jamiewintons · 2 years
headcanon: ariel conroy has a daddy kink, he's def a mean daddy dom with an affinity for punishment 🥵 (i was writing ariel smut and just had to jump into your inbox with this)
Yes 🥵
I like to think that maybe he has a bit of a softer side sometimes, but he's mainly just mean 😆
(Also you’re writing Ariel smut?? I’m excited 🤭)
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ashenwinds · 2 months
// the more I continue having my dlv character like Chi, the more likely it is becoming they are going to steal a princess from a prince. All the princesses seem to like a sassy pirate
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liskantope · 8 months
Here are a few scattered thoughts about the R word, which I'm inspired to get in writing after listening to it discussed on Arielle Isaac Norman's latest podcast episode (from December 19th; honestly as is often the case with Norman, the conversation is kind of all over the place so I'm not sure I came away with many ideas from the episode directly, this is kind of just my own completely separate thoughts on the issue).
There are few if any epithets in the English language that I find as offensive, on a purely feelings-based gut level, as the noun version of the R word that's stressed on the first syllable. Most other uses of variants of it aren't far behind either, e.g. calling something "r*tarded" just to mean "bad" (which is almost as bad as using "gay" to mean "bad") or calling someone "r*tarded" just to mean they're acting kind of dumb. For years I vaguely wished people would just stop using the word this way, and I was glad when (in just the last few years) I saw that it was becoming taboo and coming to be called "the R word".
There are other pejorative words now considered hateful enough to be taboo -- the N word is the most obvious one that comes to mind -- which I've learned to hate mainly on an abstract level (recognizing the objective fact that it's harmful) without feeling the same kind of visceral disgust. I think the reason for this is clear: I've never witnessed firsthand most of these terms (including the N word) being used in a malicious way. (I've heard the N word bandied about in a number of contexts, and have even as a white guy have at least twice been addressed with it, but I've never once even once heard it used by a non-black person against a black person with racial malice.) I'm having trouble remembering if I've even heard the F slur actually used in as a hateful invective against a gay man, although I remember homophobia being rampant throughout middle and high school and even afterwards which I think contributes to feeling a stronger gut reaction to it than I have to the N word. Whereas making fun of mental disabilities was constant within the peer culture I grew up in, something I must have witnessed hundreds and hundreds of times, whether through some variant of the R word or through gestures, imitations, or some other kind of joke. And as I knew a few people growing up with severe mental disabilities, this created a subtle discomfort inside of me that became less subtle and more pronounced by around when I was college age.
(Nowadays even saying "duh" mildly bothers me; it was used on a daily basis when I was growing up, including by me, I still hear it very occasionally even among progressive types, and I'm not sure I know of any conscious campaign against using it.)
(I'm pretty sure use of the noun form of the R word started around me when I was in second grade or so, because it couldn't have been long after I started learning classical piano which was in the first grade, and at first I found it very confusing because the closest thing in my vocabulary was the musical direction ritard which, I'm not sure I knew until much later, was an abbreviation for the Italian word ritrardando "slowing down". For whatever reason I've only heard ritard pronounced with the stress on the second syllable, which there seems to be no particular reason for in Italian phonology, but nowadays I suspect this abbreviated form isn't used in spoken conversation at all -- I participated in an orchestra recently and I noticed it wasn't used.)
All that said, I'm kind of taken aback by the implication in a lot of R-word discourse that calling an actually mentally disabled person r*tarded should also be taboo on account of being just another use of the R word carrying a similar level of offensiveness to the other uses I've mentioned. I would have thought there would be nothing particularly wrong with saying "so-and-so person is r*tarded" in a compassionate non-derisive tone: it's just naming a psychiatric diagnosis after all. Over the past decade or so, I've instinctively tended towards inserting the word "mentally" beforehand to make it sound more diagnosis-ish: "so-and-so is mentally r*tarded", or maybe (if I'm okay with sounding more stilted) "so-and-so has mental retardation". I guess I can understand the notion that other hateful uses of the various inflections of word have poisoned the word in all the rest of the contexts (maybe even in the more medical-sounding retardation form) and am all right with abiding by whatever the most relevant community seems to prefer, as long as I'm given a reasonably succinct and specific alternative which doesn't lump this particular condition in with a bunch of other things ("mentally disabled", for instance, is way too huge of an umbrella).
