#spell satchets
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moonwitchmagicketsy · 2 years ago
CUSTOM Mojo Bags Charm Bag Spell Satchets Spell Bags - Etsy
Get Yours today! ☆
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awitchdidit-etsy · 1 year ago
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I have started an Etsy page for my hand-crafted items! WEEEEEE!
Search awitchdidit on Etsy, or paste in this link! www.awitchdidit.etsy.com
I'm hoping you guys will be interested in my crafts and want to check out my Etsy page! I use almost all organic herbs.
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hrere · 1 year ago
Dream Spell Satchet
Dream spells are some of the first spells I've ever done and the ones that I have the most success with. Here is my recipe (generally).
Lavender (calm and protection)
Chamomile (sleep and calm)
Mugwort (psychic abilities and connecting with the divine)
Vervain (sleep and psychic abilities)
Rosemary (for remembering dreams)
Selenite (sleep)
Amethyst (psychic protection)
Clear Quartz (to amplify spell)
2 bags or cloths and string for the sachet (preferably black, blue, white, or purple, but anything on hand will work!)
candle (can be the same colors as the bag but anything will work)
paper and pen
lavender essential oil (can use a sleep blend or chill pill, something that will calm you to sleep)
Set up:
I like to do my spellwork on top of mirrors so that the mirrored image of the spell is on there, but this isn't necessary. I usually do spell work with an offering, so I will offer incense or water to whichever god I'm working with before spellwork. For dreamwork I mostly work with Tehuti and Nut. Do whatever you need to do to prepare yourself for spellwork and make sure you have all items on hand.
Incense and water offering with prayer
Light the candle
Add all herbs to one bag or cloth. (I like to use ones that don't have any holes). Say aloud what each herb's purpose is. Tie the bag and place it inside the other bag.
Add the selenite and the amethyst to the larger bag, saying aloud the purpose of each stone.
Draw symbols of dreams/the gods that you would like. I always draw the Eye of Ra and Horus. I also usually draw an ibis for Tehuti. I've also done some stars for Nut in the past. You can also make sigils if you'd like.
Write a petition with a prayer for what you want. *(I'll add an example below.) Fold the petition towards you however many times you'd like. I usually do three or four. On the last fold, don't center the fold so that one edge is over the body of the paper. Use the wax to seal the petition. Blow on it and/or add spit to set the wax. (I like to use spit for the creative properties and to make the spell "mine.")
Add the papers to the spell
Add the clear quartz, saying aloud the purpose for it.
Tie off the bag, then add the essential oil to it.
Place under your pillow and drift off to dreamland.
Mundane ways to help you dream more:
Take melatonin, drink or smoke mugwort before bed.
Cut back on drugs and alcohol
Keep a dream journal beside your bed and write down any dreams you had the second you wake up
Before you fall asleep at night, think of a different dream that you had that you remember
Set an alarm 1-2 hours before you wake up to wake you up slightly before falling back asleep again (this one works like a charm for me)
Keep a consistent sleep schedule
*Example Petition:
Dua Tehuti, You Who keeps all the great secrets,
May I be your student and learn Your great knowledge.
As I close my eyes to sleep, my dreams will be vivid,
When I open my eyes to wake, my dreams will be remembered.
Dua Tehuti, You who is great of heka, Who's words make it so,
Let this be so!
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year ago
Artemisia Vulgaris
Known as: Artemis herb, artemisia, artemisia herb, cingulum sancti johannis, felon herb, muggons, naughty man, old man, old uncle Henry, sailor's tobacco & St.John plant
Related plants: A member of the daisy family Asteraceae that consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within it such as chamomile, coneflowers, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, goldenrod, lettuce, marigold & sunflower
Parts used: Leaves & flowers
Habitat & cultivation: Common mugwort is native to Europe and Eastern Asia. Mugwort was brought into North America as early as the 1600’s for medicinal purposes. It spread throughout the Northeastern U.S. as a contaminant on ships and nurseries.
Plant type: Perennial
Region: 3-8
Harvest: The flowering tops of mugwort should be collected once they bloom or right before the blooms open. The leaves of mugwort plants should be collected before the plant flowers. Older leaves & flowers are significantly more bitter
Planting tips: Mugwort seeds can benefit from a special 1 to 2 week treatment called cold moist stratification prior to planting them & need cold weather to break down germination inhibitors. The seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting. Mugwort does not like to be overwatered & is very drought tolerant. It is also an invasive weed & best kept in a container.
