#spiritual life coaching courses
psyfisolutions · 1 year
Exploring Spirituality Through Online Courses
Spirituality has become an increasingly popular topic in recent years. For those seeking to deepen their spiritual knowledge and practice, spirituality courses online have become a convenient and accessible option.
Benefits of Spirituality Courses Online
One of the critical benefits of spiritual classes online is flexibility. Online courses can be taken at any time, anywhere, and at your own pace. This allows students to fit their spiritual education into their busy schedules and learn quickly.
Another benefit of spirituality courses online is the variety of courses available. From courses on meditation and mindfulness to those exploring different spiritual traditions and beliefs, there is a wide range of subjects to choose from. This diversity of subjects and approaches means that individuals can find a course that fits their specific needs and interests.
Types of Spirituality Courses Online
Some online courses are led by spiritual teachers or experts, while others are self-guided and utilize video lessons, readings, and interactive activities to enhance the learning experience. Many online courses also include a supportive community of fellow students, allowing individuals to connect with others who share their interests and engage in discussions and reflections on their learning.
Cost of Spirituality Courses Online
The cost of spirituality courses online varies widely, with some courses offered for free and others charging a fee. When considering a paid course, evaluating the content, instructor, and the cost is essential to determine if it is a good fit for you.
In addition to formal courses, many free resources are available for individuals seeking spiritual growth and development. Websites and blogs dedicated to spirituality and wellness offer a wealth of information and inspiration. Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook have thriving communities of individuals sharing their spiritual journeys and practices.
Whether you choose a formal course or a self-led approach, incorporating spirituality into your life can profoundly impact your overall well-being and happiness. You can deepen your sense of meaning and fulfillment by reflecting on your beliefs, values, and purpose and engaging in practices promoting inner peace and connection.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Spirituality Course Online
When choosing a spirituality course online, it is essential to consider your personal goals and needs. For example, if you want to deepen your understanding of a specific spiritual tradition, look for a course that focuses on that tradition. On the other hand, if you seek a more general understanding of spirituality and its role in your life, you may prefer a course that explores a variety of spiritual perspectives and practices.
It is also essential to consider the level of interaction and support offered by the course. Some online spirituality courses offer live sessions or interactive forums where students can engage with the instructor and fellow students. Others may provide opportunities for personal reflection and journaling or access to additional resources such as books, videos, or podcasts. Depending on your learning style and goals, a course with more interaction and support is better for you. Spirituality classes online offer a convenient and accessible way for individuals to explore their spiritual beliefs and practices. With a wide range of subjects to choose from and the flexibility to learn at your own pace, online spiritual classes provide a valuable opportunity for personal growth and development.
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Transform Your Life with Clear Sky Center's Personal Coaching & Spiritual Life Online Course!
Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth? Join Clear Sky Center's transformative online course! Personal Coaching program is designed to help you cultivate emotional honesty, enhance your relationships, master time management, and achieve a greater sense of fulfillment. Register today and unlock your true potential!
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dharmaslove · 6 months
Dharma's Love, LLC
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Website: https://www.dharmaslove.com
Address: Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina, USA
Dharma's Love, founded by Erica Petersohn, offers a range of spiritual and healing services. Erica, a certified Reiki Master, Archangelic Light Master, and Medium, provides psychic readings, Reiki, mediumship, negative energy cord-cutting, quantum clearings, and spiritual readings. With a background in the pharmaceutical industry, Erica transitioned to full-time spiritual work, traveling the country in an RV to offer her services remotely. She holds a Master's degree in Metaphysical Sciences and continues to expand her knowledge in various spiritual practices.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dharmaslovellc/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DharmasLove
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dharmas_love/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkq2MHkuqNvC5eyC0fvMEWQ
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/dharmaslovehealing/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dharmaslovellc/
Keywords: online psychic readings spiritual life coaching energy healing tools distance reiki healing psychic medium readings reiki energy healing negative energy release mediumship development energy healing practitioners spiritual healing services cord cutting services online metaphysical community energy clearing techniques mediumship development courses psychic medium services online mediumship development metaphysical mentoring spiritual growth tools metaphysical education programs spiritual growth resources spiritual life coaching programs remote spiritual services virtual spiritual guidance negative energy removal online virtual energy clearing metaphysical mentoring online spiritual growth tools on the web virtual psychic consultations angelic readings online crystal therapy services remotely virtual spiritual coaching online intuitive psychic studies metaphysical science education online trance mediumship guidance remotely virtual spiritual events divine healing workshops online spiritual newsletters online insights online metaphysical resources spiritual healing services usa psychic readings united states reiki energy healing america remote guidance services us remote spiritual guidance negative energy cord cutting quantum energy clearing online psychic consultations angelic realm readings crystal therapy services intuitive psychic studies metaphysical science education trance mediumship guidance spiritual event participation divine healing workshops spiritual newsletter insights metaphysical resource provision remote guidance sessions crystal therapy sessions intuitive coaching services trance mediumship mentoring spiritual event workshops divine healing practices spiritual newsletter subscriptions psychic medium consultations remote spiritual counseling quantum energy practices metaphysical mentorship online psychic guidance angelic realm insights crystal therapy workshops mediumship development services intuitive psychic training metaphysical science courses trance mediumship sessions
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1000-now · 7 months
Embarking on a Soulful Journey: Unlocking the Power of Spiritual Life Coaching and Healing Training Courses
Imagine having a supportive guide on your life journey, one who not only helps you set and achieve goals but also nurtures your spiritual growth. That's the essence of Spiritual Life Coaching. These coaches are like navigators for your soul, helping you explore the depths of your being and align your actions with your higher purpose. Through personalized sessions, they provide practical tools and strategies to overcome challenges and foster a sense of balance and fulfillment.
Unlocking the Healing Power
A crucial component of this spiritual journey is the integration of healing practices. Spiritual Healing Training Courses delve into ancient and modern healing techniques, offering a holistic approach to well-being. From meditation and energy healing to mindfulness and breathwork, these courses empower individuals to tap into their innate healing abilities. Practical facts underscore the effectiveness of these methods, demonstrating how they positively impact mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
Practical Facts to Consider
Mind-Body Connection: Spiritual Life Coaching emphasizes the intricate link between mental and physical health. Scientific studies show that a positive mindset can contribute to better overall health and resilience against stress.
Transformative Techniques: Spiritual Healing Training Courses often incorporate evidence-based practices, such as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR). Research indicates that MBSR can reduce symptoms of anxiety and improve emotional well-being.
Personalized Approaches: Each individual's spiritual journey is unique. Spiritual Life Coaches tailor their approach to the specific needs and beliefs of their clients, fostering a sense of authenticity and connection.
Embark on Your Soulful Journey
Spiritual Life Coaching and Healing Training Courses offer a sanctuary for self-discovery and growth. By embracing these practices, individuals can navigate life's challenges with a newfound resilience, unlock their inner potential, and cultivate a sense of purpose that transcends the ordinary. It's time to embark on a soulful journey – one that leads to a harmonious balance between the material and the spiritual, unlocking the doors to a more fulfilling and enriched life.
