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aniriteron · 29 days ago
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warm beach day on titan
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kiabugboy · 2 years ago
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Can't remember if this idea has been done before, it's a sphaerocone ammonite with a speculative pair of tentacles that tear off easily, used as distraction for predators.
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titanartwork01 · 8 months ago
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My second spec evo is a predatory chameleon chasing down and catching pterosaurs Species name- Messorem Chamelonitis (Reapers Chameleon) Creator- Titan Diet- carnivorous Clade- Chamaeleontiformes Habitat- Tropical Rainforest and Carbonate Platform Height- 1m Length-1.4m Ecology- Fast ambush hunter/fisher
Additional info- The Reapers Chameleon is a stead fast ambushhunter being able to climb and run down any prey its jaws around. This reptile will mostly target small fish and pterosaur,using an ambush to catch its meal. They are normally solo until till mating season in which they will group together, fully grown males will hissand grown while the smack each other withtheir hard muscular tails, leaving gashes and cuts over the body or even dismemment of toes,fingers or tail. They also posses a large barded finger which it gets its name sakewhich it uses to stab its prey.
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arcpunk · 2 months ago
Welcome to P'kun!
What is P'kun?
In this video, we take a brief look at the fascinating Domain within the Arcpunk universe. From its stunning landscapes to the quirks of its inhabitants, P'kun is a place full of mystery and opportunity.
This video offers a small glimpse into the Domain of P'kun – perfect for anyone looking to dive into the Arcpunk universe or simply curious about exotic Worlds and Universes.
And here is the final Artwork:
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drbatavia · 2 days ago
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Number 217L Luminous Moth and Number 25GWR Galaxy Willow
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almultimavenger · 3 months ago
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Armored Diplodocid by Le Roi Des Victimes, inspired by my invitimayocolossalis design.
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luciennejabs1980blog · 6 months ago
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natalia-dinodrawer · 1 year ago
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Me: "I really like my scifi dinosaur civilitation story but I could use some more female characters. Let's do the high ranks of a military camp females"
*A few minutes later*
Me: "Ok, so now they are lesbians".
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“Standing about as tall as your knee, this nocturnal opportunistic feeder might be seen wading in the water during the wet season using its prehensile proboscis to probe the mud and bog for food. Alternately, you might catch a glimpse of it hopping from boulder to boulder in a dry river bed as it forages in the nooks and crannies during the dry season. It’s not a bird and it’s not a mammal, it’s somewhere in-between, but what appear to be vestigial flight feathers on its forelimbs suggest that its not-so-distant ancestors gave up the ability to fly or glide for a life on the ground.”
For my most recent piece, Zoophoria, I wanted to create an animal that looked like it actually could exist, but in a place other than here and in a time other than now. One of my favorite books as a child was After Man: A Zoology of the Future by Douglas Dixon. It was an illustrated field guide of animals from the future based on “speculative evolution”. Speculative evolution, AKA speculative zoology, hypothesizes how organisms will evolve in the future on Earth, or how they could evolve on other planets. Dixon's animals were created with real biological principles in mind but many of the ideas in his book are no longer considered plausible. When I was growing up speculative zoology had more of a pseudoscience vibe, it has since morphed into fictional biology and is considered a sub-genre of science fiction. As a kid I spent countless hours bringing my own future species to life on paper but speculative biology sparks my imagination now more than ever before as our knowledge about the universe grows. We are not alone. That would be impossible. But is it possible that life elsewhere could be following a path similar enough to ours that it also looks similar? My vote is yes. Especially if you subscribe to the panspermia hypothesis that proposes life exists throughout the Universe as a result of hitchhiking microorganisms being dispersed via space dust, meteoroids, asteroids, and other bodies in space. If the same microbes that seeded our planet ended up on a planet like Earth, then, maybe, Zoophoria is out there somewhere...
