#spider wol​f
vaniloqu3nce · 2 years
Headcanon: Sorry I just came up with this but Spider-Wolf has a Wednesday sense, it’s like spidey sense except since Wednesday is Enid’s mate, Enid also gets a bad feeling whenever Wednesday is in danger.
Basically Enid could be in class and she just gets a terrible feeling, so she knows Wednesday is doing something stupid. Post-reveal of their identities it no longer freaks her out because she knows Wednesday can handle herself, it’s more like “How many times do I have to tell my girlfriend to stop skipping class to solve murder mysteries.” She basically has to hunt Black-Cat down and Yoko covers for her all the time because Yoko is amazing and deserves more love
Literally just spitballing im so high
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aajjks · 2 months
“hey~ that’s not true” you take jungkook’s hands in yours and caress them. “i don’t think you’re a loser and neither should you. you’re the amazing spider-man! and sure, things went to shit but everyone is okay. aunt oh-wol will be okay and i’m sure once she knows the truth, she’ll be so proud of you. her nephew is an icon. you’re every child’s dream and you’ve singlehandedly inspired so many people to fight for what’s right. we win some and lose some but hey? just do as the late aaliyah said, dust yourself off and try again” the status of yours and jungkook’s relationship is…strange. after everything that’s happened, you feel like a break is needed between the two of you but you’ll share your feelings on that after jungkook has fully recovered.
you press a kiss to jungkook’s cheek before running your fingers through his silky hair to show your support but it doesn’t help much. his heart is in shambles and the will to continue being the hero his country loves so much begins to dwindle.
as the chapter comes to a close, our heroes are left in critical condition. jung morgan has torn through the tight-knit family and has taken so many lives and hearts with her. her hideout is raided and aired on live television for the world to see and you’re forced to stay with a friend until you can save enough money for another apartment. seoul is once again at peace but not for long. a new enemy is just around the corner, a mask spitting words of hatred and malice into a heart that used to be so pure.
“stop…leave me alone. no, i-i can’t! he’s my friend”
“that spider is not a friend. you want power? i can give you that. no more ridicule. no more judgement. we can give the world peace but you need me”
“i wish i never brought you here. i wish i never—,”
“SHUT UP!!! that is why you’re so weak and will forever live in the shadow of your peers. put me on, eunwoo. i fit like skin, my voice like silk. tempting…so close…wear me and i will make you happy”
“we interrupt this program with breaking news, hahahahahahahahahhaaaaa!!!!!!! i’m coming for you spider-man. beware”
the building is engulfed in flames as hundreds of people cry out for help, barely managing to escape the suffocating flames.
You’re feeding him soup right now and he’s watching the TV, it’s boring. news has nothing to show except for headlines about the black cat.
“Ugh I am tired hearing about that bitch she is dead now! PLEASE CHANGE THE CHANNEL YN.” He begs you, because hearing about the black cat just triggers him so much, you definitely understand where he’s coming from because you relate to his trauma, you pick up the remote and you change the channel.
That is until you guys come across a new channel, but— there’s something really weird about it, the commentator is wearing a stupid costume and a mask.
“Wow early Halloween?” Jungkook snorts, “can you please increase the volume? I really want to see what they’re talking about.”
You do as he tells you too, and he gives you a sweet smile before thanking you.
Jungkook and you focus on the news while you continue to feed him the soup, “hmm?” He exclaims.
There is destruction everywhere, the screen shows a fire everywhere, people, screaming in terror, crying out for Spider-Man to save them
He hears sinister laughter.
“we interrupt this program with breaking news, hahahahahahahahahhaaaaa!!!!!!! i’m coming for you spider-man. beware”
Jungkooks smile vanishes.
He sits up, his jaw clenched, and eyes hardened. “What the fuck, looks like someone else wants to fucking die from my hands again.”
This time it looks like his hands won’t be red from the blood, but instead green.
Because the Spider-Man is going to kill the green goblin, even if he dies trying to.
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E N D O F P A R T O N E O F T H E R P.
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ace-and-sleepdeprived · 10 months
[mir-E-ahm jay-d wol-f] 25 - 5'8 - She/Her - Paris, France, 1945 - Biromantic Demisexual - Earth-171578
In a world that is a Van Gogh painting brought to life, Paris in a late 1940s era where WWI and WWII never occurred is a place flourishing with arts of all kinds. Music, art, theatre, you name it, it's main focal point is in the City of Love itself. Myriam-Jade Wolff - better known as just Myriam - is a violinist and singer who spends most of her days writing music and performing in bars and clubs, while also practicing and performing with the prestigious Orchestra de Paris. But when she isn’t in either of those places, she’s Paris’ nighttime vigilante - Star Weaver.
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Myriam-Jade Wolff
Independent, hard-working and ambitious, Myriam was taught from a young age that she could do whatever she set her mind to with hard work and genuine passion. As a young girl, she grew an infatuation with music and performance after her mother brought her and her twin brother Leo to their first orchestra concert. Growing up, Myriam never knew her father after he passed shortly before her birth, but she found a father figure in her Uncle Bernard, who was a talented musician and encouraged her dreams of becoming a performer one day. He got her a violin for her 10th birthday and enrolled her in lessons. While her end goal was to achieve the dream of becoming a musician, she got by through working at her mother’s café alongside her brother to keep the family business going.
Unbeknownst to her, Myriam’s life was about to take a drastic turn. One day when she was 15, she was working in the back of the café, gathering supplies from storage. While she was moving the boxes of ingredients, she accidentally swatted down an enchanted Blue Jumping Spider’s web. It fell onto her hand and promptly bit her in retaliation before scuttling away. More annoyed than anything, Myriam took care of the bite and went on with her shift. But the next morning, she’d awake to find the bite had more permanent effects. She could stick to walls, shoot webs from her wrists, and had a sixth sense. But she could also manipulate light from different sources and make herself go invisible. She kept her powers a secret, not daring to tell anyone. But unfortunately, fate would force her hand.
One night, Myriam and Bernard were returning home from the store when they were suddenly attacked by a group of criminals working for the infamous Kingpin, a crime bods who’d been funding the growing hate groups in the underbelly of Paris. Myriam used her powers to web up and trap their assailants, but not before one of them shot her uncle in the chest. Bleeding out onto the street, Bernard told his niece to use the gift she’d received for good, and to use it wisely. After his death, Myriam would take up the mantel of Star Weaver, the defender of the Paris streets from terrible people like Kingpin and his lackeys.
