#spring belongs to my RP partner
avoidcrowdraws · 1 year
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The best part of being an artist is being able to draw OC ship art whenever you want
Spring and Winter again!
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||An Officer's Corruption part twenty-five||
Hello there dears, Peahen mom here but I'm going to add another part to this mini series. I hope you like it.
If you wish to see how or where everything is going, you can follow up on the chapters down below.
||Chapters so far||
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
||Previous chapters 14-20)) ((Click here))
Part Twenty one ((NSFW Warning))
Part Twenty two ((NSFW Warning))
Part Twenty three
Part Twenty Four
((Your reading part Twenty five))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by my amazing friend demon mun)) (Click here))
~Nothing dangerous is spoken of in his chapter
||Drabble Summary||
Another day is here in T prison but it was time for the annual meeting with the wardens to give up some information to what is going on so far. Warden Kinie was part of this with the others but what information will be passed during this? Read to find out.
||Guests in Drabble||
Kinie Ger, Fin Reer, Joshua Star, Kukuclan 'Ethan' Gaol and anyone else mention belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Luna so-yeon koboyashi, and Aiyana “Willow” Phoenix and others mentioned are my OC's and belong to me. Dazai Osamu is from the anime Stray dogs but is also a muse I rp as.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. With that, I hope you Enjoy.))
'Your kidding me right!? Are you serious!?'
Warden Kinie sighed sitting at her desk looking at the computer showing other screens with other people. Today was the annual warden meeting. It was held every three months or more depending on the situation. Right now, they were having one to give some updates right now.
"Calm yourself Warden Reer. I mean what I said and I'm not lying." she said with a quiet voice but he said nothing else. So it was true. The given thought from her note.
'How can I be calm about this?! You do realize how dangerous your inmate is and his followers!? If Summer, Spring, Fall, and Winter gets free they will destroy everything in their path. I know we have two of them in my prison, one is at Officer Kali's prison, and the last one is at Joshua's prison!' Fin said annoyed now.
"You think I don't know that!? Besides, I was told about how dangerous they are but I was also given word that it was fine. I'm sure...the inmate Rex will keep them under control when they do get out. We agreed that they will be brought here with him or for him to meet them." she said.
'Still....' He sighed but Kinie looks to him seeing the other wardens worried.
"Listen, I know it sounds bad but it's not. As long as we stay calm it's fine." she said in a stern voice.
'You say that but it's hard to believe those women to behave themselves. Given their recent old history..it worries me.' Fin said.
"Oh come on, Fin. I'm sure it's going to be fine!" Warden Great said to him but reassures it's going to be fine. He along with other wardens knew the risks but maybe it was a good thing. Even from reading their old history before being caught got some worried but didn't question it.
"Anyway, we are getting off track. Does anyone else wanna give their report?" Kinie said seeing the other wardens being quiet.
'I already started giving my report. After the recent close break out, we had to double security and a apology note for the female officers in my prison. That or given the fact some of the inmates are weres like me and my team.' Fin sighed to look at the screen. 'Even so, thanks to Officer Jackal it was taken care of....' he said.
"Okay. Anyone wishes to go-"
'I would go next! We got some new inmates at my prison! It's pretty nice to finally have some fun for once! It's always been boring here.' Dazai smiled but the others blinks with Kinie's eye twitching.
Oh, right. He was also in this too but he was a weird warden but she knew better. Even if his personality didn't show on the outside, Warden Osamu was dangerous man. She's seen what he does to the bad inmates that disobey his rules. Even when he had the lovely horrors as officers. His prison only took the most dangerous men and woman all over the world.
'Though, I like this new chance of pace! Finally, I got some fun here! X3' he laughed but Kinie felt a vein pop ready to cuss him out but calms down.
"Good to know. Warden koboyashi what is your update?" Kinie asked. Luna tried not to wince hearing that last name but keeps that to herself before going for her turn.
'So far, it's been a long road for my prison. We haven't got any new inmates but...we are having a situation dealing with one right now. Or at least helping with the medical situation.' she said rubbing the back of her head.
"A situation with one of the inmates?" she asked.
'It's hard to explain but I can assure you it's something that's being worked on..' Luna said.
"...Hmmmm I see. What about you Warden Joshua?"
'Everything is fine where I am thanks to a inmate. She's b..been helping with keeping the inmates calm so we haven't had any fights or activity so far...or at least I'm hoping it stays that way.' he said.
"Hold on, you mean that inmate with the blood of a demon succubus?" Kinie asked. "You mean she's the one that keeps the dangerous inmates cool?"
'Isn't that dangerous to do that though Joshua? What if she tires to harm you and the others?' Fin asked.
'Believe me, s..she won't. She hasn't done anything like that when a..arriving here. She's helped with calming the inmates down even insuring no violence happens...though, she's been a big help. That's why we are waiting to see something of her patrol...if she gets it.' he said.
'As long as I g..give payment for her help.' Joshua mutters.
