#spinning these goofballs around in my head
shadowsight-aster · 10 months
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OH AND BEFORE I FORGET cause the last post reminded me of it i love love love the project bluebird au/theory it makes me want to jump up and down and climb walls and froth at the mouth i'm so normal about it so here's little q and jaiden in a little colored sketch i did :)) ough they're so important to me i love them i love them so much the other image is just some info on the other test tube kids from my fic planner. not a LOT to see but i wanted to include foolish and cellbit and baghera
(not that anybody asked but. if you want to know my like full idea here) (the federation brought them up together as a little sleeper agent family to help them in the future and it kinda backfired since only 2 of the original 5 (6? technically with elquackity) actually want to work for the federation anymore) (if you want to hear me ramble i will) (please i have so many thoughts about them)
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Age Is A Number
Pairing: Fernando Alonso x Vettel!Reader
Rating: R
Warnings: Age gap (21 year difference), smut, oral (m receiving), face fucking, protective!Fernando, dominant!Fernando I’m sure there is more
Words: 2.9K
Requested: Yes/No
Request: @poisonlily444 Hi!! I was wondering if you could write a fic with Fernando cuz lately I’ve been obsessing over him sm And maybe she’s like toto’s daughter or lance’s sister or smth like that (you pick who she’s related to idrc) and they have been in a secret relationship cuz she’s like 20 but actually he’s very protective with her and stuff Maybe they attend a gala or smth and she goes as his date in a green dress and when asked Abt it Nando is like “yeah she’s really beautiful and hot and she’s also my gf of a year” and everyone loves them after P.S. maybe a bonus scene at the end where they get home in Monaco and it s just pure filth 🤭 i loved how you wrote the sergio one so please please please make nando really possessive and overprotective
A/N: you can see where I lost my focus on this, I hope you’ll all enjoy it and hopefully I can get used to writing without my meds, it here ya gooo ☺️🤭
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"I'm sorry, what?"
You want to curl in on yourself as your brother stares at you. He wasn't expecting you to drop this bombshell on him. He didn't think that when you called and told him you were coming home, you'd say to him you had a boyfriend.
Or the fact that your boyfriend is 20 years your senior, older than him. Oh, and that your boyfriend is Fernando Alonso. You rub your eyes and prepare yourself for this conversation. Wanted the earth to swallow you, but this was something you both needed to talk about.
"I'm dating Fernando." You whisper, hanging your head. You've been hiding this relationship for about a year, almost 2 years soon. "As in Fernando Alonso?" Sebastian asks, still not fully understanding. "Yes, as in Fernando Alonso." You groan and spin on your stool, standing as you rub your face.
"No, you're not. Nope. Nuh huh." Sebastian laughs, pulling his hair as he tries to remain calm. "Seb-" "He's TWENTY-ONE YEARS YOUR SENIOR! Fuck, Y/n. He's 6 years older than me! What the hell are you thinking?" Sebastian yells, causing you to flinch as he never raises his voice at you.
"Sebastian......he's good to me." You whisper, not sure how to explain this to him. Fernando was fantastic to you. He didn't play with your feelings, confuse you, or anything like that. When you argue, he makes you both talk and understand one another.
"Y/n, he's known you since you were a kid!" He snaps, and you step back, not wanting to start fighting. "Seb, he only met me a handful of times when I was a kid. It's not like you and Mick." Which only has Sebastian laugh humorously, shaking his head at this whole situation.
"Go home, Y/n." "Sebastian." You sigh, reaching out for your brother, who only steps back. "Let me, let me think this over; go home before we both fight." You blink, trying to keep control of your tears, and gather your things, heading to your apartment.
You're not over-emotional, but you did when it came to your brother. He was someone you looked up to. Sebastian was your world; he made you who you are today. He was more of a parent to you than a brother, so having that conversation with him and how it went. Hurt. Stepping into your apartment, you throw your purse and kick off your shoes before standing in the middle of your living room and crying.
Crying to being hurt. Crying because Sebastian didn't support you. Crying because you didn't know what to feel. You were hurt, angry, sad, and confused. You cover your face, crying as you hear the familiar beeping of the code put in, and then the tinge of spice and mint wraps around you, signaling that Fernando is here. "Princess?" Fernando calls out for you, smiling like a goofball.
He smiles at the bouquet of flowers in his hand, a small gift to make you smile. Not hearing a reply, he steps father into the apartment but stops to take in the mess you left as you came in. "Princess?" He waits for a beat, hears the soft muffled sniffles, sits the flowers down, and moves quickly to your side.
"Y/n? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Where? Princess, look at me." He pulls your hands off your face and sighs, seeing your blotchy face. He steps back and looks you over, ensuring you aren't physically hurt. Seeing that you're okay, he reduces it to emotional or mental. "What's wrong? I can't fix it if you don't tell me what's wrong." His voice is soft. Hearing how soft and the anguish on his face makes you choke on a sob and fall into his arms.
"Okay. It's okay." He pulls you closer, his grip tight. It almost hurts. "He..he.." You gasp out, trying to get the words out, but they're just gasped. "Princess, take a deep breath." You shake your head no, unable to do it. "Yes, you can." Grabbing a hand, he puts it on his chest and takes a deep breath. "With me." He whispers as he does it again. You copy the movement and start to calm down.
If there was Fernando hated most, it was when he couldn't help you. Seeing you in this state was the worst. He couldn't just tell it to fuck off like he'd do to people. Fernando wanted to protect you from everything, but sometimes the things inside you are the one thing he can't protect you from, only watch and help calm you down.
Seeing you calm, he takes a deep breath and tries again. "Okay, what happened?" He asks and sees tears form again, but you take a deep breath and blink them away. "I told Sebastian." Hearing that, the first emotion is anger. The only reason you'd cry like this is because Sebastian is mad.
"He's mad about our age gap." Fernando sighs, rubs his face, and leads you to the kitchen to give you some water. "Of course, he's mad." You scuff and roll your eyes. "That's all you have to say?" Gulping down the water, he hands you. You can see him thinking because if he was in Sebastian's place, he'd react the same way.
At the same time, he knows that what he is doing with you isn't for fun or just to feel young again. He loves you. He wants to get married and have children together. He couldn't say that Sebastian, the fucker would punch without a second thought.
"No, princess. But I understand your brother's worries. He raised you. You're more his daughter than a sister." Fernando pushes off the counter, walks around, and grabs your face, tracing your jawline. "He's protective. Like me." You giggle, knowing just how protective Fernando can get with you. "All he sees right now is me fucking his sister. He doesn't see how much I love her, worship her, or constantly ruin other men for her." He whispers the last part, making you laugh and blush.
He was right. You'd dated a little, but they couldn't give you the type of relationship you craved. They were mainly boys than men, and damn was Fernando, all man. He knew what you needed even when you didn't ask; he was always there, showing how much he loved you.
"You didn't ruin other men for me." You retort, which has your boyfriend leaning back with a smirk. "Really? Maybe I should try harder." He teases, which has you nodding as he leans in to kiss you. He halts when he hears knocking at the door and groans, cussing softly in Spanish.
A smile pulls at your lips as your grumpy boyfriend walks down the hall to the door. Opening the door, he grumbles but stops seeing Sebastian. "Oh, hey." Sebastian just stares at Fernando and sighs, shaking his head. "Don't tell her I was here." Walking away, Fernando curses and yells he's going to get the mail, following after Sebastian. "Hey! Sebastian!" Fernando yells, jogging down the stairs. Grabbing his shoulder, he forces him to face him. "I don't like this." Fernando chokes on a laugh and shakes his head, letting go of his old friend.
"I'm serious about her. She's not some distraction. I want to marry her. I understand the age gap-" Sebastian scuffs at hearing all this and hangs his head. "She's 20. You've lived a life. She's barely lived hers." His voice lowers as people walk past them, paying them no mind. "Don't. She's not a fucking child Sebastian. Y/n is a woman I love and building a life with. So don't you dare diminish her because of age, 'cause she's far more mature than you right now?" Fernando stares down at your brother, refusing to let anyone, including your family, talk down on you.
"Give me time," Sebastian whispers, hating his feeling. "Talk all the fucking time you need. Don't ever, ever talk to her like that again." Turning on the ball of his foot, he stalks back upstairs and into your place.
"Any mail?" "What?" Fernando asks, hearing your question, confused by you asking him that. "Nando, you went to get the mail. Was there any?" He shakes his head and removes his leather jacket showing off that tight white t-shirt underneath. "Hey, do you want to go to this gala with me? It's in Monaco." You turn around, holding the flowers he got you in a vase, and he smiles, seeing the light back in your eyes.
"How come you want me to go?" You weren't going to say yes. It's just that Fernando hated how the media eyes you like candy. Of course, they didn't know the two of you are dating. He despised how they constantly tried to pair you with the other drivers. Wanted nothing more than to show you off as his.
Walking over, he grabs the vase and sits it down before grabbing your chin, keeping eye contact. "When I say this, I fucking mean it. You are mine. You aren't the rumored girlfriend of Charles, Mick, or any fucking else. You're mine. Mine to fuck, love, mark, and show off. If you think for one goddamn second, I'll continue another year of little boys panting after you. You're wrong. Yeah?" You swallow and nod slightly, rubbing your knees, hating how you react to his words. He always got you wet when he showed off possessiveness.
"Okay." You whisper, and soon Fernando smashes your lips together. It then softens as he pulls away. "Good. You have work that day, so we will meet there." You smile, already knowing which dress you are going to wear. He'll lose his goddamn mind.
Oh, he would bend you over and fuck you hard and good when you both get home. He had no idea you even owned a dress like the one you were wearing. He had expected an elegant dress that covered your skin. Something you'd be comfortable in. Not this.
Stepping out of the car, you thank your driver, who you smile at. Even that simple smile has Fernando wanting to rip the guy's eyes out for even looking at you. For being the center of that smile, not him.
You fix your dress, eyes searching for Fernando before you find him staring at you. You are wearing this stunning emerald green, self-tie plunging halterneck fishtail dress. The bow was light and rested on the back of your shoulders while the strings fell to your mid-thigh giving your back some cover, but if you moved the tie, it'd reveal your whole back. The front has a plunging front that shows off your chest.
Fernando had only seen the back but lost it when you turned to show off the front. He's next to you in quick strides, snatching your hand out of the driver and pulling you close. "The moment we get home, that dress will be off, and you choking on my cock, yes?" Fernando whispers in your ear, having you nod dumbly as he kisses you sweetly and guides you to the entrance.
The moment you two stepped foot in the entrance, you were blinded by cameras and the deafening sound of the shutter of cameras. Fernando places a comforting arm around your waist and directs you through the sea of people. You stop seeing your brother and Hanna as they stare at you both. Hanna smiles brightly, while Sebastian seems skeptical of the two of you.
"Shit, I forgot he'd be here," Fernando whispers in your ear before pressing a kiss to the side of your head. Doing that has the cameras going wild and people screaming. "Y/n! Come take a photo with us!" Hanna yells, and with a slight nudge, you move into your brother's arms. "I'm going to do some interviews; take care of her." Fernando nods at you making Sebastian smile tightly. "I know how to take care of my sister." You sigh and smile, dragging your brother away.
"Fernando! Over here! Fernando!" A reporter yells, and their enthusiasm gets his attention and goes to them first. "Easy there." Fernando grabs the young reporter, who smiles brightly and about falls over when he approaches him. "Thanks! When did you start dating Y/n Vettel? Is there a problem with the age difference?" He rattles off and then blushes, unsure if he overstepped, but the driver laughs.
"She is my girlfriend of almost 2 years, and as of now, the age difference isn't a problem for her family." He jokes, making the others around them laugh. "She is a wonderful person!" The reporter gushes, and the stupid smile on Fernando's face gives him away. "Y/n is the love of my life. She's gorgeous, intelligent, just an energy in my life that I can't live without anymore. She's, just yeah." A blush covers Fernando's face before he laughs and waves goodbye going to find you.
Walking around, he finds you at your designed table, seeing that Hanna and Sebastian are also there, but Sebastian seems to be messing with your heel. "Something wrong, princess?" Fernando asks, making you look up with a smile and blush, having heard everything he said about you. "The strap to my heel broke. Seb is trying to fix it but failing." Sebastian grumbles and steps away. "Fine, you try fixing the damn thing." Sebastian goes back to his seat, and Fernando sits down. He gently lifts your ankle and places it on his lap.
His fingers trail patterns on your ankle, making you squirm but look away, trying to talk to Hanna, who giggles. She loves seeing you in this situation as she loves Fernando and knows he'd care for you. Sebastian just looks ready to die but refuses to admit the way Fernando treats you will reign supreme.
"Here you go, baby." Fernando fixes the strap as you thank him and lean forward, grabbing his jaw and pulling him close as you kiss him slowly. You do pull away to not freak your brother out. Pulling your heel away, you put slight pressure on Fernando's dick, making him jump slightly and eyes narrow at you.
"Careful." He mouths, but you just give a soft smile and carry on for the rest of the night. Until you leave, you tease each other, slightly flirting with other men, and Fernando gives you touches under the table to unsuspecting company.
"We're heading home. See you later?" Fernando asks Sebastian gathering your things and pulling you close, slightly tipsy from the alcohol. "Get her home safe," Sebastian orders kissing your side of the head, watching a lazy smile appear on your face. "I know how to protect her. Later Hanna." With a nod of his head, Sebastian watches you both leave.
"Fuck!" You moan loudly. Fernando moves fast, slamming you into the wall. "Let me see you, Kitten, fuck, you're probably dripping for me." Fernando rasps, making you whimper and spread your legs. "Wore nothing underneath for you." You whine, hands tangling in those gorgeous locks of his.
"Kitten." He growls, hating that you are so exposed where anyone could see you, but he also dies a little when he was teasing you and could have easily slipped his fingers into you. "M sorry, Daddy. Fuck. You were so close to finding out my secret." Fernando smiles, stands back up, and lifts you up, carrying you to the bedroom.
"Y/n, kitten. You know the rules, baby. What are they?" He asks, undoing his belt, having your mouth water, having always enjoyed this punishment. "Only Daddy comes, not me." You whisper, which has Fernando nod his head to the floor and have you sliding off the bed and onto your knees. The sound of his pants being undone has your heart rate pick up before you take over helping him out of his pants. "Damn." Fernando groans, feeling your hand wrap around his base. With slow strokes, you assess him trying to figure out the best way to take it first, and you lean up and poke your tongue out. Fernando moans feeling your tongue tease him before your lips wrap around the head of his cock. Fingers curl into your hair and pull you forward, making you choke. You take a deep breath and calm yourself. You freeze when you feel Fernando touch your throat, looking down at you.
"Relax your throat." His fingers ghost your neck, and he feels the muscles relax before he positions himself and both hands anchor your head. "I'm going to fuck your throat, okay?" He asks, and you nod, tongue moving slightly before it settles on, tracing a vein on his underside.
"Good girl." He pulled out slowly before moving his hips, testing to make sure he wasn't hurting you in any way. When he feels how relaxed your throat is, he starts to pick up his pace, groaning at how you feel.
You swirl your tongue but also moan, sending small vibrations through him, moving his hips faster as the slight twitch in his balls lets him know he's close. "M gonna come, Kitten. Swallow if you want." He groans, which has you relaxing your throat more as he moans and stills in your throat. You have no problem swallowing as Fernando pulls away, seeing the slight string of spit, and smirks, leaning down and kissing you deeply.
"Now, your turn." You squeal loudly as Fernando lays you down on the bed.
