#spending all the time i can walking in nature over the moors and forests. may even swim in the river on a good day.
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vibe for the coming spring 🧿
#going to spend this easter holiday eating lots of fruit and veg and drinking lots of water#spending all the time i can walking in nature over the moors and forests. may even swim in the river on a good day.#and spending all of the rest of my time i. the garden making art or journalling or reading#wearing natural fibres and eating healthy but hearty meals#doing a two week HARD RESET to make myself feel human again
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Beautiful to me
Pairing: Diaval x OC
Summary: Rhea is a daughter of a lumberjack living near the Moors, a forest which everybody fears. It is no wonder that she became Aurora's first best friend.
Warnings: body insecurities
A/N: As I've said, I've never seen the whole movie, but Diaval is such a sweetheart and...well, this happened. So I'm sorry that this maybe won't go as the movie does, for example, I couldn't find a clip on youtube about how Aurora first got to the Moors, so I changed it.

Pictures found on Google
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Everybody feared the Moors, because they believed that a great evil lived behind the great wall of thorns.
Only one family was brave enough to live near the place. It was a lumberjack and his wife. They have never been afraid of the strange part of the forest. Everyone deemed them crazy when they answered their curious questions with: "There is no need to be afraid. If you'll respect the forest, it'll leave you alone."
When news spread that the lumberjack's wife was with a child, people were baffled to hear that they aren't moving from their cozy little cottage near the dangerous Moors.
And after nine months, a baby girl was born. Her loving parents named her Rhea. She had black hair, like her mother and beautiful green eyes like her father.
Rhea was a curious, happy go lucky child. Taught from early age to respect those around her and do no harm until she was the one harmed, she grew into a kind young girl. Her parents treated her with love and kindness and so she didn't see a reason to ever disobey them.
One day, Rhea was walking by the edge of the forest, which grounds she knew better than the back of her hand. The 'normal' part of the forest, the one where her father worked, was surrounded by meadows full of flowers and beautiful little creatures.
She listened to birds chirping and bees buzzing as she skipped along the secret path she found for herself, her little hands gently caressing flower petals of all colours.
Rhea heard a laugh. It wasn't her laugh, but it was a child's laugh. It sounded like a little girl. Rhea looked all around her, trying to see who exactly was laughing, but couldn't see anyone. That is, until the tall grass started shaking, little giggles escaping between the rustling.
Rhea kneeled on the ground and pushed the grass aside, so she could see better.
At first, she thought she's seeing things. But at a second glance she recognized the creature she mistaked for a fairy as a young girl. But what a beautiful little girl!
She was a few years younger than Rhea, but too young to be left alone. The little girl hasn't noticed her yet, so Rhea softly called out "What are you doing here little one?"
The little girl gasped and turned to face Rhea. It took little to no time for a big grin to take over her face "Pretty girl!" she squealed.
Rhea blushed. Nobody, aside from her parents, had called her pretty. She never really felt pretty and thought that her parents told her that just because they were her parents. But there was something about this girl that looked so sincere. Maybe it was how her eyes shone brightly or her big smile.
It didn't look like the girl wanted to wait for Rhea, her attention was grabbed by something else. As she waddled away, Rhea called out to her "What's your name little one?" and ran after her.
The girl stopped to examine a catterpillar crawling on a leaf and when Rhea caught up with her, she repeated her question. "Aurora." the girl said without turning her head. Rhea thought it was a really strange name.
The rest of the afternoon Rhea spent by Aurora's side. The younger girl hopped around, fascinated by every little thing. Rhea patiently walked behind her, looking after Aurora, so she wouldn't hurt herself. She wondered why was she alone? Did her parents not care for her? How could they?? She was such a sweet little thing.
"Pretty flower!" Aurora exclaimed happily, plucking the flower from the ground and twirling it between her little fingers. This caught Rhea's attention. Everything Aurora saw she called pretty. Pretty flowers, pretty bees, pretty clouds...
Rhea felt a little sad at the thought that for Aurora 'pretty' didn't mean anything special. But she quickly chased the thought away. Why should she be sad about such a trivial thing as beauty? They were in the forest, she didn't need to be beautiful! Wait, the forest..?
Without her noticing, Aurora led her straight through the forest to the thorn wall. She looked at the big branches with even bigger thorns in awe. Strangely, she didn't go to feel it with her tiny hands.
For the first time in the whole day, Aurora turned to Rhea, pointed at the barricade and said "Pretty bush!"
Rhea couldn't help but smile. Pretty really wasn't a meaningfull word for the little girl. "It sure is magical, isn't it?" Rhea came to stand by Aurora's side.
Flapping of wings and cawing could be heard and both girls turned to look at the tree where the noise was coming from. It was just a raven.
There was something strange about the way it looked at Rhea. Almost suspiciously...
"Pretty bird!" Aurora said laughing, clapping her tiny hands. Rhea smiled at the little girl. It's just a bird, there's nothing to worry about.
Rhea grabbed Aurora's hand, gaining the girl's attention. She crouched down next to her and pointed at the raven "That's a raven. You mustn't mix ravens up with crows. They may seem similar, but they are different none the less."
The bird's eyes softened and it cawed happily. It caused Aurora to laugh in a childish glee and Rhea tried to mimick him. The raven turned its head to the side a little, amused by the girl's attempts to make the younger one laugh. So it played along, Rhea and the raven cawing at each other, just so Aurora would laugh.
After that, everywhere they went, the raven was with them. And every time Aurora set her gaze on it, she immediately called out excitedly "Pretty bird!" And so, the name stuck.
The years flew by and the girls became best friends. Some would even say they were as close as sisters.
Every day they would spend the whole day together, Rhea usually teaching Aurora about nature and in return, the younger girl invented the best adventures, while Pretty bird, who Rhea always brought treats for, watched over them.
They both grew into beautiful young women. Aurora was just as lovely as she was when she was a child, if not more. She had the beauty of a fairy and the heart of a playful bunny. Rhea matured and grew into the kindest and most generous woman far and wide from the Moors.
Rhea admired Aurora's beauty, as if she couldn't see her own. And it was true. While she thought everything around her was beautiful, she 'could never compare' as she'd say.
One day, which Rhea was going to remember in great detail long after, they stayed outside longer than usual, the sky was getting dark and night was slowly falling upon the land. But they didn't care and kept on walking by the thorn wall.
"I wonder if you can get through it somehow..." Aurora wondered, gently petting the bush, careful as to not cut herself. Rhea turned to look at the wall and just silently nodded her head.
Maleficent was, like many times before, looking after Aurora. She watched the two girls chat and wondered how much the girls have grown. If she wants to see the Moors so bad...I can grant her that wish. Maleficent thought to herself and with a quiet chuckle put a spell over the two girls that put them to sleep.
She cleared out a path for herself that went through the giant thorn bush and carefully levitated both girls behind her as she entered her kingdom.
Next, she gently laid them on the ground and hid in the shadows and crooked tree branches and undone the spell. Now I just wait until they wake up...
The spell wore off pretty quickly. The first one to sit up was Aurora, while Rhea tiredly blinked her eyes. "Rhea, do you see that?" Aurora asked in disbelief, standing up. "No." Rhea croaked tiredly "What should I see?" she slowly sat up and looked around.
"We're in the Moors!" the younger girl exclaimed happily, giggling. Aurora twirled in place, taking everything in with fascination. Rhea rubbed the sleep from her eyes and joined her best friend.
Curious eyes looked at them from behind the rocks and tree leaves. Blue heads poked out from their hiding spots and tiny blue creatures slowly and cautiously floated to the two strangers. Both girls slowly extended their palms and let the fairies touch their fingers. Before they could properly introduce themselves, the fairies looked around in panic and fright and quickly scurried off to hide again.
Aurora felt presence behind them and turned to face the shadows. Nothing but a pair of yellow eyes could be seen in the darkness. "We know you're there. Don't be scared." Rhea came to stand by her side and took her hand.
"I'm not scared." it chuckled darkly. Rhea noticed its voice was smooth, cold and rich.
"Then come out." Aurora prompted the voice again.
"Then you'll be afraid." it said again. It sounded like it was making fun of them.
"No we won't." Aurora defended them bravely, her cheecks puffing out a little.
It seemed like the voice complied. The pair of glowing yellow eyes moved from the shadows. It had the moon behind its back, so only a silhouette could be seen.
Aurora gasped softly at the sight of the big horns and Rhea stepped protectively a little in front of her.
Maleficent then stepped into the light completely. Instead of screams of fear that she expected, Rhea's breath was stolen away by the fae's broken, dark beauty and Aurora just laughed.
"I know who you are." she said with a smile "You're my fairy godmother!" Rhea was used to Aurora telling her about the shadow that looks after her. But she, as beautiful as she was, didn't look like a protector. More like a predator.
"What?" Maleficent asked, clearly thrown off by this comment. "Your shadow. It's been following me everywhere I went." Aurora's smile didn't falter.
A raven landed on a branch next to its mistress. Both girls turned their heads to look at it. "I remember you." Aurora said and with Rhea they both giggled. "Pretty bird." Rhea said and the raven turned its head to the side. "This is Diaval." Maleficent said, not even looking at him, waving her hand, after the raven bowed politely to the girls.
And suddenly, their Pretty bird was now a man. A very handsome, young man, Rhea observed. His hair and eyes dark like the night around them, black tunic, that showed off his chest, as well as black trousers and black boots. On his temples, his neck and the exposed parts of his chest were scars, from what Rhea would love to know.
Diaval went to closer to Aurora "It's nice to finally meet you." and kissed her hand gently "I knew you since you were a little one." Rhea quietly snickered to herself. What a strange thing to say.
But then he turned to her and she found herself lost in his eyes. Apart from his scars his face looked really smooth. Just like his feathers looked smooth when he was a raven. "My my, what a beauty you've grown into." he said and kissed her hand too, while looking her directly in the eyes. Rhea felt like she couldn't breathe. His skin felt so smooth where he touched her but his voice was so deliciously scruffy, she couldn't wrap her head around it all. "This must be a dream." she said quietly and Diaval grinned, still not letting go of her hand, but neither of them noticed.
"I know right?" Aurora squealed excitedly. She started ranting about how beautiful the Moors were, overwhelming Maleficent so much, that she had to put her to sleep again.
When Rhea saw her floating friend, she wondered So that's how we got here, huh... "I think that is enough for today." Maleficent stated "Diaval, take Rhea home."
A small mutter of 'yes mistress' could be heard from him and as he went to lightly bow to her he realized he was still holding Rhea's hand. He immediately let go, embarassed and showed her the way.
He insisted to take her all the way to her cottage and held her hand every time there was any obstacle in the way, small and large ones. "We're in a forest. If you want to be gentlemanly like that, you can just hold my hand and not let go." Rhea giggled, but Diaval took it seriously and, deciding it would be a good idea, grabbed her hand, making her cheeks turn pink.
Days went by and they were all spent in the Moors. Aurora played with all the fairies, often including Rhea or even Diaval. Maleficent usually stood on the sidelines and watched them. Rhea noticed the fondness in the fae's eyes and sometimes she'd catch a glimpse of the tiniest smile.
If they were not playing with Aurora, Diaval and Rhea also stood on the sidelines, chatting and finding out more things about the other every day. Aurora and even Maleficent noticed how close they became.
It was a beautiful night. The stars shone brightly, the moon was big, nowhere a cloud in sight and the temperature was just right. Perfect for stargazing.
Rhea needed time to herself. Her mind felt heavy, burdened with negative thoughts and doubts.
"Why are you frowning at the stars?" a voice above her asked. Rhea smiled a faint smile "Hello Pretty bird." "Why do you keep calling me that even when you know my name?" "Because you are a pretty bird." she shrugged. "I suppose you're right." Diaval said proudly and laid next to her, their shoulders and hands touching.
He could see something was troubling her and he wanted to help. He never liked seeing her sad. It made his heart clench. When it first happened, Rhea found a dead baby bird, fallen out of the nest. He thought he was deathly ill and came to Maleficent immediately, panicked. She just stared at him and whispered something strange "You're in love."
She left abruptly, not saying anything else. He wasn't mad. After he processed the words, he realized she probably needed time to ponder if she is going to do something about it or not. He could see how conflicted her thoughts on love were as of late.
He came to terms with it a few days ago. Those days leading to this one were spent consciously pining after her.
"Just...my parents." Rhea started slowly. But he didn't mind, he would listen to her patiently for years if it meant helping her. "They told me I should start looking for a nice man, since I'm the right age for marriage right now."
He swallowed hardly. Was she in love already? What if it wasn't him? What would he do if it wasn't him? "And what seems to be the problem?" he forced out of himself, as if he didn't even want to know the answer.
"I don't know anyone!" she cried out. It wasn't entirely true though. Her heart already picked a certain raven someone, but her insecurities blinded her so much she didn't even consider him liking her back as an option.
"I'd have to go out and impress someone and...to be honest, who in the world would be impressed by me." the last word harboured so much disgust in it, it made Diaval frown deeply.
"What do you mean?" he asked, genuinely confused. Rhea sighed sadly "Look at me. Look at everything else around us. How can I compare to the beauty that is this world? How can I impress someone when I'm just...so...ugly."
Oh no. She didn't. No, no, no, no, he wasn't going to let her talk about herself that way.
Diaval gently grasped her chin and made her look at him "Listen here Rhea and listen closely. You can't compare to anything? For me It's more like nothing can compare to you, because you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Prettier than any flower, star or even the moon itself. You are better than flying, everything about you is so otherworldly I can't put it into words."
His voice lowered to nearly a whisper "You don't have to impress or catch anyone's attention. You already have. I'm afraid, Rhea, that you've captured my heart. I don't know if I'll be a good enough suitor for you, but I will try my best...if you'll have me?" his eyes filled with hope met hers filled with tears.
She couldn't get the right words out, she just nodded her head and hugged him tightly.
And as they laid there in a tight embrace, under the starry night, she whispered to him "I wouldn't have anyone else."
#Diaval#Aurora#Maleficent#Diaval x reader#Diaval x oc#tw#insecure reader#insecure oc#body insecurity
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Escaping the City Life
Despite being born and bred in a small North Devon coastal town, just a stone's throw away from long picturesque beaches, I really enjoy the buzz of big city life when I am able to make the trip. When I am amongst it, I can understand why many people crave the fast paced lifestyle, despite probably looking like a fish out of water! The easy commuting from A to B, endless daytime and nightlife activities and so many other experiences I am more than likely not even aware of as I sit here typing away in my three bed, semi-detached home. My favourite UK cities are Cardiff and London. Cardiff in particular holds a special place in my heart as it provided four awesome university filled years and brought this beach bum out of her sandy shell. However, as much as I enjoyed all my time in the Welsh capital, I always looked forward to driving back home to the coast. Three or four days in London Town? That is enough city life to keep me happy for a while!
Unfortunately, this first blog for Country and Coastal Ltd does not involve a guest appearance from our favourite on screen duo to find you the perfect location (location, location) for a relaxing get away because founder, Louise, already has that sorted. What it will do, however, is intrigue you into contemplating an escape to the country, like that other popular daytime TV show, leaving the hustle and bustle of city life behind for a countryside staycation you never knew you needed.
A Breath of Fresh Air
Hopping from tram to tram, weaving through yellow taxi cabs and big red buses, the main things I notice when returning to the countryside after some time in my chosen big smoke is the air. Taking those first few inhales stepping off the train, you can feel the clean and crisp freshness filling your lungs and invigorating your body from head to toe. Those automatic inhales and exhales keep you feeling clean and vibrant. With a lesser need for public transport and, sometimes, your own car, particularly at the North Devon retreat, the opportunities for country air are always available to boost your mood. Nature can become your very own free, no contract, 24 hour, personal gym! Besides, we've all heard and read about the positive effects of including a small snippet of the outdoors within day to day life has on physical and mental health.
Awaken Your Senses
You can't quite beat long beach walks, undulating moor hikes, chilled out cycles, summer time surfing, or just a trip to the shops to restock your staycation essentials. Losing yourself within nature, with probable mud on your trainers or sand in your hair, depending on your destination of course, you become in tune with your senses once more. Instead of the monotonous rumbling of engines, drone of endless conversations and dazzling colours of blinking lights, your eyes will take in the shimmer of the salty sea, your ears will twitch to the sound of the breaking waves and you'll feel the gentle breeze streamlining your skin, or rain, this is the UK after all! As the rain drops trickle their way down your (hopefully) waterproof coat, the stresses and thoughts of city life will follow suit. And the best part? Not a sharp, tailor made corporate suit in sight.
Losing Track of Time
Escaping city life and immersing oneself in the calming and ever changing Mother Nature takes away any sense of time. More often than not, a simple walk from my house turns into a multiple mile jaunt, just because some days you feel like you can just keep walking, and walking, and walking. You basically become a slower version of Forest Gump, which is perfect for taking in and appreciating all the sights, smells and noises I keep going on about; I probably haven't experienced all of them, yet. How long have I been walking? Could not tell you. What is the actual time? Questionable, but judging by my stomach growling and the dimming light, I have definitely been immersed for a little too long this time!
Nature's Free Gym
There is something very rewarding when you return home from a much longer than planned walk or cycle. May be it's the fact your smart watch has clocked way over the ever alluded "ten thousand steps" mark, or may be you can feel how much of a workout your body has actually had. A couple hours deep into your walk (hang on, may be it’s three hours, because who knows at this point), you realise you have not once thought about how long you have been amongst the gift of the countryside, but also, how much energy you have been expending. And why would you? Nature's free "gym membership" doesn't include a screen displaying calories burnt, maximum heart rate, or a button to increase or decrease intensity of effort. As well as losing track of time, you lose track of literally keeping track. Plus, if the sky does happen to pour its heart out down onto you, it's a free water fountain to fill up your flask, but pouring it over your head is not necessary.
What Stress?
