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Sah! Rio Affandi Siregar Resmi Menjadi Ketua FSP KEP SPSI Sumatera Utara
Asaberita.com, Medan — Musyawarah Daerah Pimpinan Daerah Federasi Serikat Pekerja Kimia, Energi, dan Pertambangan (FSP KEP) SPSI Sumatera Utara digelar di Hotel Grand Kanaya Medan. Dalam acara tersebut, Rio Affandi Siregar terpilih secara aklamasi sebagai Ketua FSP KEP SPSI Sumatera Utara. Musyawarah Daerah (Musda) tersebut dihadiri oleh Ketua Umum Pimpinan Pusat FSP KEP SPSI, Bapak R. Abdullah,…
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Federasi Serikat Pekerja Pertanian dan Perkebunan Dukung Anies Presiden 2024
PATI | KBA — Kebijakan Anies Rasyid Baswedan saat menjadi Gubernur DKI Jakarta 2017-2022 yang pro pekerja, menjadi alasan utama Federasi Serikat Pekerja Pertanian dan Perkebunan Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (FSP PP SPSI) memberikan dukungan kepada Anies Rasyid Baswedan sebagai bakal calon Presiden RI 2024-2029. Dukungna tersebut mengemuka pada Rapat Pimpinan Nasional (Rapimnas) Pengurus…
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GEKANAS serahkan Berkas JR Perppu Cipta Kerja No. 2 tahun 2022 di Mahkamah Konstitusi #gekanas #keptv #spkepspsi #spsi #pekerja #ciptakerja #perppuciptakerja #perppu https://www.instagram.com/p/CocJpbmvBo0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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SPSI Sumbar Mengelar Konferda Ke - V ' Memilih Ketua Baru Tahun 2023 - 2028
Ketua pelaksana Konferda Ke V Noverlis SH Padang,Sumbarlivetv — SPSI ( Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia) Sumbar mengelar Konferda Ke – V di Hotel Kryat Padang, 31/01/23 untuk memilih ketua dan membentuk kepengurusan yang baru tahun 2023 hingga 2028 . Ini di ungkapkan oleh ketua pelaksana sekaligus sekretaris DPD SPSI Novelis SH. kepada wartawan Sumbarlivetv di Loby hotel Kryat, bahwa Konferda…
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God I love the scene in ever after where the g*spsies are like “you can have whatever you can carry.”
And then Danielle straight up picks up the prince. Lmao
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Among those from other state and federal agencies, CSB [Chemical Safety Board] representatives were at the MRR Philippi, West Virginia, facility on June 20, 2017, to conduct interviews related to the investigation of the May 24, 2017, incident. After arriving on site, MRR counsel informed CSB investigators that MRR planned to drain the remaining MP odorizers. [...] When asked by a representative from a state agency why SPSI thought this operation would be safe – given that a similar approach to draining the MP odorizer had resulted in the May 24, 2017, explosion – the SPSI manager asserted, “If our science is right, this will be fine.” Unable to directly engage SPSI about the safety issues regarding its plan and lacking confidence that MRR or SPSI understood either the cause of the May 24, 2017 incident or the full range of possible reactive chemistry involved, CSB investigators took shelter behind a shipping container (conex box) located behind a building more than 150 feet away from the SPSI operation. [...] Based on surveillance video, the MP odorizer exploded less than five minutes after the draining operation had begun (Figure 15 and Figure 16). A portion of the MP chamber struck and fatally injured the field supervisor. Figure 15 shows still frames of the explosion from a security video.