Unfortunately, tragedy would strike once more when she was 18. Her brother, Leo, would die as a result of being caught in the crossfire of a Kingpin raid. His death only fueled Myriam’s desire to protect others as much as she could, and to never turn her back on her family.
For the next seven years, Myriam’s life would start looking up. She’d graduate from the Paris College of Music and become a musician, eventually trying out and being chosen to join the famed Orchestra de Paris. She would achieve her dream of becoming a famed singer and musician, wowing crowds with her beautiful voice and talent on the violin. All the while, she’d still serve the city of Paris as Star Weaver.
But her life would take another turn when one faithful night she’d encounter a strange yet handsome man in a dark blue jumpsuit who claimed to be from another universe.
Face Claim:
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Greta Onieogou- Canadian-Nigerian Actress
Being the Star Weaver, Myriam’s spidersuit looks a lot like the night sky of her universe - so it has a lot of the same elements as the famed Starry Night painting!
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The base of the jumpsuit is a deep blue and made of a soft yet durable silk material with light gold web lining all over it. On the suit, there are little clusters or splatters of light yellow and white paint to create the illusion of stars scattered all over her suit - and she wears a light blue waist cape with a silk material that looks starry as well! Her mask has two cat-shaped white eyes surrounded by gold and the illusion of starry freckles on it - reminiscent of her own freckles. She wears two silver north star shaped earrings that are sewn into the mask, and she has a circle star on her forehead. Myriam’s spider symbol is on the back of her suit, and it has two glowing stars forming the abdomen and torso of the spider with waving, light like limbs radiating off of the body. Her spidersuit is made of materials reminiscent of the 1940s glamor dresses, so it’s both fashionable and comfortable for fighting crime.
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Myriam has all the standard spider powers like webs, stickiness, spider sense, etc, but due to the more magical nature of the spider that bit her, she has a few extra powers. She’s classified as a Weaver spider through her elaborate flips and tricks she does. Like Pavitr, she uses her webs to trap opponents and grab onto debris or citizens to pull them out of harms way quickly. She doesn’t rely on her webs as much for travel, but when the time calls for it, she can web around Paris with ease. One that is purely ornamental is the fact that her eyes change from a dark brown to a soft blue when she’s Star Weaver, even if it’s hard to notice with her mask unless she takes it off or it’s damaged. Myriam’s not entirely sure why her eyes change color, but it doesn’t really bother her. Light Manipulation: Myriam can take light from any kind of source - natural or artificial- and weave it into her webs to make them stronger and brighter. These webs are almost impossible to escape from once light has been incorporated into them, and it’s how she got her namesake, since she can seemingly weave the stars into webs. Quick Jumping & Reflexes: Seeing as she was bit by a Jumping Spider, Myriam can move pretty damn fast. She can easily leap from one building to another in a split second and move too quickly for the human eye to process. One minute she could be on a building, you blink and then BOOM she’s on another one. This skill allows her to travel through the rooftops with ease and speed, allowing her to use her to mainly use her webs to capture opponents. Invisibility: Thanks to her light manipulation abilities, Myriam can make herself go invisible for periods of time to sneak around undetected. This invisibility state can stay for up to four hours, but the only downside is that she cannot use her webs, as doing so would break the cloak and reveal her. She mainly uses this power to sneak up on opponents and capture them quickly.
Being from the 1940s, Myriam LOVES a good skirt and blazer, as well as flared trousers, necklaces, blouses, and a fun hat every once and a while, although she prefers a bandanna.
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When it comes to her hair, Myriam prefers to leave it down when she’s at the HQ, although back home she usually keeps it in a bun or ponytail. When she’s performing, she’ll wear simple yet elegant dresses that don’t hinder her movement but allow her to be fancy while performing either by herself or with the orchestra.
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Myriam & The Spider Society
As previously mentioned at the end of the beginning part of this post, Miguel was the first spiderperson Myriam ever encountered. Obviously she was very confused at this 6’9 Spanish-speaking man with a hologram shit from the future, and while he spoke English and she could understand him, she was still very skeptical of him - no matter how good looking he might be underneath his mask. The only way Miguel really gained her trust was when he helped her take out an anomaly that had managed to sneak into Earth-171578 while he was trying to convince Myriam to join the Society. She accepted his offer and joined the Spider Society, accompanied by Miguel’s guidance.
Myriam’s first few weeks on campus were extremely jarring and overwhelming, and not just because of the fancy tech that she’d never seen before. Earth-928 wasn’t a stylized world, and it didn’t have the familiarness of her home world, and it was very confusing for her to learn that not all universes are “stylized” like hers. She was like “What do you mean that my world is ‘stylized?’ Is it not normal for others to look like mine?” Beyond that, she also had to deal with the fact that her world’s timeline is very different from others. Myriam will try to say she’s from 1945 and other spiders will immediately assume her world is at war. Neither WWI or WWII happened in Myriam’s earth, and while she’s well aware of hate groups in her own, she’s extremely shaken by learning what horrors occurred in both. Plus, life in her world is peaceful and prosperous, so she has a bit of a difficult time relating to vintage spiders like Noir and Spiderman-65, although she’s acquaintances with both. The spiders she found the most comfort with were the musical ones, especially those who indulge in more classical styles. It brings her comfort that music is a multiversal thing, and she’ll always be able to find it regardless of where she goes. Regardless, life in the Spider Society is extremely different than life at home, so Myriam is still trying to get used to it all. She chooses to work more administrative roles on campus rather than go on frequent missions - although she’s a valuable asset when called on for one. Although she still has to deal a lot with people mischaracterizing her universe just because of it’s era and timeline.
”Ooh! I love the vintage fit! Where’d you get it?” “..Vintage? This is just a normal outfit, is it not?” “Well, it’s WAY older than anything I’ve ever seen.. wait, are you actually from the 1900s?” “Yes..? It’s 1945 in my world.” “1945? Oh shit, that means you’re in WWII right now? Do you punch Nazis for a living? Do you have to deal with air raids? You sound French so-"
*cue Myriam just wanting to vanish right then and there*
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[“why can’t people understand that some universe timelines are different??? not EVERY world has experienced the SAME THINGS-“] -myriam, likely ranting to lyla later.