After all those outdoor adventures of walking, exploring, inhaling, exhaling, losing track of time and, hopefully, not getting rained on, a well earned sit down is required. Getting cosy in your seat, pouring yourself a cheeky glass of something (because you deserve it and we've lost track of keeping track), the stresses and strains of city life begin to melt into the fabric. This seat could also be a warm bath tub, or the softness of a Pilates mat as you flow from pose to pose with Louise's guidance. The calmness and serenity that comes with spending time away from city life and embracing all the countryside has to offer, will leave you feeling revitalised and rejuvenated, ready to return to normal life with a fresh mind and body. Upon that return, however, you take a little bit of Country and Coastal with you in the form of memories, calmness and a branded bath robe.
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“Like Trees Planted by Streams of Water” based on Psalm 1 and John 17:6-19
According to the Psalm, we are supposed to be like trees planted by streams of water.

We are supposed to drink in the goodness of God, be fed by God's living water, rest in God's goodness, and maintain the life of faith at all times.
I'm....I'm not sure how you hear that right now. Here in May of 2021, I fear that some eyes have rolled so far into the back of their heads that they may not make it back, and others are laughing so hard at this premise that they can't hear me yet. Those responses seem fair. Truthfully though, I worry that the majority of those listening/reading simply tuned out because it felt so absolutely irrelevant.
For me, at least, it isn't though. It is absolutely relevant. I actually needed the reminder, because I've let the busy demands of life take precedence over making sure I'm soaking in God's goodness. I've let the fears, anxieties, and pressures all around me IN, and forgot that the best way I have to deal with them is make sure that I'm “planted by streams of water” that let me have the strength to respond with love, compassion, and clarity.
I need these reminders rather a lot, because the pressures of the world to “preform” and “produce” and “matter” weigh rather heavily on me. I far too easily forget my own needs to be grounded and supported so I can offer grounding and support when it is needed most.
In the Gospel, Jesus is praying with awareness that he is about to leave his disciples, and he worries over them when he isn't there to guide them. The prayer seems meant to be overheard, meant to serve as a reminder to them that they are still cared for by God.
The best way I know to remember I am cared for by God, like the best way I know to “be like trees planted by streams of water” is to engage in “Spiritual Disciplines.” Most people of profound faith have Spiritual Discipline – whether they call it that or not. Many people struggle to find their own form of Spiritual Discipline. Those people who have a Spiritual Discipline that they practice regularly believe it to be life changing and transformational. The only issue is, if you are a person who doesn't have a practice of your own listening to those people who do – you start to feel like all your time should be spent in all their forms of Discipline.
The truth is that Spiritual Disciplines are as personal as our gifts and graces. We can't just take on someone else's way of connecting to God. Our tradition may give us forms to use, but even the forms need to be adapted to OUR relationships with God.
Sometimes in clergy circles, Spiritual Disciplines come up in an unhelpful way. This happens when every person is fully convinced that their life was better because of the way they reached to God (good), and that everyone else should try their way (not so good.)
The closest practice I know to one that “should” be universal is: bliss. That is, finding those things that bring us pure joy and spending as much time with them as we can.
Another helpful perspective on Spiritual Disciplines comes from the book “Dark Nights of the Soul” by Thomas Moore. Moore was a Roman Catholic Monk for the beginning of his life, but left the monastery when he was near 40 and now lives in NH with his wife and children. He has a whole bunch of degrees and functions as a psychologist. In this book he proposes that the darkness of life is an important part of life -even when it looks like depression. He has a model for respecting meaninglessness and accepting that God may be transforming people as if in a cocoon when they are drawn away from normal life. I'm finding it to be most helpful in preparing me for conversations with people (including myself) in struggle.
At one point in the book, Moore talks about catharsis, as a letting go of the crowdedness within so that the soul can sort through to what is important. I was startled as I read, because I finally understood that the Goal is NOT to take on all spiritual disciplines and become the perfectly disciplined spiritual person. Rather, the point is to use the tradition and our own creative energy to connect with God in exactly those ways that are life-giving.
This is a terribly obvious point. Hopefully you already knew it. But I probably would have claimed that I did too, at least until I felt freed by reading this. Here is an extended quote from his conversation on catharsis:
“My favorite kinds of contemplation include playing the piano, walking in a forest, sitting quietly in a church or house of worship, and even window shopping. I understand that the highest forms of mediation are pure and still and aim at an awareness free of distraction. But I also value the spirituality to be found in the concrete, every day world. Walking through a store, my attention is caught by beautiful things, and I can easily fall into deep reverie just looking at them. I find this a good way to be spiritual without criticizing ordinary life or the physical world. ...
The general aim of catharsis is creative tranquility, an condition in which you are free from the pressing practical concerns to consider the bigger questions. The actual practice of contemplation may vary from one person to another, but some physical quieting helps start the process. Nature can help by providing an environment that stills a hyperactive mind. ....
Other spiritual practices may also clear out a crowded life. Religions teach fasting, retreat, vegetarianism, a spirit of poverty, neatness, cleanliness, moderation, and solitude – these familiar practices can be part of the busiest person's life and give that life a spiritual dimension. In this sense, making your bed every morning can be a spiritual practice. This natural spirituality I am describing deepens the place from which you live and allows you to open your heart both to receive more from life and to give to others.” (Thomas Moore, “Dark Nights of the Soul” pages 52-54)
I want all of you to have ways of connecting to the Divine – which is also to say ways of making good decisions for your well-being and the well-being of those around you. I want you to know how to sort through to what is truly important and what is just superficial. I want your lives to be meaningful and your prayers to bring you inner strength.
I don't care how you do that. But I care that you do.
Hopefully some of the ideas that Moore talked about may work for you, or some of the prayer practiced we've talked about in the past, or just things you've found along the way – by yourself or from someone who knew the Divine well. If not, I'm happy to talk it over more one on one.
This is a difficult time, in the world, in the church, and even in our own church. Stressors, anxieties, and fears abound. It can be difficult to hold on to our core self as the struggles press in on us. With God, though, we can increase our capacities. We can be like trees planted by streams of water – strong yet flexible, healthy, responsive, and able to withstand what comes at us.
We can't control the world, other people, or even our own bodies. We can, however, connect with the Divine and regain the capacity to respond well to whatever comes at us. May we make the time for God, to receive hope, rest, and renewal.
#First UMC Schenectady#Schenectady#Sorry about the UMC world#umc#Rev Sara E Baron#Season of Easter#psalm 100:4#Prayer Practices#thomas merton#Prayer#Grounded in God#Streams matter more in desert climates#Stress
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Could we get more headcanons on the clans from you? Like if each one has their own tradition, myths, apprentice tests, or anything else?
Hmmm. I’ll try and dump some, lol - my headcanons fluctuate and change but I really do like the Clan focus headcanons I came up with yesterday so here’s some stuff to go along with that. Not every Clan has an equal amount of headcanons since… there’s five of them, lol; it’s hard at times to come up with distinct stuff.
This is very long! I am sorry!
They chart the stars! WindClan cats have named constellations and have their own personal “zodiac”, believing cats born under certain stars will behave as those stars command.
WindClan boasts a great number of significant ancient cats - Moth Wing, Gray Wing, Windstar, etc - so they take great pride in their faith and history! They see the moor as the birthplace of the Clans, and WindClan as the first real Clan (SkyClan disagrees, lol). To them, Gray Wing was the first cat to walk Silverpelt, and may be Silverpelt itself.
WindClan cats are the closest to the Tribe in their traditions - they carry over the casting of stones and the sharing of prey, along with always having a sharp-eyed Clanmate in a patrol to keep an eye out for hawks.
They value sight! A cat’s ability to see great distances is key in WindClan, and its part of a cat’s warrior assessment to pick out and describe objects that are far away (shown in Tallstar’s Revenge).
WindClan cats sleep under the stars in all but the worst weather - their camp is very small and open. It’s said that Shattered Ice, the first tunneler, connected all the tunnels underneath WindClan’s camp in order to keep cats warm in leaf-bare - all that remains now are the very beginnings of those tunnels, which serve as the WindClan cats’ dens.
Though tunneling is outlawed, some young WindClan cats, full of elder’s stories, sometimes venture into the old tunnels, claiming to hear a voice calling to them. Sometimes they are never heard from again. This still occurs by the lake, and Jayfeather of ThunderClan suspects that it is Rock, calling for young cats to prove themselves.
I base WindClan cats off of long-legged, lean breeds - most notably Oriental Shorthairs. They have an “otherworldly” beauty to them.
It’s said that drowning under ice traps a spirit under the water for eternity. Queens tell kits not to wander near the river before they’re too old to swim or else one of these water-lost cats will drag them under. It’s likely just a cautionary story, but who knows?
RiverClan cats know the most about herb-lore and caring for plants. Living so close to the river makes it easy for RiverClan medicine cats to grow their own gardens, and plants grow lush in their soil. RiverClan medicine cats brought the idea of gardens to other Clans, but the method only really worked well in ThunderClan, whose soil conditions were similar to RiverClan’s.
RiverClan cats collect stones and shells and things that wash up from the river. They decorate their nests, but most importantly, RiverClan cats give these items as gifts to good friends or mates in order to help seal their bond.
RiverClan carries over the casting of stones from the Tribe, though its only used in dire straits. RiverClan has only one set of casting stones, said to have been chosen by Gray Wing and Riverstar themselves.
RiverClan cats, valuing knowledge, are always quite curious. It tends to get them into trouble - more RiverClan cats tends to get carried away by Twolegs than even ThunderClanners; but who’s to say they hadn’t wanted to go, just to see what it was like?
RiverClan apprentices usually compete in swimming competitions in newleaf and greenleaf, and the winner always gets the fattest fish on the fresh-kill pile.
Being overweight in RiverClan is not seen as a bad thing, especially in winter, when the cats don’t swim for fear of catching cold (and drowning). RiverClan cats tend to huddle around the fattest of their number in order to keep warm in the leaf-bare, and they pack their dens with snow in order to trap heat even further.
RiverClan cats are large and thick, mainly Maine Coons but there are Ragdolls and Ragamuffins in there as well. They are considered the most attractive of all the Clan cats.
ShadowClan cats love to pick fights, especially young ones. They’ll often argue over borders for only the pure pleasure of the argument, much to the annoyance of the other Clans. An antsy ShadowClan cat is very easy to whip into a fighting frenzy. ShadowClan apprentices do not become warriors until they can fend off two warriors at once.
Scars are hugely honored in ShadowClan! Cats with the most scars have seen the most fights, and survived to fight on. An apprentice with a very scarred mentor is almost always looked at to be the best fighter in that generation of apprentices.
ShadowClan cats don’t have webbed paws, but they do have the widest paws of all the Clan cats - which makes it easy not to sink in their boggy territory.
Cats often fight one another over the last scraps of prey - the only exceptions are the elders, queens, kits, and medicine cats. To the winner goes the spoils! It’s not uncommon to see even the best of friends quarrel over prey, only to share it when all’s said and done.
Mates will often battle one another to keep themselves sharp. It’s a romantic sort of thing that none of the other Clans understand at all. Sometimes courtship even involves the two potential mates fighting one another - it’s always in good fun, and many ShadowClan cats know exactly which scars came from their mates.
ShadowClan cats are often considered the “ugliest” of the Clan cats, especially by WindClan and ThunderClan. Their long, protruding fangs don’t help. They are also the most isolated Clan besides SkyClan, sharing no borders with any other Clan. Their humor is crass and mean where other Clans are concerned, and their attitudes hardly endear them to others, meaning that not many other Clans have ShadowClan blood.
ShadowClan’s very nature makes it susceptible to rebellion. ShadowClan leaders have to be strong-willed in order to control their boisterous Clanmates.
WindClan legends state that Shadowstar was a brutish fighter like all other ShadowClan cats - that she was banished beyond the Thunderpath to keep the other Clans safe from ShadowClan’s brutal nature. ShadowClan cats, however, believe that Shadowstar just thought the other Clans were nosy and annoying.
Like SkyClan and RiverClan, ShadowClan does occasionally pick up outsiders from Twolegplace to bolster their ranks.
ShadowClan cats invented pawspeak - mostly as a means to silently plan ambushes or their night-hunting, but it has evolved into an aid for deaf cats of all Clans.
ShadowClan medicine cats are trained as warriors alongside their medicine cat training. They’re not trained as extensively as a warrior would be, but they keep their skills sharp.
ShadowClan cats are short, with wide paws and faces, and nearly all boast flattened muzzles - I base them off of British Shorthairs and Persian-style cats.
ThunderClan apprentices don’t earn their warrior names until they prove their hunting prowess. Some notable cats back in the day earned their warrior names by hunting the adders at Snakerocks, a practice which was stopped by an old leader, as it lead to many kittens losing their lives.
ThunderClan cats value warrior blood - it was extremely taboo to take mates from outside the Clans. Cats with parents from two Clans at least had two Clanborn parents! This idea slowly faded with time, and Firestar helped eliminate it completely.
Often, when two cats go hunting alone together, it’s assumed they’re courting, or very good friends. It’s not uncommon to be teased for only asking one warrior to come hunting!
RiverClan might have the knowledge and the fertile soil, but ThunderClan boasts the widest variety of herbs on their land.
ThunderClan cats have the deepest respect for their elders, and the stories that they tell. ThunderClan elders often come up with epic Aesop stories to keep the apprentices in line! They’re one of the few Clans that speak of the Dark Forest.
ThunderClan often has the largest population of all the Clans - this is often tested in leaf-bare, however. ThunderClan always has cases of greencough that thins their numbers.
ThunderClan cats are various short-haired breeds, but Maine Coons can sneak their way in. They are considered conventionally attractive.
ThunderClan, for some reason, is proving really hard to create headcanons for? Maybe it’s because they’re so oversaturated and fleshed out in the main series, idk.
SkyClan (old and modern)
Thanks to SkyClan’s isolation in both eras, their humor is nearly indecipherable. Think boomers trying to understand millennial or gen-z humor. The other Clans have given up at this point.
Old SkyClan kept to themselves, thus a lot of their traditions were unknown - however, other Clans often reported seeing lone apprentices wandering the woods, looking hungry and tired. They’d be seen again with their warrior names at the next Gathering. SkyClan apprentices would often spend days out alone in the forest - no warrior or other member of SkyClan were allowed to interact with them.
Though ShadowClan loved battles, no Clan was more fierce in defending their borders than SkyClan - SkyClan borders were almost always fully closed to the other Clans, unless medicine cats got involved. It made SkyClan seem selfish and a nightmare to deal with, so most Clans didn’t bother asking for favors. This lead to the lack of favor that put SkyClan out of their territory when the Twolegs came.
Modern SkyClan is not so isolated - but they do have a hard time adjusting to so many cats.
Modern SkyClan’s warrior assessment is nowhere near as harsh as the old SkyClan’s - their apprentices only spend a full day and night out alone in the forest, and all apprentices of their generation can work together if they choose.
Modern SkyClan celebrates family - newborn kits are always worthy of a celebrations and feasting. Modern SkyClan leaders never fail to greet new kits.
Loners, rogues, and kittypets who join SkyClan nowadays are assigned “kin” to help them in their transitional period. These “kin” act like littermates or even parents, and ensure the new cats are acclimated. More often than not these “kin” become just as good as blood kin to these new cats.
Modern SkyClan families remain constantly close. Alongside warriors and apprentice’s dens, SkyClan has family dens - dens that families create with one another and live in. It’s not uncommon for apprentices to stay in a family den with their parents until they become warriors.
Old SkyClan’s isolation made the prone to inbreeding - to combat this, SkyClan cats would recruit kittypets, loners, or rogues from Twolegplace into their Clan. This practice made SkyClan even more alien to the other Clans and widened the gulf between them.
Both old and modern SkyClan cats cast stones to make important decisions, like whether or not to ask for help from other Clans or find the Clans by the lake.
Like ShadowClan, SkyClan medicine cats were often trained as warriors as well, in order to help better heal and defend their Clan. It was one of the few things SkyClan had in common with ShadowClan.
SkyClan cats have the distinctive trait of back legs that are longer than their front legs. This trait has lessened over time, but some modern SkyClan cats do boast slightly longer back legs. They are often always short-haired breeds. There were hardly long-haired SkyClan cats, but now they’re starting to crop up.
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Setting Up Your Astral Garden/Office
Last year in my Hedge Riding Series, I mentioned that I often visit my Garden in the Otherworld. In fact, I do much of my work within my Garden. I failed in that series, however, to explain exactly what that is or how to create your own. I wish to remedy that today and seeing from the survey many of you want more hedge riding posts, so I am killing two birds with one stone! You may notice that I am tagging this post as part of the series as well, which will make it easier for people to find it.
What is Your Astral Garden/Office
Like a physical office, your astral office or garden is a place from which you can work in the Otherworld. These two sacred spaces work in tandem with one another, allowing you to safely and efficiently conduct spirit work. Different witches refer to the sacred space within the Otherworld differently. For example, Poppy Palin refers to it as an astral office, Katie Weatherup a sacred garden, and Devin Hunter a White Room. Personally, I just call mine my Garden because that is really what it is. Whatever you call it, your sacred workspace within the Otherworld likely already exists in some fashion within the deep recesses of your mind; you just have to activate it to travel there and work out the details. I agree with Palin in that referring to it as an office, we recognize this space as important and work related. However, unlike a real office, this place is a sanctuary, free of harsh lights, buzzing computers, and weird smells. Your sacred workspace should be a place of safety as well as a place that is stimulating and calm.
