#spotlight — enhypen.
boyfhee · 1 year
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90 notes · View notes
flwrstqr · 1 month
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preview. › you, a world-renowned oscar-winning actor known for your exceptional talent, and sunghoon, a celebrated formula 1 driver, find yourselves entangled in an unexpected fake marriage. at an extravagant party, your parents announce an arranged marriage to a man you despise. desperate to escape, you impulsively point to sunghoon, a random stranger in the room, and claim to be married to him. as sunghoon plays along and you navigate this fake marriage, could genuine feelings develop from such an impulsive decision?
meet the cast. f1 driver!sunghoon x actor fem!reader (feat noh yunah from illit + cho miyeon from gidle + hyung line of enhypen + other cos)
genre. fake marriage, strangers to lovers, opposites attract, slightly enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, romance, medium fic, crack, angst
word count. 13k+
warnings. cursing, partying, drinking, profanity (no nsfw or smut), lots of bickering between them, sunghoon being very cold in the fic, fighting, yn being drunk, kissing, small grammar errors
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danielle's note 𖥔 i really wanted to write an f1 racing au but like even tho i dont really watch f1. but I LOVEE f1 aus,, theyre js so hot yk!!! (and this fic is for my sunghoon girls!!!! wink wink im looking at u jenni) so i hope u guys enjoy this :333 also ignore how its like lowercase than uppercase cause i wrote this for 1 week..
﹙⠀ PLAYiNG . . . bad boy by red velvet, woke up by xg, break up with you girlfriend by ariana grande, so american by olivia rodrigo, like that by baby monster, the great mermaid by lesserafim
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YOU'VE BEEN IN SPOTLIGHT FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN REMEMBER. YN LN in another movie and killing it. The world knows your name, your face, your every move. A famous actor, adored by millions, you’ve mastered the art of charm on-screen and off. Cameras flash wherever you go, and you’ve become a professional at smiling through it all.
Then there’s Sunghoon, the world-renowned F1 driver. Where your world revolves around precision under the watchful eyes of fans, his is all speed and adrenaline. He’s intense, reckless even, living life on the edge at 200 miles per hour. Headlines scream his victories, and you’d think he’d be like every other celebrity you’ve met—full of ego (well has high ego somewhat). But Sunghoon is different.
You’re polar opposites, and everyone knows it. You, poised and polished, carefully calculated in the public eye. Him, unpredictable and wild.
Yet, somehow, your paths crossed, and despite the differences, there’s an undeniable pull between you two. Maybe it's just a play or an act. Or maybe, just maybe, opposites do attract.
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THE PARTY WAS BUZZING WITH ENERGY—celebrities everywhere, people laughing, glasses clinking, and the music providing a backdrop to the scene. You stood with Miyeon and Yunah, doing your best to enjoy yourself despite feeling like you'd rather be anywhere else.
“Why do we keep coming to these things?” you sighed, taking a sip of your drink.
Miyeon grinned. “Because you only live once,”
Yunah laughed. “And because there’s always a story by the end of the night.”
You were about to respond when you felt a sudden dread creep up your spine. From the corner of your eye, you saw him—Youngdae. The boy you’d hated since forever. He was strutting towards you with that insufferable smirk on his face, looking entirely too pleased with himself.
You groaned. “Great, here we go.”
Miyeon followed your gaze and rolled her eyes. “Ugh, of course he’s here.”
“I swear he has a radar for wherever you are,” Yunah muttered under her breath.
Before you could brace yourself, Youngdae was already in front of you, flashing that arrogant smile you’d come to hate. “YN, looking stunning as always,” he smirked, leaning a little too close.
You took a step back, barely suppressing an eye roll. “What do you want, Youngdae?”
He chuckled, clearly not picking up on your disinterest. “I just wanted to say hello. Maybe catch up. You know, we could make a great pair, if you gave me a chance.”
Miyeon sighed dramatically and rolled her eyes along with you. “Can you just not?"
Youngdae shot her a look before refocusing his attention on you. “Come on, YN. Why keep fighting it? You and I—”
“Are never going to happen,” Yunah interrupted, stepping between you and Youngdae with a firm hand on his chest. “Back off.”
Youngdae frowned but didn’t push it. He simply shrugged and gave you one last wink before walking away.
“Ugh, he’s so persistent,” Miyeon grumbled as she turned to you. “How do you deal with him?”
“I don’t,” you replied with a soft laughter. “I just survive.”
But just as you were about to relax, you saw your parents making their way toward you. Your mom was smiling, your dad looking pleased as ever. You knew that look. They were up to something.
“There you are, sweetheart!” your mom said brightly, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “We’ve been looking all over for you.”
Your dad smiled beside her, looking equally pleased. “We have some news.”
You raised an eyebrow, wary of whatever was coming. “What news?”
“Well,” your mom began, glancing between you and your friends, “we’ve found you a date. Finally!”
Your stomach dropped. “What?”
Your dad nodded as though this was the best thing in the world. “Yes, with Youngdae. His family is very well connected, and we think—”
“No,” you said, your voice rising slightly. “Absolutely not. There’s no way.”
Your mom blinked, looking surprised by your reaction. “What do you mean? He’s a very eligible young man.”
You stammered, trying to find a way out “I… I… I’m already seeing someone!”
Both your parents stared at you, confusion written across their faces. “You are?” your dad asked, eyes narrowing slightly.
“Yes,” you lied quickly, panic bubbling inside you. “I’ve been seeing someone for a while now, actually.”
Your mom looked intrigued. “Who?”
You swallowed hard, desperately scanning the crowd for someone to point to, just to get out of this mess. Your eyes landed on a guy standing by the bar—a tall figure with dark hair and sharp features. You didn’t recognize him at all, but he looked like he could play the part for a moment.
Hastily, you pointed in his direction. “Him. Over there. He’s… he’s my boyfriend.”
Your parents followed your gaze, squinting toward the bar. Your mom’s eyes widened slightly. “Are you talking about him?”
You nodded, still pointing even though you felt like you were spiraling further into this ridiculous situation. “Yes, we’ve been together for a while now.”
Miyeon was choking on her drink at this point, and Yunah gave you a look like you’d completely lost your mind.
Your dad frowned a little. “Who is he? What’s his name?”
You paused, suddenly realizing you didn’t even know the guy’s name. “Oh, uh… his name is…”
Miyeon whispered urgently beside you, “Don’t make it worse. His name is Sunghoon,”
You repeated,“Sunghoon. Yes Sunghoon.”
Your parents exchanged a glance, and your mom raised an eyebrow. “Sunghoon? You mean the F1 driver?”
Your heart stopped. What? You had no idea. You quickly played along, though, trying to keep your voice steady. “Yes, that’s him. We’ve been keeping things quiet because, you know… the press and all that.”
Your dad looked skeptical, but your mom seemed delighted. “Well, why didn’t you say anything sooner? This is big news!”
Your mind raced, trying to think of a way out of this conversation. “We were waiting for the right time.”
“And when did he propose?” your mom asked, clearly hooked on the story now.
You mentally cursed yourself for making it worse. “Yesterday! Yes, he proposed yesterday. It’s all very new.”
Your parents nodded thoughtfully, clearly pleased with the idea. “Well, we’ll have to meet him properly later,” your dad said. “But for now, we’re glad you’ve found someone.”
Your mom smiled warmly. “We’ll leave you to enjoy your night, darling. But make sure we meet him soon.”
And just like that, they were gone, leaving you standing there in stunned silence.
Miyeon burst out laughing as soon as they were out of earshot. “Oh my god, that was insane.”
Yunah was shaking her head, still in disbelief. “Do you even know who Sunghoon is?”
You groaned, rubbing your temples. “I have no idea.”
Miyeon grinned, looking like she was thoroughly enjoying this. “Well, you just told your parents you’re marrying one of the most famous F1 drivers in the world. Good luck with that.”
Your heart sank as you glanced over at the guy you’d pointed to. He still hadn’t noticed anything, thank god, but now you were stuck in the biggest lie of your life.
How were you going to get out of this one?
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THE PARTY CONTINUED AROUND YOU, the air buzzing with conversation and the occasional laughter. The idea of approaching the guy you had claimed as your “boyfriend” was now looming over you like a dark cloud. Miyeon and Yunah had been laughing about it all night.
“Okay,” you muttered under your breath, straightening your dress. “He's my future husband.”
You caught sight of Sunghoon at the bar again—still tall, still effortlessly cool, and completely unaware of the situation you had dragged him into. Taking a deep breath, you steeled yourself and made your way over, trying to act casual as you pretended to be interested in getting a drink.
"One tequila please," you smiled at the bartender.
As you approached, he glanced at you briefly, then immediately looked away, not even acknowledging your presence. You awkwardly stood next to him, waiting for him to say something, but all you got was silence.
“So… uh, hey,” you started, your voice a little too high-pitched from the nerves. “How’s it going?”
Sunghoon barely glanced at you, his expression flat as he responded, “Fine.”
You blinked, not expecting him to be so cold. You cleared your throat, trying again. “So, I’ve noticed you’ve been hanging around the bar a lot. Are you enjoying the party?”
He sighed, clearly uninterested. “Look, I’m not really here to make friends nor do I know you.”
Your smile faltered as you realized this was going to be harder than you thought. “Oh, no, I wasn’t—” You cut yourself off, feeling a bit foolish. You tried to laugh it off, but it came out awkward. “I was just trying to, you know, start a conversation…”
Sunghoon didn’t even bother to look at you this time. “I’m not interested in whatever this is,” he said bluntly, taking a sip of his drink and turning his back to you slightly, as if dismissing the conversation altogether.
Great, this was going really well.
Before you could think of another way, you heard your mom’s voice calling your name. You looked up in panic to see your parents making their way over, all smiles and clearly excited to meet the man you had so boldly claimed as your fiancé.
You felt your heart leap into your throat. There was no turning back now.
With no other choice, you quickly reached out and grabbed Sunghoon’s arm, yanking him closer to you with a forced smile plastered on your face. “Oh, there you are!” you said brightly, doing your best to make it sound natural. “I was just telling them about how we’re, you know… together.”
Sunghoon stiffened under your touch, his eyes darting between you and your parents, confusion written all over his face. “What—?”
You discreetly stepped on his foot, hard, causing him to wince and bite his lip in pain. You shot him a quick, pleading look, hoping he’d catch on.
“Just play along,” you whispered harshly under your breath, your smile never faltering.
He looked at you for a long moment, clearly irritated, but finally sighed, giving in. “Yeah, yeah,” he muttered, his tone reluctant. “We’re, uh, together.”
Your parents beamed, completely oblivious to the tension between the two of you. Your mom reached out to shake Sunghoon’s hand enthusiastically. “It’s such a pleasure to finally meet you, Sunghoon! We’ve heard so much about you.”
Sunghoon forced a tight smile, his arm still trapped in your grip. “Yeah… same here.”
Your dad patted him on the back, grinning. “You’re quite the catch! Our YN is lucky to have you.”
You could feel Sunghoon’s frustration simmering beneath the surface, but he kept his expression in check. “Lucky, right,” he mumbled through gritted teeth.
You stepped on his foot again, a little less hard this time, and leaned into him slightly, trying to keep up appearances. “Isn’t he just the best?” you cooed, practically cringing at how fake you sounded.
Sunghoon glanced at you with a pained expression, but he played along, his voice strained. “Yeah… I’m great.”
Your parents couldn’t have been more delighted. “Well, we’ll leave you two lovebirds alone for now,” your mom said with a wink. “But don’t think you’re getting out of dinner with us soon! We need to celebrate this engagement properly.”
You forced another bright smile as they walked away, your stomach churning with dread at the thought of dinner with your parents—and Sunghoon, of all people.
As soon as your parents were out of sight, you let go of Sunghoon’s arm and stepped back, giving him an apologetic look. “I’m really sorry about all of that,” you said quickly. “I didn’t mean to drag you into this, I just—”
Sunghoon held up a hand, cutting you off. “Save it,” he said, his voice clipped. “Just don’t step on my foot again.”
You bit your lip, feeling a little guilty, but also relieved that the worst was over. “I’ll make it up to you, I swear,” you said, trying to sound sincere.
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “You owe me big time,” he muttered before turning to leave, shaking his head.
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A FEW DAYS HAD PASSED SINCE THE PARTY INCIDENT, but the chaos you’d caused still lingered in Sunghoon’s mind. He found himself in the garage with his friends, Jay, Jake, and Heeseung, leaning against his sleek, black sports car as they all casually chatted about their lives. Sunghoon was half-listening, his mind elsewhere, until Jake asked him something that brought him back to reality.
“So, are you going to be in the next race?” Jake asked, wiping his hands on a rag after tinkering with his car.
Sunghoon shrugged. “I haven’t decided yet.”
Heeseung raised an eyebrow. “What’s up with you lately? You’ve been distracted since that party.”
Sunghoon stared at the concrete floor for a moment before casually blurting out, “I’m dating or engaged. Or… something.”
The garage fell into silence. Jay, who had been leaning against a workbench, immediately turned to face Sunghoon with wide eyes. “What?”
Jake looked like he had just swallowed his tongue, blinking at Sunghoon like he hadn’t heard correctly. Heeseung, who was tightening a bolt on his engine, froze mid-motion, his wrench slipping from his grip and clattering to the ground.
“Dude,” Jay said slowly, standing up straight. “Are you serious right now? Did you just say you got engaged?”
Sunghoon scratched the back of his neck, looking both tired and mildly amused at their reactions. “Yeah… or something like that.”
“What do you mean ‘something like that’?” Jake demanded, clearly confused. “Since when are you even dating anyone?”
Sunghoon sighed, leaning further back against his car as he explained, “It’s complicated. Some girl at the party basically told her parents we’re engaged because she was trying to get out of a situation, and I got dragged into it.”
Heeseung let out a low whistle. “Wait, so you’re fake engaged?”
“Pretty much,” Sunghoon said, rubbing his temples like the whole thing gave him a headache.
Jay shook his head, still in disbelief. “That doesn’t even sound real, man. Who is this girl?”
“I don’t even know her that well,” Sunghoon admitted, sounding exasperated. “Her name’s YN,”
Heeseung blinked. “Wait, YN LN?”
“Yeah,” Sunghoon confirmed. “That’s the one.”
Jay nearly choked on his own spit. “You’re telling me you’re fake engaged to the YN LN? The one who’s all over the headlines?”
Sunghoon raised an eyebrow. “She’s all over the headlines?”
Jake laughed incredulously, leaning against his car for support. “Dude, how do you not know that? She’s, like, one of the biggest actors right now. ”
Sunghoon rolled his eyes. “I don’t pay attention to that stuff. All I know is that she’s got her parents convinced that we’re together, and now I have to figure out how to get out of this without causing a massive scene.”
Jay shook his head, still grinning. “This is insane. You, of all people, caught up in some fake engagement with a celebrity.”
Heeseung smirked. “You’ve been in some high-speed races before, but this might be the wildest thing you’ve ever gotten into.”
Sunghoon groaned, crossing his arms over his chest. “Tell me about it. And the worst part is, her parents think I’m some perfect gentleman or something. They’re probably planning the wedding already.”
Jake chuckled, nudging Sunghoon with his elbow. “Well, look at the bright side—you’ve always been good under pressure. This is just another challenge.”
Sunghoon shot him a look. “Yeah, but this isn’t a race. This is someone’s life we’re talking about.”
Jay grinned. “And yours, apparently.”
