#spero ti piaccia
bluefulgensita · 2 years
Come Latte Versato
//cw prodotti caseari, allusioni al sesso
Tra vera realtà e finta finzione, qual è la reale differenza?
Entro. In grande e composta foga, riposo il cappotto dove più è comodo. Lavare le mani è necessario, ma non serve. La mente pensa, il braccio agisce.
Quanto amore nello svitare un tappo. è lì, pronto ad essere usato per tutta una vita. E con rispetto repentino, quasi serpentino, lo si apre. Pronto per essere riavvitato in chiusura.
La prima volta è vergine, il tappo. Bisogna rompere il sigillo per arrivare al piacere. Quanta gioia in quel gesto. I polpastrelli si muovono incantati, senza seguire i crucci della mente. Trovano subito il punto giusto. è un luogo innato, una verità sola, un tepore vero quello del tatto di un sigillo d'alluminio. Non può altro che esistere - e smettere di farlo. Il firmamento gli ha dato un compito, quello di morire. E ha vissuto per farlo. In uno strappo animale, tutte le sue gioie si infrangono senza pietà. Un'ultima, prima carezza letale. Unica vera gloria, per il sigillo, è dare un ultimo sguardo al bianco nettare - uno sguardo finalmente vero, attraverso l'altra metà della sua luna. Quanto buio il mondo, visto da un sigillo.
L'indice sfiora il collo della bottiglia, che come un'amante, suda. Non conosce la verità di quell'indice - ma effonde comunque il suo piacere. C'è dell'amore, in quella sua nuova nudità. Amore vero. C'è amore vero in quella servitù bianca, pronta, vissuta. In quel momento, la bottiglia sa. La bottiglia sente. La bottiglia vede. Il contenuto di tutto il suo io - famiglie e famiglie di bovini che hanno sudato, amato, perito come lei - è vero. Quella verità è percepita. Conosce, la bottiglia, il vero peso della sua anima - ne concepisce la misura. Mezzo litro non basta per descrivere un'anima. Tuttavia, suda, ama, e perisce con vera e pronta gioia.
Il latte fluisce allegro nel bicchiere. Non conosce calici, quindi quel cilindro è per lui tale. Manca un nulla al tutto di un biscotto. Quanto tutto, in un biscotto. Riso, uova, zucchero? Gli ingredienti non bastano a narrare la sua storia. Non bastano ad illustrare la sua natura. Quel che possono, quegli ingredienti, è realizzarsi - e lo fanno in un bagno del loro stesso sangue, in una piscina di bianca verità. Il latte gli dà il benvenuto. Quanto tutto, in un biscotto. Tutto dà, tutto prende. Benvenuto, bentornato. Un benvenuto è per sempre, in un bicchiere di latte.
Assorbire è una parola bizzarra. Da cosa credi di sorbire? Sei tu a succhiare tutto il latte, o è il latte a realizzarsi in te? Sei tu a tuffartici, o sono dita che conoscono solo amore a inzuppartici? C'è violenza nell'amore. C'è violenza nel sorbire, dal sorbito, al sorbito. C'è amore in quel gesto di zero e tutto.
La morte crea. La mente brama. Le labbra, inumidite, godono. In quel tutto c'è amore. Rispetto, gioia. Violenza, buio. Allora trema, a quel disgusto. Trema. Perché tu, tu hai assorbito, tu hai amato, tu hai sudato e perito. Tu sei il latte che hai bevuto, il tutto che hai consumato. Tu crei, ami, distruggi, vivi, muori e muggisci, senti e subisci. Tu sei lo zero nel tutto.
Allora abbi simpatia, dinanzi a quel brivido. Perché tu, tu hai assorbito, tu hai amato, tu hai sudato e perito. Tu sei il latte ch'è stato bevuto, il tutto consumato. Tu sei il creato tutto, tu che sei amato e distrutto. Sei la vita che ha muggito, la morte che ha subito. Tu senti il tutto avvolto all'interno di quello zero.
C'è verità nel latte versato.
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mushroomwriter · 6 months
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Jiang Cheng & Lan Wangji + holding each other back
✨ Happy happy happy birthday @evakant! 🥳✨
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italeean · 5 months
And this event sounds so fun so I had to send in something (no pressure ofc ^-^)
Description: I literally had to go around asking my friends to describe me bc I couldn’t think of much besides that I’m an introvert and pessimistic about myself lmao. So from the intel I’ve gathered: I’m shy, friendly, kind, care a lot about those closest to me, and worry too much about things. My interests are pretty boring, all I do is play videogames (mainly rhythm games nowadays) and watch anime occassionally, although I can get very passionate about them. I don’t have much of a preference to the people I surround myself with, as long as they can handle my more reserved nature and respect my boundaries.
I am a lee leaning switch :3
And I’d like to choose genshin impact as the fandom. I started playing not too long ago and it’s been my new hyperfixation.
With a romantic relationship with a male character!
Oh and my name is Sakura!🌸
I hope I did this correctly kahdjahdjahsh
Have a good day/night‼ And take your time!