Each person's workspace will be different and will likely be a mix of reality and fantasy. I love how Palin refers to it as Alice in Wonderland meets National Geographic. This is by far one of the best explanations as to what your workspace will end up looking like in the end. When you set up your workspace you will use both fantasy and natural realism. You could have rivers of gold, talking trees, singing meadows, large crystal caverns, faerie rings, endless moors, or something less fantastic, like a simple lake with a tree stump beside it. The last example is exactly what my Garden looks like. It is a temperature deciduous forest, like those found here in Georgia and Michigan where I was born, with a cool, clear lake in the middle. Beside the lake is an old tree stump where I spend most of my time sitting and talking with my guides. Around the outside of my garden is a wrought iron fence. Normally it is advised to not have concrete or steel trappings of modern society within your garden, but this is the boundary that spoke to me as the protector of my sacred space. Furthermore, most creatures don't like iron, meaning anything that wishes to hurt me can't pass through the gates. Some people say there should be nothing that is modern manmade inside of your garden, as it brings pollution and destruction into the Otherworld. Others say go for it if it helps you work. I strongly encourage you to do what works best for you, whether it be a garden or an actual office space. You may find, however, that it is naturally natural. That doesn't mean that there won't be buildings in your workspace, but they may not look like the buildings we are accustomed to today.
How to Set Up Your Astral Garden/Office
To begin setting up your sacred space within the Otherworld, begin jotting down or making a mental note of what you would like your space to be like. I knew mine would be a forest right from the get-go and that's really all I started with. I did not elaborately plan my Garden, but you are more than welcome to. Spend time making notes and even sketching some drawings if you like. Whatever helps you make a mental note of what would be the perfect space for your spiritual practice within the Otherworld.
After you have a plan, you will need to journey there. Begin by setting your purpose for your journey. This can be as simple as stating, "I will journey to my sacred space within the Otherworld." If you want, add in that you will meet your guides there. Setting the correct purpose and traveling with intent will guarantee you travel to the correct destination. For more on this and hedge riding, please refer to my post How to Hedge Ride.
Once you have successfully arrived in the Otherworld, you may notice that some things are missing or that the space is completely blank, even with all of your elaborate planning. Each person starts building their astral space differently, so don't be upset if there is nothing or only a partially complete space. Mine has grown over time and continues to change as I grow. If the space is completely formed, which is rare, spend time exploring it and getting to know it. Otherwise, you will need to begin making your dream a reality. Begin walking the space, even if there is nothing there and imagine what you have designed coming to life before you. You may do this by waving your hands or calling forth what you want. My personal experience was less formal. I remember seeing the wrought iron gate and a dense forest, but beyond that was nothing. As I walked through the gate and into the forest, the world began to develop on its own exactly how I wanted it to be. The deeper I walked more details appeared. I didn't expect a lake at the center, but there it was, perfectly round with a beautiful moss-covered stump on its shore. It was perfect.
I encourage you to spend no more than 20 minutes at a time setting up your office or garden or whatever you want to call it. It will take a lot of energy out of you, so be wary of spending too much time there when you are designing. Also, bring your guides along with you! They will love to help you design your space. Meka galloped around, flowers growing in her wake. She was so happy to help me create a home. I'm sure your guides will want to do some designing too, especially because they will be spending a lot of time there as well. And that's it!
Honestly, this is one of the easiest things to do regarding hedge riding and a heck of a lot of fun! I would absolutely LOVE to hear about your gardens and offices or whatevers in the comments below. I always love hearing about other people's experiences in the Otherworld, so please leave a comment, send an email, or leave me a message on social media.
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I’m one of those people who keeps a bucket list. It changes, grows and adapts as I get older, as I cross some things out and yes, as I outgrow some. But there’s always a few “someday I want to…” things that I never seem to get around to doing. And this year, I decided to stop waiting for someday and just did one of them. I was going to hike, or rather walk, the West Highland Way (WHW), solo. Or at least about half of it.
A couple of things happened to force the “you only live once” epiphany on me and one was a random article I read online at lunch about hiking solo in Scotland. It lead me to a bit of research and reading, and by the end of the day, I had decided not to wait any longer on finding someone who wanted to walk it with me. You see, one of the major things that was holding me back from doing the West Highland Way – pretty much the only thing – was I didn’t have anyone to walk it with me.
And walking the West Highland Way was on my bucket list. The West Highland Way, a 154 km (96 mile) trail from Milngavie (a suburb of Glasgow) to Fort William is one of the most popular and iconic hikes/walks in Scotland. Most people complete it in 5-8 days, but others do it in sections or only a part of it as I did. You’ll pass beautiful natural scenery including Loch Lomond, Rannoch Moor, Glencoe, Devil’s Staircase, and Ben Nevis. While you can wild camp (or camp at many of the accommodations along the way), if you want to stay at a hostel, B&B or hotel, book in advance (depending on the time of year, you may need to book months in advance) as it’s quite a popular route, especially from May to September. I booked mine in late February (for early May) and many places were already full.
So how did I prepare?
Two ways. First, as I knew I’d be walking 15-25 km each day, I wanted to up my walking game. I regularly walk 5-10 most days so I wasn’t overly worried but it was a long, icy winter here in Toronto so I hadn’t been walking as much as normal. Once the spring thaw got rid of most of the snow and ice, I used my old marathon training plan to increase my walking distance gradually over about 8 weeks. I also used it as an excuse to explore Toronto’s trails more and found a couple of new favourites (we do have some great outdoor spaces for a major city). But as someone who loves walking and who walks everywhere, I wasn’t overly worried about the distances, especially after getting in some trail time here.
The other way I got ready was to read and research. I’m a big believer in researching my travels, especially when going solo as I often do, and as this would be my first long distance solo hike/walk, I wanted to be prepared. I bought Walking The West Highland Way by Terry Marsh, read dozens of blog posts, visited different tour websites and of course, read everything on the official West Highland Way website.
This allowed me to understand where I wanted to start (Tyndrum), where I’d be walking each day and where I should stop each night. The research also let me know that I needed to book my accommodation in advance and gave some great recommendations on where to stay. I booked everything about two months in advance (late February/early March for early May) and while I ended up with my first choice in three of the five places, I had to go with my second choice in the other two stops (still great hostels though).
It also helped me refine my normal travel packing list (I have one I simply adjust based on the destination and time of year) to include the needs of a multi-day walk/hike. You can see what I packed here.
How was the West Highland Way?
Amazing! I am so very glad that I went. I’m also very glad that I went solo. Sure, I would have loved to have gone with friends, in which case I would have done the entire walk not just basically the latter half, but doing it solo gave me such a sense of accomplishment and allowed me to connect with the environment around me in a way I wouldn’t have been able to if I had others with me. I enjoy spending time alone and I enjoy traveling alone so there was no issue with loneliness. Walking it solo meant I could walk at my own pace, stop where I wanted (I took so many photos), and enjoy the solitude.
For those worried about safety, I was never truly alone and Scotland is safe for women traveling alone (just take the same precautions you would at home). Walking the West Highland Way in May meant there were lots of others walking it as well. While there were times, especially when I was on Rannoch Moor, that I couldn’t see another person, I knew that all I had to do was wait for 5 minutes, 10 tops, and another walker would appear. And most of the time, there were others in sight, if not right around me. I met some lovely fellow walkers, both on the trail and at the hostels I stayed at. One day, a group of walkers and I played leap frog (unintentionally) and we ended up meeting again at the Kingshouse Hotel.
The West Highland Way is also well marked and the trail is easy to follow. That being said, you should still have a map (and know how to read it), as well as a basic first aid kit, just in case. Tell others where you’ll be, where you’re staying, check in – the same things you’d do traveling solo anywhere.
Keep reading for a day by day accounting of my fabulous time walking the West Highland Way…
May 6 – Travel day to Tyndrum
I hopped on a train from Glasgow to Tydrum and it was a beautiful ride. The stop before mine, the train split in two trains, with one half heading to Oban and the other to Mallaig. Because of an out-of-order washroom, they had the people from the front two cars switch with those in the back two. One of the train staff told me I could stay where I was (I was in one of the cars switching) which meant I ended up at Tyndrum Upper rather than Lower, but that just meant I walked about 1/2 km further so no big deal. Plus, the view of the valley made up for it. I checked into my hobbit house (so cute but it would be tight with more than two people, great for one person) and went into the village to get some food – fish & chips (yummy) for dinner, a sandwich for tomorrow’s lunch and a small bottle of whisky so I can have a dram each night. Off to bed early so I’m rested for my first day of walking. Okay, that didn’t work as the temp plummeted and there was a bit of a storm overnight but thankfully there was heating as it was needed.
May 7 (day 1) – Tyndrum to Bridge of Orchy
(6 ½ miles/10.5 km)
A simple, fairly easy hike, that even with my many, many stops for photos took under 3 hours. It was a beautiful start to my West Highland Way experience, especially with the new snow on the tops of the mountains from last night, if a bit wet for the first hour. Mostly flat, with gorgeous views. The snow from the storm the night before was lovely, and a reminder that the weather in Scotland is all over the place as I was in a t-shirt the day before.
I stayed at the West Highland Sleeper, a small hostel on the Bridge of Orchy train station (the station is still a stop but isn’t manned anymore so someone converted the building into a 10 bed hostel). After checking in and grabbing my bag, I had a lovely risotto at the Bridge of Orchy Hotel (just down the street) for dinner with another girl staying in the hostel before getting an early night’s sleep.
May 8 – Bridge of Orchy to Kingshouse
(12 miles/19.5 km) – my phone said I walked 20 km
I got an early start, well, early for me, as everyone in the hostel, all 10 of us, left early. I started out with five others but three quickly outpaced me and two fell behind. The view at the top of the hilltop outside Bridge of Orchy of Loch Tulla was amazing (northern hillside of Ben Inverveigh). After a brief pitstop at Inveronan Hotel, I continued on past a mossy forest (it looked creepy, like it would be a good place to film a horror film but it was all fenced off) up to Rannoch Moor.
Luckily the weather was mostly good, just a bit windy (okay, it was pretty much always windy), the sun even came out! Briefly but I have photos. Rannoch Moor is haunting. Beautiful but haunting. My only bitch were the large stones/rocks on the path (which turned out to be my only problem with the WHW) – they varied in size from gravel (fine to walk on) to the size of my fist to almost the size of my head. Which meant not only did you have to pay attention to your feet but it did make for slightly sore feet and very un-even walking. But if that’s the worst, I can’t really complain. I played leap frog with a group walking together pretty much all the way across Rannoch Moor which was cute – I’d pass them when they took a break, they’d pass me when I took a break…
I arrived at the Kingshouse Hotel a little before 2:00 pm (I made good time across the Moor, even with my breaks) so I ordered a pot of tea, which was becoming my ritual each day, to enjoy while I killed time until check-in at 3:00 pm. It’s a super friendly and helpful place, the front desk staff person actually walked me to the luggage room. Other than not being able to access wifi in the Kingshouse bunkhouse, I’d totally recommend it. Actually, I’d totally recommend the place anyways.
After checking in and showering, I went and had an early dinner (5:00 pm, almost unheard of for me) of a delicious venison pie (flaky crust, meat filled, one of my best meals of the trip) and a pint before heading back to the bunkhouse to chill. It was going to be an early night. On the way back to the bunkhouse, I saw the resident buck which was a bit disconcerting given what I just ate for dinner.
May 9 – Kingshouse to Kinlochleven
8 ¾ miles/14 km (my phone said I walked 15 km)
I started the day about 8:30 am and it was a lovely, sunny morning. Still a bit chilly from the wind but I was coming to expect that. It was an up & down day that started with a small climb and descent before a short trek alongside the road for a bit. Then the real climb started, which meant more breaks to catch my breath as I’m not really used to ascents. But the views! The views more than made up for it – absolutely stunning! In every direction, mountains, hills, valleys, lakes… just gorgeous. A bit of up and down as the WHW followed along the side (most of the way up but not along the ridge) of a hillside for quite a way before a rather steep descent into Kinlochleven. The descent was a bit hard on the knees and required attention as the road was rocks, not gravel. Overall, once I was down though, I felt fine.
I was glad to have a private, if pricy (it would have been a normal price if split three ways as there were three beds but one of the only downsides of traveling solo is there’s no one to split the costs with), room for the night at Blackwater Hostel, as tomorrow was my long day. Good place to stay though. After checking in, I headed into the village to explore, eat (mac & cheese and the obligatory pot of tea) and grab some food supplies at the store (fruit, milk, chocolate, and juice). The pub had a lovely view of the river so I chilled there for a while drinking my pot of tea.
May 10 – Kinlochleven to Fort William
16 miles/24 km – my phone said I walked 24.7 km
Warning: girl problems mentioned in this segment…
Wow! 24.7 km. Other than my two marathons, that’s a record for me. The weather was a bit challenging at the end – there was even hail for about a minute and rain for about 4 km (45 minutes to an hour) – but the real challenge was it was unexpectedly the first day of my period (3 days early, wtf) which meant I was crampy and the Advil wore off about halfway in the 7 hour hike. Otherwise, it was good. Well, except for the last 3-4 km when my feet were screaming at me (pavement after a long hike isn’t your friend). But no blisters! So glad I splurged on good Merino wool blend hiking socks.
Okay, let’s backtrack. The day started off lovely, sunny and warm, with a short if steep climb out of Kinlochleven to lovely views of the town/village and Loch Leven. A bit more of a climb and then I entered the “lost valley” (sorry, that’s how I thought of it after reading the descriptions) came into view. Absolutely stunning! Some of my favourite photos of my trip are from this segment. And it was sunny at the start but the rains were coming by the end (although I didn’t actually get hit by rain until later). Despite the now hated rocks in the path, it was a gorgeous walk. The weather started to turn as I entered Nevis forest but only briefly as there was more sun – it was one of those days when at different times I was in a t-shirt; a t-shirt and fleece; a t-shirt and rain jacket; and a t-shirt, fleece and rain jacket… in no particular order. I think I would have lingered more if I wasn’t in a race to a toilet at the end (knowing the walk would take about 7 hours and it would be close). Sure, I was prepared (if necessary) but I really, really didn’t want to change my tampon in the wild as it’s not like Canadian wilderness, there weren’t a lot of trees to duck behind to grab a chance for privacy.
As Ben Nevis came into view (briefly because of the weather) what would have been a lovely walk along a ridge (the views) if not for the weather that had been threatening for the past hour, finally arriving. First by obscuring Ben Nevis, and then with hail. Hail! Luckily it didn’t last long and I was wearing a baseball hat. The hail turned into rain for the next 40 minutes or so of walking in pretty hard, although not pouring, rain. My hiking shoes held up beautifully.
But it meant I didn’t go off the trail to the fort as I was planning – well, because of both the rain and the need for a bathroom sooner rather than later.
As the WHW merged with a logging road, the rain slowly let up and by the bottom, the sun had come out again (and I was back to a t-shirt). The descent was much more gradual than the one into Kinlochleven, and the road smoother, which both my feet and knees appreciated. And once I hit the road, there was public bathrooms at the Ben Nevis Visitor’s Center which meant I could stop stressing about washrooms. So for the last portion of the WHW, on pavement, the only issue was the increasing soreness in my feet (which went away after a couple of hours of rest).
I cheated a bit as I stopped at my hostel (Fort William Backpackers, a friendly hostel), checked in and showered before hitting the “new” end of the WHW before dinner. I’d already passed the original end though. Dinner was a fish & chips and a pint of beer, appropriately called “West Highland Way”.
Final Thoughts
I’m so glad I solo walked a part of the West Highland Way. It was an amazing, beautiful experience. My whole Scotland trip (more on that in a later article) was fabulous but the walk was something else, something rewarding. For those worried about doing it solo, with proper preparation, it’s completely doable. And of course, there’s no reason you can’t walk it with friends or family. I highly recommend it and can’t wait for my next walk in Scotland… maybe the Malt Whisky Trail or I’ll just explore Orkney on foot.
Have you walked the West Highland Way? What was your experience like?
Walking the West Highland Way, Another Bucket List Checkmark I’m one of those people who keeps a bucket list. It changes, grows and adapts as I get older, as I cross some things out and yes, as I outgrow some.
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SUPERNATURAL: Olivia Parker: Wendigo
Words count: 11K
A/N: Sorry for posting this part on Tumblr this late! It’s been on wattpad since Sunday and I had no time to post it here! I posted the other day that I had no access to internet, so the chapter three “Dead In The Water” would be posted later, well, turns out internet is back and working! So I can get back on this new chapter and post it either Sunday or Monday!
Feedback always appreciated! If you want to be tagged, feel free to ask!
Warning: Blood, injuries, insults, angst, violence.
NEXT PARTS: Dead In The Water — Phantom Traveler — Bloody Mary — Skin — Hook Man — The Fight — Home
Previously on Olivia Parker...
In one of the several suburban homes, Olivia Parker was sitting on her bed in the darkened bedroom, looking at her closet that opened itself, making Olivia scream.
In another home, Mary Winchester runs up the stairs into her youngest son's, Sam, nursery. John Winchester gives baby Sam to Dean, "Take your brother outside as fast as you can! Now, Dean, go!"
After Olivia's mother, Caitlyn closed the doors; it once again opened itself. A silhouette comes out of it; it looks around until it spots what it was looking for. The shape walks to the wooden desk and takes a picture of Olivia and her parents. "It has begun."
Dean runs downstairs with Sam and leaves the house. John goes back to the nursery and watches his wife, Mary burn on the ceiling. "Mary! No!" John watches the nursery burn, Mary with it.
31st October 2000.
Olivia was now older, dressed in black, looking at herself in a mirror. Her mother looks at her, "Are you ready?", "Yes. As ready as I can be on the day I bury my husband and child."
Olivia stayed until the end of the ceremony when everyone had left, she kneels down, "I'm going to find what did this to you and I'm going to kill it, no matter what it takes."
October 31st, 2005.
Sam watches his brother that was in his and Jess, his girlfriend, apartment. "Dad's on a hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days." Sam put his arm off of his girlfriend, keeping his eyes on Dean, "Jess, excuse us."
In the stairwell from Sam's apartment, Sam speaks to Dean, "I swore I was done hunting. For good.", "I can't do this alone."