Medicinal information: Historically mugwort has been used in traditional systems of medicine in different parts of the world. Today, mugwort taken orally is promoted for digestive problems, irregular menstruation, and high blood pressure. It is also promoted as a sedative, laxative, anti-inflammatory & liver tonic. Mugwort lotion applied topically can aid in itching caused by hypertrophic scars & When being smoked, it exhibits mild intoxicating properties & strong relaxing properties.
Cautions: Mugwort should not be taken by pregnant people because it may start menstruation and cause the uterus to contract. Little is known about whether it’s safe to use mugwort while chestfeeding. Mugwort might cause an allergic reaction in people with pollen sensitivities
Magickal Properties
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus & Neptune
Element: Earth
Deities: Aida Wedo, Artemis, Diana, Isis, Lakshimi & St.John
Magickal uses:
•Place under your pillow to bringing peaceful sleep, prophetic dreams & aid in astral travel
• Add to incense for cleansing and clearing energy
• Place around scrying tools to increase their energy
• Add to herbal smoke blends to stimulate lucid dreaming, astral travel & visualization
• Make an infusion of mugwort to wash magic mirrors and crystal balls to aid in physic workings
• Burn with Sandalwood or wormwood for scrying rituals
• Carry in a satchets for protection and increasing lust, fertility & preventing back pain
• Throw mugwort in a fire during Midsummer for protection for the following year
• Keep under your doorstep to keep annoying visitors away
• Use in tea before bed to encourage lucid dreaming
• Hang mugwort over or on a door to keep unwelcome energies from passing through
• During a storm or when your life feels threatened by impending dangers, toss into your hearth fire or cauldron to keep you safe
•Wash your hands with a mugwort infusion to increase energy flow before tarot or pendulum readings
The Herbal Alchemist Handbook by Karen Harrison
The Book of Flower Spells by Cheralyn Darcey
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
The Encyclopedia of Natural Magic by John Michael Greer
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
A Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl
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fluidity-stupidity · 6 months ago
Types of Spells
When I talk about spell types, I'm not referring to different spells, as in a protection spell versus an anti-anxiety spell. I'm going to go over the different types of:
Spell Jars Most of what's on this list are going to be self-explanatory, but these types of spells are typically in a glass jar and have ingredients like herbs, flowers, incense, essential oils, and liquids, and are sealed using wax. Spell jars do not actually have to be in glass jars, you can use old medication bottles, empty seasoning bottles, gum containers. These types of spells are meant to last years, decades if needed.
Spell Candles These are typically used for a quicker and more prolonged spell. The bigger the candle the longer it's going to take to burn all the way down. If you want to use something like a tea-light, take the candle and the wick out and place the herbs on the bottom, making sure to burn the candle all the way. You do not need to burn the entire candle all at once to get the effect you desire. Remember, this is a *personal* practice.
Sachets These are fabric pouches, with herbs and typically stuffed with cotton so one may sleep with the satchet. I highly recommend researching your cultures history(ies) with sachets as they all differ and diverge from one another. (It's quite fascinating to see the synchronicities.)
Scroll Spells I mentioned these in a previous post of mine and I've been wanting to discuss these as I don't see many of any one else talk about them. I got the inspiration from Naruto, although if you wanted to you could take inspiration from other pieces of media, from the scrolls used when summoning animals and types of ninja tools. You take a piece of paper, I prefer to use construction paper (use that colour magick!), and write a small ask of what you need and/or what you want, along with a sigil or as many sigils you want! Wrap use the paper and tie a string around it, seal it in wax if you prefer, and Boom you're done! I like to add a small piece of a broken off crystal inside of the drying wax for a bit of extra pizzaz!
A Witch's Box or a Witch's Jar These spells are not-quite all encompassing, these are historically ambiguous as these types of spells are so old, we as humans don't remember what they were once used for. They were typically thought of as a second-body of sorts, as they are tag-locked using urine or hair of that who made it, and spirits and evil-entities would get confused as to where that person's body is, and go after the jar or box.
