#spinning around in my desk chair like a bond villain
ryoko-akari · 4 months
I'm like, one scene away from finally writing Owen in New Kid on the Block and yall don't understand how much I'm vibrating internally because I've been looking forward to writing him in this since I started.
If you've read what I've got so far I've been having fun toying around with Curt's reaction to working with someone else again (aka he's not having it) and his insecurities really running rampant. I mean, he got his last partner killed through his own arrogance and stupidity, why in God's name would he ever feel comfortable with that responsibility again? And with a greenhorn newbie no less!
But Owen? Ohoho I don't want to give too much away but I'm evilly rubbing my little hands together. Owen I feel is the jealous type, he absolutely loathes Curt and has no love in his heart for his ex. But he finds a sense of pride in seeing that his death caused Curt to give up the one thing he truely believed in. So seeing Curt back in the field is already a blow to that. But can you *imagine* how'd he feel seeing that not only has Curt returned to the field, but he has some new young lad running along with him. And from the same agency no less! If it's as Owen fears, well there wouldn't be any international red tape to keep them apart like there was when they were still together.
He's been replaced, just like that. Curt got him killed. Curt ruined his comfortable little life. Destroyed every bone in his body that took months upon months of painful recovery to heal halfway back to functionality. And here he is, running around again with someone else. As if nothing had happened. As if Owen hadn't happened.
And the best part is poor Reese is caught in the crossfire of these two without any inkling as to their history other than a very vague case file of Curts last mission riddled with plot holes and black censor bars. Kiddo is running in blind.
Heheheheheheh >:D
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millennialzadr · 3 years
hi i wrote a thing about the part in my fic where dib gets zim to take on the job of fulfilling dib’s human need for touch and affection
it’s a super quick rough draft but shhhhhh just take it TAKE IT
*zim stupidly breaks something which prompts dib to want to get him back* dib: *devious smile as he slowly spins in his chair to face the other like a bond villain* I know what you have to do zim. you have to give me a hug.
zim: ugh! why?!
you see zim, *gesturing dramatically* humans are social animals, and in order to stay healthy and happy, they need affection. My family moved away, so I can no longer share high fives and fist bumps with my sister *swoon gesture* my father is no longer here to hug me or ruffle my hair. touch starvation is very real and serious zim, and my health is starting to suffer!!
ah ah, zim. our agreement is based on mutual help remember?
i help you by letting you experiment on me!!
*gasp* ive barely been conducting ANY experiments!! data monitoring barely qualifies as research.
*arms out, eyes closed* i'm waiting~
UGH...*zim stares and contemplates, repulsed by the idea, but figuring it could be worse* FINE... ONE HUG! 
*dib smirks and peeks at zim as zim moves in reluctantly, the smile staying on his face though his eyes do widen a bit in surprise as Zim actually fully commits instead of just grazing dib and asking if that was enough like he thought he would. his cheek gets pressed to zim's chest as zim wraps his arms around dib's torso and gives him a firm squeeze. zim's sweater is soft, and he smells vaguely sweet from the waffles they made for breakfast. dib rests his arms gently around zim's waist so as not to make him feel too restrained, his palms against his back just below his pak, which he could feel gentle whirring vibrations from. Zim lets go and steps back shortly afterward, dib unsure of his expression as zim turned away before he could look up at his face. the alien was grunting and muttering grumpily as he made a show of scrambling to take his shirt off, 'I need to wash this now EUGHCHH' he griped. dib chuckled, his mild harassment of his roommate complete.* hey cmon, I’m clean!
dib continues to watch zim for a moment with a half smile on his face. that was... nice. he hadn't had more contact than their arms brushing since before zim was marooned, and to actually get that physically close to him without fear of harm was... interesting. and dib was having... an interesting reaction. his cheeks felt warm, there was a fullness in his chest, and he lightly scratched his cheek as his eyes dropped to his desk. why was he... so happy?
