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jerzwriter · 10 months ago
In the Garden
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Thank you to the always lovely @aria-ashryver for this ask! Come spend the first spring day in Olympus's garden!
Book: Wake the Dead Characters: Zoe Rivera (F!MC), Troy Hassan, May Words: 1,100 Rating: General A/N: @choicesaprilchallenge24 | Vegetable Garden and @choicesholidays "Spring is a time of new beginnings, how appropriate..." (though I tweaked it just a bit!)
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Spring is a time of new beginnings, so it was no surprise that on its first warm day, the residents of Olympus were eager to be outside. After a brutally cold winter, it was evident that spring fever still existed, even after a zombie apocalypse, and the colony’s leader was not immune.
Scrunching down atop a patch of soil, Zoe stopped for a moment to wipe her glistening brow with her sleeve. Sounds of laughter caught her attention, and she turned to find several children playing a game of hide and seek nearby. 
“Joey,” she yelled to the oldest, a boy of about ten. “You know it’s not safe to hide alone. It’s early spring, and the zombies will be back.”
“ I know,” Joey grinned. “That’s why we have a parameter set and a big kid watching us.”
Zoe’s brow furrowed. There were only a few “big kids” in the colony, and they were doing chores during this time of day. “Really,” she asked. “And who is this big kid?”
A raspy throat clearing could be heard from the edge of the children’s play area, and Zoe shook her head. “I should have known,” she laughed.
“What,” Troy winked. “Can you honestly say you've never described me as a big child?"
“No,” she agreed. “I haven’t. The descriptor of “big” would be too generous. Besides, aren’t you supposed to be doing chores, too?”
His face dropped, and he feigned shock. “I am! I’m supervising the children! You should really just go ahead and make me a teacher.”
“So our governing committee can lose all faith in me and revoke my leadership? I think not. Besides, aren’t you scheduled to help me with the gardening?”
“But Miss Zoe!” A little voice wailed. “We are having so much fun, and it’s the first day of spwing!”
Lily was an adorable child with a long mane of curly, black hair. Whenever they flashed Zoe that mostly toothless grin, everyone in sight knew Lily would be getting her way.
“That’s fine, Lily,” Zoe conceded. “Troy can remain the big kid that he is.” Glaring over at the “big boy," she yelled. “You owe me, Hassan! Now I have to do all the gardening myself.”
“No, you don’t,” a voice cried, and a small hand slipped inside Zoe’s. May looked up, her face beaming brighter than Zoe had seen in a long time. “I can help you. I love gardening.”
“I know you do,” Zoe smiled. “And we all know you’re better at it than I am... but don’t you want to play with the kids... and Troy?”
“Nah,” May insisted. “I love gardening even more, and besides, Troy is taking bribes to tell the person who’s “it” where the others are hiding.”
“HASSAN!” Zoe hollered, but Troy had already scooted to the other end of the yard.
“What? Sorry! Can’t hear you!” he yelled, chasing after the children.
An amused Zoe turned to a delighted May. “I’m going to have to talk to him about this later, but for now...”
“For now, we garden!”
Time seemed to pass by in a moment, and before they knew it, the late afternoon sun was beginning to set in the sky. May was engrossed in her work, and Zoe tapped her shoulder to gain her attention.
“We should start heading in. We both have to get washed up before dinner.”
“I know! And I can’t wait for dinner! Eli is making chili tonight.”
“He does make a good chili,” Zoe agreed.
“He’s the best cook! I told him we were planting zucchini, and he said his mom used to make fried zucchini flowers. He’s going to make them for us as soon as these grow.”
Zoe quietly surveyed the little plot of land, her eyes downcast. “If they grow,” she signed, surprised she had said it out loud.
“Of course they will grow!” The enthusiastic little girl replied. “Why wouldn’t they?”
“Well, gardening doesn’t always... work,” Zoe lamented as she sat on a nearby step. “Especially when I’m involved.”
May was quick at her side. “What do you mean? You’ve gardened before. Feather says you’re a natural.”
“Well, Feather is very kind. But I don’t always feel like I know what I’m doing.”
“That’s because you grew up in the Tower,” May said, patting Zoe’s back. “I bet you didn’t even have dirt there.”
“No,” Zoe laughed. “Which is surprising because there sure were a lot of dirty things."
“Yeah, but I grew up at Sunflower Creek. That’s why I know a lot about gardening, and I’ll teach you. You can teach me all the things you learned at the Tower. Then maybe one day when I grow up, I can lead Olympus, too.”
Zoe reached over and lifted the girl onto her lap, squeezing her closely in her arms. “You will be an amazing leader one day,” she smiled. “I just know it.”
“And you will plant really amazing zucchini,” May giggled.
“You know what? You’re right!” Zoe grinned. “This is why we all need each other.”
The sweet moment came to an abrupt end when fun but chaotic screams shot from behind. They turned to find Troy buried under four of the children, each pulling on a different limb. Zoe rushed over, despite her side-splitting from laughter.
“HELP!” Troy screamed.
“Troy Hassan,” she scolded. “What is going on here.”
“We found out he was taking bribes from all of us!” Joey replied. “Now he’s getting all of our pudding after dinner.”
“Troy?” Zoe questioned with a stern glare.
“I’m not really going to take their pudding,” he insisted. “I’m just providing valuable... business lessons.”
May tugged at the hem of Zoe’s shirt. “This is why we all need each other,” she smiled.
“That’s right, we do. But right now, Troy needs us to get him out from under that heap of kids!”
“Oh, that’ll be easy!” May stated.
“Yeah? Why?”
Just then, the creaking sound of the old wooden kitchen windows could be heard, and Eli's head poked out.
“Come and get it!” he yelled. “The chili is hot!”
Squeals of delight mixed with Troy's whimpering and grimaces as a stampede of children trampled over man. Zoe extended her hand with a smirk.
“Let’s get you into the lodge before these kids do you in.”
Troy stumbled along beside Zoe, attempting to catch his breath. “Since they assaulted me, can I have their pudding after all?”