Charmed Objects These spells are used to charm objects, these can range from your jewelry and make them in something that can protect you, your shoes - to help you go on more adventures, a salt lamp to ward off negative entities, or ornaments/nicknacks around the home to do various tasks. I like to create salt dough, it has protective properties from the salt and creates various shapes - moons, stars, marshmallows - and charming these objects for the associations of these objects.
Petitions These are letters you write or type and print, and set up for manifestations. Sealing the letters in wax definitely help give the vibe of an elder witch practicing.
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thatdruidgal · 3 months ago
00.01 table of contents
Grimoire Table of Contents
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This is my personal Grimoire, so it will be focused just on the information that I need/use! If you’d like more info on anything that I haven’t included, please do more research!
00.00 introduction
00.01 table of contents (you are here)
00.02 book list
00.03 advice
01.00 correspondences
01.01 triquetra Druid elements
01.02 quarternary elements
01.03 crystals
01.04 herbs
01.05 waters
01.06 colors
01.07 metals
01.08 chakras
02.00 lunar magick
02.01 lunar ingredients
02.02 dark moon
02.03 new moon
02.04 black moon
02.05 waxing crescent
02.06 first quarter
02.07 waxing gibbous
02.08 full moon
02.09 blue moon
02.10 waning gibbous
02.11 last quarter
02.12 waning crescent
02.13 lunar eclipse “blood moon”
02.14 solar eclipse
02.15 moon void
03.00 tarot
03.01 numbers 1-10
03.02 court cards
03.03 suits
03.04 major arcana
03.05 yes/no/maybe
03.06 spreads
04.00 basic spells
04.01 warding/protection spell
04.02 cleansing spell
04.03 safe travels satchet
04.04 luck/prosperity tea
04.05 fire cider + chutney soup
See this post for all of my favorite recipes
05.00 favorite ingredients
05.01 quartz
05.02 amethyst
05.03 obsidian
05.04 citrine
05.05 sodalite
05.06 salt
05.07 rosemary
05.08 cinnamon
05.09 lavender
05.10 moon water
06.00 spirits + fae
06.01 signs of fae
06.02 attraction/offering + repelling fae
06.03 (some) types of fae
06.04 spirit guides
06.05 spirit signs/omens
06.06 working with spirits
07.00 calendar
07.01 yule / dec 21st
07.02 imbolc / feb 2nd
07.03 ostara / mar 21st
07.04 beltane / may 1st
07.05 litha / june 21st
07.06 lughnahsadh / aug 1st
07.07 mabon / sept 21st
07.08 samhain / nov 1st
07.09 history cycles
08.00 druidry
08.01 druidry overview
08.02 bard
08.03 ovate
08.04 druid
09.00 science and magick
09.02 matter and energy
09.03 placebo effect
09.04 energy and physics
09.05 more matter, energy, and theoretics
09.06 measuring energy
09.07 psychometry and "imprinting"
09.08 aether
09.09 green magick and plants
09.10 synchronicity
10.00 theism + beliefs
10.01 witchcraft practices
10.02 deist quotes
10.03 deism workings
11.00 margin notes [upg]
11.01 low budget options
11.02 how to practice around burnout
11.03 small ways to practice
11.04 notes
12.00 worldview [upg]
May or may not include this
12.01 personal beliefs
12.02 creation of the universe
12.03 death + otherworld
12.04 time
12.05 institutionalized religion
12.06 magick
12.07 aspects of world
12.08 spirits
13.00 library
13.01 Viridarium Umbris
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esoteric-chaos · 1 year ago
Dream Spell Satchet
I created a dream spell sachet to help you remember your dreams, to aid you in astral projection, lucid dreaming and receiving messages from the divine/ancestors/spirits. It helps in protections on those journeys as well.
Purple sachet - Colour correspondence of psychic awareness
Rosemary - Dream remembrance, protection
Rose - Psychic awareness, divination
Chamomile - Sleep aid, protection
Clove - Protection
Lavender - Psychic abilities
Thyme - Clairsenses
Sigils for astral travel and divine connection
Quartz - Charged with the intent of
Amethyst - Psychic abilities and awareness
I suggest if you are an animist or someone who wants more power from your herbs. Speak to the herbs and crystals kindly, treat them less like an ingredient and ask them respectfully for their aid and the purpose they'll have in your oil. Use intention.
