#spending that much or more on kpop stuff is fine bc the kpop stuff is not Consumable
seekingthestars · 2 years
happy wednesday, going bss is the best thing and also i've been so tired this week i don't wanna do anything also i have a ton of projects at work and i'm just sorta. existing. vaguely.
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aemoglobin · 1 year
i really enjoy having soft skin and keeping my skin clean. especially now that i’m getting older and i don’t want to end up with really nasty-looking skin (as opposed to regular old people skin; i feel like i probably don’t have a lot to worry about since i’m half-asian and my mom/gma have aged like fine wine, but there’s always the chance i’ll end up looking like shit thanks to the other half of my genetics, which have been responsible for every major physical health problem in my life so far).....
but $45 for this moisturizer? i’m not so fucking sure, i balked at spending $15 for a face wash and i know $45 is on the lower end of Ye Average Drugstore’s premium skincare price spectrum but like!!!!!!!!!! THAT’s ALMOST 3 HOURS OF WORK! THAT’S HALF OF MY USUAL SHIFT! FOR A ONE OUNCE JAR OF MOISTURIZER?! 
combined with the $25 and $33 body butters that i reaaaaaaally like but would go through so fucking fast (because i like having soft skin!!!!)......like buddy, i’m so fucking glad i didn’t pick makeup and skincare as my fixations or interests lmfaooo. like, i have enough extra money that i COULD get one of these 3 products! as a treat! a one-time very luxurious special treat! but do i want to...
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ssurveycorpss · 3 years
You can delete this if this isn't allowed, but can I request X for all the warriors?
asking for multiple characters is totally fine (as long as you're not requesting full one shots lol) i'll update my rules! also the layout of these is a little different than the others bc this one is just a little fun lol.
i included zeke, reiner, pieck, porco, and colt. i definitely wont write for the four kiddos or marcel but i can write for annie and bertholdt if you request them.
tags: modern au, cigarette/nicotine mention in zeke's, alcohol mention in colt's, emetophobia warning for colts, mention of car accidents in porco's, sfw, not every single one is romantic lol sorry and colts is missing one headcanon bc i only have two for him
hc game
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
zeke jaeger:
pretentious coffee fan. owns like a 300 dollar espresso maker and refuses to drink starbucks. spends like 8 dollars minimum on a latte and lurks on the coffee subreddits. its almost comical how he drinks fancy coffee and only smokes cigarettes and not e cigs... so pretentious...
acts like he has no interest in social media but spends hours trying to pick a lyric from an obscure band for his caption. has like 3 posts, lots of followers, and less following. will post the occasional story with you in it but otherwise not much going on there.
coaches little league baseball despite not liking kids that much because he doesn't really have time for coaching middle or high schoolers. his kids are fucking ruthless they are like monsters on the field and every other team is terrified of them. you know how they don't keep score for kids softball and stuff like that? zeke does anyways and he tells them every time they win. does well with baseball moms bc their kids could go pro no matter what and hes really good looking and suburban moms could use the eye candy.
more under the cut!
reiner braun:
his favorite music genre is bubblegum kpop. porco groans everytime reiner has the aux bc he just plays really preppy cute songs kpop songs about falling in love after school. he doesn't like... stan any of the groups like he doesn't know every detail of their lives but he casually watches their interviews sometimes and knows all the member names of his favorite groups. he has a photocard from an album you gave him, and it sits in his phone case behind a polaroid of you two. also he learns the dances sometimes.
likes watching cartoons sometimes, he wont binge watch an entire season of them but if he has sometimes he'll throw on a cute mindless cartoon just to relax. he usually watches slice of life and romance tv shows in general, stuff without much tension or drama and is just cute.
good cook, terrible baker. if he bakes something it will look awful and taste kind of bad. but his cooking is really good, once you guys got comfortable together instead of going out to eat you opt for him cooking for you two instead.
pieck finger:
likes to buy her clothes second hand. she's a really well dressed girl but she's not concerned with being overly trendy, so she finds that a lot of stores don't really have things she likes. she likes long hemlines and almost everything is cropped these days, so she opts for thrift stores and vintage stores to get things her style. plus she saves a lot of money. she really suits pearl jewelry and has a timeless sense of fashion.
she has a minivan and will drive anyone anywhere, and she rarely asks for gas money. often picks up zeke porco and reiner when they hang out and will always pick you up for dates. her car is ancient but runs like a charm because shes knowledgeable about maintenance, and super fuel efficient.
has a really old phone with no cracks or scratches or anything. doesn't see the point in getting a new one until one day she notices how convenient porco's brand new up to date iphone is and starts saving up for one, but every time she saves up enough a new one comes out.
porco galliard:
plays volleyball, and is on a scholarship for it. jumps really high and is really lithe and quick, making him a good libero (but this is the extent of my volleyball knowledge so i will not make anymore comment. please let me know what position porco plays.)
gets in (non fatal) car accidents surprisingly often, and speeding tickets even more. marcel is tired of it because it is throwing his insurance costs over the roof and forces him to enroll in lessons but they really don't help.
he is the one to pay for the streaming services and has everyone else plus you leech off his account. he complains abt it but texts the gc every time he changes the password so he doesn't really have the right.
colt grice:
on the blacklist for several frats because he went to their block parties, drank too much, and vomited in someones bed, another person's cat's litterbox, a different persons laundry basket, a different different persons moms sweater, and another frats oven. he's really apologetic and always cleans up and reimburses everyone as much as he can, but he is a menace and is only allowed in if he promises not to drink. on that drinking note if you need advice, go out for drinks with colt. he will get incredibly inebriated, give you the best wisdom and advice you've ever heard, and forget everything the next day.
really bad at video games but really fun to play them with. doesnt get on very often, but will play when he has some free time or is asked by his friends. only on weekends and only for like two hours at a time. the video game system at his house doesnt even belong to him its Falcos.
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whenfatecollides · 4 years
Hi ! I've been getting into Dreamcatcher lately since everyone's been saying if you're a lesbian you're gonna like dreamcatcher, and i do ! i was just wondering from someone who obvs knows them better, do you think they're naturally so close to each other or it could be a bit more... fan service stuff bc I'm always worried about getting into groups who just queerbait all the time, idk how to say this and im not trying to attack DC but there's been a lot of talk abt it in kpop lately
I get where you’re coming from, but with time you’ll see that they’re genuinely close
dc have gone through a lot as a group (some of the members have been together for abt 8/9 years now), specially the ex-minx members (jiu, sua, siyeon, yoohyeon, dami) who had to overcome an unsuccessful debut and decide to stick together despite a rough start. there’s a lot in the member’s own story that makes you wonder if there really isn’t a force in the world out there who brought them together because so much happened, to some members more than others, that literally put them right on the path to become a dreamcatcher member. it just had to be the seven of them. 
for starters, yoohyeon auditioned for a few companies and mbk accepted her. she went the first day and quit that same day because of how she was treated by the staff. she said that from that experience she wanted to quit on the idea of becoming an idol, but she really loved to dance and sing. which led her to meet sua at a dance competition before they auditioned for hfe. sua had been training to become an idol since 2012 and hfe was the one company who accepted her (I can’t imagine sleeping on that much talent). this led them to debut together and even become roomates.
siyeon had a close songwriter friend who introduced her to the company, she auditioned and got in. similarly, jiu’s vocal teacher referred her to the company, she auditioned and got in as well. as for dami she had wanted to become an idol since elementary school, one day she participated in an open audition at her school and hfe called her for an audition.
with gahyeon, she actually went through a few companies before landing on hfe. she was an fnc traineed for a while, she got in both yg and sm, but left since they weren’t going to debut a group any time soon. similar to dami she participated in an open audition at her school and she got called for an audition.
and handong had some interest in kpop when she was in high school, but when she got the chance to go to korea for university her dad made her promise she wouldn’t try to become an idol, it was literally The condition for her to go to korea, she wasn’t meant to audition according to her parents will. but one of her uni teachers told her about hfe’s audition and she just went for it anyway asdkjhs (her relationship with her parents is fine now). it was just meant to be.
they’ve also mentioned quite a few times that they didn’t just instantly click with each other like that (some members having a cold impression of sua at first, siyeon admitting it took her quite some time to get close with handong, jiu saying she was skeptical about the adittion of handong and gahyeon but soon realised they made the group stronger), they worked on their relationship over time and they wanted to make things work with each other which itself is really important and shows the kind of loving and supportive enviroment they wanted to build for each other (I go a little bit more in depth about their overall story in this post). they’ve made sure to build a really great sense of teamwork with each other since the beginning, from the fact that they had about 2/3 months to prepare for dc’s debut (minx still performed on october 2016 and dc debuted january 2017) alone, they really had to make a conscious choice about it all. honestly one of the things that makes me sure that dc are close is that they don’t hide the negative feelings they sometimes have towards each other (which are normal), they've spoken a few times about silly things that they’ve argued about and have even mentioned that they don’t get the other members involved in the quarrels they’re having with another member to not create more drama than necessary. but you can really see that they love and take of each other in the little things too, not just the (sometimes) fanservice. and by this I mean things like, sua calling handong in the middle of her vlive to go get food for her, dami letting yoohyeon sleep in her bed and going to the living room because she didn’t want to wake her up, siyeon falling asleep on top of yoohyeon and yoohyeon not having the heart to wake her up as well, among many many many things.
but truly they’ve gone through a lot of hardships over the years, including having a member be away and unable to participate in comebacks and group schedules for a whole year (not because of health issues or anything like that, but because of the covid situation that made it impossible for her to fly back to korea), and they got out of that situation being even more appreciative of that member when it could’ve easily been something that could have made them turn on each other. it was a situation that brought them even closer and appreciative of one another. they really want to be on this path together.
as for the queerbaiting bit, I’ve made posts about this before and as I’ve said, it doesn’t matter whether or not it’s fanservice because at the end of the day they’re respectful and caring, and they’re only normalising same sex attraction. they never make you feel gross for that attraction either, they’ve never pulled a ‘no home though’ moment, they continuously sing songs directed at female lovers without changing the pronouns, continuously accept marriage proposals from their female fans, and even when a fan was dubious and said “but we’re two girls” jiu said that it didn’t matter and that love is love, and they’ve said many times that it’s okay for female fans to be nervous around them (aka attracted to them). 
and not that it’s anyone’s business but the members themselves have dropped many hints over the years, from not specifying the gender of their ideal type
“Dreamcatcher Handong, “even if they’re not good-looking, a warm-hearted person is my ideal type.” “My idea type, erm... a warm-hearted person. A person not necessarily need to be good-looking, if they’re warm-hearted they’re a good person” ©
Handong: For me, firstly, kind. It would be great if the person has a good personality and is tall.