One last thought: it was mentioned on Norman's podcast episode (although I don't remember what if any conclusions were drawn from this) that other words such as "idiot" and "moron" were once psychiatric diagnoses and nowadays we've all kind of forgotten that and have no inhibitions about using words like that to deride people and ideas we don't like. It seems to me that if it's now deemed offensive even to refer to an actually mentally r*tarded person as "mentally r*tarded", we must be moving away from this being a formal diagnostic term, and that maybe a couple of decades from now that would nullify a lot of our justifications for the concept of "the R word", and honestly if it weren't the name for an actual condition used in my memory I might never have been bothered by it. But I suppose the real criterion is whether or not it would still be used as a casual epithet aimed at disabled people that is generally experienced as a hateful insult.
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llwellart · 2 years
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Arielle, my beloved......
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Nonblacks in fandoms are literally brainwired to not care about black characters.When it comes to Disney Princess ship aus it's always Ariel and Eric or Rapunzel and Eugune but never Tiana and Naveen or Brandy's Cinderella and Paolo's Prince Charming.Hazel is a trio with Nico and Percy but is always replaced with Jason for 'The Big Three Boys' despite Percy being closer to her and Jason only becoming friends with Nico being used as a pity case for him by witnessing him being force outed and is defanged even though she's on par with Percy and her design whitefeminized because Pjo fans can't comprehend black girl features as feminine.Allura was the only good part of Voltron but she was bashed for daring to be the love of the lives of the two fan fave male characters instead of them realizing they only 'think' they hate eachother and applied every misogynoir stereotype to her under the guise of progressiveness
Duke is forgotten as a Batkid,Robin and Batboy based off a requirement rule that's never been said in canon or even joked about by official sources and Kory and Tam are shoved out of their romantic narratives with Dick and Tim to fit the 'redheads and blondes' rule even though Dick's dated more black women than redheads and Tim's first girlfriend dyed her hair blonde because she thought that's why he liked Stephanie more and he made a twisted expression of horror as his thought box said 'I...hate it'.Luz has her blackness invalidated almost always by NONblacks only,Gus is a canon black4brown mlm in a teenage romcom-esque ship but Toh fans ignore him and Mattholomule to obsses over Hunter and Edric as they 'roast' Huntlow too when Edric might as well not exist in comparison to Willow's depth and abundance of screentime,Camila was never given a chance and branded an abusive mom or spicy latina armcandy for Eda and Darius gets jackshit despite Hunter's whole ass entire dad and having a canon backstory with Eda,Raine and Lilith as classmates
Gumlee and Bubbline have much less content than completely noncanonical white gay ships and even after we saw Elise Marceline still wasn't popularly drawn black as human despite her being confirmation for Marcie and by extention Marsh being biracial.Oscar is said to have no personality by the same people who run blogs dedicated to fucking JAUNE AND SUN and his importance to Ruby downplayed for a mean white girl who bullied her for being a younger autistic girl and Emerald is easily the most deep and prettiest antagonist but hardly anybody hardcore stans her or ships her even including Mercury
Miles has zero crossover genres and i mean GENRES a la Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons not the occasional one-off fanart and niche fic despite everything about Spiderverse being prime crossover material especially now that we have Atsv yet Danny F/P gets in on all of them including being JASON'S COUNTERPART when MILES is exactly like him while Danny's literally just ghost-themed and has nothing in common with Jason including being different flavors of deaths and ressurections and Margo is made out to be a desperate loser over Miles even though he showed even MORE more interest in HER and Hobie is passiveaggressively turned into Gwen's 'canon brother figure' despite the FIRST thing we learned about him is that they were gonna be a thing and it made it into the final project as confirmed by the creators who said the viewers can choose if they were dating or not and Jessica did nothing but be a good adoptive mom to Gwen after her cop dad kicked her out,have chemistry with Miguel,her own inner turmoil too and serve cunt and y'all either hated or ignored her for it BECAUSE she's a black woman but not a m*mmy or a minstrel show,don't even lie
And they notice NONE of this despite it happening every.fucking.time.They never prioritize or treasure black people in their lives if they even have any and they smacktalk black celebrities for the same reason they worship nonblack ones too.They make a mockery of black culture with butchered aave and whitewashed black aesthetics and calling our food disgusting and our romantic tactics inherently perverted(see the oversexualization of 'babygirl' when just means 'sweet black girl' and is meant to be comforting and can even be used platonically by older male relatives).They don't see color.They don't see us at all.They deliberately turn a blind eye to all the nonstop microagression they do towards our representation which they've NEVER limited to fictional characters-see how every black actor ever gets harrased!!!-yet act all 'woke' because they unlearned queerphobia and ableism.Yeah?Unlearn THIS propaganda too snowroaches
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dear-ao3 · 2 years
Never heard of Try Guys - what’s going on with them?