In Sam's bedroom, Jess speaks to Sam. "And now you're taking off in the middle of the night to spend the weekend with them?", "Hey. Everything's going to be okay. I promise."
"You think Mom would have wanted this for us?" Asks Sam.
In John's motel room, Sam looks at the photo John left of the three Winchesters.
"Dean, we were raised like warriors."
Olivia smiled and tilted her head, "Did you really think I would be this stupid? Come on, show me some respect." As she finished her sentence, Olivia swung her machete, beheading the vampire. "Eat this, bitch."
Olivia was in her Black 1965 Buick Riviera Gran Sport, blood on her face and clothes.
"I'm so sorry..."
Olivia sits on the bed in her motel room and dials the number of her mother. "Hey, mom. — Work is busy lately. I might stay for a little bit longer." She takes out a journal and a pen, 'November 1st, 2005. Still nothing. I killed another nest of vampire. If they knew something about the accident, they would have never told me. I need to find what killed Conor and Joey. But for that, I need to find John Winchester. "
Olivia was in front of a house that looked abandoned. The flashback of the night of the accident hit her. Her son looked outside, "Mom who is in the yard?" Olivia went outside and put herself in front of the man, "I said, get out. If I find you here again, I will kill you. You understand me?" The man left. Olivia was sitting at a table with her husband, Conor who as sitting in front of her. "He didn't move, not until I put myself in front of him. He was fixing Joey's bedroom.", "Well, just to be safe, keep your gun next to you." Olivia looks up at her husband. "What do you think, Conor? I have it on me, loaded.", "It's not your fault, Livy.", "He was not human. Trust me." "I gave up hunting, Conor. But my instincts are still there.", "This man, whether he's human or not, is not here because of you.", "Well, I won't wait to find out. I may not be in the life anymore, but I'm not stupid, I didn't erase every number.", "Who are you going to call?", "John Winchester. After all, he's the one who trained me."
"This is John Winchester. I can't be reached. If this is an emergency, call my son Dean 866-907-3235."
A drop of blood falls on Olivia's shoulder then other ones. She looks up and sees her husband and child on the ceiling. "No!" John arrives and sees the fire starting, "Olivia! Come on let's get out.", "No! I can't leave them there!"
"How did you know?", "One call was enough to know you were in trouble.", "What happened back there, it's the same thing that happened to you, to Mary.", "We're going to find it, I promise.", "I know. Even if it is the last thing I do."
"You have responsibilities, Sam!", "To Dad? And his crusade? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back." Dean grabs Sam by the collar and shoves him up against the railing of the bridge. "Don't talk about her like that."
Olivia was inside the Impala with Sam, they were talking to Dean on the phone, "Dad's gone. I've got his journal. He left me a message."
Sam compares the coordinates in the journal to a map. "These coordinates he left us, it's weird, man."
Sam, Dean, and Olivia were in John's motel room that he abandoned. "Hey, Dean? What I said earlier, I'm sorry." Dean raises a hand, "no chick-flick moments."
"If I were Dad, though, I'd go ask her husband," "If he's still alive." Sam and Dean tun around and see Olivia standing at the door. "Olivia!" Sam frowns, "wait, Olivia? Parker?"
Olivia walks over to Sam, "You know, despite everything John said to you, he was damn proud of you, Sammy.", "I guess so."
"Jess?" Sam is in his apartment, lying on the bed, eyes closed. Blood drips on his forehead, and he flinches, opens his eyes, and gasps in horror. Jess was pinned to the ceiling, bleeding. "No!"
Dean watches outside Sam's apartment the firefighters handle the situation, then goes back to Sam and Olivia at the Impala. Sam finishes loading a shotgun and tosses it in the trunk.
"We've got work to do." Sam shuts the trunk.
Today — Lost Creek, Colorado.
In the forest, two tents were set up near a fire ring. Crickets were chirping. Inside one tent, two young men, Brad and Gary, were playing head-to-head handheld video games. "Dude, you're cheating." Gary smirks, "no, you just suck." Something growls outside. In the other tent, a third young man, Tom Collins, records a video message on his cell phone. "Hey Haley, day six, we're still out near Blackwater Ridge." Something dark flicks behind the tent wall behind Tom, too fast to be identifiable as more than 'something dark'; but as Tom was recording himself, it also recorded the fast silhouette. "We're fine, keeping safe, so don't worry, okay? Talk to you tomorrow." Tom stops recording and sends the message. Brad closes his game system and tosses it aside. Gary stares at his system for a moment, then turns to look at Brad, who is getting up and unzipping the tent. Gary looks at him, "hey, where ya goin'? My moment of victory.", "Nature calls." Brad goes outside and zips up the sent behind him. He goes to stand against the tree to relieve himself. The fire crackles. Something snaps a stick. Brad looks towards the sound and sees the trees rustling. Brad shakes his head and returns his attention downward, then looks up sharply. Something growls. Inside Tom's tent, Tom, who is reading Joseph Campbell's 'The Hero With A Thousand Faces,' hears Brad scream. Inside Gary's tent, Gary hears the same scream and rolls over. "Brad?" Tom sits up. "Gary, what's goin' on?" Gary opens the tent and sticks his head out to look around. He sees nothing. Then he hears growling again. He looks up; something pulls Gary out of the tent. He screams. Tom turns out the lantern he had on. Shadows move very quickly around the outside of Tom's tent. Tom looks around, his eyes following the shadows and growling. Silence falls. Something slashes open Tom's tent, making him scream.
Olivia and Dean were in the Impala that was parked not so far from the cemetery where Sam was walking. Olivia was shotgun and Dean in the driver seat. Olivia looks at Sam then looks in front of her, fixing her eyes on a tree. Dean shifted his gaze from Sam to Olivia and then looked at Olivia. They didn't have the time or the chance to talk. Dean felt terrible for not giving her any news, just one text to make sure she knew he was alive wouldn't take long, he thought. But then again, did she want this text? Dean takes a deep breath and looks where Olivia's eyes are fixed. "How are you feeling?" Olivia gives a side glance at Dean then looks ahead. "Usual." Dean doesn't answer. "You know, Dean. You gotta stop beating yourself up. I know you were out searching for John." She looks at him. "I should have at least called." Olivia shrugs. "It's true. So should I." They look back at Sam that was wearing a suit and tie, carrying a bouquet of various flowers. "This thing took too much from us. We have to find it and kill it." Dean nods. "I know.", "Something happened to John. You know it like me." Olivia turns and looks at Dean once again. "Wherever he would go, he would have his gun and this journal. Something happened.", "I know. It's like he left his legacy. Like he's saying goodbye. Do you think we're going to find him?", "I hope. I think we've lost enough. We're going to kill this son of a bitch, and if we have to go in a blaze of glory, I say let's do it." Sam sighs and stops next to Jessica's gravestone. On the tombstone was written 'Jessica Lee Moore,' 'Beloved Daughter,' 'January 24th, 1984 — November 2nd, 2005'. There is a small picture of a grinning Jess set into the stone above name, a black-and-white photograph of her leaning against the stone between a white teddy bear. And a wooden box with a crucifix leaning on the picture a small American Flag next to the box, and three candles standing on the gravestone; one is of the Virgin de Guadalupe. Sam looks between the headstone and the flowers. "I, uh…" Sam laughs. "You always said roses were — were lame, so I brought you, uh…" Sam looks at the picture set into the gravestone, then looks away, choking back tears. He steps closer to the gravestone. "Jess…oh God…" Sam kneels to set down the flowers. "I should have protected you. I should have told you the truth." Sam leans the flowers in front of the crucifix. An arm covered in dirt shoots out of the ground and grabs Sam by the wrist. Sam jerks awake. He's in the backseat, Dean and Olivia were talking. Dean looks in the rearview mirror, "You okay?" Sam glances over and away. "Yeah, I'm fine." Dean nods and brings focus on the road. "Another nightmare?" Sam clears his throat. "You wanna drive for a while?" Sam and Olivia laugh. "Dean, your whole life, you never once asked me that.", "Just thought you might want to. Never mind.", "You're missing an occasion, Sam!" Sam smiles at Olivia and looks at his hands. Olivia and Dean glance at each other, having a silent conversation about Sam's state. Sam didn't miss it, "Look, guys, you're worried about me. I get it and thank you, but I'm perfectly okay." Olivia and Dean agree at the same time, "Mm-hm." Sam grabs the map in front of Olivia and goes back to his seat. "All right, where are we?" Olivia turns and looks at the map; she puts her finger where they are, "Just outside of Grand Junction." Then sits correctly on her seat, feet on the dashboard. Sam folds down the map, which is of Colorado and has a large red cross labeled 35-111. "You know what? Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon." Dean sighs, "Sam, we dug around there for a week. We came up with nothing. If you want to find the thing that killed Jessica—", "—We got to find Dad first.", "Dad disappearing and this thing showing up again after twenty years, it's no coincidence. Dad will have answers for the three of us. He will know what to do." Sam frowned when Dean said for the three of them, not understanding what he meant. Dean didn't tell Olivia's story to Sam. If she wanted him to know, she would tell him. Until then he would keep the secret. "These coordinates he left us, this Blackwater Ridge." Olivia slightly moves in her seat, enough to be facing Sam. "What about it?", "Why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere." Olivia looks at Dean. Sam was making a point. All of this made no sense. They drive past the National Forest sign that says, 'Welcome to LOST CREEK Colorado National Forest.'
The Impala is parked next to a sign that says 'Ranger Station Lost Creek Trail, Lost Creek National Forest.' "So Blackwater Ridge is pretty remote." Sam looks at a 3D map of the national forest, paying particular attention to the ridge labeled 'BLACKWATER RIDGE.' Dean looks at the decorations. "It's cut off by these canyons here, rough terrain, dense forest, abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place.", "Dude," Dean was smiling. "check out the size of this freaking bear." Sam and Olivia look over. Dean was looking at a framed photo of a man standing behind a much larger bear. Sam comes to stand next to Dean while Olivia stays close to the window looking outside. "And a dozen or more grizzlies in the area. It's no nature hike, that's for sure." A forest ranger, Wilkinson, walk up behind them; when he speaks, Sam, Dean, and Olivia whip around startled. "You guys aren't planning on going out near Blackwater Ridge by any chance?" The three of them shake their heads. Olivia walks in front of his desk. "No. We are environmental study majors from UC Boulder, just working on a paper." Olivia smiles, Sam laughs, and Dean grins, raising a fist. "Recycle, man." The Ranger rolls his eyes, "Bull." Sam's eyes flick to Dean, who doesn't move. Olivia does not give away any sign, she was impossible to read, thought the Ranger. "You're friends with that Haley girl, right?" Dean considers. "Yes. Yes, we are, Ranger—" Dean checks the Ranger's nametag. "Wilkinson.", "Well, I will tell you exactly what we told her. Her brother filled out a backcountry permit saying he wouldn't be back from Blackwater until the twenty-fourth, so it's not exactly a missing person now, is it?" Olivia sighs, Dean shakes his head, and the Ranger nods. "You tell that girl to quit worrying. I'm sure her brother's just fine.", "We will. Well, that Haley girl's quite a pistol, huh?" Dean laughs a little at the end of his sentence. The Ranger nods at Dean. "That is putting it mildly." Before they leave, Oliva frowns and takes a step closer. "Ranger, you know what would help a lot? It's if we could show her a copy of that backcountry permit. You know so she could see her brother's return date." The Ranger eyes Olivia, "I can't do that.", "Well," Olivia takes out a fake FBI ID, "you can. But then again, it's up to you. We'd totally get it if you don't give us the paper."
Sam, Dean, and Olivia leave the ranger station. Dean is holding the piece of paper Olivia got them, laughing. "Got to tell you something, Olivia. That was beautiful." Sam nods. "Yeah. Well, you guys heard it. It's not a missing person case.", "I still think we should go see this girl." Says Dean while looking at the paper. "What, are you cruising for a hookup or something?", "What do you mean?", "The coordinates point to Blackwater Ridge, so what are we waiting for? Let's just go find Dad. I mean, why even talk to this girl?" They stop when they arrive at the Impala. "I don't know. Maybe we should know what we're walking into before we actually walk into it?" Dean and Olivia were looking at Sam. "What?" Olivia frowned and faced Sam, "Since when are you adopting John's way? Shoot first ask questions later?", "Since now." Olivia raises her eyebrows and looks at Dean. "Really?" Dean goes around the car and gets inside. Olivia's phone rings, she takes it out of her pocket and answers. "Yes? — It's me. — Hey, Bobby. — Sure, what can I do for you? — What happened? — What do you think it is? — Yeah sounds about right. — Okay, I'm coming. — Yeah. — Don't mention it." She hung up and looks at Dean. "You will have to drop me at the motel.", "What did Bobby want?", "Werewolves nest. I'm going to help him." Dean looks at Olivia then back on the road. "You sure you should go alone?", "I won't be alone. Bobby will be here. And you seem to forget that I've been hunting alone for a moment." Dean stopped the car at the motel room; they got out of it. Sam and Dean stood against the Impala while Olivia was taking her duffel bag off of the Impala to her Riviera passenger seat. She closes the door and walks to Sam and Dean, hands in her jacket's pocket. "Don't be a stranger, give me some news this time." Dean laughs and nods. "You got this. C'mere." Olivia puts her hands out of her pockets and hugs Dean. Dean talks low, enough for only Olivia to hear it. "You be careful out there. The thing's still out." Olivia nods and goes to Sam. "Don't do anything stupid, or anything that Dean would do." Sam laughs and nods, "Yes ma'am.", "Okay. Come here, don't make me beg for it." Sam laughs again and hugs Olivia. She lets go and get into her car, turning on the engine. Dean closes his eyes. "Ohh," he reopens them and looks at Olivia, "almost as beautiful as Baby's engine.", "Don't compare two queens, Winchester." Sam and Dean wave at Olivia while she leaves the parking lot. They get back in the Impala, driving to the girl's house.
Sam and Dean are standing at the door to a house. The door opens to reveal Haley Collins. "You must be Haley Collins. I'm Dean; this is Sam, we're, ah, we're rangers with the Park Service. Ranger Wilkinson sent us over. He wanted us to ask a few questions about your brother Tommy." Haley hesitates. "Let me see some ID." Dean pulls out a fake ID with the name Samuel Cole and holds it up against the screen. Haley looks at it, then at Dean, who smiles. Haley opens the door. "Come on in.", "Thanks." The door swings open; Haley catches sight of the Impala. "That yours?", "Yeah." Sam is looking back at the Impala. "Nice car." Haley turns to lead Sam and Dean into the kitchen, where Ben Collins is sitting at the table on a laptop. Dean turns his head to mouth something to Sam, who rolls his eyes. "So," begins Sam "if Tommy's not due back for a while, how do you know something's wrong?" Haley comes back into the room with a bowl she places on the table. "He checks in every day by cell. He emails, photos, stupid little videos — we haven't heard anything in over three days now.", "Well, maybe he can't get cell reception.", "He's got a satellite phone, too.", "Could it be he is just having fun and forgot to check in?", "He wouldn't do that." Dean eyes Ben, then Ben looks away. Haley puts more food on the table. "Our parents are gone. It's just my two brothers and me. We all keep pretty close tabs on each other.", "Can I see the pictures he sent you?" Haley nods at Sam, "Yeah." On a laptop, Haley pulls up pictures. "That's Tommy." Haley clicks twice, and another picture comes up, then the still frame opening the latest video. "Hey Haley, day six, we're still out near Blackwater Ridge. We're fine, keeping safe, so don't worry, okay? Talk to you tomorrow." Sam spots the shadow flicking past. "Well," starts Dean "we will find your brother. We're heading out to Blackwater Ridge first thing.", "Then maybe I'll see you there. Look, I can't sit around here anymore. So I hired a guy. I'm heading out in the morning. And I'm going to find Tommy myself.", "I think I know how you feel.", "Hey," cuts off Sam "do you mind forwarding these to me?", "Sure."
Olivia parks in front of a motel, she takes her phone, goes to the message Bobby sent her with the number of the room. "450." She turns off the engine, takes her duffel bag and walks to Bobby's room. She knocks three times, pause for five seconds and knocks two more times. Bobby opens the door and smiles. "Hey, Kiddo. Thanks for coming.", "Sure." She enters the room, puts the duffel bag on the ground. "So what do we got?", "So far, three bodies with hearts missing.", "Yeah, so it's definitely werewolves.", "Yeah. But wait for it, they've got a type.", "What type?" Bobby looks at Olivia and raises his left eyebrow. Olivia sighs. "I'm going to play the bait, again? Come on Bobby; it's like you really want me to die." Bobby laughs. "Not my fault if you're the supernatural kind's type!", "Yeah, what can I say. Got everything for everyone. Alright, what's your plan, Singer?", "Easy. You will go to the local bar—", "One thing, this time, I don't have to wear a skirt that could almost be mistaken as my underwear?", "Nope. Just have to sit down and order a drink and wait for it.", "Fine. I will take a shower and rub the hunter smell off of me, and dress a little bit differently." Olivia takes her duffel bag and makes her way to the bathroom. "Oh, Olivia." She turns around, "How's Sam?" Olivia sighs. "Honestly? Bad. He's acting a lot like John when Mary died. Shoot first ask questions later. We already have John missing, and a mini John on the way. He's going to get himself and probably Dean, killed." Bobby sighs loudly, worried. "Sorry to bring you bad news Bob'.", "And you?", "What me?", "How are you handling?", "Bobby, it's been years you've been asking this question. You know the answer. I won't rest until I pull a damn bullet in the thing's head. After I do this, ask the question again, and I will see which answer to give." Olivia turns around and closes the bathroom door behind her. Bobby shakes his head and opens a beer, takes a big sip of it, "Those kids will be the death of me."