Gahyeon: For me, because I’m still young I don’t have a definite ideal type. Just someone who smiles prettily and is fun. Ah, if the person has a good voice, it will be good. I like to talk on the phone. ©
Jiu: I wish to have someone I can chat non-stop with, and who is also knowledgable and has a good character. I’ve never really thought about an ideal date, but what’s most important is that the atmosphere has to be comfortable!
Yoohyeon: My ideal type is someone who’s like Peter Pan, someone fun-loving and positive! My ideal date location would be Paris, France. It’s a really romantic city! Really look forward to spending time there with the one I love.
Gahyeon: I like someone with a beautiful smile, and someone who can really take care of me.   ©
to lowkey admitting a same sex crush (she went to an all girls school as far as we know)
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to being uh very straightforward about it
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among other things 🐒 I’ve been into kpop for quite a lot of years now and I never experienced a group make this as comfortable as they do honestly. that’s why I say that it doesn’t matter if it is just fanservice, they’re still changing things for the better. but that being said, take your time getting to know them~ I think it’s better that you see it for yourself rather than have someone tell you really
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jeankirstein4ever · 3 years
hihi i hope you're doing well! can i get a matchup the gender doesnt really matter. i use he/they prns btw.
personality categories (idk what to call them) scorpio, intp 5w4, chaotic neutral, and my hogwarts house is slytherin if that matters.
Im a pretty introverted person and will only talk to ppl that i am friends with, even then if we arent really good friends i still wont talk to you unless you spark conversation because i dont like bothering ppl. My sense of humor is mostly sarcastic and dirty. Im also mean as a joke but, i only am to ppl i know who are comfortable with it bc i dont want ppl to genuinely be hurt by anything i say (making ppl uncomfortable/annoyed is my worst fear ngl). i have random burst of energy which usually makes me rant about literally any topic i can come up with. some bad things about my personality tho is i do have a lot of self doubt. its not that i hate myself i just believe that ill never live up to other ppls expectations. its also hard for me to believe someone actually enjoys my presence.
some of my hobbies are dancing, watching anime, gaming, and watching random science vids that pop up on my youtube recommended.
I look for humor and intelligence in a partner. especially humor because i dont take things seriously unless its something im interested in or its a serious issue. also intelligence because i like ranting about things and getting good feedback and thought provoking responses/questions whether the topic is serious or not, and understanding because i will admit im not the easiest person to be with.
my love language is mostly physical touch
im black, 5'3, have short ear length hair (i keep them it in mini twist), im curvy, have sharper features on my face, and have dark skin
random stuff: my fav music genres are alternative rock, rap, hyper pop, r&b, and kpop. my current favorite song is Pretty little birds by SZA and not allowed by TV girl. i also used to do ballet and i love it so much
Aot Matchups
A/n I love these so much, thank you for your ask
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I match you with Levi
Levi and you are an all or nothing relationship, the second you two start dating it's all-consuming and absolutely everything
Levi was never one for affection of any kind let alone physical but when you sat down and talked about the things that made you feel loved he made sure to try and incorporate physical affection even in the smallest forms.
After a little while into your guys relationship when you started getting a bit more comfortable you started giving him little kisses on the forehead which he loved more than anything else in the world.
Before missions he would always pull you aside into his office before hugging your for dear life while muttering sweet nothings in your ear, “I love you, you know that right? You mean the world to me, if anything happens I need you to know that.”
When you got injured on a mission, he lost all self-control, this man is a killing machine on a good day but when he thought you were gone the world deserved to burn. Every titan he came across was slaughtered in a matter of seconds.
On the other hand when he found out you were fine, he fucking broke “I thought you were dead, I-I thought I lost you.”
“Baby, you're never losing me”
PET NAMES, this man will fucking die if you call him “baby” or “honey” he loves it so much.
Levi doesn't like PDA in the slightest but if someone tries to get a little too flirty like Petra (sorry Petra) he will purposely kiss you or wrap his arm around your waist In front of them as long as your comfortable with it.
He loves your dirty jokes, even if they're not the best it'll still earn a grin maybe even a chuckle.
YOUR HAIR, he loves it so much. I can't emphasize how much he loves your hair, it's one of his favorite things about you.
He adores your laugh, the first time her heard it was after his own attempt at a dirty joke causing you to spend a solid five minutes laughing your ass off.
He thought it sounded angelic
Mood board:
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Playlist :
Love song - The Cure
This side of paradise - Coyote Theory
Hate Yourself - TV Girl
When Am I Gonna Lose You - Local Natives
Corduroy Dreams - Rex Orange County
July - Sir Chloe
Always Forever - Cults
Sanctuary - Joji
Alrighty Aphrodite - Peach pit
3005 - Childish Gambino
Love Letter :
Darling, I love you. I cant say enough , nor can I ever get tired of you saying the same. You loved me, I am loved. By you of all people, wonderful angelic you. In case I don't get a chance to tell you this, or in case I don't say it before we leave, you're my everything, all I've ever needed or wanted. I plan on marrying you , maybe not right now but soon. There's a ring in my office drawer, I almost proposed last night. I'm worried that I m moving to fast and somehow every time I get worried, you find a way to reassure me that I'm not. Just as I will always do for you. I don't know if you remember this but the first night you stayed in my room you fell asleep muttering "please don't leave me." Darling there is nothing in this world that could separate me from you. I am with you always and forever.
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x-exo · 3 years
*slides into your asks with a rose in my mouth* why hello, tis me!
Apologies for the long wait but your favorite long asks anon is here and OOF so much has happened. Let us break it down one by one lol
Monsta x our beans, welp we can officially say we are army wives for them because shownu is now at the military and just welp this feels weird lol. I lowkey forgot he was meant to enlist so when the news came out I went through so many emotions. Its why the latest comeback feels a bit bittersweet to me. It is their BEST for sure and for this year, I agree so to not see him perform right before he left is a bit sad. I don't blame him of course (if anyone does i am fish slapping you) but just a shame. I'm happy we do get content with him still? Seems pre-planned so that is nice!
Onto legends exo, fantastic comeback. I cannot stop listening to the album, its just bops full of bops to me. They broke so many records and I'm over here sipping my tea because fudge yes. It isn't a full member comeback, 2 of the members featured in the comeback are off playing call of duty and they still did THAT. While having lay properly in the comeback!? (Or at least some form, better than tempo era!) Kyungsoo my beloved, the man that can swoon you off your feet, his proper solo album. Omg I am just in love? The album feels like a Playlist that you hear while taking a walk or on a raodtrip? I love it, I just love everything about this with how much thought was given. It makes me feel warm and I'm so proud of him (I think he even got a first win) but sadly xiumin got the it shall not be named virus D: I feel so bad and I can only hope he gets better! It makes me worried because I keep seeing more and more idols getting sick and I can't help but wonder why don't the kpop entertainment just put a pause with stuff? Of course that is VERY unrealistic, I am aware that is naive for me to think but its just so idk how to word it properly (my English brain is not working I am sorry) I cannot help the feeling of while I get people are being safe and yes we need to still live like normal beings, is it worth risking idols health just for some entertainment? Idk how to explain my thoughts properly but maybe I hope I made sense!!
