#spreadsheet superhero
thedaily-beer · 7 months
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Resident Spreadsheet Superhero Red Rye IPA (Picked up at Windmill Farms). A 3 of 4. This is a favorite style of mine, and this has what you'd expect -- a nice pine and citrus nose, a body with some caramel malt sweetness and rye spiciness, and a moderately aggressive bitterness in the finish. This was a bit more citrus-forward than I was expecting and the body is nice and light, and it's quite good.
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starrykitty013 · 1 year
Him and his lil spreadsheets
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fahbev · 11 months
Been on a comic binge and I wanna talk about it, but I don’t wanna make my friends listen to me nerd about shit they know nothing about for hours, so I am rotating which people i send screenshots to.
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suzukiblu · 6 months
TimKon PANIC please!!!!
“Repeat that,” Tim says slowly. Kon gives him a defensive look. 
“I panicked, okay?” he repeats. 
“And ‘panicking’ meant you decided to kidnap . . . how many kids, exactly?” 
“Right,” Tim says. “Okay, so . . . you ‘rescued’ how many kids, then?” 
“. . . I didn’t count,” Kon lies. Tim rubs at his temples for a moment, then looks towards the Titans Tower common room that is currently spilling over with toddler to preteen-aged clones of way, way too many assorted superheroes with a genuinely alarming array of powers. Just–way too many. There’s at least one Atlantean, definitely a couple of Amazons, a whole mess of Martians, a preteen “Nightwing” and “Starfire” who won’t talk to anyone but each other and Kon, too many speedsters to count and a whole flock’s worth of Thangarians, and a blonde toddler that Kon has been very careful about not letting scream.
Oh, and also a couple of sassy and unsettlingly cheerful little boys with black hair and blue eyes and genuinely alarming IQ scores who look just about exactly like Bruce’s baby pictures. Can’t forget those two, for sure. 
Tim would be less weirded out by that one if the little Green Lanterns hadn’t decided the baby Batmans were their favorites and semi-adopted them, probably. Like that one’s just weird. 
And he’d be way less weirded out in general if Kon wasn’t currently holding what is, undeniably, a sassy and unsettlingly cheerful little boy with black hair and blue eyes and genuinely alarming IQ score who looks just about exactly like his baby pictures. Also there’s a pair of blonde demigod eight year-olds and a few more speedsters hanging off him. But mostly it’s the “exactly like his baby pictures” baseline human that’s weirding Tim out right now. 
Which is . . . not the ideal reaction to be having, he’s aware, so he just . . . exhales, and then pulls out his phone and opens a new spreadsheet. 
“Okay then,” he says. “First things first: inventory.” 
Kon looks relieved, then grins brightly at him. Tim half-distractedly wonders if there’s any little demi-Kryptonians anywhere in this mess, and then feels very embarrassed about his own reaction to that idea. 
In his defense, it’s bad enough that Kon’s holding specifically the kid that looks just like him right now.
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thisisnotthenerd · 2 months
active stat tracking for never stop blowing up: episode 3
check out the spreadsheet here
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we're getting into the groove of things; everyone has at least a d8 for their highest value. we got our first d12 and our first d20 in this episode, from jennifer drips and g13 respectively. this means that they can auto-succeed on rolls under half their die value when not high stakes; for g13 that means any dc <10 tech check.
jennifer/russell currently has the best average distribution, with 6 skills blown up: 1d6, 4d8, and 1d12. vic/wendell isn't far behind, with 6 skills: 3d6, 1d8, and 2d10. on the other end of the scale, jack/paula, g13/usha, and greg/dang are specialized, with a relatively high success rate for their best skills. kingskin/liv is a bit of an outlier, with only 3 skills and a d8 to hot, but has some in-character abilities that make up for any deficit, e.g. reputation and unbelievable stunts (the grenade).
it's fun to watch how the mechanics reflect the story; it's self-evident that the more one rolls in a skill the more likely they are to blow it up. that's how we get g13's d20 in tech and jennifer's d12 in sneak. but the distributions also reflect how the character archetypes work:
jack manhattan is a hardy cop with a gun. best skill is weapons, with stunts, tough, and wits blown up as well. he doesn't need to be doing the more specialized skills, i.e. drive, tech--he's an investigator.
kingskin is a mafia don; he has people to do things for him. best skill is hot, with stunts and tough blown up as well. the fact that he doesn't have as high of die values comes down to luck, in part, but also to fewer rolls, given that he can succeed based on reputation.
greg stocks is an international spy; he has to be able to pull of the impossible and survive. best skills are stunts and tough, with weapons and wits blown up as well. he tends to prioritize his better skills in order to ensure success in the face of potential disaster.
vic ethanol is a guy whose superpower is car, but we haven't gotten him in a car for very long. best skills are tough and hot, with brawl, stunts, weapons, and drive blown up as well. he has to be more well rounded--when he's not working the specialty other skills have to come into play. he’s the only one who’s blown up in drive—i suspect as we come into the race that this will change, but vic will still be the driver of the group.
jennifer drips is a femme fatale spy. best skill is sneak, with brawl, tough, wits, hot, and weapons blown up as well. she has to be able to do it all; her strengths are split around the board so that she can get herself in and out of scrapes unscathed.
g13 is a genius hacker. best skill is tech, with stunts, sneak, and wits blown up as well. he has to be one of the best in the business to compete against the superhero types. he’s the only one to have blown up in tech, but is at a d20, and so serves as the tech specialist for the group.
paula donvalson / jack manhattan
abilities: duelist, burglar, trained (brawl)
stunts: d6
brawl: d4
tough: d6
tech: d4
weapons: d10
drive: d4
sneak: d4
wits: d6
hot: d4
liv skyler / kingskin
abilities: wealthy, menacing, demolitions
stunts: d6
brawl: d4
tough: d6
tech: d4
weapons: d4
drive: d4
sneak: d4
wits: d4
hot: d8
andy 'dang' litefoot / greg stocks
abilities: trained (brawl), trained (weapons), smokin'
stunts: d10
brawl: d4
tough: d10
tech: d4
weapons: d6
drive: d4
sneak: d4
wits: d6
hot: d4
wendell morris / vic ethanol
abilities: transporter, protector, trouble maker
stunts: d6
brawl: d8
tough: d10
tech: d4
weapons: d6
drive: d6
sneak: d4
wits: d4
hot: d10
russell feeld / jennifer drips
abilities: trained (hot), neck snapper, quick healing
stunts: d4
brawl: d8
tough: d8
tech: d4
weapons: d6
drive: d4
sneak: d12
wits: d8
hot: d8
usha rao / g13
abilities: transporter, hacker, trained (wits)
stunts: d6
brawl: d4
tough: d4
tech: d20
weapons: d4
drive: d4
sneak: d6
wits: d6
hot: d4
group abilities: la familia (stepping in for a tough roll, lending tokens at a 1:1, sharing skill dice for optimization)
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polkadotpenguin16 · 2 months
The Five Stages of Grief: Denial
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Pairing: Sonny Carisi x female reader
Tags: more angst; language
Word count: 1,871
Previous parts: Prologue
You went from crying on your bathroom floor to your best friend’s kitchen. Floors seemed to be the best place for a mental breakdown. Your friend wasn’t much of a drinker, but she did have a couple boxes of white wine meant for cooking. She said this was a much better use.