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lifelightnz · 11 months
A Guided Meditation Course - Life Light NZ
Discover inner peace and clarity in our comprehensive meditation course. Learn techniques to reduce stress, increase focus, and cultivate mindfulness. Join us on a transformative journey to a calmer mind.
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u2hearts · 2 years
My Head on Straight
My Head on Straight
Good morning world. I am loving the cooler weather with the sunshine shining. I might have a small whiff of fall in the air. I’m ready. I took the entire week off from exercise. I am fine but those booster shots definitely knocked me for a loop. I’m glad I did both the Covid and flu together. I’m more happy to know they’re done for a while. I just looked at my calendar for October, my Rituxan…
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thesirencult · 8 months
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2 Of Swords, Ace Of Wands, The Hermit
Two people are interested in you or you will find yourself choosing between two people further on.
Who you choose will change the course of your life.
The first person feels new for you. They make you feel like you have a purpose. They talk about being in alignment with your goals and dreams. Don't get me wrong but they remind me of people who sell courses for a living and life coaches (no shade here, their tone reminds me of that and that doesn't mean they are scammers etc.). This person sees the glass half full and inspires you to go after your dreams. This may include leaving what you know behind and travelling with them.
The second individual is someone you don't see clearly. You may not even know who this person is as they have been isolating themselves for a while. There is another possibility though, that they are a "monk mode" individual. They are earthy and in touch with themselves but always seem to look at others from afar. They are addicted to "suffering" to make themselves better. I don't think this person talks to you or if they do it's sporadically and in a public place, like the gym. You could be their gym crush and you wouldn't even know. They like Batman.
10 Of Swords, Judgement
Your person will act as a catalyst to your healing. I'm saying "your" person because you will have a relationship with the person who is/will be in love with you.
Your heart knows who they are. They make you feel aligned and in touch with your heart center. This person appreciates your femininity and let's you explore your dreams while they take on the world for you.
Queen Of Swords, 8 Of Pentacles, The Hanged Man
They are a truth seeker. Whatever this person tells you, you know it's true. They don't lie. They are ethical and lawful.
They could work or are interested in a career as a layer, doctor or psychologist. Whatever they want to do requires them to look straight at the facts.
This person may not seem that romantic at first. Like the roses on the grey staircase, small actions are their thing.
They are very caring and focus on being a provider. Acts of service are their love language.
Something I find very interesting about this person is the fact that they are a great people reader. In their life they had to deal with people with very ill intentions and they've seen the harshest side of humanity. This has made them more spiritual and able to sit back and observe rather than judge things on face value.
2 Of Pentacles, Knight Of Cups
You were walking down the road when you caught their eye or entered the room or bumped onto them at the coffee shop. It doesn't matter how you met but when you entered their life they went to La La Land.
Dreams, fairytales, fantasies... This person has a lot on their plate. When they met you or when they will meet you they will feel as if you are the answer to all of their issues.
You are a dreamer and trying to find your footsteps and unique path. This person will see something in you and wants to take care of you.
They will be very romantic and treat you like you are a unicorn.
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kazutora-kurokawa · 3 months
Masturfesting w/ Mikey
♡ NSFW, fem reader, masturbation + manifesting, delusion, established friendship, panty stealing, perv!Mikey, college au ♡
note: my beautiful moot @i-literally-cant-with-this gave me this little idea 🩷 I started at 2am and finished around 3, its 6:30 right now so yeah lol I need some rest
You and Mikey had always been close growing up, and that didn't change one bit when you two got to college. Of course he was still out partying and fighting with his friends, those things, along with your presence, were the only things he kept consistent. But a lot of things changed, he started becoming more aware of himself, of his feelings towards you, and of his place in your life. He knew he wanted a relationship with you, but wasn't sure how to approach you. So he did what he thought was best and started doing some research.
He discovered a lot of romance coaches, wikiHow articles and unhelpful stuff like that, but then he struck what he thought was a gold mine. He discovered the spiritual side of love, specifically types of love potions and spells. He was never one to believe in magic but it couldn't hurt to try. The one that caught his eye? Masturfesting. It was so disgustingly delusional, it just had to work. And so, he started a routine. Everytime he was hard, he'd go on your social media pages, scroll through, and find a picture he could get off to. He'd start off slow, savoring the moment and imagining your pretty hands wrapped around his dick. He'd finish pretty quickly, staining his phone and the picture of you on the screen with gooey strings of cum.
This became a daily occurrence for him, but as of late he felt like it wasn't working. He needed to go further, to do something more…risky. So he walked to your dorm after class, under the false pretenses of having a study session. You two were in your room laying on a pile of pillows on the floor, flipping through textbooks, when suddenly you had to use the bathroom. You left the room, giving Mikey the chance to take his masturfesting to the next level. He rooted around in your dirty laundry, stealing a pair of your panties and pocketing them for himself. You came out of the bathroom and were none the wiser.
After the study session was over he went back to his dorm, rushing to the bathroom to make use of your panties. The soft material felt like heaven wrapped around him, and he couldn't help but imagine thrusting into your pretty pussy instead of his hand. The way they felt, the way they looked, the way they smelled, everything turned him on and made him even more determined to have you for himself. He fully believed that his disgusting actions would result in you unknowingly falling head over heels for him, and maybe it would…or maybe he's just delusional as all hell. Either way he's not gonna stop, not anytime soon, not until he's sure you'll want him as much as he wants you.
@arlerts-angel @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies
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illiterateaffairs · 1 year
pairing: jamie tartt x f!reader (ted lasso)
rating: T
word count: 2,880
summary: jamie refuses to let you go home alone again
A/N: what could THAT mean?
distractions masterlist | previous chapter
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After almost three months with the club, you and the team are now celebrating a seven game win streak. 
Rebecca has somehow managed to convince a star football player called Zava to join AFC Richmond (you still weren’t sure if that was his first name or last name) and they haven’t lost a match since. While very gifted at football, you wouldn’t exactly call Zava your favorite player to work with. He was self-centered but not at all self aware. For some reason the team worshiped him but you could hardly understand why. With what you heard about how much they couldn’t stand Jamie when he used to be more selfish and stuck-up, you didn’t get why they’re putting up with Zava. Maybe it was just the thrill of back-to-back wins. They were all the happiest you’d ever seen them so you kept your thoughts to yourself. 
Well almost all of them were happy. Anytime the team went out for drinks to celebrate their recent victories (even days after on a random Wednesday - any excuse for a pint, as Isaac would say) Sam convinced you to tag along. That’s how you started spending time getting to know more guys like Isaac and Colin and Dani. But even as you bonded with them, you couldn’t help but notice Jamie. You’d always find him sulking in a corner with a beer in his hand, or half heartedly making conversation with one of his teammates. You’d spoken to him a few times over the last several weeks, and while you’d talk about your weekend or share jokes about other players or even the coaches (apologies, Uncle Ted), your conversations were never lengthy or of substance. So you ignored the urge to check up on him during these nights. 
