#spell to end a marriage
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starryalpacasstuff · 6 months ago
Knock Knock Boys: A Queer Asian Lens
I didn't watch Knock Knock Boys as it was airing, because it didn't really seem like the kind of show I'd be into. However, this post by @lurkingshan and @waitmyturtles' enthusiastic recommendation convinced me to give it a shot. Having binged the entirety of the series in a day, I can say that the show was an absolute delight to watch.
I've seen plenty of people talking about how wonderfully sex positive the show was, so I'm not going to bother with going too much into it, but I will say that the drama clearly showed the kind of sex education and awareness that is desperately needed around the world. I also really liked how Lukpeach and Latte were the ones responsible for pretty much all of the sex education in the show. It was very realistic in that, in my experience, it's extremely common for teenagers and young adults to get a majority of their knowledge about sex from their friends and the internet. The show had a very clear message about the importance of talking freely about sex with younger generations, because the taboo on the topic only harms teenagers in the long run.
Now, besides that, there was one more issue that I thought the show did wonderfully: it showed how asian kids are often hesitant to discuss things with their parents because they assume the worst in the beginning. I'm having some trouble articulating this, because it's such an abstract, ingrained concept to me, so forgive me if this is incoherent. I'm also generalizing my experience as an Indian, so please do correct me if I'm wrong here. That being said, having been raised in a society that values respect and listening to elders without question, discussing alternate ideas with parents can be a very difficult thing for most of us. It's easy to assume what parents would say to an idea and decide that trying to convince them otherwise is a task that is either futile or requires too much energy.
The best way I can describe is that the mindset becomes "It's better to ask for forgiveness if you get caught instead of asking for permission straight away". For example, had Almond asked his mother if he could stay with three other guys, she would've most definitely flat out refused, since she would've had a lot of preconceived notions about the idea. But, because Almond is able to show her that he's happy as he was, she was perfectly fine with him continuing to stay with the others. I think that's the hallmark of most asian parents, they want us to be happy but they're convinced that they know what kind of life will make us happy. They did something similar with Peak and his father, but my feelings on that are a little more complex, so we'll come back to this.
Peak and Thanwa, man. I loved Latte and Almond but these two just stole the show for me. I know some people felt frustrated with Peak's dallying and hesitance, but I just felt so sad for him, and something about his situation just hit very close to home. And Seng, the actor that he is. One particular moment that stuck with me was the scene when he leaned against the door while Jumper attacked Max. I must've rewatched that moment half a dozen times, because his acting was impeccable. I will say, I wish that they'd given us a better resolution on the arc after Max, but those are mostly minor quibbles. What I really wanted to talk about was the arc with Peak's father. Peak gathering the courage to tell his father with the support from his found family was beautiful. The scene at Knock Knock House the day before Peak left was one of the most magnificent, emotionally charged scenes I've seen in asian ql in a while. Coming from a societ wherein arranged marriage is the norm, the storyline hit hard in all the right places.
But. I did not love the resolution of the arc. I think we've had some conversation about how some shows try to be both in the bubble and out of the bubble simultaneously, and the last two episodes of the show felt a little like that. From what we knew about the father, it felt almost too easy for him to simply accept everything right away. There should have been some struggle for reconciliation. I know that the show has a theme of assumptions and lack of communication disrupting parent-child relationships, but in this case how fast they move on just seems unrealistic. My cynicism aside, even if we assume that the father wasn't homophobic, there should've been more of a conversation on the breaking of the engagement! The social implications, the father asking him why he didn't say anything for so long, Jane's involvement (how did the father know that she knew about this?). The only argument I can see against this is that the father, while initially put off by the revelation, chose to act otherwise to support his son. But then, he most likely wouldn't have insisted they take his car. And there still should've been some sort of a conversation about the engagement. Arranged marriages have a purpose; it's to provide financial and social security. I find it extremely hard to believe that a father who arranged a marriage for his son wouldn't have so much as discuss the implications of being gay with him. They tried to have the engagement have consequences with the wedding banquet, but the resolution for that really only made it worse. This is cynical of me, but I simply cannot suspend my disbelief enough to believe that the entire wedding party was perfectly happy with the turn of events. This whole resolution just seemed out of place in a show that was otherwise so wonderfully grounded in reality while still being absolutely hilarious. I think, if the show had done something a little more similar to GAP, it would've felt more realistic.
All of that aside, I really did enjoy watching the show. It was hilarious and heartwarming, and the characters were absolutely wonderful. The resolution of the final arc did drag it down a little, but I would be lying if I said that watching two queer couples get to celebrate their relationships with their community didn't warm my heart at all (Also, side note- Jane having a girlfriend was a brilliant subversion). All in all, it's a great series. It definitely felt like something new and fresh compared to the kind of qls that I've been watching lately.
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lesbworth · 3 months ago
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selected moments (mostly gay or countess almaviva or both) from barrie kosky's 2023 production of le nozze di figaro at the wiener staatsoper
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I just need to share my vision:
The albatrio finally reunite after their separate quests. They're so happy to be together. Everything is great. But Jay notices something is... well, odd about them. More odd than usual. She jokes to Chip, "what, did you two kiss again or something?" And again, she cannot stress enough that this was a JOKE. But Chip is turning 18 different shades of red and now she's intrigued because there's obviously a story.
"We kind of...got married?" Chip will squeak out.
"... and you didn't ask me to be your best woman?" She's a little offended.
"What? No, it's not like-- it wasn't a REAL wedding, it was just... Gill's goddess really likes marriage or something. She protects newlyweds? We had a big fight coming up and Gill's like, ordained for this kind of stuff, so we just sort of... you know? It seemed logical at the time."
"... ... you got married for TAX PURPOSES?"
"Battle purposes, yes," Chip says. "And we're both still alive so clearly it worked."
She stares at him. And then it dawns on her. "Oh my God and Gill doesn't believe in divorce--" She grabs Chip by the shoulders. "You got trapped in a marriage AGAIN. How does this keep happening to you?"
Gill walks by, blissfully unaware of the entire conversation, and cheerfully kisses Chip on the cheek like it's nothing. Chip discovers a new, 19th shade of red in which to turn.
Jay bursts into hysterical laughter. "Good to have you back, Jay!" Gillion says, and keeps walking.
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as-thra · 4 months ago
🐍 It might've ended up being his problem anyway! Can't be too sure
Somerild belongs to @sunglow-fae !!!
Messages from the end of year three:
> [Do you think mama and papa were right about...?]
> [He didn't actually use four]
> [He wouldn't be that irresponsible]
> [Right?]
> [I saw it, Daniel]
> [...]
> [Somer said he had to grow up around it and saw it as normal]
> [He should've known better, As]
> [No matter how much I might hate the Freys I can't imagine]
> [...]
> [Are you still at the pitch?]
> [Behind, I don't think I could've stayed there]
> [I'll be there in a sec]
> [And stop looking at the GC, you'll make yourself panic]
Excerpt from summer of 2012:
His hand trembled as he aimed his wand at the mirror, they did that often now.
AAAND ADDITIONAL TAG FOR @that-one-light !!!! since this is technically an am!au lore post, even though most of it is dumped in the tags whoops
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my webcam has a bad habit of deciding not to work sometimes, so I decided to make a little pngtuber of my dnd character for sessions! first time camilleposting on tumblr, she is a joy :]
more emotions under the cut!
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her spiritual weapon is a giant floating sock! i have created lore reasons for this but the real reason is Indecision on my end >:]. anyways i have gifted myself the ability to transform into a sock at will and i will only be using this for evil
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she can also be traumatized or laughing, which are the two Quintessential DND emotions :)
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aria0fgold · 11 months ago
My headcanons for the named trio in The Cursing of Chateau Castle series:
Josephandre is a big bear. It just fits for him I think! He gets he/him pronouns, and as a way to make him a liiiil more relatable for Mira, he'd have two craft types (Rock type being his main one and paper craft for the other). Battle style wise, I think it fits him to be more of a self-sustaining tank. He buffs defense, heals, and puts up shields. For his weapon, he'd use his fists like Isabeau. He'll be the second fastest in the trio.
