socialshakespeare · 6 months
Reading 3: Saturday, April 20
The third read-through of Love's Labor's Lost!
(Most of you are double or triple cast, so double check which lines you have to read.) You can look up the lines of the characters here. The names listed below all go with the Folger Edition.
Please submit your confirmation or any request to understudy here. If you’re in any doubt, please ask.
Times and time zones:
EDT (US): 8:00 PM CDT (US): 7:00 PM MDT (US): 6:00 PM PDT (US): 5:00 PM BST (UK): 1:00 AM (Sunday, April 21) AEST (AU): 10:00 AM (Sunday, April 20)
Leader: @actorinfluence
Berowne: @if-you-come-a-knockin King: @shadowsong26x Princess: @infinitelytheheartexpands Armado, Maria: @horatioalone Boyet, Jacquenetta: @sayyestothejess Boy, Longaville: @actorinfluence Holofernes, Katherine: @heartseeksthehearth Rosaline, Dull: @sphinxyvic Costard, A Lord, Marcade: @dramamath Dumaine, Nathaniel, Forester: @l832 Song (Winter/Spring): @dramamath Listener: @len-tilsoup
Please submit your confirmation here. - liking/reblogging this post does not count!
Read the Guidelines. To avoid the differences between editions that make for confusion and missed cues, please use the Folger edition of Love's Labors Lost during the read-through.
Be on time, be prepared, and make sure you know which lines to read. Good luck!
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murderballadeer · 3 years
Gregory Peck
ah yes, gregory “only man i’ve ever loved” peck.
Yikes, I Don’t See The Appeal || Not My Type || He’s Alright || I See The Appeal But I’m Different™ || Cute But On Alternating Wednesdays || He Has A Kind Face And That’s Good Enough || Pretty || Gorgeous || I— I Love? We Don’t Deserve Him.
sdfghjkldfghj i’ve been sending him to people i follow who rbed the same ask meme as me
thank u!!
(send me your favorite old hollywood man and i will rate him)
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filminghere · 5 years
Most overrated Old Hollywood director, Victor Fleming. Most underrated, George Cukor.
I absolutely love Gone with the Wind and Captains Courageous from Fleming, but I agree that Cukor is the more accomplished director. The Women, Gaslight, Born Yesterday, A Star is Born, and My Fair Lady are all great.
Thanks for answering!
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idlesuperstar · 5 years
sphinxyvic replied to your photoset “Moy Castle, Lochbuie, Mull 1945 // 2019”
Oh! I’m so happy it’s real! I sort of knew it, but how wonderful to see it as it is now!
TOTALLY :) Also when I first came to Mull back in 2012 (completely because of IKWIG!) it had scaffolding round it, so it’s fab to see it now looking more like its old self. 
If you like, you can check out the posts I did back then when I did my best to find lots of IKWIG locations: 
Torosay Castle (Achnacroish)
Duart Castle (Sorn Castle) 
Carsaig Pier
The Western Isles Hotel
and here’s the phone box, which is halfway up the hill from Carsaig Pier, next to the waterfall.
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What is amazing about the locations for this film is that when it comes to the buildings, not only did they use as many exterior shots as they could, Micky Powell and Alfred Junge recreated the interiors back in the studios at Denham (you can see from my post on Duart Castle more detail). There are subtle differences, but for instance, the bay windows in the dining room at the Western Isles Hotel are the same.  
Any interior scenes with Roger Livesey (who was acting onstage in London at the time, and filming in the evenings) are at Denham, and exterior close ups of Roger are shot with back projections filmed on the island. As you can see from this post , Micky used a double for Roger for the exterior filming on Mull. 
I love this film so very fucking much, and I love this island so very fucking much. 
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the-cozy-room · 6 years
Best of luck with your dissertation!
I am 100% okay with your lack of posting for this reason. School may not be my thing but if it is yours, more power to you. You can do it!
Good luck! :)
Thanks guys! I’ll let u know how it all goes 😘😘
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purplemuskrat · 5 years
Crown imperial, cosmos, freesia!