Role Within the Society
Myriam, although she might not be a scientist or engineer by any means, contributes a lot to the Society both through missions and the duties she does on campus. She's classified as a Weaver Spider under the specifications for each recruit, and she's skilled in creating thick, strong webs to catch anomalies and civilians if there are large crowds present or multiple anomalies in one universe. Seeing as she was recruited and mentored by Miguel, Myriam is a graduate of the Spider Society Education Program - a series of classes for members to take to better contribute to the society. She graduated with specifications in Multiversal Stylization and Alternate Timelines - so she studies and tracks the statuses of heavily stylized worlds and worlds with changes to their timelines, like her own. She's also sent in to recruit spiders from these universes. The work she does is helpful in the recruitment and integration of spiders from stylized worlds and those who have drastic differences in the timeline, mostly because she doesn't want recruits to be as jarred as she was, and for the welcoming into the Society to be a stress-free as possible. Myriam also serves as a '2nd assistant' of sorts for Miguel, although it isn't official by any means. It usually involves her doing physical things Lyla can't - like getting him food, physical files, or just reminding him to take a break every once in a while. Someone has to keep his workaholic ass in check, and Myriam's apparently the only one Miguel tolerates to do that.
Myriam & Miguel
Yes, I ship them. [i can have two ocs and ship them with the same character, they're just in separate timelines okay? okay.]
Since Myriam is from the 1940s and Miguel is still cautious of building close relationships with others due to his past losses, they like taking it slow. Like very slow. It's very agonizing for a lot of people in the Society because it's SO OBVIOUS they're in love with each other but they're both stubborn and shy. They do eventually start dating, but they don't refer to each other as boyfriend or girlfriend, because they simply don't. Dinner dates are a very common occurrence between them and often take place in Myriam's world. Cue Miguel trying to improve his French and Myriam having to translate for him. These dates are often accompanied by Miguel bring a gift of some kind for her, like flowers or chocolates and dropping her off back at her little townhouse. [He HAS to be gentlemanly otherwise Myriam's mom and aunt maria WILL get onto him, they drilled that into his head when they first met him.] Since they're both demi, their relationship is almost entirely romantic and emotional. Myriam's only real attraction to sex is to start a family one day, and Miguel feels that kind of attraction the same way. Even though eventually having kids together is still way down the line, Myriam's desire to be a mom one day has been amplified by having Mayday around on campus. She's just so freakin' cute. At the end of the day, the two of them care deeply for each other and love spending time together in any way they can, and are practically inseperable. [one of their love languages is definitely quality time] The two of them love writing music together, (Myriam's let Miguel embrace his musical side more) exploring both Nueva York and Paris, taking care of Myriam's cats, and planning things for the Society. While they may be taking it slow, they're simply feeling each other out and getting to know the other on the deepest level they can, so that hopefully one day they can build a family and a life together.
[atsv puts a bit of a hole in the road, but they figure it out and that's a post for another day LMAO]
Random Headcanons
As previously mentioned, Myriam has three cats! Their names are Tenor, Alto, and Soprano. (yes, she named them after voice parts, she can be cheesy if she wants to.)
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Tenor is a 6-year-old tuxedo tom, Alto is a 4-year-old calico she-cat, and Soprano is a 1-year-old tabby she-cat. They're all former strays that Myriam found and adopted.
Tenor is a tired chill boy, Alto is sassy but loveable, and Soprano is a rambunctious and playful kitten that could spend HOURS batting at Lyla as she glitches around without getting tired.
All three of them were strays that Myriam took in at various points in her life, and they're her babies who she adores very much.
Myriam's violin playing is a lot like Linsey Sterling, considered revolutionary and modern for her era. Her ability to command the instrument with such grace yet strength has allowed her to quickly gain recognition and fame throughout Europe - she's basically a celebrity, although she's able to keep her show life and private life VERY separate. The reality of modern day stars scares her.
Her singing style is a mix of both Jazz and Classical, much of it's influence coming from singers like Ella Fitzgerald and Frank Sinatra.
A lot of spiders like to joke that she's the French female version of him because her songs and style are a lot like his.
Besides playing the violin, Myriam can also play the piano.
She's played the piano for longer, taught by her Uncle Bernard while she was growing up.
Because of this, much of her music is a combination of both piano and string instruments.
Even though she technically is part of the Orchestra De Paris, she is planning about potentially quitting in the future and focusing fully on her solo career.
Buuut she's still trying to find her footing and she's made a lot of friends in the orchestra, so she's not quite ready to leave yet.
Myriam can speak French, English and German fluently! She studied both German and French all throughout school and it has been VERY helpful in her integration process into the Society.
She's rusty on her Spanish though, and it sounds a little funny when she speaks it so she sticks with speaking English outside of her universe.
On the flipside, it is both entertaining and mildly infuriating trying to help Miguel perfect his French.
there have been many instances of second-hand embarrassment and quick corrections when he accidentally butchers a word in public
Miguel gets a decent amount of attention in Myriam's world, seeing as he doesn't have the same painted style as everyone else.
And because he's MASSIVE and obviously not French.
Although something that has become more noticeable about him is that at certain points he appears more in the painted style like Myriam due to visiting her world so often.
He won't go full painted like her, but he does start to take more elements of it like more streaked colors and movements that almost look stop-motion-y.
Besides Miguel, Myriam is close with both Jess and Gwen.
In fact, Myriam's pretty much unofficially adopted Gwen as her daughter, and has become both a mother-figure and mentor figure for the young spiderwoman.
She would very much like to curse out Gwen's dad in French AND English.
Myriam and Jess have been close ever since Myri first joined the Society. Besides Miguel and Lyla, Jess was the main person Myriam really talked and interacted with while at the society. Jess LOVES to tease Myriam about her puppy crush on Miguel, and it's very much a sister-like dynamic between the two of them.
She doesn't like Peter B. very much. She likes Mayday but she just doesn't really like him.
It's more of an 'I acknowledge your existence and NOT because i like you because i tolerate you'
She’s pretty chill with Hobie, even if she can’t fully understand him sometimes due to his thick accent. (and because she's terrified when she learns that he swings his guitar around like a bat)
which is kinda ironic because a lot of people in the society have a hard time understanding her due to her thick accent as well
Myriam's movements are very stop motion like in nature, and her painted design will bleed out around her slightly.