It did the trick.
You couldn’t believe you just walked away from Sonny like that. But you felt like you had no other options. You’ve spent far too long in relationships, both romantic and platonic, being someone’s second choice. Waiting for them to choose you. You couldn’t do it again.
“And he just stood there trying to explain why he just HAD to help AMANDA tonight.” You were retelling the night’s events, a little tipsy from the shitty wine. “How could he think that was okay? Spending all night at some other woman’s house?! How can someone be so smart, and so cute, and so…fucking stupid?”
“Probably all that hair gel,” she suggested nonchalantly. “Too thick to let any commonsense in.”
That made you snort through your nose. She was always good at making heavy situations feel lighter.
“I’m really sorry, girlfriend. You deserve better.” She tenderly rubbed your shoulder, trying to soothe your broken heart. “But you know Sonny. He’s a little…thick…but he’s got a big heart. He just wants to help everyone. That’s why you fell in love with him, remember? Sonny the Superman?”
“Whatever.” You took another swig from the box. “It’s probably better this way.”
“Hey, now, you don’t mean that—”
“I DO mean that! I was never good enough for him!” You were getting animated, spilling wine everywhere. “You’re right—he’s Superman. He needs to be with somebody just as super. Someone he can fight crimes with. Or talk about his lawyer-y stuff with who actually understands him. I mean, who knows what the hell he’s talking about? He should come with a translator. And build a perfect life with them. Y’know, the two-and-a-half kids, a dog, and the white picket fence and shit!”
You started crying again. How did you have any tears left? “He deserves the best. And she’s it! Hell, he’s probably been in love with her since they met. Why he settled for a nobody like me in the first place, I’ll never know. I’m no superhero. My power is organizing spreadsheets and tripping over my own feet. He could have Wonder Woman. Why would he want to be stuck with…whoever the fuck Superman’s lame girlfriend is!”
Your friend was quiet, letting you vent and trying to find the right words. “I know it seems that way right now.” She softens her voice, forcing you to listen more intently to hear her. “That this is all doom and gloom. Just give it time. Have some grace. His love is genuine, and he never considered it settling. You’ll work everything out.”
Resting your head against the refrigerator, you sighed. “I don’t think this can be fixed, girl. Maybe…maybe it shouldn’t be.”
She leaned in for a hug, wrapping you tightly in her embrace. You sob into her shoulder, deeply leaning into her for support. You sat silently for a while, the same thought echoing over and over in your mind.
Maybe it’s better this way…
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Sonny was brought out of his trance by his alarm buzzing. He hadn’t slept at all. He just kept replaying what happened last night. It was in crystal clear high-definition in his head. How heartbroken you were. How hurt you were.
Then you just disappeared.
He hoped you’d text him when you got to your friend’s place like he asked. For his peace of mind and a sign that you didn’t completely hate him. Anxiously staring at his phone for much longer than he knew it would take you to get there, it felt like his heart was going to erupt from his chest. The list of horrific things that could’ve happened to you was getting too long. Desperate, Sonny texted your friend. He just had to know where you were. It wasn’t until after 2 in the morning that he got a reply.
Yeah she’s here.
Well, at least he knew you were safe. Still uneasy, he dared to ask if you were okay. Deep down, he already knew the answer, and it was reinforced by her response.
You think she’d be here if she was okay? Give her some time. When she’s ready, you better fix this mess you made.
This disconnect was torturing him. He wanted to fix things now. But your friend was right. He resigned himself to waiting until you came back later.
He tries his best to put himself together and heads to the precinct. Dragging his feet, he stumbled into the bullpen.
“You get hit by a bus on the way?” Rollins immediately noticed his haggard appearance. “You look like crap.”
“Good morning to you, too,” he muttered sitting at his desk, head in his hands, trying to collect himself.
“What, your girlfriend kick you out or something?” Fin joked from his seat.
“Actually, she left last night.”
“Wait, really?” Rollins was surprised to hear this. He made the two of you sound like a fairytale love story. You were his favorite topic and would bring you up in every conversation he could. She wondered what could have changed.
Fin glared at him suspiciously. “Whaddya do?”
Sonny took a deep breath. “I, uh, forgot about our date last night, and I, sorta…stood her up.” He was mentally kicking himself for being such a moron. The guilt made his stomach churn and his head throb.
“Dude...” Fin sat back in his chair and leered.
“I know, I know. I was helping Rollins, and I just—I spaced it. She packed a bag and went to stay with her friend.”
“That’s a bit of an overreaction, don’t you think?” Rollins tilted her head back and forth as she weighed out his actions. “But I get why she’d be upset. You should’ve told me you had plans, Carisi.”
Sonny buried his face deeper into his hands, feeling even guiltier.
“Stood her up? She ain’t ever gonna forget that, man,’” Fin remarked, rubbing salt into his wounds.
“But it’s gonna be fine.” Sonny sat up with a newfound determination. “We’ll talk tonight when she gets back. I’ll beg for forgiveness, and it’ll all work out.”
Rollins looked at him skeptically. “You sure about that?”
“Of course, I’m sure!” He huffed, astonished she would even ask. “Couples fight, it’s natural. They kiss, they make up, and things go back to how they were.”
“Most fights don’t include the girl leaving in the middle of the night,” Fin pointed out.
“She just—she needed some time to cool down.” You’ve always been able to resolve your arguments. They’d never been this intense before, but Sonny was confident this was all going to blow over. “She’s gonna come home and we’ll talk. I’m gonna fix this, and this will all have been a horrible dream.”
“If you say so.” Sounding unconvinced, she returned to her laptop.
Luckily, it was a slow day at the station. A rarity as of late. Sonny busted his hump finishing all his paperwork so he could ask Benson if he could head out early.
“Leaving so soon?” Rollins questioned as he put on his coat.
“Gotta run to the store and grab some things for dinner. I want everything to be perfect when she gets back.”
“I’d be picking up some flowers if I were you,” Fin advised as he sipped his coffee.
“That too—the whole nine yards.”
“Well, best of luck to you,” she hollered as he sprinted toward the elevator.
He went to the store and picked up everything to make chicken marsala. It was the first dish he ever cooked for you. He bought extra ingredients so he would have enough leftovers for you to have lunch for work tomorrow.
He swung by the flower stand to pick up a bouquet of sunflowers—your favorites. He planned out his apology in his head on the way back. Thinking of all the ways he messed up and how he would rectify them.
When he got home, he called out to you, but didn’t hear a response. Setting the bags down, he looked around the apartment to see that you weren’t home yet. Concerned, he checked his watch. It was a little early. You were probably still at work. He unpacked the groceries and started preparing dinner.
After washing the produce and still no sign of you, worry started to creep in. He knew you needed some space last night, but surely, you’d come back soon. He was positive you missed him as much as he missed you. So, he decided to send you a text.
Hey doll, what time are you coming home? Getting dinner on the stove and want it to be ready when you get back.
There was no answer. Five minutes turned into ten. He chopped up the mushrooms and garlic and let them sauté in the pan before checking his phone. There was still nothing. He opened a bottle of beer to help settle his nerves. It was half-way gone when he checked again.
