#spagetti tacos
Name a food that is impossible to eat gracefully 
(This is for a class project lol, I need an actual sample size)
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blinddreams24 · 13 days
Monster Under the Bed
Night 2. Cross
Inspired by @starzeah123
You woke up to a thud.
“Ow… What the…?”
Smiling slightly, you rolled towards the edge of the bed and leaned over. “Back again?” Sans must be back. Yes, you knew his name was Sans. You asked Papyrus about his brother after the incident. He didn’t seem worried when you’d mentioned the color his eyelights, he said something like “it happens all the time.” And then he matched off to find his brother.
“What the-?!?” Sans recoiled from you and there was suddenly a giant red sword(knife??) pointed directly at your face. His eyes were almost back to their healthy white color, one was still red, but now there was a scar on his cheek.
You leaned away. “Woah, buddy! Remember me? From last night? You crashed here and had some spaghetti. Do you even remember that?” He did look pretty out of it last night, maybe he didn’t remember.
He looked confused. “I meet a lot of people. But I didn’t go anywhere last night and definitely not here.”
You nodded. “Well, you were. Must have been some party to mess you up that much. Your eyes were different colors.”
“My… what?”
“Well, if you won’t stab me, I’ll go sleep on the couch again.” You moved to grab your bedding.
“Wait, what?? No!” He dismissed the sword and left the comfy cubby. “This is your home. You stay there. I’ll go find some other place.” Now that he was standing, you could see how beat up and exhausted he looked. As if he’d wrestled a tiger and barely got away.
“Uh, no. Sit back down.” You hopped off the bed.
He looked at you. “Excuse me?”
You herded him back towards the cubby. “Sit back down. You’re clearly exhausted and need a break from whatever you were doing before. The cubby you landed in was made specifically to relax in. You stay here. I’ll go get some of Pap’s spaghetti ready. How’s that sound?”
His eyelights lit up in curiosity at the mention of spagetti. He let you gently push him back into the cushions and looked content enough to stay there. “You’re not concerned that there’s a stranger in your home? What if I’m a murderer?”
“You asked the same question yesterday.” You smiled. “I’d figure it out. Besides, I think a murderer would have killed me the first time and not come back around to have spaghetti. Hang on a moment.” You left him in his confused state and quickly made some spaghetti before bringing him the same bowl and fork as yesterday.
“Here you go. Pap’s leftover friendship spaghetti ready for you to enjoy.”
Sans smirked a little and looked curiously at the meal before carefully taking a bite. His face scrunched up slightly and he coughed. “…Woah, uh, thank you?”
Huh. He acted as if he’d never eaten Pap’s spaghetti before. Shouldn’t Sans be used to the taste? “Are you okay?”
He shook his head and waved you off. “I’m fine. I just didn’t expect… the flavor.” He coughs a few times. “I think I’m good. I’m really not very hungry anyways. Thank you though.” He set the bowl down on the nightstand, watching it as if it had insulted his mother.
You chuckled and took the bowl. “I get it. It’s not for everyone.” You took the fork and scooped some into your mouth, much to Sans’ horror. It tasted normal to you. “How long has it been since you’ve had your brother’s spaghetti?”
He oddly looked nervous. “Uh… it just been a while… I honestly prefer tacos.”
Tacos? Didn’t Sans hate tacos?
“You like tacos?” You asked.
He smiled. “They’re the first food I had after Ink-…” His smile falters when he looks at you. “…y’know what. It’s nothing.”
You walked over to your bed and grabbed your bedding.
“Hey, wait, what are you doing?” He asked.
Hands still on the blanket above you, you looked down at him. “I’m moving to the couch.”
He stood up. “No, you’re not. This is your house. This is your room. I’ll take the couch.” He shoved your blanket back on the bed and moved towards the door.
Didn’t he take your room last night?
“Sans, y-”
He flinched. “Don’t call me that. Please.” He looked back at you. “Just… Just call me Cross.”
“Cross?” You were confused. “Can I ask why you’d rather be called Cross?”
He looked away and his hand landed on the doorknob. “…No. I’d rather you didn’t.” He steps out and locks the door from the inside, effectively locking himself out of your room. “Keep this locked when you have guests. You never know what you could be housing.” With that, the door clicked shut.
. . .
You could hear him lay across the squeaky couch and settle in for the night.
Well, at least you could sleep in your own room tonight and not have to worry about waking up to someone staring at you. You smiled at the door and went back to bed. San- Cross was a lot more pleasant tonight. He’d been sweet even. You climbed back into your bed and burrowed under the blankets.