There you have it, I sleep with it under my pillow. I pair it with Protection oil along with Prophet oil for an extra kick. If you are going to astral project. I suggest wearing extra protections before using this sachet. You do not want to run into any trouble in the Astral realm. Stay safe.
Looking for the rest of my posts? Check out the Masterpost
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notyourmothersspellbook · 2 years ago
Hi! I have a question regarding wards/protection satchets. There is lots of tips and text on casting spells/making wards for protection or cleansing. The worry that I have is how to adequately release or get rid of say the ward or protection jar with all that negative/gathered energy throwing back to your face? Thank you so much!
A great question! I know there are a lot of different disposal methods for things like jars, satchets, etc. It can really depend on the container a lot of times - since part of witchcraft is working with the land around us we don't want to go just drowning random jars of spell ingredients in local rivers these days. To dispose of something that was meant to absorb negative energy your best friends are fire, water, earth, or salt. I want to dissuade you from burying things and leaving them though. It's effective, but it can be harmful for plants and animals in the area and to me that contradicts a lot of what we try to do in witchcraft. Drowning is another method that these days I think we should likely do away with. You could modify this and drown the satchet/jar in your bathtub and dispose of the tainted water and ingredients afterward in a sort of breaking down ritual. If you're dealing with jars don't mess with fire, but for satchets (as long as you're not burning any toxic herbs that could accidentally create mustard gas or something) burning them seems ideal to me. Salt would be my approach to jars, cleanse the area before opening, preferably do this outside, and rub down the jar and fill it with purifying salt. Then you can dispose of it as you like. So, fire for satchets, salt for jars. That would be my take.
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works-of-magic · 7 months ago
[ @uncle-dusknoir asked:]
wait now i'm curious, what have you had to charge metal up for? ultra heavy duty cleanse tags?
Ha, I wish it was something so exciting!
Usually I'm just charging jewelry or metal components of spells, like a locket to bring comfort from homesickness, or iron nails for protection in a spell satchet. I like spells I can wear and carry with me! Protection and swiftness when traveling, or confidence and cool-headedness when giving my seminars, or clarity and insight in communicating with spirits of the deceased around Samhain. (I tend to be away from home when I'm doing that, thus away from all the protections at home.)
Steel is good for protection. Copper is really good for charging other things. Silver is good for glamours and calmness.
Plus, I've charged Soothe Bells and Metal Coat for people, put nails and iron shavings in spell jars for clients, I once enchanted a pair of hedge trimmers for someone who was worried it'd hurt their Trevenant, just miscellaneous side-jobs I've picked up over the years.
I do like to charge targets in the obstacle course behind our facility to give the trainees a quick boost! Kind of like a Calm Mind they can draw on at any time. It works really well to get the most inexperienced ghosts through a tough training session.
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mixedbloodedwitch · 2 years ago
In Honor of Valentine's Day!
Attracting Love Spell
This is small heart-shaped (or whatever shape you want) satchet/pillow that can be place beneath your pillow, in you pocket or bag, or even kept in your bra near your heart.
Red Salt
White Salt
(Optional) Himalayan Pink Salt
Cinnamon (Powder Form)
Cloves (Powder or Whole)
Allspice (Powder)
Sigil or Statement of Intention
Red Candle
Dry Daisy Petals (Optional)
Red or Pink Fabric
White or Red String/Thread
Sew your shape, leaving an opening for the mixture. If you can't sew cut the cloth in a large enough square that you can place the contents in the middle and tie if off well.
In a mortar and pestal grind up your rose petals, cloves, cinnamom, allspice, and chili pepper. Try to not place the daisy petals within this mixture.
Once well mixed, add your mixture of red and white salt. Your salt mixture should be 2:1 herb mixture.
Set aside the salt/herb mixture and prepare your sigil or statement of intention.
Charge the sigil within a red candle for passion and to strengthen your intention.
Once its charge coat your piece of paper or Bay leaf with some of the melted red wax.
Fill your satchet, placing the paper or leaf submerged in the salt/herb mixture.
On top add your dry Daisy petals for luck and or lust.
Seal or sew it shut including your intention into the knots of the threads. And your done! Keep close by you so your spells Magick grows.