Still, nothing.
Not wanting to panic yet, he texted you again.
I’m sorry about last night. I really need to talk to you. I miss you.
Several more minutes passed. He could see the messages labeled as “read” on his phone. You just weren’t responding. Skipping past panic and going into full-blown hysteria, he fumbled with his phone trying to call you. He paced around the kitchen anxiously while listening to the phone ring.
Once. Twice. Three times.
He heard the call pick up after the fourth ring. But he couldn’t hear anyone on the other end. “Doll?” He asked hesitantly, wondering if you had actually answered.
He barely heard a whisper, “…yes…”
“Doll, are you okay?! When are you coming home?” He was frantic, talking a mile a minute. “Please come back! I’m really sorry and have to talk to you—I need to explain. We’ve gotta work this out. Just please—I need you to come home!”
You silently wept while listening to him ramble. You wanted to believe this could all be fixed, but your heart was telling you it would be futile. The cycle would just continue. What would happen the next time someone else needed him? Would you be enough?
“I’m sorry…” You were barely able to get your words out. “I can’t.”
“What do you mean you can’t?!” It felt like his whole world was slipping through his fingers. Like water through a sieve. He was unable to stop it or even slow it down. “We have to fix this! Please come home!”
“I love you, but I just…” The line went quiet. He called out your name once, twice, but it was useless.
You were gone.
Sonny had never felt so defeated in his life. Slumping against the counter, he slammed his phone down. His eyes started to feel wet. He stood in the kitchen and quietly cried, taken aback by the fallout of one night. One mistake. One forgotten date.
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Greetings, fellow women lovers!
Do you ever look at a woman in a relationship with a man and think "damn. that guy treats her awfully. she would have been much better off if she dated me another woman instead."?
I do. Often in fact. Here, we ask the eternal question: would lesbianism save her?
Submit your blorbos here, and have the internet judge their fate!
Plus, have a look at the spreadsheet to see who's already been submitted!
One character per submission
if you include spoilers in your propaganda, please say so so i can mark it accordingly
No real people
No harry potter characters
Justification/propaganda is not necessary, but it is preferred
Be civil! any bigotry or harassment will result in a block
Queue is currently set at 6 posts a day. Characters will be posted in order of submission.
FAQ under the cut!
What if the character is from a non-visual media? (a book, podcast, etc)
Don’t worry about it! Just mention that there aren’t any pictures of them, and I’ll find a book/podcast cover to use as the image. If you have a preference on which I use, just link it like you would a character photo.
can we submit fanart for the character photo?
You can use fanart, however you have to have permission from the artist. If any artists find their art on this blog when it shouldn't be, let me know and I will remove it immediately.
How long does it take for characters to be posted?
The queue currently has about two weeks’ worth of characters. Generally, expect about 1-3 weeks between submission and posting. If you want to be notified when it goes live, add your username into the form and I’ll tag you!
How can I contact you if I have any questions about/ suggestions for the blog?
My asks are open! I don’t bite, I promise, and I’m more than willing to change things up if needed :D
What if the character is from multiple medias?
List the one you want in the post title OR the overall name of the media in the “source media” section, and then list anything that you also want tagged in the “additional information" section. For example, if you wanted to submit Superhero Lady, you might put “Marvel Cinematic Universe” in the source media and then “Superhero Lady is cool the movie, Superhero Lady returns, Superhero Lady: Avengers” in the additional information section. Please be clear with where the character is from, as I don’t know 90% of these characters.
What else is the “additional information” section for?
Anything you want to let me know, really. If your propaganda contains spoilers, then you can say so here. Additionally, by default I refer to all characters as “she”, so if you want me to use another pronoun, you can let me know here.
What do you count as spoilers?
Any information about the plot of a media that has been out for a month or less at the time of submission, and any major plot information/ plot twists/ reveals that may significantly impact somebodies experience of any media, regardless of the release date of the media. This does not apply if you are submitting characters from classical literature.
Brought to you by Mod M (they/she). If I ever do something stupid and/ or incompetent, let me know so I can fix it. My only qualification for running this blog is that I'm currently winning lesbianism.
Inspired by blogs such as:
@couldtransitionhavesavedthem @couldaromanticismsavethem @couldpolyamorysavethem @couldtransitionsaveher @couldfatnesshavesavedthem @is-your-blorbo-neurodivergent @aretheyqueer
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clay-cuttlefish · 9 months
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Have you ever wondered what was up with that faceless guy from Justice League Unlimited? Or how that recurring cop from Batman the Animated Series ended up as a vigilante? Or just really wanted to read about some pulp detectives having existential crises while trying to be superheroes?
Well, this is the excessively detailed spreadsheet for you!
Featuring every single appearance* of both Vic Sage and Renee Montoya, as well as the other characters who've temporarily taken up the mantle, categorized by how much they show up and how important it is to their arcs. Also includes content warnings and my notes, which are mostly just rambling.
*currently just comics. TV/movies/video games will be coming shortly. I'm avoiding watching Gotham.
Please let me know if there's anything I could fix or improve!
Thanks to @megamind2010 for the template.
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therobotmonster · 1 year
So many kid's toys these days just. Arn't fun. They're designed to be COLLECTED rather than PLAYED with. Everything is a fucking blindbag. Materials are flimsy and cheap and designs don't hold up to an actual child throwing them around. And it's all so EXPENSIVE, even accounting for inflation.
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To expand on my thoughts here, I'm unrolling a Twitter thread I made about this trend. (with some additions)
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The Big H's handling of mainline figs is... distressing, of late. Very little push for show mains, oversupport of already saturated legacy characters, and some frankly unsettling engineering and materials choices (esp in Cyberverse).
Increase in overall fragility, thinner parts, styrene-on-styrene joints that will go floppy in a few months of light play, very little "clicks" or locks solidly... the passion is clearly in the collector's end, and that's just bass ackwards.
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This repugnus would have been amazing triumph from Mego in 1970s. But for a mainline big H TF line in the 2020s? This is a backslide. And before anyone brings up that it's from the kids' line, that's the point. They're KIDS, they should get MORE care and effort in their merch.
Every toy you make might be a kid's only birthday gift or holiday present. Toys are /given/ to children, and if the work is subpar, you make a chump out of grandma. You won't be there to blame if it breaks or disappoints.
It seriously drives me nuts seeing how far the stuff-for-kids industries have fallen. There's no brands without the work, but as the poet DMX said: "these cats done forgot what work is."
All your blockbuster superhero empires start in the pulp gutters. Compared to the movies toys, games and comics will never be profitable ENOUGH to be worth it on a billion-dollar scale ledger.
"Give me mighty oaks! There's no profit in acorns!"
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If you want the stuff that makes the Michael Bay blockbuster, you have to start with the stupid goofy cartoon no one had seen before where anxiety over the oil crisis was acted out by robotic Punch and Judy puppets. How many studios would greenlight TMNT or TF sight unseen today?
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If you make toys and cartoons and video games, your job is to make kids happy. How is that not sacred? If anything is sacred it should be that.
Art is the act of evoking emotion, and fun is an emotion (what else could it be described as?) and it is SO IMPORTANT.
