#spirit x kami
bcbdrums · 11 months
Just thinking 'bout parallels....
And how Soul would follow Maka to the ends of the earth and jump off the edge after her... Even when Maka has started following after someone else Crona.
So yeah, parallels... Stein, with Spirit and Kami.
How interesting Maka turned out just like her daddy in that.
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agitoforestart · 17 days
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Assorted Agitoola sketches from 2023 and 2021
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Profic Party Week 1, Day 4(part 2/2): A rarepair I like: Cain x Agito (Origin: Spirits of the Past)
Event by @profiction-edits
My multishipper ass can’t resist most Agito ships. And I love Cain and Agito’s shenanigans and interactions, for how few they get, it well establishes how much time they spend together and how much they care about each other. And so I got to thinking, what if….they were both trans?? What if Cain was the first person Agito kissed????
- 💙 -
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Agito and Toola plant the flower - mid credits sequence
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
SE Teenage!Franken Stein x Reader - Out of Sync
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N/A: For the sake of plot, I'm going to be calling Maka's mother Kami, as that seems to be the most commonly agreed upon nickname for her!
Summary: After a falling out, the bond between you and Stein fractures, and your souls are no longer in line.
Warnings: Possessive behavior, violence, poor mental health, verbal altercation
You were walking home after school with your meister, Stein on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Ever since Spirt had left Stein to partner with his girlfriend, you had been his replacement.
You lived in the lab with him and in return, you did the shopping, cooking, and cleaning. That sort of thing. Today was no different. "Hey Stein, I going to the store. Do you need anything?" you asked, grabbing your purse as he headed to his room.
"Pick up some more tea. We're out." he replied with an emotionless tone. You took a mental note and went on your way.
Stein's POV
I heard the front door slam, indicating that (Y/N) had left. I shrugged and turned back to my homework. "She despises you, you know that don't you?" the familiar voice creeped over my shoulder. I waved it off.
"She's my partner. She doesn't hate me. Now go away." I spat, trying to regain focus on the essay I was researching for.
"She's scared of you. Scared you'll tear her apart like you did Spirit." I rolled my eyes at the distorted echo.
"(Y/N) knows I'd never do anything to hurt her, now fuck off." I waved my hand again to thin air, as if the entity was physically a fly buzzing about my hair.
"She's looking for a way out, you know. She's trying to leave you alone, just like Spirit did."
"Spirit left because he thinks he's in love and he doesn't understand my research, not because he was afraid of me. We just didn't fit well together, Lord death said so." I reasoned, knowing in the back of my mind that my data collection had been reported to the dean and that had been the true reason I was reassigned. "And (Y/N) is not trying to leave."
"You're not going to let her walk out on us, are you?" Out of frustration for the static growing between my ears, I twitched my neck ever so slightly, at least I thought I had. To my surprise, my neck popped with a satisfying crack. Did I jolt harder than I thought I did, or had I just been sitting too long? Come to think of it, what time was it?
I sighed, rolling out my chair and leaning back on it as it reclined, turning to check the clock on the sutured wall. I hadn't been home that long. "There is no us, you're just a figment of my imagination."
"Kill her, Franken." Did it just say my name?
I was shocked at the words, even more so that now, I could recognize what used to be the shrill nagging of a little red demon, as now disturbingly similar to my own. I didn't say that, did I? Regardless, I jumped up from the chair at the notion and it rolled away into the abyss of darkness behind me. "No, I don't want to hurt her!"
"You know you want to tear her open, see what's inside." the siren called, now mirroring my version of phonics, the quirks of my speech down to a tee. "Girls are different from boys, you know, your research is never going to be complete without a female specimen to compare Spirit to."
"No, I don't!" I screamed, a giggle forcing itself out of my throat. "I-I'm different now, I'm in control!" I held my head tightly, fingers digging into temples, as if physically holding myself together.
"You want to pin her down, so she can't run away, don't you, Franken?"
"N-No!" I choked out between laughs. Gradually, lack of air supply wore me down to the cold cement floor, the fits of laugher evolving into a deranged, uncontrollable cackle. From my stupor, I could hear the front door swing open with the sunny chirp of:
"Stein! I'm home!" Shit. She had to have heard me. "Stein?!" I heard panicked footsteps running toward my room at an alarming speed. (Y/N) appeared in the doorway, the light from the hallway framed her silhouette. She looked angelic as she bent down to my aid.
"Stein! Stein, are you okay?" I could feel her delicate fingers gripping my shoulders and gently trying to shaking my body into consciousness, to no avail. I was watching from deep within as the Madness overtook my body, and I was no longer there with her.  Suddenly, my body froze, eerily serene and my head turned to look at her. She looked absolutely petrified. My fingers carefully wrapped themselves around her fragile throat as I stood, raising her off the floor as I went. I couldn't control the words that slipped out.
"(Y/N), you mean nothing to me. All you will ever be is an insect under my scalpel. You are nothing but a subject from which I can collect data. I could end your worthless life the moment I decided to. Don't forget that."  I dropped her to the floor with a wicked smile, "Start running."  My lips uttered as I finally began fighting my way through the muck of the abyss and rising back to having control over myself again, just in time to watch her scramble to her feet and bolt to her bedroom sobbing, fearful for her life.
I ran to her door, pounding on it as hard as I could, desperate to clear my name. "No, no, (Y/N). I'm so sorry! You don't understand! Please just let me in and I swear to Death, I'll explain everything!" I pleaded. I pressed my ear to the door, hoping to hear the shifting of the clothes or footsteps coming closer, but all I got was muffled sobs. I guessed that she was hiding, maybe even covering her mouth as she cried, so as not to alert me to her whereabouts. In a way, it worked. Never the less, I persisted. "C'mon, (Y/N), we have to talk about this! I promise I'm not going to hurt you!"
The only response that would come of my begging would be a shrill, "Stay away from me!" Her voice cracked when she spoke, terrified and anguished and longing to be rid of my presence. She continued to sob, as I laid my back against the patchwork door and miserably slid down it's length to sit on the floor. My eyes wandered to the gleam that spread across it. The entire lab had been mopped earlier that day, something (Y/N) did every Sunday. It came across my mind how well she took care of me in contrast to Spirit. He never really cared whether I ate or not, but she cooks for me every night and day. He was never as concerned for the cleanliness of the building, and didn't care for the upkeep, but (Y/N) cares about it a great deal. I recalled a time, when she'd first moved in, when she'd dragged me to the market with her because she was worried that the chemicals she typically used to keep would negatively effect me or my work, and she wanted me to pick out brands that I would approve of.
"Please, let me in..." I plead one last time, voice tired and cracked from the agonizing emotion of the moment. She continued to weep, each little hiccup hitting me like a bullet to the skull. Knowing I had made her cry gave me a migraine. For a while I just sat there, listening to her spill her woes, letting myself learn of the monster I truly was with every passing moment. After what seemed like hours, I came to realize that I hadn't heard her move through this entire ordeal. The possibility dawned on me that my presence was inhibiting her from moving about her locked bedroom freely and I decided to give her some space, and retreated to my room. Try as I might, I earned no sleep that night, nor did I deserve any.
The next morning, I arose much later than I usually did. There had been no sweet wake up call from a chipper girl, beckoning me to greet the day. Getting dressed and exiting my room, I noticed the lack of delicious aroma in the air. Breakfast had not been made. Shrugging I walked into the kitchen to find (Y/N), buttering a slice of toast and swiftly scarfing it before packing her school bag. "Good morning." I gave a sympathetic smile, hoping to have some sort of leeway into a conversation over last night. I was not surprised to find myself ignored. I was however, caught off guard to find her already leaving home to begin her walk to school so early. "Where are you going? We always walk together?" Once again, she paid me no mind, and began to walk away. I sighed and decided to let her go, knowing I'd meet her there.
When I arrived, I found (Y/N) standing beside Kami and Spirit, seemingly looking over the Missions Board in the hallway. "Ivan the Terrible? What kinda name is that?" He mumbled as I grew closer.
"A terrible one, obviously." Kami laughed.
"Good morning, what are you talking about?" I asked, glancing up at the board to find our team's name underneath one of the new missions.
"We got a new assignment." the redhead answered. "In Russia, apparently." Before I had the chance to react, the four of us were called to the Death room, I assumed to be briefed on the assignment. As Spirit and Kami began to leave, (Y/N) in tow, I stayed behind, grabbing her wrist, pulling her back to stay as well.
"We'll catch up." I called and he waved me off.
She turned back to look at me with a expression I couldn't place, somewhere between fear and disgust. "Don't touch me." she snapped, wriggling out of my grasp.
"(Y/N), we have to talk." I stated as calmly as I could.
"There is nothing I have to say to you." she spat, walking off to find our teammates, and obscuring herself between the hordes of students in the hall.
"(Y/N), stop!" I whispered as she glared at me over her shoulder. I began to feel embarrassed at the prospect of being seen by her as less than equal. After all, she needed me, I was in charge. "As your meister I order you to stop!" She did as I asked, if only for a moment, slowly turning to look back at me. I suddenly became hyperaware of the way every inhabitants of the school was staring holes into me. Without another would, (Y/N) bolted away from me, just as she had last night, and I was forced to shamefully follow, weaving my way through the humiliation of what I'd just said.
"Greetings, hiya, how's it goin'?" Lord Death chirped as we filed into the room, each of us standing before him. Typically, we stand with our partners, but today is an abnormality. "So how are we all feeling about the new assignment, hmm?"
"With all due respect, sir," Spirt piped up, rubbing the back of his neck. "Russia? Isn't that a little far?"
"I suppose you're right, but I don't think you four will have an issue with it. You're target, if you aren't already aware, is Ivan the Terrible. He's the current tsar, and he's put the whole country in quite the tizzy, I'm afraid."
"He's a tsar..? Isn't that like a king?" the redhead once again remarked.
"Very astute of you, Spirit." Death confirmed. "Last year, Tsarina Anastasia, his wife, passed away, allegedly from poisoning. Still grieving, Ivan is being consumed by Madness and slaughtering his people out of paranoia."
"Madness...?" I thought aloud. "It's stretched that far?"
"It has," the dean answered, catching me off-guard. "And I need my top students to put an end to it. Aside from that, this is a big opportunity for you all. We have reason to believe that Ivan has been stock piling human souls and force feeding them to his army. He's become increasingly scared to consume who he feels may be betraying him, for fear of being poisoned like her majesty."
"Those poor people..." (Y/N)'s voice pierced though the silence, small as it was. "They're all just at the mercy of what ever delusions this man conjures up? They must all be so scared." My chest tightened, wrecked with guilt. She must be connecting with connecting with his victims on a personal level.
"It's not all black and white," Lord Death corrected. "Believe it or not, your target is a victim too." he laid his hand on her shoulder as he explained. "Madness is a terrible disease and spreads like one too. It's entirely possible that he thinks he's doing what is best for his people. In his mind, he's protecting them. I want to you to try and see things from both sides, (Y/N)." She nodded sadly as we were dismissed. I sometimes forgot how compassionate she could be. "Well, I think that just about wraps things up, don't you? You better get a move on, class dismissed!"
We were released for classes for the rest of the day to go home and prepare for our flight to Russia. Try as I did, I couldn't convince (Y/N) to speak to me. Not at home, while packing a suitcase, not on the plane, not even when we landed.
Now that we were in Moscow, it was time to locate Ivan and eliminate him. The sooner we did that, the sooner I could go home, today had been much too long. I sighed heavily, listening to Kami and Spirit argue, playing tug-of-war with our only map, while taking in the scenery. Suddenly, the sickening sound of tearing paper filled the air, and their aggression with each other increased significantly. I couldn't help but feel irritated that Spirit had left me to partner with someone he barely even got along with. My eyes floated over to my current partner, keeping steady distance from me, but also from them, not wanting to get caught in their fight. I quickened my pace to come to her side.
"Are you okay?" I asked flatly, refusing to lead on too much worry. She neglected to answer me, simply readjusting her earmuffs and scarf. I sighed and dug my hands into my pockets. "Look, if its about last night-" I began.
"Stein, I don't want to talk about it." she finally answered, albeit coldly and without meeting my gaze.
"(Y/N) we need to, this is important, is we don't communicate, it could cause problems with our partnership." I tried to reason, but she wasn't accepting any of it.
"That's fine with me." she huffed, her lips expelling white air against the snowy landscape.
"What do you mean?" I asked cocking a brow, anger and anxiety bubbling in my chest, knowing what she would say.
"I don't want to be your partner anymore."
Her words stung and prompted me to push back even more hurtful ones, but I resisted, sticking to denial as a response. "You don't mean that." I snarled. "You're just upset."
She threw her hands in the air and dramatically brought them back down to slap her thighs. "Yes I am upset and-" she seemed to be looking above me, and no longer at me as she continued. "Stein, duck."
"Duck?" I tilted my head sarcastically. "How do you expect me to-"
"Stein, duck!" she repeated, tackling me and shoving my head down, just in time for a dark mass to fly over us. After all this time of wandering around looking for him, we never thought Ivan would find us first. Though, we were practically on his palace's front door. We should have been more careful.
"(Y/N), transform." I ordered cautiously. She gave no reply but did so anyways, leaping into he air and morphing into a (w/f) with a graceful twirl. As I waited for her to land, I positioned myself to catch her, and turned to the kishin. "Ivan the Terrible," I addressed, as was protocol of the DWMA. "For your crimes against humanity, we've come to reap your soul." As if to punctuate my threat, (Y/N) landed in my grasp, to which I instantly grunted and threw her into the snow. I seethed while holding my gloved hands, looking them over to find the fabric burned through and blisters forming on my palms.
