#spy x family 112
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servinny · 2 days ago
sxf chapter 112.2 spoilers
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im starting to get some serious komi can’t communicate deja vu here (from the whole 12 episodes i watched) glad anya is back to herself here considering her shyness in the last chapter, seems she enjoys being ‘starlight anya’ ^^
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also love that all the kids at eden just now assume after the damian + bus incidents that anya is an absolutely feral child (they are correct)
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case and point #1
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and more lore! seems as though septevia is somewhat less developed than westalis/ostania (castle walls, i assume an autocratic monarch from the way he speaks). i hope we see more of septevia outside of these chapter (possibly a mention from loid? id love to see how other countries think about the westalis/ostania conflict)
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case and point #2
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love the end to this chapter; both becky’s shock at anya as well as damian’s; what a good cliffhanger in terms of seeing how this will affect plan b and the two’s relationship
if only i could have written this yesterday for the writeathon i was apart of 😭 i especially loved the facial expressions endo did here (couldn’t show them all but anya’s feral face should be enough lol), see you all in 2 weeks 👋
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burnt-venus · 16 days ago
I just know this girl is going to be an uncontrollable menace as a teen and her parents are not ready for that
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time-lady-the-sage · 2 days ago
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Jealous Damian arc jealous Damian arc jealous Damian arc
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elipri · 2 days ago
Oh man this chapter was hilarious, I laughed so much! But it's also filled with political details and dare I say a setup for future plots and (much needed) character development 👀
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Starting off with the confirmation that Ostania is indeed a nationalist country
This is also the first time that an outsider seems to view The Punch as something positive, as though Anya is standing up to right-wing extremism (which would actually be super cool ngl)
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All the comedy aside, this is the first child character who's actually aware of politics and international relations. It makes sense that a prince has to keenly study politics and diplomacy, most of his thoughts are about his country and which repercussions his interactions in Eden could have on the grand scheme of things. This kid literally breathes politics, everything from his mannerisms, expressions and thoughts is deeply embedded in his political upbringing. That's quite a burden for a 6 year old kid...
Now let's talk about how this will affect my favourite brat hahaha
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They are literal opposites in everything, but I find it interesting how the prince is basically a subversion of Damian (and could probably bring out the worst in him)
Damian thinks he's hot shit because of his father and acts as though he's royalty, but he's maybe a noble at best. He calls everyone who doesn't share his status a peasant and looks down on them. His expressions are brash and very rude and he has gotten reprimanded for it before. He aspires to become a politician, yet he lacks every single skill for that. However he's also courageous when it does matter.
The prince on the other hand is obviously of royal descent, but he's not arrogant at all. In fact, he's just scared of international scandal and a coward. He's humble and eager to befriend his Ostanian classmates and doesn't care if they're "peasants". He has actual diplomatic skills that he applies all the time. He's honest and straightforward in his thoughts and doesn't feel ashamed to openly befriend Anya, even going as far as suggesting that he should visit her home
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I can also see him subtly and passive-aggressively make digs at Damian. There seems to be a suggestion that his kingdom is either politically centrist and/or left-leaning and Damian might incorporate everything that prince hates. He would also get away with provoking Damian because he's already mastered diplomacy (for a 6 yo lol) which could ultimately lead to Damian embarrassing himself in front of everyone (and maybe even earn a tonitrus that he kinda deserves ngl). Unlike prince, Damian is impulsive, emotional and just starts to scream at everyone around him. He doesn't know what composure is.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if most of their classmates will start to distance themselves from Damian and no longer put him on a pedestal. Why should they when there's a literal prince among them who treats everyone with respect and is always eloquent, even when he's internally freaking out.
All of this will hopefully trigger Damian's long-overdue character development. The clash with prince is inevitable either way, especially because Anya is involved. Yes I want to see jealous Damian, but I also want him to grow up a little and realize that he's not that important, he shouldn't treat others as beneath him and most importantly he should realize that he knows nothing. He doesn't know what actually makes a great leader and politician. He doesn't know how Ostania and his father are viewed internationally. He's not aware how his actions could actually bear political consequences.
I do hope he will befriend prince in the end though, he could learn many things from him. Only in Eden do international relations form during elementary school lmao
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She’s so real for this
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herether · 16 days ago
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not embarrassed to say i cried a little.
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yuzukahachimir · 16 days ago
I think this time was Anya who sat beside Damian because he was the only one she knows and for his surprised reaction.
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Still cute they are classmates again.
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micia-posts-stuff · 16 days ago
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Bringing this back because of today's chapter
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shiuefha · 15 days ago
Connie and Meg's Appearance in the Anime
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Of course, speaking about chapter 25, I couldn't help but checked the adaptation, episode 17, and took a screenshot of them both.
Looking forward to their next appearance, both in the manga and the anime.