I fear that gets lost in the "what to do over next?" rush. Every artist at those companies has a dozen amazing ideas in their back pocket that won't get a chance to become the next Transformers because a studio is terrified they'll make Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors instead.
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Since the world is run by Captain Planet villains, I wouldn't bat an eye if we found out venture capital was a ploy by some disgruntled warlock who just hates the goddamn Care Bears.
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Just some dick at Bear Sterns singing "There's no room for joy on a spreadsheet" to a weaselly sidekick.
Cuz guys, we've got companies that make GAMES for CHILDREN hiring the Pinkertons. I repeat. Games. For. Children. That's not normal. That's not a normal thing. That is a very disturbing thing.
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And its hard to even discuss without sounding like a frickin' Care Bear myself. Because how do you sum up the creeping dread that the support beams are being mined thin, and everything fun for kids will go the way of Toys-R-Us, dragged down like Artax.
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I'm not advocating pure altruism here. There's plenty of money to be made giving kids an awesome experience. It's investing in future fandom. Real Brand loyalty. If you want the blockbuster 15 years from now, get them hooked on the fun cartoon now. The value-add always pays off.
For every Transformers or He-Man there's going to be several Robotix-es or Power Lords. That's a risk. A risk worth taking. New ideas should be easier and cheaper to bring to fruition now than ever. But the system won't let it happen.
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tepkunset · 2 years
Moon Knight says Ben Grimm of all people sends him a Hanukkah card every year. I like the idea of Ben keeping an Excel spreadsheet of all the Jewish superheroes.
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pacificwaternymph · 7 months
Okay it's just occurred to me that since Carmen grew up on VILE Isle, where they didn't have any access to the outside world, she probably never got to see any movies.
Do Zack and Ivy start insisting on regular movie nights to catch her up on everything she's missed? Do they show her Star Wars? The Princess Bride? Legally Blonde? Superhero movies? Disney movies? Does Player have a spreadsheet of things they still need to show her?
Do you guys think they show her heist movies and then try to determine if those heists would actually work in real life?
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mariacallous · 5 months
For almost a decade, Nick Roy has been scanning North Korea’s tiny internet presence, spotting new websites coming online and providing a glimpse of the Hermit Kingdoms’ digital life. However, at the end of last year, the cybersecurity researcher and DPRK blogger stumbled across something new: signs North Koreans are working on major international TV shows.
In December, Roy discovered a misconfigured cloud server on a North Korean IP address containing thousands of animation files. Included in the cache were animation cells, videos, and notes discussing the work, plus changes that needed to be made to ongoing projects. Some images appeared to be from an Amazon Prime Video superhero show and an upcoming Max (aka HBO Max) children’s anime.
The findings and security lapse—detailed in a report by the Stimson Center think tank's North Korea–focused 38 North Project, which helped analyze the findings along with Google-owned security firm Mandiant—provide a glimpse at how North Korea can use skilled IT and tech workers to raise funds for its heavily sanctioned regime. It also comes as US officials increasingly warn about North Korean IT workers infiltrating companies and their outsourcing.
North Korea’s internet is a small—and fragile—space. The repressive nation only has 1,024 IP addresses and around 30 websites that connect to the global internet. While there is a limited internal intranet, only a few thousand of the country’s 26 million people can get on the internet. When they do, it’s highly controlled: These select few North Koreans can use the internet for an hour at a time and have a person sitting next to them approving their use every five minutes.
When Roy discovered the exposed cloud server, it was being updated on a daily basis. Martyn Williams, a senior fellow on the 38 North Project who helped analyze the contents of the server, says the server likely allowed work to be sent to and from North Korean animators. The server itself is still live, but it mysteriously stopped being used at the end of February. While there is a login page, its contents can be accessed without a username and password. “I found the login page after I found all the exposed files,” Roy says.
Inside, the files contained editing comments and instructions in Chinese which were translated to Korean, the researchers write in their report. “For a lot of the animation files, we would find things like spreadsheets with details of the workflow,” Williams says. A sample of the files shared with WIRED show detailed anime images and video clips, with notes for the authors and date stamps on various files. In one instance, the report says, an animator was “asked to improve the shape of the character’s head.”
Based on the documents and drawings, the researchers were able to identify some of the shows and projects the North Koreans were working on. Some of the projects included work from season 3 of the Amazon show Invincible, which is produced by California-based Skybound Entertainment. There were also documents linked to Max and Cartoon Network show Iyanu: Child of Wonder, produced by YouNeek Studios, as well as files from a Japanese anime series and an animation studio in Japan.
Some file names gave away clues about the series and episode numbers. There were also files and projects the researchers could not identify—including a “bunch of files” with videos of horses and a Russian book on horses, Williams says.
Sanctions placed upon the North Korean regime, for its ongoing human rights abuses and nuclear warfare programs, prohibit US companies from working with DPRK companies or individuals. However, the researchers say it is highly unlikely that any companies involved would have a clue about North Korean animators working on the shows, and there is nothing suggesting the companies violated any sanctions or other laws. “It is likely that the contracting arrangement was several steps downstream from the major producers,” the report says.
Spokespeople for Amazon and Max spokesperson declined to comment for this story. YouNeek Studios did not respond to a request for comment.
“We do not work with North Korean companies, or Chinese companies on Invincible, or any affiliated entities, and have no knowledge of any North Korean or Chinese companies working on Invincible,” a spokesperson for Skybound Entertainment says. “We take any claims very seriously and have commenced an investigation into this.” In a post on X, the company characterized the findings as “unconfirmed” and said it is working with authorities to investigate.
Williams says it is possible that a front company in China is used to help disguise the activity and involvement of North Koreans. The researchers were able to analyze connections to the exposed server and, despite most having their location masked by a VPN, spotted access from Spain and three Chinese cities. “All three cities are known to have many North Korean–operated businesses and are main centers for North Korea’s IT workers who live overseas,” the report says.
While Williams says the researchers did not find any identifiable names of North Korean organizations buried in the files, the country has a well-established animation company called April 26 Animation Studio, which is also known as SEK Studio. Originally set up in the 1950s, the studio has worked on hundreds of international TV shows and movies.
However, in recent years, the US Treasury Department has sanctioned SEK Studios, individuals linked to it, and various “front companies” that it says are used to “work for foreign customers.” Many of these have links to China, according to the sanctions. “SEK Studio has utilized an assortment of front companies to evade sanctions targeting the government of the DPRK and to deceive international financial institutions,” a statement issued as part of the sanctions in 2021 says.
The main aim of these efforts, says Michael Barnhart, a North Korea researcher at Mandiant, is to raise money for the North Korean regime. The country’s hackers and scammers have stolen and extorted billions of dollars to help fund its military ambitions in recent years, including from huge cryptocurrency heists. In early 2022, the FBI issued a 16-page alert warning companies that remote North Korean freelance IT workers were infiltrating businesses to earn money they could funnel back home.