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Serikat Pekerja Gelar Aksi Demo di PT Bumi Sari Mas Indonesia, Tuntut Gaji yang Tertunggak
INGATLAH.COM – Ratusan karyawan PT Bumi Sari Mas Indonesia yang tergabung dalam Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (SPSI) menggelar aksi demonstrasi di halaman perusahaan di Kasang, Kecamatan Batang Anai, Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Rabu (11/12/2024). Aksi ini dilakukan untuk menuntut perusahaan segera membayar gaji yang telah lama tertunggak. “Kami menuntut perusahaan agar segera membayarkan gaji…
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DKI kemarin, permintaan UMP naik dan Suswono dipanggil Bawaslu
Sejumlah peristiwa di DKI Jakarta pada Rabu (6/11) yang menarik dibaca hari ini antara lain aspirasi UMP naik akan dipelajari Pemerintah Provinsi DKI, antisipasi genangan di Jakarta, lalu Bawaslu DKI panggil Suswono terkait "janda kaya".Berikut rangkumannya:1. Teguh Setyabudi janji pelajari aspirasi buruh soal permintaan UMP naikJakarta (ANTARA) - Penjabat Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Teguh Setyabudi menyebutkan akan mempelajari dengan cermat aspirasi yang hari ini disampaikan perwakilan buruh dari Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (SPSI) di Balai Kota, Jakarta Pusat terkait permintaan kenaikan upah minimum provinsi (UMP).
Berita lengkapnya : Klik disini
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Pj. Gubernur Lampung Buka Rakerda II FSP RTMM SPSI 2024
LAMPUNG – Pj. Gubernur Lampung, Samsudin, membuka Rapat Kerja Daerah Il Federasi Serikat Pekerja Rokok Tembakau Makanan dan Minuman Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (FSP RTMM SPSI) Provinsi Lampung tahun 2024, di Hotel Santika, Jumat (18/10/2024). Federasi Serikat Pekerja Rokok Tembakau Makanan dan Minuman Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia Lampung memiliki anggota sebanyak 3.384 orang, merupakan…
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Pj. Gubernur Lampung Buka Rakerda II FSP RTMM SPSI 2024
BANDAR LAMPUNG – Pj. Gubernur Lampung, Samsudin, membuka Rapat Kerja Daerah Il Federasi Serikat Pekerja Rokok Tembakau Makanan dan Minuman Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia (FSP RTMM SPSI) Provinsi Lampung tahun 2024, di Hotel Santika, Jumat (18/10/2024). Federasi Serikat Pekerja Rokok Tembakau Makanan dan Minuman Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Indonesia Lampung memiliki anggota sebanyak 3.384 orang,…
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Komitmen Memajukan RS Sri Pamela Membang Muda, PUK KEP SPSI SPSPMN RS Sri Pamela Beraudiensi dengan Manajemen
Asaberita.com, Labura — PUK KEP SPSI SPSPMN RS Sri Pamela Membang Muda mengadakan audiensi dengan dr. Marlina, M.Kes, Kepala Rumah Sakit Sri Pamela Membang Muda, di ruang kerja Kepala Rumah Sakit. Hadir dalam audiensi tersebut Ketua PUK KEP SPSI SPSPMN RS Sri Pamela Membang Muda, Hendra, didampingi oleh Sekretaris Risman Harahap, S.Kep., Ners, dan Dedi. Dalam pertemuan ini, Hendra menyatakan…
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NEW THIS MORNING: The 3rd new episode of 'The Amazing Digital Circus' and filing COCs of COMELEC shifts on the double, hitting early morning SPSI from NGCP in Negros Oriental [#FIRSTonOneNETnews]
(Written by Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong / Freelance News Writer, Online Media Reporter and News Presenter of OneNETnews)
DUMAGUETE, NEGROS ORIENTAL -- Negros Oriental Electric Cooperative 2 (NORECO II) announced last Monday (September 30th, 2024) that the power service interruption (PSI) in selected municipalities of Negros Oriental will schedule in on Saturday early morning from 4am to 8am, as originally scheduled from 6am to 12nn (Dumaguete local time).
Four (4) local substations covering Pulantubig, Bagacay, Dauin and Siaton, as affected from 'Barangay Señora Ascion' (formerly Calo) in San Jose, to the entire area of Sibulan, Dumaguete, Valencia, Bacong, Dauin, Zamboanguita and Siaton.