Sam and Dean sit down at a table in a bar. Dean takes his phone and dials Olivia's number. It goes straight to voicemail. "Hi, it's Olivia Parker. I can't be reached for the moment, if it's important leave a message and I'll call you back." Dean takes a deep breath, "Hey, Olivia, it's Dean, been trying to join you. Uh…call back whenever you can. Bye." He hung up and puts his phone in his pocket. "She's fine, Dean. No need to stress." There is a moment of silence. Sam frowns and looks at Dean. "Dean, earlier in the car, when we were talking about Dad and everything that happened to Mom and Jess, you said "three of us," so you included Olivia, what happened?", "I ain't-a kiss and tell, Sammy. If you want to know, you will have to ask her.", "This thing took something from her, am I right?" Dean didn't answer, but it was enough for Sam. "It's bigger than what we think, bigger than what Dad maybe thought.", "We will figure it out." They fall once again into silence until Sam decides to break it once more. "So, Blackwater Ridge doesn't get a lot of traffic. Local campers, mostly. But, still, this is April, two hikers went missing out there. They were never found." Sam opens John's journal. "Any before that?" Asks Dean. Sam pulls out a newspaper articles to show Dean. "Yeah, in 1982, eight different people all vanished in the same year. Authorities said it was a grizzly attack." Dean reads the headline in 'The Lost Creek Gazette.' 'GRIZZLY BEAR ATTACKS! UP TO EIGHT HIKERS VANISH IN LOST CREEK AREA HIKERS DISAPPEARANCE BAFFLE AUTHORITIES Families continue to search and rescue efforts in spite of disappointing (...)' Sam pulls out his laptop. "And again in 1959 and again before that in 1936." Sam opens the laptop, which already has a window open to Tom's video. "Every twenty-three years, just like clockwork. Okay, watch this. Here's a clincher. I downloaded that guy Tommy's video to the laptop. Check this out." Sam pulls up the video and goes through three frames of the video one at a time. A shadow crosses the screen. "Do it again." Sam listens to Dean and repeats the frames. "That's three frames. That's a fraction of a second. Whatever that thing is, it can move." Dean hits Sam, making him look up at Dean. "Told you something weird was going on.", "Yeah." Sam closes the laptop. "I got one more thing." Sam hands over another newspaper article. "In 'fifty-nine one camper survived this supposed grizzly attack. Just a kid. Barely crawled out of the woods alive." Dean looks at 'The Lost Creek Gazette.' "Is there a name?"
An old man, Mr. Shaw, talks to Sam and Dean while leading them inside his house. Mr. Shaw has a cigarette in his mouth. "Look, Ranger, I don't know why you're asking me about this. It's public record. I was a kid. My parents go mauled by a—" Sam interrupts Mr. Shaw. "Grizzly? That's what attacked them?" Mr. Shaw takes a puff of his cigarette, takes it out, and nods. "The other people that went missing that year, those bear attacks too?" Mr. Shaw doesn't answer Dean. "What about all the people that went missing this year? Same thing?" Still no answers. "We knew what we were dealing with, we might be able to stop it." Declares Dean. "I seriously doubt that. Anyways, I don't see what difference it would make." Mr. Shaw sits down. "You wouldn't believe me. Nobody ever did." Sam sits down across from Mr. Shaw. "Mr. Shaw, what did you see?" Shaw pauses. "Nothing. It moved too fast to see. It hid too well. I heard it, though. A roar. Like…no man or animal I ever heard.", "It came at night?" Shaw nods at Sam. "Got inside our tent?" Sam presses Mr. Shaw. "It got inside our cabin. I was sleeping in front of the fireplace when it came in. It didn't smash a window or break the door. It unlocked it. Do you know of a bear that could do something like that? I didn't even wake up until I heard my parents screaming.", "It killed them?", "Dragged them off into the night." Shaw shakes his head and then continues. "Why it left me alive…been asking myself that ever since." Shaw's hands go to his collar, "did leave me this, though." Shaw opens his collar to reveal three long scars. Claw marks. Sam and Dean look at them. "There's something evil in those woods. It was some sort of a demon."
Olivia and Dean were on the phone with each other, talking about their respective cases. "So," begins Olivia, "What do you think it is?" Dean sighs, "I don't know. It attacks at night and in the woods. And the way it broke into Shaw's cabin, it was neat, like a human.", "A werewolf?", "Maybe, but they usually go for the heart, not the whole body.", "Unless they cover they trace. But once again, they would have not let the Shaw guy live. It may not be a werewolf.", "Talking about werewolves. How's your case with Bobby?", "Well tonight we caught one, told us where the nest was, so tomorrow we work on the plan, train a little, and by nightfall, we will go there and gank the whole nest.", "Be careful.", "Dean." Olivia's voice was a warning. "Hey, can't stop me from worrying." Sam enters the room and sees Dean on the phone. He frowns at Dean, silently asking who it was, Dean mouths Olivia, making Sam nod. "Tell her I say hi." He whispers. Dean nods. And listens to Olivia. "I will be back as soon as this case is over.", "I know. Just don't rush it too much, don't get yourself killed or I will bring you back to only kill you again." Olivia laughs, making Dean giggle. "Deal, Winchester. Now, I'm going to sleep. Night, Dee.", "Night, Livy." Dean hangs up and puts his phone on the table. Sam looks at Dean with a grin. "What?" Sam shakes his head, "Nothing. So what'd she say?", "Thought of a werewolf too, but as she pointed out, Shaw would be dead if it was indeed werewolves." Sam sighs. Dean stands up, "Spirits and demons don't have to unlock doors. If they want inside, they just go through the walls.", "So it's probably something else, something corporeal.", "Corporeal? Excuse me, professor.", "Shut up. So what do you think?", "The claws, the speed that it moves… could be a skinwalker, maybe a black dog. Whatever we're talking about, we're talking about a creature, and it's corporeal. Which means we can kill it." Dean opens the trunk of the Impala, then the weapons box, and props it open with a shotgun. He puts some guns in a duffel bag. Sam leans in. "We cannot let that Haley girl go out there.", "Oh yeaH? What are we gonna tell her? That she can't go into the woods because of a big scary monster?", "Yeah." Dean looks at Sam, dumbfounded. "Her brother is missing, Sam. She's not gonna just sit this out. Now we go with her, we protect her, and we keep our eyes peeled for our fuzzy predator friend." Dean picks up the duffel. "Finding Dad's not enough?" Sam slams the weapons box shut, then the trunk. "Now we gotta babysit too?" Dean stares at Sam, he didn't recognize Sam, Olivia was probably right, he went back on the field too soon. "What?" Dean shakes his head, "nothing." Dean throws the duffel bag at Sam and walks off, Sam staring after him.
Olivia was training outside in the small forest not so far from the motel room. She was shooting at different targets she put in front of her, not missing one. When Olivia finished, she walked closer to the targets and looked at it. She turns the safety on of her gun and runs back to the motel room. She enters the room and sees Bobby cleaning his weapons. "How's the weather, Rocky?" Olivia laughs, puts her gun on the table and takes a bottle of water from the small fridge. "The best weather to gank a next of werewolves!" Olivia takes drinks half of the bottle and puts it down. "I'm going to take a shower then we can work on the plan." Bobby nods bringing his focus back to the weapons while Olivia goes to the bathroom. A map was on the table, Bobby and Olivia were around it. "So," Bobby puts his finger on a point on the map, "entry A. The Alpha of the nest will probably be here, protected by at least two other werewolves." He puts his finger on another point. "Entry B, that's the 'killing room,' after killing them, we should check out this place in case if there are some survivors." Olivia nods. She looks at the map and taps another point with her finger, "entry C is where we enter." Bobby nods, "but the thing is, Bobby, we will have to park the car down the block. So we will have to walk to the entry C.", "This ain't a problem, as long as we find a way kill all of them.", "Unless we get caught, we will have to run fast. Really fast and without involving the neighborhood and have more victims on our hands." Olivia stands up straight. "Our plan is what? We park the car down one block, enter by the entry C, then what?" Bobby looks at the map, "Then," he pauses and searches the map. "There is the main room, where the rest of the nest will be, around five of them." Olivia nods. "Okay, well, I say let's go have a little ride just to see the surroundings."
A man named Roy talks to Haley and Ben while checking a shotgun. They were all carrying full backpacks. "I'll tell you again, I don't think Ben should come.", "Roy—" Haley begins, but Roy cuts her off. "Look, you're paying me good money to keep everybody safe. I think Ben's safest at home." The Impala pulls up. Roy, Haley, and Ben stare. Haley shakes her head. Sam and Dean get out of the car, Sam opens the back door of the Impala and pulls out a duffel bag. "You guys got room for two more?" Haley gives Dean a questioning look. "Wait, you want to come with us?", "Who are these guys?" Asks Roy. "Apparently this is all the park service could muster up for the search and rescue." Sam heads past everyone. "You're rangers?", "That's right.", "And," Haley looks at Dean's shoes, "you're hiking out in biker boots and jeans?" Dean looks down at himself. "Well, sweetheart, I don't do shorts." Dean heads past Haley. "What, you think this is funny? It's dangerous backcountry out there. Her brother might be hurt." Sam turns back and looks at Roy. "Believe me, I know how dangerous it can be." Dean looks at Roy. "We just wanna help them find their brother, that's all." Dean heads past Sam.
A mine shaft lets in light, Tom and Gary are hanging by their wrists from the ceiling. There are different corpses with them. Growling. Gary spots a tall skinny shape and starts yelling. Tom does his best to turn away and closes his eyes tightly as Gary shouts.
Olivia and Bobby were in the Riviera driving past the house where the nest of werewolves was. Bobby takes several pictures as discreet as he could, while Olivia doesn't stop the car and keeps driving. They stop at a local diner called 'The Old Maple.' They take a booth and order coffees. "How much did you get with the photos?" Bobby looks at them and sighs, "Not much. We had more details on the map. It does confirm the entries, though." Olivia nods, the waitress arrives and gives them their coffees, they smile and nod at her with a quick 'thank you' and return to their conversation. "Okay. Well, nightfall is in hours away so what now? Are we sure there are only three victims?", "There are only three reported victims.", "This is what I thought. So we should look into missings, ask some people, and if people are missing, we'll include this in the plan, and after we killed the nest, we will check into it. I just only hope that there are survivors." Bobby nods. "I do too."
The group hikes through the forest, Roy in the lead, then Dean, Haley, Ben, and Sam bringing up the rear. "Roy, you said you did a little hunting.", "Yeah, more than a little." Dean nods, "Uh-huh. What kind of furry critters do you hunt?", "Mostly buck, sometimes bear." Dean passes Roy. "Tell me, uh, Bambi or Yogi ever hunt you back?" Roy grabs Dean. Sam looks on. "Watcha doing, Roy?" Asks Dean. Roy grabs a stick and pokes the bear trap Dean had almost stepped in. Haley looks annoyed. "You should watch where you're stepping. Ranger." Roy drops the stick and retakes the lead. Dean looks at it then up, "It's a bear trap." They hike on. Haley catches up to Dean. "You didn't pack any provisions. You guys are carrying a duffel bag. You're not rangers." Haley grabs Dean's arm. "So who the hell are you?" Ben goes past Haley and Dean. Sam looks at Dean, who silently tells him to keep going; Sam obeys. Dean watches him go for a moment. "Sam and I are brothers, and we're looking for our father. He might be here, we don't know. I just figured that you and me, we're in the same boat.", "Why didn't you just tell me that from the start?", "I'm telling you now. Besides, it's probably the most honest I've ever been with a woman except Olivia. So we okay?" Haley pauses and nods. "Yeah, okay. And who's Olivia?", "Our best friend. She's helping us find our Dad.", "Why?", "She grew up with us. My Dad took her in at a bad time in her life.", "What happened to her?", "Ah, sorry. No can do. I promised to keep this to myself, that if someone were going to tell her story, it would be her." Dean winks at Haley who smiles. "You're a good friend.", "I try to. And what do you mean I didn't pack provisions?" Dean pulls out a big bag of peanut M&Ms and sticks his hand in the bag as he hikes on. Haley waits a moment, then follows.
Olivia and Bobby were in FBI suits. Olivia was interrogating a woman and Bobby, another man. "So, Mrs. Brook. I saw that you posted on the local's website that your son went missing." The woman nods, "Did you have any news about? Some things you feel like I should know?", "I—I don't know...", "It's okay. It's alright. Take your time. Uh, did you see someone, a stranger for instance near your house, or your son? Did he tell you anything about it?", "He said he had a new friend older than him. But I thought he was from another grade. Oh my, God." The woman starts to panic, Olivia helps the woman to sit down. "It's okay. Did he tell you anything else? Where he lived, where they would see each other?" She shakes her head. Olivia sighs and sits down, next to the woman. "I'm sorry for pressing you with my questions. The more I know, the more chances I have to find your son.", "I understand. Keep going.", "Okay. Did any of his teaches talked to you about this new friend?", "They said that Dylan was distracted lately. He cut some classes.", "Okay. Did Dylan had a phone?", "Yes.", "Okay, could you give me his number and your operator?" The woman stands up, takes a paper and writes down everything Olivia needed. Olivia stands up and takes the paper. "Thank you." Olivia stops for a moment and sighs, "I know what you're going through. I'm going to do my best to find your son.", "Thank you so much." Olivia nods and leaves the house. Bobby was already in the car, the goes around the car and gets into the driver seat. "So, what did the man told you?", "His daughter went missing a week ago, but she came back yesterday, she was at a friend's place. You?", "This woman's son is missing. She said he made a new friend, someone older than him. She gave me his number and the operator so I will try to track the number and get the phone's history and see if he interacted with someone. I also think we should go to the school. She said that he cut some classes, if it was with this new friend, maybe someone saw him. If the description's close to one of the werewolves, it'll be enough. She gave me a photo of him." Olivia gives the photo to Bobby. "Olivia, you're sure you're up for this one?", "Yes, I am, Bobby.", "But this kid missing—," "Will only make me want to finish this job correctly, so the kid is safe and sound. Like any of the survivors.", "Okay. I say let's head back to the motel and get everything ready and then wait for nightfall." Olivia starts the engine and drives off to their motel.
Roy leads the way, followed by Sam, Ben, Haley, and Dean. "This is it. Blackwater Ridge." States Roy. Sam heads past him. "What coordinates are we at?" Roy pulls out a GPS, which reads N 35° 45. 383, W 111° 00.55. "Thirty-five minus one-eleven." Dean comes up to Sam. They listen. "You hear that?", "Yeah. Not even crickets.", "I'm gonna go take a look around.", "You shouldn't go off by yourself.", "That's sweet. Don't worry about me." Roy waves his gun and pushes between Sam and Dean to retake the lead. Dean turns back to the others as Ben and Haley catch up. "All right, everybody stays together. Let's go." Sam, Dean, Ben, and Haley are looking around near a large rock. "Haley! Over here!" Haley runs towards Roy's voice, followed closely by the others. They come to a halt. "Oh my, God." The tens are torn open and bloody, and all the supplies are scattered. "Looks like a grizzly." States Roy. Dean and Haley look around. "Tommy?" Haley takes off her backpack and goes through the campsite. "Tommy!" Sam moves to catch with Haley. "Shh.", "Tommy!", "Shh-hh-hh!", "Why?", "Something might still be out there.", "Sam." Sam goes over to Dean, snapping a stick, and crouches next to him. "The bodies were dragged from the campsite. But here, the tracks just vanish. That's weird" Sam and Dean stand up. "I'll tell you what, that's no skinwalker or black dog." Dean goes back to the campsite, and Sam follows. Haley picks up Tom's cell phone; it's bloody. She cries. She turns the phone over, and the back is open. Dean crouches next to her. "Hey, he could still be alive." Haley gives Dean a skeptical look. "Help! Help!" Someone screams, Roy leads the way as everyone runs to the aid of the shouter. "Help! Somebody!" They find no one. "It seemed like it was coming from around here, didn't it?" They listen. "Everybody back to camp." Orders Sam. Back at the campsite, all the supplies are missing. "Our packs!" Exclaims Haley. "So much for my GPS and my satellite phone." Whines Roy. "What the hell is going on?" Sam looks at Haley, "it's smart. It wants to cut us off so we can't call for help." Roy looks at Sam. "You mean someone, some nutjob out there just stole all our gear." Sam goes to Dean. "I need to speak with you. In private." Sam and Dean head a little ways away from the group. "Good. Let me see Dad's journal." Dean hands it over. Sam opens it and flips through until he finds a particular page. "All right, check this out." Sam points to a First Nations—style drawing of a figure. "Oh come on, wendigos are in Minnesota woods or, or northern Michigan. I've never even heard of one this far west.", "Think about it, Dean, the claws, the way it can mimic a human voice.", "Great." Dean takes out his pistol. "Well, then this is useless." Sam gives Dean back John's journal and heads past Dean, stopping for a moment. "We gotta get these people to safety."
"Dylan was an amazing student, he didn't always have A's, but he had a great grade, he participated, and he wanted to learn." Olivia was talking to Dylan's teacher. "What happened?", "His grade started to drop about a month ago, he started to cut off.", "How much?", "Half of his grade went down. If he continues at this rate, he won't pass. He missed around twenty classes. He made up fake notes from his mother or father. He even found someone to pretend to be his father to explain his absence.", "Wait, who was pretending to be his father?", "I don't know his name. He went under the identity of Dylan's father.", "Could you describe him?", "Yes. Uhm. Tall, medium brown hair, a beard, brown eyes, he—he has a tattoo of the moon on his right arm. He's muscular. That's all I can remember.", "It's enough. Thanks.", "You're going to find him, right?", "I will do my best to bring him home." "So turns out the friend Dylan made was the werewolf that we killed.", "So he's in their lair." Olivia nods. "We have maybe two or three hours until nightfall. I say we go over there and wait for a little, in case something new happens."
