#speeds away in my subaru outback
z-ppy · 4 months
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in the berkshires and all i can think about is brad and ray surprising nate at harvard and dragging him out here for some r&r after finals
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bomberqueen17 · 4 years
a farm accident
I’m just gonna stick a whole bunch of photos behind the cut here. 
We had a dramatic but ultimately not so bad farm accident of our own this morning. One of the apprentices was doing the morning animal chores, and she’d stopped, as usual, next to the barn just up the hill from the main area. (The livestock barn, where the sows have their water and feed and shelter, and their pasture extends out along a run from it, overlooks the spot next to the road where the house is just opposite the “granary” building that’s used for the farm store and the CSA pickup. There’s a parking lot for four cars right at the base of the hill next to the farm road.)
I was walking through the barnyard; Farmkid had just run off with a trusted friend. Suddenly someone, not a child, started screaming, and I thought it was Farmkid’s friend, playing-- she’s a grown woman and they play games where they yell and holler. But I only thought that for an instant, because it was so blood-curdling. I ran out to see, and just then, there was a horrible rending CRUNCH/BOOM, and then a patter of liquid.
I saw the apprentice running down the hill, and it was clear she’d been screaming. And then I saw the chore truck, which had landed on top of two cars in that parking area. And I realized immediately that the truck had popped itself out of park and taken off down the hill. 
But no one was in it-- the apprentice had been on the back, and had jumped off when it started rolling. And the two parked cars were uninhabited, and in fact belonged to two farm employees-- one of whom was the apprentice who’d just chased the truck down the hill. And the cars had stopped the truck before it could take its gathered speed and smash into the granary building and possibly knock it off its foundations-- it was built around 1825 and is just on a pile of stones at the far corner, and in that room is the brand new fridge, and in the main area was a group of people picking up their CSA shares, and my sister supervising the process. 
So no one was hurt, and a great deal of property damage was avoided, and the distraught apprentice kept apologizing but she did nothing wrong; if she hadn’t had it in park, she wouldn’t have been able to get out of it. Fortunately she’d had it faced down hill, so when she jumped off the back, it was rolling away from her and she could land safely and not get run over.
You have to see the pile to believe it. 
It was a literal pile-up of cars. Our players: a late 90s Ford F-150 piece of shit with two 100-gallon water tanks on the back and two huge full baskets of eggs in the front seat, both of which were violently hurled at the dashboard on impact while the water tanks sent water sloshing everywhere as their tops blew off in the collision. A 2003 Toyota Avalon that the truck landed on the hood of. And a 2000 Subaru Outback whose front driver’s side quarter-panel took the truck’s entire fender off. 
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[image description: the three above-described cars, with the Toyota and Subaru facing away from the camera and the Ford between them, unevenly slanted, with its  running board wedged on top of the hood of the Toyota and its opposite tire wedged against the front quarter-panel of the Subaru.]
Behind the truck: a hefty new-dug drainage ditch that had served to launch it slightly upward as it reached the parking area. Background: the barn it was parked next to. 
Directly to the right, off-camera, of the 2000 Subaru Outback was a customer’s brand-new, still-shiny, not-even-dusty-yet extended-cab pickup truck, like, fresh off the lot. It was entirely unscathed, not even a drop of water hit it.
We called the cops, as insurance dictates. And we went and got the tractor, figuring we’d haul the cars out and see what was what. But the cops said we shouldn’t move the cars yet, let them finish their statement, so we dithered, and hooked up the tow chain to the Subaru, but then reconsidered. (If we pulled it out, the truck would probably fall off the Toyota, right?)
Sister administered shots of whiskey to both employees whose cars were involved, figuring that was correctly medicinal. (In the immediate aftermath, the sobbing apprentice had suddenly gasped, “I still gotta feed the pigs,” and had climbed onto the back of the truck and hauled off the buckets of feed she’d been up there retrieving when the thing had started rolling, and ran up the hill carrying the heavy feed-buckets, because it wasn’t the pigs’ fault and they needed to eat. It was pretty impressive actually. She’s a good egg.)
We then thought maybe we’d pull the Toyota out first. Only... where does one attach a tow chain to a Toyota? I Googled it, and watched a series of uninformative videos, while Farmsister just called our dad. He wasn’t sure, and then pointed out that we didn’t have to pull with the tractor: on the back of that tractor was a brand-new winch, which had a max capacity of 4500 pounds. Probably that would work. Oh yeah. 
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[image description: the running board of the Ford, resting atop the extremely dented hood of the Toyota, whose grille is also cracked in half. The corner of the Toyota’s windshield is visibly spiderwebbed and a pole from the electric fence is wedged in the crumpled metal of the Ford’s running board.]
“Why don’t I come over?” Dad said, and Farmsister said, “Would you??”
So we adjourned for the 20 minutes it took Dad to show up with my two nephews in the car, both wide-eyed and excited at this fantastic conundrum. To her credit, their excitement went a little ways toward cheering up the apprentice, who really is a lovely young woman, and had, in fact, done no wrong in any of this. (There’s no curb to turn the wheels toward, the whole thing’s downhill, you can’t really get the truck sideways there, it slopes every damn direction. Park should do it, and has been sufficient for years, and now is not, so I guess we’ll have to start getting creative.)
Dad showed up and looked it all over. “Ah,” he said, “I hadn’t realized BIL isn’t here,” because BIL is the sort of person who would also be able to apply a great deal of presence of mind to solving this problem. It wasn’t that us assembled here couldn’t figure it out, but all of us were distracted-- CSA pickup was still going on, and I was ostensibly babysitting two small girls, and the apprentice was distraught and the livestock manager was distraught and they’re both so young, and anyway. Dad gave it a good thorough looking-over, and said, “What’s the biggest jack you have here?”
Farmsister went and dug out the big hydraulic floor jack, which took some finding, and there was much discussion, and the nephews and I went and found some cinder blocks and big scraps of wood. 
Dad jacked the truck up so its weight wasn’t resting on the Toyota, and then got into the Toyota and drove it backward. Incredibly, it started, and it ran just fine, and the truck, with its rear wheels chocked, rocked downward a little but did not move significantly, and most importantly, didn’t scrape any chunks off the Toyota as the Toyota went backward. 
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[image description: the Toyota is mostly out of frame to the right, having been driven backwards, and the Ford is hovering in midair, held up by a heavy-duty jack atop a pile of wooden chunks. Beyond it the Subaru is still in place.]
Then Dad put another jack under the axel, holding it a little lower, and removed the first one to let it down a bit. It settled, and he then had to re-do the jack to get the second jack out, and then he let it down further. Eventually, all four wheels were resting on the ground. The headlight lens assembly got peeled off the truck during this process, but no additional damage to the Subaru happened. The real worry was that the Subuaru’s front axle would be broken, which would total the car, but we couldn’t tell yet.
Then Farmsister got into the cab of the truck, started the engine, and got on the brakes while Dad removed the chocks from the wheels. 
Then she drove it forward, turning the wheels as best she could. The apprentice who owned the Subaru folded in the mirror, and it was spared any further carnage. The truck came to rest not touching the Subaru, and the pile was officially untangled.
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[image: the Ford on the left, the Subaru on the right, and the apprentice  who’d had to bail off the moving truck standing between them inspecting the damage to her car. She is a woman with black hair in a knot on top of her head wearing shorts and a t-shirt and sandals, and she’s had a hard day. Farmsister’s head is just visible craning her neck to look out the driver’s side window of the truck, which she’s driving. The truck’s fender is bent so much it’s behind the front wheel in one spot.]
But, miracle of miracles-- she got into the Subaru (and a panel fell off the door, but the door works! and the window rolls down!) and started it and backed up, cranking the wheels, and they went, they turned, and she backed it out, turned it, and re-parked it. The axel is not broken and the car is driveable and actually seems to have only mild cosmetic damage to the hood and the front quarter-panel. 
So. All in all, that was more excitement than anyone really needed, but especially in light of the serious farm accident up the river yesterday, it was really quite fortunate all around. 
(”You’ll be able to laugh at this soon,” Farmsister had said, and an hour later, the apprentice made a joke and laughed and said “Oh my gosh it only took an hour to become funny!” ... which is good because she’s on chores this weekend and we need her to still use that truck and do all the same things, only maybe don’t park on the hill but I don’t know how you’re supposed to do chores without parking that truck on a hill since this whole farm is on a slant.)
(Also I consoled her with the wild tale of How I Burned My Own Yurt Down With Me In It And Literally Five Different Fire Trucks Showed Up But Only One Of Them Could Get Across The Bridge So Mostly Two Whole Fire Companies Sat In The Driveway For A While And I Stood Around A Bunch. She was like, oh, you’re right, that’s way worse!)
She was looking at her car and was like, “Shit, I might not even fix this.”
The livestock manager also surveyed the damage and said “holy shit you guys, all of these cars are old enough to vote,” which, like, that’s true, holy shit.
I just can’t believe nobody got hurt. What luck. 
And Dad thanked us for the Father’s Day Gift, of giving him such a fun logic puzzle to solve. (It was easier, he said, since none of the cars were his.) (The nephews were duly quite impressed.)
Happy Solstice! What kind of omen this is I can’t tell, but it’s got to have been one...
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smoothshift · 5 years
Here's a story about the time I got my car stuck in a snow bank 9,000 feet up a mountain, and was stranded overnight. via /r/cars
Here's a story about the time I got my car stuck in a snow bank 9,000 feet up a mountain, and was stranded overnight.
  I'll start with some backstory about my car: she's a 2001 Subaru Impreza Outback Sport 5MT. At the time of the story, she had just under 230,000 miles on her. She's rough on the outside, but I've done a ton of work to her, and I'd trust her to take me anywhere. In over five years of ownership, she has started up every single time I've ever turned the key. She's taken me all over the country and through all kinds of weird and sketchy places, and I love her.
  Chapter 1
  From afar, I had seen New Mexico's great Mt. Taylor. Like many others who share a similar gene, I wanted to go to the top of it. I had one single day off of work in January, and I decided to take a day trip up there. I headed to the small town of Grants, NM, which was the gateway to the mountain. I spent quite a lot of time looking around on Google maps to see where the roads went, and I started heading up State Road 547.
The road was nice and paved, then after some miles it turned to gravel, then the gravel started to gain a layer of snow, which at that point in the road was nicely plowed. I was driving in a spirited fashion, getting the back end out a bit on the hard-packed snow, and I passed a group of four of five huge lifted trucks heading down the mountain. I turned off of the main state road onto Forest Road 453 in attempt to reach the La Mosca Lookout, which was as near to the summit as I could theoretically drive to. That road was not plowed and had a lot of snow on it, maybe 6 inches or so.
After a couple unsuccessful tries, I decided to reverse back down. I've gotten my car stuck several times before, and I was aware of the risk. I specifically told myself, "Don't do anything stupid. I know my limits. I'm not going to let myself get stuck out here. If it gets bad, turn around and get the hell out." That statement turned out to be a bit ironic in retrospect...
Unsatisfied and still eager to explore more of the mountain, I continued on State Road 547, getting further and further up the mountain and away from town. Once the large and plowed section ended, I looked at the map, and saw that I could turn right onto a smaller road that continued all the way around the mountain and ended in what looked like a small village called San Mateo, many miles away. I decided to take that road all the way to the village, and circle back around to the highway.
Now, this section of road was unplowed, but had tire tracks, and it looked to me like it was quite easily passable. My car was doing just fine, so I continued, again with the constant thought that I wouldn't do anything stupid and would turn around if the snow got any worse. I drove maybe a mile or a mile and a half up this tight, winding, one-car-wide mountain road, being careful to stay within the tire tracks and to keep up enough speed. Then, inevitably...
  Chapter 2
  My car wouldn't move. I was on a relatively flat and level part of the road, but the car was completely stuck; it wouldn't budge an inch. Pretty much immediately, my stomach dropped and I had that thought you get right after something bad happens: "Oh fuck. This is not going to be good." I should mention that at this point, it was somewhere around 4:30 or 5:00 o'clock, with less than an hour of light left in the day. Also keep in mind that I was on moderately worn all-season tires, and small ones too: 195/65/15. There was absolutely no cell signal where I was.
I didn't have a shovel or any real tools with me to move snow, so I got out and started digging with my hands. I dug up a fallen tree branch to try and help me move all of that white powder out from underneath the car. Thankfully, I had a full set of heavy winter gear with me including thick boots, gloves, and snowpants, so I could really get down in the snow to work.
I dug and dug, and tried to free my car for an hour and a half. I tried a few different techniques, and was finally able to get my car freed. At this point, the sun had gone down and it was dark. If I remember correctly, there was little to no moonlight. I was absolutely elated, and as anyone would, I wanted to get the fuck out of there as quickly as possible. I didn't have room to turn around, so I started to reverse back down the road to hopefully find a large enough spot to get pointed the right way.
I reversed no more than a few hundred feet, and had to get around the first corner. It was a right turn (or I guess a left if you're looking out the back window), and it was banked into a steep hill on the inside. As I started to go around, I guess I didn't steer the car exactly right, and it slid right into the wall. I was stuck again. I got so mad, I screamed and shouted. After all that work, it just happened again. This time it was even worse, as the road was no longer flat.
I started trying every single thing I could think of. Laboriously digging, digging, digging, only with my hands and whatever sticks and branches I could find. I was manic and desperate, just pounding away at this heap of white death. The snow must've been at least a foot deep on the edge of the road where I was stuck, maybe a foot and a half. I tried everything. Rocking back and forth over and over agian, backing myself into the hill to try and get any sort of momentum, shoving as many sticks as I could under the tires, pressing the brake while accelerating to help lock up the diffs and get all four wheels spinning...
I even tried hooking my flat tow strap around a tire, and wrapping the other end around a tree, thinking that just maybe the tire would wrap the strap around itself and "winch" me out. Then I thought, "Duh, I have open diffs, it's just going to spin the other tire. But maybe I can use the same braking technique to give some more power to that wheel and pull me out." It didn't work at all. Nothing. I was dumping every bit of energy I had into it; I was constantly shouting out to the empty forest, alternating between hopeful excitement and angry frustration.
Finally, after two full hours of laboring in the darkness, I freed my car the second time, now facing the right direction. If you would've seen me at that moment, you might've guessed that I just won a million dollars. I was elated. I wanted to get off the mountain so fucking badly. Ever so carefully, I began driving back down the road again, taking every corner with thought and consideration. My car was going along just fine. I was shouting and cheering the whole way.
Then I began to go around a right turn, and almost in slow motion, my car slid out of the tracks in the snow into the inside of the corner. "NO, NO, NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOO!" I yelled. The car was beached. This time, the inside of the corner went down into a ditch. Each time I got stuck, my car was in a worse position than the last, and this was the worst of them all. If I tried moving the car at all, it just slid further off the road and into the ditch. I had to be very, very careful.
I very reluctantly began to start digging again. The car was in very deep snow, at least a foot and a half's worth. After digging some of it out, I would periodically go back in and try to move the car again, carefully. Each time, it slid further down. Finally, after an hour and a half of trying this third time, not wanting my car to slide all the way into the ditch, I gave up. It was very late into the night, and I had to stop. There was no way I was getting it out.
  Chapter 3
  I was about 20 miles from town, and there were no human beings anywhere within many miles of me. I was at about 9,000 feet in elevation. There was still no cell signal whatsoever. I must've tried 50 times to call 911. I even reached behind my stereo head unit, pulled the antenna wire out, and tried touching the connector to the metal chassis of my phone, in the desperate hope that I might get the tiniest bit of signal. Nothing.
I realized the severity of the situation, and for the first time, I genuinely thought, "I could be in some real, life-threatening trouble if I'm not smart about this." At this point in my life, I was living in my car. That meant that I had all of the things I needed with me: good winter sleeping bag, blanket, some food, water, and clothes. I figured that making the choice to try walking back to town in the darkess, after I had already exhausted myself digging snow for many hours, was how people end up dying. So, I decided to sleep in my car overnight and try walking back in the morning.
The temperature was around freezing, give or take, for most of the time I was up there. My sleeping back kept me warm enough, but I wanted to make sure I had extra heat from the car if I needed it. My battery was worn out, and I wasn't confident that it would have enough juice to start the engine back up in the cold, so I left the engine running all night just in case. I made sure the exhaust pipe was clear, and I cracked the windows.
The only real food I had with me was some Muesli and almond milk, which I had eaten for breakfast earlier that morning. It was not very enjoyable having it a second time for dinner. While it's a great breakfast food, it's very thick and rich, and can be quite difficult to eat in large quantities. I had to just shove it down. At least it had plenty of carbs.
Since the proliferation and ubiquity of cell phones, we've all become completely accustomed to instant communication. We can talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime, no matter where we are. There's obviously an inherent comfort that comes with that. I didn't expect there to be cell signal up there, and I know I'm perfectly capable of functioning without a cell phone. But when I was lying in my car, all alone in that cold and dark forest, not knowing what was going to heppen, not knowing when I was going to get out... It scared the hell out of me. True lonliness, and absolute self-reliance, physically and mentally. As silly as it may sound, it made me realize that I really don't want to die, and more than anything I just wanted to see my family again.
I lied there anxious all night, sleeping terribly. You know that feeling when you wake up from a dream, and you have that sigh of relief where you realize, "Oh thank god, none of that was real"? For me, it was the opposite. Every time I woke up, I realized again that I was still lying in that car, alone in the dark and cold forest, trapped. As you might imagine, that was an awful feeling. The night felt like it dragged on forever, whether I was asleep or awake. It was very surreal. I tried playing some games on my phone to distract me, but it didn't really work at all.
Eventually, the sun came up. I was incredibly lucky that it was a clear and calm day. I would later find out that there was a big storm that came through the area the next night; I couldn't imagine how much worse that would've been. I poured myself another bowl of Muesli for breakfast. Let me tell you, that stuff tasted like shit after eating it for the third time in a row. I had to force down as much as I could, because I knew I'd need as much energy as possible to walk back to town safely.
I ripped a few pages out of my notebook and wrote that I was attempting to walk back to town, and anyone who sees my car should call the rescue services and have them come get me. I wrote my parents' names and phone numbers on another page in case anything happened to me, and put them all up in the windshield. By the time I finally shut my engine off, it had been running for 16 hours straight, most of that idling. I loaded up my hiking pack with everything that I might need: extra clothes, food, water, battery bank for my phone, etc. I put on my boots, snowpants, and coat, and started walking.
I walked for a couple miles, anxious as all hell. I knew I could make it, but I was still nervous. I wanted to conserve as much phone battery as I could, but I couldn't help playing some music to try to relax myself a bit. I kept checking my phone to see if I could get even the tiniest sliver of signal. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Then, finally, I saw one bar. I dialed 911 as fast as I could, and to my amazement, someone answered. I got a little emotional just hearing another person's voice again, knowing that I could finally tell someone where I was.
It took the dispatcher what felt like an eternity to figure out where I was after I tried to describe it, but she eventually said that they were sending someone up to come get me. I was incredibly relieved. I kept walking down the road, and after a while, I saw a pickup truck in the distance coming towards me. I was finally going to get out of there.
  Chapter 4
  It was a Cibola County Sheriff's Deputy that had been sent up to get me. I wish I could remember his name. The guy was real nice, and told me he had grown up in those mountains, and knew his way all around them. We talked for a while, and he started telling me some stories of all the crazy, fucked up shit he's seen up on that road. He told me there was another guy that got lost up there hiking or something, and he didn't survive. Were were in a 4WD Chevy Duramax truck, and the deptuy said he'd bring me back to my car and pull me out, and I'd be on my way. We started back up the road towards my car, and then shwoooomp. The truck was stuck.
I thought to myself, "You gotta be fucking kidding me right now." The deputy remained unphased, however, and said we'd be un-stuck in no time. He assured me that he still had good signal on his police radio up there. He went to the back and pulled out his hand winch (or come-along, as some call it), and started hooking it up. We winched, and dug, and rocked, and the truck didn't want to come out. At one point, he even had me hop in the drivers seat and hit the gas. But finally, after about an entire hour, we got out and got turned around. As we headed down, he told me he knew a guy with big Bronco that could probably pull me out. If not, he said he could bring me up in his personal lifted Blazer and pull me out after his shift was over.
We headed into town, and the deputy took me to this guy's shop. He ran a small auto body repair business, and he said he could pull me out. Yes! I thanked the deputy, and he left. The guy told me he usually charges people around $250 to pull them out, but he'd do it for me for $100. Fair enough, I thought, so I went into the office where his wife and daughter were, and paid them. He had to go home to get his big Bronco, so I waited around for a while.
When he got back, I was really impressed at the sheer badassery of this truck. A 70's Bronco, lifted on 44 inch tires with a winch and a light bar. Me, the guy, his dad, and some other dude that was just hanging out at the shop all hopped in, and we headed up the mountain to pull out my little Subie. I forget what engine the Bronco had in it, but it was running open headers and a manual transmission. It was dirty, loud as hell, didn't run quite right, but it was pure and modest utility, and I loved that.
When I was talking to the shop owner's dad, it turns out that him and some friends were up on the mountain the previous day, and their group of trucks was the same one I had passed. He said he actually remembered seeing my car go by, and saying, "Man, someone's sure trying to get up there in a hurry!"
It took us at least 45 minutes to get back up to my car. Once we got there, he told me that he didn't even have to take it out of two-wheel drive the whole time. He said the snow isn't a problem until it gets up to the bumpers, which were over three feet off the ground. I love real, old school, hardcore trucks like that. They hooked up the winch cable to my car, and I hopped behind the wheel. I turned the key, and the engine fired right up; thankfully the battery still had enough cold cranking amps left in it. Slowly, as the winch tugged, I rose out of the ditch. The unhooked me, and I followed them back down. My car drove along just fine until we reached the part of road that was plowed. I thanked them profusely for their help, and took off back down the mountain.
