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nisthadhawani · 1 year
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bitchy-craft · 2 months
PICK A CARD: Something you should hear
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! I will give you a reading on what it is you should hear right now. I hope you guys enjoy and find this interesting.
Masterpost > Paid Readings [NEW]
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
You are worth all it is that you want. All those dreams you possess but are too afraid to vocalise are all dreams you are deserving of having, deserving of achieving. It doesn’t matter if you’ve made mistakes in life or not; everyone has and everyone will continue to make them.
You are worthy of love, you are worthy of achieving your dreams and be proud of your accomplishments. You are such an amazing person, and you should continue to tell yourself that; especially when things are tough. It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it yet, that is alright. Just look yourself in the mirror for at least once a day and repeat over and over again all the things you are deserving of, all the things you want to achieve and why you are worthy of achieving them for (and when something like that is difficult, realise that there are no reasons for you not being worthy of achieving them).
Pile 2:
You are so beautiful, and it hurts to see you don’t always believe that, that you don’t see it. You are beautiful inside and out, all it is that you seem to dislike about yourself are the things the people around you love. You are pretty, you are beautiful, you are intelligent and unique; you are amazing and you must learn to see that yourself.
Whenever you are having a hard time and you are too afraid to reach out to friends, reach out to your spirit guides; ask for a sign to give you comfort; ask for a sign that shows you are worthy of love, and you will be surprised how quickly those signs will come to you, how someone always listens to you even if you aren’t aware of it.
There are people who truly believe you deserve everything in the world; and therefore you must start to believe it yourself as well.
Pile 3:
It is okay to take breaks, to not do certain things if you simply can’t do it (or don’t want to). It doesn’t make you a bad person, it doesn’t mean you are lazy or dirty. It simply means you need some more time to yourself, some more time to get everything back on track. You are too hard on yourself; and many of you will have people surrounding you who are too hard on you as well, or feel like people around you have achieved so much more than you have that you must constantly keep up.
You don’t need to have done certain things before a certain time or age, you don’t need to do things just because others do so; you are meant to create and follow your own path. Everyone has their own timeline that they follow. You aren’t late, you aren’t early; you are right on time, just like you always have been and always will.
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fishnapple · 21 days
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CRYSTAL READING: Describing your future love partner
Disclaimer : Contain mature contents. Minors (under 18) don't interact.
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
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1. Flourite
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Energy: Sea serpent
This person's energy definitely not the fluffy, sweet type but I can't shake the association of their energy with a cream puff, the kind that has crusty, dry outer layers but soft and mushy cream inside ? Not to say they are mushy inside, but there is a certain softness and dreaminess inside them.
They are multifaceted, balanced between yin and yang energy, but can also be contradicting. Unstable yet rigid, intense yet carefree, practical yet spiritual, flirty yet pragmatic and serious, hard yet vulnerable. Sound a little like a mess don't they, but they don't let on all of these traits all at once. More like when you are viewing a kaleidoscope, a little turn, then you get a different picture. With this person, in different situations and with different people, talking about different topics, you will gradually get to see their different facets. It's fascinating to watch but could get a little tiring after a while.
At first impression, they will appear as a carefree and considerate person, a big personality, charming, it will be hard to have a negative impression of them. They could be involved in the art field, journalism, something creative, and with many interactions. They could have a certain genius to them, able to tap into hidden emotions, the odd one, the shameful one, the one that not many people want to touch but somehow this person will be able to pull out and transform it into something beautiful that can touch people's subconscious. When you guys have a connection, you would need to be pretty self-assured and have trust in them.
You could sense something a little backward with this person, like they're not moving onward totally but always have something that they want to look back at or return to. It seems like a general subconscious desire, not about a particular person or situation or thing.
For all their ever changing, kaleidoscopic image, they have pretty rigid and structured core beliefs and values. It won't be easy to pursue this person to change them, and you shouldn't. They are not forceful about it, and they won't like others to force something on them either. They want to be free and live their life according to their true beliefs.
This person don't feel really safe in this world, they could be paranoid deep inside, always expecting betrayal or some kind of crisis would befall them, and they are ready to act, so they could be quite guarded. To have a superficial relationship with them is easy, but getting deeper will take some time.
Their more poetic and romantic nature is reserved for the one closest. They may like role-playing, dressing up, be of service, and to tune in to whatever their partner desires, becoming the manifestation of that desire. In a sense, they could/like to lose themselves when they are intimate with their partner.
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2. Clear quartz
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Energy: fire ant
There is a silent heat to this person. They don't like to talk much or to express their ideas loudly. When they have an idea, they proceed to do it, no fuss, even with no announcement. I see that this trait could sometimes be irritating to you. But they are very sure about their actions, that's could be considered as dependable, the undependable part is their lack of communication.
This person like to indulge in their senses, in food, in experience that let them use their hand to touch and create something, in exhilarating activities that let them feel alive in their body,in romance, in physical intimacy, anything that has touching, tasting, hearing etc. They like to feel with all their five senses. They have a strong sixth sense too, their intuition are usually correct, but it manifests as something subliminal, a hunch, a dream, if they pay close attention to it, they would benefit greatly from it.
Go back to their five senses. There is a innate tendency to go overboard. But when something in their life or themselves crossed over a threshold (their own inner threshold), they feel like they are punished for it. Could be something mild as over indulged in sugar then feeling nauseating or having a headache, eating something not good for their body and get an immediate allergic reaction, to something more serious like being too focused on money and wealth, amassing large amount of money then somehow it's being taken away from them. They get a sense that if they put too much focus on building and forcing something into existence, it will collapse. Like an inner scale, an inner judge, always ready to bring equilibrium back.
So they will have a pretty balanced and disciplined approach, motivated by that fear of excesses leading to a collapse.
They have a fairly unconventional view of life, like the above mentioned fear, they observed their life and was able to thread a certain 'rule' for how to live in this world, almost like they had observed the rule of the universe. It may sound strange to other people, but it worked for them, and they want to abide by it. But they do realise how their belief will be perceived so they keep it low-key, not broadcasting it for all to see.
This person's life could revolve around a pretty big community. They may be involved in charity work, something about social services, and working with many people. They may be pretty busy, travel a lot, and don't have much time for personal hobbies or simple relaxation. Sleeping could be their favourite way to find balance after a heavy day.
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3. Red jasper
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Energy: mouse
Prepare to have a makeover for your life. This person could be a health-nut and organising freak. Their favourite show could be about home decoration and makeovers. They like their life to be tidy, well prepared, and pleasant overall.
They have a healthy glow to them, the kind that radiates when you are eating healthily and have a balanced self care routine. This person stands out, not easy to miss, but they don't seem to take pride in it. They have a healthy ego, maybe a good faith in life, just generally a good person to be around. Their life could seem easy for the onlookers, the kind that didn't have much drama growing up. But they don't feel naive or sheltered, just down to earth and warm, like freshly baked breads. Someone who can take good care of your emotional and physical needs without too much fuss.
Their energy feels abundant. They could be lucky in money matters. But there is a fear, they fear that if they don't have enough, others won't be with them. They could have a materialistic mindset about relationships. Could be from their past relationships, they have learnt that in order to achieve closeness with someone, they have to give and provide for that person. On a lighter note, they just want to give and spoil their person. That's how they express their love. There could be issues of over-giving and excess.
They like to be emotionally as close as possible with their partner, but sometimes they get suffocated by the closeness and want to detach a little bit. Could be expressed as one moment they are all over you, then next moment they just want to be alone, this is their dilemma. Maybe you and them just need to discuss this and reach an agreement to compromise before getting into a serious commitment. In physical expression, they would want to nurture and be nurtured by their partner, again, emotional closeness, but they also want novelty and exploration. They could surprise you with sudden bursts of passion and out-of-the-blue ideas. They would need their partner to be flexible,open-minded, and non judgmental.
Conversations with them would range from flirty banters, gossip about everything you guys can think up, late night heart-sharing talks to full-blown philosophical discussions. They are good at talking about mundane, daily stuffs but neither do they shy away from heavier topics. If they can meet their match, push the right buttons, then they can get super excited and intense in talking about their favourite subjects. Could be about social causes, spirituality, the art. They care a lot about humanity in general, so sometimes you would feel like you are competing with the whole humanity for their attention.
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4. Aventurine
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Energy: camel
This person is the personification of chillness.
Not many things can ruffle them. They may even respond to conflicts and insults with a calm smile (unintentionally or intentionally piss off the other person)
They are the problem solver, the one that everyone goes to for help. A pillar for others to lean on. They are dependable but independent.
They are able to do that not because of having an easy life or for having a natural calm disposition since birth. This calmness is forged through trials, mainly from internal demons of the mind.
Behind their placid exterior are thousands of thoughts spinning around. They would suffer from anxiety and overthinking, high fevers, and fatigue. But they have learnt to master themselves, having command over their thoughts. They are disciplined. Whatever anxiety they have, they will dispel it from their system, probably channelling through some creative activities or physical exercises. Self purification is their forte.
Even though they have such a tight reign on themselves, the way they act towards others is full of tenderness and understanding. They understand the hardship and suffering of people and respond with compassion. They are assertive and strong, but they give softness to others. This will also show in how they approach physical intimacy. They could sometimes like to be in a more passive role and let you take the lead.
They would be a great teacher, the one everyone looks up to for guidance. But here's the problem, their inner, more vulnerable self is often overlooked by others and even by themselves. When you meet someone who is strong and reliable, you tend to forget that they also have their own weakness and vulnerable moments. Too much discipline can push their more soft and childlike part faraway. They can receive other people's emotions well, but showing their own might not be easy. Maybe you would help them to get in touch more with that part. Tell their inner child that it's okay to come closer, that it's okay to let go and be wild a little. Suggest them to go on some trips with you spontaneously or introduce them to some different cultures, a change of scene, a little shock to their usual life. They would appreciate it a lot.
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5. Citrine
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Energy: deer
This person feels really reserved but not truly timid. Like seeing a wolf and a deer together. Is it the wolf that is standing in front of you with the deer peeking from behind the trees ?, or is it vice versa? You just can't tell. Are they intense or innocent? Are they flirty or serious ?. They don't necessarily mean to deceive or confuse anyone, they just don't feel comfortable showing all of themselves so they tried to hide some parts of them but quite unsuccessful, others can still pick up on their energy. They may act demure, but you can still pick up some intensity from them, which could be from when they are focusing on doing something and have a furrowed look to them. Or when there is something that they find funny, they laugh a little louder than normal.
