nevillelongsbottom · 7 years
For the otp asks, i bet you'll know who i'll start with... (it's wolfstar) and if i can cheekily ask for another one it'd have to be drarry. thanks charlie!
(12, 14, 19, 20)
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?Wolfstar: Remus is a highly responsible individual who knows exactly how much he’s drinking, always eats beforehand, and stays sober enough to stop Sirius once he looks like he’s about to contract alcohol poisoning (a hospital visit Remus would not like to make again, because Sirius can’t hold his alcohol, no matter how much he thinks he can).
Drarry: Draco is a sophisticated and suave wine drinker. Harry just gets pished. Draco is like their designated driver, or the wine mom.
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?Wolfstar: Sirius. He doesn’t like being a Black, so it’s so easy just to say Sirius Lupin instead. And then he likes to joke with Remus that he’s a “serious wolf”, and Remus has to resist the urge to backhand him for that bad pun.
Drarry: Neither of them do. They wouldn’t even change surnames when they get married, because they’re both far too stubborn about being Malfoys and Potters. 
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?Wolfstar: They’d probably be a little too lax as parents, but they’d be great, anyway. They’d raise a great kid, open-minded and fun-loving, though Remus would probably be wary to keep them away from any motorbikes... or books about animagi...
Drarry: I think they’d be good; Draco would probably be a better parent, actually, trying to be better than his own, and Harry would probably be a bit of a disaster but also the Fun Dad. Draco is definitely the parent to talk to about any issues, though. He knows what’s up. He will blackmail the school. He will convince Harry to go beat up the bullies. He has Got This.
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?Wolfstar: Remus will switch to textspeak and numbers as letters when he’s feeling lazy or tired, but usually types things out neatly. Sirius, however, requires a translator to understand. What Sirius is saying over text is simply a mystery.
Drarry: Once Harry finally convinces Draco to use one of the cursed devices, Draco writes every text like an eloquent letter, including “Dear Harry... yours sincerely, Draco”. Harry tells him he doesn’t have to and once Draco realises quite how texts work, he’s embarrassed because Harry is a chronic textspeaker, but continues to send letter-texts just to annoy Harry. When speaking to his friends, Draco probably just speaks 99% meme. 
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antoniosvivaldi · 7 years
Hey, i'm trying to enter your secret Santa but it won't let me register bc it says on question 3 that 'that email does not look valid' even though there wasn't an email in the application *anywhere*? Any idea why that is?
Hi Phoenix! I believe my friend @grjsha​ just fixed the form 2 hours ago. You can fill out the form now. Hopefully Question 3 will go through c:
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azkabqn · 7 years
OMG YAY WOW MOM I'M SO PROUD OF YOU OMG YAY!!!!!!!! Okay, I'll stop yelling. *Anyway*, can I please have a ✨ + Sirius Black or Fenrir Greyback and I can't choose between ⚡and 💕 so please just choose either and save me from the choice I cannot make. Ooh also fmk: Fenrir, Bellatrix, Antonin Dolohov (death eater asks for death eater untrash) Love you loads 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Phoenix I love you so much thank you!! Yell at me all you want the Dark Lord knows I yell in group chat all the time 💚
Fuck Fenrir because hell yes wolfy would have a bod (going by book Fenrir and not shitty movie Fenrir who literally looked half furry), Marry Bellatrix because shes a babe and I love her and Kill Antonin because I dont have much of an opinion on him tbh
✨ Added to my list lovely~
Join the celebration we have blanket forts and icecream
⚡ HP Aesthetic ⚡
Family: Potter | Granger | Weasley | Malfoy | Lovegood | Longbottom | BlackSchool Life: Head Boy/Girl | Prefect | Teacher’s Pet | Troublemaker | Quidditch TeamAllegiance: Death Eaters | Order of the Phoenix | No LoyaltyTrolly Treat: Pumpkin Pasties | Butterbeer | BertieBott’s | Chocolate Frogs | Cauldron CakesPlaces: Malfoy Manor | Hogwarts | The Burrow | Hagrid’s Hut | Three Broomsticks | Madam Puddifoot’s | Newt’s Suitcase | Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes | Honeydukes | Zonko’sAssociated light spell: Expecto Ppatronum | Protego | Lumos | Episkey | AccioAssociated dark curse: Crucio | Imperio | Avada Kedavr
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viperevanesca · 7 years
Unpopular opinion: Nickelback is lit af
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
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vilanclle · 7 years
Can I have the urls library-witch and holysnitches please?