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steadywastelandvoid · 2 years
rules made for me at my office job
I am not allowed to change my office’s desk orientation every day 
I cannot use the words schwifty, burlesque, bussin’, tubular, cap, or cowabummer in any performance reviews. 
Not allowed to blind copy supervisors and mention that they have been blind copied in the email.
Can no longer give employees job titles that are not their official title. Furthermore, referring to employees as the Unrelenting Perfectionist, IT Boi, Operational Sponge, Chris’ Friend, or Background Employee 3 are prohibited. 
While I may believe that asking employees if they want to fight is not a threat, that is not how it is being taken.
It's not per say against company policy, but looking directly into every camera as I walk around the building is making the other staff members uncomfortable.
I cannot take desk chairs on the elevator for any reason.
When conducting an interview, it is only funny once to ask the owner’s dog to read the next question. 
Can no longer make people leave my office so I can have my back to them and spin dramatically upon their reentry in a Bond villain style.
Not allowed to insinuate that I could take any employee in a dodgeball game at any meeting even if it is true.  
A safety briefing is good and necessary. Why I chose to create a video modeled after an airplane safety instructional is beyond human comprehension.
Dressing up for Halloween is fun and encouraged. Not removing my gorilla costume during an employee termination is bad form. 
“I am not a therapist” is not a fun fact for team building.
People calling me “Toby” is not a war crime.
If I really like the accounting department, I need to stop looking up accountant specific jokes to tell them before I get to what I really need to say. 
Other employees getting in their steps is allowed. Using the phrase “I’m getting in my kicks” to explain why I’m snapkicking my way to the breakroom makes no sense and scares people. 
If a joke I put into a powerpoint requires a twenty minute explanation on Italian feudal lords to be funny, take it out. 
HR is not “basically everyone’s work dad.” I need to please stop telling everyone that “I’m not mad, just disappointed” in them during disciplinary meetings.
While I am allowed to decorate my office as I see fit, katanas are not appropriate for the workplace even if they are completely made of plastic
Not allowing everyone to simultaneously take five minutes to go see my “rad new motorcycle” is not a form of discrimination.
Distributing company branded water bottles and telling employees they’re great for “holding booze or tears” is strictly prohibited.
I am not allowed to tell employees that impromptu dancing meets the mandatory activity break requirements.
Just because I put national pj day on the work calendar does not mean that the company will observe it. 
Trial by combat is not one of the disciplinary measures in the employee handbook
Hiring carolers during the week of Christmas is…thoughtful. Asking them to do ACDC covers only makes no sense.
I can just meet with my therapist, I don’t have to insist I am going to a meeting with the “department of internal complaints.” 
The backup manager is not whomever has had the most coffee that day.
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millie1536 · 5 years
Maternal Instinct
Jane has spent so much time talking about being a mother that it has become her whole identity. Part 2 of 10
Jane was a mother.
That’s what people saw when they looked at her. It was just who she was. It was all she talked about for ten hours each week after all. So why did it feel like she couldn’t connect with Izzy?
Sure, the girl was timid and she had met Anne and Kitty before any of the others, but she had also formed a rather strong bond with Bessie, one of the most closed off people Jane knew. What was she missing?
When Jane woke up to her alarm at eight o’clock on her day off she cursed herself for forgetting to turn off the alarm the night before. Then she had an idea. The other’s would be getting up soon and if Kitty and Anne were up then Izzy would be up too. Jane was going to use her day off to get to know the kid.
 “Be good for Jane, alright Ma Bichette?” Anne ruffled Izzy’s hair as the group prepared to leave.
“Alright.” Izzy nodded, wriggling away from Anne and smoothing out her hair. Izzy could tell Anne was worried about leaving. She and Jane had never been left alone together, and even though Izzy trusted her she was still a bit shy with Jane.
“I’ll have my phone on me so let me know if anything happens, yeah?” Joan said, having pulled Jane away from the rest of the group.
“Are you allowed to do that?” Jane asked sceptically.
