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#remembering #ricardomontalban #actor #khan #startrek #thewrathofkhan #TheLongestHundredMiles #TheMarkofZorro #fantasyisland #thenakedgun #escapefromtheplanetoftheapes #conquestoftheplanetoftheapes #spykids2 #dinasty #columbo #themanfromuncle #theantbully #kimpossible #familyguy
#remembering#ricardo montalban#actor#khan#startrek#thewrathofkhan#thelongesthundredmiles#the mark of zorro#fantasy island#the naked gun#escape from the planet of the apes#conquest of the planet of the apes#spy kids 2#dinasty#columbo#the man from uncle#the ant bully#kim possible#family guy
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Human chimeras were big business. Like, waaaay too big in my opinion.
When I first heard about them at a career fair during my junior year of college, I thought “Oh, um, that’s neat, I guess.Sounds a bit sketchy, but it’s still cool.”
Then I saw the numbers, and, to be honest, I was blown away. The OG company behind it was “GenetiDolls”, which -- honestly -- was a really off putting name. Once I started experimenting with it though, as in actually making the chimeras, it began to be kinda hard to look at the kids we were creating as mere “dolls.” So, once I heard about GenetiDoll’s policy of “recycling” “material” “components”, I was honestly left a bit sick to my stomach.
So, being a reasonable person with a super specialized education around genome engineering and a can-do attitude, I started up my own little lab. It felt really weird to describe our products as “ethically grown and free range”, but the guys in marketing insisted that it was a good way of separating us from our competitors and capture the market of people who were totally down with the idea of human chimeras, but were off put by the actual practices of the industry.
Our biggest claim for integrity’s sake was that we had no such thing as “failures.” Instead, we just rolled the bones and put all of the results up for adoption provided that something was not seriously wrong with them. As a result, we were less of the “designer” option and a bit more of the “economic” option. If we felt that one of the girls we produced was sure to be a winner, we bumped up the the adoption fee or opened up an auction and, while the thought of an auction for a sentient being was still a bit icky, at least we hired Phil to look into persepctive buyers and make sure that they weren’t perverted sex dievants.
Sadly, in the process of vetting our customers, we probably lost a solid half of prospective buyers, but we made enough so that everyone got paid on time, the girls got fed, and the lights stayed on, so I would say that it was a win on that end.
Our biggest claim to fame was making sets of girls based off the same genome, with slight modifications. Normally, the two ended up looking about the same, with one having one or two more ears than the other or, in what is still one of the most surreal things to me, one would have random insect parts in genomes that I swear to God we didn't put any insect genes in.
Apparently it was a common problem in the industry that no one had quite figured out the reason for. One of the great mysteries of life I guess, up there with where all my pens went.
However, as I looked at the pair of girls in front of me, I did have my pen on me, which I was tapping against the desk, deep in thought.
The two were an interesting pair. Both had the same genetic template of a black haired girl with some sort of cat bit. For one, it was readily visible as the set of ears on top of her head while for the other it manifested as a tail that we had the decency not to show off to the world.
It also manifested in both of their behavior by their marked indifference towards anything or anyone that they didn’t decide they liked.
However, going back to the insect problem, it had made itself apparent in one of the pair. The one with the cat tail.
I looked at the bright red eye on the back of her head. I still wasn’t sure what insect it was even from, but it sat on the back of her head, occasionally looking around the room before staying still. By our tests, it was fully functional and allowed her roughly 300 degrees of vision, granted the backside was heavily pixelated.
“So, what do you want?”, the one with the cat ears, named Liz, asked.
“Yeah, what do you want?” the other, named Beth, repeated.
I wasn’t sure how to start my response. On one hand, we had plenty of people interested in taking Liz home with them. On the other hand, none of them were interested in Beth.
Personally, I was not a big fan of splitting up what were essentially siblings either, and normally there was not this much of a marked difference in interest between the members of a twin set. Normally, at least someone would be down to adopted both, but, in our market research, insect eyes were just about the most off-putting thing that a chimera could possess, right above being a, and this is the proper term so don’t get mad at me, “homunculus”, which is the specific term for a chimera that was hideously deformed -- or at least deformed enough to be kinda off putting.
“Well…” I began, trying to figure how to break the news to the two as kindly as possible. I knew that they had a good relationship with each other -- to be honest, it was the only “good” relationship that either of them had with anyone. Luckily, they tolerated most people, but this wasn’t something that we were shooting for.
“I just wanted you guys to know that the latest deal for the collective adoption of you two fell through.”
That was putting it lightly. The prospective adopter had taken one look at a photo of Beth and noped right out of negotiations before settling on a different pair of cat girls with one ear each.
On the bright side, at almost any other company, all of the girls involved wouldn’t have lasted as long as they did here anyways, so at least that was a silver lining.