"Hey, what the hell was that for?" she raged, but I ignored her as warm blood began to drip from my nose.
"Stein!" I heard Spirit call as he took the first few offensive hits to the enemy with his partner's guidance. "You okay?" I paid him no mind as well as I wiped my nose, studying the crimson that stained what was left of my gloves.
"What the fuck..." I muttered, as (Y/N) now reverting back to her human visage ran to me, skidding on her knees to meet me as I fell to mine, my stomach bubbling with blood where it shouldn't be.
"Stein, what's wrong?" she asked, concern being the only emotion her face portrayed. It would have felt nice to once again feel her compassion had the circumstances been lighter.
"My stomach hurts," I groaned, cradling myself as the pain grew, before suddenly coughing, red sputtering over my lips.
"You're bleeding internally..." she realized, holding my head in her left hand and my charred one in her right. I suddenly jerked away from her touch as her fingertips grazed my wounds. She obviously noticed. "Stein, your hands!"
"I can't hold you," I choked out, attempting to stand with some success. "You're metal's too hot."
"How can I be too hot?" she puzzled. "It's like ten below here!"
"Uh, guys, little help here?" Kami yelled, putting all her effort into using Spirit's shaft to distance her face from the blade of Ivan's sword.
"We can't fight like this, our soul wavelengths must had fall out of line." I huffed charging myself up for a solo attack. "Just stay behind me, I'll protect you." Without another word, I charged the kishin, connected my wrists and pressed both palms to his chest, driving my wavelength directly into his heart. Luckily he took enough damage to give Kami time to fall back.
Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw (Y/N) running into combat beside me one of her arms in the form of a (blade/barrel/hammer head),  (slashing/shooting/swinging) at Ivan with what little she had.  "I told you to stay behind me." I stated, charging up for another attack.
"When are you going to realize that just because we're partners, doesn't mean you own me?" she spat back. "A partnership is about equality!"
"Is this really the time?" I asked, dodging and rolling out of the way of one of his swings.
Before she could answer, the tsar retreated from the fight, fleeing into the safety of the palace walls. The three of us chased after him, I at the head of the pack. I burst through the castle doors and paused taking in the room before me. It was filled with beady red eyes shrouded in darkness, with Ivan at the head of the room, sitting atop his thrown. It was a trap, and I lead us straight into it. Kami and (Y/N) waited from the steps as I was effortlessly overwhelmed, both swiftly swooping in to assist me. I watched from the floor, in between beatings as the two girls, along with Spirit went straight to work in decreasing the numbers of demonic troops. The sight inspired me to keep fighting my way out of the heap I found myself in.
Suddenly, just as I had gotten odds back in my favor, Kami was flung across the room, her back slamming against the decorated wall and all wind being stolen from her lungs. Her boyfriend quickly transformed and crouched beside her. Just as I was beginning to climb to my feet, I felt a sting sink into my ankle. Looking down, I found a small dagger protruding from my Achilles tendon. I cussed, pulling in out and stomping on the fingers it was attached to.
That's when I saw (Y/N) standing at the head to the room alone, ready to face the target without any help. Her visage was bathed in the angelic light that shown through the stained glass window behind the thrown. She looked the way she did last night when she found me.
"What the hell are you doing, (Y/N)? Your gonna get yourself killed!" I called out, voice hoarse and strained. Her screams pierced through the air as she forced the power inside her to build to never before seen heights. I held my breath as I limped over to her, as Ivan raised his sacred sword, fully aware of the possibility of witnessing my partner's execution. 'I have to do something.' I thought. Mustering all my strength, I enveloped her in my arms, as I expanded my soul passed my body. My eyes unscrewed when I heard the sound of his blade ricocheting off the shield I'd unknowingly raised.
"What is this?!" she asked, shock written on her tired face.
"Something new I've been working on." I mumbled looking up at the kishin and counting how many times he brought his weapon down on the bubble. "(Y/N), I need you to transform." I panted, trying to be as patient as I could with her, but I didn't know how long this protection would last.
"I won't work!" she protested, still in my arms, likely afraid for her mortality.
"Just trust me!" I pled as she flew into the air, transformed, and fell heavy into my hands. She weighed so much more than usual, I could hardly bring my exhausted muscles to lift her up to level. I could hear her agonized screams resonating through me, echoes bouncing off the shield, it was deafening. My hands were once again beginning to burn, and my stomach ached.
"We cant do this! Were hurting each other!" she shouted through gritting teeth. "Death, my head! Stein, it hurts!"
I tuned her cries out as best I could and I tried to gather myself, be strong enough for the both of us, but I was beginning to hear that shrill little voice creep up on me again. 'She's scared of you. Scared you'll tear her apart like you did to Spirit.' repeated in my head. "She doesn't want to be your partner anymore, there's no sense in saving her now."
"I'd never do anything to hurt you, you know that, right?!" you yelled my voice desperate and tired. Her hesitation nearly killed me. "I'd never hurt you, (Y/N), please know that!" With one final thwack of Ivan's sword, the bubble began to break, a thick crack running down the side of it before bursting it all together. I turned to the man with distain in my eyes, heading to smite him before I remembered what Death had said.
'It's not all black and white. Believe it or not, your target is a victim too.'
"Ivan!" I called out to him, prompting him to lower his weapon ever so slightly to hear me out. "You're not evil, you're just sick! Madness is a disease, and you're hurting!" Something in his wild eyes told me he understood as he lowered the blade entirely and took a step toward me, and I him. "You're grieving your wife, aren't you?"
"I am avenging her." he bellowed, looking me over cautiously. "And protecting others."
"But you're hurting people. You know that, don't you?"
Ivan scowled and stepped back toward his thrown. "How could a child possible begin to understand my pain?"
"Because I'm sick too." I confessed, ascending the steps to his chair. "Sometimes I want to hurt the people I care about because I'm hurting, but that's not right." By now I'd forgotten the weight of my partner or the burning in my palms; now I had someone who understood. "You're not leaving this room alive, but there's still time do atone for your actions. Bow you're head and pray, and I'll reap your life, and repurpose your soul for the better." Obviously, the tsar hesitated, and I wasn't lost on why. All his paranoia was still prominent inside him and there was no way that I could prove to him my sincerity. "Ivan, her majesty wouldn't want all of this bloodshed. I can send you to be with her with honor."
For the first and last time, Ivan smiled, not a deranged, crooked grin, but a soft and gentle smile as he knelt down onto his knees. I gave him a moment, watching his hands fold and lips move, mumbling sacred words to whatever savior it was that he subscribed to. When he was finished, I raised my weapon in the air, looking down on him with the sadness of a child saying goodbye to a friend who were moving away. "Will it hurt?" he asked, catching me off guard.
"It may, a little. I'm going to give you the most merciful death I can." I answered truthfully. In some odd way, I felt a connection to this dementia ridden old man that I hadn't even felt with (Y/N). An understanding of the struggles that infection harbored. I did fully believe that he had the best intent, and deserved a king's sendoff.
"I'm ready." he smiled, clothed in serenity, and I wasted little more time in executing him, watching the flesh that was once his cranium unravel like ribbon carried on the wind. I found his soul hovering out of the abyss as it was unveiled. I delicately laid (Y/N) down where he sat so she could collect him, after which, she and Spirit began to divide those of Ivan's guards. I let my body fall down to sit in front of the thrown, feeling overwhelmed with sorrow over the loss of who may have been the only other person to possibly understand my plight. At least it was over, I was ready to go home, then again, we still had a problem to solve.
Later that day, after we'd returned home, we both went out separate ways. I to my room to see what I could do for the damage to my body, and her to the bathroom for a shower. Once I had heard the water shut off, I knocked on the door, informing her where she can find the proper supplies to treat her own injuries. Without much more contact, we both laid down in our respective beds, and fell into a hard, yet restless sleep.
The following days were given to us to stay home and recuperate from the mission in Moscow, and were miserable, to say the least. Physical pain aside, (Y/N) was still not speaking to me, though in her defense, I was no longer putting in much effort, simply for fear of another argument. I was exhausted from the assignment, and my body healing. On top of that, I still had to find out how to realign our soul wavelengths. What a mess.
" I've been yelling that dinner is ready for ten minutes now." (Y/N) said as she harshly dropped the metal tray on my desk.
"Sorry," I gave a sheepish sigh, pushing away from my computer. "I've been busy trying to find a way to solve our problem." With little emotion, she simply ignored me turning back and exiting the room. I rolled my eyes, grabbing my food and following her to the kitchen table. "Does your head still hurt?" I asked sitting down with her.
"A little. My vision is still a little blurry too." She answered, stabbing a fork into a head of broccoli on her tray.
"Keep taking the medicine I gave you and it should clear up by the end of the week." I reassured, taking a sip of juice. "I can't remember the last time we sat at the table." I nervously remarked.
"I always eat at the table, you're just always in your room." she replied coldly.
"Right..." I trailed off, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with the knife that she was currently using. "I'll try to be present more often."
"You don't have to do this." she finally sighed, neglecting to meet my gaze. "We can just go back to you locking yourself up in your room and me doing everything else. It worked before."
"Things are different now," I said flatly, setting down my fork. "I don't think they'll ever go back to how they were, not exactly."
"Then we'll fake it 'til we make it." she offered, dramatically rolling her eyes, mouth half full of food. I could tell this was irritating her.
"That won't work either, you know that." I wasn't entirely sure why, but that sentence had been the last straw for (Y/N). Maybe her mood had just been building, and made worse by my sitting down, or maybe she was genuinely bothered by what I'd said. Regardless of how I could deconstruct her feelings and why, she stood up from the table, slamming her palms on it as she did, causing it to shake, and her drinking glass toppled.
"Obviously, I don't, Stein!" I could see that she was trembling, chest heaving with emotion that I didn't understand, and she quickly came to her senses, quirking her gaze down to the spilt juice on the tabletop. Tears began to brim her eyes and she suddenly darted out of the kitchen. "My head hurts, I'm going to bed." She sniffled, already halfway there.
I looked at the pool of red as it slowly crept over to my tray. I wasn't hungry anymore, so I carefully picked it up and scraped the uneaten food into the trash and set the dishes in the sink, before grabbing a rag for the mess.
Later, after having washed the dishes for the first time since (Y/N) moved in, I retired to my room, slumped in the desk chair. For one of the first times in my life, I felt clueless. I was entirely unsure of what to do next. We were scheduled to return to school in two days, and we couldn't risk getting sent out again without repairing the bond between us. My eyes began to drift to the bookshelf to my left, scanning over each title, hoping maybe I owned something to do with resonance or how souls aligned. Instead, I found one of (Y/N)'s books. It was an old copy of 'The Princess and the Frog' that she had gifted me a few months back. Suddenly I had an idea, firing up the browser on my computer to compile my research.
With new found courage, I retrieved a scalpel from my medical kit, and headed for (Y/N)'s room. I was going to gain access one way or another, this was my house, after all. Once in front of her door, I first knocked to give her the chance to open willingly. When I was greeted with silence, I went right to work picking the lock. As I inserted the blade, it dawned on me that trespassing into her space was wrong, and that, perhaps I should just give her time. I then remembered the pain that we were both still recovering from, and that if my research was correct, it could quicken the pace of healing exponentially. I also realized that, if I was wrong, I may soon be looking for a new partner.
The door unlocked with a satisfying click and I gently pushed it open to reveal a dark room. "What the hell, Stein? You can't just barge into my room!" A stuffy voice shrieked from the far side. "Just go away!"
At the sound of her, much of that confidence drained from my body and I swallowed painfully as I approached the bed. "(Y/N), I have something very important to tell you." I said as sternly as I could as I sat on the edge of the mattress, facing away from her. "I know why our souls are no longer in sync."
"I do too," she whispered, and my neck snapped to where I assumed she was in surprise.
"You do?" I asked, sympathetically, hoisting my knee up onto the bed so that I could fully turn towards her. I could just hardly see her now, he light from beyond the open door illuminating her just enough for me to make out were her face was.  
"It's because of me," she hiccupped, rubbing her eyes. "I'm just worthless and weak and I let my emotions get the better of me. I'm sorry, Stein, you deserve better." She spilled out, sobbing throughout. I was truly taken aback. Since we got home, she must have been blaming herself, and couldn't bring herself to face me. Guilt tugged at my insides, metaphorically and physically as my stomach began to hurt again.
"No!" I blurted, reaching out for her, to which she withdrew further. "It's my fault! (Y/N), I'm sick and I knew that could hurt you and I hid it from you."
"Was what you said to Ivan true...? Are you infected with the Madness?" Her voice was broken and frightened, even more so when I confirmed her fears.
"I am...I'm so sorry I didn't tell you." She remained silent and I couldn't discern if she truly lacked words fit for the emotions she was feeling, or if she simply had nothing to say to me at all. Regardless, I persevered. "I know you're finding it hard to trust what I said after the other night, but I can't stress enough your importance to me." I professed with a much higher sense of urgency than I would've cared to use, taking both of her hands in mine. She wriggled out of my grasp like so many times earlier this week, and scooted away, driving even more maddening distance between us.
"(Y/N) please stop moving away," I asked, letting my head fall back against the nape of my neck in frustration. "I promise, I'm not going to hurt you. Actually, I think I've found a way to realign our wavelengths."