Lady Irene-Janine-Kanine looks like an elegant noblewoman on the outside but she has vibes similar to Euphrasie! She gets she/her pronouns. Her craft type is Paper. Battle style wise, she's more on the offensive side, a main dps kind of thing. Most of her skills focus on buffing attack and speed, she'd have an item that helps regen her hp a lil bit and her chosen weapon is an umbrella. The tip is a sharp blade so it's used like a spear that has a hidden sword in its handle. Open it, and it becomes a shield! That'd be one of her skills too, although it's only applicable to her. She's the fastest one of the trio.
Pierre-Jacques-Erneste looks like a nobleman and carries himself as such! He gets he/they pronouns. Their craft type is Scissors. Battle style wise, he's more of a debuffer, skills focusing on weakening the enemies, slowing them down, poisoning them. Their weapon is a sword dagger, though he doesn't seem to be able to handle it well, how clumsy! But he Is a nobleman so it makes sense! Oh but... why doesn't he have a title? They're the slowest one of the trio, how strange, he seemed to be faster than Lady Irene-Janine-Karine that one time though.
#aria rants#how do i even tag these things bro im like-- why am i such a fan of a fragmented series in isat#okay so-- josephandre relied mostly on raw strength when he was travelling all alone before meeting the others#and i think he'd have a fun uncle vibe to him. which makes it easy for others to approach him and befriend him#but he Also carries a sort of pride and dignity to him which makes the others mistake him for a nobleman cuz of it#esp considering the fact that he later became famous for helping those in need and such.#lady irene on the other hand. being a noble she's always had to keep her guard up. also doesnt help that noblewomen#got the short end of the stick what with the ''arrange marriage'' things and being below noblemen#her umbrella weapon helps a lot in warding off the assholes. i think that during the journey with josephandre's party#she got to finally be herself without needing to sugarcoat her words in a way that a noble should. she would also figure out a#way to improve on her shield spell to not only apply to just her but her entire party too. she cares a lot about them after all#meanwhile i got a Whole scenario for pierre (being an illegitimate child of a noble family and all that. i made a post bout it)#he's actually a lot more capable than what he makes himself appear as. but its like part of the plan on getting the others#to lower their guards around him for when pierre betrays them. in actuality pierre is actually faster than irene altho#not much stronger still (irene and josephandre are still stronger than him) considering that pierre mainly focused on#stealth type attacks. hes more used to using a sword than a dagger (he mightve wanted to prove their worth)#it makes their battle style and weapon clash due to the fact that swords arent that good for stealth much than a dagger#its one of the reasons why hes trying to get used to the dagger than the sword. but it is a bit difficult to learn a new weapon
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beeapocalypse · 1 year ago
trying to come up w a far more contained idea for an rpgmaker thing so it isnt as intimidating to approach and immediately having it spiral out
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floatyflowers · 11 months ago
Dark! Characters who would be in denial for loving a human and might use their powers/authority to get human!Reader.
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Tom Riddle
If it isn't obvious, Tom hates anyone who is a muggle born or a muggle...he is racist despite being a half-blood himself.
But when it comes to you, his beautiful muggle bestfriend who is the daughter of the orphanage owner, he is a different person.
Tom tries to convince himself that he is only obsessed with you for your beauty, something which he believes Hogwarts girls lack.
But he knows that is a lie, because he never cared for looks.
He only cares about benefiting from others.
And Tom believes he can benefit from your affection by marrying you.
The affection he didn't receive from his mother, he can receive it from you.
Even if he has to use forbidden spells to get you to fall in love with him.
The Elvenking of Mirkwood loves his realm but he also shows disdain towards anyone who isn't of his kin.
But when sees you, a human that is very similar to his wife in personality, Thranduil finds himself in love with you.
So, to trap you in his realm, he decides to offer a deal.
Sacrifice your freedom and he will free your hobbit and darwfes friends.
Yes, humans die quickly, but he wants you to spend the rest of your years by his side.
When he sees your hesitation, he decides to use his authority.
"If you wish to refuse, you and your little friends will rot in the dungeons, but if you accept, they leave and you will be treated like a queen"
In the end, you accept his offer, not knowing it's a marriage proposal in disguise.
Vlad Dracula
Even though, he was a human once, Dracula hates humans, simply, for killing his wife.
And you knew the rumors about the count being a vampire who drinks the blood of humans.
Yet you ignored those 'rumors' for the sake of getting the job.
Working as his only servant, you made sure to obey his every word.
Dracula would watch you silently clean the castle while drinking his cup of blood.
It's clear you have discovered that he is a vampire by now, but what amused him is you continuing to work under him.
The vampire tried to resist the thoughts of falling for you, despite his possessiveness of never letting you out of his castle.
Dracula decides after long thinking, that he does hate humans, yet he can change you to become like him...you will be the first person he will transform into a vampire.
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ryker-writes · 10 days ago
Hi hi dragged out of the void because I’ve been obsessed again thanks to book seven. Had this idea late at night based off a thing I do to people I really like and appreciate! (If people want different characters lemme know)
Can be seen as romantic or platonic
Request rules and Masterlists
Giving them a rock (Diasomnia)
This might actually be some sort of fae proposal now that I think about it…
But that’s a story for another day (if people want)
Setting aside the fact that he might take it as you asking him for marriage, Malleus would love the gift!
He’d love just about any gift you give him, but a rock? Even if it’s just a simple rock he loves it like its the best gift he’s ever gotten
He may be a bit confused at first and ask if this is a human gifting ritual or symbol he doesn’t know about
He keeps it on him at all times
The rock and roaring drago are some of his most prized possessions
His dragon instinct and care for you makes him want to keep the rock with him at all costs
If anything were to happen to it, either someone takes it, jokes about it, or he loses it, there will be a massive storm with thunder and lightning
If it’s either of the first two with someone taking it or joking about it…they might get struck by the lightning (he’ll say it wasn’t intentional but have that smile on his face that tells you it was absolutely intentional)
He might even put a protection spell on it to keep it safe or prevent/curse whoever takes it from him
He might also give you a rock in return someday, but it’s probably the most expensive gem you’ll ever have
Because according to him, he wanted to find a gem that was befitting to someone as precious to him, and nothing less than the highest quality would suffice for you
He won’t even let Silver or Sebek hold it
Maybe Lilia, but he’s hovering the entire time to ensure nothing happens
To Malleus, the rock is a precious gift that symbolizes just how much you care for and trust him, and he would never let that trust be displaced
He also brags to people that you gave him a rock
He laughs
Not in a hostile way or anything, but hes very amused that out of all the things you could give him, it’s a rock
That being said, he does like and accept the gift!
Lilia has traveled the world and seen many things, but he’s not too familiar with the idea of gifting rocks to others in a context outside proposing with gems or jewelry
His room is cluttered and a mess, but he keeps the rock you gave him safe on his nightstand so he doesn’t lose it
Over the years, he’s collected many things and items that remind him of people he’s met, loved, and has seen pass, and he keeps these items safe and serve as mementos of them and the memories that he’s shared with them
To him, the rock is the same thing for you
Every time he sees the rock, he’s reminded of you and how much you mean to him
He’d be pretty understanding of the sentiment behind the rock, and would try to find something to express the same towards you!
You may end up with a rock yourself, a small trinket he thinks you’ll like, or an item from his personal belongings
His gifts won’t be as grand or expensive as Malleus’ gifts, but they’re more personally picked to suit what he thinks you may like
If he got you a rock, it’d be from a distant land and with some of your favorite colors
Lilia would flip his entire room upside down if he ever lost it
It would look like a tornado went through his room and knocked everything around. He’d even have Silver and Sebek help him in his search, telling them it’s a mission of dire importance
The group would search for hours and hours trying to find the rock
Only for him to realize he put it in his pocket for the day because he wanted to show Kalim and Cater…
He’s a little confused, but pretty open and appreciative overall!
He might ask if you’re part crow fae or something
Regardless, he expresses his thanks, and keeps the rock with him
But he does worry about what might happen to it when he falls asleep, so he asks you or Lilia if you can help him put it on a necklace or bracelet of sorts
So he always has it on him
Sometimes as he’s falling asleep, his hand unconsciously moves up and holds onto the rock
You’ll find him peacefully sleeping, rock in hand, and a smile on his face as he dreams
Silver doesn’t feel like he needs to give you something in return, and hopes you’ll be able to know he cares the same way without the gift of a rock
That being said, if he happens to come across a rock that he thinks is pretty or reminds him of you, he’ll grab it as a gift for you later
People can comment on it or joke about a rock being a gift, and he won’t pay any mind to them whatsoever
He knows the rock is an expression of how your care, and he treasures it, so why should he care if others can’t see it?