Sunghoon sighed again, feeling the weight of the situation settling on him once more. “I’m just trying to figure out how to handle it without causing a mess. I don’t even know why I agreed to go along with it in the first place. Plus, I don't know this girl.”
Heeseung patted him on the back, smirking. “Maybe you just didn’t want to let the girl down. Sounds like you’re already some hero,”
Sunghoon shot him a deadpan look. “Yeah, sure. That’s exactly what I’m going for.”
Jay laughed. “Well, good luck, man. Just try not to end up accidentally married before you figure out how to get out of this.”
Sunghoon rolled his eyes but couldn’t help the small smile tugging at his lips. “Thanks for the advice,” he said dryly with a hint of sarcasm. “I’ll be sure to avoid that.”
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MIYEON AND YUNAH DRAGGED YOU OUT TO A STREET RACE. you weren’t exactly in the mood for it, but they insisted, pulling you along with promises of fun and a chance to clear your mind (and meet your so-said husband). engines roared, and the night was alive with the sound of revving motors and the sharp smell of gasoline.
as you scanned the area, your eyes landed on a familiar figure leaning casually against a sleek, black car. sunghoon. he looked as cool and composed as ever, his hands shoved into the pockets of his leather jacket, eyes scanning the crowd with a bored expression. when his gaze finally met yours, his face twisted into a look of irritation, and he rolled his eyes dramatically.
of course he would be here, you thought. but you knew you needed to talk to him about the upcoming dinner. miyeon and yunah noticed your sudden change in demeanor and shot you questioning looks, but you brushed them off, telling them you'd be back in a minute.
you made your way over to where sunghoon was standing. he didn’t bother to move as you approached, just watched you with that same indifferent, slightly irritated expression.
“sunghoon,” you started, trying to keep your voice steady, “we need to talk.”
he raised an eyebrow, clearly uninterested. “about what?” he asked, his tone dripping with disinterest.
“about the dinner,” you replied, not backing down despite his attitude. “my parents want us to be there together.”
sunghoon let out an exaggerated sigh, rolling his eyes again. “can’t you just tell your parents we got into some argument and divorced or something?” he said coldly, his voice laced with sarcasm.
you clenched your fists, trying to keep your cool. “no, i can’t do that, sunghoon. it’s already confirmed. my parents are planning a wedding.”
for a moment, sunghoon’s expression faltered, a flash of something unreadable crossing his face. but just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, replaced by his usual cold look “a wedding?” he repeated, as if the word itself was foreign to him. “are you serious?”
“dead serious,” you replied, “they think we’re the perfect match or something. and they’re not taking no for an answer.”
sunghoon ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. “this is ridiculous,” he muttered under his breath, though it was loud enough for you to hear. “so what? we’re supposed to just play along with this charade? pretend like everything’s fine?”
“i don’t see any other option,” you said, “if we don’t, they’ll just make things worse. we need to figure out how to handle this.”
sunghoon didn’t respond right away, his gaze drifting away from you as he stared off into the distance, lost in thought. after a moment, he pulled out his phone and held it out to you, his expression unreadable. “give me your number,” he said, his tone more resigned than anything.
you blinked, slightly taken aback by his sudden change in attitude, but quickly recovered, pulling out your own phone and exchanging numbers with him. the whole interaction felt strange, like you were stepping into unfamiliar territory.
“i’ll text you the details,” you said, trying to keep the conversation moving. “we’ll figure out a plan.”
sunghoon nodded, slipping his phone back into his pocket. for a brief moment, it almost seemed like the tension between you two had eased, but then he spoke again, his voice back to its usual coldness. “just don’t expect me to play nice,” he warned, his eyes narrowing slightly. “i’m not doing this for you. i’m doing this to get them off my back.”
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THE NIGHT OF THE DINNER ARRIVED FATER THAN YOU ANTICIPATED, and before you knew it, you found yourself standing outside your parents’ house with sunghoon by your side. the two of you looked like the perfect couple, at least on the surface. you were both dressed impeccably—sunghoon in a sharp black suit (for the first time) and you in a simple, black dress that your mom had insisted you wear.
as you walked up to the front door, you forced a smile, hoping it didn’t look as strained as it felt. “remember, just play along,” you whispered to sunghoon as you reached for the doorbell.
sunghoon sighed, barely masking his irritation. “yeah, yeah, i know the drill.”
the door swung open almost immediately, and you were greeted by your mother’s beaming face. “oh, there they are! my favorite couple,” she gushed, pulling you both into a tight hug. sunghoon stiffened beside you, clearly uncomfortable with the affectionate display, but he managed to return your mother’s smile.
“hi, mom,” you said, your voice a little too bright. “we’re here.”
“come in, come in!” she insisted, ushering you both inside. “dinner’s almost ready. your father’s been looking forward to this all week.”
as you entered the dining room, the smell of home-cooked food filled the air, mingling with the scent of fresh flowers. everything was arranged, from the perfectly folded napkins to the silverware.
“you two look wonderful,” your dad remarked, giving you both an approving nod as he took his seat at the head of the table. “it’s nice to finally have a proper family dinner.”
sunghoon flashed a polite smile, though you could tell he was barely holding back his annoyance. “thanks, sir. we’re happy to be here.”
you shot him a quick glance, impressed by his ability to keep up the act, even if it was just barely. every time your parents asked about your “relationship,” you forced a smile and nodded along with whatever sunghoon said, even when he was being sarcastic.
“so, how did you two meet?” your mom asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“it was... quite the story,” you began, trying to come up with something that wouldn’t sound too ridiculous.
sunghoon leaned back in his chair, smirking slightly. “yeah, she practically threw herself at me,” he said with a teasing tone that made you want to kick him under the table.
“oh, did she now?” your dad chuckled, clearly amused.
you felt your cheeks flush, but you kept your composure, forcing a laugh. “he’s exaggerating, of course,” you said, giving sunghoon a pointed look. “we met through mutual friends.”
sunghoon shrugged, his smirk never leaving his face. “something like that.”
sunghoon seemed to take every opportunity to make subtle jabs at you, whether it was a sarcastic comment about your habits or a teasing remark about your so-called relationship. it took everything in you not to snap at him in front of your parents.
finally, after what felt like an eternity, your parents excused themselves to the kitchen, leaving you and sunghoon alone at the table. the moment they were out of earshot, you turned to him, your fake smile dropping instantly.
“do you have to be such a jerk?” you hissed, keeping your voice low.
sunghoon rolled his eyes, leaning forward with an exasperated sigh. “i’m just trying to get through this as quickly as possible. it’s not my fault your parents are so nosy.”
“they’re not nosy, they’re just... interested,” you retorted, though even you could hear how weak your argument sounded. “and you don’t have to be so sarcastic all the time.”
“and you don’t have to be so uptight,” sunghoon shot back, his eyes narrowing. “seriously, you act like this is the end of the world.”
“maybe because it feels like it,” you snapped, crossing your arms over your chest. “i didn’t ask for any of this, sunghoon.”
“neither did i,” he countered, his voice cold. “but here we are.”
before you could respond, you heard footsteps approaching, and you quickly plastered a fake smile back on your face. sunghoon did the same, though his expression looked more like a grimace than anything else.
your parents reentered the room, both of them carrying trays of dessert. “hope you two saved room for dessert!” your mom chimed, setting the trays down on the table.
“of course,” sunghoon replied smoothly, his tone completely different from the one he’d used just moments ago. he even managed to let out a laugh, though it sounded forced to your ears. you joined in, though your own laughter felt hollow.
as the evening finally came to a close, you stood by the door with sunghoon, thanking your parents for the dinner. they were both smiling, clearly satisfied with how the night had gone.
“thanks for coming,” your mom said, giving you both a warm hug. “we’ll have to do this again sometime.”
“definitely,” you lied, forcing another smile. “we’ll let you know.”
as soon as you were out the door, you let out a long sigh, the tension leaving your body all at once. sunghoon walked beside you in silence, his expression unreadable.
“thanks for playing along,” you said quietly, not really expecting a response.
sunghoon glanced at you, his eyes softening slightly. “yeah, well, don’t get used to it,” he muttered, though there was less bite in his tone than before.
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YOU WERE IN THE MIDDLE OF A BUSY SHOOT when one of your co-workers approached you with a grin. “hey, we’re planning a party for yunjin’s birthday this weekend! you should totally come,” they said, excitement bubbling in their voice.
you paused, considering it for a moment. parties weren’t really your thing; you preferred quieter, more intimate gatherings. (despite you saying that you were some "extrovert). but you didn’t want to seem like a killjoy, especially since you’d been getting along well with the rest of the crew. “hmm, sure,” you replied, trying to sound enthusiastic.
your co-worker beamed. “great! it’s gonna be a lot of fun. oh, and by the way, it’s a plus-one kind of thing. you can bring a friend… or your boyfriend.” they winked at you, clearly teasing.
you managed a small laugh, though inside, you were already feeling the pressure. “oh, okay,” you said, keeping your tone light. but as they walked away, the reality of the situation began to sink in. a plus-one. great.
back in your dressing room, you slumped into a chair, staring at your phone. you were part of a close-knit trio of friends, and the idea of inviting just one of them felt wrong. how could you choose between them? you knew if you invited one, the other would inevitably feel left out. the last thing you wanted was to create tension among your friends.
hours passed, and you found yourself going back and forth in your mind. should you just skip the party altogether? but then again, you’d already said yes, and backing out now would seem weird. besides, yunjin was nice, and you didn’t want to disappoint her.
finally, an idea began to take shape in your mind. it wasn’t ideal, but it might be the simplest solution. with a resigned sigh, you decided to invite sunghoon. after all, you owed him for putting up with your parents’ dinner, and this could be a way to pay him back. besides, it wasn’t like you were going to have a good time anyway—might as well drag him along.
you typed out a quick message and hesitated for a moment before hitting send.
hey, there’s this party for one of my co-workers. it’s a plus-one thing. wanna come?
it didn’t take long for his reply to come through.
fine. don’t expect me to stay for long, though.
you rolled your eyes at the screen, but a small smile tugged at the corner of your lips. typical sunghoon. at least he agreed to go, which took some of the pressure off you. you quickly texted back a simple thanks, and put your phone away, trying not to overthink the whole thing.
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THE BAR WAS ALIVE WITH ENERGY as you stepped inside with sunghoon by your side. people were packed together on the dance floor. laughter and chatter filled the air, mingling with the clinking of glasses and the occasional burst of a drunken cheer. couples were scattered around, some dancing close, others tucked away in corners, stealing kisses that made you roll your eyes.
“this place is… lively,” sunghoon muttered, his eyes scanning the crowd.
“yeah, it’s a party,” you replied with a slight shrug, though you couldn’t help but feel a bit out of place. you weren’t exactly the party type, and neither was sunghoon, which made the whole situation feel a little surreal.
deciding to get a drink to ease the tension, you made your way over to the bar, sunghoon following closely behind. the bartender barely glanced at you as he took your order, quickly mixing up a couple of drinks and sliding them across the counter. you grabbed your glass, taking a sip of the cool liquid, hoping it would help you relax.
sunghoon took a swig of his drink, his expression unreadable. “so, how long do we have to stay here?” he asked, his voice low enough that only you could hear.
“just a little while,” you replied, trying not to sound too eager to leave. “it’s yunjin’s birthday. i can’t just disappear after showing up.”
sunghoon sighed but didn’t argue, taking another drink instead. just as you were about to take another sip, you heard a familiar voice call out your name.
“oh my god, y/n!” yunjin’s voice rang out, full of excitement as she made her way over to you. she looked gorgeous, her outfit sparkling under the bar’s dim lights. “i’m so glad you came!” she exclaimed, wrapping you in a quick hug.
“of course,” you replied, returning her hug with a smile. “happy birthday!”
as yunjin pulled away, her eyes drifted over to sunghoon, and her expression shifted from excitement to shock. “wait a minute… are you with the famous f1 driver, sunghoon?!” she nearly squealed, her eyes wide with disbelief.
sunghoon gave her a polite nod, a small smile playing on his lips. “that would be me,” he said, his tone smooth and calm as ever.
yunjin’s mouth dropped open in awe, clearly starstruck. “i can’t believe this! i didn’t know you were engaged to him, y/n!” she exclaimed.
“uh, yeah… we go way back,” you said awkwardly, trying to keep the conversation light. yunjin was too caught up in her excitement to notice your discomfort, though, as she quickly introduced herself to sunghoon, gushing about how much she admired his career.
sunghoon handled it with grace, his usual cool demeanor never faltering. you watched the interaction with a mixture of amusement and mild irritation—sunghoon always seemed so effortless in social situations, even when he clearly didn’t want to be there.
after a few more minutes of chatting, yunjin finally excused herself to mingle with other guests, leaving you and sunghoon alone again. you downed the rest of your drink in one gulp.
“she seems nice,” sunghoon commented, his tone neutral as he sipped his drink.
“yeah, she’s great,” you agreed, though your mind was elsewhere. you could still feel the lingering stares from some of the other partygoers who had noticed sunghoon’s presence. it wasn’t every day that a famous athlete showed up at a regular birthday party, after all.
as the night wore on, you found yourself relaxing a little, the alcohol helping to take the edge off your nerves. you and sunghoon stayed near the bar, occasionally chatting about nothing in particular. but just as you were starting to feel comfortable, disaster struck.
you reached for another drink, but your hand wobbled, and before you knew it, the glass tipped over, spilling its contents all over your dress. you let out a startled gasp, staring down at the growing stain on your outfit.
“fuck,” you muttered, feeling a flush of embarrassment rise to your cheeks. without thinking, you quickly excused yourself and made trip to the bathroom, hoping to save your dress before the stain set in.
as you stood in front of the mirror, dabbing at the stain with a paper towel, the bathroom door swung open, and sunghoon stepped inside. you glanced up, surprised to see him there.
“what are you doing?” you asked.
“what does it look like? helping,” sunghoon replied, grabbing another paper towel and joining you at the sink. his presence was a little too close for comfort, his arm brushing against yours as he leaned in to inspect the damage.
“i can handle it,” you insisted, though you didn’t move away.
“clearly,” he said dryly, his lips curving into a slight smirk as he continued to blot the stain. the scent of his cologne filled the small space, a mix of something clean and crisp that was distinctly him. it made your heart skip a beat, though you tried to ignore it.
“you didn’t have to follow me in here, you know,” you muttered, focusing on the task at hand.
“someone had to make sure you didn’t completely ruin your dress,” he retorted, his tone teasing. “besides, it’s not like i was having a great time out there.”
you rolled your eyes but couldn’t suppress a small smile. “you’re such a pessimist.”
“and you’re such a klutz,” he shot back. for a moment, the bickering felt almost normal, like you weren’t two people stuck in a fake marriage.
as you continued to dab at the stain, your hands occasionally brushed against each other, and you became acutely aware of how close sunghoon was standing to you. the small bathroom seemed to shrink around you.
“you know, you didn’t have to invite me to this,” sunghoon said after a moment, his voice quieter now. “i’m sure you could’ve brought someone you actually like.”