“Well, no. but I can sit it on my keyboard on silent and I’ll see if you text me. It’ll be fine, I did the same thing when Maggie was sick.” Joan shrugged.
“Okay, thank you.” Jane smiled, wrapping her arms around the music director and holding her tight.
 After the other had left Izzy had gone straight up to her room and closed the door. Despite sleeping with Anne and Kitty the room next to theirs was still hers. It had been Kathrine’s when they first moved in but she quickly moved into Anne’s room and so when Izzy came to live with them they gave the room to her. Although she didn’t sleep in it the queens thought it would be nice for her to have her own space. There was a bed in there that overtime had become overrun with soft toys and blankets, a large desk covered in sketchbooks and pencils, the walls were slowly being hidden by hundreds of drawings and in one corner sat a bass and a guitar.
Jane decided to leave the girl to her own devices for a few hours but eventually it was getting close to lunch time.
“Izzy?” Jane knocked on the door.
“Yeah?” Came the reply, Jane relaxed at the informal reply. When Izzy had first come to stay she had been quiet, formal and far too polite but as time passed she had begun to relax.
“I was wondering if you wanted to help me make lunch. I thought we could make pizza.” Jane laughed a little when she head the sound of a chair falling over and Izzy running to the door.
“With lots of cheese?” was the first thing Izzy said upon opening the door.
“As much as you want.” Jane nodded.
 Jane had already laid everything out in the kitchen. The pizza bases, the sauce and all the possible toppings she could find.
“Can I have olives on mine?” Izzy asked, eyeing the jar of large black olives.
“You can have whatever you want on yours.” Jane said, handing her the jar of olives, “Just don’t expect me to have any if you put pineapple on it.”
“But it’s so good! And juicy and sweet.” Izzy protested.
They took their time making the pizzas. Jane kept hers rather simple, just some tomato, cheese and mushrooms. Izzy however, seemed to get a bit too excited. By the end of it she had piled ham, cheese, olives, pineapple, mushrooms and kidney beans on top of hers.
“I don’t think that’s going to cook very well.” Jane warned as she put the pizzas into the ovens.
“It’ll be fine.” Izzy waved a hand in Jane’s direction, “As long as the cheese melts it’ll still taste good.
“Alright, well these are going to take a little while. Would you like to watch something?” Izzy’s eyes grew wide.
“Can we watch The Flash?” Jane agreed, despite knowing very little about the show. Thankfully Izzy didn’t seem to mind answering questions.
“Why is her office covered in sticky notes?” was one of the first questions Jane had.
“Technically it’s more of a lab than an office, but anyway. It’s how she and Killer Frost talk to each other.” Izzy explained.
“But aren’t they the same person?” Jane figured that this was as good a way as any to bond with the kid.
“Not really. Killer Frost is Caitlin’s alter-ego. It’s like, they share a body but when one of them is awake the other is asleep.” Jane nodded.
“But what about the other two? Do they have alter-egos?”
“Barry and Cisco? No.” Izzy shook her head. “They got their powers from the dark matter released from the particle accelerator when it exploded, it mutated their DNA. Whereas Killer Frost has been with Caitlin since she was a kid, because her dad performed an experiment on her to stop her developing the same disease he had.” Izzy told a bewildered Jane.
“Okay, yeah I think I get it. Kind of.” Jane nodded slowly as she tried to wrap her mind around what Izzy had just told her. A few minutes later and the pizzas were ready. Jane laughed a little when Izzy tried to pick hers up only to have all the toppings fall off.
“Eh, whatever.” Izzy shrugged, “It’s messier and more fun this way anyway.” The two continued to watch the show. Or rather Izzy watched and Jane sat there eating and trying to work out what was happening.
“Wait, who’s Khione?” Jane asked, the rate at which characters came and went was a little overwhelming.
“Khione is what Caitlin’s dad called Killer Frost. He named her after the Greek goddess of snow.”
“So where did Killer Frost come from?” Jane scrunched up her eyebrows, there were too many names.