There's something incongruous about this person. They could be a little awkward in incorporating various aspects of themselves into a unified, coherence presentation. Something in them will find a way to break free, no matter how much they try to hide it. Like someone who is usually quiet but suddenly talks loudly or someone who acts serious and low-key but has a collection of cute and bizarre t-shirts.
Whatever image they are perceived for, I think you and everyone will all notice that they have a pure and kind heart. They like to make other people feel welcomed and comfortable. They could heal your inner child wounds, you will feel more at ease with them.
But strangely, their own inner child is in deep hiding. They may not have a pleasant relationship with their parents, something about absence or immaturity. This could affect their way of navigating in life. But I feel that they will want to be a good parent to their kids so that their kids wouldn't feel what they had to feel in the past.
There's something innovative and fearless about them. They could have a lot of innovative ideas on how to improve their community. But it won't be easy. They could be under a lot of pressure from their peers just because of their differences. This would be stressful for their psyche.
For all those difficulties, your future partner will be in a prominent position in their work, and their voices will be heard. But you may have to help them watch their spending habit. They don't have a very firm grip on money matters. They work a lot so they may want to compensate by spending on luxurious things, especially for their loved ones.
Being intimate with their partner regularly would be a way to help them release some stress. They won't be selfish about it or make it feel like some kind of routine. Maybe they have some possessive streak in them, prefer to be in some place more isolated from the world, where there are only you and them without any interference, the feeling of only you and them exist in this world.
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6. Tiger's eye
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Energy: moth (+ dragonfly)
You would make a hasty judgement about them at first glance. They could appear childish or flaky to you. Unreliable or unclear in their intentions. Maybe that's their energy on that specific day, or there will be a misunderstanding. You guys could be in some project together, and they will seem to be not able to commit to the job, not finishing. Somehow, I sense that they could be a boss ? They are actually quite dedicated to their job and could even be workaholic. But your opinion about them may not be too favourable. They may come off as too flirty with questionable intention.
I had to take another oracle card to see their true energy. The card that came out was the dragonfly. The master of illusions and the mind. The situation at hand may be different than it appears at first glance. (I even had to redo the reading again after already done with the post because I couldn't shake the feeling that something was not quite right with this group)
This person is very elusive. People often don't have a clear view of who this person really is. Other people may project a lot on this person.
Their core energy seems pretty straightforward and quite intense, but somehow, others just have all kind of different opinions about them.
Actually this person is quite hard on themselves, they have insecurities about who they really are. It will be draining and confusing to be constantly misjudged. People won't see their insecurities at all. They will appear as a hardworking and serious person to general public, and becoming more soft and caring but somewhat hard to hold on to in their closer relationships, a very private person, something feels pure yet opaque about them. Could be that their job requires them to be in different roles.
It may take a while for you to see their core. You will have to have discerning eyes to see through their web of illusions and remind yourself constantly not to project your own unconscious ideas on them. I don't think they want to actively deceive anyone. It's just their subconscious way to cope with the world, maybe ?
This person has a spiritual side to them that not many will know about. They have an inner guiding voice that manifests as strong intuition. They may not understand why, but they are lucky. Every time they are in some kind of crisis or hardship, somehow they can get out of it safely.
They have a seductive voice and an emotional way of communicating, they understand and process emotions easily but there will be a analytical bent to it. You could hear some people describe them with all the masculine traits, but when being with them, you would feel more of their feminine energy. There's a otherworldly quality to them, detached from life in general. To them, an open heart conversation that go on and on, the kind that make you surprised when finally looking at the watch to see that 5 hours have passed, would even be better than physical intimacy, They seek emotional connection through the mind. They like sensual things but seem to be not too fond of the actual act. They may like to add a more imaginative touch to it.
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kalki-tarot · 1 month
Pick a pile – How will you meet your divine counterpart ?
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This reading is meant for entertainment purposes only! You are the creator of your own destiny and life <3
Deck(s) used : rws deck, rumi love oracle
Pile 1
Your union is divinely orchestrated by your guides and angels. A female goddess/deity/ancestor is guiding you both towards each other. She is a higher dimensional entity with spiritual knowledge. You will be asked to win over your fears before entering in the union with your divine counterpart. When you no longer self sabotage or say hurtful things to yourself, know that you are about to meet them. You guys play an important role in each other's destiny and life purposes. The place where you meet them can be related to finance, business or study. You can also meet them in a work/group project or meeting.
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Pile 2
You will meet your future spouse when you will take up an important decision/path in your life. This will be a very divinely guided set of events that will bring you both together. There's also this energy of manifestation here so you may have been manifesting this person for a while or they are manifesting you in their life somehow. You can meet them when the sky is cloudy and there can be a water body near the place you meet them. They will be the first one to approach you and actually talk to you, you may exchange numbers or social media etc. They see you as a queen/king, they get this powerful and bold energy from you even from afar.
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Pile 3
You will need to break a lot of unhealthy patterns, addictions or self sabotaging behaviors in your life before meeting your divine counterpart. You are someone who is stuck in the past, looks back at ir constantly. Please don't do that, leave everything behind which does not serve you dear friend. You will actually be blessed by someone who truly loves you so don't worry at all. Higher powers have it all figured out. You guys can meet in a social event, concert, dating app or social media. Feel free to dream and manifest your ideal partner cuz you're getting the exact same one love. They can work in finance or may be rich specifically.
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Pile 4
You can meet your divine counterpart either on a rainy day or a very bright sunny day, you will be going through some emotional breakdown just before meeting them. And when you meet them, your life will change upside down. You will notice how hardworking this person is and I'm also seeing love at first sight. One of you may even imagine having a family with the other on the first meeting itself lol. Very positive energy and vibes from you guys. You both will feel very happy and emotionally connected to each other and you will take that as a sign that this person is the one for you!!
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rebeltarot · 4 months
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YOUR UNIVERSE ➕ Who are you becoming now, and who are you meant to become?
"We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are."
[3 piles] ・ [3 decks] ・ [10 cards for each pile] ・ [letters, signs, songs]
Hello friends! It's almost International Women's Day, and I am so excited to share this reading with you. We are focusing on who you are becoming now, and who you are meant to become! Are you planning on rebranding yourself? Definitely let me know. I hope you'll enjoy this reading as much as I did doing it. See you on the other side! 🤭🤭🤭
Painting: The Rehearsal of the Ballet Onstage - Edgar Degas (1874)
Helpful Links: How to choose your pile ➕ Request a reading
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© rebeltarot 2023-2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 01 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
E, blank, E, I, 8th House, North Node, Cancer, "be fearless, change is good"
Song: BESIDE U - MONSTA X, Pitbull
Tarot: 10 of cups, the wheel of fortune, 7 of pentacles, king of cups
Oracle: pioneer, the spymaster, deer, Martyr, the brawler, moose
Hello, Pile 01, and welcome to your reading. Currently, you are becoming someone with overflowing cups. You have much love and happiness to give and share with others. It feels like you are aligning with who you are and what brings you joy, which leads to fulfillment and a sense of belonging. I see harmony playing a huge role here. You are finding your balance and being at peace with yourself. This new version of you that you are growing into is collecting a lot of good karma. Things are moving and developing in your favor. You are in the midst of a transformative stage that leads to a lot of luck and positivity. You are going to become someone who welcomes change and strives to move with integrity. You are sharing your wealth, and you are swimming in your own passions and good fortune. It's so interesting to me because, essentially, this describes a creator, someone who is open to new experiences and open to trying and creating new things that others have not done before. It also reminds me of cycle breakers. This new version of you holds a lot of empathy and grace. You are learning and unlearning a lot right now, and I feel like you are going to be smart with the knowledge you attain. There is still a sense of distrust here, meaning that while, yes, you are growing into this person with an abundance of love to give and happiness to experience, you are not yet fully trusting that reality. Meaning that you are still in the beginning stages; it's new to you. You have figured out a lot of things, and positivity is already manifesting for you, but it feels like it has not been long enough and you have not collected enough positive evidence vs. the negative experiences. It feels fragile still. You are, however, being a lot more gentle with yourself. The person you are becoming right now wraps everything in love. Your first go-to move is to meet the situations you encounter with tenderness and compassion. You are healing right now with the power of love, and the person you are growing into can see the light and good in all things and situations. The reason is that you are finally seeing your self-worth, and you're acknowledging your grace. Beautiful. 
You are meant to be a seeker, someone who keeps searching for new ways and new opportunities. You are not meant to sit idle; instead, you are supposed to become a person who is continuously striving for new ways and solutions. A thinker and a pioneer. You are meant to dream and implement. To move past illusions, find multiple ways and solutions to problems and situations. You are meant to be a dreamer and an idealist. Someone wise and diplomatic. Holding a lot of compassion and being devoted to the good and beautiful things in life. You are meant to become a person who can balance the head and the heart. Being of service to yourself and others is your cause and purpose in life. You are meant to use your knowledge and creativity for that. You are meant to help and support those around you who are hurt by bandaging them up and guiding them towards empathy. Helping others confront themselves and their lack of compassion and grace for themselves and others. You are meant to let your head and mind reach to the stars, yet stay grounded on the earth. Listening to your inner knowing and your attained wisdom to guide others through their journey. You are meant to be a guide because you have learned a lot and know a lot. 
Your reblogs are highly appreciated. Thank you so much for supporting my work!
© rebeltarot 2023-2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 02 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
D, I, C, T, S, Aquarius, Venus, 6th House
Song: Out of luck - Tkay Maidza, Lolo Zouaï, Amber Mark
Tarot: 7 of wands, the emperor, 6 of wands, 6 of cups
Oracle: hawk, athlete, the heir, sea turtle, advocate, the poet
Hello, Pile 02, and welcome to your reading. You are becoming a person with a lot of stamina, capable of persevering through challenges and competition. You can protect yourself; you are willing to work on yourself and do the difficult things if it means that it helps you progress and grow. You are not backing away from a challenge; instead, you are running towards what scares you. I see you becoming someone who is disciplined and who creates stability and success. You can rely on yourself, and you take charge and control over your life by putting in the action needed to move forward. Truly impressive. You are also becoming more observant; you are taking in the information you can collect, and you are opening up your vision to any signs around you, guiding you, and relaying a message to you. It's like you have gotten rid of the blinders that kept you from seeing, and now you are going through life with 20/20 vision. You can determine your priorities and focus on them by eliminating any distractions. You are being honest with yourself and working with who you are instead of against you. You are aware of your 'weaknesses'. Honestly, the work you are putting in right now is truly valuable and opens up a bright future for yourself. You are allowing yourself to succeed. The person you are becoming is not afraid anymore of success, and you are stepping out of your way, ascending to new heights. Whatever limits you might have had before, you are transcending them. You are developing your willpower and strength of spirit, which makes you honestly unstoppable. You are now seeing your unseen potential, and you are wearing that crown without any hesitation.