“The volume is much higher than we were expecting,” Barnhart says of North Korea’s IT workers. They are constantly changing their tactics to avoid being caught, he says. “We had one not too long ago, where during the interview, the person’s mouth was just off-frame. You could tell that someone in the background was speaking on their behalf.” Technically, Barnhart says, companies should verify their remote workers’ devices and make sure that there is no remote software connecting to a company laptop or network. Businesses should also put extra efforts at the hiring stage by training HR staff to detect possible IT workers.
However, he says, increasingly there is a greater crossover between North Korean IT workers and individuals who are members of known hacking groups or classified as advanced persistent threats (APTs). “The more we focus on IT workers, the more we’re starting to see APT operators and efforts blending in with those,” he says. “This might be the most quick learning-on-your-feet, nimble nation-state that I've ever seen.”
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jasmancer · 1 year
diving back into reading comics so here are some tips from a former comic store employee:
There is so much more than superhero comics out there. Seriously. The comic book format has been host to groundbreaking autobiographies, subversive fantasy and sci fi, experimental horror, mysteries, romance, barbarian babe booby comics, you name it
If u do really want to get into Marvel or DC superhero comics I'd recommend that you pick a character with a smaller catalogue to get started, and/or find some writers you like and look through their catalogue. A lot of comic writers for the big 2 have great original stuff that gets overlooked. There's also a good chance an author you like has written a comic series!
If you want to read a certain character and don't know where to start just look up (character) reading guide !! a lot of comics Tumblr make them and you'd be surprised just how obscure our blorbos can get.
If you can think of a property, there's a 90% chance a comic of it exists. I have stocked Three Stooges comics before. The industry knows no bounds
If ur USAmerican your library probably has access to the service Hoopla which has tons of comics on it. Seriously you can read them for free in a legitimate way on your phone or computer and all you need is a library card. The app is even set up so you can read panel-by-panel instead of having to zoom way in on text boxes and speech bubbles
KEEP TRACK OF WHAT YOURE READING. I seriously cannot tell you how many times I've started a comic and really enjoyed it only to leave it unfinished because I found another series and got so excited I forgot about the other one. I personally use a spreadsheet I found by looking up a book tracker on Google sheets and modifying it to suit comic books.
If you want to buy comics, I'd recommend you get them in TPB (Trade Paperback) volumes AKA ~Graphic Novels~ instead of individual issues. Typically these will collect a series and each book will be 5-6 issues of a comic apiece, and you can even find some that collect important appearances of certain characters or events that arent necessarily held together by one series. Saves money, time, and space
Good places to get secondhand comics in any format include thriftbooks(dot)com, secondhand book stores with comic bins and graphic novel sections like Half Price Books or Vintage Stock, and mycomicshop(dot)com. Looking through comic bins can be kinda daunting, especially if they're not well organized so I mostly recommend going to the graphic novel shelves instead. If you do want to go digging it's definitely fun though and I'd recommend bringing a buddy so you can show each other weird obscure comics you find and giggle
9/10 times comic books are NOT the investment you think they are. The industry takes advantage of this misconception a lot to try and boost sales that have been falling for decades at this point. I personally wouldn't recommend buying individual issues of series unless they're like a short miniseries or oneshots. I could get into what actually makes a comic book go up in value but this post is already long as hell so I'll just leave it here
Now go forth and read!!!
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aidanchaser · 11 months
Full Exposure [REMIX]
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remixed from Full Exposure by @ladyofthenoodle for the @mlsquaredance event! A huge thank you for organizing it. It has been such a blast and such a boost to my creativity this past month.
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beta'd by @ccboomer and @sunshinemarauder
Marinette snaps her laptop closed and groans into Alya’s pillow. She is so tired of looking at empty bank accounts and red spreadsheets. “How am I supposed to afford anything at this rate?” she whines.
“Out of noodle-dollars already?” Alya asks without looking up from her tablet.
Marinette rolls over to stare at the ceiling. “It’s impossible to be a student full-time, have a full-time unpaid internship, and work enough hours to buy food and pay rent and every other little thing that comes along, while also being a full-time superhero!” Marinette ticks each list item off on her hand as she talks. “I can’t keep taking out loans or putting it on a credit card.”
“The system’s broken,” Alya agrees nonchalantly. “You could always sell nudes.”
Marinette squeals in a combination of horror and disgust and throws a pillow at Alya.
Alya takes the soft blow with the smallest of grunts. “There’s nothing wrong with it! A lot of people make a lot of money that way.”
“I’m not interested in gross comments, people photoshopping my body, or having my image fed into A.I. generators.”
Alya shrugs. “Fair.”
Marinette scrunches up her nose. “How much money?”
“A few thousand, easily.” Alya adds a note into her journalism reading, then sets her tablet and stylus aside. “You could probably make a good deal.”
Marinette rolls her eyes. “No one is going to pay a thousand dollars for my nudes.”
“They might for Ladybug’s though.”
Marinette reaches for Alya’s second pillow and throws it. This time, Alya catches it.
“Ladybug is a national icon! She can’t just post nudes!”
“Ladybug is a full-grown adult woman who doesn’t get paid by the city. She can do whatever she likes with her image.”
Marinette shakes her head as she sits up. She leans back against Alya’s wall and stares out the window. Ladybug is a hero of Paris. She has a reputation. Besides, what would Chat Noir think? He’d see them, surely. How many pussy jokes could she bear?
Marinette taps her fingers against her closed laptop. “What if they were… tasteful nudes?”
“Boudoir photography is very in,” Alya says. “You’d just have to make sure people know they’re paying for almost-nudes.”
“I wouldn’t even know where to start. I’d need you to be my photographer.”
“Girl, I’m happy to help you, but you already know someone who actually does model photography.”
Marinette squeals again and reaches for a pillow, only to find herself out of ammunition. “I can’t ask Adrien to take Ladybug’s nudes!”
“He’s your boyfriend.”
“He’s Marinette’s boyfriend!”
Alya shrugs, as if this is irrelevant, when in fact it is the most relevant that any fact could possibly be to this conversation. Yes, Adrien has turned to directing photoshoots rather than modeling in photoshoots now that they’re in university, but Marinette is not going to ask her boyfriend to take nudes of another girl! And Ladybug is, as far as Adrien knows, another girl.
“You know he’s going to look at them either way,” Alya says. “You might as well make him part of it so he doesn’t have to feel guilty about it.”
“Adrien would not look at Ladybug’s nudes. Not when he’s my boyfriend!”
Alya raises her eyebrows. “He’s loyal, not dead. You remember how he talked about Ladybug when were in school together. He won’t be able to resist.”
Marinette does not remember the way Adrien talked about Ladybug when they were younger. She was too busy daydreaming about him or trying to talk without tripping over her words.
“Adrien used to like Ladybug?” she asks weakly.
“The way a fish likes water.” Alya tips her chair back and, with a mischievous grin that’s rather fitting for the holder of the miraculous of illusion and trickery, says, “Just ask. See what he says.”
Adrien is still not entirely sure that this is a good idea.
He’s flattered, honestly, that Alya, as the admin for the Ladyblog, recommended him to Ladybug as a photographer. He’s surprised and grateful that Marinette assured him that it would be fine for him to do such a risqué photoshoot with such a well-known celebrity. And he’s nervous, more nervous than he has ever been about anything in his life.