Happy V Day and Happy Casting
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southernmermaidsgrotto · 2 years ago
Hello, I need some help and I think you might have some answers? I went to the river early yesterday and found a bunch of things that the water washed up like jewelry, little statues of elephants and buddha, a statue of a God(?) that says Chango Machu, religious memorabilia and a little red satchet. I got so excited that I picked them all up, thinking this was completely random luck that I found cool stuff. I looked inside the satchet when I got home and there are things that I’m 99% sure are from a spell someone casted- a chocolate heart, coin with the serenity prayer, little clock, tiny metal horse shoe, animal fur etc. I didn’t think twice and threw them out. I’m now realizing I might have done something really bad. Did I mess with this person’s ritual? Am I cursed? I’m completely lost on what to do.
To add on the the previous ask, I still have some of the statues and jewelry. Also, please pardon my ignorance, I searched “Bruja” on tumblr because a lot of the items are clearly from someone of latin heritage and you’re the first blog that showed up. I apologize in advance for anything I said that might offensive.
"I got so excited that I picked them all up, thinking this was completely random luck that I found cool stuff"
Well you should know better than that. In absolutely no situation is it correct to just pick up whatever things you find laying on the streets unless it seems to be something someone clearly lost and you intend to give it back. But if it's a bunch of spiritual looking stuff? DON'T TOUCH IT. Specially if you find it in your front yard/porch or the entrance to your house or job, or any other place you commonly go to. Specially not in a graveyard either. I'm worried that nowadays people don't often get proper spiritual education as the first thing you get told by anyone ever is NEVER TOUCH ANYTHING IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHO PUT IT THERE OR WHY. It's as simple as don't get candy from strangers in the streets istg
I have an "am i cursed" post coming up but it's long and I thought I'd put here the main points in the meanwhile.
Unless you were the specific target of that working or there was a clause added to it so that if anybody interferes with it, they'd face consequences, you should be fine... but,
if the working involves calling on, or requesting the aid of, certain patron saints, spirits, entities, gods, etc. like the Orishas, for example, you're risking disrespecting that spirit orisha and thus facing repercussions due to that offense.
What should you do then? get rid of it. PUT. IT. BACK. right where you found it. Cleanse yourself (do a good, deep, powerful bath, just in case) and cleanse your home (if you think something could've followed you in...) then DIVINE. If you trust your own divination abilities, do that, but I recommend:
Consult with a priest of the faith involved to know what the next steps should be. Could be a santería priest, a babalawo, whomever respectable authority of that specific faith (in this case, a faith where changó/shangó is present, thus, orisha faiths) you have access to. Santería, Lukumi, Ifá, Isese, etc. African Traditional and Diaspora Religions. Request a consultation with a Priest or Priestess regarding your spiritual health and ask about this specific situation, they would be able to tell you very specific answers and protocols regarding your current situation and how to move forwards, and how to avoid getting in trouble again in the future.
And please for the love of everything holy, just don't pick up, don't even touch, anything that looks like a spiritual working ever, unless you're an experienced practitioner (or know and trust one) who knows how to deal with the possible consequences.
Hope that helps!
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awitchdidit-etsy · 1 year ago
I opened BRAND NEW Etsy store! I’m selling spell jars, ritual bath satchets, and essential oil roll ons and more to come! Come check it out, if you like it maybe give it a follow? I would love any support you guys can give me! :)
I haven’t made a sale yet so if you can reblog this I would be forever grateful! <3
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hallsofiridium · 2 years ago
Another thing that ties into art magic:
Dried acrylic paint that can't be reused can be scraped off into flakes to be saved.
Wood shavings off of whittling can be swept up and kept.
Clay residue that can't be used can be collected for later use.
What use would these things have? Well, think about it.
They're full of creative energy, innovation, or often times, something that signifies new beginnings. You could get color correspondences in there too.
These scraps could be used for satchets and jars, paired with crystals and herbs. They can be used for dreams, (as dreams are very creative in nature, are they not?), creativity-based spells, or hell! Even something for new beginnings!
All it takes is a little bit of. . . creativity! (badumtist)
Do note that for scraps of acrylic and other paints, they can be harmful to the environment. It is best to be mindful and make sure that these materials don't end up in the wrong place.
That's all I have to share! Bye-bye. 👋
More Art Magic Ideas🎨🕯️
Draw or paint using your non-dominant hand to bring out your inner child
Create a mini oracle set out of bottlecaps or coins
Write odes to the tools, herbs, etc. that you use the most in your craft
Use only natural materials in a work of art- tea, coffee, dirt, plant parts, etc.