You are meant to be someone who is in harmony, in alignment, and able to pivot when need be. The person you are meant to become is a winner; you are meant to experience success, win, and gain public recognition for your efforts and fame. You are meant to progress, grow, and move forward. The person you are growing into is confident in themselves; you are meant to walk with your shoulders straight and your head held high. You are destined to be someone! The fame aspect can be global or related to your industry or community, but either way, you are meant to be acknowledged. You are predestined to be an inspiration. I feel like this heavily relates to childhood dreams and innocent intentions. You are meant to be someone joyful, someone who looks back on your life with happiness. You are supposed to be someone who holds a lot of goodwill and can reach out their hand to others with positivity and appreciation. I see you being meant to be a protector. You are destined to master finding life's flow and to be in harmony with the rhythm of life to unfold your path. You are supposed to become a hard-working person who perseveres. Your mastery of yourself will protect you and lead to a lot of happiness and fulfillment. You are meant to inspire others to put compassion into action as well as be an advocate, someone who uses their public attention and recognition to channel it into growth. To advocate for important causes that allow humanity as a whole to move forward and transform. Through your connections and through your words, you are meant to lead with vulnerability and honesty. With the feather pen, a part of this pile is certainly meant to become writers or public speakers of some sort. Some might become poets or musicians, too. 
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© rebeltarot 2023-2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 03 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
A, A, O, N, Aries, Mercury, 9th House
Song: is it new years yet? - Sabrina Carpenter
Tarot: 9 of wands, 5 of wands, Knight of wands, 3 of cups
Oracle: dragonfly, mystic, the founder, owl, don Juan, the dancer
Hello, Pile 03, and welcome to your reading. You are currently becoming resilient. Nothing can stop you as you courageously persist through whatever challenges you are met with. You are mastering setting boundaries, and you are guarding yourself and your peace. I do feel like you are becoming someone who does not shy away from conflict or opposition. Instead, you are welcoming diversity and opposing opinions to strengthen your muscles. What's interesting in your pile is how magic plays a big role both in who you are becoming now and who you are meant to become. The owl and the dragonfly are both associated with that keyword. You are openly embracing transformation and change. And you are courageously letting go of the past, allowing the magic of nature that is in you to highlight your brilliance and your blessings. I also see you embracing the divine more intimately in your life; take this however it resonates for you. For some, this talks about religion; for others, it talks about spirituality; and for another portion, it relates to practices such as tarot, etc. Either way, you are growing closer to the divine and embracing your inner wisdom. I see you also building something valuable and stable. You are founding something and birthing something brand new to you that has not existed before. I see you laying sustainable and stable foundations and building yourself a community that will last. You are heavily investing in your "village.". 
Who you are meant to become is someone inspiring and energetic. Your future self is supposed to take inspired action and follow your intuition. You are meant to be impulsive and adventurous, spontaneous, and take on any challenge that presents itself to you and that you find interesting enough to face and engage in. I see you being meant to play an integral part in a community of people that you have built, creating new things together, brainstorming, and birthing something essential in union with other people. It could very well be a community of something. Either way, it's magical and relates to your inner vision and wisdom. You are meant to choose to see the truth and see through deception. You are destined to let the past go and make room for a better life, so you can experience the good life. The person you are meant to become is supposed to rise because magic and wisdom are your birthright. I also feel like you are meant to lean into your seductive qualities. You are charming and persuasive; own that. You are destined to be free and to dance to your beat. Self-expression and inner strength are really big factors in who you are meant to become. To show up authentically in a one-size-fits-all world takes a lot of courage and strength, and you are destined to do exactly that. Show your true self and follow your intuition; it will never lead you astray. 
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tarotbydelilah444 · 3 months
describing the type of baddie you are
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pile one • 🎀
𐙚 first and foremost, you are absolutely and drop-dead gorgeous. You have unique features, or you could be from a different country, specifically Africa, or Europe (the UK… maybe). Some of you could be of mixed heritage, or you have a beautiful accent that people absolutely adore.
𐙚 you have a great and toned physique to match that face card of yours. Some of you could be or could have been an athlete, or you spend a lot of time working out and maintaining your figure to stay snatched to the gods.
𐙚 some of you could be an influencer or you are very popular in your community. Many people are inspired by you, yet there are some people that are envious and see you as competition. You could attract a lot of evil eye and jealously from haters and people that want to imitate and obtain what you’ve been able to achieve (followers, beauty, and/or success), but aren’t successful, so they stay watching and big mad at you. Muahhh… no access 💋.
𐙚 you are a natural seducer and a flirt. You have this sultriness and confidence that many people respect and find attractive. You have the ability to lure people in with your beauty and charm to get what you want, then become detached and cold when you get what you desire, which is why many people are stuck on you, even when you have disappeared from their lives.
𐙚 it’s hard to impress you and you lose interest pretty fast, if you aren’t constantly stimulated. It’s gives… okay, so what’s next? People tend to have to put in a lot of effort to get your attention and maintain it, or you are very quick to ghost and find something new and more exciting.
𐙚 finally, you are a forced to be reckoned with. You are someone that is well-respected and level headed for the most part, but you are just as quick to go 0-100 real quick, if someone disrespects or slight you in anyway and will not give two f*cks afterwards then continue to protect your peace, like nothing ever happened.
channeled song
pile two • 💗
𐙚 you are hardworking and an overachiever. You are someone that goes after their dreams and doesn’t stop until they reach their goals. You tend to be successful in whatever you choose to go after because you always stay focus on the end goal, without getting distracted. Even when things seem uncertain or challenges arise, you have an unwavering faith to keep going until you get what you desire. 
𐙚 you are a very intelligent and articulate individual, and always open and ready to learn something new, whether if your learning something new through someone else, or learning and teaching yourself. For some, you could be bilingual or trilingual, so you could be fluent Italian, French, and/ or Arabic.
𐙚 for some, you are a wonderful and creative writer, or you are very good with words. You also have a beautiful voice. 
𐙚 your resilience is very admirable. You have the ability to overcome any challenges and obstacles that may come in your path and come up with a solution how to solve any problem that your may encounter. For some, you could want to pursue a career in the medical field, and your resilient and determined spirit will benefit you in the end, so keep up the good work. 
𐙚 you are very mysterious and likely an introverted person. You are perfectly okay with being alone and in your own space. This could be because you might be a little shy and insecure. Your vibe/energy favors Bubbles 🫧 from the PowerPuff Girls, or you have a shy cute nerdy vibe to you, yet underneath that reserved exterior, you are an absolute sweet heart, kind, and loving to those who know you which makes you extremely likable and appealing to others. You have a special way of making people feel invited, heard, and seen with your sweet and caring demeanor. You likely wear your heart on your sleeve and often rely on your heart and emotions to guide you, but you need to be better at not always leading with your feelings and emotions and try learning when to be logical and emotional. I think you don’t know how much you are loved by others. You are being encouraged to step out of your shell and allow yourself to show up and make your mark on the world. You are encouraged to speak up more and put yourself out there. The world is your oyster.
channeled song
pile 3 • 💅🏾
𐙚 this is my rich b*tch energy pile. Your energy /vibe reminds me of the rapper, Saweetie. You are very extroverted and have a very contagious and lively personality that lights up a room and immediately draws people to you. You are very funny and are always cracking jokes, you don’t take yourself or life too seriously and you always have a smile on your face. You are extremely outgoing and pretty much the life of the party.
𐙚 for some, you are a socialite or very influential and well-known in the world or in your line of work. You are always open to meeting and befriending people any chance you get. Some of you could be an entrepreneur, or you have aspirations to create something of your own. You are independent and self-sufficient, you don’t rely on no one to provide for you. You are very passionate and driven when it comes to your goals, dreams, and desires and wont stop until you get everything you want and deserve. Literally self-made and meant to be a boss.
𐙚 you are very outspoken and intelligent. You are not afraid to speak your mind and stand up for yourself and others, if necessary. People tend to underestimate you and what you are capable of because they think you are just a stereotypical “pretty girl” yet, little do they know that you have beauty and brains and you aren’t afraid to show what you know.
𐙚 bougie queens 👑 you prefer the more finer and refined things in life. You look and smell rich and expensive. For some you are actually wealthy and privileged. You take especially good care of yourself any chance that you get. Not the type of woman to accept any thing less than what you deserve because you know and understand your worth and value, then you add tax. You are poised, well-mannered, confident, and unattainable to those that instantly fall head over heels for you.
𐙚 you likely attract a lot of unnecessary hate from people, specifically people that are jealous of yo. You could have people that have tried to do black magic (hexes, curses, evil eye) or send negativity your way to throw you off course and to see fall from grace, but they always fail and their attempts backfire in the worse way. The divine and your spiritual team do not play about you and will be quick to slide, if anyone dares to harm you. People may mess with you a lot because you come off very peaceful and you have a youthful spirit or appearance, so they perceive you as gullible and an easy target. Your presence and essence also intimidates lots of triggered and unhealed people as well.
channeled song
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tarotwithlove · 4 months
PAC ⋆ ten things about your future spouse
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reminder that this is a general reading and messages found here may not apply to everyone. take what resonates, leave what doesn't, and don't force anything if it does not fit.
BOOK A READING WITH ME · LINKTREE · 18+ PATREON · SUGGEST A PAC TOPIC · TIPS ♡ tips, bookings, and feedback are highly appreciated!