"Wait, payment?" Kinie asked. "What sort of payment?" she asked.
'I..It can't say it's a private matter ma'am..' Joshua said that Kinie shook her head but understood in a way. Most inmates were smart so depending on which one makes those sort of deals were dangerous but smart.
"Well, you might be in for a shock Joshua but I won't say." Kinie knew Sukuna was serious about this. Given the fact that man was something it tells a lot. Powerful and dangerous at the same time.
"What about you warden Gaol and Warden Phoenix. Anything new?" Kinie asked seeing the two blink but look at her.
'Nothing at out part ma'am. Just the regular type of business. We did have a close call with a heavy impact involving gang members trying to bust into the prison but it was taken care of thanks to our officers..' she said.
'True. We have seen recent activity because of it so we had to triple security with Officer Ellis as well helping. Right now, things are calm but we are still trying to be sure nothing else goes wrong for that time.' Ethan said with arms crossed.
"I see...."
"Well, I take it you all are doing alright with your prisons even with the recent events. Though, I still suggest you keep on guard..even if the ones that is dangerous is there till they are let out." Kinie said but looks to everyone. Fin was hesitant but he felt the bite on his shoulder ache. He didn't want to tell or show that he was bitten by Winter a while ago but he keeps calm.
'You know this is pretty exciting to see how this might go for us. New adventures awaits us!' Dazai said happy.
"Will you take this seriously!?" Kinie said but saw the other waving his hand not minding her anger. Though, he heard Kinie can be scary when she's pissed off. However, they knew better in some case.
'I am taking it seriously but I'm just so happy for the new faces here. It tends to get boring seeing the same thing over and over but now it is different!' he said giggling but Kinie facepalms to shake her head.
"And how is that part of your report!?"
'Beats me.' he laughed.
"Anyway! Just take it to note that even if we have these situations going on, remember everyone has a chance to change...isn't that right Officer Phoenix?" she said seeing Willow remain quiet. Ethan knew but he looks worried.
Willow and her team used to be inmates back then before Ethan found her during her arrest. Though, with help and time she changed for the better like her team. Even Agana was a dangerous criminal before changing her ways to join Ethan's force.
"Though, I'm sure most of you have ways to deal with that." Kinie sighed to check the time. "Now, before we end this meeting is their anything else you all wish to add?" she said.
'..Tch no.' Fin said.
'N..No..' Joshua said.
'Nope.' Guam said.
'Naw I'm good..' Dazai said happy.
'No..' Luna said.
"Then we are done. I hope to ear from you during your reports again..have a good day and good luck to you all." Kinie said before ending the call. The other wardens were silent but Fin was looking down.
He grits his teeth now gripping his shoulder but said nothing. He felt it was dangerous to let that woman out but..he calms down to sigh.
"I'm fine Ahmed..I guess we'll have to be sure or keep a eye on the two to insure they don't do anything evil. I..I don't know what will happen but we have to maybe think of a way to keep those two under control.." he said.
"I'm sure we will..but for now, we need to head back. It's time for their daily free break.. I'm sure the other officers including Officer Jackal being back from his break. I heard Officer Brooks will return tomorrow since she says she's alright now..." he said but Fin nods standing up as the two leave.
With Joshua he was quiet after the meeting but he looks quiet knowing of the pack he made though, he still felt a bit weak after feeding Ashley today. He just hopes she will keep her end of the pack they made. For now, he shook it off and goes to do something.
He had to insure she was alright but with the big help, Ashley was helping a lot. For now, he would go check on her later on but for now, he would let her have time to herself. He even heard Hellmare and Maggie watching over their inmates.
The inmates at Northen State Penitentiary was now showing all inmates in their cells for their break time. Some in their sections grumbling, keeping themselves busy or just trying to ignore the fact they were stuck in here.
In area D, everything was calm even showing Officer Jason keeping guard on the other female inmates. Though, Gin was still in her isolated cell from the others. He can tell she was one dangerous person but he will have to ensure she don't attack others from now on or worse. With a sigh, he sees the others eating their food quietly. Officer Charlie was down there keeping a eye on them just in case they tried anything.
In area E, Matt was eating something but keeping a eye on his own group too. Most of these inmates were pretty dangerous but none would dare bother Matt. The last few that tired ended up with broken bones or worse. He's someone you are not to mess with though, he was wondering if Ryu in his Isolated cell was behaving. Maybe he was or not. It was fine. He was like a bad hellhound puppy but it was alright.
In area F, Sid was checking the list of the inmates to insure they were all here except for Chuuya who was in his own isolated cell for his behavior. She could hear his shouting and swearing from down the hall but she only sighed pushing her glasses up.
Though, in that area, Gin was annoyed while sitting in her small cell. It was quiet here but she was looking ahead hearing the jingling of the handcuffs on her. She leans her head back wondering of her big brother. He must be just as angry as she was and Chuuya as well.
For now, she might be here for a bit till they let them out. Though, she was hoping to find a plan to get out or maybe she'll have to take care of Jason instead.