You’re out again tonight - except this time it's the entire club. Coaches, staff, and all are gathered at Sam’s restaurant Ola’s for an unofficial opening celebration in honor of the team’s seventh straight win. You’re sipping champagne by the bar with Rebecca and Keeley, when they have to introduce you to Rebecca’s old friend Sassy. You’ll love her! And of course you do. Everyone you encounter here is the best person you’ve ever met. Although your ears bleed when Sassy alludes to going home with Ted later. Rebecca secretly gives you a simultaneously apologetic and amused look, to which you can only laugh through your embarrassment. 
As you sip your champagne, you can’t help but look on as your work family mixes and mingles and laughs together. You try not to beam at Sam, who you’ve told you’re proud of a million times that night, as he talks to his chef friend. You look on curiously as Colin introduces a friend of his to some other members of the team. You even feel comforted when you see Roy sit down next to Jamie, hoping someone can get that boy out of whatever funk he’s in. Even Zava makes a surprise appearance but you keep from rolling your eyes.
You’ve really become comfortable here the last few months. You try to remember the last time you’ve felt this happy and content and you come up blank. You’re surrounded by people you actually like and a job that sustains you both financially and spiritually. Now if only you could write a word of fiction you were proud of, but baby steps will have to do.
You’re not a superstitious or paranoid person, but as soon as you start dwelling on how great your life is going, you know that you’ll jinx it.
And you do.
As Rebecca begins telling you and Keeley about the psychic reading she had recently, your phone buzzes in your back pocket. You figure it's a text from your dads and don’t want to miss an opportunity to connect with them even briefly, since you’ve been so busy. Instead of finding a text from your family group chat, you see an Instagram notification.
Mason_Andrews has posted for the first time in a while.
Stupid Instagram and their stupid irrelevant notifications.
You know you shouldn’t look. You’re having a great time, and you haven’t really thought about him in weeks. But you’re so curious. Besides, you really need to make the move to unfollow him and this could be the perfect opportunity to do so. 
So you click the notification banner and Instagram opens to a picture of Mason- with his arms wrapped around an eerily familiar red-head.
He’d told you he barely knew the girl, as the two of you fought that night; that she didn’t mean anything to him.
Apparently she did now. They looked extra cozy, all dressed up in cocktail attire at what must have been one of Mason’s work events. My girl, the caption reads simply. Your fingers move faster than your brain as you tap the image to see the girl has been tagged. Her handle tells you her name is Chloe. You know if you start digging any further you’re going to drive yourself crazy. But if you don’t look and go on the rest of the night trying to forget about it, you’ll feel even crazier. So you decide you need to get out of there as soon as possible. 
Under the guise of exhaustion, you bid your farewells to Keeley and Rebecca. You catch Ted’s eye over Sassy’s shoulder and wave. He mouths back a “get home safe”. You don’t even try to get Beard’s attention with his girlfriend Jane in his lap. Roy gives you a nod and you briefly make eye contact with Jamie as Keeley’s friend and coworker Shandy talks off his ear, giving him a small smile as you head to the front. You let Sam know you’re calling it a night, and he begs you to stay for a little while longer, but you just hug him tighter and promise to be his first customer when Ola’s officially opens. He flashes his contagious, thousand-watt smile and you almost feel better, accepting the green matchbook as a keepsake that you know you’ll never part with. 
Leaning against the brick of the restaurant, you mean to call an Uber, but end up giving in and immediately start cyber-stalking Chloe. You’re nearly a full year down her Instagram grid when the door jingles beside you, causing you to jump. 
“Jesus Christ,” you mutter, palming your chest to calm your rising heart rate. 
“Didn’t know you were so religious,” Jamie snickers from beside you, seemingly a bit more upbeat than he was earlier in the evening. 
You snort, relaxing a bit, “Says the guy with the cross earring.” 
He smirks, “It's a fashion statement, ever heard of it?”
“My sincerest apologies,” You hold your hands up playfully in surrender, “I’m surprised you're alone.” 
He raises his eyebrow. “Why?”
“Well it seems if Shandy had her way, you’d be leaving with her.”
Jamie takes a deep breath, “Shandy is…a lot. I think she wanted to take a bite out of me.” 
You laugh at the pained expression on his face, “What, you’re not into that sort of thing?” 
He gets a mischievous glint in his eye and you know you’re going to regret having said that, “Well, I’m usually the one doing the biting.” 
“My God,” you groan, closing your eyes.
“There you go with the religious expletives,” he tsks, “You know you shouldn’t use the lord’s name in vain.” 
“I will try to do better.”
Your breathy laughs die out together.
“So, what about you?” Jamie asks.
“What about me?”
“Don’t tell me you’re walking home alone again from here.”
You’re reminded of what you were supposed to be doing. “Oh, no, I was actually about to order an Uber.”
“Fuck that. My car is down the block, let me drive you.”
“Jamie, you don’t have to do that.” 
“I’m not letting you waste your money when I have a perfectly good car and empty passenger seat. Let’s go.”
He doesn’t give you another second to consider when he’s already rounding the corner of the restaurant. 
Moments later you’re putting your address into Jamie’s phone from his passenger seat, and you appreciate that he only made fun of you a little for almost getting in the driver's side. (“Hey, if you want to take a shot at driving on the correct side of the road, be my guest.” “Listen, It doesn’t make sense that everything is on the other side!”) You’ve been driving for a few minutes with only the soft sound of the radio playing when you finally let yourself ask.
“So, why the long face all night?” you inquire, “I don’t know much about non-American football, or American football for that matter, but I thought winning several games in a row was supposed to be a good thing.” 
Jamie shakes his head, “It is.”
“Thank you for clarifying,” you smile slightly, “But?”
“But,” he sighs, “I don’t love how we did it.” 
“What do you mean?”
“It's this whole Zava thing,” he admits, not taking his eyes off the road as you watch him, “Everyone is acting like he’s some God, and sure, he’s a great player, but we…stopped playing as a team. I liked it better that way. Now it's the Zava show.” 
You nod, “I get what you mean. I don’t get the hype about Zava either.”
He glances at you for a brief second before focusing on the road again. “You don’t?”
“Yeah, he’s all words and no substance. He says things but it doesn’t mean anything. It's irritating. Honestly, when he walked into Sam’s I had to force myself not to leave immediately.”
He laughs with you, “I feel like you’re the only other person who see’s through his shit.” 
“Yeah, well, I don’t really have patience for self-centered jerks. Even if they’re good at kicking a ball around or whatever.” 
Jamie’s smile falters a bit. “You know I used to be a lot like him.”
You bite back a laugh, “No way.”
Your sarcasm takes him by surprise. “I thought you weren’t into football?”
“Football? No,” you admit slowly, “One of my old coworkers, though, had an affinity for British dating shows…”
You swear you see a bit of color drain from his face under the glow of the street lights, “Ah shit.” 
You can’t help but giggle, “Yeahhh, I’m sorry.” 
“You’re sorry? You’re the one who suffered through watching that crap.”
You can’t help but join when a laugh breaks through his words. 
“It wasn’t that bad.”