While she still has a spiderverse-esk style to her face and body, she still has the oil painting look to her, and blues are a very prominent color in her world.
most hues are softer in nature in Earth-171578, mainly blues, browns, greys, greens, yellows and oranges. colors aren't traditionally harsh or offputting due to the changes in the timeline.
Tech wise, it’s in the same stages as worlds like Spider Noirs except slightly more advanced because Myriam’s world is a decade ahead.
Myriam's world is pretty peaceful, which is reflective of the soft oil-painted style it has.
However, that doesn't mean that shitty people are nonexistent, so as the Star Weaver she fights those who want to break the peace that's been standing in her world for so long.
Besides music, Myriam absolutely adores cooking and baking as well!
Seeing as her Aunt Maria and Mom still run their little café, baking and cooking have been engraved into her DNA.
She can make some bomb French food as well as family recipes, and her and Miguel bond over that.
Myriam will often make little pastries like croissants or tarts or something that she brings with her to the Society to share.
there always gone in like. 15 minutes.
Myri's always willing to try out recipes the other spiders give her, even if they're a bit of a disaster at first.
her first attempt at empanadas were something else-
dw, she's improved.
She also loves to read! Joining the Society means she has access to the on-campus library that is filled with books in multiple languages from multiple different universes that spiders personally donated!
If she isn't in Miguel's office, she's usually in the library, either reading or working part-time as a librarian in there.
When it comes to her relationships on campus, Myriam's close with the European spiders, especially her fellow French spiders.
They'll eat together in the cafeteria and just ramble about things in French.
She's also close with spiders from more vintage or older set worlds like Noir, since she can relate to them a bit more than the average modern day spider.
Paris rooftops are amazing to jump and web around on, and Myriam loves doing it with Miguel.
partially because she want to help him improve his webslinging and be less reliant on his talons, but also because the city's so goddamn gorgeous in her world. they also do it in nueva york too.
so, late-night webslinging dates are common practice for them.
Their first kiss was after a night of webbing around Paris.
Myriam kissed him while they were sitting and enjoying the view of late-night Paris.
she immediately malfunctions afterwards
he malfunctions too
Myriam attempted to say something coherent but she just ended up skittering back home like 'UHH I HAVE TO GO MAKE SURE THE CATS ARE OKAY ALRIGHT BYE-'
considering she just kissed a guy who's NINE YEARS OLDER THAN HER and her BOSS-
they were both mildly mortified but they get over it fairly quickly
jess and lyla are like 'fucking FINALLY'
[a break so tumblr doesn’t fuck up the formatting lmao]
It takes a while for the message to spread to the rest of the Society but people start to get the memo when Miguel and Myriam vanish together.
they're homebodies, but very much in love.
Myriam's mom, Juliette, likes Miguel very much, even if he's from the future and a little strange. While her Aunt Maria is definitely still figuring out how she feels about her niece's non-French vampire partner, but she doesn't hate him.
If anything, Miguel's accepted into the Wolff family immediately after he starts dating Myriam officially. And he loves it.
It's his first real semblance of a balanced, functional family in a long time.
He’s basically been adopted into the Wolff family even before he put a ring on Myri’s finger.
but he definitely will soon dw
Myriam speaks with a noticeable accent, and she'll still trip up on certain words or sentences in English.
Even though French and Spanish are pretty similar, she's still trying to improve it and perfect it, although she still trips up quite frequently and it's a lil embarrassing.
which will usually lead to her simply speaking English on campus unless she can speak French or German.
While she doesn't officially have a no-kill rule, Myriam doesn't like to do it unless she absolutely has to.
Every once in a while she'll fight someone who will not change from their cruel and unjust ways, and if them living will only bring more suffering onto others, she finds it more merciful to just kill them instead of having to fight them again.
This is primarily directed at Kingpin, who she'd like to kill in a heartbeat for all the suffering he's caused.
Myriam's an absolute sucker for animals. Given that she has three cats, she'll often feed strays and help lost animals find their way back home if she finds them
She basically has the golden touch when it comes to cats, and Spider-Cat has basically become her unofficial companion at the Society. He constantly follows her around when he can, and she's his second go-to person besides Spectacular.
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Imagine Myri instead of Spectacular. Yup, that's a daily sight in the Society.
that or her holding him like a baby
A lot of Myriam's days at the Society are spent either working in the campus library or chilling in Miguel's office while listening to French and Spanish music while they talk about various things and crack jokes.
They both have GREAT senses of humor.
although sometimes myri's confused by more 'futuristic' humor (gen z humor confuses her to no end even though it's funny)
Modern things in general still confuse her. She knows how some of them work she just. struggles with grasping the concept of them.
Her and Noir bond over this.
Sometimes she forgets how drastically different her world is in comparison to Miguel's that when he's whiplashed by certain things she's like "??? this is normal why are you freaking out??"
and then she's like OH RIGHT you're from the future. this shit is basically ancient to you huh
which is an existential crisis in of itself but LETS NOT GET INTO THAT-
Myriam likes to dance! While she isn't trained in it by any means she grew up dancing to the radio and to records in her living room.
She dances for fun, and she can keep a good rhythm even if she doesn't do it all the time.
FUCK THIS TOOK WAY TOO LONG. the whole idea of myriam started as a silly post ab a van gogh stylized universe and it snowballed into THIS. god tumblr gave me so much shit while i was making this post-
but anyways this is her!! she's been invading my brain and i adore her dynamic w/ miguel so much - and i adore her background and culture too! france has always been intriguing, especially since i'm currently taking french in school, and the 1940s is a very interesting period of history, even if myriam's version of it is much different.
but most of all i love the style her universe is in! vincent van gogh has always been and always will be one of my favorite artists, and the concept of a whole universe looking like a van gogh painting is just- so cool to think about.
BUT ANYWAYS ENOUGH WITH ME RAMBLING. i hope y'all like her as much as i do, and i promise that i'll be coming out with even MORE spidersonas in the next few weeks as i finish up finals and get to go for a long break!!
bye :))
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jackidy · 1 year
FFXIVWrite Prompt 2: Bark
Pairing: HienWOL (Hien/Raina) mention Characters: F!Viera WOL, Ardbert Warnings: Spoilers for Shadowbringers Rating: T Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Summary: A smile plays on her lips as she can hear him say she looks more like a tree, state the shards are her bark and the gold tree sap.