Ryu was wondering of his sister true but he was looking down with his eyes darkening. That jerk knocked him out for a while but he wouldn't not have it! If he got out, he'll have to get back at him. Even when he knew Chuya was thinking the same with that Sid woman. Yeah, they were thinking of something but what?
~~~~~Later on at T Prison~~~~~~~
The inmates had the afternoon outside to do whatever they liked after breakfast. Though, Yuji along with Kisho and Megumi were following him and sitting down. He was drinking some water now while Kisho was eating some thing.
"..Seems like another day for everyone huh?" Megumi asked seeing Yuji nod.
"Yeah but hey, it's pretty good. My big bro says things are going well but it was nice to have a conversation with him once in a while." he chuckled. "Though, I'm sure today will be fine.."
"Same here.." Kisho said but he saw the Six claws minding their own business with Rin arguing with Denji on eating the last piece of cake at lunch.
However, while they were relaxing, something breaks that silence.
"Though, today is pretty-"
"YOU HEARD ME! I WANNA HAVE A SHOT!!!!!" a inmate shouts but everyone looks in that direction wondering what was going on. Yuji with his friends along with the six claws blinks but looks seeing some inmates were glaring at Officer Vanguard, Officer Vin-Shia, and Officer Violet heard this confused.
"Wait, what are you talking about??" Jinx asked only to see the inmate lean close but looks to her.
"Meaning, we wanna see just how strong you ladies are. If your tough as you say..then fight a few of us! Show us your strength!" he said.
"Eh???" Jinx and Ink was confused but Kali was annoyed.
'Wait.....they were gonna what!?' Yuji, Kisho, Megumi, and the six claws thought but the other area was now hearing this. Now what was going to happen now?
Though, they had no idea just how dangerous these three were.
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violetcuriosity · 5 years
LFRP - Violetta Fierlane ---
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The Basics ––– –
Age: Late 20′s/Early 30′s
Birthday: Early spring.
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Gender: Female
Sexuality: bisexual
Marital Status: Single
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Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Naturally a dusky grey-blue, often dyed to more pastel and cheery hues to fit her mood and the current season.
Eyes:  Pale foggy blue
Height: Relatively average for an elezen, about six fulms three ilms tall.
Build: Soft. dramatically curved. There is an underlying strength to Vio, one borne of a life filled with the work of keeping hearth and home far from most settlements in order,but otherwise hers is a frame untested by battle-borne adversity. (She’s about a US size 16-18, for reference!)
Distinguishing Marks: A small beautymark under her left eye, a pink birhmark on her right palm that looks sort of like a flower.
Common Accessories: Enjoys whimsical baubles and bits of jewelry - colorful beads shaped like hearts and skulls and bits of candy. Always keeps a messenger style bag slung over one shoulder made entirely of various scraps of leather and fabric, though purposefully pieced together into homespun pattern covered in embroidered. Often has an embroidery hoop with her, as well as various tins - figuring out of they hold cookies, sweets, or more alarming components to her spellwork is...a game of trial and error.
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Personal ––– –
Profession: Head of Mortuary Services for the Ashen Enclave. Mortician & Conjurer, Medium, Creator of Charms. Accidental Necromancer.
Hobbies: Weaving, gardening, taxidermy
Languages: Common, relatively uncommon dialect of Old Elezen.
Residence: A cozy cottage tucked away deep in the Shroud, though these days she can be found frequently in the Goblet.
Birthplace: The Shroud
Religion: Undefined to most, keeps to old Gelmorran tradition
Patron Deity: Nophica
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Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None currently.
Children: None.
Parents: Raised largely by her grandmother from a young age, Violetta knows little about her parents - except that they left the Shroud to pursue a life as Adventurers.
Siblings: None. (That she knows of!)
Other Relatives: Various cousins, aunts, uncles scattered about the various duskwight settlements and encampments in the Shroud.
Pets: Gertrude, a very good,and undead, cat.
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Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
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Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To Excess Drugs: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To Excess Alcohol: Never / Sometimes / Frequently / To Excess
RP Hooks ––– –
The Faithful Departed~ As a mortician Violetta has frequent comfortable contact with the dead.   She officiates lasts rites, oversees funerary ceremony, as well as the care and interment of those passed.  Avidly curious, she also studies the funerary tradition belonging to other locales and cultures...and is quite skilled as a taxidermist.
To those in the know, she claims to be a medium - able to contact the deceased in order to provide closure, care, and succor to loved ones and friends.  As 'speaker of the dead' she carries on long forgotten traditions and rites for the various duskwight encampments and settlements scattered in the deep shroud. The truth is somewhat more complicated. Capable of magics most dangerous and forbidden, Violetta's work often brushes upon necromancy, occasionally raising the dead, both purposefully and accidentally, making it her personal mission to see to their last wishes and unfinished business.