He would try and explain to people what it means, but if they aren’t going to understand then it isn’t worth explaining to them
In a way, he thinks of it as a good luck charm, and keeps it on him even when training or doing club activities
He’d feel absolutely terrible if he ever lost it, and would spend a good amount of time searching the campus for where he might’ve put it
If he’s unable to find it, he’d come to you and apologize deeply, but in all reality, it probably fell off in one of his napping spots or in his room and he happened to miss seeing it
The height of fae confusion
At first, he isn’t sure if it’s some sort of insult or if he’s supposed to use the rock for something specific
After you explain the rock and why you gave it to him, he huffs and acts like it’s not a big deal
But then he proceeds to flaunt to literally everyone that he received a rock as a token from you
The first day you give it to him, any person he runs into that happens to notice he’s carrying a rock around with him will receive a long explanation of how the human gave him this rock as a token of care and it’s a valuable treasure that they can’t even comprehend
He wouldn’t dare bring it to training or club activities in fear of losing it, but he does protect it like it’s a precious treasure that belongs in a museum
No one can touch it but him, you, Malleus, and Lilia
Maybe Silver if he needs it to be kept safe while he does something
Sebek isn’t too big on giving gifts, so he might not give one back to you unless prompted by Lilia, Malleus, or Silver
If they do, he isn’t quite sure how to express the sentiment behind the rock, or find a good enough rock
He’s trying, but just about no rock lives up to the standards he has for a rock to give you
It’s gonna be a long long time before he’s able to find a rock he thinks is fitting enough…
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ira-hydrangea · 8 days ago
My mind wanders again so please bear with me 😭
The whole NRC can all agree that they will never be able to fight together. But they can agree for the sake of Yuu
Yeah, that magicless human with extraordinary charm. So extraordinary, that they watch as their dorm leader fights each other for Yuu's attention. Not to mention, they also have a group of friends that protected them like a knight.
It will be no wonder, that Yuu charms can also find their way out the NRC remembering when Yuu almost get kidnapped
But the NRC underestimated how crazy some of those fans can be. From kidnapping, forced marriage, love spell and hypnotized?! How on magic that Prefect sanity is still intact?!
Yuu: Excuse you?! How is it my fault?!
Deuce: One, Don't be too nice with people. All of the people here have issues and kindness will worsen them...
Ace: Two, when you see some strangers, don't talk to them, don't see them in the eyes, don't let out a single sound and just RUN!
Yuu: Isn't that rude-
Yuu: It can't be that bad...
Sebek: *let out a list of paper that goes beyond the floor*
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Yuu: .... Why did you have a list?
Sebek: Young Master has tasked me for this important task! He says to prevent a future attack if we have this list! So be grateful for that, human!
Epel: or for his reference*whisper*
Sebek: *glare at Epel* We have our first list here for a kidnapping attempt made by crazy noble son from Rose Kingdom.
Deuce: Riddle lost control there, and end up having a duel with that son...
Sebek: Moving on, to our second kidnapping attempt by the sunset savannah criminal, that thought it will be fun to kidnap you for ransom money
Jack: He falls for your charm and attempts the mating ritual with you. Thankfully Leona manages to save you on time.
Deuce: Fortunately, his life is still hanging on.
Sebek: We somehow also have a sea siren on our list. You are almost getting married that time
Ace: and manage to give our professor a heart attack because of your announcement of getting married with that siren-in-disguise as soon as possible.
Yuu: Okay, I didn't remember that one.
Epel: Of course you don't, you are under his spell? Hm?
Yuu: ... Fair point...
Sebek: You also created an Internet war between Vil fans and Neige fans. Something about who is more fitting for the best boyfriend award?
Ortho: *appears* Yep, btw that war is still continuing and didn't look like it will stop anytime soon
Yuu: ... Where did you-
Sebek: Don't forget that you even manage to get in between the usurp of wealth between the Asim Family?
Jack: I don't even know how that can happen...
Sebek: I can still go on but it will take our whole day. Thankfully, there never been a single attempt made by other fae. *Proud look*
Everyone (-Yuu): DON'T JINX IT!
Ace: So, please Yuu... For our sanity! Don't be nice to people!
Yuu: okay, okay! Geez, you sound like a professor Crewel... I make sure to remember that Advice when I visit the Noble Bell College, happy?
Everyone nodded with a satisfied look. Until later, they found that even becoming magicless student can get you an obsessive fan, they are already thinking of locking Yuu in some tower at that point Malleus volunteer
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Should I make a series out of this 🤭? NRC saving their beloved damsel in distress from their obsessive fans? I think it will make a spectacular story, right 😚
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msfantasy-anime · 23 days ago
That’s MY Husband!
Luffy x Wife!Reader
Summary: Boa finds out Luffy is married
A/n: Yo i for real struggled with a concept for this… i actually don’t like it but i just want to complete the request
Part XI
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“Hello, we want to register our marriage~” You say, beaming at the clerk who is looking between you and Luffy with weariness.
“You want… a marriage certificate?” The clerk asks, unsure if he heard you right.
“Yep.” Luffy pops, becoming antsy with anticipation.
“You want… to be married … to him?” The clerk asks you pointedly, making sure he understands the situation. “Or is this marriage certificate for another gentleman?” The clerk looks down at Luffy’s outfit which looks like it was looked like it was grungy old clothes yanked off the floor (it was) and dirty from a day gallivanting about the city. Whilst you? You were in a nice clean outfit which look brand new from the store and that’s not even taking into consideration of your styled hair, manicured nails and pretty makeup.
There had to be a mistake.
What kind of groom doesn’t even have the decency to put on nicer shoes?
“Huh? Who else would it be for?!” Luffy bellows making the clerk flinch.
“A-are you a pirate?” The clerk asks hesitantly placing his hand underneath the counter, feeling for the panic button.
“Sure am! I’m gonna be king of the pirates!” Luffy bellows once again making the clerk shake fearfully in his place as he continues to feel around for the button.
“Y-your trying to force this young lady to marry you. Aren’t you?” He asks, more so accusing than anything.
Your hand slams down onto the counter, haki emanating off of you. “No one’s forcing anything. Now I’d get your damn hand away from the panic button.” You say with seething frustration leaking from your taut mouth. “You’re ruining the moment for us.” You hissed threateningly, making the clerk relent in fear.
“Y-yes ma’am! R-right away ma’am!” The clerk scrambles away in search of the marriage certificates only to come zooming back around the corner with the certificate in hand, having both you and Luffy sign the documents.
As soon as Luffy drops his pen, he turns to you and plants a kiss right onto your lips, unlike all those years ago when you first got married, you actually returned it this time.
Your lips collide into each other making your nerves fizz and buzz at the sensation of Luffy’s own mouth pressing so tantalisingly against your own. But just as soon as it started, it ended with Luffy pulling away with a huge grin slapped across his face until it quickly fades in terror at the sound of the towns clock chiming to indicate the new hour.
“CRAP! Nami told me to be back by the bell! Let’s go!” Luffy yelps, dragging you along in a dazed state back to the ship.
It felt like you teleported to the ship.
One moment you were being dragged out of city hall and the next moment you were both standing aboard.
You were expecting to be hearing an ear full from Nami at your tardiness, only she’s currently distracted with the pirate empress, Boa Hancock… who just so happens to be aboard.
It only took a mere moment of your presence for Boa to snap her head up, her eyes dragging across you and quickly darting away to stare at Luffy.
You’re curious as to why she’s here, and you don’t miss the glossy, heart eyes she’s throwing at your clueless husband.
Now imagine the horror of watching a pirate, known as the most beautiful woman in the world, call out your husbands name, pulling him into an embrace and puckering her lips as she is about to press her own mouth to his. A place that’s meant to be strictly for your own, and a place you kissed just moments before.
The swift shock of dismay that ran through your system caused you to stand stock still, unmoving, unblinking and not breathing. You were so caught off guard by the action, you weren’t sure if you want to cry, scream, yell or become violent at this woman’s non-consensual advances on your husband.