Her eyes widened. "Y-You have?" she asked, her voice cracked. "How?"
"We have to learn how to trust each other again." I stated flatly. "We need to be honest with each other." I could barely make out her expression contorting with fury, her teeth grinding behind her lips.
"Trust, honesty?" she raged, her posture improving significantly as she developed from a slouch to her most intimidating height. "Stein, I've never once lied to you! I've always been honest whether you liked it or not!" she shouted, throwing a pillow my way. I caught it and calmly set it to the side.
"(Y/N)-" I tried to explain further but she wouldn't let me speak.
"No, Stein! Don't '(Y/N)' me! This is your fault!" she shouted, reaching again for the pillow to hit me, but I swiftly tossed it onto the floor and out of her reach. "You were the one that lied and now you tell me to be honest? I don't think so!"
"(Y/N), please-"
"No! Why should I have to help fix a problem you made all on your own? How dare you-" I finally  grabbed her wrists, pulling her dangerously close and stared down at her with stern eyes.
"Just shut up and let me kiss you already." I said, calmly. Her eyes widened and a blush spread across her cheeks and nose, even dusting the tips of her ears.
"Let me kiss you." I repeated. "I think the Oxytocin released may help repair the bond."
She shifted awkwardly, looking askance.  "Enough with the pseudoscience, Stein."
"I'm serious." I reiterated. "Studies show that perfect strangers can develop a long lasting bond off of the chemicals released during a kiss. I have proof to back my findings, if that would help you ease into the idea."
Apprehensive, she continued to dodge my gaze. "What if it doesn't work?" she  wondered cautiously.
"Then I imagine we'll both be reassigned on the grounds of incompatibility." I half lied. The truth was, (Y/N) was it for me. Most students don't even get the chance to change partners, let alone twice, and especially if said student had been the cause for both reassignments. She would be matched up with someone else in no time, but I on the other hand, would likely face expulsion, if Lord Death's words are to be believed. "Plus, you'll get the very rare right to brag to whole school that for the first, and last time, I was wrong."
She gave a sad giggle at my attempt to ease the tension, and finally relented. "Well, I guess we can kiss...If it's the only way."
"I assure you, it is."  Slowly, I crawled closer to her, cupping her cheek with one hand, and running the other through the back of her hair. This had to be perfect. Carefully, I leaned in, beginning to seal the gap between us, and she hesitantly did the same. I could feel her breath hitch her her throat, indicated by the disrupted pattern of breaths that hit my face. It felt like two puzzle pieces connecting at last, when your lips finally met. Hers were so warm and soft, they tasted like honey. I relaxed a bit, feeling her arms snake themselves around my neck, her fingers finding their way into my hair. I gently began moving my lips against hers, as I became in tune with her breathing and felt the rest of the world fall away. Gradually, we began to fall back into place, together, but this in a different order.
I began to feel a tingling feeling in my chest, dull at first, but it soon intensified into a nearly stinging electric shock. I had pulled away, wondering it she'd felt it too, which judging by her reaction, I assumed she did. "Did you feel that?" she asked, panting slightly.
"I did, I think that was our souls reconnecting." I smiled. "Do you feel like you trust me?" I asked, already knowing she had, if only due to the Oxytocin. I felt it too.
"I've never trusted anyone so much." she answered, pecking me on the lips again. She began to separate and untangle herself from me, causing my heart to drop. "So...I guess it worked."
This is where we return to our normal lives, isn't it? This is where we move on and pretend that this never happened, or that it didn't mean anything.
"Well, we have to go back to school soon so maybe we should get some-" she began excusing me from her presence.
"What?" she asked, startled.
"No. I can't go to bed and wake up pretending this didn't happen."
"Stein, what do you mean? We kissed, but just to get our souls realigned, right?" she asked, a hint of sadness in her voice.
"Are you really going to tell me it didn't mean anything else to you?" I grabbed her hands and held them in mine. "You felt the same things that I did, you can't deny that, (Y/N)."
"I did..." she looked away solemnly. "But it's like you said, it's just the chemical reactions or whatever."
"But what if it wasn't?" I asked, more to myself than anything else. I had spent a lot of time overthinking about Spirit leaving me to be with Kami and how I felt so superior to him for not partaking in those nonsensical ideals, but I never stopped to consider the likelihood of love being real, albeit with scientific reasoning behind it.
"(Y/N), when I think about having you as a partner compared to spirit, I can't help but observe some abnormalities." I began, unknowingly using a display of intelligence to compensate for the lack of control I had over the situation. "You seem to care a far greater deal about me than he ever has. And to my surprise, I you."
"Stein, what are you saying?" she asked, cautiously, giving me a sideward glance.
"I trust you with my life, (Y/N), and that's not something I ever thought I'd be able to truthfully say to anyone. You're important to me, and...even thought I wouldn't consider myself a believer in love, I'm not ignorant to the possibility." My palms had long since began to seat, and I anxiously wiped them on my pants. My unease intensified when I heard her snort a giggle at my confession.
"The possibility of what?" she asked teasingly. I always found it annoying when she forced me to verbalize things she already understood from context.
I took in a sharp inhale, stifling a curt reply, aware how how easily this moment could be ruined. "That I might...love you."
In the light that shown though the doorway, I could see a very soft smile playing on her lips. Not a mischievous one, but a genuinely blissful grin. "I think I might love you too, Franken." I blushed at the velvet coating of her words, gaze averted by embarrassment, only made worse with a peck to the cheek.
Finally, when my fluster faded a bit, I faced her again. "I can't promise that I'll be the best romantic partner, but I'd be grateful if you'd give me a chance?" I asked, nervously. To my relief, she giggled again, eagerly accepting and leaping into my arms.
"Let's give it a shot!" she chirped, pecking my lips. I held her for a moment, my face nuzzled into her hair as we enjoyed the moment. For once, all felt serene, save for the mild static growing between my ears.
Wait, static?
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yinyuedijun · 29 days
kitsune!suo x fem reader | feudal japan au
→ notes for an au set in feudal japan, featuring supernatural creatures and spirits (e.g., youkai). suo is a kitsune, sakura is a nekomata, and nirei is an onmyouji. → see this post for backstory on the bofurin trio (recommended background reading)
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note: most information on kitsune-mochi were sourced from folkorist lafcadio hearn's accounts of traveling in japan (c.1901). I did, of course, also take creative license with some of the lore.
reader | kitsune-mochi (fox-employing witch)
→ as a kitsune-mochi, you are a human who has entered a contract with a fox spirit to care for it in exchange for having it lend you its power and carry out your requests. → in your case, your familiar is suo, a nine-tailed kitsune that lost his hoshi no tama. → most witches employ kitsune for the purpose of carrying out malicious acts, like having the fox spirit possess their enemies, steal the wealth of other people, etc. you, however, rely on suo and his power in order to perform exorcisms and exterminate demons—something that you cannot do on your own because you have no innate spiritual talents yourself.
→ although a convenient source of power, these deals are typically risky for the contract holder. you are expected to care for suo for the rest of your life, and any descendants you might have would be cursed to serve him as well. kitsune-mochi are heavily ostracized by human society as well, so if this relationship of yours were to be discovered, then your entire bloodline would suffer. → additionally, these contracts typically favour the kitsune, as they are the ones who define what it means to be "cared for", and may request dangerous or unreasonable tasks. → fortunately for you, suo is not a very demanding familiar! the most basic act of caring for a fox spirit is feeding it, and he's more or less happy with anything you make, though he especially likes tea, wagashi, or dishes with aburaage. this is more or less all he asks of you! → suo's disposition is generally so patient and gentle that you nearly disbelieved that he was a youkai. you were convinced for a while that he was actually a messenger of god who was lying to you about his identity for some reason. (at the very least, you'd noticed that he had a habit of lying to people generally, though this was an unsurprising trait for a fox and it was usually harmless fun.) → this perception of him was shattered when you saw him fight a youkai that seriously injured you. he spent an uncomfortable amount of time toying with it in a distinctly humiliating fashion before finally putting it out of its misery. it was only in that moment that you realised that you'd signed yourself and all of your descendants up for serving a literal demon 👍
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→ warning: immortal/human relationship, immortal deity meets reader as a child but doesn't get to know or grow close to them until they're an adult
your backstory with suo
→ at a very young age, you were adopted and raised by a priestess of an inari shrine belonging to a small mountain village. consequently, you developed a deep respect for the kami and affection for foxes. → as a child, you once found a one-eyed, wild fox in a near-death state. this was suo after he lost his hoshi no tama in a battle with a demon—but to you, he just looked like a regular animal. most people would have let this creature die peacefully, but you were adamant on nursing it back to health. while caring for him, you named him mr. adzuki because of the colour of his fur, which suo finds incredibly funny to this day. → suo disappeared after recovering, never making his true identity known. however, out of gratitude toward you and the priestesses for allowing him refuge, he decided to act as the guardian spirit of the village, protecting it until the end of your life. → conveniently, this meant that suo got to eat all the offerings given to inari's messengers at your shrine, as well as allowing him to gain power from the prayers directed toward him. (inari himself seemed not to mind, as no actual fox messengers showed up to throw hands with suo.)
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image: gashadokuro, a youkai made from the skulls of humans who died in battle.
→ although your village was peaceful throughout your childhood due to suo's protection, in your adult years, a violent conflict between humans and demons broke out in your mountain range. this resulted in the destruction of nearly all its towns and the brutal deaths of your fellow villagers. suo, not at full power, was unable to stop this, but made it his goal to save you from the carnage. → after allowing you time to grieve your loved ones, suo—still considering himself indebted to you—asked what you would like to do next. he offered you wealth, status, and other material things, but none of these appealed to you. → recognising that the mountains you grew up in would be plagued by malevolent spirits and demons for centuries after all the bloodshed that just occurred, you asked suo to teach you jujutsu. your goal was to exorcise all the vengeful spirits, exterminate the demons, and purify the mountain range so that its villages could peacefully rebuild. → given your lack of innate spiritual abilities, suo suggested that you make a pact with him and become a kitsune-mochi to acquire powers. not wanting to deceive you, however, he fully explained how dangerous it might be to enter such a relationship, and warned you not to trust fox youkai like himself.
→ nevertheless, you accepted his offer and became a witch.
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image: sakura irl
meeting sakura & nirei
→ you and suo thus embark on this crazy mission to purify the entire mountain range. while you are more than capable of exorcisms and exterminations, your spiritual abilities (one of a youkai) do not allow you to purify the land. → but that's okay, because nirei and sakura have been traversing these same mountains to exorcise and hunt demons! being an onmyouji, nirei can perform all kinds of purification rituals. when you inevitably run into the two of them, and suo suggests that you all work together. → nirei is more than happy to help you purify the mountain range (because he is a good-hearted person, and also because he usually gets assignments there anyway). he improves his jujutsu under suo's tutelage, and he gets insights on kitsune that he'd otherwise never learn (it's rare for an onmyouji to meet a kitsune-mochi unless it's to prosecute them for some kind of crime, and it's just plain hard to meet and talk with a nine-tailed fox spirit). → sakura is a harder sell. he doesn't trust suo at all at the start, and he trusts him even less when he finds out that he's a kitsune and has been lying egregiously to him. (sakura and nirei spent an entire month thinking that suo was a traveling tea merchant from china and being fed severe misinformation about the entire country.) → however, sakura is very curious about you, because you're the first human he's ever met who has a mutual and trusting relationship with a demon, which he didn't think was possible beyond weirdos like nirei. → you also aren't afraid of him at all even after seeing his nekomata form, which gives him complicated feelings. he reasons that this is because you've fought too many demons to be afraid of any of them, but the actual truth is just that you find suo incredibly scary, and sakura feels harmless and adorable in comparison </3 → sakura deeply enjoys the act of helping the mountain towns and being accepted by their communities, though he's very shy about admitting it! eventually, he does "resign" to joining you in a long-term arrangement, and the four of you take on the endless mission of exorcising and cleansing the mountain range together. it's a very "monster of the week" type of set-up hehe
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→ although the work of purifying the mountain range will likely take the rest of your life (and probably will require generations after you), suo often asks you what you would like to do after the work is complete—so that he can think of ways to grant your request. → you decide not to tell him this, but your wish would be to return to your old village grounds and rebuild the shrine that you grew up in. rather than just inari, you would also dedicate it to the worship of the one-eyed fox spirit that once protected your village.
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
OKAY HEAR ME OUT (new anon here btw :3)
summoner!y/n summons a demon, that demon being scara but he was a very… lustful demon and had needs for his own, using y/n as his own personal pet >_<
DOM!Demon Scara X Summoner Female Reader
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word count: 1.67k(150 follower special ♥️)
Featuring: A mention of chongyun,xiao and Kujou sara.
Warning: Scara horni. ((Teasing,Blowjb,M/press,Biting, aftercare.))
A cycle, That is what you would call your life once you moved from inazuma at a young age and became the strongest summoner in teyvat. Waking up in your house by guili plains to be greeted by your younger friend, Exorcist Chongyun at the door. He was a good kid and even saw you as his idol despite being in rival clans. Summoners had demon familiars. And would lead exorcists and even the lone yaksha of guili plains to exterminate the corruption deep within liyue. You wore a similar outfit to him with opposing colors. A white embroided hoodie with dark blue aligned the stitches, a black undershirt and skirt, separated by a silver belt holding your vision and trinkets to sedate demons; leading down to your stockings and boots. Wake up, summon spirits to kill, Run errands for the higher ups, train and sleep. So, you had a plan, Rebellion. All you needed was shouki no kami. The first descendant of the raiden gakoden who was sealed by his own creator. He was known for mediocre things; giving wishes or killing those that the summoner wanted dead. Only for a small price..