Chloé has agreed to give him access to one of Le Grand Paris’s suites for the day, though he hasn’t told her why he needs it—not that he thinks he can fully keep it secret from her. She’ll figure it out once the photos are released.
Zoé helped him haul up his lighting equipment. He didn’t tell her why he needed the room, either, but he imagines she’ll be one of the first people to download the photos once they’re online.
Adrien finishes tightening the C-stand beside the bed. He’ll adjust the lighting once Ladybug arrives, but he wants the grunt work done before she gets there. The last thing he needs is Ladybug standing around in her underwear while he tries to work with heavy equipment.
Adrien rubs his eyes and tries not to picture Ladybug in lacy underwear, though it’s as absurd as it is futile. She’ll be here any minute and he’ll have to photograph her while she’s actually, physically in front of him and is actually, physically wearing lacy underwear.
A knock on the balcony doors breaks through Adrien’s internal battlefield. His heart, which is already nesting in his throat, decides it’s time to run a marathon just at the sound of her arrival. He’s worried it might fully burst before he even lays eyes on Ladybug.
He swallows and reminds himself that he has a girlfriend. That he is going to see Marinette tonight, once this is over. He’ll have to laugh and tell her how absolutely innocent it was when it’s all said and done. Because it has to be innocent. It has to be.
Adrien slides open the balcony door and is relieved to see that Ladybug is still fully clothed in her usual suit. The only thing that makes her appearance on the balcony any different from an evening on patrol is the duffel bag in her hand, like she’s come for a sleepover.
“Hi,” she says.
“Hi,” he replies, and hopes she doesn’t notice how breathless he is.
Adrien isn’t sure if the pause between them feels long because adrenaline has his brain running double-time, or if the silence between them really does stretch out interminably.
“I’m just about ready,” he finally says, “whenever you are.”
“Right! I just need to um… change.”
This time, he’s certain that the pause is too long, but Ladybug finally slips past him and into the bathroom.
When she’s gone, Adrien scrubs his face with his hands. His palms come away sticky with sweat. He is supposed to be the professional. If any of his photographers behaved like this while he was a model, he would never have worked with them again. He can’t let Ladybug think he’s some sort of creep.
The bathroom door opens and Adrien’s heart, again, races, but she doesn’t come out in her underwear, not yet.
Instead, Ladybug is wearing a thin, silky black robe. They discussed a color palette—one of the hardest conversations Adrien has ever had to keep a straight face for—and settled on blacks and reds, which not only keep with Ladybug’s theme, but are sensual enough on their own.
Her hair is pulled up in a bun and her mask covers her eyes—or rather, a replica of her mask. Even the earrings in her ears have to be a copy, at least for the moment. Adrien, knowing how his ring camouflages itself, asked her if her earrings bore her iconic spots when she was not transformed. If she was surprised he knew to ask, she didn’t show it. She simply confirmed that he was right, and she would have to wear a copy if they wanted to maintain the traditional icons of Ladybug.
He can tell that she’s taken his advice about makeup, too. The low dip in her bathrobe reveals perfectly smooth, pale skin. She’s covered up any blemishes and freckles, something he suggested not only because of his own experience in modeling, but because anyone who knows her, like a partner, might recognize such marks.
She blushed and said that her boyfriend didn’t know that she was Ladybug, so that was probably smart.
“I can also clean it up in post,” Adrien told her. Then, he dared to ask, “Does he know you’re doing this? Not that he has to—it’s your choice—I just… if you’re nervous about him finding out, that sounds… bad?”
Ladybug wrinkled her nose and stared down at their notes. “He sort of knows?”
But Ladybug’s relationship isn’t really Adrien’s business.
“Where to first?” She fidgets with the tie around her waist.
“I’ve set up over here.”
Adrien leads Ladybug to the bed, where he’d already pulled back the hotel bedspread and laid out a black silk sheet to cover the stark white hotel bedding.
Ladybug’s fingers slips into the knot around her waist. Adrien picks up his camera and busies himself with the settings, intentionally missing the moment she slides out of her bathrobe and onto the bed.
“I’m just going to check the lighting,” he says, and lifts his camera.
It’s easier to stare at her through the lens.
She’s not only taken her bathrobe off, but she’s pulled her hair down. Her dark hair falls along the curve of her neck and brushes over her shoulders. Adrien follows those curves down to the black cups edged in red lace that cover her pale breasts, though he catches the tiniest sliver of pink peeking out from behind the lace. Black straps fasten her bra to the high-waisted underwear that, while it covers her stomach, curves high over her hips, leaving her legs long and exposed. Her bare feet are decorated in bright red nail polish. Something about that nail polish nags at his brain—didn’t Marinette paint her toes last night?
But the shutter on his camera clicks and he forgets to finish his thought. It takes all his mental fortitude to look at the photo professionally and academically. The shadows on her skin are too harsh; her hair blends in with the black silk; one of the straps of her bra is twisted.
Adrien adjusts the bounce of the light around the room, softens it with a flag, switches the bedding from black to red, and asks Ladybug to fix her bra strap.
“And then the robe back on,” he says, “but open.” It takes all his effort to keep his voice steady and even.
He checks his settings again, adjusts his camera, and finally, they can begin to shoot in earnest.
Once he gets going, it’s fairly easy to maintain his professionalism. There isn’t a whole lot of sensuality when it comes to adjusting angles, clicking the shutter, checking the shot, adjusting the pose—it really does feel like work. But Adrien would appreciate it if his heart would stop jerking in sudden bursts whenever Ladybug turns her brilliant blue eyes to the camera, or when he has to set the camera down to direct Ladybug into a new pose.
She, at least, behaves like a professional.
“New pose?” Adrien asks, and Ladybug readily shifts so that one arm drapes lazily above her head. Her face tilts up so that her neck slopes in a soft arch into her shoulder, and one knee cocks, suggesting a subtle invitation.
Adrien very gently touches her elbow, and she moves her arm at his direction. “Have you done this before?”
“No!” she says quickly, then swallows. Her bright red lips open and close as she looks for the right words. “I mean—I just did a lot of research beforehand.”
Adrien did, too. He’d never done any shoots like this during his time as a model. He quit before he was old enough to even have conversations about these sorts of shoots. So he’s spent a lot of time looking at boudoir photos in the last few weeks. Marinette helped him, and it had certainly been nice to discuss ideas with her.
He still doesn’t know why Marinette was so calm about it all—at least, for Marinette’s standards. She fell into her high-pitched, nervous voice when they discussed the shoot; she laughed awkwardly and blushed terribly. But Adrien knew that Marinette had absurdly jealous tendencies. He still didn’t understand why she didn’t exhibit any of that during their conversations about Ladybug.
Adrien had certainly felt a pang of jealousy when Ladybug told Chat Noir.
“I just… wanted to warn you,” Ladybug said. “And—you don’t have to, er—feel bad if you look at them. I mean, not that I want you to look at them! And I think—just don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.”
Chat Noir leaned against his staff and tried for a smile, but it was hard with the anxiety curling in his stomach. He no longer loves Ladybug, but she’s still his partner. He doesn’t want to share her with the rest of Paris this way. He also wanted to promise her that he wouldn’t look, especially if it made her uncomfortable, but he couldn’t very well promise abstinence if he was going to be the one taking and editing each and every photograph.