Back at the campsite, Sam addresses the group. "All right, listen up, it's time to go. Things have gotten…more complicated.", "What?" Haley looked at Sam, confused. "Kid, don't worry. Whatever's out there, I think I can handle it." Dean rolls his eyes at Roy. Sam sighs, "it's not me I'm worried about. If you shoot this thing, you're just gonna make it mad. We have to leave. Now.", "One, you're talking nonsense. Two, you're in no position to give anybody orders." Dean looks at Roy, "relax.", "We never should have let you come out here in the first place, all right? I'm trying to protect you." Roy steps right into Sam's space. "You protect me? I was hunting these woods when your mommy was still kissing you good night.", "Yeah? It's a damn near perfect hunter. It's smarter than you, and it's going to hunt you down and eat you alive unless we get your stupid, sorry ass out of here." Roy laughs. "You know you're crazy, right?", "Yeah? You ever hunt a wen—" Dean pushes Sam. Haley screams Roy's name. "Chill out." Dean tries to calm Sam. "Stop. Stop it." Everyone turns to look at Haley. "Everybody just stops. Look. Tommy might still be alive. And I'm not leaving here without him." For a moment, no one talks, until Dean breaks the silence. "It's getting late. This thing is a good hunter in the day, but an unbelievable hunter at night. We'll never beat it, not in the dark. We need to settle in and protect ourselves." Haley looks at Dean and nods, "How?"
Olivia and Bobby were taking their gun, making sure they had enough bullets. "Okay. So entry C, then the main room we kill all of them, then we go to the room A, kill the Alpha, and if everything goes as planned, we go to the room B and save as many victims as we can." Bobby nods. "And remember, we can't save everyone.", "I know. Let's go." They walk to the house when they arrive at the entry C, Olivia puts herself at the left side of the door, Bobby at the right side. They look at each other, Olivia shows three fingers and starts to silently count. When the last digit is down she takes her gun correctly in her hands, Bobby opens the door as quietly as possible. They enter the room, Olivia covering the left side once again as Bobby still covers the right side. Bobby does a movement of the hand to tell Olivia to keep walking ahead, she nods. They look around, gun aimed and loaded. As they are closer to the main room, they hear people talking. Olivia gets closer to Bobby and whispers "They're at least seven in here. We need to shoot correctly. We don't have many bullets on us.", "Okay. We go in there at the same time and start shooting right away, giving them no time to adjust and attack us." Olivia nods. They take a breath and enter the main room, they start shooting at the werewolves.
The group has built a campfire, and Dean draws something in the dirt around the campsite while Haley pokes at the fire. "One more time, that's—," "Anasazi symbols. It's for protection. The wendigo can't cross over them." Roy laughs, gun over his shoulder. "Nobody likes a skeptic, Roy." Dean heads over to sit next to Sam, who is at the edge of the campsite. "You wanna tell me what's going on in that freaky head of yours?", "Dean—," "No. You're not fine. You're like a powder keg, man, it's not like you. I'm supposed to be the belligerent one, remember?", "Dad's not here. I mean, that much we know for sure, right? He would have left us a message, a sigh, right?", "Yeah, you're probably right. Tell you the truth, I don't think Dad's ever been to Lost Creek.", "Then let's get these people back to town and let's hit the road. Go pick up Olivia, and find Dad. I mean, why are we still even here?", "This is why." Dean comes around to Sam's front and holds up John's journal. "This book. This is Dad's single most valuable possession—everything he knows about every evil thing is in here. And he's passed it on to us. I think he wants us to pick up where he left off. You know, saving people, hunting things. The family business." Sam shakes his head. "That makes no sense. Why doesn't he just—call us? Why doesn't he—tell us what he wants, tell us where he is?", "I don't know. But the way I see it, Dad's giving us a job to do, and I intend to do it.", "Dean…no. I have to find Dad. I have to find Jessica's killer. It's the only thing I can think about.", "Okay, all right, Sam, we'll find them. I promise. Listen to me. You've gotta prepare yourself. I mean, this search could take a while, and all that anger, you can't keep it burning over the long haul. It's gonna kill you. You gotta have patience, man." Sam looks down, then up. "How do you do it? How does Olivia or Dad do it?" Dean looks over at Haley and Ben. "Well, for one, them." Sam looks over at Haley and Ben. "I mean, I figure our family's so screwed to hell, maybe we can help some others. Makes things a little bit more bearable." Dean looks at his little brother. "I'll tell you what else helps." Sam looks back at Dean. "Killing as many evil sons of bitches as I possibly can." Sam smiles. A twig snaps. "Help me! Please!" Dean stands and readies his gun. "Help!" Sam shines a flashlight. "He's trying to draw us out. Just stay cool, stay put." Roy rolls his eyes, "inside the magic circle?", "Help! Help me!" Growling is heard. Roy points his gun at the sound. "Okay, that's no grizzly." Haley talks to Ben, "it's okay. You'll be all right, I promise." Something rushes past. Haley shrieks. Sam looks around, "it's here." Roy shoots at the rustling, then again. "I hit it!" Roy goes to see what he hit. "Roy, no! Roy!" Dean turns to Haley and Ben, "don't move." Haley is holding a stick, burning at one end as a weapon. Sam and Dean run after Roy. "It's over here! It's in the tree!" The wendigo reaches down from the tree and snaps Roy's neck. "Roy!" Sam shines the flashlight around.
The werewolves that were protecting the Alpha came running into the main room where all of the other monsters were dead. Olivia hears the Alpha leaving the house. She looks at Bobby, "I'm going after him, you got this?", "Yes. Go." Olivia runs outside by the entry C and corners the house. She aims her gun, taking long deep breaths, calming her heart, when she calmed it she walked as slowly as possible, avoiding anything that could betray her position. Olivia knew the Alpha would still be here. At least she was hoping so. Olivia looks around as she arrives at the entry B, the killing room. She sees the door half open. She looks inside and sees the Alpha passing back and forth. She also heard whimpering. Someone was still alive. She waits for the Alpha to turn his back to the door, she slowly opens it and aims her gun, when a woman sees her she gasps, turning the Alpha's attention to Olivia. She werewolf attacks Olivia, she falls to the ground, the beast on the top of her, she struggles to get her gun back. The werewolf's teeth were dangerously close to her. She turns her head and tries to grab her gun. When she realizes she can't, she knees the werewolf in the stomach, she then headbutts him, she slightly moves to the left, enough to grab her gun. When he comes to his senses, Olivia has just enough time to shoot the Alpha in the head. The body falls to the ground. Olivia takes a deep breath and stands up. She looks around and sees Dylan and two other women. She sighs in relief.
Sam is sitting on a hollow tree stump, holding John's journal and playing with a lanyard attached to same. Dean, Haley, and Ben are among the tents. "I don't…I mean, these types of things, they aren't supposed to be real." Dean sighs at Haley's words. "I wish I could tell you different.", "How do we know it's not out there watching us?", "We don't. But we're safe for now.", "How do you know about this stuff?" There is a slight pause while Dean considers. "Kind of runs in the family." Sam comes over. "Hey." Haley stands up. "so, we've got half a chance in the daylight. And I for one want to kill this evil son of a bitch.", "Well, hell, you know I'm in." States Dean. Sam shows the wendigo page of John's journal to Haley and Ben. "'Wendigo' is a Cree Indian word. It means 'evil that devours.'", "They're hundreds of years old. Each one was once a man. Sometimes an Indian, or other times a frontiersman or a miner or a hunter.", "How's a man turn into one of those things?" Dean picks up a couple things up off the ground. "Well, it's always the same. During some harsh winter, a guy finds himself starving, cut off from supplies or help. Becomes a cannibal to survive, eating other members of his tribe r camp.", "Like the Donner Party." Dean looks at Ben. Then Sam continues, "cultures all over the world believe that eating human flesh gives a person certain abilities. Speed, strength, immortality.", "If you eat enough of it, over the years, you become this less than a human thing. You're always hungry.", "So if that's true, how can Tommy still be alive?" Demands Haley. "You're not going to like it." Dean glances at Sam, then back at Haley. "Tell me.", "More than anything, a wendigo knows how to last long winters without food. It hibernates for years at a time, but when it's awake, it keeps its victims alive. It, uh, it stores them, so it can feed whenever it wants. If your brother's alive, it's keeping him somewhere dark, hidden, and safe. We gotta track it back there.", "And then how do we stop it?", "Well, guns are useless, so are knives. Basically—" Dean holds up the can of lighter fluid, the beer bottle, and the white cloth he'd picked up. "We gotta torch the sucker."
After Olivia checked if the victims were okay, she put something on the man's body that didn't survive. She looks at Dylan and then at the door. She had to join Bobby. She gives one of the women a gun, "do you know how to shoot?" The woman nods. "Okay. If it's not a man in a ball cap or me, you shoot." The woman nods again. Olivia charges her gun and gets out of the killing room. She walks to the entry C and reaches the main room, she sees one werewolf walking to Bobby. She aims her gun and shoot, killing him. The body falls, Bobby looks at Olivia and sighs. "All dead. I found Dylan alive, and on the three people missing, only two women survived, the man was dead.", "Okay let's get out of here."
Dean leads the way through the woods. Molotov cocktail in hand. Haley follows, then Ben, and Sam. They pass trees with claw marks and blood.
Dylan was in the back seat of Olivia's car. Olivia parks the car in front of Dylan's house. She gets out, opens the door for Dylan to get out. She walks with him to the front door, she knocks and waits for the door to open. When Dylan's mother opens the door, she puts her hands on her mouth when she saw her son. She takes him in her arms. "Thank you so much.", "Don't mention it. Hey, Dylan." Dylan turns and faces Olivia, "next time you see a stranger, don't go near. Okay?", "I promise.", "Okay." Dylan gives Olivia a hug, taking her by surprise. "Thank you, Olivia.", "No problem kiddo. Now go." Olivia turns around and starts to walk to her car when the woman stops her, "Wait a minute." Olivia turns, "I figured out you weren't from the FBI. But I don't care, you brought my boy home. And I will forever be thankful for this. I don't know what happened to you, but I can tell you are a mother. So from mother to mother, thank you, from the bottom of my heart." Olivia hugs the woman and leaves.
Sam is now leading the group. "Dean." Dean catches up. "what is it?" Sam and Dean look around at the trees. There are bloody claw marks and broken branches everywhere. "You know, I was thinking, those claw prints, so clear and distinct. They were almost too easy to follow." Growling. Sam and Dean whip around. Trees rustle. Haley is standing under a tree. Blood drips on her shirt. She notices and looks up, then leaps out of the way; Roy's corpse lands where she stood. Dean examines Roy as Sam goes over to Haley. "You okay? You got it?", "His neck's broke." Sam helps Haley up. More growling. "Okay, run, run, run, run, go, go, go!" Everybody takes off. Ben falls, and Sam hurries back to help him up, dividing the group in half. "Come on, I gotcha, I gotcha." Dean and Haley stopped short: the wendigo is in front of them. Haley screams. Ben looks up, "Haley?" Sam stops running and picks up Dean's Molotov cocktail, the bottle is broken. "Dean!"
Back at the motel, Olivia went to take a shower then Bobby. "Well, I say it's a good day.", "It sure could have been worse, but I'm feeling bad for the man's wife. She's pregnant.", "I know. But as I said we can't save everyone. We saved three out of four, Olivia. It's a good day." Olivia nods. I'm going to sleep."
"If it keeps its victims alive, why would it kill Roy?", "Honestly? I think because Roy shot at it, pissed it off." Ben finds a trail of peanut M&Ms and picks one up. "They went this way." Sam catches up to Ben, who hands over the M&M. Sam laughs. "It's better than breadcrumbs." Sam tosses the M&M away. They follow the trail. They come to a mine entrance marked with a sign that says 'Warning! Danger! Do not enter extremely toxic material.' Sam looks at Ben, shrugs, and goes inside. Ben follows. Above the entrance is a larger sign that says 'keep out no admittance.' Sam shines the flashlight ahead of them. Growling; Sam shuts off the light and pulls Ben against the wall. The Wendigo comes towards them. Sam covers Ben's mouth before he can scream. The wendigo takes a different tunnel at the crossing. Sam and Ben keep going. The floorboards creak, and Ben and Sam fall through the floor; they land in a pile of bones. There is another pile nearby of skulls Ben spots them and leaps backward. "Hey, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay." Sam and Ben look up; Dean and Haley are hanging by their wrists from the ceiling. Sam runs to Dean, Ben to Haley. "Dean!", "Haley, wake up!" Sam grabs Dean and shakes him. "Dean!" Dean opens his eyes. "Hey, you okay?" Dean winces. "Yeah.", "Haley, Haley, wake up, wake up!" Sam cuts Dean down, and Ben takes care of Haley. They help them over to an empty patch of floor and get them down. Dean makes pained noises. "You sure you're all right?" Dean grimaces. "Yeah. Yep. Where is he?", "He's gone for now." Haley divests herself of rope. She stands up and spots Tom still hanging and starts crying. "Tommy…" Haley touches Tom's cheek. Tom's head jerks up. Haley jumps back and shrieks. she turns to Sam. "Cut him down!" Sam cuts Tom down. "We're gonna get you home." The stolen supplies are piled in the corner. Dean picks up flare guns. "Check it out." Sam turns around. "Flare guns. Those'll work." Sam grins, Dean laughs and twirls the guns. The head down a tunnel, Sam and Dean in the lead with flare guns and Haley and Ben supporting Tom, who is limping. Growling. "Looks like someone's home for supper.", "We'll never outrun it." Dean looks back at the others then at Sam. "You thinking what I'm thinking?", "Yeah, I think so.", "All right listen to me. Stay with Sam. He's gonna get you out of here.", "What are you gonna do?" Dean doesn't answer Haley, he winks and starts walking and yelling. "Chow time, you freaky bastardç Yeah, that's right, bring it on, baby, I taste good." Sam waits until Dean is a safe distance away. "All right, come on! Hurry!" The Collinses follow Sam down the tunnel. "Hey, you want some white mean, bitch! I'm right here!" Sam, Haley, Ben, and Tom hurry down a tunnel. Growling. Sam points the gun at it, then lowers the gun and turns to the Collinses. "Get him out of here.", "Sam no.", "Go! Go! Go!", "Come on, Haley!" Haley and Ben help Tom along the mine tunnel. Sam holds the flare gun ready to shoot, looking down the tunnel. "Come on, come on." Growling. Sam turns: the wendigo is right in his face. Sam shoots and misses, then runs after the Collinses. "Sam!" Sam catches up. "Come on, hurry, hurry, hurry." They run to the end of the tunnel, the wendigo right behind. "Get behind me!" Sam is large enough to hide all three Collinses. The wendigo approaches, taking its time. Dean comes up behind it. "Hey!" The wendigo turns, Dean shoots it in the stomach. The flare goes off, and the wendigo goes up in flames. "Not bad, huh?" Sam grins.
Olivia puts her duffel bag in the passenger seat. She closes the door and looks at Bobby. "Well, it was a pleasure to work with you, Bobby." Bobby laughs, making Olivia smile. "You take care of you back there, all right? And take care of the boys. Be the sane one.", "As usual, Bobby." Olivia hugs him, "bye." she gets into the car and leaves.
An ambulance loads up Tom. Two police officers interview Ben; Sam stands behind him. "And the bear came back again after you yelled at it?", "That's when it circled the campsite. I mean, this grizzly must have weighed eight hundred, nine hundred pounds." Sam nods at Ben's words. "All right, we'll go after it first thing." The officer nods and leaves. Haley talks to Dean, both of them have already been patched up. "So I don't know how to thank you," Dean smirks lasciviously. Haley smiles despite herself. "Must you cheapen the moment?", "Yeah!" A paramedic comes up to Haley, "You're riding with your brother?", "Yeah." The Paramedic heads back to the ambulance. Haley turns to Ben. "Let's go." Sam and Ben nod at each other. Haley kisses Dean on the cheek. "I hope you find your father." Haley and Ben head for the ambulance. "Thanks, Sam." They climb in the ambulance with Tom. Sam sits on the Impala's hood with Dean. "Man, I hate camping.", "Me too." Noises of the ambulance driving away, sirens on. "Sam, you know we're going to find Dad, right?", "Yeah, I know. But in the meantime? I'm driving." Dean tosses Sam the keys. Dean's phone rings, Olivia sent him a message 'Just arrived at the motel. You're okay?', 'On our way. We're good. You?', 'I'm fine. See you.' Sam looks at Dean and starts the car, "who is it?", "Olivia. She's at the motel. Let's go."
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Interested in Corsica? Let us show you our 7 days boat itinerary from Cape Corse to Porto Vecchio.
After years spent discovering the beauties of Sardinia, have you decided to change your destination? So why not just change the island? A few nautical miles away from Sardinia is another wonder to be discovered while sailing with your rental boat: Corsica.
This french island-region has a lot to offer, both in terms of beaches and pristine sea, and because it is rich in history and traditions. Corsica is a fantastic island for a yacht charter, with unlimited combinations of itineraries for both sailing and motorboat holidays.
How to get to Corsica to start your sailing itinerary?
Obviously, if you are an adventure lover, you can sail to this island from the main tourist ports overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea such as Saint Tropez, Cannes, or the Principality of Monaco. If, on the other hand, you are looking for something less demanding, there are 4 international airports operating throughout the year in Corsica departing from the main French and European airports: Ajaccio, Calvi, Porto Vecchio, and Bastia. About twenty scheduled and charter airlines connect Corsica all year round.
Where to start your 7 days boat itinerary in Corsica?
Assuming that we have arrived there by air, our trip starts near the island’s northern tip and precisely from the tourist port of Bastia.
This city is not only an excellent starting point but also a respectable tourist destination. Walking through its narrow streets, Bastia reveals itself to be an authentic city. Its cantilevered plan, colorful facades, and architecture make it a fascinating city with the look of Genoese cities. From the historic center to the Citadel, passing through the Jardin Romieu and its Old Port, don’t miss the opportunity to visit it.