“That bad? I was a total prick.”
“Oh yeah you were a douchebag, but it made great TV.” 
He can’t help but laugh with you despite himself. “Yeah, I guess.” 
“But you don’t seem like that guy anymore,” you reassure, “I don’t think the guy who broke Amy’s heart would offer to drive a girl you barely know home.” 
“I’m trying not to be,” he muses softly. “But you’re right about one thing. I barely know you and you’ve probably seen more of me than either of us would like to admit.”
You chuckle, feeling your face get hot. “'You saying you want to play 20 questions or something?”
“How about one? That being, why the hell did you come to Richmond?” he glances at you again as you suddenly find your hands more interesting than the boy beside you, “Sam says you had some fancy job back in America and now you’re basically a football club owner’s secretary.”
“We prefer the term personal assistant.” 
He rolls his eyes, “So what? Were you that desperate to learn about ‘non-American football’ or what?”
You take a long, deep breath. “You want the honest answer?” 
Jamie shrugs like it's obvious.
“I told my family I needed a change of scenery, but it was because of a guy. Pathetic right? Making a life changing decision because some guy broke my heart. But the truth is I’d been making a lot of my decisions because of him while we were together. Where to live. What friends to hang out with. I had my old job because he thought it would be a good fit for me even though it wasn’t what I really wanted to do. So, after we…broke up, I realized I didn’t really know who I was because my whole life was built around him and us. So, I knew I had to get the hell out of Chicago, panicked, quit my job, and…here I am; just trying to get a change of scenery and figure out who the hell I am.” 
You never admitted that to anyone. No one around you ever saw how controlling he was over your life. You knew your family would have called you out about it, but they never got the chance to spend much time with him. He insisted you spend holidays with his family and you went along with it. And when you visited yours, you went alone. You didn’t realize it at the time, but subconsciously you weren’t very proud of your relationship with him. You were blinded by the attention he gave you, all the while molding you into his definition of a perfect girlfriend. Until apparently you weren’t. 
You eventually glanced back over at Jamie, and despite paying attention to the road in front of him, you could tell he was listening attentively. 
“Damn, so once you finally saw how bad he was, you dumped him and left?”
You laugh humorously, “No, I dumped him after I caught him cheating on me.” That was also the first time you told someone willingly. 
“Jesus Christ.”
“Now who’s using the lord’s name in vain?”
“He sounds fucking awful. Glad you’re rid of him.”
“If only I’d come to my senses sooner.”
He shakes his head, “Don’t blame yourself when he’s the prick.”
You digest the sentiment as his car slows to a stop and you realize you’ve made it to your apartment. 
He angles his body towards you, “Seriously, I’m sorry that happened to you. No one…no one deserves that.”
Meeting his eyes, you get the sense that there’s more meaning behind his words that you don’t understand. Still you smile slightly. “Thank you, Jamie.”
He presses his lips together in a thin smile as well. 
You unbuckle your seatbelt as you continue, “Well, here’s hoping that quitting my job and moving halfway across the world actually does the trick and lets me move on, or else I might be a little crazy.” 
Jamie chuckles and you feel the energy shift back to lighthearted, “Well, you know what they say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.”
“Jesus Chr-” you stop as he raises his eyebrows playfully, and you start to smile. Not only do you let yourself laugh at his cheeky joke, you let yourself consider his words. Casual dating let alone sex wasn’t really your thing, but maybe it could help. At the very least it would be a well deserved distraction. You briefly consider trying out the Bantr app but you loathed online dating. And here you were with a perfectly eligible bachelor mere inches away from you. 
No. No. You couldn’t hook up with Jamie Tartt. 
He was a notorious playboy. And while you could now attest he wasn’t as bad as his on-screen persona made him look, you knew he still wasn’t a relationship guy. 
But that’s not what this would be. 
Maybe he would be the perfect guy to distract you for one night. He instantly made you forget about Mason earlier until he became the topic of conversation. And he was very pretty. 
Before you can second guess anymore, you push yourself towards him and press your lips against his. If Jamie’s surprised by your actions, it doesn’t last long. He quickly unbuckles his own seatbelt, so he can bring the two of you closer together, his hands squeezing your waist, as yours cup around his face. You kiss frantically for a few more moments, sneaking in breaths where you can, before you’re pulling away slightly. Your noses are brushing against one another as you blink up at him, “Do you want to come inside?” 
He doesn’t bother answering, letting out shaky breaths as he nods, bumping his forehead against yours lightly. You smile into another kiss and Jamie doesn’t break away as he starts reaching to unlock the car doors, eager to get into your apartment but a little less eager to part from you. Reluctantly you separate again so you both can fumble out of the car and up the stairs of your building. You feel his breath on your neck as you hurriedly unlock your front door. He gently leads you inside, only to shut the door and push you against it, picking up where he left off. His hands make their way down your body to your thighs, and without having to be asked, you're jumping up to wrap your legs around his waist. You mumble directions to your bedroom against his lips and before you know it, he’s lying you down across your bed. As his lips leave a trail down your neck and to your chest, you don’t even remember Mason’s name. Your mind is just clouded by Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. 
A/N: let me know what you think y’all!!! also taking this opportunity to let everyone know i’m not comfortable writing smut or things like that, but will obviously allude to this like this. hope everyone understands! ❤️
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youremyheaven · 25 days
this might be a kinda niche observation but i have noticed women who are venusian plus saturnian are Not very nice 😭 i know two women who's entire chart is basically 50/50 venusian naks and saturn naks and one thing i've noticed they both do is try to remix traditional gender roles into some sort of female empowerment thing
for example, one of them is constantly going on dates with older rich men which by itself is like fine whatever but she tries to act like she's this genius feminist for doing it. like no babe.... you're still conforming to gender roles by essentially selling yourself to rich men to eventually become their spoiled housewife, if anything she's putting a capitalistic spin on it. i think this is because of the saturnian urge to conform to traditions meshing with the venusian urge to date lots and surround yourself with money and beauty
the second girl is obsessed with traditional beauty standards for im assuming the same reason. she literally often says things like "i love entering a room and knowing i'm the prettiest one there" and "walking down the street watching people gawk because i'm the most beautiful one here". it's so cringe and low vibrational, not to mention misogynistic yet just like the other girl she tries to put a feminist spin on it. she has a whole twitter account dedicated to unlocking your "divine feminine", which is a real thing but she does it in such an incorrect way like telling people what plastic surgery they need to be "perfect" and of course, how to attract a rich man. it's a combo of venusian vanity and saturnian rule following (the beauty standards being the rules)
also, they both HATE eachother 😭
that sounds about right ngl
I feel like Venusian women who are not drawn to the arts and are somehow unable to channel their creativity make it their sole purpose in life to pursue romance and 😬it kind of messes them up?? My grandma is Purvaphalguni Moon and she was a very talented singer back in the day and wanted to study Music in college but her family was against it and made her study to be a teacher and then she ended up marrying my grandad and also cheating on him and ngl it ruined her life,,, anywayyss I feel like Venusians were meant to pursue all of the themes of Venus, ESPECIALLY its creativity because art will fulfil you in ways no man or relationship can and in the absence of it, all this excessive materialistic pursuit of relationships brings out the corrosiveness of Venus.