Onto svt! That is perfectly fine to not vibe with a comeback! I will admit, I didn't fully vibe with this comeback and it shocked me because every comeback was a hit to me. Even fear, left and right or homerun where I know many fans were split on, I liked but RTL was a grower. For me, listening to it without watching the mv, helped it alot and it is a song I like. Is it their best? No I don't think so but it is alright to say "hey I didn't bop to this, not my cup of tea" (imo I blame the mv? The mv REALLY didn't do the song justice at all, I am sorry if I sound like a fake fan but this mv Just is bad in all aspects. Sure we have some pretty shots but like it just doesn't fit at all?) So if anything listening to the song or wishing the live performances does it better. Seeing the choreography amps the song up more, cannot go wrong with their dancing. As for the rest of the songs, I admit game boy is my top favorite? Idk if it is because I am a gaming nerd and found all the production of the song so creative but yeah. We can wait for the next comeback! Svt always have something up their sleeves, plus we do have their music projects to look forward too (I wonder when we will get one? Seeing as RTL promotions stopped) some positive news with the boys is they resigned like a year before their contract ends and I'm a bit emotional :') I'm excited to see the boys future projects. We did have caratland recently! Did you watch it if I may ask? We did get in the soop confirmation so I'm excited to watch that, the boys deserve that nice break (even if it was filmed for a show fjsbsns)
Ok I think that is it for kpop updates? XD I do hope life has been treating you kindly! Life has been a bit all over the place sadly so I hope it wasn't like that for you as well! Until next time my bean!
hii!!!! omg sorry for the late reply i've been pretty busy these days 🙈
indeed so much has happened! and much more since you sent this ask omg!!
our shownu is at war *looks into the distance* *wipes away tear* *sighs* by now I got used to enlistment news (see what happens when you stan 2nd and 3rd gen groups) but STILL [[IT HURT]] when they uploaded the monchannel videos of his goodbye day like ????? what kind of twisted mind diuhdfuihdifuhs but the boys were all so cute and soft but they seemed so sad they didn't want to let go of their super leader :(( I hope he's learning lots and making new friends (and also we've got our international super spy yoo kihyun giving us small updates on him every now and then so everything's fine!). Yeah I totally get you it felt empty without him this comeback and at first it didn't really clicked with me but when the enlistment news came out i understood he had to take care of his health and thoroughly check on his eye sight in order to be 100% ready for the military so it made sense he had to be absent :( everything was so close (the comeback and enlistment) that I'm sure there was no other way for doing it I'm pretty sure he couldn't maybe postpone the enlistment day any further
onto exo! my ksoo my soft boi my romantic boi 🥺 his album is so him SO HIM i can't explain it bur it's just HIM you know it's the type of album you'd play on loop on a summer afternoon when you've taken your papers and paints outside in the garden to paint a bit with the warm soft breeze moving the trees lightly 🤧 and he signs in English and SPANISH (he did it for me) my multilingual king he's a native. Also I've been watching Honeymoon Tavern with Jongin these days and OMG i could d word for him really (if you haven's watched it go do it when you have time) he's SO SOFT and SO CUTE and he works as a waiter and a wedding planner and helps with the room preparations and is also a tour guide and he's just so cute so happy al the time the way he interacts with everyone is so 🥺🤧😭 onto more serious stuff now: yeah i was so worried about minseok catching covid omg but i'm glad he went through it with our any major complication and the rest of the boys are safe too! I guess the industry doesn't stop bc that would mean a huge loss of thousands and thousands of dollars/won/etc so as long as the gov doesn't prohibit going out or gathering like at the beginning of the pandemic, they'll keep on going with the idols' schedules otherwise the industry would just shut down having no way of earning money to sustain all the companies and idols.
as for seventeen! yeah i like the songs too! the mv sure ruined rtl and listening to it without watching it has really helped it grow on me more but still it feels kind of meh to me idk i really like anyone i think it's my favourite from the album. AND NOW WE'VE GOT A COMEBACK IN OCTOBER!!!! yayyyyy i can't wait they seem to be preparing very diligently (i hope they release a sexy bop) it's a shame junhao aren't gonna be present for this comeback but i'm soooooo happy they have the opportunity to visit their families again omg they have spent 2 whole years without seeing them in the flesh they must be so happy to get back to them again!!! it's so funny seeing them be bored at the quarantine hotel and doing lives every day duhdfiudhfiuh i hope it passes quickly and they can see their loved ones finally! and I did watch Caratland!! omg the unit switch song was the best thing ever hhu doing lilili yabbay and not being able to stop laughing idfuhdifuhs perf team doing chocolate and owning it????? hello??? performance team more like main vocal team wow! and the vocal team being a complete mess during check in lmaooo i loved it! In The Soop has finally started!!! I love these kind of "normal life" concepts I love seeing the boys being themselves cooking and relaxing I've watched the first and second eps as of today and also few clips from the third and omg mingyu and jeonghan drowning in the pond dfuhidfhidfs lmao they're so dumb i love them 🤣 i'm glad they could go away for a few days and spend time together away from their hectic schedules!
I hope you're well now and if not hang in there it'll all pass soon enough! 🥰💕 bye bye!!
p.s.: I got your request for the svt this or that gifset and i promise i’ll do it one day i just don’t feel like giffing these days dhbduusi i’m out of energy 
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jentlemahae · 3 years
i just read that thread about blackpink's fanservice and it's so funny how blinks think that the pinks saying they miss us once a year is fanservice 😭 clearly what op meant is they don't interact with us if they don't have to, they tells us they miss us but do nothing about it and it ends up looking ingenue. they never do vlives, they never post videos of them signing or just to update us, they literally never acknowledge us unless it's comeback season (for example when they won at mama they could've sent a video saying thank you or post it on instagram cause that's literally fan voted.. of course they're not obligated to but a thank you for those who spent weeks voting would've been nice).
idk, i have mixed opinions and feelings about this matter. on one hand, i don't particularly think fanservice is THAT important, they don't owe us anything, i chose to support them and i just want music. the pinks don't do fanservice and whether that's a personal choice or something their management doesn't want them to do to keep up this "exclusive" image, it's fine. but clearly this doesn't work on setting boundaries either since most of their fans are crazy people who constantly speculate about their life and are on their business 24/7. it's a lose-lose situation lol.
on the other hand, it kinda sucks that someone as a fan spends so much on them, so much time and money too because their stuff is expensive! like, you have thousands of fans saving money to buy your album and merch, then spend weeks voting for you on year-end award shows but we can't even get a thank you in return? even if it's fake, i think it's more about kindness and courtesy to your public than fanservice. because they would literally be nothing without us, the fans. but that's just me.
blinks fight for their lives everytime kpop stans point out how the pinks don't care about us and idk why. it's literally the truth. no celebrity cares about their fans like that, the pinks just don't hide their disinterest and it's evident they don't care about building a close relationship with their fans. however, i gotta give credit where credit is due. they're quite decent on fanservice when it's comeback season which is exactly what op said. and they're right!
i agree with u, also bcs i also have mixed opinions on the matter. because i get people who say that fanservice and the expectations to do it is kinda part of the package deal of being a celebrity/idol. however, i also think that at the end of the day it should be up to the celebrity themselves, and if they dont wanna do it, they dont have to. and i dont think the owe it to fans either bcs yeah its nice when they say thanks but it’s not like rosie is holding us at gun point to listen to their music fsjsjk like we are CHOOSING to do that 🤷🏻‍♀️
idk i think it all comes down to what u prefer as a fan from a celebrity - a lot of fanservice, or none of it. and if u like a lot of it, blackpink isnt the group for u lol
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allegxdly · 4 years
ult group(s) tag
tagged by ♡ @icecreamscxups​. thanks zai!! i probably spent way too long on this but it was really fun and i enjoyed it! ily <33
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ult group: seventeen / nct / clc
who was your first bias?   » svt: wonwoo   » nct: doyoung / mark   » clc: yeeun
who is your bias now?   » svt: chan (and soonyoung (& still wonwoo but shh))   » nct: none/all but jeno / renjun / dejun are the closest to the top of this spectrum   » clc: sORN but i love them all so much...
what was the first mv you watched by them?   » svt: don’t wanna cry bc someone put it in a “kpop choreos” yt vid so i checked it out heh   » nct: hmm that would be regular, i think. idk but my first wayv mv was moonwalk 🤩🤩   » clc: hobgoblin! fun fact i also rec’d this song to my sister and she really likes it and i am Proud of myself for that hehe
what’s your favourite mv?   » svt: don’t wanna cry or fallin flower but tbh all their mvs are soo pretty like,, getting closer? oh my? you can’t expect me to single out one lol   » nct: moonwalk hands down. i also kind of want to say cherry bomb just bc the choreo is yes   » clc: me has some very pretty sets and i love them a lot~ helicopter with all the fluorescent lights is also really cool tho! idk cube doesn’t try as hard with them and by now have “stopped supporting the development” of clc or some crap like that 🙄🙄 like if you look at the devil sets lmao. but i’d say me is my favourite!
