#speech problem astrology
subir-astrologer · 1 year
The native’s son is haven’t started speaking yet and so wants to know about it as per Vedic astrology.
Based on the given birth details DOB 24-9-2018 at 5:59 PM in Davangere, Karnataka, India and the analysis is done as per KP Vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows meen lagna / pisces ascendant with moon in the 1st house, rahu in 5th house, sun n mercury in 7th house, venus n Jupiter in 8th house, Saturn in 10th house and mars n ketu in 11th house.
The moon is in purvabhadrapada nakshatra in meen rashi / moon in pisces sign and the current ruling mahadasha is Saturn.
In order to learn about the child’s speaking as per his horoscope, one need to study the 2nd and 3rd cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha will reveal how the dasha lords are going to give their results on the events in the life of the native during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 2nd cuspal sublord is rahu and its in cancer sign which is a mute sign and its signifying 2,5,6,9,11 and 12th house in the planet level, Saturn signifying 10 and 12th house in the nakshatra level and venus strongly signifying 3 and 8th house as its untenanted in the sublord level.
The 3rd cuspal sublord is mercury and its strongly signifying 4,5 and 7th house as its untenanted in the planet level, moon signifying 6 and 12th house in the sublord level and rahu signifying 2,5,6,9,11 and 12th house in the sub sublord level.
Mercury is in conjunction with sun signifying 7th house.
The current ruling mahadasha is Saturn signifying 10 and 12th house in the planet level, ketu signifying 2,9,10,11 and 12th house in the nakshatra level and Jupiter strongly signifying 1,8,10 and 11th house as it is in own nakshatra in the sublord level.
Ketu is in conjunction with mars signifying 2,9 and 11th house.
From the analysis I conclude that native’s son can not speak as it is denied in the horoscope and so the native should plan out accordingly.
I will request the native not go after any astrological remedies as it won’t work in this case and it will be a wastage of money and pain from one’s faith.
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lua-magic · 9 months
2024 and year of Saturn 🪐.
2024 is ruled by Saturn energy, people who have Saturn highest degree, exalted and retro, this year would bring huge shift in their career and life.
Saturn should not be afflicted by malefics.
Saturn first house
Native would experience shift regarding to body and transformations in personality, like you would join gym or change your diet.
Saturn second house, shift regarding family and money, people who are in singing, speech, might get new opportunity. Native could also leave family and travel abroad.
Saturn third- Native would go for short travel, get new project, or learn some new skill.
Saturn fourth. Native would buy new property or car.
Saturn fifth Native would learn something new knowledge, go in teaching, native who are waiting for pregnancy this is right time to get pregnant. Excellent time to work with government or get government job.
Saturn sixth Saturn will take lot of your problems away coming from disease, or debt, you can get opportunity regarding jobs as well.
Saturn seventh, Excellent time to get married or start new buisness.
Saturn eighth native would get opportunity in occult field or learn some now regarding secret knowledge.
Saturn ninth native would find new teacher or go to religious travel or long travel.
Saturn tenth, native would get new work or promotion in work. Excellent time to apply for your dream job.
Saturn eleventh: Saturn would give you gains and fame.
Saturn twelfth Native would travel abroad or probably go to hospital as well.
Native whose destiny number 8, 17, 25 will also experience change in their profession and Cartier.
Destiny number six, five, three, will also have good year.
Destiny number one native who are authority or in government will have good year.
Destiny number seven who are in occult and astrology this year would be great.
Destiny number two who are in cooking, food, medicines, psychology will have good year.
Destiny four if your rahu is good, you will have good year.
Destiny nine who are in real estate, property, sports, will have good year.
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sxorpiomooon · 5 months
What the houses stand for in astrology
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1st house
- yourself, how you look, how you are perceived, the kind of people you attract the most, your facial features, how you carry yourself, what qualities of yours attract people, views on life.
This is the only house in astrology that is YOU all the other signs and houses represent something in particular but this represents entirely YOU
2nd house
- where your finances will come from, how your finances will come, your good preferences, your tongue, your mouth, your lips, your voice, how you speak and what you speak, what people think of your speech
3rd house
- your siblings, your connection with your siblings, what you think about them, what your neighbours think about you, what your neighbours are like, your communication (writing skills in particular), social life, early education
4th house
- your house, your family, how your house is like, what your house is like, what your family is like, your connection and bond with them, roots, foundation, also women at times
5th house
- your expression, how and why you express yourself, your way of expressing, how your thoughts work, your opinion on arts and creativity, your art, your children, how you are with kids, what kids you will have, romance, love, relationship, self expression, curiosity, memory, studies early education etc
6th house
- health, daily life, enemies, where your health problems come from, what kind of health problems, how you are like in your daily life, what kind of enemies do you have, how do they cause you harm, pets, system, the area that you work in, your surroundings
7th house
- business, partnerships, anything formal even communication, presentation, marriage, open enemies, sharing, what kind of partner you will have, where they might be from
8th house
- anything and everything hidden, stalking, cult, your deepest desires, you deepest secrets, your trauma, sex, shared finances, intimacy, property, contracts, religion.
9th house
- education, what you might like to pursue, if you'll go out for education, short term travel, your intelligence and knowledge, higher education, your wisdom, philosophy, learning.
10th house
- career, reputation, men, family men, authority figure, long term goals and desires, work ethic, structure.
11th house
- friends, internet, things you'll indulge in, society, groups, technology, gains and losses, hope, timing.
12th house
-your subconscious mind, your psyche, your dreams, your deepest dreams, long term travel or settlement, what your birth was like, spirituality, healing, afterlife, limiting beliefs.
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harmoonix · 11 months
⚷ Chiron Notes - Astrology ⚷
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🌱 Chiron (⚷) in your birth chart can represent multiple things, for most of us, it repsents your wounds, physical or spiritual and the way you manage and heal them. Chiron (⚷) is our inner "healer/shaman". 🌱
The applying aspects for this post are: (⚷)
🍃 Chiron - Sun indicates a sensitive healing process to the native, they may have issues or wounds related with their dad, their personality/ego, they may stay in the shadow watching others while the others are ignoring them, they can be very sweet people once you start to know them. They may have wounds connected to their own persona, to your own mind and spirit 🍃
🍃 Chiron - Moon indicates a deep wound in your soul that you may have it from childhood or when you were younger, it may indicate wounds related to your mother/grandmother and problems with your own feelings. You can often doubt your feelings, you tend to often ignore the things that cause you pain thinking that will solve everything, but sometimes your feelings matter more than anything 🍃
🍃 Chiron - Mercury indicates a deep wound related to your speech, your communication, the way you express yourself. You can be prone to social anxiety or anxiety in talking with others, you can often be shy in others presence. Try to listen to healing music, that can often help you with your thoughts and feelings, if you find yourself having a good time listening to healing music they definitely help 🍃
🍃 Chiron - Pluto aspects, indicate the "Phoenix" myth. That once they are hurt, they reborn into better versions with themselves. They have a powerful healing but it may come with their own struggles such as feeling too clingy or wanting to be clingy/too attached for others and sometimes you tend to put others above you. With this aspect you have a great inner healing that takes you to an ultimate state of mind where you may choose if you choose yourself or if you choose others instead. Once you are reborn you feel like a new person
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🍃 Chiron - Mars aspects indicate wounds related to your own anger, frustration, and your own confidence, some people with these aspects may develop anger/angry issues, they may get angry fast. They may give an angry person vibes when they are in the mood though. And some of them may have the fear of losing things 🍃
🍃 Chiron - Venus indicates, here Chiron is highly sensitive, it can be wounds connected to the way your view yourself as your image, the way you love yourself, the way you treat yourself, but the way you handle love relationships, you may be insecure in relationships and in your partners. You may suffered in your past relationships that left you with a trauma to love, but the most important, you may had enough love to love others but they couldn't give the same love back
🍃 Chiron - Ascendant (Rising) - indicates problems/wounds with viewing yourself, you may see yourself in a very negative imagine. You may not trust yourself enough, you may have problems with your body, some people can develop eating disorders, some people can develop anxiety about their body or about the way they look, this aspect shows healing inside and out in your body 🍃
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🍃 Chiron - North Node aspects most time indicate a healing journey that's ready to start, spiritual and body healing are both needed in this journey, take as much time as possible and listen to your intuition. Take mediation as a healing key