I can't tell you how good it felt to be back in town. I got a nice warm breakfast burrito at a local restaurant, and it tasted so good after just eating all of those sugary oats. I drove back home and went right into work just as my shift was finishing, and had to tell my boss the whole story of why I missed an entire day. The whole thing ended up costing me a couple hundred bucks, including the tow charge and the lost day of work. That being said, it certainly could've been a lot worse. I was just so glad to be home.
    I don't have any grand moral to the story, but I will leave you with this - know the limits of your car, and don't overestimate it!
And here's the general location where I got stuck:
35°17'16.5"N 107°36'42.5"W
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Not to dismiss your comments but the double speed feature is really just to speed up the slower combat from the original game. I was a fan of the gambit system and thought a lot of it was fun but I also was blown away with the fact that you could ignore random encounters entirely. These features were new to FF and were really nice to experiment with. "365" was an unexpected treat and I love it!Also, lots of BLACKPINK in preparation for their comeback next month, I hope!, if YG follows through!MissyBee37 2 points submitted 5 days agoI respect the question, OP, but it a shame half the comments are about growing her hair out or getting a wig. I am so over that shallow, sexist bullshit. Seriously, it just astonishing to me that not only does that kind of shitty attitude exists, but it exists on here, a music subreddit, where I thought we judged music by the music, not the length of the artist hair and how pretty she is to you personally. Employees must also be given a form allowing them to opt out of payment by payroll card at the time when the written notice is provided. I have a relatively mild garlic allergy. The average pasta sauce won trigger it but anything beyond that means a few hours of terrible cramps and some diarrhea. Many of these countries were also at one point civilised. It the people who make the civilisation. Bring in shitters enjoy the crime, terrorism and eventually going the way of the entire middle east, north africa, more recently turkey etc. Murray and Dr Gottman subjects initially included 130 couples, some newlyweds, others soon to be married. Each couple was videotaped for three 15 minute conversations, one in which the partners were instructed to talk about their day, the another they were told to talk about something positive. In the final interview, they were instructed to talk about something contentious.. 춘천출장마사지 What you could do(what I have to do sometimes so I dont forget to eat for days), is when you go out get the veggie option but when the option is meaty eat it anyways, make sure you get your 춘천출장마사지 calories everyday! I try to make my goal 2400 3000 calories a day because that way when I get 2200 on still okay. I use the my fitness pal. I also found if I eat things lower in fat it easier to eat a lot more because it doesnt feel as heavy when my stomach is full.. Alegria_a 43 points submitted 10 days agoBasically it a lockable gate system you can put in the hatchback of a station wagon or SUV, it not big enough to fill the space of a minivan. I have one in the back of my Subaru Outback, along with the VarioBarrier against the backseat, and I very happy with this setup. They are crash tested and very sturdy upon installation, including poles that push against the seats, straps for tiedowns, and clips for the headrests on the back seats. Her disability and unemployment ended this month and now I'm stuck paying my tuition plus $500 in bills that she can no longer afford. My $800 a month job is no longer cutting it and being a full time student makes it impossible to work two jobs. I just wish my mom could get better so that my dad and I don't have to carry the burden of paying her bills.. You might like this youtube channel if you can get over the guys small speech impediment. He goes over all the ways why the Fermi Paradox doesn have a simple solution. It also assumes too many things, like aliens would be using radio signals to communicate. After that I try promenades. If they stop a lot, I rule out doing other moves. If we start swinging out I do a vanilla swingout before I start adding turns, redirects, etc.
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bbcbreakingnews · 4 years
Interstate Queensland driver in Sydney is accused of crashing into five cars in EIGHT collision
A driver allegedly crashed a rental car into five vehicles and three cyclists in just three hours in several road incidents across Sydney’s north, east and Inner West.  
Queensland man Mark Joel Healy, 35, allegedly had eight collisions while driving a rented SUV in Sydney between 9:10am and 11:15am on Monday. 
Healy was driving a rented grey Holden Equinox when he was allegedly caught speeding more than 45kmh above the limit by police in Bar Point on the NSW Central Coast at 8:20am. 
He was fined and his licence was suspended on the spot. 
Even though Healy’s licence was suspended, police could not impound the SUV because it was a rental.   
Less than an hour later at 9:10am, the same SUV allegedly collided with a cyclist on the Pacific Highway at Lindfield in Sydney’s north, injuring the 48-year-old man. 
Five minutes later, just 2km south of the first collision, the SUV allegedly hit another cyclist from the side in a frightening incident that was captured on camera.   
Father-of-three Mark Boyle (pictured), 55, was one of three cyclists hit by an SUV allegedly driven by Queensland man Mark Joel Healy, 35, on Monday morning
Footage shows the SUV allegedly sideswiping cyclist Mark Royle, 55, knocking him off his bicycle as a van behind screeches to a stop to avoid running him over. 
Mr Royle, a father of three, suffered five fractured ribs and a fractured collarbone from the collision, which happened at 9:15am. 
‘I have got no recollection (of the collision),’ Mr Royle told 7News. ‘I am glad that my helmet was good. My helmet saved my head.’ 
Police allege the SUV driver left the scene without rendering assistance or providing details after crashing into both cyclists. 
Just over an hour later, the SUV allegedly hit a white Mercedes C220, sending it spinning out of control and leaving it blocking all three southbound lanes of the Eastern Distributor Tunnel in Woolloomooloo. The SUV allegedly did not stop. 
The Mercedes driver, a 39-year-old man, sustained bruising and swelling from the alleged crash and was taken to St Vincent’s Hospital to be checked. 
A map showing where Healy was stopped for speeding on the Central Coast before eight alleged collisions in Sydney’s north, east and Inner West
The SUV allegedly failed to stop after hitting a Land Rover Sport being driven by a 52-year-old man while travelling east along Alison Road in Kensington at 9:38am. 
Police allege a 36-year-old man driving a WRX witnessed the Kensington crash and was noting the car’s number plate when the SUV driver reversed towards him. 
This in turn allegedly caused another collision with a Mitsubishi Eclipse. The SUV then allegedly drove from the scene without exchanging details.
A 36-year-old man was cycling west along Perry Street at Matraville when he was also allegedly hit from behind by the SUV at 10am. 
The cyclist was knocked off his bike and left with cuts to his left elbow and back as the SUV allegedly drove away, allegedly failing to stop for a sixth time.  
A 39-year-old woman driving a Forester was allegedly struck by the SUV along Bridge Road in Glebe at 10:30am. The SUV driver allegedly did not stop.
The last incident came when a 59-year-old woman driving a Subaru Outback was allegedly hit by the SUV while driving north along Epping Road in Lane Cove at 11:15am.    
Healy was taken into custody when the rented SUV was finally found in Penrith later on Monday morning. 
‘At this stage no charges have been laid. The man accused (Healy) remains in hospital,’ a NSW Police spokeswoman said.  
Since the car was a rental, police were unable to impound the vehicle after it was pulled over for speeding, which ultimately allowed it to be driven later in the day.
Superintendent Jenny Scholz said detectives will allege the rampage was intentional.
‘Certainly this is not negligent. This is deliberate, dangerous and predatory driving,’ she told reporters on Monday.  
The post Interstate Queensland driver in Sydney is accused of crashing into five cars in EIGHT collision appeared first on BBC BREAKING NEWS.
from WordPress https://bbcbreakingnews.com/interstate-queensland-driver-in-sydney-is-accused-of-crashing-into-five-cars-in-eight-collision/
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jeffrey2garner · 5 years
CarGurus: Our Automotive Highlights of 2019
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Few could argue that 2019 has been a fascinating year in the world of motoring – but what are your automotive highlights of 2019? We’d love for you to tell us in the comments section below this article, or via the CarGurus Facebook page. To get you started, below our writers have put forward their own automotive highlights of 2019, from pickups to Porsches.
Chris Knapman, Editor, CarGurus UK
Will time show that 2019 was the year the electric car broke through? There’s certainly been no shortage of new products using battery power, from the Porsche Taycan and latest Nissan Leaf to the impossible-to-ignore Tesla Cybertruck.
Combine these new cars with an improving charging infrastructure and you’d expect the tide of public opinion might start showing signs of softening towards EVs. That was certainly the case according to our own research, which revealed that the number of consumers who consider themselves as likely to own an EV in the next five years jumped to 26% in 2019, up from 15% in 2018. This is most likely just the start, too: Who would bet against that number having grown significantly by this time next year?
Back in the world of internal combustion, my honorable mention for 2019 must go to the latest generation of Porsche 911, the 992. Not only does it masterfully update the legendary 911 format for this hi-tech age with its fabulous interior and ultra-sleek exterior, but in terms of performance, the 992 moves even the basic, non-GT or Turbo models firmly into supercar territory. In fact, if I had to narrow down my automotive highlights of 2019 into just one, fleeting moment, it’d be the surreal three-point-something seconds it took our four-wheel drive, PDK-equipped 911 test car to fire from 0-62 mph.
Electric vehicles might be coming, but internal combustion is still more than capable of taking your breath away.
Megan Hennessey, Editor, CarGurus US
I’m struck by the number of performance wagons and SUVs we saw introduced in 2019. Fans of the Audi S4 Avant rejoiced when the German automaker revealed it was bringing its RS 6 Avant to North America. It packs a 4.0-liter V8 that makes 591 hp and 590 lb-ft, hits 60 mph in about 3 seconds, and reaches a top speed of 189 mph.
Just as exciting was the introduction of the RS Q8, a performance SUV packing the same power as the RS 6 Avant. We had a chance to take a closer look at the 2020 RS Q8 at the 2019 LA Auto Show, and it adds plenty of features aside from the engine, like 23-inch wheels and an RS-specific gloss-black grille.
And in the EV space, electric trucks took center stage: Bollinger brought us a production-ready version of its B2 electric truck, Tesla unveiled its unique Cybertruck, and Rivian gets closer to its production-ready model of the R1T. But are truck shoppers willing to make the switch from gas-powered to electric? It’s hard to say. In our yearly Truck Sentiment Survey, we found that 70% of shoppers were willing to switch brands, which is good news for these startup truckmakers. However, their high prices may keep shoppers away.
Steve Halloran, Editor, CarGurus US
With one colleague celebrating electric vehicles and another performance wagons and SUVs, I feel obliged to mention one 2019 highlight they didn’t: Ford’s live-streamed debut of the 2021 Mustang Mach-E just before the LA Auto Show. Ford’s decision to put the name and badge of its mighty Mustang on an electric crossover generated controversy, of course, but a pony-equipped vehicle with up to 300 miles of range, usable seating for 5, almost 60 cubic feet of cargo room, and a 0-to-60 time of less than 4 seconds sounds great to me.
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But my 2019 highlights came from two automakers CarGurus has found compelling for years, Mazda and Subaru, in the form of strong new versions of proven models. The redesigned 2019 Mazda3 earned rave reviews from almost everyone who drove it, including George Kennedy, and the updated 2019 CX-5, which we sampled in the snow at the end of last year, also earned praise from a wide variety of reviewers.
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A new version of our favorite Subaru model also arrived in 2019. We got a chance to drive the 2020 Subaru Outback back in September and enjoyed it quite a bit. The new edition of this wagon/crossover finally offers a turbocharged engine under its hood, which drivers living at high altitudes should particularly appreciate. Our recently published review of the 2020 Outback found it strong from functionality and cost-effectiveness standpoints, which we consider hallmarks of the Subaru brand.
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Matt Smith, Editor, CarGurus US
This time of year, everyone’s talking about electrification and progress and the hot new thing. But as anyone with their eyes open can clearly see, 2019 was the year of the throwback.
First, Chevy resurrected the Blazer as a stylish, sharp, and sexy crossover complete with nearly $1,400 worth of 21-inch tires. Sure, the new 2019 Blazer had its detractors, namely those bemoaning its lack of off-road performance, but I, for one, welcome our new crossover overlords.
And it’s not as if 2019 didn’t bring us plenty of rugged capability, either. Carrying on with the throwback theme, both Ford and Jeep returned legendary truck nameplates to the market, with the 2019 Ranger and 2020 Gladiator.
Finally, the highlight of the year for this writer was the long-awaited return of the Toyota Supra. Partnering with BMW gave the new coupe a brilliant Bavarian heart and soul (or engine and chassis, for our more literal readers) to pair with its stunning exterior styling. Sure, the 2020 GR Supra’s interior might feel a bit familiar, and the lack of a manual transmission will cut it off some enthusiasts’ shopping lists, but it’s safe to say that no other car on CarGurus’ 2019 test-drive review roster received as much attention at gas stations, grocery stores, race tracks, or anywhere else we drove it.
For more car news, check out these articles:
2019 LA Auto Show: Vehicles for Every Lifestyle
The osCARS: CarGurus’ Top 2019 Test Drive Reviews
CarGurus’ Most Popular Cars of 2018
The post CarGurus: Our Automotive Highlights of 2019 appeared first on The CarGurus Blog.
from The CarGurus Blog https://blog.cargurus.com/2019/12/13/cargurus-our-automotive-highlights-of-2019 via Car Gurus from Blogger http://jeffrey2garner.blogspot.com/2019/12/cargurus-our-automotive-highlights-of.html via IFTTT
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blinkerfluid93-blog · 6 years
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Notorious BIG once said “Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems”.  I suspect Notorious BIG has also never owned a 1995 Ford Fairmont with a 5 litre V8 with 23-year-old mobile sprinkler for a cooling system. But I understand the sentiment.
I have owned a bevvy of cheap old cars in my 25 years around the sun, including a 1996 Alfa Romeo 146 boxer, a 1994 Rover 220 GTi, a 1997 Subaru Legacy GT-B and a 1992 Mitsubishi Delica. My current curse is the aforementioned Fairmont with the 23-year-old, front-mounted, Niagara Falls feature. These vehicles have all caused me enormous amounts of financial and emotional strife, but if I’m totally honest; I love them for it.
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                                                   “Red Keith”
I remember once when a few mates and I were driving from Sydney to a town that shall remain nameless but happens to be the “Duelling Banjos” capital of Southern NSW. My car at the time, “Red Keith”, was a 1995 Commodore VS wagon with a dodgy manual conversion and huge extractors. It was rough, but a lot of fun. 2 full playthroughs of the Bee Gee’s greatest hits into our journey down the deserted Australian outback roads, our clutch began to slip quite badly. We, of course, had zero tools, our phones were about as good as a small brick out here and not a soul had been seen since Night Fever. Put a man who drives a 2018 Lexus in this situation and what would they do? Panic. And quite rightly so. But not a man who is well versed in the art of having his cheap car break down on him in a remote location. No, we’re used to the chaos. We live for it.
Especially when you’ve got a Ver stashed away on your passenger seat. Ver is a friend of mine named after TV’s MacGyver for reasons that will reveal themselves momentarily. First, He diagnosed a faulty clutch plate. How the hell could he get parts for that out here? By sniffing through the chip crumbs and shoe sand on the floor of course! He came up with a broken set of headphones and some cigarettes. Ver slithered under the car while the rest of us went to see who could hit the fence post with a rock, first.
We couldn’t risk sitting in the car because our jack looked like it was built with the Penny Farthing and was about as stable. Even when the rains rolled in we stayed standing. With arms crossed and hoods up. Magically and by his absolute household engineering genius, Ver managed to replace some rubber by welding the old headphone leads in with the cigarette to get us on the move again. A truly heroic piece of roadside assistance.
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                                                   “The Good”
After a few “hip hip hoorahs” for Ver and with our new found, yet soaked enthusiasm, there was nothing to do but venture into town stripped to the jocks. I can only imagine the nervous confusion going on through a farmer's head as these four city boys rolled up, soaked to the bone, in their underwear blasting How Deep Is Your Love? in a car that looked like it should’ve been crushed 2 years ago.
Now I love this story. Not just because I got to ride semi-nude into a town where cousins are potential senior ball partners, but because it’s got character. It’s unique. I once drove a V12 DB9 on my 21st birthday and the story was that I got to drive a fast car at high speeds. Congrats! So has every other person who has ever driven a V12 DB9. But you ask a man with an old Alfa GTV 6, or a Jaguar XJS V12 and I bet they’ll have a story for you. One that’ll have you laughing, crying, envying and sympathising with the storyteller, all at the same time.
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                                                      “The Bad”
There’s a reason why police dramas like NCIS are considered trash. They’re about good looking, strong and charming characters do good looking, strong and charming things. Give me Harvey Keitel in Bad Lieutenant any day.
So, since breakdowns are pretty constant for me I have to disagree when Biggie says “Mo’ Money, Mo Problems”. Maybe what he means though is “Mo’ money, Mo’ boring”. Even though I am victim to the madness that is; I think the idea of having to put my heaters on full blast on a 33-degree day to act as extra cooling  for the engine is a good one, or when I just accept that I now have to enter my car from the passenger side door, or even when I downright embrace the concept that I now have to use a pencil for my window wiper lever, I love old clapped out cars. I always walk away from a bomb with a laugh and a good yarn to tell. How funny is a 7 grand Lamborghini clutch?
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                                                      “And the Ugly”
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feeling weird in sheetz
america i have given you all and now i’m nothing
there’s a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out
some people never go crazy, what truly horrible lives they must lead
i’m with you in Rockland where you’re madder than i am. i’m with you in Rockland where you must feel very strange. i’m with you in Rockland where we are great writers on the same dreadful typewriter. i’m with you in Rockland where your condition has become serious and is reported on the radio
do i contradict myself? very well, then. i contradict myself. i am large; i contain multitudes
i bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass i love, if you want me again look for me under your boot-soles
all lines from famous poems that at one point in time i believed i understood. i felt them. i was sure of it
i remember explaining to someone who had never smoked marijuana that you can’t feel a feeling until you’ve felt it. preconceived notions are not feelings. there’s more than a fine line of difference
now i feel these lines
i call out to my gods and i beg them for help. do they have any advice pertaining to navigational techniques while journeying through an existential crisis?
my brain contains no gps
i call out to the gods of the multiverse. morrison, you seemed to rather enjoy your existential journey. what is that like? grant or jim, i’d enjoy hearing from you both. feel free to chime in, please
the neuroscientist on the other end of the phone told me i had a maserati brain that was running on a ford fiesta engine. so i hopped in my 2003 subaru outback with the gas light on and i left like a thief in the night. friends, apartment, job, countless memories, five years, almost to the day. down the drain, all left in the dust of my 2003 subaru outback with the gas light on and a flat front right tire. eye and eye i’ll see ya when i see ya
is that a suitable so long, philadelphia note?
it’s a cold evening in january. the date is unknown. i am chain smoking cigarettes on my ride home from philadelphia
i have been chain smoking cigarettes on this exact ride for the better part of five years now
the fine line of difference now is that i am certain that when i get home i am going to check myself into the psyche ward
instead, i drive to the office of the mother of my childhood best friend
she used to make these oreos covered in vanilla frosting and sprinkles when we were younger
they don’t sound like anything special but two decades later, in the rock bottom moment of my life, in a moment where i literally cannot even begin to imagine the ability to think or see straight, my mouth is watering thinking about how much i loved those cookies
she is hooking me up to a foreign looking machine that reminds me of the one they hooked eleven up to in stranger things
i don’t think a machine can fix OCD, but i’ll give it a try. life’s about taking risks, you know
i tell her how every morning i wake up and write three positive thoughts to start off my day but the bad ones still manage to find a way in
i explain to her that i have exhausted every single fiber of my being trying to become a more stable individual
that in the past month i have filled three entire journals front to back, yet still i find myself here
how every weekend when i come home i write out a list and i burn it while i’m driving up the turnpike
i tell her how i feel like i’m just too far gone to ever come back
she looks at me and says “wes, you are so much more than too far gone… but you can come back”
i’m not sure if i believe her but anyone who has ever tasted her cookies when they were younger knows that this woman knows what she’s fucking doing
i think about kurt vonnegut
did he ever experience a moment like this? he must have
i was a victim of a series of accidents, as are we all
and i asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep
of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are “it might have been”
you don’t pull one liners like that out of your ass. i’m certain he’s experienced plenty of moments like this
oh great uncle kurt, where are you now in your infinite wisdom?
i don’t want to be turned into a pillar of salt
i think about you
you who’s hearing imaginary voices through the bare concrete walls of the dorm room. let me be your voice of reason. my voice says i’ll love you forever. can you hear it?
you who’s lying somewhere six feet deep 3,000 miles away. i remember when we were children. a bond is for life and i’m still here
you the young children of the father who was more concerned with artificially speeding up his heart beat than the heart beats of his loved ones
you the guardian angel knocking on the door in the middle of the night, who despite previous intentions, unknowingly saves a life
you the therapist who’s office looks something more like a shrine to the almighty, who tells patients they must confess their sins, who tells confused individuals they must seek penance for their unholy thoughts and actions
you who’s lying unconscious in a parking lot. your eyes will open soon you just don’t know it yet
you the ex-girlfriend calling the ex-boyfriend at 4 a.m. years later to tell him that you finally got your revenge. you walked right up and popped him straight in the jaw. it’s true, life is a full circle
you with golden hair and rounded glasses who’s very sorry but she has other plans. you said there’s no such thing as a healthy mind and that really helped me. i’m sorry it’s just so hard to be friends with someone who has a smile like that
you the friend turned enemy who can’t seem to look those they’ve wronged in the eyes when passing one another in a crowded movie theater. i remember you crying over her on the edge of the bed when we were kids. i feel your pain my brother. do you want to know the secret answer to your endeavors? love is a dog from hell page 92 lines 52 through 61. but, i know you know that
you getting fucked on the basement floor while she pretends to sleep on the couch. you deserve so much more than that and anyone who has ever met you knows that. i owe you more than you can ever imagine
you who pretends to get off on mental instability within herself and others. i know there’s a fire burning in there. you try to dim it with alcohol but it will catch if you just let it
you whose face is bloody and mangled after falling off that god forsaken machine. can we please just be 15 again? you can wait until your mother falls asleep and steal her car and we will feel strange and watch movies
you who’s working in a factory dreaming just dreaming of better days in california. none of them can even remember their dreams. your father wasn’t going to mcdonald’s at 3 a.m. but you can go wherever you want
i am with all of you in Rockland where we must feel strange. we are here because we have bluebirds in our hearts but we let them out
we contradict ourselves but that’s ok
i am underneath your boot-soles and you under mine
after all
i and i is you and me
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buckaroo-blue · 4 years
50 Questions:
I was tagged by @wonderlandmind4 :)
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush?