Decorate playing cards to act as talismans and keep in your pocket/wallet/bag (i.e. a money drawing card to keep in your wallet)
Bring your inner sacred space to life by drawing/painting/collaging/sculpting it
Use handmade images as offerings to spirits or deities; create personalized images of spirits or deities you're in contact with
Make a poppet of yourself and stuff it with petitions or pictograms of what you wish to embody
Create a powerful protection amulet to hang above the doorway of your home/sacred space. What does protection look like to you? Use materials that reflect the kind of protection that you're looking for.
Crochet or knit a blanket that is enchanted to bring good sleep, good dreams, or for inducing a hypnagogic state
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year ago
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Lavandula officinalis
Known as: Elf leaf, nard, nardus & spike
Related plants: A member of the mint family Lamiaceae, there are genus of 47 known species of lavender. It includes well known plants such basil, mint, rosemary, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, hyssop, thyme, lavender, and perilla, as well as catnip, salvia, bee balm, wild dagga & oriental motherwort.
Parts used: Flowers
Habitat and cultivation: This flowering plant is native to the the Mediterranean
Plant type: Perennial
Region: Most are hardy from Zones 5 to 9 | Spanish Lavender (L. stoechas) is only hardy in Zones 7 to 9.
Harvest: You can harvest all the budding spikes or flowers on your plant during the growing season but avoid cutting into woody growth. Don't want to take more than 1/3 of the plant at this time & limiting your harvest to flowers and buds should keep you within recommended limits. As first frost approaches, snip off woody, leafy stems & branching. You can safely take up to 2/3 of the plant at this time. Harvesting too early can stimulate more growth which you don't want since the lavender is moving into winter dormancy.
Growing tips: To grow lavender successfully it needs well-drained soil, full sun & may be a good idea to check the PH beforehand because soil too acidic may kill off your plants. It survives well in dry conditions, so you'll only have to water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry. Plant lavender in spring, once all chances of frost have passed. This beautiful, fragrant herb is a great addition to raised beds, in-ground gardens, and growing in containers spacing plants 12 to 18 inches apart.
Medicinal information: Taking lavender products by mouth, including teas and a specific oil supplement or inhaling lavender oil as aromatherapy, seem to reduce symptoms of depression & anxiety. Lavender oil is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to heal & burns & bug bites. Some studies suggest that consuming lavender as a tea can help digestive issues such as vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas, upset stomach, & abdominal swelling. A study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology found that lavender oil could be effective in combating antifungal-resistant infections. Using it as aromatherapy can also reduce colic symptoms & menstrual cramp pain.
Cautions: Lavender essential oil is possibly safe when inhaled as aromatherapy, but applying products that contain lavender oil to the skin is possibly unsafe for young cis males who haven't reached puberty. The oil seems to have hormone-like effects that could disrupt normal hormones & in some cases, this has resulted in breast growth.
Lavender might cause sleepiness and slowed breathing. Taking lavender with sedative medications might cause breathing problems and/or too much sleepiness.
Lavender might slow down the central nervous system. If used with anesthesia and other medications given during and after surgery, it might slow down the central nervous system too much. Stop using lavender at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Aradia, Elves, Faeries, Hecate & Saturn
Magickal uses:
• Place in sleep pillows to encourage peaceful sleep
• Wear as a perfume to attract a new love
• Rub on paper when writing love spells or notes for added power
• Add with rosemary to a satchet for preserve chastity
• Scatter around your home to invite protection & purifying energies
• Use in a ritual bath to lighten feelings of depression or sadness
• Wear or use in an amulet to discourage cruelty from a spouse
• Drink lavender tea before bed to aid in astral travel or dream magick
• Burn as an incense for meditation or spirit work
• Use in spells to strengthen friendships
• Purify your ritual candles & tools with a drop of oil to release any negative energies contained within them
•  Hang above your door protect against evil spirits , for home blessings & to cleanse all who enter
• Rub the oil on to the base of the skull or temples to help cure the nervous exhaustion that sometimes happens after intensive magickal workings
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wyvernscales · 1 year ago
Syl’vhenan just ends up the unofficial dad of Vigil’s Keep.