We set sail from Bastia and headed first towards the north and then along the west coast of Corsica up to its extreme south:
Day 1 – Circumnavigating Cap Corse
The Cap Corse is one of the wildest places in Corsica, it will allow you to discover numerous splendid panoramic points, typical villages such as Erbalunga or Nonza, or, if you love trekking, to take beautiful walks along the famous path named Doganieri.
Along the Cap Corse, you will find several Genoese towers and the archipelago of Finocchiarola, 3 islands classified as a Nature Reserve.
Day 2 – Saint Florent
For capacity, the island’s second tourist port after Ajaccio with its almost 1,000 berths, Saint Florent is often compared to Saint-Tropez as many tourists and some French and international stars spend their summer holidays here!
During your visit, in addition to taking a walk at the harbor, visit the narrow streets of the city and walk up to the citadel to enjoy a splendid view.
Saint Florent is also the main departure point for cruises to the Agriates desert.
The Agriates desert beaches are often ranked among the most beautiful in Corsica.
The Agriates desert is a natural site of 16,000 hectares located between the village of Saint-Florent and the Ostriconi valley, north of Ile-Rousse. This is absolutely not the classic desert with sand dunes, in fact here you will find exceptional wildlife and over 35 km of coastline.
Day 3 – Ile-Rousse and Calvi
Located in Upper Corsica at the north-west end of the island, in the Balagna region, the municipality of Ile-Rousse was known until 1848 with the Italian name of “Isola Rossa”. The origin of its name derives from the purple-red color of the porphyry rocks that formed the islets that make up the town.
The town of Isola Rossa has a marina with 450 moorings.
A little further south we find Calvi, a town known for its beaches and the crescent-shaped bay which hosts a 4.5 km long beach, bordered by a pine forest, which begins at the port entrance and extends along the entire bay.
Reaching Calvi, the first thing you will see is its large citadel perched on a rocky promontory. This imposing stronghold, consisting of 2 towers and 5 bastions, was built by the Genoese and was conquered by the French at the end of the 18th century.
Day 4 – From Porto bay to Ajaccio
Recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the Gulf of Porto is an unmissable destination during a boat tour in these areas. Characterized by its red granite cliffs overlooking the sea, among the sites not to be missed are the Piana Calanques, the Girolata peninsula, and the Scandola nature reserve.
Founded by the Genoese in 1492, Ajaccio has around 65,000 inhabitants and is renowned for its historic center, golden beaches, crystal clear sea, and the characteristic promontories that surround it.
The historic center has the characteristics of the past Genoese cities with narrow and colorful streets, squares, white terraces, and typical markets.
Named Imperial City, Ajaccio is world-famous for being the birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte.
In fact, there are many streets dedicated to him and to his businesses such as Cours Napoléon, rue du Roi de Rome, Viale del Primo Consul, Place Austerlitz.
During a visit to the city, you cannot miss a visit to his birthplace as well as the Giuseppina gardens (Napoleon’s wife).
Day 5 – Valinco bay
The Gulf of Valinco is certainly one of the most fascinating Corsican regions.
It is nestled between the Ajaccio bay, located further north on the west coast of the island, and the far south. It represents the perfect combination of magnificent fine sand beaches and coves and perfectly preserved natural heritage.
Among the most characteristic localities, we find Propriano, an ancient city but renovated in the 90s which now offers a thriving marina and excellent beaches. Olmeto, a typical Corse small village characterized by numerous stone-built houses and a magnificent beach of fine sand: Olmeto Plage.
Another source of attraction is the famous Caldane baths. It is a natural source of sulfurous waters that spring at a temperature of 38 degrees hidden in the small village of Chialza.
Day 6 – Bonifacio
A small village of just 2,600 inhabitants, Bonifacio is perched on a limestone fjord of incredible beauty and overlooks the famous “Bocche di Bonifacio”, the sea that separates Corsica from Sardinia.
Bonifacio has an important past told by churches, monuments, ancient buildings, and numerous historical testimonies dating back to 6,500 years ago.
Today Bonifacio lives mainly on tourism. Very lively in summer, it is full of typical bars and restaurants such as the famous “Fishermen’s Port” excavated in an internal cave. The most beautiful part of the town is its historic center, divided into the Upper Town and the Old Town and characterized by winding streets, squares, and churches overlooking the sea.
The coves scattered among its cliffs are countless. Among the many sandy beaches, we recommend those of Cala Longa and Palombaggia.
Rondinara beach deserves a separate note. With its shell shape, it is composed of fine sand and overlooks a turquoise and shallow sea. For many people, it is the most beautiful beach in Corsica.
Day 7 – Porto-Vecchio
From Bonifacio, briefly going up the Corse east coast, you finally come to Porto Vecchio, a very popular tourist town that has managed to build a refined destination image thanks to a well-kept historic center with elegant shops found especially along with with the beautiful Rue Borgo. Today this locality hosts an artistic and cultural heritage of great interest. Nevertheless in its surroundings is possible to find some of the most beautiful beaches of Corsica such as Santa Giulia, a beach surrounded by mountains and well sheltered characterized by fine sand and very transparent water, or the Saint Cyprien one, located about 11 km from Porto Vecchio and characterized by a golden sand long beach that stretches for a few kilometers.
Depending on your available time, you may now decide to head to another marine wonder, the La Maddalena National Park, a beautiful set of protected islands between Corsica and Sardinia. However, this is a matter for a future article!
If in the meantime you are feeling inspired, do not waste time and contact Your Boat Holiday for any kind of information on a sailing holiday in Corsica!
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Interested in Corsica? Let us show you our 7 days boat itinerary from Cape Corse to Porto Vecchio.
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Sometime’s I become so preoccupied with exploring the world that I forget about all the beautiful English Countryside getaway locations right on my doorstep.
The English countryside is often, sadly, overlooked. Visitors from abroad flock to London, stay a few days before moving onto the rest of Europe. But they are missing the best bit!
Whilst England is famed for its pretty countryside with rolling hills, forests and rivers, the charming villages themselves are well worth a visit. There is so much history in England and old buildings, castles and churches galore to reflect this.
The English are notoriously a friendly bunch with a cracking dry sense of humour (if a little eccentric at times…)
Ok, full disclosure; I am English though living in Wales so I may be a tad biased when I tell you the English are the most friendly people worldwide. I’m sure there are some facts out there somewhere to back me up..?!
My favourite thing about an English countryside getaway is the multitude of cafes for afternoon tea, the beautiful walks and spending evenings in a cosy old pub, warming myself by a roaring fire and tucking into some hearty pub food.
So if I’ve convinced you to explore beyond London next time, here are 12 beautiful English Countryside getaways suggested by travel bloggers to inspire your trip to rural England!
But first a few of my own favourite places…
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English Countryside Getaway to The Lake District
I spent many a fond summer in the Lake District as a child. My Mum’s family live in nearby Cumbria and it was the perfect springboard for outdoor adventures as we grew up.
Back then I spent many a summer swimming in the freezing cold lake and I have to admit, that doesn’t hold QUITE as much appeal any more! But on a recent trip, I took to the lake on a kayak instead – a much more civilised way to enjoy the beautiful lakes!
There are quaint villages galore and plenty of places to stop for afternoon tea. If hiking is your thing then you are in luck as there are plenty of mountains for you to explore here in what I personally think might be the prettiest countryside England has to offer!
I would highly recommend staying at Rothay Garden Hotel in Grasmere. They have this beautiful conservatory complete with spa where you can sit in a jacuzzi watching the sheep stroll past. It’s so incredibly relaxing. There’s no swimming pool here but who needs a pool when you have a jacuzzi with a view like that?!
Grasmere itself is one of the cutest villages in the Lakes and is home to the smallest shop in the world which sells the most incredible ginger biscuits.
English Countryside Getaway to Monmouth
Well, you could argue that this is a Welsh countryside getaway as in truth, Monmouth borders both England and Wales. It’s the town where I grew up and recently I heard it was Britains happiest town according to Capitol radio!
It’s no wonder why really. Monmouth is one of those places where community spirit is really strong. There’s always so much going on whether that be a free music festival or a country fair. The pubs are always bustling and lively and there are plenty of cafes for a cream tea or two.
Monmouth is also home to the only remaining fortified medieval bridge in the UK making it a popular place for history buffs to visit. Read more about Monmouth in my Monmouth Visitors Guide.
Bristol City Guide by a Local
Cambridge City Guide by a Local
Monmouth Visitors Guide
A Weekend in Stroud
Brighton weekend guide
The Ultimate Europe Bucket List – 30 reasons to visit Europe
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Over to the other bloggers…
English Countryside Getaway to Exmoor
By Suzanne Easton
Exmoor is located on the border of Somerset and Devon and is one of the smaller National Parks in England.
It is a beautiful area to explore with deep wooded valleys, streams and high moorland. It was used as the inspiration for the Lorna Doone book by RD Blackmoore and still has a romantic wilderness feel.
Exmoor reaches the coast with the seaside town of Minehead being on the boundary of the national park, perfect for a beach walk or supplies before heading away from the town.
One of our favourite places is Tarr Steps. An ancient clapper bridge with beautiful walks and wild swimming in the river during the summer months. Nearby is Liscombe Farm with gorgeous dairy ice cream from the cows that you see grazing near the river.
Exmoor is also known for its deer rut. High on the moorland in the autumn months, the stags collect their hinds and congregate showing great displays of their strength, fighting other stags and generally being aggressive and loud.
Staying on Exmoor is really special as it has Dark Skies status and the stars really do shine on the moors at night. We love the Dunkery Beacon Hotel, indulgence but worth every penny.
Credit @ Suzanne Easton
English Countryside Getaways in The New Forest
By Nienke Krook
The New Forest is a favourite UK holiday destination with plenty of nature, museums, pubs and wonderful towns & villages. You can reach The New Forest in just 90 minutes by train from London.
From the town of Lyndhurst, you can do a circular hiking trail that takes you via the meadows through a denser area of the forest, then to the South and back via Clayhill to Lyndhurst. You’ll see plenty of wild ponies along the way!
Lyndhurst is also the town where Alice Hargraves (Liddell) lived, a lady who became the inspiration for the main character from the famous book “Alice in Wonderland”.
Other nearby places worth visiting are Lymington (where you can explore the marina, the wildlife conservation areas and the typical landscape of the salt planes), the Isle of Wight (a great place for wildlife spotting and other outdoor activities) and the Jurassic Coast (with dramatic cliffs and steep green hills).
To save money on your accommodation, we recommend checking out the local Airbnb options. We stayed in a small town called Bransgore, which proved to be a perfect base from to explore the different parts of this region.
(Get a free £25 Airbnb coupon here.)
Credit @ Nienke Krook
English Countryside Getaway to Hambledon in Hampshire
By Kelly Mongan
With its stunning vineyard and charming village pub, there’s no better place for a weekend away than Hambledon.
Located in Hampshire, this town is often referred to as “the cradle of cricket”, since it is where the modern cricket rules were first played (head to the Bat & Ball pub if you’re a cricket fan!).
Hambledon is located in South Downs National Park and therefore offers stunning countryside walks, through the vineyard and cabbage fields, or even up Butser Hill.
It’s also a Dark Sky zone, meaning you’ll be treated to the most wonderful view of the stars at night.
If you want to truly experience the English countryside, there is no better place to stay than Wriggly Tin Shepherds Huts. Wriggly Tin offers glamping in its finest form and is just a ten-minute walk from Hambledon Vineyard.
At the vineyard, it’s possible to do a tour and taste their award-winning sparkling wine.
If you’re looking to explore more of the area, Winchester is an easy day trip, as is Arundel Castle. Or, for walking/cycling trips, you have the whole of South Downs National Park at your disposal!
Credit @ Kelly Mongan
English Countryside Getaway to Wensleydale in The Yorkshire Dales
By Sarah Poitras
This summer, we spent four days in the Yorkshire Dales for our first English countryside getaway. We based ourselves in Wensleydale for our Yorkshire Dales holiday.
If you like walking, Wensleydale is a great place to visit in the English countryside. You’ll be treated to rolling green hills, picturesque stone fences, and of course tons of sheep. And it’s a great place for people of all abilities as there are many different walks of varying difficulty levels.
There are also castles! We particularly enjoyed our visit to Bolton Castle, which is quite well preserved and has beautiful grounds to explore. It would also make for a good family outing (we saw a lot of kids enjoying themselves).
We based ourselves in two towns, Hawes and Masham, for their locations and for their local culinary delights. Hawes is home to Wensleydale Creamery which makes truly delicious cheese. And Masham has not one but two local breweries: Theakston Brewery and Black Sheep Brewery.
In Hawes, we stayed at Spring Bank House, a traditional B&B, and in Masham, we stayed at The Bay Horse, a traditional pub. Both served tasty and hearty breakfasts and had friendly and helpful owners. We would highly recommend both if you’re looking for places to stay in Wensleydale.
Credit @ Sarah Poitras
English Countryside Getaway to Lacock, Wiltshire
By Chandrima Chakraborty
If you’re looking for some beautiful English countryside getaways, the village of Lacock definitely needs to be on your list.
Located in the English county of Wiltshire (around 30 minutes from the city of Bath by car), this little village will transport you back in time, to almost 200 years ago. It’s maintained entirely by the National Trust. And mind you, it’s not a museum. It’s very much a functioning village.
Take a stroll down its many alleys and admire the cute traditional cottages in the village. There’s also an old tithe barn, church, and workhouse.
Here you can see the honour system still in use. Residents lay out their homemade jams, marmalades, buns, and scones outside their homes – unguarded and unsupervised. You’re expected to take what you want and leave the payment right there.
If you feel hungry, stop for a bite at one of its cute little bakeries or cafes. Also, don’t forget to check out the Fox Talbot Museum and the Lacock Abbey (especially if you’re a Harry Potter fan).
The village has also been a filming location for many popular movies and TV shows including Harry Potter, Downton Abbey, and BBC’s Pride and Prejudice.
Lacock can easily be covered on a day trip from London. You might even want to combine it with a visit to Bath and Stonehenge like we did.
Credit @ Chandrima Chakraborty
English Countryside Getaways in Northumberland, North England
By Gemma
Northumberland, the northernmost county in England, is jam-packed full of beautiful countryside and activities.
During a recent long weekend visit, we packed in lots of great day trips.
Bamburg Beach was a highlight for us. With long, open stretches of sand, it is overlooked by the impressive Bamburgh Castle. It can be busy in the height of the summer, so arrive early if you want to enjoy some tranquillity.
The Holy Island of Lindisfarne is another not-to-be-missed destination. Check the clearly marked tide times though for a safe crossing. While away the hours exploring the traditional village and ruins on the Island. it is also an ornithologists dream!
Moving inland we also enjoyed a visit to the Cragside Estate, although be prepared for a pricey admission fee.
Dogs are allowed on lead and there are lots of beautiful woodland walks and manicured gardens to appreciate. The large Rock Garden is particularly impressive.
We stayed in a cosy Airbnb cottage on a working farm on the Northumberland border near the Village of Hamsterley Mill. It was a little worn around the edges but well equipped and comfortable and we had a view of the stabled horses from our window.
(Get a free £25 Airbnb voucher here.)
Credit @ Gemma
English Countryside Getaways to The South Downs
By Danielle Lawson.
Picture proper English countryside and there’s a good chance you think of bright yellow flowering fields, rolling green hills and winding tracks. That’s the South Downs.
This enormous Sussex and Hampshire national park is a prime picnicking spot, with great cycling and walking – and all just 20 minutes from the bustle of Brighton and Hove.
Come for the next eclipse or to stargaze (it’s a Dark Sky Park) or pop over on a sunny day to soak up the country air and get away from it all. Spotting wildlife will have you keen to stay and there’s a cracking pub, The Devils Dyke, where you can refuel with good food and drink.
For day trips, you shouldn’t miss exploring colourful spots on the South Coast like Brighton, Eastbourne and Worthing, which will also offer great hotels. The Courtlands Hotel in Hove is a great option for those looking to splash out, while The Brighton Breeze Hotel is somewhere budget that I have stayed and can recommend.
Got more time? Petworth House, Arundel and Goodwood (famous for the Goodwood Revival) are also close by.
Credit @ Danielle Lawson
English Countryside Getaways to Teesdale, The North Pennines
By Sarah Carter
Getaway to the little known Teesdale – part of the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
The River Tees flows down through the dale, providing stunning waterfalls at Cauldron Snout, High Force and Low Force, with spectacular and easy walks along her banks.
The gateway to this glorious dale is the market town of Barnard Castle, named after the castle of the same name which was built in the 12th century. Famous visitors to the town have included author Charles Dickens and landscape painter JMW Turner.
Here you’ll find great places to stay, including the friendly and welcoming 17th century Old Well Inn, which backs onto the castle walls.
There are other fabulous cosy pubs and the magnificent Bowes Museum which boasts links to the Queen Mother. Explore the famous Butter Market or Market Cross, now serving as a beleaguered traffic island, but which was once the town jail!
There are great walks – a short 6km round trip takes you between the two main waterfalls further up the dale from Low Force to High Force and back. This is a stunning area of England in which to take a break, no matter what the time of year!
Credit @ Sarah Carter
English Countryside Getaways to The Cotswolds
By Emily Cole
The Cotswolds is full of fantastic countryside; think thatched, honey coloured cottages nestling in the hollows of gently rolling hills, perfect for country walks.
There’s something for everyone in the Cotswolds. The most famous villages are Castle Combe, Bibury and Bourton on the Water, which are usually voted among the prettiest villages in the UK.
The Cotswold Way runs for 100 miles along the top of the hills linking Chipping Campden in the north of the region to Bath in the south. Any section of this walk gives fantastic views and access to quaint towns. Broadway Tower is a highlight along the route.
You can also discover a wealth of history in the region. Sudeley Castle is a former royal palace and lies half in ruins, half still lived-in stately home. Blenheim Palace is on the edge of the Cotswolds and is one of the most fantastic buildings in the UK. Cogges Manor Farm is a historic farm which was used in the filming of Downton Abbey.