“don’t flatter yourself,” you replied, though there was a hint of playfulness in your tone. “i figured this was a good way to pay you back for that dinner. besides, i couldn’t just pick one friend to invite. it felt… wrong.”
sunghoon glanced at you, his expression softening slightly. “i get it. but still, this whole thing is just—”
“a fake marriage, yeah, i know,” you cut in, a bit more bitterly than you intended. “but we’re stuck with it, so we might as well make the best of it.”
unknown to either of you, the bathroom door had been left slightly ajar, and just outside, youngdae stood with a smug smirk on his face. he had heard every word, and as he quietly backed away, a plan began to form in his mind. he couldn’t believe his luck—overhearing something as juicy as this was too good to pass up.
as he slipped back into the crowd, unnoticed, you and sunghoon continued to bicker in the bathroom, completely unaware that your secret was no longer safe.
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YOU HAD NEVER IMAGINED YOURSELF IN THSI SITUATION—standing in a bridal boutique, skimming through racks of wedding dresses with sunghoon awkwardly hovering nearby. your parents had practically forced the two of you to go dress shopping together, giving you an outrageously huge budget and insisting that sunghoon accompany you. after all, what kind of engaged couple doesn’t choose their wedding dress together?
“can’t believe i’m doing this,” sunghoon muttered under his breath, his hands shoved deep into his pockets as he stood off to the side, clearly uncomfortable.
“oh, come on,” you teased, holding up a dress with intricate lace detailing. “how bad can it be? just think of it as a chance to play dress-up.”
he rolled his eyes, though a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “yeah, ‘cause that’s exactly what i want to do on my day off—play dress-up.”
you ignored his sarcasm, too engrossed in the rows of dresses before you. everything sparkled and shimmered under the boutique’s soft lighting, and you couldn’t help but gasp in awe every time you pulled out a new dress. “oh my god, isn’t this one so pretty?” you exclaimed, holding up a strapless gown with a flowing tulle skirt.
sunghoon glanced at it, his expression unreadable. “yeah, it’s nice,” he said noncommittally.
“just nice?” you pouted, returning the dress to its rack. “you’re supposed to be helping me choose, you know.”
“i am helping,” he protested, though the way he stood there like a statue suggested otherwise. “i’m here, aren’t i?”
you huffed, turning back to the dresses. after a few more minutes of browsing, you finally picked out a few that caught your eye and headed to the fitting room. “okay, i’m gonna try these on. don’t go anywhere,” you instructed, pointing at him as you disappeared behind the curtain.
sunghoon sighed and leaned against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. he wasn’t sure how he ended up in this position—fake marriage or not, this felt a little too real for his liking. but as much as he wanted to be anywhere else, he couldn’t deny the slight curiosity that tugged at him as he waited for you to reappear.
a few minutes later, you stepped out of the fitting room in the first dress, a simple yet elegant gown with delicate lace sleeves. you did a little twirl, smiling at yourself in the mirror before turning to sunghoon. “what do you think?”
sunghoon’s breath caught in his throat as he looked at you. for a moment, he forgot how to speak, his usual cool demeanor slipping as he took in the sight before him. when had you become this… pretty?
he quickly schooled his expression, trying to sound indifferent. “it’s okay, i guess.”
you frowned, though not completely disappointed. “just okay? really?”
“yeah, it’s fine,” he said, averting his gaze as if the dress wasn’t making his heart race.
you sighed, but didn’t let his lackluster response dampen your mood. “well, i have a few more to try on. maybe you’ll like the next one better.”
as you disappeared back into the fitting room, sunghoon let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. what was wrong with him? this was just dress shopping, nothing more. yet, the image of you in that dress lingered in his mind, making it hard to focus on anything else.
a few minutes later, you emerged again, this time in a dress that was the complete opposite of the first—sleek, modern, with a plunging neckline and an open back. you looked at sunghoon expectantly, waiting for his reaction.
once again, sunghoon felt his heart skip a beat. the dress hugged your curves perfectly, accentuating every line and angle. he swallowed hard, trying to keep his voice steady. “it’s… okay too.”
you raised an eyebrow, not convinced. “that’s all you have to say? you’re not very helpful, you know.”
“they all look fine,” he insisted, though in truth, he was struggling to keep his emotions in check. every dress you tried on seemed to outshine the last, and it was becoming harder for him to maintain his usual aloofness.
you tried on a few more dresses, each one stunning in its own way, but every time you asked for his opinion, he gave the same response: “it’s okay.”
by the time you tried on the fifth dress, you were starting to get frustrated. “you literally said the same thing for the past five dresses,” you pointed out, hands on your hips as you glared at him in the mirror.
sunghoon shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of your stare. “well, they’re all okay, i guess…” he mumbled, avoiding your eyes.
“ugh, you’re impossible,” you groaned, though there was a hint of a smile on your lips. “at this rate, we’ll never choose a dress.”
sunghoon glanced at you, his gaze softening for a moment. “you look good in all of them,” he admitted quietly, barely loud enough for you to hear.
you paused, taken aback by his words. it wasn’t much, but coming from him, it felt like a genuine compliment. “really?” you asked, your annoyance melting away as a smile spread across your face.
sunghoon looked away, feeling a little embarrassed. “yeah, really,” he said, clearing his throat as if to cover up the sincerity in his voice.
eventually, after much thinking, you finally chose a dress—a classic, timeless gown that felt like the perfect balance between elegance and simplicity. as you stood in front of the mirror, admiring the final choice, you couldn’t help but notice the way sunghoon was looking at you. his usual stoic expression had softened, and there was something in his eyes that made your heart flutter.
“so, this is the one?” he asked, his voice oddly gentle.
“yeah,” you replied, meeting his gaze in the mirror. “this is the one.” maybe, just maybe, this fake marriage was becoming something a little more real.
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YOU, MIYEON, AND YUNAH ARE SPRAWLED COMFORTABLY ON THE OVERSIZED COUCH in Miyeon’s living room, a place you've all come to consider your second house (because of how many times the three of you stay at).
Yunah is on her phone, as usual, her eyes scanning the screen rapidly. Suddenly, she pauses, her lips curling into a smirk. “Well, well, look who’s trending,” she drawls, her eyes flicking up to meet yours. “You and Sunghoon are all over the news. Everyone's saying you’re officially together.”
Miyeon perks up at this as she leans forward. “Let me see!” she says eagerly, reaching out for Yunah’s phone.
Yunah hands it over with a knowing smile. “It’s literally everywhere,” she repeats, her tone teasing but supportive. “You guys are the talk of the town.”
Miyeon’s eyes widen as she scrolls through the headlines, her fingers flying across the screen. “Wow, they’re even calling you the ‘It’ couple of the year,” she remarks, half in awe, half in disbelief. “This is huge!”
You sigh, “I knew the story would get out, but I didn’t expect it to blow up like this,” you admit, running a hand through your hair.
Yunah chuckles, nudging you playfully. “Well, you’re both celebrities in your own right. An actor and a Formula 1 driver? That’s headline gold right there.”
Miyeon hands the phone back to Yunah, turning her attention to you with a curious glint in her eye. “So, how’s it been? Pretending to be married to one of the hottest guys on the planet? Any sparks flying yet?”
You blush, recalling the moments you’ve shared with Sunghoon—the way his gaze lingers on you a little longer than necessary, the way his cologne mingles in the air, the way he complimented you at the wedding dress shop. “It’s… interesting,” you say, trying to keep your tone neutral. “We’re both just trying to play our parts and not let things get too complicated.”
“Too late for that,” Yunah quips, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “Come on, there’s gotta be something there.”
Miyeon nods enthusiastically. “Yeah, you can’t fool us. We know you too well. Besides, if you’re gonna be in the spotlight, you might as well enjoy it, right?”
You let out a small laugh, feeling the warmth of their support. “I don’t know… it’s all so confusing. One minute, it feels like we’re just playing a role, and the next, it feels… real.”
Yunah places a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Just take it one step at a time. Don’t overthink it. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen.”
Miyeon grins, giving you an encouraging look. “And in the meantime, we’ll be here to cheer you on. Fake or not, this is your story, and you get to write the ending.”
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THE NIGHT AIR WAS THICK WITH THE ENERGY of the city as you, Miyeon, and Yunah staggered out of the cozy, dimly lit bar you’d spent the evening in. The three of you had gone out for a few drinks to unwind, but a few turned into more than you could count, and now you were decidedly tipsy—no, scratch that, you were drunk. The kind of drunk that makes the world spin and words blur together.
Miyeon, ever the responsible one, was trying to hail a cab while Yunah clung to your arm, giggling uncontrollably at something you couldn’t quite remember. A soft breeze ruffling your hair as you leaned against a lamppost, the ground feeling a little too far away for comfort.
“I should call… someone…” you muttered, fumbling for your phone in your bag, your fingers clumsy and uncoordinated.
Yunah snorted, still giggling. “Who’re you gonna call? Ghostbusters?”
“Sunghoon,” you slurred, finding his number on your phone with surprising accuracy despite the alcohol fogging your brain. Without another thought, you pressed the call button, bringing the phone to your ear as it rang.
On the other end, Sunghoon was sitting on the couch in his sleek, modern apartment, absentmindedly flipping through channels on the TV. He wasn’t really paying attention to anything in particular; his mind was elsewhere. Specifically, it was on you. At first, he’d told himself it was just part of the act, that he was only playing the role of your fake fiancé. But the more time he spent with you, the more he started to question that.
His phone buzzed on the coffee table, and he glanced at the screen, frowning slightly when he saw your name. You never called him, especially not this late. With a hint of worry, he picked up. “Hello?”
“Sunghoon!” you exclaimed, far too loud for a late-night call. Your voice was slurred.
“Are you… drunk?” he asked, his concern deepening. He could hear you giggling on the other end, and it did something funny to his chest. “Where are you?”
“Out… with Miyeon and Yunah. We’re having soooo much fun!” You hiccuped.
Sunghoon’s brow furrowed as he stood up, already grabbing his keys off the table. “You shouldn’t be out there alone. Stay where you are, I’m coming to get you.”
“But I’m not alone!” you protested, sounding like a child. “I’m with Miyeon and Yunah! They’re sooooo funny…”
“Stay there,” he repeated, more firmly this time. “I’m on my way.”
You didn’t seem to hear him, too busy giggling with Yunah about something that had apparently happened earlier in the evening. Sunghoon didn’t waste any more time. He was out the door and in his car within minutes, the engine roaring to life as he sped through the city streets.
By the time he reached the bar, you were sitting on the curb with Miyeon and Yunah, both of whom were also a little tipsy but still more composed than you. The moment Sunghoon stepped out of his car, your eyes lit up, though you didn’t seem to fully recognize him.
“There he is!” Miyeon said, relief evident in her voice as she waved him over. “She’s all yours, Sunghoon. Good luck.”
Sunghoon couldn���t help but chuckle despite his worry as he approached you. You looked up at him with a lazy grin, your eyes glazed over. “Who’re you?” you asked, tilting your head to the side in confusion.
“It’s me, Sunghoon,” he replied, crouching down in front of you. “Let’s get you home.”
You pouted, shaking your head like a stubborn child. “I don’t know you,” you mumbled, crossing your arms. “I’m not going anywhere with a stranger.”
Sunghoon sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing with you in this state. “Alright, alright,” he said, trying to keep his tone soothing. “But we can’t stay here. How about I take you somewhere safe?”
You squinted at him, clearly trying to decide if you could trust him. After a moment, you seemed to make up your mind and nodded. “Okay… but no funny business, mister!”
Sunghoon chuckled softly, his heart doing that funny little flip again. He gently helped you to your feet, slipping an arm around your waist to steady you. “I promise,” he said, leading you toward his car.
The drive was quiet, save for your occasional hiccup or mumble about how the city lights were so pretty. Sunghoon kept glancing at you out of the corner of his eye.
When you arrived at his apartment, Sunghoon helped you out of the car and into the elevator. You leaned heavily against him, clearly exhausted but still stubbornly refusing to give him your address. He figured it was safer to just keep you with him for the night.
His apartment was as sleek and modern as ever, but tonight, it felt different having you there. He led you to the guest bedroom, flicking on the light as he helped you sit on the edge of the bed.
“Here we are,” he said softly, crouching down to help you with your shoes. “You can sleep here tonight.”
You blinked down at him, a smile spreading across your face. “You’re really nice for a stranger,” you slurred, reaching out to pat his head clumsily.
Sunghoon felt his face heat up, and he quickly stood, hoping you wouldn’t notice. “Okay, now go to sleep,” he said, trying to sound firm.
As he tucked you in, pulling the blanket up around you, you suddenly leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. The taste of alcohol lingered on your breath as you pulled back, giggling. “Thank you, stranger,” you murmured, your eyelids drooping heavily.
Sunghoon froze, his heart pounding in his chest. He stared down at you.
“Okay, now go to sleep,” he repeated, this time more to himself than to you as he gently pushed you back onto the pillow.
You were already half asleep, a soft smile on your lips as you mumbled something he couldn't puzzle out. Sunghoon stood there for a moment longer, just watching you.
Finally, he turned off the light and quietly left the room, closing the door behind him. As he leaned against the wall outside, he let out a slow breath, running a hand through his hair.
He was definitely catching feelings for you, and tonight had only made that fact impossible to ignore. But for now, he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing on the simple fact that you were safe, and that was all that mattered.
For now.
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YOU WAKE UP WITH A POUNDING HEADACHE. Groaning, you reach up to rub your temples, your eyes still squeezed shut against the harsh morning light filtering through the curtains. When you finally dare to open them, the first thing you see is a glass of water and a single pill on the nightstand next to you.
Grateful, you reach for the water and swallow the pill, hoping it’ll take the edge off your hangover. But as you set the glass back down, something feels… off. You blink a few times, trying to clear the fog from your mind. This didn’t look like your bedroom. Where were you?
You sit up slowly, the blanket sliding off your legs as you take in your surroundings. The room is spacious and sleek, with modern, minimalist decor—a far cry from the cozy clutter of your own place. Panic starts to bubble up in your chest as you swing your legs over the side of the bed, your feet meeting the cool hardwood floor.
You stand, wobbling slightly as the room tilts beneath you. After a moment, you steady yourself and start to walk toward the door. The apartment is eerily quiet, the only sound the faint hum of the city beyond the windows. You weren't kidnapped right?
You wander through the hallway, glancing at the modern art on the walls and the polished furniture that looks like it belongs in a high-end magazine. None of it is familiar. Displays of trophies. Your heart pounds faster as you pass by a living room with a sleek black couch and a glass coffee table, everything impeccably neat. Where are you?
Finally, you reach the kitchen, your breath catching in your throat as you see a tall figure standing by the counter, his back to you. He’s dressed casually, a black t-shirt stretching across his broad shoulders, his hair slightly tousled like he’s just woken up. The smell of freshly brewed coffee wafts through the air, mingling with the sharp scent of something else—aftershave, maybe.
He turns around, and your heart skips a beat. Sunghoon.
He glances at you, his expression carefully neutral, though you can see the tension in his posture. “You’re awake,” he says, his voice low and measured, as if he’s trying not to sound too concerned.
You blink, still half-convinced you’re dreaming. “Sunghoon?” you whisper, your voice hoarse from sleep. “What… what happened? I was with Yunah and Miyeon…”
He nods, setting down the mug of coffee he was holding. “You were,” he confirms, his tone calm “But you got drunk, really drunk, and I thought it was best you stay here. You were pretty persistent about not telling me your address.”
You stare at him, your mind struggling to piece together the events of the previous night. Flashes of memory come back—calling him, the bar, the lights of the city, his worried face as he helped you into his car. You groan, slapping a hand to your forehead as it all starts to make sense. “Very smart of you, YN..” you mumble to yourself.
“Okay, fine,” you say, crossing your arms defensively. “But I’m still not happy about being brought here without knowing.”