Kirta is a bit of a leash child. They are young and don’t really know how to be the public face for an arling in a country they’ve never been to before. They’re out of their depth and need guidance. But what Kirta finds important isn’t what Syl does.
Kirta: “Do you know if taupe is in this season?”
Syl: “Do I look like the expert on human fashion?”
Kirta: “Given all that human jewelry? Yes.”
Syl: *dad grumbles*
Velanna and Syl bond over Dalish lore. Sometimes Syl comes off as a “back in my day” boomer, but they generally mean well. At first, Syl is absolutely bewildered by the way her Clan does things, but its literally just because things changed over six ages. Velanna values this knowledge immensely, and many of the stories she records are from Syl.
Syl: “Why don't your aravels fly?”
Velanna: “Why would they fly? Did yours fly?"
Syl: "Everyone's did"
Justice is new to the whole “possession” thing. The jury’s out on what exactly Syl is, but they’re a corpse who’s been in the waking world for centuries. Syl definitely ends up doling out the most advice on existing to him. Which isn’t to say they’re best friends. Justice isn’t particularly fond of the “bones decorated in stolen jewelry” thing.
Justice: “Stealing is wrong”
Syl: “So is going back on your word. So is mass slaughter. So was the Exalted March of the Dales.”
Justice: “I’m afraid I do not know of the events you describe”
Syl: “Then perhaps you should hold your condemnation”
Sigrun is the perky dead girl to Syl’s gloomy dead guy. They’ve also been a Warden since forever and know a lot about the darkspawn. Sigrun also seems like the type to carry snacks, so you know Syl is reaching their hand back to grab some.
Sig: “All this time, and I’ve still never gotten used to the stench of the Spawn. Do you think if we catapulted some soap into their camp they’d use it?”
Syl: “No, they wouldn’t”
Sig: “Wait, did you actually try that?”
Syl: “In the Black Age. It didn’t work. Bring a satchet of aromatic herbs with you next time”
Oghren has absolutely been on the wrong side of Syl'vhenan's petrify spell before. Several times in fact. They also watch the Glavonaks build up the walls of Vigil's Keep while complaining about the 80 Gold price tag together.
Both: *standing with their hands on their hips watching the construction crew work*
Nathaniel’s image of his father was recently demolished and he threw his life at the feet of the Warden-Commander. He is in desperate need or purpose, advice, and guidance. Syl can often be found helping the groundskeeper, and Nathaniel pitches in too sometimes.
*Nathaniel clumsily swinging a scythe at some tall grass in the Keep*
Syl: “That is the worst attempt at weeding I have seen in six ages”
Anders is fascinated with Syl because they’re an absolute mystery. Syl ends up giving him magic advice a lot. Syl was so against Anders keeping Sir Pounce-a-Lot, but ended up taking the cat when he left for Kirkwall.
Anders: “What type of spirit are you? Justice is, well, Justice, but you go by a name. You must be a spirit of something.”
Syl: “Must I?”
Anders: “Aren’t you a spirit who possessed a corpse?”
Syl: “I am simply Syl’vhenan Andras”
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works-of-magic · 1 year ago
oh uh. you said something about sending me some magic exercises n shit the other day. may i have some..?
Oh, yes! Of course! Sorry, I was trying to gather my thoughts on that.
So the tricky thing with magic is, there are just so many kinds. There's energy work, magic through tools, magic through action or word, or if you want to do something projective, or receptive, or... Just, it's hard to make recommendations when I don't know where you want to go with it. Because where you want to go determines where I'd recommend you start.
If you'd like my personal recommendations, I'd say start with protection/shielding (safety first!), getting comfortable with your own energies, charging things with it, and doing some bonding exercises with a Pokemon of your choice!
I lean pretty heavily into energy work, so a lot of my go-to tips are based on that, but if it doesn't resonate with you, or you try it a few times and you don't feel anything, let me know and I can recommend other routes.
Also, I'm probably going to gloss over The Basics because I may or may not be infodumping and um! There's a lot that can be said!
It's always a good idea to familiarize yourself with your own energies. You know how aura readers can sense you? It's kind of cultivating that awareness, but just for yourself. Most people find it easiest while meditating or doing breathing exercises. (These things tend to clear away distractions and thus make it easier to get insight, but they're not requirements.)