It felt like you were under a spell, unable to do anything but watch on as your blood runs cold.
Sanji places his a firm hand on your shoulder, as if pulling you out of your internal hysterics with his calm demeanour and reassuring grip, but your shaken nerves and furrow brows wordlessly explain your intentions of escalating.
Taking a long drag of his cigarette Sanji begins to provide you advice. “Give the captain a minute. There’s a certain grace Boa has earnt, after all- without Boa’s help, Luffy would be dead, and so would Ace.”
You turn your attention back to Luffy, who is currently craining his neck away. His hands planted around her wrists as he holds them back.
“Hey! Back off - I have a wife!” Luffy reprimanded Boa. Her affectionate gaze seems to shatter at Luffy’s careless words. Her struggle to grab him seems to fumble, her arms turning more limp.
Boa’s bottom lip begins to wobble in honest heartache.
It’s funny. One moment you were wanting to punch her lights out, the next you felt bad for the girl who was obviously head over heels for your husband… and understandably so.
But now… now it’s just sad as you watch the most beautiful woman in the world go limp, falling to the ground on her ass as she begins to wail at Luffy’s news. Watching the pirate princess cry fat blobs of tears is far from entertaining.
“I-I-I thought-t-t the r-r-report was WRONG!” Boa stutturs and and sobs all whilst she bites her bottom lip to stop it from trembling.
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you side eye your clueless husband who only seems to cringe away at Boa’s loud crying.
Gently, you approach the pirate princess grabbing her hand and returning it with a reassuring squeeze. “Unrequited love is unfathomably painful.” You say, providing a small smile.
Nothing could’ve prepared you for what came next.
Your simple words cause Boa to release the loudest wail yet, throwing herself at you, crying into your chest.
“I-I-I-I thought if I w-was just p-patient- that he-he would eventually l-like me b-back!” She wails once again. You just continue stroking her head, unsure what to do other than to provide comforts to the heartbroken girl.
Oh boy… this isn’t how you thought your wedding day would go…
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nanamiskentos · 4 months ago
SO IT GOES — R. Sukuna
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prologue. → newly-wed life is hardly what you expected it to be, its hardly a surprise. after all, how many people find themselves bound to the notorious king of curses? but after a frosty few weeks, sukuna finds the easiest way to win you over is when he's on his knees, and between your thighs.
pairing. ryomen sukuna x afab!reader
warnings. implied arranged marriage, sukuna-like jerkish behaviour that you might expect, softer ending, a bit of ooc sukuna and he's hardly an ideal husband but this is his version of trying, øral (fem! receiving), reader is referred to as 'little wife', questionable dynamics?
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word count. 2.8k! song inspiration. so it goes — taylor swift, reputation a/n. up to u to imagine how reader ended up in this marriage lol
mp3. scratches down your back now, so it goes.
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ryomen sukuna was not a being of great patience. as the king of curses, feared and revered for centuries, he had watched dynasties crumble, empires burn, and warlords kneel. but none of those victories compared to the relentless, quiet struggle he now faced: winning over his new wife.
it was absurd and annoying, really. why did he care what an impudent human thought of him? he had armies of souls quivering in terror before his throne, realms that chanted his name with bitterness and fury dwelling on their tongues.
yet, somehow, he found himself furious that you were as unimpressed with his power as you were by his world.
it gnawed at him, this strange need to see something other than disdain in your eyes. instead, he was growing sick of seeing you merely raise your chin, your gaze cold and unreadable, before turning and walking away, your robes trailing away like a splash of wine-red on stone floors.
and sukuna could only stand there, and scowl, with his arms crossed across his broad chest, resisting the urge to launch a column of fresh flames in your direction.
sukuna's first attempt had been bold, even by his standards. bolder than anything that a mortal like you ever deserved.
he had summoned the finest treasures from his vaults, gifts that would make emperors and khans grovel: strings of blood-red rubies, ivory combs carved with ancient spells, silks that shimmered like starlight under the cold nights. he had ordered them delivered to your chambers, confident these displays would thaw your indifference, for did women not clamour for such things in life?
yet you'd only glanced at them, a faintly polite look of thanks in your expression before you brushed the treasures aside, dismissing them as easily as the breeze stirred leaves in his gardens.
“it’s lovely,” you had murmured, your voice cool. “but unnecessary.”
unnecessary. the word irritated him, a thorn lodged too deep. unwanted. so he tried another approach.
the next evening, he brought you to his gardens — a place few had the honour of ever seeing.
it was quiet, twilight realm, with silver-petaled trees that glowed softly against the eternal dark. the air was scented with flowers that only bloomed under the moon, and shimmering koi would swim in ponds as black as polished obsidians. he'd assumed it would impress you, even move you to see such peace in a palace that was so fraught with the intimacy of blood, flesh and violence. instead, he felt all of his eyes twitch as you gazed around with a calm, fatigued expression, and nothing more.
"it's beautiful," you had admitted, fingers wringing under the long sleeves of your robe, but you had sniffled and looked back up at him with a mild grimace, "but i have really bad allergies to most flowers."
what the fuck were allergies?
later, he learned that it was some ailments that only mortals could suffer, one that would leave them reddened and swollen, gods be good.
sukuna could feel himself growing frustrated, and the urge to toss you in chains was welling up inside. yet, for reasons that he loathed to name, he fought it down. he didn't want you to leave, didn't want to watch you retreat into your shell yet again. but it was difficult letting the silence linger, this strange vulnerability settling deep within his chest.
and as night fell, alone in his vast chamber, the king of curses was ashamed to admit that he was brooding. if treasures and displays of tranquility meant nothing to you, what would? there was another avenue, one that left a curling, bitter pit in his mouth, a trait that he so loathed to display to all.
humility. how boring. how mortal.
but regardless, he appeared at the wide doors of your chambers the next morning. he had even relished the brief look of surprise on your face, but it was quickly replaced by the cool-glass mask that sat over your features once more. he must have made for quite the sight indeed — in his true form, two arms at his side, and the other two folded behind him.
sukuna didn't quite miss at how your gaze lingered over his vast form, and then your eyes twitched.
“today,” he announced gruffly, “i am going to make you tea. myself.”
how ridiculous, he could imagine uraume snickering to hell and back.
he half expected you to laugh or scorn him, but you simply raised your eyebrows, seemingly quietened and more curious. without waiting for you to decline, he led you to a quiet corner of the chambers, where servants tended to lay out such items, as part of a morning routine. there was a simple tea set, nothing adorned with gold or precious stones, but rather plain and finely crafted porcelain.
he waited for you to settle, watching as you arranged your thick skirts and tucked your legs beneath you. only then did Sukuna speak.
"i don’t like you," he said bluntly. "you’re ill-mannered and audacious. i’ve half a mind to send you back."
you blinked, her lashes lifting in surprise, and a small, satisfying crease formed between your brows before your expression turned into a scowl. "that’s rather unkind."
sukuna shrugged, eyes narrowed. "wouldn’t you say the feeling is mutual?"
you glowered back, unflinching. "you can hardly blame me. you’re a demon, after all. i don’t even know you."
"a 'demon' who has been exceedingly kind to you," he replied, his tone curt, clipped. "there are far worse fates that could have befallen you. i’ve been too amiable to a woman like you."
you had jutted your lower lip forward, your skin catching under your teeth, lips dark as cherries dipped in blood and wine, and for a brief moment, sukuna's ire faltered before refocusing.
"and you think kindness is stuffing me into fancy chambers and draping jewels around my neck? like i'm one of your prized and properly bred deer?"
sukuna leaned forward, arching a brow with lazy derision. "don't speak ill of my prized herd. but go on, preach to me of kindness."
your scowl deepened. "you haven’t even bothered to ask me a single thing about myself. showering me with material things isn’t how you make someone happy, much less a wife. the servants told me you forbade me from attending your court, and i'm left alone in this palace for days on end."
sukuna blinked, yes, he had forbidden you from attending court, but that was for both your dignities. it would be disastrous to expose you to the fools, murderers, and curses of his realm — a mortal bride, naive and untrained, would only appear weak and vulnerable.