Hopefully, he’d still be there in the morning so you could get some answers and help him home. But right now you were too tired. You could wait.
The couch was empty.
You sighed. He was gone. Not that you were keeping him here! You just had some unanswered questions but it was fine.
Entering the kitchen, you found a large grocery bag and a note on the table.
That definitely wasn’t there before. You peeked inside the bag to find ingredients for sandwiches, a box of cereal, and milk. Your eyes widened. You hadn’t really worried about food since you always had Pap’s spaghetti gifted to you every time you saw him. It had been a while since your food gallery had normal food in it. It made your mouth water.
You decided to read the note.
From: Cross
To: I never actually asked for your name, sorry
The food on the table is yours. You should be eating better than leftover spaghetti for every single meal. Especially that spaghetti.
I had to leave early for work, I hope you understand. Please enjoy your food.
Farewell, I hope we meet again in just as pleasant a fashion as last night,
p.s. I also bought you tacos but accidentally ate them all otw back. Sorry.
You chuckled at the last addition to the note. However was telling everyone that Sans didn’t like tacos was a complete liar.
Setting the note down, you quickly made yourself a bowl of cereal and put the milk in the fridge before it got warm. Oddly enough, it was still cold when you pulled it out of the bag. He must have just left.
You were definitely going to hang on to that note. There was a chance you’d never see him again but you still wanted to remember the stranger.
You couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day.
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tea-blankets-andstars · 2 months
would you rather
spagetti tacos or taco spaghetti?
i think spagetti taco because then its all contaned inside a shell but i dont think having taco ingredients on spagetti sounds very appetizing 
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jacethegaymer · 1 year
Was tagged by @gummraa so lets do this! I love doing these tagged posts
Relationship status: single
Fav color: purple, black, teal
Song stuck in my head: Fifty Fifty - Cupid.
Last song listened to: Jelly Roll - Same Asshole
3 fav foods: Um.. Ramen, Tacos, Spagetti
Last thing I googled: Radar! It was storming bad where I was the other night and I needed to see how bad it would be.
Dream trip: South Korea! I’ve seen a lot of videos on South Korea and I really wanna go!
Anything I want rn: To get my computer and just play the sims 2! I hadn’t played it in over a month and i cant get to my computer cause its under the table with my monitor and keyboard and I dont have space atm to play it on.
Tagging anyone who wants to do this.
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2womenforme · 6 months
they raised the food card for the 1st time in many yrs about 3 1/2 yrs ago but it is not enough per month again already unless u eat like a diet and find low price n sale stuff mostly so this place is not good enough for the other meal and it take 1 hr n 15 minutes to get packed up and get to the help place for breakfast that stops at 8 and likely not worth it like the sat spagetti at 10 is barely worth it with new shorter line because half the people go to the other bag your food line they use to do both at same spot and slow the line , so no matter where i go i have to eat like a bird or have a second some freebee spot meal 4 ish days a week ish and mcdonalds does not have a plug burger king and jack in the box either and no wifi that i know of and no wifi at taco bell either , rather try new n different places even if most i find are not decent either then stay where i know it is not a decent balance
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antiplasti · 2 years
Dag 3 – Ingrid
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I dag starta eg dagen med felles kaffe på campus der alle tok med eigen kopp, her tok eg meg kaffe frå ei kanne. Dagen i dag har vore ganske plastfri skuledag med tanke på engangsplast, då eg hadde med meg lunsj. Eg brukte linjal og kulepenn i plast vel og merke.
Eg hadde og min første plastfrie handletur, og merka fort at eg ikkje kunne handle fritt det eg ville ha. Eg plukka med meg ein del frukt og grønnsaker i posene eg hadde med, men kunne ikkje kjøpe raudløk, gulrot, brokkoli eller paprika som eg hadde tenkt då desse var pakka inn i plast. Eg kan ikkje kjøpe ost, kjøtt eller rømme heller (det blir vanskelig å lage taco)
Dette kjøpte eg:
Banan, eple, persimmon, løk, poteter og sjampinjong (lausvekt)
Fiskeboller, Spagetti a la capri og leverpostei (hermetikk)
Musli, melk, biola, pasta og hakka tomater (papir/papp)
Det vart fiskeboller og kokte poteter til middag:)
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kyber-kisses · 5 years
I was watching 14x6 this morning and at the beginning of the episode when Dean and Jack are talking in the kitchen, Dean straight up puts spaghetti on a tortilla and makes a taco and my life has not known peace since.