After moving all of the belongings out to the living room you stood in your empty room infront of the tri electro symbol made of chalk as lightning struck from the outside. The only thing remaining was your made bed and backpack. Along each side of the tri electro symbol laid 3 'artifacts' Each one representing the three betrayals he once suffered. The first was a figure of the almighty narukami ogoshu, something you had plenty of thanks to your distant friend kujou sara. The second was a blade crafted by a swordsmith from tartarsuna. The 3rd was a doll representing a young male child. As a summoner it was against your sworn oath to ever summon a demon for evil. But it didn't matter, with this new life shouki no kami would give you there'd be no need to turn back.
With a deep breath you began the chant and closed your eyes. "Oh everlasting arcane demon of wisdom I summon you forth with the 3 artifacts of your betrayals. Please bestow your divine gaze upon me." With the last word leaving your lips the world fell silent, not a single drop of rain poured down your cracked window and remained suspended with the rays of lightening as if all time stopped. It was ominous and different from you previous summons. Painfully silent with your rushing heartrate in your ear as the only comfort. You opened your eyes at the disturbance and looked at the ritual. 'The offerings are missing..So it worked.' you began to take a step to observe your surroundings when a timid yet soothing voice echo'd from behind you.
"Another human asking for my help. Hah, to think such a self righteous species would run to a demon." You turned to face the demon, falling into his enticing gaze as if it was the abyss itself as he sat on your bed, legs crossed and head resting against his fist on your headboard. The demon had a beautiful face, indigo hair that covered his ears and slashed against the blood red eyeliner. His horns we'rent too big and neither was his black tail with a heart shaped tip. "I'll make this easy for you, im not in a good mood. So dont waste my time." you blinked out of his capitvating gaze and remembered why you summoned him. "S-sorry. Im a summoner and my name is y/n. I..Want a new life." The demon raised an eyebrow "Y/n.. Now thats a surprise." He looked you up and down, examining your appearance. It really was you. Same face, same vision and the same beautiful body.. The demon smirked. "uhm..Do you know me?" you replied "Tsk, who doesnt? 'y/n, the savior of liyue and summoner of demons." He mocked. "Alot of people want you dead, you know that?" your heart sunk at his words. "D-dead.. why?" "Dunno. But if it we're me, come one. Come all id say." Shouki no kami left you in shock. You've already thought this 'destined' life of yours was a burden. But others didn't even want you to live it any longer. Your stomach began to turn a the thought, covering your mouth from nausea.
"But would you look at that, I finally got to see this pathetic world's strongest." He smiled, watching as you covered your mouth in disgust. "Pft- Don't tell me you'd really believe everything I said just like that? I'm a demon, I could be lying to you~" he teased, but you we're to caught up in his words, if they wanted you dead.. why did he refuse and kill them instead? Looking back at the demon, he seemed unbothered.. intrigued actually. It began creeping you out more then the thought of having a unknown target over your head for so long. The way he looked at you as if he was undressing you with his eyes during the subtle silence of your nervous breathing to the way his tail would sway when you told him your name... 'So.. a new life. That's what you want?' No kami unproped his legs, hitting his heel on your bag. Interested, He looked back at you again still stuck in a shocked daze and turned back to it. Picking it up as his black nails tugged at the zipper, revealing the many cursed tools, a sigil of permission and even the picture of him you used for the ritual. He took out the ripped paper. 'Shouki no kami, scaramouche: The prodigal.' "WAIT- dont touch that!" you snatched the bag from his hand, letting out a relieved sigh. "T-theres all kinds of things in there that could hurt you...and why are you even going through my stuff?!" you said defensively. "Hurt me? you think those little toys in there would have an effect on me." he revealed the sigil of permission in his hand, flinging it around like a human feeding a dog while sticking out his tongue. You angerly placed the bag down, climbing onto your bed and trying to take back the sigil.
Scara relished in your attempts to take it, your skirt brushed against his shorts while the fingertips of your smooth left hand grazed along his ripped black shirt. The closer you got to the demon, the more you smelled a metaled tint coming from him. The small droplets of blood oozing onto your hand. He would never let someone be ontop of him, nor have him in a view of submission but compared to the past summoners who he's killed. You've been the only interesting one and ontop of that..The strongest. The demon licked at his fangs, slowly bucking his hips up against your lower body. But with his guard down you snatched the sigil back and tucked it ontop of the dresser. Relaxed by Leaning back and sitting on the demons clothed length. This is the life you wanted, peaceful with no worrys of who killed who and what to summon, ironically for a split second this demon gave you that life. "How childish, the strongest summoner chasing after a sigil like a cat." "T-thats not the point.. Stop acting funny and give me my wish!" 'brat' You insisted as your body passively grinded against him. "A new life, Is that all you truly want?" He flicked his free hand as a spark of electro glowed Infront of your face. It was enticing, you already we're told people wanted you dead so what more did you have to lose. "Y-yes! I want it..please Shouki no kami." your fingers dug into the demons shirt. His cock twitched at the way you pleaded for his blessing, over something so stupid as a 'new life' he knew more then anyone the divine dont mind playing cruel tricks on its prisoners.
"Then get on your knees." The words left his smooth lips as his tail trailed to your leg, feeling against the texture of your stockings. Making you jolt up a little from the sensation. "E-excuse me?!" "You fucking heard me. Get on your knees and show me how bad you want this life." It was threatening, with no hesitation you quickly rose off of the demon as he began propping himself up just as you first saw him only his legs we're spread and eyes filled with lust. You looked back at the sigil only for scara to grab you by your hair to have you face directly at his pained boner. "To think the strongest would be more focused on a useless thing like this instead of me." He jerked your head again, "Now tell me, y/n. How bad do you want this life?" "M-more then anything shouki no kami! Please." He chuckled, "Anything huh?" "Y-yes shouki no-" He sucked his teeth. "Scara, call me scara." "O-okay scara..Please take my blood and-" He cut you off, "blood? You think i need your blood for this?" you nodded, "No, brat. I have something better for me and you." His black painted nails disappeared into his pants, slowly revealing the tip of his length then the rest of his cock. You gulped, From your position his size looked bigger then your whole head. No..you we're sure it was bigger. "Be a good girl and make me feel good, Maybe then i'll give it too you." He brushed the tip near your face.
Reluctantly, you licked your lips the trailed your tongue around the tip while the demon did nothing but stare at you as he held your hair, Unamused. "More. Do you not know how to suck a cock?" Your heart raced as he tightened his grip along your hair. It was humiliating with your title to be down on a demon like this and you we're sure the pervert was getting off to it. His length entered your mouth. "hng..Shit your so warm." You began bobbing your head up and down slowly, Adjusting to his size. "Fuck..Thats it..Go faster." He bucked his hips up into your face, Hitting the back of your throat as you desperately avoided gagging. "Fuck...faster. Be a good pet and make master feel good" You shifted your free hand down and under your skirt. Tending the sudden wetness inbetween your legs. Scara ran his hand through his hair, watching your hand trail down to your skirt. "Oh yeah? Is my pet getting off to this? How- Hng..Fucking pathetic.." his tail trailed against your hoodie and back to your neck. nudging against you more to take him deeper. "Fuck yes..Masters close, swallow it all pet- Ah swallow it~" He tugged his hand on your hair again, Pressing you up and down on his cock balls deep as he reached his high. Your eyes began rolling back as you choked on his length, tears streaming down your cheeks and Gripping your hand onto his thigh from his aggression while your other toy'd with your clit. With a loud groan his hot fluid rushed down your throat making you see stars as he pulled your head off his length. "Ngh...shit..Such a good pet..Who would've thought the great y/n would-" "P-please sca-master can i have my wish now?" he tilted his head at your request. Oh right.. you did ask for a new life. "Sure pet~ Get on the bed." you whined from his words "M-master~ please i-" He picked you up, slamming you onto the bed face down. squishing your head onto the pillow while jerking your hips up and ass near his cock. Your skirt poofed up, revealing your now ripped stockings near your private parts. Scara's fangs we're aching to just sink his teeth into your thighs or any part of your body but you we're the strongest after all, he didnt take that forgranted. The second he let his guard down again you'd most likely try to take advantage.
He trailed his hand under your skirt, while the other brushed your hips closer to his cock. All you could do was hug the pillow through your muffled pleads. "M-master! Please- wait- d-dont touch their its-" "Wet? Hah..I know pet~ you want this cock so bad dont you?" He ripped your stockings and skirt off and began stroking at his length before entering. Even slapping at your ass just to laugh at you jolting from it. "This...is going to be your new life pet~" In a blink he shoved his entire length inside you. "S-scara! Wait ah~ i-its too big!" He leaned down, grabbing and choking you from the back of your neck. "AH~ Mahster~ I-i cant~ Please~" He grew irritated at your pleads. "Shh..You'll be fine pet. Now be good f' me and take it~ fuck.." the sound of skin slapping and your headboard creeking echo'd across the room as scara groaned and even let out higher pitched moans from how good you we're taking him. "Thats it..Just like that.. Im gonna fucking cum inside you for being such a good girl. The strongest- Hah~ fucking summoner crying for me. Fuck yes~" He let go of your throat, as you panted and drooled on the pillow from his now faster pace. "Master~ AH~ Y-your going to fast! I- m' close!" "Fuck yeah your gonna squirt f' me? Do it y/n~ Cum all over my cock and ill give it to you~ Hah.. Ill give you what you fucking want~" A chord struck in you, and for the next couple of seconds it felt as if your mind turned to mush while you sunk into the pillow, panting from the juices that escaped onto his length. Scara couldnt help himself anylonger, He flipped you over onto your back then pulled his pants completely off as you still held onto the pillow in shock. Folding your legs onto his shoulders and pounding into you in a mating press. "Hiding behind a- ah~ pillow now? Tsk- you really are pathethic-" He tossed the pillow onto the floor and sunk his head into your neck. "Mahster! AH MASTER T'TO MUCH~ SCARA-" He sunk his fangs into your neck. Making you moan out and grab onto his horns from the shock wave of pain and pleasure. He came instantly from your grip and passive stroking on his horns. Painting your walls white with his sticky load. He pulled away from your neck after noticing your sudden rested breathing. 'She passed out' he thought. Scoffing, he licked up clean the small amount of blood from your neck. Leaving his electro symbol in replace of the healing bitemark. Scara didnt know what came over him, But his tail shifted towards the palm of your hand as if it had a mind of its own. Your too precious.
'To think id be setting up a bath for another human.' in a few quick teleports you we're in your tub surrounded by bubbles and a sweet smell of your soap. Your eyelashes fluttered from the water and vivid sight of the demon. "Tsk. Do all summoners have such a messy living room?" "S-sorry..Does that mean i get my wish now?" the demon wiped a lather of soap on your chest while admiring the size of your breasts. "Your still obsessed over that? Hmm..." "I-it is your job as a demon isnt it? To grant wishes. Or at least for you-" he smirked at your reply. "Clever arent you? Well..The situations changed since you've never specified what you wanted in this 'new life.' Your going to be my personal fu- pet. In exchange, I'll...Tag along with you. I want to see how strong the 'savior of teyvat' really is.."
In that moment you wanted to burry your head under the soapy water but all you did was let out a heavy sigh and sink Into the touch of him resting behind you, coating your skin in soap. Scara was right, the divine have cruel ways of playing tricks on its prisoners. But maybe..just maybe.. you we're both a blessing in disguise for each other.
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seraph-starman · 2 months
ghibli night!₊˚✧ ゚
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summary: watching studio ghibli with team free will <3
✮//dean winchester x reader, sam winchester x reader, castiel x reader, fluff, platonic or romantic
A/N: not super proud of this because it was rushed, anyways this is self-indulgent 😌
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•has canonically watched my neighbor totoro
•i’d even go as far to say he’s watched all the ghibli movies
•pretends that he doesn’t like them, until he finds out that you like them too
•then he gets so excited about movie nights
•his favorite is probably howl’s moving castle (the whole thing is about self-esteem and i think dean struggles with that a bit)
•he has all the essential movie night supplies, he takes it so seriously
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•he’s probably only seen a few scenes from when dean is watching them
•but he’ll sit down and watch them with you
•he likes spirited away (ghosts! a brave, lonely kid who has to deal with ghosts! sam’s upbringing??)
•hardly shuts up when you’re watching because he’ll name out all the supernatural entities and attached is a whole wikipedia page of lore
• “i think that’s a kami… a japanese shinto spirit, they’re manifestations of the world’s energy. they’re not actually in our world though, a kind of mirror version of it called shinkai-“
• “thank you sam. just watch the movie please.”
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•has no idea what you’re talking about, but is open to it because you seem interested
•asks questions the whole time
• “why is the father not watching his children?” (my neighbor totoro)
•it’s hard to tell if he likes them or not
•but he does!! he finds them a bit strange, but also endearing
•cas likes my neighbor totoro the most after he gets over the technicalities
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written by me, @moose-code, reblogs and comments are appreciated but not pressured <3
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veronicaphoenix · 2 months
the unmaking of a warrior | part eight
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Pairing: Ronin!Noah x Princess!Reader Series masterpost here ✨ Word count: 6.4k Tags & trigger warnings: forbidden romance, angst, implied anxiety and panic, descriptions of violence, blood, mentions of death, mentions of gods, mentions of sex, implied sexual scenarios that are not described in detail, cliffhanger.