Sure! I sent you an invite! 
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crowleyaj · 7 years
hey! for the fandom family, can i be either draco, regulus, or fenrir (i know 😈) with the quote, 'the world isn't split into good people and death eaters.' also, is there a discord chat?
hi :) I added you as Draco :) and no, there isn’t a chat but there might be? because that’s a great idea!
join my fandom family
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dorianegraye · 7 years
Hey, I'm still on hiatus but this looks great and like, yeah. anyway, can I ask for a 🦁 + Hummingbird and 🌹 + Sirius and Hermione (separately, the day these two get two get together will be the day hell freezes over)? If not both, then just the 🌹with either one (please choose I love them both too much to just pick one lmao)
hp aesthetic blog rate 🦁
hogwarts house: gryffindor | hufflepuff | ravenclaw | slytherin
wand core: dragon heartstring | unicorn hair | phoenix feather
blood status: pure-blood | half-blood | muggle-born
generation: marauders era | lightning era | next gen
best subject: potions | DADA | care for magical creatures | charms | astronomy | herbology | muggle studies | transfiguration | ancient runes | divination | arithmancy | flying
worst subject: potions | DADA | care for magical creatures | charms | astronomy | herbology | muggle studies | transfiguration | ancient runes | divination | arithmancy | flying
quidditch position: seeker | beater | keeper | chaser | spectator
hangout place: library | room of requirement | forbidden forest | black lake | astronomy tower | quidditch pitch | common room
favourite professor: Neville Longbottom of course
best friends: Scorpius Malfoy, Iris Zabini
arch-enemies: Rose Weasley
your date 🌹 sirius black
date venue/ meet up place: room of requirement | forbidden forest | black lake | honeydukes | flourish and blotts | florean fortescue’s ice cream parlour | three broomsticks | weasley’s wizard wheezes | your house | his/ hers house
season: spring | summer | autumn | winter
activity: flying | shopping | teaching him/ her how to use muggle objects | star-gazing | pranking professors | picnic | film-watching | watching sunrise/ sunset | snowball fight | scenic drive around the country in your car
most affectionate move: draping a coat/ scarf around you | bear-hug | holding your hand like your the most precious thing in the world | paying for your drinks | smiling at every joke you made | saying i love you | the kiss duhh
the kiss: nah there wasn’t one, it’s just a first date | nose-brushing | forehead kiss | palm kiss | tenderly kissing on your lips | passionate and fiery
your date 🌹 hermione granger
date venue/ meet up place: room of requirement | forbidden forest | black lake | honeydukes | flourish and blotts | florean fortescue’s ice cream parlour | three broomsticks | weasley’s wizard wheezes | your house | his/ hers house
season: spring | summer | autumn | winter
activity: flying | shopping | teaching him/ her how to use muggle objects | star-gazing | pranking professors | picnic | film-watching | watching sunrise/ sunset | snowball fight | scenic drive around the country in your car
most affectionate move: draping a coat/ scarf around you | bear-hug | holding your hand like your the most precious thing in the world | paying for your drinks | smiling at every joke you made | saying i love you | the kiss duhh
the kiss: nah there wasn’t one, it’s just a first date | nose-brushing | forehead kiss | palm kiss | tenderly kissing on your lips | passionate and fiery
want one?