🍃 Chiron - South Node aspects, here we take some steps back to your past life, something in your past life caused you pain and suffering, sadly some traumas have been coming into your current life from your past life, do you often have experiences of deja-vu? Takes these as signs, most times your own wound is right in front of your eyes 🍃
🍃 Chiron aspecting the asteroid Nessus (7066). Chiron here can mean many things, because asteroid Nessus is an violent one It can show violence, abuse, in worst cases (r@pe) which takes some time to recover and I hope nobody ever experience that. Nessus aspecting Chiron DOESN'T mean that you will get these things in your life, it means some people may went through this in their lives. Sometimes astrology is dark and it can show things we didn't know about, with Chiron aspecting Nessus which mostly indicates abuse, can indicate your soul can heal from that thing only if you learn to let it go, you have to let go off your past in order to heal yourself 🍃
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🍃 Chiron aspecting Neptune shows a wound related to their creativity, you are talented but you may fear people may not like that, and that can cause you pain sometimes, you may experience prophetic dreams that can be signs to you 🍃
🍃 Chiron - Saturn indicated wounds to authorities, but in most cases most of the natives with these aspects have strict parents and they could've have been raised in a strict household where there could be some authorities you didn't got so along with. You fear of failing/or being seen as a "failure". You may have wounds connected to your father again aswell, you may experience anxiety/panic attacks and fear of letting your past to go 🍃
🍃 Chiron - Jupiter aspects, a really good point about them is that they have this inner "optimism" that keeps them alive, and their hope for getting/being better. You can heal faster than others with these aspects. Especially if you have harmonious aspects you have more energy to heal. With negative aspects the energy is still to heal fast but it may face some challenges. They may be hopeless at times, and at other times to be the type of people who can achieve anything. They have powerful mindsets and goals
🍃 Chiron - Uranus aspects, may show off as different and people often think to them as the person who doesn't always shows much, because to you, your wounds and your suffering can come in unexpected ways. You may be seen as someone who doesn't show their emotions entirely which you're not to blame for. You are very transformative, going through a stage to the others, gaining experience and evolving your soul. You see the world with different eyes and you want to help it make it better 🍃
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🍃 Chiron - Lilith (h12) aspects. You may feel trapped with your own sexual desires, or with your own sexuality, these aspects tend to show only the mask of their feelings, ignoring their own. Sometimes you may have the need for intimacy but also the fear of rejection, both these things can cause you a deep wound. You may not feel yourself if you're not in your own energy which you mostly need to be in most times. Your desires may come and go, but only you know what your heart truly seeks for 🍃
🍃 Chiron - aspecting asteroid Juno (3), in some cases people with these aspects tend to attract people who have wounds aswell as they have, like a magnet your partner can be mirroring your own wounds,fear and traumas. But in some cases the relationship can be a healing key, like healing and transformative waiting for eachother to grow and to be bounding. Sometimes it can happen for your partner to not understand your wounds or to be confused about it, and that can cause you tension and overthinking about your relationship. In my opinion try to heal the wounds/traumas you have before entering in a relationship. If you are in a relationship and you have traumas/wounds try to make it work together with your partner 🍃
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🌱 Healing is always a key to happiness 🌱
🌱 Have a good Monday and a great week to everyone who reads my notes. Stay grounded and listen to mother's nature melody!!🌱
And remember that an broken soul is not broken is just waiting for you to heal it 🌱🌱🌱
Yours truly, Harmoonix 🌱
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daskolas · 1 year
Sun is a fast moving planet which moves from one sign to another in 28 days. It's sign is Leo. It represents king in Vedic astrology. It is believed that all other planets bow down to sun.
Sun in 1st house
These individuals are more prone to headaches
They are aggressive and truth telling individuals. They are someone who you can trust on
They are responsible people who will realise their responsibilities early in life or may have to be responsible for few things
Their character is important to them so they won't do anything which will tarn their reputation.
They will also have to make some sacrifices in their life.
They will achieve purpose in their life gradually.
Their is something about them which you can't ignore.
They are charitable, will do what they say and are career oriented.
May want to start their own business or a startup.
They have a brilliant mind and know what they are talking about
Sun in 2nd house
Can have problems in their right eye
Their family background is strong
They are self sufficient and know if they put enough work then they can achieve anything they want.
Can get glasses early in their life.
People in their family are educated. However, there may be a lot of fights or relationships with parents not being good.
They can say anything which is on their mind. They don't hold back and are outspoken which may or may not be well liked.
They tend to grow financially in the later half of their life. They will live a well-off life then they lived in their childhood
They are ethically strong or concerned with doing the right thing.
You can have ego issues which will not be well received in your career or married life. So, learning how to communicate your needs well will ensure that you are having a smooth life.
You will have an authoritative vibe to you.
Sun in 3rd house
Not have smooth relationship with your younger sibling or you may not have any but if you have, then you'll be protective of them.
These individuals know very well how to get your work out of other people.
They are extroverts and are not afraid to talk in an event like giving presentation
They are hardworking individuals who are not afraid to face things and are strong.
They know what they want and can make decisions effectively.
They are the type of people who will share random facts with people close to them because they want to.
They like learning about new things
They may help others a little too much which can come across as people pleasing or they are breaking their boundaries
They are talkative and expressive and may have something about their voice which can be seen as influential
For career, you can do something which will require you to use your speech such as journalism, writing, politics, etc.
Sun in 4th house
These individuals can live in their childhood home but it can be seen as a hurdle in their professional life so it is better if they move away from their home.
These individuals can be good in occult matters like magic, astrology, tarot cards, numerology etc.
These people are spoiled by their father through jewelry or money etc.
Even though spoiled, but they might still have a distant relationship with their father. Whether because he is not staying with them or other reasons.
They have a love for vintage items.
They may want to do something socially or even help other people build their homes.
They may be attached to their home or even their childhood friends and may miss them a lot.
They can suffer from heart related problems and their mother can also suffer from it.
They are aggressive people who can lose their calm easily. And their mother can also have anger issues.
Native with sun in 4th house tend to be more sensitive to their environment
Sun in 5th house
These individuals give good advice. When there is a difficult time going on then they know how to handle a situation
They are creative and intelligent. They can pursue something in fine arts and they will good in it as well.
They can have different ideologies than their children
People with this placement are more sensitive towards their surroundings. But when you need, then these natives will always come forward to support and take care of their loved ones.
They are many times the centre of attraction, it is mostly because they come across as confident in the matter they are talking about.
They have opportunities for having many affairs in their life. They may or may not be successful in that love affair.
They have a great relationship with their father and he may have supported when it is needed.
These people are romantic at heart, and they may express their feelings through the creative art they are good at.
They will have very close relationship with their kids and will play an important role in their life.
They are extroverts who will love to go out and hang out with their friends.
Sun in 6th house
They will work however they want. They may still agree to other people but will do what they want.
They will get their job through a competitive exam and they also have ability to clear them.
They will definitely win against their enemies which is both a good thing and a bad thing. As, they will have many enemies but they will win against them.
They will not be able to get a lot of benefit from their father or may not have the best relationship with them.
People with this placement are very cautious about their health. Even a minor problem can make them extremely worried.
They like their mentors to be the people who will help them in understanding things easily and will not shout kn then while explaining things.
People with this placement can suffer from having panic attacks. They may get easily worried or feel anxious even when small things go wrong.
They are very helpful people who will help people around them but will not bend their back to help them.
If they have strong 6th house, then they will against any court case or heal from any health issues.
They won't express their feelings towards other people but will help them when they are in need.
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(credits: @jannart85 on Pinterest)
Sun in 7th house
This placement is considered bad as there can be ego clashes with their future partner.
future partner will be very dominating which can make you feel powerless. It can also be one of the causes for fights in the relationship
Your partner can be self employed, i.e. have a business of their own or have a startup.