Sakuraaa 🥹💕 After months of inactivity, I'm taking back the reins of this event and I'm more than ready to match you up with your special someone hehe ✨️ Thanks for your patience, e spero ti piaccia il mio lavoro 💚🤍❤️ (and I hope you'll enjoy my work) 🍡 *hands you the dango to eat while you read*
🔮 Without further ado, your match is... KAZUHA
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
1. You say you're pessimistic about yourself, and this little ray of sunshine is the perfect way to bring some light in 2. He's delicate and soft-spoken, which won't make you feel overwhelmed by endless talking 3. He's super perceptive, which means he'll understand how you're feeling without you having to tell him, which can be hard sometimes when you're an introvert 4. If you play rhythm games, he might play a tune with leaves to match the rhythm you're playing in the game! That would be so cute... 5. Even he's usually a ray of sunshine, he can have his bad days, especially when he thinks about Tomo, and you'd be able to support him quietly thanks to your personality and your emotional baggage 6. Kazuha is a generally quiet person, so expect many, MANY successful sneak attacks... and if your sides or ribs are sensitive, you'll be in for a bumpy ride 7. He's the personification of gentleness, so he'd be sure to inquire about your boundaries without you even needing to tell him anything 8. He likes the sound of your laughter even more of the song of the wind between the leaves, so tickling you is one of his favorite ways to "bring some light into your pessimism" 9. I feel like he'd LOVE to blow some air into your ears or pepper kisses on your neck if those spots are sensitive 10. He also does mind a few pokes if he needs to be cheered up... and if you do that to get his attention, he'll get the hint and proceed to tickle you as much as you'd like!
🔮 Tickle scenario
Kazuha couldn't ask for a better morning than this. Azure sky with some fluffy white clouds, the music of nature made by the wind that caresses the leaves, lying on the grass in silence with his eyes closed...
... and you.
You and him had started dating a few months ago. He was the best thing that had ever happened in your life, and he thought the same about you. You two didn't need loud love, your relationship could be compared to a warm, soft cocoon. You expressed your feelings through little gestures and by being there for each other.
Unless you were bored.
Don't get me wrong, Kazuha loved every aspect of you, but when you were bored, you were quite the handful. Little pranks, pokes, silly jokes... you would try everything to distract him, and that's what you wanted in that exact moment.
Calling him was an amazing option, since he was a samurai with an astounding control of all his senses, but where was the fun in that? You surely could do much better, so you got up, making as little noise as possible, and approached him with your hands shaped in claws ready to attack.
His eyes were still closed, perfect. You just needed to attack. 3... 2... 1... Now!
Or so you thought...
As soon as your fingertips came in contact with his ribcage, you felt something gripping your wrists and in a fraction of second, you were on the grass, facing the blue sky and a white-haired guy with an ominous smirk that you had learned to fear.
"Were you trying to wake me up, love?" He asked in a sweet tone mixed with a hint of playfulness, "Alas, your reflexes seem a little sluggish, like a lethargic bear cub." He tsked with no annoyance in his voice, just a little mocking.
"Maybe you're the one who needs a little awakening, aren't you, little cub?"
Before you could make up even the faintest argument to object, his hands started zapping your sides with ruthlessly, relentlessly and with the meticulous precision provided by the knowledge of every single spot that made you squeak, squeal or even snort.
"Ka- wahahahait nooo..!" You begged, but your pleas fell on deaf ears, as the tickle assault only increased in intensity. You attempted to swat his hands away, but that was futile as well. His reflexes were much faster than yours.
"Not good, your reflexes don't show any sign of awakening yet. Such a lazy little cub..." He joked, enjoying the blush that invaded your cheeks because of the nickname, "Do we really need to take extreme measures to make the lazy cub arise?"
Your eyes widened in shock and glee, and your laughter became much more nervous. "No no nohoho w-we dohohon't... we don't need to..! Please we do-" Not even Kazuha's refined lexicon had a term to define the high pitch of your scream, and the samurai knew this was his stop signal.
He raised his hands and helped you sit up while you were gasping for air, using his Anemo vision to create a gentle, refreshing breeze for you.
When you recovered, you looked at him with a gaze that meant war and pronounced the words: "I swear to the Seven Archons, I'll get you back."
Your warmongering glare was met with a smug, playful one. "Come at me then, cub, and show me your awakened reflexes" He chuckled, getting ready for a day full of combat.
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laurellerual · 2 years
Volevo iniziare col dire che la tua arte è stupenda e adoro come disegni i personaggi di asoiaf 😍
E sono curiosa di vedere Sandor Clegane nel tuo stile, magari con Sansa vicino, non deve essere una ship art capisco che non è per tutti! spero di verderli nel tuo stile, nessuna pressione e grazie per la tua bellissima arte 🫶❤️
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Grazie mille <3 Ho deciso di fare AGOT - Sansa II, la scena in cui Sandor riaccompagna Sansa alla Fortezza. Spero ti piaccia!
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nasco-n-dino · 1 year
Il gioco dei nomi pokemon 2° generazione è arrivato.
🔥Cyndaquil: quando apro il tuo blog il mio cuore si scalda
💧Totodile: qualcosa che ti fa piangere
🌱 Chikorita: posto nel mondo che vorresti visitare
🥚Togepi: animale preferito
🐱Umbreon: la tua più grande paura
📖Unown: racconta un segreto
⚡Raikou: credi nel colpo di fulmine, se si, cosa provi quando ti succede
🌋Entei: hai dei rimpianti in amore, se si, descrivine uno
💦Suicune: fai una dedica alla persona che ti piace
⛰ Tyranitar: punti forti che attirano la tua attenzione
🌊Lugia: rivorresti qualcuno nella tua vita
⛩Ho-Oh: un tuo desiderio
Spero vi piaccia come il primo.
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sololupojacksblog · 8 months
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Guardare negli occhi di un lupo
è vedere la sua anima...spero che
ti piaccia quello che vedi...🐺
Buona serata 🍻
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lavaflowe · 1 year
spero che ti piaccia...