Venus is capable of immense devotional spirituality, its not a shallow planet or influence by any means but to get to the spirituality (of any planet tbh) one has to transcend its more superficial material manifestations. I think Venusian fixation on romance, relationships etc can be very damning. I know a Purvaphalguni Moon girl who cannot be single for even a second and she said she can't get married because she will cheat on him 😭
I know several Venusians who are like you mentioned but damn that Venus and Saturn combination you talked about is lethal,, they can lead themselves to such a shallow hollow and empty life. Ngl I feel like all those "dating coaches" online who talk about "10 ways to marry a rich man" are all Venusian/Saturnian women and sorry to break it but I promise it never works out. If a man knows that you're with him for his money, I promise you no amount of money he throws at you will be worth the mind games and psychological abuse that will ensue.
I have a friend, Bharani stellium who is from a well to do family but she dreams of marrying someone filthy rich and being a housewife. She's also Saturnian lmao but I feel like her idealized visions of being someone's trophy wife will lead to some bitter experiences. Bc first of all Indian men are trash, second of all, rich people are trash and a rich Indian man and his family are probably capable of god knows what insanity. I think about that video of Shah Rukh Khan, aka the biggest actor the country has ever seen at Isha Ambani's (billionaire's daughter) twins birthday party where they'd brought out snakes??? (rich ppl things bc who tf would bring snakes to a toddler's bday party??) and Isha's brother picks up a snake and puts it on SRK's shoulder from behind, catching him off guard. Like ik its obviously not poisonous but like ??? thats so rude??? imagine just putting a snake on someone without their consent??? its that asshole's entitlement that makes him believe he can get away with anything. any video of the Ambani kids is a testament to them being rich assholes but anyways point is, rich people are fucked up and its insane to me that women want to sign away their autonomy by marrying into these families??? like are they dumb??? how naive do you have to be to believe that they'll be rich AND nice to you?? lol?? and you cannot raise a finger against them bc money will silence everyone, even the courts. look at what happened to amber heard and what's happening to angelina jolie. these are powerful, influential women, not housewives to rich douchebags but even then, they suffer. now what would happen to a regular woman???
anybody who dreams of being a trophy wife feels absolutely delusional to me. its so important to maintain your independence. like by all means i want to marry rich but i dont ever want to be in a position where im financially dependent on a man. THATS DANGEROUS. quite literally.
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etherealdiva · 2 years
Astro Observations: Part 7
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✨It’s best to not date during mercury retrograde. You can do whatever you want but by actual experience ESPECIALLY if the person you’re dating is a mercury rx native. Once it goes direct, they’ll directly leave also. Doesn’t have to be true for everyone but it def was true for me. Just wait until after the period over. My advice. Frankly, don’t date all. Lmao. Kidding!
✨Also please please please try and avoid accepting a new job offer during mercury rx and REVIEW the paperwork! During a rx in 2020 I was working as a temp and then they wanted to hire me full time. I was hesitant to sign anything but I did anyways (also idk why I even agree to the pay when it wasn’t that great :/ ) but I did and then a month later I got laid off. Also it was the year of the pandemic but still.
✨A way to look/learn at aspects: my little cheat sheet
✨Air/fire- sextile (Leo sextile gemini)
✨Water/earth- sextile (Taurus sextile cancer)
✨Same element- trine (Aries trine Leo)
✨Same modality/different sign- square (moon in Leo square moon in Taurus- they’re both fixed signs but not the same signs- they’re in the same group)
✨Sister/opposite signs- opposition (Pisces opposition Virgo) also count 6 months ahead from the current month to get the opposite sign.
January is Aquarius and 6 months later is July which is Leo season.
February- Pisces + 6 = August Virgo
March- Aries + 6 = September Libra
✨Same sign- conjunct (Aries conjunct Aries)
✨When reading a chart, for Psychological use then use placidus system. You will understand why a person acts the way they are.
✨For predictive skills then use whole sign and sidereal astrology I believe is much more accurate for events. Just my thought.
✨Are you a morning or night person? I always thought I was a night person since I’m a Pisces and I find myself overthinking late at night. But i also always fall asleep lmao. Anyways to figure it out 👇🏽
I have a day chart (sun through houses 7-12 is day chart and sun through houses 1-6 is a night chart) And I find myself actually an early bird. Doesn’t matter what time I sleep, I HAVE to be awake in the morning lol. I absolutely love the sun and the day time. I’m also a Leo moon in the 1st🤔 which is below the horizon
My sis is a sag sun in the 4th and she has trouble sleeping and absolutely loves sleeping in and hates waking up early. Her moon is in Aries in the 8th which is above the horizon. So it’s the opposite side for us both.
My best friend has her sun in the 11th (so she’s a day baby) and her moon in the 10th. It’s above the horizon and she will sleep all day but stay up all night. She’s a Taurus moon also so she does take a lot of naps lol.
A guy I dated has his sun in the 9th (he’s a day baby) and his moon is in the 12th and he also can stay up late! Or basically he’s active at night! We went on a date and then he came home, took a nap and then woke up at like midnight and worked for 3 hours!
For this, Focus on your moon placement since it’s a luminary!
✨Moon houses 1-6: below horizon and you are active in the morning
✨Moon houses 7-12: above horizon and you are active at night
✨The sign & planet that’s in your 5th house indicates what you buy that brings you pleasure or something you enjoy! Or in general what makes you happy/brings you pleasure.
If there’s no planets in there, look at the ruling planet.
Example: Sagittarius and Jupiter is in the 12th house (a Pisces house)
You would buy anything that has to do with spirituality and learning. Maybe esoteric books, counseling sessions with a spiritual mentor/coach, life coach, astrologer and/or tarot reading. Trips! Especially to foreign lands. Maybe always taking courses!
✨Aries/Mars: video games, sports and sports events, working out, a personal trainer, theme parks (like six flags), ziplining, things that you give you an adrenaline rush, sky diving
✨Taurus/Venus: fine wine and dining, satin sheets, candles, music, instruments, treating yourself to nice restaurants, spas, woodwork
✨Gemini/Mercury: journals, anything to do with your hands, books, trivia games, getaway trips, your car, spoiling your sibs
✨Cáncer/Moon: your home, redecorating, food, spoiling your mom, your kids, music, home made items, diy stuff
✨Leo/sun: concerts, anything that makes you look good, a makeover, your hair, camera, ring light, anything to invest in your performance (YT, tik tok etc)
✨Virgo/ Mercury: your pets, health, personal trainer, nutritionist, your meals, books, holistic healing
✨Libra/Venus: facials, spa days, art, spoiling your significant other, dating coach/advice, aesthetic items, dessert
✨Scorpio/Pluto: spell work, witchcraft, tarot reading, anything that changes your appearance, candles, shopping in general
✨Sagittarius/Jupiter: life coach, foreign trips, courses, school, self help books, experiences, going out drinking with friends, traveling anywhere, fun adventures
✨Capricorn/Saturn: designer brand, business items, anything that invests in your business, stocks, spoiling others with gifts instead of telling them you actually love them lmao (jk!)