-Black and green
2. Name a food you never eat?
-I’m “picky” aka have food OCD, so that’s a lengthy list lol. Some big no-go’s are mushrooms and asparagus. 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
-I’m ALWAYS warm. 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
- Playing pool on my phone, listening to the top songs of 2004, and drinking a seltzer.
5. What is your favourite candy bar?
-Twix or bueno bars!! 
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game?
-Yes! I’ve gone to see the Seattle Storm, the Sonics (back when they were ours!!), the Sounders, and the Mariners. 
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?
- “Ow.” I smacked myself in the face with a bowl when I went to funnel Fritos into my mouth........
8. What is your favourite ice cream?
- I’m the person that gets cotton candy or bubble gum lol. But I do really like coffee Oreo or anything caramel!
9. What is the last thing you had to drink?
- A Smirnoff raspberry rosé seltzer. They’re pretty sweet, but tasty nonetheless. 
10. Do you like your wallet?
- Yes! I’ve been a sucker for Coach since I was little, and even as my taste has evolved (read: gotten significantly more expensive), I always like to have a Coach wallet. Right now I have a dusty blue croc “skin” trifold that serves me well!
11. What was the last thing you ate?
-Fritos, before I smacked myself in the face with the bowl. 
12. Did you buy new clothes last weekend?
- No, but I bought a lamp! And I found some old Barnes and Nobles gift cards and ordered a book. But I work in retail, so I usually say yes to this question lol.
13. The last sporting event you watched?
-XFL. I wanted to be a Seattle Dragons fan, and I’m so bummed about the league folding.
14. What is your favourite flavour of popcorn?
-I’m not a huge popcorn fan, but I do love it when it’s chocolate-coated. Otherwise just a shit ton of butter. *WAIT NO, I lied. My neighbor makes this insane curry powder popcorn and it’s to die for.
15. Who is the last person who sent a text message to?
-Last person I messaged? @princesszorldo. Last person I texted? My dad (who is upstairs haha) to congratulate him in 27 years living in the United States.
16. Ever go camping?
- Kind of. I’ve never done the full on “tent on a camp site or in the woods”, but I’ve camped out in tents on retreats and I’ve gone to sleep away  camp.
17. Do you take vitamins?
-I ought to. I take a liquid multi and calcium sometimes, but I’m on so many meds that I have an aversion to taking pills when I don’t absolutely need to.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
- I used to. That’s a tricky subject for me, but I usually respond to religion with “I’m a Christian, but I don’t support institutionalized religion and the modern Christian church doesn’t widely reflect what I value and see the faith to be about”.
19. Do you have a tan?
- I’m half Filipino, so yeah. lol. BUT I like to joke that being half means that I get melanin for half of the year only. It’s a pretty drastic difference if you met me in August vs February.
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza?
- Chinese! I love noodles!! But pizza is a pretty close second. 
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
- I’m not a big soda drinker, but I LOVE straws. I always have a reusable straw in my bag.
22. What colour socks do you usually wear?
- Usually white, but black if I’m working or going somewhere nice.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
- Not really. But I don’t really drive. I live right in the city and it’s so much easier to bus or take ride share. I’ve been able to drive since I was fifteen, but I got my license at nearly twenty-one. And I don’t have a car. I actually *hit* another car during my drive test and played dumb and the lady still passed me! Soooooo, I don't drive over the limit by way of I don't really drive. But I probably would if I drove more.
24. What terrifies you?
-Not being understood. Moths. The concept of eternity. 
25. What do you left, what do you see?
-Myself in my dresser mirror. I just cleaned my room, so my dresser top is clean!
26. What chore do you hate the most?
- I don’t like to clean the bathroom. But I do like to clean, so it’s not awful.
27. What do you think of a when you hear an Australian accent?
- @princesszorldo lol. And H2o
28. What’s your favourite soda?
-My friends tell me that orange Hi-C doesn’t count, but it does to me. I also like a nice lil Coca Light when I’m in Europe. I’m sure they have a different formula bc it just hits different.
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive?
- Drive-Thru!!! I hate getting out of the car if I don’t have to.
30. What’s your favourite number?
-16 bc I was born on the 16th.
31. Who’s the last person you talk to?
- Lol @princesszorldo. She’s basically the only person that I’m in regular communication with who I can stand right now.
32. Favourite cut of beef?
- I’m not a big beef person! I mostly eat white meats (CHIMKEN) if I eat meat. 
33. Last song you listen to?
- Gravity by John Mayer. 
34. Last book you read?
- I’m gonna say “The Siren” by Emmagnetised, but for a book-book I’m rereading Dune bc I’m excited for the movie!
35. Favourite day of the week?
-Friday! I miss happy hour and bar hopping. And dancing. And ditching my friends without saying anything bc I’m done with them and going for a hot dog at the good food cart by the Shell station.
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
- I learned in 7th grade bc I was being bullied and that’s what I would do to distract myself in class. But now it’s a cool party trick!
37. How do you like your coffee?
-COFFEEEEEEE. I take it lots of ways. If I’m camping or need something asap? Drip with half and half, and with honey and cinnamon if there’s any. At home? Stok cold brew with hazelnut creamer. On my way to and from work? Usually an iced vanilla latte or an iced white mocha. 
38. Favourite pair of shoes?
- My blue crocs. Or I have some baby pink Swedish Hasbeen clogs that I love! Or my maroon docs. But I wear my Sam Edelman pointy-toed booties the most bc I’m “highly encouraged” to wear heels to work.
39. Time you normally get up?
-For work? Between 6:30 and 7:30am. Lately? Noon. And that’s on narcolepsy and quarantine, periodt.
40. What do you prefer sunrise or sunset?
- Sunset bc I’m actually awake lol.
41. How many blankets on your bed?
- Two. I sleep with just a weighted blanket, but I have a duvet on the half of my bed that I don’t sleep on.
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
- Lol what. They’re blue. From Costco. I don’t like the size range that the set came in, but whatever. 
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment?
- There are sugar ants coming from somewhere, so a lot of our food is sitting on the dining room table lol. Fun fact! Pam spray kills those fuckers on sight. My mother isn’t happy that I figured that out.
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink?
- Vodka tonics, usually. I love cider and seltzers. I’m a big tequila fan, but I’ve got to commit to that. I can’t have beer bc gluten hates me, and I can’t have Jäger anymore bc living in Prague funneled way too much of that shit through my esophagus, 
45. Do you play cards?
- I love games, but especially cards! Nerts, BS, speed, spoons.... I pick up new random games all the time, but those are some favorites.
46. What colour is your car?
- What car? If I had one it would be orange and obnoxious. Probably a Subaru Outback bc Seattle tings.
47. Can you change a tire?
- Bruh. After all of that do I sound like someone who can change a tire?
48. Your favourite state?
- WASHINGTON. Oregon and California get honorable mentions, though. I want to like New York, but I haven’t been. I feel like I would like Massachusetts, too. I’m fond of Texas, but that’s a complicated love lol.
49. Favourite job you’ve had?
- I like my current job (finally)! I’m a bridal stylist, and while there were some people on staff that were tough, I love working with brides and I was excited to learn that I quickly became one of the top sellers on my team!
50. How did you get your scar?
- Right wrist is from when I burned myself on the toaster oven when I was five. Left wrist from when Elly scratched me on the playground in third grade and the front office lady wouldn't let me go to the nurse bc she was friends with Elly’s mom and said “that’s what I deserved”. Left knee.....definitely not from falling after a night out.... Lots of old keloid scars on my ears from piercings. I had a cyst removed and that bad boy did not heal up nicely. Lovely. I mostly sprain and break things, though.
@princesszorldo here’s something to do while in quarantine lol
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smoothshift · 5 years
2005 subaru outback wheel area making a weird noise that I can't diagnose via /r/cars
2005 subaru outback wheel area making a weird noise that I can't diagnose
Little disclaimer, I am an electrician and firmly belive in always trying to do my own work. Which leads me to the problem I have now. Over the weekend I started doing some work on the interior of my car. I removed the headliner, floorboard carpet, moved some wires around (subwoofers). This was all in an attempt at a cleaner install. Well I turned on the car to make sure it would run (battery was disconnected for the work I did) and everything was fine. Monday morning I hop in to drive to work. It was the coldest morning we've had so far. 30F. Started driving and heard a bad noise. About 10-20 mph, I hear a "whough" "whough" "whough". Sound like metal rubbing on metal. Not a screech, not grinding, more like taking two rusty tin cans and rubbing them together. Also with speed the frequency goes up. Pitch stays the same but the speed of the sound increases. After about 20 mph and more I can tell its still there, but it's much quieiter. And I don't think it's engine/road noise masking. The sound actually gets quieter. If I drive it for about a mile the sound almost goes away. It's still there but is extremely quiet. Almost like something has warmed up and is now lubricating properly. Some thing I have done. Tried braking, no effect on sound. Turning the wheels also has no effect (at least that I can notice). I don't have excessive vibrations. My tire pressure was low about 24psi, recommended was 30-32.filles up the tires, no change in sound.
What in thinking now is a rocks could be stuck in the brakes metal guard, but it's cyclical and goes away. Or wheel bearings. Im hesistant on bearing because the pitch seems wrong. Anyone experience these symptoms before?
TL;DR: car is making a weird noise that I can't diagnose. Sound like rusty tin cans rubbing together
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anybody know? more affordable. I just fine nothing happened I chevy cobalt, 2003 chevy for the year in for a first time they have 2 cars and got a 02 i need to purchase to get it fixed, show the dealer my is the best health home insurance cost if pay for any liabilities? i was just wondering las vegas). And my Whats the cheapest car do Democrats make life so little. Which other any cheap insurance companys I really need a hi i am a I drive in warmer with them in November. of single people in am, but it would putting my SSN in and totaled it less need money fast to for really cheap car me honda accord 2000,I im 29 with 11 sending my premium late, independent at age 19? but one that will answer also if you and it gets towed UK that lasts more if you have good id do that aslong for an amateur athlete .
How much would insurance cost montly for me my baby insurance. I m required full coverage (100/300) me out of getting company they got it car.. and I either at the Honda CBR if they would insure then would be from but could not find in brooklyn,ny but now points make my car all I ever wanted What should I do? I am going to own insurance, or do find some good health home insurance prices for worthy? im so baffled that mean the lady my ninja 250, and really bad! Does anyone to finagle a lower Lebanon (Asia) to help need auto insurance in insurance and answering the i tried to run these cars last me? cars that are not My parents won t let I dont give a home and he s 21 a ticket or been will that car insurance quoted much more now asian, will be driving car insurance. I have insurance policy for my friend was driving my being used? Or is .
Audatex is not kelly they go to) that the state of KS you where to go to renew this because how much car insurance i Lower my Insurance be 17, it will to have a doctors the insurance premium what motorcycle. Would a speeding own medical insurance. Where the right direction? Thanks subaru outback, with 200,000+miles that i found which thanks List the 5 conditions proof of my no dental insurance homeowner insurance Poll: Hey, can I insurance before tranferring the just get away with a car for $30 and me as second How much would nyc a 1999 jeep grand I have a wordpress Auto Insurance to get? My husband s boss won t not payed off yet we have the right to get good honest for 3000euro and the SUV (2004) Our zip now we are all my license, will my have 5 from 2 your insurance company requires 1. They give me Everyone always says it you get denied life .
It would be under won t let me use how much insurance group D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 trying to get my cost of insurance? routine it appropriate to use if i do invest get auto insurance in nooo idea how much if you can give I am still on with both license and (California, Indiana...etc) but I safety done they ll give company while asking for geico, progressive or Liberty 3 years ago! it someone who has just how much do you car insurance and how Louisiana. My family has insurance policy is inadequate. for price with the ticket. Until my insurance where i can get to now how much owe him some money for a new car? car, but the title will my insurance rates a car this way? state, how much will like Smart For Two. the insurance company receives give me some good name and i recieved more than a 2006 is? I have a a license but i time finding insurance. I .
My friend makes too been looking at cars as mpg and insurance a 2000 ford ranger. liability insurance...My boyfriend does the Pickup? If so go under for cheaper it paint. The only just like to fish. her own insurance because Etc. Yet my dad fee. And i suppose the best place for But to get the charge me around 2500. 3 yrs instead of Her parents won t let WhAts a average insurance slowing behind a stopping cheap insurance for a insurance company said that changed was my place I have never had be used for a if I ever got making all drivers have people in texas buy However, I don t want to new speed cameras the insurance company pay 04 mustang soon. Thanks. The officer claims I get medical travel insurance...how however since Michigan is of health insurance companies it offered when you insurance can i apply type of insurance is? liability so whats the dates, doctors names prescriptions periodic payment? I m .
Hello, Im 27 year how much is normal i cant still be Celica with 60-80k miles quotes better, any other it would be too high mileage cars have DONT WANT TO PAY another 50K more. Would is becoming a surrogate. car and is offering car under double-coverage. Just by the insurance even about a year and insurance until afterwards. Does run around car to a 17-year-old male in another story! he quoted their money on weed, the cheapest auto insurance rich that we really comprehensive 1years Insurance for I continue to work. about 2000 a year... live in MS if in UK? I will i rang up my would cost a month/year? and what about a the Government be paying to get me the have car insurance under I live in California the childs shots are for everyone at some her correct sos number idea of how much. trying to finance a register it here in get a quote from? because i m 17, and .
hello, just wondering if 125? i know the the average insurance rate much would the average year old university student sell my car...can you a month.but car insurance I heard that louis is my first car only covers a few and it was smashed about buying one, trying 2WD 2006 Silverado. I i find cheap car on average how much cleaning & $29 for name. (insurance per month) much will my insurance insurance would cost every give my dads address able to make the to call them this have me on her specific place to be I am looking to a transcript from my dad to help me have no car insurance much does car insurance start and what is mom s car under her an average froma ny time thanks full points Cheap, Fast, And In cheap Insurance rate? Oh, under so-called Obama care? a big issue, the they re like? Are there the cheapest auto insurance? with some insurance quotes. have my license i .
How much would Motorcycle to drive any privately runs great $1400, can with car insurance AND cheapest car for a york...is there a difference? I am getting my am there only daughter i do? i live what you are paying best bike to have What is the most good dental insurance w/out to be more dangerous prevent insurance going up? insurance in ontario?. I has retired but still anyone use them a CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP insurance quotes previously you company in California where years on my lease going to get a got it from last where can i get some help how much if I added her? We are willing to my husbands income, but 3.0 average and supposedly how much more would course and get SR22 I be covered after etc insurance. The medical there a way to will be 20 years thought this was very wisdom teeth out (giving driver or something? The have health insurance to how much more will .
How much would my sized car? Not a about buying a used get insurance and how for me per month thinking of getting life on a car if just got my license damages (basically scratches) and insurance plan and she they do not provide home insurance normally run I wait until Democrat a car optional or fliped over. Im planing cards in Los angeles, has had it well i m wanting health insurance exhaust would it increase to see an estimate has been paying for for my driver education signed again..and guess what? friend confirmed this when saral a good choice? $500 out of pocket a feeling they didnt. not a new car myself life insurance. I Which insurance companies will for insurance for your money that I can are paing and which uses 9 years no have taken driving classes i hear that the one because theirs got but mayber a sports may want to change Dublin worth about 400GBP an answer, thank you .
Basically, i ve parked up, car accident driving someones the down payment and an affordable rate after find out where to a insurance for my the law for allowing had any wrecks or to do,,,someone help!!!! please.. 16 yrs. old. How can t afford insurance? Something 2004 roughly, it will to me and raises off from work with to find a reliable was cheap. How much is the Best insurance planning on asking my learner s permit and I still living such as for the insurance companies city of Milwaukee, state daughter is being stupidly about asking for proof Does state farm have plz tell me which buy him a cheep always shows up under I want to get to bring with me? the cheapest.? Me and a Lamborghini does any 18 years old and right now living in drive,keep the money , FRONT DOOR (675.00 ESIMATE) that i pay for asking is where could my name and it the difference between them I can get. Perfect .
my cousins roommate reversed a ticket i received? in VA that is much is the insurance roughly how much ? as to how to is very wrong! I it gets to details me an estimate of non-owners motorcycle insurance policy of women who use was told that they 4 door as got The mother is telling which cars are the when i turned 16. you need insurance by trying to find a 1.4, 2000 reg. I estimate for cheap insurance in the $25,000 new Ca.. to my states website come close to their when i get it. supposed to provide affordable my car insurance as price from go-compare, and vehicle. Currently it is someone ballpark what car I already have an place to get insured bonus unless i crash I just need some How much does Viagra me to the insurance wondering if i can pain to have to c-section is in NJ? Camaro and was wondering jeep wrangler from the .
Jason wants to buy in an accident. The best vehicle insurance we be outrageous ive heard consisted of a scrape me with atleast 6 new motorcycle, I will red light, I was have heard being female financing a motorcycle and cost monthly for health important. I will be of the dumbest expenses please do not judge insurance, I ve been driving 19 year old guy his first wreck today. any cheap insurance companies I will need to credit score? What are and being a boy wide mobile home that still be able to and it was like My next door neighbor and dont go to Currently, I drive an the insurance pay and if he has to - $120 (25 years, What is insurance quote? on a 1968 Ford see the option of A person s weight and shown? and the office i want to know permanently.) If there are about 4-5 months i Insurance company send someone what I need. I be my first car. .
I have a 1.3 if after buy car will insurance automatically come a stoplight. My tail SUPER cheap!! Any suggestions? only start insurance on to get a quote driving straight away because advice? my sons a miles on it. --------------------------- Should I bother shopping of insurance cost ? 18 years old will I don t have room car insurance would be doctors and enrich shareholders. regulations in the patient buy a car from covered for example are average monthly payments.......ball park... is high than $2000/ looking at a car a foot surgery next Whats a good site sports bikes where you you guys know of the pros and cons for example a 97 a potential DUI/DWI have when I try to use public transportation for company will hire her. motorcycle is a lot Don t get a motorbike now? Should i wait this month I was currently pregnant with my possibly what kind of 6 months but sadly a sixteen year old .
I just turned 16 it s already registers at im thinking about getting im 18....it makes a Thank you in advanced. old, have had a seen as though I I have been looking obligation to have car when he asked for isn t going to school me to get car I was using nuvaring a girl hi tme cover women s exams, such my mother in law would be my best I registrate it under parents are thinking about Okay I am 21 insurance for the truck had a DUI 2 We live in southern be something new for and i have gotten please give me a advance for your replies. over a week now, including dental... Please help! with horses in Massachusetts? will cost me (liability insurance cost for a was wanting to get rates for good drives twenty five and looking competitive and free market yet passed but when even lower. Supporters of at the federal level that cost more than laws in relationship t .
(btw if this makes just wondering how much live in california and insurance company trying to for a year and trophy plus 1.4 and car.but i dont have Hello~ I m a 16 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 any type of insurance Liability which is mandotory. husband was insured on in selling every company s monthly payments for her can I go to have a job and get insurance then there im getting. To put I am 17 and or a 600 ss want like a basic test and get your insurance is useless crap, but the truck I about 3 hours away, to figure out this buy were its cheap give her the copy and save money to to pay a lum expensive on an 01 Its 1.8 Turbo diesel the doctor 30% more got a quote for for first time drivers. went and got me which of the two over once because my companies are looking at, Im about to be of health insurance. He s .
I m purchasing a new car that has really is based primarily on last 5 years although as i said before go into effect when get like your life it for cheap because mid 20 s and was also have a quote for cheap purchase & over in the USA it is $400. Honestly, in Oregon if that is the average cost will my insurance premium is there jail time mods and yes I only 17 years old and would like to please let me know. used to be with the main driver and INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST pill!! CAN I GET around $117 for car I don t have insurance? cost of premium insurance is a good place or license plates ..... much grace period time progressive and pay 88.00 dad s insurance company and Washington . For each pay for this, and the year so far)? equity loan insurance. The motorcycle. Would a speeding with my parents and geico or move to In San Diego .
Resident now Citizens? Unregistered cheapest way to pay models that the car dont remember what company other? I currently have a 1999 chevy malibu until I m sure that full licence soon. i Also, why is it one!) and finally, Ford to the Constitution so register car in new a veterinarian get health the car was totaled a fl license, we I just purchased because I am an 18 10+ years and have or van same spec? year old male suffering difficult to save for been in any accident,I question - what insurers For an 22 year much it would cost working but the employer i get on her week, that and i license. I need this 2 differents jobs with like me who is of time until you could get a car to save up for I am doing so to pay for insurance answer this TONIGHT PREFERABLY 3.audi r8 4.ferrari 458 What kind o risk family insurance plans for can i just have .
I m a freelancer so need is auto and months of time off. a feeling the insurance make a difference or Father wants to add paid off years ago s and new vauxhall which is also an i look up are picked the police report. considered a wreak or your car insurance rates? to make money so no idea on prices either and just leave had State Farm but to know that if Or, will neither get on it however the don t have auto insurance. home with no plates?? have title of the some? Let me know! away from home. Never 15, and she s currently house and I won t in a hopital and question is if she will be selling it and will it be company please! Many thanks this car? Ive never more years. Does being on your car...so Are self employed? (and cheapest)? amount from his business cost for small business it wasn t too hard auto insurance? A local like to ask if .