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punkpeqqy · 7 years
Severus Snape, or as I like to call him: snobolis slop, for the ask game
snape is not a good character. he’s abusive, and he misuses his power. i am definitely anti-snape.
end me your most hated celebrity/character
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hogwartsschoolnet · 7 years
Tumblr media
thank you to everyone who applied, and we’re so happy to announce our new members!
s l y t h e r i n:
h u f f l e p u f f:
r a v e n c l a w:
g r y f f i n d o r:
you will be sent a link to join the blog and the discord chat shortly. we hope you enjoy yourselves!
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nevillelongsbottom · 7 years
CONGRATS MY DUDIO I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!! Do you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to ask for Wolfstar and a song prompt of Every Time We're Together by, you guessed it, Nickelback 😈😈 just kidding, love you really uncle charlie 💖💖💖💖💖 congrats again! 😃
It’s drizzling outside London Blackfriars when Sirius’strain finally pulls up and terminates, the bowels of the train spilling peopleout the doors; he’s impatient and shoves out first, but Percy is never the typeto be unnecessarily rude or impatient, and so he takes a particularly elegantand angelic step out of the train only once the crowds have dissipated.
“Take your fucking time, Weasley,” Sirius sighs. “God,you’re worse than Peter. We’d losehim on the train because he’d be so slow to get off.” He kicks off from thepole he’s been leaning against, his manner the polar opposite of Percy: Siriushas his hands shoved in the pockets of his leather jackets and still walks witha hooligan swagger, whilst Percy walks poker straight and with measured strides,his umbrella clicking like a pair of heels on the ground beside him.
He extends it out when they leave and holds it mostly overSirius. “Was it always this rainy when you were younger?” he mumbles, raindropswetting the nape of his neck and flattening the curl of his hair.
“I distinctly remember it being a lot sunnier,” Siriussnorts. “It’s probably you. It’s always fucking raining whenever I go anywherewith you.”
“It’s not my fault,” Percy says with a pout that’ssurprisingly childish. “My other siblings inherited the sun. I’m just burnt out– don’t put your Oyster card away yet, sweetheart, we’re getting the Tube.”Sirius presents his middle finger to Percy, who snorts, but he feels hisstomach roil gently: he’s never once remembered his Oyster card once gettingoff at Blackfriars, and it was always Remus that elbowed him.
Remus isn’t here. It hurts his heart just to think about it – one, that Remus wasn’twith him anymore even leading up to the Battle, and two, that Remus isn’t hereanymore, when he should be. Being the only Marauder left is a lonely job.“Circle Line, right?”
“District works, too.” (Percy is a wizard of the Tube; whileSirius only ever knows about the lines he’s had to use and tries to generallyavoid the underground labyrinth, Percy could likely make his way across Londonby Tube with his eyes shut.)
It’s a slow walk there, because Sirius can’t really bear togo any faster; his arm is wound through Percy’s as he watches the world go by,remembering the way it felt to be surrounded by his friends, hearing theirboisterous laughter like ghosts in his ears – and he forgets, mistakes Percy’sarm for Remus’s for a moment as the seventies swallow him up again: hismotorbike roars along the train tracks in his memory (not that they ever didthat, of course, but Sirius could certainly bloody dream – after all, of course, he’d been everywhere else).
They catch a District train and walk to Southbank; it usedto be the Marauders’ daytime summer holiday haunt, after all. They would tearup all sorts of suburbs and councils later in the day, but Southbank was alwaysa good place to just sit, lounge, and catch some weird Muggle art exhibition;Percy eyes it with that kind of intellectual renown, whereas all Sirius can seeis Remus sprawled out on the stairs, James with his feet up on the café table,and Peter looking distinctly uncomfortable with everybody else’s level ofpublic slobbery.
“This is a terribly arthouse place of you to go,” Percynotes, the click of his miraculously dry umbrella on the floor lost in thehumdrum of chatter from people inside to escape the rain. “I thought you werejust regular hooligans.”
“Remus took me here once, to go see whatever talk orexhibition he was interested in,” Sirius says, leading Percy with practisedease through the halls. “And then we all came. I dunno. It’s just so bloody weird that it worked great for a placeto haunt during the day; all that shit we used to get up to? Those were our dusk adventures.”
