esjuustuff · 5 years
Hex Boys in disguise
I know i know i am hella late (i wanted to insert a datr but i couldnt find it) but HBID is officially out! Isnt that great?! I certainly thinknit is. So of course i already read it because they are one of my favourite authors and you know i disliked one thing; it was way too short! The storyline is familiar with it being the same as demons in disguise but that was also the fun part. It gave something fresh while keeping the old.
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esjuustuff · 5 years
Me: *tries to sleep* Brain: hELLO anD WELCOME TO FLASHBACK CENTRAL
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esjuustuff · 5 years
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A hero in more ways than one
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esjuustuff · 5 years
Hello everyone it has certainly been a while.
So next month I will have glitch for a year! So that's great however he is since this Saturday more or less timid. Just different from normal. Normally he would always greet me in the morning, now he stays in his crate (which is open) and doesn't even raise his head. The other downside is that he peed for the second time in about a month in the house. It's not because he goes at a different time. I'm worried if this continues he will not make it past his birthday (April) I will contact the vet soon and talk this through but I don't want to lose my best bud so soon.
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esjuustuff · 6 years
me at night: ”Tomorrow I will wear something nice!”
next morning:
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esjuustuff · 6 years
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Heaven on Earth ~ Marc Adamus
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esjuustuff · 6 years
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esjuustuff · 6 years
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Zhaoxing - China (by Bruno Vanbesien) 
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esjuustuff · 6 years
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expectation vs. reality
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esjuustuff · 6 years
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esjuustuff · 6 years
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October rain | Asja Boroš
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esjuustuff · 6 years
So me and my parents just made a bet that, if this post gets 750,000 notes, I can have a pet bird!
We’ll pay for all the expenses!
All I need is for this particular post to get 750,000 notes, and a bird will be all mine!
My local petstore sells these GORGEOUS blue budgies, and I’m dying to have one
When I say ‘blue budgie’, I mean one like this:
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(I got this image off of google, but it is extremely similar to the bird I want!)
Please, please, PLEASE let me have him!!
Like and RB anywhere you can!
Please help me with this!!
- Riley
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esjuustuff · 6 years
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when a crime is committed, it is not the victim’s fault
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esjuustuff · 6 years
just because it hurts Doesn't mean it isn't worth it And even if it stings It's just a temporary thing I'm not saying that changing Won't cost you love, won't make you cry, But it will all make sense... When the growing pains subside
growing pains by Maria Mena
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esjuustuff · 6 years
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esjuustuff · 6 years
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That Face.
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esjuustuff · 6 years
today something unexpected happened. No, it wasn't particularly funny.
Glitch now almost a year (12 April 2017) has done it again. He peed on his blanket! So before you start judging him or me, let me remind you of the fact that I only have him since February. Even that is not totally true cause he went to stay with some folks for 2 1/2 week. Before that, he was stuck in a kennel, no bigger than a horse's box, with three other big dogs. He had absolutely no training.
Anyway, he was playing with Quay, just like always when suddenly my mom says to me: "Can you check that out? He was standing weird and I have a feeling he might have peed." And yup that was totally the case. I have no idea why he did that, it was 8:00 pm, for your info he went for a walk at 4:30 pm, these days he goes for a walk at 5:00 pm and after that 10:30 pm. That is a much bigger difference. Maybe it was the excitement, I don't really know but it sure as hell wasn't fun.
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