They may had to take responsibilities early in their life because of any reasons like their father didn't play a huge role when they were growing up.
Future partner's mother can be more dominating than their father.
They will help others by uplifting them maybe giving them a chance to get a good education. They want to help other people.
They will be reliable as they won't lie and will have a huge sense of justice.
If sun is strong then Individual will have a strong immune system
As it is also seeing 1st house, then individual will also have a lot of ego and will do what they want.
Any fight in marriage will be because of ego clashes only as it is generally believed that empty 7th house gives the best result.
Sun in 8th house
People with this placement tend to live a secret life. Not many people will know about what's going on in their life.
They can face difficulties due to their father or after their father's demise.
They will have a lot of knowledge about astrology and other occult things. And they will also have interest in learning about these things.
If sun will be weak then it shows that individual will have chronic disease like diabetes, blood pressure etc.
There are huge chances that individual will get inheritance. They may also have hopes to inherit those things.
They can earn money through occults like providing services for astrology, tarot cards and all those hidden things.
They are homebody and may want to pay attention to their surroundings rather than go actually go enjoy them.
Most of the people with this placement like to read books especially fiction such as Harry potter
They may be inclined to develop a relationship with their inner child again as they may think, many of their problems will be solved if they will just experience their childhood again.
They can get codependent on other people easily. And may fall in the idea of love rather than actual loving someone.
Sun in 9th house
People with this placement can be good teacher or mentor to some people.
They will also put their teachers on high standard or will look at them always. They have a lot of respect for their mentors.
This placement makes the other person interested in different culture. They may want to learn their language or love their food etc.
They may want to understand the philosophy of life. And may be inclined to study topics like reincarnated or multiple universe etc.
Natives with sun in 9th house want to understand the deeper aspect of behaviour. Which can be a both good and bad thing.
They are religious and may have a lot of understanding about their scriptures.
They may have a close knit relationship with their family and they know that someone is there to support them
They are confident in their abilities. They accept themselves and know how to regulate their emotions and habits.
They are very emotional which may come in between their decision making ability.
Natives with this placement have a bright luck. If they want something, then they will do anything to achieve that.
Sun in 10th house
People with this people are very ambitious
There are chances that they will not get a lot of support from their father which can make them feel less confident in their abilities
These people live by self- made life. Where everything they are doing whether it is a startup or anything, but they are successful because of their abilities only.
They will do well in the position of management or administration as they want to give orders to other people.
Individual will have to do a lot of hard work to achieve success.
But once they achieve success, then they will be growing very fast after that. They have to struggle at first but later they can just reap the benefits of their hardwork.
Most of the time, people with this placement have support of their father. They are there to help them grow professionally.
You will be at higher position at your workplace. Most of the politicians, CEOs or any other higher authority usually have this placement.
You will not take orders from other people. If sun is in conjunct with malefin planet then you can rebel back.
Sun in 11th house
Your coworkers will see you as someone who they can look upto. As they see you as someone who is very well educated in the field in which you are working in.
Dependability on father
People with this placement can get benefit from government or even recognised by them.
People with this placement are good leader and they can earn money with the help of their leadership skills itself.
These people are highly ambitious and have high hopes for their future.
These people are constantly growing and learning. They know that there is no age to start learning things.
They will be good in public dealing work. They will feel confident when doing social work like working in a NGO etc.
They are good organisers so they can work in sectors of public relations. As they are good in networking and organising
People see you as someone who has a little ego but they know that it is because you know what you are doing.
Chances of their first born being a boy are very high. Their kids will also bring them a lot of recognition
People with this placement gain a lot of profit in their business and they can also live a long healthy life.
They can also understand what they want to do with their life by seeing people around them.
Sun in 12th house
They will be inclined to work with people from faraway land or even shift abroad.
They don't always tell what is on their mind, they tend to hide things.
They may have absent father or he did not play a huge role in their life.
These people can spend a lot of money for gaining respect like giving money for charity as they can then come across as helpful.
They can easily go into void state or experience mystical events.
They are more sensitive to the people around them as they have a deeper wanting of helping other people.
They may be in a lot of struggle of wanting to live a spiritual life but also wanting to be a successful person so that they can help people with a low economic background.
These people can have a hard time sleeping or having a lot of insecurities.
Their father may not have been present in their life or they may not have smooth relationship with him.
They have a deeper wanting of connecting with their family, spending time with them, etc.
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crishayle · 10 months
Astrology notes
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Reminder. When reading, take into account your entire natal chart.Thank you for the feedback⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
People with the Moon conjunction/trine/sextile Jupiter are very friendly. I will not say that they immediately seem cute at first impression (you need to watch the ascendant for this), but in further communication with them you feel their charisma and friendliness.It's very cozy with them!
I often discuss with people their natal chart and their complaints, and I noticed that people with Mercury square/opposition ascendant have certain features in terms of mind. For example, memory problems, or good long-term, but poor short-term memory, it is difficult for them to concentrate on several things at once, or on the contrary, they lack perseverance, it is difficult for them to assimilate new information. Their mind is not weak, just different from the usual one.Or I observe problems with speech (stuttering, burr, lisp, unusual accent)
Selena in the 3rd house, Mercury conjunct Venus/Mars, Venus in the 3rd house have very pleasant voices. Their voices are velvety, most often modal (chest)
Have you noticed how during the scorpio season all astrologers wrote posts on the topic of sex? It's all scorpio's vibe𖤐⭒๋࣭ ⭑
I read on one forum that the combination of the ascendant in Leo and the Sun/Venus in the 1st house gives a bright and sexy appearance. I'm not sure about sexuality, but their appearance is really very beautiful and unusual!
People with Lilith in the 4th house are more likely than others to think about moving to another city/country, and just to another place. In a change of environment, they can feel out of their comfort zone and self-development. If Lilith is amazed, then the person will want to move because of personal beliefs (most often because of politics)
It seems to me that the most important and cardinal thoughts come to our minds when transit houses return to natal houses (for example, the Sun in the 3rd house in the natal chart and the transit Sun in the 3rd house).It's like a personal new year in my head.You sum up your results, plan, create different options for the future. Ideas may come up that you haven't thought about before. Physically, nothing new is happening, the usual routine (home and study/work), but in a person's head there are huge independent (!!!) changes
Guys, whose strongest planet in the natal chart is the Moon, do you also f*cking feel every full moon and new moon?
People with the Moon in the 1st house, the ascendant in Cancer, the Moon in Cancer/4th house, the Sun in the 4th house need personal space. They can be very sociable and energetic, but they need at least 15 minutes of silence to distract themselves and be alone
Retrograde natal planets can be compared to a splinter that is stuck deep under the skin and you can't see where it can be pulled out. It's difficult, but it's possible. Retrograde planets can also be made less problematic, but it will take a lot of effort
Some underestimate the influence of stellium, believing that the ascendant, the sun and the moon are enough to understand a person.As practice shows, most often this is not enough, especially when the stellium and the Big Three are different in temperament.Please consider your stelliums
Mars in Sagittarius can look athletic even if they don't do sports
If you see a person who reads the news about maniacs, murders and crime, then there is a 90% chance that he has placements in Scorpio/8th house
Most content makers have strong placements in Leo/Aquarius/5th house/11th house. I'm talking about people who have been blogging for a long time and professionally, as well as whose work is related to the media sphere
Mercury in Virgo/6th house has a lively mind in conversation. They argue well, they discuss well, they can turn your words against you.They may respond sharply, but in fact
Often we may be attracted to the creativity or personality of some famous person because of similar placements in the natal chart
On the astro-seek website, you can guess the Sun/Moon/ascendant of a person from a photo. According to statistics, people with Scorpio/Aquarius in the Big Three have the least guessed photos. Still, I agree that these are the most mysterious signs of the zodiac
According to Ceres in the natal chart, you can learn about the upbringing of a person (since this asteroid shows the connection between parents and a child).For example, Ceres in the 5th house indicates a creative child. He could come up with a lot of games, drew a lot, and behaved a little differently than other children. He could love to read or listen to fairy tales.Good imagination, but perceives visual information best
It seems to me that people with the Moon square/opposition Saturn/Uranus/Neptune/Pluto are more likely than other people to wind themselves up. These people perceive emotions, events, people deeply. They have high emotional intelligence, but it is often difficult for them to turn off their head and calm down from thoughts
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starastrologyy · 5 months
Astrology Notes🌪
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Hi everyone, I have re-opened my chart readings! The link is in my bio for anyone who is interested :)
In one of my older posts I remember saying that couples who have their Composite Mars making a conjunction to their Composite Ascendant can come across as being quarrelsome, as their arguments are often made public. However, I have also found that couples who have Mars conjunct the Composite Midheaven, can also come across as being argumentative ( with each other and with other people). This is most likely because Mars conjuncting the MC would in most cases square the Composite Ascendant.