Sunghoon raises an eyebrow, leaning against the counter again. “I didn’t exactly have many options, you know. You wouldn’t tell me your address.”
You huff, feeling a little defensive. “Maybe if you didn’t look so much like a stranger, I would’ve!”
He smirks, crossing his arms to mirror your stance. “I told you who I was. It’s not my fault you couldn’t recognize me in your drunk state.”
You narrow your eyes at him, the headache making you more irritable than usual. “Well, maybe next time you should have tried harder.”
“Next time?” he echoes, a playful glint in his eyes. “So, you’re planning to get drunk and forget who I am again?”
You roll your eyes, refusing to back down. “That’s not what I meant. I just… you could’ve left me with Yunah and Miyeon, you know.”
Sunghoon’s smirk fades slightly, and his tone becomes more serious. “They were tipsy too, and I wasn’t about to leave you with them in that condition. You were my responsibility after you called me.”
You bite your lip, realizing he has a point but not willing to admit it. “Well, you didn’t have to be so overprotective.”
He sighs, the amusement slipping from his face. “I wasn’t being overprotective. I was being responsible.”
You glare at him, but there’s no real anger behind it, “Fine, whatever. But you could’ve at least woken me up or something when we got here.”
He gives you a deadpan look. “You were barely conscious by the time we got here. I didn’t think you’d appreciate being woken up just so you could argue with me.”
You open your mouth to retort but realize you don’t have a good comeback. Instead, you huff again and look away, your arms still crossed. “You’re so annoying.”
Sunghoon chuckles softly, shaking his head. “And you’re impossible.”
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THE EVENING SKY WAS A DEEP SHADE OF BLUE. the grand hall filled with laughter, clinking glasses, and the low hum of chatter. Your engagement party was a few weeks later than planned, but no less extravagant.
You stood beside Sunghoon, the two of you playing the part of the perfect couple for the night. He looked effortlessly handsome in a tailored black suit. You were dressed in a stunning gown that flowed like water around you.
Sunghoon leaned in close as you both watched your families mingle and enjoy themselves. “Remember,” he said with a teasing smirk, “don’t drink too much tonight. I don’t think I could survive another night like the last time.”
You elbowed him lightly in the ribs, giving him a mock glare. “Very funny. I’ll have you know I’m fully in control tonight.”
He chuckled, the sound low and warm, sending an unexpected shiver down your spine. “I’m just looking out for you.”
You opened your mouth to retort but were interrupted by the sound of a spoon tapping against a glass. Your father stood at the center of the room, commanding everyone’s attention with his broad smile and booming voice. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he began, “if I could have your attention, please! It’s time for a toast from the happy couple!”
The guests turned toward you and Sunghoon, their eyes bright with expectation. You felt a flutter of nerves as you stepped forward, taking the microphone that was handed to you. Sunghoon stood beside you, his hand resting lightly on the small of your back—a gesture that felt more practiced than genuine.
You took a deep breath and smiled warmly at the crowd. “Thank you all for being here tonight,” you began, “It means the world to us to have our families and closest friends gathered together to celebrate this special occasion. We couldn’t be happier to share this moment with all of you.”
Sunghoon took the microphone next, his voice smooth and confident as he added, “We’re truly grateful for all the love and support we’ve received. We promise to make the most of this journey together, no matter what the future holds.”
There was a round of applause, followed by the clinking of glasses as everyone raised their drinks in a toast. You exchanged a smile with Sunghoon, relieved that the speech was over, but the evening wasn’t done with its surprises yet.
From somewhere in the crowd, a voice called out, “Give her a kiss!” It started as a playful suggestion, but soon others joined in, chanting and encouraging Sunghoon to kiss you.
Sunghoon chuckled nervously, his usual composed expression faltering slightly. “Oh,” he said, turning to you with a hesitant smile. He took your hand and pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles. “There.”
The crowd groaned in playful disapproval, with some guests booing and others laughing at the display. Your father, always the life of the party, wasn’t about to let it slide. “Come on, Sunghoon! On the lips!”
You froze, feeling the blood drain from your face as the room buzzed with anticipation. Sunghoon looked just as caught off guard, his eyes widening slightly before he forced a smile back onto his face. “Uh, okay…,” he mumbled, clearly out of his depth.
Sunghoon turned back to you, his eyes searching yours for a moment as if silently asking for permission. You gave him a small nod, your heart racing as he leaned in closer. All you could focus on was the feel of his breath against your lips, the scent of his cologne mingling with the faint traces of champagne.
Then, he closed the distance, pressing his lips against yours. It was over before it even began, a brief touch that was more awkward than anything, leaving you both standing there, trying to play it off with polite smiles as the guests erupted into cheers and applause.
But just as you thought the moment had passed, your grandmother’s voice cut through the noise “Y/N! Give him a real kiss!”
Laughter rippled through the room, and you felt your heart sink. This was not part of the plan. You turned to Sunghoon, your eyes wide with a mix of panic and disbelief. He looked just as flustered, his normally calm expression cracking under the pressure.
“Haha…,” you laughed awkwardly, glancing around the room for an escape, but there was none. The guests were all watching, eagerly awaiting the show they’d been promised.
With no other choice, you forced yourself to smile and faced Sunghoon again. “Well…,” you began, trying to sound lighthearted even though your pulse was racing. “Here goes nothing.”
You leaned in, your lips meeting his once more, but this time, there was no hesitation. The kiss was slow, lingering longer than the last. Sunghoon stiffened at first, clearly taken aback by your sudden compliance, but then something shifted. You felt it in the way his hand instinctively came to rest on your waist, pulling you just a little closer as he relaxed into the kiss.
Then, just as quickly as it started, it was over. Sunghoon pulled back, his eyes searching yours with an expression you couldn’t quite read. He looked almost shocked, as if he couldn’t believe what had just happened. But he quickly masked it with a smile, a little forced, but enough to appease the crowd.
The guests erupted into applause, their cheers and laughter filling the room as you blinked.
As the celebration continued around you, your gaze caught on a familiar face in the crowd. Youngdae. He was standing off to the side, his eyes narrowed as he watched the two of you. There was something in his expression—something smug, knowing. It sent a chill down your spine.
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THE MORNING WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE ANY OTHER—calm, uneventful. You were scrolling through your phone, sipping on your coffee, when a notification caught your eye. At first, you thought it was just another article about the engagement, another gossip piece speculating about your relationship with Sunghoon. But the headline stopped you cold.
“Sunghoon and Y/N’s Relationship is All Fake and Scripted.”
You felt your heart drop into your stomach, the words blurring in front of your eyes. Panic surged through you as you clicked on the link, your mind racing. How did they find out? Who could have known? As the article loaded, your breath caught in your throat when you saw the author’s name.
You scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping your lips as the reality of it set in. Of course, it was him. You should’ve known he was up to something, but you had been too distracted.
As you read through the article, each line felt like a slap to the face. He had all the details—the fake marriage, the carefully staged moments, even the reasons behind it all. It was as if he had been there, watching every step of the way, waiting for the perfect moment to expose the truth.
Your hands trembled as you scrolled through the comments, each one more vicious than the last. People were calling you a liar, accusing you of playing with their emotions for publicity. The overwhelming wave of hatred and disappointment made you feel sick.
It was all true. Every word of it. The relationship was fake. You knew that from the start, but seeing it laid out like this—so cold, so calculated—made it feel real in a way that shook you to your core.
You set your phone down, staring blankly at the wall in front of you. The buzz of your phone pulled you out of your daze—numerous missed calls from your parents, texts asking you to explain, to do damage control. But you ignored them. Right now, you couldn’t face them. There was only one person you needed to talk to.
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THE ROAR OF THE ENGINES FILLED THE AIR the scent of burning rubber and gasoline lingering as you stood by the bleachers, watching the cars speed around the track. It felt like déjà vu, standing here again, in the same spot where you first met Sunghoon. Back then, you had watched him win with ease, his car a blur as he crossed the finish line in first place. Today, you found yourself here again, but everything felt different—heavier, uncertain.
As the race continued, your eyes were locked on Sunghoon’s car. You had come here to support him, to clear your mind and maybe, just maybe, find a way to fix everything. But when his car zoomed past, your heart skipped a beat. His eyes briefly met yours, a flash of recognition in his gaze, but then he looked away, ignoring you completely. A cold wave of dread washed over you.
The race was intense, but something was wrong. Sunghoon wasn’t leading like he usually did. For the first time, you watched as he struggled to maintain his position, falling into second place. It was subtle, but you could see the frustration in his driving, the slight hesitations that weren’t characteristic of him. When he finally crossed the finish line, there was no victory in his expression—only a bitter disappointment.
You didn’t waste any time, rushing down the bleachers, making sure to keep your face covered so no one would recognize you. You had to talk to him, had to find out what was going on. As you made your way to the pit area, your heart pounded in your chest, each step feeling heavier than the last.
You found him near his car, his back turned to you as he spoke with his team. He looked different—tense, his shoulders hunched with frustration. When he finally noticed you, his expression hardened, the coldness in his eyes hitting you like a punch to the gut.
“What do you want, Y/N?” he asked, his voice laced with bitterness.
You froze, taken aback by the harshness in his tone. “I… I just wanted to talk,” you managed to say, your voice trembling slightly.
“Talk about what?” he snapped, crossing his arms over his chest. “Us?”
“Yes,” you whispered, feeling a knot form in your throat. “About us.”
Sunghoon let out a harsh laugh, shaking his head. “There is no ‘us,’ Y/N. It’s over, isn’t it? They know, we know—it’s over.”
His words stung, each one like a dagger to your heart. You opened your mouth to protest, to explain, but nothing came out. He scoffed at your silence, his eyes narrowing in anger. Your eyes dart to his bruised knuckles but you don't ask.
“Sunghoon, please,” you tried again, your voice breaking. “I don’t understand why you’re acting like this.”
“Why?” he echoed, his voice rising in frustration. “Because this is the reason I got second place! Because I couldn’t focus, because all I could think about was this mess we’re in!”
You felt a sharp pang of guilt, the weight of his words sinking in. “Sunghoon, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“Enough!” he cut you off, his voice firm and unyielding. “Just forget it, okay? We don’t know each other. It’s better that way.”
You stood there, speechless, as he turned away from you, his figure retreating into the crowd. 
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PARK SUNGHOON STOOD NEAR HIS CAR, focused and mentally preparing himself for the race. But something was different today, a tension in the atmosphere that he couldn’t quite place.
As he made his way towards the pit lane, his eyes caught sight of a figure approaching. It was a young man, tall and lean, with a smug expression plastered across his face. Sunghoon squinted, trying to place the familiarity of the stranger. The man walked with an air of arrogance.
“Who are you?” Sunghoon asked, his voice cold and clipped, betraying the irritation that was beginning to simmer beneath the surface.
The man stopped in front of him, tilting his head slightly as if considering the question. “Youngdae,” he replied, his tone dripping with mockery. “I’m YN’s ‘close’ friend.”
The words hung in the air, the taunting lilt in Youngdae’s voice making Sunghoon’s stomach churn. His mind raced, trying to recall where he had seen this guy before. And then it clicked. The engagement party. Yunjin’s and…your engagement party. Sunghoon’s jaw tightened at the memory.
“And?” Sunghoon demanded, his voice now laced with suspicion. “What do you want?”
Youngdae smirked, clearly enjoying the effect he was having. “Oh, I just wanted to let you know,” he started, his tone nonchalant, “that I know everything. And YN… she’s been doing all of this for me. She told me she liked me.”
Sunghoon’s world tilted at those words. His heart stuttered in his chest, “What?” he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper, as if saying it too loudly would make it true.
Youngdae’s eyes gleamed with satisfaction. “Yeah, she’s been playing you, Sunghoon,” he continued, his voice taunting. “The whole marriage thing? It was just a way for her to escape, to protect me. She’s mine.”
Sunghoon’s blood boiled, his vision narrowing on the man in front of him. Lies. They had to be lies. But the seed of doubt had been planted, twisting and turning in his mind. “Oh really?” Sunghoon muttered, his voice low, dangerous.
Youngdae barely had time to react before Sunghoon’s fist connected with his jaw, sending him staggering backward. Youngdae straightened, wiping the blood from his lip, his smirk only widening.
“Touched a nerve, did I?” Youngdae sneered, stepping forward as if ready for more.
Sunghoon didn’t wait. Another punch.
Finally, with one last kick, Sunghoon sent Youngdae sprawling to the ground, breathing heavily, chest heaving. He stood over the other man, fists clenched at his sides, his knuckles bruised and bloody. But the pain in his hands was nothing compared to the ache in his chest.
“Congratulations,” Sunghoon spat, his voice thick with emotion. “You got yourself a girlfriend.” The words tasted bitter on his tongue.
With that, he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Youngdae on the ground. Was it true? Had everything between you been a lie?
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IT HAD BEEN A WEEK SINCE THE WORLD YOU CAREFULLY CONSTRUCTED CAME CRASHING DOWN. The memories of that awful day played on a loop in your mind, leaving you exhausted and drained. You spent countless hours crying, the weight of Sunghoon’s words crushing you. Miyeon and Yunah sat by your side, their attempts to comfort you. They tried everything—funny stories, your favorite movies, even bringing you your favorite snacks—but nothing seemed to help.
Meanwhile, Sunghoon was a mess of his own. The usually confident and composed Formula 1 driver was now a stressed for the past week etched deeply into his features. He had barely slept, and when he did, his dreams were haunted by images of you—your smile, your laugh, and the pain in your eyes when he had turned his back on you. He didn’t want to think about it, but it was all he could think about.
He was sitting with Heeseung, Jay, and Jake. Heeseung glanced at Sunghoon, noticing the way his friend had been uncharacteristically quiet, his gaze unfocused as he stared off in the distance. Heeseung finally broke the silence, his tone cautious, “So… you ended things with YN?”
Sunghoon let out a long, heavy sigh, his hand running through his hair in frustration. “Yeah,” he muttered, the word filled with regret. “She was just using me to get some guy named Youngdae.”
Jake raised an eyebrow at that, his skepticism clear. “Her? Use you?” There was disbelief in his voice, as if the idea itself was absurd.
Jay, who had been scrolling through his phone, looked up with a frown. “Did you not read the article?” he asked, his tone serious. “The author is Youngdae. He’s the one who exposed your fake relationship or whatever.”
Sunghoon blinked, the words taking a moment to sink in. “What?” he muttered, confusion lacing his voice. He straightened in his seat, pulling out his phone with shaky hands. His fingers fumbled as he searched for the article, the one he had tried so hard to avoid reading because he thought he already knew the truth.
When the article loaded on his screen, he read it carefully, his eyes scanning every word, every sentence. As the pieces started to fall into place, his heart began to race. The tone of the article, the subtle jabs at both you and him, the not-so-subtle gloating—everything screamed of someone with a personal vendetta. Youngdae. The man who had approached him before the race, taunting him, planting seeds of doubt in his mind. Sunghoon’s eyes widened as realization hit him like a freight train.
“It was all a lie,” he whispered to himself. He looked up at his friends, his expression one of dawning horror. “She wasn’t using me. Youngdae set the whole thing up.”
Heeseung, Jay, and Jake watched as the realization washed over Sunghoon, each of them exchanging worried glances. “Yeah, it looks like that asshole was trying to mess with you both,” Jay said, his voice calm but firm.