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writingforstraykids · 6 months
"One of us is going to end up with a broken heart" -> them saying no to adopting/fostering a cat or kitten, so probably Min, you can make it a runt of the litter if you want to sprinkle some angst, but only sprinkle! I can't handle being drowned 😭 Honestly this feels self indulgent now, but we ain't gonna dump now, no sir-e
Just a fluffy time with the "no we can't keep it" dad trope (dad? I mean if you wanna, I won't say no 🙈) then them being the reason its kept, always a sucker for this ugh, gen.neutral would be fine, see no reason for specification on this, go ham, cause I kinda did lol whoops
Aww I love this thought so much, I finished it immediately after you sent it in🤭 I do hope you like it💕
Pairing: Minho x gn!reader
Warnings/tags: pure fluff
Word Count: 767
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“Minho, no,” you shake your head firmly as you realize where your husband is so eagerly taking you this cold December morning. 
“You don’t even know what I-” he starts protesting but gets cut off quickly by you.
“Min. We’re not adopting another cat!” you groan softly. 
Minho parks the car in front of the animal shelter and turns to you with a big pout and the best puppy eyes he can muster. “But-”
“Minho Lee, I said no,” you shake your head, thinking of Soonie, Doongie, and Dori, who had just gotten familiar with the newest addition, Cookie, a small brownish-grey goofball who’s been keeping you busy this past month. 
Minho sighs softly and looks at you, utterly heartbroken. “Baby, listen, we agreed ‘no kids yet,’ but…I have to share my love somehow.”
Your jaw drops, and you try to stifle a laugh. “Minnie, you have four kids already, five if you count Felix as your fifth kitty.” That makes him laugh as well. “You can practice being a dad of five, do we really need a sixth kid?”
“Look at him, isn’t he sweet?” Minho asks, voice growing all gentle and sweet like you know him around cats. In the small basket in front of you, there’s a little black kitten staring at you with big brown eyes. Your husband turns toward you in search of agreement, and suddenly, you’re faced with two brown-eyed kittens staring into your soul. 
“He is,” you nod, eyeing him suspiciously as he pets his head softly.
Minho looks back at the kitten and makes a soft sound, his smile widening as he kneels down, and the kitten makes a few wobbly steps towards him. Minho picks him up after checking with the employee and rubs his forehead against the kitten’s head. “He looks like Channie, doesn’t he? All in black and those sad eyes.”
You chuckle and roll your eyes at him fondly. “Ah, that’s why; you miss your hyung so much you want to adopt a kitten looking like him.”
Minho shoots you a playful glare and shakes his head. “Obviously not.”
“Minnie, come on,” you sigh softly and shake your head. “It’s too much.”
“Cookie needs a little brother, that’ll make him responsible,” he says so seriously it makes you laugh. 
“Seriously, Y/nnie,” he sighs and makes eye contact with the kitten. “Always the same with them. One of us is going to end up with a broken heart at this rate,” he tells him. 
“Minho, seriously,” you laugh and smack his head playfully.
“You’re such a meanie,” he pouts. 
“And you’re forbidden to take another step into an animal shelter in the next five years at least,” you shoot back, and his head spins toward you. 
“Five years?! Honey, are you crazy?” he gasps and sets the kitten back down. “I’m so sorry, Channie, I would’ve taken you in any day. I would’ve made sure you had a cozy spot, delicious food and you’d be our new maknae kitten.”
Oh, for fucks sake.
“Cookie, look, you got a little brother,” Minho announces cheerfully and sits down, keeping your sixth kid in his lap. He makes a happy sound and wiggles from side to side as Cookie nuzzles his face against the newcomer. “Soonie, Doongie, Dori, come here,” he calls out for the rest and holds up the black kitten above his head. “Say hi to your baby brother, Channie.”
“No, he won’t. He’ll kick your ass if you tell him the reason for it,” you snort.
“Minho,” you crack up. “You can’t seriously call him that.”
“Why not? He’ll love it,” he grins smugly.
“He’ll never know,” he shrugs and sets down Channie on the floor. “Never,” he announces and looks at you firmly.
“Come on, I said yes, let me at least choose another name,” you laugh and sit down next to him. “I don’t want to wake up to you calling out for beloved hyung in the morning.”
“Fine~,” he sighs and side-eyes you with a light huff. 
“Oh! I know something, we’ll call you Lixie,” you say proudly after a moment.
“And that’s supposed to be better?” he asks sarcastically, ruffling your hair. “I can’t name two of my kitties the same.”
“You call him Yongbokie either way. Shut up,” you giggle, and he pokes your side.
“You shut up,” he giggles and presses his lips firmly against yours. “I love you so much, baby,” he beams at you.
“Yeah, yeah, anything to satisfy my beloved cat dad,” you snort and ruffle his hair, giggling softly. Gosh, you love this idiot.
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
@kai-lee08 @mal-lunar-28 @malfoygalaxies @soullostinspaceandtime @brownieloved @rebecca-johnson-28 @euphoric-univers @hyunniebunni @galaxycatdrawz @aaasia111 @channieaddict @kthstrawberryshortcake
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icycoldninja · 5 months
I need more cute wacky woohoo pizza man dante things. they cure my depression.
But of course, here you go, and remember that even in your lowest moments, there'll always be a fanfic about Dante being a goofball to cheer you up. 💜
New pajamas (Dante x reader)
You got home a little later than you planned, having been held up in traffic. When you came home, you expected to find Dante lazing around the house as he always did, probably buried up to his ears in empty pizza boxes and crushed beer cans. However, your predictions were found to be untrue--Dante was not lounging in the living room, surrounded by junk. In fact, the whole house was dark, the only visible lights were those from your appliances, and your bedroom.
Wait, your bedroom?
Curious, you flicked the lights on and slowly made your way towards your bedroom door. Sure enough, warm yellow light streamed through the crack at the bottom of the door, meaning that someone was in there.
Holding your breath, you turned the know and swung the door open, not sure what to expect.
It was a good thing you didn't make any assumptions, as what laid beyond that door was nothing short of bizarre.
Dante--or rather, a giant, fluffy, pink unicorn stood before your mirror, dancing around and giggling at himself. As soon as he turned to face the door, revealing the ridiculously large unicorn head that sat atop his shoulders, he gasped. A hooved arm reached up and pushed the unicorn head back, making you realize it was a hood. "Oh, hey babe!" He cried, grinning. You paused, not really sure what to start your greeting with. "Umm...what are you wearing?" Dante perked up like a peacock at your words, clearly happy that you noticed his new outfit. "These are my new pajamas," He proudly declared, spinning around and flipping the unicorn hood back up over his head. "That's great," You mumbled, watching him prance around the room, "But why a unicorn?" "Why not?" He responded, galloping over to you and scooping you up into his arms. "Ok, to be perfectly honest," He confessed, twirling you around a few times. "This was the cheapest one they had in my size. But who cares? It still rocks." You giggled, hooking your arms around Dante's shoulders as he twirled the two of you over to your bed and dumped the both of you onto it. "New pajamas gotta be rolled around in first before they feel really comfortable--wanna help me out with that?" You nodded, tugging the hood off of him with a grin before proceeding to pepper kisses all over his face.
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sublimecatgalaxy · 1 year
HIIIIIIII I'M BACCCCCK (hehe you don't know who I am)-
Can you write Daryl Dixon (set in commonwealth) where he's dating RJ and Judith's teacher?? I just think of someone so preppy and happy dating someone so gloomy and brooding like Daryl and I literally crack up.
You're so so good at writing him so 😌 write away😌
I adore this and whoever this is hehe! Thank you for this request, you goofball. You're the best! BYEEEEE-
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"Bye." Daryl mutters, pressing a simple kiss to the top of Judith's head as she and RJ run past me and into the school, leaving him and I behind. He gives me a bashful smile and takes a step towards me, shoving his hands in the pocket of his coat as he looks down the street, breath fogging in the cold air.
"Hi Daryl." I coo, swaying back and forth with my arms clasped behind my back, feeling the heat in my cheeks that has risen since he's approached my school.
There's just something about a tough guy who's soft with his kids that's so incredibly attractive.
"Hi Miss Y/n/n." He gives me a nod of acknowledgement and I scoff at his lack of familiarity, watching him purposely try to appear nonchalant but it's only making him appear more and more awkward.
"Wow, last name basis now?" I ask, taking a hefty step towards him as his eyes sweep across my floral skirt, a fond smile slipping across his lips as his fingers reach out to brush against the material blowing in the wind. His favorite skirt.
"Keepin' it professional." He shrugs simply, taking a second to look around at the groups of people passing us and other kids running past us and into our classroom.
"Never knew you to be coy." I coo, reaching out to brush my hand against his arm, little shocks of electricity sparking at the simple touch. I grin wickedly, reaching up to press a cool hand to my cheek to try to settle the way my cheeks have suddenly flushed.
"I don't want them figuring it out." He mutters, motioning towards the school and I give him an inquisitive tilt of my head and a dumb smile.
"Figuring what out?" I ask, rising to my tip toes to skim my lips along his ear as I whisper. "That I'm in your bed three times a week and have been for months on end?"
"Jesus, where'd you learn to talk like that?" He asks with a chuckle, reaching up to rub at the back of his neck, his own cheeks now flushed in a vivid red blush.
"'m rubbing off on you." He boasts with a smirk, reaching out to bump his shoulder against mine as the bell rings behind me, the children's screeches and the commotion they cause quieting down now that they expect me to enter the class.
"In one way or another." I wink, clasping my hands in front of me as I back up slowly towards the school, loving the scoff and sassy eyeroll that Daryl gives me.
"I'll see you tonight, yeah?" I ask, waving cutely at him as I spin gracefully, keeping my head low to avoid the questions from RJ and Judith, knowing they'll see right through me if I go in with there with the smile I'm wearing.
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvroseee @tee-swizzle @savageneversaw @admiringlove @hysteriahall @piceous21 @starlightandfairies @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1 @manyfandomsfanvergent @revesephemeres @bungunz
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jennilah · 7 days
hi there!
please do share your thoughts on canon vs non canon (TO YOU) scenes from saw if you feel like it
this seems like a fun topic to explore 👁
i was thinking about this all day im gonna hella ramble too much
to reiterate and expand on what i kinda said in that post's tags: im genuinely cautious when it comes to the canonicity of deleted scenes and script changes for most things because, well, things dont get included in the final product for a reason sometimes.
trust me i know about deleted scenes. ive had months of work erased from existence because of deleted scenes. and sometimes it really was for the best
and im equally if not more skeptical of things like.. lore coming from outside sources. if its not in the original media, its questionable. film novelizations, game adaptions, spin-off comics, all that stuff is usually written by some third party with little to no input from the real writers. unless it gets some serious seal of approval and that shit actually gets referenced in the next film, then im like "ok im listening." Otherwise, i shrug it all off as maybe-canon side adventures until contradicted
sometimessss those nuggets of lore or characterization from deleted scenes/iffy canon off-shoot material are sick af so we just kind of adopt it anyway!!! we all do it!!!
FUCKIN. The goddamn Saw franchise makes me insane with the different cuts of each film so we basically choose our favorite canon already. so. its a bit loosey goosey here sometimes
ok first of all i KNOW im gonna forget things so imma just kind of list and describe what i can remember off the top of my head. i dont actually have things like the scripts memorized i only know some moments that get passed around between us little freaks like drugs
like this one
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i dont care if this doesnt happen on-screen in Saw IV, it happens in my heart
and this little bit of characterization from all 3 goofballs here despite us not really seeing much of it in the film:
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Strahm being a butthead just interrupting Perez and Hoffman having a nice little talk because he hates his ass so much
Hoffman being more of the annoying little flirt that i know he is in my heart
Perez being charmed by him, the two of them having a cute little bonding moment as acquaintances for a moment there, and then STRAHM AGAIN being a butthead
i love them. i LOVE THEM
its very important to me that Perez kind of liked Hoffman. it makes his betrayal hurt so much more
this whole moment. i love this. ough. as much as i loved this scene already, in my head i pretend the scene played out like this....
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falls onto his ass
angel of death
my fucking goodness
also, i cant list off everything because theres so much its a little depressing, but there's a lot going on in the Saw 3D script that is tragically cool. they really leaned into Hoffman going off the deep end and i enjoyed that. and how grisly his scar was originally supposed to be, and the symbolism with his declining mental state. and his interactions with Lawrence being a little more fleshed out. its just kind of neat. i think the film would have been a bit stronger if they stuck closer to a few of their earlier ideas
and as for spin-offs that are absolutely not canon, this description of Hoffman from the video game from Tapp's POV is intriguing.
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i love annoying and weird colleague Hoffman but i also really enjoy the idea of shy and weird colleague Hoffman.
also, boring cop Hoffman who wont bend the rules? that is so much more interesting than the hashtag brutality moment.
too bad this game is like. well. yknow. not very good. i dont think thats a controversial statement
but you know what IS good?
Saw the Musical
thats canon to me. no notes
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novelconcepts · 6 months
I still do this snap trick I learned as a kid. Fingers of both hands snap. One fist claps into the other palm. Repeat. Snap. Clap. Snap. Clap. It isn’t complicated. It isn’t special.
A girl taught it to me. A goofy blue-eyed basketball player, a point guard with a white-blonde ponytail. We were twelve. It was probably the tenth time I’d had a crush on a girl in my orbit, but for the first time, those feelings felt consequential. I was obsessed. I was uneasy. She did this simple trick at practice, and I copied her, filing a piece of her away inside myself forever.
Snap. Clap. Snap. Clap. I haven’t seen this girl in almost two decades. My hands remember.
I still feel a burble of sorrow-hunger-joy when I hear Nirvana. Songs everybody knows, songs with radio airplay beyond anything I can imagine. “Come As You Are” belts me in the teeth as it’s belted probably thousands. Millions. It isn’t special.
A girl played it for me. A bright-eyed goofball with a penchant for dirty jokes I wasn’t ready for. We were sixteen. Someone probably told her she was wise beyond her years. Too many someones, probably, most of them adult and male. It shaped her. She shaped me. The first girl I ever told I was gay. I still remember dropping the words like a bomb at the end of class, trying to bolt from the room like outrunning the blast range. I still remember the way she caught me over her desk, hauled me into an embrace. I still remember talking her down, months later, from an all-too-real pregnancy scare. I still remember the way her eyes lit up when she found out I’d had a crush on her. Pieces of her, consequential, filed away inside me forever.
Come as you are. As you were. I haven’t seen this girl in almost two decades. My ears remember.
I still see the shape of love in soccer balls and hockey sticks. Sports I’ve never played, only watched, sports that never belonged to me. Everyone’s been on a field in the rain, shivered under a heat lamp. It isn’t special.
A girl invited me. Copper hair and grey eyes, sturdy frame, wild laugh. We were seventeen. She went to another school, lived another life, existed inside uniform skirts and prayer sessions. The internet bound us together. No one knew me better. No one knew me less. I was so in love with her, I forgot how to structure my day around anything outside AIM away messages and songs I’d never like otherwise. I told her I was gay, knowing she might run. She still attributes her sprint away from homophobia to my name. Two years later, she’d kiss a girl who wasn’t shaped like me, and I’d shatter our friendship out of newly-adult spite. Those years, those endlessly consequential choices, pieces of her, are filed away inside me forever.
Ice rinks and soccer goals are forever scarred. I haven’t seen this girl in almost two decades. My shame remembers.
I’m married now. Gorgeous color-changing eyes, leather jackets, confident hands, an encyclopedia of hobbies sketched in shades of ADHD. My skeleton is lined with all I’ve learned from her, dozens of turns of phrase and inside jokes, hundreds of songs, a thousand trusting moments. We speak a language composed of shared humor and ill-matched childhoods. We couldn’t be more different. We couldn’t match up cleaner. I fall asleep with my head in her lap and wonder, as I drift, how many pieces of her are filed away inside me forever. Not special. Not complicated. Immortal as a book recommendation, an evening spent spinning the same record.