People with Jupiter in the 8th or Part of Fortune in the 8th house in their natal chart can often find success when trading or investing!
When your Solar Return Mercury makes a conjunction to the Solar Return Midheaven, you may have to travel for work. I have also found this to be true when you have the ruler of the solar return midheaven placed in the 9th house. I want to emphasize that placements can play out many different ways this is just one of the ways I have seen these two placements manifest.
An afflicted Saturn in the 3rd house of a composite chart can often indicate communication problems within a relationship. There can be verbal misunderstandings, silent treatments, or just differences in communication styles as a result of this placement. However, it is always important to remember that a single placement cannot derail an entire relationship, you will need to look at both the composite and Synastry charts holistically.
A Solar Return year in which you have the ruler of your Solar Return 4th house in the 9th, can be the year where you move or relocate abroad.
In synastry, when your North Node makes a conjunction to someone else’s Midheaven vise versa you two have the potential to impact each other’s career trajectories quite significantly. I have actually found that it is often the Midheaven person who introduces the North Node person to people who have the ability to advance them on their career path.
People who have planets that make a conjunction to your Sun/Moon midpoint are likely to have a significant impact on you (especially if the orb is exact). For example, if someone’s Moon makes a conjunction to your sun/moon midpoint you can feel a strong emotional pull towards them vise versa.
Individuals with their natal Venus, Mars, or descendent in Sagittarius can often find themselves in long distance relationships or in relationships with people who are very different to them. There can be a difference in religion, race, nationality, political beliefs etc…
Something I find so interesting is that I personally know someone who met their spouse in the time frame (+- 2 months) that they had their Solar arc Venus making an exact conjunction to their natal descendent! I am thinking of making a separate post about Solar Arcs for those interested to know how to interpret them and what they are!
If you have Uranus in your natal 6th house, you are best suited to work environments that provide you with a lot of freedom and autonomy. Interestingly, people with Uranus in the 6th house, are also more likely to own exotic pets.
Chiron in the natal 3rd house can manifest as having a speech impediment, attention difficulties, or problems in early education. It can also indicate a difficult relationship with a sibling or siblings. In some instances, a 3rd house Chiron can indicate a fear of driving or some kind of ‘wounding’ surrounding cars and short-distance traveling,
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5starwitch · 1 year
Astrology Observations: Aspects
**None of these placements mean that you are doomed or this is exactly how your life will play out. These are simply my interpretations of these placements based on looking at many different charts. Nothing is set in stone and you can always use different aspects to your advantage even if they are squares or oppositions**
Venus trine/sextile/conjunct jupiter blesses a person with conventional beauty. Harsh aspects to jupiter, like squares or oppositions, still blesses a person with beauty but may cause a person to still have insecurities or not see their own beauty. These people may have darker features or be an unconventional beauty. Both types of aspects may make a person more susceptible to weight gain.
Neptune square saturn can indicate addiction and can make it a challenge for a person to overcome. This placement may not even realize they have a problem.
Mercury sextile venus can grant someone with a beautiful voice and can even make someone a good singer.
TW: Venus square neptune can cause relationships where you might enable each others vices and addictions. Similar to venus square mars, there is also a potential for abusive relationships.
TW: Saturn square neptune can indicate that a person may have had a tumultuous childhood, in which one or both parents were absent. Their parent(s) could have been institutionalized, in prison, or on drugs. This could also indicate that they dealt with abuse/SA.
Neptune aspecting jupiter can indicate addiction but it can also grant a person with so much creativity. They may be talented at making art, music, or movies.
Venus sextile/trine chiron grants one with the ability to heal others and be incredibly compassionate. They are very intuitive to the feelings of others and being with them in romantic or platonic relationships is very healing to others.
Moon conjunct jupiter makes a person very optimistic and jovial. Their energy is very uplifting to be around. They may be a little naive so people might try to take advantage of them.
Mars square/opposite jupiter gives a person a lot of energy, sex drive, and sex appeal. They might be restless or not know what to do with all their energy.
Mercury opposite or square saturn makes a person intelligent but its hard for them to communicate their ideas and thoughts to others. So others may assume that they’re dumb. They also may have dealt with learning disabilities or delays in their speech.
Moon sextile/trine/conjunct neptune makes a person very talented creatively and they create their best work when their emotions are heightened. This placement also indicates someone who is spiritually and psychically gifted.
Venus aspecting uranus indicates a person having a unique type of beauty.
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rosesnbooks · 1 year
Astrology observations #2
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-people who lack an element in their chart really do surround themselves with a lot of people in said element. for example, my friend lacks earth and has at least 4 friends who are earth sun signs
-some capricorns really can't get along with leos, but they are attracted to sag and aries placements. they can't help it
-mars in the 1st house get sexualised a lot, to the point it gets too much for some people..especially women. these people are also very ambitious. even when going through tough times, they never lose sight from their goals
-mercury in aquarius have a unique humor. the same goes for mercury in the 11th.
-virgo mercury pay attention to details, esp when they like you..the things they remember and gifts they give you, shows how thoughtful they are
- fire signs/houses..please tell me that you've been told at least once that you talk too loud. i have aries mercury and my friend mercury in the 9th and we both had a revelation that we talk too loud lmao
-well-developed capricorns are such sweethearts. they are reasonable and grounded, but they are also so funny and charming. they may appear as if they have everything under control at all times, but they're just like the rest of us
-water signs have the craziest dreams i swear😭some can sound like scenes from a movie, fantasy and/or horror
-moon in the 5th house/leo think about themselves a lot and take things personally. they think everything is about them. on the other hand, they have the biggest hearts and they want to make everyone they love happy. can you blame them tho for wanting to feel like a main character
-when you want to ease your mind, talk to someone who has a sagittarius mercury and they will cheer you up
-having an empty 7th house might mean that you don't have much, if any, relationship experience. you probably give good relationship advice though
-aquarius/11th house placements have their own strong moral code. they can usually hide their feelings well, but if they realise someone is being intolerant towards others and mean, they'll get really emotional. they want the world to be a better place, and get frustrated when they see how many people don't care
-capricorn placements may have really complex relationship with their parents. they often expect too much from their kids, and since they prove that they can endure almost everything, the parents don't loosen their grip. they need to know their worth and forget about the expectations!
-mercury retrograde can really cause communication issues for people. it is difficult for these people to express how they feel and stand up to others. but, it does get better with time!
-aries and taurus placements combo in a man can be very dark imo, they are often players. they also have huge ego problems. i dislike emphasizing only the darker parts of people, so i have to admit that these placements, if well-developed, can be very loyal and passionate especially with people they love. they are also incredibly hard-working and focused, it's really admirable.