so basically they are pretty much the only people to leave buzzfeed and take their whole show with them (it was after that that buzzfeed changed some rules so now people cant take their shows when they leave) and were building a very impressive media empire
the whole point of the show is that they "try things" (cooking without a recipe, waxing their legs, spicy noodles, entire menus, etc)
it was made up of 4 guys:
keith (has a wife and sells hot sauce)
zach (has a fiancee and chronic pain)
eugene (has a boyfriend and makes everything chaotic and asian)
ned (has a wife and kids and his whole personality and brand is loving his wife and kids but mostly wife)
and so. it came out through a fan recorded video that ned was cheating on his wife with one of their producers named alexandria, who is like 10 years younger than him and also has a finacee. the try guys confirmed the rumors and today basically kicked ned out and ned released a statement saying that he "got distracted" and "had a consensual workplace romance" and "needs to focus on his family" and ariel was basically like "repect our privacy for the sake of our kids"
and the internet is losing their shit cause its another I Love My Wife Guy that fucked up things with the wife
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writingsbychlo · 2 years
“Did you just lick me?!”
Could be funny 😂
this IS gonna be funny (I hope), a little bit of tipsy mates being stupid at starfall.
Slumping into Azriel's side, you giggled, and he only chuckled down at you as he wrapped both arms around your body to steady you. "Alright there, angel?"
"Very, very alright." Peeking up at him, your eyes scanned over his face, taking in every starlit mark and dimple and freckle. "You're so pretty."
"You stole my line." Lifting one hand up, he ran his thumb over your jaw, forehead coming down to sit on your own and he smiled. "Pretty, pretty girl."
"Pretty, pretty boy." You echoed, and he only hummed, cheeks flushing with warmth. He always did that, blushing when you complimented him. You were determined for him to one day see himself the way you did, for him to know that starfall was the second prettiest thing you'd ever seen, but nothing would ever beat the sight of him with that smile he only gave to you.
His lips closed over your own, slow and soft and warm. He tasted like champagne and he kissed messily. It wasn't often that Azriel did anything lazily, sloppy, but this kiss was one of them. A hand that was halfway between your hip and your ass, fingers digging in roughly as he groaned. Your lips parted, tongues melding together, no rush and no cares in the world as your hands smoothed over his chest.
He pulled back, twisting his head just enough to get a rushed breath sucked into his lungs before his lips were slamming back down onto your own. Reaching idly to the side, he placed the half-empty champagne flute down on the table, before he was gripping you tighter to his body.
Dragging you in by handfuls of expensive silk in layers of thick skirt, until your hips were pressed to his, chests flush together. Your hearts beat erratically together as he bent you back, lips never parting. He nipped, twice at your lower lip, until his name was a whimper on your lips, the hands flat on his chest scrunching up, wrinkling the pressed suit he'd donned for the evening. The twitch of his wings at his beck showed you just how much he'd liked that.
"Seriously? My child is here, and you two look like you're about to make him a cousin right against the wall." Rhysand's voice was a lazy, low drawl, and yet in the middle of this moment, it felt more like a scratch of nails on a chalkboard.
Pulling back, your face was flushed, lips tingling and swollen and Ariel looked no better. Pink cheeks, red lips, messy hair and eyes that screamed 'fuck me' as he stared at you, straining to get his breaths under control, just as you were.