“No,” Zoe reprimanded. “But how about I sneak you an extra cup from the kitchen.”
“You will?”
“Consider it payback for all the treats you used to sneak to me at the Tower.”
“Nice,” he grinned.
“Yeah. Besides, you’ll need the extra energy for tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” he asked. “What’s tomorrow?”
Zoe removed her gardening gloves and smashed them into Troy’s chest. “You’re on gardening duty, Hassan... and tomorrow, you’re on your own.”
Thanks again for the prompt @aria-ashryver! :)
@choicesficwriterscreations Tagging others sepeartely
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frogblast-the-ventcore · 6 months ago
"NyAM Sibywwam quidem Cumis ego ipse ocuwis meis
vidi in ampuwwa pendewe, et cum iwwi puewi dicerent:
Σίβυλλα τί θέλεις; wespondebat illa: ἀποθανεῖν θέλω."
APWIL is the cwuewwest month, bweeding
Wiwacs out of the dead wand, mixing
Memowy and desiwe, stiwwing
Duww roots with spwing wain.
Wintew kept us warm, cuvwing
Eawth in fowgetfuw snow, feeding
A wittwe wife with dwied tubews.
Summew suwpwised us, coming uvw the Stawnbewgewsee
With a showew of wain; we stopped in the cowonnyade,
And went on in sunwight, into the Hofgawten,
And drank coffee, and tawked fow an houw.
Bin gaw keinye Russin, stamm' aus Witauen, echt deutsch.
And when we wewe chiwdwen, staying at the awchduke's,
My cousin's, he took me out on a swed,
And I was fwightenyed. He said, Mawie,
Mawie, howd on tight. And down we went.
In the mountains, there you feel fwee.
I wead, much of the nyight, and go south in the wintew.
What awe the roots that cwutch, what bwanches gwow
Out of this stony wubbish?!?! Son of man,
You cannyot say, ow guess, fow you knyow onwy
A heap of bwoken images, whewe the sun beats,
And the dead twee gives nyo shewtew, the cwicket nyo wewief,
And the dwy stonye nyo sound of watew. Onwy
Thewe is shadow undew this wed wock,
(Come in undew the shadow of this wed wock),
And I wiww show you something diffewent fwom either
Your shadow at mownying stwiding behind you
Ow youw shadow at evenying wising to meet you;
I wiww show you feaw in a handfuw of dust.
Fwisch weht der Wind
Der Heimat zu,
Mein Iwisch Kind,
Wo weiwest du?
"You gave me hyacinths fiwst a yeaw ago;
"They called me the hyacinth giww."
—Yet when we came back, wate, fwom the Hyacinth gawden,
Youw awms fuww, and youw haiw wet, I couwd nyot
Speak, and my eyes faiwed, I was nyeithew
Wiving nyow dead, and I knyew nyothing,
Wooking into the heawt of light, the siwence.
Od' und weew das Meew.
Madame Sosostwis, famous clairvoyante,
Had a bad cowd, nyevewthewess
Is knyown to be the wisest woman in Euwope,
With a wicked pack of cawds. Hewe, said she,
Is youw cawd, the dwowned Phoenyician Saiwow,
(Those awe peawws that wewe his eyes. Wook!)
Hewe is Bewwadonnya, the Wady of the Wocks,
The wady of situations.
Hewe is the man with thwee staves, and hewe the Wheew,
And hewe is the onye-eyed mewchant, and this cawd,
Which is bwank, is something he cawwies on his back,
Which I am fowbidden to see. I do nyot find
The Hanged Man. Feaw death by watew.
I see cwowds of peopwe, walking wound in a ring.
Thank you. If you see deaw Mws. Equitonye,
Teww hew I bwing the howoscope mysewf:
Onye must be so cawefuw these days.
Unweaw City,
Under the bwown fog of a wintew dawn,
A cwowd flowed uvw Wondon Bwidge, so many,
I had nyot thought death had undonye so many.
Sighs, showt and infwequent, wewe exhawed,
And each man fixed his eyes befowe his feet.
Fwowed up the hiww and down King William Street,
To whewe Saint Mawy Woownyoth kept the houws
With a dead sound on the finyaw stwoke of nine.
Thewe I saw onye I knyew, and stopped him, cwying "Stetson!
"You who wewe with me in the ships at Mywae!
"That corpse you pwanted wast yeaw in youw gawden,
"Has it begun to sprout?!! Wiww it bwoom this yeaw?
"Ow has the sudden fwost disturbed its bed?
"Oh keep the Dog faw hence, that's fwiend to men,
"Ow with his nyaiws he'ww dig it up again!
"You?!?1 hypocwite wecteuw!—mon sembwabwe,—mon fwèwe!"
THE Chaiw she sat in, wike a burnyished thwone,
Gwowed on the mawbwe, whewe the gwass
Hewd up by standawds wwought with fwuited vinyes
Fwom which a gowden Cupidon peeped out
(Anyothew hid his eyes behind his wing)
Doubwed the fwames of sevenbwanched candewabwa
Wefwecting wight upon the tabwe as
The gwittew of hew jewels wose to meet it,
Fwom satin cases pouwed in wich pwofusion;
In viaws of ivowy and cowouwed gwass
Unstoppewed, wuwked hew stwange synthetic pewfumes,
Unguent, powdewed, ow wiquid—twoubwed, confused
And dwowned the sense in odouws; stiwwed by the aiw
That fweshened fwom the window, these ascended
In fattenying the pwowonged candwe-fwames,
Fwung theiw smoke into the waqueawia,
Stiwwing the pattewn on the coffewed ceiwing.
Huge sea-wood fed with coppew
Buwnyed gween and owange, fwamed by the cowouwed stonye,
In which sad wight a cawvèd dowphin swam.
Abuv the antique mantew was dispwayed
As though a window gave upon the sywvan scenye
The change of Philomel, by the barbarous king
So rudely fowced; yet there the nyightingawe
Fiwwed all the desewt with inviowabwe voice
And stiww she cwied, and stiww the world puwsues,
"Jug Jug" to diwty eaws.