✨Aquarius/Uranus: technology, computers, games, sci fi movies, volunteering, spoiling your friends, comic books, astrology readings
✨Pisces/Neptune: candles, crystals, tarot readings, substances (such as drinking), tattoos, psychic readings, music
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #19
[masterlist] [part one]
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There are some things, Alfred thought amused, that transcend even death. Bruce was far from the first Wayne to have a slight adoption problem, and his sons won't be the last. Though, he mused as he prepared the tea, this might just be the first time a Wayne has ever adopted a member of the living from beyond the grave. It's certainly the first time one has ever adopted the ghost king.
There was a sudden cry of, "Brucie! There you are!" Followed by a sharp yelp of, "Who the fu—udge are you!" Nice save, master Jason, Alfred thought with a smirk. He gathered everything together to the sounds of overlapping voices, and counted down in his head as he neared the room. 3, 2, 1— "Everyone, calm down! Young man, could you please explain who you are and what you're doing here?" —Right on time, as always, master Bruce. Alfred opened the door just in time to see the wide grin on master Danny's face and catch his eye with a small smile and a nod.
"Master Bruce, I know I raised you better than that, surely you recognize your little brother?" Ahhh, the simple joy of watching an entire family of world class detectives "blue screen", as master Tim would say. Each and every one of them were trying to figure out how this teenager could be Bruce's younger brother, when they all knew what had happened to the elder's parents, and all of them were drawing the wrong conclusions. Alfred hadn't had to fight this hard not to grin since his adoptive son was pulling his hair out because master Richard was swinging from the chandelier. Last week.
"Since when did you adopt a kid?!" "Aww, Alfie, are we not enough for you?" "Now I know where B gets it from..." "Father, I had not realized Pennyworth was behind your serial adoption habits. You are forgiven."
Apparently, master Danny didn't have the same fortitude as Alfred, as he began laughing shortly after the accusations started flying. Alfred let his smile grow more fond at the sound. Thomas and Martha had shared their suspicions about master Danny's home life, and while he could see some of what they meant, it was heartening to know it wasn't as bad as he'd feared.
"No, no, goodness, no, Alfred didn't adopt me! Though," master Danny said, laughing eyes catching his own, "I'm sure if he got to me, first, he would have. No, mom and dad weren't able to make it legal on this side of things, so I don't have the name, but the family ties are just as strong. I am Bruce's little brother, and I am adopted, but the adoption was a little more," here, master Danny changed forms and started floating, "spiritual than normal."
In the silence that followed that proclamation, Alfred heard the whisper of a woman's laugh and a man's chuckle drift past his ears. A soft, "That's my boy," breezed through the air between Alfred and master Danny, causing the young man to brighten and Alfred to chuckle. Oh yes, master Bruce may have been too young to remember, but Thomas and Martha both had wicked senses of humor. The two of them had probably coached master Danny on exactly what to say, what to do, and how. Now, we just have to calm them down long enough to explain everything, he thought with a wry grin. Not the hardest thing I've done, that was most certainly raising master Bruce in the first place.
TADA! I finally had a prompt to continue this storyline with! Of course, it's not the longest I've written, but I've also been dealing with a headache most of the day. Again (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠) buuuuut, knowing I can pop something of this quality out in just less than an hour, while dealing with a headache, is definitely something worth knowing, don't you think? (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ yeaaaahhh, I'm trying to not make this a thing...
But! I hope this at least answered a few questions about how Alfred knew about Danny lol if I get around to part three, we'll get some more clarification, but for now, I hope this will do (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
@chaoticmistake and @ectoplasm024 both asked to be tagged if/when I wrote more, so here you go!
Have a good morning/day/night!
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Photo by Matthew Asner:
“First day of school in 9th grade. I am nervous as hell because it is my first day of high school and it’s all new. I walk into my Social Studies Class and am greeted by the teacher who just happens to be Peter Tork of The Monkees. A guy I watched goofing around on TV religiously as a child was teaching me about the world. He was a tough teacher. We had a thing in his class where he would always think that I wasn’t paying attention. He would always make a point of stopping what he was teaching and say to me, ‘What did I just say`’ I would always answer him correctly and it always seemed to frustrate him. He was very smart and loved to read from Mao’s Little Red Book. I was truly happy for him when The Monkees started touring and he found success again. I took this picture in our schoolyard at New Dimensions High School.” - Matthew Asner (Ed Asner’s son), Facebook, July 1, 2023
“Since September he has been teaching English, math, drama, Eastern philosophy and ‘Rock Band Class’ at Pacific Hills, a private secondary school in Santa Monica, Calif. A college dropout, Peter got the job on the strength of his interview with Dr. Penrod Moss, the school’s director. ‘I like to hire people who are independent and creative,’ Moss said. ‘I was impressed by his personality and his ability to speak.’ […] While Tork the musician still has dreams of one day returning to the rock circuit, Thorkelson the teacher is happily planning his next course, ‘Mao, Marx and Mama.’ ‘I’m doing something important,’ he says. ‘I never do anything less than important.’” - People magazine, April 5, 1976
“For some time, [Tork] said, the students in his high school classes had trouble forgetting their teacher was once a teen idol. ‘Until I gave out a few F’s,’ he added, grinning.” - The Clarion Ledger, November 1, 1979 (x)
“I was a schoolteacher in Southern California, and I taught music as well as academics, and I really very much love to teach, and, and I think that if circumstances show me that I am not to entertain anymore or my entertaining career per se winds down, I would very, very much love to coach young entertainers.” - Peter Tork, Headquarters radio, September 1989
“[A]s a teacher, I realized that in order to teach something well you need to understand what your student is going through as they try to learn.” - Peter Tork, The Journal Times Online, August 12, 2005
On a 2018 blog post at the Monkees Live Almanac, one former student, Mark, commented: “Best high school teacher I ever had […]. Tremendous empathy.” (x)
“I taught English and social studies. And sure, the kids probably saw me as a Monkee, but they got over that in a hurry. Once I lost my temper at the kids, they’d see I was just like all the others — and I probably lost my temper too many times, since I was in an angry state back then. I have a life now, that’s the difference. I have a spiritual core. I’m not Shirley MacLaine but I believe in greater or lesser worlds and consciousness. Most people think of themselves as cut off from each other; others know there’s a connectedness that can be tapped into.” - Peter Tork, The Boston Globe, August 10, 1989
“In the mid-’70s, Tork got jobs teaching English, social studies and music at two private schools in the Los Angeles area. The first job, which he enjoyed, was at ‘a radical progressive school in Santa Monica.’ The second was at a school he describes as ‘a holding tank for budding fascists. I couldn’t hack it. I found more integrity in being a singing waiter’ — his next job.” - Los Angeles Times, October 20, 1992 (x)
More about that next job here.