It first bloomed on her ribcage, highlighting the broken ribs she'd received from Zenos in white and gold before inevitably spreading the more she consumed them. 
Every sin eater gave splinters. Every light warden plates. As the night sky spread in the heavens so did the gold between, holding shards of marble together in a spider web of misery. 
What would Hien say if he saw this? His wife slowly becoming an angelic looking monster of stone and metal, would he shudder away or would he, with that affectionate smile on his lips, regard her as beautiful still?
Compare her to kintsugi, marvel at it like he had done countless times with her other imperfections. A smile plays on her lips as she can hear him say she looks more like a tree, state the shards are her bark and the gold tree sap. 
Raina's heart clenches, squeezing her knees to her chest tighter, forehead resting upon knees as she bid herself to look away from the view of the Crystarium and Lakeland the pendants afforded her. 
She was going to make it home, wasn't she? Vanquish the evil and return home to her family. That’s how it had worked before, that’s how she’d faced ascians, primals and whatever else fate had decided to throw at her. 
But this seemed permanent, more inconclusive. None of that had changed her, not in this way, left either mental or physical scars that had slowly healed with time or at least become bearable. It had never done both, at least not to this extent, she’d never felt this terrified of her own fate. Not like this.
Unfurling, she leans back against the window frame, holding her arm up to marvel in horror at the growing marble of her left arm with its veins of gold rippling through it. “I don’t think we’re making it out of this one, Ardbert.” 
The ghost in her kitchen doesn’t respond, doesn’t even look at her, looking as humbled and depressed as she felt as he leant against the table brimming with abandoned food and well wishes of those she had brought the night back to. 
“I’m sorry.”
Don’t be, she wants to say. You haven’t lied to me, you haven’t caused he to be stuck in this night's forsaken land, it’s not your fault I’m becoming a monster the more I kill them. It’s not your fault that I’m slowly rotting from the inside out. 
What can she blame him for in the grand scheme of things? His role in all this was small compared to everything else, the only soul who had been completely honest with her in recent days which was ironic considering how they first met. 
“It’s okay,” She whispers, not bothering to hide the sadness in her voice like she did for the Scions. “Just make sure that if I turn, you’ll help whoever it is to kill me.”
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bekahdoesnerdshit · 4 years
anxiety boredom and mischief for raini, excitement sorrow panic and fright for ayen, impatience confusion disgust for cog!!
Anxiety: Anxious Raini is an irritated Raini, because like I’ve said before it is So much easier to be angry than to feel any other negative emotion. I also think an anxious Raini is a Raini who’s looking at a problem she can’t directly fix, because otherwise she’s not going to bother getting anxious when she can instead focus on getting results. Anxious Raini is fussing with the tassels on her robe, pacing, tugging at the end of her braid, glaring at people with 80% more heat than normal, just generally a ball of nervous energy. Times Raini has been anxious! Meeting Ecstasy’s parents and figuring out what that means! When we killed the goddess of magic and Raini realized she was suddenly a defenseless sack of hit points! End of list.  Boredom: Bored Raini is a Problem. Like, Raini is generally a problem? But bored Raini is a problem (With a capital P and that rhymes with T and that stands for Trouble, I guess?). She gets huffy. Arms crossed, head falling back or to the side to show her Displeasure, rolled eyes, the whole nine yards. Bored because there’s nothing to do? Solution: find something to do! Probably, unfortunately, get off. Because she’s Nasty. Bored because someone is boring her? Make sure they Know that they are Boring, and trust that with enough sighing and raised, unimpressed eyebrows, they’ll fuck off. Mischief: Raini doesn’t get mischievous very often! Which means when she’s in a Mood, it’s an Event. I think there’s a lot of biting the inside of her cheek to hide a grin, a lot of glancing at any co-conspirator she may have, a lot of acting too casual, just to attract a little bit of suspicion and keep things fun. Did she and Yocheved fantasy spray paint a statue to Amaunator last night even though Lent told them not to? Of course not. Did she use a 9th level spell to Polymorph Zize to be about four inches taller, so she would bump her head on things every so often? Preposterous! That certainly doesn’t sound like something Raini would do. You can’t prove shit. 
Excitement: Excited Ayen is a bouncy Ayen! She’s walking alongside and then in front of whoever she’s with, hands clasped behind her back, ponytail swishing behind her, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she grins and looks back with wide, bright eyes! The world is in front of them! It’s here and it’s alive and their’s to explore! Why waste time dragging your feet? She’s already pretty energetic as is, but when she gets herself worked up like this? It’s best to just let her tire herself out and try to keep up in the meantime.  Sorrow: For Ayen, the most concrete experience she has with sorrow is the subtle, aching thing that is her grief for a family she never got to know. It’s not the same as knowing and losing them, of course, but sometimes she feels like she grieves them in the same way. And she’s going to find them! Of course she is! It’s just...it might take a while. And what if she doesn’t? And what if they don’t want her when she does? It isn’t often, but I think Ayen gets wrapped up in that spiral every so often, especially when she’s taking watches alone and just has time to Think. I think her sorrow looks like droopy ears, chin on her knees, eyes cast downward. Managing a small smile for anyone who looks over at her, because that’s what they’re expecting, but letting it slip away again when they turn around. She’s quiet, for a while, until she gathers herself enough to shake off the funk and remind herself who the fuck she is.  Panic: While short lived, panic is definitely something Ayen has experienced. See: when she went to fight those spiders in the middle of the night, missed, and then saw like three more pop up. Uh oh! I think there’s a fair amount of wordless yelling (along with swearing, but the question did specify ‘nonverbal’ so), fumbling with whatever she’s holding (a weapon, a glass bottle she wasn’t supposed to touch, etc.), and tripping over herself to put distance between herself and whatever’s scared her. Basically, I think she loses any semblance of grace she may have had, and turns into the living embodiment of “Oh shit FUCK ass BALLS uh shit fuck TITS” Fright: I’m going to differentiate “fright” from “panic” by approaching this one as a longer term sort of thing. I think growing up in the Shadowfell, it takes a lot to rattle Ayen in regards to traditional horror. Like, when you spent most of your life looking out your window to see the sentient shadow goop that makes up your backyard eating unlucky mortal travelers on the reg, anything else is kinda....eh? I think she also suffers from “haha this is an Adventure everything is fun and games!” disease, also called “not having the life experience to realize sometimes things are just actually fucked up and it’s not gonna turn out okay by default”. None of which answers the question, but is still true. I think if something really, deeply scared her, she would just shake. Her hands, her voice, everything. Ears pinned back against her head, eyes wide and darting around for something she can claim as “safe” to recenter herself, slow, careful steps away from the source of her fear as opposed to the scrambling from the previous question. But, of course, I’m sure it won’t ever come to this in game!! 