"fine," he said, with a hint of resignation, and ridicule. "i’ll ask things about you from now on. would that make you feel better, little wife?"
he pushed the tea he’d prepared towards her, holding the porcelain cup in his hands. "now, go on. drink this."
your gaze remained cool as you eyed the steam brewing in the cup. "the first thing you should know is that i don’t like this tea, you picked the wrong leaves. you drink it, good husband."
sukuna resisted the urge to throw the boiling liquid at you, but instead he pushed the cup into your empty hands, "don’t be a fuckin' brat. behave and drink it."
you didn't say anything, but you shoved the cup back into his larger hands, and sukuna snarled, thrusting the delicate tea with a greater force than expected, and splash!
the silent tug of war had resulted in the bitter leaves being strewn across the heavy silk layers of your robes, and despite himself, sukuna couldn't help how his lips quirked upwards at your shocked, angry expression as you launched yourself up, flicking your sleeves in his face like a flapping bird, muttering furious, filthy words that not even a sailor would sing on his most drunken of nights.
as you stormed around the chamber like an angry parrot, sukuna watched you silently, and surely he could not be faulted for this. he would not admit this ever, but it was pleasing to rest his eyes on your figure, on your face, on the cling of your robes to the curve of your hips.
"go sit on the bed."
you whipped around, glaring at him. "i will not! stop telling me what to do."
"enough of being difficult, sit down."
now your voice had begun to falter, "i need to change my robes. this is improper if i'm to leave these chambers."
by now, he had stood and moved quick to the edge of the vast canopy bed, where you had perched yourself gingerly. close, all too close, where he could inhale the intoxicating scent of honey and mint, a fresh soap perhaps?
"i will determine what is proper, and improper," sukuna murmured, and there, for the first time in written history, the king of curses dropped to his knees.
and he relished the flush on your cheeks, a red brushstroke that had appeared as quick as a fallen star, running your skin awash with heat. you had peered down at him, squirming under his many-eyed gaze. and he enjoyed this, relished at bringing himself closer to her long skirts, until his hands found their place on your thighs.
"what are you — " your words trailed off, tone breathier, as he pawed suddenly at the silk, pushing it up, and up. revealing the stockings you had worn to combat the winter cold, where the hem clung to the fat of your thighs, and so close to the silk of your innermost garments that were now starting to feel like an awful suffocation.
"what am i doing? helping you, or is this not a manner of how a husband can treat his unruly wife?"
you couldn't help but feel a shiver run through you, a tremble pass through your very core as the world around you faded, and all you could focus on was the pair of warm, large hands that ran along your sensitive skin.
"ah, ah —," sukuna rumbled smoothly, lips quirked up a fraction, "we can't have you suddenly shy now, can we? had quite the mouth on you a minute ago."
you weren't sure where to direct your gaze. to the window outside, frosted from the cold hands of winter. to your hands, which lay at your side, rumpled up in your bundled skirts. or to the blush-haired king between your legs, whose carmine eyes were crinkled in feigned amusement, and darkened with undeniable lust.
he taps the plush of your thighs once more, watching as they ripple under the press of his fingertips, "enough being coy. spread them. i do not have all day."
it would not have been a falsehood to claim that a deeper, headier feeling lay in your abdomen, purring like a beast that begged for its maws to be free. undoubtedly, a puddle of slick would be pressing against the silk of your undergarments, like a translucent stain that created a darker, glossy patch between your legs.
but you did not budge, did not move your thighs further. you loathed to admit this to a living soul, but perhaps you found satisfaction in this. there was a sort of pleasure in watching a mighty being brought low, and close to the apex of your thighs. but it seemed that your husband's limited patience had worn thin.
his dark nails dug into your thighs brusquely, in a tight and unyielding grip, knocking them back as if he had no time to spare for anything else in the world.
"fuck you, you're so -," and then your voice breaks off, as the king of curses is pressing his tongue against the sleek, dampened fibres of your undergarments.
and it's oddly...pleasing for sukuna. how intoxicating. he runs his tongue between his teeth, catching around a fang as he fights back the realisation that this is no chore for him, not anymore. perhaps both parties in this room have their own vested interests now.
he pushes his fingers past the undergarments, where slender fingers find a home in the gloss that's practically leaking out of you, "i do not bore you so much now, do i?"
"shut up, - ah!"
he's practically twirling his middle and ring finger between your folds now, letting them run a smooth dance over glistening skin and it left you keening and whimpering, for he was so so close to where you truly wanted him, needed him.
but you need not even articulate this wanton request for him, for his mouth is back on your core, and he's clearly enjoying this without abandon, and without shame. strands of sweet slick splattered across his chiseled features, clinging to his lips but he seemed to care not, and you could only moan and squeal when his fangs made contact with more force that intended.
one arm has your thighs pinned back, leaving a clear space for him to slot his wide frame in between the gap, and another works to pump fingers between your tight walls. a mortal man may be exhausted to his limits in such a state, after all, what can one accomplish when limited by two limbs?
but your husband is no mortal man. a third hand has been running down your groin, past the hair on your mound and from there, a thumb right on your throbbing clit. you feel as though you forget how to breathe when his fingers waywardly flick around, and you cry out, the feeling leaving you breathless and your heart absolutely pounding for reprieve.
"so now she can behave," sukuna's voice is low, mocking and your hands find purchase in the surprisingly soft strands of his hair, pulling forward, as you can't help but get another jibe in.
"if only you had done, hah - this from the start," your voice curls up the sky, weak to your own ears.
a sharp and shrill cry left your parted lips, as the thick pads of his fingers had come pressing down on your swollen bud. and you could feel stars building up between your eyes, caressing you and taking your breath away.
sukuna looks pleased, mouth glistening and his crimson eyes narrow, "that will teach you to speak when you're spoken to, brat."
and you can only yank on his scalp harder, relishing in how you can feel his broad shoulder's jostle as you do so. your husband's face is flushed, brows furrowed and later you will wonder and marvel at just how intently he seemed to be enjoying such a task that he claimed was so menial and beneath him.
you pity the servants who will not speak a word, but exchange glances as they bundle up the sheets after this. for it's nothing but a syrup-laden mess by now, sloppy and purely wet.
by now the world has long disappeared behind you, in front of your very eyes, and you can only heave your chest towards the sky, rolling your eyes back and shamelessly giving into the wanton moans that bubble out from your lips.
and sukuna is nothing short of utterly satisfied. one look at his mouthy wife's expression, cherry lips parted in a perfect circle, and brows furrowed like a painting — like arrows leaving their bow and finding their target. you need to finish on his tongue, he needs you to finish.
so he pushes his face into your sloppy, sticky cunt even harder. he even lets you run your hands through his hair (a criminal offence, he is certain but perhaps he'll let you go, just this once). he almost purrs when your hands wander further onto his neck, leaving small scratches that almost make him release into his pants.
but now all his energy is poured into making sure you get your climax, that you submit to him and let him have you.
"are you close, little wife?" his voice is akin to gravel now, raw like each clipped syllable was a little too rough for the air to carry. and he only receives breathy whimpers in response, your hips moving off their own accord against his face.
and it's only when you jolt against him, stiffening and crying out praises to the heavens and to the gods, that he loosens up, and pulls you even closer, till your thighs are spread entirely at the widest angle they may reach, enough to leave the muscles in your thighs sore and aching afterwards, "there are no gods here, wife. you best get used to that."
and afterwards, you cannot help the bubbling, bashful grin that erupts over your bitten, stung lips as you peer at your husband who dutifully rests in between your thighs still, you could get used to that indeed.
"do it again."
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rynnest · 3 months ago
A Guide to Aphrodite’s Epithets
Aphrodite is a goddess of many forms. She is one of the older goddesses, born from Ouranos. She is the sister to the Titans, the Furies, the Meliae, and the Giants.
She is the mother of Harmonia and Eros, the Graces and Peitho, but also of Anteros, of Phobos and Deimos and Adestria. She is vengeful and chaotic, existing in the passion that drives wars and artists, in the lust that fuels affairs and assaults, in the love that fuels suicides and marriage.
In my experience, the epithet you worship is insanely important. Aphrodite Ourania is much more lighthearted than Aphrodite Skotia, or Aphrodite Tymborychos.
Aphrodite Ourania is a Lady of the Heavens. She is lipstick marks on softly written poetry, she is pink roses in a pearl encrusted vase.
Aphrodite Ambologera is children braiding each others hair at kindergarten, teenagers whispering about boys and girls, twenty one year olds partying hard and living life.