Additional useful info: - Kami: japanese word for a deity, divinity, or spirit. - Omamori: good luck charm meaning to protect.
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Noah’s arms immediately seized me by the waist, pulling me back as I fought against him, trying to reach my father. 
“Let me go,” I hissed.
Noah’s hold was strong and firm. I knew it was futile to fight against him. Nevertheless, I couldn’t contain the urge of throwing myself at my father as I saw him approaching so nonchalantly, as if he hadn’t encouraged Noah to kill himself in front of hundreds of people merely three days ago just because he was in love with his daughter.  
“No. You will not solve anything like this,” Noah whispered, keeping his arms locked tightly around me, securing me against his chest as I fought against his restraints. 
His comment just ignited my anger. Noah had just threatened a man with his katana and had liver-shot him until he was on the ground, struggling with his own breath. And now he had the audacity to say that throwing myself at my father wouldn’t solve anything. 
“Daughter,” my father spoke. 
He stopped in his tracks a few yards away from us, his armor shining under the afternoon sun. The Samurai standing at his sides remained frozen but attentive to any move around them. Noah had been one of them seventy-two hours ago. Now he was standing on the other side of the line, where Rei, Maura, and many other residents of the community stood, watching at the scenario threatening to turn into a battle at any time. 
“I see your intentions remain the same,” my father started to say. “By the way he is restraining you, I would say you have turned into more of a savage in a matter of days.” 
I was done being embarrassed at his words, at my mother’s, at Ren’s. I would throw myself like a lioness at anyone that threatened Noah or my future with him. 
“However, I am not here to discuss your behavior,” he continued as Noah tried to disentangle my fingers from his katana. He muttered a forced ‘let go’ against my ear, and I finally relented, my breathing ragged as I remained in his lock. 
Everyone must have thought I looked like a feral cat at that moment, but I couldn’t care less. I hated that my father still chose to talk with such diplomacy, especially with me. I could see now that I was not his daughter anymore. I was just something that had belonged to him, and he was here because, one way or another, he believed that he could take it back and make Noah pay for the mistake of taking me away—as if he had taken me by force.
I had no agency whatsoever in front of my father, or Ren, for that matter. No matter how much I told them Noah hadn’t forced me to do anything just like I hadn’t forced him to do it, either. I didn’t think I would be able to restrain myself if Ren appeared at my father’s side in the next few minutes. I would find the first bow laying nearby and shot him straight through the heart, if he had any. 
“I am here to address the matter at hand,” the Shogun said, his eyes on Noah. “You have eluded me for far too long, Ronin,” he didn’t mean the three days we had spent on the run. He meant all those years Noah found a way to meet his daughter in the dark and make sinful things to her, “but now that we stand here, we must put an end to this situation.”
Noah’s arms fell slowly to my side, taking the katana from my grasp. I felt the heat emanating from his body, but at the loss of his touch, I felt my blood go cold. 
He didn’t deserve any of this. Noah deserved to be laid on a bed, be cherished, loved, let to rest, enjoy a slow day as he pleased. But my father was not ready to give him that. He would never be; that I knew. And the news of him having something to say to Noah, —say, not fight— frightened me. What could he have to say to Noah at this point? What would there be in words that could change how things were?
“You defied me, dishonored me,” he began, each of his words deliberately punctured “dishonored your own family’s name, and worst of all, you tainted my daughter’s name and her body,” it cost him something to say those last words out loud, in front of all that people. He avoided looking at me, but I guessed that the reason why he exposed that was just to throw more shame over me. He actually didn’t care about what Noah had done to my body. What angered him was that I preferred Noah to a life of luxuries and obedience. 
I expected for him to continue, to throw something worse at me and Noah, but his silence was taken as an open door for Noah, who spoke with a calm and confidence that astonished the audience. 
“I am aware of what my actions have caused. I am aware that I should not be here,” he should be dead, “but I am. I am sorry for the pain I have caused you and your family, but my love for your daughter is honest. My loyalty belongs to her now, and always will. I do not regret any of my choices.”
My father didn’t expect Noah to overtly express his feelings and exude such confidence. I saw a muscle in his jaw ticking. 
“That is precisely why I have come to you. I have a proposal,” he announced, raising his voice a higher note. 
All my senses went on high alert. I was still fuming, my heart drumming in my chest, my skin prickling. 
“Here,” he opened his arms, “in this sacred place where you’ve been welcomed and where kami watch over, my authority wanes, but beyond these sanctified borders, my power remains the same. I am the Shogun, and I decide the fate of those like you, who have transgressed written laws. Once you step beyond this place, my warriors shall be poised to reclaim what is rightfully mine. Fear not, Ronin, for you have wielded your blade with unmatched prowess in my service and might perish with admirable skills. However, for her...” his eyes fell on me, “it is a different tale. No matter how much you try to protect her, every time she dares venture beyond these walls, her very existence will be in danger. I perceive the trepidation etched upon your face and the square of your shoulders now, as you envision the dreadful prospect of cradling my daughter’s lifeless form in your arms, the consequence of a momentary slip in your focus.” 
A solemn hush lingered in the air, pregnant with the weight of my father’s threats.
“Reality is grim, indeed,” he continued, his chin raised. “But here is the proposition I came to offer: my life, offered in exchange for yours—and hers,” he declared, his expression resolute, indicating his daughter, me, with a regal gesture. “I extend this challenge to you, Ronin. A duel between the two. A duel to death. Should I defeat you, my daughter will be reclaimed into my kingdom as the princess she is meant to be. Yet, if you emerge victorious, I will allow you and my daughter to live your lives in peace, free from my rule.” 
My retort burst forth unbidden, fueled by the flames of indignation raging within me, incensed by his audacious display of authority and his presumption that he could dictate the course of our fate. He dared to threaten Noah once more, to imperil his own daughter. 
Shame on him. 
“Your proposition holds no sway in this sacred place,” I countered, raising my voice, which caused birds to startle in a nearby tree and fly away. “You cannot desecrate this sanctuary with a conflict that only you want to be a part of,” I declared vehemently, my voice a tempered blade cutting through the air.
“You are right, my daughter. It holds no sway unless he accepts the duel.” 
“He won’t,” I replied fiercely. 
But then, my world fell apart when Noah said, “I accept your challenge.”
A string of murmurs and gasps filled the air.
I turned to him with wide eyes, my heart threatening to escape my chest, my blood turning cold.
“Very well. Let it be done, then,” my father replied.
“No, you can’t do that!” I screamed, taking one step forward to emphasize my words, ignoring the hand from Noah that tried to grasp my wrist. “He can’t do that!” I shouted again, looking at Rei and Maura, expecting them to say that this was not allowed in this place, that it couldn’t happen.
I didn’t like the look of sadness and pity in their eyes.  
“If Noah agrees to the challenge, we can do no more than letting them do.”
“That’s not…” My heart started spinning. “No,” I muttered looking at Noah, my eyes starting to fill with tears at the prospect of what this meant. A life-or-death challenge. Either him or my father. “You can’t do that! You can’t!” I screamed at my father, and when I tried to lunge back at him, two of his Samurai raised their katanas in a cross shape to keep me from reaching him. Noah also managed to grab me by my wrist and pulled me back to him. 
 “Today, at dawn,” my father announced, louder, “we shall meet on the training grounds. May the best warrior prevail.”
With that, he retreated. 
I turned around to face Noah, time seeming to stand still, my throat dry.
“What did you do?” I didn’t recognize my own voice. My entire being was at the mercy of shock and fear. “Noah, what did you just do?”
Around us, the crowd dispersed. If anyone mumbled words of encouragement or sympathy, they didn’t reach my ears, as all my attention was on Noah and the way he looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes; a look that said there had been no other choice. 
But that wasn’t true.
There had been choices. He just hadn’t considered them. He hadn’t considered me, and he had closed a deal that ended with his death or my father’s.
The pounding of my own heart blocked my ears and made me feel dizzy, the scents in the air only intensifying my disorientation.
“It’s the only solution,” Noah said. 
Before I said anything again, I started shaking my head, my eyes watery. I swallowed hard.
“Now it is,” I managed to say, my voice constricted by the lump in my throat. 
If Noah didn’t consider the consequences of his public decision the moment he closed the deal with my father, he did now when he saw my expression. 
Looking around one last time, when we were practically alone in the square and people’s voices were once again filling the space but from a distance, Noah took me by the elbow and directed us both to a more secluded and private place, behind some small houses that seemed uninhabited but neatly tended by the community. 
“I know this scares you, but it’s the only way we can be together and free. Otherwise, your father is always going to be there, just waiting for—”
“You know that?” I asked, cutting him off. “Do you know how scared I am of what you just did? Do you really know, Noah? Because if you do, why did you do it?!” I couldn’t contain my emotions, my heart breaking at the thought of the fate that awaited me when night fell. 
“Don’t cry,” he demanded, but I pushed his hand away from my cheek as soon as he made a move to wipe away my tears. I saw a rush of pain cross his features, but I had no right to succumb to such emotion because he was the cause of such. 
“What else am I supposed to do when the man I love has just given himself to death?”
“That’s not what I’ve done,” he tried to appease me. 
“No, it isn’t. You have made a deal with my father, the Shogun, in which only one of you  will get to see the sun rise tomorrow. If it isn’t you who perishes tonight, it will be my father at your hands. What were you thinking of? You know I would choose you above all things, but I don’t want my father’s death. I don’t want his death at your hands!”
Noah spoke my name softly, his hands again reaching out to touch my skin. I recoiled, my back meeting the wooden wall of the house. 
Noah took a breath of air, his chest swelling as his eyes scanned my expression and as he struggled between what to say and what to do. I knew that expression all too well. It was one that said he was aware of the damage he was causing, but that nothing and no one would change his mind. It was the expression of the martyred and at the same time, the implacable Samurai. 
“He is your father,” he began, “but he was also my teacher. His determination is uncompromising. I know how persistent and ruthless he can be, especially with his enemies.”
And at that moment, Noah was his number one enemy. The one who had stolen the most valuable thing he had: his daughter. 
The hope that had filled me in the preceding twenty-four hours now lay shattered on the ground, fragmenting with each fleeting second. It forced me to confront the unsettling notion that perhaps Noah and I had no future together. Or worse, yet: that our love, so pure and bright, was transient because it may never bear fruit in the form of a family and the adventure of growing old and grey together. 
“He won’t let you win,” I said. Though my tone was soft and low, my desperation echoed in the stillness around us.
Noah’s response was stoic. “You’re underestimating me. I’m the best warrior he’s had since my father perished on the battlefield.”
“Being pretentious won’t help you win, Noah.”
“I’m not being pretentious, or confident. I’m being earnest and practical.”
“My father has thirty years more practice with the sword than you,” I allied, being earnest and practical. “He is the Shogun. He can play dirty, and he will, because he considers your honor lost, so he won’t mind playing without honor against you.”
Noah sensed the pain and fear in me, which consumed me with each passing second. I was so close to accepting an impending tragic future that this time I let him touch me. 
His fingers caressed my chin.
“Nothing can ensure your victory,” I whispered, “and even if you do win, it will be at the cost of my father’s death at your hands,” my throat dried up as I spoke those words again. 
How had we ended up there? Hadn’t I been able to think about the consequences of running away with Noah from my father’s estate? Was it my place to blame Noah for making that decision when, perhaps, I’d been the one to make a mistake when I ran away with my warrior? 
“There had to be another way to do things. Perhaps between the two of us, we would have found it. I could have talked to my father at another time, under different circumstances, make him understand...” I said, the words escaping quickly from my mouth. I knew well that nothing would have served to convince my father. For his daughter to have fled with one of his soldiers was probably the most dishonorable thing that could happen to the family’s name. But even aware that my chances with my father would have been minimal, I couldn’t conceive the fact that Noah had made such an impulsive decision without even considering me. “But now there’s no turning back,” I said, looking up at him. “You’ve made a life or death deal with my father in which I wasn’t even allowed to say anything about it. In a few hours,” I continued, “it will be my father’s lifeless body lying on those grounds—or yours,” I pointed to the earth with a trembling finger. “I may not agree with my father’s plans for me, with the life that was written for me without allowing me to choose, but that doesn’t mean I want to see him dead. And I certainly don’t want to see you die. How could you accept his challenge without thinking about the consequences? Without considering me? You didn’t even allow me to say a word, Noah! Do you realize what you’ve done?! How you’ve behaved?! Like them; like my father, like my mother. Like Ren.” My voice rose to a fever pitch, resonating in the quietness around us and startling the nearby deer. Noah’s expression fell, realization dawning in his eyes as my words pierced through his resolve. 
“I wouldn’t have accepted if I wasn’t confident in my abilities.”
“You’re the most formidable warrior I’ve ever known. You are my warrior. But I won’t cling to that when your life is at stake. When your life depends on my father’s,” I put a hand to his chest. “As much as I admire the Samurai you are, I will never accept the oath that says you have to give your life for those you serve or love.”
“Listen to me,” Noah said, his tone tinged with sadness and frustration. “Your father will never be okay with you being with me. He will never accept that his daughter chose a ronin over the royal family. If I don’t do this, we can never hope to be together; to be free. How can I ensure your safety outside these walls? You heard him. He threatened you, his daughter. I will not take it.”
“I’m not some helpless maiden, Noah,” I countered fiercely, my spirit rising against his attempts to shield me. “I may be a princess, but I know how to wield a bow and an arrow, and you know damn well how skilled I am with a sword because you taught me. Do not treat me like I’m defenseless.”
