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Propaganda: They both have big & weird animal pets, contrasting voices and personalities, i think they’d balance each other out pretty well. They could bring out the best of each other. but also doomed yaoi like you wouldnt BELIEVE.
Submit a ship through the form or in my askbox!
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spiralxshock · 7 years
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@tazrarepairweek: Date Night
A duet under the stars
It’s transparent so look against a dark background for full pic.
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selkie-elf · 7 years
Sweet tunes
Day 5 of @tazrarepairweek Au Day! Desided to go with some Modern au Spiderbard :3
He was playing again. Sweet sounds of a violin could be heard loud and clear in the small pet store.
” So have you chosen what you want already?” Brian forced a smile on his face. Brian wanted to be done with the customer quickly. It was his break time and this old lady had been trying to pick a fish for what felt like hours. Finally the lady pointed on one of tanks which had neon tetras swimming in it. Brian quickly scooped the five tetras in to a plastic  bag and handed the old lady a small booklet about aquarium keeping and made sure that the lady had a tank of a right size.  As soon as the bell above the door rang as mark of the customer leaving, Brian ran to the break room.
”Carey your shift starts now! I’ll go have something to eat! Take care of the store, bye!” Brian gleefully announced and grabbed his wallet from the counter. He took off his workjacket and untied his hair from the tight bun.
”Okay B! But if you are late again, I’ll tell Leon!” Carey laughed as she tied her shoelaces. Brian blew a small kiss to his co-worker and flipped her off before he ran to the street.
 There was already a small crowd surrounding him. People who also had heard the magnificent melody of the violinist. His case was on his feet and one by one the people around him would drop coins in it.
Brian was a bit too late.  As he arrived, people were already clapping their hands and throwing more  coins in to the violin case. The musician bowed with roaring round of applause. Most of the people had started to leave, couple curious ones were still talking to the young man, complimenting him and praising his skills. The dude however seemed pretty uninterested in them, as he was just trying to focus on trying to count his daily earnings. He just flashed small smiles and nodded as an older man tried to convince him, that he should join an orcheresta and how his skills were wasted on the street. He quickly gathered his stuff and started to walk away.
 Brian kind of woke up from his daze and took a deep breath. In his head he had gone throug this scenario many times. He just hoped he wasn’t blushing too hard. Brian started to take big leaps as he tried to reach the musician.
”I’m sorry”, Brian tapped the handsome musician’s shoulder. The man turned around and took his headphones off.
”Yeah?” his voice was almost monotone. Brian gulped down and offered the twenty dollar bill in his hands.
”I’m sorry I was late for your show. Please take this!” Brian quickly coughed and straightened his back, as he had almost bowed in front of the musician. The man just laughed and Brian felt the blush rising on his cheeks again.
”Hey, I’ve seen you before. You are Brian aren’t you?” the man laughed.
”How do you know my name?” Brian asked confused. This was the first time he had actually had some courage to talk to man.
”My friend Carey works in the same pet store as you. I’ve heard that you really like my music. My name is Johann, by the way”, Johann got the feeling that he was going to miss his next bus to home anyway, so he could just as well introduce himself to his new tall friend, who had a weirdly adorable voice.
” Ah! Talking about the pet store, I should probably get something to eat. So yeah, enjoyed your show, love your music can you take the money now” Brian started to ramble, offering the bill to Johann more eagerly. Johann just smiled gently.
”Sorry but the show is over, I don’t need your money” Johann laughed.
”Oh. Okay, sorry to bother” Brian sighed dissapointed, jamming the bill back to his wallet as he started to walk towards the nearest cafe.
”But if you want, you could offer me a lunch with that twenty!” Johann yelled, catching up with Brian.
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captainminette · 6 years
Inktober #3
Today's prompt from my list was "Leaning on". Johann and Brian were talking, and suddenly, exhausted from staying up most of the night before, Johann fell asleep on Brian's shoulder.
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kuuttituutti · 7 years
You would be the patron saint of spiderbard
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faewild-draws · 7 years
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spiderbard, spiderbard, does whatever a spiderbard does
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waywarddevil · 7 years
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brihann? magic johann? spiderbard? whatever, I love them
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sophisticated-butt · 7 years
I love Johann x Magic Brian
But I also really enjoy Johann x Avi
Best solution is obviously ot3 Bard Sandwich with Avi x Johann x Magic B
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spiralxshock · 7 years
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Aesthetic/Clothing Swap
@tazrarepairweek day 6: Free Day
Had assessments and almost forgot to post this...
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selkie-elf · 7 years
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They really like eachother
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selkie-elf · 7 years
4 AM
Read in AO3
For @tazrarepairweek day two! So from this days prompts I decided to go with Cry. Prepare for some SpiderBard hurt/comfort
Johann grunted in his sleep. His ears twitched as the quiet knocking on his door would not stop. Johann lazily opened his eyes and strecthed his fingers for a moment before standing up. The room was almost completely dark, if not for the small candle that lit up the room with it’s faint, yellow light. In the candle’s light, Johann could see his alarm clock next to it.  It was almost four am.