No stone left unturned~ The women of Violetta's family have been known, for generations of those living in the deep Shroud, as those to turn to in troubled times and ill health - carrying on traditions lost to most after the fall of Gelmorra. She is the last of her line,  maintaining the knowledge to the best of her ability. Hexes for one's enemies are sold as freely as remedies for a cough or incense for one's prayers, at least for those proving to have proper motivation and intentions. Her methods are esoteric and strange.
Any Safehaven in a Storm~ Lost souls seeking refuge from the elementals or Gridania's wrath (or increasingly elsewhere, these days) have a funny way of showing up on her doorstep without ever seeking the place out, finding a warm hearth and a hot meal for as long as needed... so long as one is willing to help her around her garden.
Grimly Whimsical ~ Despite a list of interests, calling and inclinations that could seem morbid to many, Violetta is a brightly cheerful and friendly sort, exuding a friendly (if not somewhat eccentric) demeanor to most she meets. This carries over to her aesthetic choices, favoring pale pastels and playful motif rather than that bordering on the darker. She is eager to speak with others with similar interests, enthusiastic to debate the merits of various funerary belief and tradition, or just another friendly face to have a cup of tea with.
What I’m looking for ––– –
I am looking for connections of all sorts for Violetta! As a relatively new character/alt, I am looking for all sorts of new adventures and experiences for her - from friendships, to rivalries, to those perhaps skeptical, concerned or hostile to all that she is and does. Romance isn’t off the table (I am a sucker for shippy rp afterall) though be prepared for a slow burn.
OOC info ––– –
Hi! I’m Dani~ I’ve been RPing for a really long time now! As in, started back on AOL, long time ago.
I’m a really laid back and patient RP partner, and I prefer the folks I write with to be the same. I run an RP FC that holds regular events and plot as well as work full-time for myself, so my availability can vary a whole lot. Discord RP frequently works better than in-game for me! While my timezone is currently EST, from Late November - May I will be in ICT, aka 12+ hours ahead of US time.
I enjoy all sorts of RP! Darker plots are as welcome as slice-of-life scenes. I value communication with those I am writing with, in order to make sure we stay on the same page and nothing gets thrown at me entirely out of the blue.
Contact Information  ––– –
Ingame - ‘Violetta Fierlane’ , Discord: snarksonomy#1313 @mooglemeet​ @balmungrp​ @ffxiv-crystal-rp​
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tsubakiserenade · 6 years
LFRP - Balmung, Crystal
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Tsubaki Yuzuka
The Basics ––– –
Age: ~25
Race: Raen Au Ra
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Single
 Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair: Platinum, long
Eyes: Pink
Height: 5′0″
Build: Petite, slightly toned
Common Accessories: Flower Hairpins
Personal ––– –
Profession: Adventurer, Musician, Bard
Hobbies: Music (singing and multiple instruments), archery, reading, chocobo riding, exploring
Residence: The Lavender Beds, various inns and taverns
Birthplace: Gridania
Religion: Agnostic, pays lip service to the Twelve
Fears: Losing her freedom, losing the ones she loves, morbols
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal 
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
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Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Never Drugs: Never Alcohol: Only when severely anxious.
RP Hooks ––– –
Gridania: Tsubaki’s family fled the war that resulted in Doma’s subjugation and found themselves in Gridania. These days, her mother and uncle own a shop where they make and sell leather goods while her father often lends his bow to the Twin Adders. The city-state’s acceptance, however, was hard won and Tsubaki still bears the scars of being raised in a place that discriminated against her for being different. Despite everything, she always returns eventually. Perhaps you remember the strange looking girl who only ever played with her two cousins. Or maybe you’ve seen her performing at the Carline Canopy or joining those two Elezen on the stage at Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre.
Kugane: Tsubaki occasionally feels herself drawn to the vibrant, port city. At a glance, she looks like she belongs here but her clothing, mannerisms, and unfamiliarity with local customs quickly reveal her for the outsider that she is. At least she’s not being stared at for her horns, tail, and scales. Perhaps you’ve seen her performing for the ijin patrons at the Shiokaze Hostelry or practicing her music in the Rakusui Gardens.
“A hero, just like in the stories!": Tsubaki strives to be the person she wishes others would be. She’ll help anyone in need in any way that she can. She’ll shoot down that monster attacking your sheep, hum tunes for crying kids, and she dabbled in conjury once so she might be able to heal something as simple as a cut.
"I go where the wind takes me.”: Being an adventurer means you can go wherever you want, whenever you want...as long as you can find work. Have some place you want to go or know an adventure to be had? She’s there!
What I’m Looking For ––– –
I’m hoping to find a few long term RP partners who are willing to work with both my shy character and an RPer inexperienced with MMO RP.
I heavily prefer Discord and forums for RPing but I’m trying to branch out into in game RP a bit. I’m extremely new to it, type somewhat slowly, and struggle with ADHD so please be patient. I’m always up to RP on Discord and will want to use it for more involved scenes. In game is going to require some scheduling. I have another character that I do content on so you won’t always find me idling around waiting for RP. Please, please, please be willing to contact me out of game so we can set things up.