Thanks so much dear!
crown imperial; would you rather be extremely rich or extremely loved?
Extemely loved, hands down. Although comfortably well-off sure as heck wouldn’t hurt…
cosmos; do you ever think about the galaxy?
All the time! It’s one of the most calming and awe-inspiring things to contemplate; I feel a sense of wonder and connection to the Divine whenever I do.
also ask me or Em sometime about that one night out by the bleachers 😂😂
freesia; do you have a good relationship with your parents and siblings? why/why not?
Complex but mostly good; a lot easier now that I’m out of the house and have made “everyone is generally trying their best” a mantra. I wish I was closer with my sister; we’re ten years apart so it’s been awkward for most of our lives, but we were getting there for a minute. Unfortunately we aren’t the only two forces in our lives, and there’s a couple different areas of complicated history. Hopefully someday.
And of course I absolutely adore my two niblings! They are the darlingest, most delightful, occasionally surliest creatures on the planet and I love them with every ounce of my soul. Willie is a hockey player who’s reaching the age where he no longer has time for any family member, but he’s got just the absolute sweetest heart; and Itsy is an incredibly witty athlete who just broke her arm playing a version of tag that is not called tag, Auntie Stefanie, stop calling it that.
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shredsandpatches · 5 years
  katiemcgrath: Victoria & Albert Museum, London,...
Oh, me too! You could sleep on the Great Bed of Ware!
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pilfered-words · 5 years
sphinxyvic replied to your post “ever think about how istanbul was constantinople… now it’s istanbul,...”
This song is my go-to to remove ear-worm songs. Works everytime! Plus it’s bloody brilliant, like all of their music!
sphinxyvic replied to your post “ever think about how istanbul was constantinople… now it’s istanbul,...”
Also? I so have a little birdhouse in my soul.
Perhaps I should use your advice from the first reply to get rid of the earworm you gave me with your second. :P
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copperbadge · 6 years
sphinxyvic replied to your post “I feel like such an adult...”
I can recommend listening to Futility Closet, if you don’t already. It’s one of my faves!
Oh man I had forgotten that was a podcast now! I’ll check it out! 
drownedinlight replied to your post “I feel like such an adult...”
I saw a post that once said, "Video killed the radio star. But then Podcasts came for revenge."
That was meeee! Well, Bucky, via me. 
ameliahcrowley replied to your post “Hey Sam, ficwise has Clint ever been...”
If ever I wrote a fanfic myself, instead of just writing up my daughter's, this would be it. (And it would be a mess, because Clint and Cap live on the East Coast of America which is a place I've only been on layovers)
Make her write it! :D
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shimyereh · 6 years
sphinxyvic replied to your post: 10 songs I’ve been obsessed with at some point:...
I love Respighi!  I was raised on the Pines and Fountains of Rome, and later discovered Ancient Airs and Dances and the Birds!    
He’s one of those where I immediately love pretty much anything of his I listen to. Just the perfect mix of ancient and modern. I got to play Pines and Fountains in high school, and one of the suites of Ancient Airs and Dances with a chamber orchestra a few years ago. Ugh, such good music.
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anelementofsurprise · 7 years
The Beeb did do an adaptation of Hard Times, I have it in one of my Dickens DVD collections, I can see it on the shelf, but it's really high up so I can't give you any more details than that. But there definitely is one!
I just googled it….and you’re right, there was one made in ‘94! I do remember I did across come across one online quite a while ago now but it was the ‘77 adaptation. Although at the time the link was such poor quality I took one look at it and turned away. According to IMDB the later version has got a few recognisable faces including Richard E. Grant. Does @absolute-twaddle know about this? I’m sure you’d like to if you don’t already! 😆
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socialshakespeare · 15 days
Reading 1: Saturday, September 14
The first read-through of The Tempest!
(Most of you are double or triple cast, so double check which lines you have to read.) You can look up the lines of the characters here. The names listed below all go with the Folger Edition. We will post line changes and cuts shortly.