”Coming, coming” the bard yawned. He was irritated and his head hurt from the sudden wake up, but taking in the fact that the knocks grew louder and louder, he figured it had to be something important. Maybe Lucretia needed him to do something. Johann took a quick breath before opening the door. Johan didn’t even really have the time to register who the eager knocker was, before he could feel slender arms wrapping around him and messy-haired head being buried to his shoulder. It took a moment from Johann to realize that Brian had been the one knocking. The bard dropped to his knees suprised, as Brian leaned against him with all his weight.
Brian was crying and shaking violently. His hands gripped tightly on Johann’s shirt. He was trying to say something, but only thing coming out of his mouth was just helpless, quiet cries. Johann hushed him, hugging him tightly. Johann started to hum a soft tune, trying to get his boyfriend to calm down. He started to gently stroke Brian’s messy hair.
”Are you guys okay?”
Johann raised his eyes to see Brad standing beside them. He guessed Brian’s not so quiet weeping had woken him up. He was sleeping in the dorm room next to him after all.
”Yeah. I’ll take care of him, just go back to sleep Brad. Thank you for asking though” Johann whispered.  
”Do you think you stand up dear?” Brian nodded againts his shoulder and stood up with shaking legs. Johann let the shaking wizard lean against him as they togheter stepped back inside his dorm room.
”Oh you forgot this!” Brad  yelped and offered the big spider plushie to Brian. The drow yanked the plushie from his hands and curled up to Johann’s bed.
”Are you sure you can handle this? I could cast a healing word you know?” the orc asked, looking at Brian worried. Johan thanked him again and promised to take care of the drow. Brad nodded and let Johann close the door.
”What’s wrong dear?” Johann whispered as he wrapped a blanket around Brian. Brian just held his plushie tightly and leaned against Johann sniffing.
”What kind of dream this time?” Johann sadly sighed. It wasn’t unusual for his boyfriend to get nightmares, but Johann got the feeling that this was a bigger deal.  Brian gulped a couple of times and sniffed his nose.
”I vaz sent to another mission by Lucretia. To reclaim a relic I suppose. I found it eazily but it vas so
powerful that I couldn’t help myself. I… I grapped it and I felt so powerful for a moment. It waz a ze gauntlet I think… In the next moment, all I could feel was just, power.  And zen I looked around and..” Brian wept, starting to shake again. Johann petted his tear covered cheek and kissed him gently in the forehead.
”You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want”
”Johann, I waz so scared… I am so scared” Brian buried his head in to Johann’s chest again.
”It’s okay, you are safe now. Nothing bad is going to happen to you now” Johann gently whispered and ran his fingers through his partner’s long, white hair. Brian sniffed again. The bard could feel how Brian’s tears made his shirt wet, but he didn’t care. For now, only thing that mattered to him was to get his boyfriend back to sleep. For many night’s now, Brian had not slept very well.
There was another knock on the door. Johann stood up, leaving Brian wrapped in his blanket still sitting on his bed.
”Please don’t go” Brian whispered between cries.
”No, no I’ll just open the door”, Johann reassured him. Behind the door stood Brad again.
”Johann, I know you said you could handle this on your own, but I just can’t get any sleep, if hear that someone in the room next to mine is crying. Please, could I just cast calm emotions Brian or something?” he said, stuttering a bit. Johann nodded and let the orc inside his room. He watched closely as Brad started to talk to Brian, holding the drow’s hands on his owns.  It took a while, but after some calming words and maybe a little sleep spell, Brian finally started to snore.
”Thank you Brad so much” Johann smiled happily.
”Glad to do my job” he whispered back and started to make his way back to the door.
”Hey Brad?”
”Yeah? Do you need a sleeping spell too?” the orc chuckeled.
”Could you please ask Lucretia to send someone else on the next mission? You saw Brian, he is getting really stressed out and I don’t want him to hurt himself”, Johann requested. Brad nodded and promised to do his best, before leaving the two alone.
 Johann yawned and turned his alarm clock of completely. He didn’t want his boyfriend to wake up early and he himself had earned a vacation day. Brian had took the only pillow, but Johann didn’t really mind. He snuggeled next to his lover, placing his head on Brian’s chest. He could feel his heart beating.
”Goodnight darling”
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spiralxshock · 7 years
@tazrarepairweek day 2: Laugh/Cry
Pair: Johann/Brian
Johann huffed, sorting out stacks of cards. It would be so much easier when Brian got back, not having any time between composing for the Voidfish and trying to sort out all the wedding invitations. It had been a rough few days, but he believed in Killian's abilities and had a few choice words for when she came dragging his soon-to-be husband back home. Just as he picked up a stack there was a knock at the door.
"It's unlocked." He called. It opened, and Killian stepped in. Alone. "You're back. I'm guessing Brian's over in the infirmary then?" He gave her a soft smile over the invitations in his arms.
"Johann..." As she stepped forward he could tell something was wrong.
"He's... You brought him back, right?"
"I... Johann, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." The invitations fell from his arms and spread around him over the floor. His mouth hung open.
"No..." It was barely a whisper.