I wonder if love is always stored in the body this way. I wonder if love is, by definition, a haunting.
I still do this snap trick I learned as a kid. I hear the songs. I flinch from ice rinks.
I wonder how much of me belongs to girls who haven’t seen me in almost two decades.
I wonder.
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ravencoloredroses · 1 year
Dream Girl part 3
Nyx x Reader
Summary: Y/N’s first family dinner, a tour of Velaris, and Starfall!
Warnings: none :)
Word Count: 3,781
A/N: Here’s the last part of Dream girl! I hope you guys liked this story! Thank you so much for reading and stay tuned for more from me!
part 1 part 2
*knock* *knock*
“Y/N? It’s Nyx. Can I come in?”
She sends a shadow to open the door for Nyx. When he comes in, he sees her sitting on the bed with a pile of clothes surrounding her.
Slowly making his way over to her, he takes a look around. She’s unpacked almost everything, even hung up a few pieces of her artwork. Nyx crouches in front of her and places his hands on her knees.
“Is everything alright? Why aren’t you ready for dinner?” He asks lifting a hand up to put a piece of hair behind her ear.
Finally meeting his gaze, Y/N shakes her head. He gives her hand a squeeze of encouragement. She sighs, “I have nothing to wear.”
“What do you mean? What’s wrong with what you have on?” He says looking over her outfit. She’s changed into a pair of leggings and an oversized cream colored sweater with matching fuzzy socks.
“This? I can’t wear this! You saw what everyone was wearing when we first came in. I- I have to wear something nice but- but…” Y/N gets up and starts pacing around the room. Nyx is quick to follow after her, pulling her in for a hug.
“Sweetheart, you look absolutely perfect in what you're wearing. I promise you those goofballs downstairs do not care. But if you really want to wear something nice…. just give me one second. I’ll be right back!!” Nyx yells as he is running out the door.
Y/N takes this minute alone to go fix up her makeup in the bathroom. She uses a q-tip to fix her smudged eyeliner and mascara. Brushing out her hair and pulls it back in a simple loose dutch braid. When she’s finished, her shadows alert her of Nyx’s arrival.
“Come in!”
Nyx walks back in holding up a stunning deep purple dress and matching accessories. “I hope you like this dress, my grandmother made it a while ago. I- I don’t know if you like the color purple.. and I don’t know if it’s your size… but I think it would look good on you-“
“Oh my, Nyx! It’s beautiful! I'll go and try it on right now!!” Y/N says taking the dress from Nyx and pushing him out. A few minutes later, she peeks her head out the door and sees Nyx sitting on the bed. “Could you help me with the back?” She asks sheepishly.
“Of course.” He says, standing up and walking towards the door. When he gets in the bathroom, Y/N is facing him holding the front of the dress up so it doesn’t fall. “Wow. Absolutely gorgeous. You look amazing.”
She blushes and stares at him for a few seconds. “You said you needed help with the back?” Nyx asks, starting to walk around her. Y/N shivers slightly as his cold knuckles graze her back.
Finishing the lacing on the back, Nyx pulls her back to his front. Putting his hands around her waist, he slowly walks them over to the mirror. Now starting at their reflection, Y/N notices what Nyx is dressed in. A matching purple dress shirt and black fitted slacks.
He meets her gaze in the mirror and a smile creeps into both of their faces. Spinning her around, Nyx takes a second to admire his mate in front of him.
“It’s not nice to stare, you know.” Y/N says teasingly. Nyx looks at her flirty eyes and then her down to her smiling lips.
“I think that you are very nice to stare at.” Nyx says while smoothing his hands up and down her sides, lingering slightly on her hips.
“Nyx?” Y/N asks breathlessly.
“Kiss me.”
Without hesitating, Nyx places his lips on hers, moving in sync. The bond between them glowing as the kiss deepens. Nyx picks her up and she attempts to wrap her legs around his waist, but the dress is too tight.
They break away laughing. Nyx places his forehead on Y/N’s as he sets her down. “Damn this dress.” He laughs. She giggles back while giving his mouth one last kiss before pulling away.
“We better get going. Don’t wanna be late for my first family dinner.”
“I mean- I think we can skip this one if I’m being honest. I don’t-“
“Nyx. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave.” Y/N sings over her shoulder, walking towards the door. Nyx scurries over to her and grabs ahold of her hand.
She looks up to him one last time and smiles nervously, before opening the door.
Walking down the stairs, they can hear voices getting louder. Nyx can feel her nerves through the bond, so he gives her hand an encouraging squeeze. Saying everything he couldn’t with words. Her shadows ‘kiss’ his cheek in thanks.
Rounding the corner into the dining room, they see the same smiling faces as before. This time though, they are smiling among themselves. Rhys is the first to notice the newcomers.
“Nyx! Y/N! Just in time for dinner!” He says walking up to them. He takes a long look at Y/N’s dress and looks back to Feyre who is doing the same.
“That dress looks stunning on you darling.” Feyre says taking Y/N’s hand out of Nyx’s. Rhys nods in agreement, moving out of the way for the females to head over to the table.
Feyre leads her over to where the other females are seated. Whatever conversation was going on before has stopped and everyone is now staring at Y/N.
“Woah, You look absolutely stunning!” Mor exclaims. “Isn’t that- that dress was- oh my!” She stands up and tightly hugs Y/N. “That dress looks like it was made for you, my dear.”
Cassian joins the group and pulls Y/N out of the hug with Mor and into an even tighter hug with him. “I’m so excited for you to be staying with us. I can already tell you’re gonna be an amazing Illyrian warrior!”
“Woah, woah, woah.” Nesta interrupts. “Who says that she won’t be a Valkyrie?”
“Me. I say. Good Illyrian genes like those are destined to be a warrior.” Cassian claps back.
Nyx comes up behind Y/N and grabs onto one of her hands. “That’s a conversation for a different time. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving.” Nyx shoots Y/N a wink, pulls out her chair and sits down next to her.
He places a hand on Y/N’s knee and squeezes it to soothe her nerves.
After the rest of the group sits down, Rhys tells the house to serve the food. The next second, almost every space on the table is occupied with a plate of food. From soups, to meats and vegetables, even desserts.
Nyx looks over to Y/N and smooths his thumb over her thigh, he reaches forward to plate her food. “What would you like?”
“Um- that looks good over there. Oh! and maybe a little bit of this one here!” Y/N says, pointing to the different foods. Nyx smiles at her excitement and pours her a glass of water. He kisses her on the cheek and moves over to his plate.
“So Y/N, how are you liking Velaris so far?” Feyre asks.
“Well I haven’t really seen any of it, but what I have seen is absolutely beautiful!” Y/N replies.
“You have to show her around at night Nyx, you just have to!” Mor says from across the table.
“That’s a great idea Aunt Mor. Y/N would you like to go for a walk with me tonight?” Nyx asks, giving her knee a light squeeze. She nods eagerly and continues eating.
“Can I help with dishes?” Y/N asks as everyone starts to finish eating.
“Dishes?” Rhys asks, giving her a grin. “We don’t do dishes here, watch.” With a snap of his fingers all the empty plates vanish. Y/N is left with wide eyes as the table quietly laughs at her reaction.
“Well, thanks for showing off, dad. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we have a city to go see.” Nyx gets up and pulls Y/N’s chair out slightly. He grabs onto her hand and helps her stand up.
Without dropping her hand, Nyx takes Y/N to the stairs. When they reach her bedroom door, he turns to look at her. Reaching up to brush a stray hair behind her ear, he lets his hand linger on her cheek. “You are so beautiful.”
She leans into his touch and stares deep into his eyes. “And you are so handsome, my mate.”
Nyx gently puts his lips onto hers, just a peck, then he’s leaning back and putting their foreheads together. “Do you need to get changed? I can give you a minute if you’d like.”
She takes a step back. “Change?” Y/N questions. “Why would I need to get changed?”
“You don’t NEED to get changed, you look absolutely stunning in that dress. But I’m not exactly sure it’s the most comfortable thing to fly in…” Nyx says closing the distance between them again.
“We’re gonna be flying?” Nyx grabs both of her hands.
“Well yeah, unless you want to walk down 10,000 steps. That’s fine with me, but we might have to camp out for the night about halfway down-“
Y/N cuts him off with a playful slap on his chest. “Alright Mr. Comedian, I’ll go get changed.”
“Please, call me Mr. Comedy. Mr. Comedian is my father.” Nyx jokes.
“So sorry, my mistake!” She laughs. “I’ll be right back.” She boops his nose before turning around and walking into her room.
Returning to the hallway, Y/N finds Nyx sitting on the floor with his eyes closed. “How long was I in there?” She asks to get his attention. Nyx jolts awake and hurried to stand.
He rubs his eyes with the back of his hand. “Sorry, what did you say?”
“If you’re too tired Nyx, we can just stay in tonight! Maybe you could give me a tour of the house instead?” Y/N asks.
“No, no. I promised I would take you to see Velaris. We can tour this place some other time.” He waves his hand dismissivelly. “Shall we?”
“After you.” Y/N says placing her hand on his extended arm and Nyx leads them to the balcony off of the living room. “I’ve uh- I’ve never flown- like long distance before… I don’t want to slow you down-“ Y/N starts.
“That’s okay, it’s not too far. I’m sure you’ll be fine and if you need to stop, then we’ll stop.” Nyx pulls them closer to the edge and gives her a smile before taking off.
Y/N follows right behind him trying to catch up. When she finally reaches him, he tucks in his wings and nosedives. She’s scared for a second until he levels out, laughing about 20 feet below her. “Hey! That’s not funny! I thought you were actually falling!”
By the time he reaches her height again, he’s laughing so hard that tears are falling. “I’m sorry but- but you should have seen your face!” Nyx goes to grab onto her hand, but he looks up to find her staring at the city with wide eyes.
“What do you think?” He asks when he finally reaches her, lacing their fingers together.
“I think it’s the most beautiful city I’ve ever seen, ever. I- I can’t believe this is real.” Y/N whispers, afraid that too much noise will cause her to wake up.
“Oh it’s real. It’s very real, and so is this.” Nyx raises their joint hands. “You're finally here with me, finally in my life and don’t even think about leaving.” He brings her hand up to his mouth and places a kiss on the back of it. “Now come on, let’s go see it up close.”
Twirling around each other and laughing so loud the whole city can hear. Nyx and Y/N finally land down on the street. “This is incredible! I’ve never seen anything like it!!” Y/N exclaims as they stumble down a path along the Sidra.
“I’m so happy I get to share this place with you.” Nyx says, grabbing onto her hands, dragging her along the path. When they sit down on a park bench, Y/N lays her head down on Nyx’s lap. He plays with her hair while humming a calming tune.
Just as she’s about to drift off to sleep, Y/N feels Nyx place a kiss along her hair line.
— —
“Good. Now do it over again.” Azriel instructs Y/N. They’ve been training for the better part of an hour now. As the shadows come drifting back over to them, Y/N stands up to walk away. “Where do you think you’re going?”
“To go get something to eat. I’m starving and my brain hurts from all this.” Y/N says, waving her hands around in emphasis.
“Fine, but you better practice before tomorrow. You still have a lot of work you need to do.“
“Az, we’ve been at it for months now. I haven’t gotten much better, it’s really just a waste of time.”
“Do not say that. You’re doing so well! These things take time, I do not expect you to be perfect when just starting!” Az counters, now walking beside her. “Is this about Nyx?”
“What? Is what about Nyx?” She asks, startled.
“Well I know you guys are getting serious now, and I also know that you haven’t accepted the bond yet. I can tell that you have been stressing about something, but I can’t tell what it is.” He replies.
“H-How do you know we haven’t accepted it?”
“Spymaster. Remember? Why haven’t you accepted it though? Was it your idea? Nyx’s?”
“It’s just that…. that I’m not ready for our relationship to get.. intimate.. like that yet.” Y/N says sheepishly.
“Ah. You know that Nyx would never force you to do anything you don’t want to do right?”
“Yes, of course I do! But I also know that when we do accept the bond, the ... frenzy… is unavoidable. Since I’m not ready yet, I know that will be super hard for him, and I can’t put him through that.”
“Well, I’m sure Nyx is willing to wait until you are ready, he’s just like his father in that way. Anyways, just keep practicing and I’ll see you at the Starfall party tomorrow right?” Az questions.
“Yep, I’ll be there! See you then!” She waves goodbye as they part ways, before heading down to the kitchen.
Standing at the stove making an omelet, Y/N feels hands wrap around her waist.
“Hey you, how was training?” Nyx greets, placing a kiss on her cheek.
“Hey! It was alright I guess. Az is trying his best, but my shadows aren’t listening to me. It’s so frustrating.”
“Don’t worry love, I'm sure it took Az awhile to get it too. Would you like to go to the library later today?” He asks.
“I’m sorry, I can’t today. I still have gifts to buy for Starfall.”
“Sweetheart, you know you don’t have to get us anything.”
She spins around in his arms to face him. “I know, I know, but I want to! These past months here have been amazing, giving you guys presents is the least I can do.”
“Okay, I’ll leave you to it then.” Nyx grabs her chin to pull her in for a kiss before leaving.
— —
“I don’t know about all this, are you sure I look okay?” Y/N asks, staring at her reflection. Mor has picked out a stunning dark green ball gown, with matching accessories of course.
“You look amazing, sweetie! Nyx won’t be able to take his hands off of you! Not that he doesn’t do that already, but even more now.” Mor says, picking off a piece of loose string on Y/N’s dress. “Are you ready to head down?”
Y/N nods and makes her way to the stairs. As she rounds the corner, Nyx appears at the bottom of the staircase. “Wow. You- you look gorgeous. I mean you always do, but- but right now especially.” He says nervously.
She laughs and takes his extended hand. “Thank you, you look handsome as well.” Nyx places a kiss on her cheek and escorts her over to the balcony.
“I can’t wait to see the stars, you guys have talked about it so much. It sounds magical.” She says, leaning into his side.
“It is magical, I hope you never forget tonight.” Nyx says, staring out into the night sky.
Y/N smiles knowingly. “I hope so too.”
“Hey lovebirds! We’re starting presents now!” Cassian calls over.
“Okay, we’ll be right there!” Nyx yells back. He turns back to Y/N and puts his arm around her waist. “You ready, love?” She nods and they walk back into the house.
“Cassian! You went first last year!” Rhys complains. The group is all squished in the living room surrounded by mountains of gifts.
“Ugh. Fine, you can go first.” He says picking up a present and handing it over to Rhys.
About an hour and a half later, it’s finally Y/N’s turn to open presents. She received a box set of a new book series from Azriel, a pair of Illyrian leathers from Cassian, a basket of bath soaps and oils from Mor, and a purple amethyst necklace from Amren.
The High Lord and Lady make their way over to give their gift to Y/N. Ripping the paper open, she looks up to see the group leaning over to see and flips it around to show everyone.
The painting is of her first night in Velaris. She’s laying down in Nyx’s lap on a park bench as he plays with her hair. “Oh my. This is incredible! T-thank you so very much!”
“You're so very welcome!” Feyre replies. “I had Nyx show me this memory. It was such a nice moment for you guys, so I wanted to memorialize it.”
“Thank you so much Mom, it’s amazing!” Nyx says resting his hand on Y/N’s knee.
Feyre smiles at her son. “Now for you Nyx, here’s our present.” She hands over a small box.
Nyx gives the box a little shake to hear it rattle. “What is it?”
“Why don’t you open it to find out.” Rhys teases.
With a laugh Nyx opens the box and pulls out a small key. “A- a key?” He asks.