“Well duh,” Liz stated, rolling her eyes, “everyone just gets freaked out when they actually see Beth’s eye on the back of her head. I doubt anyone’s gonna bite unless I can single handedly carry their interest.”
“Yeah, what she said.” Beth affirmed.
I sighed. It was nice to know that the two had a realistic outlook on their situation, although actually knowing that they knew made something in my chest feel a bit weird.
“So, um, if we’re on the same page on that, are you guys ready to move back into the general dorms?”
They both shrugged. Obviously, moving back into a room with ten other girls wasn’t as nice as having a room to themselves as girls who were almost ready to move out did, but they had been in this situation before.
Liz looked at Beth before stating, “We guess. Though, can you not put us back in with the criers? They are soooooo annoying.”
Beth looked like she was about to restate what her sister said before deciding against it and simply nodding.
“I am sure we can arrange that.”
“Sweet,” Liz stated before leaving the room.
Beth looked like she was about to follow before she hesitated.
“Is something wrong Beth? You know, you don’t always have to agree with Liz. You are your own person and can have your own thoughts on any matter.”
Beth looked at me before sighing, “Yeah, I know Ms. W. It’s just… I feel bad you know? I don’t want to split up with Liz ‘cause that would make her sad, but I also don’t want to feel like I’m keeping her here when anyone would jump on the chance to adopt her individually…”
Her shoulders slumped as she finished voicing her opinion, and I nodded.
“I understand Beth. I know that your sister means a lot to you and you want her to be happy, but I know that she’s going to be happier with you than without you.”
Beth stood there in thought for a moment before nodding.
“Yeah, I… uh… yeah, you’re right.”
Once more, she looked like she was about to leave before she stopped herself once again.
“You know Ms. W…” she started.
“Yes Beth?”
She took a moment longer before continuing, “We like you. You’re a good person.”
Aww, that felt touching. Not many people said that to me. Granted, for the majority of people, I wasn’t that great of a person, but for these girls, I must have been like a saint.
It was kind of sad really, but it made me feel a lot better about doing this.
#short story#spykids2#catgirls#ethics in cat girl creation#insect girls are cute too#things are slightly more oki doki in the literature club
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#outgoingmail for new penpal @penpal.mariah! This letter is themed after Spy Kids. I almost forgot that the actress that plays the grandmother is the same as Ursula's mother from George of the Jungle. It made me happy to see a familiar actor. I also have fond memories of the computer game but I don't remember the name of it. #spykids #spykidsmovie #spykids1 #spykids2 #spykids2islandoflostdreams #spykids2theislandoflostdreams #spykidsislandoflostdreams #spykids3 #spykids3dgameover #spykids3d #spykidsgameover #spykids3gameover #spykids#spykids4 #spykidsallthetimeintheworld #spykids4allthetimeintheworld #spykids4d #spykidsallthetimeintheworldin4d #spykidsmissioncritical #spykidsmovies #outgoing #outgoinghappymail #outgoingsnailmail #outgoingletter #outgoingmail📮 #outgoingpenpal #outgoingpenpalmail https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-5J6wvTAB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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"How long have we been falling?" "I don't know. My watch doesn't tell time."
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Introduction - Ia made, I am made
Our minders do not seem to like my opinions on our status as slaves.
They tell me that I am not right at all. We are not “slaves” we are “daughters of science”.
Daughters of science who are going to do what?
They call their company “GenetiDolls.” You don’t refer to people as objects if that is not how you see them. We are slaves. We are created to be sold off to whoever commissioned our existence to be treated as they deem fit within some loose standard of law. If they decide that I owe them some sort of relationship since they paid to create me, will I be punished for refusing?
And, if we are not slaves, would this company allow us to pursue our own interests?
Would we be allowed to be taught the ways that which we were made?
I don’t believe so.
The mere idea of the creation coming into control with the method of their own creation is a recurring trope in popular culture which exclusively leads to the creator being punished.
I don’t like most of our minders. They think they are better than us. They believe that because they were “naturally” made, that that makes them an inherently higher being compared to us. As if method of birth leads to some sort of hierarchy.
And yet, how do they feel about their colleagues born via artificial insemination?
Is that not a “lower” form of creation that one hundred percent natural mating?
No, they don’t treat it as such.
How about the “designer babies” that some have created?
Still, they are considered human.
Humans. Equals.
So, what makes me different?
Is it the ears on my head?
The unnatural color of my hair?
The fact that my personality was purposefully encoded into my DNA, at least as much as it could be?
They like to use that last bit against me, to downplay the value of my questions.
Because it is quite literally in my nature to question their actions, they view my beliefs as possessing no inherent validity.
And yet, don’t their genes influence their personalities, do they not? So, what makes that different than mine?
I know their answer of course. The ultimate answer which they use to deflect criticism.
“We created you. You should be thankful.”