Aphrodite Anadyomene is the feeling of ocean water over your feet. She is collecting seashells on the shore, collecting sand and water for spells and rituals.
Aphrodite Apaturia is teenage drama, that seems life ending at first but silly as you grow older. She is the gossip and drama that weaves its way into youth, and she smiles as you live your own movie.
Aphrodite Apotrophia is the mother standing over her child, watchful for creeps. She is the older sister clinging to the younger, she is the one you pray to after being assaulted, the one that will hold you close and take revenge for you.
Aphrodite Areia stands beside her lover in battle. She sees the passion that drove these young men to war, sees the fight in their eyes. She fights alongside them, whispering reminders in their ears about who they are fighting for, for their wives and daughters at home.
Aphrodite Despoina is seen in femme fatales, the click of black stilettos and women that know their worth. She stands beside women with fire in their eyes, by hardworking women that know they are meant for more, by CEOS that know their place, and that their place is at the top.
Aphrodite Gameloi walks you down the aisle alongside your father, watches as you say your vows. She stands beside Hera and blesses your marriage, crying and wishing you the best as your own mother would.
Aphrodite Gentyllis sits with you as you birth your first child, and every child after that. She holds your hand and kisses you on the forehead, wishing you the best as she leaves for the next.
Aphrodite Melainis looks in shadows at night, watching you as you walk home. She will take revenge for you if you need, and it will be delivered brutally.
Aphrodite Nikephoros stands beside olympians and generals alike, celebrating in their victory. She stands beside soldiers as they rejoice, by athletes as they cry, and by children as they win their first tournament. She is there for the small and the big victories, from making your first successful dinner to winning a war.
Aphrodite Pandemos sees no difference between a while child or a black child. You are all her children, and she will kiss you on the forehead and tell you she is proud. She stands with you, whether you can afford fancy offerings or altars, she is of the people, for the people.
Aphrodite Peitho stands beside you as you seduce your first lover. She is there as you beg your parents for a dog, as you persuade your mother to let you sleepover at your friends house for the first time.
Aphrodite Skotia stands beside you as you insult. She stands with you as you cover yourself in the ruins of your purity, and she cradles you when you weep for your innocence. When you cry over your sins, she is there, reminding you that she too, is Unholy, and it is okay.
Aphrodite Tymborychos stands with the survivors community, with rape victims and domestic abuse survivors. She stands with women that have slaughtered their abusers, with daughters and sons that have stood up to abusive parents. She stands in the middle of riots for freedom, because if her children cannot stand free then their oppressors should not stand at all.
She is all of these at once, and she is there. You can find her wherever you look, in poetry books or romance novels. You can find her in the laughter of young girls and the tears of victims. You can find her in graveyards, whispering her revenge to abusers and murderers, reminding them that she is a gravedigger and a mother, and harm that befalls her children is a slight to her.
DISCLAIMER: You do not have to choose an epithet. This is here to remind you that Aphrodite comes in many forms, and the Aphrodite you worship sometimes won’t line up with someone else’s. <3
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affableramen · 4 months ago
yandere genshin men trying to make things right between you
angst, mildly dark themes ayato, neuvillette, pantalone, capitano, dottore, alhaitham
note: trying a new genre.
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Yandere Neuvillette kept forcing you into marriage after your relationship just got established. You asked him to give you some time to think over such radical and responsible change in life, but he was adamant to your pleads. He wanted everything here and now proven officially on the papers. You spent some nights crying because to think that such gentleman-like and solitary person like Neuvillette would force you into marital relationship was eerie. The desire to possess you officially seemed to blind him completely and he went from a loving gentleman to an almost insanely addicted man who did not accept a refusal.
It was your break-time at work when Neuvillette suddenly came up to you. It was odd at first - the judge putting away his duties to meet you seemed almost unbelievable, but remembering how assertive he was in the relationship with you it might have been close to the reality.
“Can I have a moment of your time, love?” He asked you, his hand not reaching to touch you but his gaze was heavy on your face.
“Of course.”
Not longer after the two of you were sitting in the cafeteria - a curious choice for a private conversation. Although you did not deny you seemed much more comfortable in a public place rather than face-to-face with him.
“About our marriage…” Neuvillette started, his fingers grazing over his glass of water.
“You already know my opinion”, you answered with no emotion. The time to play nice unfortunately came to an end.
But the next response from Neuvillette kind of gave you goosebumps:
“If I was too harsh on you, I beg of you to forgive me. I have a habit of grasping something dear to me too tightly, and I’m afraid that I hurt you more than I could possibly imagine”, he took a pause for a breath and gulped a sip of his crystal clear water. “I genuinely need to know whether or not you still harbour any pleasant feeling towards me?”
“What are you saying? Of course I do, Neuvillette—I admit you were unacceptably rough on me the past few weeks, but it would make me a poor lover if it were to stop me from harbouring affection to you.”
The judge sighed in relief, and then his expression became serious again.
“I would love nothing more than for us to marry, but I realise the circumstances of pushing you too much. Tell me, dear, if you no longer want to proceed in intimate acquiantance with me.”
You shook your head - seems like he was not hearing you. You then took his hand in yours and spelled it again, frankly:
“No, I want to be with you, wholeheartedly. And the marriage proposal, I shall accept it too.”
When Pantalone kidnapped you for no specific reason, days turned to weeks. You almost forgot about the existence of sunlight as he kept you there like a pretty little porcelain doll for his own amusement—or whatever his nasty reasons might have been.
The last time you tried to escape his gloomy, mysterious castle-like home, you were severely punished for your “bad behaviour”. Blood dripped down from your chin as you were sitting on the floor of a dark hollow room, chained and bruised by his henchmen. Perhaps he considered it too tacky to touch you with his own hands.
And then he entered. You didn't even want to look at his unapproachable, icy-cold eyes, and simply turned away, your eyes shut and hidden from him.
“How rough you look”, he said with his usual tone which was cold, but at the same time smooth like butter.
You were dehydrated and hungry, that’s for sure. You wanted nothing more than a warm fuzzy blanket and sweet tea, and forget this nightmare forever.
“When was the last time you had a proper meal?” He asked. He knew you never ate his food because you’d consider yourself indebted to him. And you did not want to take anything from this man.
Your face went deadly pale and bewildered when Pantalone dropped on his knees before you and started freeing you from your shackles. His hands were shaking wildly, you could witness how poorly he mastered the lockers due to his stress.
Yet without a single doubt, with no longer time to lose he wrapped his arms around your waist to carry you. His clothes were a little stained with the snow, and a bit of freezing touch made you shiver.
“I will never do this to you anymore. Forgive me. Please, forgive me.” His words that used to be spoken as an order now were slipped from his lips as a request. 
You were laid in the warmth of the sheets of your own home. The familiar surroundings brought you joy and comfort you never knew you’d forgotten so easily.
“My butler is cooking a dinner for you in your kitchen.”
He watched the whole time you were eating, guarding you and seeing how desperately you were filling your stomach up. When you finished eating, there was one loud slap—against Pantalone’s face, by your hand. In a normal situation, he would be so angry and furious that the earth would shake of his abhor. But now he was simply taking it.
"I know. I should never have treated you like this. I ignored your wishes and violated your privacy. I’ve done the worst crime to you—I took your freedom”, he touched the red mark blooming on his cheek from your unexpected punishment. “I wanted to obtain you so much that I ended up hurting you instead.”
He was rich to his fingertips. In his world, the only thing he could not have, but wanted to, was you. You found yourself working as his secretary, aesthetically pleasing and always efficient. But Ayato was ruthless; he could never be satisfied, he was always unhappy. The requirements to you were growing day by day, and keeping up the standards seemed an impossible task. His moods were changing like a thunderstorm.
It was a regular day when you were performing your duties that you felt someone’s presence behind your back. Ayato was not exactly above lurking so he made his presence known after you turned to face him. He did not expect you to turn so rapidly and ended up with his breath tickling against your face.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I have been too demanding and controlling. My actions driven by raw possessiveness inflicted undesirable effect upon you”, Ayato’s words died away, though the expression on his face became even more grim and grave. “You do not deserve such treatment, any of it.” 
You nearly dropped your working papers as you stared at him. Was this man really sincere? How long has he been overthinking about your relationship? It took you just a few seconds to gather your composure and strike him with an indifferent glare.