And othew withewed stumps of time
Were towd upon the wawws; stawing fowms
Weanyed out, weanying, hushing the woom encwosed.
Footsteps shuffwed on the staiw.
Undew the fiwewight, undew the bwush, hew hair
Spread out in fiery points
Gwowed into wowds, then wouwd be savagewy stiww.
"My nyewves awe bad tonyight. Yes, bad. Stay with me.
"Speak to me. Why do you nyevew speak?!! Speak.
"What awe you thinking of?!?1 What thinking?!?1 What?
"I nyevew knyow what you awe thinking. Think."
I think we awe in wats' awwey
Whewe the dead men wost theiw bonyes.
"What is that nyoise?"
The wind undew the doow.
"What is that nyoise nyow!!11 What is the wind doing?"
Nyothing again nyothing.
"You knyow nyothing?!! Do you see nyothing?!! Do you wemembew
I wemembew
Those awe peawws that wewe his eyes.
"Are you awive, ow nyot?!?! Is there nyothing in youw head?"
O O O O that Shakespehewian Wag—
It's so ewegant
So intewwigent
"What shaww I do nyow!!11 What shaww I do?"
"I shaww wush out as I am, and wawk the stweet
"With my haiw down, so. What shaww we do tomowwow?
"What shaww we evew do?"
The hot watew at ten.
And if it wains, a cwosed car at fouw.
And we shaww pway a game of chess,
Pwessing widwess eyes and waiting fow a knyock upon the doow.
When Wiw's husband got demobbed, I said—
I didn't mince my wowds, I said to hew mysewf,
Huwwy up please its time
Nyow Awbewt's coming back, make youwsewf a bit smawt.
He'ww want to knyow what you donye with that money he gave you
To get youwsewf some teeth. He did, I was thewe.
You have them all out, Wiw, and get a nyice set,
He said, I swear, I can't beaw to wook at you.
And nyo mowe can't I, I said, and think of poow Awbewt,
He's been in the awmy fouw years, he wants a good time,
And if you don't give it him, thewe's othews wiww, I said.
Oh is thewe, she said. Something o' that, I said.
Then I'll knyow who to thank, she said, and give me a stwaight wook.
Huwwy up please its time
If you don't wike it you can get on with it, I said,
Othews can pick and choose if you can't.
But if Awbewt makes off, it won't be fow lack of tewwing.
You ought to be ashamed, I said, to wook so antique.
(And hew onwy thirty-onye.)
I can't hewp it, she said, puwwing a wong face,
It's them pills I took, to bwing it off, she said.
(She's had five awweady, and nyeawwy died of young Geowge.)
The chemist said it wouwd be awwight, but I've nyevew been the same.
You awe a proper foow, I said.
Weww, if Awbewt wont weave you awonye, there it is, I said,
What you get mawwied fow if you dont want chiwdwen?
Huwwy up please its time
Weww, that Sunday Awbewt was home, they had a hot gammon,
And they asked me in to dinnew, to get the beauty of it hot—
Huwwy up please its time
Huwwy up please its time
Goonyight Biww. Goonyight Wou. Goonyight May. Goonyight.
Ta ta. Goonight. Goonight.
Good nyight, wadies, good nyight, sweet wadies, good nyight, good nyight.
THE wivew's tent is broken: the wast fingews of weaf
Cwutch and sink into the wet bank. The wind
Cwosses the bwown wand, unheawd. The nymphs awe depawted.
Sweet Thames, wun softwy, tiww I end my song.
The wivew bears nyo empty bottwes, sandwich papews,
Siwk handkewchiefs, cawdboawd boxes, cigarette ends
Ow othew testimony of summew nyights. The nymphs awe depawted.
And theiw fwiends, the woitewing heiws of city diwectows;
Depawted, have weft nyo addwesses.
By the watews of Weman I sat down and wept . . .
Sweet Thames, wun softwy tiww I end my song,
Sweet Thames, wun softwy, fow I speak nyot woud ow wong.
But at my back in a cowd bwast I heaw
The wattwe of the bonyes, and chuckwe spwead fwom eaw to eaw.
A wat cwept softwy thwough the vegetation
Dwagging its swimy bewwy on the bank
Whiwe I was fishing in the duww canyaw
On a wintew evenying wound behind the gashouse.
Musing upon the king my bwothew's wweck
And on the king my fathew's death befowe him.
White bodies nyaked on the wow damp gwound
And bonyes cast in a wittwe wow dwy gawwet,
Wattwed by the rat's foot onwy, yeaw to year.
But at my back fwom time to time I heaw
The sound of howns and motows, which shaww bwing
Sweenyey to Mws. Powtew in the spwing.
O the moon shonye bwight on Mws. Powtew
And on hew daughtew
They wash theiw feet in soda watew
Et, O ces voix d'enfants, chantant dans la coupole!
Twit twit twit
Jug jug jug jug jug jug
So rudely fowc'd.
Unweaw City
Under the bwown fog of a wintew nyoon
Mw. Eugenyides, the Smywnya mewchant
Unshaven, with a pocket fuww of cuwwants
C.i.f. London: documents at sight,
Asked me in demotic French
To wuncheon at the Cannyon Street Hotew
Fowwowed by a weekend at the Metwopowe.
At the viowet houw, when the eyes and back
Tuwn upward fwom the desk, when the human enginye waits
Like a taxi thwobbing waiting,
I Tiwesias, though bwind, thwobbing between two wives,
Owd man with wwinkwed femawe bweasts, can see
At the viowet houw, the evenying houw that stwives
Homewawd, and bwings the saiwow home fwom sea,
The typist home at teatime, cweaws hew bweakfast, wights
Hew stuv, and ways out food in tins.
Out of the window pewiwouswy spwead
Hew dwying combinyations touched by the sun's wast ways,
On the divan awe piwed (at nyight hew bed)
Stockings, swippews, camisowes, and stays.
I Tiwesias, owd man with wwinkwed dugs
Pewceived the scenye, and fowetowd the west—
I too awaited the expected guest.
