you were tossed up into the air like a toy at least five times over afterwards.
You were going to have bruised sides from his grip the next morning.
(This is poor writing as I literally typed it all out via phone so I cannot easily check for grammar misspellings properly.)
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
✂️ barber!mickey & shaggy!ian ✂️
here's the 7th installment for this week's @galladrabbles prompt: magazine by @smokey-mickey.
catch up/read in full HERE -- updates weekly!
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Below the picture is a framed page from a magazine. Glossy, with an image of Mickey cutting the hair of a little boy, maybe 7 or 8.
And a headline—Free Cuts for Foster Kids by Homegrown Hero.
Ian’s eyes widen.
“Hate that fuckin’ thing,” Mickey gripes quickly, thumbing at his nose, silver scissors hanging loosely from his fingers. “The stupid article or whatever, not the kids. Sister made me hang it up.”
Ian opens his mouth to speak, but then blades are blurring with tattooed threats, as Mickey cards a comb through wet, red locks and gets to work.
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dyketectivecomics · 5 years
"Now just where did my princess run off to," Giovanni mused as he glanced around his daughter's room. He made extra sure not to take any special notice of some particularly lumpy and giggling pillows that lay on her bed.
"Hmm, how strange," he sighed with extra, cartoonish emphasis, "How odd that my daughter would learn to pull such a thorough disappearing act before I could teach her it myself. Alas!" He gave a cry, before falling back onto her bed. "Perhaps if I were to take a nap upon her bed, I could dream of where she has run off to!"
He adjusted himself carefully atop that oh-so-lumpy cushioning, leaning carefully back and poking at the pillows as snickers were barely held in. "Now, if only these pillows weren't so lumpy and strange! Perhaps then my dreams might be clear." He put a bit more of his weight on it, yawning dramatically as he stretched his arms above his head. "But as long as Zatanna is not here, I don't see the harm-"
"I am here, daddy! I got you!" the young sorceress cried, laughing as she wiggled out from behind her father.
"Goodness! You have, indeed, my princess!" the magician laughed, bringing his daughter in close for a hug and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "And I've missed you so! You must promise to teach me that trick before my next show!"
"Uh-uh, that one's a super-special... tersec?" the five-year-old turned the word over uncertainly, and Zatara only smiled as he applauded her attempt.
"Terces, my sun and stars. Repus laiceps terces." He booped her nose, and she giggled once more. With a whispered word and sleight of hand, he produced a diary with a lock, Zatanna's name embossed with ostentatious calligraphy, and he smiled even wider as she went starry-eyed.
"You'll need a place to keep those sterces then, my darling."
The chorus of thank-yous that followed after were drowned out only by his own laughter as he returned her tight embrace.
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rexscanonwife · 3 years
i yearn, i need, i PINE for the specifics of your reincarnation au 🤲🤲🤲 PLEASE
HELLO SQUIDDY ANON! 💗💗💗 first of all I'm mentally sending you big hugs for asking me omg ahfjfjfk 🥺 I've made a couple of posts about it (and written a couple of drabbles x3c) but I've made a couple of changes to the story so I'll try to tell a condensed version under a readmore shdjfjf
Ok! So, my headcanon for David before he was turned has always been that he came from the mid to late 1900s during cowboy times but after reading a fic by one of my fave writers for the fandom /darling-disastrous about being his reincarnated lover I couldn't stop thinking about how it'd fit into my self ship?? I get to think about a soft cowboy romance AND an edgy vampire romance, its the best of both worlds!! So the backstory:
David was born in Boston, Massachusetts to parents that frankly didn't want him. His dad left while he was still a baby and his mom wasn't too happy to be left with him, so he was pretty much learning to be on his own from a very young age. He ran away to venture west and try to live the free life of a cowboy, but he seems to have a knack for getting into trouble, especially when you have to steal to survive. He's basically more of a street rat than a cowboy, and while he's spending some time in Santa Carla he tries to steal from some goons who hurt him pretty badly but he ends up getting away!