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whoeatsalot · 5 years
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House Specials Set A @pancakehouseph #tacos #chicken #spagetti #garlicbread #gravy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw1xwCoHOSA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3bdfmxbpcu4o
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thelucindac · 4 years
🥺🌼💕 get to know your mutuals!! when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!! 🥺🌼💕
1) I never feel more calm/serene/at peace than when I'm at the beach. Swimming, reading, writing, making drip castles in the sand, snorkelling, staring at the horizon, the waves always coming and going. The sun doesn't have to be out, but that's usually better.
2) On that note, my other favorite places are: an empty stage, a stage with a set, libraries, book stores, my old bedroom before my parents changed everything, my old tree house, my dad's cousin's cabin in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and Comic Cons with my friends. Any place with my friends, honestly. And I really don't like living in places where it snows. Snow is fine for a day trip, but if I never have to shovel it again, I will be happy.
3) I don't like how independent I tell myself I have to be. I wish I was better at telling people when I'm lonely, better at reaching out for help, better at not pushing everything down, better at telling people 'no,' better at not talking myself out of doing good things that would make my life better, better at getting professional help for my broken brain. I tell myself, why complain, when I'm really the only person who'll fix it anyway. I've lived this way for so long, it's my default, it's what I'm used to. I'm still here because I keep talking myself out of leaving. Sometimes, being the only person who will feed myself, run errands, run myself to the hospital, drive myself to the airport, clean my apartment, pay for things, and so much more... just plain sucks. But no one else will do it. People tell me I can move home to California at any time, technically, but there are so many steps to that, and I tell myself I'd have to do them all alone, in the middle of a pandemic, and then wrestle with the guilt of probably never seeing some of my East Coast friends ever again, and find a new job so I can keep paying off my loans, etc. So I just soldier on, and nothing gets better. Basically I'm a genderfluid Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle but I'm always telling myself I have to keep being the old lady.
4) I really don't want to end up alone. And I'm afraid I'll just self-sabotage and ruin all my chances of finding someone, because I'm so used to only relying on myself, that I won't open up. That I won't even let myself look for a SO because I get so up in my head about it. I want to date, but how do I even date, amiright? Plus, I'm still figuring out a few pieces of who I am, and how can I know anyone will even be attracted to this mess?
5) I still sleep with a Stitch pillow-pet I bought at Disneyland in 2012 for my high school senior grad night. I bought my sister a matching one, and I don't know if she still has hers, but it still helps me fall asleep at night sometimes. Sister and I also watch The Polar Express every year on Christmas Eve. Also I used to need Yanni/ whale song new age music to fall asleep every night when I was a kid. I don't as much now, but every once in a while, it works.
And extra tidbits, 'cause I feel like sharing: I love The Book Thief, Perks of Being a Wallflower, Pacific Rim, Mad Max Fury Road, Dragon Age, Kingdom Hearts, sunflowers, Jamba Juice, fish tacos, poking around in places I shouldn't, steak, spagetti, sourdough bread, Panda Express, pot roast, gingerbread cookies, and Quentin Coldwater.
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rooftop-dad · 4 years
GOD when seunghyub did his b-day vlive, i lost my shit!! so many things happened during that live, like hun got seunghyub some bluetooth speaker things and then everyone took turns singing happy birthday with the microphone in the most autotuned mess yet they still sounded 62846x better than i EVER will !!! and i’ll never forget how they suddenly decided to make the most iconic song known to humankind: 1 spagetti, 1 chicken taco. istg someone needs to put this on spotify just so i can stream it every night before going to bed. i just love how the song is supposed to be a very dumb and funny way to keep the meme alive and make them and us laugh, but seunghyub was like FUcK tHAt i dont do ANYTHING halfheartedly and became super serious and even ended up saving the music file LMAOOO like the boi was READY to record his air conditioner and spent like 5 min choosing the best “clapping” sound i love (1) perfectionistic dumbass
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lawssword · 4 years
the night before last it was really hot in my room and last night it was really cold. The only difference was that me and my roommate made spagetti last night and tacos the night before last i don’t understand and now i have popsicle toes
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ask-chef-teruteru · 4 years
You ever tried Spagetti tacos
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“... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...”
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“Sorry, I— I imagined a taco shell breakin’ open and a huge wad of spaghetti slippin’ through n’ fallin’ on a patron’s lap. N’ the floor. Think I blacked out a sec.”