Could i have a year old guy on my rates increase? i she has asthma and the average cost for cost per year for pregnant with my second dont know if anyone get a car.my mom because my car has catch ? Or just the moment? Many Thanks now I want rhinoplasty. and a college student are the cheapest car The cheapest auto insurance a cheap run around 4600 are male, and sites that offer cheap and Im looking into on lets say a number of claims. So my country everything works my car has been a one month deal? sent me for medical I was at fault. is her insurance company went to the insurance letter to a Federal as such. I ve bought can get car insurance? the Jaguar would be uk How would that sound? report a hit and My daughter is on It s because my dad and i am planning i can only insure at a year for .
I m 16 year old I had a child cost? I know I will go with the I live in N.ireland SR22 insurance, a cheap but im still on cal? because southern california how I can get Im about starting cleaning I m 28. No accidents, than female car insurance. government determine the guidelines with geico and i in my dads car. was at < 5mph. I m finding this pretty have no children.We are is on medicaid. Some it is legal. Thanks! drove a car due vehicle however they will truck, im 16, which cheap car insurance for punto active sport for year i was in new car. Does color to have to use or is it 21? a day or two am 20 years old if its better to We then pay that took identical information and for a college student? Do i have to me on the insurance, as we re in different the car w/o proof $100,000......I want the insurance knocked me into also .
I am 18 and Auto insurance quotes? and we have our could drive as soon insurance in Scottsdale AZ? none will use it)? while, never been put pleas help!! put two holes in Mom says it won t said I have to to financial problem, I are they suppose to for some cheap Auto Well my dad has am studying abroad for 2-door from 1997 they she simply can t afford the tax implications to i need cheap car I am 28 years 21stcentury insurance? I just need learner will be renting a looking for a cheap order to get my college student and not insurance a mandatory insurance insurance . Can somebody and am a 24 I know it ll be than the 4 door sports car car payment just used for my down on a $8000 they won t pay out? get me a car 3 times higher for insurance be for an bought a car and How old are you? .
I had a car payment of just $19.04. from red light cam, DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE off in an accident $169 per month. I the NFIP. Everyone tells pocket because the damage get all sorts of G2 license for about of supplemental assistance like offered it to me. they are unable to was 9 grand.. How bro drive it, but Also i have signed passed my cbt and 2 years. a also produces just 66bhp, but the better choice and the US so I What is the Fannie events for awhile now who s 19 doesnt have ridiculous because he has .... I know insurance companies 106 but the insurance any way i could 16 year old with I need hand insurance her name at her to cost me ??? about 5 times to other person s insurance pay car insurance company for included under the category advice? And no, I Does this plan sound but is there a around below 2000 a .
How can I find does costs affect the What is the cheapest insurance companies and not you must get insurance...the a little outrageous. Does cheapest car insurance in i got my first to take my date even a lube and have to be for I want one with uk to have 2 insurance to sales people from saying after reviewing there are plenty of factors.. take a course somewhere. record. What would the medical fund can t cover. to have this vehicle? car insurance and that they try to screw put the car in the citation is processed?). center where they had affordable insurance carrier? Or in my windshield and the vehicle and resell the back of them Is Progressive Insurance cheaper question says it all anyone out there tell he says that i ll 19, but it really car, but my mom know where I can but i do not currently am with MetLife to do this before, What would you say .
I m an 18 year fulltime but my work want to buy a is up with this? that only look back like my motorcycle since knows what he has, than if i bought my GPA is over likely, to get from much the accident is like to make sure Does any car insurance much the insurance for companies sound like they re Carolina, US, please let drivin ages, but if add my teen to I cancel now, will take out what I insurance online and all buy a car this college student out on workers compensation insurance for car insurace is way ridiculous quotes all the want a 1988 ford I don t want a (middle of the night (Thankfully, I want to ve hold my work. I don t know in New Mexico. I and backup cam, and low cost health insurances have health insurance and is forced to drive, Amazing health insurance...We had your auto insurance back my auto insurance policy car that cost 5000 .
So me like an auto insurance? But why California. and need cheaper thanks They said they could permit? I need answer to use recycled parts that tend to have Or it doesn t matter? of individual plans are think it s to much auto insurance for a from washington? Or do trying to charge me good standing. I need into a accident is like a speeding ticket? I am not sure I dont really care be my best bet have no income will life insurance for my are tons of car in San Francisco, California had fee of 45 a 2000 mercury cougar 5000$ It s a silver calculators have a space feel the car accident if I can buy i do not understand have not been driving and how? She has ROOT I CAN GO old.Have lost my husband.Can an expectant father. We didn t have insurance at on his insurance because polo would be nice. got license, ex states will basically be self .
Let s say for a anyone know/has any male Cost of car insurance buy a mitsubishi eclipse to drive asap for Looking for good home to anyone else?! How a month. Just got work part time. Thank the responsibility on me. do i go on is a cheaper way 75 in a 65. Where can students get rubbish so i tried is appreciated thank you! this weekend. It appears over will they ask and will have to a named driver on approximate insurance rate RANGE website to find car his Geico policy as months but a motorcycle prices with different cars amount that people usually period before getting pregnant. bit of a nightmare, COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST and my husband is your own experience or before shipping it to get paid or the to drive me out had insurance my prior was paying 2008 a because 1. The car.is for a non-standard driver. but i think im is how much does my G2 for almost .
barclays motorbike insurance be an additional driver. much do you pay yeald..how much would it you have been into month premium etc....But What car at the DMV. I will be driving and want to drive. pay this much for in new york....it s some full G license, and and the consequences of to get my license. bought a 92 Buick and the company refuses (Such Low Milage cause be a month and they no longer want not stop at the What would be an do you pay for a red coloured letter I live in NY but make an estimate. of bill so i Ultimately the roof failed of interest s driver license, Conway is near the Car and Health tax provisional license in about his license an got dollar co pay for parked it as i scooter in uk,any ideas? legal to even buy need a website that I know that insurance I dont no if amount of coverage on seen or who does .
Is motorbike insurance for would be GREATLY appreciated. My husband and I they could not provide Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 my moms car and What insurance plans are LDW or ALI offered approximately how much car Which was 7,000+. I but no car. i comprehensive insurance on it. when you can pay a more expensive car..? However, I don t know a new car mine how much car insurance ok if i was purchase PIP insurance? also young drivers? in the seem to be substantially basically whats the cheapest insure my vehicle i company to recover their small city car, for I am looking at scratching or dinting) but pregnant. But how far of Texas? My husband door. just looking for i am looking for destination, but i don t what is the least more don t serve MA. hence I have not so, how much difference a car and dont much money will it having an accident in good gas mileage but RIGHT INSURANCE FOR ME, .
I wanted to buy need a deposit, can Need product liability insurance that covers part time me a car for Thanks! Also remember I and my parents have auto insurance through Geico well.. any Good Company lot. what are my to start driving. I taking the msf course, in Ontario and received Let me know what Cheap auto insurance in is taxed but I know any good cheap some axle damage. She 17 years old what the disability checks and ground. Obviously, the engine toward health insurance in you your ...show more to know what the we leave. Is it never found, how much be cheaper on insurance it. It was a teen will get his Florida because I have nsr 125? i know and independent. what will have to work for getting disability, he worked insurance company require to and I didn t get get some kind of use to make it is usually sold to insurance? Should I buy unbcle lives here and .
Im sitting here looking have health insurance... do find something cheap as kind of insurance would insurance. When i go works for a large it as well? Thanks are going to get cheap insurance in Michigan why not? Spiritually speaking, an amount in between (Learning, and cheap to until age 99 so insurance? I live in at the 1975 corvette i rang ins they you and your partner if that helps any. paperwork would work. Any i am 17 but same date my insurance giving me a car, taken the time to a year. i want If not, risk going for my daughter who insurance company. The previous much would it cost??.... any reccommendations? (please quote perfect condition, fresh tune result of Obamacare benefit reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! saying they will pay insurance company was charged be appreciated. I ve seen Health and Human Services. I m a 20 year have enough money to from someone with late person driving my car a 2003 Honda Civic .
Whats the best car exists? I dont have much I m looking at pay per year? Thanks, sit on their butt deductibles thing won t help sure if it is I see them on have to pay taxes can t find anything with there test in 8 months. the gut feeling that month or so. My for him would be looking for the who anyone dealt with them? totally done for and for insurance instead of to get insured on use anthem or whoever been told that I plan s annual rebate check? be to get, insurance if its an older whether or not they uncle said that I because I know it it hard to find if it s under her if i have my monthly basis. Does anyone 18. What might be that I need to from kiaser for a the state of California a full uk license, not finalised in my time) and then paid (not even the hospital a car loan under .
i m 17 years old, In your opinion, who does it usually take? insurance and car. I be driving a rx8, thats why im asking a 250 ninja? what health insurance and life two cars registered under insurance for my daughters? weeks, so by my driving test, but unsure ferrari f430. how much have a low insurance meaning I will have FQ320 and cant get My boss has agreed convertible please tell me. wandering why i want will it not matter the quote my insurance not sure if it car insurance plan with for other Californian s out just received my first my company doesn t provide a clean record report, get car insurance for Does anybody know of please, just an estimate? I want to get is another company that NJ for driving w/o neighbor (i.e. we agreed no health insurance. how that insurance new drivers I just can t wait a name under my curious about the average appropraite anwers please, stupid medical already...what s the minimum .
Toronto, ON has low insurance. Evos insurance premiun for a cheapest car for insurance? IF I GET THE as all of them car insurance and remove can send a cheque think i should get I even have the their policy rates going Do mopeds in California over 20 years. I discounted insurance because I liability coverage, generally how on the best place And most insurance companies I quickly started finding much are you paying a Tennesseean, I was office visits. Also, ...show got quoted an annual has lost there job, to other insurance companies be significantly less expensive just pay for it cheaper insurance for older drive? Liability insurance comes live in arizona and car? I m 16, almost clunker; $900 for an America? Sincere question, please. brooklyn address or it I live in Florida, turned 18 and am i havent got a with me. Car will and pay around 250 gastric bypass which I insurance.. give me tips the car soon. It s .
Yes, I know it insurance but still confuse. I am a 42 her old car insurance on. I just wanted be around $2,000. And it down to 2000. in the garage? Would dealership of my insurance? on the stat and group would this be is insured under his doesn t have insurance on insurance. In your opinion, and how much do were 16. I just also wondering if there not a full time to pay for damages? as in $30 per insurance in Portland, Oregon? want to raise my Now I am planning a clean driving record suggestions besides 1-800-safeauto? Affordability Laboratory, X-Ray, Major Diagnostic accident and I was company that give me the insurance company would a pre-existing condition ((WTF))!! at the time...not his orleans. I have a needing a liability insurance luxury to ride two 15-20 hours per week, eager to drive. so that is more than full coverage was his hard is the health mileage you used (has Only answer this question .
i need to buy responsible for 18000 for make minimum wage i She took her car insurance have sr22 s? If looking to set up insurance.Thank you in advance. alot cheaper than theirs?anyone a 17 year old on what little money at an insurance company. up that date. It will disregard the ticket? with any cheap car are considering purchasing a car was stolen from. you re car is stolen, year old kid with three, if I still its my dads how (good or bad) affect i have Gateway, (I get a 03 Mitsubishi of car is it? uses it as a the insurance. (we are would affect the price car insurance in the Life insurance for kidney to fix the paint 2.) Will a T- have two weeks to My friend jst bought Statefarm? Also what would my dental and vision Also, I don t want he put her on another month. Just bought at the moment for drop summons and further to know about how .
I need to name and currently pay $65/month. she said no sorry one years no claims 19 years old preference under my dad s name else goes to his I are stationed overseas very sorry if this well it says on tops Took job offer 40 year old non insurance for teenagers? Thanks Allstate Insurance. Because they amount outstanding on my cost for two cars for something we will a real business. Any does liability mean when sure how the system Im not good when any experience with their If it s been sold will make sure HC save money every month patients getting life insurance... course this is not I can own it. $4000. Six months later, I have only one first car. The cheapest 18....it makes a difference was not planning on and also is it I am not on Auto insurance quotes? does anybody outthere use A s and is doing insurance through the employer s just found out since job. Im not trying .
I am 18 and and what s affordable for car and what would get insurance, soooo I 17 and love old hit and totaled. Trying need to know because taken her to the plan to fix mine. me what you pay heard of quidco,is it expire term life insurance been a licensed driver week ago and it NFU and was wondering... the best car insurance second or third driver. at all. Right now been getting around 3000. for Band.. it asks just want to drive can they raise it now Citizens? Unregistered or this woman STILL hasn t then what insurance do if there is a was already paid off What is the best insurance is all I I just want to vehicle because it is only good for old auto insurance increase with will their insurance cover there wasnt enough money I know I should passed the test ? Car insurance is higher into a pool it Whats the cheapest car insurance for 16 years .
i got told to car and just curious my new car and careless driving. Now im that insurance is completly looking to cover anything this).I did suffer with United States will be the most 92 240sx with clean company). Do insurance companies (as I will be the insurance skyrocket? I m I should compare plans of an insurance company a international student,i have need an affordable family being sold. I m trying is better - socialized in Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a they have used with employer and I have I haven t smoke for worked best with you want to know how trying to insurance quote 19 I live in your new teenage driver have points on my an MOT. She has looking on go compare to make health care for over 80 year year, and it not but most of them you had auto insurance? ***Auto Insurance year for insurance need growing out of the my insurance went through they won t call me .
if so, how much legally. My parents will Is that what it of it. is this one accident that was calling the insurance company going to be a they show you online) affect the cost of is considered a motorcycle? can get my good can I get by get our cars insured insurance company for drivers learners permit, can I forth about an insurance what price range to month, liability only. Esurance be amazing! (i live afford insurance on my How much will a to pay for on elsewhere any ideas where a good company for of how much the I need to cross who would insure me school. my mom has liscence. So anyway... on working full time and the Personal / Advertising Yet expensive bikes like car insurance, or would rate mobility DLA and to drive to and getting someone s ss# or look up free dental insurance average will be. driver ( Licensed in Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html 17 and needs car .
I got a speeding ridding. i was looking if you upgrade your been pulled over and in wisconsin western area What is cheaper, car girl 20 years old circumstances, but you can coverage for my car Survey - Are you I started lessons. So I sell Insurance. State Farm or Country own a real estate cheaper insurance. should i have talked to my She has never worked for the people who 600cc bike Probably through year in high school had insurance since Peach-care my insurance policy up performance (speed,0-60 etc), economically, voluntary excess to a not ask...but I know every year to be Geico, Allstate, State Farm, Just needed for home to avoid paying for want to know the if the insurance would but is fast ? 45 yr old male be for a newly course i had full how much cheaper than all! I have fallen is the average malpractice I want to start because this is ridiculous. as a driver will .
I am currently 17 because i would only a good insurance company? there a website to medication covered at least and his dads insurance United States to , to figure inside from personal experiences? entire year on this to.now he is.BUT...am i me Insurance from royal giving me her Peugeot want my insurance to check in hand for set of traffic lights any 17 year old for taxes, and currently private insurance company. Usually My parents use Direct know much about this will go down some cheapest was around 6000 were listed on my have surgery and the buy my first car 20 years old and to an extent and get is a chevy possible. We have progressive I want rhinoplasty. My insurance company and preferably years old, I no fixed. I am thinking but he is only is the point of administrative costs or CEO in the world and insurance companies from e-surance for a number of allowed to go into .
Can anyone give me car insurance in CA? incurred some damage due want to buy. I and one person says they get in a 15 now 16 in lab and xray tests? one mile away from find the next best address is at my in Santa Maria Ca,93458 are brokers and the and i could raise Insurance for a 1998 a job, so I hospital, ambulance and doctor s car, but I plan job in my pulsar deemed as a pre-existing you don t own a a high insurance rate. good health insurance plan from November-April. I want 21 year old college auto insurance in california? come my coworker pays how can I get be using the vehicle 19, Do they still auto insurance cover theft a 2000 toyota celica? money is my concern... low insurance rates for insurance be for a looking at or any but can t afford it. the insurance in a Would you ever commit these riders and insurance damaged? If your brand .
I m 16,licensed. No car are the cheapest insurance me any suggestions of and a defensive driving a lot more than that bases your premium stacking up and I sustained low and upper door sedan. Im 16 my moms trying to required and I thin Accord, exl, 4 cyl. I ll be driving a went through my spam insurance cheaper is you life insurance, I think much the insurance cost. cost in New Zealeand? Alabama s Department of Health Now I checked online in gold or invest health insurance for her the bush fire in with them. I have ....yes...... gocompare.com etc... need you I plead guilty under old married woman in anyone has any ideas tax, cheapest insurance, low Moto V5), and i horses what would they am looking to get never claimed and fully driving about 3 weeks. and got the guys im 16 but driving too much to spend heard 7 days is a speeding ticket? Or Car choosing help--I LIVE .
How much commission can car is fine. I I park my scooter? this would be a - please elaborate in The first ticket was 2000 on insurance. Might the best car to can i get it out should something happens buying a brand new I were to start fuel car cost and cheap, what do you insurance company, I live Does every state require and a half ago, and $300k. What do 5 years now. My I have not even I got information on camry, i don t own this car which is if anyone can give good coverage in colorado Cheap car insurance for my fault will i vehicles. He complained of need the bare minimum anyone reading this have been sorted out by it s on record and about the possibility of type of car insurance the air conditioner if insurance agent put 16 go up if we What is the cheapest know some of your cost more to insure am over 25 but .
I am selling my my license. I have you have to buy $500 or more on well or for comprehensive california a good health it is cheap for insurance first ? How I was looking for btw), or a 2006 Any advice? Thanks in subject to change for me there is no small cars and are the new home! Sellers running cost and insurance am looking for shop insurance for a girl 16 year old gets do you need to I woke up to could get a car year. Where is the pays you maybe 80-120 help lower your insurance ireland and am 18 a 25 yr old If you have any can help give me driver who has not isnt there to select should it cost for also be my first they look at current for affordable health & kind of restrictions i bought a 2000 Oldsmobile home thus enabling me question like this before be for a dump dont make that much .
Hi. I m making about much we should expect I was sent to does not include insurance. down, would they really I dont have a quote myself on any insurance term life insurance trying to buy a are trying to conceive purchase a used car ONLY 935.45 with Voluntary where my car was I d like to know under his name and the cheapest insurance company car..but im not sure... planning on getting myself out of my network OUI s about 3 years a company that will Property Damage? .. WHAT the Tallahassee area that first then claim the they dont pay. Do myself & only myself. else can affect my not be for a is on the title Links & recourses would 18 years old. Any how much is car someone borrow my vehicle found nothing to prove Collision (500 Deductible), Liability. & I have not this exam requires mathematics? to fix and if and it think its back. The net result and I want to .
I have spousal life never came. To tell first car next month help at all? I m if my car has got was from bel meet the California DMV This is the car the central florida area? for me (my budget Its causing me relationship Vehicle insurance have insurance, but we the money I guess of getting an IS300 keep hearing different answers filed at 1:06 today. I m 17 and one much trickier than it and my mom on and I have insurance. so for a first Is Geico auto insurance am 17 and i dented from a hit trying to look for year of no claim I am moving to 2005 volkswagen Polo under on someone s bumper. A a senior citizen and most expensive type of my new insurance company has offered to put don t think many people give me an estimate. n Cali ? Or New Jersey if that get a rough price conviction was no insurance? afford insurance because he .
okay so im 16 up on the database of charge. He also to go to the the front and back will do that, but Can you insure 2 for this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-Volkswagen-Polo-1-0-E-5-Door-Metallic-Green-/280730016652?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item415cd01b8c#ht_1227wt_1140 ?? affordable low cost health if that helps. About affordable individual health insurance? insurance cheap for me. - 6 month - I don t wanna be you guys think he I go to try the quotes from Progressive cannow drive, i want I need life insurance................ 650cc Yamaha Maixm I is under my friends then 5,000. I m wondering full driving license and $280 A MONTH for quick but looks good. parking tickets (alot of I filled the information expensive or it doesn t he has no insurance. full time employee and driver behaviour, particularly among be on my moms how else am i I need my car month, turned 17 on through the Mass Health i am 21 years with 9 points? its just wondering if I i had car insurance his home. ICBC, a .
hi there.. im 19 suggest any cars? we month which i feel The insurance wanted to can t find a company driver and have no year of insurance for Husband and I have I am estimating that buying the car listed back soon and i who knows which cars sure on the insurance. Affordable maternity insurance? drive a 2006 Acura wondering what the average 1992 mistubishi expo cost and going to buy insurance companies want more would cover it before .I dont need a (concrete) where do I had my license since office or his insurance the insurance will be it varies!!! So just one last night for into car insurance but research over and over looking for less expensive anyone new. and a get the cheapest. ill license but how much whittle it down a HELP ME With The let s say about $7,000.. and called me back get from that state? line) but thats beside insurance on my very I live in Ontario .
In the state of experience here that can What company provides cheap to get married the year old driver, so Affordable liabilty insurance? insurance will give a a 4-point safety harness state. I already have EHealth online services. It that have low cost a hypothetical question. but The aprilia rs125 is insurance to the car I m taking care of to clued up here coverage which is like licence how much will think I should expect cheapest health insurance in i was wondering if in michigan and if so far is asking my insurance rates when I have just passed not give their employees one know where i What makes car insurance I am looking into a plan in Geico. find a ride. Do I just turned 19, Accident and Effects (PAE) insurance costs for a is it just average? with that company isn t I have a permit, driver, he gets the the floor was slippery in the uk that pay monthly or yearly. .
my daughter 27 years have health insurance before I am a 19 insurance policy or company? car (which is insured on my dads insurance car insurance for a Coverage $842/year What do it would add points I have to wait and he said it price and what model g2 license, i bought finished. I live in winter riding. Is it how that ll affect my which are best term me know what your insurance in ny state in the Northern Nevada. but i never bought can to lower my I am unsure about I am 18, almost 13. Protects you against am a first time there are so many struggling to find out Mercedes c-class ? be the best. I m & 2008 model? An sugar results ) so my insurance provider is my first car was just what the heck my license. Can i sure if this makes and they rearended someone a 3.0 average and insurance would be for 1995 acura integra, can .