There are numerous places to stay in the Cotswolds, although choosing a central location such as Barnsley House near Cirencester will allow you to get to both the north and south of the Cotswolds in less than an hour.
The Cotswolds are only a couple of hours away from London, making the region a perfect weekend getaway.
Credit @ Emily Cole
English Countryside Getaways to The Peak District
Just about an hour outside of Manchester lies the Peak District, a landscape like no other in Britain.
You will find rolling hills, moorland plateaus, and steep-sided deep dales. When you pair the amazing landscape with quaint villages housing amazing places to eat and drink, market towns, and historic houses, you are bound to have a vacation like no other.
Many people visiting the Peak District enjoy going out for a day hike that ends with a proper meal and ale at one of the many historic pubs you will find along the way.
Besides just hiking, you can go spelunking in a cavern, cycle the windy roads or even take a cable car up the famous Heights of Abraham.
If you don’t quite fancy the outdoor activities, there are plenty of villages to stop over and shop till you drop.
There are also plenty of charming bed and breakfasts to choose from if you would like to stay the night. While we were visiting we found a quaint little Airbnb to stay at where we were able to cook a full English fry up in the morning!
With everything the Peak District has to offer, it is definitely a must for anyone looking to visit a charming English countryside!
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Bristol City Guide by a Local
Cambridge City Guide by a Local
Monmouth Visitors Guide
Accommodation Review in Stroud – Gateways to the Cotswolds
Things to do in Stroud
Brighton weekend guide
The Ultimate Europe Bucket List – 30 reasons to visit Europe
So which English countryside getaway is appealing to you most? Hopefully, you’ve got plenty of inspiration now to plan and English rural weekend trip or two!
Personally, I would love to spend more time in the Cotswolds!
Tell me about your favourite place for an English weekend away in the comments below!
And if you can share this article with your friends using the social share button sand pins below, I’ll be eternally grateful!
10 Beautiful English Countryside Getaways to Enjoy in 2019 Sometime's I become so preoccupied with exploring the world that I forget about all the beautiful English Countryside getaway locations right on my doorstep.
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Best Destinations for Cycling Holidays in the UK
The wind in your hair, the world rushing by and the buzz of endorphins as you power yourself along – there’s a fantastic sense of freedom when riding a bike, so it’s no surprise cycling holidays are hugely popular. It’s a great way to see a place properly, as you can go at your own pace and discover hidden gems en route.
If you’re looking for a cycling event to spark your interest in biking holidays, then the UK has plenty. From time trials in the South Downs to family-friendly routes in Cambridge, we’ve rounded up 10 of the best destinations and events for cycling in the UK.
Bike ride destinations in the UK
If the whole family want to join in the fun and take to the saddle, Holiday Lettings has hundreds of spacious rentals to pick from that will suit tots and teenagers alike. Couples looking for a romantic biking break might opt for a picturesque cottage or an apartment close to the action. Whatever you’re looking for, you’re sure to find the perfect rental for you.
The Yorkshire Dales
With its acres of moors, valleys, hills and villages, this scenic national park is perfect cycling territory. If you’re up to the challenge, the Etape du Dales sportive takes place here each May and covers 110 miles, so you might want to start training now! The event starts and finishes in Threshfield, near Grassington, and you’ll find some beautiful rentals nearby where you can relax after a day’s cycling. Bike are available to hire locally from Dales Bike Centre.
Choose a relaxing rental in the Yorkshire Dales
Known for its rural villages and local red sandstone buildings, this picturesque county is a pleasure to cycle through. The Evans Cycles Cheshire 100 event takes place here in July and it’s a beautiful route loved by cyclists and spectators alike. The 100km route winds its way through country lanes on the Cheshire Plains, and through Dunham Massey Deer Park and Tatton Park along the way. There’s also a 100-mile route on the edge of the Peak District for riders who want more of a challenge. If you want to hire bikes when you get to your holiday rental, check out Delamere Bike Shop and Hire.
Book a cycling holiday in Cheshire
Dartmoor, Devon
With its craggy landscape, forests, rivers, wetlands and tors, Dartmoor’s winding trails are excellent cycling terrain. If you’re looking for a cycling holiday in July, The Dartmoor Classic Sportive, organised and run by the Mid-Devon Cycling Club, is one of most prestigious open-road cycling events in the UK. There’s so much to see and do in Dartmoor, too; explore Neolithic tombs, Bronze Age stone circles and abandoned medieval farmhouses. Enjoy a meal out in one of the pretty villages or maybe stop in at a deli to cook some local produce back at your private rental. Looking for local bike hire? Check out Devon Cycle Hire.
Dash off to a holiday home in Dartmoor
South Downs, Sussex
Visit the South Downs in October if you want to take part in the Wiggle South Downs 100. Pit your wits against a challenging course spanning Hampshire and Sussex, and if you’re feeling especially energetic, join one the climbs against the clock on closed roads – the next best thing to the Tour de France! The South Downs National Park is stunning in autumn and you’ll find plenty to see and do, from walks in ancient woodland to gazing at the white cliffs of Seven Sisters. Choose a cosy cottage in a picture-perfect village or pick a family-friendly home in a bustling market town. And if you’re in need of bike hire, visit Hassocks Community Cycle Hire located right next to Hassocks train station.
See all rentals in the South Downs
Fort William
Head to Fort William for a relaxing break in the Scottish Highlands. Known as the gateway to Ben Nevis, this beautiful spot has plenty of independent shops and restaurants, so it’s great if you love pottering around the town. For something more energetic, the 2018 Scottish Downhill Association Series, plus the Scottish Championships run for Scottish Cycling, take place here every September. It’s a thrilling event to take part in, or spectate. If you enjoy skiing, the nearby Nevis Range Mountain Resort has ski runs and forest trails. Reward your efforts with a ‘wee dram’ at the Ben Nevis Distillery. Looking to hire a bike? Choose from an extensive range at Nevis Cycles.
Find a holiday home in Fort William
Richmond Park, London
Created by Charles I in the 17th century, Richmond Park in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames, is the largest of London’s Royal Parks. It’s also a Special Area of Conservation and a national nature reserve. The London Duathlon takes place in the park every September so if you love cycling and nature, you’re in for a treat! Riders must give way to the 600+ resident deer which, along with the stunning flora and fauna in the park, adds to the charm of this event. You’ll find hundreds of rentals nearby, so there are plenty of places to choose from when it comes to resting your head after a long day of riding. And if you’re looking to rent a bike, visit Totally Richmond to find out more.
Search for rentals near Richmond Park
Home to the prestigious University of Cambridge, this elegant city on the River Cam is a haven for cyclists. It’s the best way of getting around and you’ll find excellent cycle lanes and places to lock bikes if you want to spend the day sightseeing. Visit the University museums, the Gothic chapel, the cathedral and much, much more. If you fancy a bit of a challenge, The Strawberry 50 community cycling event happens every September and is a fantastic family-friendly cycle ride. Why not book a rental for a week or two to make the most of your stay? Choose a cosy cottage by the river or a spacious townhouse in the centre. Bikes are available for hire from Outspoken! Cycles.
See all cycling holidays in Cambridge
Peak District
Be prepared – the Eroica Britannia cycle ride is a challenge! But if you’re up to it, it’s one of the most rewarding routes in the UK. With the glorious Peak District National Park as your backdrop, cycling through this stunning part of the world will give you a new lease of life. The event takes place each June and there’s entertainment, food and shopping available, too. Book a stay in one of the historic towns, such as Bakewell, or find a rustic rental overlooking ancient moorland. No need to bring your bike as you can hire them locally from the Bike Garage.
Browse all rentals in the Peak District
Box Hill, Surrey
Located in the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, this stunning summit of the North Downs is every cyclist’s dream. It’s also a Site of Special Scientific Interest, noted for its orchids, rare plant species, and over 40 species of butterfly. Hire a bike from Surrey Hills Cycle Hire and enjoy a leisurely ride, stopping at the visitors’ centre en route. Or if you want to raise money for a fantastic cause and test your cycling ability, sign up for the Sigma Sports Box Hill Original Sportive that takes place in October.
Book a biking break in Box Hill
Brecon Beacons
Set off for the Brecon Beacons this August to take part in the 2018 Brecon Beacons Devil Sportive. The event offers three stunning cycling routes, passing through the best of the Brecon Beacons National Park and the Radnorshire Hills. From Hay-on-Wye to the Black Mountains and the pretty villages beyond, this ride offers some of the best scenery you can enjoy from a saddle in the UK. When you’re not racking up the miles on a bike, explore peaceful waterfalls, pop into a farmhouse cafe or maybe spend an evening stargazing at your private holiday rental. If you need to hire a bike, try Bikes and Hikes.
Soak up the scenery at a rental in the Brecon Beacons
The post Best Destinations for Cycling Holidays in the UK appeared first on Holiday Lettings Blog.
from News And Tips For Traveling https://blog.holidaylettings.co.uk/best-destinations-cycling-holidays-uk/
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OUTDOORS | 12 Of The Best Bits Of 2017 – A Year Of Heartache, Hope & Happiness
2017 proved to be another amazing year, but one that came very close to ending in tradegy after my mum was left fighting for her life.
With a long term relationship ending, and a new one beginning, it’s been a year of change, but of positive change.
I’ve spent a lot of time outdoors and feel more connected to the natural world that I have done for a very long time.
Here’s a summary of some of the best and worst bits of 2017.
January 2017 Urban walk with friends on New Year’s Day
I love finding hiden gems like Walton Park amidst a bustling city
We kicked the year off by going for a bracing new year’s day walk with friends in Liverpool. The 4 mile walk was just what we needed to clear our heads after a night of partying and it was the perfect start to what turned out to be the year I spent more time outdoors than I’ve done since I was a carefree child.
A New Year’s Day Walk Around Walton Park in Liverpool
February 2017 Facing fears in Delamere Forest
This was a pretty big deal for someone with vertigo and a lifelong fear of heights!
OK so to most people Go Ape isn’t exactly the pinnacle of daring adventure, but for me, with vertigo and a lifelong fear of heights, it was a big deal. A couple of years ago I’d have simply turned an opportunity like that down without a second thought, but when I was approached to try out the classic treetop adventure, I immediately said yes.
Once I’d got over my terror, I loved it, though I must admit to liking the zip wires more than the walking across wobbly high things! It just goes to show that having a positive ‘yes’ mindset can reap rewards and it felt like I’d truly started the year as I meant to go on!
A Day of Adventure at Go Ape Delamere Forest, Cheshire
March 2017 Glamping with the whole family
Some of the quirky glamping accommodation at Glamping Thorpe
In March we stayed at one of the quirkiest glamping sites we’ve ever been to! We slept in a converted horse box, whilst my sister stayed in a stunning shepherds hut and the whole family got together for a party at the fantastic Glamping Thorpe in Oxfordshire.
Ultra-Quirky Glamping For Couples & Groups at Glamping Thorpe in Oxfordshire
April 2017 Exploring northern Cornwall
Padstow harbour in Cornwall
In April we headed down to Cornwall and stayed in a gorgeous lodge at Juliots Well. We explored Padstow and despite an ankle injury, managed to make it up to Tintagel for some breathtaking views.
We also visited the magical St. Nectans Glen, marking the first of many waterfalls that I’d visit during 2017.
The Perfect Spring Weekend Break at Juliots Well, Plus Out & About In North Cornwall
May 2017 Bucket list Indian Ocean diving
Snorkeling in the Indian Ocean on my bucket-list holiday
In May I went on a bucket list holiday to the Indian Ocean where I swam with sharks, spotted lionfish, stroked a moray eel and cried my eyes out when I saw a Mata Ray. The trip was everything I’d hoped it would be and more.
Discovering the Stunning Biodiversity of the Maldives
June 2017 Solo Scottish road trip and mountain summit
Nearing the summit of Ben Lawers on my first solo hike
Soon after I returned from the Maldives I embarked on a solo road trip to Scotland. I glamped on my own close to Loch Tay, and did my first ever mountain walk on my own.
Having attempted the walk the previous year, we’d had to turn back due to blizzard conditions and deep snow so this time I was determined to reach the two summits of Beinn Ghals and Ben Lawers. The weather at the base was sweltering and came as a shock, and I found the walk demanding, but I did it, and confidence wise, it did me the world of good!
My Scottish Road Trip – Kayaking on a Loch & Standing On Top Of Mountains
July 2017 Camping with friends at Cae Du Wales
Camping with friends at my favourite campsite
We love Cae Du campsite in Wales and this year we were lucky enough to return with a big group of friends for several glorious sunny days in July. Living all over the country and with our own demanding lives, it���s rare that we get to spend so much quality time with our friends, so our camping trip felt like a real treat and also gave me the chance to review a funky new tent.
5 Nights Camping In The Stunning New Star Canopy Bell Tent from Boutique Camping
August 2017 Critical illness
Mum on her way to recovery on the Intensive Care ward
In July my mum was rushed into hospital, and I stood in horror beside her hospital bed watching the stats on her monitor plummet as her lung function completely ceased and she lost consciousness. It was a harrowing experience, but after nearly 2 weeks in Intensive care, mum was finally well enough to come home.
I will never be able to express the graitute I feel for the team at Stafford hospital who battled for over an hour to save my mums’ life, nor the team that looked after her whilst she was in intensive care at Royal Univeristy Hospital Stoke.
We have always been a close family, but this Christmas feels like the biggest gift we’ve ever been given.
Spending all day every day in a waiting room, the rollercoaster of being told to give up hope then glimpses of improvement took it’s toll on us all, and I for the sake of my own sanity, I sought a few hours away from the hospital in order to be alone with my thoughts out on the water.
Me kayaking at Astbury Mere in Cheshire
A Moment Of Reflection Kayaking Out On The Water – Time Outdoors During A Crisis
As mum started to get stronger, towards the end of August I once again set off on my own, this time for a long bank holiday break down in Cornwall. I stayed in a stunning yurt at The Fir Hill and booked a wildlife spotting boat trip and went on a sea kayaking adventure. Sea kayaking is something I’d always wanted to do, and I loved every second of it and I can’t wait to do it again next year.
Kayaking off the coast of St. Agnes in Cornwall
Exploring The St Agnes Coast With Koru Kayaking, Trevaunance Cove in Cornwall
September 2017 Walking in Wainwrights footsteps
Near the summit of Catbells having done my very first Wainwright walk
I had fully intended to visit the Lake District well before September but had such a busy year, the opportunity didn’t arrive until late.
Autumn camping trip at Castlerigg Hall campsite, Cumbria
We decided a bit of Autumn camping was in order, and returned to one of our favourite campsites, Castlerigg Hall, and whilst in the area we did our very first Wainwright walk.
Hawse End to Catbells & Camping in Cumbria on the Autumn Equinox
October 2017 Discovering walking in the Lancashire Moors
Walking on the Lancashire moors for the first time
After the amicable break up of my relationship earlier in the year, by this time I had someone new in my life who not only shares my passion for the outdoors but also writes about the outdoors and is a keen walker and ecologist.
Slowly the sorrow I naturally felt at the end of my previous relationship was replaced with a new found sense of happiness, and we wasted no time in spending as much time outdoors as possible.
Our very first walk at the start of October took us up into the Lancashire Moors as we walked from Brinscall up to Great Hill.
Brinscall to Great Hill – Walking In The Lancashire Moors
November 2017 Discovering there’s more to Snowdonia than Snowdon
Aber Falls in Snowdonia
We booked a luxury weekend break with Under the Thatch and stayed in a stunning Victorian cottage in Snowdonia.
Inside the beautiful cottage in Snowdonia
We chose the property mainly based on it’s location and we managed to get two great walks over the weekend, including a walk at Newborough Warren and Llanddwyn Island in Angelsey, as well as a lovely circular walk to Aber Falls in North Wales which took us through some magiacl ancient woodland, to two enormous waterfalls and then onwards towards the North Wales coast providing us with expansive views of Angelsey.
Walking Aber Falls, Wales, 7.42km Circular Walk
December 2017 Snowy canal winter walk in Wheelton
Lock number 59 in Wheelton, Lancashire
During a weekend which saw much the UK blanketed in snow, we headed up to Leyland in Lancashire for a weekend break, and found ourselves by chance in an area that was almost completely free of snow.
The light was stunning thanks to the low winter sun, cloudless skies and reflection of the bright white snow. The simple joy of walking on a cold but bright and sunny winters day never gets old for me; there’s something so life affirming about hearing the crunch of snow underfoot and the warmth of the sun on your face.
A Snowy Winter Canal Walk in Wheelton, Lancashire
Finishing 2017 on a high
I’m finishing the year happier than I’ve ever been and confident that whilst next year is sure to throw up it’s own challenges, I’ll be able to face whatever comes my way. I wanted to ensure that 2017 was all about prioritising my own wellbeing, saying yes to more fun travel and adventure opportunities, no to more freelance work and spending time outdoors, and I feel like I’ve done that.
Looking forward to 2018
In 2018 I’m looking forward to more camping, walking and I’d love to do sea kayaking again. I also want to try climbing outdoors, to finally master SUP, and I’m keen to snorkel or even dive off the coast here in the UK. Finally I’d also really like to get back up to Scotland again, and we are currently planning a week long Scottish road trip for some time in 2018.
Here’s to you
I wish you a very happy new year, and would like to take a moment to say a big heartfelt thank you to all of the team here at Camping with Style, my family and friends and to you the readers for your going support.
Happy 2018!
Shell x
The post OUTDOORS | 12 Of The Best Bits Of 2017 – A Year Of Heartache, Hope & Happiness appeared first on Camping with Style Camping Blog | Activities • Glamping • Travel • Adventure.
Original Source http://www.campingwithstyle.co.uk/outdoors-12-best-bits-2017-year-heartache-hope-happiness/ For the best knives to use whilst camping check out Carlson Knives http://www.carlsonknives.com/
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