“Not just any key son, that key goes to a cabin over in the Winter Court.” Feyre says. “We figured you two might want to get away from us old folks for a little while. It’s yours for as long as you like, starting tonight.”
Nyx looks over to Y/N, who’s smiling widely back at him. “Thank you guys so much! I’ve always wanted to go to the Winter Court!”
Y/N reaches behind her and hands Nyx a medium sized box. “Here, this one’s from me, but it kinda goes with the last one.” She says, fiddling with her hands nervously.
Nyx looks over to Y/N in question. “It’s a blueberry pie. That…. Um, that I made.” She clarifies.
With that, the whole room goes dead silent. “You- you made this?” Nyx asks and she nods. “You know what that means right?”
“Of course I do! I’m ready now, Nyx, I’m ready to take the next step with you. If- if you still want to of course, I don’t mean to assume-“ She starts rambling and Nyx cuts her off with a kiss.
The party goers begin to disperse, giving the couple some alone time. Breaking away for a breath, Nyx looks deep into her eyes. “I cannot wait to take that next step with you too, but are you sure? If you’re not ready yet we can wait. I have no problem waiting! I would wait for you for the rest of our lives-“
Now it’s Y/N’s turn to cut Nyx off with a kiss. “I’m sure, being with you is the only thing I’m sure of right now.” She laughs.
“Well in that case, let’s go see some stars fall.” He kisses her cheek and helps her stand up. They join the rest of their family on the balcony, spending their first Starfall together.
— —
It’s technically the day after Starfall by the time the party ends. Nyx and Y/N make their way to the door with their packed bags.
“Alright you two, be safe and have fun. Don’t worry about coming back here too soon, you take all the time off you need.” Rhys says with a wink at Nyx.
“Thanks for this, really, I can’t tell you how grateful I am.”
“You’re welcome guys. Now, go on, you have a cabin waiting for you.” Feyre smiles and leans into her mate’s arms.
“Okay, we’ll see you guys… sometime!”
Nyx looks over to Y/N as they winnow away.
Not even bothering to unpack, they head straight for the kitchen. She places the blueberry pie on the counter between them and sits down.
“I know it’s kinda like breakfast time right now, but would you like to have some pie-“
She’s cut off by the sound of Nyx opening the silverware drawer.
He grabs a fork and then heads over to the counter and sits opposite of her. “You’re still okay with this, right?” Y/N nods with a smile. Without losing eye contact, Nyx picks up a piece of pie on his fork and eats it.
As soon as he bites down, the bond between them glows like a burning fire. Y/N watches him eat the entire time and only speaks when he’s finished. “Now what?” She asks.
Wiping around his mouth with a napkin, Nyx gets up and walks over to her. “Now,” he says, “we go upstairs and make this official.” She smiles, wraps her arms around his neck, and pulls him in for a kiss.
“I love you so much.” He says in between breaths.
“I love you too.” She answers, pulling him back down to her mouth.
He moves his hand down to the back of her thighs, signaling for her to jump up. With Y/N now in his arms, Nyx winnows up to the bedroom to finish what they started.
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jadetheblade4 · 2 months
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Are They Stupid?
A Dog Man Fanfic by Swirly Twirly
Summary: Petey escapes Cat Jail, but the local guard that checks up on him is the one on his tail!! Will the shennanigans ever cease... (Takes place somewhere before A Tale Of Two Kitties) (Not a ship thing sorry weirdos but this gal wants to write for the silly of it ^_^)
Part 1:
It was yet another normal day at Cat Jail, Collardale. The guard was doing his normal everyday rounds, albeit with a positive demeanor. He had been having a great day so far, thinking that nothing much could ruin it. He went to Petey's cell with a skip in his step.
"Gooooooood morning, Petey!" proclaimed the Guard, banging onto the cold metal bars of the cell. Petey, startled by this sudden noise, lifted his head up from his piles of papers and blueprints of escape. His face contorted into an annoyed glance once he saw who it was, his ears turned downward in disinterest.
"Aaaaaand goodbye to you, Guard..." Petey retorts, waving him off and continuing to work on his plans.
The guard chuckled. "Aw, cheer up, buddy! Big Jim and a bunch of other cats are planning on taking a sewing class today. You should join them!"
"Don't call me buddy! Besides, why would I want to be with any of those nut jobs? They're all stupid goofballs that don't have anything better to do with their life!" Petey took great offense in that chuckle, even slightly hissing his words to subconciously tell him to back off.
The guard tilts his head slightly, frowning a bit. "Then...what are you doing with your time?" he questioned, leaning onto the bars of Petey's cell. 
Petey's sneer immediately dissapears the moment he realizes how suspicious he looks. "I- um...Well..." he stutters, trying to find something to pass off as an excuse. Suddenly, his ears perk up, a quick idea passing through his genius mind.
He picked up a piece of paper that was a shopping list of some sort but for evil machinery. The contents didn't matter, though. He turned it over and quickly doodled a crude-looking drawing of the guard and himself holding hands, trying to make it as nice as possible with his ratty artstyle.
"Well, for your information... I'm...drawing a picture!! Of us!! Hanging out or whatever, just come see it!" proclaimed the orange cat, waving the drawing above his head.
The guard's face lights up in glee. "Really, Petey? You drew a picture for me??" he squealed in excitement. He never would've thought that Petey would do something nice for him for a change!
Petey nods convincingly. "Uh huh, just open the cell door and come inside to see it!!"
Unlocking the door to petey's cell, the guard steps inside gleefully. "What does it look like? Oh, I hope you capture my likeness onto it!!"
"Yeah, yeah, here ya go, I made it with care and whatnot, blah blah blah sappy stuff..." Petey shoves the drawing onto the guard, who happily accepted it.  The guard's eyes go wide as he scans the picture. A huge grin spreads across his face. "Aw, Petey, I love it!!! It looks so nice!!! C'mere you!!" He goes over to him and pulls him into a tight and loving hug.
"Oof!" Petey's breath slips out of him as he's trapped in the guard's iron grip. "Ok, man, hands off the merchandise!!" He squirms, trying to get away, but the guy has no plans of letting him go at the moment.
"This is the most thoughtful gift i have ever recieved in my whole entire life!!!! the guard proclaimed, continuing to cuddle him more. He comically spins him around and even kisses his cheek a couple of times, the gift really meaning a lot to him somehow.
"EUGH!! Alright ALRIGHT I GET IT I'm such a great pal now GET OFF!!!" Petey wriggled around his grasp until he popped off. He let out a "hmph!" as he tidied himself up from his sudden invasion of privacy. The guard jumped off to the side, a bit hurt by Petey's sudden cold nature. The orange cat notices his sudden deflate and feels a certain pull in his heart. "I mean, uh, no problem... figured I'd repay you for dealing with my, uh, schemes and stuff..." Petey stuttered, shifting his feet.
The guard's face lights back up again as he looks back at the picture. "Aww, it's nothing, Petey!! Just doing my duty!!" he said. Petey let out a smile, strangely happy about his half-assed drawing. He then shakes his head and tries to focus on the task at hand.
"I was thinking about hanging it up over there on the right side corner of my cell, can ya be a dear and put it there for me?" he bats his eyes innocently and points to said corner. The guard happily agreed. "Of course, dear pal!" He gives him one final hug and rushes to the wall to hang it up.
With a devious smile on his face, he tiptoes out of the cell. "Heheh, what a doofus..." the cat giggled. A few moments later, he escapes from the jail once more. "Ahh, finally! I can get back to doing what i usually do..." He walks back to his lab and breathes a sigh of relief. "The life...OF CRIME!!! HAW HAW HAW!!!!" he announces. The large building echoed his words, alerting the butler from the staircase.
"Heya Petey! Been a while since I've seen you around!!" he quickly steps down and joins him as Petey parades around his home. "Breaking out this time was a bit difficult," Petey went on, "but now things can finally get back on tra-"
A tv at the corner of the supposed room they're in suddenly announces its lovely presence by blaring breaking news from its LD screen. Petey and Butler turn their attention to the tv. It shows none other than Sarah Hatoff,  greatest reporter, in front of the very Cat Jail Petey just escaped from moments ago.
"BREAKING NEWS, FELLOW CITIZENS OF COLLARDALE!!!" Sarah declared. "We are currently receiving reports of a runaway warden of sorts from the Cat Jail looking for a certain fiendish feline...PETEY!!!" A mugshot of his face is shown on the screen right next to a goofy-looking photo of the guard, to which Petey frowns upon. "He informs us that if we see the cat anywhere to report to him...and...only him." Sarah scratched her head in confusion. "Huh. Guess the police aren't needed. This is Sarah Hatoff, signing out."
The butler turned to Petey. "Huh, I guess you don't need to, after all!" he said with a dumbass smile on his face. Petey grimaces and pinches the middle of his forehead in frustration. "AAUGH....Why is there always SOMETHING to ruin the mood..." he groaned, marching up the steps to the lab's roof with the butler following right behind. 
Up above, Petey and the butler scan their surroundings. The day-to-day hustle and bustle of the city rings out from below, showing no sign of anything unusual. The butler tilts his head. "Nobody here yet..." he muttered.
The orange cat crossed his shoulders and shook his head. "...Hmph! What am I even worried about anyways?!?" He laughed at how absurd he was acting at the moment to save face as he started walking back towards the stairs. "This lab is one of the most discrete and perfectly hidden buildings in all of the city of Collardale! It'll take a while before-"
A loud buzz-like sound suddenly calls out and the pair jumped in suprise. Petey rushed back and leaned over the roof once more to see a tiny guard waiting patiently at the door, pressing the goddamn buzzer.
"HOW DID HE FIND MY LAB!?!" Petey screamed. He quickly covered his mouth and dragged Butler down to the ground before Guard could see up above. He grabbed his butler by the shirt and whispered, "How did he find my lab?!?!?!"
The butler shrugged. "Gee, Petey, I don't have a clue how the guy could think of coming here."
"Hmm...strange." Petey let him go and scratched his head. He peered over the roof to look at his big fat-ass "PETEY'S SECRET LAB" sign. "Oh, by the way, I think you need to change a few of the lightbulbs on my lab's sign this weekend. A few of them are starting to fade out."
The butler rolled his eyes and sighed. "I'll buy lightbulbs later this evening, I guess..." he muttered again, peering over and looking at the sign with him.
Petey raised his eyebrow. "Also, quit muttering and mumbling so much, it's starting to irritate me >:( ."
The guard pressed the buzzer again. His hand contained a small piece of paper. "Helloooo?"  he called out. "I'm an authority from the local Cat Jail! Is anyone home?" He looked up at the tall building, to which Petey noticed just in time and ducked. Unfortunately, the butler ducked a bit too late, therefore leading the guard to only catch sight of him and not Petey.
"Oh, hey there! I just wanted to ask a couple of questions, if ya don't mind!!" he shouted from below to up above. The butler pops out again and gives a thumbs up, then goes down again.
Petey facepalms himself and groans annoyingly. He then faces the butler, who smiled sheepishly.
"You better not tell him im here. In fact, make him regret coming here in the first place!! I don't wanna be involved with the guy any further!!" he yelled, grudgingly going downstairs.
The butler shifted uneasily in place. "Uh, sure, Petey... I'll see what I can do, I guess..." he mumbled once more as he followed the grumpy cat.
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vibratingskull · 2 months
Well if we are doing Thrass...I humbly request: First date with Thrass! Any way you want to do it.
Thrass is on the dating market guys! Come try your chance with the sweetest chiss in the Chaos!
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beautiful art by the amazing @thrawns-backrest
Thrass xF!reader
Tag: first date, Thrawn being casually aroace (in my fic? who knew?), Thrass is kind of a goofball, fluff
You breathe through your nose, reassuring your grip on your purse straps in your hands. You raise your head lightly to observe passersby. 
Haughty and regal.  
Barely giving a glance to little you, all alone lying against the street light. You fidget your thumbs, suddenly second-guessing your dress with colorful flowers... Is too much or too little? Are your heels too high? Is your stocking elegant or scandalous? Does your perfume smell good or just reek? Does your coiffure  enhance your features as you hoped or does it make you look goofy? 
It’s your first date with him, and you want to appear at your best to impress him! 
You bite the nail of your thumb, looking around for him. 
He is late. 
What if he never comes? 
What if he forgot about you? 
What if he sets you up? 
What if- 
“(Y/n)’(F/n)! There you are!” 
You spin in surprise to discover Mitth’ras’safis approaching with a tranquil pace, raising his hand to you in a greeting. He wears the traditional tunic of his rank, long, elegant, and distinguished. His long hair is impeccably braided. 
“Mister Mitth’ras’safis!” You slightly bow to him in your excitation and confusion.  
You are so relieved he is here! You press your lips in a thin line as he winces. 
“It’s Mitth’ras’safis.” He corrects, “But please, call me Thrass, it will be easier for your vocal cords.” 
 “Alright, mister... Thrass.” You nod hurriedly. 
“Just Thrass please.”  
“But you’re a Syndic of the Mitth!” 
“Today I did not come to you as a Syndic but as a simple man.” He retorts, “I am merely an ordinary Chiss.”  
You nod again, slower, feeling your cheek heating up dangerously and it worsens when you remember the Chiss can see warmth on your skin. 
“Then please, call me (Y/n).” You propose back. 
“(Y/n)...” He tries your name, his chin in his fingers, testing how your name rolls on his tongue, “It has an exotic sound to it.” 
He seems to like it. 
He tilts his head with a gentle smile. 
“Should we go?” He invites. 
You walk alongside one another in silence. You hold on desperately to your purse, trying to calm down your beating heart. You feel yourself sweating with too much tension. You give a side glance to Mitth’ra... 
He seems relaxed and calm, a little smile floating on his lips as he looks straight ahead of you both. You’re clearly on two different planets! You gently press a hand against your heart. 
You never thought he would accept such rendezvous with you! You are only human after all... 
You remember your meeting with him, and how dismissive and distrusting he was. You had the misfortune to mispronounce his full name and he took it very personally! Commander Thrawn tried to mediate the situation but you kept fumbling your poor Cheuhn and Thrass finally left with a terrible first impression of you and you were utterly terrified you might have doomed any future relationships between humans and Chiss! 
When you’ve been judged civilized enough to be released in Chiss society, the Mitth family received the responsibility of “taking care” of you, because the Chiss who found and rescued you was Commander Mitth’raw’nuruodo. You have been brought to the Mitth homestead and once again you crossed paths with Mitth’ras’safis and with Thrawn’s support you took the time to apologize for any wrongdoing you might have done towards him in proper Cheuhn this time. 
He kept his expression closed and neutral, politely listening to you trying hard to not mangle any words and don’t inadvertently insult anyone’s mother in this difficult language. He stopped you by raising his hand and sighed. He apologized for his harsh demeanor and bad attitude and extended his hand to you. Your gaze traveled back and forth between his hand and face, unsure before tentatively taking it and shaking it with relief.  
The Mitth’s Patriarch, Thooraki, chose a job for you, appointing you as aid to syndics of the family. 
 All of them. 
So whenever a syndic needed a file, a datacylinder, or just a cup of caccoleaf it was your job to run everywhere in the building to find it. Mitth’ras’safis didn’t deprive himself of your services and frequently asked for your help. 
He just was... nicer to you than the rest of the Syndics. 
As much because it was his personality than because you were friends with his brother, or rather you held on to Thrawn as a buoy in the open sea and he, strangely, let it happen. Commander Thrawn was the one who saved your life from the neverending dark and cold of the Universe and was, by far, the most welcoming and open-minded of all the Chiss you encountered until now.  