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your ideal future spouse manifested
they are your business partner, or someone you work closely with
a cancer, leo placement
they are from or you may meet in: romania, madagascar, zanzibar, spain. 
a well-travelled and physically active person
someone who always pushes themselves out of their comfort zone - and who pushes you to do the same
too giving, almost to a fault
comes from a religious family
a buddhist or taoist
an anime fan
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an indecisive person
someone with chronic pain, or mental health struggles
a history nerd/history teacher
fan of jane austen and virginia woolf
descended from royalty or wealth
they are from or you may meet in: finland, norway, bavaria, london.
a capricorn, leo placement
they may have been married before you marry each other
a bodybuilder or gym fanatic
a vegan/vegetarian
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your first relationship or first true love
a scorpio, pisces placement
they are from or you may meet in: holland, new zealand, scotland, germany.
wealthy and generous with their wealth
physically strong
a night owl 
someone who enjoys partying - life of the party
passionate and flirtatious
someone you looked up to and admired from afar
dyed/bleached hair
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they may be a doctor or oncologist 
good gambler, poker player
book smart but not street smart
sheltered, naive
they are from or you may meet in: france, italy, gambia, colombia.
a gemini, virgo placement 
one of many children, part of a big family
animal lover
enjoys their own company
an old soul 
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seventies-arcana · 11 months
PAC: you're someone's muse; this is how they'd describe you
good evening lovies, i hope tonights super moon is treating you well. in this pac reading, you will find out how someone would describe you if you were their muse. this reading is purely for entertainment and enjoyment purposes.
ask upon your guides/higher self to help guide you to whichever pile/photo you should pick, then read the corresponding message. images are not mine
pick a picture to begin✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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pile one (the field): pleasing + give way
you are such a pleasing and enjoyable person to spend time with. the things you are able to do, no matter how minuscule you might find them to be, are awe-striking. there's a passion behind your eyes that adds to the radiance that surrounds you. with this, you are very attentive. you remember things people say which makes others feel seen in a way they've never felt before. you're down for whatever in the best way possible and it makes you someone that could only ever be described as fun to be around. you're adventurous at heart and consider home to be wherever your loved ones are. this makes people feel safe around you. the smell of late summer, campfires and sunflowers is something to be associated with you. you're a breath of fresh air.
pile two (the clementine): care + apple of the eye
oh, you are just so sweet. so kindhearted. you care for people so deeply and love so wholeheartedly. you make people see their insecurities as something to find beautiful. your hugs make people feel protected, it is easy to fall asleep when wrapped up in your arms. your eyes are mesmerizing, so easy to get lost in. one moment, they are doe-like, the next, the exact opposite. it's the way you flirt with your eyes that makes others feel so weak in the knees. but this doesn't make you cheeky. in fact, you are loyal and committed to the one you love. because when you love, you love intensely. you are a romantic at heart. your energy is reminiscent of candle lit homemade dinners that begin a night of endless cuddles. of fresh florals and luscious baths. you are a place of comfort.
pile three (the cat): challenge + puppy energy
you will never lower your standards or settle for someone who isn't what you want, and that is just so attractive. you know what type of relationships you want and that adds to your appeal. not just anyone can be the reciprocator of your divine affection. you speak to people once and they cant help but want to learn more about you. you're siren-like without even intending to be. once you truly let someone into your heart, you become such a lovable softie. you are so sweet and wholesome when you love, no one would ever guess it. your reminiscent of fresh linen blankets in perfectly cool rooms. your touch is soft and soothing. when you smile, genuinely smile, it brightens the mood of anyone around to see it. to be able to receive the love you give is one in a million. you are unlike anyone else.
pile four (the beach): no judgements + new perspectives
you are the model example of how everyone should be. you are accepting of people, no matter their status, and care deeply for those who may have been overlooked by others. you treat people however they treat you. you know your worth and will never let someone tarnish it. you are unapologetically yourself and that is something so rare to find, it makes others captivated by you. nonetheless, you are mysterious. you savor some aspects of yourself and only show them to the people you love. these aspects of you are the most rewarding thing to experience. every now and then, you can be mischievous. but it is all in good fun. you are filled with surprises and each one of them adds to your allure. you remind others of violets and nights spent walking along the coastline. you are utterly captivating.
please like, follow, and reblog! i appreciate it a lot :)
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solselah · 5 months
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(18+ Warning)
PILE 1 :
They are so turned on by you protecting the relationship like they feel so prideful and proud that you really are into this relationship like you say you are , they know it but you confirm it when someone wants to hit on you or get with you , like immediately you directly check that person and for your person that is so attractive it’s like you are willing to step up and Protect the vibe yall have going with each other ! It drives them crazy the feeling you give them, especially when relating to wanting a family like they WANT to impregnate you ASAP /STAT (lol you could be in the medical field)!! Your sex is so Special and sacred for them like the way you Snap into this goddess energy when you’re ready to fuck is astronomically attractive to them ! It’s like during the day your cool , chill , maybe you wear a uniform to work so you’re usually just in that , but when they see you in this other light it just makes them go rabid !! They also love how you blocked out your ex for them , they feel it proved your loyalty to them !
Your body just does something for me !! The things I fantasize about doing with you , girl you can’t even imagine , the next time I see you , just please let me hold you ! Fall into me, melt into me allow me to consume you the best way , you know I know HOW! This Love we have is something I’m sure you haven’t felt from anyone else. The way I Conduct four play with you is so natural and emotional ! I remember making you emotional while I was in it , I remember you making me feel amazing about pleasing you & with that alone I can go forever !! I want you to carry my seed. I want to intertwine with your whole existence! Don’t be shy with me next time I want all of you . Don’t hold back , I wouldn’t know what to do if you did.
Okay so off bat I’m getting your HOT , you’re just ATTRACTIVE like you don’t even know what to say for that it’s just YOU! This person is driven crazy by your eyes ! Like your look is so specific they quite literally see that part of you almost evertime they think/ picture your face (For my ladies) They love your ability to take D*** 🍆 , like they feel you are A trophy something to show off and you actually aren’t completely against this , it could be a soft kink for you both , to keep things spiced up and I’ll tell you this now , it drives them MAD. You guys could roleplay often , I’m getting 70s / 80s vibes so this could be the era you tap into while role playing or even the look you give off very mature and alluring !! They actually love when you guys Role play and really get into characters where you both are oblivious to who you are. It’s like you are strangers and get together randomly and it turns them on ! What drives them crazy is that you get WETT !! Like DRENCHED. They have never seen anything like it with anyone they’ve been with , definitely not as much ! It’s like you save this 🐱 just for them !! And vise versa 🍆 “it’s all yours”.
Channeled song : Bad habits ed Sheeran
You already know with me , I want you all the time ! Don’t even bother asking if I’m home ? If I’m busy !? I always have time for you and if not I’ll try my best to make that time ! Your body , your energy is always worth mine. I literally ask my therapist about how to approach you with this new thing I want to do with us. I just want to make sure you’re into this! You matter to me and I wouldn’t want to put you in position to feel like you don’t ! You just turn me on when you’re in your authoritative energy I can’t help but say YES SIR / YES MAM. When we aren’t around each other I manifest you , like heavy !! I hate we go through our ups and downs but , I can’t help but want you , like whether we are apart or always together ! Don’t doubt my intentions or feelings for you I would never doubt us. You may hate me at times but I want to always prove to you I’m here for you & want every aspect of you. don’t forget our secrets babe , you don’t sext me anymore , I used to love when you were at work texting me and turning me on making me Want to jump through the literal phone ! I love you 🥹
They honestly love the pull back you do to them haha they feel frustrated but so turned on at the same time ! To them it’s the perfect mix of emotions !! It actually sometimes triggers them & you personally are attracted yourself to seeing them squirm to get to touch your body! For some you really make them work to touch the 🐱 !! You make them work to put it in haha it’s like “ahhhh gotta be quicker than that” vibes ! Sometimes they just want to softly choke you & hold you down so you can just take what they put down ! But they know already when it happens there’s no tapping out with them ! Haha they also are so crazily attracted when you surrender to them , whether that’s with actual fucking or them just going down on you lol no shade but you’ll tap out sometimes lol its alotttt / hot + sweaty. Btw you don’t even need too much to feel good with this person. It’s just crazy because I’m wanting to pick up on their energy but they are turning it back to you consistently so you really do it for them , you Put the icing on the cake for this person. pile 3 !! Like they can just explode 💦💦 looking at you ! You can really control the bedroom and you could totally be a sub when you want ! You make them thirstyyyyy! Like they go crazy eyes for you 🌻 , they really do value this relationship though! Your personal dynamic in the bedroom really turns them on !!!
Lucky daye - Floods
Why does everything have to be up to you ? I want to Play my role , play my part , I feel sometimes you restrict me from feeling free & I just haven’t been able to put my hands on how to resolve this ! It never disrupts us in bed but it has me thinking after we fuck sometimes what’s going on my love ? if I am doing something wrong or need to do something more please tell me ! I want us to get back to our hot moments. Like I miss having your videos sent to me so I can get off when you’re not physically around ! I could save you from whatever you’re going through or at least I can try … but you have to tell me.
Please let me know what’s up?
They are so crazy about your spicy side like your mouth is LETHALL! Both sexually and verbally ! You can fuck someone upp with your words , like full blown
*turn around* “stop talking to me vibes”. I don’t know why I’m getting NY vibes , East coast living ! You’re so straight to the point it’s in you not on YOU and that fucking turns them way tf on !! It’s like they have a personal motivator & shit talker in one ! It’s beautiful. They truly love you for alot more than your sex but boy does it turn them on the things you are capable of doing with your mouth , That one body part does and says enough alone ! Like you go down on this person so GOOD , So WELL! 👏🏽👏🏽! Like your past professional ! They question if you were taught step by step by your exes or something .Basically you’re too good kind of suspiciously good! If you’re with a man like they get off so quickly it’s wild. you also Turn yourself on , you could masturbate and they Are turned on by that , they are content that you can channel self love through touching yourself , you get that faucet going real quick ! I’m seeing imagery of you pushing their head away or back like your 🐱/🍆 gets so sensitive !! They putss shit down & you return the same damn energy ! You both know how to bring the toxicity in the bedroom and shit gets reckless and can go on for so long !! You guys could literally fuck or give head anywhere that seems to be private enough for y’all ! Loud and all. They don’t even care , with you all bets are up .. they will “tackle” you for what they want in the bedroom Meaning what you have for them they know it’s theirs ! But y’all can be so toxic at times man , it’s apart of the fire in the relationship but it could definitely be an issue. Like a real one 😩
(Y’all could be interested in bringing a 3rd into the dynamic )
Turbo x Gunna - BACHELOR
Yo all this back and fourth with you Is crazy , I do try to respect you for what it is but you go way off the rails for me. One minute you say this the next it’s a different thing , like how am I supposed to trust you and your judgments with other people. Like don’t be giving away my 🐱/🍆 don’t just be passing that around. Whatever people tell me I dust it off , but I’m starting to wonder… I want all the energy stop sharing my 🐱/🍆 and whoever feels like they can challenge me in that , They have another thing coming. I’ll go to bat for you & you’ll really only know if I show you !
(So toxic , I can’t even express.) I’m kind of shocked myself 🙈
“I can’t see I’m blind “
Hope you enjoy ✨
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parkjayssi · 8 months
your fs's short letter to you (18+ ver)
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like & rb if resonates
this pac is solely based on my intuition so take everything with a grain of salt.