Impatience: Not a very common Cog mood! She’s no saint, but if anything she’s usually the one slowing people down. And honestly, even if she’s not, she’s not generally in enough of a rush ever that it matters. I can think of a handful of times where she’s been impatient with someone, and both of those times were pretty different. As a rule, though, she defaults to this sort of tight lipped, tense, closed mouth smile, with varying degrees of warmth depending on how Frustrated she is. She crosses her arms, raises her eyebrows, looks between the person she’s waiting on and where they need to go or the door (but in a way she thinks is subtle, and probably isn’t), but generally just. Resigns herself to wait it out until the other person is done rambling or taking their sweet time doing whatever it is they’re doing. The only exception? When the party thought Ace might be double crossing them, and had spent So long dithering about whether to go back to New Alexandria to confront him. Cog had enough; she put her foot down and said she was going with or without the party so that she could prove his innocence. If they wanted to keep her alive, they could come too.  Confusion: While the other two may be things that Cog has little to no experience with, she’s got confusion in the bag. Not to flex on anybody? But we’re confused twenty! four! seven!! Absolutely nothing sexier than a woman who’s always just a little bit out of it!!! Confused Cog is smiling politely, but she’s very obviously lost. She’s fidgeting with her hands somewhere low around her stomach, looking up at the people around her and kinda. Half reaching out every so often? Looking for a place to cut in to ask for clarification? Oh you’re still talking? No worries! I’ll wait. :) I hate to be mean to Cog, because I do love her, but also once she’s figured out she’s not getting caught up, it’s just elevator music up there. Someone -probably Wol- will get her caught up later, she’s sure! :)) Disgust: Cog has been outright disgusted once in her LIFE and it was when the party went to meet the Guardians -a group of gods that protect Lafaroh in exchange for occasional offerings- in the swamp outside the town. On their way to the Guardian’s meeting place, the party was attacked by some fucked up, homophobic scorpions which poisoned the Fuck out of Ace. The Guardians could fix him, but they did this by producing this alien? Bug? Thing?? That went inside Ace to clean the poison out. Nasty. Disgusting. Vile I hate it. Cog very nearly threw up I think, and dropped her first (and for a long time, only!) f-bomb of the campaign. It was a eyes wide, face pale, hand pressed to mouth, too horrified to look away kind of disgust. I think it was mostly luck that she didn’t actually throw up, because she has a weak enough stomach (read: low enough con) that it’s probably about 50/50. Similarly, in like the next session, Cog was the one to find the body of the headmaster of the Academy, and all she could manage was to tear her eyes away long enough to nod silently at the party, fighting rising bile the whole time.
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corbiknight · 4 years
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I am once again, asking for commissions. 
Willing to write anything from all the expansions now! Also AU’s!!! I love them.
What I’m willing to write (general):
OCs or specific WoL’s
Uncommon characters
m/m | f/f | m/f | gen | multi | other
Canon divergence
What I won’t write (at all):
Graphic character death
Excessive angst
Anything to do with spiders beyond a character screaming at one (I’m sorry I’m just a really bad arachnophobe lol)
Image description, Terms of Service, and NSFW specifics beneath the read more!
Image Description:
FFXIV Fic Commissions
200-2000 words Pricing: £1 per 100 words of SFW £1.50 per 100 words of NSFW These prices are non-negotiable
How to Commission me:
Step 1: Message me via Twitter, Tumblr, or e-mail with your request including the following details:
Characters involved
If your OC is involved, a written profile of your OC
Wanted Word Count
Publicly Posted or Private Only
Step 2: Await my response! If I agree to write your request, we will continue to discuss it and once an agreement is made, you will send 50% of the payment to [ [email protected] ] via PayPal.
Step 3: I will periodically send you drafts and adjust any details accordingly. Upon completion, you will send me the remaining 50% of the payment, and i will send you the PDF file. If you wish it to be posted publicly, I will post it to my AO3 account either one week after sending you the PDF, or on a specified date as per your request.
Follow me on: Twitter: @/HchefantBistone  Tumblr: @corbiknight AO3: @/LeosLust
End Image Description
Terms of Service:
I am allowed to decline your commission request even if they do not come under any of my [won’t write] categories.
The first payment must be made within a week of the agreement between us being made (i’m still learning invoices, so it may or may not be via invoice)
Once i have begun writing your commission fic, you will not be able to request a refund. if you wish to back out of a commission after paying the first 50%, then you are free to, however please inform me immediately so I can move on from your commission and onto someone else’s.
Due to my current living situation, it could take anywhere between 2 weeks and 2 months for me to complete your commission. Please do not rush me, I will still try to get it completed asap, but sometimes life does not like me.
What I won’t write (NSFW edition):
Remember! When in doubt, ask me ahead of time by messaging me here or via email using [email protected] 
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winduphaurchefant · 5 years
RULES.  Repost, don’t reblog! Tag 10! Good luck!
TAGGED BY. @to-the-voiceless
TAGGING. @fivebrights and anyone else who wants to do it since the rest of flowr has been tagged
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FULL  NAME : Charalise Farouel
NICKNAME : Reese, which she uses instead of her actual first name. It stuck.
AGE : 28
BIRTHDAY : 28th day of the 6th umbral moon (12/28)
ETHNIC  GROUP : Elezen / Wildwood and Duskwight parentage
LANGUAGE / S : Eorzean Common, Sharlayan, and bits of some niche languages.
ORIENTATION : Bi (is inexperienced with the concept of polyamory but might be willing to try if it comes up)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS : In flowrverse (our fc where we are All wol)) she’s most likely taken by Haurchefant because there’s absolutely no fucking way he’d die on her watch. In-game universe is less concrete, her self esteem is quite low so she doesn’t actively seek relationships but she’s prone to getting crushes easily; Urianger being one of them.
HOME  TOWN / AREA : The Sharlayan Colony, Dravania
CURRENT HOME : A small cottage on the very fringes of the Lavender Beds. Also technically Fortemps manor and her room in the Pendants.