if you could only listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be?   » svt: oh sdsjdhj oh no either thanks or our dawn is hotter than day or home or us, again or smile flower or- i- stop this fuckery- i refuse to choose one 😤😤 but i’ll choose them for units~! for the performance unit i choose 247, trauma for hhu, and don’t listen in secret for the vocal dudes :DD   » nct: can i at least like choose one for each unit? yeah? either no longer or simon says just because that bridge 100/10. for dream, i want to say dear dream and definitely moonwalk for wayv bc i’m a huge sucker for that song if you can’t tell. as for nct u... there’s like light bulb and the 7th sense and without you and i- i’m- i- without you   » clc: yknow, me is just such a big confidence booster. that’s my answer~ i choose me lol
who would you want to see them collab with?   » just as a general thing i don’t really pay attention to collabs a whole lot lol... i know they bring more exposure to the groups & stuff or whatever it is and it’s also good to get that variety but idrk for collabs lol
what (mv) concept do you want to see them do?   » svt: ohh i think it’d be really cool if they did something with a softer vibe yknow,, like not as cute or bright as things like adore u or oh my but just kind of... soft... lol idk   » nct: something less electronic and flashy bc they’ve just done it a lot (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing), and it’d be nice for variety! variety is the spice of life, as they say haha maybe more of a royal concept or smtg ldkfskd that doesn’t really fit their discography tho does it haha   » clc: ......just anything pls i’ll be happy with any clc mvs it’s such an uninspired answer but ‘tis the truth, my friend
have you ever had a dream with any of the members in it?   » i’m going to answer this one collectively and um tw // gun/shooting/death (?) mention okay, take care of yourselves :) anyway i had a dream ft. seventeen where we were in, like, some sort of weird complex that was something like the pool we used to practice out (before when we could still practice indoors rip) and we were shooting some other ppl for some reason? i don't really know haha but my trigger was Not working so I'm pretty sure i died but it wasn't like a scary dream or anything
if you could spend the day with one member, who would it be and what would you do?   » svt: soonyoung or chan because i feel like i’d actually be able to, you know, get on with them and not be completely embarrassed the whole time. partly bc i feel like my personally is similar to both of theirs, in some sort of way, or know i could hang out with one and the other could be his plus one like zai suggested you know??   » nct: YANGYANG bc he’s hilarious and chill & all that and he’d be... relatively okay lol he’s a funny dude and i like humour   » clc: you know this might come come as a surprise but i’d like to hang out with the girl sorn i may or may not have screamed about her before :)
which member do you think you would get on with best?   » svt: chan or vernon i don’t really have an explanation,,,   » nct: dfhsndj honestly? i think yang^2 and i would have a jolly time doing dumb shit so~   » clc: i honestly have no idea lol i’m not the best at answering these ones
which member do you think you would argue with?   » svt: let’s be real i’d love to throw hands at seungkwan and i definitely would but it’d probably be about smtg vvv petty ;)   » nct: i’d fight all of them except taeyong he’s the only one whose judgement i respect. ‘kay that’s not true i respect taeil’s judgement too and kun’s (mostly) but i’d fight any of them. hyuck would pick a fight with me. i’d voluntarily argue w doyoung / renjun / chenle tho lol   » clc: nsdlkjs i can see myself fighting eunbin.... she wouldn’t argue with me but i’d argue with her
if you had to let one member scroll through your tumblr, who would it be?   » svt: joshua bc he literally had a tumblr acct too okay also he’d be fine and i have a relatively high amount of trust in him haha   » nct: taeyong cause half of my shitposts are just me freaking out and he’d respond to that best i feel like yknow?   » clc: elkie (SHUTUP) because she’d just laugh at me a little bit and would probably say i’m cute (which isn’t true 🙄🙄) or something
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tagging ♡ @channoticedmeuwu @sweetlyjaem @moonbeamsung @neonun-au @starlightsooyoungs @leejunini @cupidluvstarrz​ @lunatens​ (luna i’m going to do your tag game now!) another tag game! um i have no idea who likes to do these so if you don’t want me to tag you, pls tell me :)) and ofc you don’t have to do it :D
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narilgc · 4 years
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𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐀 𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 . . . but i don’t regret the thing that i did !! hello all, i’ve been keeping this under wraps for the past few days but on a whim i’ve decided to bring on my second ( and last, i promise ) muse for the ride !! with that being said, it is jada here, max’s mun, but this time i’m presenting to you the wonderful im nari !! she was my initial idea before max, but i loved her too much to get rid of her !! i’m so excited for her to be here and i really hope she’s well received as well !! i’ve been slow on his acc for the past few days, and she’s the reason why, but now that i’ve gotten my life ( mostly ) together & things are running just fine again !! anyways, her profile’s here, and below you can find some general trivia on her as well as connection ideas !! oh, and like this to plot ! 
from damyang, south korea !!  a v small agricultural town & was born into humble beginnings - a seamstress for a mom, and her dad a farmer !! so she lived on a small farm when she was younger and was raised with pigs, cows, and goats as pets !
she helped around the farm her whole time she lived home, so she has a lot of life skills t & knows all about caring for animals and tending the farm !
they weren’t well off by any means - they had a small income to spread thin between all those people - but they made it work !! she never felt truly slighted as she knew their situation, in fact in her own way, she was spoiled in the best way she could be given their predicament.
raised in a household full of boys - she’s the youngest w a family of 6 loud, rowdy boys.
so in a way she’s more of a tomboy, used to roughhousing and all her sibling’s antics !! she’s also used to doing a lot of heavy lifting around the farm so has surprising strength for her size.
on the other hand, being the youngest & only daughter has upped the girliness !! she’s used to being babied so knows all about acting cute & her mom was always using her as an experiment for all her clothes !! was raised on handmade dresses her mom made in all sorts of intricate patterns & loved it !!
has been an actress in the making for a g e s !!! it all started when she was a really young kid, her mom would let her watch the tv in the tailor shop so she’d have something to do while her mom was at work !!
so there was this drama “a rolling hills romance” ( which i TOTALLY made up lmao !! ) that she absolutely loooved !! it was about a farm romance and was one of the only ones she saw that wasn’t taking place in the city !! it just got her in love with acting in general though, she’d eventually memorize scenes from all the dramas she’d watch and recite them out of the blue !!!
eventually it got her into theatre acting, which was her favorite !! she started watching broadway shows from abroad, memorizing the songs even though she didn’t always know what they were saying. but she just loooved the whole thing, and when she was in middle school she joined her school’s theatre department !
this is where the majority of her english skills came into play - she would memorize the lyrics, and though she didn’t really know what they were saying after a while she began to understand some words !! so while her pronunciation is pretty good from mimicking actors, she lacks the vocab to really use it !!
so she’s really hesitant to speak in english, because if people hear her speak they think she’s a lot more fluent than she is & it lands her in awkward situations !! so she mainly just ... doesn’t do that lol !!
i can’t believe i forgot this when i first wrote this !! this is a very vital part of her character omg !! her first “acting debut” if you could call it that was for a chocolate commercial when she was 8 !! basically she was in this christmas commercial for peppermint chocolates that got on tv and everyone in her town went crazy !! she like goes and delivers these chocolates while singing jingle bells and it’s wholesome and cute and swet !! it wasn’t that big at all lol but for their small town it was, and to them she’s a sort of small celebrity for it !! i’m sure some people might remember the commercial but notlike .... her yk ?? because that was her first and last role for a while lol !!
anyways !! she’s always been self-conscious of her looks - she felt like she wasn’t pretty enough, and limited her confidence. so at 16 she got 2 part-time jobs to begin saving up money, and at 17 she went to seoul to get a nose job & jaw reduction surgery.
and things seemed to be great after that !! she was confident, gaining more friends, but the real excitement came when her mom read online about an audition for legacy and jokingly asked if she wanted to do it. 
legacy had never even be on her radar !! she had always heard her friends talk about them for idols, but she had never thought of them as a company that accepted actresses. upon reading though, she was hooked !! she begged her parents, and they originally rejected the idea because they thought it was one of her phases. however, after much persuasion, they allowed her to attend auditions !!
she never expected to get in, she wanted to do it more as an experience than anything. but to say it was a shock was an understatement !! but she was so so incredibly happy.
had a hard time adjusting initially - she was only 17, and almost right after getting there she had to spend her birthday alone since she hadn’t made any friends yet. and although she’s naturally outgoing, it was really hard for her to be social at first because she was surrounded by so many more people than she was used to !!
for the past few years nari’s been doing general idol training, though that’s about to change !! she’s significantly improved her dance skills ( which were nearly nonexistent prior to training ) & gotten a lot better at her singing !! but her heart’s still deep into acting, and she knows that she wants to do that as well as some modeling !
she still suffers a lot with her self confidence, and there’s a lot of pressure for her to do well ! in school, because she’s the first of her family to go to university, and as a trainee, because she’s risked so much for it & doesn’t want to disappoint since her family has v high expectations for her !
a little lovebug !! she’s literally so loving and accepting of everyone - definitely, someone you can come to talk out any issues, she listens & provides support, free of any judgement !! also v keen on skinship i apologize in advance
she’s come out of her shell a lot since she got to seoul, but she’s still a little shy if she doesn’t know you well or is put in a situation w a lot of people !! pls be patient with her ^^
like max, she’s got a lot of energy in that little body !! but she actually has adhd so a lot of it isn’t really by choice. it frustrates her a lot because it limits her focus & has the tendency to make her restless. it was worse when she was younger, but has gotten better as she’s gotten older and she takes medicine to keep everything in check.
she’s also got v low self-confidence, she’s never been satisfied with herself and constantly wants to get better !! despite the surgeries, she’s still got a lot of insecurities both physically and not, but keeps them bottled up a lot bc she doesn’t want to burden others !! ( i want to shake her !! ) bc of that, she takes both criticism & compliments very seriously, she’ll turn all red if someone gives her the smallest compliment but will also overanalyze & judge herself if she gets critiqued. 
in fact her surgery’s almost made her more self-conscious, as she now feels that all the opportunities granted to her are because of her looks post-surgery. the worst insult she could get was she’s only succeeding because of her looks, because she’s worked so hard on her skills and she wants them to be what takes her forward, not something she had to pay to get.
despite that, she’s the true definition of a happy virus !! on the outside, she’s almost always smiling, and when all the other stuff doesn’t get in the way, she is on the inside too !! always trying to look on the optimistic side & give people a fresh perspective !
on that note she’s v childish, and sometimes she has to remind herself w younger trainees coming in she’s being seen as more of an example and needs to be ~serious~!!
the duality is real !! in performances, sad / angry scenes are actually her specialty, and right after she’ll just spring up and smile like what’s up guys !!! a lil creepy when she goes from sobbing to giggling so she’s learned to transition a little better lmao !!
she always wanted to be a youtuber, but never got the chance, and by the time she joined legacy she wasn’t allowed to have an account. so now she has these little vlogs she does to send her parents ! they’re mainly of her getting ready, hanging out with friends, and practicing ( all out of training hours, ofc ) so she can often be found seemingly talking to herself, even though she’s really recording videos !! 