I’m open to romance (though I will only do monogamous relationships) but please communicate with me OOCly about this instead of suddenly springing it on me ICly. The same goes for injuries, mature themes, and so on. I’m open to a lot of things just talk to me! ERP is a no.
Contact Information  ––– –
Tumblr: You’re looking at it.
Discord: Oaris#0605
RPC: Here
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jedimasteramell · 7 years
Three Ways To Say I Love You
Happy RP-nniversary to my dear @uldren-sov. Its been so amazing and I’m beyond appreciative of every story and moment that we’ve had together, and for all my words I can’t explain just how much all of this has meant to me, how much I’ve enjoyed it all, and how awesome it is to have you as a friend. Thank you so much <3
Original Characters // SFW // SWTOR
i. Daya & Tal
Daya nursed her cup of caf and blinked slowly out across the pinks and purple dudes of a spring Tatooine sunrise. Not yet did she allow the plans for the day to run amok in her head, rather, she savored the freshly-bought beans, the cool scent of the air filter, and the soft beating of foot prints that could only belong to one person.
Wrapping his arms around her, Talcyn rested his head on her shoulder with a yawn, content to return to sleeping right then and there. “You get up too early.” Sleepily, he whined, burying his face into the crook of her neck. 
“Oh habits are hard to break, sleepyhead.” Affectionately, she pressed a kiss into his auburn hair. “Kids more so than military training.”
He huffed in response, muffled by the soft skin of her neck. Tal ran his hands along her waist and down her arms, stealing away the mug of caf. He took a sip over her shoulder, and made a face. She laughed as she took it back from him. 
“Too much sugar?” She teased.
Tal brushed his fingers past her navel, rolling his head back to look her in the eye; gold like the sands in the sunlight meeting the first pale blue light of morning. “I don’t know how you drink that,”
“I can make you a cup.” Daya started to move away but Tal held her fast, and they both watched the twin suns rise up over the horizon. 
“Did you know I’d basically fallen in love with you by the time we left Coruscant?” Tal said, a loving whisper in her ear bearing the comfort of years of companionship.
“So you like to say.” She smiled, and careful of her horns, leaned her head against his. They were quiet a minute more.
“Hey Tal?” 
“Yes love?” 
“Thanks.” With a murmur, Daya set her mug down, laying her arms over his, basking in the low light and their love.
“You’ll have to be more specific.” He smiled and pressed a kiss to her neck. “What about?”
“For coming to talk to me, offer your help, all those years ago on Ord Mantel.” Ever the romantic, she sighed dreamily, snuggling back into his embrace. “I dont know where I’d be without you that day.”
“Well not at home with such a handsome husband and beautiful family. A far more average looking one, most like.” He huffed at the humorous and ludicrous thought: he’d always be Daya’s, and her always his.
Daya laughed, shielding her eyes as the light flooded their little kitchen. “Love you too.”
ii. Astra & Cael
It’d been a long time since Cael had figured to call himself a jedi. Once he was more Sith he supposed, but now, now he was simply himself, at his own peace and balance. 
And with Astra, always with Astra. 
He broke his casual meditation to steal a glance at the darling woman fiing her jewelry in the mirror by the refresher. Even traveling the galaxy as artifact hunters, or well, an overeager archaeologist and her partner the bodyguard, Astra kept herself in beautiful shape, fierce and stunning as much in battle or in an excavation as she did dressed up for a party, or just waking up on their ship. He caught the flash of the worn gold wedding band, and his heart hopped with pleasure. 
Feeling him down their bond, one more pronounced and lasting than the metal ring on her finger, she turned and smiled, narrowing her bright yellow eyes as she sauntered over, well aware at how much he appreciated the sway of her hips. 
“You can touch too if you want.” She teased, stepping up behind him, tilting his head back with both hands to kiss him upside down. 
“You’re insatiable.” A charming and lazy grin split his lips, and he blinked at her affectionately.
“And you’ve had so much practice now, You’ve gotten immeasurably better.” She matched his expression with a wicked grin of her own, playfulness sparking through her eyes. 
Cael groaned, and a blush reached his cheeks before he could stop himself. “That’s true, but honestly Astra, you can’t judge me so harshly, you were my first after all.”
“I try and forget about it.” She grimaced good-naturedly, but there remained a kernel of truth there. Stars he’d been really bad at well.... everything. 
If only to dispel his embarrassment, Cael huffed a laugh and turned, so, still on his knees, he faced Astra, his hands on the back of her legs. “Thank you.” 
“You dont have to thank me for touching me darling, as potent as I am.” She responded wryly, running her scarlet fingers through his dark hair. Cael continued smiling, their banter was half the fun.
“Thank you for staying, when I gave you every reason not to ever trust me again.” 