-be careful when dealing with men that have virgo and libra placements in their chart. some may be romantic and attentive, while others can nitpick your every flaw and can have ridiculously high standards. they can cheat and lie easily as well
-sagittarius venus love adventure, having a partner who doesn't know how to have fun and explore things is a big turn off to them. they can make compromises for their more serious partners, but if they can't reciprocate the same effort, it's not going to work
-cancer risings seem very approachable and kind. their eyes are usually big and curious, almost childlike
-this has been said many times, but venus in the 1st individuals truly are beautiful. there is also something different and captivating in their beauty, they stand out wherever they go
-saturn in the 3rd house/gemini may indicate that a person faced speech/writing difficulties when they were young, or they continue to struggle with it
-pisces moons tend to forget things and their memory can betray them at times. as a pisces moon, i think that's because we are in our heads too much and we remember how we felt about things, not the words and actions. we also struggle with being present 100% of the time, so we perhaps didn't listen to you in the first place (i'm sorry)
take this with a grain of salt, since i only read about astrology in my free time!💜
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kiddotarot · 4 months
Explanation: we all know that 12 house in vedic astrology present libration or moksha to get free from the cycle of birth and death if we count the 8 ( The eighth house also rules new life chapters, rebirth, and regeneration and, as such, rules death, wills, legacies, loose,estate planning, and so forth .The 8th house is a house of contradictions and actually a lot of astrologers might tell you that even by analysing the 8th house of a person, a lot of ‘karma’ and energy is released. ) from 12 so we get the 7 house so its lord can be show why your 12 house moksha reason get failed or the reason you want to take birth again.
( sourse : Hitesh astrology, brighu strostram astrology book)
First House (Ascendant):
Known as the "Lagna" or "Tanu Bhava," it represents the you can take next birth for yourself for your physical body you want to work on your appearance, health, vitality and early childhood experiences maybe you don't have a pleasant experiences in this life . It also signifies how one approaches life and their basic instincts so you want to improve all these qualities in the next birth .
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Second House:
it also Also called the "Dhana Bhava," it governs wealth so you can take birth cause you have problems in finances in this life for anything possessions for family cause you don't have a good one in this life have a bad experience in matter of home for your voice, speech for food and food habits, and the throat area . This house indicates one's financial status, earning potential, and family dynamics so you can take birth for this
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Third House:
Known as the "Sahaj Bhava," it deals with communication so you can be not too good at it in this life so you want to improve it in the next birth for siblings you can have in this life or there is karma related to them short journeys for courage, skills hobbies, and mental inclinations you are unable to enjoy In this life . This house reflects one's ability to express themselves, their relationship with siblings, and their courage in facing challenges.
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Fourth House:
Also called the "Sukha Bhava," it pertains to home, mother, emotional security, domestic life, real estate, vehicles, and ancestral property. This house represents the foundational aspects of life and one's sense of security and rootedness. So if you don't have a good relationship with your mother or any karma you're making or pending in this lifetime you can take birth also for this.
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Fifth House:
Known as the "Putra Bhava," it governs creativity, romance, children, education, speculative gains, mantra shastra, and past-life karma. This house reflects one's creativity, intelligence, romantic inclinations, and potential for progeny so it can be your inability to enjoy all this thing in this life like love children love , pending karma related to them you can take your next birth for this.
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Sixth House:
Called the "Shatru Bhava," it involves health, diseases, daily routine, enemies, obstacles, debts, service to others, and pet animals. This house indicates one's ability to overcome challenges, maintain health, and deal with adversaries so if have complain that you're unable to enjoy this life Because of health issues you want to serve others or any karme related to pets and animals to fight with challenges or to pay your debt which is pending in this life .
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Seventh House:
Known as the "Kalatra Bhava," it represents marriage, partnerships, business relationships, legal matters, contracts, and open enemies. This house reflects one's approach to relationships, spouse/partner, and their ability to form alliances you love your current marriage or partnership so you want to continue it to next life is karma related to your spouse’s and you are unable to enjoy this life marriage so you want it to continue it in a healthy way in next life.
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Eighth House:
Also called the "Ayur Bhava," it involves secrets. You want to experience transformations of life , related to death, want to enjoy inheritance, you can be interested in occult knowledge, hidden wealth karma related to other people's money. This house signifies major life changes, spiritual growth, and the mysteries of life and death that your are unable to experience in this life .
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Ninth House:
Known as the "Dharma Bhava," it governs religion, you want to learn philosophy, want to study higher education, want to enjoy long journeys ,spirituality, karma related to teachers or want to be one for others and want to enjoy luck. This house reflects one's beliefs, ethical values, spiritual practices, and quest for higher knowledge that all your lacking in this life .
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Tenth House (Midheaven):
Called the "Karma Bhava," it pertains to your desirable profession you can crave for social statusfor big reputation, authority for great public life, and government. This house indicates one's ambitions you want achievements, and standing in society in nect life thats your lacking in this life.
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Eleventh House:
Known as the "Labha Bhava," it involves friendships where you want your own social circles to achieve goals, aspirations, gains, want income from profession or karma reated and elder siblings. This house reflects one's social network, aspirations, and ability to fulfil desires that you're lacking in this life.
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Twelfth House:
Also called the "Vyaya Bhava," it represents isolation. you want to experience spirituality in your next life ? subconscious mind, karma with hidden enemies, because of karma you can face losses as repay of your debt endings, confinement, and past lives. This house indicates one's spiritual evolution, subconscious patterns, and karmic debts.thats can be reason of your next Birth .
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hope you enjoy
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subir-astrologer · 1 year
The native wants to know the astrological reasons for speech delay of his 3-year-old son as per vedic astrology of his horoscope.
Based on given birth details DOB 17-7-2020 at 10:30 AM in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India and the analysis is done as per KP vedic astrology padhatti / system.
The plotted horoscope shows kanya lagna / virgo ascendant with Jupiter n ketu in 4th house, Saturn in 5th house, mars in 7th house, venus n moon in 9th house, rahu n mercury in 10th house and sun in 11th house.
The moon is in rohini nakshatra in vrushab rashi / moon in taurus sign and the current ruling mahadasha is moon.
In order to learn about the reasons for speech delay of the child as per his horoscope, one need to study the 2nd, 6th, 8th and 12th cuspal sublord. The study of the current ruling mahadasha will reveal how the dasha lords are going to give their results on the events in the life of the child during their ruling periods.
From the horoscope the 2nd cuspal sublord is Saturn and its strongly signifying 4,5 and 6th house as its untenanted in the planet level as well as in sublord level and sun signifying 10 and 12th house in the nakshatra level.
The 6th cuspal sublord is mercury and its signifying 1 and 10th house in the planet level, rahu signifying 1,3,4,7,8,9 and 10th house in the nakshatra level and Saturn strongly signifying 4,5 and 6th house as its untenanted in the sublord level.
The 8th cuspal sublord is Saturn and the analysis of Saturn is already done and so there is no need to repeat it again.
The 12th cuspal sublord is mercury and the analysis of mercury is already done and so there is no need to repeat it again.
The current ruling mahadasha is moon and its strongly signifying 9 and 11th house as it is in own nakshatra in the planet level, mercury signifying 1 and 10th house in the sublord level and venus strongly signifying 2 and 9th house as its untenanted in the sub sublord level.
Moon is in conjunction with venus signifying 2 and 9th house.
Venus is in conjunction with moon signifying 9 and 11th house.
From the analysis I conclude that the child will speak very late as the cuspal sublord of the 2nd house is strongly signifying 6 and 12th house which shows delay, difficulties, medication and hospitalization.
The native need to understand this and should take his son to a good specialist doctor of that concern field and seek his guidance.
He should not waste time roaming for miracle after astrologers. There is no miracle, he need to help himself to get his son’s speech by seeking guidance of the specialist doctors.
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lua-magic · 8 months
Astrology observations .
Vedic astrology, Natal chart only.
Best way to activate Venus in your chart is by activate the planets sitting with Venus.
Mercury conjunct Venus. Carry always book and pen with you.
Mars conjunct with Venus.
Carry small Copper metal with you.
Jupiter with Venus.
Carry any spiritual book with you always.
Saturn with Venus
Carry Rudraksh( seven mukhi) with you.
Sun with Venus.
Carry photo of your father or sun stone.
Moon with Venus.
Carry a small bottle of water with you or photo of your mother.
Venus with Rahu
Carry photo of your paternal grandparents or pet a cat.
Venus with ketu
Carry photo of maternal grandparents or pet a dog
Twelfth house is your expenses, foreign settlement, foreign travels, spirituality and hospitals as well
However, realm of twelfth house is very vast, it also includes, jail, mental asylum, isolation, yoga, meditation, connection with supernatural and intuition, and dreams as well
Twelfth Lord in first house.