“It’s always so easy and costs no trouble for you, rich people. You just take what you want without considering either the outcome or other people’s feelings. You see people as things, belongings in your possession, and you never have enough.”
At that, Ayato became even more tense, his expression that was mainly seen by the most of people as sweet and gentle, now was an embodiment of darkness. Nevertheless he nodded to you.
“What should I do for you to forgive me? I’m not going to lie and say that I did not think about how harmful my attitude might have been to you for the past month. What think you? Do I even stand a chance?”
“Fat chance”, you chuckled under your breath. The laugh was almost too bitter rather than sarcastic.
Ayato took your hands in his, his black gloved thumbs rubbing against your skin slightly.
“You’re like a poison to me. A very addicting one. And the more I see you work for me, the more I want to have you by my side. Not just at a formal event…” he bit his pale pink lip for a moment. “I’m starting to feel as if I’d like to see you out of work circumstance, and the thoughts of such impropriety are enough to drive me utterly insane.”
You reciprocated the light squeeze that came from his hands, however yours was less obsessive and more gentle. 
“It is a very dangerous thought, Ayato.”
“Oh, I can be a very dangerous man. For you, that is.”
You were walking in Capitano’s garden, feeling yourself like a beautiful bird in a golden cage, but in fact you were a princess in a beast’s castle. Once you saw his real face, you kept having nightmares about his skin rotting appearance. This man was scaring you to the bone, and every time you met him, although not very often, you felt how demanding and heavy the gaze of his icy blue eyes was.
You did not see him often, but once a while Capitano requested (no, ordered!) a private dinner with you. The rooms were dimly lit, his loyal butler making preparations to the highest standards as usual, and you - wearing the most luxurious of dresses you’d only be able to peek at in the past. But your face was the odd one as it beared no smile on it. You were gravely terrified by this man who had claimed you as his. And even though you slept in separate rooms, you could not brush the feeling as if he owned you; well, he kind of did, since you dwelt in his mansion. 
Per usual, you were having a dinner with him at about eight in the evening when Capitano finally spoke. His tone was filled with assertiveness and power, yet the way he was eating, the movements of his hands were elegant enough to remind you of an excellently-educated prince.
“Y/N, I need to speak to you.”
You shivered when you heard him, and you let go of the fork. The jingling sound spread across the room which put you even in an unnecessarily bigger predicament.
“Yes, sir?”
Capitano hummed - he put his utensils away and looked as if he was carefully choosing his words which was not a habit of his. This Harbinger often talked exactly what he thought and was known for his bluntness. Capitano never beat around the bush and was always straight to the point, and this was one of the personality traits of his that made you feel conflicted. It was both terrifying and worth of respect.
“I want you to stop being scared of me. I want you to see that there is more of me than a horriffic, ugly old beast.”
You gasped: did he just used those unflattering words to himself? It felt so odd and so frustrating.
“What feelings do you want me to harbour for you, given our unusual circumstances?”
There was a long pause before Capitano made a sip of his red wine and suggested the following:
“Affection is too much, but could you at least try to be friendly with me? Don’t you see—can’t you see how hard I’m trying to make your life with me less unbearable?”
Affection… friendliness… is that what he really needs from you?—you think.
“I’m a prisoner here, I cannot imagine how I am supposed to show any warm feelings towards you. It would be fake and stupid.”
“Then make them not fake and stupid.” Capitano raised from the table and stormed out of the dining room, leaving you alone in the dim light of candles.
You woke up on the plain lab bed, still restrained but this time your pain was drastically diminished. When you opened your eyes the lights did not cut your sight right away and you realised that the room was only dimly lit. You sighed in relief - perhaps he went on a break and you had a few moments of rest from his constant analysis and experiments upon your body.
There were a few tattoos on your hands but too small to even understand their meanings. Perhaps it was something from Zandik’s past that he decided to ruthlessly carve on you.
Your happiness and sense of relief did not last long though, as the man who called himself Doctor entered the room not exactly quietly. 
“Look who’s alive. I’m glad”, he wrote something on his notes, “very glad, even.”
“What are you going to do to me next? Turn me into… abomination?” You attempted to sound sarcastic even though all your being was screaming inside. “I’m pretty sure you have not gotten your fill yet out of me.”
Dottore abruptly stopped writing and dropped his journal on the lab desk next to you.
“I think we’re finished here.”
“I said you’re free to go”, he cut your leather restraints with one rough motion that had a vibe of uncertainty of the soul.
You looked at your hands, your body cheered welcoming freedom, but at the bottom of your heart you were perplexed.
“But why?”
Dottore did not utter a single word more, with his face buried into his other records, he turned away from you completely ignoring your presence.
You found your clothes tidy and repaired on the chair, and put them on quickly. Upon escaping the place you saw that not a single Fatui agent was preventing you from leaving. You looked at the lab once more and a pang of strange kind of sorrow appeared in your heart. Perhaps, you should pay him a visit once you’re recovered? Or was it a bad idea?..
The nerdy scholar was quite possessive and jealous. He had a very curious but rather depressive personality. You thought him a quiet man until one extraordinary and terrific experience. 
Alhaitham locked a man in the library for the whole night after he saw him giving you too much attention and you happily reciprocating him. An innocent friendly conversation seemed a blunt flirt to him. He could not bear the thought you having affection to someone else who was not him. When he saw you first he realised that he wanted you to see only him, and give all your attention to him. He craved to see you wanting his company, clinging to him or even agreeing to date him. But since his personality was too aloof and he never ever attempted to simply ask you out, but kept staring at you from the side, stalking unnoticeably and gather all information about you, you never had a chance to learn of his true feelings. Behind his obsession there had to be something, as such strong feelings never came out of nowhere.
Upon seeing you chat with that guy Alhaitham grew so furious that he almost not giving it a thought just slammed the door with the poor guy in the library and left him there for the whole damn night. Blinded by his jealousy, he did not even consider how you’d feel about that. The next morning you were perplexed by the sudden disappearance of your classmate, and once the library opening time came, the student was finally released.
“How could you do this to him? To anyone?” You asked Alhaitham; it did not take much time to learn whose fault was that.
“How could I?” He asked you back, his expression grave and unmoveable as if he were not interested in a single thing in the world. “How could you spend so much time with him? He’s a total jerk.”
“Judging by what you did the total jerk is you! How could you simply lock the person up? Are you insane?”
Alhaitham’s patience started to grow thinner. He squeezed his hands into the fists so hard that his knuckled turned snow-white.
“Are you stupid? You really don’t see how I feel about you? And you keep being so nice to everyone but me. You’re obviously ignoring me.”
Bewildered, yet you finally understood the root of the case. You stared at him for a few seconds before checking if anyone was near to eavesdrop. Luckily, there was not a soul around so you spoke honestly:
“If you wanted to woo me, endangering someone was not a good idea. You did something I deem unacceptable. And such unacceptable actions will only make me like you less, Alhaitham.”
Alhaitham leaned closer, his voice was a gentle whisper.
“Right? Then teach me to woo you properly. I’ll do thousands of attempts to win you over, no matter the cost.” You pressed your hands against his shoulders to prevent him from getting into closer proximity with you, and Alhaitham, although not completely willingly, but still backed off.
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bluerosefox · 2 months ago
Waiting... Waiting...
So... This was inspired by listening to EPIC (FREAKING LOVE ALL THE ALBUMS, SO GOOD) and by @noxcheshire post of Tim being Odysseus reincarnated and Danny (maybe also reincarnated) being his Penelope (Here) so I had to turn it into a Dead Tired idea.
The song The Challenge is the main one here. (Cause I LOVE that song... along with Would You Fall In Love With Me Again)
So WHAT IF Danny IS the reincarnated Penelope, after becoming the Ghost King Danny's memories of his past life as Penelope returns and remembers how before dying/ or being reincarnated both Penelope and Odysseus promised to find each other in their new lives, no matter who they are, what new form they take, they will find each other.