"I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd love to see a little shadowsinger running around, but I don't want to see how it's made." He smirked at Azriel, knowing that the mention of kids tended to freak him out, but the man before you just glared right back.
"Well, since you've so kindly cockblocked us, you won't be getting on anytime soon, will you?" Rhys ooo'd dramatically hands raised as he baited Azriel, and you smoothed your hands along his chest when he tensed. The lord wandered away to find his family with the refill of his drink in hand, and Az scoffed, downing the rest of his champagne in one mouthful and wincing at the onslaught of bubbles in his mouth.
The stars would begin falling soon, and so with a new drink in hand each, you mingled instead, joining the festivities. You danced, you drank, you ate, and Azriel's touch never left you, the two of you moving like a unit through the crowds.
When the lights finally dimmed and the stars began to fall, the only thing to light up the dark atmosphere, you allowed yourself to curl back into his body. One arm wrapped around your shoulders as he stared in wonder up at the sky, and you twisted your face a little further toward him. He smelt good, like mist and cedar and a little spicy, and you ran the tip of your nose along the base of his neck.
He shuddered.
You did it again, and he reacted the same. The third time, you dipped your tongue out, smoothing the wet muscle along his skin, and he audibly groaned, biting it back after half a second and the arm around your waist squeezed so tight you gasped.
"Did you just lick me?" His voice was thick with gravel and low, and his head dipped to whisper the words in your ear. A secret for just the two of you. He retaliated by licking over the shell of your ear. "Why don't we go home, and I'll lick you right back."
"Promises, promises.." You beamed, leaning in to repeat the action, and he twisted enough to wrap both arms around you, shadows coiling at his body as they prepared to drag the pair of you into darkness.
"Oh, you've done it now, baby. I'm gonna' take you home, where there are no interruptions this time." Shadows folded around you both, and only seconds later, you were standing in your bedroom, saying a little, only inches from the edge of the bed. He pushed, you fell. Splayed out on the bedding, his knees hit the mattress, his hands following, crawling up the bed toward you. "Maybe I'll make good on Rhys' request, huh? Let a little shadowsinger run around."
"Lot of talk, Az, let's see some action.." Your words may have been cocky, but the deliverance was needy and breathy and almost whined, and he ate it up. The look in his eyes told you that you were in for a very long starfall night, by the end of it, he'd have made you see stars in more ways than one.
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inner-viper · 2 years
What are their kinks? Their sexual intimacy? An overview of their sex life FS (18+ ONLY) PILE 1!
Hello, my name is Viper and I am an intutive seer/oralce tarot reader. I am well versed in finding information through divination and using my intuition~ Today I wanted to do a spicy topic because its so fun. I haven't started explaining some piles and I already feel the heat. Damn, a lot of passion and fiery enegy in this reading.. Its making me horny LMFAO. THIS TOOK ME 2 DAYS AND I WAS NOT EXPECTING FOR IT TO TAKE THIS LONG. All three of these piles wanted me to do MORE DETAILS. My channeling DRAINED ME. That’s why I took so long because afterwards THEY SUCKED MY ENERGY. (Do not worry, I just received loads of messages. It gets overwhelming). Anyways, remember nothing is set in stone. This is for entertainment purposes only. NO MINORS. 18+ ONLY.
CHECK OUT MY SHOP AT: https://innerviper.etsy.com
I’ll be adding cheaper options in the future. I will be updating descriptions too, so SHOP WILL HAVE A NEW LOOK🔥.
