#speedy could be any rival of sonic to tails
There are so many design parallels to Tails and Speedy I'm going insane I need more content of himmmm
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echidnapower · 1 year
Trapped In This Machine
So I'm reposting all the fics that I nuked when I left Tumblr the first time. We'll start with this one, in celebration of the return of one of my favorite Sonic the Hedgehog content creators - the amazing @e-vay, whose art HERE inspired the story. Enjoy!
I should've realized from the beginning that something was wrong. How could I have been so blind as to not realize that something was suspiciously out of the ordinary with him? Maybe it was the extra attention he was giving me, the sudden...willingness to give affection that caused me to maybe...I dunno, not care that he was acting out of the ordinary.
He'd become everything that I wanted him to be, he was caring, affectionate, even - dare I say - loving, and all out of nowhere too. I really should've questioned it more, I should've listened to the warnings all my friends kept giving me...if I had...then maybe we wouldn't all be fighting for our very lives right now.
"So, Amy, how's about a trip to Twinkle Park? I think they renewed that cute couples get in free promotion," Sonic leaned down a bit to grin at the pink hedgehog walking next to him. "And I can't think of any couple that would qualify more than you and me, whaddya say?"
Amy Rose blushed and giggled bashfully, playfully nudging the blue hedgehog with her shoulder before smiling up at him. To say her dream had come true would've been an understatement. Just a few days ago, she'd been wishing that Sonic would just stop beating around the bush and admit he loved her the same way she loved him...and almost as if he'd read her mind, seconds later he was at her door, offering to get some lunch with her, just the two of them.
Since then, they'd barely spent any time apart, except for sleep and necessary hygiene practices. Amy was on cloud nine, the one thing she'd always wanted had finally been given to her. Sonic the Hedgehog was hers at last, and he'd been giving her all the love she could ever ask for. "Well if you insist," she giggled again. "We might as well see what's new."
"Hey, I have an idea," he smirked. "Let's invite the gang to join us, we'll make it a group date."
At this, Amy's eyes widened and she looked up at him in shock. "Sonic, are you sure? I mean, you told me to keep it quiet for a while, I don't want-"
"Chill Ames, no big deal." Sonic shrugged. "I had a little time to think about it, and I figure that if I'm gonna be with you, I might as well let everyone know. What better way than for us to make it official at Twinkle Park?"
"Oh Sonic!" Amy lunged forward and embraced the speedy hedgehog, and held in a squeal when Sonic reciprocated the gesture. "Thank you, thank you so much!" she pulled back and ran off, waving goodbye as she looked over her shoulder. "I'm gonna go tell everyone to meet us at Twinkle Park, I'll see you later Sonikku!"
"Seeya Ames! I can't wait for tonight!"
"Have you got anything Tails?"
"I dunno," Tails pushed his computer chair back and sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "I mean, other than his sudden affection for Amy, he's still been totally Sonic." the fox looked up at his guest. "Have you noticed anything else weird?"
"Can't say that I have," Knuckles the Echidna, Guardian of the Master Emerald and friendly rival to Sonic the Hedgehog, stood in Tails' workshop trying to unravel the mystery of Sonic's sudden emotional turnaround. "Maybe we're just paranoid?"
"It's possible..." Tails sighed and stood up from his chair. "I mean, I always knew that Sonic thought Amy was special in his own way, but for him to go from awkward to a regular Romeo-type all in the span of three days just sends up some red flags in my mind."
Knuckles shrugged. "Maybe he just finally manned up and admitted how he feels, like you need to do with Cream."
"Don't change the subject." Tails glared at the guardian, although his blush took away some of his intensity. "I dunno, I guess we should just keep watching, maybe Sonic really has changed." Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Tails went over and opened it, revealing an absolutely giddy pink hedgehog. "Oh, hi Amy."
"Are you ready for what I have to tell you?" Then her peripheral vision registered a splotch of red, and she turned to get a better view. "Knuckles is here too! Perfect! That means one less trip I have to take!"
