#(will this make it to retrieval? .... *eyes emojis* mayhaps)
dyketectivecomics · 5 years
"Now just where did my princess run off to," Giovanni mused as he glanced around his daughter's room. He made extra sure not to take any special notice of some particularly lumpy and giggling pillows that lay on her bed.
"Hmm, how strange," he sighed with extra, cartoonish emphasis, "How odd that my daughter would learn to pull such a thorough disappearing act before I could teach her it myself. Alas!" He gave a cry, before falling back onto her bed. "Perhaps if I were to take a nap upon her bed, I could dream of where she has run off to!"
He adjusted himself carefully atop that oh-so-lumpy cushioning, leaning carefully back and poking at the pillows as snickers were barely held in. "Now, if only these pillows weren't so lumpy and strange! Perhaps then my dreams might be clear." He put a bit more of his weight on it, yawning dramatically as he stretched his arms above his head. "But as long as Zatanna is not here, I don't see the harm-"
"I am here, daddy! I got you!" the young sorceress cried, laughing as she wiggled out from behind her father.
"Goodness! You have, indeed, my princess!" the magician laughed, bringing his daughter in close for a hug and pressing a kiss to her forehead. "And I've missed you so! You must promise to teach me that trick before my next show!"
"Uh-uh, that one's a super-special... tersec?" the five-year-old turned the word over uncertainly, and Zatara only smiled as he applauded her attempt.
"Terces, my sun and stars. Repus laiceps terces." He booped her nose, and she giggled once more. With a whispered word and sleight of hand, he produced a diary with a lock, Zatanna's name embossed with ostentatious calligraphy, and he smiled even wider as she went starry-eyed.
"You'll need a place to keep those sterces then, my darling."
The chorus of thank-yous that followed after were drowned out only by his own laughter as he returned her tight embrace.
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