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Classical Tarot Deck: Seven of Swords (in reverse), Eight of Cups, Strength, Knight of Wands (in reverse), Nine of Swords, Queen of Cups (in reverse), King of Pentacles, Queen of Swords
Oracle Deck: Seventh Chakra/Archangel Uriel, The Thinking Man, Second Chakra/Archanhel Ariel, Angel of Strength, Door To Personal Healing and Happiness, Angel of Balance (in reverse), Walking Away, All Tied Up
Ok, this person is the dominant. If you aren't the submisive one then this might not be for you. This person is hot asf in bed. LIKE DAMN they bringing this heat towards the bedroom. Also, STRENGTH SHOWED UP TWICE IN THIS READING. They got STRONG STAMINA. They can go for multiple rounds, they are expreienced. Some of them are not that experienced but they know exactly what to do (This applies to a VERY small minortiy). They aren't emotional when it comes to hdoing the act. I see that they like to let loose and an almost animalistic side of them comes out.. LIKE DAMN. Going back to doing multiple rounds, they definitely like to take their time. They like to dominate bratty submissive people. They like to see you being fucked by them. Not to say they can’t make love but they are just into fucking you. They definitely like receiving head as well. They like to push their partner down on them or take control of their hair. I see that they definitely like to let their partners let loose as well. They love it when their partners are in the moment instead of wondering off in thoughts.. They take their time too, they don’t like feeling rush and they have a thing for dirty talk as well. They are nasty asf bruh(💀). They like bondage and are into BDSM. Some of them might be into some power play here. Like an older man with a mature beautiful partner. What I mean is they like to see power dynamics but it’s not weird (Like not in a creepy way😂). They want to see their partner in lingerie. They want to type them up in specific rope, red rope? They like to be teased by their partner. They want their partner to try to seduce them. Try to make them fall for you as you tease them in a public setting. They definitely like your legs, specially your thighs. They love to see you reveal your thighs with thigh highs? This can apply to all genders. I’m seeing the bottom wearing thigh highs for gay men. If you are gay, they are into femboys.. 🫣 They also like to make their partner moan out their name. They know how to talk in bed. Watch out this person will seriously have you blushing and you won’t be able to think of something fast enough to reply. A real charmer! They will fuck you into you no longer think of anyone but them. Until you can no longer say any words or slurring out words, only moaning their names loudly. Saying that your attempts of seducing them are cute. They like to see their partners on edge. They like to do it in private area with semi-public areas too. Like maybe getting fucked by the window that’s tinted. 🔥 They like to test yours and their discipline. One of their secret fantasy is to dominate someone into submission and to fuck them hard. They like to kiss deeply rather than lightly though. They also seem to have a nice body. They watch a lot of porn. Some of them are into anal and using a toy in the bedroom on you. Yeah, they are very horny individuals. LMFAO
They like to connect with their partners on a deeper level too. They like to do acts with partners that they can connect to. They prefer doing the act with partners they know rather than hookups. During hook-ups, they aren’t as caring and not much love making. They still like to be pleasure at their own pace though. They love switching to multiple positions. They switch positions before they come to bring their partners' pleasure as well. They can come fast if they really focus on themselves, but they won’t do that. They also like missionary, froggy position and seated oral! They like it when their chest is being touched too, it’s a sensitive area in their nipples. Watch out for that tongue, they know how to give very well. “How cute is it to watch you squirm underneath me? What? You can no longer say anything? Haha, let me continue” SO COCKY-
Aftercare: They are very attentive and nice. They will like to clean up and go to sleep because you will be tired. They view sex as healing and very relaxing. They want to make sure to bring that towards you feel like they do.
Thank you for reading. Send suggestions in the ask box!~
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people i want to get to know better <3 tagged by @keclan 🥰
tagging: @to-shards-you-say @ghoooostfellow @bogreader @jerebearcat @theknightartorias @laminatednewspaper @cosmereplay and anyone interested!
(No pressure to do this at all lol it's just for funsies <33)
last song: Todrick Hall - Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels
favorite color: red / teal / pink & green (depending on my mood)
currently watching: Not watching any shows, only pacing my cage watching scraps of dragon age content on youtube (that's actually decent lmao.)
last movie: Alien. The effects in that movie are sickening (said with both genuine disgust and reverence)
sweet/spicy/savory: sweet>savory>spicy
current obsessions: Dragon Age. And the drip drops from Stormlight 5 but mostly Dragon Age. 👁️👄👁️
last thing i googled: ariel wants legs imagine meme / doom meme
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princesssarisa · 2 months
Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland for the characters ask
Favorite thing about them: What a colorful and funny villainess she is, despite her small amount of page or screen time.
Least favorite thing about them: Well, obviously, she's mean, bloodthirsty, and as Disney's Alice says, a "bad-tempered old tyrant."