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about the group trip we're taking to Twinkle Park tonight!"
Tails raised an eyebrow. "We are?"
"That's right!" Amy moved past Tails and did a little pirouette in the middle of the workshop. "I talked with Sonic and we agreed that we should get the whole gang together to have some fun, y'know, as friends!"
"This seems pretty sudden Amy, why now and not before?" Tails said as he scratched his chin in suspicion.
"Well duh," Amy replied with her hands on her hips. "Sonic wanted to wait for the cute couples get in free promotion to get started again! After all, why pay for tickets when we can just walk in hand-in-hand and have a fantastic time for free?! That's called sound economics."
"It sounds like bull-"
"Knuckles!" Tails quickly cut off the guardian before he could finish his thought, then he directed his attention back to Amy, who seemed none too impressed with their reactions if her expression was anything to go by. "Amy, don't you think that something's a little...off...with Sonic?"
"No, why would I?"
"Because he's suddenly all over you and can't stop staring at you when before he actively ran away from you." Knuckles blunt statement was responded to with an angry glare from the pink hedgehog. "You can glare all you want, you can't tell me you aren't even curious as to why Sonic's pretty much started letting his hormones do all of his thinking for him."
"Did it ever occur to you that maybe Sonic's finally just realized that he cares for me?" Amy stomped forward with her hammer suddenly in hand, causing the echidna to back away a few steps. "Or am I so ugly that Sonic would have to completely lose his mind to think that I'm anything more than a nuisance?"
"N-No one's calling you ugly or a nuisance Amy!" Tails gulped when she suddenly rounded on him. "All we're saying is that...it does seem a little bit sudden, you can at least admit that much can't you?"
Amy sighed and took a moment to regain her composure. "Ok, I know you wouldn't ask unless you were legitimately worried, I appreciate that Tails," her hammer disappeared. "But there's really nothing wrong with Sonic! I mean, come on, no one knows him better than I do, I'd be able to tell." she gently placed her hand on the fox boy's shoulder. "Now come on, we're all going to Twinkle Park tonight! If you want, I'll even call Vanilla for you so Cream can come with us."
"And what about me?"
Amy turned her head to look at Knuckles, who was crossing his arms with a scowl. "Well, if you wanna find Rouge and ask her to come, all you gotta do is leave the Master Emerald alone for a little longer." she smirked at the low growl the echidna gave. "You know it would work."
"That's what bothers me." Knuckles uncrossed his arms and walked past both Tails and Amy as he headed to the door. "What time are we meeting up?"
The pink hedgehog tapped her chin for a moment in thought. "I think five 'o'clock should give us enough time to go around the park, sound good to you?"
"Wouldn't matter what time you chose, I would've come anyway." Knuckles walked out and grabbed hold of the door before he stopped. "After hearing all this from you, I'm starting to think maybe I was wrong and there really is something wrong with Sonic." With that, the echidna slammed the door shut.
"Do me a favor and don't come!" Amy growled before she looked over at Tails. "And you? Are you still convinced that Sonic is suddenly a huge jerk and this is all some elaborate prank or something?"
Tails slowly shook his head. "I don't know what to think Amy..." he looked up at her. "Honestly, I'd like to believe this is all real and Sonic's finally starting to come around to how he really feels about you, I want you to be happy!"
"Then trust me on this!" she put both hands on his shoulders and looked the fox boy in the eyes. "I'm happier than I've ever been in my whole life, and it's all because of Sonic! I've learned to tell when he's just putting on a show, and this is all real! He really loves me!"
The young genius relinquished a smile. "Ok Amy, if you say so."
"Good." Amy nodded and smiled as well. "So, how's about I make that phone call? There's a cute little rabbit girl who I have a sneaking suspicion is starting to crush on you, and I bet she'd love to hang out with us tonight."