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💌 | pile one!
dear babygirl,
my mouth's dry at the thought of seeing you. the urge to kiss every inch of your body is such a need. i'm just so high at the thought of you, my head's dizzy. i'm so out of my breath. please let me hold you once and submit myself to you. i need to quench my thirst for you. how on earth can you be so stupidly hot? it's insane. i'm not making any sense.
don't be angry or mad at the thought of me pouncing you the first time i indulge into you, i wanna savour you all night till you're begging for more after all. i'm down bad, only for you. so come to me, my love.
signs : you're cute when you whine, playful, "i'm such a tease, aren't i?", smoke, dizzy, wet, squirting, hickeys, power play, leo placements, 5h placements, scorpio placements, 8h placements, 999
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💌 | pile two!
my honey,
such a cumslut you are, aren't you? i can imagine you trembling under my touch and it's so cute and satisfying to see you under me. i demand you to look at me every single time we do it, because your eyes, they turn me on so bad. it's beautiful how you scream my name, how you react when i'd grab you.
hah, look at me. i don't even know if we met yet and i'm already planning ahead. i beg you to be mine and mine only because i need you beside me. i'm looking forward for our union ;)
[check this pac's pile 3, there may be additional mssgs]
signs: dominant, slow but messy, kissing in the moonlight, dirty sheets, 50 shades of grey, gemini placements, scorpio placements, aries placements, 888, 777, 1818
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💌 | pile three!
my lovely princess,
hmm, let's take it slow, shall we? i wanna savour you, of course. getting to know you first is my priority. i wanna make sure you're comfortable enough and trust me. don't worry, i'll make sure i have your consent. though i have to admit, there are some things i do want to try with you, if you know what i mean.
every night, i wonder how it would be like to sleep beside you, cuddling you in my embrace, whispering sweet nothings into your ear just to see you sleep. too bad nobody can see it but me. also, in case you're wondering, i'll make sure we stop if you're exhausted. can't have you all tired for the next morning, can i? see you soon princess <3
signs: "i love it when you wear my shirt", breakfast on bed, scent of coffee, sunlight, cafe dates, sensual, taurus placements, virgo placements, cancer placements, 3333, 111
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icyg4l · 2 months
PAC: What Do You Need to Let Go Of?
Hello beautiful people! Today is Saturday aka Saturn Day. In honor of Saturn Day, the day associated with banishment, protection and responsibility. Today is the day we let go of what no longer serves us; the day where we can no longer ignore what sits heavy on our spirits. So without further ado, please choose your Saturn.
**If you really loved this topic then you should book a reading with me, please read my guidelines and then message me privately! Also, if you had received a reading from me, don’t be afraid to leave a little feedback! Please and thank you in advance. 🫶🫶🫶
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-6)
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PILE ONE: “No More Mr. Nice Guy” is what I heard. I feel like you tend to have a lot of love & compassion for people. This doesn’t necessarily translate over to the other person/people though. You need to stop being so nice, Pile One. I think you have a lot of growing up to do. There is good and bad in everyone but what really matters is how this person makes you feel. Stop caring about the feelings of other people if you aren’t going to take yourself into consideration. This is why you always get taken advantage of. It’s okay to be a moody bitch sometimes. Having a sunny disposition 24/7 just isn’t realistic. Don’t act naive when you know the truth about certain situations. Move intentionally and with wisdom. If you don’t think they won’t do that, think again.
Cards Used: The Star, King of Cups, 7 of Cups, The Fool, The Moon, The Tower, Judgment.
PILE TWO: The movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind may resonate with you. I feel like you need to let go of your ex, seriously. You don’t have to forget about them but you do need to move past this person. They have caused much turmoil in your life, especially when it comes to your mental health. They could have indirectly negatively affected your finances as well. But there is someone else who is on the horizon. They want you to see the bigger picture. They want to show you better. If you have been writing notes about what you would like to see in your future partner, expect for these qualities to show up in someone that will soon approach you. They have a beautiful, colorful aura and they will let you shine. Your ex fucked you up bad but you can recover from this. Don’t be afraid to see what love has in store for you, my love.
Cards Used: King of Cups, The Magician, 2 of Cups (RX), The Star, The High Priestess, 5 of Wands, Judgment, Strength, The Fool.
PILE THREE: You’re a Virgo/Sagittarius, aren’t you? You don’t have to know and control everything, honey. Let go of the need to be involved in everything. You have been neglecting your soul’s needs. You have a lot of potential to grow but you don’t know how to accept help nor do you allow yourself to just be. You’re so uptight and burnt out right now. It would benefit you to just walk away from stress-inducing situations. If you know you can’t take that extra shift at work, why even bother? Who are you trying to please? You are making it hard for yourself to maneuver through this world peacefully because you do not know how to enjoy what’s in front of you. If only you could see the beauty of your labor. Slow down. Why are you going so hard for? You’re so used to making things happen that you get frustrated when things don’t work out your way. A word of advice: Please just allow time to do its thing. Don’t work against it.
Cards Used: The Sun (RX), Ace of Cups, Strength, 2 of Discs (RX), King of Wands, 7 of Wands (RX), 3 of Discs, 10 of Swords, The Magician, The Hierophant.
PILE FOUR: Christmastime must be your favorite time of the year, huh? I feel like you could also have a strong connection to Mariah Carey as well. Her book is on my mind heavy as I’m reading for you. I feel like you are so used to dysfunctional relationships. You have the tendency to move fast with people. I’m going to hold your hand when I say this, they ain’t going nowhere! Let go of your lovebombing tendencies and show up as your real self. I don’t think you see this as that but it is. You don’t seem to be big on communication. I don’t think you had the best role models for any kind of relationship so you just do what you know. But this does not translate well with other people, which results in chaos. Unpack why you interact with others the way that you do. You too, have a lot of growing up to do, my friend.
Cards Used: Knight of Wands, King of Swords, Queen of Cups (RX), Four of Wands (RX), Ace of Wands (RX), The High Priestess, 8 of Wands, 3 of Cups.
PILE FIVE: “Shut up and dance.” No seriously, shut up and dance. I feel like you are someone that refuses to be seen dancing in public or just in general. There is no need to feel like that. Let go of your shyness, babe. I feel like you actually have good dance moves, you just don’t want to be seen for some reason. Dancing will help you get more comfortable in the spotlight. You have gotten too comfortable in your little bubble. The next time someone asks you to dance, accept the offer (especially if it’s zydeco, salsa or kompa 🙈). You’re never too cute to dance, pookie.
Cards Used: The Hermit, Knight of Discs, The Chariot, 6 of Wands, The Empress, King of Discs (RX).
PILE SIX: Why are you wasting your time arguing with everyone? You need to master the art of preserving your energy. Let go of the need to prove yourself/defend yourself to other people. You exist just like everyone else on this planet but somehow you always end up in a verbal altercation. Is it worth it? I’m sure there’s plenty of alternative options you could choose. Just walking away could do you some good. You are the type of person to catch someone in a lie. Instead of cursing them out, you could just laugh in their face or block them. You could channel this energy into something else. It is normal to experience anger. But just know that you could always get in trouble if you never control it properly. Get a handle on your emotions. Be more logical & cutthroat. I think you definitely could benefit from taking the high road. Your soul is tired. Give it up, babe.
Cards Used: Knight of Swords, Queen of Swords, The Lovers, 8 of Cups, Ace of Swords, The Hermit, Justice, The Moon, The Star.
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sykestarot · 8 months
what attracts people to you?
1-2-3 (left to right)
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I do not own any of these images
Hi guys I'm back for this weeks reading! Thanks so much for all the love on the other post it really means a lot! I hope these messages resonate as well. Thanks for stopping by yet again! :)
Pile 1
"Just wondering when you said I'm beautiful, was I being lied to?"
(2 of swords (rx); ace of cups; 5 of swords; 4 of swords (rx); queen of pentacles; 2 of cups (rx)) I’m feeling for you pile one that you don’t believe that you’re attractive at all, energetically or physically. Like people would always prefer someone else other than you. Quite literally how the song title is opposite, you believe people are only attracted to the types of people who are opposite of you. Which is so obviously not true because so many people are attracted to you. I don’t know if you think more people value stability over spontaneity. But your cards imply that you are a free spirit and people love that about you. Not only are you a free spirit but you also are hard working. You aren’t one of those people that says they're a free spirit as an excuse to do nothing. I’m feeling that you carry this abundant energy of like “I want it, I got it”. And people just want to stay in that energy. You also have a resilience that people see and it makes them admire you but also want to learn from you. Your energy is truly so beautiful. I see that you might have long hair with beautiful waves to it. Perhaps you’re tan or have a darker complexion. You’re the type of person who loves doing hikes and smelling the fresh air outside. I also see beaches and a boho style to you. Lots of whites and vibrant blues as well. Perhaps you’re Greek or some type of southern European. I see that you also have doe eyes and people find them to be mesmerizing. As well as your smile. I don't know why you don’t think you’re attractive because the vibes I'm getting are that you’re a stunner!! I hope one day you can learn to appreciate the qualities in yourself that others see!  Signs : Athens, Greece, kitties, pasta, the smell of pine orange and vanilla, woven hats, big sunglasses, kites, hang gliders?, laughs, melted ice cream, strawberry scents, lip gloss, glitter, flamingos, Sagittarius
Pile 2
"She's got a halo around her finger around you" (The world; 5 of swords (rx); the high priestess; knight of pentacles (rx); 9 of wands (rx); the hierophant) Pile two you are my pile that knows people are attracted to you and use it to your advantage. Which is so real of you but also so slay. And this is not to say that you use your beauty to gain things in a negative way. It’s more like you know the cards that you were dealt and you’d be damned if you didn't use them. I feel like this is my Scorpio pile. Something about you is mysterious and that entices people to want to get to know you better. I feel like you are like a real life siren. The way you speak or the tone of your voice ensares people and draws them right to you. You also have a fated energy or destiny really plays a role in your life. To the point where people want to be in your life because they think they might be able to get some of whatever you have. You might also be witchy and cast spells or work with guides to make things go your way in life. You co create with spirit for sure. I feel like you guys have a contrasting appearance, like pale skin dark hair, or darker skin and lighter hair. I feel like your eyes are piercing like they are hunting prey and people love feeling like they are hunted by you. I see you being very chiseled whether that’s in the body or the face. You have a striking appearance for sure. The kind that people do double takes on the street. You might get a lot of losers who want to talk to you because your energy and appearance are so intoxicating. I also feel like you’re overall just very bold. Perhaps Aries as well? I also feel like anything said in this reading you already know about yourself lol. Signs : Osprey; Seahawks (football); Megan Fox; vampires; red lisp; metal; silver; motorcycles; the twilight saga?; Jennifer’s Body; clubbing; latex; Washington State; black hair; blue eyes
Pile 3
"I know she's gonna break my heart"
(8 of cups; 7 of wands (rx); page of pentacles; the moon; the hanged man (rx); the lovers) You, my pile three, are the heartbreaker, soul stealer, sad girl pile. People are attracted to you because people want to fix you, not necessarily that you need to be fixed to be honest. It’s more in the sense that you don’t care about them more than you care about yourself. It’s like they want to teach how to love or be the one that changes you. Which to me is so funny because it’s not that you don’t know how to love it’s that you don’t love them lmfao. You don’t entertain many suitors or people in general and so when you do give people your energy it’s special. However with how selective you are it makes people want to know more about your inner world. But you come off so nonchalant that people want to get a reaction out of you. You have the potential to feed people’s hero/savior complex if you actually like them back. I also feel like your sense of style is alternative or goth and that’s also what brings people to you. I’m getting retired emo’s or lil peep/suicide boy fans. Perhaps your taste in music also attracts people. I feel like you’re social media and the way you present yourself really gets people wanting to know you more. You’re very mysterious but I'm getting in more of an Aquarius or Pisces way. I feel like you like having dramatic makeup on or you have a very out there style. I keep seeing, like cyber goth or emo. I’m not super well versed in those genres of style so I hope you get it lol. Maybe you have lip rings or eyebrow piercings. Anyways you’re very unique and that’s what attracts people to you. I also feel like you’re always doing cool and new stuff and people are attracted to you because you’re a trendsetter in a lot of ways. Maybe you have a following on a social media platform? Idk I feel like people watch you via the internet. Signs: anime; jjk; tik tok; silver metals; lip biting; rilakuma; pastel pinks; black; stripes; oversized sweaters; skirts and thigh highs; leg warmers; big chunky shoes; platform boots; johnny guilbert?; music holds importance here
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bitchy-craft · 17 days
PICK A CARD: How they display their possessiveness
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! In here I will give you a reading on how your future spouse will show their possessiveness. I hope you guys enjoy and find this interesting.