Three things I have in common with them:
*I have a temper, though I'm better at controlling it than she is.
*I'm heavyset, as she's often portrayed.
*I like to bake, though I prefer making cookies to tarts.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a queen.
*I don't order beheadings.
*I haven't played croquet in many years.
Favorite line:
Her iconic refrain:
"Off with their heads!"
When the Dormouse says just one word out of turn during the trial:
"Collar that Dormouse! Behead that Dormouse! Turn that Dormouse out of court! Suppress him! Pinch him! Off with his whiskers!"
From the Disney version, when she's been humiliated:
"Someone's head is going to roll for this!"
brOTP: None in particular; possibly the Duchess, when she's not under sentence of execution for boxing the Queen's ears.
OTP: The King of Hearts.
nOTP: Alice.
Random headcanon: She really does put pepper in her tarts. Not as much as the Duchess's Cook would, but spiced cherry tarts – as spicy as her personality – are her specialty.
Unpopular opinion: I wish more adaptations would remember that she's a separate character from the Red Queen in Through the Looking-Glass. The Tim Burton movies and the '90s TV series Adventures in Wonderland both combine them into one character, and even Disney's animated Queen of Hearts speaks many of the Red Queen's lines from the second book. But they have nothing in common except that they're both queens associated with the color red, and both bossy and fairly unpleasant. The Queen of Hearts is a playing card while the Red Queen is a chess piece, and the Queen of Hearts is a raging, tyrannical blowhard who wants to behead everyone who annoys her, while the Red Queen is like a strict, fussy governess, always telling Alice what to do and how to behave. Still, I don't mind the fact that Disney's animated version gives her so many of the Red Queen's lines, because it makes her a better, more well-rounded villain for the screen: one who can turn her temper off and play the role of a proper, graceful lady when it suits her, instead of just shouting angry commands all the time.
Song I associate with them:
"March of the Cards" from the Disney film:
"Who's Been Painting My Roses Red?"
"Off With Their Heads" from the 1985 TV version:
The Tart Adage from Joby Talbot's ballet; a parody of the Rose Adage from Tchaikovsky's The Sleeping Beauty that's hilarious if you know the original:
Favorite picture of them:
John Tenniel's classic illustration:
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This illustration by Arthur Rackham:
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From the Disney film:
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Flora Robson in the 1972 British film:
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Jayne Meadows in the 1985 TV version:
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Miranda Richardson in the 1999 TV version:
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Helena Bonham Carter in the 2010 Tim Burton film:
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Armelia McQueen in the '90s Disney Channel series Adventures in Wonderland, although she's a very different, much nicer Queen than we usually see – still pompous, spoiled, and hot-tempered now and then, but basically a good ruler and a good friend to Alice, with a fantastic R&B singing voice.
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@ariel-seagull-wings, @themousefromfantasyland, @the-blue-fairie
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@vyrulent sent: straddle the sender straddles the receivers lap.  (For Homelander from Ariel)
♡  SPICY  ACTION  PROMPTS  ;| Accepting
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Homelander rarely let people into his apartment. Most of the decorating itself had been done by Vought because he didn't know a thing about it. So the fact the two of them were here said a lot. He had unbuttoned part of his suit the red and stars exposed as they sat there. A surprised noise as she moved to straddle his lap. One hand resting on her hip. "Hello there." He said.
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situpontheground · 21 days
nine people i want to get to know better tag game
thank you for tagging me @losttoliterature! new post cause that one was getting pretty long...
last song: currently playing right now is ogre from richard dawson's peasant which is a very cool experimental folk album i cannot recommend enough
favourite colour: okay i pretty much only wear three colours and they are brown, forest green, and a shade dubbed by my friends as "arielle orange" which is like a rusty earth tone orange
currently watching: i actually don't watch much or any tv these days! i guess interview with the vampire s2 is the most recent thing i watched.
last film: some friends decided to watch muriel's wedding... it was a mistake... that movie was uh Something for sure
sweet/spicy/savoury: has to be sweet... i have a CRAZY sweet tooth
relationship status: married! to my beautiful wife! she is the light of my life! she's at work right now fixing accordions and i miss her very much.