“From dusk till dawn,” Percy muses, trying to shake thefeeling of the disturbance in Siriusnext to him; it feels strangely like something about him is swirling, thefrenetic energy that age has softened in him rising back up. He shifts hisweight off of his umbrella. “Do you want some time to yourself?”
Sirius nods.
Percy finds the nearest exit, which takes him an embarrassinglylong time and a detour to buy a postcard to send to Charlie. He comes out intosome sort of ex-farmer’s market which appears to have turned into a mass offood stalls and buys himself something that he most definitely can’t pronounceand that smells terrifically pungent, buying an extra for Sirius.
It’s cold when Sirius arrives, hands shoved into hispockets. Percy raises his eyebrows. “Are you alright?” he asks.
Sirius deflects. “What the fuck is this?”
“Some sort of foreign foodstuff that tastes like it’s goingto assault my rectal passages tomorrow,” Percy grumbles; Sirius snorts,immediately tucking in as they wander along and back to the station. “Please,leave the bathroom be tomorrow. I might need it. No three-hour-long baths foryou.”
“Fuck off. They’re only two hours long.”
“The real-life clock that exists in the living room and notin your head says three.”
Getting on the Tube is a surprisingly easy affair once theynavigate the sprawl of busy station, and they both stand by the doors as itroars through the tunnels. Percy is the taller of the two, so gangly that hesometimes looks like he was stretched as a form of torture when he was young,and he rests his head on top of Sirius’s, knowing full well that it irritateshis partner.
“Hey, Perce,” Sirius says with a note in his voice thatPercy definitely doesn’t like. “Doyou think Harry still has my motorbike?”
Percy pauses for the briefest of moments. “I should thinkso. I hear he uses it to attempt to impress my sister.”
“You mind if we drop by and see if we can take a ride?”
“We, Sirius?”
“What? Me and Remus used to ride it together all the time!”
Percy sighs.
“Now, not to be neurotic,Sirius, but this looks mildly dangerous.”
“There is nothingdangerous about flying a motorbike however many metres above the ground,”Sirius said cheerily, swinging his leg over and settling himself into thepassenger seat. “Come on. It’ll be fun!”
“My idea of fun doesn’t usually involve broken legs,” Remusgrumbled. Sirius rolled his eyes.
“Get on,” he said.
Reluctantly, Remus clambered on, much smaller than Sirius,and put his arms around Sirius’s waist, ignoring the flush of heat it createdin his chest (nerves, he thought, just nerves). “If I die, it is absolutelyyour fault,” he mumbled, resting his head against Sirius’s back and willinghimself not to look out as Sirius revved the engine.
“Dying is the fun part,” Sirius said cheerily, and sent themotorbike careening off into the sky, much to Remus’s vocal displeasure; butwhen they landed, and once he had finished screaming, he had just looked atSirius and grinned.
“Let’s do that again,” he’d said.
Percy is looking at the motorbike with equal amounts ofdispleasure. “This,” he says, “does not comply with Ministry safetyregulations.”
“The last person to say something like that thoroughlyenjoyed the ride,” Sirius says, patting the space behind him. “Now get the fuckon.”
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wolfstar-ask · 7 years
Gotta do it quick before @spookiussirius stops me... *takes off my robe and rolls up my sleeves* Hey Potter!
Okay -Sirius Yeah? -James
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azkabcn-archive · 7 years
spoopyhermione >>> spookiussirius
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wolfstar-ask · 7 years
I'm putting 5 galleons on Sirius, he's smaller but spunky. What about you Remus and @spookiussirius who you betting on? *filming*
Sirius, he really is stronger -Remus
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wolfstar-ask · 7 years
@spookiussirius is the Slytherin mom having a hard time too? Seems everyone is having a shit time over the past few days. Remus has been upset, I'm under suicide watch and now you seem to be upset as well :( can we just have a massive cuddle pile with chocolates and thick warm blankets?
Sounds great as long as we can have Padfoot too or he’ll get jealous, also he a dog -Remus
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