Thrawn was curious about you. You were the only representative of a new species, the only intel he had about this entirely new part of the Chaos and he strategically kept his relationship with you nice and polite. Desperate, you imprinted on him, asking him advice and opinions on everything and he let it happen, patiently, courteously. 
And Thrass heard about it. 
Thrawn must have come to him at the end of their respective day, telling how the weird alien human came back to him crying once again because she switched another file again today. 
Which surprised Thrass because he never saw you cry during the day. He only saw you trying your best all day long, but apparently you took the habit of calling Thrawn each evening to vent. 
Which also means somehow Thrawn gave you his personal code to call him, and that point was terribly interesting to Thrass... 
Thrawn doesn’t trust easily. 
So if he gave you a direct channel to him, he must have studied you thoroughly and judged you trustworthy enough. And whomever Thrawn trusts, Thrass is inclined to trust in return. 
It’s the point when Thrass started to look at you more and pick up your little quirks and habits, the way you click your pen when you're nervous, the way you push a strand of hair behind your ear when you’re intently listening to someone, the little “oh!” you let escape when you understand something new... 
And slowly, oh so slowly, Thrass started to relax with you. Being more patient, taking time to explain to you why he needed this file or this one when he asked you to retrieve it, while the other syndics just barked at you to find them chop chop! He saluted you when you crossed paths in the corridor and you bowed to him respectfully and, in all honestly, a little afraid. He chatted with you during caccoleaf breaks, helping you around when he found you overwhelmed while trying to sort data. 
You always apologized profusely, feeling like a dead weight as he helped you carry data-cylinders into the storage room. He politely said it was nothing and got on his way, letting you finish your tasks. 
And today, here you are! 
On your first date! Together! 
Thrass’ glance slides towards you and he gently smiles at you, making your heart race even quicker.  
“Here we are!” He finally announces. 
You stop and observe the imposing building in front of you. For the date he proposed you both come up with an activity, and you choose a play. 
He is so refined and distinguished it was the only activity worthy of him you could come up with. He let you choose the play and the theater and had the role of guiding you across Csaplar.  
The building is tall and large, with glass walls and geometrical oddities as angles. You open your purse to take out the ticket you printed, give his one to Thrass, and enter. 
“(Y/n)’(F/n) speaks highly of you” Thrawn once said to him during one of their Tactica games, during one of his too rare days back at Csilla. 
The two brothers where sitting at their favorite bistro, a nice glass of alcohol each and a platter full of different canapes next to the board. 
“Does she now?” Thrass responded, taking a sip of alcohol, letting it burn his throat and tongue so deliciously. 
“Yes. I hear a lot about you through her.” 
“Are you telling me I do not catch up enough with you, my brother?” Thrass teased Thrawn. 
“Sometimes she cries when she speaks to me at night, but she always says you magically appear out of nowhere to help her on her feet and move on with her day.” 
“I just want the work to get down, simple as that.” He chuckled, trying to understand where Thrawn was getting at. 
Thrass took his stingfly and made it cross the board to place it next to his groundlion as Thrawn gaze was lost in the game, thinking 5 steps ahead in his strategy, making his drink twirl in his glass. Thrass contemplated his move one last time, tapped his clock to validate, and threw a tomato canape in his mouth, satisfied with his new Tactica level. 
“I suspect... She thinks about you quite a lot.” Thrawn announced with his legendary tact, attacking his flank with his lion. 
Thrass swallowed his canape the wrong way. 
“Come again?” He coughed. 
Thrawn raised his head, looking straight into his red eyes, serious like he had never before. 
“You never noticed?” 
“How would I have? My head is buried in my files and the only times I go out is for political meetings... Or to meet you.”  
“How curious.” Thrawn tilted his head, not understanding, “You are usually better than me for understanding those things.” 
“Exactly. It most probably means you misunderstood her.” Thrass patted his lips with a handkerchief in a soothing manner. 
“She expressed herself in quite explicit terms.” Thrawn insisted, peacefully sipping his drink as Thrass got more and more distraught, “She left little to interpretation.” 
“How explicit?” Thrass asked a little afraid.  
Thrawn shakes his head, sorry. 
“It is not in my rights to report her words. She should speak her truth herself.”  
Thrass sniffed, putting his handkerchief in the pocket of his tunic. 
“So what? The human as a little fling, what is it to me?” 
Thrawn tilted his head again, squinting his bright red eyes at his older brother. 
“I thought you appreciated her in return?” He let Thrass know. 
Thrass remained silent, eyes round with surprise and mouth agape. 
“What in tarnation... Where did that idea come from?” Thrass finally asked. 
“It is a general sentiment you give off. The more times pass, the more her name leaves your mouth, you also hold yourself differently when you speak about her, you appear more... relaxed.” 
By reflex Thrass corrected his position, straightening his back and raising his head high like the Syndicure theatrics teached him. 
“I do not speak of her that much.” He counters. 
“Maybe not so much, but more than before. And your tone is considerably softer, and your eyes...” 
“What about my eyes?” Thrass asked with a warning in his voice. 
“I just noticed they glow brighter when we speak about her.” Thrawn explains patiently. 
Thrass gulped, his throat was going dry. 
Thrawn is a master at reading body language. He undercovers entire secrets with a single glance, stripping souls naked before him. 
What exactly did he think he saw in Thrass? Because there is no way he was smitten with the alien! Alright she was very hard-working, diligent, and pleasant to be around, her enthusiasm was enjoyable in the tight offices of the Syndicure. Thrass was even ready to admit her little panicked gasps when she realized she lost something on her way was endearing. 
Daresay cute. 
But to go such length as to say he was into her? Utterly ridiculous! 
Thrass opened his mouth to shut down Thrawn definitively but his throat tightened around his rebuttal, stifling any words in his vocal cords, leaving his mouth simply open and completely mute. 
He cannot explicitly deny his brother’s claims! Something was preventing him from speaking the truth! 
The undeniable truth that he was, in fact, not enamored by the human woman. 
Because that is the only truth. 
“Like you said, I am not good with those matters.” Thrawn continued, swallowing a cheese canape, “But I know you, my brother. I know how you act towards things you love, and how your voice fluctuates when speaking of people close to your heart. And I simply thought I saw it on you with her.” 
Thrawn was obviously trying to smooth the angles with Thrass to not offend him, but Thrass was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t even notice how his brother was contorting his words to preserve his honor. 
Thrass pressed his hand against his mouth, taking support on his elbow on the table, his mind spinning at 100 miles per hour. 
Why can’t he just say the simple words ‘I am not in love with her’? 
Coud he be...? 
Thrawn looked at his brother, febrile on his seat. 
“Why not go on a date with her?” He finally asked. 
Thrass raised his head to look at Thrawn, is attention piqued. 
“Why would I do that?”  
“Because you obviously have a soft spot for her. Why not give it a try?” 
“She is an alien.” 
“And you are an alien to her, it did not stop her from falling for you.” 
Thrass raised his hand to stop him. 
“I am flattered she thinks so highly of me. But she is an alien, and I am a Chiss! Those things do not happen.” 
Thrawn appeared more and more confused. 
“I do not remember any laws forbidding it?” 
“It is not about laws, Thrawn. It is about morality.” 
Thrawn looked at me the weirdest he ever did. 
“How living your love being against moral laws?” 
For a fleeting second Thrass forgot he was talking to Thrawn. Any other Chiss would agree with Thrass at that moment. 
But not Thrawn. 
Thrawn would never understand... 
“You speak of love but you know nothing about it.” As those words left Thrass's mouth he regretted them immediately. 
Thrawn seemed to close back over himself, a single line of discontentment crossing his forehead. 
“Thrawn, I am sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.” Thrass immediately presented his excuses. 
Thrawn took another canape to eat, his throat’s mucles contracting under his frustration. 
“No, you are right.” He said, “This is a sentiment foreign to me. But I know when I witness it, and I witness it in you, my brother. And I would be mournful if you missed a chance to find your other half in life.” 
“You are quite a romantic I realize.” Thrass couldn’t help but grin lightly at Thrawn’s choice of words. 
“What I am trying to say is: give her a chance Thrass. You might come one day to regret not trying. You have nothing to lose in the end.”  
Thrass slowly relaxed, pondering his options. It’s true, in the end, he had nothing to lose. He will not die to spend an afternoon with (Y/n)’(F/n)... 
He could even know where he stands with her, why he couldn’t word the simple truth. 
“You seem supportive of her.” Thrass investigated. 
Thrawn shrugged. 
“I got to know her during her stay on my ship on the UAG. She is honest and with a good nature. Like you.” 
“You trust her.” 
“Indeed I do. She is not a threat to the Ascendancy and I never felt an ounce of violence or darkness emmanating from her.” 
“You know what? You are right.” Thrass let out, like transfigured. 
Thrawn stopped mid-movement of drinking, not expecting such a drastic change of attitude in such a short time. Thrass didn’t lose a second and took out his comm, typing rapidly. 
“Sent! ”  
And Thrass seized his Nightbringer on the board and took Thrawn’s lion. Thrawn remained silent, fixated on his brother, completely lost. 
“Like you I hate uncertainty.” Thrass explained, “The sooner I meet her, the sooner I will be in the picture. Are you happy?” 
Thrawn contemplated his older brother, trying to make sense of that last minute. 
“I simply thought you could be a good match.” 
“We will learn it soon enough!”  
You exit the theater absolutely exhausted, your brain scrambled. It was a classical play, as you hoped, but consequently with classical Cheuhn. 
And you didn’t understand a single line! 
You learned the entire Wikipedia pages about it as about the theater you came in to info dump Thrass and impress him but you didn’t understood a single word. You spent the whole play typing feverishly on your questis to translate the lines in common Cheuhn while Thrass tried really, really hard not to explode laughing. But he mastered the neutral face of the politician man long ago, he simply didn’t control the trembling of the rest of his body. 
Thrass sighs, satisfied under the artificial sun of Csaplar. 
“It was a really good play” 
You sniff, sad to not have enjoyed the play as you hoped you would. 
“I am really glad you liked it.” You respond. 
“A bit too didactic to my liking, but nice nonetheless.” 
You turn your head to him, eyebrows raised in a silent question. 
“We studied this play at school, I already knew it.” 
You open your mouth in shock and suddenly your body slumps, completely demoralized. 
“I am sorry Thrass... I just thought-” 
You cannot finish your sentence that Thrass explodes laughing in the middle of the street, hands on his knees. You look at him absolutely dumbfounded by his reaction. 
He tries to stop laughing, to no avail. 
“I am sorry! You appeared so distraught back inside, you were trying so hard to follow the play!” He manages to say between two fits of laugh. He coughs to force it to stop, “Hum! I am sorry (Y/n), but it was really endearing seeing you try so hard.” 
You purse your lips, embarrassed. You saw him casually cover his mouth, hiding behind a relaxed position, his legs crossed and his elbow on the armchair, trying to not look in your direction to not explode in the middle of the play. 
He straightnens his back, raising back up with one hand on his stomach and a big smile on his face. 
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... It’s been a while since I laughed like that! Thank you (Y/n), it was very much needed.” 
You readjust your purse straps on your shoulder, trying to put up a front. 
“You’re welcome.” You mumble, cursing the heat spreading to your cheeks. 
He wipes the tears off his cheeks. 
“Come on! We need to take a tube car for my activity.” 
He starts to walk away from the theater in the Tube car station’s direction and you begrudgingly follow, ashamed and disgraced by his reaction, measuring how much of a fool you must be in his eyes now... 
Thrass instantly notices you’re not walking next to him and turns to you, a simple smile on his face, detailing your expression. 
“I am sorry (Y/n), I shouldn’t have laughed at your efforts.” He says softly, “I am glad you took an interest in our culture to try to take on such a classical piece. If you wish I could break it down with you later and explain its cultural significance to you.” 
You raise your head to meet his gaze. 
“You would?’  
“Of course. Come with me now...” And he gently takes your hand to guide you to the station. 
You squirm, uncomfortable but trying your very hard to not show it. Next to you Thrass takes another sip of his tea, appearing fully at ease. 
He brought you to an entirely new neighborhood. You walked in cobbled streets for an hour after the tube car, he generously asked if he could take your high heels to make it easier for you and you daringly said no. 
You lasted 15 minutes before your heels started to poor blood and you had to stop at a pharmacy to dress you. 
“Again, I am sorry.” You said pitifully. 
Again he tried very hard not to laugh. 
“It’s all right (Y/n).” He responded with a smile threatening to stretch his lips. 
You finished the route with your shoes in hand, band-aids covering your heels. The cobblestone was warm to your skin and smooth, without asperities that could slash your feet. Thrass walked next to you, hands clasped behind his back, explaining to you the intricacies of the architectural style of that neighborhood. 
It is apparently a perfect reproduction of the “old city” of Csaplar underground full of wooden structures and buildings. 
You entered a small building to change into a kimono and enter a salon opening on an inner courtyard garden with a pound and large trees. Two rooms away you could hear traditional Chiss music, giving the place an elegant and serene atmosphere.  
You imitated Thrass, sitting on his heels in front of a woman in the same position. The tea ceremony  lasted more than two hours, in the exact same position, unmoving.  
It was difficult for you, but you held on, you embarassed yourself enough before Thrass for today. 
Once the woman finished preparing tea she rose on her knee to pour it in your cups. You both bowed down deeply to her, thanking her. She disapeared, leaving you two alone to savor your hot tea. 
You sigh deeply, trying to keep the numbing sensation of your legs in check as you sip your tea. You desperately want to unfold your legs but greet your teeth. 
“It is delicious, isn’t it?” Thrass finally asks, visibly satisfied by his tea. 
“Yes!” You nod eagerly, “It has a lot of flavor!” You try your best to not let your pain reach your tone. That’s not really a success. 
“I always loved tea ceremonies... They are peaceful and meditative.” 
“Thrawn told me that.” You smile, laying down your hands with your cup on your legs, “He told me you introduced him to proper tea art for his 29th Starday!” You reveal, too happy to find common ground with Thrass thanks to his brother. 
“Ah, he remembers this day then.” He notes with a little grin, “I never saw someone hold this position as well as him. I always left with terrible pain in my legs.” He winks at you. 
You flush and let your gaze fall on your cup to not meet his inquisitive red eyes. 
“I always thought that tea ceremonies are telltales of characters.” He tells you pensively, his eyes detailing the scenery of the garden. 
“Indeed. They put your patience to the test, and require good etiquette and politeness, good taste and culture. I can tell a lot of things about someone by how they sit on their heels and wait for their tea.” 
You gulp, suddenly apprehensive. Is your attitude correct, is your demeanor polite and dignified enough for such a place? 
“You did good, do not worry.” He reassures without even looking at you. He just knew the questions gnawing at your reason. 
“Phew... I am relieved.” You sigh, letting your shoulders fall. 
“Careful, the ceremony isn’t finished yet.” He lets you know. 
You immediately straighten your back and stiffen your shoulders, on edge once again. Thrass cannot help but chuckle once again. 
“I appreciate you, (Y/n). You make me laugh, I like that.” 
You turn to him, in surprise but full of hope. 
“Really?” You cannot contain your enthusiasm. 
He nods peacefully, taking another sip, slowly savoring his drink.  
“Yes. You work hard and are mindful of people around you, you're driven by your will to learn... Those are really important qualities, and I appreciate them in my entourage.” 
You purse your lips for a split second. 
“Would you not like me if I failed at the ceremony?” 
“I never dated someone who failed at the ceremony.” He reveals, “I discovered that I am incompatible with such characters.” 
You nod slowly, feeling like you almost fucked up! 
“And your brother likes me!” You add, trying to smooth your portrait even more. 
Thrass puts his cup down, laying his hands on his legs. 