Her toying expression softened, he’d never stop punishing himself. Maybe that was unnecessary, but it remained proof of his conviction. She knew the truth, could sense it intrinsically in the connection between them. “Thank you for giving me reasons not to.”
iii Azred & Jac
Jac hit the ground with a cloud of dust and an ‘oof’.
His training saber spun away from him across the dirt, as he sensed Azred’s slow prowl come to a halt several paces from him. Jac felt worry, and then humor when he gave the other jedi a cheeky grin, coming off his partner, and readily accepted the hand that he sensed offered.
‘You alright?’ Azred’s thought stole his attention from whatever the older master was saying to the assembled group.
‘Seems like were back to being even.’ Jac rolled his shoulders nonchalantly, amused at Az’s stray reaction to his dust covered robes. 
‘No Im definitely up by one now.’ Az shot back, ‘I beat you also back when we were at that conference on Corellia.’ 
‘Beating me when I didn’t know we were dueling doesn’t count.’ Jac protested in thought.
“Tal’zayor, Lenn. Are you two paying any attention to what Im saying?” The sharp tone of the Battlemaster, punctured the private conversation between the two young knights. Az at least had the deference to look ashamed. 
“We were Master, I apologize on behalf of my friend here.” Azred quickly replied with a nod of defference.
‘Just an ass.’
Unaware of the boy’s private conversation, the older Jedi continued addressing the assembled padawans. “As I was saying, if we examine Knight Lenn’s form you can clearly see....” 
Yawn! Already, Jac tuned him back out, getting a small sense of shame for the act, not sure if it was from Azred, or simply Az’s influence on him. 
‘You really should be paying attention, he’s making some good points about your balance.’ Az scolded him mentally again.
‘Yes, master, of course master, I’ll do better next time master.’ If there weren’t other’s around, Jac would have flourished to complete his exaggeration. He felt Az hold back a laugh. 
‘You’re just grumpy because you’re hungry.’ Even as a thought, Jac picked up the amusement and affection in Az’s voice. About to protest, his stomach rumbled. Azred actually laughed. 
“Im sure Ive missed the joke,” The master turned towards the two of them, the picture of sternness and patience, a balance jac had never managed to find “Just what was so funny?”
“Sorry master, it was me.” Cutting off Az, Jac offered a deeper bow than Az had earlier. “It’s nothing you said, Im just... hungry.”
Jac couldn’t see, but he liked to imagine the old jedi rolled his eyes. “Fine fine.” Came the good-natured response, “Class is dismissed, lets all find something to eat before Jacoac here faints from lack of lunch.”With a murmur of chuckles at Jac’s expense, the cluster of padawans broke off, following the familiar path back to the temple. 
As the group left, Jac tried to elbow Az, missing mostly, but the point got across. ‘You're welcome.’ After so long, thought-sharing came with far more instinct than speaking aloud did.
A surge of affection and teasing rushed down the bond, wrapping around Jac as assuredly as if he’d stepped into a sunbeam and Az had embraced him simultaneously. What a pleasure it was to know they had each other. ‘Whatever would I do without your quick thinking?’ Az hummed absently, and in their privacy, dared an arm across Jac’s shoulder’s pulling the taller man close. ‘Im glad you're here.’ 
Jac left Az to imagine that, flushing with the warmth of the contact, ‘Glad to be so.’
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fastcrthanfast · 7 years
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“Cause it’s a bittersweet symphony this life…”
Describe your character; How do you see your character in your own eyes and not based off the bio. How have you developed this character into your own
Oh God, where do I start? Lightning is a good person first and foremost. He is a kind and genuine person with a knack for sarcasm and playful teasing. He just wants everyone to be happy and at peace because unfortunately he isn’t. He struggled to even be considered as a racer, Not to go too long into this but he was in a relationship with someone who sabotaged his first race and pushed him into becoming closed. That same person continued to hurt him for a long time. He only felt safe with his Radiator Springs family and losing Doc Hudson left him feeling empty again. I made his life a little darker but there’s a bright light at the end of it. He’s been made a person who cares and someone who will go to all ends to make sure that no one feels like he does.
What’s your favorite thing about your character? what’s your least favorite?
My favorite thing about him is his attitude towards things. He’s relentless in his search for what makes him happy. He will race again. He knows it because he believes it. He believes the people he meets are kind and deserve to be treated with kindness.
He makes me want to believe that too. I wish it was easier got me to motivate myself like he can.
My least favorite thing is how hard he is on himself. He denies himself things in order to protect himself and because he feels he doesn’t deserve it.
What are some of your favorite relationships your character has formed? (Friendships, relationships, yada ya)
Well, Lightning hasn’t been around for long but
Francesco, of course. They are the prefect fit as friends. They just balance each other so well and he needs someone around who will be a dick when he can’t be. I’me excited for their friendship and their future together.
Dusty! Dusty is the best and he’s Lightning’s little brother okay? Lightning is very invested in Dusty being the best person he can be and doing everything he loves to do and he worries more about Dusty then anybody else.