Sunghoon’s thoughts were a whirlwind as he pieced everything together. The way Youngdae had approached him, the lies he’d told, the article designed to twist the truth and drive a wedge between you two. How could he have been so blind?
“Shoot,” Sunghoon cursed under his breath, his heart pounding in his chest. “I need to talk to her.”
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YOU SIGHED, tugging at the sleeves of your jacket as you followed Yunah and Miyeon through the bustling crowd. The roar of excited fans and the distant rumble of engines filled the air, a constant reminder of where you were—somewhere you hadn’t wanted to be. Yunah had practically dragged you here, insisting that Sunghoon wouldn’t be part of the lineup today. “Just come along for the fun,” she had said. “It’ll be a good distraction.” And you had reluctantly agreed.
But as you found your seat and the contestants started to make their way onto the track, your heart nearly stopped. There he was. Sunghoon, as he strode confidently towards his car, the cheers of the crowd rising in volume.
“You lied, Yunah,” you muttered, narrowing your eyes at your friend.
Yunah winced, offering you a sheepish smile. “Oops. Guess I got that wrong.”
Miyeon chuckled, nudging your shoulder playfully. “Well, you’re not leaving now. We paid for these tickets!”
You rolled your eyes, trying to push down the pain that had been gnawing at you for days. It wasn’t easy seeing him after everything, the memories of your last encounter still fresh and raw. But you couldn’t deny the way your heart skipped a beat when his eyes met yours. For a fleeting moment, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips, but you couldn’t bring yourself to return it, instead looking away quickly, focusing on the crowd.
The race was intense, the final race of the season. whoever won this race would be crowned the champion. Your eyes followed Sunghoon’s car as it sped around the track. You could feel your chest tightening with each passing lap, the anticipation building as he edged closer to victory.
And then, in a blur of speed and adrenaline, Sunghoon crossed the finish line first. The crowd erupted in cheers, the energy electric as the realization set in—he had won. Again.
Sunghoon stepped out of his car, triumphant, the smile on his face broad and genuine as he accepted his trophy. But then, to your surprise, he grabbed the microphone, his voice booming through the speakers.
“This is my fourth year being the champion of this season,” he began, his tone proud but also tinged with something else—something softer. “Thank you, everyone, for your support. It means the world to me.”
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, hoping the moment would pass quickly, but then his words took an unexpected turn.
“And to those who don’t think YN and I are together… we are,” Sunghoon continued, his eyes searching the crowd until they found you. Your breath hitched as he held your gaze. “And I love her. I truly do. I think it’s the way she laughs or smiles. It’s just the way she gives me butterflies. A composure I can’t hold when she’s with me.”
Your eyes widened, confusion and shock swirling in your mind. What was he doing? Was this some kind of joke? But his expression was serious, sincere, and there was a vulnerability in his eyes that you hadn’t seen before.
“I’m sorry, YN,” he said through the mic, the words raw and honest. Before you could process what was happening, you felt hands on your back—Yunah and Miyeon were pushing you out of your seat, urging you forward.
“Go on!” Yunah whispered excitedly, while Miyeon giggled beside her.
You were practically shoved onto the track, and suddenly, you were standing in front of Sunghoon. The world seemed to blur around you, the noise of the crowd fading into the background as all you could focus on was him—just him.
Sunghoon’s eyes softened as he looked at you, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. He stepped closer, lowering the mic, his voice now just for you. “YN, I’m sorry for everything. For just leaving you with no explanation. I let my insecurities get the best of me, and I almost lost you because of it. But I swear, that’s never going to happen again.” You stared at him, confusion on your face.
“ I pieced it all together, and I realized how wrong I was. I was stupid, and I’m so sorry. But I love you, YN. I love you more than I can put into words. And I want us to be official, for real this time.”
Your heart was pounding in your chest, overwhelmed by the flood of emotions washing over you. It felt surreal, like a dream you were afraid to wake up from. “Actually?” you whispered, needing to hear it again, needing to know this was real.
“Actually,” Sunghoon confirmed, a small, hopeful smile on his lips.
A smile slowly crept onto your face as you felt the last of your doubts melt away. “Well… I love you too,” you said, your voice trembling with emotion.
And then, before you could say another word, Sunghoon leaned in, his lips capturing yours in a soft kiss. His hand cupped the side of your face, his thumb brushing softly against your cheek as his lips moved against yours.
When you finally pulled away, breathless and smiling, Sunghoon’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “You know,” he began, his voice teasing, “when you were drunk a few weeks ago, you kissed me on the lips.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” you asked.
“I was just waiting for this moment,” he replied with a grin, pulling you into another kiss as the crowd cheered around you, their applause now a distant echo.
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THE CITY WAS ALIVE WITH A SOFT GLOW. Sunghoon drove through the city. You sat beside him, your hand resting comfortably on his as the cool night air streamed in through the open window, brushing against your skin and sending a pleasant shiver down your spine.
The world outside was quiet, peaceful, a perfect contrast to the whirlwind of excitement that had surrounded you both ever since the news broke. Everyone knew now—about the engagement, the wedding plans, the future that was waiting for you both just around the corner.
Sunghoon glanced over at you, a soft smile playing on his lips as he admired the way the moonlight highlighted your features, making you look even more ethereal.
At every green light, he would lean over, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. His lips were soft, lingering just long enough to make your heart flutter, before he would pull away with a grin, only to repeat the sweet gesture at the next light.
“Do you know how beautiful you look right now?” he murmured, his voice low as his fingers intertwined with yours, giving your hand a light squeeze.
You smiled, a blush creeping up your cheeks as you looked over at him. “You always say that,” you teased, but the warmth in your voice showed how much you loved hearing it.
“It’s because it’s true,” he replied softly, leaning in for another kiss as the light turned green. This time, the kiss lingered a little longer, his lips moving tenderly against yours.
When he pulled back, a grin on his face that matched your own. “I can’t wait to marry you,” he whispered.
“Me neither,” you whispered back, leaning in for one more kiss.
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lvmazzy · 1 year
- playing dangerous !
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summary: Heesung doesn't hide his favoritism for his girl in the kpop industry.
pairing: manager!heeseung x idol!fem!reader
word/character count: 6K / 6297
warnings: grammatical errors, profanity, implied sex, obscenity, kpop, gg kpop, favoritism, affair between co-workers...
gender: little smut, fluff(?), funny(??)
author's notes: hihi my luvs!! I'm finally back. it's my first time writing something about enhypen and a little more raunchy, sooo I hope you like it! don't forget to give your feedback which is very important. xoxo 💋
It was a fact that Heeseung had a soft spot for you. From the day he saw you practicing in the rehearsal room, he certainly saw potential, charisma and beauty.
Your kpop group wasn't as acclaimed and recognized yet and that frustrated you. But things changed when you met Heeseung, he was a nice, young and extremely attractive guy - sinful thoughts ran through your mind making you dizzy - you saw how excited he was to be your new manager and help elevate your career.
Your dream was to be famous, the fame, the lust, the spotlight was your dream and Heeseung sure promised you all of that.
Things started to look better since you entered into an agreement with Heeseung, he was a great agent and manager. Album sales were up, views were growing, listeners on spotify were increasing and all of this was thanks to your manager Heeseung.
You were eternally grateful and happy for all your manager's work, he even increased your distribution lines on songs, invested in sponsors, in other words, you were the center of everything!
It was late at night when you had just come off another successful stage. You looked radiant, with rosy cheeks, hair on your forehead from dancing, and a breathtakingly flawless outfit.
The ecstasy was visible on your face as you entered your dressing room. Looking at yourself in the mirror, admiring every detail, so wrapped up in the countless compliments, you suddenly felt a pair of hands on your waist which made you jump in fright.
"Heeseung! You scared me!" you say with wide eyes and a hand on your heart.
"sorry my little kitten, I just came here to congratulate you." your stomach filled with butterflies at the nickname making you blush. Then immediately he pulled you closer to himself. In response, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"you were amazing tonight, I'm so proud of you..." Heeseung whispered as he distributed several kisses with light bites on your neck, making you shiver with every touch.
"Heeseung... we.... can't....." it was almost a whisper. You tried to form coherent sentences, but Heeseung's kisses became hotter and hotter.
"why not? We've done it several times right here, remember?" he let out a nasal laugh after saying that, looking at your face with that seductive smile you couldn't resist. "or do you prefer my house?"
you paused for a moment and thought... your chest rising and falling because of the accelerated breathing. That's when you cracked a mischievous smile that made Heeseung smile too. "I get it, you really are a nasty girl." after saying that, he pulls you out of the dressing room and takes you to his car.
The ride was quiet and calm, you realized how attractive Heesung was tonight. The way he held the steering wheel and how his hair was slightly messy made you bite your lip trying to contain it.
Heeseung quickly noticed your behavior and brought one of his hands to your thigh and began to caress it slowly. He was teasing you, you knew him too well to know that kind of game.
When you finally arrived at his house, you quickly kissed him with all your strength and desperation.
He pinned you to the door and sunk his lips into yours, making your tongues roll together in sync. You gave a soft moan, which made Heeseung go crazy.
"i didn't know you were that needy." Heeseung said with a malicious smile on his face and with one of his eyebrows raised.
"shut up." You pursed your lips again and wrapped your legs around his waist.
Heesung held you and led you to your room, you had come here several times before and never seemed to change.
He laid you down on the bed gently with your lips still attached and pulled away for a moment, making you moan from the lack of contact.
"patience princess." he pulled off his shirt revealing the toned body you adored. It was quite a sight.
Moving closer to you, Heeseung began to distribute kisses on your thighs making you dizzy with pleasure.
"what? Cat got your tongue? Tell me what you want." a smug smile appeared on his lips.
"hmm I don't think you've convinced me." he says pulling away leaving you frustrated and looking at your face that was almost closed.
"I want you, please. I want to feel you." you say under your breath making him smile in response.
He kissed you once again hovering above and lowered his lips on your neck leaving several bites. At this point you could only moan softly and try to keep your eyes open.
"you know how much I love this skirt on you, it's a shame we don't need it right now." with one action, he takes off your skirt throwing it in any corner on the floor.
You pull him into a desperate, passionate kiss, as his hands roam all over your body, squeezing and caressing.
He runs his thumb across your lips and caresses them, as you look up at him with the brightest eyes.
"you're a mess, princess." he says laughing as he stands mesmerized by you. In response, you gently kiss his thumb.
Suddenly, you both hear a low purr coming from the floor snapping you out of your trance.
"what...." you say confused.
It's then that a white ball of fur climbs onto the bed disturbing your moment.
"ownn it's just Yoon. I miss you my love." you say stroking and kissing Heeseung's cat several times, making him snort.
"okay okay, now we're at an important moment you know?" he retorts taking the cat off his lap and putting it away from you on the bed.
"i don't think she wants to see what her parents are about to do."
"what if she decides to watch?" he says to you in a teasing way while taking off your shirt.
"that would be pretty weird." you said a little out of breath because of Heeseung.
"I think she'll like that view." he says not stopping to look at you, specifically, your body that was only in your bra.
In response, you rolled your eyes and hit his shoulder playfully making him laugh.
"sorry, but you're always so hot, my star."
"oh my, what a corny nickname!" you say groaning in embarrassment making you both laugh.
"deep down you found it exciting."
"Heeseung if you don't shut your mouth I swear I'm going home."
"okay, I'm done!" he said in yielding, waving his hands in the air. "where were we? ah, yeah, the part where I take off all your clothes. Shit, you're so beautiful!"
"Heeseung focus!"
"right, sorry."
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original by @lvmazzy , 2023
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sjyism · 3 months
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⋆。°✩ STARRING enha!hyung line x fem!reader GENRE fluff & semi angst WORD COUNT 6.1k words WARNING(S) N/A MENTIONS jungwon and niki cameo NOTE tank boy & jaws bar are korean ice cream :) :: reblogs & feedback are welcome c:
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❝ between the blurry vision you clearly come to me. ❞
heeseung will always count on you for some fun.
you were at the park attending one of heeseung's late night shenanigans. this happened every friday and this was the most normal thing he's done in over the two months you two started going out at night.
currently, you were on the way to the convenience store that was next to the park to get ice cream since you lost a game of rock, paper, scissors. while you were gone, heeseung sat on the swing and rocked back and forth, waiting for you to come back.
just a few minutes later, he sees you making your way back to the swings and slowly stops the swing. time freezes as he sees your hair blow in the wind with the car's bright headlights creating a spotlight behind you. deep down, he always knew that he had somewhat of a crush on you but didn't make a move as he noticed you weren't interested with anything else besides being best friends.
"they didn't have tank boy so i got you a jaws bar i hope that's okay," you rambled once you arrives, digging through the plastic bag to give him his.
"y-yeah, that's fine. thanks." heeseung gulps, freezing up at how close you were to him.
you didn't catch onto heeseung's actions towards you and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.
"what's wrong?" you asked, opening your ice cream.
"nothing, but can i ask you something later?"
"why later?"
heeseung leans over to take a bite of your ice cream, "because, now's not the right time."
"hey! that's basically half of it! what the heck hee-"
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JAY (제이)
❝ i’ve fallen in love ever since you came to me ❞
jay always helps you with whatever you need without having been asked by you.
jay watches in awe as you waltz around the kitchen, grabbing whatever ingredients and materials needed to make his favorite cookies.
he wasn't the biggest fan of desserts but when it came to your baking, jay always folded right in half. he also finds it funny as this was the same way you reacted whenever he cooked for you. but it was more common for jay to cook rather than you bake.
"so, are you going to tell me what happened?" you asked as you whisked the ingredients in the bowl.
"what do you mean? nothing happened."
"yes, something did. you always come to me and ask for cookies if something's happened to you. you've done it ever since we were sophomores in high school." you say, pointing the whisk at the boy in front of you.
"okay, okay- jeez. you can put the weapon down." jay replies, putting his hands up in surrender.
you let out a giggle at his comment and go back to whisking, "this isn't a weapon."
"i promise you, nothing happened this time. i just wanted to eat your cookies. i've missed them."
you look up at jay to already see him looking right at you. quickly picking the bowl up, you move towards the stove and start putting the dough on the trays.
jay gets up from his spot and makes his way over to you, leaning in close to where your back was touching his chest.
"here, let me help."
he grabs the tray that was ready and puts it in the oven before setting a timer on his phone.
"thanks," your words begins to fade as you finally realize how close he was to you.
'has he always been this handsome?'
'looking beautiful, like always.'
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JAKE (제이크)
❝ everything i believed in came crashing down ❞
jake will always take care of and protect you.
"you're in love with y/n, aren't you?"
jake chokes on the soda he was drinking and looks at jungwon with wide eyes.
"are you crazy?! why would i love her?"
jungwon sighs while shaking his head and turns to where you were helping niki cut his birthday cake.
it was super obvious to everyone around jake that he has a massive crush on you. from the way he took care of you and even his tone of voice when he talks to you was so obvious.
just as jake was going to open his mouth to rebuttal again, jungwon nudges his torso and smiled as you made your way over to the two of them with two slices of cake.
"here you go! got a bigger slice for you jake, since you loved it last time at my birthday."
"thanks my love, i appreciate it." he pats your head and watches jungwon thank you for the cake as well.
"my love? yeah- you're totally not in love." jungwon snorts, watching his friend stare at you with heart eyes pouring out of them.