“In one season the villain, Zoom, is from another earth and that’s where Barry and Cisco first met Killer frost except it was Earth-2 Killer Frost and then when Caitlin’s powers started manifesting she decided to use the name too.”
“Right.” Jane said, deciding that it was easier to just stop asking questions.
The rest on the afternoon passed rather quietly. With Izzy watching TV and Jane trying to make heads or tails of what was going on. Eventually Jane pulled out a book and began to read while Izzy continued watching shoes about people in costumes saving the world.
It wasn’t unusual for Jane to get lost in her reading. It was like the rest of the world melted away and the only thing left was the story on the page. So it’s really no surprise that she jumped a little at the sudden weight on her lap. Looking down she saw that Izzy had curled up beside her under a blanket, her head resting on Jane’s legs.
“Tired?” Jane asked gently, closing her book.
“What?” Izzy looked up at her, “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to I just…” Izzy scrambled back up into a sitting position and pressed herself against the arm of the couch, trying to give Jane as much space as she could.
“It’s alright, I don’t mind.”
“No. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” Izzy rushed her words as she jumped up from the couch and ran back upstairs, Jane heard the bedroom door slam closed behind her
 “I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong?” Sighed Jane as she and Catherine sat in the loungeroom that night, everybody else having gone to be.
“You aren’t doing anything wrong.” Catherine tried to assure her, “She’s still adjusting, these things take time.” “But she and Anne clicked so quickly. I get her and Kitty, and even her and Bessie, but Anne? She and Izzy just seem so different.”
“I don’t know, Jane. Maybe it’s because Anne was with Kitty when they first met Izzy?”
“Maybe.” Jane muttered. “I just feel so useless.” Jane slumped back against the couch.
“What do you mean?” Catherine asked, moving to sit beside the other woman.
“The kid needs a mother and yet here I am unable to do anything to help her.” Suddenly everything fell into place for Catherine. The way Jane had been watching Izzy and Anne’s interactions, her attempts to get to know the girl.
“I, uh…” Catherine wasn’t sure how she could say this without hurting Jane, “I know you miss Edward but Izzy isn’t him. You can’t expect her to suddenly see you as her mother. I know you just want to help her, we all do, but I don’t think any of us are ever going to be her mother, not in her eyes. Kitty and Maggie may have become her older sisters of sorts but I think that the rest of us are more like aunts than anything else.” Catherine gave Jane’s shoulder a gentle squeeze.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.” Jane sighed again, “I’m going to go to bed now I think.” She told Catherine before heading to her room to get ready.
That word continued to spin through her mind as she tried to sleep. She knew she couldn’t force Izzy to see her as a mother figure but a part of her craved to be just that. It’s who she was. It was her identity. If she wasn’t a mother than what was she?
Perhaps Catherine was wrong. Perhaps Izzy had just panicked. That had to be it. She was just scared. She didn’t know how to have a mother. Jane would just have to be patient with her.
As Jane drifted off to sleep her thoughts were of the young girl a few meters down the hall.
“Goodnight, my little snow goddess.”
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kdenbibi · 7 years
Endless Chapter 2 Damian Wayne x reader (x various)
Summary: You just wanna relax but evidently, two costumed asshats have other plans- also you make a new friend!
Warnings: Cursing, Damian Wayne’s attitude
Authors note: I love Jon Kent with all my heart that is all bye. -Admin A
The rest of Monday was uneventful, after the fiasco at lunch, the principal deemed the attack good enough to warrant the rest of the week off. I originally planned to spend this newly obtained free time at Dana’s or get some extra hours in at the library but no, of course the one time we get any sort of off day the spandex junkies decide to pay me a visit.