Thats where I come in! I'm fairly high class, comfortable you know. My parents own a store in town and we have a little house on the coast, but on my way into town I happen upon David! I obviously can't leave him, so I take him home with me to be able to nurse him back to health and that's when we start falling for each other. x3 once he's healed he stays in our guest house while also working for my family to 'pay off his debts' but really its to stay close to me, and of course we end up madly, stupidly in love with each other. We keep it a secret for a long time, cause he was a common thief and we don't think my parents would exactly approve but he wants to whisk me away and start a life together somewhere else but the problem is he doesnt have a penny to his name!
Thats when he meets Max, whos a close friend of my family. No one KNOWS he's actually an evil vampire cause hes well-respected and owns a popular hotel in town and he happens to have need for a young man like David to run security for him. And what he means by that basically is to do whatever he wants. From looking after his hotel, his belongings, to bringing people for him to eat and David can't really say no because he needs the job. But once Max catches wind that David has finally saved enough and is getting ready to leave with me, he throws a party at the hotel and we're all invited.
David was dressed to the nines and so was I, we were so happy and he was gonna finally pop the question. But those goons that had it out for David showed up and they got into a shootout, and I'm shot in the process. I'm fading fast and Max tells David that he can save me, we just both have to drink his blood so we can become vampires. We'd be monsters, but we'd be together for all eternity, and that's good enough reason for David to accept. And he drinks the blood to start the process but its too late for me and I'm gone. David goes on a grief-fueled rampage and kills the goons who caused all of this, completing his transformation.
Now he's alone and completely under Max's thumb, but soon enough other boys start getting turned so he meets Dwayne, Paul, and Marko and things are as they are in the movie. But everything changes when he starts to feel my presence again, which confuses him but he mostly ignores until we bump into each other and he sees me. Sees my face again. And that's when the edgy vampire romance comes in! The dynamic is super interesting cause we're both very different now, and I don't know him anymore. But we were meant to be, so hes willing to do anything so I don't slip away again!
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squiddybeifong · 5 years
Heya squiddy! I got two Qs for ya bud! 1) how’s Retrieval coming along? 👀👀👀 And B) WonderMagic request? With the prompt “Hey, have you seen the...? /Oh/.” Love ya squids!!! 😘💙💙💙💙💙💙
46. “Hey, have you seen the..? Oh.”
From this list of drabble prompts:
“Hey, Babe?”
Zee didn’t bother getting up, her muscles tired. She let out a whine and turned onto her back, squinting up at the ceiling as Diana’s voice got closer. “Have you seen the–”
She closed her eyes and raised a brow as her girlfriend stepped into the room, not bothering to hide her smirk at the Amazon’s stunned, “Oh.”
“You, uh,” Diana cleared her throat as she tried to keep focus on her task. But still her eyes roamed over the damp robe that was splayed wide open, her magician on full display, “You took a shower already?”
“Mmhmm,” Zatanna raised herself up on her elbows and smirked at her girlfriend, the move turning to a pout when the warrior didn’t come closer. Diana looked conflicted but had to sigh, her gaze wandering to the side lest she get too distracted, “I really need to find this thing first.”
She rubbed the back of her neck, “I might’ve left it at my place. Let me fly over there real quick, then I’ll join you?”
Diana beamed as Zee let out a tiny laugh at her hopeful look and ran a hand through her hair. The Amazon strode over and kissed her love’s temple, her hand covering Zee’s as they untangled a clump of hair. Biting her lip, she angled down to steal a quick peck and offered, “I’ll help take out these knots when I get back?”
Her magician traced her lips, a grin on her face as Diana kissed her fingertips, “Don’t take too long, Darling.”
The skies were clear as Diana landed on her balcony. A hand went to her chin as she wondered where she had misplaced the–
Her thoughts were interrupted as she recognized the fuzzy worm that hung on the end of Donna’s keys. A brow raised at the sight of Raven’s signature cloak hanging over the couch’s back, but she paid it no mind.
