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spottyshelves · 17 days ago
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Home Wanted  6.7k
The what
A married Buddie fic, Buck and Chris go to a pet store together and well the inevitable happens and Buck has to come home to his husband with a new acquisition. Buckley- Diaz family fluff
And the why
This one was part of a reverse prompt from @ronordmann - ah fun times! The theme was milestones and I think getting a pet was something I specifically chose… can’t quite remember 🤷🏻‍♀️anyway the cover was made based on colours chosen/themes and some dialogue choices if I remember right… while I wrote the fic.
Can you guess the pet I gave them…
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spotsandsocks · 1 month ago
In my infinite wisdom and kind of inspired by @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming yesterday who’s trying to organise fics to read… good luck! I’ve decided to organise my own fics with the covers @ronordmann has made me over the last few years, the mood boards I’ve made and any bits of art I’ve had commissioned or lovely pals have done for me @lonelychicago @daffi-990. Tags will be organised… things will be found easily ... probably
Wish me luck for project spottyshelves
100 fics… won’t be that hard will it?
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spottyshelves · 15 days ago
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This Must Be Love 5.7k
The what
Buck and Chris are doing homework together and Chris apparently has a few questions about love and that gets Buck’s brain buzzing some valentines puns and some revelation and declarations may be right around the corner.
And the why
I like a theme and will take any reason to write a special occasion fic. This was my second valentines of writing so write I did and here we are. Hap- pea to be celebrating Valentine’s with puns and Buddie.
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spottyshelves · 14 days ago
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Who You Gonna Call? 9k
The what
Eddie and Buck reach for the phone in good times, bad times and just plain ordinary times and when you realise there’s one particular person you need more than anyone else it’s time to act
And the why
I got the idea of noticing who you called the most on your phone and that lead to this. Thinking of different types of phone calls was fun. This is one of my favourite covers too. Eddie/Ryan looks so good in that picture
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spottyshelves · 26 days ago
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The Price of Love (is high) 7.7K Mature
The what
Buck and Eddie are trapped and surrounded by their past traumas, with no way out of the situation that won’t break at least one of their hearts how far will either of them be willing to go for love.
and the why
This was part of a 2024 angstfest so I went in hard and heavy with the pain for our beloved guys. Gave them the full monty of being trapped/water/drowning/ being helpless while the one you love suffers/self sacrifice and choosing whose heart matters more. This one has got it all!
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spottyshelves · 1 month ago
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Buck Vs. the 'tache 999 words Teen
The what
Welcome to the inner turmoil of Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley’s head following Eddie’s questionable facial hair choices.Buck is not a fan… except…. maybe he is?
And the why
I think the why of this one is obvious. The moustache arrived unexpectedly in our lives and will we ever be over it? I don’t think so. Did we love it or hate it? Opinions were divided. Did it grow on us, maybe but so, some would say, does mould 😂
My feelings were confused, so Buck and I worked through the dilemma together. In the end we were both team ‘tache👨🏽
Oh it was 999 words precisely because that what what I needed to hit 1 million words on my 3rd anniversary of writing fics.
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spottyshelves · 1 month ago
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In my defence I was left unsupervised 1.3k M
The What..
Eddie discovers the perils and pleasures of a bored Buck finding some scissors and hair clippers.
And the why ..
Mr Oliver Stark went and got himself a hiatus haircut and a shared a selfie
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spottyshelves · 1 month ago
📚📚Welcome to SpottyShelves 📚📚
I’m putting together a little library of my fics @spotsandsocks and the art, covers mood boards and pretty things that go with them. It’s all going to be tagged in the most logical and sensible way so I can find the damn things when I want them.
All covers are by @ronordmann who is amazing, mood boards by me and I’ll credit the art as it’s posted
If you’ve made your way here maybe you’re interested in reading these too so let me know what you think.
I’m the proud owner of 100 buddie/911 fics over on Ao3 my tastes run to fluff, AUs especially of historical, fantasy and the paranormal nature and occasionally smutty fun. I have been known to angst too. Miscommunication and oblivious idiots are delicious to me.
Here you will find all kinds of tropes and different rated fics from G-E
I’m very definitely at the older older end of the tumblr population so if that’s an issue for you or you’re under 18 please move past me.
So in summary I am old, friendly love buddie and 911abc with my whole heart and try to stay drama free . I will block the hate but I love to say hello to people so please drop by … I think that’s all you need to know 😉 wish me luck 😘
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spottyshelves · 17 days ago
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The Truth Reflected 4k
The what
Everywhere he looks Eddie’s sees his feelings reflected back at him and you can only ignore the truth for so long or how can you ever look in the mirror again.