As soon as the clock struck five, the entire gang got together and met at the entrance of Twinkle Park in Station Square. Amy had indeed convinced Vanilla to allow Cream to join them, and Knuckles had decided to come alone, although he seemed incredibly guarded. "Lighten up Knucklehead, we're here to have fun, and no one likes a grouch when there's a party goin' on."
Knuckles shrugged off the blue hedgehog's hand and growled lowly. "Let's just get in there."
Sonic just shrugged and went over to put his arm around Amy. "Suit yourself pal, hope you brought some money with ya, since ya don't get to take advantage of the cute couples get in free perk." He led the pink hedgehog over to the entrance and stood on the platform, and then he turned his attention to his friends. "Cute couple number two, come on down!"
Both Tails and Cream's cheeks turned pink, but they did walk in together as the platform went up, leaving Knuckles alone by himself until the platform returned. "I'm not a grouch." he grumbled.
Knuckles did have to pay to get in, but eventually they did meet back up and they soon started going around the park and partaking in all that it had to offer. Rollercoasters, thrill rides, a ride (or three) through the Tunnel of Love, and of course the never-ending variety of greasy fair food. Sonic had tried to get Knuckles to take a bite of the funnel cake he'd gotten for himself and Amy, but the echidna just glared at him in response. "Boy Knux, you're really makin' a case for jerk of the year, why'd ya even come if ya didn't wanna be here?"
"I have my reasons."
"Don't even pay any attention to him Sonikku," Amy said all too sweetly. "He's just jealous that he's all alone while we're all here on a double date."
"But Mr. Knuckles," Cream spoke up. "You could have gotten Miss Rouge to come with us right? Then you wouldn't have been so lonely!"
"That's got nothing to do with it!" Knuckles rounded on his younger companions and scowled viciously, his fists clenched in barely contained rage. "The only reason I'm here is to protect you three from getting hurt!"
Sonic scoffed. "Get hurt? From what? Eating too much junk food?"
"How 'bout from you wise guy?" Knuckles got up in the hedgehog's face, and Sonic's cocky grin immediately vanished. "I've been watching you all night, and at first I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but now I know for a fact that you're not yourself, if you're even Sonic at all."
"Oh yeah? And what makes you think I'm not the genuine article?"
"Because there's no way the real Sonic would ever be so openly affectionate, he doesn't have the guts!"
"Knuckles, go home!" Amy leaped up from her seat and gave the guardian a murderous glare. "I'd say I can't believe you would stoop so low, but then I remember it's you! Go back and protect your stupid rock, we do not require your services!" The pink hedgehog tugged on Sonic's arm and started leading him away. "Come on Sonic, let's go on the ferris wheel together, I've lost my appetite."
"Me too Ames."
The couple left in a huff, and Knuckles narrowed his eyes as he stared at the backs of the two retreating figures, and his eyes widened when he saw Sonic smirk at him over his shoulder. "Tails, we need to follow them."
"Knuckles, I-"
"Just do it!"
Inside one of the ferris wheel gondolas, a blue and pink hedgehog were sitting alone, leaning against each other. The old machine had been empty until their arrival, but the old dog who ran it was more than happy to give the couple some free rides to collect their thoughts. "'T'is a great place to have a heart to heart." he'd said.
And that was what Amy was doing, as she poured out her heart to her new boyfriend. "I can't believe Knuckles would accuse you of faking all this...I mean, is it really so unbelievable? Am I really that terrible of a person that it's impossible to buy that you care for me?"
"Nah Ames, Knux is just paranoid, maybe he's just tryin' to overcompensate for all the times Dr. Robotnik tricked him."
The pink hedgehog raised an eyebrow at that and smirked. "Dr. Robotnik? No crazy quips or references to his looking like a giant walking egg?"
Sonic shrugged. "Why state the obvious?"
"I dunno," Amy also shrugged. "It's just that it's never stopped you before, kinda weird to actually hear his actual name again after all this time."