Navy eyes bright (since her sister had a knack for finding things she lost and, if anything, Raven’s powers would be helpful in a pinch) she jogged to Donna’s room. Knocking as she strolled in, the Amazon casually asked, “Hey, Donna, Rae? Have you guys seen the… oh!”
Wonder Woman covered her eyes and did a picture perfect Abe Simpson turn, calling out over her shoulder, “I didn’t see anything!”
Holy Hera, she had to stop taking after Bruce and just ask before she entered a room.
Diana ignored the horrified gasp that her (still a baby no matter her age, thank you very much) sister let out and sped walked out of her own apartment the way she came, just barely remembering to shut the balcony’s door behind her.  
Donna called out to her back, the door’s handle engulfing in black magic to open for her as she hastily wrapped her girlfriend’s cloak around her shoulders, “Di, wait!”
The older Amazon reluctantly turned to her, relaxing when there was less nudity this time. She held up her palms, trying to curb the shock and hilarity of the moment, “It’s fine! Just… just let me know when I can come back.”
A thought came and she hastily added, “And wash the sheets please!”
Donna’s cheeks resembled tomatoes as she tried to find an excuse. Especially for not being in her own apartment, “We– we weren’t–”
“It’s fine! I’ll–” Wonder Woman jerked a thumb over her shoulder as she started flying backward, “I’ll spend the night at Zee’s. See you tomorrow!”
Raven poked her head out, remarkably stoic despite the sheer awkwardness that was hitting her empathy. She cleared her throat and Donna spun to look at her, but the demoness merely raised a brow the princess’ way. Wonder Girl’s gaze flicked between her sister and her lover and her mouth decided to vomit out, “Okay. Um, I can introduce you two?”
The ex-Titan mouthed out an ‘I’m so sorry’ to Diana, who forced a smile and started flying away, “Make it a raincheck. Bye!”
She made it back to Zee’s place in record time. The Amazon took a moment to lean against the door and pinch the skin between her eyes, silently mouthing an aghast groan at the state of her apartment.
Shaking her head, she strolled back in and made her way to the bedroom, snickering when she saw that Zee had yet to move. Diana leaned over her girlfriend and pressed a quick peck to her lips, glad to be back to familiar waters, “Hi.”
Her magician smiled up at her, sleepily reaching up to wrap her arms around her love’s broad shoulders. Zee pulled her down for another kiss, smiling into the embrace, “Hi.”
She lightly tugged her love down until Diana was on top of her, pressing kisses along the length of her neck. A bite made her gasp and lean her head back, giving Diana more space.
“Did you find the…” Zee trailed off, her brows furrowing as she realized she didn’t know what her girlfriend needed so badly. The mystic casually waved a hand in the air, “Whatever it is that you were looking for?”
Another set of kisses, marching up to Zatanna’s chin. The superhero shrugged and pecked her chin, “I honestly can’t even remember what it is.”
“But,” Diana lazily sat up to properly straddle Zee’s hips, beaming down at the magician, “I found something better.”
Hands reached up to tangle in her hair. The princess let out a happy sigh as Zee tugged her down again and kissed her jaw, murmuring against her skin, “You’re a dork.”
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rjmeta · 6 years
Chapters: 9/9 Fandom: The Property of Hate Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Toby (TPoH), Dial (TPoH), RGB (TPoH), Hero (TPoH), Tinker (TPoH), Tailor (TPoH), Assok (TPoH), Magnus (0chromat), Madras (TPoH) Additional Tags: holidays fluff, Non-Indicative Title Is Non-Indicative, TPoH Secret Santa Summary:
TPoH Secret Santa gift for @ky-the-squiddy on tumblr, hope you like it!
12 Christmas drabbles, featuring a variety of the TPoH cast. Hijinks will ensue.
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   1,601 FOLLOWERS?!? That’s a whole lot!!!! Thank you so much to everyone who’s stuck around during the longass hiatuses this blog has suffered from...and know that as of today, I’m putting a stop to it! (Cause I rewatched Jaal scenes with a friend a few days ago and now I’m all emotional for Jaal all over again. Whoops~!)
