flammulina · 5 years
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Fruitsalad at the lake. Trying for a last bit of summer.
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#Repost from @franksunderwaterphotos with @ming.app . Shallow waters are often the best spots to look for pikes, especially this time of year with lots of prey around in the shallows #diving #scuba #duiken #duikeninbeeld #duikeninnederland #duiken_magazine #uwphotography #uwphoto #uwpics #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #pike #snoek #shallowwater #freshwater #spiegelplas https://www.instagram.com/p/B0djqK2hgqN/?igshid=1mzuhqd7k7f8j
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dreaming-of-texel · 3 years
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Spiegelplas, Noord-Holland
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taraenglish · 2 years
Europe 2022 - Vianen to Volendam
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Today started early with the barge leaving Vianen heading to Breukelen to start our ride. The ride through Breukelen was very picturesque as this upscale neighbourhood had waterfront houses along the canal. As we drove by the canals were also busy with fancy boats. We stopped along the route to put our feet in Lake Spiegelplas. This lake was man made by removing 60 ft of sand and shipping the sand to Amsterdam to build their unique skyscrapers. Our next stop was in Fort Uitermeer, where we stopped for cake and lovely view of the lake. This is also where they built forts after WWII to protect communities. Lunch was at Muidenslot where they have a refurbished castle from the 12th century. We had our lunch in the gardens before we do a tour of the castle. There was hundreds of school children running through the castle on field trips. We continued biking, and stopped for a brief swim before our last leg returning to the boat in Almere. Once the bikes were in board, the barge continued on to Volendam. For supper we beef carpaccio, wild boar stew and chocolate peach pie. After supper we walked through the streets of Volendam and stopped for an ice cream on the way back to the ship. Last day cycling tomorrow as we cycle into Amsterdam.
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maureen2musings · 7 years
De Spiegelplas
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estekelenburg · 5 years
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Rondje langs Nederhorst den Berg (bij De Spiegelplas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Q3FXMpAXq/?igshid=hlq1wf1d68py
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onamarche · 6 years
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New wheels #cube #cubecross (at De Spiegelplas)
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rodgerbeekman · 7 years
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#weekend #boat #relax (bij De Spiegelplas)
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joostwandelt · 10 years
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De wandeling van zondagmorgen 10 augustus leidde rond de Spiegel- en Blijkpolderplas en om het 'grote eiland' bij Nederhorst den Berg. In totaal 11,88km in 2.04'54" gelopen. Af en toe was er een miezerende regenval maar het werd gaandeweg wat beter. Leuk om het dorp te zien ontwaken, in het begin met enkele mensen die hun hond uitlieten en later redelijke bedrijvigheid. Een goede start van een mooie dag (niet het weer overigens).
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esjuustuff · 11 years
Buitenrit met z'n 3en
Vandaag weer een heerlijke buitenrit gemaakt met de paardjes samen met Laura en Eva en we hebben weer een vooruitgang we hebben namelijk de terug weg gereden in plaats van gelopen dus dat is geweldig !
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dreaming-of-texel · 3 years
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Spiegelplas, Noord-Holland
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dreaming-of-texel · 3 years
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Spiegelplas, Noord-Holland
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dreaming-of-texel · 3 years
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Blackberry bush, Spiegelplas, Noord-Holland
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estekelenburg · 5 years
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Rondje Nederhorst den Berg (bij De Spiegelplas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Q25t6JwL2/?igshid=5i8l6310jcbk
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estekelenburg · 5 years
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Rondje Nederhorst den Berg (bij De Spiegelplas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Q2prAp-KN/?igshid=cucsefa86cf9
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onamarche · 6 years
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Tallest man on the beach #wintersun (at De Spiegelplas)
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