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❝ time endlessly went toward eternity also disappeared at the blink of an eye. ❞
sunghoon will always come to you no matter the time and day.
music fills the car as sunghoon races down the highway in the middle of the night. it's one of those nights where you called sunghoon up because you couldn't fall asleep. it's always a hit or miss with him and tonight's one of the lucky moments you get to be with him.
sunghoon turns his head to face you as sees you through the right side mirror with closed eyes, letting the wind blow through your hair. if he listens in closely, he could hear you quietly humming along to the song that was playing.
just as he exits the highway, your face brightens up as you notice that it's the exit to the beach.
"are we going to the beach?!" you say excitedly, sitting up.
"yeah, it's been a while so i figured we could go when no one's around." he replies, smiling softly.
"thank you! thank you! thank you! i love you so much!" sunghoon freezes for a millisecond before patting your arm as you threw your arms around him for a hug.
"yeah yeah, love ya too." he replies, clearing his throat. sunghoon shoots a quick glance over to see if you've noticed any change.
soon enough, the two of you climb out of the car and sunghoon watches as you run towards the water, tripping over your own feet from excitement.
"calm down! the water isn't going anywhere. what if you twist your ankle." sunghoon scolds once he makes his way over to you.
"i'll be fine! besides, doesn't the water look pretty tonight?"
"yeah, it does."
you could feel sunghoon's gaze boring into the side of your face and you know that he hasn't even looked out towards the water ever since you've arrived.
"hey y/n?"
sunghoon stares at you for a couple of seconds before turning to face the way, letting out a sigh. not now, but maybe later.
"what, do i have something on my face?"
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lovzwoni · 3 months
velle's tbr list
(mainly uncompleted / in progress enhypen works)
multi-member 𐙚 ⋆˚。⋆
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི devil's knight's prey | hyung line by @dollyyun (18+)
^^ so so good, been a big fan ever since one of the girls!
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི out of sight, mind and control | jayke by @simpjaes (18+)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི hierarchy | heehoon by @leaderwonim (18+)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི blood and bones | hyung line by @loljaeyunz (18+)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི cruel summer | hyung line by @dollyyun (18+)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི the player's game | hyung line by @jjunieworld (18+)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི into the new world | enhypen added member by @enmi-land
^^ the one and only queen dia is back 💞💞 i can't wait!
lee heeseung (이희승) 𐙚 ⋆˚。⋆
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི only if you say yes by @jaylaxies (18+)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི hidden love by @svmjaeyvn (18+)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི saint matthew's academy by @yizuhaoz (18+)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི love me back by @isoobie
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི spotlight by @soobjvn
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི moonstruck by @lovelytaez
park sunghoon (박성훈) 𐙚 ⋆˚。⋆
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི she loves me not...? by @neos127
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི too sweet 4 me by @elig1aq (18+)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི get better! by @mygnolia
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི tomorrow's escape by @iichaeyj
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི losing control by @bambisgirl
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི bad idea right? by @flwrstqr
park jongseong (박종성) 𐙚 ⋆˚。⋆
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི not enough by @intromortal (18+)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི yours forever in 786 by @jayflrt (18+)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི understand by @fakeuwus
sim jaeyun (심재윤) 𐙚 ⋆˚。⋆
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི mini skirt by @sincerelyrki (18+)
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི ouch my head by @jakesangel
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི sending a signal ! by @kissofhoon
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི fallen star by @h5eavenly (18+)
yang jungwon (양정원) 𐙚 ⋆˚。⋆
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི perfect pretend by @liorae
nishimura riki (니키) 𐙚 ⋆˚。⋆
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིྀི that's your boyfriend? by @jlheon
last updated : 20 aug 2024
768 notes · View notes
atzaurora · 5 months
[˗ˏˋ ´ˎ˗] mᥲs𝗍ᥱrᥣіs𝗍
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inbox is always open for requests, feedback or if you wanna talk :3
➤ for ateez & enhypen (writing for txt, p1harmony and seventeen as well!)
➤ ☆-𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇 ★-𝒔𝒎𝒖𝒕/𝒔𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 ✱-𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒔𝒕
➤ 𝒕𝒚𝒑𝒆𝒔: imagines, preferences, reactions, headcanons, hard thoughts, soft thoughts, text messages, audios
if you have any ideas or wishes let me know, requests are open
[𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕] here! ; [about me] + [guidelines]!
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❥ ot8 !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing their hoodie ☆(reaction)
-let them eat cake ✱☆(imagine)
-ateez as mitski songs (preferences)
-movie night or more ★(imagine)
-poly relationship headcanons ☆(headcanons)
-a twist in the spotlight ✱☆(imagine)
-accidentally sending them nudes ★(text messages) (hyung line, maknae line)
-stress release ★(imagine)
-asking them if you are breedable ★(text messages)
-sending them nudes mid argument ★(text messages)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ kim hongjoong !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-stormy comfort ☆,✱(imagine)
-to watch you play ★(imagine)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-audio #1 ★(audio)
-midnight melodies ★(imagine)
-"swallow." ★(imagine)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ park seonghwa !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-back to our hotel ★(imagine)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-audio #1 ★(audio)
-triad of desire (ft. Mingi) ★(imagine)
-dance of desire ★(imagine)
-"swallow." ★(imagine)
-dessert ★(imagine)
-join in (ft. Mingi) ★(imagine)
-beneath the candlelight ★(imagine)
-moonlit whispers ★(imagine)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ jeong yunho !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-care in the comforts of home ☆(imagine)
-choose me over them ★(imagine)
-cloud watching ☆(imagine)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-splash of desire (ft. Jongho) ★(imagine)
-steamy serenity ★(imagine)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ kang yeosang !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-from stage to sheets ★(imagine)
-crimson nights ★(imagine)
-spilled ★(imagine)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ choi san !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-fall asleep while i fall for you ☆(imagine)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-lessons in lust ★(imagine)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ song mingi !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-mirror, mirror on the wall ★(imagine)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-work distractions ★(imagine)
-triad of desire (ft. Seonghwa) ★(imagine)
-audio #1 ★(audio)
-link #1 ★(hard thoughts)
-join in (ft. Seonghwa) ★(imagine)
-seed of affection ★(imagine)
-nail polish ☆(imagine)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ jung wooyoung !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-rain of pleasure ★(imagine)
-audio #1 ★(audio)
-heated waves ★(imagine)
-sunset harmonies ☆(imagine)
-craving the storm ★(imagine)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ choi jongho !
-pet names ★(preferences)
-wearing his hoodie ☆(reaction)
-from the living to the bed room ★(imagine)
-accidentally sending him nudes ★(text messages)
-splash of desire (ft. Yunho) ★(imagine)
❥ ot7 !
-scared to hurt ✱(imagine)
-how loud they would be ★(preferences)
-sleepyhead (hyung line) ☆(reaction)
-gentle comforts ✱☆(reaction)
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ lee heeseung !
nothing here yet...
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ park jongseong !
nothing here yet...
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ sim jaeyun !
nothing here yet...
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ park sunghoon !
nothing here yet...
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ kim sunoo !
nothing here yet...
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ yang jungwon !
nothing here yet...
─ · ─ · ─ · ─ · ─ ◠ . ◠ . ◠ . ◠
❥ nishimura riki !
nothing here yet...
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ikeucity · 18 days
brought the heat back. | the masterlist
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭. open!
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pairings. omegaverse!au ot7 x reader
status. on-going warning. contains omegaverse!au, heat, rutting, extreme jealousy, obsession, emotional intensity, explicit sexual content, slow-burn, explores themes of power dynamics, omega submission, alpha dominance, scenting, manipulation, unprotected sex, knotting, creampies, and non-consensual elements. reader discretion is strongly advised. mdni.
note. (will not write smut with niki yet because he is still a minor, most i'll do for him is suggestive content because i plan to make this a long running series, niki will be sure to get the spotlight. just not as much as his hyungs tho. for now.)
⭑𓂃⸝⸝ in a world where instincts dominate, you're an omega assigned as the housemother for enhypen—a group of seven alphas. what should’ve been a simple task turns into a dangerous game of control and desire, as you fight to maintain composure while the alphas slowly chip away at your defenses. a story of power, temptation, and the thin line between duty and desire, leaving both you and the alphas questioning how long you can resist.
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── .✦⸝⸝ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
⭑𓂃 chapter one: the alphas' claim
your father has made a life-altering decision: you’re to become enhypen's housemother, a move he insists is for your own good. bound by a suppressing necklace that tempers your omega instincts, you arrive at the flat where you’ll meet the seven alphas you'll be living with. as you prepare for this new chapter, your thoughts swirl with curiosity and apprehension—how will they react to you, and can you really keep control with them so close? little do you know, the alphas have just arrived, and your carefully controlled world is about to be tested.
⭑𓂃 chapter two: in their hands
surrounded by seven alphas who’ve been watching your every move, their scents and touch pull you to the edge of control. the rules don’t matter anymore—they want you. resisting the heat and desire is impossible, and as their words break your defenses, you're left torn between fighting the urge or giving in to the temptation that’s been burning for too long.
⭑𓂃 chapter three: ??? 🗣 when can we expect chapter three? stay tuned—release date to be announced soon.
last time this post was updated: september 8, 2024. 9:00am
── .✦⸝⸝ 𝐛𝐭𝐡𝐛 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
@/caravm @/insanityz @/enhajakey @/kwannie1601 @/ivesti @/shinrjj @/stuckonclouds @/renne-s2 @/nyxtwixx @/deluluforyou @/noname-123s-things @/hoondiors @/simsungsims @/ckwnsgh @/simbabyj @/kxppachu @/jaeyunwon @/doublebunv @/notevenheretbh1 @/nyfwyeonjun @/ni5shi-riki @/nshmrarki @/deobitifull @/kkamismom12 @/ariasecrests @/eastleighsblog @/vveebee @/nishiimuranights @/strxwbloody @/loumin908 @/punchbug9-blog @/jaehyuniewifeu @/tsukkiteamo @/love4hee @/roslayy @/ivesti @/yuniesluv @/tinie03 @/sunghoonnsupremacy @/haelahoops @/toodeloosoo @/shypen @/jinspinkflipphone @/a-warners-girl0-0 @/enhaverse713586 @/honeyikeu
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝?
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ㅤ♡⸝⸝ be sure to check out my navigation page for all my stories, updates, permanent taglist, and a sneak peek at upcoming content! everything you need is right there.
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taeghi · 11 months
the enhypen playlist series
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⇁ a series in which each fic is based off a song that i've somehow associated with enhypen members :) ↽
playlist link : here!
genre : smut, fluff + angst
minors dni
last updated : january 28th, 2024
Tides of Regret by lee heeseung || (m)
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♫ song : swim by chase atlantic
pairing : fwb!heeseung
summary : being magnetically attracted to frat boy lee heeseung was a bad mistake. but, agreeing to be friends with benefits with him was an even worse one. getting caught in a relentless, toxic cycle together leads to facing the consequences of your choices with a grand moment of truth. will you be able to break free from the destructive tide, or will you remain trapped in the undertow of toxic love?
▶ play song?
Back 2 U by jay park || (m)
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♫ song : 505 by the arctic monkeys
pairing : exes to lovers!jay
summary : spending the week at your best friend's wedding sounded great at first, but seeing your ex boyfriend there brings back painful memories, emotions and past regrets. are you willing to rekindle a love that may have never truly faded?
▶ play song?
Remembering Us by jake sim || (m)
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♫ song : about you by the 1975
summary : the love in your long term relationship with jake seems to be fading fast, and you're struggling to recall any good memories you have together. you wonder if jake is feeling the same, and will you be able to relight the flame you both once shared?
▶ play song?
Fleeting Summers by park sunghoon || (m)
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♫ song : sunsetz by cigarettes after sex
summary : meeting park sunghoon in the small town your dad moved into this summer is as vibrant as the sunsets you witness. but, as summer fades away so does your time together. hopefully when the next summer comes your paths cross again under the same sunlit skies.
▶ play song?
Invisible by kim sunoo || (m)
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♫ song : adore you by harry styles
pairing : shyboy!sunoo x popular!yn
summary : tired of all the guys you usually go out with, you had no idea about your secret admirer, but somehow you've managed to find love in unexpected places.
▶ play song?
Things Change by yang jungwon || (m)
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♫ song : softcore by the neighbourhood
summary : you thought going to college with your boyfriend would be a great new step for your relationship, but it only leads to navigating the struggles and changes that come with entering college. you feel jungwon and you drifting apart and question whether you are still the right fit for each other, but you'll do anything to stay together.
genre : angst, suggestive
▶ play song?
Lost in the Spotlight by nishimura riki
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♫ song : ordinary life by the weeknd
pairing : rockstar!riki x nonceleb!y/n
summary : you love nishimura riki, you didn't think your love for him could ever change. but with the fame, you realized that stardom can change people and love. you just wish you could have an ordinary life again.
genre : angst
▶ play song?
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songbirdseung · 6 months
hearing you sing and or dance for the first time / en- maknae line
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synopsis: their non showbiz girlfriend is caught singing and or dancing alone, performing relatively good. they start to question how you could be so talented but be so secretly about it.
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SUNOO 김 선우~
as the sun streamed through the windows of the cozy apartment, sunoo grabbed his keys and headed out the door, his mind focused on the task at hand. he had to pick up some documents from the company before they closed, and he didn't want to waste any time. little did he know, his return would be met with a delightful surprise.
upon his return, sunoo stepped into the living room, expecting to find you engrossed in a book or perhaps preparing a snack. however, the room was empty, save for the faint sound of music drifting from your bedroom. curiosity piqued, sunoo followed the melodic strains, drawn like a magnet to your door.
as he pushed it open, he was greeted by a sight that took his breath away. there you were, standing in the soft glow of the bedside lamp, your eyes closed in concentration as you sang along to one of enhypen's songs. the room seemed to shimmer with the magic of your voice, and sunoo found himself utterly captivated.
for a moment, he simply stood there, unable to tear his gaze away from you. it was as if time had stood still, the world fading away until there was only the two of you and the music that filled the air.
finally, you must have sensed his presence because you stopped singing, your eyes flying open in surprise. sunoo smiled, his heart swelling with admiration for the beauty of the moment.
"that was incredible," he said, his voice filled with awe. "i had no idea you could sing like that."
you blushed, a shy smile playing on your lips as you tried to downplay your talent. but sunoo wouldn't hear of it. he launched into a long and heartfelt compliment, his words tumbling out in a rush as he poured out his admiration for your voice and your talent.