"Yeah well, that's not important anyway." Sonic turned and took Amy's hands in his. "What's important is us, and I gotta say Ames, these past few days have been the greatest days of my life...it's really too bad that it's gonna be all over soon."
"Well, what makes you say that?" Before Sonic could answer however, Tails appeared out of nowhere and slammed his feet into the back of Sonic's head before scooping Amy into his arms. "Tails, put me down! Have you lost your mind?!"
"Now Knuckles!"
Knuckles got a running start and reeled his fist back, and as soon as he was in range, he unloaded a vicious punch that obliterated the old metal keeping the ferris wheel standing, and it all came crashing down as sparks flew from the malfunctioning machinery, with Sonic crashing down along with all the debris.
"Sonic!" Amy turned and pulled out her hammer, her teeth gritted and her eyes brimming with tears. "You're both insane, do you have any idea what you just did?!" But suddenly from the smoldering flames that were now lighting up the night sky with yellows and oranges, a figure emerged from the wreckage, one whose silhouette was easily recognizable. "Sonikku! You're alive!"
But then the dust settled, and Amy's cries of joy turned into a fear-filled shriek as her eyes beheld a sight that she never would've dreamed of in her worst nightmares.
Instead of blood coming from the blue hedgehog's wounds...there was nothing but metal and wire. "I was really hoping it wouldn't have to be this way..." the creature's head lifted, and while one side of its revealed the unmistakably emerald green eye of Mobius' greatest hero, the other side showed nothing but darkness, and an angry red iris with a yellow pupil. "But thanks to Knuckles, now I have to do this the hard way."
I was a fool, Knuckles was right all along. Sonic wasn't acting like himself because he wasn't himself. He'd been replaced by this...twisted perversion of him, made of nothing but iron and circuitry...but it was so real, a small part of me still couldn't let the thought that this was Sonic go.
But as I watched this incredibly realistic version of Metal Sonic engage in a fight to the death with the weakening Knuckles, I knew I couldn't let myself suspend my disbelief any longer. I had to help, somehow. Tails had already been knocked out, only seconds after he'd told Cream to fly away and get help. Given the circumstances though, I didn't think help would arrive in time. It was time to step up.
I grabbed my hammer and rushed forward with it held over my head, and I slammed it down on Metal Sonic's head, sending him to the ground for a moment so Knuckles could unleash an uppercut that sent him flying into the distance. "Knuckles, I am so sorry."
He gave me a grim smile in return, he was rubbing his fist and I could see the blood starting to leak through the fabric of his glove, as well as the blood coming from his chest and the side of his mouth from wounds shaped like claw marks. "I've dealt with worse." The next thing I knew I was on the ground as Knuckles shoved me out of the way, and then I heard a sickening thump, followed by a dull thud. When I turned around, I saw Knuckles on the ground, unconscious, with Metal Sonic standing over him with a frown.
"You stay away from me!" I raised my hammer in defense.
"I wish I could Ames."
My eyes widened and I felt my heart start to beat faster than it ever had before as a lump formed in my throat. Although the voice was synthetic, the way he'd spoken wasn't at all like something Metal Sonic would say...it was something that...Sonic would say. "Who are you? Are you Metal Sonic?"
The blue robot - or hedgehog, I was so confused I didn't know what to call it - took another step towards me, and I took a step back to keep the distance. "You'd think so wouldn't you?" he replied as he continued to approach. "But the truth is, I'm way better than any of those pathetic rip-offs, even before I became like this."
I felt my heart shatter, and I couldn't hold back my tears any longer. "Sonic..." I choked.
"In the flesh, so to speak." Sonic stopped to gesture at himself. "Pretty impressive huh? Dr. Robotnik managed to perfect his roboticization technique, he found me a few days ago and used it on me first. Now I've got a new goal, and that's to take you guys out...first I had to get closer to you to gain your trust...although I gotta say, I'm not really likin' this next part."