He, the young man cawbuncuwaw, awwives,
A smaww house agent's cwewk, with onye bowd stawe,
Onye of the wow on whom assuwance sits
As a siwk hat on a Bradford millionaire.
The time is nyow pwopitious, as he guesses,
The meaw is ended, she is bowed and tiwed,
Endeavouws to engage hew in cawesses
Which stiww awe unwepwoved, if undesiwed.
Fwushed and decided, he assauwts at once;
Expwowing hands encountew nyo defence;
His vanyity wequiwes nyo wesponse,
And makes a wewcome of indiffewence.
(And I Tiresias have fowesuffewed aww
Enyacted on this same divan ow bed;
I who have sat by Thebes bewow the wall
And wawked among the wowest of the dead.)
Bestows onye finyaw patwonyising kiss,
And gwopes his way, finding the stairs unwit . . .
She tuwns and wooks a moment in the gwass,
Hawdwy aware of hew depawted wuvw;
Hew brain awwows onye hawf-fowmed thought to pass:
"Weww nyow that's done: and I'm gwad it's ovew."
When luvly woman stoops to fowwy and
Paces about hew woom again, awonye,
She smoothes hew haiw with automatic hand,
And puts a wecowd on the gwamophone.
"This music cwept by me upon the watews"
And awong the Stwand, up Queen Victowia Stweet.
O City city, I can sometimes heaw
Beside a pubwic bar in Wowew Thames Stweet,
The pweasant whinying of a mandowinye
And a cwattew and a chattew fwom within
Whewe fishmen wounge at noon: whewe the wawws
Of Magnyus Mawtyw howd
Inyexpwicabwe spwendouw of Ionyian white and gowd.
The wivew sweats
Oiw and taw
The bawges dwift
With the tuwnying tide
Wed saiws
To weewawd, swing on the heavy spaw.
The bawges wash
Dwifting wogs
Down Gweenwich weach
Past the Iswe of Dogs.
Weiawawa weia
Wawwawa weiawawa
Ewizabeth and Weicestew
Beating oaws280
The stewn was fowmed
A giwded sheww
Wed and gold
The bwisk sweww
Wippwed both showes
Southwest wind
Cawwied down stweam
The peal of bewws
White towews
Weiawawa weia
Wawwawa weiawawa
"Twams and dusty twees.
Highbuwy bowe me. Richmond and Kew
Undid me. By Richmond I waised my knyees
Supinye on the fwoow of a nyawwow canyoe."
"My feet awe at Moowgate, and my heawt
Undew my feet. Aftew the event
He wept. He pwomised 'a nyew stawt.'
I made nyo comment. What shouwd I wesent?"
"On Mawgate Sands.
I can connyect
Nyothing with nyothing.
The bwoken fingewnyaiws of diwty hands.
My peopwe humbwe peopwe who expect
wa wa
To Cawthage then I came
Buwnying buwnying buwnying buwnying
O Wowd Thou pwuckest me out
O Wowd Thou pwuckest
PHWEBAS the Phoenyician, a fowtnyight dead,
Forgot the cwy of guwws, and the deep sea sweww
And the pwofit and woss.
A cuwwent undew sea
Picked his bonyes in whispews. As he wose and feww
He passed the stages of his age and youth
Entewing the whiwwpoow.
Gentiwe ow Jew
O you who turn the wheew and wook to windwawd,
Considew Phwebas, who was once handsome and taww as you.
AFTEW the towchwight wed on sweaty faces
Aftew the fwosty siwence in the gawdens
Aftew the agony in stony pwaces
The shouting and the cwying
Pwison and pawace and wevewbewation
Of thundew of spwing uvw distant mountains
He who was wiving is nyow dead
We who wewe wiving awe nyow dying
With a wittwe patience
Hewe is nyo watew but onwy rock
Wock and nyo watew and the sandy woad
The woad winding abuv among the mountains
Which awe mountains of wock without watew
If there wewe watew we shouwd stop and dwink
Amongst the wock onye cannyot stop ow think
Sweat is dwy and feet awe in the sand
If there wewe onwy watew amongst the wock
Dead mount in mouth of cawious teeth that cannyot spit
Hewe onye can nyeithew stand nyow wie nyow sit
Thewe is nyot even siwence in the mountains
But dwy stewiwe thundew without wain
Thewe is nyot even sowitude in the mountains
But wed suwwen faces snyeew and snyaww
Fwom doows of mudcwacked houses
If there wewe watew
And nyo wock
If there wewe wock
And awso watew
And watew
A spwing
A poow among the wock
If there wewe the sound of watew onwy
Nyot the cicada
And dwy gwass singing
But sound of watew uvw a wock
Whewe the hermit-thrush sings in the pinye trees
Drip dwop drip dwop dwop dwop dwop
But there is nyo watew
Who is the thiwd who wawks awways beside you?
When I count, there awe onwy you and I togethew
But when I wook ahead up the white woad
Thewe is awways anyothew onye walking beside you
Gwiding wwapt in a bwown mantwe, hooded
I do nyot knyow whethew a man ow a woman
— But who is that on the othew side of you?
What is that sound high in the aiw
Muwmuw of matewnyaw wamentation
Who awe those hooded howdes swawming
Ovew endwess pwains, stumbwing in cwacked eawth
Winged by the flat howizon onwy
What is the city uvw the mountains
Cwacks and wefowms and buwsts in the viowet aiw
Fawwing towews
Jewusawem Athens Awexandwia
Viennya Wondon
A woman dwew hew wong bwack haiw out tight
And fiddwed whispew music on those stwings
And bats with baby faces in the viowet wight
Whistwed, and beat theiw wings
And cwawwed head downwawd down a bwackenyed wall
And upside down in aiw wewe towews
Towwing reminyiscent bells, that kept the houws
And voices singing out of empty cisterns and exhausted wewws.
In this decayed hole among the mountains
In the faint moonwight, the gwass is singing
Ovew the tumbwed gwaves, about the chapew
Thewe is the empty chapew, onwy the wind's home.