PROFESSION : Scholar (in the literal sense), Adventurer, and Warrior of Light 
HAIR : Café au lait blonde. She used to have it quite long, reaching past her hips, not styled in any specific way but brushed at least. After the Seventh Umbral Calamity she’s kept it quite short for practical purposes and usually hacks away at it herself, much to her friend Lunya’s chagrin.
EYES : Almond shaped eyes of deep blue with a halo of gold around the pupil, accentuated by her thick brows which are uncommon for most Elezen.
FACE : An oval shaped face with a tall, straight nose. Not overly animated in her expressions since the calamity.
LIPS : Has somewhat pouty lips and a bad habit of lip biting
COMPLEXION : Fair skin that freckles easily, she has the ability to tan but makes sure to apply salves to her skin before leaving for areas with more intense sunlight. Lots of moles, with a few noticeable ones on her face.
BLEMISHES : None that are noticeable 
SCARS : A Lot. She has a very prominent scar across her back which she usually likes to cover up.
TATTOOS : None. She enjoys seeing other people’s tattoos but wouldn’t get one for herself, she hates feeling stuck with something.
HEIGHT : Average height for an Elezen at around 6′3″
WEIGHT : 180 lbs give or take, most of it is muscle
BUILD : Tall and lean, quite muscular but not very toned. Her muscles were built more for purpose and less for show, like a power lifter. She could probably roundhouse kick someones head clean off. Pear shaped.
FEATURES : Her prominent brows and two moles beside her right eye
ALLERGIES : No known allergies, but she can get sick very easily.
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  When it was long she usually just wore it down and free flowing, she does the same with her short hair although it doesn’t flow as much.
USUAL  FACE  LOOK : Her expression is usually quite stoic with a hint of Very Tired to spice things up. Is known frequently to come down with a case of RBF
USUAL  CLOTHING : Loose tunics and some fitted trousers and boots when she’s sitting around researching or not doing much, she’ll just pile on armour as needed. Starts to wear things that are a bit more form fitting or aesthetically pleasing as she becomes more comfortable with herself.
FEAR / S : Heights, being trapped, death, death of loved ones, failure, being abandoned, and... spiders
ASPIRATION / S :  To just be... content. Surrounded by people she loves and who earnestly love her in return.
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Empathetic, resilient, compassionate, she is the unstoppable force and the immovable object.
NEGATIVE  TRAITS : She is the unstoppable force and the immovable object. Tends to bottle her feelings and has a hard time trusting people. Self-sacrificing. Low self worth.
MBTI : INFP-T (Mediator) 
ZODIAC : Althyk (Capricorn)
TEMPERAMENT : Cross between phlegmatic and melancholic
SOUL  TYPE / S : Server
ANIMALS : Dire wolf, lioness, sparrow
VICE HABIT / S: Prone to bouts of just... lying there. Doesn’t sleep very well so she ends up half finishing a lot of things.
FAITH : Unsure
GHOSTS ? : Yes.
AFTERLIFE ? : Possibly
ALIENS ? : Anything’s possible!
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT : She really doesn’t like thinking about politics after being absolutely smothered by The Bibliothecs. Very left leaning
EDUCATION  LEVEL : Received a proper education at the Studium in Old Sharlayan, sponsored by a certain Archon. Her interests were too varied to become an Archon and was constantly belittled for her niche areas of study. If she only applied herself...
FATHER : Barnimonchet Farouel. (Status Unknown)  Archon Barnimonchet was the foremost expert on aetherytes and aetherical travel. Having led repairs to multiple aetheryte systems across Eorzea and a member of the Antitower excursion team, he drifted (literally) quite frequently between the Studium and the colony. Despite his meek nature and tendency to ramble, there is no doubting that he was worthy of the title of Archon.
MOTHER : Nenne Farouel née Phillone (Status Unknown) Archon Nenne was a master in the studies of all things alchemical, including potions, crystal structures, and inks for grimoires and tomes. Her preferred area of study was researching ways to better the body and mind, noting the aetherical compositions of different beings and brewing revitalizing concotions; especially her recent invention which coined the term "Craftman's Tea", creating the recipe as a way to help her husband in his work. She often found herself in the Arboretum gathering ingredients and helping out her fellows tasked with groundskeeping, scolding tones of "Barn!" could be frequently heard echoing through the Telmatology quarter as her husband and formerly mentioned Archon fumbled his way through the vined walkways to visit her.
EXTENDED  FAMILY : No knowledge of extended blood family. The closest she had to a parental figure was Archon Louisoix who had originally offered to babysit her as a babe when her parents left on orders to study an aetherical disturbance, after which they disappeared. He took on the role as a surrogate parent for her, having no trust in Sharlayan’s current care system. Takes on an older sibling role with the younger scions.
NAME MEANING / S : I named her Reese Peepo because I like Reese’s Pieces and the peepo video was popular at the time. Charalise is a nonsense name I gave her to fit in with why she’s Reese. 
BOOK : She loves history books with any knowledge predating the fourth astral era, and has been known to read the occasional romance novel when no one is looking. Has grown to hate learning about anything Allagan.
DEITY : No specific deity
HOLIDAY : Starlight Celebration
MONTH : October (Fifth umbral moon)
SEASON :  Fall/Winter
PLACE : Urth’s Gift
SOUND / S: Wind blowing through the trees, crackling of firewood, morning bird calls, the cello
SCENT / S :  Clean laundry, freshly baked goods, flowers, cut grass
TASTE / S :  Savoury, warm spices, nothing too sweet
FEEL / S : Heavy blankets, smooth crystal, soft leaves
ANIMAL / S : All
NUMBER : none
COLORS : Earthy colours and the blue of the ocean on a clear day
TALENTS : Gardening, sword fighting, art, singing (she usually does it by herself), healing magic
BAD  AT : Staying level headed, opening up, decorating, fashion
TURN  ONS : Honesty, good sense of humour, kindness
TURN  OFFS : Cruelty, making fun of her interests, being ignored, arrogance
HOBBIES : Researching lost civilizations, anything creative, cooking
TROPES : Rage Breaking Point, It Sucks to Be the Chosen One, Big Fucking Sword, Adorkable, Conveniently an Orphan, Friend to All Living Things, Broken Hero,  I Just Want to Be Loved, Badass Bookworm
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 : Probably a LOTR-esque high fantasy adventure movie
Q2 : What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 : Lots of cello and choir pieces
Q3 : Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 : She’s basically my self insert but with a little extra Oomph
Q4 : What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 :  She’s basically my self insert
Q5 : Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 : She’s not very expressive, she’s not used to being super goofy or anything which I am
Q6 : What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 : Lots
Q7 : How does your muse feel about you?          