"Then don't do it! Sonic, you don't have to listen to Eggman! If he managed to turn you into a robot and make you so convincing that even I couldn't tell the difference, then that means despite all that programming he gave you, the real you is still in there! Trapped in that machine!"
For a moment, Sonic seemed to slouch a bit. "I don't wanna kill you guys," But then he looked back up and glared at me. "But I have no choice, my mission is to destroy you guys, and I'm gonna do it!" He charged towards me at full speed, and I barely reacted fast enough to get my hammer up and stop him from running me through with his exposed razor-sharp claw. "Hold still Amy, just make it quick!"
"No!" I swung my hammer and knocked him back a few feet, and then I jumped back and put more distance between us. "I know you're in there Sonic, fight it! If a robot like Gamma could reject his programming, then I have no doubt you can! You're too strong to just let Eggman control you!"
"Shut up!" Sonic charged again, but this time he was much slower and his movements were sloppier, and I was able to sidestep his attack and let him run past me and into the tilt-a-whirl. "Why can't you make this easy?"
I found it in me to smile despite the circumstances. "You're fighting it, I can tell. Don't give up Sonic, I know you can beat him!" But then his robot eye seemed to glow brighter, and he sent a vicious glare that caused my blood to run cold. "Uh oh." Only a second later, I found myself being raised in the air by the throat, as a robotic claw squeezed my throat.
"Just...just stop fighting me, ok Ames? Don't make this harder than it has to be!"
His voice was desperate, and even with his robot hand around my throat, I could feel that his grip was wavering. I could still breathe. "No Sonic, I won't give up and I won't let you give up...I love you too much to do that."
I saw his eyes soften, even his robotic eye looked pitiful now, and he dropped me to the ground and grabbed his head, screaming at the top of his lungs. "This is so wrong! I'm not a killing machine! I'm not some messed up terminator! I am Sonic the Hedgehog!"
"That's right, you are." I raised my hammer over my head. "And now I'm gonna set you free." I jumped up and shouted a battle cry even with tears pouring out of my eyes, and my hammer came crashing down on Sonic's head, crushing his metal skull. After landing, I made my hammer disappear and watched as Sonic's robot eye faded away, signaling that he had been...killed? Destroyed? What even was he anymore? "I'm so sorry Sonic," I whispered to the unmoving form. "We'll get you fixed up and back to normal, I promise."
When I looked back up after wiping my eyes with my arm, I saw Knuckles and Tails limping over to me, their bodies bruised and bleeding from the intensity of the battle. "Are you ok Amy?" Tails asked me even as he held his arm.
"It was him...it was Sonic...Eggman turned him into this...thing."
Tails knelt down and examined Sonic's robot body, and he looked up at me with a small smile. "I can probably fix him, the roboticization process still shows signs of using the same basic principles, just much more refined..." Then he frowned. "But..."
"But what?" Knuckles asked.
"I can fix Sonic and even de-roboticize him after...but...I hate to think how he's going to be after it's all over..."
I frowned and looked down at the broken body of what used to be my one true love. Knuckles seemed confused as to what Tails meant, but I knew. Would Sonic ever be the same again? Even after Tails put him back together and turned him back into flesh and blood...Sonic was one with the wind, a free spirit who could never be caged in...now not only had he been caged in, but he'd been turned against the ones he loved, and he'd witnessed firsthand the damage he caused.
As strong as Sonic was, I knew he wasn't invincible. Even he had his breaking points, and I sincerely feared that this experience would be what drove Sonic past his. But I knew that if it did, I would make sure to be there for him every step of the way on his road to recovery. There was one thing I could tell about Sonic during the past three days, and that was he truly enjoyed being with me, even while he was roboticized. Maybe that was what kept him from giving in to the programming for so long.
It wouldn't be easy, that much I knew for sure. For Sonic, being controlled like this was probably the most traumatic event he could ever experience, and it would be a while before he turned back into his true self. But he would, I also knew that. His strength and determination would make sure he eventually comes to terms with it, and I would be there every step of the way. I vowed then and there to myself, that I would personally make sure he would never know what it was like to be trapped in this machine again.