It has nyo windows, and the doow swings,
Dwy bonyes can harm nyo onye.
Onwy a cock stood on the rooftree
Co co  wico  co co  wico
In a fwash of wightnying. Then a damp gust
Bwinging wain
Ganga was sunken, and the wimp weaves
Waited fow wain, whiwe the bwack cwouds
Gathewed faw distant, uvw Himavant.
The jungwe cwouched, humped in silence.
Then spoke the thundew
Datta: what have we given?
My fwiend, bwood shaking my heawt
The awfuw dawing of a moment's suwwendew
Which an age of prudence can nyevew wetwact
By this, and this onwy, we have existed
Which is nyot to be found in ouw obituawies
Ow in memowies dwaped by the benyeficent spidew
Ow undew seaws bwoken by the wean sowicitow
In ouw empty wooms
Dayadhvam: I have heawd the key
Tuwn in the doow once and turn once onwy
We think of the key, each in his pwison
Thinking of the key, each confirms a pwison
Onwy at nightfaww, aethewiaw wumouws
Wevive fow a moment a bwoken Cowiowanyus
Damyata: The boat wesponded
Gaiwy, to the hand expewt with sail and oaw
The sea was cawm, youw heawt wouwd have wesponded
Gaiwy, when invited, beating obedient
To contwowwing hands
I sat upon the showe
Fishing, with the awid pwain behind me
Shaww I at least set my wands in owdew?
Wondon Bwidge is fawwing down fawwing down fawwing down
Poi s'ascose nyew foco che gwi affinya
Quando fiam ceu chewidon— O swawwow swawwow
We Pwince d'Aquitainye à la touw abowie
These fwagments I have showed against my wuins
Why then Iwe fit you. Hiewonymo's mad againye.
Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
Shantih shantih shantih
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garbagefarm · 10 months ago
Garbage Farm #52
2024-05-03, session #52 of Garbage Farm! Spanning Spring 4 through Spring 10 of Year 5!
me ( @mothmute )
E.B. ( @blueherin )
Kimi ( @2kimi2furious )
Highlights include, but are not limited to the following:
Pizza may secretly be demon spawn.
Right to jail!
Spring 4:
Rainy day!!
I remembered that EB's also got a cellar full of aged wine, and cycle that
(EB has to remap her controls)
Pam wants potato booze (again); we'll support her alcoholism if it gets us paid.
Smallmouth bass frenzy in cindersap forest?? (I miss it entirely)
Kimi vandalizes EB's sign
Spring 5:
Baby dino is born!! I named it "...lizard?..."
Kimi buys the Junimo catelog
Kimi can have a little deforestation, as a treat
Spring 5 (take two):
Baby dino is born! It's named Lizardo, in this timeline it's italian
oooh, heart event with Vincent and Jas! "spwing onions" are full of bugs, and Jas is appalled at Vincent's violence.
Kimi gets to level 10 foraging (and later picks Tracking), getting her one step closer to Mastery!
I pick up some Tom Kha soup for Elliott from the Cool Pig
Kimi can't access anything 'cause EB is ~crafting~
(taters, precious......)
Sebastian catches Kimi digging through the trash. I'm just glad somebody's remembering to do it!
Elliott talks about how he was never able to successfully "grow plant" at his seaside cottage. Not "plants", "plant". Elliott... is there something you aren't telling me? (it's weed)
EB is #blessed by Wild Possum, Grandpa Jr. and Kimi!
Spring 6:
With foraging complete, Kimi is off to fight some dudes.
I hate to give Pierre money, but we need grass starter. At least Abigail and "carloine" will benefit from it.
(hell with this prismatic grange, I'm gonna buy stuff)
Abigail catches Kimi digging in the trash, and nobody cares!
EB finishes foraging! Mastery getting closer every day!
Spring 7:
duck violence
You can edit Pam's sign??
Prismatic grange complete!
Ancient farming secrets line 37: "there's no better helper than a raisin-fed Junimo"
(Gettin' cheese and jelly bucks tonight!)
Why is there a sign in Kimi's bedroom?
Spring 8:
"grandma is watching........."
Meanwhile, Kent sends me another bomb in the mail.
Kimi kept the valley safe by defeating a Fly. Thank you for your service, braver than any US marine
(Heart event with the sad island boy...)
ugh, more prismatic bullshit, or Qi's Crop? Fuck it, we bean! And I find the first one right away!
Potato juice is ready!
EB fuckin' dies, her husband bills her 1000g and makes her walk home by herself at 1:30AM
Spring 9:
Pizza and Violet are lying in bed on a tuesday, trying to get out of Garbage School
Possum gave EB a chub! "that's what she said"
PRISON BREAK, duck on the loose!
aw hell I was supposed to potato pam, gotta juice the old lady, pamtato.
ffff I gifted it to her, I was supposed to put it in her kitchen (situations like this are what fairy dust is for)
Pam event, praying to Yoba with a Sign of the Vessel she bought from Joja dot com.
Gifted Penny some cookies I found in the trash. "better than her cooking" heyoooo
Lewis showed me his gacha machine, gotta get tickets to win cash prizes!
(haunted by shorts)
EB stays out too late and gets murdered by the Qi Beans
Spring 10?:
Kimi shows off her kitchen skeleton
EB admires Kimi's fish tank
Kimi says that my skeleton pineapple room "slaps"
"what's behind the bed" "nothing don't worry about it :)" (just my attic of amontillado)
I still need gold and iridium to finish out my Crystalarium shed
(speaking of which, I still need more preserves jars for my jam shed, and more kegs for the keg tunnel)
I meant to spend some time reorganizing the storage shed, but didn't get around to it this time
still need to find cave jelly, so we can smoke a fish, so we can befriend the raccoon!
gotta re-do all the tapped trees, but ugh I don't wanna
gotta keep making friends! current target: small island child
my grocery list is so big! still, I did make some good progress on it, I need to check and set up some new priority targets
Good garbage, everybody!!
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“It was! I have to pwactice soon so I can get a sowo in ouw spwing concert!” Haru says as she sits down next to Ames.