"you have such a beautiful voice," he exclaimed, his eyes shining with sincerity. "i could listen to you sing all day and never get tired of it. you brought that song to life in a way i've never heard before. it was like… like magic."
his words washed over you like a warm embrace, filling you with a sense of joy and contentment unlike anything you had ever known. it was a moment of pure connection, a shared appreciation for something beautiful and fleeting.
and as sunoo continued to lavish you with praise, you couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through your chest, your heart swelling with happiness at the knowledge that you had touched him in such a profound way. it was a moment you knew you would treasure forever, a memory to hold close to your heart long after the music had faded away.
as sunoo continued to praise your singing, you couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by all the attention. you tried to laugh it off, saying, "oh, come on, it's not that great. i was just having some fun."
but sunoo was having none of it. "no, really," he insisted. "you have a gift. you should consider auditioning for a talent show or something."
you chuckled, shaking your head. "i don't think i'm ready for that kind of spotlight."
just then, the sound of your stomach growling broke the moment, and both of you burst into laughter. "i think that's my cue to make us some dinner," you said, still giggling.
sunoo grinned. "i'll help. i don't trust your cooking skills after hearing your singing."
you playfully swatted his arm as you headed to the kitchen together, the music still playing softly in the background. it was a simple, silly moment, but it was perfect in its own way, a reminder of the easy, comfortable bond you shared with sunoo.
as jungwon trudged home from practice, exhaustion weighed heavily on his shoulders. all he could think about was collapsing into bed and getting some well-deserved rest. but then a thought crossed his mind, a longing to see you, his girlfriend, before he faced the dorms and the inevitable teasing from the other members.
so, he mustered up the courage to ask the manager to drop him off at your place instead. his request was met with raised eyebrows and playful ribbing from his bandmates, but jungwon brushed it off, determined to spend some quality time with you.
as jungwon settled into the back seat of the van, the other members of enhypen eyed him with playful smirks. sunghoon, sitting beside him, couldn't resist teasing. "ah, look who's got a hot date tonight," he teased, nudging jungwon with his elbow.
heeseung, from the front seat, joined in with a grin. "going to see your girlfriend, huh? don't worry, we won't tell her about your terrible snoring."
jungwon rolled his eyes, playfully swatting at sunghoon. "shut up, guys. i just want to see her before we head back to the dorms."
jake, sitting in the driver's seat, chuckled. "sure, sure. we all know you just can't bear to be away from her for too long."
the teasing continued throughout the ride, but jungwon took it all in stride, knowing it was all in good fun. deep down, he was grateful for his bandmates' camaraderie, even if it meant enduring a bit of ribbing along the way.
when he finally arrived at your apartment, he was greeted by the sound of music emanating from within. curiosity piqued, jungwon let himself in quietly, hoping to surprise you. however, what he saw stopped him in his tracks.
there you were, lost in the rhythm of enhypen's "future perfect," your movements clean and strong as you danced around the room. jungwon's eyes widened in astonishment. he had never seen this side of you before, so full of energy and passion.
careful not to disturb you, jungwon positioned himself out of sight, watching you with a mixture of awe and adoration. he couldn't tear his gaze away, captivated by the way you moved to the music, completely lost in the moment.
as the song came to an end, jungwon couldn't hold back any longer. stepping into view, he applauded softly, a warm smile spreading across his face as you turned to face him, cheeks flushed with exertion.
"wow," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "i had no idea you could dance like that."
you blinked in surprise, a bashful smile playing on your lips as you tried to catch your breath. "oh, jungwon, you're back already?" you exclaimed, a hint of embarrassment coloring your cheeks.
jungwon nodded, stepping closer. "yeah, i couldn't resist the chance to see you."
you chuckled, feeling a warmth spreading through your chest at his words. "well, i hope you weren't too bored watching me dance around like a fool."
"bored?" jungwon shook his head, his eyes sparkling with pride. "are you kidding? you were amazing. i had no idea you had such talent."
you blushed at his praise, feeling a surge of happiness at the thought of impressing him. "thank you, jungwon. that means a lot coming from you."
he grinned, his gaze never leaving yours. "you know," he said, his tone soft but earnest, "you could easily audition for hybe. with talent like yours, you could even work with me."
NI-KI 西村 力~
as riki trudged towards the dance practice room, he couldn't shake off the nervous excitement bubbling inside him. he had been told that he would be covering a new song, which meant he had to learn the choreography as well. it was a daunting task, but he was determined to give it his all.
as he pushed open the door to the practice room, he froze in his tracks, his eyes widening in disbelief. there you were, dancing with their usual choreographer, effortlessly gliding across the floor to the very song he was supposed to learn. riki couldn't believe his eyes as he watched you, his non-idol girlfriend, dominating the dance floor with such grace and precision.
he stood there, rooted to the spot, unable to tear his gaze away from you. you caught his eye in the reflection of the mirror and winked at him, a mischievous smile playing on your lips as you continued to dance. riki's heart swelled with pride and admiration for you, amazed by your talent and dedication.
by the time the song came to an end, riki couldn't contain his excitement any longer. he burst into applause, cheering loudly for you as you caught your breath, a bright smile lighting up your face.
"you were incredible!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine awe. "i had no idea you could dance like that!"
you laughed, a flush of pride coloring your cheeks as you walked over to him. "thanks, riki. i've been practicing a lot lately."
he grinned, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. "well, you were amazing. in fact, you were so good, you could practically steal my job as an idol!"
you laughed at his playful remark, feeling a sense of joy and warmth enveloping you as you held him close. in that moment, surrounded by the music and the love of your life, you knew that anything was possible.
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stariikis · 7 months
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enhypen as your valentine ᡣ𐭩 ꪆৎ ˚⋅༝༚༝༚₊˚⊹♡
pairings ; ot7_enha x fem!reader genre ; fluff, established r/s warnings ; light kissing and probably kinda cringe
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heeseung ✰
heeseung would bring you on a karaoke date for valentine's day. child-like excitement glossing over his eyes, he'll pick out the cheesiest and most romantic love songs for you both to sing to. he'll choose the songs with both male and female parts - even though he gets so enthusiastic he sings the female parts on your behalf.
"why aren't you singing anymore?" he asks innocently, as if he didn't just steal your spotlight away from you.
"you're singing for me!" you feign annoyance, laughing at the guilty look that instantly crosses his features.
after clearing that up, he goes to the digital screen and selects 'i see the light'. this time, he leaves you to sing your part, a proud smile gracing his cheeks. and as the song ends, he leans in to press a small kiss to your cheek. "you sing like an angel."
jay ✰
jay would cook a special three-course meal for valentine's day. a mere three hours after his special breakfast in bed. somehow, without him even asking you, he has your favourite foods laid out on the dining table for you. it's a pleasant contrast to the instant noodles you've been downing the past few days, studying for exams and all.
for some reason, he seems nervous and paranoid as you try his cooking. "does it taste okay? do you need more seasoning, dear?" he asks repeatedly, worry furrowing his eyebrows.
only after reassuring him for the 347824th time that his food tastes immaculate (and is not at all overcooked or under-cooked) does he calm down and start to eat with you. jay may have cooked for you many times before, but nothing feels as special as this, even when he asks you the simplest of questions. "what else do you want to do today?"
jake ✰
jake would bring you out on a picnic date for valentine's day. however, your attention isn't on him. it's all on layla. she receives all the kisses, cuddles and special treatment, even when jake tries to show you his homemade ham sandwiches.
you notice the light slowly fading out of his eyes, but continue to tease him by turning to layla and cooing, "did you make anything for the picnic, my sweet girl?"
jake falls silent and starts laying out the tupperware boxes, full of assorted candies and goodies, and that's when you start to feel guilty. you nudge his elbow, pouting at him. "your sandwiches look really pretty!"
you could swear you see puppy-dog ears perking up atop his head as you speak. he grins at you. "really?" and you nod vigorously, leaning in to kiss him gently. your mind starts to wander as he starts pointing out the blooming cherry blossoms, though. what if he and layla are the same soul split into two different creatures? pretty believable, right?
sunghoon ✰
sunghoon would buy you lego flowers on valentine's day, on his way back from dance practice with the other members. he wouldn't know which flower you'd like to build the best, much less does he know your favourite flower because you two never bother to ask each other these types of things. so he just blows his money on all the variations on the toy store shelf.
he comes home, sweating profusely to your shock, and dumps a heavy plastic bag on the floor. for some reason he looks proud as he points at it, still trying to catch his breath. "take your pick! let's do it now, right now!"
in honour of valentine's day (and because you, ironically, don't have a favourite flower) you choose the pink tulips set. after opening all the plastic bags and laying out the instruction sheet, lego pieces scattered all over the place, you both get to work. a couple of hours later, you have one final piece left.
"care to do the honours?" you ask sunghoon, handing him the small circular piece. he salutes, and presses it into the lego structure - a little too hard. lego pieces go flying everywhere, to both of your dismays. you don't know whether to laugh or cry, but sunghoon just starts cackling like a witch. "at least i get to spend more time rebuilding it with you, no?" "darling, you've forgotten that we have 50 more sets."
sunoo ✰
sunoo would already have planned a full day of activities for valentine's day. first you'll grab brunch at a nearby cafe, then you'll go couple clothes shopping at the mall, then you'll go take photobooth pictures, then-
"wait, i'm already lost..." you look at sunoo, confused. your interruption seems to dampen his animated energy, and he pouts at you.
"brunch, clothes shopping, photobooth, more shopping! and even more shopping!"
you take a while to process it before dissolving into a round of applause for sunoo's detailed itinerary for the day. that day, you buy matching pink vests with cute heart stitches on them, take photos with the prettiest frames you've ever seen, and he treats you to strawberry milkshakes. "you're just as pretty as the colour pink, in my opinion."
jungwon ✰
jungwon would try (and fail) to bake you chocolate-chip cookies for valentine's day. at first, you wouldn't suspect a thing. his cookies look pretty much well-baked, with just the right consistency of dough in the middle. there's an even sprinkle of chocolate chips throughout the cookie, so it's not too many or too little.
but you have to refrain from choking the moment you put it in your mouth. they may look soft to the touch and innocent, but they crumble like dust the moment they hit your tongue. it's so dry you forget how to breathe for a few seconds. jungwon notices you stifling a few coughs and looks devastated. "are they bad?"
"no..." you lie. "i just choked. but, um, they're a little bit dry. did you put too much flour? or not add enough butter?"
jungwon frowns and proceeds to check the recipe. upon doing so, his eyes go wide and he covers his mouth. "i forgot to add the egg."
"... ah." you smile awkwardly at him. "that must be it." he still looks pretty dejected about it, so you pull him close in a soothing hug. "it's okay, wonie. even if you're bad at baking, nobody needs to know."
ni-ki ✰
riki doesn't have anything planned for valentine's day. or so he says. you scoot closer to him during breakfast, blinking rapidly into his face. he takes one indifferent look at you and looks back down at his phone, feigning nonchalance.
you huff a sigh. he must be doing this on purpose to annoy you. "ki. do you know what day it is today?"
without looking up, he mumbles, "is today a special day? oh shit, is today your birthday?" that's when he straightens up and puts down his phone. this teasing is too much, it's gone too far. with a roll of your eyes, you smack his head and cross your arms. "riki!"
"okay! okay, i know what day it is," he laughs boyishly, patting your head. "don't worry, i have things planned for my sweetest valentine's gift." he physically cringes at himself after saying that, gripping your shoulders tight as if stabilising himself.
that night, however, he doesn't even cringe once as he kisses you beneath the bright and blooming fireworks, a plethora of colours from the very bottom of his heart.
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thank you for reading! actually i rather enjoyed my first headcanon fic, will definitely make more in the future. happy valentine's day!
more of my works >>
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boyfhee · 1 year
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boy .
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nhularin · 1 year
✉ -> invitation! ENHYPEN SOUR PROM
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✓ proceed ✗ cancel
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CONTENT ! a collection of enhypen drabbles based on Olivia Rodrigo's sour album!
PAIRING ? enhypen x reader
!! GENRE angst (hurt no comfort), fluff-ish, ex non idol! AU, childhood friends to lovers to strangers, early 2000s AU
꩜ WARNINGS ! infidelity, insecurities, toxic enha, tba
⩇⩇:⩇⩇ XTRA slow updates, english is not my first language so i apologize for grammar mistakes
₊ ⊹ A/N dont get fooled by the synopses, im pretty bad at writing summaries, they will be rewritten most likely once i published the first installment of the series!
🕸️(5/7) completed
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DEJA VU !! so when you gonna tell her, that we did that too?
nothing hurts more than seeing lee heeseung doing the stuff you both used to do with another girl. Watching him wrap his jacket around her, playing the same song you both liked around her. everything, from the way he touches her, gives her gifts, was a carbon copy of your relationship. does he get deja vu when he’s with her?
-> interested? read here!
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1 STEP FORWARD 3 STEPS BACK will you walk me to my door or send me home crying?
if you had to describe your boyfriend park jongsaeng in one word, it'd be unpredictable. he was a gentleman, absolutely selfless when it came to his loved ones. somehow you seem to be the only exception. you didn't understand then, and you sure as hell don't understand now.
-> interested? read here!
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DRIVERS LICENSE cause how could i ever love someone else?
everyone has warned you about the infamous playboy sim jaeyun, but you didnt pay attention to them. being childhood friends, you knew everything about each other. your flaws, insecurities, and aspirations, you thought that everything was perfect till it wasn't.
-> interested? read here!
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ENOUGH FOR YOU dont you think i loved you too much to be used and discarded?
you tried everything, you really did. as the school's hottest student, park sunghoon was in constant spotlight, might it be with classmates or being the light of the party. and for that, you did your best at making your presence worthy in his life. but deep down, you knew you couldn't compete with the girls who seemed much better than you, people who are enough for him
-> interested? read here!
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FAVORITE CRIME But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face
kim sunoo was the personification of sunlight . everyone knew that! so when your friend introduced you to him you were naturally drawn to his open and kind nature. life seemed to be on your side but all the time and sacrifices towards him, all for nothing.
-> interested? read here!
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HAPPIER does she mean you forgot about me?
being the school president's girlfriend wasnt easy and hell, if you could go back in time you wouldn't have even bothered associating yourself with the club. you two were the dream couple of east high, always being the talk of the school. but when you broke up, pictures of yang jungwon and the new girl started circulating around school. you should be happy for him, right?
-> interested? read here!
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GOOD 4 U maybe you never cared at all?
nishimura riki is an egoistical asshole. thats the first thing ringing in your head when you wake up. being from rivaling dance groups, you thought that being in a relationship with the ace was your version of romeo and juliette, minus the tragedy part. but god, how wrong you were
-> interested? read here!
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( !? ) PERM TAGLIST @sngvhs @misokei @avocarua @essmarye
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sieuneo · 1 year
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[ description ]  く at decelis academy of the arts, a band called enha has risen to stardom. everyone knows that it's impossible to get on their level of popularity, except for you. on a dare, you and your friends started a band called secret kiss. when enha finds out, they're pissed. they know that their spotlight will be stolen as soon as a new group comes around so they try their best to sabotage you, which elicits an extremely long prank war.  ₊☆
[ genre ]  く high school!au, band!au, sm!au, fluff, comedy (i hope!), romance durrr, band rivalry, rivals/enemies to lovers, prank war :P   ₊☆
[ warnings ] く cussing. some cruel pranks. kind of bullying but it’s very mild. some inappropriate jokes. lowercase is very much intended. everything is in dark mode. ₊☆
[ extras ] く kang haerin (nwjns) as y/n, yujin (ive), hanni (new jeans), jiwoo + chanelle (r u next), taesan (bnd), all of enhypen, mentions of txt and ive. ₊☆
[ author’s note ] く enjoy my attempt at music terminology😭 i got this idea at like midnight and i started making the profiles b4 i even made the description :P ₊☆
[ taglist ] く @loviiday @luvistqrzzz @j1nniee @pagesofmiracles @kjrcrz @mangowonyo @equalheart @yjwfav @onlyjw | open. (send an ask or reply to this post to be added!) ₊☆
[ status ] く coming soon! ₊☆
[ started ] く july 15th, 2023. ₊☆
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PROFiLES ¿? secret kiss 🎸 : enha 🐐
CHAPTERS ¿? 001 : i triple dog dare you. 002 : wdym “new band”??? 003 : oh, it’s on. 004 : yang jungwon and his little (very tall) minions. 005 : are you breathing okay? 006 : you will never be enha. 007 : are we fraternizing with the enemies??? 008 : coming soon
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© 2023 SIEUNEO. All Rights Reserved. Please do not copy or steal anything I post!