Someone else he’s really connected with is Shaggy. It might be because of my love for him and Scooby but it seems like they hit it off immediately so I can’t wait for their friendship to grow!
Dodger was the first person to speak to Lightning. He immediately struck Lightning as a good person and he seemed understanding and they just kinda clicked. I need to see more of the two of them.
Also Daphne, she just kind of showed up and blindsided him with kindness and made him comfortable without him realizing it. I love it because my baby needs a friend like her.
Has your character changed you in any way? Or do you yourself in yourself in your character?
Lightning has helped me a lot. I poured a little bit of my soul into him to bring him to life. I’m gonna try not to be too sad but one of the reasons he has PTSD is because I do. It’s something that I’ve had to deal with for a long time and I do get very bad bouts of Depression and it gets bad and that’s all I’ll say about that but ever since picking Lightning up, I’ve felt better. He’s an outlet and it feels like he would understand me. He’s a good person and he’s teaching me that so am I. The worst parts of him are me as sad as that sounds. The things that break him and push him over the edge are very similar to mine. I’m glad he has people who love him and I’m glad I do too.  I want him to be better because he deserves it and I guess I’m seeing that I deserve to feel better too.
Do you think your character has had a big impact on Walt? Is it a good impact or bad?
He’s had a positive impact, I hope. He hasn’t been around long enough to be a big impact but I can only hope that he’ll help everyone he meets. I honestly don’t want him to be a big impact just a good one. It’s not about who gets the most attention but who makes the biggest difference.
What is some progress you hope to have with your character in the future?
I hope that he’ll be happier and find more friends. He’ll be the best person he can be and hopefully that’ll make a good impact here.
What is one thing you would tell your character?
I would tell him that it wasn’t his fault. That he doesn’t have to carry all of that pain with him and that it’s okay to let it go and let others help you. I would tell him he’s an amazing person who deserves every bit of love he gets.
What has been YOUR favorite thing about walt?
I love that it’s a place of creativity. We can do so much and grow not only the characters but ourselves too. Opening the doors of ourselves to others and meeting new people and forming connections.
Has your experience been a positive one? (BE HONEST YO.)
It has. I was here a long time ago and I carry the memories from then in my heart. Coming back was an emotional roller-coaster but I’m glad I did. It’s been hard getting the hang of things and at times it feels like some people have built a wall and don’t want anyone else to come in. This place is magic if you go out beyond the same 2 or 3 people. I hope those walls drop and everyone feels like they belong.
Got a favorite memory? Share it!
My favorite memory this time around? I think that would be Lightning finding Dusty again. The way they greeted each other and instantly fell into friendship was awesome. I live for healthy friendships that help each other grow.
There was a tie for Francesco finding out Lightning has an issue and going out of his way to help him. Because that is a true friend.
What are you looking forward too in the future?
I’m looking forward to watching Lightning grow out of this shell he’s put himself in. I’m looking forward to him gaining friends, (and hopefully someone adding his Cars friends to the mix!) and let’s be honest, I can’t wait for him to accept the love Francesco is so lovingly giving him.
Have you had a favorite event? Favorite plot? Share it right here
One of my favorite events from the old days was genderswap. It was so fun having them deal being a different gender. I think superhero event was cool too. I’m a big superhero nerd.
Favorite character that’s not your own and why
Kinda hard to narrow it down but…
I love Francesco. He is literally the funniest. I love how he deals with people and life because it’s not the best way but it’s his way.
Dustin Crophopper. I absolutely love him. He just makes my day so much better and he’s a sassy sweetheart and I love him. 
I also love Shaggy and Fred and Eeyore. They’re all so awesome and Lightning is already attached. They’re just so well thought out and I live for characters who thrive like that. Also Alicia, you are the best and I love you.
Ideas, shoutouts, request, dedications, questions? Put ‘em here!
@alwaysa-winner Who would I be without you? In and out of rp, you are my partner in crime and I’m glad I have you in my life. You came into my life through RP so it’s just awesome we’re still doing this and thriving.
@wallyspade Zulema. I am glad that Walt is still here. There will never be anything that gives me such nostalgia and warms my heart like what you’ve built here. I met you here and that is worth more then anything. Thank you for taking me back.
@whydidyoutakemeaway Kaitlyn, I love you okay? I love talking to you and plotting with you. You are the sweetest and I will literally do anything for you. I’m glad I came back and I’m even happier that you’re happy I’m back too.
@fawneverwould I just met you and I love you. I love your babies and I love how sweet and welcoming you are. You try so hard to be kind to everyone and make sure everyone feels loved and I hope that you feel the love you give in return.
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leafmedic · 7 years
-takes a deep breath- HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NIKKI!! 
As promised, I wrote you a little something and I hope you’ll enjoy it. Do whatever you like with, keep it, delete it, post it, whatever. I got the idea when we were talking a while back and tried my best to make it as good as it sounded in my head. Turned out a bit shorter than I wanted but quality over quantity. …Oh well.