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kilfeur · 2 days ago
Mon ami m'a dit pour Anya dans ce chapitre "Du haut de ses 4-5 ans, elle emprunte la route du harem. Quand elle sera ado, elle aura tout les mecs d'Eden a ses pieds". Et moi je me dis que malgré ses approches, elle pense qu'elle n'arrive pas à se rapprocher de Damian.
My friend told me about Anya in this chapter: “From the age of 4-5, she's on the road to the harem. When she's a teenager, she'll have every guy in Eden at her feet”. And I tell myself that despite her approaches, she thinks she can't get closer to Damian.
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mikasenpaidesu · 2 days ago
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Chapter 112
I already know what we are gonna get next chapter
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such-a-downer · 16 days ago
Dear Connie girl so relatable lol
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lemonadepinksstuff · 15 days ago
SPY x FAMILY 112 spoliers
Okay but why was Anya's sass meter through the roof in this chapter 😭
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 15 days ago
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 112 (Part 1)... You have been warned...! 👌
THIS CHAPTER WAS BOTH FUN & FUNNY!!! 😆 Plus, IT'S ANOTHER MUTI-PARTER!?!? 😵 (We haven't had a chapter split into multiple parts since Mission 67, back in 2022!! 😌)
That's right folks, we got ourselves another chapter split into parts, and it's a fun one so far!! 😄 Endo has done this three times before this chapter with Missions 58 (2 parts), 62 (3 parts), and 67 (2 parts); so now I wonder how many parts will this chapter have (my guess is that it's gonna be a two parter...! 👌😌) But enough of all that mumbo jumbo that probably only I care about, let's finally talk about the chapter in question, shall we...? 😉
So this chapter begins with Twilight trying to wake up Anya because it's time for her to return to Eden...!! 😲
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But... Since Anya is freaking relatable AS HELL, she doesn't want to go and tries to come up with anything to get out of going back to school, even claiming to be sick...!! 👌😌 Loid, of course, doesn't believe her, but since Yor is the best mom ever, she wants to make absolutely sure that Anya isn't actually sick, which leads to this:
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This family, I swear... 😌
At school, Anya (who actually thought about this before Twilight woke her up) tries to find out from Damian if his dad can truly read minds by asking "What's your dad like? Is he super scary?", but...:
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...It didn't really work, so Anya gave up immediately... 😅 This girl, I swear...!! 😌
Then, two of Anya's classmates come to greet her and Becky, AND NOW THEY FINALLY HAVE NAMES!! 😆
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We've seen Connie and Meg pop up in several other chapters before this one, but now they are officially out of the "Characters Who Have Shown Up Multiple Times, But Don't Have A Name" Club...!! 🎊 And I'm especially excited that Connie has a name now because she was featured in one of the early Omakes and even Franky commented on her (as seen in the image below):
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Which in turn had made me wonder if Anya and her would eventually become friends at some point...!! 😄 Well, that time might be now because Anya was just reminded that she and everyone else will all be in different classes now (though, Becky specifies that they'll only be in different classes for the subjects that were on the test, so at least they'll still have some classes together...!)
Speaking of which, we see that Anya and Damian have at least have Language Studies together, so that's good...!! 😁 Then, Anya heads to her next class with a bunch of new faces and some that we recognize, including Arnold Crowley and Connie, who got pushed by someone, then Anya read her mind and well...:
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...She's actually kinda scary...! 😰
So um, yeah... I'm not 100% sure if her and Anya will be friends quite yet...! 😅 Then, we get introduced to two other kids; some prince from the north named Tertius...:
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...And this kid...:
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...Who might've just become a favorite of mine...!! 😆 (I think that he's pretty dang funny so far...!! 😂)
Closed Eyes Kid apparently flicked a booger onto that Tertius kid and now he's got to GET RID OF THE EVIDENCE before anyone notices...!! 😎:
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So when Closed Eyes Kid tried to get rid of the booger on Tertius' face, Tertius just kept dodging him, and now it seems that these two are gonna fight each other...!! 😵
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And that's the end of the chapter!! Anya is sure having an eventful day on first day back at Eden...!! 😌
This chapter was really fun, I loved it!! 😄 I honestly hope that Anya makes some new friends, especially with Closed Eyes Kid (he's my favorite so far 😁), Connie (maybe? 🤷) and possibly Arnold Crowley (he actually seems like a pretty nice kid so far...! 👌😌)
So yeah, I'm excited for the next half of this chapter and pretty sure that it's just gonna be a two parter (though, who knows at this point because I never know what Endo is gonna do...!! 😌) Anyway, until the next Mission; take care, be safe out there and be kind to one another...!! LATER ALLIGATORS!! 👋😁
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ackergarden · 1 day ago
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anya and the possibilities of having new besties?!? love that for her
adored today’s chapter as it slowly brought me back into my sxf hyperfixation- hihihi
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feuersturm97 · 14 days ago
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Some quick spy x family sketches
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