“That’s not what I am doing,” Noah insisted, but his words fell short in the face of my mounting fury and pain. 
“Is it not?” I shot back, the sting of betrayal coloring my words. “Was it not when you made your decision in front of everyone, robbing me of any say? Was it not every time you spouted that Samurai bullshit about making your own choices while disregarding mine? It’s not just about you, Noah. It’s about you and me! And I refuse to accept a future where you’re not at my side!” My voice cracked as I pushed against his chest, feeling a rage against him that I had never ever felt before; not with him. Not with my warrior. 
With a trembling sigh and on the verge of giving up, I continued. “But I won’t accept any other future if you take my father’s life, either.” The bitterness in my tone softened, my tear-filled eyes boring into his beautiful brown ones. “How could I bear the touch of the hands that have taken my father’s life?” 
Silence stretched between us.
I made attempt to leave, but he seized my wrist, calling my name once more. 
“I need you to be there, at dawn.”
“Do not ask me to be a witness to either of your deaths.”
I wriggled myself out of his grasp. With a flash of pain and fury crossing my features, I walked away.  
I found myself wandering away and into and open expanse of field where a congregation of deer grazed serenely, bathed in the golden afternoon sun. With trembling hands and tear-stained cheeks, I approached them, drawn by the silent companionship they offered. I tried to feel a sense of calm as I reached out to stroke their fur. They nuzzled against me, and I let out a small teary laugh at their playfulness. 
As they searched for food in my hands and nuzzled me with their muzzles, I pondered the cruel twist of fate that now threatened to tear my world apart. Merely two weeks ago, I had lain on the mattress in my grandmother’s little house, with Noah adoring my body as he entered me over and over, promising to make up for all the nights we’d spent apart. That night felt so distant now. I had so much hope for us back then—even when I had no idea how to escape the tangled situation we were in. 
Now I wondered, was there ever truly a life of peace and freedom awaiting Noah and me, or were we destined to be torn apart, to fulfill the duties imposed by a world constricted by societal structures and rules? 
With each tear that fell, I whispered silent prayers to the heavens, pleading for a reprieve from the tragedy that was about to take place. But as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the meadow, I knew that my fate couldn’t be freed from the resolution of that dawn’s duel to death between my father and the man I loved. 
I went back to the house. 
I couldn’t bear the thought of being out there, enjoying such green scenery, hearing the birds chirp, and watching the deer stroll peacefully, knowing that come nightfall I would either have to deal with my father’s death or return with him to his residence, never to be in Noah’s arms again.  
As my steps brought me closer to what I had thought would be our home for years to come, tears threatened to spill over once more. 
I only allowed myself to cry when I found myself in the temporary comfort of that little house, where Noah and I had woken up in each other’s arms that morning, being interrupted by children’s laughter that one day could have been our own.
Aware that we had only just arrived and things were far from stable, I had allowed myself to believe that the fairy tale I had dreamed of living with Noah since I was a little girl would come true. I envisioned us living in an idyllic place, surrounded by a generous and kind community, doing what we were passionate about. I imagined what it would be like to live together without clinging desperately to the evening hours because Noah would no longer be there in the morning. I pictured us spending hours lying in bed, with Noah between my legs, whispering sweet nothings in my ear.
Standing in the middle of the room, I looked around, taking in the details, and for a moment, I entertained the dreadful thought that all of this was, in fact, temporary, that it had been temporary from the moment we set foot in this place. Anger and sadness took hold of me. When my eyes fell on the bed where Noah and I had spent the night and then on the pile of clothes Rika and her husband, Kenzo, had offered us, I had the urge to tear it all to shreds, to set it on fire.
Instead, I angrily and carelessly tugged at the knots of the dress I was wearing, cursing how delicate Noah had been in tying them and the thoughts he had awakened in me, making me believe we might enjoy a few intimate hours in the coming days, succumbing to each other, my hands bound and my body at his mercy.
I dropped the dress at my feet and wrestled with the remaining clothes on a stool until I found a simple kimono in sweet, delicate colors. I locked myself in the washroom, letting a few more tears fall as I clung tightly to the sink.
I don’t know how long I stood there, Noah’s words replaying in my head, along with my father’s and the consequences of that duel. I thought about the possible outcomes and where they would leave me. Could I forgive Noah if he killed my father? Could I let the same hands, stained with my father’s blood, touch me?
Worse yet... Could I live without Noah?
A sob escaped, filling the silence. I put a hand to my mouth.
By the time I opened the bathroom door to return to the bedroom, my tears had dried. Instead, I wore my heart on my sleeve, and finding Noah in the room only increased my misery. Hanging from one of his arms were pieces of clothing I immediately recognized as a combat suit.
He paused at the sight of me, his expression marked by conflict that quickly turned resolute. He was experiencing a sense of ambivalence that I now understood. On one hand, I felt fear and sadness for the decision he had made, knowing its consequences. On the other hand, after meditating about it, he was right; as much as I despised his decision, it was necessary for our happiness and our future.
He picked up my dress from the floor and placed it carefully on top of a drawer, his actions ever so slow and delicate, as if he weren’t about to spill blood on a battlefield.
“If I could, I would hate you right now,” I said, my voice breaking as I reached the end of the sentence. “But I can’t. Because I only learned the meaning of love when I was with you, and that’s all I’ll ever feel for you.” 
Noah opened his mouth to say something, tilted his head to the side slightly as if my words had just cracked his heart a bit more. 
He extended his free arm towards me and I took his hand. 
I took slow thoughtful steps towards him until I was at arms reach and placed my free hand on his chest, right where his heart was caged by his ribs. 
“I can’t live without you. I understand why you accepted. I do. I understand,” I repeated in his arms, “but I can’t conceive the idea of losing you, of living without you. I feel like everything I’ve done so far—everything I’ve been waiting for, has been to be with you, to grow old with you, and I can’t think that it all could be snatched from my hands in a few hours.” 
His features hardened, but the tenderness in his eyes persisted. 
“I promised myself that I would fight for our freedom until the end of days—but especially yours. I can’t break that promise.” 
My fist clutched the fabric of his shirt. I was angry but I refused to cry again. I gazed at him with my lips pressed tightly together and my jaw firmly set. 
“Make another one,” I demanded. I had no more options. “Promise me that this won’t end as it’s supposed to; that no one will die tonight.” 
He kissed me, his large hands cradling my face, the combat suit dropping to the floor. His kiss was a promise—a vow that his love would defy the laws of this life and surpass the universe. But it didn’t carry the assurance that he would return to me after the combat, or that my father would return to his estate. 
“I love you,” he breathed against my lips. He was warm and strong. He was home.
“Don’t say that.”
“Why not?”
“It sounds like you’re saying goodbye. Don’t say goodbye. I beg you.”
“I’m not saying goodbye. And even if I were, you and I will meet in the next life, and in the one after that if there is one.”
The sun was setting on one edge of the horizon, casting a golden hue over the training grounds where people gathered, hushing to each other. My father, the Shogun, stood with his katana unsheathed, its blade shimmering like liquid silver on one end of the grounds. Across from him, Noah stood with his own sword, the blade catching the last light of the setting sun.
Onlookers formed a perimeter around the grounds. They murmured, their voices blending with the rustle of the wind. Most whispers were expressions of sympathy for Noah—and for me. Nobody wanted bloodshed in that sacred place, in the sanctuary protected by gods and ancestors. Yet, the presence of my father’s army and Noah’s decision had left no other choice. 
I stood on the left side, flanked by Rika and Milla. Their pity and worry grew with each sideways glance they cast my way, but I couldn’t acknowledge them even if I tried; my focus was solely on Noah. 
Determined not to waste a moment with him, I had walked him by the hand to the training fields once he had changed, his hand exerting pressure on mine. When we arrived, he backed me into a corner, out of sight of the others, and rested his forehead against mine. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he whispered, “I shall return to your side, no matter what the heavens say. I belong to you—you’re the keeper of my heart.” He kissed my cheek quickly, not giving me a chance to respond. Then, he let go and stepped into the battleground.  
Since then, I had blocked out the presence of everyone around me. If I didn’t walk back to the house that night with my hand in Noah’s, then nothing here mattered; no one did. 
I had spent most of my life avoiding the spotlight. As the daughter of the Shogun, expectations had been thrust upon me; I was a princess, and I should act like one. From an early age, my every action was scrutinized and interpreted according to others’ desires. Standing in the training grounds that evening, it felt as though I could never escape that lie. It was suffocating; it felt like a noose tightening around my neck with each passing second. 
Had I been delusional to think that everything would be okay after Noah and I ran away?
Despite the weight of the murmurs and glances directed at me, most eyes were fixed on the two figures standing opposite each other. My father exuded a powerful aura of authority, not because of his prowess as a warrior but because of the position he was born into. Noah, however, stood there because he had earned his place through relentless training and dedication. The determination in his eyes masked his anger and ruthlessness, but it was palpable in his entire stance. His gaze never wavered from my father’s, and I could sense his thoughts racing with the dread of the Shogun taking me back to his estate and forcing me to marry Ren, turning me into the obedient wife I never wanted to be. 
My father’s Samurai stood impassively by his side, like silent sentinels, while on the other side, the members of the community who had so warmly welcomed Noah and me were visibly conflicted. I could hear some murmuring prayers, others discussing the inevitability of the conflict between Noah and me and my father, and a few, touched by the love that had sparked this strife, hoped for Noah’s victory. Rika and Milla stood close to me. When one of them touched my elbow in an attempt to comfort me, I flinched and pulled away.
I was so consumed by fear that I didn’t realize the combat had begun until the clash of steel shattered the night’s stillness. When my focus cleared, I saw my father moving with the precision of someone assured of his power. Noah’s fighting was different from the training sessions I had seen; he fought with a fierce passion, driven by the will to survive and our love. His movements were both fluid and desperate, parrying each attack with the same determination my father had relied on for years, trusting Noah with his life.
How ironic that his best swordsman was the one who could bring him down today.
A growing heaviness filled my chest, and I could barely bear to watch as each clash of their swords echoed through the air. Around us, the wind whispered through the trees, carrying the collective breaths of the spectators and my own.
The outcome of this battle would shape not only my future but the destiny of all who witnessed this clash of love and duty. If Noah fell, my father’s power would increase, but if Noah prevailed, the family’s name and reputation would be forever tarnished. Not that it would matter, for my father would be dead at the hands of the Ronin he despised.
As the duel continued, Noah’s movements became a dance of lethal precision. His katana sliced through the air with a grace that belied the gravity of the conflict. Each strike was deliberate, each parry executed with a finesse honed through years of intense training. I watched in awe and fear as Noah deftly maneuvered around my father’s attacks. Despite his age and experience, my father struggled to match Noah’s agility and mastery of the blade. Noah’s strikes were swift and purposeful, aimed not so much at defeating him but at keeping him at bay. He was trying to hurt him, but not to kill him—while simultaneously fighting to survive.
In a sudden, fluid motion, Noah managed to land a cut on my father’s arm. The Shogun grunted in pain, his face tightening with a mix of fury and surprise. Yet, the battlefield was unforgiving. In a moment of distraction, Noah’s concentration wavered just enough for my father to seize the opportunity. With a lightning-quick maneuver, my father retaliated, landing a deep cut on Noah’s thigh. The blow drew blood, staining Noah’s clothing.
I held my breath, doubts gnawing at me. Despite Noah’s prowess and his love for me driving him forward, my father’s stature as the Shogun and his decades of experience cast a long shadow over my hopes. I had seen my father’s authority and martial skill throughout my life—his disciplined demeanor, his unwavering commitment to tradition. Noah might have been his finest soldier once, but now, my father’s hatred ran deep, fueled by Noah’s betrayal and the loss of honor as a samurai.
My doubts crystallized after what felt like an eternity of relentless combat, the clashing steel and strikes offering no respite to either of them. In a moment of fierce intensity, my father closed the distance with two swift steps. With a precise and brutal strike, his blade sliced deeply into Noah’s chest. The combat suit tore apart, unable to withstand the force of the blow, and blood welled from the wound. Noah’s anguished cry filled the air, echoing in my ears. Drops of blood splattered onto the ground, marking it with the gravity of the duel.
I watched in horror, frozen in place, as Noah staggered back from the impact. His hand instinctively went to his chest, fingers probing the deep gash where his lifeblood flowed freely. The pain etched across his face mirrored my own torment, and his eyes locked briefly with mine, conveying a silent plea for understanding and forgiveness. Across from him, my father stood with a mix of pride and cold fury etched on his features.
A wave of fear and helplessness crashed over me. The sight of Noah wounded, his life slipping away in a crimson stream, was unbearable. Panic seized my chest, constricting my breath as tears welled in my eyes. I knew then that I couldn’t stay and witness the potential end of everything I held dear.
With trembling hands and a heart heavy with dread, I pushed past people. Their murmurs and gasps of shock faded into distant echoes as I fled the scene, unable to confront the reality of Noah’s mortality. Anxiety clawed at my throat, and tears blurred my vision as I stumbled away from the battleground, each step carrying me farther from the agony and despair threatening to consume me.
I didn’t realize I had gone from walking to running, my rapid strides taking me as far as possible from where Noah’s blood stained the ground. Panicked, I glanced around until I spotted the temple perched on the rocky hill overlooking the village.
