clannfearrunt · 1 year
op how'd you pick your username
in 2012 I played The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for the first time and fell in love with this thing
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regular clannfear url was taken
while I'm here no one asked but tumblr user clannfearrunt's favorite ingame depiction of a clannfear is nexusmod user 4thunknown's clannfear mod. which is perhaps cheating since this is a mod but what is a bethesda game without its modding community
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my 2nd favorite is the clannfear in their debut game An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire
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the worst one is their card art in The Elder Scrolls: Legends
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ok. thank you for sitting though tumblr user Clannfearrunt's Unsolicited Clannfear Opinions Hour
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cedar-treetea · 1 year
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Introducing some of my au design for the fnaf 4 bullies. They’re not major characters, but I do still enjoy drawing and writing them.
Since the roles that I have set are a tad confusing, Owen IS “foxybro”, he is not my Micheal. Mine is CC ^^ I don’t believe that is canon but it’s fun to play with!
Anyways, I drew three of the bullies aged up into adults who matured. Here’s a little info on all three of them. I did not add Owen, since he didn’t exactly get much of a happy escape like the others did.
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Thank you @squidbeans for being tribute for a bombard of rambling 🫡
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auntie-charmallow · 10 months
Reblog the Squidbean!
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squidbeans · 7 days
Hey. Hey squidbeans. What team are each of your Ocs on.
I'm gonna lose my crap because I had already written like 3 paragraphs for this and didn't save the draft so splat me I guess. Gonna try and remember what I said
Venus and Nori are on team Present.
As Pearl says, "it's all about the here and now!" Venus is rather shortsighted when it comes to planning and likes to live it up while she can! Nothing can be done about the past or future right now, so why worry about it?
Nori loves her new life and her friends and, much like Marina in the final fest, wants to hold onto that current safety for as long as she can. The past few years have been tough for her, and she's nervous for what the future brings. Team Present all the way!
Miya is on team Future!
Miya's optimism pushes her to keep moving forward, and her sunny personality helps those around her fight for a brighter future. Even if things aren't great right now, there's always hope for a better tomorrow!
Now, Kai, Sam, and Nate were a bit harder for me to figure out, but I think I've got it.
Kai chose team Past because he stans the Squid Sisters, they're the reason he came to the surface in the first place. But in addition to that, I think it's symbolic of his journey recovering his memories lost to amnesia and his preference for using outdated language.
Nate's on team Future because of his love of technology and how it can help people as it advances. He believes working with the octarians will create a better future for everyone.
Sam's on team Past. She's nostalgic for simpler times (namely, before she was sanitized) and wants to make up for for what she did as part of the NSS. Not to mention that she wants to support Marie and Callie. (Also because the past made her who she is today and she's my self insert and that's why I picked Past. So. Ha)
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cephalopeaches · 7 years
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Hey!!! I figured while I’m at it I’d offer some Splatoon-specific commissions as well! These can be used as icons, side profiles, what ever you please! Likes + reblogs are GREATLY appreciated, thanks!
If you’re interested IM me, send an ask, or email me at [email protected]!
(Examples are all listed above, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me! Thanks!)
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harryshmjr · 7 years
@jacehvrondale replied to your post “@jacehvrondale replied to your post “i’d like to say officially that...”
Mr harry squidbean or mr harry beanward
the discrespect THE AUDACITY i can’t believe we used to be friends smh
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tumblunni · 6 years
Another random story idea i dreamed last nightd
For once i actually got some details on the protagonist, she was a lady named Ramona who had a wheelchair and worked as a scientist in a sci fi alien future!
The plot was that her spaceship had crashed on the planet she was being escorted to, and all the soldiers and pilot died in the crash so she was left trapped in the wreckage of the ship with limited supplies and trying to stretch them long enough to reach a deadline when the rescue ship would reach her. It was framed as if i was playing a survival type game? But she wasnt able to do all the typical physical fighting and couldnt explore any areas she couldnt get her wheelchair past. She was kinda trapped in a small valley or something? So she had to befriend the local monsters and use their help to gradually expand the amount of areas she could reach. So like her ability of compassion and intellugence helped her survive where all the more traditional buff and gruff space pirate guys had failed.
Oh and there was a really sweet relationship with the first monster she met! I think this dream was inspired by the baby metroid which is why i reblogged a bunch of fanart for it earlier, haha! Ramona found a small psychic levitating jellyfish thingie that was just a bebby and she nursed it back to health. I think it got injured during the spaceship crash and its mother was killed in the wreckage? So she buried the momma monster along with the crew members who passed away, and taking care of this lil monster helped give her the strength to keep on living and believe she could make it home.
The lil larva looked kinda like a Sea Pig worm? Except it had big chompy teeth instead of a tentacle face, and lil dot eyes super far apart with a real goofy sense of personality to them. And it would fly around backwards like a nautilus and bump into stuff! Ramona treated the lil bean's wounds and fed it the last of her food supplies with a lil spoon and it was SO FUCKIN CUTE!! And the poor thing started off scared of her and she was so scared it was gonna die, cos it kept struggling in panic to find its mommy and almost ripping open its wounds. But gradually they reached a level of trust, and it would snuggle up in her arms and do a weird alien equivelant of purring. :3
And then i think this alien species was like the dominant predator of this particular biome of the planet? So usually they would have been the biggest threat to any human astronauts, but because Ramona befriended one of them she had a big advantage towards surviving! Lil bean helped her fight the other monsters and cut down trees to build a shelter and stuff cos it was like Unreasonably Strong for such a smol thing! And its dominant predator status helped it intimidate the other monsters and domesticate them as pets. Like the squishbeanfriend was closer to human sentience and more able to fully bond with our protagonist since it was raised by her from childhood, but all the other monsters would just be temporary allies that stayed wild. It was like you'd gradually remove random encounters in an area and turn them into helpful shortcuts or pseudo-shops. Like a wolfish lizard thing that brings you 1-3 random pieces of free meat each day as deference to your alpha status. And different monsters would like different meat, so if you lucked out you could get a rare type early and befriend a super strong ally in the next area! Or a lil scuttly tree crab thing that gathers shiny things like a magpieb and would run a more normal shop where you can trade useless shinys for shinys that are equally useless to the crab but very useful to humans. Like parts from previous crashed ships to try and fix yours!