though being an idol wasn’t her initial dream, she adores the music. her love for the kpop genre has made the last few years more bearable, and girl crush concepts are her absolute favorite !! she’s been religiously keeping up w future dreams like she’s still just a fan back at home, and you’ll catch her humming all around the company building !!
in fact, prior to joining legacy, she had a fan blog for all her faves where she would provide commentary called ri raves !! it was ... a sight !! 
she’s pansexual, and leaning towards girls !! it’s something she’s really shy about sharing bc of the fear of judgment, but if she tells you know you have all her trust !!
a little spoiled tbh !! she’s got the youngest child syndrome BAD, and since she was the only girl she’s used to things being done for her !! not in the bratty way, it’s just made her a little lazy and she loooooves attention and being doted on.
don’t let her appearance fool you though !! she’s got surprising strength ... strong woman do bong soon’s not her favorite show for no reason !!! all those years of defending herself from her brothers’ teasing had to come in handy, you know ?? we’ve got a black belt in hapkido here folks !!
definition of a theatre kid, starts bursting out into songs she loves out of nowhere omg it’s embarrassing ?? also overreacts about everything omg the world is on fire according to her !! she’s gotta faint dramatically !!!
she’s got the jeolla-do dialect, and prior to working on her standard dialect it was veeery prominent ! it makes her say a lot of words differently than someone from seoul might, and after realizing she was one of the only ones with it she’s been trying to make her speech sound more like standard korean nowadays.
she’s taken up sewing from her mom, and especially loves embroidery !! so she always loves upcycling & spicing her outfits up !!
definitely has a unique fashion sense because of it - in addition to that she’s very frugal, and favors thrifted clothing !! she’s got a mix of vintage, chic, and artsy style !
 a rule follower !! veeery unlike max, she tends to stick to the rules out of fear of what will happen if she doesn’t, because she has way too much on the line to quit now !
acting buddies ?? i know there aren’t too many, but even if that’s not your muse’s preferred career path, any muses who have a passion for theatre are welcomed as well !!
someone who unlike her, is v wild and lives on the crazier side !! she’s constantly going into a responsible panic when they’re around and they’re always trying to get her to loosen up !!
someone who co-stars in her little vlogs to her family !! hey, if you can’t be youtubers for real you might as well pretend, right ??
someone who made her adjustment to seoul easier as she transitioned from country to city life !! they’ve lived in seoul for a long time / their whole life and know all the best spots to show her !!
someone who’s clothing she likes to spice up, she’s always embroidering or adding pattern to their clothes to give their outfit a little flair !
someone who knows her past her happy side, who she’s got on speed dial whenever she’s feeling down and needs someone to talk to, and vice versa !!
someone who she came out too, be it on purpose or by accident, and it’s caused her to grow really attached to them bc it’s one of the most personal things about her !
a girl she’s got a crush on but is terrified to tell !!! like yes you’re pretty .... but these things are never easy !!! she’s gonna tell you .... eventually !!
and ofc - exes, flirtationships, summer loves, anything of the sort !
someone she lowkey fangirls over ?? she still hasn’t accepted the fact that she & the other trainees are kinda on the same level, someone she’s kind of became a fan of and can’t really function around them ??
by some crazy chance, this person has come across her old kpop fan blog at one time or another and won’t !!! let !!! her !!! live !!! it !!! down !!! will you accept her bribe and swear to never bring it up again ??? please ???
someone she doesn’t like ??? this is v rare but ... for one reason or another, she can’t stand them and transforms to a completely diff person around them !!
someone who made the mistake of teasing her a little too much or insulted her so much that she just straight-up tries to take them down !!! v unexpectedly !! bonus if it’s someone way out of her fighting capabilities !!
more ideas coming when i create an official plots page !!
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muqiing · 5 years
plants, cry baby, and eyes!! 💓
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them
i feel like i’ve answered this one before, but i would love to go stargazing with @gentleyeol - we’ve known each other for almost four (five?) years now and she lives so so so close to me but our hectic schedules make it so impossible to ever meet up :( i’d love to spend just a couple days with her bc i’m sure they would be the best days of my life
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel
ohh this is a super interesting question!
130503 one direction ‘take me home’ tour in amsterdam - this was my very first concert ever, i was THE biggest one direction fan in 2013 (who wasn’t) and i absolutely bawled my eyes out when they first appeared on stage. trust me when i say 15 year old me is still crying about this
170806 megadeth, alice cooper and marilyn manson at the lokerse feesten in lokeren - so basically in early 2017, whilst also being a kpop fan, i was hugely into metal music and completely obsessed with metallica (kirk hammett is still my baby daddy okay) and when i saw the tickets for this metal day were only 50euros i called my friend and we agreed to go together and it was a wonderful evening (THE ALICE COOPER POINTED AT ME!!!!)
171129 ‘throwback thursday in het sportpladijs’ in antwerp - this concert was basically a celebration of 20 years of ketnet, which is a dutch children’s channel my generation grew up with, they invited all the singers from the children’s shows from the 2000s and the kids from eurosong for kids and i absolutely loved every single second of it because it brought me back to my childhood
180316 ‘harry styles live on tour’ in antwerp - ok SO i went to one direction’s concert in 2013 and this was the first time after i ever saw one of them back on stage and it gave me honest to god chills, the entire concert gave me such good vibes and i experienced it with some really good friends and we both cried when harry sang medicine, all in all 10/10 experience and i would definitely go to another concert of his
180430 niall horan ‘flicker’ world tour in brussels - CAN I JUST SAY I LOVE NIALL okay this entire evening was amazing, i study in brussels so it was easy for me to get to the venue and the vibe throughout the entire concert was hands down perfect, everybody was dancing to the upbeat songs and everybody cried during the slower songs, it was a one of a kind evening and i loved every single moment :(
180701 ed sheeran and anne marie at rock werchter in werchter - ok so there were a shit ton of people there to watch ed sheeran bc it was on a festival site and on a sunday so a lot of people could come, not to mention it was well above 30 degrees celsius that day and i sweated my ass off, BUT hearing him sing live was a gift in and of itself, his voice is truly something else and i knew the words to each and every song of his and i cried so hard when he started singing i see fire because i’m a huge tolkien fan and my friends thought i was v weird. and anne marie’s vocals were on point, girlie can sing like damn. also, getting home from werchter was total shit but the concert was 100% worth it.
181013 bts ‘love yourself’ world tour in amsterdam - here we are again at the ziggo dome, five years later. hands down my favorite. concert. ever. i remember waking up at ass o’clock in the morning because of nerves (trying not to wake the other ppl in the room bc my friend & i slept in a shitty hostel) so i spent the entire morning on twitter with major butterflies in my stomach because holy fucking shit after almost five years of stanning i was FINALLY GOING TO SEE BTS LIVE, so my friend woke up at 8:30 and then we got dressed and walked around the city center of amsterdam before getting breakfast at 10:30 and then we took the tram towards the ziggo dome and we were there by 12pm, which okay we had seated tickets so totally not necessary but anyways, we cringed a lot at v cringy armys, we saw a lot of armys with these cardboards that read “looking for tickets” and it nearly made me cry, walked around the interior design mall next door bc we had to kill time, went to the media markt and played a game and won a poster and a keychain, ate lunch in a place called booven, walked around some more before joining the queue at around 5:30pm. we were SO nervous. both of us talked w the armys in front and behind us, we made some friends, and then it was time for the security to check our tickets, we were both really scared that we wouldn’t be able to get in bc we both bought our tickets through resellers but everything went fine and once our bags were checked and we were really inside the venue we just started jumping around bc holy fucking shit it was gonna happen. it was really gonna happen fuuuck what the fuck okay. put our stuff in a locker and went to find our seats, went back to the hallways again to charge our phones, said goodbye abt 30mins before the concert started to go to our respective seats (not too far from each other luckily) and saw that there were like 7 front row seats still free. texted each other, “if 10mins before the show no one’s sitting there we will”, agreed and 10mins before the show moved to the front row. counted down. seven minutes. sang the songs. five minutes. screamed. two minutes. heart beating so wild. one minute. i’m about to fall out of my fucking chair. five. shaking. four. crying. three. about to die. two. screaming. one. music comes on and lights go down, i swear my heart stopped. everybody was screaming so loud and then suddenly they appeared on stage and it’s like the entire fucking universe has aligned bc my seven angels are RIGHT THERE i’ve never cried like that before i swear. the entire concert was just filled with so much love. them speaking dutch!!! them singing. them being them. me nearly fainting. it being so fucking hot inside the venue. the thrill of sharing that moment with thousands upon thousands of other armys. i just. miss it so much.
190301 a.c.e ‘to be an a.c.e’ world tour in brussels - i didn’t really know a.c.e all that well prior to the concert, i had heard of them and knew one of their songs cactus, so i researched and listened to most of their music and i was really impressed and the concert really helped to get me into them more bc they’re all so so so cute!! when i first started listening to their songs i liked byeongkwan best (he is now my bias) and during the concert, between their songs, i think donghun was talking and byeongkwan was looking in my general direction so i shoot him a finger heart and he saw and he smiled and HE SENT ME ONE BACK!!!! bro i legit died right. there. amazing concert, 11/10 would recommend
190601 bts ‘speak yourself’ world tour in london - no words. just. absolutely speechless. second time i saw bts, second time i was reduced to a crying mess. i love them. i love army. second best night of my life ever. dionysus live was amazing. i cried. yep. take me back. please
190616 eric nam in brussels - i don’t understand why i cry this much during concerts, i just do. eric was an absolute sweetheart. v funny. i had an amazing evening and would love to go to one of his concerts again!!