Native will go to foreign travel or foreign settlement, it might give you health issues as well
Rahu in first house, also gives native foreign land settlement and gives you unique personality and disconnect you from your race and religion.
Twelfth Lord in second House
It might cause seperation from your family, and could give teeth and speech related issues.
It creates fluctuations in money 💰.
Twelfth Lord in third House 🏠
Makes you creative, intuive and great writer as well, you subconscious mind downloads information from another realm.
It might give foreign settlement to your younger siblings., or your younger sibling is from foreign culture.
Twelfth lord in fourth House
Could give you separation from your motherland, and mother or mother could be spiritual and meditation
It gives native isolation and intuition. You might spend lot of money on your mother as well.
Twelfth Lord in fifth House
It might give separation from your kids, or your studies and education or you will leave your education and work in other field not related to your education.
You might end up spending lot of money on your kids, or your kids might settle abroad.
It makes you intuive and give you interest in meditation and yoga
Twelfth Lord in sixth House
It is good, as you let go all your eniemies and your debt as well, so basically twelfth Lord will help you to solve problems related to debt, disease and eniemies.
Twelfth Lord in seventh House.
It might create problems in marriage, but it gives you foreign travel and foreign business partner.
Partner could be from different culture, race or religion, or partner could be spiritual or interested in yoga and meditation. You might get partner who is spendthrift or you spend on your partner alot.
Rahu in seventh House, also gives you partner from different race religion and culture.
Twelfth Lord in eighth House.
Could give you problem with your in-laws or you might spend lot on your in-laws.
It might cause you separation from your inheritance, and you have to let go alot of things in life, as both twelfth house and eighth house is of let go.
It might give you losses in life. It gives great Intuition, and intrest in spirituality and makes you great in occult.
Twelfth Lord in ninth house.
It might give you separation from your father, teacher or your guru, you might end up spending lot on your father.
You might leave your race and religion and settle to foreign country.
Twelfth Lord in tenth House.
You might end up leaving your work and change your area of work completely, it also gives you working foreign country, and foreign company.
Native can also work in hospitals, jails and mental asylums or in spirituality and meditation.
Twelfth Lord in eleventh House
Gives you obsession regarding to your desires, your relationship with elder brother or sister could effect negatively, gives you connection with foreign land or country.
Twelfth lord in twelfth House.
Is good, as the planet is in its own house, but as it is twelfth house Lord, it will give you, all the results of Twelfth house like, foreign travel, foreign settlement, isolation, and intrest in spirituality and meditation, if your ancendent is weak and afflicted could give you health issues and mental health issues.
Mercury in Twelfth house, give extra ordinary power to connect with spiritual realm and download datas, it could give anxiety and sleeplessness because now Mercury is getting connected to another realm, hence such natives are extremely creative in their ideas and even great writer.
Such natives have got great, imagination, some unique skill, visiualisation and creative writing abilities.
Venus is exalted, and shows devotion ro their partners.
Mars in twelfth house looses it's strength, hence native could face health related issues as well and also shows native will waste lot of his/her energy in sexual activities..
Jupiter is the house Lord shows native is good in counselling and teaching.
Saturn in twelfth house makes you lazy and you would procrastinate alot, however, it does makes you spiritual and good in meditation, if it is not afflicted then would give you opportunity in foreign land.
Sun in twelfth house looses their identity( Such natives have either two names or even if they get famous, they won't be known by their original name) and could give separation from their father and motherland.
Moon in twelfth House could give issues with your mother or separation from mother, and makes you spiritual and good Healer.
Mars retro, always get attracted sexually to someone younger than their age (huge age difference)
Your mind is now connected to spiritual realm and that could give msgs in dreams, Deja Vu, premonitions..
Rahu in twelfth house could make you obsessed with bed pleasure, but also makes you spiritual and good in meditation. Native could feel the presence of spirits or other worldly beings easily around themselves, and could give fear of death as well.
Person would connect to astral realm or suffer from sleep paralysis as well..
Venus retro are rarely satisfied in their sexual life.
Mercury retro can't express their feelings
Jupiter retro loves to advice people, and are great problem solver.
Saturn retro are hard working individuals and can has to do lot of work by themselves without any help from someone.
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asssiya · 1 year
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· One day I met a girl who had a stellium in Aquarius, and she didn't like piercings and tattoos, as well as dyed hair.
· I noticed that I didn't meet a single Mars in Gemini who wasn't well in mathematics.
· I have Saturn in the 3rd house and it's tiring. Difficulties with early education and problems with speech. Great lack of confidence in intellectual abilities. Even if you try hard in your studies, teachers will still not be completely satisfied. These people have always tried to hurt my mental skills.
· Taurus stelliums always glow like stars, and they have some inexplicable powdery aura.
· All the ascendant twins I've met are so tall! Everyone except me.
· The ascendant in Leo has the role of the main character.
· Synastry of Mars in 1 house is so hot! At first sight, sexual tension and attraction appeared. It was so embarrassing.
· Most of the positions in pisces that I met had artistic abilities.
· The moon in Aquarius is so open and easy. But they also exude coolness and indifference.
· If you see a human with a wide neck, it means that he has the position of a Taurus.
· I have Chiron in Aquarius, and I've never had any real friends! Seriously, this position often has an unfair friendship, and they are usually taken advantage of.
· Lilith in the 4th house and their problems with mom.😭
· Jupiter is in 1 house. People just want to give them attention, even if this person is bad.
That is all.🫶🏻
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astrosky33 · 2 years
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◉ 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬?
Retrograde placements in astrology can show areas of life where we have more intense energy than non-retrograde placements but find discomfort/struggle to express this energy at the same time. Retrograde energy is energy that’s dialed up but that you also repress
Whether these placements are positive or challenging all depends on your chart not just which placement is retrograde. The sign, aspects to the placement, house it’s in, and degree are all very important to look at
◉ 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
Mercury rx
》 Indicates someone who’s very sharp and intelligent but has a hard time expressing how smart they are. These people often will be misunderstood and may come off as unintelligent when really they just don’t express their intelligence in the right way for people to know they are
》 Struggles to express your ideas, thoughts, and just communicate with others in general
》 Gossiping can be something that holds you back in life. Don’t ever gossip
》 Mercury rules over our speaking/communication/mind so sometimes people with this placement may have some sort of problem in these areas (ex: speech impediment, anxiety, depression, autism, adhd, etc) - I have this placement and struggle with anxiety & adhd
Venus rx
》 You are good at understanding how relationships work and the meaning of love but bad at expressing your love to others. These are the type of people who give amazing relationship advice to their friends yet still seem to struggle with their own love life
》 In general you may struggle in being affectionate to others or being vulnerable even with people that you love
》 Lots of insecurities about being attractive enough for people
》 Insecurities about being accepted. People with this placement tend to be people pleasers
Mars rx
》 These people struggle to express their anger which can lead to lots of confusion in conflict with people. People likely will not understand what you’re upset about ever or understand why you feel angry about certain things
》 People with this placement struggle to take action often and initiate things. They may lack ambition as well
》 People with this placement may struggle with confidence or have a lot of confidence but still will come off as insecure to others
》 These people often fear confronting people/putting their foot down in conflict. They try and steer away from any type of controversy
Jupiter rx
》 This is one of the best retrograde planets to have although it’s stereotyped as the worst. Simply because Jupiter shows external experiences that we enjoy (this could be a huge house, wealth, a fancy car, etc) but with this planet in retrograde it causes you to seek internal things instead because external things don’t bring you as much fulfillment which is why often people with Jupiter rx are very spiritual and aren’t materialistic
》 You’re very observant and wise but struggle to show off your wisdom to others leading them to underestimate you and your intelligence
》 A downside to this placement is you won’t have an abundance of luck in this life. You won’t always be in the right place at the right time or any of that. You’ll have to work a bit harder for success or wealth
Saturn rx
》 You may have a lot of fears in general which can prevent you from coming out of your comfort zone. Often these people isolate themselves in times where their life is challenging which only makes things worse
》 You may struggle with your work ethic. You may be someone that needs a lot more than just motivation to work hard. You need lots of self discipline which you also may struggle with
》 At times you may be irresponsible
》 You may have a distant or absent father figure
Uranus rx
》 These people may be very unique but struggle to accept the unique parts of them out of fear of others not liking them
》 These people may struggle with love due to how independent they are