And then i think the relationship between ramona and lil bean would become more like a mom and child? The dream didnt have a very consistant progression but at some point the baby monster was bigger and it was able to say some basic human words. And ramona read her storybooks, and also i think the monster was a girl? And ramona helped sew little monster-shaped dresses so she could see what human girls wear on her mommy's weird far away planet~
Oh and i think the adult version of this species was kinda like butterflies and squids combined? Like the Jelleye monster in final fantasy! Instead of a big squishy orb that floats around it would spin a cocoon and come out as a more thin and ethereal squid. It was like several layers of thin lacelike wings? Like not actually wing shaped but more like the ruffled skirts on Brionne from pokemon? Like a biological equivelant of something that looks like human clothes. The 'skirts' were made of similar material to butterfly wings, a thin plasticky film made of microscopic scales. It had multiple layers of that which could flare out like a peacock's tail to look all Big and scare predators! And there was a big eye and lil turtlelike beak on the top of the floof skirts, like where the top of the head would be on an octopus? So it always flew about sideways compared to an octopus but it was frontways for it. And also the mouth in the opposite place compared to squids who have them in the middle of their tentacles and basically in their butt crack. (While their butt crack is somewhere else..)
ANYWAY its hard to explain so i'll probably try and draw this smoofle cutie at some point! But you saw a bunch of the adult form flying around in flocks through the sky and lil bean would someday transform too and be able to fly high enough to reach them. But even though Ramona tried to get her lil teenage pupa daughter to agree to going back to her natural habitat, she refused and wanted to stay with her human adoptive mama. And it was sweet but also bittersweet because Ramona had to worry about whether her daughter would have been happy living a normal life for her species, and whether she'd made it impossible for her to reintegrate into her society because she'd been tainted by human ways of thinking. But lil bean daughter was like "no u literally saved my life i would have been dead without you, i didnt have a chance of a 'normal life' either way and i'd rather have an 'abnormal' mom than no mom at all!"
But also Ramona's worries were unfounded and daughter squiddo was indeed able to learn to communicate with her own kind, and instead became able to act as an ambassador between the two species! When the humans came to rescue Ramona they were able to meet with the squidfolk and undertake peaceful negotiations to reach a compromise between the species and start free cultural exchange instead of mining the planet for resources. Like they had no clue that these aliens were sapient and they could act as the benevolebnt Greys who could introduce their society to the concept of space travel and help them progress technologically.
And like within Ramona's lifetime she got to see this planet develop so much all because of her bad/good luck to just happen to crash there that day! And i think she went on to continue being an awesome space adventurer and travel the cosmos trying to do the same for other planets. She got a super awesome hi tech wheelchair mini spaceship thing that was equipped with mining excavation lazers and underwater mode and all sorts of stuff! And her lil super badass squid daughter came with her and they were a badass family astronaut team for the rest of their days! Like the dream even made sure to clarify that something or other about being stuck on the planet with a busted respirator made Ramona like.. Healthier? It explained it as 'gut flora bacteria' which somehow gave humans an equally long lifespan to the squid creatures, so bean daughter wouldnt have to watch her mom die. But also somehow it only worked for people in wheelchairs because.. Bloodflow?? Like i think i was remembering this story about how a man who lost his legs in a pilot accident was actually even more badass afterwards, cos his tolerance for high altitude flights was increased now he had less body mass to circulate the blood around. But somehow my brain turned that into immortality yogurt, i guess. Anyway the point is that Ramona was super extra double badass because something something the sci fi technology worked uniquely for disabled people. So she was a famous adventurer who could do high danger stuff that other people couldn't! And she used this power to become the ultimate peacemaker and bring more planets into the universal alliance, instead of taking all the mercenary jobs to rob these develiping civilizations of their land and resources.
Damn this was a really damn positive and motivational dream!! i want badass advebture mom and squidbean ambassador daughter to save the world irl! I bet they could kick trump's ass and overhaul the economy into a new era of prosperity and also friendly squids!
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clannfearrunt · 1 year
i forgot why I followed you so now I'm just seeing posts about a Pokemon anime knockoff I've never heard about and honestly it's great
excuse u Duel Masters is a Yugioh knockoff made by Takara Tomy and Wizards of the Coast get it right, if you want the venn diagram of Pokemon and Cardgame what you'd be getting is Live On: Cardliver Kakeru (i say this with love it is genuinely my favorite cardgame anime)
I hope u are having a good time here on Con Clannfearrunt's wild ride
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cephalopeaches · 7 years
madchillsquids >> squidbeans
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harryshmjr · 7 years
@jacehvrondale replied to your post “@jacehvrondale replied to your post “@jacehvrondale replied to your...”
Listen. You love me. And you love mr squidbean
keep telling yourself that but idk an abi anymore
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