After about an hour of reassuring my mom I was in fact alive and well, I managed to sneek away to my sacred place, I wrapped myself in a thick hoodie, hood up, with the strings pulled tight to trap in the maximum amount of warmth, sure I looked like a cone head but damn was I comfortable, I plopped myself on the chair I managed to get up there and cracked open the Dr.Pepper I snagged from my mom’s stash, I figured today more than ever I earned some relaxation time. Just as a sigh of contentment left my lips a cough caught my attention. There in the far corner of the roof stood a looming figure, cape flapping in the wind, the moon illuminating their figure in the most dramatic of fashion. “(Y/n) (L/n), we need to talk.” A mechanically altered voice called out raising every hair on my body. I let a moment of understanding pass before swallowing, standing straight up I nodded “Yeah okay, sure- mysterious stranger who knows my whole ass name, let’s settle down for a nice chat.” They slowly took a step closer seemingly satisfied with my response, they were still too hidden by shadows to properly identify but knowing who they were was far from a priority. “It’s come to my attention you seem to be enhanced, how’d you get your powers?” I mirrored their earlier action and took a step forward, “Oh hilarious story, see one day I was walking down the street and-”  I interrupted myself throwing the soda can a hard as I could in the spot I imagined their face would be. With a satisfying ‘thunk’ I made a break for the door, my fingertips barely brushed the cold handle when a- well when a something whooshed through the air, before wrapping itself around my ankles. My body hit the floor with an ungraceful ‘oof’ and before I knew it heavy footsteps marched their way to my crumpled form. What I assume was a foot gently rolled me on my back before the figure leaned down. “Oh you’re definitely hiding something.” I tried to scoot away the figures face still shrouded in shadows making the experience all the more terrifying. I closed my eyes, trying to will the light to tell me what to do, after all I didn’t wanna die up here, when I reopened my eyes the person had changed positions, his face now somewhat illuminated, enough so I could see the iconic domino mask peering down on me. “Wait a sec- your that sparrow kid right?” He made a 'tsk’ noise “It’s Robin, and you don’t get to ask questions until you answer mine.” A glimmer caught my eye, the foot closest to me? 'oh come the fuck on I don’t wanna piss this guy off.’ I thought, this stupid light was trying to get me killed.
It seemed to grow brighter in response to my questioning, I rolled my eyes before grabbing his ankle and yanking as hard as I could, he hit the floor in surprise before rolling over, sitting on my stomach and pinning my hands with a growl. “At least by a girl some dinner before you get into the kinky stuff.” Without seeing his eyes I could feel the vicious eye roll he gave me, with a scoffing sound the pressure on my wrists increased. “You’re pissing me off, answer the question.” He demanded, I winced, trying to thrash from his hold but it was like iron- Jesus what did this kid do for fun? Lift cars? Bench press grown men?
I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of answering me, after all who the fuck sneaks on someones roof, and demands answers like they own the place, the longer I thought about the more angry I got, I tried to use the light again, but it just surrounded the strangers body, for once I was clueless on what to do, wiggling wasn’t helping the situation, and that was my only option. I groaned in frustration, I hated feeling helpless, I refused to be helpless. I panted relaxing my body as a warm feeling spread throughout my body. “What are you doing? Stop whatever that is- now!” Before I realized it the building pressure and heat released, like a cannonball his weight was suddenly gone. I opened my eyes just in time to see his body mid air before crashing into the fence opposite to me.
Okay so that was definitely new.
After the temporary shock I scrambled to untie my feet, I jumped up just in time to dodge something he without a doubt threw. “You’re coming with me, one way or another.” I jumped behind my beloved chair, and unable to stop my remark. “What kinda line was that you discount bond villain!” He smirked before pulling three more of the stupid projectiles from somewhere on his body. “This won’t kill you but it’s gonna hurt.” Almost in slow motion I watched them spin in the air, headed for different parts of my body, ready to make me a pincushion, when a body swooped- I kid you not, swopped in and blocked them. The dark figure rose- 'Jesus Joseph and Mary why is there another one?!’ This one was taller, decked out in a black body suit complete with a blue bird thing on his chest. 'What’s with these guys a birds?’ I thought peaking over my chair, the new guy casually strolled up to Robin, before giving him a good smack upside the head. “So this is where you disappeared to.” He spoke now leaning on the shorter male like he was a desk. Robin swatted the new male off his shoulder. “I’m investigating the possibility of a new meta. Go do something with yourself.” He tried to wave him off with a 'shoo’ motion.