“Yes. That is another good point in your favor.” He concedes, “Thrawn is another excellent judge of persona, and he deemed you trustworthy wich is why I accepted the idea of this date with you.” 
Thrawn played matchmaker? 
Did he... 
You flush terribly, wich doesn’t escape Thrass. 
“Is something wrong?” He worries. 
“Did he... Did he reveal to you what I told him about you?” You ask, barely able to look in his direction. 
“No, he did not.” He reassures you, “He told me it wasn’t in his right to do so and that he should let you express yourself.” 
You sigh, relieved. 
“Do you wish to speak to me about it?” 
You start but calm down. 
“No... I am not yet ready to reveal it.” You admit. 
It is too soon for your heart to admit your love to Thrass, you would go into cardiac arrest! 
“It is quite all right. We will have plenty of other times together for you to tell me...” He smiled softly. 
Full of promises. 
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@bluechiss @thrawnalani @justanothersadperson93 @al-astakbar@thrawnspetgoose @readinglistfics @elise2174 @debonaire-princess @twilekchiss @pencil-urchin @ineedazeezee @mssbridgerton @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @Cortisolcosplay @obbicrystaleo @germie2037
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
Hey bestie!!! I don’t know if your asks are open. If not just yeet this out. Buuuut
May I pretty pretty please get a fem! Vamp Reader fic with maybe being a mate of Paul and Marko (best two to be in between—) who’s got like a rocker style,,,,I mean yk my style but? 👉👈 👁️👁️
And maybe some smut. I feral for them-🤭😇
(Also just realized I can’t put pictures in this damn. I was gonna give you an meme angel emoji 😭♥️
Ilysmmm and you’re doing amazing!!! Keep up the fabulous work!!! 🥹♥️♥️
Waiting for a Girl Like You🌹
Summary: You have the most gorgeous men in all of California wrapped around your finger. Even though they're vampires, you love them so much. Soon they'll make you one of them, and it's a very pleasurable change~
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Thank you @auntvamp for the request! I hope you enjoy this! Everyone, give Auntie some love! ♥️
WARNINGS: Nsfw/Smut/18+ Readers Only, Poly Throuple, Flirting, Pet names, Dirty Talk, Teasing, Nipple play, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Double Penetration, Language Kink, Threesome, Creampie, Blood drinking, Vampire transformation, Song lyrics
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You were a bombshell in every sense of the word. Beautiful, blonde, stylish. Wherever you went, heads turned and eyes widened as men and women alike stared in awe at you. It was quite the ego stroke to get that kind of attention.
But there was much more to you than looks. You had many passions and dreams to keep your spirits high. The skills you had in makeup were professional-level, you had a deep love of painting, and you were a hardcore fan of all things rock-and-roll. It felt like there was a music video going on in your head, constantly spinning you around with the fun tunes you loved so much. 
Everything that made you the way you were caught the attention of two other blondies. Marko and Paul, you adoring lovers. It was at a record store where you met the two of them. Your hand fell on a Van Halen record, as did the hand of another shopper. To your surprise, the other person interested was a lot like you. Blond hair, blue eyes, and dressed like someone in a rock band. 
You were immediately in love with the gorgeous stranger, and the look in his eyes told you he felt the same. 
As if that weren’t already amazing, it got even better. A shorter boy with long curls dressed in leather and patches came up to him, holding some cassette tapes to show off. His words were cut short when he saw what had caught his friend’s gaze.
You didn’t think it was possible to fall in love twice in a matter of seconds, but it turned out to be so. It was just meant to be. 
Marko and Paul swept you off your feet in no time. They asked you out on three-person dates to the boardwalk almost every night. Even if it was the same location, there was always something new and exciting to do. Sometimes they’d take you to romantic dinners and let you get your favorite foods. Sometimes they’d show you the wildest rides at the theme park. You had a growing collection of stuffed animals from all the carnival games they had mastered. 
When it first started out, you worried that one of them would get jealous of the other. That they would start fighting over you and insist you pick one of them. It was your worst nightmare, as you couldn’t possibly imagine having one of them instead of both. Thankfully, they worked so well together giving you equal attention and love. You were more than happy to give that love back. 
The true challenge in your relationship was learning they were vampires. 
It was a miracle that you took it so well in the long run. They were true, honest-to-God monsters that hunted and devoured humans for sustenance, yet you still longed to be with them. Paul was still that lovable goofball who liked to dance around at concerts with you. Marko was still the artistic soul with a sense of playfulness and mischief. You would never stop loving them, and it relieved them both to know they hadn’t driven you away.
The three of you had a true bond, and it was about to get stronger. 
They had invited you over for a night in at their cave hideout. You practically lived there at that point, having a special room in one of the alcoves that was full of your stuff. Band posters, makeup, slim, black outfits, leather jackets, rollers, and a mountain of pillows and blankets to keep you warm in the chilly cave. It was so nice to be able to call it your second home. 
Marko and Paul were eagerly waiting for you on the couch, visibly perking up when you stepped into the room. It warmed your heart to be so wanted.
“There’s my principessa!” Marko cooed, reaching out to take your hand and plant a kiss on your knuckles. It always got you going whenever he spoke his mother tongue.
“Hey, Sugar! You’re lookin’ fine as hell tonight~” Paul purred, eyeing you up and down in hunger. 
You giggled flirtatiously at their sweet words. They always knew exactly what to say to make you feel good. You all but melted into their embrace as they got up from their spot and held you in their arms. 
"Hello, my loves," you greeted them, kissing Paul's cheek, and then Marko's. "Where are we going for date night today?" 
For a moment, your boys were silent. There was a visible shift in their mood, any sweetness turning sultry as they eyed you hungrily. You knew that look very well. It meant pleasure was going to come your way. 
"Actually, we were hoping to…stay in tonight~" Marko said. 
"Yeah! We actually have a surprise set up in your room~" Paul whispered, leaning in close to nibble on your ear. 
Shivers ran down your spine from the excitement building up inside. You didn't want to waste a second, so you let the two of them lead you from the lobby and down the hall to your special room. The beating of your heart was getting faster as the anticipation built up.
When you finally arrived, your excitement only grew stronger. 
The room was decorated beautifully. Rose petals scattered, candles illuminating the space, a silky, red blanket spread over your bed. Paul’s boombox was propped up on the nightstand and playing music from your favorite romantic rock station.  
“Do you know what today is, baby~?” Marko whispered in your ear, wrapping his arms around your waist as he did so.
You shook your head, as you weren’t sure what the special occasion was. Paul snickered as he nuzzled your neck.
“It’s the one-year anniversary of us telling you that we’re vampires. We wanted to surprise you….and offer you something as a present~”
Your eyes widened as reality washed over you. It wasn’t a secret that the boys wanted you to become one of them. It had been on your mind for quite a while now, but you wanted them to be the ones to decide when the time was right. They were savoring you for who you were as a human, but they adored the idea of spending eternity with their lover. 
They stared at you with such intensity. Such passion. You could tell how badly they wanted to claim you in every way. How could you possibly refuse?
As the opening notes of the next song started to play, you sweetly asked for them to take you.
So long, I've been looking too hard
I've been waiting too long
Sometimes I don't know what I will find
I only know it's a matter of time
Paul was the first to kiss you, caressing your cheek as his lips met yours. You loved the way he smiled into each kiss he gave you, expressing how happy he was to be with a woman like you. The two of you worked together to remove your jackets and shoes, already feeling too hot with your clothes on.
Marko stole you away for his own kisses and helped you slip off your top and your skirt. He loved it when you wore skimpy outfits under your trusty leather jacket. It made him act extra handsy. You couldn’t stop yourself from giggling as he nipped playfully at your lip.
When you love someone
When you love someone
It feels so right, so warm and true
I need to know if you feel it too
With all three of you naked and eager for more, the boys pulled you down on the bed. They absolutely spoiled you with affection, Paul running his tongue along your exposed nipple while Marko sucked at your neck to bruise you with hickies. Sighs fell from your mouth as you relaxed into their touch. They knew just what you liked.
“Lemme fuck you, Sugar. I need you so goddamn bad~” Paul purred. You nodded eagerly, and Marko helped position you so you were leaning up against his strong chest. He pawed at your breasts, holding you close and savoring your body. 
Paul was practically salivating while lining himself up to your pussy. The tip of his cock rubbed over your clit, teasing you just a bit. It made you mewl and shiver with desire. Your bottom lip stuck out, giving a silent plea for him to finally fuck you. 
Maybe I'm wrong
Won't you tell me if I'm coming on too strong?
This heart of mine has been hurt before
This time I want to be sure
“Shhhhh babygirl, I gotcha~” he cooed as he slid right in. The two of you moaned out, both of you overwhelmed by the pleasure. Marko snickered into your neck as he watched all the fun play out. You could feel his own cock pressing against your ass and his fingers teasing your hole. 
“Ooooh Paulie…yes~” you moaned out. He filled you so perfectly as if your bodies were meant to be together. Without even thinking, you wrapped your legs around his waist, and pulled him in closer. Behind you, Marko was keeping you close as well, toying with every sweet, sensitive spot you had.
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
I've been waiting for a girl like you, your a love that will survive
I've been waiting for someone new to make me feel alive
Yeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
Paul slipped his tongue past your lips, kissing you deeply to express his lust. It made you dizzy as your head clouded, the only thought on your mind being how good the boys made you feel. Meanwhile, you could hear the sound of Marko grunting in your ear while he pushed his lube cock into your ass. The sensation of getting filled even more was making you tremble and shake. 
“God fuckin’ damn, I love this ass~” Marko growled. “Like a vice grip on my cock….mmmh…makes me wanna keep you like this forever~”
If all went well tonight, he could possibly fulfill his wish. You wanted nothing more than to feel the embrace of your two lovers all night long. Every night could be like this. Three vampires ravishing one another as mates and making the most of immortality. The mere thought only added to your pleasure.
You're so good
When we make love it's understood
It's more than a touch or a word can say
Only in dreams could it be this way
Marko and Paul moved perfectly together, matching each other’s pace of thrusting in both your holes. Their moans were only turning you on more. Your voice mixed with both of theirs, singing out your pleasure. It only encouraged them to keep it up.
“Oooh amore mio….sei tutto per me~” Marko whispered in your ear as he fucked you. He always said the most romantic things in Italian. It never failed to make you blush.
“F-Fuck….shit…I l-love…love you, Sugar~” Paul moaned, barely able to form a full sentence. Still, it was cute to see him so intoxicated from your body.
When you love someone
Yeah, I really love someone
Now, I know it's right
From the moment I wake up 'til deep in the night
There's nowhere on earth that I'd rather be than holding you tenderly
You couldn’t possibly last much longer. With the way they stuffed you and filled you up, your body was getting closer and closer to the release you needed so badly. Your legs tightened around Paul while you reached around to caress Marko’s chiseled face. It was like your body was screaming for them. 
“Marko! Paul! Oooh god! FUCK!!” you cried out. The waves of ecstasy came crashing down on you, and it was absolute perfection. Your boys were quick to follow, both of them cumming deep inside your body together. Their animalistic growls rang out as they filled you to the very brim.
The three of you collapsed onto the bed, panting and glistening from the intense fucking you had gone through. A lazy smile painted your face and your mind and body went absolutely fuzzy from the afterglow. You were incredibly grateful to have not one but two lovers that always made you cum. 
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
I've been waiting for a girl like you, your a love that will survive
I've been waiting for someone new to make me feel alive
Yeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
“Now then~” Marko said, interrupting the peaceful moment. “How about we give you that gift we mentioned?”
You perked up as Paul slipped away for just a moment to grab a familiar-looking wine bottle. Red jewels glimmered in the candlelight, catching your eye. The two of them smiled as they handed you the drink.
“It’s got blood from both of us in it,” Paul explained. “That way we’ll both be claiming you. Even when we’re apart, you’ll always have us with you”
I've been waiting for a girl like you, I've been waiting
Won't you come into my life?
It was all so incredibly romantic. Your heart swelled with love for Marko and Paul. They were so good to you. They really were your soul mates, and you never wanted to experience life without them by your side. As you uncorked the bottle, the sweet scent of their blood teased your nose. This was really happening. You would be a vampire.
There was no hesitation as you took a sip. 
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You were still a bombshell. Though the sunlight was your enemy and the night brought you inhuman powers, your beauty had followed you into your new, undead life. The rocker look was still your style, but now there was a sense of mystic charm to your personality. People still stopped and stared, but now you could lure them to follow you. 
Lure them away and quench your thirst for blood.
And all the while, Paul and Marko stayed by your side. They were amazing teachers, showing you all the ropes for using your powers. Whether it was flying in the sky or fighting hunters, they cheered you on. You knew you were going to love them forever, and you would enjoy every second of it.
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mayflysdie · 10 months
Pub drama-Soap Mactavish
{Warnings: mentions of violence, alcohol, language}
~Soap accompanies you to a pub, where you're celebrating your friends birthday.
A/N: a friend req this so here we are. ( I feel like all I've done is Angsty fics, where the MC always gets in trouble. but that will change soon)
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we gathered at a local pub for my friends birthday, we sit at a booth, eagerly awaiting the arrival of everyone. i stare at Soap, his fashionable ensemble – black jeans and a grey t-shirt. On the other hand, I have chosen to adorn a dainty black silk spaghetti strap dress with a subtle slit running up the side till reaching just beyond my hip. my wavy black hair tied into a messy bun atop my head. “hm, if i didn't know any better lass, i’d say you’re trying to seduce me” Soap says, barely loud enough to hear over the thundering music. 
i laugh, shaking my head. “You say that daily. i could be wearing the ugliest Christmas sweater and you would still ask that question". He chuckles, leaning back into the booth, never averting his eyes from my form. The dancing lights in the background illuminating his gaze and providing me with a captivating visage.
My heart is filled with joy as I look at the man I adore. "I love you, you goofball," I say with a grin, watching as he sends me a wink in response. I'm about to tease him some more when I notice my girls walking towards us. Quickly, I stand up and embrace the birthday girl, a huge smile on my face. “Happy birthday vinnie!” i all but shout in her ear. which is probably another reason me and Soap get along so well- we’re both loud. she giggles in response, hugging me.
she pulls away and almost instantly drags us to the bar, the other girls following close behind. “shots! seven trays please, none of these bitches are walking out sober”she shouts at the bartender, who laughs at her display. i roll my eyes, not entirely wanting to get drunk but heck it, Soap is with me. 
i cast a glance his way, noting how his eyes were already glued to me.I smile and give a swift twist of the head when the trays, carrying six shots each as well as the additional martini's my companion requested, are placed in front of us. “ to Vinnie!” we chant before taking the shots. i nearly cough from the burn, wiping my mouth of the alcohol dripping down my chin. i smile sheepishly at Vinnie, who laughs at me. 
four hours in and i can barely form a thought, dancing with Vinnie on the dance floor. the rest of the girls tapped out an hour ago, saying they felt the building spin in the universe. 