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I enjoyed this very much AJKDSJJD
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daddiel-ish · 8 months
Una cosa, dove hai sentito che Law era ispirato da Valentino Rossi? Perchè questa notizia è una bomba ♥♥♥
POi appunto per questo se non è troppo complicato e come avevi già accennato te. Law vestito con la tuta da corsa di Valentino? ♥
L'ho letta su tik tok, non so quanto sia ufficiosa come cosa, ma per me ormai è canon 😬😬
Ecco a te, spero ti piaccia 😘😘😘
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nocciosims · 5 months
Roof Recolor!
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6 swatches:
The sims 4 Base game compatible
Created w sims4studio, photoshop
It's just the recolor of the roof textures, but I hope you like it!
Wanna support? Ask me in the comment what would you like me to do next!
Share and like <3
6 tonalità:
Compatibile con la versione base di The Sims 4
Creato con sims4studio, photoshop
E' solo un recolor della texture del tetto, ma spero che vi piaccia!
Vuoi supportarmi? Chiedimi nei commenti cosa ti piacerebbe vedere la prossima volta!
Condividi e metti un cuoricino :3
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ambrenoir · 2 months
Regole...di base
Cioè...giusto il minimo !
1 - Non chiamare qualcuno più di due volte di fila. Se non risponde alla tua chiamata, presumi che abbia qualcosa di importante da fare.
2 - Restituisci i soldi prestati prima ancora che la persona che li ha prestati lo ricordi o lo chieda. Mostra la tua integrità e carattere. Lo stesso vale per ombrelli, penne e altri oggetti.
3 - Non ordinare mai il piatto costoso del menù quando qualcuno ti offre pranzo o cena.
4 - Non fare domande imbarazzanti come: Quindi non ti sei ancora sposato? Tu non hai figli? Perché non hai comprato una casa? o perché non hai comprato una macchina? Per l'amor di Dio, non è un tuo problema.
5 - Apri sempre la porta alla persona che ti viene dietro. Non importa se è maschio o femmina, anziano o giovane. Non ti rende piccolo trattare bene qualcuno in pubblico.
6 - Se prendi un taxi con un amico e lui paga, offriti a pagare tu la prossima volta.
7 - Rispetta le diverse sfumature. Ricorda cos'è 6 per te, sembrerà 9 a qualcuno davanti a te. Anche la seconda opinione è buona per un'alternativa.
8 - Mai interrompere le persone quando parlano. Lasciali finire. Come si dice, ascoltali tutti e filtrali tutti.
9 - Se prendi in giro qualcuno e sembra che non gli piaccia, fermati e non farlo mai più. Incoraggia qualcun altro a non farlo e mostragli quanto l' apprezzi.
10 - Di' "grazie" quando qualcuno ti sta aiutando
11 - L'elogio è pubblico, la critica è privata.
12 - Non c'è quasi mai motivo di commentare il peso di qualcuno. Basta dire: "Sei fantastica". Se una persona vuole parlare di perdere peso, lo farà.
13 - Quando qualcuno ti mostra una foto sul telefono, non scorrere verso sinistra o destra. Non sai mai cosa ti aspetta dopo, abbi rispetto
14 - Se un amico ti dice che hai un appuntamento dal medico, non chiedere perché? Basta dire: "Spero che tu stia bene". Non metterlo nella posizione imbarazzante di doverti raccontare la sua malattia che è personale, se vuole che tu lo sappia, ti informerà senza che tu lo chieda.
15 - Tratta il custode, l'addetto alle pulizie, il muratore, il raccoglitore dei rifiuti, i senzatetto con lo stesso rispetto di un imprenditore, un manager o un dipendente. Nessuno si impressiona di quanto si possa trattare qualcuno. Ma la gente se ne accorgerà se lo tratti con rispetto. L'apparenza è solo apparenza, sii saggio, la realtà è invisibile agli occhi della maggior parte delle persone nel mondo.
16 - Se una persona ti sta parlando , guardare il tuo telefono è scortese.
17 - Mai dare consigli finché non te li chiedono.
18 - Quando incontri qualcuno dopo tanto tempo, a meno che lui non voglia parlarne, non chiedere età e stipendio.
19 - Togliti gli occhiali da sole se stai parlando con qualcuno per strada. Questo è un segno di rispetto. Questo perché il contatto visivo è importante quanto il tuo discorso.
20 - Mai parlare di ricchezza in mezzo ai poveri e, in generale, mai attardarsi sull'argomento "denaro".
Allo stesso modo, non parlare di bambini in mezzo alle donne che non possono averli...
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deathshallbenomore · 10 months
Ciao, sono una piccola anon (ah ops, non c'è attivo l'anon, beh comprensibile considerando le grandi menti del nostro tempo che ogni tanto decidono di scriverti) tumblr user che vuole ringraziarti perché venerdì passerò la giornata a Torino e l'organizzazione della giornata si baserà interamente su un paio di ask a cui avevi risposto che ti chiedevano consigli a proposito. Quindi grazie mille e passa una dolce serata <3
AAAAAAAAAAA sono super contenta, spero che torino my most beloved ti piaccia e che i consigli che diedi (con la partecipazione straordinaria di qualche mutual nei commenti) ti siano d’aiuto!