The stranger made a 'hmm’ noise before swiping down and getting the fallen weapons. “Investigating huh, interesting way of getting your information.” Robin grumbled something under his breath snatching the weapons and putting them back wherever he found them. Blue boy shook his head, a sigh leaving his lips before he turned to me. “Hey there!” “Uhm, hello?” I asked, he made his way over, stopping close enough for me to make out a smile stretched across his face, but far away enough not to make me bolt which I very much wanted to do. “I’m real sorry about him, he’s new. I’m Nightwing, are you alright?” His voice was really calming, I tried to unravel the knots of adrenaline in my stomach before I answered.
“Oh yeah I’m peachy, I love being threatened by Gremlins- my favorite pastime really.” Nightwing snorted, comically scratching the back of his neck. “We’re definitely gonna have to work on that- look I know you’ve been through a- uh stressful evening so we won’t take up much more of your time.” I nodded waiting for him to continue. “You know how it’s our job to protect the public from any kinda danger right? Well it’s also it’s our job to investigate any potential threats, aka people who pop up with any interesting abilities.” I chewed the nail of my thumb out of habit. “I don’t- look all I wanna do is graduate with a high GPA and get into a college in a town that doesn’t get destroyed every few years. I don’t want-” I gestured to the two hero’s with a wave of my hand. “-whatever all that is. No offense but I think you guys got it all covered.” He nodded, still holding a smile on his face, “The world- the way things are, needs all the help it can get.” He finished his little speech with a tentative step towards me before reaching out his hand, a card with nothing but a number laid in his outstretched palm. 'where on earth was he hiding that?’ I shook away my useless thought and grabbed the card. “You’re a good kid, I’m not worried about you but just in case you change your mind.” I couldn’t help the snort that fell from my mouth. “Did you just- y'all have business cards now?” He laughed, and with a shrug made his way to the edge of the building where the Gremlin had been brooding our entire conversation. “I’ll see you soon kid.” He flipped over the edge with a wave, Robin waited a moment, making sure to send me a glare, I stuck my tongue out at him just as he disappeared from sight. I looked at the crisp card in my hand, I toyed with the edges with a small scoff. Thinking of the kinder man’s last words I shoved it in the pocket of my hoodie.
“Doubt it.”
I spent the next few free days thinking of what he offered and trying to move things around my room, for the life of me I couldn’t recreate what happened before with that bird boy. Usually the light only showed up when I was in trouble and told me what to do like a video game tutorial, it had never physically acted before, and I’m not weak but I sure as hell couldn’t have lifted that dude off of me let alone throw him half way across the roof. Another thing that bugged me was the fact that he knew, I kept this shit on lockdown, only a few people in my life actually knew what I could do, my mother (obviously), my Grandma and my best friend Dana, I could show up on any of their doorsteps with a body and they’d help me hide it no questions asked, they were loyal to a fault and I trusted them with my life, no way they blabbed to the bird duo, so someone had to have watched me, but I was always careful if I had to use it in public. I groaned, sliding a hand down my face, even my scared roof top couldn’t cure my frustrations, my eyes would always be drawn to the spot they stood, they knew things about me. Total strangers knew an uncomfortable amount of information about me, and I couldn’t do a damn thing about it.
Which lead me to now, it was Friday afternoon and work let out early giving me a free schedule for a few hours. Usually I’d bother Dana but she had tutoring today, so here I was wandering the streets not really sure what I was looking for. After two whole Spotify playlists had ended, I found myself up on the docks, the murky water bringing a sense of rest for my scrambled thoughts. I smiled letting the bitter smell of saltwater calm me, after a while of letting the crashing waves lull me into a state of relaxation, I began walking on the pier, occasionally passing the little binocular machines pointed at Metropolis. They costed about a quarter, and at first I couldn’t understand why you’d spend money to just look at a city but the longer I stood there and people watched I realized why they might be doing it, I could see why it be fun to look it was pretty funny how opposite the sister city’s were, Gotham- yeesh do I even have to describe it? Look at our city’s mascot, he’s fucking terrifying.