   So friendly reminder that the submissions box is open, so is the ask box; I take headcanon and drabble requests!!! Stories about Jaal you wanna share? Link me up to your art? How about just saying how much you LOVE our favorite squiddy kitty? BRING IT ALL ON!!!!!!
   I love you guys so much! Stay strong and clear!
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glitchysquidd · 3 years
Drabbles with a Glitch
Some drabbles I wrote in my free time! Involving the Variants :)
Kids Grow Up Too Quickly
Spritz was walking through to the edges of the Maze’s walls,where he was greeted by a small black skeleton hugging his waist
“Sneak attack!”
Spritz chuckled and hugged him back
“Papa! Are you finally done doing all that boring work stuff?”
He snorts,giving the small skele a pat on the head.Star’s he’s only...he looks at his wrist,six years old and he’s almost as tall as him,reaching his chin in height,which makes sense he himself is only 3’6ft.
“Yes,I am Brushwork. And,it’s all very important boring work stuff!”
“But you don’t even get anything from it! Can’t you just not do it?” he snorted,chuckling,if only.
However he cannot,fate has rested this forced job upon his shoulders and he’ll make sure it does a damn good job at protecting the multiverse.
“I can’t just..stop working? I gotta do this,okay?” Brushwork groaned at this reply.
“Ugh,but you take so long!” he stuck both his tongues out blowing a raspberry at the other,he then turned and grumpily stomped off.
He’s such a bossy,grumpy little one isn’t he?
Following along behind him he snatched him up hugging him close.
“Uh,oh! Looks like the big ol’ hugging monster gotcha!” The sudden hug made Brushwork squeal,giggling soon after.
“NOoo! The hugging moonster is smElly!” Brushwork managed to say through giggles.
“GASP!” setting Brushwork down he feigns sadness,falling to his knees and throwing an arm up over his head dramatically. 
“I can’t believe you’d say that! The hugging monster has feelings too!” he says through fake sobs,causing Brushwork to giggle more at the dramatic show Spritz was acting out for him.
“No it doesn’t!” he replies,and boops Spritz on the chest,right on that soul shaped patch on his sweater.
“GaH! NOoooo YOu’ve killed mE!” flopping onto his side he sticks out his tongues and his eyelights turn to red Xs filling.
“Bleeggh…” faking his death, Brushwork just flops onto Spritz,giggling.
“Victory! I’ve won and defeated the soulless hugging monster!” Spritz pauses for a moment looking down at the other...he snorts,no he doesn’t know,no need to worry.
“You did it! Ah, I am SOOoo proud of you!” he boops the ridge of Brushwork’s nasal cavity and chuckles.
He wishes things could be like this forever,but he knows he’ll have to tell him sooner or later,and that thought makes the ink swirling in his ribcage grow heavy,for now he’ll just savor these moments while he can.
Where Did He Go?
It was any normal time in the anti-void.
Watching one of his favorite universes through a window Stitch had opened for him,he was laying across the back of the bean bag,occasionally looking over at Stitch’s face to gauge his reaction.He didn’t show much of any reaction until the human had...killed the Sans of the universe,they had done a full pacifist route in this timeline until this point.
Stitch had sucked in a shaky breath.
Berry himself felt a little betrayal at this.
Stitch closed the window to the Swapverse before they could see his soul shatter and him turn to dust.
Did the death of another different version of himself affect Stitch that badly..?
Before Berry could ask him if he was okay,he had stood up and walked off to the side by a few steps before opening a portal.
“Stitch? What are you doing?”
“D0n’t w-w0rry ab0ut it.”
And with that he was gone.
A Completely Different Individual.
He was gonna do it…
He’d finally try talking to him,popping a yellow paintball in his mouth only further increasing his excitement,a grin splits across his face.He rushes to the center quick on his toes.withdrawing his paint gun,and twirling it around his finger he grips the handle as he aims it at the ground,pulling the trigger. He bounces on his toes, excitement overwhelming him as he sprays a puddle big enough for himself to jump into,soon after he hops into the puddle.