un’aggiunta: nel periodo autunnale/natalizio non ci sono (solo) le semplici luminarie, ma c’è “luci d’artista” in giro per la città, quindi le piazze e gli angolini carini della zona centro (ma non solo) hanno delle luminarie Particolari e mediamente molto molto carine [anche se quest’anno via Po a mio dire Incommentabile, they had one (1) job e cioè mettere le solite luci e invece l’amministrazione ha scelto l’autosabotaggio. bellissimo invece il monte dei cappuccini BLU arrogantissimo]. spero che rimanga in città abbastanza da poter attendere il favore delle tenebre in modo da poter apprezzare le lucette✨✨✨
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italeean · 2 years
A good way to end a bad day
Levi is stressed after a day where every force of the universe seemed to work against him, but luckily for him, Erwin can't have that and is more than ready to do something about it
A/N: Good evening everyone!! I hope you had a great week and an even greater weekend ahead of yourselves ^_^ Thanks for waiting for my work, it really means a lot to me. As I had already anticipated, this is a request made by @oddslimee1 😸 Grazie per la richiesta, spero ti piaccia... e anche a tutti gli altri 💚🤍❤️ (Thanks for the request, I hope you enjoy it... and everyone else as well)
DISCLAIMER: This is a tickle fic, if it’s not to your taste I don’t suggest you need it
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To say that Levi was pissed was an understatement. And to say that his day had been one was the worst of his life was even more of an understatement!
First, he woke up extra early to finish some paperwork... that was actually due to the next day, then one of the new recruits bumped into him at breakfast, making his cup of tea fall, and one of the cadets made a scene in front of him because he'd scolded her.
He was sitting in the dining hall, eating his dinner while sulking so much that even the members of his squad decided to leave him in peace. Maybe he had really been harsh with the cadet, but crying so much? If she was that emotional, why did she even enrol in the military force? Once you're outside of the walls, you don't get a scolding if you do wrong... he knew that way too well...
"Captain, I'm sorry for disturbing but I'd need a favor." His train of thoughts was suddenly interrupted by a voice he knew way too well. "What do you want, brat?" He asked quickly since he wanted to get over with whatever the kid needed.
"So, I know I'm on cleaning duty tomorrow, but Hange wants to experiment something new on my Titan form and I wanted to ask for perm-" The young soldier got interrupted by a sudden squeak on the captain, accompanied by a little jump. It didn't take long for Eren to figure out why he'd done that. "Sir, are you perhaps ticklish?" He asked, with a smug, Cheshire Cat-like smile.
"Jäger, go run ten laps outside. Now." Levi's tone was so cold that everyone could swear that the temperature had dropped of a few degrees all of a sudden. "But sir, it's night... and it's raining..!" The teal-eyed guy whined; "Which is why it's in your best interest to run as fast as you can." The man's gaze was literally furious, so the young soldier decided to go and avoid any other repercussions.
After dinner, the exhausted Captain went to his quarters... only to be met with an extra pile of paperwork. He tsk-ed and went to his desk, with the only intention to finish everything as soon as possible. When he was about halfway through, he got interrupted by a knock on the door. He would've probably murdered the one who dared to show up at such a late time, but since it was Erwin, he made an exception.
"Good evening, Levi" the Commander greeted him with a warm smile "Shall I come later? You seem a bit busy..." He asked, not even trying to hide his concern for his friend. "If it's something important, I can take a quick break." The shorter man replied, ignoring every fiber of his body telling him to continue his work and go to sleep immediately.
"Well, it is rather important actually," the blond said to catch Levi's attentiok "I noticed you were in a bad mood, so I only came here to check on you. But the fact that you're still working with those dark circles under your eyes is even more concerning." He added with a stern tone. "Tsk. I'll go to bed as soon as I'm done, don't worry." The dark-haired man tried to dismiss his superior, but it didn't work at all.
"Absolutely not. That pile of documents will take at least another two hours to complete and you don't have that much time. Just go to bed and I'll ask to my superiors for an extra day to hand in everything." Erwin tried to reason with him, but he hit a wall... way more solid than Maria, Rose and Sina combined together.
But he had an idea of how to make that wall crumble, whether it would be slowly or with a single blow. He walked behind his friend, making it seem like he was just checking what kind of report he was writing, only to mimic what Eren had done at dinner that evening.
"GAH- N-not you too! Are you seriously copying that brat?!" Levi was caught by surprise once more and didn't manage to hold back his reaction, much to his dismay and Erwin's amusement. "I'm sorry, I thought I'd seen something on your neck and I just tried to brush it off." The Commander apologized, with a performance that would've won the prize for worst performance in the history of acting.
The ravenhead jumped quickly on his feet and tried to reach the door, but his friend was quick to anticipate his move and managed to beat him in speed (also thanks to his longer legs, but it's better if we don't say it out loud). He reached the captain and dragged him to bed, then he threw him on the mattress making him lie on his stomach.
"So, are you going to get some rest?" He asked while keeping a hand in the middle of the other's back to not let him get up. "I said I don't need it! Just let me finish my work!!" Levi exclaimed with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "If you still have that much energy, I'm sure this will be nothing for you to handle." Erwin grinned while spidering his free hand up and down his friend's side and ribs.
"W-whahat are you thihinking?! Arehe yohou twelve?!" Levi tried to hold back his laughter but he couldn't do anything for his legs kicking reflexively, indicating how much that gentle touch was affecting him. "I was sincerely hoping to just convince you to go to bed, but you decided to be stubborn and say no..." Erwin tried to blame it all on him, although he knew he could've simply ordered him to drop everything and go to bed. Levi's strict work ethic would've made him follow that command.
But this was way funnier, and it was too rare of an opportunity to miss.