A7 : Probably pretty chill, would probably go and get pizza together
Q8 : What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8 : Haurchefant intentionally or unintentionally tends to break her stony facade with his ceaseless flirting and a barrage of compliments which usually ends up with Reese either cracking a little smile or turning beet red and abruptly leaving the room. He brings out the morosexual in her. She instantly becomes brighter than the sun when she’s around anyone far younger than her, switching to a more motherly persona. Alphinaud and Alisaie receive the brunt of her affections before Ryne comes along. Neither will admit to the fact they both actually enjoy it.
Q9 : What gives you inspiration to write your muse?        
A9 : Honestly       listening to LOZ music since she’s basically Link but a little bit to the left
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?          
A10 : F.....four days
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angelica-song · 5 years
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Hair: [monso] My Hair - Evelynn Mesh Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face W001 Eyes: {S0NG} :: Taku Eyes Gacha @Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa !NEW! Skin: more more. riri skin Lipstick: more more. kana @Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa !NEW! Tattoos: NEO** : Trick or Me @Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa !NEW!
Crown: *NAMINOKE*Curse Crown @The Liaison Collaborative !NEW! Dress: [r-l-f]+*NAMINOKE* Gothic Dress @Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa !NEW! Shoes: =Zenith=Leather Heels with Socks (Black)
Pose: BellePoses - Poison Girl 1
Hair: [monso] My Hair - Carol @Collabor88 !NEW! Mesh Head: GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face W001 Eyes: {S0NG} :: Taku Eyes Gacha @Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa !NEW! Skin: [ MUDSKIN ]_MAN WOL # MAKEUP 2 @NEO JAPAN Lipstick: more more. kana @Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa !NEW! Tattoos: NEO** : Trick or Me @Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa !NEW!
Dress: [r-l-f]+*NAMINOKE* Gothic Dress @Panic of Pumpkin in Okinawa !NEW! Shoes: =Zenith=Leather Heels with Socks (Black)
Pose: Kirin - Sitting Pretty Pose 4
@Salem !NEW! [AD] DISORDERLY. / Spellbound [AD] +Half-Deer+ Spiders
@The Arcade !NEW! [AD] +Half-Deer+ Lazypuff Bunny III
@Collabor88 !NEW! [AD] DISORDERLY. / Century Gothic [AD] +Half-Deer+ Coffin Shelf [AD] +Half-Deer+ Paper Bats
OTHER +Half-Deer+ Giant Sleepy Cat *bbqq*-Vintage Chair 22769 - The Refugium {anc} mist cloud
thank you all~ ♥
View On Flickr
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vaniloqu3nce · 2 years
Hey folks! I am finally 100% better. This week however I am swamped with work I need to finish, so I figured this would be the perfect time to ask before I get back to writing this weekend. I still haven’t decided which suit design/alter ego to use. This will be my final decision. :)
(So i can finally stop putting off writing and be decisive)
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vaniloqu3nce · 2 years
All the comments on chapter two made my day, I’m glad everyone enjoys reading Yoko as much as I do writing her. Thank you to the four people that commented! :)
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vaniloqu3nce · 2 years
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Edited word count is 15k just barely! Chapter two is fully done! If I get impatient it’ll be posted tonight, if not, tomorrow night or Sunday at the latest!
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Thank you to everyone who left a comment or kudos, or just gave the story a try even if it wasn’t for them. Every time I saw a number go up, I got motivation to finish it.
Comments really do mean a lot, thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts and made my day!
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corbiknight · 5 years
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Yes, hi, hello, I am needs moneys and am willing to write FFXIV for the moneys.
NOTE: I have only played up the start of Stormblood, so if you want some StB or ShB stuff, either give me time to get there, or go commission my friend over at @ffxivimagines !!!!
What I will write (SFW Edition):
OCs / Specific WoL’s
Uncommon characters
M/M | F/F | M/F | Gen | Multi | Other
Canon Divergence
(For what I will/won’t write for NSFW fics, go to the read more)
What I won’t write (At All):
Graphic Character Death
Excessive angst
Anything to do with spiders beyond a character screaming at one
200-2000 words
Pricing: £1 per 100 words of SFW £1.50 per 100 words of NSFW
These prices are non-negotiable.
How to commission me:
Step 1: Message me via Twitter, Tumblr, or e-mail with your request, including the following details:
Characters Involved
If your OC is involved, a profile of your OC that includes both visual references and character information!
Wanted Word Count
Publicly Posted or Private Only
Step 2: Await my response! If I agree to write your request, we will continue to discuss it and once an agreement is made, you will send  50% of the payment to [ [email protected] ] via PayPal.
Step 3: I will periodically send you drafts and adjust any details accordingly. Upon completion, you will send me the remaining 50% of the payment, and I will send you the PDF file. If you wish it to be posted publicly, I will post it to my AO3 account either one week after sending you the PDF, or on a specified date as per your request.
Follow me on: Twitter: @/HchefantBistone Tumblr: @corbiknight AO3: @/LeosLust
End ID]
Terms of Service:
I am allowed to decline your commission request even if they do not come under any of my [Won’t Write] categories. 
The first payment must be made within a week of the agreement between us being made (I’m still learning invoices, so it may or may not be via invoice)
Once I have begun writing your commission fic, you will not be able to request a refund. if you wish to back out of a commission after paying the first 50%, then you are free to, however please inform me immediately so I can move on from your commission and onto someone else’s.
Due to my current living situation, it could take anywhere between 2 weeks and 2 months for me to complete your commission. Please do not rush me, I will still try to get it completed ASAP, but sometimes life does not like me.
TY for any likes/reblogs!!
NSFW Commission details below the cut!
What I will write (NSFW Edition):
M/F | M/M | F/F | Multi | Other
Basically any kink not listed below, but ask just in case!
What I won’t write (NSFW Edition):
Remember! When in doubt, hmu via email using [email protected] or DM me here or on Twitter!
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