Metropolis on the other hand, man was that city golden, it seemed like nature divided the two areas completely, all blue skies there, and here? I looked up to see a pool of grays above me.
Yep, polar opposites.
I laughed popping a quarter in the binoculars, sure their city was golden and their hero was- well come on it was Superman, but still, I don’t think I could leave Gotham, this city had soul, the people- most of them for that matter- were wonderful, they’d been through hell and back and still helped pick each other up.
Gotham had character, an extra oompf ya know? Pulling away I noticed the ferry that traveled back and forth between the sister city’s arrive, I felt a familiar pull leading me to the boat, I’d never seen the golden city in person and I did have a free afternoon. With a smile I shot a quick text to my mom and bought myself a ticket.
After snagging a donut and grabbing a free seat, I peacefully sat listening to music, and before I knew it I was walking off the wobbly ramp and into the people packed streets of Metropolis. I realized quickly that I was dressed for Gotham weather and shrugged off my school hoodie throwing it in my bag, I thanked the stars I dressed okay instead of the usual joggers and oversized long sleeves. I walked in a random direction looking for an adventure. Alright that’s a lie I’m looking for food, problem was every restaurant I passed was either packed or had a line out the door and the chaos of people was the opposite of what I needed. I followed a random street till I stumbled in a hole in the wall ramen restaurant, there were very few people inside which only further drew my interest. I sat down at a booth, looking over the menu, problem with spontaneous food adventures was you never knew what to get. I stared at the worn down menu for what felt like hours when someone tapped my shoulder catching me off guard. Damnit that keeps happening. I peeked over the menu with an uneasy smile, I did not do well with attractive people my brain got all jumbled. “Yes?” “I’m sorry to bother you miss but you seemed to be struggling with the menu.” Heat instantaneously found its way up my neck. ’ I’m a whole ass idiot- oh no he thinks you’re stupid aHH-’ I cleared my throat pausing my mental panic before nodding. “Was it that obvious?” He smiled sympathetically, shaking his hand in a 'eh’ motion. “Maybe just a little.” I handed him the menu. “Alright mysterious stranger, what would you recommend?” “Miso is always a safe option! But depending on what you like you could add different flavors or toppings this place has the best ramen hands down.” He talked a mile a minute but damn was he cute when he did it. “This actually may take longer to explain than expected- may I?” He gestured to sit down, oddly hyped to explain the differences between broths and such, it was kind of adorable I gotta admit.
I nodded “I don’t see why not-help from a cute stranger doesn’t come along every day.” His face went red faster than I thought possible before he muttered a quiet “Oh my stars.” He cleared his throat and after a few minutes of his excited narrating he proceeded to help me narrow it down, if we’re being honest, I was too hungry to let him talk about food for another minute, so I picked a random number. “You sure know a lot about this place, do you work here?” “Oh no I’m just a regular.” After placing my order and buying a soda I was surprised to see he followed me back to my table. “Thanks for all the help, I woulda been here another hour trying to decide.” He smiled with a casual no problem, after a silent moment of  staring he awkwardly laughed “I should probably stop standing here like some kinda creep- anyway have a good day miss.” For one reason or another I called out stopping him in his tracks. “I can’t properly thank my hero if I don’t know his name.” He smacked a hand against his forehead, nervously tugging on the strings of his jacket. “Gosh I’m sorry, it’s Jon! Jon Kent pleasure to meet you miss.” I laughed taking his outstretched hand, “You can drop the formalities kid I’m only seventeen, and my name’s (Y/n).” The grin had yet to leave his face. “So are you new to Metropolis? I don’t think I’ve seen you around here.” I sighed leaning against the table, lightly flicking the napkin dispenser a few inches away before replying. “Unfortunately I’m just visiting, I wanted to see