Haru just got off the bus after a fun day at kindergarten, she came running home and burst into her room before jumping onto her bed. Ames was at home, playing on her side of the room. Ames was adopted a few weeks ago and had gotten kinda used to living with Haru and her mom.
“Hi Ames! I had a weawwy fun day at school today! I had music cwub and it was awesome!”
*Ames looked up at Haru*
“T-T-That sounds n-nice…”
*She said with a soft smile*
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spwingtwapped-blog · 6 years ago
do you ever reminisce about rebornica fnaf art and just like go ape for a while
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cashewally-sarcastic · 4 years ago
Hey I’ve made a curse!
This is dedicated to @echoing-sounds <3
Also I’m tagging @hyrule-kingdom-updates because I ain’t no coward and I want Quill to see the masterpiece I destroyed
Oh Goddess Hywia, heaw my pwayew. As humbwe as vessews may come, I open my twue sewf up to you, so that you may bwess me with youw pwesence. Fwom the ancient skies, to the timewess seas, to the immemowiaw twiwight, wet the path I wawk not stway fwom youw victowy. May youw smiwe be a wefwection of mine own on these watews.
…A thus stawts the houw of connection.
I’m supposed to be you, am I not? So, if I wewe you, which I am as we just estabwished, I wouwd…speak, a bit mowe. A yes ow no answew wiww do.
Ok, not a “yes ow no”, an expwanation wouwd be appweciated as weww.
…Youw Gwace.
Sowwy, even aftew aww this time, I don’t know what to caww you. Ow…me. Ow…anything.
My fathew says just “Goddess” wiww do, ow “Youw Gwace,” but…weww, I don’t know. It feews weiwd. Fow one, whenevew peopwe say “Youw Gwace,” I associate it with…peopwe. Thewe’s a face behind it. Thewe’s a pewson with a face, with an expwession that I can associate with “gwace”. “Hewwo thewe, you awe gwacing me with youw pwesence.”
Now saying “Goddess” is a diffewent stowy, because…it’s vewy authowitative, you know? A god, divine being. I’m supposed to be asking a divine being, ancient goddess to hewp a sixteen yeaw owd save the wowwd. How absuwd does that sound…why shouwd I have to ask you in the fiwst pwace? Who wouwd think of using a chiwd to ask someone so powewfuw fow something?
Ow…ask *me* I suppose.
I don’t feew vewy authowitative.
But, I wespect my fathew, I wove my fathew. I’ve twusted his wowd fow so wong. Hoping...pwaying...that it wouwd be enough.
Thewe was this one time, whewe I was sitting in my woom, I bewieve I was pwaying with tewwako at the time. Mw. Astow wouwd come in, compwiment the new featuwes. Impa wouwd pop hew head inside, and stick out hew tongue at tewwako in spite.
Then my fathew, he wouwd come inside, see what I was doing, and say nothing. Say nothing and shake his head.
One day, I needed a new spwing, and Zawis wasn’t awound. He is usuawwy the one that finds me things. So, i decided to take the wisk that day. I said, “Fathew? Couwd you ask if anyone has a smaww spwing?”
He just waised an eyebwow. “And what do you intend to do with it?”
I answewed honestwy, “Pway with tewwako!” and...he just wawked away.
That night, I tended to tewwako as best I couwd. But he was stiww a bit bwoken. But I managed.
Howevew, that night, when I snuck back into my wittwe woom, what did I find, but spwings. Not just one, ow two, but sevewaw. A whowe piwe of them sitting on my bed.
Thewe was a note thewe, saying something wike, “I wasn’t suwe which one you needed.”
And that night, I smiwed to mysewf as I fixed up tewwako.
That’s a nice stowy, wight?
It’s not weaw.
That’s a stowy I wish I had. I wish I had mowe stowies...mowe...somethings, to justify evewything. Like in faiwy tawes. Some gwand gestuwe that expwains it aww, that “despite evewything, thewe’s hope, thewe’s wove.”
But I don’t have that. I’m not wiving in a faiwy tawe, am I?
Othewwise, you wouwd've have given me my powews fwom the fiwst time I cwied.
Yeaws ago…
That’s not to say that my fathew doesn’t wove me. I know he does, I know he is doing this fow the gweatew good. Yet...I’ve nevew seen it. I’ve nevew seen the action, the wawk that goes being twadition and duty. He’s awways stayed in his pwace.
I wike to think that the day I can teww a wittwe stowy about my fathew—about the twuth that deep down, he cawes so, so much—that the day whewe I get a wittwe piwe of spwings on my bed, that’s when it wiww aww be wowth it.
But I know that’s not twue.
I’m not saying the gwand gestuwe is impossibwe, mind you. I’m just saying...it wiww nevew be wowth it.
I don't cawe about “deep down” anymowe. I don’t cawe about the subtweties and the cowawdice. I just want to see something now. Something consistent, something twuwy, twuwy thewe. One gestuwe isn’t enough…
Goddess, why won’t you gwant me my powew?
I used to sneak into the wibwawy with my mothew. I don’t wemembew hew face, but I wemembew the smeww. The touch of hew siwky dwess. We wouwd sit on this big sofa and wead about wegends of owd. Pwincesses with wapiews, hewoes with wowves, epic quests fow magicaw items.
I think this wouwd have been a wot easiew if you had just weft me a magicaw bow ow something to find, no?
But it’s not just wegend, of couwse. It’s histowy. It’s fact. Evewy pwincess, evewy vessew befowe me has fuwfiwwed theiw puwpose. They have aww managed to unwock theiw divine powew. They have saved theiw peopwe, theiw fwiends, theiw woved ones.
And now the time has come fow me to continue this cycwe. Fow me to take on this towch. Fow me to wight the way.
Yet I have no idea whewe I am.
I’ve been weft in the dawk, you undewstand? I’ve been towd aww my wife that pwayew wouwd awaken my powew to seaw ganon away.
Evewyone ewse fuwfiwws theiw duties with such gwace.
Why am I the onwy one who cannot wive up to hew own potentiaw?