Citing from 3rd district of Negros Area at National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) named 'Lope L. Cañete', the NGCP will de-energize its Amlan–Siaton 69-kilovolt (kV) transmission line to facilitate the tapping activities of newly completed 10 megavolt-amperes (MVA) Sibulan substation of this said regional electric company along Amlan-Siaton 69kV line.
Because of changing timeslots in PSI, the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) accommodate their request on Wednesday (October 2nd, 2024), in relation to the filing of Certificate of Candidacy (COCs) for the upcoming national and local elections. While internet TV station 'OneNETtv Channel' (DYDZ-DTV Ch. 8) in Dumaguete City reschedules the 9am hour, originally from 6am, with the paid streaming simulcast of the American streaming provider 'Netflix' for the upcoming halloween-themed web-series episode of 'The Amazing Digital Circus' on October 5th from an independent Australian animated production company 'Glitch Productions'.
Power was restored this morning within half-hour early at 7:35am as both NGCP and NORECO II jointly apologized for any inconvenience caused by the scheduled early morning PSI, acknowledging that it may have disrupted the routines of those preparing for a weekend workday, or those hoping to enjoy a restful morning at home in Dumaguete City and Negros Oriental by watching the 3rd new episode of TADC on both YouTube and Netflix app with mobile internet data on your smartphones. Back-up generators and expensive power banks is a plus.
They emphasized that the adjusted schedule was necessary to complete essential maintenance work while minimizing disruption to daily activities and upcoming events in this said region for the Dumagueteños and Negrosanons.
PHOTO COURTESY: Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong (Freelance Photojournalist, Online Media Reporter and News Presenter of OneNETnews) BACKGROUND PROVIDED BY: Tegna
SOURCE: *https://www.instagram.com/p/DAhaPPISZR9/ [Referenced IG Post #1 via NORECO II] *https://www.instagram.com/p/DAnWSvxylhk/ [Referenced IG Post #2f via NORECO II] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKjfw77cxeQ [Referenced YT VIDEO via GlitchProductions] and *https://www.netflix.com/title/81936142 [Referenced Homepage Microsite Info via NTFX]
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
#local news#dumaguete#negros oriental#new this morning#NGCP#NORECO II#TADC#the amazing digital circus#COMELEC#early morning#fyp#awareness#scheduled#brownout#first on OneNETnews#OneNETnews
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Penandatanganan PKB Periode 2023-2025 antara Pimpinan Perusahaan dan PUK SP KEP SPSI PT Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika, Bekasi, 7 Februari 2023. #pkb #spsi #spkepspsi #rucika #keptv #mencerdaskanpekerja #pekerja https://www.instagram.com/p/CoWnT2qPfkm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Kapolri Listyo Sigit Prabowo Letakan Batu Pertama Pembangunan Gedung Pusdiklat SPSI di Purwakarta
Kapolri Jenderal Polisi Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Si melaksanakan kegiatan peletakan batu pertama pembangunan gedung Pusdiklat Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Asean Trade Union Council (KSPSI ATUC) di Jln. Raya Waduk Jatiluhur Kp. Sukahurip RT 008 RW 005 Desa Jatiluhur Kec. Jatiluhur Kab. Purwakarta. Rabu (7/08/2024). Pada kegiatan tesebut bertindak selaku penanggung jawab adalah Bpk Andi…
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Kapolri Laksanakan Peletakan Batu Pertama Pembangunan Gedung Pusdiklat SPSI di Kawasan Jatiluhur Kab. Purwakarta
Kapolri Jenderal Polisi Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, M.Si melaksanakan kegiatan peletakan batu pertama pembangunan gedung Pusdiklat Konfederasi Serikat Pekerja Seluruh Asean Trade Union Council (KSPSI ATUC) di Jln. Raya Waduk Jatiluhur Kp. Sukahurip RT 008 RW 005 Desa Jatiluhur Kec. Jatiluhur Kab. Purwakarta. Rabu (7/08/2024). Pada kegiatan tesebut bertindak selaku penanggung jawab adalah Bpk Andi…
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