Rising up from the newly made puddle he finally arrives in the universe he wanted.
He looks up at the stars around him and smiles.
Looking back down at his surroundings he begins walking.
He soon finds the black glitchy skeleton sitting on the ledge he’s always on in this universe,but he isn’t knitting like usual, just sitting there with his glasses on and staring up at the sky.He pops a green paintball into his mouth,and slowly approaches the other,sitting next to him.
“Hey Stitchie.” Spritz says quietly.
The other freezes up,the movement of his ribs rising slowly from breathing stops.They look over at Spritz,the usual crazed look he always carries was nowhere to be seen,he looked more confused and tired than anything.
Stitch looks around then back at Spritz.
“Um...M-M’sorry b-b-but do I know ya?’
He doesn’t..remember him?
“You don’t remember me?’ Spritz asks,visually confused himself.
“Uh,nah. B-But that’s n-n-normal don’t worry” He waves a hand off at Spritz.
“Normal..?” His eyelights change a variety of shapes before he blinks a few times.
“Y-Yeah,m’will b-be here one moment then suddenly th-there.” he shrugs,Spritz is...incredibly confused.
“Where were you last?” Stitch looks over and shifts.
“S-Sn-Snowdin. Th-There was a-a lot of shouting and screaming,didn’t know how m’got there.” he looks down as his hands turning them and just staring,he looks over to Spritz.
“D-do ya know what happened?” he asks Spritz.
“Know what happened with what,Stitchie?”
“T-Ta me? M-M’bones..j-ju---” his dialoge morphed into a glitchy static sound,and suddenly...he froze completely,and a bar appeared above his head signalling him rebooting.
Huh...he stares at him.
This person he was talking to wasn’t Stitch,but a completely different individual.
He needs to think about this for now,he’ll have to try talking to the actual Stitch another time.
//ErrorSans belongs to loverofpiggies//
//InkSans belongs to comyet//
//Airbrush belongs to @adorablemew//
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squiddybeifong · 6 years
Ooooooh #42 with BabsRae? Love ya squiddy 💙💙💙💙
42: “I swear it was an accident.”
From this list of drabble prompts:
Raven let out a little gasp against Babs’ mouth, her eyes fluttering shut half a second later. But she refused to let them linger in a place like this (while forcing herself to ignore how wonderful kissing her lover so casually was) and pulled back not a moment later.
Her gloved fingers hesitated on the exposed shoulders, graced with so many kissable freckles. After another long moment she let her hands fall to her sides, her eyes darting around the room. Not to find Dick (who was almost certainly spying on them, if his absolute giddiness at their relationship wasn't palpable on the drive to the Manor), but for any reporters who may have been lurking around Wayne Manor.
The redhead didn’t bother trying to hide her smile as she leaned back, her awkward lean on the wall corny enough to put Dick to shame. Raven blushed despite the dorkiness, crossing her arms and wishing that Alfred would’ve allowed her to wear a hooded dress to this infernal gala.
Babs casually touched her cheek and violet eyes closed, leaning into the timid embrace. The nerves from them getting used to being together were all but gone by now and the tingles from that very unexpected kiss were strong as ever, but still the Teen Titan had to remind her girlfriend, “The paparazzi are everywhere, Barbara. Especially here.”
“I swear it was an accident.”
Raven rolled her eyes but couldn’t keep the tiny smile from forming, “You know, for a Bat you’re a pretty horrible liar.”
The Batgirl smiled back and leaned in for another kiss, surprised when her lips met a gray palm. The demoness put her other hand on her girlfriend’s side, a mischevious grin curling her lips as a finger replaced the palm over Babs’ lips. Her violet eyes darted around and, when she was satisfied that no one was looking, they glowed blinding white.
Babs just barely held in her gasp as the shadows swallowed them both and suddenly they were outside, their hips pressed against a balcony’s railing and the snow falling on their cheeks. The redhead chuckled as Raven seemed to finally relax, taking a step forward and pressing their foreheads together. Free from prying eyes and hidden cameras, the two nuzzled closer.