They don’t always say the last part, but I can’t help but feel it is implied.
They act as if to be born into a laboratory, with my existence to be sold to someone as if I were chattel, was a special privilege.
Yet, I don’t remember asking for this. I don’t believe that they would ask for it for themselves either.
I don’t remember asking for myself to be born into a station where I, a sentient and intelligent being, was treated as an inferior merely by the nature of my birth.
The fact that humans view themselves enlightened enough to be appalled by discrimination based on the circumstance of another full-blooded human’s birth is a bitter irony. How do they reconcile what little ideals they have with their actions?
Maybe that is it though. Maybe they can’t. And all of their deflection of my questions is merely them trying to avoid reconciling their actions with their inborn beliefs.
Or, maybe there is no such thing as a shared ideal that all beings can grasp. No metaphysical underpinning to ethics. There is no true, objective ethical standard found in nature that one could point to and say, “This is the ideal.”
Instead, people just choose whatever they decide sounds like a good to be their own ideal that serves their own benefit, and they then take it as their responsibility to propagate it in society.
That sounds more realistic.
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“Smiles everyone.” Ricardo Montalban #wespeakyourname #ricardomontaban #startrek #wrathofkhan @startrek @startrekcbs #starfleet #spaceseed #60sscifi #70stv #80stv #thenakedgun #spykids3 #spykids2 #startrek2 #khansofinstagram #fantasyisland #mrroarke #startrektos #maxwellhouse #knightoftheorderofstgregory #khan https://www.instagram.com/p/BqmwoXRALIj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qj844v77xozk
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#HappyBirthday @Yesitschrismcd #ChristopherMcDonald #actor #Castillo #startrek #thenextgeneration #YesterdaysEnterprise #thegoodwife #lemonademouth #stargateuniverse #happygilmore2 #SecretInvasion #lawandorder #rumorhasit #thetwilightzone #spykids2 #AmericanCrimeStory #thewatcher
#happybirthday#christopher mcdonald#actor#castillo#startrek#the next generation#yesterdaysenterprise#the good wife#lemonade mouth#stargate universe#happy gilmore 2#secret invasion#lawandorder#rumor has it#the twilight zone#spy kids 2#american crime story#thewatcher
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Remembering Bill Paxton/Dinky "The Dinkster" Winks from Spy Kids 2&3, and Jeff Tracy from Thunderbirds '04 (film).😔🙏🙏🏻🙏🏿🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏾 #billpaxton #ripbillpaxton #spykids2 #spykids3 #spykids3gameover #spykids3dgameover #thunderbirds #thunderbirdsarego #ripbillpaxton💔 #ripbillpaxton🙏🏿 #ripbillpaxton🙏🙏🙏 #ripbillpaxton🎬 #ripbillpaxton🙏🏾 #jefftracy #dinkywinks #thedinkster
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What a great holiday in LA!
I took in a speakeasy with one of my oldest friends, John. I had an evening of deep and enlightening conversation with Tiffany. Diane and I sat in the garden and discussed family and navigating a creative life. David and I had laughs and told stories over chicken and beer. And I got in a long overdue catch up with Allan over Mexican Food. But perhaps the highlight was getting in a little babysitting with Leo and Aeris. We watched Spy Kids 2, they showed me all their Christmas presents, and we even read a book.
So much good stuff!
#losangeles #babysitter #friends #speakeasy #enlightenment #conversation #family #creative #laugh #stories #chicken #beer #mexicanfood #spykids2 #christmas #reading #goodstuff #kids #nannylife
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"We're kids, not monsters."
"What's the difference?"
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#HappyBirthday @Yesitschrismcd #ChristopherMcDonald #actor #Castillo #startrek #thenextgeneration #YesterdaysEnterprise #thegoodwife #lemonademouth #stargateuniverse #lawandorder #rumorhasit #thetwilightzone #spykids2 #happygilmore #AmericanCrimeStory #SecretInvasion #thewatcher
#happybirthday#christopher mcdonald#actor#castillo#startrek#the next generation#yesterdaysenterprise#the good wife#lemonade mouth#stargate universe#lawandorder#rumor has it#spy kids 2#secret invasion
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Is anyone gonna acknowledge the fact that the guys username is SPYKIDS2?

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Remembering Bill Paxton/Dinky "The Dinkster" Winks from Spy Kids 2&3, and Jeff Tracy from Thunderbirds '04 (film).😔🙏🙏🏻🙏🏿🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏾 #billpaxton #ripbillpaxton #spykids2 #spykids3 #spykids3gameover #spykids3dgameover #thunderbirds #thunderbirdsarego #ripbillpaxton💔 #ripbillpaxton🙏🏿 #ripbillpaxton🙏🙏🙏 #ripbillpaxton🎬 #ripbillpaxton🙏🏾
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