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cacartoon · 1 year
Alright since I’ve already explained Frisk and Mario in https://www.tumblr.com/cacartoon/712734019100524544/other-than-cb-do-you-have-any-of-the-other-game
I suppose now I should explain Cuphead and Sonic.
So much like Frisk, Cuphead and Mugman were just minding their own business in Inkwell. After GlitchTrap started tampering with the multiverse or universe or whatever, strange things started to happen. Before the boys knew it, a storm struck the isle. As the boys tried to take shelter to wait out the storm, one of the portals opened up and swallowed Cuphead. Mugman tried to save him but he was too late.
Meanwhile in the world of Sonic the Hedgehog, our favorite speedy blue hedgehog was running around like usual. He had noticed the lack of Dr.Eggman and his minions and was quite confused. But before he could investigate, from the sky Cuphead fell from the portal. He was luckily saved by Sonic before he shattered onto the ground. Cuphead then realized the portal closed and now he was stuck. Sonic was curious about this strange little cup kid and asked about him. After the two introduced themselves Sonic offered to help bring Cuphead home. Sonic decided to go see if Tails could explain this phenomenon and help them. Cuphead was stunned by his speed but soon they arrived at Tails’ workshop. The little two tailed fox wasn’t home at the time so the duo searched for any possible way to return Cuphead to Inkwell. Then another portal opened up and out came Mario and Frisk. Sonic recognized his old friendly rival and the two realized something strange was going on. After all four of them got acquainted, Sonic insisted the investigate Eggman’s laboratory, having a hunch that the doctor had something to do with this. He left a note letting Tails know the situation and the four of them set off for Dr Eggman’s lab for answers and a way to return their friends home.
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kaiserdingus · 5 years
Knuckles’ Chaotix - 1995 Sega 32X Retrospective
In the 90′s Sega just couldn’t get past the idea of add-on peripherals for the Sega Genesis, despite repeated failures. As discussed in the Sonic CD retrospective, Sega had previously tried a CD based add-on that could breathe new life into the Sega Genesis, if only any one could afford it.
In 1995, Sega decided to try again with the Sega 32X, a mushroom-like add-on that gave the Genesis the power to rival the newer consoles like the Sony PlayStation and Sega’s own Saturn. You can probably guess that the story doesn’t end well for the 32X, but we did get a solid Sonic game out of it. Well, more of a spin-off game.
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Knuckles Chaotix was released in March of 1995 alongside the 32X add-on, the first Sonic spin-off to feature Knuckles as the lead. The game introduces several new characters, including Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon, and Charmy Bee, and it reintroduces Mighty the Armadillo from SegaSonic the Hedgehog.
The game is based on the standard Sonic formula, a side-scrolling platformer with an emphasis on speedy pinball physics, but Chaotix adds its own spin: the player controls two characters connected by ring energy. Similar to how Tails would follow the player in previous games, now the player can pick a support character to help them slingshot around stages. This is an interesting game mechanic that can be as fun as it is frustrating.
The stages are the most colorful in the history of Sonic games, with less of the blues and greens used in standard Sonic games and more purples and yellows. Each stage has its own theme and gimmicks, as is common in Sonic games, but instead of playing through them in a linear fashion the stages are random. This keeps the game fresh, but instead of the two-act formula levels now have five acts.
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Much like Sonic CD, Knuckles Chaotix didn’t have the opportunity to accumulate a fan-base due to the 32X’s low sales. Sonic CD has seen a handful of releases, but Knuckles Chaotix has only ever seen one official re-release as part of the subscription-based service GameTap. Because of this, its been an elusive treasure to fans too young to have experienced it in 1995.
For fans who were there at launch, it was more of a disappointment than anything. Appreciation for it has grown in the years since, but when it came out there were numerous issues with the 32X device itself. Many households couldn’t get the 32X to work with their Genesis consoles. Within the year Sega stopped supporting the add-on entirely, leaving a bad taste in the mouths of fans everywhere.