“My lady,” he finally said, “I would never let this change anything between us. Maybe I’ll even do my own.”
But Adrien doesn’t think that he’ll ever be able to do something like this as Chat Noir. Not only does he have absolutely no desire to get back in front of a camera and let someone else take control of his image again, there are too many photos of Adrien Agreste out there. Someone will inevitably hold up Chat Noir and Adrien’s bodies against each other and put it all together, and then it will be over. He’s grown since his modeling days, certainly, but it isn’t a risk he wants to take.
As Adrien pauses to check over the photographs, Ladybug relaxes into the bed. He risks a glance away from his camera to look at her properly, to shut out the stands and equipment and take a moment to see Ladybug as she is.
Her fingers twist in the ends of her hair, like an anxious fidget. Her eyes are locked with the ceiling and there’s a pinch to her cheek, like she’s gnawing her way through a difficult thought. Her black hair fans out on the red silk just as the black robe does, and as she shifts, it falls from her neck and shoulders, revealing the sharp angles of her collarbone. Her lipstick is the same shade of red as the lace that curls around her breast and her waist. Adrien can’t help but stare.
“Is everything all right?” she asks.
“Yes—” Adrien wishes he could sound less defensive. He glances back down at his camera. “Did you want to see them?”
He sits down on the bed next to her and she leans over his shoulder. A shiver runs down his spine as her bare skin presses against his arm. He has never touched Ladybug’s bare skin before; not in all their years of pulling each other out of danger has he ever been this close with her.
“Is that really me?” she asks.
He laughs, but it sounds as forced as it feels. “Yeah. You—You look great.”
She feels warm against him, too warm. He wishes she would pull away.
“You’re really good at this,” she says.
“Thank you. I think knowing what it’s like on the other side of the camera helps.”
Her brow furrows beneath her mask. It doesn’t shift fluidly with her expression the way the magical one grafted onto her might have, but it tilts and twists with her confusion.
“Have you done shoots like this before?”
“No, no, nothing like this. This is… new for me.” Adrien swallows and stands. His arm feels cold where she had been touching him. “But if they turn out well, maybe I can convince my girlfriend to do one.”
Ladybug crosses her legs and leans over onto her knee. “Oh—do you think she’d like that?”
“She did help me plan this shoot, so maybe?”
Ladybug posed so neatly before, but now she looks small and drawn into herself, hunched over her own legs. Adrien wonders if she’s thinking about her own boyfriend, and how he’ll feel to see her like this. Does her partner know her well enough—love her well enough—to recognize her like this?
“Lean back?” Adrien says.
Ladybug places her hands behind her, fingers pressing deep into the mattress and slipping along the silk.
“Chin up, chest out?”
She does, but the worry in her blue eyes doesn’t fade. The pose should be haughty, a look Ladybug has been giving him easily for the last hour. He wonders why she’s so lost now.
He snaps the pictures anyway, then suggests she lean back on her elbows and look away. If she can’t be haughty, he can redirect and lean into pensive.
But after a few more clicks of the shutter, he has to ask, “Are you all right?”
She turns back to him and stares like she’s wandered in from another planet. “What is it?”
“You just look worried.”
“Oh. No. I—I was just thinking. Your girlfriend—I mean, my boyfriend—I mean—I don’t know if he’d want pictures of me like this.”
“Why wouldn’t he?”
“I just mean I’m not like this, you know, without the mask.”
“You are very pretty. I’m sure your boyfriend agrees.”
It’s hard to tell in the dim lighting, but he thinks she blushes. “I’m a lot more awkward without the magic,” she says.
“You’re not wearing any magic now.”
He doesn’t realize how much attention he’s giving to her breathing until he notices her chest go still, her breath caught in her lungs.
He snaps a photo.
“Oh, I wasn’t ready!”
Adrien glances down at the preview. Her blue eyes are wide and her red lips drawn into a small pout. It’s different from the looks they’ve been leaning towards—powerful, dominant, desirable. Instead, she looks surprised and vulnerable. It’s his favorite picture of the day so far, but it’s clearly not what she wants, not the way she wants others to see her. He deletes it.
“Maybe we should try some of the tease shots?” he suggests.
She shifts onto her knees and reaches behind her to the hooks of her bra. Adrien captures the moment of her unclasping her bra several times before she lays back down on the bed, cups still in place, but backstraps splayed out on the bed.
Then they take a few with the bra cast aside, first with her hands covering her nipples and then with a red ribbon reminiscent of Ladybug’s hair ribbons.
Adrien looks away each time she changes her minimal modesty coverings out, but he can’t help but think about how many nights he spent as a teenager dreaming about Ladybug beneath her mask and beneath her suit. It wasn’t always fantasies like this, but he’d be a liar if he said he had never dreamed of Ladybug like this.
She bites down on her lip and he snaps another series of photos.
Then she puts the robe back on and Adrien’s heart stutters as he remembers what they agreed to shoot next.
Ladybug said she wasn’t interested in full nudes, that she didn’t want all of Paris to see all of her. But they agreed that they would shoot the robe without lingerie.
She shimmies out of her underwear and climbs back onto the bed.
Adrien swallows down a host of anxiety and desire that wells up in his chest as she adjusts herself on the bed. Ladybug leans back against the headboard, one leg bent up and the other out, but her black silk falls neatly between her legs. Adrien’s heart races as she tugs the silk up at her waist so that the V covering her chest pools into something loose and inviting. Adrien can see the lines where her breasts press against her stomach.
“Can you move the knot?” Adrien gestures to her waist, where the knot of her silk tie is hiding behind her thigh. It doesn’t need to be exposed, but it would give the shot more intrigue, though he supposes Ladybug has enough of that all on her own.
She shifts the tie as he directs and shifts all the silk with it.
“May I?” Adrien asks and, with heart racing, fixes the tie for her.
He does everything he can not to brush her skin as he adjusts the way the silk falls against her chest and around her thighs. He checks each wrinkle at her waist to make sure it looks intentionally casual and comfortable. He double-checks the fall of the silk against her chest to make sure the best parts of her are hidden. Finally, he smooths the silk over her thigh and tugs on the ends so that there is only just enough fabric to cover between her legs, but leaves most of her legs visible to the camera.
He catches sight of the tiny, heart-shaped freckle on the inside of her thigh and goes very still. She goes still, too.
“What is it?”
Adrien swallows. “You and my girlfriend have the same freckle.”
“Oh—I’m sorry—I can get my concealer—”
She’s already trying to get out from under him, ruining every bit of staging he has just finished setting. He means to get out of her way and to tell her that he can hide any freckles in post but his brain is too busy trying to figure out why Ladybug just apologized to him for having the same freckle as Marinette.
She crashes into him and he tries to catch himself on the bed, but the silk is smooth and they both go tumbling to the floor.
“I’m so sorry!” she says. “I told you, I’m clumsy without the magic.”
She’s on top of him, and the red silk sheet falls onto her waist, draping over them both. Adrien stares up at her from the plush carpet. She tries to get up, but he grabs her hip and holds her steady. She freezes.