“hey, i gotta pee” Vinnie slurs, grabbing my hand and making for the ladies room. i wobbly follow behind, trying to focus on which foot goes next. We enter the bathroom and she hastily scurries towards the lavatory - I follow suit, bracing myself against the sink. She begins to chuckle from within the stall, evidently entertained by the comical drawing of a penis on the wall. I roll my eyes in response. i stare at myself in the mirror, my face slap red from the amount of alcohol, it’s almost laughable.
i hear a thud behind me, and turn around to see Vinnie stumble out of the stall, nearly falling face first into the sink. “girl, be careful” i scold lightly, like a mother would her child. she simply grins up at me, too drunk to comprehend my words. "Nyla, such a worry wort" she mumbles drunkenly.
after assisting her in washing her hands, we walk hand in hand out of the bathroom, and only then do i notice how far down the hall it is from the bar, from Soap.
the dim lights flicker in the hallway, giving an eerie feeling to my already uneasy mind. we make it about a quarter way down the hall when Vinnie's hand is suddenly yanked out of mine. i spin around, wobbling as i do so. to see a nasty looking man holding her by the neck and waist. my anger rises, “what the fuck!” i exclaim. i go to take a step forward, when arms creep around my waist, pulling me flush against what i can only assume is the body of a man. “hey hey, don't be harsh. we’re only looking for some fun” the man whispers in my ear, sending a chill down my spine.
where is Soap’s helicopter ass when i need him. i silently curse.
when i thrash in the mans hold, he grips me tighter, moving a hand to my mouth and my eyes widen in fear. I observed Vinnie as she forcefully kicked her assailant's legs, resulting in them losing their grasp on her; she bolted free. I chomp down hard on the man's hand which was covering my mouth, removing a segment of flesh.
He swiftly pulled back his arm, however shockingly kept his hold around my midsection firm, so intense that I couldn't break away. I glance in the direction of Vinnie and give my head a sorrowful shake, the fear evident in my eyes. "get Soap!" I shout, and she immediately takes off, running at such a pace that she disappears down the hallway quicker than a flash. okay, Soap will be here soon, i just need to distract them.
And i do just that-using the arms around my waist to my advantage, I thrust my legs up, sending a powerful kick to the chest of the man standing before me. He is thrown back, desperately trying to regain breath.
my head is suddenly yanked back, and view of my attacker is looming mere inches from my face. “ you’re a real bitch, huh”he grunts. slamming my face into the wall, i grunt as my face ignites with a flood of pain. he loosens his grip momentarily, giving me enough time to spin around, Before I could even think, my fist met his nose with a sickening crunch.
He crashed to the floor, clutching his face in pain. I can hear swift footfalls drawing nearer, so turning around to get a glimpse of the source, I behold an infuriated Soap accompanied by a weeping Vinnie. I found myself flashing an elated yet perhaps unnerving grin, considering the blood-stained corners of my mouth.
Soap comes to a halt inches from me, taking my face in his hands. “are you okay?” his tone is filled with worry, and controlled rage. i nod my head, smiling to reassure him. “yeah, though i’m pissed off, actually. how dare they touch Vinnie and me” I rant, turning around to send a last, swift kick into the ribs of the man behind me. Soap pulls me away gently as security runs up. “let’s get ya cleaned, ya? you look positively rabid bon” i laugh and agree. i grab Vinnie's hand, clutching tightly. 
bonus part-
all of 141 gathered around the watch the footage Soap took from the pub. he pressed play on the computer, watching with baited breath. he hears Gaz gasp behind him as they watch the man snatch Vinnie, then Nyla. Ghost squints and leans closer as Nyla raises her legs and kicks the other man, sending him flying into the opposite wall. Price whistles, a proud smirk on his face.
once the video finishes, Soap leans back in his chair, torn between feeling proud and absolutely livid.
"got yourself an mma fighter, huh" Gaz teases. Soap sends him a look, "the lass was piss drunk. I'm both amazed and terrified." Soap grumbles, crossing his arms. His eyes glancing at Ghost, who, has watched the video three times now. " are you sure there isn't something she's hiding from you? if she was as drunk as you say, her movements seem suspicious" Ghost says with caution.
Soap simply smiles and shakes his head, "known the lass since fourth grade, there's nothin' I don know about her"
Gaz sends a worried glance his way, "stalker much?" he adds, sounding slightly concerned.
Soap smiles, not confirming or denying it.
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sunboki · 1 year
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% — lee felix x gn. reader
% — listening to 2 Soon by keshi
i got inspiration from one of my upperclassmen during highschool who was president of the aviation club, i always looked up to her and she was so incredibly kind to me. i hope she’s doing well now :)
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Felix glanced down at his phone, double-tapping the fingerprint dappled screen to see no notifications, nothing. He’d been waiting outside the highschool for at least an hour now and the once warm and comfortable rays of suns began to irritate him.
For some background, it had been at least two months since you’ve seen each other, Felix having visited his family back in Australia which left you far away in Korea.
Are you here yet?
You could basically hear the displeasure in his text, imagining your boyfriend huffing and puffing while passerby sent him looks. Cute.
He had no idea why on earth you’d want to see him here. Why not the airport? Have one of those heartwarming reunions he saw online all the time where he’d pick you up, spin you around and give you the biggest kiss of the century. A real kiss, not one through the screen.
Except this wasn’t the airport but your old highschool where you’d specifically instructed him to go in order to see you.
I’ve been here goofball, now you have to find me ;)
Oh you were something else alright. Only for you would he search a highschool. Only for you.
You’re unbelievable.
Despite saying that he searched. And searched and searched. All throughout the highschool, through the cafeteria, the old corridors behind the library, even the science classroom where you’d spilt coffee on his favorite t-shirt. He remembered that like yesterday.
You’d called out and he followed the sound, until his legs were exhausted and he was on his last straw. Dragging himself up the stairs not-so gracefully.
“I.. I give up. Just let me see you. . .” Felix heaved, finally reaching the third floor where he resisted the urge to sit flat on his bottom and wait.
I’m in the Aviation room, come fast!
He stared at the text for a moment, once dissipated energy restoring like new. Running wildly, he slid on his heel at the familiar room. Of course, how could he forget?
There were tears in his eyes when he yelled your name, streaming down his cheeks when you toppled off your stool into a massive hug.
Your scent, your smile, your skin. He missed it so much. You pulled him impossibly closer on the floor, his head buried in your neck.
“Do you remember this room?”
The Aviation room. The nostalgic feeling he got every time he thought about it, where he’d kissed you for the first time and he kissed you again now. The place where he fell in love with you, watching you put so much into the club he called stupid. But he still went to all the meetings, reminded you of all the dates, cheered you on.
“I missed you.”
How could he forget?
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all rights reserved by @sunboki. repost and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
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infraaa · 1 year
『regarding the order for the lovely @lyforlyras— seeing as they saw the work I made entitled Seven Minutes for Longan Dragon Cookie… they sent in an order for me to replicate that for a… special red and black haired cookie…~』
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red velvet cookie x fem!reader
baker’s notes // here’s a little gift for the customer to go along with this— this piece is heavily inspired by this song. ☺️💉🩸Also, I know japanese, and tried my best to pull kanji from the song while listening to it and translating it on my own. I used a livejournal article by user silvermoon249 as a spellcheck, as well as the original booklet.
tw // vampirism/blood play, period sex/oral, heavy sadism, degredation, bare backing, implied breeding, asphyxiation play (choking), impact play, and again, as I am infra, what a perfect opportunity to shit on licorice again! Yay! More lico slander! (Also licofait)
【cw // spin the bottle】
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春の日、あの雪崩れの様に、止めど無く 滑り落ちて
『Like the descent of the spring sun, without end, it slips away.
If I wish to hold this inseparable theory in the palm of my hand, until the tears dry up...』
Darkness is insufferable. That’s okay though, because these little goofballs of darkness has off days. Licorice was talking to some idol chick walking next to him, drinking a tea… when…
“OH MY GOD SKRUNKS!” Parfait squeals, causing Licorice to jump in his footing. He looked over to her with half laden shock and made sure the tea in his to go cup didn't spill anywhere on him. "AAh! Gods, Parfait... be careful with that voice. I almost spilled your drink." He sighed and stopped his walking with her as he saw her eyes agleam, her blue eyes perfectly mirroring the blue sky above. "I have an idea, like, a suuuper idea! What if we took this Arizona Tea can and played around with it a bit? Ya know, like a dating game for couples and stuff?" "Ehh..? W...What are you talking about? A dating game?" She nodded with excitement and started skipping along the pavement. She got some steps away from Licorice before she turned, raising her arms outward like the wings on a plane. "Liiike... spin the bottle? I heard that one of your friends is also dating someone. Maybe we also get them to tag along!" He stood before her and felt his shoulders slightly lurch forward, his eyebrows furrowed in nervousness. "Ah... Par.. Parfait Cookie, I don't think--" "It will be so~so~fuuun!~ Pleeeease?" With big puppy dog eyes as pure hearted as water, Licorice looked into them with his own pale yellow ones, stuttering slightly in his wording before sighing once more, taking another drink of the tea in the tallboy can. "Fine. I guess I'll join, but--" "YAAAAY!" "AGH GODS PARFAIT...! GIAH!"
They got back to the your cottage with completely opposing energies. Parfait bounced in the door while Licorice walked in like a regular cookie. "We're back guys!" Parfait chirped as she went over to you and gave you a hug from behind. "Hey babes!" You pat her handon your collarbone with your own, looking at her from the corner of your eye. "Hey, Parfait, hiw are y--" "Where's your hubby? We HAVE to get him in here, Red Velvet Cookie, where aaaare yoooou? Hehehe!" From out the kitchen window you could see Red Velvet look back at you from the side of the yard, hanging with his dogs. He gathers them and starts to head back in the house.
He walked in and saw the layout of the people in the house before him. A sluggish Licorice to his right, and a bouncy Parfait Cookie clinging onto you, his lover, to his left. One of his dogs charged into the house to greet Parfait, jumping onto her leg and barking excitedly. "Red, there you are!" "Oh gods..." Licorice muttered as he collapsed on the couch, sighing. You walked up to him and leaned against the plush cushions. "What's wrong, Lico?" you asked as you looked down at the semi embarrassed cookie. "Parfait wants us to play a dating game together, the four of us. I only agreed to make her happy." You looked back over to Red Velvet and Parfait who had turned herself around wuth a sigh. "Yeah, we both agreed to that during our walk, won't you join us? Pleeeease Red Velvet? It'll be fuuuuun!" He took his forarms and jumped, like a small kid begging their parents for something. Meanwhile, Red Velvet stood stiff as a board, looking to Licorice. "Uuh... I think the tea you got for her... made her... hyper-- Licorice come get your girl, please." He got up and walked ovet to her, taking her hand and murmuring at her to stop. Eventually, Parfait got the two of you to join, and you four found yourslves sitting on a towel on the bathroom floor, next to yours and Red Velvet's shared bedroom.
“This is so stupid, this is so stupid, this is so stuuupid!” “SHAHT. AP. LICO!” The bathroom filled with silence as the dissolution of Parfait’s voice slowly drifted off on the walls of the bathroom. “Now, whoever touches their nose lasts, spins the bottle first! Ready? Go!” Parfait chirped as she quickly put a finger to her nose. You and Red Velvet followed suit, leaving Licorice Cookie unprepared. “Oh god damnit.” He said with a sigh.
『Hey, (the childish) voices in my head (echo) their cruel, inhuman (ringing in my ears)
Will not settle down!』
"Dreidel dreidel dreidel, I made it out of clay, and when it's dry and ready, then dreidel I shall play." Licorice bluntly sang as the bottle spun around on the tile floor. Ity slowed, and landed on you before hesitantly wiggling on the floor so that the cap would land on his girlfriend instead. He hesitantly looked at you, who in turn smiled awkwardly. The rules are rules after all, and you leaned forth and kissed Licorice on the cheek after a nod from Parfait gave you her permission. Red Velvet watched you with falcon like eyes during the whole duration of this awkward exchange, a sudden boil forming in his chest. After you leaned back, you looked to Parfait to see who would spin next. You all did the finger to the nose as quick as you can, and then it was Parfait's turn! She spun the bottle excitedly with the snap of her fingers. "Ooooh, dreidel dreidel dreidal, I made it out of clay!~ And when it's dry and ready, then dreidel I shal plaaay!~" She excitedly sang as she watched the bottle spin around quickly, slowing soundly with the grooves of the bathroom tile. Like clockwork, the bottle landed on you once again. "This bottle seems to like you." Red Velvet commented. Parfait looked at you with a sudden flush to her cheeks... chuckling to herself before leaning in the center of the circle only to meet you halfway in a friendly little kiss-- nothing too much, just a peck. You both leaned back into your positions in the circle with red faces and goofy smiles.
It was finally Red Velvet's turn. He spun the bottle and waited silently, only humming the tune of the dreidel song and was the bottle landed on Licorice, he grimaced at the boy clad in cheap robes. "AWWW! Kiss! Kiiissss!" "No." Red Velvet cut off Parfait's fangirling as he forcefully moved the bottle to point towards you. "Honey, you can't do that, that's against the game's rules--ah!" He suddenly got up from his place in the circle to pick you up off the ground and take you into your shared bedroom, locking the door shut upon entering. Parfait and Licorice heard the lock on the door click and looked to each other in nervousness. "I knew this would happen. Red Velvet is always like this." Licorice sighed, "hence why I really didn't want to do this." Parfait looked at him and furrowed her eyebrows a bit, humming in thought.
"Should we leave then? I don't think I wanna be here for much longer..."
"That sounds like a great idea."
大丈夫、���しおかしいだけだから 「誰か」を畏れる事は、もうやめにしよう? ほら、もうすぐそこで、 Ah、 淡い死の薫りが充満-みち-てきた !
『It’s all right, since it’s just a little strange Shall we cease being afraid of “someone” already? Behold, very soon there, Ah, it’s been filled with the fleeting aroma of death!』
"What are you doing-- ah!" Red Velvet let out what sounded like a gutteral sounding growl as he slammed you against the door, knocking the air straught out of your lungs into his own colliding into you forcefully and with fervor. You felt one of his hands graze at the skin of your waist as it trailed underneath the fabric of your top. He could smell faintly the small yet still noticeable scent that was Licorice and Parfait across your face and lips. Forcing your bottom lip open with a gesture of his thumb at your chin, you gasped as he infiltrated your mouth, seizing control of your tongue in a mere instant. You pushed at his chest, pleading for air, and when he felt you push at him, he bit down on your bottom lip. Hard. You squeeled, and pushed him away from you with a soft wince coming from your mouth, putting a hand to your now bleeding bottom lip. Backing away from you he smiled and put his hands to his hips. "You are incapable of understanding." He whispered darkly, almost manipulating the light in the room to diminish. His cerulean eyes started to creep along your figure as you started to walk around him, still holding onto your lip. "Understand?" You asked, trying to hold onto the thick blood in your mouth.
"Aggravating..." He sighed, walking towards you, your figure, trying to evade him. However before you could, he kicked your footing from underneath you, causing you to fall on your back on the bed. Laughing at you, you felt him kneel down at the opening of your legs, taking the fabric of your shirt and pulling you to sit up. "You purposefully wanted me to do this, right?" "No! No, that's not-"
"Such a bad girl..."
Your eyes widened as his mouth curled into a sadistic smile. Climbing on top of you, he grazed his thumb across your bottom lip;, taking whatever blood that was still there and sucking it off of his thumb. Sendinng a shiver down your spine, of course, but this is a side to him you've never seen. Sure, you two have been intimate before, but he's never been mean to you in this manner. Making you out to be a brat when you're not, slut shaming you for kissing another man's girl, hell even allowing that rat of a man to allow you to kiss him, even if it was on the cheek which was innocent enough to be passed on, even in game, it made you wonder... was he jealous? Red Velvet barely showed signs of jealousy or envy, he dubbed those emotions to be signs of weakness. But such emotions, albiet childish, he was feeling them hard in his gut, and he was taking it all out on you.
"You made me this way," he darkly cooed, a new sheen coming clear in his eyes. He bent down close to your face, almost literally pouring his water colored eyes into yours. "You wanna get shameless? Well baby, I can show ya shameless." He said snidely. He took his phone and disconnected his headphones from it, allowing the song that was playing on his phone to spill out into the room from the small speaker at the bottom.