190907 seongri in brussels - ok so seongri is an idol who participated in produce 101 and is an ex-member of the group rainz which has disbanded, he is an absolute sweetheart and super tiny :( during the fansign i told him he was really pretty and he looked me straight in my eyes, took my hand and told me that i was more beautiful and i blushed super hard and almost fell off the stage. it was a real fun night! he has a great voice and wants to do a sexy concept in the future
upcoming concerts dreamcatcher & up10tion in brussels on 191005 and day6 in brussels on 200122 & halsey in antwerp on 200305, i’m super super excited for all of them!!
(none of the videos are mine)
eyes: pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
@gentleyeol imagine going to korea together :(
aesthetic asks
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fmdluna · 5 years
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[bobby caldwell vc] i bet you’ve wondered where i’ve been!! hi my kings, queens, and in-betweens!! i’m so super excited to be here and present to you my kid, miss moon micha, who is also known as luna of wish!! if you don’t know me, my name is jada, and this is my second go at bringing this mess of a muse to the famed-verse!! i’m back with tons of refreshed inspiration, happiness, and love to give to you all!! so i’m super excited to establish some new connections as well as revive new ones!! i’ve missed this roleplay dearly and am happy to be back, so if you’d like to plot with me please like this and i’d be more than happy to start something up with our characters!! i’ve got discord if youd like it, but ngl i’m the worst at getting back to you. and here’s her plots, profiles, and bio if you’d like!! you know how all that goes, trivia under the cut as well!!
as a preface this whole thing will be v casual because i cba
seoul born & bred, an only child, established in 1998!!
so basically her mother comes from a pretty small town but her father’s from seoul so she started getting that coin!! 
anyways she was raised real uppity, fancy house private schools & all that. but she also lived kind of like a mixed family because her dad was borderline obsessed with western culture so he was always like speak english!! eat american food!! listen to american music!! and she would always be taken on trips to paris france usa and shit but she really didn’t care she just wanted to be at home tbh
her mom is the opposite, always urging her to know her culture & cooking her homemade food and belting all her ballads w/micha. it was a lot less forceful which is part of the reason she prefers her mom and also why she doesn’t have that much of an urge to learn english or travel to other countries & all that
anyways life went on as normal until around middle school where she discovered kpop!! this was made canon last time but i wanted to revisit it!! it sounds stupid but was v influential because it a.) made her a knight stan lol and it b.) showed her the potential of becoming an idol as a career c.) opened her up to the kpop genre!! 
you may think i’m joking but the only music she was ever exposed to was her parent’s taste so it definitely was a change for her
anyways that phase was just spent being a real cringy stan but anyways proceed
 things seem to be okay until money seems to be the only topic of her parent’s conversations - how they’ll get it, how much was lost, all that. her dad’s not making as much as he once was but is still spending like he is, her mom thinks they should downgrade in favor of affordability. the result?? messy messy divorce micha is put in the middle of. 
[tw in brackets: substance abuse & verbal abuse!! i’ll make this quick just in case people are uncomfy with strong mentions of these things!! but basically within the stress her dad found himself caught up in drugs and alcohol and it was just a mess. while he was still his normal charismatic self to others, behind closed doors he got really harsh and used really degrading speech towards them over the span of like....a year.] triggering content ends here!
so - how does this relate to micha?? this is a big reason she’s so “justice for all!! women deserve rights!! we’re powerful!!” because she saw & endured all the shit that her dad put them through and also saw how they got out of it. so now she really feels like being strong and powerful is the only way to compensate for those years that she felt weak.
but!! sad times over. anyways, after dealing with all that her mom and her decided that they’d had enough and moved to their own apartment and her mother filed for divorce. there life was a lot simpler but it was happier, because her father wasn’t in the picture. this is also why micha prefers the simplistic life and hates people who are materialistic now!!
anyways - wrapping this up because it’s 10 and i really need to post my intro lmao.
discovered her love for music!! her and her mom used to sing all the time and she loved it and was like huh maybe i should actually do this music stuff
then!! she joined dimensions for a year as a trainee, hated it, and left. thought she was done with being an idol, then got scouted by bc!! was super super excited, joined & then was a trainee for three years until her debut!!
that whole time she was mad because she felt like she was just being bounced around although she was working hard. a big big reason she’s unsatisfied with being in wish is because she thinks it wasn’t really fitting for her and they just kind of plopped her in there because they didn’t know where else to put her
but now we’re here!! she’s....very Extra. deems herself (and kind of is tbh) one of the least favorite members of wish, more in terms of the company than anything. because she’s very outspoken and speaks against issues when she sees them!!
the reason she’s like this is that she had behaved for all of training & like 2 years into wish’s career but when she realized that wasn’t getting her anywhere and her other member’s started getting opportunities and she didn’t she started acting out (because throwing tantrums makes things better!!)
she just wants a solo and it’s not happening rip
but the thing is she’s such an angel on stage and makes the money she’s supposed to for them so i mean she’s walking on thin ice but she’s not doing enough to get herself fired you know what i mean
as for her around wish, she’s a bit of a grandma?? always telling wish to hush & sit down somewhere, but also can’t be bothered to actually be their mom and take care of them lmao.
as for her public image, she’s known to be a cutesy-badass type?? because she’s real cute visually but like when her little rap parts get on the powerful woman pops out
which is fine,,, but being cute is exhausting and she’s tired and wants girl crush!!
also loves all women everywhere that’s very important
uHhh i don’t know what else to say i’ll add more later but!! she does like doing asmr videos and watching them so if you want muses to share recs!! she’s your girl!!
idk what i’m doing or what else to say but yes i’ll rant all about her in ims if you want she’s a mess ok
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euphoriecs · 5 years
gemini and taurus for when the sun falls, andromeda and ursa major for world end club, and apus and caelum for you!
!!!!!! thank u so much for the asks !!!!!!
Gemini - What inspired you to write this project?
i was rly inspired to write when the sun falls by several things !! namely the neighborhood that i live in bc im 99% sure its haunted at night, and a lot of different anime that ive been watching !! wtsf is also inspired by a couple of kpop mvs like the hyyh series + spring day by bts nd pentagon’s demo series as well as som Very Very Very vague ‘all in’ by mx inspo !!!
im personally rly drawn to imagery/themes like running, finding ur own family nd overthrowing ppl of power :D
Taurus - Tell us why you hate your project.
hMMM this is a tough question ,, mainly bc im in that honeymoon phase w wtsf,, but i think . if there’s something i’ve definitely struggled with concerning wtsf that has made me go “hoooOOOOOO i hate u” ,,, its maybe trying to create a convincing fictional town in california ,,, where i’ve never been GHJSGS not 2 mention ive never rly grown up in a small town ??? its always been a city , so im constantly worried i just wont nail that small town feeling . i think as i develop wtsf more , there’s bound 2 be things that have me struggling nd feeling like “hecc time 2 delete” but as of right now , i’m in a rly good place where i dont hate (mostly) what im developing !!!
Andromeda - Describe your main characters
wORLD END CLUB MY FIRST WIP …… on a HUGE backburner right now bc im just . TOTALLY unsatisfied w the characters which is FUNNY but !!! the mcs im keeping around are definitely the kang siblings so i’ll jus talk abt them KJHGS
so lets start w !! doyeon kang !! the oldest brother !!!! i dont remember how old i made him yeet but he’s very ,, he always tries to be a positive nd funny presence bc he hates the idea that anyone could worry for him , u know? he rly leans into the belief that he’ll be fine if he acts like he’s fine, nd is honestly more pressed to care about what happened to rena . he’s rly Aware of his surroundings bc he doesn’t want a repeat of what happened six years ago, when rena was snatched away from their street bc he was too focused on banging some bolts together . he’s also rly … Decent , w his ability to teleport . but he can b reckless w it at times which is what led to an accident that cost him his arm .
rena ,,, my sweet Babie,,, she’s very ?? quiet . nd spending 6 years as an experiment (and as one of the few successful ones in the early phases) has led her to become rly wary of ppl . but ?? that hasn’t rly stopped her drive to take down the corporation that turned her into smth else . she used to be very cheerful nd happy nd was literally sunshine personified nd she still can be like that !! but it’s a lot more muted nd kept 2 herself or ppl close to her . i think what makes her such an interesting character 2 write is that the world has been so unkind to her and her brother , but she doesn’t believe she should act the same (nd honestly, if she wanted 2 do bad things, she could !! nd it would be destructive !!) nd instead she pushes to help so no one else has to go thru what she went .
Ursa Major - What scene are you looking forward to writing?
oh my god ,,, i’ve had this kind of like ,, scene just floating around in my head . of rena nd doyeon meeting again for the first time in a Long time , nd i see it as a rly tearful ,,, we’ve both changed so much , also icb ur alive that’s wild … honestly there’s nothing rly set in stone here ,,, but its smth im looking forward to writing bc #sibs …
Apus -  What’s the hardest part about writing for you?
getting ?? things down ?? nd then being happy w it ?????? like there are so many little drabbles nd stuff where i slam the idea down nd then delete it all bc im like thats garbage u can do better . nd then i just never do it . bc if its not Perfect the first time , me, hovering over that delete: hhhheeeeeee !!!!!! which is Also why i have a huge issue w rereading what i’ve written . i hate it KJHGJS like i literally will Never ever willingly reread smth i wrote , bc then i pick it apart nd jus delete it all . 