Please submit your confirmation or any request to understudy here. If you’re in any doubt, please ask.
Times and time zones:
EDT (US): 6:00 PM CDT (US): 5:00 PM MDT (US): 4:00 PM PDT (US): 3:00 PM BST (UK): 11:00 PM AEST (AU): 8:00 AM (Sunday, September 15)
Leader: @cobbled-vibrance
Prospero: @rainincastamere Sebastian, Trinculo: sayyestothejess Ariel, Mariners: @lifeisbeautifulandlifeisstupid Caliban, Francisco: trashprinceofdenmark Ferdinand, Boatswain: @laropasucia Stephano, Shipmaster: sphinxyvic Antonio, Ceres: purplemuskrat Gonzalo, Juno: Cobbled_Vibrance Miranda, Adrian: @infinitelytheheartexpands Alonso, Iris: @klatukattdreams
Please submit your confirmation here. - liking/reblogging this post does not count!
Read the Guidelines. To avoid the differences between editions that make for confusion and missed cues, please use the Folger edition of The Tempest during the read-through.
Be on time, be prepared, and make sure you know which lines to read. Good luck!
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georgiansuggestion · 7 years
If I might ask a question, out of the usual tone, I have always wondered if there is a rule to what words are capitalized in Georgian texts. Is there a rule? Or is it just haphazard? I thought that it might follow the Germanic rule of nouns, but doesn’t seem to. Could you enlighten me, so to speak?
I’m neither an actual historian nor a linguist so I have no idea; I do know I capitalise a lot more than most people would just because I think it’s funnier. There doesn’t seem to be a hard rule about what warrants that emphasis, but you do generally see it more often with abstractions and proper nouns than commonplace nouns, sometimes with adjectives, and very rarely with verbs.
It also decreases over time, for example if we compare this section from “The DEVIL to pay at St. JAMES’s: Or A full and true ACCOUNT of a most horrid and bloody BATTLE between Madam FAUSTINA and Madam CUZZONI” (1727)
“TWO of a Trade seldom or ever agree; This we daily see verified in the many Skirmishes which happen between the Ladies that fell Mackrell near London Bridge, and the Nymphs that vend Live Mutton about Fleet-Street and Covent Garden; But who would have thought the Infection should reach the Hay-Market, and inspire Two Singing Ladies to pull each others Coiffs, to the no small Disquiet of the Directors, who (God help ‘em) have enough to do to keep Peace and Quietness between ‘em.”
With this excerpt from nearly 100 years later (but still Georgian!) “The Scots Magazine and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany, Volume 76” (1814)
“The Patrons of the Astronomical Institution will also discover an easy and pleasant approach to their Observatory, and the citizens of the place be made familiar with a healthy and beautiful walk, at present almost deserted, and which the voice of travellers has pronounced to be unequalled in Europe!
The distance from the Exchange to the Calton Hill will then be little farther than from the same place to Hanover Street, and approached as easily; and a supply of water may be obtained to a certainty, as it is already conducted to Bridewell.”
There’s also tone and audience to consider; most personal letters will have relatively little, and the biggest difference between those two texts other than the time is St. James’s is basically a pulp tabloid pamphlet, and The Scots Magazine is a more highbrow journal.
Hopefully that helps you, I’m sorry I don’t know more!
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angiefsutton · 5 years
sphinxyvic replied to your photo: My pan galactic gargle blaster from Milliways!...
Did it blow your head off?
It was mostly vodka, and I don't drink often, so ... sort of? ;-)
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arcadiaego · 7 years
As one of the people who did the casting, I’m sure we’ll be able to use you as an understudy! If you can make one of the dates, just let us know and we’ll make sure to add you to the call!
Annoyingly looking at them I can’t actually make any anyway - first two too late and then I’m going to see a play the next weekend. But thanks very much for offering!
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oscarwetnwilde · 7 years
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Stephen Fry Birthday Gif Request: Kingdom for @sphinxyvic
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