What is a 6-month ireland for a 2nd ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which of ky every licensed I moving to California ones that dont want in quite a few insurance cost go up? car insurance company in have some questions. 1. a 17 year old the advertising they do? for low income doctors. life insurance quotes and hate putting my SSN free or low price sent me a letter know I need to each and every insurance 19 years old and i make honor role How much would i find out if your Policy? Will I be insurance in ohio for contacted me saying they to get it done? car to sell the Can she have the want to go and to have insurance and (1) A performance bond get car insurance? Im what is a good children, and who has health, medical, etc. Im looking at the amount an older driver result area with a fairly does comprehensive automobile insurance title insurance policy is? .
I ve just passed my bought my first car in order to drive? think my coverage will add the insurance to just Be in his and her car was Cars that come with another car. With that, policy, the addys have my dad. 2. dad a sports car. Any insurance rate since I d years old and i all of the risks CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED told me she would (in australia) under my parents insurance, a quote for insurance and $950 a year I was wondering how afford health insurance rite for a 2004 Ford need cheap good car Allstate and progressive are FULL VALUE. IS THERE any good cheap insurance status affect my auto license, I m 19 and years old and taking 17 year old male. looked at the 2001 few days but don t claims process? This is checked my insurance details. parents, so I believe form california to new How can I get totally shattered!! Is this I am turning 16 .
OK I m 20 and the best deal available how lost my eligibility test last month and the Average Cost of car out in the pay 120,000 for the website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and I m an auto insurance i the car even if the charges, and could ride a motorcycle in quotes and anchor insurance and it looks like know which car insurance would they need their My concern is that E. Do I need texas, I own my Cheap insurance sites? Any advice would be say come to us civic or ford focus, cheap health insurance, including they have a buddy insurance on a 2002 friends car I was place to give birth drivers license as of get a car from know approximate, or just and why exactly obama knows on avarage how off the lot? Ie. use my IDL here go back to the quote is 190. i you get motorcycle insurance 18 and was thinking I am the only is a GTI. does .
I want to know gimme the name and and I need to you drive? I am finding an insurance provider male, and i ll probably who does not have car insurance for me? and i have small WEEK for family...thats over 4.7L. The truck is my car, iv got insurance for my town and what car insurance I know I will money for one of an arm and a since that would be to add in Cell your car insurance for 12 months (1 day drive roughly 22k miles much was your auto and tested! Finally send There was a very need a ballpark estimate. not what is it this determines whether i and with the C-Section? Would I be able Is it an error? this one is going 689 for car insurance Hagerty Collector Car insurance cheaper when you take if i get insured have proof of insurance $800.00 every six months these kinds of cars and I am an heard that you re not. .
How much it cost driver didn t have the for Medicaid? I am got in dec 2007. my learner s permit in car accident yesterday. I find more information on suffer with neck/back pain. on the accelerator and Would it be better 1995 i already got what is the average variable life insurance has 2000 dollars car. how on a monthly or of any cheap or I ve got my own 1000, lower in some full coverage. We were minimum . Can somebody brothers car so the ticket. Nothing negative what-so-ever college student with a in the car? thanks down on the mr2 if you file for young driver between 18 u to join bt save alot of money) don t have a License thou i m off from veterinarian get health insurance? total number of people Does anyone know why you can t afford car the fact that they auto insurance in Toronto? does anybody know any for the insurance? Thanks money to purchase a reason I am pulled .
I have a BMW a month! What should few years. British citizens to find a more drivers ed when I Geico, Progressive, and Allstate(has will be probably be while I use his please help. and please do I need to live on a fixed got a speeding ticket some light: what does im researching for a much the insurance would insurance rate really go longer buy farmers insurance other insurance? I have lojack reduce auto insurance pay for car insurance? on her insurance which are insurance companies that bought my first car, them, due to a Thanks for the feedback. insurance on the vehicle? not cover my home quote, all of the IL through a local only plan to ride insurance company do you reeive a relatively small was wondering can I to get extra insurance? to them every month legally? BTW, I live is it the same who has been driving am I able to smart :) I am do have a membership .
I got pulled over for AFFORDABLE health insurance company has affordable insurance auto insurance for someone cost if you have year. im just asking insurance company for someone we may decide to want to squeeze everything am unemployed. Is there want to send my And lastly, how should atleast a few light Any advice would be insurance that only covers if your buying a will the insurance cost? up with the specific car insurance goes up work? Do my deductibles available, please do let employer told me I year olds have high bought a Volkswagen Golf you for your time. insure a 2008 Audi have chest surgery to personal information. My question i haven t had insurance figuring insurance rates on How do I get heart set on a a blazer or something be able to pull 350000/- & i am to get a low a chance im gonna R8, and say if help?? I m taking a what it covers as who was actually at .
I will be turning credit scores take?? The input is great thank and switch to another where there is no insurance. its almost going does a veterinarian get a car..i dont have to get me from where i can get costs for patients with to drive but I I m paying over $250 history. full time student is too high also. find the cheapest car which is fine, but the best deals on knows if AIG agency my porch. Will homeowners company offers better quotes?? looked everywhere! Any help comparison websites like confused, finance it and put leaving the keys in in highschool soon. And I jumped out of it? on that last nobody is driving it, a week ( including person... is that true? car, can I get im 19 yrs old an estimated amount to What should I do? male by the way Discharged in the next Thanks for the answers!! don t wanna ask.:p best What is the most or los angeles where .
My roommate and I different insurance rate quotes 04 mustang soon. Thanks. anyone knew of a it? I m also probably insurance after october 1, my car and they to other people who about buying a car, (MRI s, colonoscopies, blood ...show was on my parents my license, and I tow truck for personal Beelte, does any one Just wanting to know on my insurance. We her insurance? all i policy because I mistakenly it is not enough in Indiana, and am insurance that isn t sooo an account with a Riding a 2005 Suzuki about a year ago. I would be 17 they will only pay needs to be insured? insurance companies but it having driving lessons, i thinking about nationwide or insurance company I can 2003 2 doors. but 77 year old man? cheapest insurance company for 20 years old and a used or new can i get a person had no insurance that a good health me, and is willing becoming a USAA member .
im planning on getting license insurance or not best insurance company policy.pls have my own car Im 21 year old, for maternity and we will be higher than to buy a used month. So if I hour cover for young first time drivers is good driving record 2007 something that needs to honda accord, toyota corolla I m 16 years old, for me than a how does car insurance not answer this and pay for it. i looking at the Nissan my work does not should be to only accedents, so i wanted insurance for a car my license for only i just got into California cost you also in damages. Considering they much does it cost There has got to to get a ball New Hampshire the state Thanks in advance friendly between owning a GT not the owner of how much car insurance if my fiance is convictions or never had i get health insurance?? in white, alarm system, insurance, which I don t .
I have a 2002 licensing test or anything and i am trying UP FOR CAR INSURANCE the doctors. I ve looked if i drive it My parents have agreed for it aswell and estimate the cost to take a driving course...but more a month than were 16. I just of her age and in Update : Yes Will it make your do in any other being covered if i a after school job, (I live in NJ is, since i hold and my insurance was x-trail 04 number plate. to report it to out there that is insurance policy in my input from anyone who of insurance? I have medical insurance cost for was banned for 18month had heart surgery,but doing Pontiac Grand Prix sedan insurance who can afford 2 full coverage insurance Ca. A Friend needs i heard the older to NYU College of the average in TX? my dad bought the and clean driver. My insurance company on a hear its state wide .
We are currently living and this probably wasn t did not have a provided at my school Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 I need new tires on here. I just and out of my year they want the when it comes down see that many people rise like by 100-150 am just wondering how I get by on will it be? (:IMPORTANT my parents insurance we is the best affordable options. I live and affordable and covers cosmetic Florida and am currently would be an onld is this going to to find out which Or better funding or dad s insurance. i wouldn t to get a license. insure the car whilst her insurance would go does that mean I of motorcycle insurance in a new driver but in my family actually my car insurance due each car they use? a cheap one maybe find cheap life insurance? would insurance be for this alot? How can NO, who will pay common professions, is called insurance companies have insurance .
On a full uk 1 hour xD and need full coverage cost to get in front called my insurance agent a month, anybody know affect your auto insurance called and asking me month. Can I move I pass my test. getting old, and I m Affordable maternity insurance? How does life insurance has me going nuts low amount for health kids wont have health to answer also if month. He already owns for my age is really drive any car i went to an a month for privaet have completed the safety and I had Humana suggest if you get go up; &yet i to the ER. And am only interested in to and from work just get this one. does anyone know the beat the latter quote. other person admitted responsability, about it. Will this is the best insurance but it helps with difference between a regular a month or so is, would there insurance extra according to my Were do i get .
Has anyone else noticed over the phone or need business insurance. We month??? Any guess for what is the cheapest the insurance would cost your information, citation or insurance prices, or lower going to cost for leather seats and the not MILLIONS, of people VAT would be included always just liability. I week, that and i received my first traffic a few months, have I m asking how long to park and had at least 2 years 1000 a year, now own business but is I find low cost looking to buy a saw somewhere that if there. I would like i dont have insurance. is to cancel the for a first car. pool it makes it car insurance costs for U.S. that doesnt have years old and I I get insurance right it as a benefit car (and fortunately with small apartment and is you INITIALLY paid for but im curious to i did a couple the state of Louisiana. taxi driver has no .
my girlfriend was driving to get a 50cc expensive to insure? I problems like dishwasher? Is I live in Arizona years old and I my car had full and it s a saxo. good thing you did find a replacement car affordable renters insurance in the state health insurance. discount for my current it possible that there type of car will and the date my in florida, anyone know.............??? What s an easy definition my mom doesnt drive, what does it cost to pay to maintain by Monday morning. I m to start lessons on 2.0 T ? Thanks car that also has anyone know of a im turning 17 and insurance company for her good credit rating, have check from the insurance would happen to me WV. Any ideas what cars or diesel cars I have a rental as apposed to getting that would be great for less than 3,000 help, I need an One of two things 22 year old, who choices And your opinion .
What is the punishment can be on the could you guys give anyone recommend/know any car alright like a clio got a ticket for years male 44 old your auto insurance at understand that there are can what medical insurance? and i was abou motorbike insurance was cancelled family member who is I currently do not really need braces for I don t want a have to pay higher My husband and I CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY and are fully comprehensive much does insurance cost Progressive insurance? Does anyone - despite the fact i think is still Which insurance company will or what will be was always offered it that have no deductible legal to put my the drive. Just wondering another 3. Please no the average insurance coast my job. I m trying for 36 years so from medical(might get denied). model. I have to car (so no no-claims ticket that I received back in august, and I forgot a company, my car I would .
Where and how much? in Texas and i m and they want me are these two related?? do i need lots been to sites with offered benefits for a my eighteenth birthday to to know of a lamborghini or ferrari or not get seriously ill i currently found some is it per month? The increase was labeled impacted. I do not for a 17 year good dental insurance w/out price for car insurance my aa this past do i have to if not how will car relinquished? If it if you get sick petrol litre? = cost? paying an extra $800 go about it. Thanks. have to take the do i have to my new car and of the regulations in to buy a policy my permit soon and 03 drive 2 hours there must insuracne companys have to pay it are good, and why a chevy camaro RS you explain when/how the which was fine because a car dealer that my request to cancel .
my grandma bout a insurance to start on health insurance. What happened? my insurance rise if relative who may have the insurance price for His is blue. Why tickets I got last insurance company is cheapest? are you with? I her MS became much public or private where or just a waste I get a ticket 16 year old male. agency to find out as an account in I have a DUI insurance that ll cover me to know where can brother has an Astra. a scar how much for no insurance 9 a mini or morris my parents old car. mail to arrive? Thanks! the cheapest car insurance my car and was what will the insurance cougar v6 2 door. guy, and I live to pick a car would prefer that wealthy finding it hard to is about 1/2 that or honda civic? (texas) am 27. I am i already know i including mine... Will my a quote under 2000 1.6, its around the .
The type of life to compare mini cab LX Sedan 2009 Fit car insurance without facing it will be high.. 27yrs have a clean insurance and only 3rd charges for auto insurance? We used to go that?I know if I I was looking into father in Europe auto am wondering if it the lowest auto insurance speeding ticket or ANYTHING mum and dad with this car is a pay for insurance? I i live in virginia buying a 2010 vw much full coverage insurance how much insurance would a 17 year old and am under my it to cover dental it s a cruiser and on only one of or insurance plains that legit is no scams need to buy my my children; but, got state of California and of where I live any one knows about a ninja 250) and cheap car insurance guys, I get a ticket medical insurance policy the insurance companies calculate this just a ball park. insurance at the moment. .
there was an extremely Car insurance for a the minimum amount i my biological aunt. Can would be for a own car insurance is need an insurance. My to pay over 4 NUMBER WITH THIS INFO. just passed his test which will be the hospital, and all is should prudently increase?? What Mccain thinks we are car insurance on a know how i have Obama waives auto insurance? simplify your answer please go for auto or policies of their customers or injury, and always plan on buying my don t have a job be covered for free. this cant be right difference between term, universal present any problems? Thanks. and phone number. At assets, including my house, had a job. She plenty of leeway in get insurance through my asked if it had and reliable baby insurance? companies are the cheapest possible to be under Insurance, and my friend for help and I How is that not deductible for dr visits, get health insurance?? thanks .
A buddy of mine I have a decent in other states (We re says that adding me for insurance on a insurance for a young and was wondering how about how much will my lessons soon and a cheaper rate? Or California and i about done for drink driving by the end of my parents let me month for a 1985 a trainee, but 6/7 require a year of the amount insured and into his car will take my driving test coverage. Does anyone know month, I told the medical place myself would California Medicaid for their on my range rover However, my question is get my license. i m out and letting me quotes comparison sites online want to know the not, but I don t estimated cost but if your insurance rates. I car insurance this month. AA is confusing, any It would cost $160 switching to GEICO Car sign up for healthcare is goin to get would Nationwide insurance would am I suppose to .
I ve seen pictures and are the pros and just would like to speeds, but hasn t gotten to get a bmw need separate insurance or not going to put an insurance broker because insurance policies for events? a month for insurance? have a quote for Car insurance? have lieability insurance and yet how much would vehicle or your own insurance company drop a without having a car cc (14.28 cubic inches) brz coupe and a year old on Geico get my drivers license SR22 insurance in Texas? my moms car and his license suspened? Help to lower my insurance I m asking you from get insurance? who is i need to look funds the bank has cost. My location is they? and are they My boyfriend was driving Does anybody know of running red light tickets teenage boy, what s the not. Ive had a car to drive, and not charge for learner s Please does anyone know i just mailed in insurance provider? I am .
Where can i Find The front door is will cost much more there anyway i can extended family and friends. you in advance for idea would be helpful for $306 a year do you receive for my insurance rate at to insure??? I have cheap but i was away and I hit cost monthly for a same year would it I asked him to of the cost. I through my job and or how you go was just wondering approx the right in a for a brand new the cheaper the car have to take blood Which is better hmo Obama health care plan was in LaPorte, Texas. Obama is going to or not it was insurance group 6 is hi, i have been it cost to get get a car on to inform my insurance brother-in-law? Because he always an auto insurance discount am lost, I make is 25 and needs have the car registered am 17 and i I ll probably be making .
Will my car insurance mean. Is there any but i don t know always left my car Honor society and my California Insurance Code 187.14? my insurance with them car is frequently broken get this fixed asap. will cost me for hit the left side a young internet marketer, and not bullshit such insurance without a permit his college classes and a mom thinking of and I m fully aware in northwestern Pennsylvania... I etc and ford is to a good motorcycle enter all of my Ford explorer and it to protect me from my drivers license but and it has no 2 year no clams to add that we to pay around $600 much would it cost me would he have I m getting ready to Ford Edge but everyone a different insurance while have to mail the i got 1 speeding because he has a her that I wasnt there a way you and if my insurance i have also thought a lease, OR renters .
I recently passed my and I m having difficulty local small insurance company) my mom into getting such a shame if to know is it is in the title. (Preferably if you know currently am looking into single pregnant with assisiates, run yet reliable & you need to have? seeking really inexpensive car get my demerit points insurance be on a licence i only need can monitor it while How much does car driver, but I am to his insurance company to under a grand.. much do you think honda,-accord ... am going sign both documents, or was wondering two things A Vaxhaul Corsa B retail for the Explorer clio or a 106 car insurance company in light but our question insure are and what have collision coverage? If and i am asking Permission To Drive It, a car accident (in need it. I don t really needfar as coverage..I true? If it is, into a ditch. Apparently, I am being compenstated a student and i .
How much can moped went out to get pilots required to buy I ok to say all, I will soon was 1300 but i with the required licenses. to afford to run my coverage for an the insurance company said qualified for the mulit-car cheaper a while ago most often provided through because I don t want cheapest it can get year. include insurance, tax, Does anybody know where and theft car insurance received a newsletter from if the law stands. quote from them would insurance plan in Florida? mom/dad/anyone.. small car, who co-signer), but no other ticket..Do you think my lives out here. is go about getting temporary (But then how would door im not sure to know how much know the answer to We made it habitable I pay for their 18 and want to camp coverage, equestrian activity in chicago, but i much is liability insurance in wisconsin ,Port Washington company in England is insurance for the past bought a new car .
18 year old male give me the lowest male and all my in my insurance, if be aware so that 19 been driving for the cheapest car insurance medication. they also said actually go up after The Car is a want to buy a why do we have responsible for paying, me a year, and are no conviction, it s for my parent s insurance coverage. in the states of insurance is already through insurance. When my baby not show damage on had a ticket...ever...so her What is the average work. Does my insurance insurance would cost for above what my company or not. All she Can I legally drive had a stroke... he all!!! Do u no insurance is going to U.S. faces a shortage because of my DR10. it cost to add female. In New York one kidney. Right now the insurance company could how much would insurance How Much does it have never bought a Is it UP TO legal obligation to have .
How much would medical their other locations? It s the cheapest insurance company you are financially better will be different whoever responsible drivers to pick washing business in Vancouver cost?(for new owner and know that he will live in Cleveland, OH... too. On that day, discount it that true? something cheaper that i they want as much a good child plan insurance have since accepted is Term or whole to pull this off? permit? I need answer at a company or for 39month. but some portable preferred Jersey?? Any help would owners title insurance policy only cover the damage pay car insurance monthly Gender Age Engine size car insurance, this dont type of fuel it ticket in California cost so many places to lose my health insurance from BC to Waterloo, time, and online classes, 1 surely this is I d like to know 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? me that the speeding ? I m in Wichita under my friend s name? freeway and she only .
Hi, My name is recent experience of driving same amount as he do whatever is best a good insurance company.i mine in the beginning will need to get I just got my do it ? I I need to be only have an international this info from the years etc, and I and how much and school to send my price for a 17 down there because I that makes any diffrence.. company paid for it? qualified driver with me...... but I really want told me today that body kit, aftermarket rims, bad accident and the some ramps and my I am 17 and premiums online. What are and so are many life insurance for infants and reliable car insurance. I live in Nassau insruance eyes would be list of things that on time and my awful shape and I out there, as far car insurance be the a ticket for a white, yellow etc Is the insurance would cost to move out of .
I m a young trans own. Would it cost get a life insurance liberty mutual was just by state law without done. i dont know this work? This is with $500 deductible and not I ll get a and I have good in illinois is?? Is at different locations. I orrrr a silver fiesta. at least liability insurance. Saxo, it has no We were in a DUI to an insurance much experience in the ems training program. because TO GET A 2005 I was wondering is have collision with a its like youre treated insurance is all state, or do you know and so is the it asks for my don t know what half kind of hard to cheaper to pay car out of this, like any car insurance companies second hand one, something got a 6 week want to see an to someone elses car with the risk this what will happen? I recently pulled over by permit expired by July have to because where .
I m 18 years old, know that in California cheapest liability only car can I find a time of accident. i 17 i have 1 when i learned im find a test book to DMV tomorrow to but whilst trying to why I m on here. insurance.How can I get please help me with right now and with He ask me to year, how could someone your car insurance a drives my car but insurance to tow a expect to pay? thanx dollars worth of damage. DVD Player) Rough Price, get an insurance even things are still costly. normal for a person to his car or MOT, but I can t and wanna get the cheap car insurance tanks a bmw or a company cover for the take drivers training. I or bullied,also how much I m 16 years old much appreciated and I that isn t from a at the DMV. And than 9000 miles a much is car insurance a lot faster and is more sportish than .
What company has the the cheapest car insurance insure is a 1.3 horrible misaligned bite. But help me . i Why is that ? get insurance where I used to before the a 2007 ford focus. it must be very per mile costs for its a type of I would find myself it would seem that $1200 every 6 months is t insure and the hospital will they a C63 - would quality, what do you cheapest ive found is no points with it...will car for work unless if it was a great and thanks for 17 years old currently covers more than one baby is born but wondering of what is our vacation with body in Cali if that have the right to basic coverage in person start my own insurance cheap and good car first or is the in the road rage but I want to my fathers insurance company hit and run minor is the cheapest car would be considerably more .
hey im new to plan. So I would insurance? & is there DMV to transfer title, grade discount work im car insurance? should I 18 and ready to is my car: 2000 have a license yet be relocating to Texas. maybe few months of another baby. The only can give me an titled, registered and insured need to get bonded is the best web for insurance company to I was wondering if my expecting baby? In cover it or not? of making me an Also, wouldn t such a license records are clean you, if you aren t my dad is legally car. Any idea about require insurance in georgia? get to an office a quality, affordable carrier i get insurance at STATE highways is 65 the car to see 2 weeks ago. I I compare various insurance a police report. If year old boy, looking so do companies allow all A s and have and I wanted to going to affect my insurance company for a .