Thank you for being such a wonderful friend and rp partner. I hope you’ll have a fabulous birthday <3
He was fully aware of Sakura’s warmth against him as he pointed upwards. The sky was clear that night; a deep dark blue stretching across the horizon like an ocean to swim in, dotted with countless of stars. Taking in the view, Sasuke made out some constellations, and it reminded him of the sailor Kaichi who had taught him about their meanings and how to find them in the masses. 
“Do you see the four stars over there?” Sasuke asked. “They seem a bit bigger than the others, that’s why you can discern them rather easily.” They were lucky spring had just started for, normally, the constellation was clearest in winter.  His outstretched finger moved from one star to the other, drawing the motive in the air. One straight line, then a half-circle crossing it in the last third of its length. 
From the corner of his eye, he noticed Sakura watching him intently. It caused his smirk to widen and prompted him to move closer against her. Their arms were touching, their shoulders moved against each other as part of Sasuke’s torso connected with her back. The air was a bit chilly so closeness helped warm each other up. 
Once he was settled more snugly against her, his head close to touching hers, Sasuke continued, “That one’s called the trident. A seaman told me that it belongs to the Goddess of the Waters and that she places it there to guide those she favors. It’s said that the tip always points West but that it will send you East instead if you mistreat the sea you travel on.” He chuckled as he remembered a certain detail of the story. 
He looked away from the sky and focused on Sakura’s face instead. “Apparently, this goddess has a terrible temper and opens up the earth with her wrath if pushed far enough.” The goddess of sea and earthquakes, both.
As soon as he ended, he directed her attention to another collection of stars. Again, he used his finger to guide her. This time, it was a sole dot, sparkling brightly. “It’s referred to as Fukuro,” he explained. “The star that guilds you ‘homewards’. 
“Same as the trident, it is used to navigate on the sea when neither compass nor map can tell you which direction to head towards. Apparently, it’s more reliable than the trident since no goddess rules over its position on the sky.” He doubted the story but trusted its core. Should he ever find himself lost, he would remember it and search for Furuko. Kaichi had encouraged him to remember this star in particular for a reason. 
But, despite the sailor’s many tales, Sasuke knew of a constellation that Kaichi had never as much as heard of before. The look on his face had been priceless; widened eyes and opened mouth before a warm, honest laugh had bubbled from his throat. 
“This one, “ Sasuke smiled. “Is called lovers.” 
Its form was hardly recognizable as people due to its simplicity, but he figured that most constellations existed in name alone. Nevertheless, he always found this one in particular, when it first emerged in March and vanished again in June. Five stars that together formed what resembled the letter ‘A’. Where the lines connected on the top, the lovers’ head were touching, and the horizontal line in the middle symbolized their arms, firmly holding onto each other. That, at least, was how Sasuke interpreted it.
“My mother told me about it when I was little,” he admitted. “She said that there is but one thing stronger than a lover’s embrace.” His expression softened as he looked back to this moment. “…Her own. That’s what she said.” He huffed, a short shaking of his shoulders. Her words had blurred over the years but the message he remembered clearly to this day: ‘No love is stronger than a mother’s love for her child.’
He’d forgotten many things. It was part of life, forgetting what wasn’t in front of you. He wondered what other things he would forget about, and if the faces of his relatives would some day blur completely before his inner eye. Years of separation did all sorts of things to people, and eternal separation was the cruelest of all  His thoughts wandered and so he fell silent. But he did not get lost in them for arms pulled him close and lips found his jawline. Sasuke hummed. 
By now, he could acknowledge that Sakura had grown to be his strength. She pulled him up when he was down and kept him upright in the darkest of days. She taught him forgiveness. Without her, he wouldn’t have healed to this extent, he wouldn’t continue to heal and become the best version of himself. Similar to how the trident and Fukuro guided sailors, maybe the lovers had guided him to Sakura. The thought dispersed his worried completely and instead filled him with warmth. 
Sasuke thought that maybe his mother had been mistaken. Every love had the potential to become the strongest, the most intense. Sakura’s embrace could be firmer than steel if she willed it. In a way, it felt as if they received his mother’s blessing in this moment. Sasuke knew she would’ve loved Sakura, would’ve immediately accepted her upon getting to know her. The thought made him smile against Sakura’s lips as he kissed her.
It couldn’t get any better than that.
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avoidcrowdraws · 2 years
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Love is wild~
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avoidcrowdraws · 2 years
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Nap time for Spring and Winter~
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avoidcrowdraws · 1 year
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Winter and Spring going for a run in Spring's realm
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avoidcrowdraws · 1 year
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Winter and Spring~
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avoidcrowdraws · 1 year
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Dance of Spring and Winter
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avoidcrowdraws · 2 years
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'Please stay.'
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avoidcrowdraws · 2 years
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Spring showing Winter around his realm, with definitely no distractions
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avoidcrowdraws · 2 years
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More Winter and Spring~
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avoidcrowdraws · 2 years
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Winter’s breath is a little cold~
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