More of my work at
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artistassinideas · 11 months ago
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Fictional Stegosaurian:
A fictional species of stegosaurian dinosaur. I based its feet on this picture: https://www.deviantart.com/andorou-khan/art/Stegosaurian-Feet-391845603
Estegosauriano Ficticio:
Una especie ficticia de dinosaurio estegosauriano. Basé sus pies en esta imagen: https://www.deviantart.com/andorou-khan/art/Stegosaurian-Feet-391845603
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phillipiswriting · 2 years ago
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#FictionFriday ... one day late. Alas.
Thessidian Creation, part 3: the first Idylls, and their Art.
The Ennead is slowly taking shape. Last time we got the Sun Mother, the Nine, the Portals, and the Stones; now we get the Idylls and the creation of all plants and animals as their art. 
Worth noting at this point that this creation myth is one told by modern Thessidian Omphalists -- in other posts I give different perspectives. For instance, the Omphalists group fish and whales and ichthyosaurs all together -- not really considering how such animals crossed the (land-based) portals.
Next time: the Idylls draw first blood, and the Nine whip up the first everstorm. 
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aniriteron · 1 month ago
[ (kaairins ring)- population 2]
sophont species
After the sun expands into its red giant form, titan, one of the moons of Saturn, heats up enough to cause it's ammonia filled water 'glaciers' to melt- covering most of the planet in ocean aside from the polar regions.
Life follows, and just like earth, titans' methane filled atmosphere slowly gets replaced by oxygen with the help of photosinthizing microorganism species. And life is as it was on earth, several billion years ago now.
[Titan still holds some of its liquid methane, ethane, and hydrocarbon lakes- some life does live there- but it's not the focus of the story.]
Out comes k-p2, the moons dominant sophont species. They occupy a niche similar to that of which earth penguins did- but they're huge. Thick skulls break any ice and fat stored in their bodies to hold in heat.
Instead of lungs, they have a circular breath motion that passes through the tube sorta trachea organ that absorbs the oxygen and immediately converts it to carbon dioxide- due to their size it takes a while for it to leave the system. From the nose to down the chest. This tube is also filled with small structures that work as gills when they submerge.
kaairins ring is a formation is from the moon lapetus, which got destroyed and formed a 'belt' or ring close to titan [that still orbits saturn]
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indragonsaur · 2 years ago
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I decided to do a color wheel challenge on Twitter so I made it
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titanartwork01 · 5 months ago
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-Species name- Coccino Forcipe Termite
(Scarlet Tweezers Termite)
-Creator- Titan
-Diet- Ominivore
-Clade- Termitidae
-Habitat- Hot desert and savannah/hot steppe
-Size- Drone-2cm Worker-3 Guard -5-6cm Queen -8-9cm
-Ecology- Arthropod predators
-Additional info- when the queen is younger she proceeds to live a nomadic life style creating drones,workers and guards on the move.when the queen matures she will locate a dying tree and proceed to create a hollow mound around the tree this might cover the tree in some cases. as the tree is coverd the workers and drones will be tasked with cultivating mosses and fungi which they will use to fuel their seiges of arid deserts,using the corpses to feedthe fungi and the cycle continues.
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rolandblaster64 · 1 month ago
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Genevogic | The Zhyngúā
Zhynguas are a species of octopus that developed over millions of years and thanks to mutations they have the ability to live after reproducing for at least 10 years, which means that they can live a maximum of 40 years if they do not reproduce, so they always reproduce at 30 years old. They only have 3 to 5 babies protected by the community and their parents. They use 4 tentacles to walk in a very cartoonish way and these are armed with protection so as not to be vulnerable on land. But don't fool yourself, they still can't breathe oxygen. They cannot communicate with voice only with gestures and drawings. Thanks to some stones with Mitogias, they can store knowledge and transmit it to the next generations in addition to being an alternative energy source to electricity (which obviously does not work in water)
They communicate with other races by letting them touch their stones so that they know the vocabulary and language of the being and, as if it were Google translator, it translates it.
I hope you like it :3 🫶
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drbatavia · 9 days ago
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Number 403K Knife Tick
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