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jeannereames · 3 months
Do you see memes and shitposts about Alexander and his time? If yes, do you like them, you hate them? Would you change something about these memes?
I’m sorry. I’m just really curious about what a professor thinks about this. Do you perhaps have a favorite Alexander meme?
Well, for me there’s a big difference between memes and shitposts. The former can be rather entertaining, the latter are just trolling. Don’t feed the trolls. I realize I’m perhaps defining shitposting more narrowly than some, but there’s enough of the narrow sort out there I don’t want to confuse it with memes.
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Meme are great. I have two favorites, although not about Alexander, ironically. I’ve shared them below. Both show up in my class Power-points, btw! Many of my colleagues also enjoy clever memes. My buddy Borja Antela was trying to collect some on Alexander last year. For a while, I followed Alexandergoatmemes on Instagram, but finally left because about 85/90% of them seemed to be about Alexander naming cities after himself. Sure, it’s funny maybe the first 20 times, but at 100+?
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So memes are great. Shitposting and ignorant-posting, however, are annoying.
I’m deliberately creating that third category. Shitposters know they’re posting shit; ignorant-posters (usually) don’t. The latter put up videos, tweets, or blog entries about (in this case) Alexander that perpetuate a lie, a false quote, or an oversimplified-and-mostly-wrong factoid. Some ignorant-posters are just reposting what they heard because they don’t know any better and may receive correction well enough—especially if offered politely. Yet others get upset (sometimes disproportionately so) when their errors or distortions are pointed out.
This can be about controversial matters, such as Alexander’s putative “sexuality” or it can be something surprising. I once had a fellow fly off the handle when he posted that Alexander was left-handed and I (gently) corrected him.* You’d have thought I’d called his mother a whore. It seemed quite silly…except that left-handedness used to be considered a Very Bad Thing. So being able to claim famous people as lefties was apparently more for him than just leftie pride.
Aside from oddities, most of the ignorant-posting I’ve seen comes in three main types.
First, we have the religious/spiritual/life-coach sorts who usurp Alexander for a moral lesson—not unlike the orators of the (Roman-era) Second Sophistic, or both Muslims and Christians in some of the Alexander Romances. Alexander has ALWAYS been a malleable figure for lecturing. Ergo, he pops up in homilies/sermons as a parable, like his supposed Last Three Wishes. It is, of course, total bullshit, but there’s quite a lot of stuff like it out there. People read it, go “Aww,” and reblog without bothering to check if it’s correct. It has “the authority of hearsay.” These can be either Alexander-positive or Alexander-negative parables, btw.
See also: quotes attributed to famous celebrities that they never, in fact, said. Alexander gets these too. The ¡Inspirational! “Army of Sheep Led by a Lion” is especially egregious, as it’s a general proverb that appeared well after Alexander (no, he didn’t say it). It seems to be currently popular, along with, “There is nothing impossible to him who will try” (also not ATG). Yet these make great quotes for those damn “Inspirational Posters.” Here’s a whole page of them, lion quote right at the top, suitable for a Power-point!...with no attempt to verify their authenticity or say where they got them. But the image with the quote below is especially funny as they even put a date on their fictional quote. If it has a date, it must be true! Netflix, btw, used that bloody quote even though I told them not to; it was fake. Didn’t matter.
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Second, we have the alt-right/white supremacist groups, or hangers-on who might reject the label (coyly or not) but embrace much of its Eurocentric thinking. These folks present Alexander as spreading good [white] Western values to the poor benighted East [brown people]. It’s essentially warmed-over Plutarch with a dash of Curtius and some Arrian. Their Alexander even sometimes has longish flowing (blond) locks and is oddly tall.** Like Thor. I stay the hell away from them but have occasionally stumbled over them on Tik-Tok.
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Anyway, the alt-right crowd may have read some about Alexander, written by other alt-right guys who take material from a carefully curated set of “accepted” histories: Arrian and Plutarch, and not just Plutarch’s Life of Alexander, but his double-essay from the Moralia, “On the Fate or Fortune of Alexander.” They tend to be war/conquest-approving and see the Greco-Roman past as some pure Aryan utopia from which we’ve fallen into our “wretched age of iron.”*** Of late, a lot of their associated images are AI generated, btw. A couple examples below.
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Last, and on the opposite end of the spectrum are the Alexander-was-Queer-AND-Wonderful, and oh, boy, some of them also don’t want a single bad thing said about their hero. They may know relatively little about his life aside from his putative gayness, but are just as resistant to/resentful of being corrected in their errors and romantic oversimplifications.
And that is what all of these categories share: oversimplification for the sake of a particular social and/or political agenda.****
Isn’t it, then, also shitposting? No. Because shitposters intend to stir the pot. They may or may not believe what they say, but they’re saying it TO get a reaction. Like the Tweet Heard Round the Alexander-verse after the Netflix thing (below). THAT was a shitpost. His entire goal was to go viral, and he succeeded.
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By contrast, ignorant-posters usually aim for a particular audience and rarely expect to go viral outside their circle. Nor do they expect to be corrected. When they are, they react with surprise and anger. (Again, there are exceptions.)
I tend to observe these things, but rarely engage—although I did engage more when I was a young grad student. Now if I reply, it’s general (as here), not to the original post/tweet itself. TBH, I have books and articles to write, classes to teach, and papers to grade. 😉 I don’t have time for flamewars.
* Yes, I made Alexander left-handed in Dancing with the Lion, partly for the hell of it. But there’s zero evidence one way or the other—which I point out in my Author’s Note at the end of book 2, Rise.
** BTW, there’s a Whole Thing out there online about Alexander as tall, even Super Tall, claiming evidence which they don’t actually cite (correctly). Note the “many stories suggest….” Oh, really? These are? Anyway, I don’t think the author of that blog entry is alt-right—which is why I put it as a footnote—but dig the wacko AI white-haired Nordic Alexander at the top! And I’m still chuckling at a 7-foot-tall Alexander. Good Lord, how tall would that make Hephaistion?
*** Yeah, that’s a little bow to Hesiod’s theory of the Ages of Man.
**** Note that I didn’t include Greek Nationalists. While some of them also swing right (Golden Dawn, Front Line, National Reform Party, etc.), many are more moderate. Alexander is a Greek hero, and if what’s presented about him by some is also oversimplified to fit a national narrative, it doesn’t spring from ignorance so much as deliberate choice and what they learned in school/at home. Think about what the average (white) American knows about George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, or for that matter, the average native person about Tecumseh or Crazy Horse.
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cosmicdream222 · 5 months
have you entered the void before?
I'm asking cause I've seen you post about it a bunch times with different methods to enter
Also, thank you for introducing me to the phase method! I'm using it and another method (one I created) to enter
Hey! Glad to hear the Phase has been helpful for you! Happy to answer your question, but it’s a bit more complicated than a yes/no answer and I’m feeling rambly today so you’re gonna get a whole backstory on how this blog came to be 😂
Backstory about me & this blog
I’d been in the personal development manifestation community since around 2016, and it was my life for a long time. But the kind of manifesting these people taught was basically like… wake up at 5am, work out, journal, meditate, shadow work, tarot cards, affirmations, cold showers, start a business, post no less than 10 times a day across your 5+ social media channels, and maybe if you hustle hard enough and cleared enough past life karma and Mercury isn’t retrograde, then the universe might grant your wishes... (if you don’t die of exhaustion first. 😅)
It really was a mess and realize now despite the facade of positive thinking and good vibes, the whole community really just keeps themselves identifying with lack & victim mentality so the coaches at the top profit off everyone else’s misery.