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sjyism · 3 months
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⋆。°✩ STARRING idol!enha hyung line x fem idol!reader GENRE angst & fluff WORD COUNT 633 words WARNING(S) crying, disbandment, & final group promotions MENTIONS i-land 2: n/a & izna NOTE first post in a looong time- yay c: + pink harmony is a group that i made up! NOTE #2 reblogs & feedback are welcome
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❝ two, three! this has been pink harmony, thank you! ❞
heeseung watches with a sadden heart as you hug your group members, knowing that tonight's the last time you'll be together with them as nine. this is the bitter reality when joining a survival show that only produces temporary groups.
wiping the tears that were forming, he watches as you crouch down and hug your knees, your body shaking from crying. heeseung inhales sharply as the lights begin to dim, a spotlight shining down onto you and your members with the instrumental of pink harmony's fan song from the most recent album begins to softly play in the background. he's more than grateful that he doesn't have to go through the same but heeseung knows he'll have to give you extra love tonight.
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JAY (제이)
❝ in first place... L/N Y/N. congratulations! ❞
you freeze in your spot as hanbin calls out your name, becoming a final member of izna. jay lets out a breath that he didn't realize he was holding in and feels a wave of relief wash over him. he watches as the other contestants surround you, giving hugs and cheering for you. after all of the hard work, his best friend and lover finally achieved her dreams.
"i just wanted to thank everyone, especially i-mates for everything." you let out a huge sigh and rub your eyes to wipe the tears freely falling from your face. jay watches with a small smile and a solemn heart. he isn't surprised that tears were shed tonight but he's going to make sure that you were going to get plenty of hugs and kisses later.
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JAKE (제이크)
❝ i just can't say goodnight~ ❞
enhypen and pink harmony coincidentally happened to have their promotions together at the same time and jake watched every single performance backstage as this was your group's last promotion together. seven years flew by in a flash and it was no doubt that everyone wanted to go down their own paths. despite wanting to be together, your individual end goals wouldn't match with the group ones.
jake couldn't help but feel his heartstrings being pulled in all sorts of directions as you sing the final killing part of the song, crying as the confetti canon goes off. his heart aches and wants to run out to give you the biggest hug but knows that he has to wait until the end. as you come down the final step of stairs, jake hurriedly pulls you into a hug and buries his face into your neck, holding you tight. you feel tears wetting your shoulders and you wrap your arms around his torso tightly, basking in the final moments together.
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❝ and the winner is... candy hearts! congratulations! ❞
you jump in surprise as sunghoon calls out your group's name as the winner of this week's music bank. it takes a couple of seconds to realize after watching the confetti fall in front of you before making a reaction. your members pull you into a big hug and hands you the mic.
sunghoon watches with a big smile as you said your acceptance speech while the others stared at the trophy in awe. you couldn't help but cry along with the youngest member after taking a look at your group members. sunghoon's keeps an eye on you for a couple of more seconds before continuing the ending ment. he knows how much your group has prepared for this comeback and it was a great feeling when you had won first place and that he was the one to announce it. as your group prepares for the encore stage, sunghoon bows to you and whispers to come over to his dressing room once everything was done because he had a surprise for you too.
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cerisesparadise · 2 days
this one's for you — lee heeseung
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pairing - basketball captain!heeseung x supportive girlfriend!reader
genre - fluff, established relationship, university au, sports au
warnings - rivalry (it's just friendly competition between enhadream though lol), mentions of kisses - lmk if there's more!
wc - 1.7k
sypnosis - In the midst of a fierce rivalry between two universities, Decelis Academy of Excellion faces off against NCIT - Neo Culture Insititute of Technology - in a championship game. As tension builds on the court, his girlfriend’s unwavering support becomes his secret weapon
mentions - nct dream as the opposing basketball team (my engene czennie heart <3)
a/n - hi!! i'm cerise!! i wrote this because i was scrolling through tiktok and saw clips of movies like "she's dating the gangster" and "high school musical", so ofc, the first person to come into mind was heeseung. though this isn't the first time i've written something, it is the first post on this blog (i'm so rusty- i apologise :') ). so here's to my first post - hope you enjoy reading!
also- i know heeseung's jersey in the header pic says 11 but for the sake of the story pls pretend it's 01 </3 | bookshelf
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The atmosphere in the arena is electric, buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Tonight, Decelis Academy of Excellion is facing off against their long-time rivals, NCT Dream from the Neo Culture Institute of Technology. This isn’t just any game; it’s the championship finals, a battle that both teams have been gearing up for all season. The stakes couldn’t be higher, and the entire university has turned out to show their support.
You sit among the packed bleachers, the air thick with school spirit as students wave banners and shout team chants. It’s a sea of blue and white, the colours of Decelis Academy, and you can feel the pride radiating from every corner of the gym. As the clock ticks down to game time, the anticipation grows, every heartbeat syncing with the excited chatter around you.
Down on the court, Heeseung, the captain of your university's basketball team, Enhypen, is warming up. He’s the embodiment of focus and determination, his eyes scanning the court while he practises his shots. You can’t help but admire him — the way he commands the game, the way he leads his teammates with both skill and charisma. But tonight is different; it’s not just a regular match. This is a culmination of years of rivalry, and the pressure is palpable.
As the lights dim and the spotlight shines down, the announcer’s voice booms through the gym, introducing the teams. The crowd erupts in cheers as Heeseung and his teammates take the court, and you can see the camaraderie among them, the bond forged through countless hours of practice and shared goals.
You pull Heeseung's oversized varsity jacket tighter around yourself, the warmth and scent of his cologne comforting. It’s your way of feeling connected to him, even as he prepares to lead his team into battle against NCT Dream. You watch him with pride, knowing that this game is more than just a championship; it’s a chance to establish Decelis Academy as the reigning champion over their rivals.
As the game unfolds, the tension builds with every point scored. Heeseung’s skill is undeniable; he moves fluidly, orchestrating plays and rallying his teammates. The score is neck and neck, and with each possession, you can feel your heart racing alongside the crowd.
With only two minutes left in the game, the score is tied, and the tension is at its peak. You can’t help but bite your lip, every second feeling like an eternity. Suddenly, Heeseung catches your eye. You can tell he’s feeling the pressure, but then, as he glances your way again, he does something unexpected.
He taps his chest twice, subtly, then points at you. You don’t realise what he’s doing at first, but then he mouths something, clear even from across the court: “This one’s for you.” 
Your breath catches. Before you can process it, Heeseung is back in motion, his body moving like it’s running on pure instinct. Flashes of memories flood his mind, reminding him why he fights so hard for this victory.
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He remembers those late night practices, standing alone on the court as the gym echoed with the sound of his dribbling. Suddenly, he hears a familiar voice. “Come on, Hee! Just one more shot!” It’s you, sitting on the bleachers with a smile that lights up the dark gym. You’ve been there every night, keeping him company and offering encouragement even when he’s exhausted.
“Okay, okay,” he laughs, shaking his head, and with renewed determination, he sinks the next shot effortlessly. Your applause echoes in his mind, pushing him forward.
The day before the championship, Heeseung had been a bundle of nerves, pacing in his room. You sat next to him, holding his hands and looking him in the eye. “You’ve worked so hard for this. Just remember, win or lose, I’m proud of you, Heeseung.” you said softly.
His heart swelled at your words, grounding him in the moment. “Thanks, babe. I’ll make you proud,” he promised, and in that instant, he believed he could conquer anything.
He remembers a time when he had been feeling down after a particularly tough loss. You surprised him with his favourite snacks, setting up a little picnic on the bleachers. “You know what? You’re still my number 1, no matter what. That’s your jersey number for a reason, Hee.” you said, your eyes sparkling with warmth.
“Really?” he asked, his heart lifting at your words.
“Absolutely! And besides, I’m always here to support you,” you assured him, and he couldn’t help but smile at how lucky he was.
Then there was that one practice where he felt like he just couldn’t hit a shot. Frustrated, he threw the ball down, running a hand through his hair. You stepped in close, your expression sympathetic. “Hey, even the best have off days. Remember when you taught me to shoot? I thought I’d never get it!” You demonstrated a dramatic air ball, making him burst into laughter.
“You’re right,” he admitted, a smile creeping back, “But you eventually got it, didn’t you?”
“Exactly! And you’ll find your rhythm again. Just give it time,” you encouraged, and he felt the weight lift off his shoulders, renewed with confidence.
During practice, you had always cheered from the sidelines, celebrating even the smallest victories. “Yes! That’s it, Hee! You’re on fire!” The way you looked at him, full of pride ignited something else inside him. He wants to replicate that joy on the court tonight, not just for himself but for you.
The memory fades, and he focuses back on the court. The countdown begins, and he recalls your unwavering support, how you’ve always been his anchor.
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On the court, players from both teams are moving in a flurry of motion. Heeseung calls out to his teammates, his voice cutting through the noise. “Jake, move to the left! Sunghoon, set the pick!”
“Got it!” Jake replies, darting into position while Sunghoon takes his place, ready to block an incoming defender.
The crowd roars as Heeseung manoeuvres through the opposing players, sweat beading on his forehead. He catches a glimpse of you in the stands, your eyes locked on him, radiating support. That glance fuels his determination even more.
“Stay focused!” Jungwon shouts from the perimeter, eyes scanning the court. “We need to take control of this game! Make every second count!”
“Let’s go, Decelis!” the crowd chants, the rhythmic clapping reverberating through the arena.
As the game continues, Dream counters aggressively. A tall defender lunges at Heeseung, trying to steal the ball. “You think you can get past me, Captain?” Jisung taunts, grinning.
Heeseung smirks back. “You’re going to have to try harder than that, Park!”
He swiftly dribbles around him, passing the ball to Jay, who quickly takes a shot from the three-point line. The ball sails through the air, but the tension rises as it bounces off the rim.
“Get the rebound!” Heeseung yells, sprinting toward the basket.
Riki is there, leaping high to grab the ball before it falls. “I got it!” he shouts, landing solidly and passing it back to Heeseung, who is now at the three-point arc.
“Take it, Hee!” Sunoo calls, eyes wide with anticipation.
With the clock ticking down, Heeseung feels the pressure mounting. He glances at the scoreboard, then back at you. He taps his chest twice and points at you, mouthing the words “This one’s for you.”, dedicating the victory shot to you. He breathes deeply and launches the ball just as the buzzer sounds, the world around him fading to silence.
The ball arcs through the air, time slowing as it nears the hoop. Heeseung holds his breath, and for a moment, the entire gym is silent, every eye glued to the ball.
“C’mon, c’mon!” Jake whispers, his hands clenched.
Suddenly, the ball swishes through the net, and the arena erupts into a symphony of cheers. Heeseung pumps his fist in the air, a triumphant smile breaking across his face as his teammates rush to celebrate with him.
“Let’s go! We did it!” Jungwon shouts, engulfing Heeseung in a hug.
“That was the cleanest shot ever!” Riki exclaims, high fiving him.
“I told you he’d make it!” Sunghoon laughs, slapping Heeseung on the back.
As the crowd continues to roar, Heeseung looks over to the stands, where you're beaming with pride. The moment feels surreal; he knows this victory is as much yours as it is his. You leap from your seat, your heart racing as you push through the flood of fans and teammates, your eyes locked on Heeseung.
“HEESEUNG!!” you shout, your voice nearly drowned out by the roar of the crowd. Adrenaline fueled your every step as you sprinted towards him.
In an instant, you’re in his arms, jumping into him as he catches you effortlessly. The world around you fades as you both laugh, your heart soaring with pride and love. He spins you around, and as blue and white confetti begins to rain down from above, it feels like a scene from a fairytale.
“I can’t believe you did it!” you exclaim, breathless and beaming.
“Thank you for believing in me,” Heeseung replies, his voice warm and sincere. “I couldn’t have done it without you, babe.”
With a quick glance around, he pulls you in closer, leaning down to capture your lips in a victorious kiss. The moment is electric, the soft flutter of confetti swirling around you adding to the magic. It drifts through the air like tiny stars, each flake catching the light and highlighting the joy of the moment.
“Get a room, you two!” Jake shouts playfully, laughing as he joins the cheering crowd.
“Captain’s got a new strategy – distract the opponent with romance!” Sunghoon jokes, earning a chorus of laughter from the team.
As the teasing continues, Heeseung pulls back slightly, still holding you tight, his forehead resting against yours. The blue and white confetti dances around you, settling on your hair and shoulders, but all you can focus on is the warmth in his eyes.
“Let’s celebrate together,” he says, eyes sparkling with happiness. The energy of the crowd only amplifies the warmth between you, solidifying this victory as one you’ll both cherish forever. 
© cerisesheaven — please do not plagiarize, repost, translate, copy, or alter any of my works. thank you angel!
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ikissjude · 3 months
spinnin’ me around ౨ৎ ksn.
in which bf!sunoo keeps your feet off the ground | tiktok series
sunoo x reader, soooo fluffy, warnings: it’s toothrotting fluff and self indulgent tbh wc: 538
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making couple tiktoks with your boyfriend, sunoo, was nothing new. being as chronically online as the both of you are, you stay on top of trends and participate in them as much as you can. fans always found the two of you cute as well, constantly reposting your videos and commenting on how cute you are. it made you feel a lot better about being in the spotlight and dating enhypen’s sunoo.
sunoo sat with his head against the back of the couch, his hands running through your hair as you lay in his lap. you two had been like this for a while, sunoo trying to wind down from his hectic day. you didn’t mind; it was relaxing to have your boyfriend’s hands in your hair, and you spent the quiet moments scrolling through tiktok. occasionally, you would show sunoo a funny video or one of new cafés to visit.
your favorite tiktoks to make with sunoo were couple trends. you happened to save every single one you came across, just to make sure you’d do them with him later. while scrolling, you saw a video of a trend you'd wanted to do for a minute.
soft sounds of sunday by the cranberries filled the room as you watched. patting sunoo’s stomach to get his attention, you turned your phone towards him.
“wanna do it?” you asked him with a smile on your face. sunoo’s long eyelashes blinked down at your phone while watching the video over, a small smile forming on his plump lips.
“that’s really cute, y/n. let’s do it!”
you both got up from your spots on the couch and set your phone up on the nearest surface. you set off the timer, running to your spot next to sunoo.
the two of you giggled as the music started to play. you spun around with sunoo’s hand hovering over your head, following the lyrics. you pulled sunoo’s arms to your waist, who lifted you off the ground. the both of you laughed as you lightly kicked your feet. sunoo set you down lightly so you could move to his backside, jumping on his back and legs hooked to his arms. he spun the both of you around again and set you down. you grabbed his hand once your feet were planted on the floor, giving it a light squeeze as you smiled at him. 
once the song was over, you ran towards your phone to check out your work. it was so funny watching the two of you spin at double speed, giggling the entire time as you watched with your boyfriend.
“this is so cute, noo! we should post it,” you said. you saved the video before editing the caption and pressing upload. comments started to flood in from engenes, saying how cute the two of you are and how they were hoping you would participate in this trend. you even got a couple comments from the members, jay and jake, saying how sickeningly sweet the video was. 
the rest of the night was filled with giggles and the warmth you shared underneath the covers. one thing was for certain: you loved sunoo, and you could do silly tiktok trends with him forever.
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© ikissjude 2024
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