"Juhuhuhust cuhut it ohohout alreahahadyehe!!" The shorter man squealed while trying to cover up his side, but his friend's fingers always found a way to worm through his defenses. Also, not being able to see where or when he would strike made him feel more sensitive.
"If you still have enough energy to bark like that, you're not tired enough yet." The Commander stated seriously, as if it was some kind of serious report or anything. "Yohohou're juhust sahahaying nohohonsensehe nohow!" The blue-eyed man replied once more, still keeping that hint of harshness in his voice.
"Nonsense? I think your tiredness is making you lose your sense of judgment." Erwin fake-gasped, feeling surprisingly playful that night "Also, I think you should pay attention to your tone in front of a superior." He was still kidding obviously, he never minded Levi being a bit harsh. It was just how he was, and now they weren't even technically working, they were just hanging out as friends so the militar hierarchy didn't count.
However, that "rude" tone gave him the excuse to change spot and go for the ravenhead's thighs, which he already knew they were really, really bad for him. "Juhuhust gohoho ahahawahahahay!!" Levi squawked while he struggles and kicked harder to break free.
"Oh well, why didn't you ask sooner?" Was the only thing that came out from the blond's mouth before his wiggly fingers went to softly scratch the other's scalp, exactly where his hair was shaved. That never failed to draw the best reaction out of him. "AAAAAAHAHAHA OKAHAY YOU WIHIHIN YOHOHOU WIHIN JUHUHUST STOHOHOHOP!!"
Levi's death spot was the only one that managed to get him to laugh really loud, but it also annihilated his stamina in a few seconds. The Commander knew that, and that night he'd decided to use that to his advantage. However, the Captain was really exhausted from that stunt, so much that his eyes were closing on their own.
He fell asleep while thinking of Farlan and Isabel, remembering all those times when they would playfight like that without a care in the world. They were his family after all, they were his safe space.
After checking he was actually asleep, Erwin rolled up his sleeves and sat to the Captain's desk, ready to fill some paperwork and make his friend's life just a little bit easier.
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Luigi's Secret
Chapter 3: Cheaters Meet the Tickle Monster
Mario and Luigi arrive back home from visiting family, before starting up a game on their NES. But...when Mario cheats him out of a win, a new, unusually confident side of Luigi begins to emerge.
I WATCHED THE MARIO BROS MOVIE WITH MY BROTHER TONIGHT! And I just arrived home from the theater! So...I decided that Chapter 3 should immediately be uploaded! Lets-a play! Spero che la storia ti piaccia!
Luigi sat down in his bed, super shocked that he had been tickled so much today. Not that he was complaining or anything…but it was unusual. Luigi was living a lee’s dream today! And he was just overjoyed and happy. 
Luigi got into his PJ’s and laid down in his bed for a bit. They had just arrived home from eating supper, and their bellies were completely full of pasta. Luigi took the moment to clean up his bed and turn on their TV. He turned on his NES, plugged in his own controller, and looked at Mario. “Wanna play a quick game?” Luigi asked. 
Mario laughed a bit. “By ‘quick game’ do you mean beating a single level? Or a whole area on the map?” Mario asked. 
Luigi smirked a bit. “I think you know what I mean.” He teased. 
Mario sighed with a smile and walked up, plugged in his controller as well, and readied the controller in his own hands. “Okay. Which character will I be…” Mario asked himself. 
“You’re not gonna pick your usual?” Luigi asked. 
Mario looked at the character close by, and smirked a bit. “Would you be pissed if I just…” Mario clicked a specific character and changed the outfit color to green. 
Luigi widened his eyes and looked at Mario with shock, “HEY! That’s MY character! And MY COLOR!” Luigi yelled, offended. 
“”Aw come on, Luigi. Can’t handle it when I take your character?” Mario teased. 
Luigi growled slightly before looking at the other characters. “If we’re out here taking characters…” Luigi chose a ninja character and made the outfit red. “Then I’m stealing yours too.” Luigi replied. 
Mario widened his eyes and looked at Luigi. “How dare you.” He reacted. 
Luigi shrugged his shoulders. “You started it.” Luigi reminded him. 
Mario rolled his eyes and started the game. 
[Level 1] 
“Alright.” Mario started moving his character around, making it go forward and jump onto the first ledge. 
Luigi brought his character forward as well, and pulled out the sword. “So…What does this-” Luigi clicked the B button, making the character swing its sword in front. “Oh…alright. Guess I have to get used to attacking up close.” Luigi said. 
Mario tried the B button himself, and saw as the ninja threw a black dot…this dot confirmed itself to be a bomb the moment it blew up. “Oh…” Mario reacted. “Looks like I made a mistake choosing a long-range character.” Mario mumbled out loud. 
“Having regrets?” Luigi asked with a smirk. 
Mario bit his lip. “...Maybe…” He muttered. 
Luigi laughed and offered his own controller to him. “Wanna switch controllers?” Luigi asked. 
Mario shrugged his shoulders and switched controllers with his brother. With Luigi now player 1, and Mario now player 2, they started to properly play the game. The goal was to make it past obstacle courses to get to the boss on each level. Beat the boss, and you win that area of the map. Whoever earns the most points in the map, gets a big stamp placed on the side of the world map. 
The boys have played this game so often, it was like clockwork to them. They knew the patterns and the obstacle courses perfectly. The only reason they were playing this game again was because they liked to see who could get more points over the other. More points were given based on who got the next health item over the other, who made it to the door first, who landed perfect shots the most often, and generally who landed the most hits on the bosses and enemies. The game was literally made to screw the other person over…and they loved it for this very reason. 