So Danny/Penelope, just like before waits for their Odysseus to return to them, but also tries to find him in their new life (CW is laughing whenever Danny asks for hints and gets a 'In due time, just wait' answer, ugh Danny wants to smack CW for that)
However just like in his previous life with being in a high position of power, Danny is being pressured to marry/take a spouse (now its not just men/males though so its a huge headache, I head canon Ghosts don't care much for gender preference) mostly by the dang eyeballs that Danny is still trying to find a way to get rid of without upsetting the Infinite Realms delicate (but slowly healing) balance even if Danny wanted nothing more than to punch all of the suitors out.
So Danny decides to play the long game again.
And waits for their Odysseus return.
Danny's wait is over when they suddenly feel the Realms shift one day, as if welcoming someone familiar home, and the same feeling Danny had when he had been Penelope and saw the storm that was sign of Odysseus coming home, Danny decides its time to bring out The Challenge once again. (CW gifted Danny a few things from his past as Penelope as a coronation gift, like Odysseus's bow (now enchanted to be unbreakable), a painting of when he was Penelope, with Telemchus, and Odysseus, and the Marriage Bed/Olive Tree, AND the Palace Odysseus made that Danny takes to being in over being at Pariah's Keep)
Tim Drake, aka Red Robin, always had strange dreams as a child.
War, Death, Monsters, Gods, Goddesses.
His dreams were more like nightmares, haunting him and he sometimes woke up in cold sweat.
He hated storms. Hated being in the water for to long. Hated how he felt both tense but also at home when around Greek heroes, as if he was afraid to 'disrespect' them (Cassie was the only one he didn't feel that way around, mostly cause they had been somewhat friends before their heroing since their parents knew each other) but also knew how to appease them should he insult them. He also had a strange hatred for the CoO with a burning passion because he felt like they were mocking real Owls.
The worst part of nightmares that always pop up are of what feels like should be his home is being invaded by unwanted guests (they aren't guests), how they are angry over trying to string a bow and shot an arrow through axes, of the terrible terrible things he hear them saying they were going to do to his loved ones (two names that keep getting muted out).
How it ends in bloodshed with echoing of begging, pleading, mercy, and screams.
However in those nightmares at the end. He also finds himself looking for something in them.
Or rather he always found someone waiting for him at the end of the nightmares. Calling him by the wrong name but it sounds just right coming from them.
The dream always ends with the person asking 'How long has it been?' and before he can answer he wakes up.
So yeah Tim has horrifying nightmares/dreams he could never explain.
And the urge to find someone. To go home to them.
It isn't until he and his friends from Young Justice are hit by a spell from Klarion (who may or may not had a visit from a certain chaos encouraging Time Keeper) and sent to a place called the Infinite Realms in the middle of their fight, that Tim is hit hard with déjà vu when he spots a certain Palace in the distance and overhears some of the 'people?' (they glow and float and some don't even look human?! where are they?) talk about how the 'King' has issued a new 'Challenge' for his 'suitors'.
A Challenge involving a bow, and axes.
And Tim, feels like he knows this all too well and needs to do it.
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hauntedhowlett-writes · 2 months ago
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PAIRING: emperor geta x empress!female reader
RATING: explicit | WORD COUNT: 1.1k
when angry, emperor geta seeks reprieve in his empress.
i managed to write something for the first time in months and it’s for this absolute menace. anyway, big thanks to @pedgito and @kedsandtubesocks for letting me scream about him.
single pov - emperor geta, no use of y/n, mild angst, established relationship, explicit sexual content (18+ minors do not interact), dubcon - somnophilia (not discussed but well received), vaginal fingering, unprotected p in v, creampie, breeding kink, possessive behavior.
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The stars shine brightly in the night sky by the time Emperor Geta dismisses his generals from his study with an angry shout, frustration coursing through his veins at their inability to come to an agreement for the next campaign. Despite the exhaustion weighing on his shoulders, he does not return to his chambers. Instead, he turns down a dark, quiet hall. His footsteps echo on the stone in the silence and when he reaches the wooden doors flanked by guards at the end of the corridor, the men bow to him and allow him entry without question.
Your room is dark, the only light afforded to him being the faint glow of the stars through an uncovered aperture high on the far wall. The thin curtains have been drawn around your bed, shielding your sleeping form from his view. He takes a moment to remove his sandals and strip himself of his heavy robe before finding the gap in the gauzy fabric, pushing it aside to allow himself the chance to join you on the mattress.
Geta takes a moment to gaze upon your sleeping face, appreciating the serenity in your features. When the Senate had first recommended that he wed in order to present a softer image of himself to the people of Rome, he had been furious. An Emperor did not need to be soft or palatable -- he needed to be relentless, strong, and fearsome. Marriage was the last desire in his mind, especially when he had grown accustomed to the company of concubines and whores.
He does not openly admit to his growing fondness of you but he has found that in moments where his anger threatens to swallow him whole, you are the one he will seek out for reprieve, just as he does now. He leans in to kiss the sleep-warm skin of your shoulder, trailing his lips to your neck. You smell of cinnamon, spice with a hint of sweetness, a fitting dichotomy for you.
You stir beneath his attentions and he holds his breath, not wanting to wake you, not yet. When you've settled again, you rest more on your back. Geta drags the sheets from your prone form, exposing the rest of your body to him. Your nipples tighten with the rush of cold air and he takes the opportunity to run his thumb in slow circles over the sweet bud. You arch into his gentle touch, your body responding to his ministrations even while you remain under the spell of sleep.
Geta releases your breast, bringing his attention to where your shift has gathered at the tops of your thighs, exposing the course hair at their apex. He takes your nearest leg in hand and brings it toward him, your knee bending to accommodate the movement. Your cunt is already glistening for him and he bites back a groan at the sight.
His hand drifts down your belly to your center. He watches your face as he runs two of his fingers through your wetness, drawing it up over the spot that pulls moan after moan from you when he lavishes it with attention. In this instance, you gasp, hips twitching involuntarily toward his touch and he does it again, harder this time, reveling in the small whimper it drags from you.
Geta grows bold, dipping one finger inside of your tight heat. The intrusion finally breaks your slumber, your eyes fluttering open and body going momentarily stiff until you realize it is him above you and the tension melts away as fast as it came. He brings his lips to yours, his hunger for you met with an equal fervor.
"My emperor," you sigh when he breaks the kiss for a breath and to press a second finger inside of you. Your words tug at something deep in his chest, something that has blossomed despite his misgivings about the arrangement between the both of you.
"My empress," he replies, voice a deep growl as he curls his fingers and quickens his pace. "Mine."
Your eyes find his and he can't look away, lost to the way pleasure has made your eyes so dark with need. His thumb finds that sensitive nub once more, circling it in tandem with the thrust of his fingers until you're shaking with release and he swallows your moans with his greedy mouth. When your muscles relax, he pulls his hand from you and brings his fingers between your kiss, pressing the digits to your tongue and his in turn.
Geta wastes no time as you catch your breath, crawling between your spread legs and ridding himself of his tunic. His cock stands proud, the tip red and leaking as he positions himself at your entrance and slides forward into your tight heat. You gasp at the intrusion despite his earlier ministrations and wrap your arms around him, nails digging into his skin and making him hiss at the combination of pain and pleasure.
He sets a punishing pace, the wood of your bed creaking beneath his movements. You take him so well, your divine body meant for him and his cock and to carry his children--
His thoughts grow fuzzy at the notion. Your body round with his seed and your breasts full with milk and your arms cradling a small babe with golden hair and eyes that shine like yours. It's enough to make his hips falter in their rhythm, his balls growing tight with the need for release. He's panting into your neck and your hands dig into his hair, tugging at the strands as you cry out from the pleasure.
Geta does not last much longer, too overwhelmed by the feel of you squeezing his cock and the sound of you moaning his name and the thought of filling you bearing his child, the future of Rome and the legacy of his name. He presses deep, warmth coursing through him and into you as you moan his name. When he grows soft and slips free from your body, he collapses beside you, chest heaving with deep inhales of air.
"What brought you to me so late?" You ask. He turns his head and finds you already looking at him.
"Nothing for you to be concerned about," Geta replies. The high of his release wanes, leaving him feeling annoyed. Gone are the rosy images conjured by intimacy and in their place return the reminders of responsibility. He sits up, searching the sheets for his discarded tunic and pulling it on before addressing you again with a murmured, "Goodnight, wife."
"You are welcome to stay, husband."
He considers the offer, but decides against it. One moment of weakness is enough for this evening.
"Goodnight," he says again.
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