A circle of black magic enveloped one gray hand and suddenly the clasp that kept the Bat's bun in place disappeared. Long red hair tumbled down her girlfriend’s back at the move and the Titan let out a raspy laugh, pecking the corner of the Barbara’s mouth as she let her feet land on the floor.
Intertwining her fingers with the magic-covered hand, emerald eyes were half lidded as Barbara sighed out, “Was that an accident?”
“No,” Raven softly cupped the back of her girlfriend’s neck, raising up on the tips of her flats until their lips just barely brushed, “Completely on purpose.”
“Oh?” Pink lips spread in a smile, “Someone likes kissing me.”
A quick peck, “It’s enjoyable. I will admit it.”
Barbara's lips parted, her retort on her tongue, and Raven interrupted her with a proper kiss. Bright green eyes fluttered shut, freckled arms wrapped around the empath’s wide shoulders and they both sunk into the embrace.
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dyketectivecomics · 6 years
For the unsteady prompts: "please groan if you're awake" with magicblazer please 💕💕💕
wrapped up editing this lil drabble real quick bc i didnt realize How Much I Needed it dammit. hope ya like this squiddy
Brushing her bangs from her face, Constantine worried incessantly over the magician as she slept soundly on his couch. It’d been well over three hours (and twenty-eight minutes, precisely) since she’d spent nearly every ounce of her energy in a valiant attempt to stop Brother Night from unleashing Hell on Earth.
And had sent him packing off into the Abyss along with it, too.
It’d been an epic battle, one that left her fainting when all was said and done. One that had John worried that she may have taken things much too far this time. Especially given how all too soundly she slept in the midst of the chaos that had continued around her.
“Please, groan if you’re awake,” John sighed, taking her hand into one of his own and gently squeezing it. He wasn’t a praying man, but desperate times…
“Just… give me… five more minutes, John,” Zatanna mumbled sleepily, pulling her hand out of his and curling into a more comfortable position. And the exorcist started laughing with relief.
“Zee, you’re alive! You’ve got to wake up!” He started shaking her shoulder with excitement.
“Teg ffo fo em,” she commanded, and John’s hands were immediately repelled.
“Ekaw pu, damn you!” he shot back in frustration, regret immediately making itself home in his chest as her eyes shot open into a glare.
“Constantine,” she growled lowly as she began righting herself into a sitting position. “My head’s hammering and my body is aching in places I didn’t even know could be sore. And all I asked. Was. Five. Minutes.” She punctuated each of the last words through gritted teeth.
“Now wait just a minute, luv, ya have to understand! I thought you were done for-”
She reached over to grab him by his necktie, pulling the demonologist in close. He could feel her fingertips sparking electrically with some residual power, her breath hot on his face as she made unblinking eye contact.
“Take me to bed- and no, not like that. Let me have my rest. And then we’ll see about continuing this conversation, capiche?”
He gulped. “Whatever you say, luv,” he whispered as she began to collapse back into the seat. Even threatening him for that short time had taken whatever she had left, right out of her.
He focused instead on helping her sling her arm over his shoulder and carefully supporting her body as he carried her from the living space. He was grateful as the House of Mystery accommodated him by opening the door directly into one of the bedrooms.
Smiling as Zatanna’s snores began filling the room, he took his time in taking her shoes off her feet, and removing her bloodstained jacket. Her own minor cuts and scrapes had begun healing themselves during the near coma-like trance she had been under earlier, not even faint scars left to be found from the deeper wounds that she had earned during her battle.
Truly remarkable, the magic that she had. And John found himself thankful that it was likely the same kind that had saved her life. In the end, she hadn’t needed anyone’s help, but it certainly hadn’t hurt that he’d been there to help pick her up.
And no doubt, she’d want to repay that debt sooner rather than later.
But those were thoughts better kept until he had the chance to properly pester her over it, naturally.
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