“Come on…” Mario muttered. 
“One…Two, three…” Luigi counted the amount of perfect pop ups he got on his shots. 
“Quit counting them out!” Mario reacted. 
“I’m aiming for the badge this time. And I wanna make sure I get it!” Luigi argued. 
Mario rolled his eyes. “We’re still on the first level, dummy. We still have 7 more levels to go.” Mario reminded him. 
Luigi ignored him to focus on the next door. “Race you!” Luigi declared, making his character sprint towards the door. 
“What the- YOU GOT A HEADSTART! CHEATING!” Mario shouted, making his character run towards the door as well. 
Right as Luigi’s character managed to make it to the door, Mario’s red character started jumping on the green character’s head, making it hard for Luigi to do any commands. 
“MARIO GET OFF!” Luigi yelled. 
“You cheated! I’m just taking advantage of a stupid glitch.” Mario joked. 
Anxious to get through the door, Luigi moved to the right a small bit. 
…But then Mario’s character swiped its sword at the green character, before going through the door first. 
“HEY!” Luigi shouted. “THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!” Luigi yelled. 
“Suck on that, loser~!” Mario placed his finger in the shape of an L against his own forehead…ya know, like a 10 year old. 
Luigi rolled his eyes and removed Mario’s hat, before slamming it against Mario’s face. “Eat it, moron.” Luigi said, pushing his brother onto his back before starting to fight the boss. 
Mario sat up again and threw his hat to the side, before moving his character out of the way of enemy fire. “Screw you, I almost died!” Mario yelled. 
“Should’ve picked up that extra health, Mario~” Luigi teased. 
“Keep bothering me, and I’ll make you regret it.” Mario warned. “Right back at you, bro.” Luigi replied. 
Mario managed to land some hits on the boss, but still wasn’t able to catch up to Luigi’s level of points. He was growing somewhat desperate to beat his brother. “Come on…” Mario muttered. 
“A few more hits- We’re almost there!” Luigi reacted happily. 
Luigi did a combo move, hitting the enemy in the chest. “YES!” Luigi yelled. “Now-” Luigi started clicking the A button and the B button in hopes of doing a combo move. But…the character didn’t do anything. “What-” Luigi looked down at his controller. “Come on- Why isn’t it-” Luigi tried to move the joystick around. “Why isn’t it working?!” Luigi yelled. 
“Tough luck- YEAH!!!!” Mario shouted, landing the last hit. “NO!” Luigi yelled, dropping the controller. While Mario was celebrating his victory, Luigi turned his controller around and fiddled with the cord. He raised the controller higher, and widened his eyes when he saw the problem: 
His controller was unplugged. 
Luigi grabbed the controller plug. “What the-” Luigi widened his eyes…before tensing up into a pissed-off frown. “Did you unplug my CONTROLLER?!” Luigi yelled. 
“No!” Mario yelled back. 
Luigi looked straight through Mario with only the corner of his eye. Mario slowly started to smile. “Okay, maybe.” Mario admitted with a giggle.  
Luigi placed the controller down and let out a slow breath…in an attempt to calm himself down. 
Mario chuckled and patted his back, before getting up and starting to walk away. “It was still fu-” 
Mario squeaked as he felt himself fall to the ground. “Wha- LUIGI!” Mario yelled. 
When Mario turned himself around to look at his brother, he widened his eyes in shock and slight horror: 
Luigi was looking at Mario with the most evil little smirk on his face. Mario had seen this same face only one other time…and that was when Luigi had hit him with a turtle shell, and passed him in the middle of a go kart race. It was the type of face that told you ‘You…are 100% screwed’. 
“W-Wah-waitwait-” Mario stuttered. “L-Let’s think about this.” Mario attempted to reason with him. 
“Ohohohohooo…” Luigi let out the most evil little playful laugh. “Who needs to talk, when showing you does so much more?” Luigi asked. Then, he pulled on Mario’s ankle, pulling Mario’s foot closer to him. 
“eEEK! LUIGIWAITNO-” Mario yelled before turning onto his back. “L-Luigi, please!” Mario begged. 
“Luigi?” The man clarified, his voice sounding way too smooth to be coming out of the man’s mouth. 
“Y-Yeah! Can’t we talk? Or…something?” Mario asked. 
“I wonder who this ‘Luigi’ is…” The man wondered aloud, rubbing his chin as he thought for a moment. 
Mario felt his heart skip a beat. “Oh no…OhNOnononono- Luigi, you are NOT doing that!” Mario warned. 
The man looked at Mario. “You think that I…am Luigi?” The man asked, his voice as smooth and teasy as ever. 
Mario tugged on his foot in a last stitch attempt to get out of his grip. But it was no use. His foot was completely stuck. 
“Ohoho, Mario…” The man pulled off Mario’s shoe, and removed the sock next. “My name is no longer Luigi…” The man said with a voice that dripped with teasy naivety. 
Mario gasped and covered his mouth in horror. “ohgodnononono-” Mario mumbled. 
Mario pulled one last time on his foot, and quickly attempted to curl up like a coward when his right foot didn’t loosen even an inch. No matter how much Mario wanted to get out, he knew he wouldn’t be able to now…Not until Luigi let him go on his own terms. 
“I’m afraid you have found yourself in the clutches of the much-dreaded…” The man brought his fingers slightly closer to Mario’s foot. “Completely merciless…” He brought his hand even closer to Mario’s foot. 