current obsession: oh i mean they are multitudinous but i guess i would say 1) this wizard cloak i'm sewing and 2) i am SO into circus right now it's like 80% of my personality is talking about it
last thing you googled: "buttermilk pancakes easy"
& i'm going to tag @charlieisacastle @palefrogs @fourthapprentice @jettreno @a-nautilus-as-pixel-art @osylot @damnilikefrogs anddd @insanelogically and @permafrogs even though i already know you both ;-)
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toxicsquad · 4 months
Hi hi! Random Maskguy lover here ^^
So quick ask (and kinda smutty if you don't feel comfortable answering dw)
What is one thing that'll get the LI horny ? Like if the MC does it they would go crazy :P
Hi anon! We'll make a quick summary of some things that might get our protagonists horny:
Arael: Whispers. Talking to her in a nice, soft tone of voice will change Arael's mood quickly.
Hasiel: Physical contact, especially on the neck. If it's unexpected, even more so.
Joe: Role-playing that involves costumes and somewhat outlandish scenes. You wouldn't want to be interrupted in the middle of one of their games. It would be hard to explain.
Kyeran: Outdoor sex, bordering on exhibitionism. He won't tell you that though, it's something you'll have to find out.
Akane: Hot insinuations. Akane gets into this kind of game very quickly.
Maske: Spicy pictures. I won't explain this, they just can't suppress their urges. They might break their bracelet out of fright.
Zihel: Games with candles and hot wax. This is as close as he gets to experimenting with his own flames in a sexual context.
Pin: Do some kind of physical activity together or a friendly fight with lots of physical contact. He'll be all over you without being able to help it.
Ariel: Shibari. Any kind of rope play, but he might settle for handcuffs.
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Ask Masterlist
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fruitchouli · 1 year
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wore the Maubousson collab with queen Arielle Dombasle, Le Secret d’Arielle, a classic sensual spicy amber florale that exudes cootie queen energy, for my rewatch of the legendaric Doris Wishman sexploitation romp Deadly Weapons (1974)
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okay yes everybody has amateur opinions on tiktok (except Nanami x Tiana and Yuuji x Rapunzel shit was galaxy brained)
So here are some REAL ships by a seasoned dululu shipper (these can be platonic or otherwise btw!)
(this got long so I put it under a cut)
Nobara x Jasmine - Both of them feel stifled by the people around them and are very headstrong and confident in themselves. They would love shopping together and would also kick so. much. ass.
Megumi x Elsa - UPON RECENT COMMENTARY (shout out to @sarah-dipitous) I think their personality matches really well!! They both have little siblings they want to protect, they're both serious and stoic, they both have a high sense of responsibility. Also the tragedy aspect would lowkey hit with these two in a fic like...if you know you know
Maki x Cinderella - Both of them were very mistreated by their families, and I feel like Maki would help Cinderella get out of that abuse and then they could BOTH help each other grow and heal from that
Toge x Sleeping Beauty - Okay honestly I just think this is cute like what if he wakes her up and breaks the curse with his powers 🥺🥺🥺
Belle x Sukuna - Girl is too curious for her own good, she would jump on this immediately. Monster lovers and furries are cousins after all. With her "I can fix him" ass, I would wish him on no one else.
Suguro x Ariel - This is more because I think the interactions would be very interesting. Ariel is so so curious about the world, enough to sell her voice, and ultimately has a positive experience having her eyes opened (but also can't go back to her home). Suguro had his eyes opened to the world but had a negative experience (and also can't go back to the world he knew). Also, I think Ariel's carefree and goofy nature would remind him of Gojo.