Caelum - Do you write outlines? Why or why not?
i uSED TO NOT WRITE OUTLINES SKJHEJSHJSK nd i’d have ideas for SUPER LONG FICS … ND I’D WRITE THE FIRST CHAP ND POST IT and then bc i had no idea where i was going w said fic i’d jsut abandon it . but i write outlines now . i live nd Breathe outlines . i feel like esp for me , where i’m constantly buzzing w new ideas nd possibilities nd scenarios, its so so so helpful for me to have an outline nd to know where im going with this idea nd how i want it to end . nd my outlines are pretty flexible too, so if i wanna change smth up i can !! anyways yes i do write outlines i think theyre extremely important esp since i have one (1) brain cell and she can’t work too hard or she dies
constellation asks !!
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namuneulbo · 3 years
week two
the first full week post. sadly, this week has been quite uneventful. i cant remember fully what happened when bc all days looked quite similar. my sister and her boyfriend has been here since before christmas and theyre leaving today in the afternoon. ill miss them. i enjoy their company even though i might not say much or even hang out much. i do see myself spending more time in the living room and such though compared to what i usually do though. not to mention, their dog is the best dog ever !!!!!!! well, i do love our old family dog too even though she lives w my brother nowadays... anyways their dog is a greyhound which is one of my fav dog breeds bc i love big breeds. hes so quiet and adorable. he peed on the dining room rug, the guest room bed and ate a plastic bag clip while trying to get to the dog snacks all within this one week though. in his defense, he gets really nervous easily, especially when hes left alone. he ate the bag clip during the short period of time i spent peeing (in the bathroom, not on the dining room rug or guest room bed like some other ppl). dw though, my sister and her boyfriend called the vet and he should be just fine, they fed him some asparagus to help w it though.
ive spent a lot of time cleaning this past week. ive been cleaning literally everything. i deep cleaned my room and also rinsed my phone and computer. im currently rinsing my sims save file, well, rinsing and also finishing builds and households i havent finished. its quite the job tbh. i got some new packs recently since i got a gift card from my friend i for christmas. i got laundry day, my first pet stuff and incheon arrivals !! honestly, i like incheon arrivals the most. the clothes are so cute and useful and totally up my valley.
i seriously cant remember what ive been doing these past few days apart from cleaning. i went to my friend ls house on wednesday. she lives a few kilometres away, id guess like,,,, three? anyways, the weather was surprisingly nice to walk in. it was chilly and snowed lightly but considering i havent taken a proper walk in a WHILE, it was so nice. there are few better feelings than the feeling of a really good walk. anyways, at their house we played monopoly (the fancy kind w bank cards) twice, watched some kpop mvs and dance practices and they got her dad to buy us mcdonalds on his way home from work. over all, a really nice time. it was the third time we hung out in like a week bc we kept forgetting the posters she was supposed to give to me haha i have them now though!!!! its a bts world poster and a map of the soul: 7 poster. theyre now spending their days on the wall, right above my bed.
my mom picked me up later on bc its dark and walks in the dark are scary, especially in the area my friend lives in. i only really ever feel somewhat comfortable in crowded, central places. we stopped by the grocery store to get some stuff. we went to a bigger one that sells the cartons of latte i love so she got me two of those <3
me and the fam started watching a swedish netflix show, anxious people. i quite like it but the others seem to just think its a bit dumb (not necessarily bad, just dumb). i tend to like dumb and lighthearted stuff though haha we never got to finish it but its a mini-series so ill probably just finish it by myself or w just my mom soon.
on saturday we had this full family dinner type deal. we invited my dad and my brother and his girlfriend. my dads girlfriend wouldve came if it werent for a bday party she had to attend. my moms boyfriend was there as well as he had slept at our place. we had porridge and my sister had made some julstjärnor (i really dont think theres an english word for it bc im pretty sure its a nordic european thing, it directly translates into ‘christmas stars’). she used the apple cinnamon jam i dont like though. i only like the classic plum jam haha
we played board games two times this week. once on thursday (i think?) where we played this quiz game called vem vet mest (swedish board game based on the swedish tv show adaptation of fifteen to one) and once on saturday where we played two types of quiz games. we usually play quiz games haha on saturday my moms boyfriend played w us too. we played til late night. i read questions to my moms boyfriend and there was one about vkei which was quite fun. it just asked for the genre name and he didnt know but it was a good time for me to have my lil moment and be like “oh my god! i love this genre!! its like my fav genre!!!”.
sotw: miura ayme - aria of heaven
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jeonheejin-remade · 6 years
(1/2) i understand bbc wanting to get like as much money as possible and while i'd like for them to livestream/post videos/etc. of the events like as soon as digital copies get involved then the stuff becomes v easy to pirate/distribute to ppl who havent paid and bbc rlly needs to get their money back lmao. also the fact that like loona is a korean group so obv promoting/having events in koreas gonna be the priority. theyre already going above and beyond by subbing all loona tv eps for us
(i lied its 2/3) and also making sure all their captions/descriptions on youtube and ig are translated in english, etc. and i get that international fans are contributing a lot to loona's popularity but at the same time like we're rlly not entitled to much bc again theyre a korean group their objective is gonna be korea. like along this sort of line of thinking itd be like for p much all groups korean fans get way more access to fanmeetings/live performances than international fans
(im a liar! 3/4) but also that all being said personally i dont like the idea of having tons of exclusive content u have to pay for bc like the logic is that if ppl truly stan a group theyll make time to go to the event/shell out the money tho thats like.. just not how the world works and there are a lot of other factors that go into who can access these kind of things BUT in this capitalist shithole of a world i guess its one of the best ways for bbc to get their money back bc they spent a lot 
(4/4 for real now) but also at the same time like in a way i feel like it still doesnt quite make sense for bbc to do that rn bc like loona still isnt super well known so tbh publicly releasing all this esp the world-building/loonaverse content would be better for like attracting new fans and making loona gain popularity imo. so i guess im fine w the events happening but i wish bbc would release the videos they show. also lmao srry i didnt realize i had so many thoughts this is an essay now oops
i needed like 10 minutes to read this but i absolutely agree because this mirrors a lot of what i was thinking too... like you said it makes total sense for them to have important stuff happen in korea just like any other kpop group but at the same time with loona the stuff that happens is a little bit more monumental (everything that happens w loona is monumental tbh) because theres international fans who’ve been here since heejin and i guess having the first ot12 event and the debut concert both in an exclusive kind of space is a bit of a let down but bbc really don’t have any other choice? 
loona arent that well known as of yet but there’s already so much going on with them.. bbc were recording line & up for sure but i guess it makes sense to release the copies of it much much later so that they can get their money back i suppose?? it just feels as though a lot of people are excluded from the whole ~loonaverse~ thing which they’re so evidently trying to push (i mean did you read jaden jeongs whole interview thing that was a LOT) when a lot of the theories on twitter are based on those 144p leaked videos which have sparked a lot of interest so yeah i just dont know what they’re trying to do but i trust them and hopefully they release some of the stuff soon! (like they basically released the yyxy thing they showed at line and up busan so)
bbc did spend a lot and yes they do the Most for int fans with the subs and translations and i think thats really good of them bc it makes it a lot easier to gain int fans so i think thats great !
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riskeith · 4 years
hihi! <333
it didn’t stay for long but then it started snowing a lot again and this time it seems like it will stick.. dude crazy how different our climates are rn.. i can only imagine how warm it is rn in aus. no worries! there’s always a tomorrow after today :DDD my days has been nothing but stressing over school and exams, watching haikyuu, playing genshin and thinking about you (sry i have to flirt can’t help it 😜) wbu?
i do have her, i meant hypothetically ! also THE DILUC COMIC IS SO SPOT ON gosh that’s so funny shhdkdhdjdjdj that happened with my boy bennett he just... can’t light those torches... bouken da bouken... 3: gotta bring out amber for that task tbh.
traveller is such a op!! from what i gather people sleep on them because they’re free and there are “more” exciting characters but traveller is a five star!!! put some respect on their name 😤 to each their own, but yk. underrated baby.
YEAH PRO BENDERS!!!!!!! well.. they’re on opposite teams and something happens at an important match of theirs so they’re forced to link up to survive and well.. yeah 😌 i’ve written about 20k words and i’m not even half done with the story help... i really wanna finish it though... anyway yes i do write shdksjdksjdk at first i was too shy to bring it up but you know so much about me already might as well.. 😶 i’ve written for years but i only started posting seriously again after years of not doing it in 2020... i have a couple out actually !! shsjdjhdjdjd not a lot of klance but some bnha ! 🥺 maybe someday i’ll share... 🥺
this connects a bit with this ^ part above as well i suppose. it was incredibly freeing ! it was actually the best thing i’ve done to myself.. idk i realized that that life was just dragging me down so much... always being connected and knowing everything all the time drained me so much. then i just cut everything out and found myself??? this sounds so generic but it’s true jshsjjsisjfj if it’s something you’ve thought about i truly recommend it!!! it takes some time to get used to the silence but god when you do it’s so relaxing. it’s like... so fun hanging out with yourself. i got into so many shows and watched so much movies and stuff by myself and made my own memories and i treasure that so much. shdhdkdhkssj this got so deep..... freelance writing do be like that. you can’t force it you just gotta let it come to you. but looking at your posting list you’re super consistent and it’s always quality fics so don’t feel too bad!! here’s an outside view telling you that you’re doing super well... <333
COUPLES THAT FIGHT TOGETHER STAY TOGETHER. yea they fucking do. look at us being todobaku kinnies... dhsjdhkshsksjdhdkd LMAO. GOD SERIOUSLY AAAA??????? wait 😭😭 venti baby is coming home..... he is coming home!! 😭😭😭😭 i’ve thought about it seriously and i’d happily pay money to have him his fighting style is just soooo good... 🥺 imagine if we had xiao and venti that would be so sexy of us. manifesting it all day every day. you know i would happily give some financial support for your xiao pulls... if it comes down to it <333333 i haven’t read anything either i haven’t thought much about shipping while playing tbh shksdhksshdk maybe someday for fun tho.. also i had no idea!!!! i’m def gonna check it out, is it on their website?