Mario clenched his fists and squeezed his eyes shut, preparing himself for the ticklish punishment he was about to endure. He knew it was coming, and swiftly so. Though he knew that the touch down would still surprise him, he still believed strongly in mentally preparing himself for such a thing…
Especially when it’s from the dreaded tickle monster…
He kept waiting for something to happen…
But…nothing happened. 
He waited a couple more seconds, but again…nothing happened. 
Mario finally opened his right eye slightly and attempted to look at Luigi. But right when he opened his eyes, a surge of ticklish skitters filled his foot, causing Mario to squeal in shock and lose his composure. Now he knew EXACTLY what it was like for the anticipation to make you more vulnerable. Because his brother, his younger brother, had actually managed to make him feel that for at least a few seconds! 
“WaAAAHAHAHAHAHA! LUIGIHIHIHI NOHOHOHAHAhaha!” Mario laughed, holding his stomach as he attempted to wiggle and roll around on his back. 
“I am afraid I don’t know who this ‘Luigi’ fellow is. Perhaps we look alike?” The man asked, his voice as unbearably smooth as silk. 
Mario reached up and tried to grab his brother and either attempt to tickle him back, or stop him. But the moment Luigi saw Mario sitting up to get him, he quickly went into defense mode.
…By tickling Mario’s toes. 
“aAAHAHA WAHAHAIT-” Mario fell down against his own back again. “NOHOT THERE! NOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE!” Mario begged. 
“Now where?” Lui-the tickle monster asked. “Not here?” He poked Mario’s pinky toe. “Not this pinky toe right here?” He teased, skittering right under the dreaded toe. 
Luigi looked at Mario for only a couple seconds. Slowly, he removed his hand from his feet, giving him a short little break. Mario happily took this opportunity to breathe in any air he lost amidst this evil tickle attack. “You…” Mario muttered before sitting up and looking at Luigi. 
But…Luigi was still holding his hand only inches away from his toes. 
“Ohno- Yohou’re not dohohone!” Mario reacted. “Ihihi thohought-” 
“Oh…Mario, Mario, Mario…” He said, clicking his tongue three times before pulling a brown and white-stripped feather out of his pocket. “Don’t you ever learn?” 
Mario felt his stomach drop. Oh GOD NO! 
Luigi immediately pulled back his pinky and ring toe, before fluttering the stupid feather against the underside of his toes. 
“GAHAAA!” Mario covered his bright red face with his hands, falling right onto his back once again before cackling himself absolutely wild. “PLEHEHEASE! IHIHI- HAHAHAHAHA!” Mario laughed helplessly. 
“My my, what tickly little toes you have…” The tickle monster teased.  
Mario was too afraid to kick his free leg against Luigi to try and stop him. Because he knew…He just knew Luigi would catch the foot and tickle both at once. And with how hard he was laughing now, one could only imagine how insanely ticklish BOTH feet would be. 
“It would be a shame if I were to…” The tickle monster brought the feather up to the middle to the 2nd toe. “Tickle your big toe?” He teased. 
Mario reached his hand out. “LUIHIHIGIIIII! NAHAHA!” Mario pleaded. 
Luigi sighed. “I have already told you before…” He started fluttering the feather on his brother’s big toe. “I am THE TICKLE MONSTER.” 
Mario wheezed and covered his face all over again. He has such vivid memories of his father not only tickling both his feet at the same time, but also going from the pinky toe to the big toe! 
AND NOW LUIGI WAS USING IT TO MESS WITH HIM! Meanwhile, Luigi had slowly widened his eyes and removed the feather from his toe. The moment he heard Mario’s laughter lessen to giggles, Luigi threw the feather down onto the ground. He looked at his own hand in surprise, and scratched his own forehead. What…the heck was he doing?! And why was he being so brutal to his brother?! All he did was unplug the controller! This did NOT warrant such a strong torture session! 
Lers do NOT take tickle sessions too far! Luigi knew this! But he was failing to put it into practice!
He gently placed Mario’s foot down, and backed up a few feet. Seeing Mario pull his foot back towards himself and hug his legs to his chest, started to make him feel really bad. He needed to say something…
“I…” Luigi scratched the back of his head. “I’mma sorry, Mario. I don’t know what came over me.” Luigi admitted. 
Mario was breathing quite heavily, and soon let go of his legs. He sprawled himself out on the floor before placing his right hand on his own stomach. His breathing was already starting to slow slightly thanks to the relief he was feeling. “M…Mario?” Luigi asked, worried he had hurt his brother. 
“Y-Yeah?” Mario replied. 
Luigi looked down. “I’m sorry.” Luigi said. 
Mario looked at his brother, before placing his head back on the ground with a laugh. He let out a few more laughs with a wobbly smile on his face. Luigi’s worry morphed into confusion the moment he heard Mario breathlessly laughing. “Yohou’re…you’re fine…Ihi…” Mario sat himself up and grabbed his bare feet with his hands. “It’s been years since I’ve been tickled like that.” Mario admitted. “Gohohod…” he said, wiping off his forehead. 
Luigi flew the feather over to Mario. It flew left and right…left and right…floating down towards Mario. 
Mario caught it, and chuckled. “Where did you get this?” 
Luigi shrugged his shoulders. “It was outside…” Luigi admitted. 
Mario held it up in his fingers. “This is a power up, Luigi.” Mario told him with a laugh. “How you managed to use this against me without giving me the cape power, is incredible.” Mario added. 
Luigi widened his eyes and looked down, blushing and scratching the back of his head. 