》 These people are extremely rebellious but are typically very good at hiding it
》 These people struggle with sudden change which can make it very hard for them to adapt to new environments and challenges that come their way
Neptune rx
》 These people may struggle to express themselves creatively (especially through art) but have a lot of creative ideas at the same time
》 These people often struggle with dreaming big and never believe in themselves. They have a lot of self doubt and believe everything is unattainable which is why they also may struggle to manifest things
》 These people may struggle to trust the universe
》 Many people with this placement struggle with drug addiction because Neptune represents escapism and illusions. They will use the quickest escape they can find to get rid of their pain
Pluto rx
》 These people struggle to move on (this can be in any area of life but especially with love/romantic relationships because they love very intensely and have a hard time letting go of people they’ve formed intimate connections with)
》 You likely have a very strong fear of being controlled or manipulated which can cause you to be exactly what you’re afraid of
》 Many people with this placement struggle with addiction since pluto represents obsessions. They may have a very addictive personality and have many challenges in their life because of this
》 You may have a harder time than others (people without this placement) with major transformations in life or dealing with death
[READ] keep in mind venus and mars are the only rare retrogrades. Only about 7% of the population has venus rx and mars goes retrograde about every 2 years
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𝘀𝘂𝗯𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝘆 𝗽����𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗼𝗻
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ezekiel-krishna · 5 months
☘️ 9th Lord in All Houses { Part 1 }
◇◇ Fortune, Prosperity, Higher Learnings & Spirituality ◇◇
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⇝ Your Guide to Check Your Placement (Vedic Astrology)
1st Step ⇨ Go to Vedic Astrology Calculator
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2nd Step ➚ Enter Your Details & Press { Calculate Sidereal Chart }
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3rd Step ⇨ Find the 9th House Ruler as per the {Sign & Symbol}
"Example here , 9th House is Ruled By Aquarius & Its Lord is Saturn which is in 7th House thus Your [ 9th Lord is in the 7th House. ] "
9th Lord in 1st House
When the ninth lord enters the first house, it brings great fortune as you are easily able to gain favor from superiors, your boss, or government authorities. They recognize something special in you, leading to promotions and assistance. Having the ninth lord in the first house often results in local fame or even worldwide recognition due to your past good deeds, putting you in a position where you will be noticed. Additionally, this placement indicates a focus on learning and education, with higher learning, philosophy, and wisdom coming your way. Good education is highlighted here, and you may also possess good looks as the first house represents our physical body.
This combination of the ninth, first, and fifth houses is considered auspicious in Vedic astrology, known as the 'Bringers of prosperity and Good Fortune.' This alignment can lead to increased monetary wealth and good fortune. You may establish connections with people from foreign lands or have business dealings with individuals from faraway places. For the highest level of good fortune, the moon must be well-placed and connected to the ninth house lord. For example, if Jupiter is the ninth lord, you may gain wisdom and knowledge, while if it is Mercury , you could be seen as charming, humorous, and popular.
Prayers and manifestation can truly work wonders in this position, especially when it comes to finding a good spouse or partner. Being able to pray together, share religious beliefs, or have a similar philosophical outlook can bring you and your partner closer, leading to happiness in your marital life. Having the ninth Lord in the first house generally indicates positive relationships with your spouse, children, father, and education.
However, if there are any malefic aspects or conjunctions with the 9th Lord, it's important to perform a remedy to enhance your good fortune. These obstacles may stem from your early childhood environment, home life, or even issues related to inheritance and legacies. For married individuals, it could involve challenges from your partner's relatives, in-laws, or business partners.
Additionally, it's crucial to check if there are any planets in your fourth or eighth house. For example, having Mars in the fourth house could indicate obstacles from siblings, especially brothers. Maintaining ethical standards in your professional life is essential too, as failing to take full responsibility for your actions could lead to fluctuations in your good fortune. Remember, while having the 9th Lord in the 1st house generally brings positive outcomes, it's important to handle relationships and responsibilities with care.
9th Lord in 2nd house
When the ninth lord resides in the second house, it has the potential to enhance your skills and pave the way for direct success through their utilization. This placement also brings about a heightened level of sensuality, as the second house is associated with the senses, consumption, and food. While your skills can contribute to increasing your wealth, it is important to be mindful of the potential consequences of excessive consumption. This may manifest as eating behavior problems, overeating, dietary issues, alcoholism, or other forms of addiction.
It is crucial to pay attention to both your consumption habits and your speech, as the way you communicate can either make or break your fortune. You may have certain weaknesses that prevent you from always being completely honest. However, it is essential to strive for straightforwardness and honesty in your speech, while avoiding excessive self-judgment. If the moon is your ninth lord, or if it aspects or resides in the second house, it further enhances your fortune. With the ninth lord in the second house, you possess a powerful speech that can influence others. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to be honest and cautious with your words.
Your destiny is greatly influenced by the power of your words. Not only can you excel as a writer, media personality, communicator, blogger, or internet personality, but any role that allows you to connect with a wide audience will bring you success. Whether it's through inheritance, a family business, or a joint venture, working with others to increase your income can also lead to financial prosperity. This position holds great potential for you, as long as you stay true to your moral path.
You have the ability to receive blessings from various sources, such as working with non-human beings, the medical field, or even from your subordinates. By being honest, open, and effective in your communication, you can also gain blessings from your superiors and advance in your career. However, be aware that this position may pose challenges to your education or learning experiences. You may encounter difficulties with a child or your father, which could hinder your academic progress.
In relation to your mother or domestic life, you will face numerous trials and circumstances that will test you. It is crucial to maintain your moral compass and always choose the right course of action. You have responsibilities and duties towards your friendships, network circle, and even your elder siblings. It is important to be responsible and supportive towards them, as they may require your assistance at some point. Ultimately, you will find yourself contributing to the wider society and performing good deeds that will enhance your own fortune.
9th Lord in 3rd House
Having the 9th lord in the 3rd house can bring you great fortune through your siblings or cousins. It is quite common for them to play a significant role in your life, bringing you luck in various ways. This placement also indicates that you possess skills or talents in areas such as music, communication, practicality, art, or any other skill that can enhance your good fortune.The 3rd house is associated with communication and writing, so having the 9th lord in this house gives you the confidence to face the public. However, it is important to note that severe afflictions can sometimes hinder this confidence. Nonetheless, overall, this placement empowers you to express yourself effectively and communicate with others.
Since the 9th lord also represents your father, there may be instances of separation or disputes with him. However, it is crucial for you to take the initiative to resolve these issues on your own. By doing so, you not only mend your relationship with your father but also increase your good fortune.Furthermore, following the path of righteousness and staying true to your values can significantly enhance your fortune. It increases the likelihood of finding a devoted and focused life partner who can contribute to your overall well-being.
Your friends will always be there to support and assist you, and owning property and inheriting wealth from your mother's family is a fortunate position to be in. However, there may be obstacles in the form of your subordinates or colleagues at work who could create difficulties for you. To overcome these challenges, it is important to cultivate patience and handle these situations with a sense of righteousness. By doing so, you will be able to eliminate any complications that arise.
Furthermore, it is crucial to exercise patience when dealing with your boss or superiors, even if your chances of promotion seem to be blocked. Consider it as a test of your character. Additionally, your children may also test your patience at times, but it is important to remain calm and virtuous in your approach. Taking responsibility for your debts and avoiding unnecessary spending or speculation will also contribute to increasing your good fortune. Make it a habit to regularly clear your debts, and you will see your fortunes grow.
9th Lord in 4th house
When the ninth lord enters the fourth house, it brings another wonderful blessing to your life. This placement has the potential to increase your overall wealth, especially through property. You will experience great happiness in your domestic life and have the ability to enjoy all the luxuries life has to offer. However, it is important to maintain truthfulness and righteousness in your domestic affairs, especially when dealing with your influential mother. While your good actions have brought you this fortune, it is crucial not to take it for granted or succumb to temptation.