His other hand, as slow and automatic as if it belonged to a machine separate from him, drifts up to her mask. Her breath hitches as he thumbs the end of it, just where it covers her cheekbone.
“Ladybug,” he breathes. They’re so close to each other that he can see the bob of her throat as she swallows.
He knows the next logical thought, but he can’t bring it to his lips. It makes sense, though. Ladybug choosing him, Marinette’s lack of jealousy, the toe nails, the one, single mark on her skin that he’s seen a dozen nights before in Marinette’s bed…
“I’m sor—”
But he cuts off her apology with a kiss. He knew, before he kissed her, but he truly knows it now. He knows Marinette’s shy, hesitant kisses, and the taste of her tongue and the curve of her lips. He feels dizzy as years of flimsy excuses and missed flirting in all directions flood his memories, but it also feels good. It feels right to know that this is how it has always been, that Marinette has always been the girl that he loves.
He drops his head back to the floor and stares up at her with a satisfied grin.
She looks back with panic in her eyes. “Adrien, I’m so sorry,” she says.
But he only smiles. “I don’t know why you’re apologizing. I feel like the cat that just caught the canary.”
Alya yawns and leans against Nino. He pulls the blanket tighter around them and turns the movie up.
Then Alya’s phone buzzes.
“It’s Marinette,” she says, and Nino groans, but he pauses the movie.
“If something happened between Adrien and Ladybug today, I probably should call Adrien.”
“It might be nothing,” Alya says, though neither of them believe it. She leans away from Nino as she answers.
Nino can’t hear Marinette’s words on the other end of the call, but he can pick out the frantic tone. He starts thumbing through his own phone to text Adrien.
Alya frowns and gets to her feet. “Girl, slow down, I have no idea what you’re saying.” Then a grin spreads across her face. “Ah, well, that was always a possibility… No, I’m not saying I planned this on purpose. I’m just saying it’s been years and maybe you should have told him by now… What did you just say about Chat Noir?”
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 10 months
Omg can I please see the Dick Grayson spreadsheet?👀
fair warning it's probably a bit out of date by now but yes!! here you go \o/
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 year
alright here we go again. for this episode of thisisnotthenerd's d20 stats, we're talking seasons. specifically how to categorize them because not all d20 seasons are run the same way. here goes:
season concepts
this list is not intended to be perfect, it's either official description or how i can best describe them in a few words:
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Fantasy High Freshman Year: John Hughes/DND
Escape from the Bloodkeep: The Villains Side of Lord of the Rings
The Unsleeping City: DND/NYC
Tiny Heist: Ocean's 11/Borrowers
A Crown of Candy: Game of Thrones/Candyland
Pirates of Leviathan: Pirate City/Insurance Fraud
Fantasy High Sophomore Year: John Hughes/DND with a Haunted Forest
The Unsleeping City Chapter II: DND/NYC in Quarantine
Mice & Murder: Wind in the Willows/Sherlock Holmes
Misfits & Magic: What if Americans went to Hogwarts?
The Seven: John Hughes/DND but WOMEN
Shriek Week: Cryptid Dating Sim
A Starstruck Odyssey: Retrofuturistic Space Opera with Buffoons
Coffin Run: Dracula's Followers save Dracula
A Court of Fey & Flowers: Regency/Fairies
Neverafter: Horror/Fairytales
The Ravening War: Game of Thrones/Candyland + Wartime Espionage
Dungeons & Drag Queens: DND meets Drag Queens
Mentopolis: Noir/Inside Out/Retrofuturistic
Burrow's End: Watership Down/DND
if you read through, you'll notice some repetitions--several are in the same d20 created universe. those are:
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those are helpful for understanding the tone/genre chart & the shifts therein, which i borrowed from the wiki:
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now there are some other classifications i would add--thankfully i have my spreadsheet to do just that:
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and that's all i have to say for this time. check out the spreadsheet for a better look at the charts.
EDIT (10/21/23): adding a few more charts for perusal and because i think length/vibe is a fun way to sort these seasons:
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sorted by length
the first chart is sorting by length; we have:
short and sweet (4 episode seasons):
misfits & magic
shriek week
dungeons & drag queens
on the salami scale* (6 episode seasons):
Escape from the Bloodkeep
Tiny Heist
Pirates of Leviathan
Coffin Run
The Ravening War
10/10 would watch again (10 episode seasons)
mice & murder
the seven
a court of fey and flowers
burrow's end
in it for the long haul (17-20 episode seasons/intrepid heroes seasons)
fantasy high
the unsleeping city
a crown of candy
fantasy high sophomore year
the unsleeping city chapter ii
a starstruck odyssey
the other chart sorts the seasons by how i would adapt them. sometimes this is based on content. sometimes it's based on gm style. sometimes, it's just the vibe the season gives off as a whole. without further ado:
adaptation styles
feature film (live action):
escape from the bloodkeep
misfits & magic
dungeons & drag queens
these seasons are short enough to fit in a single feature film and not quite long enough for a series. the source material just feels more live action to me, especially because there are other seasons that just feel more animated. keep in mind there will be a practical effect focus. just imagine the balloon elf. cartoon logic, live action movie.
feature film (animated):
tiny heist
pirates of leviathan
mice & murder
burrow's end
a bunch of these are the little guy seasons. you can't tell me you wouldn't want a heist movie with characters voiced by the mcelroys, jess ross, and lily du. pol is a spinoff movie of the fantasy high series.
tv series (live action):
the unsleeping city
the unsleeping city (chapter 2)
a starstruck odyssey
a court of fey and flowers
these are long enough to be series with some depth. tuc is on here because it feels like a superhero series. they're teaming up to save new york, but also really finding the humanity in each other. the funny reason is because finding someone to play ricky matsui is hilarious. also i want to see a kugrash puppet.
aso is on here because it's space opera and watch the gunner channel be bozos in live action? hilarious. i've seen some animatics that are incredible though, so this season could go either way.
acofaf is here because i'd want to see the costume department go ham. bridgerton but fairies? guess what. diverse actors, tons of practical effects, a little raunchy, a little heartbreak, what more could you want.
tv series (animated):
fantasy high
fantasy high sophomore year
the seven (miniseries)
a crown of candy
the ravening war (miniseries)
as stated earlier fantasy high is a running animated series with two current spinoffs: one movie (pol) and one miniseries (t7). combination high school slice of life with action/adventure.
acoc is a game of thrones style series--animated to keep the comedy, with trw functioning as a hotd style prequel series. the calorum seasons could easily read live action though, just like aso could be animated.
neverafter is animated, but the style changes throughout the season. maybe they start live action and become animated when they wake up in the new timeline. no change in world physics, no acknowledgement, just a seamless switch. ooh maybe they shift to traditional animation when they're in the lines between.
video games:
shriek week
coffin run
these come down to gm style and also system. shriek week is already a cryptid dating sim. coffin run is crunchy, a little bit horror with a lot of adventuring options to explore.
anyway, i hope you enjoy. check out the spreadsheet if you'd like.
*this is in reference to the adventuring academy episode the new mr. peanut, wherein lou wilson creates a snack rating system for brennan lee mulligan based on a scale of 1-5 almonds. exceeding the 1-5, i.e. reaching 6, means you go to the salami scale.
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