あの丘で十字に、磔-はりつけ-られてる愛 磨り潰した苺の罪-ストロベリィジャム-を、ひと匙塗りたくれば- もっと、美味しいよ!
その瞳に映るのは悦び 嗜虐-いたみ-の狭間にある「罪」と共に 飲み干して────………… 飲み干して────………… 飲み干して────…………!
『Crosswise on that hill, a crucified love Once the mashed strawberry jam of sin is spread thickly with a single spoon, It’s even more delicious!
Delight is reflected in your eyes Along with the ‘sin’ at the threshold of sadistic pain Draining you dry────………… Draining you dry────………… Draining you dry────…………!』
"Show me more then. Give me more." Red Velvet growled as he attacked your lip in a violent bout. You squeeled into the kiss, having the air flushed out of your mouth a second time, only for the feeling to repeat a third when he spanked your outer thigh. It was damn near suffocating the way he handled you. Biting your lip again, you cried out in pain, muffled by the cushion of his own lips. He sucked the leaking blood out of your bottom lip harshly, leaving it reddened and marked. "Good. Cry. Cry more, harlot." He spat, spanking your thigh repeatedly as you let out an even louder whimper with each hit. He sat above you, still, but only for a moment. After what appeared to be a moment of thought, he slid back down, taking your bottoms with him on the way down. "Ah, honey wait!" you cried out, quite concerned. He looked to you and smiled. "Don't act like you don't want it, I know you well enough to know you do. And besides..." He whispered as he proceeded to slide your panties down while trying his best to pull the tampon you had out of you. Your eyes widened as he stared at the used tampon with jealousy in his eyes, partially thinking with his obvioously horny yet big boy galaxy brain that the tampon wasn't only used to block the blood from escaping you, but also to pleasure you as you walked around. He growled at it and tossed it somewhere on the floor. "I... you know that I'm..." you whispered, shaking in nervousness. "So? A little blood never hurt anybody."
So brazen today... you never thought you would see this side of him. He inserted a finger inside of you, causing you to cry out once more as you felt him enter you. He sighed started to quickly pump his hand in and out of you. One of your eyes closed from the dull pain slowly mixing in with pleasure, much like how sugar caramelizes strawberries when mixed about. Moaning, you tried to squirm off of his hand but, as you knew he probably would, he took his free hand to hold you still, right on your tailbone it sat as it stopped you from leaning back.
"Ah ah ah, no no no, don't you go anywhere..." He cooed lasciviously as he dove down into your soaked bleeding cunt, making you gasp out as you felt his mouth voilate your clit.
血濡れた、このエレジーの中 割り切れず、撹拌-ブレンド-する。。。 甘酸っぱい極上の血を注ぎ込めば、 倒錯者が、嗤う。。。
そぅ(戻れないよ!)表面に(拡がりゆく、)紅-あか-い(様式美) ト・ケ・テ・イ・ケ・バ!
『Soaked in blood, within this elegy Unsatisfied, stirring and blending... Once infused with the finest bittersweet blood, The pervert smiles.
That’s right, (there’s no going back!) Spreading across (the surface,) the deep red (elegant pattern) As it melts away!』
He sucked away at you, blood smearing across his cheeks in earnest with your attempted movements to grind on his face. The delivery method of thjis pleasure was all from normal, all from orthodox, this wasn't like him at all yet, you welcomed the beast within him in open arms. You loved him. His love... at this moment, was enough to leave you dizzy. For a moment your surroundings melted away, your vision clouding due to the heat inside you. You felt your cunt however continue to fill, and as it woke you from youur ecstacy filled trance, you sighed and looked down at the red and black haired man below you slurping away at your clit like noodles, pumping away at you still. Through a broken breath, you managed to mutter, "how... how m-many fingers... are y-you using?" With a snow lick of your clit, making you moan out in a pain filled lust, he licked his upper teeth and swalllowed, his mouth and tongue crimson with the stain of your blood. "Only three," he panted, licking his lower lip next, eyeing you like a predator as you mimiced his panting and heaving, your chest rising up and down with heavy breaths. "But I can tell you loved having my fingers inside you." You moaned as you felt his digits swirl inside you, and then slowly sliding out only to ram into your blood soaked vagina, leaking onto the hard wooden floor and your panties below your feet. You screamed out in agony as he did this, feeling his sinful actions take over your mind quickly.
"Mhm... good girl. Be a good girl for me and take it while I eat away at you." He teasingly licked away at your clit once more, taking it into his mouth, sucking on it before letting it fall out of his mouth with a quiet pop. "Oh my FUCKING. GOD, you taste so good..." He murmured before taking your clit back into his mouth, growling on it like a dog at its food bowl. You felt your back arch as you felt the ridges of his top teeth graze at the sensitive organ, biting it softly. Throwing your head back at the growls he left at your bottom half. "You feel that huh?" He talked with his mouth full of you, "you feel the growls shaking through your cunt? Hm? "Mmmm... the vibrations of my throat onto your little cunt-" He felt you tighten around his fingers, your body tensing up with every pump. He laughed, kissing yhour clit. "Are you gonna cum?" He asked sweetly, the sweetness mimiced toxicity however, like a sickeningly sweet cherry syrup sliding into your mouth. You nodded shakily, and in response to that, he yanked his fingers out of you, making you whimper and cry out, wanting to feel more of his adrenaline rush. "Unnhh... Red Velveet... whyyy..." you dragged impatiently, trying to each for his blood stained hand, however he pushned you down before you could even get the chance.
大丈夫、誰も試したことがない 密花-ヒソカ-を摘んで添えれば、赤裸々に視える 二度、届かぬ祈り Ah、昏い瞳-め-に伝染-うつ-る諦めが────…………
『It’s all right, no one was testing you Once you pluck and trim a secret flower, it appears naked A prayer that won’t be conveyed twice Ah, the defeat infecting your dark eyes────…………』
He licked away at his hand and lips like a graceful animal, almost showing some kind of twisted sign of humanity left in him. Panting, you were still ledt dizzied as you felt him mount at your entrance. "Red, please..." you muttered out in your stupor. "Red, please what?" After your glowing face blushed, your eyes watering over, he giggled and leaned down into your neck. "Say it. Say you're Red Velvet's dirty little whore and that you want my cock in you." He whispered against the shell of your ear. You grimaced and panted in response before recovering a sharp smack to your thigh. “Say it!” Whimpering, rubbing your legs together, you stutter out… “I… I’m.. Red… R-Red Velvet’s li-little whore a-and I… I-I-I wannnt hic-his cock ins-side of me..” you hiccuped. Chuckling darkly, he kissed your neck in reward. “Good girl, now say..” he prepped, taking in a breath, “I want your baaby Red, I want your baaaby, Red..” he cooed mockingly in your ear with a high piched voice to off brand your own.
A... a baby? You didn't expect that. You both never really brought up the future possibility of children, actually you remembered that Red stated himself that he was against having kids right now given his current predicament. He didn't want to harm them... at least you thought. But why was he making you say that? Maybe he had different intentions behind those words, to make you look even dirtier maybe? To objectify you? No, you couldn't bare the thought... maybe it was a possession type thing. Yeah, that made the most sense here. It was too close to hold hands with his feelings of jealousy, it had to have been that. Nevertheless, wwith doubts spinning around your head, you once again repeated what he said, to his amusement. He let out a sadistic chuckle before sighing in ecstacy, holding onto your hips and guiding you into a mating press. You felt the tip of his cock touch you, teasing your opening, almost begging to be let inside as the tip of his cock felt wet and hot, oozing precum into you. He once again poured his eyes into yours, and pushed into you like a ram opening a door. Full steam ahead kind of vibe.
この罰に従事し、隷属-れいぞく-されてる愛 磨り潰した苺の罪-ストロベリィジャム-を、ひと匙塗りたくれば もっと、美味しいよ
あの願いを裏切れば産まれる 記憶の彼方にある光、消して 踏みはずし────………… 踏みはずし────………… 踏みはずし────…………
『Engaging in this punishment, an enslaved love Once the mashed strawberry jam of sin is spread thickly with a single spoon, It’s even more delicious!
Born in betrayal of that wish, The light that exists beyond memory disappears, Doomed to fail────………… Doomed to fail────………… Doomed to fail────…………』
Kissing at your neck with venomous fervor, you felt him slowly pull out of you only to push back in just as hard as his initial entry. You eyes rolled back into your head is it too simultaneously rolled over, the feeling of that twisted painful pleasure once again clouded your brain in waves, cancelling out any rational thought you may have had. With your head pressed against the pillow, Red Velvet put a hand at your throat, threatenting to squeeze the warm, tender flesh of your neck. His fingers, painted the cursed peppermint stripes and animal like claws adorning his nails, squeezed gently at your throat and as he thrusted, he watched the blood gather into your cheeks, the blood getting stuck there with nowhere else to flow. The air that you once had was being stomped out of you with his monstrous hand, choking you, putting your air supply on a thread. Yet... the dizzying pleasure this brought was enough to make you hurt. It felt so wrong to let him do you this way yet... at the same time you never felt so right to be so wrong. You moaned through the little air you had, crying out as he squeezed just a bit more... just a bit more pressure there. He smiled through grunts and groans as he pressed against you, your legs pressed against his shoulders firmly. The bed started to gently creak with each foul motion you two made in synchrony.
"R-Re-ed Ve-elve-e-e-etttt...! AaAaAhhh!" You screamed out as he let go of your throat, gaining oxygen in thrushes, making you cough up. He only sped up as you screamed his name, letting it fill his ears like a serenade. Just a bit more...
さあ、亡骸を抱き Ah、 甘き死の予感を呼び戻す。。。
あの丘で十字に、磔-はりつけ-られてる愛 磨り潰した苺の罪-ストロベリィジャム-を、ひと匙塗りたくれば もっと、美味しいよ
この罰に従事し、隷属-れいぞく-されてる愛 磨り潰した苺の罪-ストロベリィジャム-を、ひと匙塗りたくれば もっと、美味しいよ
赦されずに生きてきた恥らい 遺した「傷跡」だけ、確かならば-
『So, embracing a corpse, Ah, recalling premonitions of a sweet death...
Crosswise on that hill, a crucified love Once the mashed strawberry jam of sin is spread thickly with a single spoon, It’s even more delicious!
Engaging in this punishment, an enslaved love Once the mashed strawberry jam of sin is spread thickly with a single spoon, It’s even more delicious!
Such an intolerable shame came to be If only the ‘scars’ left behind are certain-』
That blurry feeling came back. Your surroundings melted away like jelly as your eyes crossed. You didn't even acknowledge the fact that your orgasm had came. A mixture of cum and blood leaked down your inner thigh as Red Velvet continued to pound you abused sex.
『I kiss you...』
The sounds around you meshed together, almost like you were in a cave. Red Velvet continued to pound you in. You thought he said he was going to cum, but you didn't even know. You couldn't even scream anymore. Your body completely gave into his sick, childish desires.
『I kiss you...』
You felt him still with one last gutteral groan, and then afterward you felt a torrent of hot seed flash into you. He sighed and panted, looking into your lust torn eyes. You watched his mouth move, bit it was still all gibberish you couldn't make out. You had to come down, as did he. 接吻-くちづ-けて────…………
『I kiss you...』
His body sunk down onto yours softly with a quiet thud as some parts of his long hair hit his sheets. He started to kiss your neck, your collarbone, your cheeks, he started to kiss you everywhere... and you slowly came back down to see him cuddled up in your arms, a comfortable smile plastered onto his lips as he took in the warmth and the new scent of your breasts. You stroked his hair, with a matching smile... and you drifted off the same way he did, now one...
『I kiss you...』
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quikyu · 11 months
Do you have any theories / headcanons about Ogerpon? :o
OOOOOH Now... I will be honest and say that most of my Ogerpon obsession right now involves me spinning it around in my mind like a beyblade. No thoughts head empty
BUT I have seen what other people have theorized-- and I like to go along with some of those ideas. The biggest theory being that Ogerpon's not actually the bad guy, but rather the Loyal Trio... Or something like that. I love love looove shy spooky-cute pokemon!! If you couldn't tell from Mimikyu!!!
I'm also hoping Ogerpon will be Grass/Fairy to match with the Trio's Toxic Chain Ability-- making it quad weak to poison.
One thing i haven't seen anyone point out yet, though, are these strange vine thingies popping out from behind Pon's mask in one of the promotional artworks:
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Hopefully the lines I drew show it well enough. It's peculiar-- one vine is more curly, while the other is more jagged and sharp, like thorns... It makes me wonder. Along with whatever terastal thing is probably going on, is the mask giving or enhancing Ogerpon's powers? Or is the mask sentient!? Or is Ogerpon just a silly little goofball!?!?!
The answer to the last question is yes, by the way. You can also see a little bit of Ogerpon's orange face behind the mask..!
All in all I still wanna keep my mind open for when the DLC comes out. I'd hate to come up with a bunch of stuff and then scrap it in favor of keeping in line with what actually happens XD
...And one more thing....
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He's chubby. Do with that information what you will :-)
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Stefan x reader - dance
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Hey! Would you be willing to write a Stefan Salvatore x reader where the reader is rocking out to a new album that their favorite band just released (I imagined Panic! At the Disco)and their music is blaring in the Salvatore mansion and the reader and Damon are having like a full-on concert complete with air-guitars?? And then Stefan comes home and just can’t stop smiling at you and his brother just being two complete goof balls. Thanks! - Anon💜
Standing by your car, you looked at the house in front of you.
“Damon!” You yelled.
The vampire came rushing out of the front doors looking around frantically before he looked over at you.
“Jesus Christ (Y/N) I thought you got hurt! Stefan would’ve killed me.” He groaned.
You laughed and shook your head, walking around to the trunk of your car you opened it and grinned at Damon.
“Speakers?” Hr asked.
“I want to blast music and dance like an idiot, and you’ve got the best house for it.” You shrugged.
“Yeah I’m down.”
He picked up the heavy speaker and you grabbed al the wires and connections.
Walking into the house with him, you let Damon decide where he wanted to place the speakers and you set it all up.
“This band release a new album, listen.”
You put it on quietly at first, showing him what the music was like, and when you saw his head slowly moving back and forth in time to the best you turned to him.
“Wait! Wait!” He yelled.
He ran away and came back with a bottle of Burbon, taking a drink he held it out to you and you shook your head.
“Whatever, let’s go.”
You turned it all the way up, the bass vibrating the floor.
You started dancing around the room while Damon stood there drinking his drink, giving you a small grin as he set the bottle.
“That’s not dancing, this is.”
Dancing starting dancing and you laughing, running over you danced next to him.
You guys danced around for hours, sometimes taking a bread to snack on something or just sit down and rest for a few minutes.
With all the music blasting through the house, you guys didn’t hear the door open or close.
Stefan heard the music before he even pulled up to the home, and when he walked it off was deafening but he quickly adjusted.
Looking around, he followed the noise and stood in the doorway.
He watched as you danced around, a huge smile on your face as you got twirled around by Damon and fell into the couch.
You laughed loudly and pushed yourself up.
Damon walked over and helped you up before doing it again.
Stefan smiled and walked over, taking your other hand and spinning you right into him.
“Stefan!” You yelled.
Jumping on him, you held him tightly.
“Come on, let’s dance.” He laughed.
Damon sat down to drink while you and Stefan started to dance around this time.
You slowly danced with Stefan, and he smiled warmly down at you.
“Alright, my turn.”
Damon took you away and Stefan laughed.
“I thought they were dating me?” He asked.
Damon just smirked and you and him started dancing again.
Damon rocked the air guitars while you rocked the air drums and Stefan just stood there with a smile on his face as he watch you guys act like complete goofballs while having the time of your lives
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