Masterpost > Paid Readings
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
Your future spouse will show their possessiveness mainly through physical touch. They will hold your hand a lot, put their arms around you neck, stand really close against you and behind you, put their hand on your thigh. Anything to show that you are their partner with physical touch they do; except things that might make you uncomfortable like kissing you intensely in front of a whole crowd.
Their possessiveness will definitely come in flairs; whenever there is someone they feel threatened by they will definitely keep themselves closer to you, touching you more; specifically in a way that makes the other party notice.
Pile 2:
Your future spouse will show their possessiveness in a mainly vocal way; they will use words as ‘mine’ in a claiming sense every once in a while, especially to their friends when you aren’t present. But they will also keep reminding people that you’re their partner, and that they know you more than anyone else; indirectly showing off their knowledge about you and showing people how good they are to you.
They will especially flaunt their knowledge to people they feel threatened by, almost passive aggressively starting a one-sided competition on who knows you better and takes care of you better.
Pile 3:
Your future spouse has a very special kind of way to show their possessiveness; they are mostly silent and only show their annoyance with their body language. Whenever they feel threatened or jealous and have a need to show others that you belong to them, they will stay silently behind you, simply using their body language to make it clear to others that they shouldn’t try anything else.
They don’t use words, physical touch or anything along those lines; their presence will be enough to let the point come across and have the ones flirting with you to back off, at least to a certain degree.
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fishnapple · 7 days
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CRYSTAL READING: Your first impression of each other (partner/lover/future spouse)
This is a general reading meant for multiple people. Take only what resonates and leave out the rest.
If you don't resonate with one section of the group that you picked, you can pick one group for your impression of them and another group for their impression of you, just read the respective section.
Your feedback is much appreciated. If you find the reading resonated with you, leave a comment, I'd love to know 🎐
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Buy me a drink or book a reading with me - KO-FI (Read this post : personal reading)
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1. White
Your impression of them Energy: Horse
Brilliant mind accompanied by a fun heart.
You will notice that they have different sides to them and you will get curious. You will want to see them in different situations to see how they will behave, their expressions, their shift in energy.
Their voice and manner of speaking will captivate you, or at least will catch your attention, whether positively or negatively. They may say something shocking to you, with a confident or nonchalant attitude. Their voice could be soft and slow, expressive, not the kind of monotone that drone on and on, you may notice a drawl in their speech.
But there's also some quickness to them, could be their posture, a slight jittery feeling, something that is not smooth. They will look different from your usual type or different from everyone around them.
When you guys are eating together, you will notice that they have some kind of childlike behaviours around food. Could be playing with their food, mixing stuffs together, making strange concoctions, there is a certain playfulness and eagerness to them.
But if you first meet them in a different environment, you will get to see a different side to them. In professional and working environment, they will appear as a very hardworking and serious person. Others look up to them for advice and command. They could appear intimidating and cold. You may notice some anxiety or nervous energy behind their cold and hard exterior. I get a feeling that you may kind of want to poke them a little ?
Their impression of you Energy: Dragon
They will see you as a confident, go-getter person, a little intense. They feel like you're respected by a lot of people and you're surrounded by people. You could be a powerful friend to others or you have powerful friends. Could be because the first time that they get an impression of you, you will be seen working with a lot of people.
You have an inner confidence to you, or more like an inner sense of abundance. They may notice some negativity from other people towards you, or they sense that all the abundance that you're having, whether materially or mentally is from your own hard work, not from the other people, other people may even obstructing you from getting what you want. They get the impression that your assertive image was made by going through many hardship.
Despite you appearing as an assertive and confident person. They don't seem to view you as a loud or harsh person, on the contrary, they see you as someone who knows how to have fun and be spontaneous, in touch with their feminine energy. They may think that you're in the art field or doing something creative. Could be your creativity go against a certain social norms so that's where the negative energy from other people comes from.
They also sense that there's something hidden about you. Like you have some fears, some feeling of emptiness or loss deep inside you that you're not fully aware of.
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2. Brown
Your impression of them Energy: Shark
I don't think this person will leave a nice first impression on you. You won't feel comfortable with them. Their energy seems kind of harsh, a little ruthless, no nonsense.
Could be because at that moment in their life, they're dealing with some lost or negativity or they are hiding something so they will come off as colder than usual.
You will feel that this person is emotionally cold or at least emotionally closed-off. They feel distant to you. Maybe because you will first see them from a far. There is a dark energy surrounding them. They could wear lots of dark clothes or their features are dark. An air of prim and proper, you will feel like they are taking good care of their physical health.
They will seem to keep to themselves even though they kind of stand out. Their demeanour is quiet but their energy is loud and intense. You could meet them at some places related to learning and teaching, they will likely be the one do the teaching. Maybe due to the subject that is being taught that you get the impression of their seriousness and cold manner.
Another scenario will be that you get your first impression of them through some kind of talk or written works, could be some articles, about them or written by them. Their words will be direct, to the point, you may find the contents to be not sitting right with you but you will get a little curious about them or wanting to refute their words.
Their impression of you Energy: Gazelle
Quite the opposite of your impression of them.
They will see you as someone dreamy, a little vulnerable. You could be in some kind of trouble or distress at the moment that they see you. Could be something related to legal matters, they may see you arguing with someone, or with them perhaps.
Likely that you are in a unfamiliar environment, sitting or standing there beautifully but lost and confused. They will notice small things about your posture,  the way you walk or the way you turn your head, giving out your hand, leaning forward, things like that. It looks fluid and graceful.
They may want to approach and help you but hesitated. You could look like a foreigner to them, your features are different from everyone around. Hence the hesitation, they will need to think about a way to approach you appropriately. They will think that you're far from your home, you've just moved to a new place.
In some deep corner of their heart, they may already have gotten a sense, a hunch, a fleeting feeling that you would be the one, someone that they want to build with.
Your voice and the way you speak with leave an impression on them. Not sure if it will be a positive impression though, they may find you to be combative or argumentative and they will wonder if you're usually like this or not.
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3. Red
Your impression of them Energy: Sea serpent
The short answer would be 'beautiful'.
You will immediately notice their physical appearance, they tick all your boxes in term of that. But they seem to not really notice their charm on you or in general. Physical appearance could even be a source of their insecurities.
You may sense that they have some reservations about dating and relationships in general,  like they're not open to love at that moment. Could be related to the way they perceive their outer appearance, they may feel like dating puts too much focus on physical attraction and beautification of the self so they want to subvert that, wanting to just focus on getting to know the other person's deep inner self. That's your impression of them, whether that's true or not is another story.
You will notice that they don't talk much, they're quiet but have a well of wisdom underneath that other people can learn a lot from. So you will try to get them to talk more.
You will want to get to know their more poetic and emotional side, they will seem like someone who work a serious and dull job but have a side hobby or hidden talent that is very creative.
You may find them familiar looking, could be that you've already seen them in your dreams or somewhere in a fleeting moment.
Their impression of you Energy: Elephant
They will feel like you're going through some major change or looking for a new path. Could be related to financial stability. You seem to be worrying about that. They will see you as someone who is hard working, serious about your career, wanting to expand and achieve something bigger. You are willing to go through obstacles to get what you want.
But at the time that they meet you, you don't seem to be confident in yourself, you haven't found your inner peace yet, maybe you're struggling with changes, you want to change but also want to be able to control that change. They may fantasise about coming in and give you a helping hand or give you new insights to help guide you out of your confusions.
Beside that hard working impression, they will feel that you could be a home-body, and are a lot more relaxed and loving when at home, they will get curious about how would you be in a more familiar environment.
They will also find your way of communication interesting and fun, they could imagine having long hours of exchanging ideas with you, nothing too heavy and serious though.
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4. Green
Your impression of them Energy: Crow
They will make a strong impression on you, emotionally, physically and mentally.
They will give the appearance of someone who is friendly, open to connections. The kind of person that follows social niceties, they know the socialising rules, what to do to charm the other person, what to do to give the impression that they want. But, you won't fall for that. You will find them friendly and all that but you will wondering are they truly that friendly or not. Because they will seem serious to you, their facial expressions could be a little hard. You know some people when they try to appear friendly, they will smile broadly but their eye corners won't have that creases or their eyes are wide open, not squinting a little, they want to watch, to observe the other person. You could have that impression about them.
You will notice that whatever they are doing is not their usual routine. The place that you guys are meeting for the first time is not their usual habitat. They will go out of their comfort zone a bit, wanting to shake things up, to mingle. They don't seem to be an introvert though, could be some previous events in their life that made them a little closed-off, and now they want to go out again, a conscious effort. So you will feel a certain hesitancy from them, to stay or not to stay. When you're talking for the first time with them, that hesitancy will also be there, they will want to engage and talk their heart out, but also wanting to stand back a little, to hide. In their effort to appear friendly, they would try to act more spontaneously, turning up their flirty side a little bit too high for your comfort.