if they announced a movie and it was a prequel... i’d be so upset. like... so fucking upset lmao. there are so many unresolved loose ends it would be so annoying... but truthfully i don’t think they’ll do it. voltron took to hard of a hit for them to pull a move like that lmao .
hmmmm it’s true that studio ghibli movies end too fast.. one moment you’re like... in this amazing beautiful world and the next there are end credits. haku is BESTEST boy. dragon king.... <3333 you’re going on a studio ghibli marathon??? how beautiful of you. <3
🥺 ik but i love asking.... you know that tumblr post where the dude talks about how he keeps calling his wife ‘my wife’ because it makes him happy to remember that they’re married? that’s literally me.. ANYWAY AAAAA ! a one shot multichap sounds soooooooooo good.... i’d love to read it pls i’d be so honored. it’s up to you though i’d accept Anything i too have my whole heart open..
btw i’ve never asked but always wondered: what kind of music do you listen to? <3
*bernie voice* i am once again asking for your forgiveness. i keep sending these long ass asks i rly need to chill... goodbye LMAO :*
(‘read more’ again bc my reply got long fhksjfjds)
hi bb!
oooo nice! did you get to play in the snow~ and yeah ahah it’s close to 30 degrees rn! it was pretty shit earlier in the week but it’s gonna get hotter again for a bit. does it get pretty hot in sweden in the summer? or are you guys too close to the north pole or something for that to happen
that sounds good!! (other than the horrible thing that is school...) ahah you’ve got my heart going doki doki now please 🤪💓. in all honesty it seems pretty balanced tho i do hope you’re taking breaks from study and all!! hmm today i got up super late again and then i tried to go for a walk (it was too hot so i came back) and then i was editing a fic! and now i’m gonna play genshin bc i think a new event started, then hopefully maybe finally start studying fhksjfd
ahh ! AHHAHA nooooo rip :( but omg i still can’t believe you have bennett.. like i know that i haven’t tried for this banner and maybe i would have him too if i did but 😩😩 he’s so cute!! WAIT on that topic guoba does that too i swear i have to like make so many calculations and figure out the optimal spot to place him so he won’t go breathing fire in the wrong direction XD
i 10000000% agree!!! like excuse me they can also control TWO elements???? who else could ever 😩 i watched a video about geo traveller too some time ago and that made me stop sleeping on them like damn they did some damage!
hehehe that sounds so intriguing 👀 20k!!! that’s more than i could ever omg... sending you strength!! you’ve got this 💪💪 icb you were too shy to bring it up pls im losing my mind over here 😭 but aw that’s really nice <3 maybe 2020 did some good after all.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls whenever you’re ready i’m here... or mayhaps would you be okay with just plain copying a snippet into an ask sometime i promise i won’t look it up and try find you 😩 but i wanna witness some of your magnificence !
(also scratch that genshin co-op date idea um... fic collab instead?! could you imagine 😌)
yeah ugh i totally get the being drained feeling.. it’s like it doesn’t bring you joy you know? and you’re just still there bc you’ve just always been there and it’s too late to leave. !!! that does sound really tempting.. but i think i’m a bit too attached to the people i’ve met (you being one of them hehe) to fully let go. but if in the future i just need to take a break i’ll def do it! i was hesitant about doing that last year but now that i’ve done it before surely I won’t hesitate before doing it again (tho i’ve noticed that whenever i try to leave/take a break some new thing happens or releases and i’m losing my mind and can’t go fskjfhsd)
tysm marriage anon i appreciate you sm 😭💞 but yeah it’s easy to get lost in it sometimes but then i’ll look back and see how much i’ve actually done throughout the year and it’s like?? wow i did actually do and achieve a lot? so perspective matters i guess ahah
FHKDSJFH okay but todobaku who’s who? i like writing from bakugou’s POV more which makes me think I can relate to him more (like i used to write from lance’s pov a lot! that, and just bc we both love keith a lot 🤪) but i do write from todoroki’s pov quite a bit too.. hm. 
and yes!!! honestly if venti is actually coming back i should invest in getting him too.. he can do so much !! the only issue i have is that i don’t really like bow users bc i’m shit at aiming hfkdsjfhjsd. waiting for the day we can live out our xiaoven dreams <333 FKJSHFKJSD and please don’t give me money for that fhsdkfjs!! spend it on yourself instead 😩😩 but also real talk i wasn’t gonna say this bc i’m uber paranoid that somehow someone will read it and hack into my account FKHSFKSJD but i have like... 12k primogems rn AHAHAH so i’m feeling good about getting him! ty for the offer tho but seriously, let that go to your own genshin funds first if anything fhksjfds get yourself a c6 venti. yeah honestly me not really shipping anyone is a big reason why i haven’t read anything either lolll. like the art is good and i’m fine but i’m not invested enough to read fics about it yet fdshfkjs. yup it is! in case you haven’t found it yet, here! (i saw that the prologue alone was 74 pages and yeeted out of there hfdsjf)
yeah i think dreamworks ended up kinda unhappy with it all FKJFHKDSHFS but honestly with how they ended the show i feel like in their minds all ends were tied so the only option would be for a prequel? idk. and also bc i feel like movies from shows tend to do that ahaha. or omg a spinoff with completely new characters and maybe we only get mentions or cameos of the old ones hfkdsjf
yesss i’m so excited to at least get through the most popular ones!! still haven’t started howl’s moving castle yet tho lol. can’t wait to finally understand when everyone talks about these movies 😩
no i don’t know that post?? but omg.. 💕💕 also is this an appropriate time to ask what your pronouns are/how you like to be referred to FHSDKFHSD i’ve been using non-gendered language as much as i could bc idk what you prefer! 
okay i might.. post a link to that doc in an ask sometime soon then or hm.... what if i continued working on it instead... many different options hfskjdfd
i mostly listen to kpop!! ahah in recent years i’ve really said fuck western media and fully immersed in the asian stuff.. but yeah my ults are bts but i really got into seventeen in 2020 and i love them so much... they’re all so funny btsvt collab when HFKSFJS. hbu?? 
*bernie voice* i am once again asking you to stop apologising >:( please these are genuinely the highlight of my day LOL i am always looking forward to your messages!! pls do not chill >:((((
yours, c.r. <3
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creepweirdo · 4 years
hey emily! and omg they weren’t my faves lol they never covered that track! plus i doubt they would change the lyrics. i’m glad you enjoyed the cover though. yeah idk i don’t really read genderbent fics which cuts down on the wlw stories and there aren’t enough out there 😭 idk the yuri on ice soundtrack even tho i loved it so i’ll go listen! it can remind me before the new stuff comes out. oh that’s a good idea about the donghua it might help my pandemic brain to focus.
my kpop mutual did send me some art of san lang? and pointed out he looked like my bias which i admit intrigued me into trying to read it. i like all sorts of games, on my switch, rdr2, zelda. i don’t play that much but it’s a nice break if i can’t focus on reading. ive not got far in cp2077 yet but its fun! button mashing is the only way to play. your cc💜
I FORGOT QUESTIONS wow what a terrible cc. for mdzs what sect would you be in/like to join? and what is one thing that can instantly make your day better?
hi classified cultivator!!! 
ALSO WARNING FOR MY LACK OF EMOJIS </3 im writing this on my laptop lol)
whoops sorry that i've been MIA for the last couple of days - i’ve been a slave to capitalism :(((((((((((((((
LMAO that’s so funny that they weren’t your faves!! AND OH HOW INTERESTING - i think i will HAVE to stan them for not changing the gender of the song !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how exciting was the yuri on ice news !!! ahhhhh i totally lost my mind - i didn’t even believe the news at first but if this year has told us anything its that tumblr/twitter memes are the only way to find out about world/fandom news!!!
Tumblr media
oooo reading!! Is it mostly fanfic or are you blessed with the ability to read actually books????!!!!! I would love to be able to read a real book one day hahahah O_O
LMAOOOO HAHAH NOOO ur not terrible lol - okay!!! so this is actually really hard. a sect i’d like to be a part of is the lan sect LOL. like, i am pretty lame and have always felt bad if I don’t follow the rules set out for me. and it would be so nice to be up in the nice and cool and tranquil mountains (it’s summer for me rn and im hating my life). AND i actually think the white and light blue uniform/robe/clothes colours are so cute/pretty. and i would like the set and rigid framework life would give me there (i don’t really like spontaneous change hahah it stresses me out so much)
HOWEVER i would like to think that i would leave the lan sect once becoming a senior disciple and become a rouge cultivator bc my world view would have opened up and i would have realised that i can do so much more good for the people by being a rouge cultivator. (OMG not me making up this self insert scenario LOL)
OH AHAHAH this is so lame and such an introvert thing but one thing that can instantly make my day better is when i can have time alone and can decompress!!! especially after social catch ups and work!!! i need that time to myself or else i feel like i'm gonna go insane!! basically me spending time on tumblr and laughing at stupid memes and crying at mdzs makes my day instantly better ahaha <3 it’s a necessity LMAO
hahaha thank you for your questions!!! what sect would you wanna be in/join? and yeah, that’s a cool question - what is one thing that can instantly make your day better?
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