The path to the temple was steep and winding, each step a battle against exhaustion and despair. My feet stumbled on the uneven stone steps, the pain in my chest matching the ache in my heart.
As I ascended, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the village. The first stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky, while an eerie glow fell over the cobblestone streets.
The temple’s silhouette loomed against the fading light. Reaching the entrance, I could almost feel the walls whispering tales of generations past. I pushed open the heavy wooden doors, revealing a cool, musty interior scented with incense and the weight of history. Shafts of dwindling sunlight filtered through stained glass windows, casting fragmented patterns of color across the ancient stone floor. Flickering candles illuminated statues of gods and ancestors, their serene faces watching over me with timeless wisdom.
As soon as I crossed the threshold into the temple, I collapsed to my knees. My sobs blended with the resonant tones of singing bowls, as an elderly woman performed rituals nearby. The tranquility of the temple was disrupted by the torment in my heart. Tears flowed freely, unchecked and raw, as I silently pleaded with the spirits for guidance and strength. The echoes of ancient prayers seemed to fill the air, mingling with the soft murmur of my own desperate pleas.
I felt utterly lost, overwhelmed by the belief that I would never see Noah, the love of my life, again. The thought that my father might kill him on the battlefield was unbearable. Just as despair threatened to consume me, the elderly woman approached quietly. She knelt beside me with a gentle grace and placed a small Omamori in my hand, urging me to hold it. Slightly confused, I watched her through blurry vision.
The old woman then set a Daruma doll beside me, on the floor, its one eye painted in. It was similar to the one my grandmother had given Noah for luck. I recognized the familiar symbol of perseverance and hope.
I closed my eyes, clutching the Omamori tightly. Holding the amulet close, I prayed with all my heart, my fragile thread of faith hoping that somehow, Noah would survive.
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@girlfromrussia-universe | @kankuurohs | @somebodyels3 | @missduffsblog | @respectfulrebel
@badomensls | @darling-millicent-aubrey | @moreyoulove-moreyouknow
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konigbabe · 1 year
the fruits (of my labor)
DAY 4 ⇢ Power Dynamic Pairing: deity!Satoru Gojo x fem!acolyte!reader Word count: 2.5k Tags/warnings: no y/n; smut; deity/acolyte dynamic; deepthroat; throatfucking; riding Gojo’s knee; p-in-v; orgasm denial; creampie; dacryphilia; japanese terminology and mythology; religious imaginery; allusions to manipulation and toxicity; inaccurate historical descriptions Summary: He's a deity, yet he's faithless. The only belief he invests in is between your thighs. Satoru Gojo enjoys the fruits of your labor that you've offering him of late. [Part of NSFW Gojo Week 2023.]
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You look upon him, his tranquil eyes already on you as he lies on his back; the corner of his lip turned upwards. Legs spread for your naked body to nestle between, your own bloody and bruised knees digging into the soft, plush yaedatami; offering a momentary relief from the pain. Lips bruised and swollen from the stretch, trying to accommodate his girth. Almost cracking at the corners.
If you were told to describe him, only one word springs to mind – Kami.
His gestures – possessing an elegance that rivals the dance of willow branches in a gentle breeze. His voice; a melodious biwa ballad. The way blue hues of his eyes resemble the heavens melting into the boundless sea and the moon's reflection on tranquil waters, a sight that both soothes and enchants –
Satoru Gojo was considered an enigmatic legend in your eyes; among the people from your village. A young boy of mysterious lineage, his parentage shrouded in uncertainty. Some deemed him a yōkai, an unsettling otherworldly presence, while others gravitated towards yūrei, a spectral spirit.
He stands tall and slender, a figure exuding undeniable firmness in every line of his body. Hair the shade of soft grey; it reminds you of the moonlight filtering through the forest's canopy near your mother's okiya house, a teahouse adjacent to the gate of your village. Soft and fluffy; as the memory itself. His locks beckoned, inviting you to run your fingers through them, much like those stolen moments when he allowed you to do so – aware of limb-loosing consequences if any other maiden caught wind of your affiliation with Gojo.
Eyes mostly hidden underneath a woven silken cloth. Only allowed to see the day's sun when all others have been blinded; only a selected few made aware of Gojo's countenance.
("It's in the interest of my own well-being," he mumbles against the tender curve of your neck. Teeth grazing the marks there.
His cloth mask's fastened over the bridge of your nose, denying you eyesight. Hands sliding beneath the scarlet hakama, altered into a flowing skirt, enabling him to grasp your bare thighs with a grip so tight it threatens to leave lingering imprints. He's wrenching his pelvis up, engorged cock sliding against the sensitive walls of your drenched core as he moves you up and down his lap.
Robe shamelessly untied and disheveled but still hanging from his shoulders; with your arms clinging to the garment for dear life, a lifeline that anchors you as he delves so deeply that it elicits a desperate mewl from your lips, pushing aside any lingering questions.
"I cannot allow commoners to pose threats to my safety. After all, I am but a Kami." His hand raises one of yours, placing your palm flat against his. In that instant, you feel it—the non-existent space between your palms expanding, pushing your hand away from his. An invisible barrier materializing and separating your limb from his. It makes your fingers tingle.
"Who would–umph–desire to hurt you, my honored one."
A forceful push surges from behind you — or at least it feels that way — propelling your body towards Gojo's body. Lips colliding with his, all tenderness vanishing from his actions. His strong arm encircles your waist, lifting you up and creating the sensation of flying through the air. In one fluid motion, he turns you both around, deepening the kiss when his tongue plunges between your gasping lips.
"No one would dare, angel.")
– His taste. Briny yet the pearlescent droplets of his prespend sweet. With your cheeks hollowed, nails digging into the meat of his thighs, you savor the saline tang of him on your tongue. Tears teetering on the edge of your waterline, threatening to spill down your cheeks; eyelashes fluttering as he thrusts his hips upwards. Hand on the crown of your head pushing down simultaneously.
The swollen tip of his leaking cock plunges into your throat, scratching the sensitive back of it, and causing an involuntary gag reflex, throat instinctively closing.
"Just like that," Gojo groans in response to the sensation of your tight throat suffocating his cock, his arm positioned behind his head while the other moves to cup your cheek. His thumb tenderly wipes away a tear tracing a path down your face.
You look upon him, his tranquil eyes already on you as he lies on his back; the corner of his lip turned upwards. Legs spread for your naked body to nestle between, your own bloody and bruised knees digging into the soft, plush yaedatami; offering a momentary relief from the pain. Lips bruised and swollen from the stretch, trying to accommodate his girth. Almost cracking at the corners.
Leaving only his tip inside, you suck; draw him in, the tip of your tongue swirling over his slit as you let all the saliva gathered in your mouth coat his head, letting it dribble from the corners of your mouth onto his cock. Using your hand to spread the slick, covering his entire length in the mixture with your tongue concentrating on the spongy spot under his tip, slowly moving down until your lips meet your fingers wrapped around his hilt.
With bated breath, you ease your throat open wider, feeling the mushy head breach the gateway to your trachea; the friction growing more intense as he pushes past your tonsil area. Swallowing carefully, you take him in until his pelvis presses flush against your nose. You add a low hum to the mix, your fingernails lightly grazing the taut muscles of his abdomen, feeling it tighten as he twitches inside you. Something swells in your chest, expands and tightens over the feeling. Pride? More like a fervent devotion that borders on reverence.
"You little akuma–" he lets out a breath, fingers tracing the bulging curve of your throat before you pop him out with a wet sound. You repeat after – take him fully down your throat, keep him there and humming; vibrations shooting up his every nerve ending.
And the sounds he makes – the groan he lets out is drawn-out and echoing. You kiss his cock one more time before nipping at his sensitive area just below his abdomen, muscles hardened and shaped into a v. A place stained by the nips of your teeth, nicks of your nails; a teasing breeze caressing the shoreline.
Face moving upwards, your lips ache to meld with his. Yet as his breath mingles with yours, his fingers snake around your throat, tightening their grip.
Gojo holds your face intimately close to his that you can discern the white sparkles seemingly dancing within his eyes.
So close that you can distinguish myriad shades of blue within his iris, reminiscent of the Pleiades, or the very hue of the sky on a day when wisteria blooms swell.
"What are you doing," his head tilts to the side, lips tracing the corner of your lip until moving to your jaw. Soft gentle nibbles in contrast with the tight grip on your throat as you remain on all fours above his body that's still adorned in his night robe but completely untied.
A light breath escapes your yearning lips, eyes searching his face for any imperfections, any blemish in his otherwise divine visage – but finding none. Heart pounding in rhythm with the intensity of the moment, you believe that he's capable of hearing the beats. Thump, thump.
"Akami," you mumble, eyes falling to his lips when the tip of his tongue peaks out to slide over them, "kiss."
You remain motionless, almost paralyzed by the heated tension in the air, afraid to make a move or even swallow. Your cunt drenched, folds glistening with need to be filled. It pulsates, thumping steadily as if your heart dropped between your legs.
Gojo's eyes, once filled with desire, now appear almost bored, as if he's testing your resolve.
"Do you believe you are deserving of a kiss from Akami?"
Your head sways from side to side instinctively before you even fully process his question. Thighs failing to press together to relieve some of the tension as his wide frame blocks your attempts.
"I would not pose such queries without belief in their pertinence, correct?"
You nod. His face contours, creases between his brows. Bending one leg, he brings his knee to your cunt. Pressing onto the pulsating nerve on top, making you mewl and moan from finally getting some release. Your hips shamelessly grind onto his offering knee, painting it in your juices.
"Speak," he corrects you, putting his knee higher — forcing your calves to strain in order to remain on the soft cushion.
"You are—mmph—," Gojo's eyes flick down to see the way your pussy parts for his knee, circling it and disturbing your chain of thoughts, "—you are correct, Go—gojo."
"Good," his thumb presses against your lower lip, forcing your mouth to part more before he pushes the digit flat against your tongue, "then undertake a deserving act."
Satoru Gojo refuses to allow your lips contact with his. Even after what feels like hours – when he's already painted your body in his pearlescent spent, now slickening your gummy walls and sticking to his cock like honey – he's continuing to pound into you with relentless strength.
And yet he still doesn't let you reach the sweet high. Unable to tumble into the abyss of ecstasy. Your body his canvas, on which he paints strokes of desire – a merciless dance on the edge of rapture; where you can feel the waves building and receding like a capricious ocean tide.
("Patience, my angel. You're too pure to be stained. My forsaken tenshi.")
Robe finally discarded, he has you positioned to bend over the side of the yaedatami; high enough for your back to arch forcibly. The stretch across your abdomen feels like a taut bowstring. Ass up, held aloft and elbows pressed against the floor. Your hands grope desperately for purchase – yet finding nothing in this empty sleeping chamber – as Gojo looms over you, one arm bracing his weight beside your head, the other cradling your cheek as he spreads you wide for his cock to plunge insanely deep into your leaking cunt.
His thrusts are relentless, each one driving his cock impossibly deep. So deep it makes you feel as if the tip of his cock grazes your cervix, a blunt pressure inside building with each pivot of his hips. It builds steadily inside you, like a dam about to burst. And the loudness of your moans only assures the man in your body's response to him – his body, his heat. His cock. All of him.
"Just like that–," Gojo's voice's raspy, throat strained from the sounds of pleasure he's given you, "stay down—ugh–"
His words cause your back to arch more; prideful in his praise. The pleasure profound, toe-curling and spiraling through your body.
"Gojoo–," you try to meet the aggressive roll of his hips, even if the position doesn't let you move too much, "please–'m so close–please…"
You're begging, whining for him to never stop. To – for once – listen to his acolyte's pleas for release. And just as he senses your cunt quivering, throbbing with the impending orgasm, he draws a sharp thrust. Body heavy against your bottom, bottoming out before pulling out.
His response is a single word, "No" escaping his lips. Sitting back on his legs, his eyes lock onto the sight of your cunt – spread open, his own cum trickling from the fluttering, empty hole, glistening as it strains your inner thighs; pussy puffy and swollen from overstimulation. Chest puffing out, he basks in the tableau before him.
"I shall have a painter immortalize such image," he muses, leaning closer. Fingers tracing the curve of your calves, gliding over the skin of your thighs, bathing in the slickness of your inner thighs. He swipes the blend of his cum and juices from your cunt, collects them on his fingers.
In a commanding gesture, he raises you up, positioning you to sit atop your legs, mirroring his own stance. His wet fingers dance along your parted lips as you grow more desperate.
"Please–," you beg more, licking the saline sweetness off your lips, throat parched, "please–."
Gojo doesn't respond – not immediately. Instead, he turns you to face him with your back. Pulling your body onto his sitting lap and thrusting his cock into your abused cunt without any resistance. Your body strains as your back arches, head falling back to rest against his neck as his hands grasp both of your biceps, securing you to his chest as he thrusts upwards.
"You reach your release only when I deem it," his lips trace your neck, biting the sensitive flesh as he moves you up and down his lap. You can feel his cock scratching that insatiable itch deep inside you, each punishing thrust pushing you closer to the edge. The emptiness that follows only stokes the fervor building within you, a desire that only HE can satiate.
And does he take his time…
Legs pushed against your chest, his body weighs down on you – folded almost in half. Tears of exhaustion and bliss course down your cheeks, his name on your lips. Moaning, gasping, arching your back as you lose yourself to the euphoria that builds inside. His cock pushes against your clenched walls, swelling and so close to releasing and coating your walls with his sore.
But Gojo holds tight to his resolution; muscles taut under your trembling body; your fragile body. You're his to do with as he pleases, after all.