what the hype was about. I’m from Gotham.” His smile got wider- somehow. He quickly slid back into his previous seat. All previous nerves seemingly evaporated. “No way! I’m actually moving there! Like soon! Really soon!” “Wait what? You’re leaving the golden city for the problem child city??” He leaned back tossing his hands behind his head. “Well yeah- I was actually born there! We moved here when I was like what, five?” He hummed drumming his fingers on the table. “This is actually my last day here, I wanted my favorite to celebrate.” He gestured to the small shop surrounding us. I nodded, his stupid little smile was contagious and I found myself grinning along. “Do you usually tell strangers your life story?” He leaned forward, puffing the dark hair from his eyes. “Well no, then again we’re not really strangers are we?.” I leaned closer, my brow raised “We’re not?” He shook his head with an almost offended look on his face. “Of course not, I helped you order ramen, that’s a bond for life.” He joked, I snorted into the can I was drinking before skeptically nodding. “Right- of course. How could I forget.” We shared a laugh before my food came, as soon as I laid eyes on the beautiful bowl I nearly forgot he was there, I chowed down, my eyes rolled into the back of my head. Fuck this is good. I came back into reality when he laughed, handing me a napkin. “Shit did I say that out loud?” He simply smiled in response. “Sorry I’ve been looking forward to this all day, I zone out when it comes to food.” “No harm done, this place is crazy good.” I inhaled a few more bites before the question popped up in my head. “Are you gonna attend Gotham academy by any chance?” His eyes perked up, “Yeah, how’d you know?” “Lucky guess.” He sat back, somewhat flabbergasted. “Wait do you go there??” “Indeed I do good man.” “Look at my luck, I’ll already have a friend- wait you wouldn’t mind hanging out at school would you? I mean I don’t wanna pressure you or anything-in fact let me shut up.” I couldn’t help the smile crawling on my face, the guy sure was cute when he rambled. “I don’t think you’ll have a hard time making friends- like at all, but fuck yeah dude we’re definitely hanging out. I can show you the best studying spots in the library- oh! And what extra classes are worth it.” After paying, our conversation continued, ranging from school to parents to what to expect living in Gotham. “By all means stay away from alleyways, avoid popular areas that usually where the bad guys like to commit their shenanigans uh- maybe carry some mace or something.” He laughed shaking his head. “Don’t worry about me I’ll be fine.” I flailed my arms in his general direction. “How can I not worry? I’ve known you a solid two hours and you’re pure, what’s the word I’m looking for- fluff.” His laugh was quickly becoming a fast favorite of mine. He raised a brow, questioningly mouthing the word 'fluff’ to himself.
“You’re a huge softie, they’ll eat you up if you’re not careful.” “I’m not too worried, especially with someone like you looking out for me.” He gently bumped my shoulders. “You are way too optimistic.” We laughed for a little while longer before my phone alerted me, the ferry was leaving soon so we headed in that direction, Jon refused to let me walk alone even though we both knew nothing would happen. As we made our way to the building we managed to swap numbers and I couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. “What’s so funny?” He asked leaning against the railing as we waited for my boat. “It’s just pretty ironic, I came out here to laugh at how different from home Metropolis is and I ended up meeting Metropolis personified.” He tilted his head like a confused puppy. “I mean you’re all bright and happy and kinda beautiful in a totally not weird way.” He tried to look away, cheeks a'blazin. “You’re gonna give me a heart attack with all these compliments.” The sound of a unnecessarily loud boat horn stole out attention, shaking my head I made my way to the newly docked ferry boat. “Get used to it Kent!” I yelled over my shoulder with a wave.
He stared at the boat with a dreamy expression, his eyes following it until it was a tiny dot on a sea of blue. If he wasn’t sure before, the new friend he found seemed to confirm his thoughts.
'yeah, Gotham is gonna be great.’
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