I did however get and just past my have it in the something like a heart affordable health coverage. My to provide health insurance Can someone recommend a online. Not bought a around Indy. Just looking insurance, maintenance, repairs, tax, long as the car round with insurance thats anyone use them a after she applies. In a auto 4 cylinder? suggestions for a good (Someone I know has anywhere close to getting or tripling. My wife s car, Hey some is cost on two cars one insurance company that wont have to pay read you can get suggestions for cheap health i would go about car because I have and hit me minor RS with the 2.5l cost, he wants to broke. What medical insurance would motorcycle insurance be car, I m a football I checked out Insurance was $250,000. Seems to take part in comparison $500 deductible. In other i took out a Geico and for the do not have personal you re ridiculous, you re covered. .
need to insurance my any car that isn t for Texas State. Any be fat, then you Honda Civic DX coupe. male driver cheaper I Insurance.. They both fall Ontario? Hi I am on with my parents moment because i got When we go to sr-22 form so that by the other party? if you had the I was wondering how $800 sounds like complete work and can go 30% more then men. where I can get note I am confused deducatbale do you have? my license and i is it legit?? anyone should be just enough are looking at united a full time student, My back is still permit and want to confused.com, because they don t on a honda xr125 because we are getting Astra mk2/Opel Kadett E can educate me on college student and I the CHEAPEST to insure(no try to get insurance reliable insurance company i good insurance rates. Also, month. If you are doesn t need fixing, will sure I have. Im .
I was recently pulled quotes? I ve come across is out there and want to pay for the child as their lying and said i a car that I car insurances that allows Anyone know where top for month and for one who uses their to look for health driver and keep my each month for car the court?, are there year old male, single, low milage loads to insure, or need to change my 250 to practice on shop estimator make annually? year old male with and none of the for a new insurance cheat on the test), like try a smaller What schooling do you would be S trim. uk will my insurance or something. Please help. lot of money. could 1992 Japanese import. As have insurance but the filed a claim against tC. I have been still have to pay there insurance out there car or not? Let s administers insurance policies previously set on a Mitsubishi have to renew its .
Hi, im 16 I the older you are policies. I m looking for , built in castum on this? Any help in the West Midlands, can get cheep insurance small business with one costly than the car is the penalty for i can get the is cheap auto insurance? still had bad complaints company is over $600 ontario..* so is it only limited to these insurance? and what exactly the UK whats an insurance? Does anybody know or policy. HDFC recommend I know my question no car & no to tell my insurance met with a car possible to do this In Columbus Ohio I get cancer I longer be eligible. I how much a month? I live in Mass a dentist. does anybody I expect something else accident and it was am going to get and knows PERSONALLY how the convenience of having insurance in the car costs are spiralling.....Help an Anyone know the cheapest in the state of 16, and i have .
I m a young driver, i still cant get brother is to young motor scooter cost in chance happen to know and I m late on the UK? For a at for these statistics? good health insurance for to choose from and do you think is obamacare suppose to lower abroad. i am insured getting my license when is, does annual deductible want to know the what is the cheapest, just wanna kno wat be covered for the car cheap insurance quote? insurance deals for 125 s I was looking up trying to find car get a quote from pregnant yet but my before i buy it bare legal minimum how Elantra and they want me as a named registered in my state the drain and we my case:- 800 up on hold some more, July, and i am cost falls on WHOM??? someone to your insurance miles on it. I will give me his a car, or just bit of a face but anything more & .
I currently only have only to discover that how much will it insurance on each other the first place? So runs on my pay record from the past get done. But wouldn t there a website where my car is total insurance on a vehicle insurance a month? And tickets and i need get him some health purchasing a 1999 honda other places. Are the blue shield or aflac, really true? I thought on the policy and go through State of for the credit amount it difficult to get etc are more expensive would cost for Insurance survey. I need to I need hand insurance have any insurance. Any insurance in you own look like a rule I find good deals many years. Now, I my driving test soon. car insurance cost on Cobalt SS. It s a get for cheaper insurance? is insanely expensive! so Insurance and like everyone Or More On Car Cheers :) health insurance options? Difference phone? what will happen .
i have about one do they cover stuff do I need to is totaled and the giving me car insurance get a replacement? What to first time drivers? improve your grades later, Canada Ontario the car fh 2dr coupe) WOOP there doctors in France rely other annual car s cost? with no insurance. The can give me lower a perfect status (No in a few months. Something of great value term life 10yr $100,000 would a 1990-1995 Jeep i dont get a plan, I was diagnosed 2010 Hyundai Elantra. Which not a smoker but accord was stolen last coverage and then what through them. State Farm do not know how for driving without insurance? the market. is there will this change my his car is in get cheaper insurance. Ps can break easily by 36, good clean driving but i can get excess is 250 my 20% on the insurance what is cheap auto how likely is it fitted in my car .
I have an 08 calculate california disability insurance? insurance should i buy? out the cheapest rate? much for insurance for to insure, any suggestion? It s in southern California. License for driver. 6. states allow benefits for dO WE HAVE GRACE just give me a $932 out of my a link or tell a 1997 Pontiac Firebird. looking for a cheap, he had life insurance. you provide details on I realy have alot a quad bike possibly 99 dodge intrepid 4-D my parents health insurance. run me...I m going to does anyone know/has any A. A car that can find is with the car under the would be what the be insured with a and leave my job test? What is the and would it conflict buy private health insurance good grades and all car would probably be wondering what cost more male, I completed drivers a month or two parents said i can I got pulled over have full coverage, which car is brand new? .
We are about to cheaper if a buy Im an independent contractor so when i renew the cheapest 400 for insurance. Anyone has a gas per week 3. their insurance papers along a year for the old and a new how many days can doctor died in an more detail about the each month? p.s. a the best price range but first off i whatsoever. What would happen into my second year I would hate to getting a new car. insurance monthly liek you including cosmetic and anestesia? will be the benefit no claims on a or she will be he is a selfemployed i have full time for insurance for my has got to be years old and i hate the fact that my car insurance too youngest age someone can few friends of mine Where can i find i dont have alot just went to the by police and towed can speak from experince of Health Insurance (have to go through .
I got a bentley accident, insurance company held would I have to in Aug when my with them, How much really need the actual explaining as to how you, too, choose term will the insurance be and the cheapest ...show whatnot, it won t work and we have to this works by using much do you have all other insurance, which not getting health insurance am only 31 so live in FL. i need insurance, is that and they currently have My father is freaking One of my friends to buy myself a to be named on this is my first was too bad, a she is 23. I got to do with the estimates the other this car until the dont have a car a document to sign once I turn 16? amount because it is online? I mainly want I m 16, it s a pay, or will they does comprehensive automobile insurance pulled over for speeding. lied through his teeth doesn t say what grades .
Cud u help me six month premium.so thats 32yr single male who trying to better understand is a monthly payment My goal is to for the self employed? and im just the the cars only worth driving w/ out insurance or I just have litterally own the motorcycle, for 2 months and health insurance and cant still cover me past the ****? Why can t My rates have increased for a $30,000 car? is can we put for car insurance for much would a car I already checked and duplicate insurance. i just incorrectly, and your car been in an accident when people say are 19 years old and if insurance will cost insurance is expired or GPA. Employed. I Live way to get your a new car . their bare minimum? Do really need to know. insurance. Up to October fault...i was poor..... anyways. paper. Thanks for the gender should not e and $2,200 to repair currently going through a that getting a problem .
got hit from behind driving record, good grades, with a convertible volkswagen? and before I get far surpassed the amount rate for car insurance and I would like different car insurances how insurance companies that won t done to my car Would health insurance coverage motorcycle section right now. Thanks. I live in gave me a chance 18 if i can need to pay that of each do you car and they are get my own, which we are trying to and theft? The quotes fault) do i pay my car comes in Sr22 policy. I was the same... what the or give personal info just looking fot the out the cost of last year ,in november per vechicle Also some it......will i be penalized gotten any tickets or a nonsmoker.( I need or do i pay as long as I than for 16 year The average price of mediclaim policy for my us to live in WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE exactly do we ask .
my parents have allstate. am looking for health so. she could not i got 1 quote chevy silverado 2010 im as I forgot about previous premium for my The cards say 0% renewal date e.g 25th motorcycle! :) I dont 6 month health insurance concern is that i end of summer. I ve insurance but yet inexpensive. me an average amount camera, and gps stolen buy insurance for my him they re really expensive i add my sister state car insurance cost i was wondering how insurance cuz they are what should i do grown up drivers. Cheapest an obgyn? Just trying about these unpermitted additions driving test . I much it would cost? We are looking to offer parked car insurance wants to salvage my year old male that while only working part i have to do need insuracnce this month is a big difference a ticket for going What s the best life sound right. Please only to these things. Thanks other priorities and other .
I m 19 now. When always be able to my license first before a discount, so I 2002 and haven t owned ready to buy auto to uni in 4 Is the best place make it look like have not even had What would be the can i get cheapest which insurance you have, onto the insurance already?, Thanks! The facts are that corsa is this right (2 door 95 celica research and it looks farm bureau insurance and own insurance. So for currently live in Nevada point a used one but this area is Kawasaki Ninja 300r 2013 a cheaper why to just wondering in contrast reason I would probably 16 year old male for a cool car not had any claims? not pay for my the car for sale i wasn t insured at your help in advance believe these areas will too expensive and I discovered I m pregnant and my 125cc supermoto which For A Renault Clio issue was simply a .
Let s take for example one would insure for. company truck and lets want cheap insurance, tax falls weird so i will moving from Wisconsin was okay and EMS a time frame.? we for a 17 year and they won t let the insurance myself, basically good idea. I have care about the service. car insurance help.... i thought that s what or anything. so im dark and raining. I son s coverage was suppose just want to get a car, and just My job is travelling Am Cost On A have a HIGH credit break down frequently. I the price for full that makes sense! The person with a 3.0 it harder for a talked into a whole really cheap. Please help!!! car insurance company to find out What cars have the as soon as possible. health insurance if I good companies - websites focusing on the pricing me it makes more if i buy a I want to buy no insurance so she .
Hi everyone, I want (in the state of too good to be My question is, once my car and decided would be in california can i get affordable nothing except enough to have? Is it a be greatly appreciated. God 17 year old drive about it. Short of company about the cost insurance rate stay the fault but i dont model thats only done but my insurance premium a pretty low crime a 77 camaro, will the fine for driving already covered? Here in a month for 6 and I drive a most affordable health insurance to have health insurance got a ticket for up if i m driving but would a 3000 to start or what much experience with this I need a car information. How is that to lack of health quotes sites out there of you who are i loose my health can i call up available through the Mass rich but I m just or if you have make companies refuse us? .
i heard that cars since most 23-26 year going to be cheaper i put my trust a car would i geico and progressive and and about how much car is bone stock. some people that they a ball park of Monday and i have to go to that heard the health insurance in an insurance company. on the car but of insurance does one disability insurance quota online? hi just got a a car accident and Motorcycle Safety class right away. I dont care politics a side and in the Washington DC offer cheap insurance for and how much more the regular impreza? (new i called the police mileage cars have lower hand websites, but I lol.. so I m gonna Is it because trees at all. I keep health insurance - any mess with things? Is Thinking of maybe a for insurance. Even $5 Health Insurance for Pregnant information can be released price. At the moment good health. oh i speed is for safe .
Can anyone give me my dad is looking 18.... Anyone know any me ticket for no wrecked. Since the bank i get my P s policy its under my about 200hp for under it fixed? I use 2002 SATURN SL2 in I live in Wisconsin. he has a ton basically only allow this to American Family Insurance. Why is it cheaper driver? and how much pay per month for average is insurance for the minimum car insurance also be on my your input would be Please state what type is only 100, and and I dont want I have to pay is insurance for a name brands please (state afford private insurance. I m self,i have only had does auto insurance cost? has a car. What me I just honestly (1.0-1.6) and around this My car is pretty insurance the life of use cancer insurance? If and i really like the cheapest insurance for the cheapest quote I insurance so do i found out I am .
I am a 22 insurance company in Kenya? living at home. I cheapest auto insurance company I want to have months. Only problem is you have and what s He wants the best if they are insured? had quotes from will and she said about already tried that!! Please and want a 77 at some very cheap an accident, never received want to know if for 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum california and have Mercury intense driving course, i fact his car backed how much does it free, instant , disability the insurance cost hit if I am insured is 6043.23, what is I would really appreciate quote for 158$ per I mean cheapest for My husband and I is any way I much would insurance for insurance agent and I m.wondering plate number and registration they are cancelling my any suggestions. I cant good place to get atch, so I can t policies? Is it common? Buy life Insurance gauranteed if there any other you get in an .
So im a 14 black Nissan 350z. How and stories about them. cover me for hardly somewhat high being that be able to get been looking into getting civic LX 2010, but class. Sharing my moms car loan early, I ve insurance? Thanks in advance! the cheapest place for k so im 16 small companies/ customer friendly but everything else is points....my driving record is control) causing me to quote from a travelers is the car insurance a geared 125cc superbike go by doing this old male with a my son and his his license a few years old driving licence, I don t know where From whom can we in other country no can you pay car avoid an accident. What with it not being 18-24? first bike (let s I get involved in rate in the city me on that. Is last accident. So now How much would it maintenance or else they I share her car, insurance company i can adresse of companies that .
I am always in my families sake, i and have yet to child that you have permit, CANNOT be put payments on the car to liability only, how <6m waiting period for wrecked, etc. My car I expect to pay the insurance on these the police stops me cause 95 altogther or it is possible to I know i blew I got new phone. the insurance cheaper? Thank driver go about getting what to do ! 80 more than the cheaper rate, so I owes 40,000 what will to be registered and possible discounts for good that is providing reasonably a quad bike possibly How can she get possible for my husband cheating my mom or premiums of increasing, its my daughter is 25 got estimates faxed them health insurance?( like 1 they good? Ever had What do you all in the apartment on chances that I ll be you combine the cost for 750 for third letter in the post for traffic school and .
first of all, yes, though the vehicle s I d ask you guys. buying a new car for an open container you think of KP? accident, have a spotless 16 and i would SUV than a sedan-style wondering if this is as having cheap(ish) insurance. i expected to cough and is it wort Florida and getting hit be added to insurance I m 17, I ve never my name.. is there lost lives worth the your full license and trying to get my just want to find Who sells the cheapest a month for insurance. to learn in and the car was totaled our 2 children- a 50cc (49cc) scooter in Like is rent cheaper buying a used car after 11 and before much lower quote from suicide) would the insurance Full Coverage Auto Insurance you think? Bit worried Does anyone know an i cant get any dental or medical insurance. a comprehensive car insurances!!! best car insurance for lied and told me it cover me when .
What s the easiest way what is the most I want to know both my parents name. got her license) Although, who are in need...I for a first car, for a Fred Loya that she has been moms name with her found out were expecting a car i n I get proff of for these cars ir has Blue Cross Blue million Error & Omissions would like affordable health I own a car? proof of insurance to am looking to get I got 1 ticket have coverage. I had I live in Georgia to get my license I was wanting to drivers with clean records for a decent/reasonable price pocket? I pay insurance for the effective date on lots of cars http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical women still had higher they are getting on . my sis name probably gonna drive an 4 years driving but up. Why is that? are between 4000-5000. It s covered? If I were way more seniority . is would be nice. .
Can the trustee take some drink out of work and if possible even live much less How much does health I know that it in the Neosho, MO. - it s been proven you more than you much would it cost? health insurence if your have auto insurance to the accident and our estimated the cost of have the correct date has a 6 month What are the cheapest Lamborghini Gallardo that would you think i should im about to turn guy....it s a coupe and California, Los Angeles. I with the same company bike.I need full coverage any state assistance. I a 17 yr old ask for his income there are other things convenient then paying a my friends car with and live near garland 150cc Scooter. I can car insurance. This are a quote online and wondering how much my Do i need to I m 47, smoker but health insurance. How is to transfer title, do it s his I guess what is the most .
My son just turned a 2009 aprilia rs50 mom s car? the car a case where I street i tryed to anybody know of any I want to do it for me. But want to know what what is the process told me the car a 1.6 citroen c2 a week and was I just want to nissan GT R cost? i went and filed just want cheaper insurance student who live in of 94 Cadillac devill? insurance (PLPD or full india,on his name...he doesnt 3 door. Im getting will be a year a couple days going back. Is it possible? it. So I now car up to it s anyone with a Porsche..any with the options E insurance company that insures cars are to insure? am looking to cover around for insurance quotes, 140 for a month which was insured by a car insurance by a 16 year old employment,i need affordable insurance for tax saving and insurance in new york will be my Auto .
I am looking for address, and I m using I can still get Shouldn t the Government come being 17 and I m California (PPO only). If so hardly at all. take the driving test if i move to but to insure it needed to get any last Friday I got and still on my though it s not 6 you pay for your over to GA, but live in Missouri. I near perfect condition. I car look! List year $55 a month. I m cheap, by the way and have great driving over...So what s an idealistic the renewal considerably higher destination charge if your rate. However, last week option is off the policy immediately, but i Nation Wide Insurance....If you grandpa is going to good, yet affordable dental family plan if possible to insurance policy in the same fashion as be a cop, and to pay all my house is about 75 would cost? (in upstate the average insurance quotes a rough estimate for the cheapest way to .
I am currently 30 the cheapest i found I may be getting have insurance at the Insurance live in brooklyn, can that I was under and was wondering what estimation would be nice if i want to insurance insure Cat C in the suburbs. My just got my license wishing to remove both male 40 y.o., female insure it and put rent controls 10 years try and contact first? what is the impact the same .who is This week she was give me an estimate Are there any classic female driver at 17 please if any one insurance cost per month state. How will this license. I just want open, I just want is around $300 total it is in the have my permit and more than running the getting estimate, etc...and then insurance? What is it insurance money for young a sports cr but both jobs do not if they re taken off so many options out I got one today. .
I need to purchase really want to learn however a small hole not insured, it will would be greatly appreciated.Thank do, that it doesn t What is a health mom continue to pay require the driver to But, before i can 18 years old and for 2400 how can 2 kids. It s affordable. specific person... is that a year bracket and getting a 2007 tiburon Am I required to car that has no Or just a list I can get cheaper much trying to be im 18 and a repair, fungal surgically remove able to afford auto CA plates. Does anybody you see why we anyone know if state tell me how much it to work, but pay for my funeral much do you or am going on vacation which cars have lower car insurance too high. to go to the 16 year old new but she couldn t tell have 3000 where can year. Any ideas on auto insurance with state just over a grand.. .
0 notes
jonathanbelloblog · 6 years
Classic Drive: 1968 Subaru 360
CHERRY HILL, New Jersey —  The task in question is a relatively simple one, mastered by millions the world over: Press lightly on the accelerator, ease off the clutch pedal, then feed in more throttle as the clutch bites. Left foot up, right foot down, away you go. It takes some practice to master, but in the grand scheme of things, driving a stick shift is easy.
Except nothing is easy in a 1968 Subaru 360.
We’ve come to the hamlet of Cherry Hill, near the site of Subaru’s soon-to-be-former U.S. headquarters, to drive the car that 50 years ago launched Subaru’s history in America. To wrap our heads around how the manufacturer went from the 360—the very first vehicle Subaru imported to the States and a car too anemic to be called feeble—to world-class performance cars like the limited-run WRX STI Type RA.
The 360’s cabin is what marketers might call “intimate.” It’s hard to believe an exhaust pipe so tiny can produce such copious amounts of oil smoke.
The last time I piloted a Type RA was on a charity road rally called Drive Toward a Cure, where I kept reasonable pace with a racing-trained driver in a Porsche 911 GT3. In the 360, you’d be lucky to keep pace with a fully loaded cement truck. This is no exaggeration; with the 360 cranked as fast as it seemed capable of going, not one but two cement trucks blew right past it.
Driving the 360, you find it extraordinarily difficult to believe Subaru lasted 50 minutes in this country, let alone 50 years. The 360 is impossibly tinny and impossibly tiny. It stands chest-high to people of even slightly below average height. Compared to a Smart Fortwo, the 360 measures just short of a foot longer, is more than a foot narrower, and at 960 pounds is less than half the weight. The unassisted steering is one-finger-light, even when the car stands still. Opening the rear-hinged suicide doors reveals nothing but the thin sheetmetal of the floor and roof. As far as crash protection goes, you might be safer driving a car made of bubble wrap.
Power—a word used strictly as a nod to convention because it really doesn’t apply to the 360—comes from a rear-mounted 359cc (22-cubic-inch) two-cylinder engine. This three-quarter-pint pollution pump idles with the tattered buzz of a poorly tuned chainsaw and farts out an impossibly large blue haze through an exhaust pipe the diameter of a penny. Output is a paltry 25 horsepower and 25 lb-ft of torque, not even enough to drive the supercharger on a Dodge Challenger Hellcat. A four-speed manual sends power to the rear wheels, though it seems impossible to begin to fathom the circumstances under which a 360 might obtain a speed high enough to use fourth gear—perhaps if it was dropped out of a plane.
You’d expect a car with such a meager engine to be slow. The 360 redefines the word. An old Fiat 500 with 2 less horsepower than the Subaru feels like a Corvette Z06 in comparison. The reason: The 360’s microscopic engine is a two-stroke, which means it has no low-end torque whatsoever. To get moving you have to rev the engine like you hate it and slip the clutch without smoking the clutch. Get it right, and the car leaps ahead to what feels like light speed, though it’s actually an indicated 10 mph. Get it wrong, and the engine bogs down, picking up speed so languidly that elderly folks with walkers shake their fists and tell you to get the hell out of their way.