And the why
This one was written a while ago so as best as I can remember I got the idea about reflections and then tried to think of as many different reflective surfaces as possible and this is where we ended up. I managed to find a few! These early fics seems so short to me now! 😂
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spottyshelves · 8 days ago
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Tied To You From The Start 13.4K
The what
A canon consistent AU where some people are born with psychic powers called a Variance. Buck is one of those people and at the scene of an accident something happens that puts his life at risk. Already dating Eddie, instead of asking for help he makes a choice and runs from the only person who can help him stay safe, stay sane, stay alive.
Angst and drama with the fire family trying to save Buck and the E rating kicks in half way through the last chapter.
And the why
This was another challenge by the lovely @ronordmann and I almost backed out when I got the mate or die trope on the pick a trope wheel, but I put my brain to it and put my own twist on the trope, with paranormal shenanigans occurring and no A-B-O no sex pollen and not dub-con- ‘cos consent is sexy. I actually really liked it in the end and enjoyed the verse I’d made up.
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spottyshelves · 15 days ago
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Fifteen Minutes 1.4k
The what
Trying to distract Eddie from asking certain questions about where his (ex) girlfriend is Buck gets lost in an info dump about all the different types of love and well certain things are revealed.
And the why
My first go at a Valentines fic. I remember I threw it together quite fast and then got lots of hits and comments on it and being really surprised because it had been so short and fast. Not sure why but I really remember that for this one.
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spottyshelves · 1 month ago
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Inappropriate Use of Federal Funding 4.5K Teen
The what
Buck’s decided. He’s leaving LA and by the time Eddie hears the news there’s not enough time to get to the airport… unless the team get creative and bend a few rules.
And the why
Well this one of if I remember correctly was inspired by the mental image of Eddie running his little heart out to get through an airport to reach Buck in time. A cliche but a good one if you ask me. And the
Also musical inspiration provided this- very Buddie coded if you ask me
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spottyshelves · 1 month ago
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Love Is Transformational 14.k Mature
The what
Maddie has a magical secret and when things go wrong with a spell Buck needs help, of course there’s only one person who she can ask to watch over her temporarily inconvenienced brother. To say Eddie’s surprised would be an understatement. It’s a good job he’s always wanted a pet.
And the why
Who doesn’t love a seasonal holiday themed fic and if you can add magical shenanigans too then why not. I remember I was writing this one on a trip to Disney Florida and racing the clock to get it done on time and not get called out by the family for being distracted. 🎃🐈🎃
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spotsandsocks · 17 days ago
New entry to the spottyshelf. This is one I have fond memories of and Ro’s cover was just perfect. I remember waking up in the middle of the night… as is my way and seeing the finished cover and thinking wow! That’s perfect.
It’s so short too! Telling a cute little story in 4k can be done apparently… 😂 someone go tell that to 2024/2025 Spotty 😉
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The Truth Reflected 4k
The what
Everywhere he looks Eddie’s sees his feelings reflected back at him and you can only ignore the truth for so long or how can you ever look in the mirror again.
And the why
This one was written a while ago so as best as I can remember I got the idea about reflections and then tried to think of as many different reflective surfaces as possible and this is where we ended up. I managed to find a few! These early fics seems so short to me now! 😂
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spotsandsocks · 17 days ago
Filling up the shelf tonight… will add the previous 2 valentine fics and this years one too by end of week
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Home Wanted  6.7k
The what
A married Buddie fic, Buck and Chris go to a pet store together and well the inevitable happens and Buck has to come home to his husband with a new acquisition. Buckley- Diaz family fluff
And the why
This one was part of a reverse prompt from @ronordmann - ah fun times! The theme was milestones and I think getting a pet was something I specifically chose… can’t quite remember 🤷🏻‍♀️anyway the cover was made based on colours chosen/themes and some dialogue choices if I remember right… while I wrote the fic.
Can you guess the pet I gave them…
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spotsandsocks · 8 days ago
Thought I’d add this to the shelf tonight, an E rated fic for Fuck it Friday. I do like how creative I got with this one! With the story not the sex… but the sex is good too if I do say so myself! I’m just too lazy to write sex scenes anymore! Maybe I should give it a go again???
Let’s see if I can get to 20 notes on this one. I’m a 10-20 note kinda of spot these days 😂
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Tied To You From The Start 13.4K
The what
A canon consistent AU where some people are born with psychic powers called a Variance. Buck is one of those people and at the scene of an accident something happens that puts his life at risk. Already dating Eddie, instead of asking for help he makes a choice and runs from the only person who can help him stay safe, stay sane, stay alive.
Angst and drama with the fire family trying to save Buck and the E rating kicks in half way through the last chapter.
And the why
This was another challenge by the lovely @ronordmann and I almost backed out when I got the mate or die trope on the pick a trope wheel, but I put my brain to it and put my own twist on the trope, with paranormal shenanigans occurring and no A-B-O no sex pollen and not dub-con- ‘cos consent is sexy. I actually really liked it in the end and enjoyed the verse I’d made up.
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