"Ahh–close, Gojo–please," you plead, feeling his cock plunge into your core, and the stretch of your cunt swallowing him to the root, "I want to–ugh–I can't–"
He cuts you off with a rather painful thrust, the head of his cock bruising your cervix, it seems. Making you gasp at the suddenness and pain. It's afterward that he slows down, rapid thrusts becoming languid rolls of his hips. He moans, gruff and low in his throat as he pushes himself deeper inside of you with each movement.
"You cannot what?" His eyes gleam even as he gives you a momentary reprieve. The thrumming pleasure from being so completely filled subsides, but not entirely leaving altogether – just enough to remind you that Gojo's presence is still there.
"I can't–," you whimper in his ear as he moves onto his elbows, straining your hamstrings until you feel as if he's gonna tear your legs apart, "I can't…"
"You cannot what?" Gojo demands, his cock stilling inside you, only to resume as he leans you forward, "tell me, my faithful one."
"No more–please," your lips search for his; to which his head fives to your clavicles, nibbling the tender and sensitive skin there, "I need the release, please," you beg with a strained voice.
His eyes flutter shut, teeth catching hold on your shoulder, harder than they should, "beg one more time. Let me hear your prayers."
He's waiting for a particular syllable and sounds; the first syllable of his name. For it to flow out of your lips.
"Please–," your voice becomes but a mere exhale, body spent; falling to his mercy. Shaking as you beg for this man to take whatever he wants. The only reason you're even able to speak is to plead for release, having nothing else to offer but yourself freely to him. A twisted, filth-covered shinsen.
In the end, Gojo eventually does take your offering, grants you your release.
Being that way for several moons.
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bcbdrums · 9 months
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This artist has SO much Spirit and Stein. Worth your time to look if you like either of them.
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agitoforestart · 9 months
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I say it a lot but I adore their height difference
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If I had a nickel for everytime a sweet compassionate guy with plant powers, who wears a crop top binder and fell for a girl who is really traumatized and falling down her father’s footsteps, her dad is responsible for many war crimes, I’d have two nickels, which is not a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.
(They both also have a connection to a specific flower. One is canonically trans and the other is possibly a trans allegory)
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The cutest Agito x Toola moment. To me
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chuuuya-kun · 6 months
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for anon !
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Names !?
yuu . rei . tenshi . denshi . tenmyouji . kami . junpei . satsujin . shinde . dollita . dollete . divinity . divinette . angela . spiriette . hauntina . wifina . nette . ethernette . internette . windosina . googlina . websette .
Pronouns !?
we/web . si/site . inter/net . click/clicks . pix/pixel . moo/moon . ange/angels . ten/tenshi . wi/fi . spi/spirits . net/nette . com/coms . web/site . shi/shin . div/divine . ethe/ethereal . ha/haunt . doll/dolls . sp/spiri . haunt/haunts . win/wind . x/p . xp/xps . app/apps . co/computer . bj/bjs . bjd/bjds . die/diety .
Titles !?
Prn Who Is Online . The Internet Addict . The Web Divinity . Prn Ethereal Spirit . The Haunted Doll . The Doll Of Heaven . The Deceased Angel . The Lover Of Computers . The Haver Of WiFi .
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i hope this is okay !!
divider cred
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mrshigurumasshop · 2 years
You’re A Mean One | K. Sakusa ~ the one where he wasn’t into the Christmas spirit
➤ pairing: husband!sakusa kiyoomi x mom!reader w/ daughter Kami
➤ mentions of: a tiny bit of angst bc sakusa is a grumpy man, fluff/comfort
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Growing up, the holidays was something you and your family cherished together. It made you want to continue that tradition with your own family when the time came.
And that time is finally around after your five year old daughter, Sakusa Kami was old enough to want to participate in being festive this year.
Your little doppelgänger nearly jumped out of her seat during breakfast when you told her that you and your husband, Sakusa Kiyoomi will be taking her out to find a christmas tree.
So here you all are, outside in the snow looking for the perfect tree that you swore to your daughter that she would get to choose. “Mama! Do they come with the snow?” Kami called to you as she stopped in front of one of many trees.
“No, baby. The snow will melt off when we bring it home,” you smiled at her.
“And it’ll cause more of a mess that it will already do…”
Ah… You forgot that your husband wasn’t too fond of the idea of getting a real tree so he’s been in a mood. He uses the excuse that he wasn’t too into the holiday spirit growing up due to how busy he was with volleyball but…it didn’t hurt for him to at least try.
“Honey, can you not please?” you murmur to him so your daughter doesn’t hear, “She’s excited.”
Sakusa sighs as he shoves his gloved hands into his jacket. “I know,” he says, “But we could’ve easily gotten a fake one that wouldn’t make a mess in the house.”
You pierce your lips in a tight line to keep yourself from snapping at him. It irritated you how much he was in a negative mood especially when he was the one who agreed to look for a real tree. So you just opted to not say anything else and watch your daughter happily run around the lot of trees to choose.
“What ‘bout this one,” Kami pointed towards a rather…dead looking tree.
“It’s dead, Kami,” Sakusa said straight out.
Kami pouted slightly as she looked at the tree. Even though it was dead, he didn’t have to bluntly point it out. “If we get that tree we won’t be able to put all your pretty ornaments you made for me and papa. Try looking for a greener one,” you encouraged her.
She nodded with a small pout on her face and continued to walk ahead of you and Sakusa. Once you see she’s far enough away from you guys, you look at Sakusa with a pleasing look.
“Why did you agree to this if you’re just going to ruin the experience for her?” you ask.
“The experience of looking for a tree?” he rolls his eyes. “Baby, this will be too much work to maintain and I’m not going to be the one to clean all that mess up.”
You took a deep breathe to prevent yourself from yelling at him in public and in front of your daughter. “I get that but you agreed to this so please keep it at a minimum,” you pleaded at him.
“Fine,” he mumbled.
It was quiet for a moment as the three of you continued to look for a tree but Kami just couldn’t find the perfect one. Just like you when you were little, she wanted to find the most festive looking tree just like the ones she sees in the movies.
After about 20 minutes of looking around, the three of you rounded a corner into the next aisle of trees and finally you heard a happy squeal.
“Mama! Papa! Look!” she pointed with a happy smile towards a green and full tree. The pine tree was so full that you could barely see through the branches so it was perfect to your eyes and your daughters.
But that happy moment didn’t last forever the moment you heard a scoff beside you. “No. Absolutely not. Do you realize how many bugs might be hiding in there. I’d rather you pick the dead tree than this,” he grumbles as he looks at you.
“Kiyoomi!” you snap. But before you could scold your husband you hear some sniffles. You and Kiyoomi nearly break your necks hearing the familiar sniffles coming from Kami. “Baby… Don’t cry…,” you pleaded.
Fat tears. All of the fat tears she could muster spilled out of her eyes. Kiyoomi’s dad instincts kicked in and went straight to comfort her but she shook her head with her hands out in front of her.
“You’re so mean, Papa!” she cries, almost making you want to cry, “Yur’ a grinch!”
Kiyoomi’s heart throbbed hearing Kami’s cries. He knew what she meant by being called a grinch. He watched to American movie with her for the first time a few weeks ago and it made it feel guilty.
“Hey, princess,” he said in a comforting tone as he slowly walked up to her again, “I didn’t mean it-,”
“NO!” she screamed. You knew she was on the verge of throwing a tantrum in public so you walked passed your husband to pick up your daughter who immediately wrapped her arms around your neck and legs around your torso.
“Shhhh, Kami it’s okay,” you comforted in a hushed tone as you rubbed her back. You turned back around with anger in your eyes as you looked at Kiyoomi. “Let’s just go home,” you said which only made Kami cry harder and Kiyoomi feel even worse.
“Baby-,” he pleaded, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“What else did you mean, Kiyoomi,” you snapped, “I ignored your ignorance while we were dating and before we had Kami but I’m tired of it.”
You then walked away from him towards the car as you tried to calm your crying daughter down. Sakusa was left in the aisle by himself standing in a pool of guilt covered snow.
Yes, he wasn’t looking forward to the mess and possible bugs a real tree would bring into the house but he knew it wasn’t right to let it get to his head. He felt even worse knowing that you sucked up his grinch like personality all these years and continued to have the holiday spirit so he walked behind you towards the car in silence.
The car ride and the rest of the day going into the night was quiet in the house. Kami calmed down during the drive back home because she ended up crying herself to sleep. She needed to get her nap in anyways so you were kind of relieved but it still made you sad that Kiyoomi didn’t even want to mask how much he didn’t want a damn tree.
So you ignored him throughout the day. You couldn’t even look at him either so you stayed with Kami in her room as she slept and left him to sit in guilt.
Kiyoomi stared at the ceiling in the living room in silence as he tried thinking of ways to make up for his grinch behavior but he knew a simple sorry wasn’t going to cut it. He stressfully rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hands with a groan before looking at the time.
3:14 pm; he needed to go to practice soon but he didn’t want to leave you guys like that after what happened. So, he had an idea.
You didn’t realize that you fell asleep till you woke up with something poking your cheek. You hummed in question as you look over to your right and see your daughter with the same pout on her face.
“Hi, baby,” you smiled at her as your cupped her swollen cheek. She looks like Kiyoomi when she wakes up from her sleep, you thought. “Are you feeling better?” you ask.
She shook her head no and laid down on top of you. You could only say so much to console a child so you physically comforted her which seemed like something she wanted anyway.
You looked out her window to see that it wasn’t snowing anymore but it still stuck to the ground so you thought that maybe going to the park to play in the snow would lift her spirits. “Why don’t we go to the park? We can build a snowman,” you kissed her head.
Kami lifted her head with her sweet smile finally on her face with a nod. So you tell her to get ready while you left her room to let Kiyoomi know but he wasn’t home.
“Asshole left without saying anything,” you mumbled to yourself. You assumed that he went to practice since he doesn’t like driving in the snow too much so you brushed it off and got ready yourself.
After you and Kami got ready, you both left to house to walk to the park. Being there seemed to lift her spirits even more as she made snow family and snow angels. Kami also enjoyed you throwing into a pile of snow which what Kiyoomi would do in the backyard.
About an hour or so went by and it was starting to get colder so you and Kami decided to walk back home hand in hand. Kami kept giggling as she heard the crunch of her footsteps against the snow. You were lost in thought as you guys came up to the house to lost to notice that Kiyoomi’s car was in the driveway.
“Papa’s home!” Kami called out.
Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion because he wasn’t gone as long as he usually is for practice. You brought your keys out to unlock the door and immediately went into shock.
Kami squealed in excitement as you were too stunned to speak. The whole inside of the house was covered in Christmas decorations galore. You almost couldn’t see your furniture because of how much lights and other decor was taking up every crevice in the house. And as if your daughter couldn’t scream any louder, there it was…the exact tree she pointed at earlier.
“Mama! It’s the tree!” Kami screamed as she ran towards the decorated plant as you remained at the front door too stunned to speak. Kami was too busy eye boggling the tree that was covered in the ornaments she made at preschool to notice how quiet you are.
“I had the team help me get it done,” a soothing voice said to you.
You looked over at Kiyoomi who you assumed came from the shower due to his wet curls. “Why,” you ask out of disbelief.
“Well,” he nervously laughs, “Hearing that your daughter called you a grinch is a good wake up call. And I found a cheap blanket to put the tree on top of to catch any of the dirt. I’m sorry about today… It was uncalled for…”
You couldn’t help but look at him in admiration despite how much you want to be mad at him. You couldn’t help it. You have seen you’re home decorated like this since you moved out of your parents house so many years ago. It felt like you were home again.
“Baby?” Kiyoomi calls to you due to your silence.
You instantly smile at him almost wanting to cry on the spot due to how happy you are. “It was uncalled for but I love it, ‘Omi,” you said to him.
You can see the stress leave his body as he let out a sigh of relief. It made you laugh a little bit seeing how hung over he was over the incident earlier. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders to put you into a tight hug. “Thank god,” he murmured into your head.
“Don’t get too relieved, my love. You still have your daughter to say sorry too,” you giggle.
“Ah…,” he smiled as he turned around to look at Kami who was still mesmerized by the tree with you still in his arms, “How does it look, princess?”
Kami turned around with her pretty smile — your smile, he thought. “It’s pwetty, Papa!” she said happily as she ran into his arms, “I love it so much!”
“Good,” he kissed her cheek, “Am I still a grinch?”
Kami giggled and shook her head no. “No more Grinch, papa. Pinky promise?” she held out her tiny pinky.
“Pinky promise,” he smiled as he locked his pinky with hers, “Now go get undressed, we’re having a movie night.”
Kami ran out of Kiyoomi’s arms with happiness radiating off of her. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight. You swear your cheeks were going to fall off.
“Hey…,” Kiyoomi whispered to you. You looked up at him with a soft smile silently answering him. “Look up,” he said as he pointed up wit his eyes.
You looked at him in question then up towards the ceiling to see a mistletoe attacked to the doorframe. Your cheeks flushed in red because even after all these years of being with him, you e never kissed Omi under a mistletoe. Kiyoomi smiled softly as he gently cupped your cheeks in his warm palms.
“I love you, Y/n,” he whispered against your lips before pressing a loving kiss on your lips.
You smiled into the kiss and even as he pulled away. “I love you too, Omi,” you said before he leaned his head down to give you another but longer kiss
“YUCK!!!” Kami gagged in the background.
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