They will also try to 'subtly' tell you about their material achievements, low-key bragging. Maybe they think that will give you a better opinion of them perhaps?
Their impression of you Energy: Hawk
They will feel exposed by you, you see through their facade clearly. They will wonder whether you have some prior knowledge about them or is it just your intuition being exceptionally strong. A little spooked. There will be an urge to resist, to regain control (control of what?).
They will also sense that you have something hidden behind. You will act friendly towards them, in a benevolent and polite manner. You don't seem to be a social butterfly to them though. Could be that you don't exude an inviting air but when someone actually interacts with you, you will be friendly and polite, not turning them away.
They will feel that you 'fit in' whatever criteria they have of a spouse or lover, relationship with you will be easy and rewarding, easy as in the relationship won't be painful, free of drama and struggle. This idea stems largely from their impression of stability and strength about you, both emotionally and materially.  You seem mature, down-to-earth, know your worth, there's also a hidden intensity that intrigues.
They will be impressed by the way you deliver your words, there is a pure curious air about you. You could be the one that is more talkative than them or the words that you speak to them that day will linger in their mind, having a profound effect on them subconsciously.
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5. Blue
Your impression of them Energy: Golden egg
They would pull at your heartstrings a little. The feeling of a a little pain in the chest when you see something moving, beautiful. Could be their physical appearance but more likely their energy will affect you that way.
They be standing or sitting still, not doing or saying anything. Their stillness will stir something around them though. Like when you see a calm, placid lake, you would have the desire to disturb it, to see the surface ripples.
They will feel like the sun, bright, immovable but not intimidating, not exactly. You may feel some reservations about them, simply because they seem surreal, out of place, the surrounding will seem mundane and dull, pale to their light. This is the kind of person that can pull your attention to them without trying, you will always notice them in a crowd.
You will feel that they can be a good companion for you. Whether in health or in sickness, whatever journey that you guys have to take, they will always be right beside you, holding your hand.
They will make you reexamine your thoughts and beliefs. You will get the impression that they have some pretty unique ideas about how the universe works and you will get curious and want to learn more. Not just about them but also about what life has to offer.
Their impression of you Energy: Gazelle
You don't seem to talk much, not much actions either. Are you guy meditating together or something ? They feel that you are hiding your light. You want to shine, especially letting your voice out, but something is holding you back. They sense an unsure feeling from you, could be you're still holidng on some past pains and that makes you to be on alert, cautious, not wanting to reveal your feelings.
That will be their intuition telling them. Outside, you will seem perfectly contented and relaxed.
They will find you to be very beautiful, in an earthy, sensual way. You know your body well, you understand your body's sacredness and how it connect to the world, this creates sensuality and grace. This may just be a fleeting thought, but they will wonder if your physical beauty does help you in getting what you want, or you seem to be well taken care of, a little spoiled maybe?
What will pique their interest will be one of your quirks. Could be the way you dress, the way you walk, the way you eat etc. You just do things differently. You guys could bond over some similar interests in movies, music, books, things that are not mainstream.
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6. Yellow
Your impression of them Energy: Moth
You will have the impression that they are a social butterfly, that they don't commit to a particular person, they just want to enjoy social interactions with other human beings.
You could even view them as a player with only physical intention in mind. A dangerous person.
They seem to have all the right tools to make anyone fall for them. They are confident, a little cocky perhaps,  but they show their emotions, they are not emotionally closed-off, they are generous, they know how to satisfy the other person's needs in relationship, not to mention that they seem suave and smooth with their body language. Giving both a dominant and caring impression. Balance between masculine and feminine energy.
You will notice that they have a rebellious side to them. Whether they talk about it with you or you intuitively pick up on it, they have some kind of pain regarding showing their individuality, likely from the past, they got ridiculed, made fun of or neglected. So they will want to prove the person that do that to them wrong, and then later on, to prove the whole world wrong. They have some deep wounds that need healing. That could awaken in the other person, especially their partner, the desire to save them, to heal them.
Their impression of you Energy: Dragonfly
I hope this won't develop into an unhealthy dynamic between you guys later on. They will see you as a saving light, the one with all encompassing love to pour out unconditionally. They won't see you clearly, likely will put you on the pedestal a bit. You just fit their image of pure love.
But all is not light and love though. You will reflect back their wounds about their individuality. They will sense that you have some social anxiety but you are still fearless in expressing yourself. A certain idgaf attitude.
This will give them a Tower moment, a wake up call. Later, when they are alone, they will think back on the interaction between you guys and they will feel an uncomfortable need to do something about their behaviour.
They will get a special treatment from you. You may seem soft and giving to everyone else, but to them, you will freeze up. They will feel like they are under scrutiny,  being silently judged by you. You are compassionate but you stand firm in your values, your faith is pure but your eyes are discerning.
They feel like they have to skirt around the edge a bit before getting closer to you. They have to go through your 'screening process' first in order to gain access to your love.
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kalki-tarot · 22 days
Spiritual advices from a Hindu spiritual freak 🪷
These are my personal opinions and piece of advice and may or may not work for everyone, pls do what you feel is right for you, I'm not forcing any advices on you, anything which is written below is not intended to harm anyone or any group of people🙏🧿💓
Karma is REAL, what you do definitely comes back at you at some point in your journey as a soul. Nothing happens without a reason.
You need to remove the fears associated with living for yourself instilled by your religion(s), parents, peers, etc.
There is no heaven and hell, they are just states of conciousnesses.
There is no "SATAN" or "GOD", good and bad are two sides of the same coin. Without one, another can't exist.
God is just the highest level of consciousness, which even transcends dharma.
Religion and politics are tools to limit and control you from inside and outside.
Dance is one of the deepest meditations possible.
There is no definite path to become one with godliness.
Everything is "maya" i.e, an illusion. It's all a play, and we all are actors. You are not the body, you are the eternal atman.
Love doesn't need marriage. Is love itself not powerful alone that it needs marriage? Love is natural, while marriage is not.
True love always dies at some point, just like a full blooming rose sheds after sometime. True love is momentary and can happen with multiple people throughout life.
Yoga is not what the west shows it to be, it has more spiritual significance. The west potrays some bs like beer yoga, lemonade yoga etc. Which is utter bs.
Never let other people, other ideologies, religions, etc mould your mind. Be who you are, not what you're conditioned to be.
Don't repress your shadow parts, like lust, sexual desires etc.
Meditations works for real. Try it yourself.
Tantra is not only about sex, it's much more than that.
Never practice tantra without a proper guru. Never chant special mantras without an authentic guru's advice.
People who trigger you are actually mirrors of your own deepest darkest fears and shadow parts.
Everything is temporary, you as a human being too, are temporary.
Practicing mindfulness actually does wonders.
Don't donate money, instead buy things with it like clothes, food, etc. Then donate it to the needy.
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rebeltarot · 5 months
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FUTURE SPOUSE ➕ VDay Special - Love Letter from your Future Spouse
“I was, and I remain, utterly and completely and totally in love with you.”
[3 piles] ・ [5 decks] ・ [29-39 cards for each pile] ・ [letters, quotes, songs]
Hello friends! It's almost Valentine's Day, and I am so excited to share this Special with you. What are your plans for this Valentine's Day? Are you spending it with a cherished person, your friends, or are you your own Valentine this year? Definitely let me know. I love holidays that bring people together which is why I dedicated a reading for it. Enjoy.
Painting: Diana and Cupid - Pompeo Batoni (1761)
Helpful Links: How to choose your pile ➕ Request a reading
18+ only - This is not a blog for minors. Warnings: Some piles have sexual innuendos.
Your reblogs are highly appreciated. Thank you so much for supporting my work!
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© rebeltarot 2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 01 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
B, L, A, I, N, E, H, blank, 11:33, 11
Quote: Even if the stars fail to shine and the moon refuses to light up the world, I know I have nothing to fear. I have my guardian angel to look after me, care for me and love me forever and always. I love you!
Song: Love Me More - Sam Smith
Cards: Dear, Always by your side, I want to start a family with you, I am open to compromise, I have an offer for you, I am lost without you, It was always you, My nerves have been getting the best of me, Yeah nah, We have known each other in other lifetimes, I left because you told me to, I was in denial, You have so many choices and options, Make space for it, dance with me make me sway, I like it like that, destined, you cam to me at a time when my heart was selective, I'm a slave for your love, You don't own me, I don't wanna play no games, New beginnings, Feminine moon, Childhood, Wealth, Support, Ego death, Tower moment, Crush, Evil eyes
Hello, Pile 01, and welcome to your reading. How are you spending this Valentine's Day? Your spouse has a message for you, enjoy!
Dear Pile 01,
To us, distance is nothing. You’re right here in my heart, and I love you more than ever. It's impossible to put into words how much I love you or to describe how you make me feel, but that doesn't stop me from trying. You are my home, the person I trust with everything. There is no one else I would rather start a family with. It could just be you and me, or mini versions of us as well. I am more than willing to compromise with you because, at the end of the day, you are all I need and want. And I am not embarrassed to say that I need you, because I do. You, to me, are a want that turned into a need. There is no going back after knowing you. I can't possibly deny myself the magic that is loving you, so I have an offer for you, and that is my love, my devotion, and my forever. It could all be yours; you just have to say the word. I am lost without you, and there is just no one else who could even compare. It has always been you. You. You. You. Lately, my nerves have been getting the best of me. Could you tell? Did you feel my anxiety? I hope not. But if you did, I find solace in our connection. Your energy feels like home. It's like history has threaded us together and made us one. I know you. And I have known you for lifetimes. I apologize for having left you. It wasn't easy, but I respected your wishes. Honestly, I was just so afraid of your rejection that I cowardly believed you when you said I should go. I was in denial. It's intimidating to see how many people see what I see in you. How many other people are willing to risk it all for you! I can't claim to not understand, though, because here I am doing the same. Your light and your energy are just impossible to ignore and unsee. But I am working on myself. I am actively making space for you and us.
There is just no one who does it like you do. Your energy and your eyes compel me to do things I had never considered before. You are the only person—no, angel—that can ever make me sway. For you, I'll second-guess everything. For you, I'll leave everything. And I like it like that. I wouldn't change it, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You have so much power over me, but I trust you. You could do anything you wanted and ask for the world, and I would give it to you. But I know that, despite everything, you will never hurt me. No, you would never take advantage of me. With you, I am safe. And with me, you are safe. We are destined, my love. There is no way around us. When we met, I was selective with the people in my life, but you just made your way into my world effortlessly. Like it was nothing. Like there wasn't any wall built around my heart. It's as if you have always belonged. And you are right; you have. I am a slave to your love. But although I am bound to you, I am still free. There is nothing about you that makes sense, and simultaneously, you are the answer to every question I have. I want to be crystal clear with you. It's you. And I have no intention to play any games or make our journey any harder. You don't have to prove yourself to me. You are enough just the way you are and exactly as you come.