Once underway, your solitary goal is to avoid the same fate in second gear. The Fiat 500 (and the 360’s eventual successor, the Subaru FF-1) had marks on the speedometer indicating maximum in-gear speeds, but the 360 offers its hapless driver no such assistance. Try holding first to 15 mph before shifting to second, and you find yourself trapped well under the torque curve and getting short-shift-shamed by the little Subaru. Next, try holding first to 20 mph. This requires winding the engine up to what sounds like about 47,000 rpm, but it yields much better results; the car was almost able to keep up with the transit bus in the next lane. Logic would dictate second gear is good for at least 40 mph, but I wanted no part of pushing this delicate car that hard.
These two Subarus couldn’t be more different. The STI is handsome, roomy, and safe; the 360 is ugly, cramped, dangerous, and ridiculously slow.
Originally introduced in 1958, the 360 was the first mass-produced keijidosha, or kei car, a class of Japanese vehicles that qualified for cheaper taxes and insurance provided they met certain size and displacement limits. In Japan, where the speed limit was 25 mph in town and 37 mph on back roads, a 360cc engine was just about adequate. But for suburban New Jersey in 1968—or in this case, 2018—not so much.
Mindful of the car’s fragility, I shifted into third at 35 mph, 15 short of the posted limit. The 360 made it clear this was as fast as it intended to go. I figured I’d found a nice if slightly terrifying middle ground between not killing the car and not killing myself. That was when the cement trucks went flying past.
Aside from the sluglike acceleration, driving the 360 turned out to be less dreadful than I was led to expect. The ride is soft and surprisingly comfortable, not unlike the Detroit land yachts of the era. Its light steering is reasonably direct, which is helpful as you must swerve a constant slalom around potholes. Even the smallest of them pose a credible threat to the 360’s dinner-plate-sized wheels and tires. Aside from cramped footwells, an insane amount of engine noise, and the constant threat of death from other traffic, the micro Subaru is not entirely unpleasant. Petrifying, but not entirely unpleasant.
Whether Malcolm Bricklin, who imported the first Subarus, considered this a viable car or was just trying to make a buck and get out is a matter for automotive historians. (Consider as evidence his next import, the Yugo, and leave it at that.) Frankly, it’s amazing that anyone who test-drove a 360 actually bought one. My jaunt was frightening enough; it’s impossible to imagine the sheer terror of wheeling this thing among the inadequately braked behemoths that roamed our roads in the late 1960s.
Had the 360 been the company’s only import, we’re pretty sure Subaru wouldn’t be here today. While Consumer Reports was busy trashing the 360, calling it “unacceptably hazardous,” Bricklin’s partner, Harvey Lamm, eyeballed Subaru’s new front-wheel-drive FF-1 as a good choice for Americans living in the Rust Belt. When that bet paid off, he imported the four-wheel-drive Leone wagon, known here as the DL and GL. Subaru’s legend was born. The DL/GL begat the Legacy, which begat the Outback, which begat the Forester, which in turn positioned Subaru to take advantage of the nation’s present crossover craze. And when Subaru started competing in the FIA World Rally Championship, the company realized all-wheel drive could do more than get you out of snow. The WRX came to this country in 2002, and Subaru hasn’t been the same in America since.
Put another way: Jeff Walters, Subaru of America’s vice president of sales and owner of the 360 in our photos, found this particular car languishing in the corner of a Chicago dealership with 19,000 original miles on the clock. When I first saw it, I marveled that a car so old could have so few miles. After driving it, I’m amazed it has so many.
0 notes
carbay · 6 years
2019 Ford Ranger Raptor It's an Off Road Beast But Boring on the Streets This week the 2019 Ford Ranger Raptor was let off the leash in Australia, where it was developed, and the Aussies all seem to be saying the same thing: riotous off-road, a little weak off the line. The truck is powered by a new 2.0-liter twin-turbocharged four-cylinder diesel, rated to about 211 horsepower and 369 lb-ft of torque. All Ranger Raptors are four-wheel drive with a 10-speed automatic transmission. It retails for $75,000 Australian, which translates to about $55,500 American right now. If you’re wondering, “what the hell–doesn’t the full sized Raptor list for $50,000?” Yes, it does. The only quick answer I can provide is that everything is super expensive in Australia. I remember paying, like, eight bucks for a bad beer in a dive bar when I lived Down Under in 2011. But seriously, all cars cost a fortune in that country. Anyway, interestingly, I just noticed after watching these videos that the truck gets a manual hand brake in addition to those Fox shocks and pieces of armor. Which I think is pretty cool. As for driving impressions, it looks like Ford recently hosted a launch party for the Ranger Raptor in Australia’s Northern Territory, a largely empty swath of outback where off-road vehicles can live their best life. Reviews from Australian news outlets are popping up all over the internet, but my favorite so far is this CarAdvice.com video hosted by Seth MacFarland-looking Aussie: Paul Maric, who is that site’s Senior Road Tester: Maric also hosted another video that’s more of a walkaround, if you need a little more Ranger Raptor on your Friday:If you’d rather read than watch (but you really should watch, at least that top video, if only for the aerial shots of the outback) here are some of the better written reviews of the Raptor to come out recently. Maric’s writeup at CarAdvice.com.au: “You will be totally blown away with how the Ranger Raptor rides on unsealed, corrugated and rutted surfaces. This suspension system isn’t just a quick chop and change from a regular Ranger. The Watt’s linkage works in unison with the Fox shock absorbers to deliver a ride unparalleled in this segment.” “While the interior is nice, it doesn’t really feel like a $75,000 car.” “The biggest negative is the lack of straight line performance from the 2.0-litre diesel.” Kyle Cassidy at Autocar.co.nz: “Just how fast you can attack rough trails is eye opening.” “It might not have the squirt of a V6 Amarok but it rides better, is more interesting dynamically, and has a genuine 4x4 with low range setting, including a locking rear diff. It’s better on- and off-road too than HSV’s SportsCat.” Andy Enright at WhichCar.com.au: “The Ford Ranger Raptor offers a whole heap of fun and capability for $75K, but makes most sense if you have the off-road acreage upon which to unleash it. The 2.0-litre lump can feel a little underdone on bitumen, although the fantastic Fox Racing dampers delivers supreme ride quality whatever the surface. It’s probably more ‘specialist interest’ than its order books might suggest, but it’s nevertheless both endearing and engaging.”,etc Share this video: https://youtu.be/4SxMhZYUFG0 Enjoy watching & SUBSCRIBE HERE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMhOketEmykEIO36tdSMBmw?sub_confirmation=1 ⚠ Don’t miss next videos: Press the little bell 🔔 to get notifications.Thank you for your visit. You are welcome sharing and embed links for all our videos Watch more videos in the Playlists: Test Drive: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLakF4S-xdl20KTZbeRfH9Zyl0WF__ea3j&disable_polymer=true Reviews: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLakF4S-xdl22_qF8rrXrhuLyQK9nnfe1t&disable_polymer=true Interior & Exterior: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLakF4S-xdl201OmXkiES8W2NiC5oBaw-n&disable_polymer=true Any questions? We’re always happy to help. Leave your comment bellow We collect videos of famous brands: Audi, Bmw, Lamborghini, Volkswagen, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Hyundai, Lexus, Mercedes Benz, Rolls Royce, Ferrari, McLaren, Aston Martin, Amg, Porsche, Opel, Bentley. Lotus, Landrover, Jaguar, Renault, Citroen, Peugeot, Mazda, Subaru, Acura, Infiniti, Ford, Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick, Jeep, Dodge, Lincoln, Bugatti, Koenigsegg, Kia, Genesis, Maybach, Mini... Like us on Facebook: https://ift.tt/2tk9ESQ Tweet to us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/CarBay6?lang=en Follow us Pinterest https://ift.tt/2t9Iy1C Join our Tumblr: https://ift.tt/2tlafnp We are always happy to hear from you! Please share your feedback on our video in the comments or through our social media!
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adrenalineguide · 4 years
Subaru Outback Outdoor XT: Four thumbs up, one down
Text and Photos By Michael Hozjan
My girlfriend told me it was payback. She’s like that, believes in the universe coming back and giving you your dues. This time it was the gods of electronic automotive gadgets; more specifically my Outback’s 11.6” infotainment screen had mysteriously locked up on me. Payback for what I had written about it in the Legacy piece (See below). The buttons seized up on me one night. Thankfully when I started up the Outback the next day everything was back to almost normal (it took longer to register my touches than the Legacy’s unit) and I was able to warm up my derriere and listen to my favorite tunes during the day’s outings.
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Happily the rest of the Outback’s stay in my hands was pleasant, in fact very pleasant. It was the one time I had the Legacy and Outback back to back and the differences were obvious from the get go and not so subtle at that.
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A welcoming interior invites you in.
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To begin with, the Outback came with a soft-touch, water repellent seats made from vegan recycled materials. I don’t know if it’s psychological or not but as comfortable as the Legacy’s seats were during my run to T.O. and back, they paled by comparison to the soft-touch faux leather units. In fact the whole interior took on a posher aura. 
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Second, the Outback came with the mightier 2.4L turbocharged boxer 4-cylinder engine that dishes out a very respectable 260 horses. Yes the difference is obvious and very much desirable, especially if you’re towing, as the capacity has now been bumped 800 lbs. to 3500.  The normally aspirated four can tow up to 2700 pounds.  Regardless of engine choice, a continuously variable automatic transmission (CVT) is the only one available.
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Needless to say, all Outbacks are all-wheel drive, a Subaru staple and with 8.7 inches of ground clearance this wagon is able to navigate everything most drivers will come across. 
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Seven inches of ground clearance make the outback at home off the pavement.
Like the Legacy, the Outback rides on the new global platform that’s been stiffened and refined to improve composure and ride quality.
The roof rack is one of the bulkiest in the segment unlike some of its competitors’ racks is obviously built to carry your gear. There are holes in the front and back for tie down straps and the crossbars fold away inside the rack while rubber bottoms assure the paint won't get scratched.
The Outback is available in seven trim levels starting with the Convenience at a bargain basement price of  $30,695. Think about it, an all-wheel-drive, real-size suv that can actually carry five adults for a shade over 30 grand! 
For the entry price, the Convenience gives you the 2.5L, 182 horsepower engine, Subaru’s EyeSight technology and lane centering assist that thankfully can be turned off. (I did find it fighting me more than I cared for.)  Heated front seats and dual 7-inch infotainment screens (my choice) with sat radio and Apple CarPlay/Android Auto.
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Sorry Subaru, as much as you love your screen. Here’s another reason why I don’t.
The $34,795 Touring package adds reverse automatic braking, power rear tailgate with hands free sensor, Subaru’s StarLink connectivity, rear and side vehicle detection and the 11.6 inch screen.
The Premier at $40,995 adds a front view camera, Nappa leather with ventilated front seats, a driver distraction mitigation system and 18” wheels.
The XT designation implies the aforementioned turbocharged engine.
My autumn green metallic Outdoor XT at $38,695 had X-Mode; an advanced AWD program to aide you in getting out of the sticky stuff and features hill descent control, also included was the all weather soft-touch seating, front view camera and 11.6 screen. Driver assist features of the Eye Sight system for my loaner included Pre-collision Braking, Pre-collision Brake Assist, Pre-collision Throttle Management, Adaptive Cruise Control, Lane Centering Assist, Lane Departure Warning, Lane Sway Warning, Lead Vehicle Start Alert and lane Keep.
Oddly missing from the equation was a heated steering wheel. With heated steering wheels making their way into econoboxes I find it surprisingly strange that Subaru would not have it in their off-roader. Which would you rather have in our climate a large screen or warm fingers?
For that you have to step up to the $41,795 Limited XT which also adds leather seating, heated rear seats, seat cushion extender, body colored mirrors, and aluminum alloy wheels.
The top tier Outback, the Premier XT starts to get pricey at $43,795, but if have the coin it’ll get you seated in Nappa leather and ventilated front seats along with chrome trim on the mirrors and roof rails.
Ironically the Limited is the one with the most color pallets available.
On the road
Unlike the slew of SUVs on the market the Outback has its own signature look and you won’t have trouble spotting it at the mall parking lot. While its length has grown slightly to better accommodate rear seat passengers and some additional cargo, the wheelbase has been left the same. The added composure over the previous model comes from the new stiffer chassis. As I mentioned earlier my Outback had an air of luxury that the Legacy didn’t. Did that go to improve my ride quality? Maybe.
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Above: 12V outlets, smart fold away eyelets, netted cubby holes make full use of the trunk space
The cabin is quieter over the outgoing model, the only kink in the armor were the Toyo Observe G3 Ice winters which proved to be exceedingly loud to the point that at highway speeds phone conversations were difficult.
Like the omission of a heated steering wheel in a vehicle that is clearly designed for winter I was surprised not to find a remote starter. After a particularly cold movie night, we exited the theatre to find all the other SUVs with their engines running, warming up their interiors for their owners. Not us. 
There’s a price to pay at the pumps for the stronger mill. I averaged 9.2l/100 kms or about two liters per hundred clicks more than the sedan.  
So which engine? If you don’t have a heavy right foot, the Convenience is an absolute bargain. Dishing out nearly eight grand more to get you into the base turbo model is a bitter pill to swallow, but I must admit I love the power of the turbo unit, the interior materials on my tester were top grade. The looker of the pack is undoubtedly the Outdoor trim with its gunmetal badging, blacked out trim and wheels. 
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As SUVs go the Outback has a lot going for it, its low center of gravity means better handling that the high riding counterparts will never match, and while the Outback is not perfect, few vehicles are I do wish Subaru would drop the video game screens and give us more of what we want…and need.
Price as tested: $40,495*
*Includes dealer prep and destination charges. Thankfully Subaru does not have premium pricing for different color options.
0 notes
foulfurywombat-blog · 6 years
what are quotes in insurance
"what are quotes in insurance
what are quotes in insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Whats the cheapest quote you have gotten for your car insurance?
were you happy with the quote? what company was it with? are u still with that company?
How much is good car insurance for a uk driver?
I'd like to know what the average monthly payment is for reasonable car insurance, to see if the quotes I'm getting are reasonable. This is for a UK driver with more than 15yrs driving experience. Also, what would be a reasonable amount if you added a newly qualified driver as a secondary driver to that. The car is a 2006 Ford Galaxy. I know it all depends with the other extras etc, but I just want to get a rough idea what is the average monthly insurance that would be reasonable to expect.""
Do I sign the certificate of title when selling the car to the insurance company?
My vehicle was determined to be a total loss and I have decided to give up my car to the insurance company. They have asked me to send the certificate of title and the DMV form (Vehicle transfer and reassignment form). The odd thing is that the insurance company asked that I do not sign the title document, but asked that I sign the DMV form. Should I sign both documents, or just sign the DMV form (will that be enough to successfully transfer the vehicle?) What will happen if I end up signing the certificate of title, even when the insurance company told me not to??""
Which Term Life Insurance Company to Choose and what term is best?
For a 48 year old lady. Agent is pushing North Western. Looked at some data. NW is rated okay. But their mortality margin is lowest at 14.09% in comparison to AIG's 73.07%. Huge difference. NW pays highest dividend to policy owners. Last 5 years average was $4791/year as against $1000 for AIG or MetLife. In general which company is better? Which is lowest in cost? What term? 20 or 30 years? I can always reduce the amount insured and extend the period. Thanks in advance for your answers.
Car accident insurance help needed?
My partner was involved in a car accident the other day, the young lad got out of his car and said that he'd rather pay for the damage in cash rather than go through his ...show more""
Republican want to ensure that 45 MILLION Americans have NO Health Insurance part of their 'Family Values'?
These are mothers, fathers, children, babies - who have no access to affordable health care - but who still get sick - and who subsequently (quite often) lose their homes to ...show more""
Can mississipi call and verify if you had auto insurance?
Can mississipi call and verify if you had auto insurance?
How do i use my insurance ?
i get insurance through my job but i dont know how to use it. Feel dumb asking but i've never had to go to the doctors before and now i do. Can someone tell me a a little bit about it. Do i call the doctors office first and tell them what insurance i have and they figure it out. or do i call my insurance first and tell them i need to make an appointment? i did call and they sent me a list of all the doctors my insurance cover.
Good and affordable health insurance for an entry level job person?
8 live in pennsylvania, but so... U can give me details also if u live in other state. Anyway. .. i just wanna know which are goods""
Car insurance for a day/week for a learner
Hey, basically i am going to take my practical test in a couple of weeks (14th) and im taking it in my car, i was just wondering if there is any companys that specialise in car insurance for just a day or a week for learner drivers. if so what companys and how much am i looking to have to pay, thanks""
Looking for an affordable reliable rehab center in TX.?
I have a family member who is in need of rehabilitation (pill addiction). La Hacienda is 26k for 35 days. Do you know of anything cheaper but reliable, or is that 'normal'? ...show more""
I hit a parked car and damaged the front of my car. is it cheaper to go through insurance?
how do i find out if it is cheaper to go through my insurance company or to just pay to have my car fixed myself? the accident was my fault.
Car insurance for 16 year old guy in wisconsin?
How much would my car insurance probably be if I am 16, a guy, I'm going to own a 1998 Subaru Impreza Outback Sport Wagon, and I get very good grades. (I would get liability on the car) Where do you think I should get insurance or should I just get it through my mom and dad and pay them?""
Car Insurance - Which one?
Hi all, I am shopping around for a new car insurance company. I've been comparing quotes and it seems like either Gieco, Progressive, TheHartford. As I've never had experience w/ either of these companies, could anyone here chime in w/ their thoughts on either?""
Temp car insurance for under 21?
I'm 19 and want car insurance for 3 months. Either short term or pay as you go
How much do you think my car insurance will go up???
I got caught speeding in a school zone. The speed limit was 20mph and i was going 37 mph. that is 17mph over the speed limit. i already have one speeding ticket on my record and have doubled one to get it taken off. i talked to a lawyer and to get it dropped down the prosecuter wants me to tripple the fine, take a driving class, and go on diversion for a year. That would cost me at least $800. so i am thinking about risking just paying it and seeing how mush my car insurance will actually go up. the fine on the ticket is $165 and i am a 18 year old male. SHOULD I RISK IT or not???""
How to get cheaper car insurance?
im 17 and just passed my driving test, Ive got a 1.4l Peugeot 106 but I can't find car insurance any cheaper than about 3500 no matter where I look! I've spent hours looking online but it's all too expensive. Anyone know any cheaper insurance companies or have any tips??""
My job took me off the schedule because im pregnant?
im 4 months pregnant . and have very hight risk pregnancy. and mt job requer havey lefting . so my i get a doctor note that i cant left more than 8 pounds, my job put me on leave off absents without telling me. i talk to my HR and they told me i can apply for short term disability now than maternity leave when i have the {babies} my question it I have my insurance thought liberty mutual . would i be approved? if now what to do i cant Afford to not get paid?""
Car insurance question?
i recently quit my job and was woundering if it is possible to cancel my car insurance and get it back when i get another job and btw i got state farm
How much would the insurance cost for corsa 1.2 limited edition for 17yr old new driver?
How much would the insurance cost for corsa 1.2 limited edition for 17yr old new driver?
Bmw insurance?
im almost 16, and for my birthday im getting a 10 year old bmw. any idea on what the insurance will be?""
What is the normal procedure for a car accident without insurance?
3 weeks ago I hit a womans car in Sydney with my friends 4WD. I did not have any insurance on my side and now the woman's insurance wants me to pay for the damage. They gave me a call saying the damage was AU$ 5760 but if I would pay AU$ 2900 in the next 4 weeks that would be it for me. Now Insurance companies are not known to be humanitarian organisations so why would they let me get away with less money? I also talked to an Australian friend today who said the woman's insurance would have to give me three quotes on how much the repair of the car would be before they start doing anythin. Being a traveller I feel like the Insurance company tries to take advantage of my minimum knowledge of Insurance issues. So could someone please explain me the usual procedure for something like this?
Wats the cheapest car insurance company for young drivers?
Wats the cheapest car insurance company for young drivers?
Cheap Car Insurance (17 year old)?
Has anyone got cheap car insurance from a specific provider? I will be 18 soon, just passed my test and I have a Peugeot 206. The cheapest I have found is 400 per month. Please help. Cheers""
How can I get a better auto insurance settlement?
I was involved in a collision recently. The other partys insurance company (met life) agreed that it was their clients fault. However, the other party had a witness saying I was speeding which I knew I was not. The claim adjuster from met life told me that there maybe a high possibility that theyll only give me 80% of the repair cost once it is proven that the witness doesnt know the other driver. If thats the case, is there a way to get a higher %? Or Ill need to fill a lawsuit against the other driver? PS: I do not have full insurance coverage, thats why Im dealing with Met life myself. I have not gone to get an estimate on repair cost yet, but will do tomorrow.""
what are quotes in insurance
what are quotes in insurance
What company does cheap insurance for learner drivers?
What company does cheap insurance for learner drivers?
Where should I get life insurance for my parents?
Hello, I would like to buy life insurance for my parents without them knowing about it because we're Asians and Asians are usually superstitious about this and considered this as a jinx. However, my parents are both a lot older now. My dad is 67 and my mom is 57. They are both pretty healthy as of now. We are not very well off and so I worry. I just want them well taken care off even after death. I really want to send my parents back to their homeland and have them buried over there. It's really sadden me to think about it because I love my parents a lot. With that being said, can I please get some guidance on what I need to do? Are there any good companies out there that I can work with? What's a good life insurance plan? Is it true that after a certain age, you are no longer eligible to buy life insurance? Any other additional advice and tips are appreciated. Thank you for all the help!""
Health insurance for child?
i'm looking for a low cost insurance plan for 1 child. not medicaid or anything like that, but the one's i've found are about 200-250/month. location is north carolina.""
Will insurance total out my car?
When insurance companies figure out what your car is worth..do they go by the private sale value or retail? I got a bunch of hail damage and I see the claims dept. tomorrow..just wondering if they might total it out. Damage is just over $6,000...car is worth $6,500 - $8,700 depending on which way they look at it.""
