kurocera · 6 years
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Clip studio paints new colorize feature tool thing is super cool?? Really helped in making her skin tones 💖
I got an Insta for more junk btw:
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kurocera · 6 years
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THUNDER THURSDAY #85: OpenToonz Tutorials Are Live!
Hey folks! For those wanting to learn OpenToonz, thanks again for your patience, and behold: my first few tutorials are online! Here’s the introductory collection (~35min total), or check below for links to individual sections :D
I’ve made a YouTube playlist with individual videos, and here are their separate links (times approximate):
Part 0: Introduction (2min)
Part 1: Installation (2min)
Part 2: The Startup Menu (2min)
Part 3: The Interface (3min)
Part 4: Levels & Drawing (7min)
Part 5: Drawing Frames (6min)
Part 6: The X Sheet  (5min)
Part 7: Saving (2min)
Part 8: Exporting a GIF (7min)
ENJOY! And if you have questions, feel free to ask (either here, or in the YouTube comments). Thanks for watching!
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kurocera · 6 years
It was bad enough to realise that your life is a work of fiction. But it was truly awful to realise that the author is 12.
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kurocera · 6 years
UHM.... SO....
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This is real.
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kurocera · 6 years
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A thing I did bc I wanna know why
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kurocera · 6 years
I....Im so proud to still be alive and witness this moment of tumblr history
I had a dream last night that there was another live action of Black Butler and Sebastian Michaelis was played by Spencer from ICarly… it was so vivid and I can’t stop thinking about it
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kurocera · 6 years
I just realized the Five Stages of Grief (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance) spell out DABDA and I feel like this is Important Information
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kurocera · 6 years
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this has been a psa
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kurocera · 6 years
I want to steal your heart but I gotta steal mine first
Me to My love life
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kurocera · 6 years
Rest now because loving yourself takes energy
Me to, yeah it makes sense
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kurocera · 6 years
If I am frightened of you, there is love, if not then there is none
Me to My love life,jeez
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kurocera · 6 years
I want one but the moment I saw that word I thought of Sanji from one piece buying it for his kitchen and naming it Zoro
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This is probably the cutest
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kurocera · 6 years
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Hi, my names Ben and something happened today. I have been pushing myself since the beginning of October to work at a Walmart G-d bless my soul. Anyways it’s been way too much on me. I have stomach issues including but definitely and unfortunately not just ulcers. I suffer chronically from them and if I overwork my body by standing too long or lifting too much or generally working my body too hard or too long I get sick. And I don’t mean a sore throat and a headache. I get gut wretching stomach pain that feels like hot lead in my abdomen. And then the tasty cherry on top is tasting blood. If I don’t get shorter hours and keep pushing I even end up coughing/puking up blood. Well, it’s been long enough for my request for hours to be shortened to have gone through. And I’m guessing by the fact they have been scheduling me even longer than normal and my whole body can hardly stand walking at this point that they are giving me a big fuck you deal with it. Well, I have a disabled fiance to take care of so id love to get over this and push on but I can’t. If I keep letting my health deplete like this I’ll end up in the hospital for it (again). So bad news is I had to quit today. Good news is I already have another job.
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That’s terrific. It’s a coffee shop who will work with me and likely let me sit while I’m not busy which will do wonders for my health. Finally, a job ill enjoy. But this sudden change isn’t without its setbacks. I don’t know how much they’ll be paying me but im basically prepared for minimum wage. Even so ill be fine so long as I can make it until they process my background check.
I’d love to be able to get groceries and pay my electric bill (normally 119 $) before I get a disconnect warning. And by groceries, I mean food staples to get us by for two weeks which is essential for a house of 3 people and 2 cats.
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While flat-out donations are super appreciated I am a pretty proud person and would prefer no matter how small the amount, that you let me do something in turn. I do art and writing. I can write/draw oc stuff, fandom stuff, and just about anything. I’ll even make you a fursona lol. I can draw you up a dnd sheet, make you a whole new dnd oc, or even write an entry abt a dnd setting, monster, or class etc. I can also beta/edit writing for you. I’ll link some stuff below for reference.
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This is my art blog, I do traditional and digital.
This is my ao3 which isn’t so impressive since I mostly write and edit original content (nowhere to really post that yet) but it’s a mild reflection of my work.
My PayPal is vjsevildoer@gmail
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Thank you for reading and boosting even if you can’t help this sweet gay Jewish man. ♥ May good things come your way in return for your kindness and happy holidays. ❄
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kurocera · 6 years
The same people who think billionares stimulate the economy by buying huge quantities of useless shit they don’t need really get offended at the idea of teenagers, the disabled, and poor people earning more cash to buy a little of what is even perceived to be useless shit they don’t need
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kurocera · 6 years
I just find the dark talks really yummy
Some ideas for bad things that are white/light:
lightning, very hot fire
snow storms, ice, frost on crops
some types of fungus/mold
corpses, ghosts, bones, a diseased person
clothing, skin tone, hair, etc. of a bad person
fur, teeth, eyes of an attacking animal/monster
bleached out deserts, dead trees, lifeless places
Some ideas for good things that are black/dark:
rich earth/soil
chocolate, truffles, wine, cooked meat
friendly animals/pets/creatures
a character’s favorite vehicle, technology, coat, etc.
a pleasant night
hair, skin tone, clothing, etc. of a good person
undisturbed water of a lake
the case/container of something important
valued wood, furniture, art
Think to burn, to infect, to bleach vs. to enrich, to protect, to be of substance.
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kurocera · 6 years
Not to get controversial or anything but can we stop with making fun of women being abused by their husbands and playing it off as ‘straight culture’
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kurocera · 6 years
i really want to normalise the idea amongst lgbt youth that its okay to switch labels as you further understand your identity. you’re not a traitor or a fake if you realise you’re bi instead of a lesbian, or if you’re a trans woman instead of a gay man. it’s really difficult and scary to be lgbt and it’s doubly hard to deal with a shifting identity amongst all that so… be kind to yourself. you’re learning and figuring yourself out and nothing is set in stone. let yourself figure out what feels most comfortable to you. and for those who are secure in their lgbt identities, particularly adults, don’t make kids feel bad for switching between labels. we’ve all had identity crises in our lives, so provide support and understanding rather than unforgiving attitudes.
this post is not an excuse to jump on the “of course you can’t label yourself at a young age” bandwagon either. young people who stick with and feel comfortable in an identity from an early age are just as valid as you are.
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