Gojo x Moana - SPEAKING OF!!! I paired these two because Moana's already friends with a cocky god-like figure!!! She would be unimpressed by Gojo's antics and would know how to handle his joking around, which I think is really important to anybody looking for a relationship with him. He starts being overly obnoxious and she just dunks his ass in the ocean lol
8. Nanami x Tiana - the GOAT. 10/10. Whoever came with this better be writing/commissioning this fic as we speak. First of all I love Nanami any time he's paired with a Black woman. I've seen y'alls selfships and it just looks good every single time. Second, they're both hardworkers, but Tiana is self-sacrificially so and I can just see Nanami stepping in and making sure she does not work a SECOND more than she is getting compensated for and makes sure she is still taking care of herself, because zero job is worth more than she is. Love that for her. (Also, like everyone else says, yeah he takes one bite of them beignets and has the proposal on DECK)
9. Yuuji x Rapunzel - This is literally sunshine 4 sunshine and I'm obsessed. First thing Yuuji says when Rapunzel tells him about her hair "Yoooo, that's sick as fuck!!!!" Totally unbothered cause he's also got his own weirdo issues!!!! She also would be unfazed by Sukuna. If he starts talking spicy to her, she would just knock his ass out with the frying pan and get Yuuji back lol. (They WOULD have to worry about him working with Mother Gothel tho...which would make for excellent plot conflict)
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stephschoices · 1 year
Can we have some hc’s you have for your mc’s and their chosen RO from Disenchanted?! Your art is absolutely amazing, and your mc’s never miss!
Ahhhh yes!! I’m glad you like my mcs and art 🥰 tysm 💞🫶🏻
Isabelle (nephilim, Viktor route):
They will absolutely be Beauty and the Beast for Halloween
Viktors presence calms her down so she likes being around him whenever possible
When her anxiety gets going (which is often) he knows she needs more comfort and to be grounded, so he holds her hand.
They’re very touchy with each other which starts bc of Isabelle’s anxiety but at this point it’s just natural for them to always be touching in some way
If they hold hands for too long she’ll start playing with his
She doesn’t like talking to strangers so when someone comes up to talk suddenly she’ll look to Viktor and he knows to speak for her
She’ll wear his hoodies/sweaters whenever possible
When they’re sleeping together she likes to sleep on his chest and cover them both / wrap her wings around them
She likes to smooch the base of his horns to get him flustered 🤭
At some point Isabelle will start calling viks parents mom and dad
Leliana (siren, Lucien route):
They will absolutely be Ariel and Eric for Halloween (if that wasn’t obvious from my recent art 🤭)
Leliana will tell Lucien “I love you” all the time, because she never stopped and she wants him to know she always will
When the moment is right and she sees his back with no shirt on she’ll kiss the scar on his wing/back
Even tho it’s hard for nephilims with wings to swim, she’d definitely take him swimming in the shallow part/shore of the ocean. Lucien is always mesmerized by her siren form so she’ll splash him to get him to focus lol
Her legs get tired easily, especially when she wears heels. So when Lucien notices her getting too tired he’ll carry her bridal style wherever they need to go
They’ll take baths together and Leliana will like to wash Lucien’s hair and just cuddle for a few min before getting out
Leliana will mayhaps like to softly bite him with her sharp teeth during spicy times 🫣
Kamry (wraith, Avery route):
Less obvious than the others but her and Avery would be Sally and Jack for Halloween
Steals Avery’s clothes whenever possible
Whenever Avery is in a bad mood she’ll do the thing where you poke someone’s mouth corners to make them smile 🤭
I’ve thought the least about her route mainly bc I know the least about Avery so I don’t have many headcanons yet I’m sorry 😅
Elena (nephilim, Theodore route):
Also less obvious but they would be Rapunzel and Eugene for Halloween
They are the literal version of the angel x demon ship trope
Theo always knows how to make her smile. When she’s sad he’ll surprise tickle her to make her laugh
They’ll post so many cute couple pictures online, everyone is jealous
When he’s being too annoying she’ll grab his tail 🤭🤭
She likes to tell him “good boy” - in the bedroom and out just to see him get a little red 🤭
When she sees him getting really angry about to go full cambion she’ll hold his hand or wrap herself around his arm to calm him down
They’ll definitely fly together, being cute in the sky, wrapping their wings around each other 🥰
👏🏻 MATCHING PLUSHIES 👏🏻 specifically, Elena’s room is very pastel cute vibes, except her one dog plushie that’s red and black and very demon looking. And Theo has one dog plushie that’s white and very angel looking 💞 I like to imagine they have a few cute matching couples stuff, like pajamas and mugs 🥰
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