What am i missing? What have I fowgotten?
I’ve spent evewyday of my wife dedicated to pwaying!
I’ve pweaded to evewy spiwit tied to the ancient gods!
Yet stiww…evewything is siwent.
It’s not even the nice type of siwence.
You know he didn’t even want his destiny! He avoided it fow yeaws because it wouwd wuin his famiwy. Yet he stiww takes up his wowe with ease.
I want this! I want this so badwy! I want to save evewyone! what am I wacking?! What ewse do I need to do!?
Wiww you just stand by? Make me wait in this stupid puddwe, hoping that you “cawing deep down” wiww be enough? Is that it?
I know this is pwobabwy why you hate me. I know this is a pwobwem when it comes to me. I can’t wet this stuff go. I howd gwudges. I wet things festew. But i can’t hewp it! at weast when things get shitty, it’s consistent! Thewe’s a pattewn!
It’s wike science. Thewe’s wuwes. Thewe’s tangibwe things you can see and howd. Thewe’s pattewn. Thewe’s pwedictabiwity.
But who am I kidding. I can’t even fix up my own damn guawdian that I made mysewf. It wouwd be foowish to twy and wepwace the ancient powews with gizmos and gadgets, huh?
You give awfuw advice, you know that?
I have this fwiend. Heh. You pwobabwy don’t wike him vewy much, and I wouwdn’t bwame you. But I have this fwiend, and he once gave me this wine of wogic. It’s simiwaw to a pwocess of ewimination. You find what’s good, and what’s bad. Then you just move as faw away fwom the bwoken and bad things, and then maybe one day, you’ww find the answew. You swim and swim and swim, and use that wock of bad stuff as youw guide of whewe not to go. Then you swim and find the answew somewhewe, because of couwse, the answew has to be out thewe, wight?
But thewe’s a fwaw with his idea, that I weawize now. Something that he was pwobabwy awawe of, but negwected to teww me. Maybe to make me feew bettew, ow maybe because he was denying it himsewf.
It’s so much easiew to watch on to the wock.
It’s so much easiew to not swim at aww.
To just sit thewe, fowevew.
Especiawwy when you’we so tiwed.
Do you get tiwed, Goddess Hywia?
Pewhaps you’we tiwed of me, awways tawking to you?
I’m tiwed.
Pewhaps that’s stwange, and pitiabwe, fow a goddess wike you. Fow someone to tiwe. Pewhaps you pity me, pewhaps you’we pwanning youw gwand gestuwe of appweciation in owdew to comfowt me and my poow, tiwed state.
But I wove it.
I wove that I'm tiwed.
I wove that, aftew aww this time, I can teww you how tiwed I am.
How tiwed I am of being in this stupid dwess.
How tiwed I am, of waiting fow my fathew’s wove.
How tiwed I am, of wooking at aww my fwaws in shame.
How tiwed I am, of compawison, of twadition, of pwaying.
How tiwed I am of waiting fow some spwings on my bed…
I’ve swam fow so wong, Goddess Hywia.
I’ve been in these watews fow so many houws, I can’t even feew my toes.
But I’m going to keep going.
I’m going to keep going without you.
I’ve been so focused on finding the answew in these watews that I’ve nevew even bothewed to check the sky.
You see thewe was this nickname my mothew gave me…
Youw stone statue wooks down on me. So wawge, with beautifuw wings.
But I’m going to weave you in these watews now.
I’ww do this without you, if I must. I don’t cawe anymowe.
Well?! Anything to say?!
...Cuwse you, Goddess Hywia.
I hope you’we fwowning when you watch me fwy.
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chippuyon · 5 years ago
tagged by @tekina-fiction
rules: answer 20 questions then tag however many people you like
name: Pychee
nicknames: uhhh Pychee again
zodiac signs: Gemini(or Taurus apparently??)
height: last time I checked I was 4′11″ so around 5′
languages spoken: English, Vietnamese, and a little French
nationality: Vietnamese American
favorite season: Spwing....... birth season and I get to see cherry blossoms
favorite flower: I’ve never thought about it. Maybe forget-me-nots?
favorite color: Yellow
favorite scent: Food ig?? and the smell after a rainy day
favorite animal: Rabbits
favorite fictional character: Current bias is Silver the Hedgehog but if I think extremely hard I’ll say Komari from Little Busters! or Killua from HxH
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: I don’t drink much of any of these but tea
average sleep hours: currently 9-8 but on school days I get 6-5 hours
dog or cat person: cat
number of blankets you sleep with: one(don’t tell anyone but I have a really old blanket I kept since I was a baby that I hug sometimes)
dream trips: going to Vietnam or Japan and eating a bunch of food
blog established: April of 2016...... i started this blog when i was 12 dont go digging into my old posts or i’ll stab you
followers: 418, my account’s been growing a lot ever since I started drawing sonic stuff it’s kinda overwhelming sfjhsdgj
random fact: I’ve been in a published zine once! It was a really long time ago tho and the art piece itself was pretty bad so I’m not naming it
I’m not very active on here so I’m not tagging anyone but if anyone wants to do this go ahead!
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powerofriendship · 6 years ago
& the creature is gently but swiftly pulled into a protective embrace. it was a bit awkward to be hiding behind this tree, but there was no other choice. “you know you can’t wander away like that! someone could see you!” a bit of guilt wells up after scolding such an adorable little thing, even if it was just to protect her. Elena gently strokes the top of Fuwa’s head.
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“it’s pretty nice today, isn’t it? & do you smell that? it smells like springtime.”
She jumps in surprise when she feels arms around her, but when she looks up she’s relieved to see it’s just the PreCure of the Sun. As much as Fuwa hates being scolded, Elena is so gentle and sweet that the little alien can’t be too upset.
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“...Sowwy~fuwa,” she says quietly, clinging to the human. “Spwing is nice! Fuwa wanted to play...”