I believed in manifesting and had faith I would achieve my goals, but despite years of trying a million different things, only saw small or short-term successes and never seemed to get anywhere. I was feeling pretty burnt out and miserable, so summer 2023 I decided to stop trying so hard and just spend some time focused on myself and what I wanted. I went back to the two methods that I’ve always loved and had success with: affirmations and tapping.
I tapped every day and started making affirmation art and lockscreen wallpaper for fun. I posted the affirmations on Pinterest, which eventually lead me to finding affirmations pinned from tumblr. I think it was a screenshot from blushydior I saw at first, but her blog was deactivated by then. So I started stumbling around tumblr (around Aug-Sept 2023 at this point), where I eventually came across loa, the void, and shifting.
I was surprised because despite my extreme research into all things personal development & spiritual, I’d never heard of it. Although I’d read about quantum physics and more supernatural things, every coach/teacher had major limits. “Manifesting” only meant getting logical earth things like making 6 figures in your business through hard work and hustle so you can afford to travel and buy luxury cars & Chanel bags. Stuff like changing the past, waking up with all your desires, etc was absolutely impossible and not even talked about except “you can’t change the past”.
So having only heard about these incredible overnight life-changing manifestations from tumblr, I was skeptical and wanted more information. I basically started this blog to collect information from outside tumblr to prove it to myself and share with others. Which of course sent me down a rabbit hole of research and overconsumption and overcomplicating the void 😅
I did get kinda obsessed and throw myself into trying every shifting & void method I saw right away, which just left me frustrated with “failed” attempts. But I see now I was just repeating the same victim mentality from the old community - that everything had to be hard and a struggle, that I was a victim of circumstance and limited by a higher power. (This is also a really commonly held limiting belief in religion and society in general that affects many people.)
It took me more than a few months to realize, but I’m finally switching my default programming to that of a creator instead of a victim. Because I don’t want to be obsessed and put the void on a pedestal, I’m currently just working on my self concept that I am in control of my reality and can manifest whatever I want - with or without the void. I still do want to experience it of course, just want to make sure I’m going at it with a healthy mindset.
About a week or two ago I read someone’s void success story that triggered a memory from many years ago: I realized I actually did wake up in the void and manifested something, long before I even knew what manifesting or the void was 😭 Because I’d always believed in supernatural things, I thought I had a “psychic dream” but now I know it was the void! (If anyone wants storytime I can make another post with more detail).
And since at the time, I entered without even knowing about the void’s existence, I realize we here or tumblr really do overcomplicate it. Like the video I posted where the void is described as the midway point between wake and sleep - it really is that simple!
I’ve noticed now that whenever I wake up naturally (not getting woken up by an alarm, outside noise, or cat jumping on me) I do always seem to wake up in the void. It’s the same kind of experience, and I don’t hear anything, but my first natural instinct when I wake up is to wonder where the sounds of my environment are. So I end up tuning in to my room and snapping out of the void.
I guess I just have to train myself to make my first thought an affirmation for my desires instead of just wondering where the sounds are 😅 But regardless, now I know it’s absolutely real and possible for me, I know it’s only a matter of time until I figure it out!
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astroangel23 · 2 years
Pick a Card: Your current reputation🗨️💭🥱
Disclaimer: These are purely opinions that can be completely false! Opinions people have of you can switch up in the blink of an eye; it's one of the many human conditions 🌀
If interested in booking a personal reading with me check out the link in my bio 🧿🤍
donations are always deeply appreciated:
Venmo: Carrie-Overton Cashapp: $Currien23
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Pile 1: People love you guys! There's literally nothing people have to say about you that would paint you in a negative light. You don't hesitate to answer the phone, to help carry in groceries, or to help that elderly person cross the street. You strive to see the best qualities that people carry over the bad ones. You could be a life coach or just someone that doesn't hold back any advice that could help people in their own daily life. You are very nutruing and pull in people that are in need of a little guidance. There is heavy earth angel energy in this pile. Also, people speak on the amount of growth you've already accomplished and how far you're going to get in this life through your giving nature. You touch people's hearts and you are completely irreplaceable."and if you wanna leave I guarantee you won't find anyone else like me" - Astro Angel 💚
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Pile 2: The current reputation that people have formed of you is that you aren't leaving your comfort zone, your peaceful state of mind for anything or anyone. There may be people from your past that you have cut ties with or just simply put up boundaries with that are saying you've switched up, that you're fake, or that you've become a boring and bland person. You could have been a little wild in your past and these people hold onto those memories of you and refuse to accept that you've moved on from that version of yourself. These are the people that never leave that highschool mindset full of gossip and drama. They go out of their way to try to snoop on you through your social media or by asking around just so they have s o m e t h i n g about you to bring up in their next conversations. But honestly, they aren't finding much lmao. There isn't much of a reputation for this pile because you're so low-key. Imo, that's the best way to keep life happy and peaceful 🔒 "I don't check for these other bitches you can ask God cause that's my witness" - Astro Angel 💚
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Pile 3: There are different reputations for this pile, depending on who we're asking, so let's get into it. For the first reputation, people are saying you know how to whip up some mouth watering dishes in the kitchen 🥧 Cooking in general may excite you and bring you happiness which is why these dishes taste so good to others. For the second reputation, people are saying you definitely carry leadership qualities but they feel the need to walk on eggshells around you because you carry an energy of "it's your way or the highway" so they tend to keep opinions or thoughts to themselves when they are around you "but what I really want to know is, are you gonna go my way?". For the third reputation, people are saying that you're deeply spiritual and follow the signs of the universe; you believe in and trust the unseen. This makes 3D people uncomfortable because they have no idea what the fuck you're talking about but I do pile 3 and you should 100% never let doubt from people who are not aligned to their own spiritual paths have any affect on you what so ever. Keep being your authentic self 🧨 - Astro Angel 💚
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Pile 4: The current reputation others are picking up about you is that you would rather walk your path independently than being forced to follow under someone else's rules or expectations. You carry a very nurturing and generous spirit but you wouldn't risk your independence or sacrifice your time and energy to save someone else. You know that at the end of the day, no one's got you like you got you, so you 100% make sure that you're good before going out of your way for someone else. Instead of forcing things, you'd much rather let things come, run its course, and dip out as soon as it's over. You trust in the timing of the universe. You are completely okay with accepting you are where you're supposed to be in every moment instead of spending your time wondering "what if?". Sometimes people wonder if you even want or need them around or not lmao. "you don't have to call, it's okay squirrel cause I will be alright tonight" - Erykah Badu 📴 - Astro Angel 💚
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