This position generally instills confidence and a deep inner happiness in your life. Property, land, and investments are particularly favorable for you, as they contribute to your prosperity, happiness, and fortune. Some of your prosperity and fortune may be connected to inheritance or business dealings. Additionally, living in a foreign land or purchasing property there can bring favorable outcomes.
However, there may be occasional challenges in terms of promotions or success, which can be frustrating. But with patience, you will undoubtedly achieve your goals. By staying honest, truthful, and righteous, you may receive favors from people, especially your superiors. At times, you may face ill fame, but once again, patience, honesty, and righteous actions will win people over to your side.
Your children will inherit your fortune and receive a good education. You have the freedom to explore creative and artistic projects, as well as engage in speculative games. Despite the positive outlook, there may be obstacles stemming from your spouse. Stay strong and do not let their actions lead you astray. Overcome challenges to maintain happiness and prosperity. Friendships and social circles may also present challenges, with friends potentially interfering in your marriage. Be prepared to face tests from various people in your life, including your partner, friends, subordinates, business partners, and colleagues. Stay patient and kind to overcome these obstacles.
Competitors and enemies will also test you, but it is your responsibility to uphold your good fortune. Maintain high moral standards and stay true to yourself for prosperity to continue flowing.
9th Lord in 5th house
When your ninth house Lords enter the fifth house, it's a straightforward equation: having children equals an increase in fortune. The sooner you tie the knot and start a family, the sooner your luck will soar. While male offspring are traditionally associated with Jupiter, the natural ruler of the ninth house, any child of yours will bring about an increase in fortune.
However, the influence of your fifth house Lord also plays a role. In some cases, your fortune is tied to higher learning, mantras, and the pursuit of truth or following a spiritual guide. Since the fifth house represents education, a solid academic foundation can greatly enhance your luck. You may also have a special connection or responsibility towards young people in general. Whether it's through teaching, working with children, offering guidance, or simply being an exceptional parent, these actions will undoubtedly bring about an increase in fortune. Remember, it's all part of the continuation of your past life journey.
This placement is highly beneficial for international business ventures, academic pursuits, spiritual growth under a mentor, and maintaining a good reputation abroad. Your father's influence may resemble that of a mentor or guide from a past life.Challenges may arise from in-laws, joint business ventures, stock market investments, or inheritance matters. Difficulties with foreign individuals or in foreign countries may also occur, so consulting the fourth house lord is advised for a comprehensive understanding if considering living abroad.
Marriage may present significant tests, particularly in terms of communication with your spouse. Patience and kindness towards your spouse and family members are essential to overcome any obstacles. Neglecting your duties and responsibilities to your family may lead to a decline in your good fortune.
9th Lord in 6th House
The presence of the 9th lord in the 6th house can create numerous obstacles and challenges for your fortune. However, there is one saving grace - your hard work. The more effort you put in, the greater your fortune will grow. This position is definitely suited for a self-made individual. By working diligently, you are effectively purifying your sixth house, paving the way for your fortune to expand. The placement of your 9th lord in the sixth house is a result of your past life karma. It is worth noting that this house also represents enemies, so it is no surprise that some of your adversaries have carried over into this incarnation.
Over time, you will gradually identify these individuals. They could be friends, family members, or even colleagues. You will sense an underlying tension in these relationships, which stems from past life enmity. However, depending on the nature of your 9th lord, you may find satisfaction in confronting these challenges. Legal work, policing, or serving in the army may appeal to you as avenues to continue your battles in some form. This is especially true if your ninth lord is a malefic planet such as Saturn, Rahu (North Node), Ketu (South Node), or Mars.
Remember, fortune favors those who decrease enmity in their lives rather than increasing it. Those with the ninth Lord in the sixth house often find themselves drawn to the medical field, where they can help others fight disease or work with small animals in a medical capacity. Consider entering a business partnership or working closely with someone in business - it could lead to success. Focus on creating partnerships, not animosity, and even marriage could bring good fortune. Strive for career success by competing with your peers, but always maintain your ethical standards. Wealth will come your way, but remember that your ethics will play an important role if compromised,you may have to fight to protect your family members.
Be cautious when dealing with foreign lands or in your education, as there may be competitors who do not share your values. You may face karmic challenges with your father, so approach these situations with patience. Keep an eye on your health, especially if Saturn or Rahu are involved, and make sure to exercise regularly. While business partnerships can be beneficial, be prepared for ups and downs. Your in-laws may present challenges, and you may face ethical tests with your siblings. Fulfill your responsibilities to your siblings to increase your fortune.
9th Lord in 7th House
Your marriage or business partnership has the potential to greatly increase your fortune. However, it is important to consider the influence of the ninth house Lord, especially if it is a malefic planet like Saturn, Rahu (North Node), Ketu (South Node), Mars, or even the Sun at times. Such planetary influences can pose challenges in finding and maintaining a successful marriage or long-term commitment. Nevertheless, as time goes by, you will come to realize how much your fortune has grown since getting married or entering into a committed relationship. The doors of opportunity that were once closed will now open wide, revealing new possibilities that were previously unimaginable.
Having the ninth house Lord in the seventh house grants you special skills or talents that come in handy when you are in a committed relationship. It is often the fortune of others that propels you forward in life. While business partnerships can be fortunate on their own, they are even more beneficial when combined with a committed relationship or business alliance.When you join forces with someone else, whether in a personal or professional capacity, your fortune is bound to rise. This is because the influence of past life karma is at play in the seventh house. Your actions and deeds from previous lifetimes directly impact your first spouse or major relationship, which serves as a continuation of something significant from your past life.
Success in speculation, stock market, inheritance, and foreign business dealings can be highly rewarding. Not only will your in-laws favor you, but you will also attract fortunate friends who will bring positivity into your life. However, it's important to note that malefic influences may occasionally dampen your success, but overall, your friends and siblings will be a source of support and good fortune. The main obstacles you may face will come from your superior or boss, who might create promotion difficulties or career challenges. Remember to always stay true to your principles and values, even if you encounter difficulties in finding the right career or workplace.
It's crucial to be mindful of your words, as they can either work for or against you. Practice ethical and kind communication with others, and never lose your patience. Additionally, be aware that your family members may also pose some obstacles along the way. In such cases, it's important to identify the significator, especially if it is Mars. While siblings are generally beneficial, one brother represented by Mars may cause some issues, so it's essential to analyze your specific birth chart.
Furthermore, be prepared to face tests and challenges in foreign lands, particularly with your teachers, mentors, or gurus. If you have a guru, they will evaluate your progress, and your father may also test you. Therefore, while interacting with these individuals, maintain the highest ethical and moral standards.
You also have karmic responsibility towards your mother, as she may occasionally bring challenges into your life. This burden of karma weighs heavily upon you. It is essential for you to fulfill your responsibilities towards your mother, your home life, and your possessions. Moreover, you might even have an inheritance, as I mentioned earlier. By maintaining a clean and organized home, free from clutter and dirt, you pave the way for good fortune to enter your life.
Stay Tuned For Part 2 !
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prettyjesusfreaks · 2 months
prayer request
tonight i am filled with... well, almost sadness. i'm looking at my friends. i have but three. one is an atheist who believes it's all chaos. one is one of those "i believe there's something, but i don't know what" types. actually, she thinks that death is the strongest force in the universe, and that God is helpless against it. yeah. the third friend is interested in astrology and shadow work and all that. i love my friends, of course, but you can see the problem. they don't love me for who i am. i'm newly re-committed to Christ, and i can see the mess i've made, the sin i've allowed into my life by remaining friends with the three of them. i need friends who share my love of God. my heart's on fire for Christ, and the friends i currently have will think i'm a crazy bigot when the truth inevitably comes out (i can't deny my faith if they ask). i don't know what to do except ask for prayer... prayer that the Holy Spirit guides my speech, and prayer that i make friends who love Jesus even more than i do.
thank you.
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