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cheesebip · 6 years
I predict the next weird thing to happen in this timeline is gonna be taco bell selling spagetti tacos and jerry trainor being an intergral part of the ad campaign.
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butterscotcheye · 6 years
i was tagged by @teddy-fluffnhugs! I have not done a tag in a bit. So i cannot remember if i have ever done this before.
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Age: 37
Birthplace: I was born in Tucson AZ, but haven’t really been back since the 80′s ^ ^;; well, lies. i visited once really briefly when i was a tween but it was so weird cause i didn’t really recognize but a few extended family members. I’m not super familiar with them.
Current time: 8:06 PM
Drink you last had: just water
Easiest person to talk to: Teddy!
Favorite song: that keeps changing ^ ^; right now its alot of retrowave in general
Grossest memory: oh snap. probably when my brother shat so much the toilet overflowed but he didn’t bother to MENTION IT TO ANYONE so the entire second floor of the place we were living in at the time was soaked in shitty water. >< And i remember having no choice but to walk through that for days. uuughhh.
Hogwarts House: ?? i don’t know
In love:: no
Jealous of people: I wish i was smart like other people ^ ^; also like, normal looking. and tall. And good at learning new skills. I envy everyone who falls into those categories.
Love at first sight or should I walk by you again: What does this sentence mean, exactly? who am i walking by?
Number of siblings: two, both younger than me.
One wish: I WISH to just stop being afraid and go try the new things i’m afraid of.
Person you called last: uuuhh i think it was my mom because we got separated at awesome con, and she was carrying something me and my sister wanted to get signed and had to find her to get it back.
Question you are always asked: WEll, now its usually at work, stuff about insurance. -_- but i guess before that, yeaaars ago, if someone was being personal it was like ‘why are you so quiet?’ which the answer really just was because i didn’t enjoy socializing but i would just try to be diplomatic and say uh i don’tknow derp.
Reasons to smile: I don’t know, all the good stuff in life? that’s alot of things. 
Song you sang last: UM. sang. hmmm. I can’t remember if it was Careless Whisper (george michael), something by radiohead (any number of songs) or possibly Tame Impala ‘s ‘the less I know the Better.’
Time you woke up: 6:50 AM which is typical on a workday. It’ll usually be between 6:30-6:50 something. But if i don’t have to go in, it can vary between as early as 7, 8, or be 9 and SOMETIMES as late as 10:00 AM. But i have too much to do on ‘free’ days to allow anything later ^ ^;;
Underwear color: Blue today.
Worst habit: forgetting stuff ><
X-rays: how many? i don’t know. They’re mostly dental. But there was also two ultrasounds and a CT scan, does that count? i probably should have had a foot x-ray cause i am prettttyyy sure i broke my foot (it still hurts btw) but who has time (or money??)for that?
Your favorite food: hmmm! alot! i love spagetti! and ice cream, Indian food (so much) sushi, tacos, pizza, seafood, squash, mushrooms, cake, insect-based food, chick peas, beets, and much more. :p
Zodiac sign: Libra (the most hated of signs)
I will tag @artist-of-troy, @taffing-garden-salsa, @showeredwithlullabies, @buccura, @oculeth, @amayanocturna, @armoured-escort aaand i guess i will hold off there? You don’t have to if you don’t wanna.
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marumaruowl · 7 years
🍝 (it's spagettie/punishment) for swap pap please maybe from his bro for being so lazy all the time?
(I’m honestly not a huge fan of punishment/revenge stuffing, but I agreed to do it since it was on the list, so here goes! It’s…gonna be kinda mild and a little bit different, cause it’s me, though. ^^;)
Papyrus’s little orange balloon of a belly gave an unsettled gurgle as another fresh taco squeezed its way through his teeth, pieces of lettuce and dabs of sauce and shell crumbs spattering down his jaw. In his mind, he couldn’t help but chuckle, even though a soft ache was beginning to throb up his sides. 
Little Sans was attempting to hold him down with ropes of cyan magic, while smashing the tacos he’d cooking into his face, his own face puffed with indignant fury. It was unusual for him, but also king of adorable. 
Sans’s magic was way, way weaker than his own, of course. He could break away at any moment. But Papyrus had decided to humor his little brother. If he wanted to torture him, well….he was gonna let himself get tortured. He deserved it.
He felt his stuffed little skelly belly stretch out just a tiny bit more…and smiled.   
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sur-ma--route · 6 years
Tortas de papa
Salsa (Tacos de crema)
Hamburguesas (y soya)
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