Johann fell to his knees, surrounded by the invitations that no longer held any meaning as his future crumbled before him. Tears welled in his eyes, dripping down onto the paper.
"Please, please tell me that you didn't... that it wasn't you..."
Killian hung her head. "I didn't have a choice. Johann, he didn't recognize me. He didn't... i had to..." She was crying now too.
He was doubled over now, wailing like a wounded dog. She stepped over the invitations to him and dropped down as well. Killian put her arms around him and held him as he shook, sobbing into her lap. 
A soft alarm went off.
It was almost scary how fast his mood turned around. Johann stood, stone-faced, and grabbed some pages off the table. Killian recognized the music title at once. His wedding music.
"I need to feed the voidfish." He mumbled.
"I'll... I'll wait here." She started picking up the invitations from her place on the floor as he shuffled numbly out of the room. Killian felt s sick. The others would be going to the voidfish too. He'd see them. Hopefully they wouldn't say anything, now that she'd taken the fall for them. Either way she had to be ready for when he came back, in worse shape than before.
Sure enough, when he came shakily back. Carey had arrived too, having heard the news. They didn't even say anything, just held out their arms and let their friend collapse into them. Once more his pained wails filled the room, and a spider poked its head out of the kitchen and scuttled over. Killian's heart shattered further. She's forgotten about Spot, their pet not-dog-so-its-fine. The fuzzy jumping spider tapped a leg to the bard's.
Johann pulled the spider close to his chest, holing the pet close. He continued to shake ling after he ran out of tears. Things wouldn't be the same. They couldn't be the same. He was going to have to find a way to get through, but not now. Now all he could do was mourn as his friends held him close.
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selkie-elf · 7 years
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Day 1: Kiss/Touch
Let’s start the @tazrarepairweek with some sweet lovers from Refuge. 
Ash and Ren would be such a cute couple, and they will make more appearances during this week, even if I will be also using some other lesser known pairings as well cough cough spiderbard  I hope everyone will have fun with this week!
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selkie-elf · 7 years
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Day 5 of @tazrarepairweek
It was a free day, so have some sketches!
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spiralxshock · 7 years
@tazrarepairweek day 5: AU
Pair: Johann/Brian (again)
I, of course, went with a Brian Lives AU.
He wasn't sure how long he was out, but when Brian woke everything seemed... clear. Clearer than it had been. But things were still fuzzy. He remembered being sent on a mission. To Phandalin. Looking for the Phoenix-fire Gauntlet. That's when things got hazy. He ended up fighting someone. Her voice had been so familiar... it clicked. He had been fighting Killian when these strangers showed up. But that left another question: why was he still alive? First fighting Killian and then this intense, burning heat, and then nothing until waking up. His eyes were still closed, exhaustion like he had never felt before still holding him. Thankfully he was an elf, so he was still aware of what was going on.
Someone was breathing beside him. Soft and ragged. Had they been crying? Crying or not it seems they had fallen asleep. Brian forced himself to stretch out his hand as much as he could, and his fingers found something soft and flowing, but before he could feel more it moved out of his reach. A head, he figured. He must have touched someone's hair. Someone's hand moved his own back to it's original position.
"Sorry." Came a soft mumble in an unmistakable voice. Johann. Brian forced his eyes open. It was hard to keep them open at first, but seeing the shocked face of his favorite person it made the whole thing worthwhile.
"Dear..." It came out hoarse and whispered, but hearing it seemed to change the bard's shock to fury.
"Dear? Don't 'dear' me! Do you... do you have any idea how worried I was?" Johann's voice was no longer monotone, but holding back the barely-contained emotions, and he anxiously twisted the band around his finger. Brian himself was shaking. The pieces had fallen into place. He knew exactly what happened. Tears spilled from his eyes as he lay unable to move. Johann was barely keeping it together himself, leaning over the other and just holding on.
"I'm... I'm..." Brian hiccuped, trembling.
"It's alright... Shhhh...." They stayed like that until the drow calmed, and only then did Johann pull away. Brian looked his fiancé over with bleary eyes.
"You look comfy." He mumbled, realizing Johann was in pajamas.
"And you look fluffy."
Fluffy? Oh. They must have cut his hair to make things easier. Despite being a drow his hare was pretty curly when cut short. He weakly raised his eyebrows at him. Brian had used the look enough that Johann would know what it meant. Sure enough, he sighed and laid down on the bed next to Brian. He smiled, turning his head to bump his nose against the bard's.
"What do you think the Director will do with me?"
"Transferring. You'll be here full time 'till they're all gone." Brian closed his eyes and let himself  rest in the other's hold as Johann ran his fingers through the drow's hair.
"Good. I-" he shuddered, "I don't want to be near those again. I don't want to lose you."
"You won't."
The two dozed off. Brian wouldn't be moving much anytime soon but it didn't matter. They were both there, both alive, and that meant they would still be married before long. For now everything would be ok, and that was enough.
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spiralxshock · 7 years
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TFW your aesthetic doesn’t match your personality, but it matches your bf’s. 
@tazrarepairweek day 3: Sun/Moon 
Won’t be doing one tomorrow but I’ve got the others queued up. 
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