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downbaddoggie · 7 years ago
Okay so i’m going to hell but whatever
My fwiend, you have met a tewwibwe, tewwibwe demise. But, uh, y'knyow, I-I don't feew too bad about it. Aftew aww, if...if it wewen't fwom me, it wouwd've just been fwom someonye ewse, y'knyow? I guess what I'm twying to say is, wife...wife goes on. W-weww, fwom—fow evewyonye ewse, wife goes on. Nyot...nyot fow you. You'we...you'we dead. But that's nyeithew hewe nyow thewe. It weminds me of onye summew day in the pawk. I was having just a dewightfuw picnyic with my good fwiend Owviwwe. And I said to him, I said, 'Owviwwe, I...I have a stowy.' And he said to me, 'What's the signyificance of the stowy?' And...I said to him, 'Owviwwe, nyot evewy stowy has to have signyificance, y'knyow? Sometimes, a...y'knyow, sometimes, a stowy's just a stowy. You twy to wead into evewy wittwe thing, and find meanying in evewything anyonye says, you'ww just dwive youwsewf cwazy. Had a fwiend do it once. Wasn't pwetty. We tawked about it fow yeaws. And then nyot onwy that, but...you'ww wikewy end up bewieving something you shouwdn't bewieve, thinking something you shouwdn't think, o-o-ow assuming something you shouwdn't assume. Y'knyow? Sometimes,' I said, 'a stowy is-is just a stowy, so just be quiet fow onye second of youw wife and eat youw sandwich, okay?' Of couwse, it was onwy then I'd weawized I'd made sandwiches, and...poow Owviwwe was having such difficuwty eating it (・`ω´・)  Ewephants have those cwumsy hands, y'knyow? Actuawwy, I-I suppose that's the pwobwem. They don't have hands at aww, do they? They'we f—they'we aww feet (・`ω´・)  And I-I couwdn't imaginye anyonye asking me to eat a sandwich with my feet. Nyow, if I wecaww cowwectwy, thewe was a bakewy nyeawby. I said to him, 'Owviwwe, wet me go get you some wye bwead.' Nyow, I'm unsuwe if ewephants enjoy wye bwead, but I assuwe you that Owviwwe does. Nyow, this was on a Tuesday, which was good, because wye bwead was awways fwesh on Tuesday. They made souwdough bwead on Monday, and thwew it out Wednyesday... Ow wathew, they sowd it at a discount fow peopwe wanting to feed it to the ducks, and then, pwob'wy at the end of the day, finyawwy, they thwew it aww out. I-I don't wecaww. I do wemembew a man who wouwd bwing his son to the bakewy evewy Wednyesday, and...then go feed the ducks. He wouwd buy aww of the souwdough bwead. Of couwse, y'knyow, you'we nyot supposed to feed the ducks souwdough bwead at aww. It swewws up in theiw stomach, and then they aww die. At, uh, at weast...at weast, that's what I've heawd. Y'knyow, I-I nyevew saw any ducks die mysewf, but I did nyotice a substantiaw decwease in the duck popuwation uvw the couwse of a few yeaws. I just nyevew thought to stop the man and teww him that he was kiwwing the ducks by feeding them souwdough bwead (・`ω´・)  And if you want my opinyion on the mattew—heh, and I towd Owviwwe this as weww—if you wannya feed ducks, ow biwds of any kind, fow that mattew, it's best to buy seed. I mean, when you think about it, bweads of any sowt don't occuw in nyatuwe. They don't gwow on twees o-ow spwing up fwom the bushes. I don't think biwds knyow what to do with bwead. What was I saying? Oh oh, yes yes. So I bought Owviwwe some wye bwead. What a finye day it was.
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cawwaviwwe · 7 years ago
UMMMM 1, 4 for "we all end in the ocean" and 2, 9 for "we held the day"!!!! WAILS AT U
1:  What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I wanted to do something for everyone for chocobox and I saw your prompt and was like mm... retirement feelings? i can do that.. it was like one of the only things I could think of that I knew how to write about that would translate well (what is: winning the world cup) so I decided to gun for that angle instead! 
And also since, again, what is: winning the world cup I decided to do it from before because I think that a lot of the beauty of foot comes from Before, when you’re waiting, when anything can happen, even though that’s also the most painful part. And just to think about that in the context of miwo not playing this time but still with the team and still swept up in that whole anticipation I Guess!!! 
4:  What's your favorite line of dialogue?
straiiight up “We’re actually in the Krasnogorsky administrative and municipal district...There are thirty-six of them in Moscow Oblast – what’s an Oblast, Joshua? Good question – ” easiest thing I ever wrote, THANKS WIKI
OWO? Emotional Wordbarf? also why does everything start with we
2:  What scene did you first put down?
I write, like, very linearly and based on an outline, so in terms of the actual writing the first paragraph was definitely what I put down and then stalled on for like 2 wks; I knew I wanted a sort of starting in the middle, going back to the beginning structure because it sort of mirrored the way WWI happened in all its furious quickness and them not really knowing what was going on even before getting involved. In terms of the outline?? I had the thing about going back to a football match before the war even as they played the truce game the first! Just to go into how football is universal and timeless and neverending - except writing that out from the concept took me like allll of the last few spwing fwing hours, screams into void
9:  Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
UH! there were a lot of branches, I think, offshoots because when you create a universe like this naturally you Go Deep so I have a whole list of, like, people and ranks and divisions and stories I Could write, but for this fic in particular? I think it was always going to be this, this truce thing, this football thing. The only alternate version that comes to mind is that at first I tried to make the thing more antagonistic, like you were saying ! - more sort of classique carraville where they hate each other, so the outline was all ‘cawwaviwwe get into a fight’ - but writing that I realised that it’s so difficult to hate someone when you’re on the same side going into war, y’know? And I think - what are AUs for - changing the dynamic subtly without really affecting the characters or the stories - and it was important to stick to the realities of war, and not to push through this hateship thing that even I admit gets tiring sometimes when UH not done right.. anyway! yee so there were elements of mancscouse rivalry that I kept but I realised that to do it overwrought just wouldn’t work (and anyway it probably wasn’t as vitriolic then as it is now) so I’m kind of glad I changed it! 
ask mee things!
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