The core concept is to imagine yourself, however you see yourself. It doesn't have to be exactly what your physical body looks like, you might be a vague colored blob, or a bright ray of light, or a shadow, or some people even see themselves represented by a Pokemon.
However you visualize yourself, spend awhile focusing on it. Try to open your awareness to what it feels like. Maybe start with your body, and work your way into your mind. What does your body feel like? How is your mind feeling? What kind of things can you see if you follow the feelings even deeper? What's under all of that? Is your energy strong or weak? Is it flowing or halting? Is it radiant or withdrawn?
For this exercise, you don't have to worry about judging it or manipulating it; your goal is to just Become Aware. You might see it in your mind's eye, or, if you're like me, you might feel it like a tingle beneath your skin. It might take a few tries to get a clear focus on it, but being aware of where it is and what it's doing will help with all the other things.
Even doing this for 5-10 minutes a day can boost your awareness!
Protection is always a good bet, too. Especially working with ghosts, sometimes we get a little... sensitive. Sometimes when our energies start looking a little more like a ghost, spirits are drawn to us, both benevolent and not. And of course, when certain people know you sling spells, they can get, ahh, competitive.
The most common method of protection involves imagining a shield being built around you. The basic idea is to close your eyes, and imagine your body. There's energy around it, emanating from it. What you want to do is take some of that energy, and shape it into a bubble, or a suit of armor, or an iron barricade. I know people who use the image of a mirror or a web, too. You build these energies into a force of protection all around you, and you fortify it by willing negative things to bounce off it, or be burned up by it, or reflect back on whatever's trying to Bother You.
If you like the idea of using tools, you can draw the circle around you physically. Some folks mark the circle they're drawing with physical items like candles at every cardinal direction, or a circle of salt and herbs. Some enchant stones or satchets to shield them, which is a good method to use if you're not getting much "feedback" from your own energies. (Heavy stones, dusk stones, black tourmaline, and smoky quartz are all good choices for protection!)
To charge these things, basically you just push what you want to do into them. This can be by taking your own energies and modifying those with your intention before sending it into the object, or molding the energies of the object itself. Most people use their right hand as the default "energy projector", sending the "charging" by holding their right hand on it, but some folks think being left-handed means your left hand is thus more projective.
When you get Pokemon involved, there are different things you do with a familiar and different things you do with a temporary aid. Do you want them to lend you their power, or sync up with you entirely? Do you want to establish a permanent bond, or just link up temporarily?
It can be a big decision, so maybe start with a temporary bonding exercise. One of my favorites is as easy as sitting down together, making physical contact, and taking a little bit of their energy, while you give them a little bit of yours. Most people use two hands on their Pokemon, and imagine their own energies leaving through one side and flowing into the other, like a circuit.
Try to assess what you can feel from your Pokemon. You might get a color, a shape, a kind of motion, or a particular emotion. You might feel a slight hum or connect with them through the pattern of their breath. Much like connecting with your own energy, you want to try to become aware of their energy. Although instead of looking inward, for this exercise you want to look outward and focus on them.
You're in Unova, right? You guys don't have z-moves or mega evolutions? Those things aren't essential, of course; they just use physical objects that bolster the connection. Makes it easier. But you can form a connection to a Pokemon just as deeply without them! Though if you want to try using an external tool, something that has a lot of sentimental meaning for your relationship with them, like maybe their Pokeball or a toy you've given, can help facilitate the connection.
Some people will share drinks or food, like a favorite berry or a tea with oranges and cinnamon. (Though if I recall correctly, I saw that you're not big on tea. Maybe make a simmer pot with the oranges and cinnamon instead? The whole place will smell amazing.)
As an aside, some people find these things are easier when they're meditating, in a state of calm and focus. Other people find that their spells work best when they're highly emotional. Personally, I find calm good for some spells and the extra oomph of emotion good for others. It might take some trial and error to find which state makes it easier For You.
And, well, you have runes in your name. I'm not sure which ones you work with, but you can always use symbols carved into candles or written on paper or painted in your workspace to help with focusing, charging, and strengthening! Different runes have different meanings in most systems, so it would just be a matter of figuring out which one to use, whichever one suits your purposes best, and then figuring out where to put it.
Okay, that's already quite a lot of information! Let me know if anything catches your eye, or if you try it and it works.
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