I want a new beginning for us. I dream of a fresh start with you. You are my counterpart, and we are connected in every realm possible. I feel you, always. I understand you, always. I feel honored to see every side of you, and I am so blessed to learn about the wonder of the world that is you. You are a person who is so rich and abundant and so full of life that I just can't stay away from you, ever. I want to help you and support you through everything. For you, I would take on the hardest challenges and the scariest obstacles out there. If it helps you, soothes you, or even puts a smile on your face, there is nothing that could stop me from jumping without being afraid of falling. I am there for you, always. I am around you every second of the day. Because, darling, I love you. I would die a thousand deaths for you. Whatever you need me to do or whatever you need me to be, just say the word. Nothing will ever tear us apart. I love you so much that even Cupid is jealous.
Always by your side, your future spouse.
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PILE 02 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
P, E, N, T, T, O, O, C, 11:40, message/dm, sirens
Quote: I want to drown with your lips, in the ocean of our kiss.
Song: Lemonade - Internet Money, Gunna, Don Toliver, NAV
Cards: My dream come true, With all my love, I respect you, Let me hold you, I am absolutely in love with you, I am coming trust, I am healing my broken heart, You light up my life, Love is not fair, I have been distracted, Yeah nah, We have known each other in other lifetimes, I am lost without you, I was always you, I talk about you a lot, You are too far away, If I follow you I could lose everything, We are from two different worlds, Clarity of mind, You make me want to do better and try harder, You like me mad you think it's funny, I hear your messages in songs, Baby would you ever want to be my girlfriend, You touch me like no other, Sexual energy, Who do you love, Follow me into the dark break up a piece of your heart, I'm facing my truth, Do you want me the way I want you, Masculine Sun, Trust, Helplessness, Clash, Unwanted change, True love, Power, Child:wounded, Trauma, Confession
Hello, Pile 02, and welcome to your reading. How are you spending this Valentine's Day? Your spouse has a message for you, enjoy!
My dream come true,
I want to get drunk in your skin, as it glistens drops of love, pouring from our sin. You are the essence of life for me. I respect you. Your thoughts, your ideas, your words, your willpower, and your intelligence. All of you! I am yearning for you; please, just let me hold you. I am absolutely and irrevocably in love with you. Darling, soon. Soon I'll be able to hold you, touch you, and breathe in your scent. I am coming; trust me. There is nothing that would ever be strong enough to keep me away from you. I am healing myself so I can be there for you wholeheartedly. My heart was broken before, but for you, I'll risk another heartbreak. For you, I'll even risk my life. Because you, my dearest of all, light up my life, my entire world, even. Although love might not be fair, when it comes to you, I'll give up everything without asking for anything in return. Lately, I have been all over the place and distracted, and I apologize. Although that is true, and although I am healing and hurting; my mind, my heart, and my energy, all of me still can't stay away from you. We have known each other for lifetimes. You are no secret to me, and I am no secret to you. Without you, I am lost. You are my guiding light, and you are the sole reason why I am finding my way back to myself. You are my only motivation and my only inspiration. It was always you, my love. There is no confusion here. No matter our pasts, it all eventually leads to us. That is the only logical conclusion. The only thing that makes sense. You and me. I talk about you often, you know. I tell everyone and everything about the wonder that is you. But you are still so far away from me. Following you could cost me everything I have. You and I are from two different worlds. Worlds that are not compatible. And although it's everything I have known thus far, I will abandon it instantly. I will sacrifice everything so I can be with you. Because you clearly do not understand that everything I have had is just a fraction of everything that you are. I am not losing. With you, I am only winning. So no, I am not sad about it. And no, I will never regret it. This is something that I will never question, and believe me, I'll make the same choice over and over again. With you, there is no confusion, no doubt, just clarity. Wherever you are is my home.
You make me want to do better. You inspire me to grow, to change, and to open myself up and be vulnerable. I am an intimidating person, but to you, that means nothing. You just laugh when I get mad because you think it's funny. And because you trust me. My god, your trust is just as sweet as honey. It's worth all the gold in the world. It's worth all that I have. We are connected, always. Even if I am not in your life right now, I can still hear your messages. You are in everything that surrounds me, but especially in the songs I hear. You are in the lyrics that capture my attention and in the melodies that move me to tears. It was never hard for you to reach my heart, because for you, there are no barriers. With you, I am open and vulnerable. Would you ever consider being with me? It's a silly question, right? But will you be my Valentine? forever? Until we both lose our breath and beyond that? Everything pulls me toward you. Like a magnet, I always find myself around you, touching you, kissing you, and pleasing you. No one heats me like you do. One simple touch and I am a puddle, water bending at your command. I have never experienced such an attraction before. I am a composed person, hardly shakable. But it takes one single look—the tiniest microexpression—and I am ready to go. I am ready to worship. Who do you love? Is it me? Will you choose to spend the rest of your life by my side? I am aware of other energies. And I have to admit that it startles me. It scares me. The slightest possibility of losing you instills fear within me that rattles my bones. Nothing, absolutely nothing, in existence puts me in as much fear as the idea, the tiniest thought, of losing you. Are you as deeply in love as I am? I want you to be. I want to touch your heart as much as you touch mine. I want to make your body ache for me as much as my body aches for you. Let's get entangled in our passion and stay here forever. I want—no, I need your love. Do you want me the way that I want you? When you are in love, in true, deep love, there is no way around facing yourself. And I am facing my truth right now, so I can be the best version of myself. You don't deserve any less than that.
I want to be strong for you. I want you to be able to rely on me. I want to provide for you. Your trust—it's the only thing I need in this life. No, your love. It's my life elixir. I am helpless without you. We're just like fire melting into ice, and I love the way that we collide. I'm pitch black, drowning’ in your light, and you are the only one who can put me in my place. You are the only person who can set my whole world on fire. My equal. And I would not have it any other way. I know that our paths to each other lead through loss and tears. You have to let go of something to be with me, just as I have to let go of everything to be with you. It's a change that neither of us asked for, but if it leads us to each other, if it leads us to true love, isn't it worth it? You are so breathtakingly powerful. A force to be reckoned with. The entire world trembles to see your beauty, your power, and your intelligence. You are the only person I trust, the only person who will ever know me for everything that I am. The good, the bad, and the ugly. It's all yours. There is no point in hiding it; you see through me so effortlessly.
With all my love, Your future spouse
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© rebeltarot 2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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PILE 03 ➕
Disclaimer: All Tarot readings on this blog are meant for entertainment purposes only. My Pick-a-card readings are based on my knowledge of the tarot and my intuition. Tarot is a divination tool and should not be considered a replacement for medical or professional guidance. It is not intended to be used as such, and any choices made in response to my readings are your own responsibility. All interpretations are speculative, and whether you believe in it is your choice. Readings are for self-reflection purposes only; take what resonates, and leave the rest. My readings are timeless unless stated otherwise.
Signs and confirmation that this is your pile. This can be anything from your initials, astrological placements, significant messages or signs, places, songs, etc. Please use your discernment.
S, U, R, E, B, E, U, I, blank, 11:47, sirens
Quote: I want to make love with my tongue, and whisper kisses, through your mind, until your body comes, undone- Body language.
Song: LAW - Yoon Mirae, BIBI
Cards: My cherished, Devotionally yours, I don't think I ever truly knew you, I left because you told me to, I hold back because I don't want to be rejected, Other opinions have clouded my vision, I don't want to lose you, Definitely, My surroundings don't approve, I need more time, I was a fool, We are too different, I'm ready, I think we should slow down, It's ok to feel feelings, I hope we can love through the pain after the honeymoon fades, I wanna marry those eyes, Sexual energy, I don't understand, You don't own me, Baby would you ever want to be my girlfriend, don't be scared I ain't afraid, Love making, Judgement, Surprise, Withdrawal, Tower Moment, Support, Privilege
Hello, Pile 03, and welcome to your reading. How are you spending this Valentine's Day? Your spouse has a message for you, enjoy!
My cherished Pile 03,
If there is a parallel universe, I will fight through the stars to find you. Darling, I don't think I ever truly knew you. I don't think I will ever truly know you. You are the entire cosmos, ever-changing, and it will take lifetimes, if not forever, to discover everything that makes you you. I am sorry that I left. I turned away from you and us because you told me to. And I hold back because I don't want to be rejected. Losing you once has nearly broken me; I don't think I'd be able to survive another time. There is so much noise around us. There are so many opinions and so many views that have clouded my vision. I am confused. I don't want to lose you. ever. I exist, so I can live on a planet graced by your presence. Just knowing that you are alive and well keeps me going, and it makes life worth living. Your presence humbles me to the point where just breathing the same air as you feels like a blessing. There are people in my life who are jealous of our connection. People who do not approve of us being together. I need more time to sort out all the thoughts in my head. So many doubts have been planted in my mind that I need space to clear out the clutter that clouds my vision. I was a fool. Such a fool! I regret hurting you. I loathe that I was the cause of your hurt, the cause of your tears. We are so different, yet we get along so well. I am ready for you, darling, but I think we need to take things slow. Rushing into it will only hurt us. It's okay to feel your feelings. Love, true love, evokes so many emotions in us. It makes us feel deeply, and it makes us hurt deeply too.
I hope that we can love through the pain, even if our honeymoon fades, even once you take off your rose-colored glasses. Your eyes. Oh my god, your eyes. I want to marry them. You bring me to my knees with your gaze. I have never met a person before who had me in a chokehold like you. I don't understand it, and it confuses me. When you look at me with your beautiful and hypnotizing eyes, I'll say yes to anything. Whatever you want, it's yours. You don't own me, not yet. I am not yours, and you are not mine. But would you be my forever person? Would you marry me? I know it feels like a big commitment, one that might scare you. But it doesn't scare me; it never will, because I trust you. I yearn for you deeply and passionately. I imagine us making love. I imagine you, naked, looking into my eyes and screaming my name. Don't judge me, please. I just can't help it. The pull you have on me is just as surprising for me as it is for you. I might be withdrawing right now, but it's because I need to collect my power and my energy, so I am ready for the change that is you. For the new beginning and world that you promise. I want you; I crave you. It's primal. I want to support you, I want to be strong for you, and I want to earn the privilege that is your love.
Devotionally yours, Your future spouse.
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© rebeltarot 2024 - all rights reserved ・ do not steal, copy, change, or redistribute my content.
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