This is all completely unfair to Knuckles Chaotix, the game itself is a perfectly fine and competent spin-off that’s been forever tarnished by its reputation as the only Sonic game holding up the 32X. Fans expected a follow-up to the previous year’s Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles, Chaotix was not that by a long shot. Maybe if the fabled Sonic Mars had come to fruition it would’ve taken the heat off Chaotix.
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Knuckles Chaotix is one of the best looking and best sounding Sonic games of the 90′s. The art style is fantastic, the colors are vibrant and exciting, and the soundtrack is one of the best in the entire series. None of this stops the game from being a mediocre package overall. I’d like to see it get re-released someday, but I doubt it’ll happen any time soon. The game is simply more novelty than something worth playing through to the end.
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k9ofchaos · 6 years
K9′s Ramblings #15: Sonic Rogues Galleries
In this entry of the “K9′s Ramblings” series, I’ll be going over the villains from the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise and speculate how they would fit into a rogues gallery for certain major characters. With all that out of the way, lets get this show on the road:
Sonic the Hedgehog:
Doctor Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik: Emperor of the Eggman Empire.  Archnemesis of the Blue Blur
Doctor Julian Snively: Nephew of Eggman and possible heir to his uncle’s imperial throne.
Metal Sonic: Strongest Badnik of the Eggman Army and Robotic Counterpart the Hero of Mobius.
Breezie the Hedgehog: President and CEO of Breeze Media. Old flame of the Fastest Thing Alive.
Walter “Ixis” Naugus: Grandmaster and Chief Wizard of the Order of Ixis.
Solaris: Sun God of Soleanna. Would take the form of Sonic himself.
Dark Gaia: Primordial Being of Darkness.
Nega-Mother Wisp: Corrupted Matriarch of the Wisps.
Zavok: Leader of the Deadly Six and the Zeti Race.
Infinite: Ultimate Mercenary and Leader of the Jackal Squad.
Shadow the Hedgehog:
Biolizard: Prototype Ultimate Lifeform
Abraham Tower: Commander of the Guardian Units of Nations.
Black Doom: Hive Mind of the Black Arms.
Mephiles the Dark: Evil Incarnate. Would take the form of Shadow himself.
Eclipse the Darkling: Top Enforcer of the Black Arms. Would serve as an evil rival to Shadow.
Silver the Hedgehog:
Eggman Nega: Descendant of the Robotnik Dynasty.
Iblis: The Flames of Disaster. Would take the form of Silver himself (with a mix of Blaze’s features, maybe).
Knuckles the Echidna:
Metal Knuckles: Mechanical Doppelganger of Knuckles. Minion of Eggman.
Chaos: The Water God of Destruction.
Pir’Oth Ix: Imperator of the Nocturnus Clan.
Enerjak: Malevolent Demigod of the Chaos Force.
Thrash the Tasmanian Devil: Seeker of Vengeance Against the House of Edmond.
Miles “Tails” Prower:
Battle Kukku XV: Emperor of the Battle Kukku Empire.
Battle Kukku XVI: Crown Prince of the Battle Kukku Empire. AKA Speedy.
Doctor Fukurokov: Chief Scientist of the Battle Kukku Empire.
Wendy Witchcart: Leader of the Witchcarter Society.
Tails Doll: Half-Assed Mechanical Doppelganger of Tails. Possibly Cursed with Black Magic. Must investigate further into it.
Mammoth Mogul: Ixis Archmage turned Corrupt Corporate Executive. Keeping tabs on his nemesis’s magical potential.
Of course, if any of these characters where to get spinoffs of their own in the form of video games, comic books, what have you, I’m pretty sure the writers at either Sega and/or IDW could think up some new characters to add to this list. I might come back and edit this one later but for now the list is done. Take care and have a nice day.
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