Mario put the power up into his pocket, and got up onto his feet. “So much for the game…” Mario added. 
Luigi laughed as he turned off the NES, and turned off the TV. “So much for that…”
Mario sat on the bed. “I am not gonna lie, you scared the heck out of me!” Mario told him, throwing his arms up. “You made me feel SO MUCH TERROR-” Mario held his head in shock. 
Luigi was taken aback. “I did?!” Luigi asked. 
“Yeah! From the moment you said…Oh, what was it…” Mario thought. “Oh! “I wonder who this ‘Luigi’ is…”...I immediately knew what you were doing. And…HOLY…” Mario flopped his back onto the bed. “You…” Mario shook his head with a smile. “You really became Dad in that moment…” Mario told him. 
Luigi bit his lip and looked down. “Sorry…” Luigi admitted. 
Mario looked at Luigi and sat up. “I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.” Mario told him. “I’m saying you managed to do something only Dad has ever been able to do!” Mario explained. 
“But I know you’re not always a fan of it, and…I should’ve stopped long ago.” Luigi admitted. 
Mario scoffed. “Dad would’ve grabbed both my feet, and went another 10 minutes on me. You were just fine, Luigi.” Mario admitted. “You remember that he NEVER knew when to press pause.” Mario added. 
Luigi couldn’t help the nervous laugh he let out. “Well…I guess I learned from the best.” Luigi said. 
Mario looked at Luigi with a proud smile. “I need to tell him you said that.” Mario told him. 
Luigi widened his eyes and looked at Mario. “No! No no no, don’t!” Luigi begged. 
Mario leaned back slightly, pure confusion on his face. “Wha- But why??” Mario asked. “He’d be cheering right now! He would be so proud of you-” 
“I…” Luigi stuttered a bit, struggling to talk before pulling his knees up and hiding his face against them. 
Mario raised his eyebrows. “Ohoho…Where did that smooth-talking, confident tickler go?” Mario asked. “Ihit’s like-” Mario couldn’t help his laughter. “It’s like I’m talking to a different person altogether!” Mario reacted. 
“Tickle monster’s gone…Luigi’s back.” Luigi mumbled. 
“Hahaha! Ihi can see that!” Mario reacted. “He’s back in full force, too.” 
Luigi placed his head on his own pillow and removed his hat, still red as anything.
“Wow…You didn’t even need any of those stories to make you blushy this time.” Mario teased. 
“Marioooo…” Luigi groaned, rubbing his temples. “Shut up!” Luigi shot back. 
“You shut up.” Mario said back with a smirk. 
“No, you shut up.” Luigi warned. 
“I’ll shut up as soon as you stop blushing.” Mario teased. 
“I’ll shut up the moment you get over your fear of the tick-” Luigi widened his eyes and covered his mouth. 
Mario looked over at Luigi, with slight shock. “...My fear of what?” Mario asked, a tiny smirk growing on his face.  
“The…tick- the tick-...t-” Luigi groaned and covered his face with his own pillow. 
Mario bursted out laughing at him. “HAHAhahaha! Yohohou cahahan’t even sahahay ihit!” Mario laughed. “Yohou have the fear embedded in you more than I do! Don’t give me that fesserie!” Mario laughed. 
Luigi rolled his eyes and rolled over, letting Mario laugh it out. Clearly he hadn’t tickled him enough to know better. If that evil tickle monster would come out for just those few seconds…then maybe he’d be able to win this fight…
But alas, no such luck. He was now in an irreversible lee mood…and he can’t change that. 
Mario soon calmed himself down and shut off the light in their room. “I’m still gonna tell Dad.” Mario said before closing his eyes. “And just you wait…He’s gonna love you.” Mario added. 
Luigi sighed. “Fine…” he replied, closing his own eyes. “Good night.” 
Mario smiled a bit. “Good night.” 
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🎧ti vorrei consigliare una canzone che a me sta aiutando parecchio in questi momenti un po’ bui, spero ti piaccia. <3
Va bene grazie
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no6secretsanta · 2 years
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From: @zuckarr
For: @sasdavvero
Ciao!! Non sai che piacere essere capitata con un italiano! Quando ho dato un'occhiata al tuo blog, sono subito andata a leggere una delle tue ff e mi è piaciuta un sacco. Sei bravo a scrivere e avevo pensato di regalarti qualcosa di scritto, ma una mattina mi è venuta improvvisamente l'ispirazione per un disegno. Hai richiesto il loro ritrovo in chiave angst, quindi ho ragionato su come ciò potesse accadere... e ho ricordato uno degli attributi più tristi (e allo stesso tempo più teneri) di Shion e Nezumi, cioè che Shion lo trova spesso ferito e bisognoso di cure. Nezumi vive una vita in costante pericolo, quindi mi sembrava logico che gli potesse accadere qualcosa anche dopo aver deciso di andare via per conto suo. E quindi, in questo fumetto, Nezumi torna con la faccia mutilata da cicatrici (ho sofferto a rovinargliela!!) e Shion non sa se prova felicità nel rivederlo vivo oppure angoscia nel rivederlo in quello stato! Spero tanto che la mia idea ti piaccia, e buon Natale!
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Buongiorno. E da poco che ti seguo e leggendo i tuoi post mi chiedevo se pratichi BDSM e in che ruolo. Un saluto.
Ciao. Spero che il blog ti piaccia, allora! ✨ Sì, lo pratic(av)o. Sono per lo più sub (brat), ma ho anche un lato un po' dom (molto nascosto però ahaha🙈)
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