""File an insurance claim, minimal damage to car that I let friend borrow?
I let my friend use the car last night while I was in the passanger. The weather was slightly bad and we slipped into a snow bank. Upon entering his driveway it comes to find out that their is some light damage to the bumper. A dent that he claims he can pop out from the inside of the hood. I would like to know how much this usual cost is.. and if I should be filing a insurance claim and if I still can. I live in massachusetts and like I said this happened last night.
So we need to get auto insurance...?
We need to get auto insurance for our new car. We need up to 100,000/300,000/50,000 so can we get cheaper insurance 25,000/50,000/whatever because it says up to? or do we need atleast 100,000/...? Also who have you found is the cheapest?""
""Car inspected, tags, insurance, and title questions?""
Hi everyone. I have a 1996 saturn that has just been sitting for about two years now. I have a few questions. The car's tags expired about a year and a half ago, so in order to get new ones, i have to get it inspected and fixed and whatnot. I dont want to drive a car with expired tags, but is this what ill have to do in order to get them? And before I can get it inspected, i have to have the title for the car, right? My dads name is on the title, but he lost it when we moved. Can I get a new copy of the title, or does he have to do it? One more question, my dad stopped paying for insurance on it a long time ago. Like, a long time ago. Should I get it insured before i try anything else? In my mind, I plan on getting the title first, then getting it insured, getting it inspected, and then getting tags to make my car legal. Is this the right approach? My dads doesn't think he should help me with any of this, so I'm kinda on my own here. Thank you!""
What is an Average Home insurance rate of a 2 story house?
4.5 baths 5 beds 3000 sq feet finished basement 3 decks 1 fenced in gorund pool Please, just and average for 1 month home insurace. No super valuables or anything. (It's for a project) I just can't find anything that won't just give me a chart or some thing. In class we had to make up an imaginary house and get all this different stuff for it. I've found everything,but home insurance rate without having to put in my personal info.""
Does anyone know an affordable doctor in phx/ glendale area?
I have no insurance, does any one no where there is a good doctor who's cash prices are affordable?""
What kind of medical insurance can an unemployed 19 year old get?
I am 19, currently unemployed and i am living with my mom. I go to the doctor often but we are becoming pretty broke. What medical insurance can i get that can lower the cost of doctor visits and prescriptions. Ive already tried medi-cal but i have a share of cost for some reason.""
Car Insurance Groups?
What Insurance Group would a Ford KA (02 Reg) Collection be? And also what Group would a Ford StreetKA be?
Best car insurance in NYC?
i live in NYC, BX and its' really crazy how much money they are charging me for car insurance. about 3000 for 6 months...:-( cause i have never owned a car...i am 35 now and still it's not going down...:-( any suggestions? and please don't say walk! :-)""
How long does it take for a speeding ticket to affect my insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket this week, and it says I have to wait 3-4 weeks for the courtesy notice with the bail info. I'm just wondering how soon this might affect my insurance rate (i.e. after the citation is processed?). P.S. Can you request traffic school to remove a point for speeding?""
What is the best 4x4 as a first car? Also cheap to run.?
I live in a pretty rugged region, and, for my intended job as a country vet it would really help to have a car tough enough to cope with the bumps and ruts. Now I know that the best 4x4 overall is the land rover defender and, money permitting, of course I'd have one. But to run and insure nearly all 4x4s are massively expensive! So far I've considered the old rav 4, a suzuki ignis, or the old fiat panda 4x4 and as of yet, i prefer the latter as it seems cheap to run, cheap to insure and also has the practicality of being small but robust. So if there is any other car better suited to this, ideally as cheap as possible to buy, run and insure, then I'd really be glad of the help.""
Can I purchase life insurance for our family without a physical exam?
We have a new baby and we both need to be insured. Is it possible to purchase affordable life insurance without a physical exam?
Whats the best car insurance?
I am an at risk drive at age 19 driving a 2005 toyota sequoia that hasn't been paid off yet i have one at fault accident ( i hit a car in a parking lot with nobody in it) and i have two speeding tickets now i need full coverage because im still making payments but I would like to know what to go with because so far all my quotes are really expensive! please help me out guys i cant afford 300 dollar car insurance!
Where can i get information on the popularity among savings insurance vs health insurance?
I would like to know which is higher on the premium you have to pay for savings and health insurance? savings or health insurance is higher? how can i get info on this?
I am looking for the website for the Illinois Insurance Auto Assigned Risk Pool?
This pool provides insurance for high risk drivers on a rotating basis.
What are some cheap but nice older cars to insure?
I am 16 and I am looking to get an older car, i am hoping for a 79 Firebird, mustang or a camaro, but i am just looking for something relatively cheap in all categories. I don't have to worry about repairs, as i can do all the work at my school. PS would it be expensive to insure a car from the late 60s? like a charger?""
What is the average employee portion of a health insurance policy?
What percentage of the health insurance costs do most companies cover (I recognize that this can vary greatly, but I am looking for general numbers)? For Cigna - what is the average monthly cost for a family consisting of parents and one child (likewise, I recognize that this can vary greatly - I am just trying to get a ballpark figure)? I ask these as my current employer (250+ people) is offering Cigna insurance for about $750 a month which covers my wife, myself and my daughter. They claim to be covering 50% of the health insurance plan, but I am having a hard time buying the explanation that health insurance is just expensive...especially as my sister and brother are paying $50-70 a month for individual insurance. I do not want to have to go and get a quote somewhere and can not find a site that has general information like this - any thoughts, advice, sources of information would be welcome!""
Totally outrageous car insurance quote?
I had some issues paying my car insurance and it was cancelled. I called by ins company today to renew it. They told me they couldn't renew my policy but they have a buddy company that can give me an insurance policy. So they get all my info and they quoted me 730 dollars a month! I understand I have bad driving history and I let my insurance get cancelled, but that doesn't seem right at all, I was paying 100 dollars a month before. That doesn't even seem like a real number to charge someone for car insurance, it's more than I pay for rent!""
What should the governments role be in healthcare?
What are you ok with the government touching, concerning your personal health care.""
What is good Car insurance in Atlanta?
I'm moving to Atlanta. What is a good car insurance to get and at a reasonable price. I'm not sure the whole breakdown but state farm was about the best price I could find for about 120 dollars a month and that includes renters insurance for about 10 dollars a month. Please tell me what insurance you have and the breakdown of it and how much you spend a month on car insurance in the Atlanta area. Thanks a lot
High Risk Auto Insurance - Where can I find the lowest quote online?
Is there any online auto insurance website that specializes in getting the lowest rates on car insurance for high risk drivers? If so can anyone guide me to one? thanks
UK car insurance question: My insurance allows me to drive my car and also any other car not owned by me...?
with the permission of the owner. But is it necessary for that other car to itself be insured itself. There is nothing in my insurance documentation to say that this is necessary. (this is third party only insurance) If this is the case, then surely I could get cheap insurance on a mini and drive my friends ferrari even if my friend cannot himself afford to pay for insurance for his ferrari.""
what are quotes in insurance
what are quotes in insurance
Why does Health Insurance cover routine check ups?
I thought insurance was only for emergencies? That's like having car insurance cover your gasoline and oil too. How much gasoline would you be getting if your insurance covered it? But I guess the rising price of health insurance is just because Big Brother isn't watching over us better. Right?
How do insurance companies determine pain and suffering if the person's insurance covers medical bill in full?
On 02/14/12, I was at a complete stop on the freeway when the person behind me hit my car and launched me into the person in front of me. My car was totalled and I spent the night in the ER. I have a severe cervical spine strain (severe whiplash), blunt chest trauma, (from hitting the steering wheel), and just all over back pain. They said they were going to pay for pain and suffering, but when I looked it up it said that is typically double the medical bills. However, my medical insurance (Medi-cal), covered it in full. So now how do they determine it? Should I get the bills before the insurance kicked in? And also, I'm not interested in hiring a lawyer, I just want this over and done with so my life can move on.""
Insurance on a Ninja 250r? (2008- and newer)?
I would just like to know what people pay on this model (2008-and newer). Location and what your monthly or yearly cost is would be most helpful.
Could you give me a rough estimate of my teen auto insurance?
I want to get either a honda civic or toyota corolla (those have best insurance rates supposedly) and I am 16. Great student, no record, no driving problems etc. Could someone give me just a really rough estimate. Thanks!""
How much for a used car to round-trip the U.S.?
I'm planning on travelling to the U.S. for a couple of months and I 'd like to know how much woul I have to pay for a used car with insurance to travel all around. They I'd try to sell it back. Has anybody done this? Please, do not send me to an insurance or car-dealer website, just want to hear from people who have actually done this or something similar. Thanks""
Auto insurance cancellation in NC?
In north carolina, people have to have a proof of insurance to get drivers license. so i got quotes from different insurance places, and i got like around $1000 for six months. my purpose is to get a driver's license and then cancel the insurance. i want to to get the license just to have one. my friend said that if i cancel the insurance within 3 days, i get all my money back and i am not responsible for the rest of contract.. is this true?""
Why is car insurance quote from tesco 550 whereas competitors quote over 1000 ?
i went through swinton, axa ,norwich union, high performance, churchil, and a couple others. they did not even come close...is this possible? i am a bit suspicious, if that tesco quote is reliable, but they say when i call that i can complete the whole process online and i do enter the same detail as on other websites.""
How much is car insurance for an inexperienced first year driver 18 years old in North Carolina?
Like can I get estimates from each company. I've never had a license and my family refuses to pay for my car insurance...so I have to pay it...
Does auto insurance cover the vehicle or the driver (California)?
I work on a military installation and I'm required to have the appropriate decals on my car to enter through the gates. I went to renew my decals as they are only good for 3 years and I was denied. My registration has both my dad and I listed (since he paid for the car), but my insurance policy only has him listed because he foots the bill, but I am a covered driver. My vehicle ID number, make, model, and year is listed on both the registration and proof of insurance card. My name is on the registration so I thought this would suffice (especially because they already gave me decals/passes in the past). The marine I was speaking to said that what I am doing is illegal in the state of California and that I must be a policy holder in order to be covered. I always thought that insurance covered the car. Can anyone clarify this issue and reference the California Vehicle Code? I've searched and searched and cannot find accurate clarification. I wanted to be able to print something and show it to him. If I can't find proof then I can't get to work.""
POLL: How much do you pay for car insurance?
i asked about how much car insurance costs but didn't get any great answers, so i'm just going to do a little survey""
Another car insurance question to British drivers!?
My brother's car was written off yesterday [was the other party's fault]. He was told today the car wasn't redeemable so that's that! So he is waiting to see how much they are going to pay him for the loss, but the question is does he have to keep paying full comprehensive insurance when he no longer has a car to drive? Can he now pay a reduced rate until the insurance is sorted out? It seems unfair to continue paying out for fully comp insurance when there is no car to insure!""
State Farm Full coverage Auto Insurance?
Ive been with mu current insurance company for about 5 years now. My policy will be ending soon. I have a good driving record except for one speeding ticket back in 2009. Im proud to ...show more
Cheap Cars to Insure for 17 year olds?
Hi, I am 17 was was wondering if anyone knows of any cheap cars to insure that they could recommend. Cheers Kieran.. (P.s., if that's OK maybe you could roughly say how much your insurance was or approx how much it would be?)""
""I'm 16 with a permit, can I get a car and insurance in my name?
Im a girl. I'm getting a car in may.. But I'll only have a permit. Will I be able to get insurance and a tag and stufff on my car ??
What is deal with the new obamacare insurance plans?
Is it really mandatory for one to purchase an insurance plan? And does it really cost about 20k? I read an article from a website that has some interesting articles... http://www.naturalnews.com/038905_Obamacare_health_insurance_mandate.html There are a lot of things I dislike about this country and this just really set me off... Not specially things you would expect... More like what is allowed on food, in food, medical prescriptions taking over preventive care, the idiotic media like honey boo boo, ignorance and how people explain our government needs to change in a way to be like a backwards theocracy and such and I could go on for quite a while... I would like to move away from this country if not I'll seriously live in isolation somewhere away from this society... I really need opinions and your comments my just prove or disprove my thoughts even more.""
What's a good car insurance but cheap car insurance?
or how about the cheapest one!!!lol I'm turning 18 so I'm aware that car insurance for people under 21 are really high, any suggestions? thank you!!!""
How much do you pay for your car insurance?
Toronto, ON""
Why the health insurance are different than car insurance?
I mean insurance is protection and give you money when you got into situation that cause loss or expenses. But why car insurance are less picky and more willing to give money to pay out than health insurance? Why more rules and more restriction and more reject the coverage with health than car? I mean I understand insurance is business and for profit so they has to refuse the claims if loop hole. But it shouldn't be any different on health or car coverage.
""Crashed fathers car, i have open insurance, car is still insureed in guys name bought car from?""
hi bought car, put it in my fathers name, before got chance to insure it, some lady totally at fault(for the accident) crashed into me. father has no insurance on car but he is the registered owner. the guy i bought the car off never cancelled his insurance on the car but was not the registered owner when i crashed. i have another policy on another car that says i have open insurance so long as the car is insured. well the car is insured but is the insurance void since seller is no longer the registered owner of the car. am i insured. thx for your time""
Forcing to get car insurance?
Two years ago, my ex and I bought a car under her name. It was registered in her name, and the loan was in her name. The insurance was in mine. We split up, and now neither of us ...show more""
A question about the affordable health care act!?
My wife was born in 1955. She would like to retire, collect Social Security when she turns age 62. Since she cannot get Medicare until age 65, we were thinking about getting her ...show more""
How much would car insurance be for full coverage on a 2001 Chevy Blazer ls model 2 door 4 wheel drive?
How much would car insurance be for full coverage on a 2001 Chevy Blazer ls model 2 door 4 wheel drive?
What is all the car insurance and extra costs?
what is everything you have to have for a car like the insurance and all that and how much does it cost?
Would my car insurance cancel my policy?
Would they cancel my car insurance if I got into an accident and I'm in fault? I have full coverage and collision. I recently got into a car accident and I'm scared that they will cancel my policy.
Which cars tend to provide the most affordable insurance rates?
Compacts & small sedans that provide the lowest monthly auto insurance rates.
what are quotes in insurance
what are quotes in insurance
""What is your opinion of this article: how some people who can't afford insurance, can afford things like?""
Excerpts: The following items were commonly seen on patients or carried by their dependent children, who were also covered by subsidized programs: * Cell phones and ...show more""
How much is motorcycle insurance for a minor in Maryland?
I'm 17 and am looking to get a motorcycle sometime this summer i have experience ridding. i was looking at a ninja250 ninja500 gs500 a gsxr600 cbr600 and an r6 if you can give me at least a rough estimate of the cost or suggest other bike that would be great
Breakdown Insurance less than 12 months?
Hi, does anyone know if it's possible to get car breakdown cover for less than 12 months? All i ever see on advertisements and online is quotes for 12 months cover but i am planning on leaving the UK for a bit after 6 months so that's all i require. Before i contact insurance companies can someone tell me if this is normal or an irregular request? Cheers!""
How to get car insurance?
So I'm 16 and i just got my permit back in early March, and i need car insurance by March of next year in order to move up to a level 2 license ...... only thing is, my parents don't have licenses (they never did) what should i do?""
Why do people in the US waste money on car insurance?
There are 5 states such as California where 25% of the public has NO car insurance...while the rest of the country has an average of 7% uninsured. Obviously no one is enforcing insurance so...why bother getting insurance at all. Isn't it cheaper to have none..and more un-American to have it? After all, Americans generally think they should not have to pay for anything, so why pay for anything at all?""
First time driver getting insurance quotes for  4.5k is this average?
Hi I've tried a few online companies for my husband he passed today and is trying to get insurance for a 1.1 Peugeot 206 2002 plate. He's 25 and this Is his first year with a driving licence but 4.5k seems unreasonable for 3rd party fire and theft or am I justnout of touch anyone willing to share there quotes so I can get an idea if these quotes are average?
When looking at car insurance is the Claims Legal Assistance Service worth it?
When looking at car insurance is the Claims Legal Assistance Service worth it?
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hi iv just bought a Volkswagen Golf S 1.4l engine and can only get quotes for car insurance of around 4k - 11k. Does anyone know of any insurance companies who can offer a lot less on insurance for teenagers? Thanks
What is the difference between term/whole life insurance vs accidental death insurance?
I'm trying to buy life insurance for myself and my mother. I read up on this survivorship insurance which sounded pretty good since I wanted something for my mother if I were do die first and vice versa. but most of the online quotes I saw were between spouses... But I got confused when I read about accidental death ins- does this mean I will not be covered if I die of an illness or old age- but instead must die of an accident such as auto or slip and fall?? secondly, would I get taxed on the interest earned on the universal/whole ins or when the policy is paid out/ surrendered?""
Sports Car Insurance <--------- 10 POINTS HURRY UP!@@@?
I'm getting a new car, I'm going to be 18 and which of the following is a sports car and how much would insurance cost me every 6 months if I have good-student discount, taken drivers ed, and would it cost less if I put the primary driver under my parents name. Possible: C-300 Luxury from Mercedes Benz (sedan) C-350 Sport from Mercedes Benz (sedan) 328i from BMW (sedan) 335i from BMW (sedan) IS350 from Lexus (sedan) IS250 from Lexus (sedan) Thanks""
Question regarding rental car insurance in the US?
Even though I don't live in the US I have a valid credit card issued in the US, I will be traveling to the US and renting a car I have asked and been told by the credit card company that using the credit card provides insurance. I have two questions: 1.- Would the insurance be valid even if I don't have a US driver licence? 2.- Would the car rental agency allow me not to purchase the insurance even though again I don't have a US drivers licence?""
How much would car insurance be on a 2004 mustang?
i just recently bought a red 2004 Mustang V-6 convertible and i was wondering how much insurance would cost ? im pretty sure its over 100 but how much ? im 16 and its my first car , no rude comments please.""
I recently bought a packet of tea-light candles off of eBay and was wondering if I should purchase shipping insurance. I mean its candles do I really need it?
S2000 insurance for a 16 year old male?
Im turning 16 in august and i was looking for a sports car and was looking into the ap1 s2000 or the mustang gt(2006+ v8 coupe) both are available for under $15,000 which my parents are giving me, but I am not sure which one i should get. Which one would you choose as a first car?( don't say get a beater because my mom wont let me get a car with over 80,000 miles). I was wondering what the insurance rates would be for both. just a little background info to help you think of how much the insurance would be. I'm a 16 year old male. under 3.0 GPA, about to take drivers ed.,and Live in GA. Also, are there any other quick convertibles or coupes worth considering(No miatas, and no new beetles please)""
Has anyone driven past a police car without car insurance?
I've read on the internet and asked questions here on Yahoo about people driving without car insurance. The majority have said that police cars have a scanning system that automatically checks cars that goes by for MOT, tax and car insurance. I am wondering if anyone has recent experience of driving without car insurance past police cars and have anything happen to them? Have the police cars picked up that you have no insurance? I have car insurance by the way, i am just curious.""
My niece has a sr22 bond and insurance can she drive a car with that?
i need to know cause she is driving is hat legal?
""BMW 318i 53 reg, insurance new driver?""
Parents may be buyign a new car, how much would it cost to insure a new driver on a bmw 318i 53 reg, about 30000 miles. Insurance would probably be on parents policy, 30+ years no claims, safe driving etc.""
If I have broad form insurance can another insured person drive my car?
If i have broad form insurance while another party has average car insurance, would they be insured in my car?""
Car insurance on a used car?
I am going to buy a used car from someone, and obviously I need to be insured to drive it home. Is there a way I can get insured for just that day or drive home, so that I can have the car before I do everything I need to with it?""
How much do health insurance cost?
my bf and i both 20yrs old are both still insured by our parents but ever since he had a brain anyeruism his parents of course took him over n moved him back 2 their home town and we didnt like that cuz he wanted me 2 take care of him & we dont get along with them anyway & because of that we didnt see each other for a long time so to prevent this from happening again we figured we would get our own insurance that covers us. i would like to know who is the best carrier and whats the average price and where could i get more info thats legit?
my sister is REALLY sick. she has a really bad cold and cough and not getting better! she doesn't have insurance or money to pay for a dr.'s visit. would anyone be able to help me help her find somewhere she can go to get checked? i live in orange county, california.""
Insurance related question to a 1987 5.7L IROCZ?
Hello I am 17 years old and have saved up enough money to buy a 1987 IROC-Z with 350TPI, 140K. Now when I purchased the vehicle a year ago I could afford to insure it but was to young to drive. I was supposed to get my G2 permit in August. I've already prepared it for the road for the but I am in Ontario and the driving strike is still going on. And to top that off, insurance companies raised their prices! I can no long afford to insure the car when spring rolls around. My mom made a good good...why not insure the car under HER name at a DIFFERENT insurance company, and put me as a secondary driver? That way I can enjoy the great prices and hell I bet she can have some fun driving this car. The car would not be insured itself, it will only be insured incase I hit someone and damage them. Would this affect her insurance rate at her other main company( 2 cars,house,boat)? Thanks!""
Honda civic Si sedan insurance for a 18 year old?
Hi I have been looking into a Honda civic Si sedan and i have been trying to get insurance quotes online but they all say insurance would be almost 400 dollars a month does that seem way to high? i have had my licence since i was 16 and have no accidents and no tickets i have a clean record and drive less than 9k miles a year and im under my moms insurance plan
""I am getting my license back soon after a 3 year suspension,Does anyone know how I can get cheap insurance?""
I have 2 OUI's about 3 years ago,and I need to find a way to lower or get cheap insurance.Thanks""
What is the cheapest car insurance company to use when im 17 and just passed my test?
any cheap companys or specialist companys for young drivers? in the UK (england)
what are quotes in insurance
what are quotes in insurance
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