#speculative troll biology
"The point of Troll Evolution is adapting to circumstance. Not letting go of the old but adapting it, is necessary."
- (Troll) Sonali Bendre
Welcome to Speculative Troll Biology! Where we philosophize about Trolls and their world. Join Doctor Science in trying to unravel the intricacies of The Scrapbook.
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kabutoden · 9 months
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making up spec bio homestuck bug facts for fun!!
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odoanaga · 4 months
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Some developmental sketches for ohm and the ineffable sea
Plastic golem, milk-apes and the kappa are from the radiation and plastic-poisoned world beneath Uton, the gaoled sun (there are about 7-9 suns in the ineffable sea, sources of different magic and all said to be siblings of one another)
Demons are from another sun, which is partially exploded
The other creatures are from Ohm, under the sun Xol (creator of the celestials and dragons)
(Send me an ask if you're curious about anything from Ohm)
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geckoodles · 4 months
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Revisiting speculative biology for trolls, this time featuring non-newtonian skin!
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filurig · 1 year
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to go along with the tomte redo, have some trolls, they also have a new subspecies!
some extra info below,
they are not physically capable of vocalization in the same way humans do it and therefore cannot speak human languages. their own language is a mixture of physical signs and vocalizations - the way it functionally works is that vocalisations can change the nature of a sign. for example, they do not have any form of pronoun, they simply have a sign for "personhood" and then a vocalisation that specifies who they're referring to
the biggest point of sexual dimorphism is that males tend to be larger than females
they are carnivores for the most part but supplements their diets with berries, roots etc.
they do not hibernate like their cousins!
they tend to be aggressive towards tomtar and sometimes hunt them, but this isn't an instinctual behaviour. rather, it is culturally absorbed
very averse to humans, but usually not aggressive unless they feel the human in question threatens them/their territory/their family unit etc.
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I have decided to do all the Mikus, the worlds are hers after all
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The Nijezdi ↑
An Oni (Troll-Merfolk Hybrid) specifically, the hybrid race very well known for their musical magics
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The Nezchelit ↑
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The Pseudo-Centaur ↑
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The Rezmal ↑
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The Jiralf ↑
ngl, it was kind of a challenge trying to keep her recognizable, but this was hella fun.
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toad-in-a-trenchcoat · 2 months
I enjoy these very much
The others:
Hunting and gathering
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ggrimboy · 1 year
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behold my characters for halls smp!! they both have custom models ill show off once the season officially starts >:3
nakey versions under the cut also
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nb-n0v4 · 1 year
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Sorry for homestuck posting in the year 2023 but I’ve gotten halfway through reading it for the second time (I’ve never finished it OTL) and I think the trolls should be buggy creatures!!! Let them be little bug freaks!! So here’s my take on them :) I might make more notes in the future
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 2 years
Okay, so I was thinking about troll speculative biology curtesy of @theoldandnewfirm and this isn't exactly a biology thing, but I think most species of troll hate water/rain.
Hear me out.
Trolls are made of living stone, so I'm assuming they don't quite have the durability of actual stone, if going for the idea their skin is the only thing being made of a stone-like substance and its more like a flexible, thin exoskeleton. And of course rain contains carbonic acid, a result of carbon dioxide mixing with water in the air.
So I'm thinking maybe long exposure to rainfall, of different acidity, would maybe weaken their stone skin or cause a rash? And of course large bodies of open water are generally avoided, since trolls would sink like, well, a rock. This is a naturally inbuilt aversion to a significant majority of troll species but there are always outliers. It also depends on the type of Stone a troll is made of. If its a hard stone like granite or a soft stone like marble.
The side novels introduce us to deep sea trolls and we can't forget the Quagawumps as being Marsh trolls and the swamp/river trolls we see when Jim becomes a half-troll. Their skin is slightly more lubricant and they're generally more squat. There isn't deep water to avoid though.
I think with changelings it comes down to preferences, since their stone isn't as hard as a full trolls and they're probably spliced with different troll tribes, including more water based ones. We know NotEnrique isn't a fan of water, and I doubt Nomura would be either, but that more so based on the fact she wouldn't want her hair wet.
Strickler I'd think is a anomaly. I know his remark about being a keen swimmer was probably, most likely, a innuendo. But what if it had some basis of truth? His stone skin is quite smooth and 'soft' looking compared to other trolls, and the adaptations to his body that allow for flight would help in the water. Aka light bones, thin limbs and large lung size.
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just found this, Soo cool!!
Trolks biology...
I believe that trolls age tater that other speaces we have seen this one multiple occasions yeah I know everyone knows this but I also have my head canons for the world building particularly for the pop trolls as we have seen more of them ^_^
Thanks! Based on the differences in maturity speed between Tiny Dimond and Baby Poppy it may be based on the number of trolls involved in producing the child, as Tiny Diamond has one parent where Poppy has two!
Theory: Trolls produced asexually mature faster than trolls produced by two or more individuals :D (However it may also be because of differences in Glitter v Pop Trolls)
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kabutoden · 9 months
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karkat is my favorite out of all the trolls. i wanted to give him lore based around rove beetles, a species of beetle that evolved to appear, act and smell like ant larva, and social isopods, one of my favorite species of bugs!! i think karkat would be really, REALLY upset about not growing wings when he finally has his second molt, instead developing a stronger, heavier shell. sorry dude, i thought wings AND cool emotional sensitivity abilities were too overpowered. bugs as metaphor perhaps...
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odoanaga · 1 year
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some more ohm sketches
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nonbinarygamzee · 1 year
i know im always saying this but transgenderism beam trumps any other reason for holding a particular idea of troll anatomy/socialization to me i dont care i dont care
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understandableparadox · 3 months
gross Intrusive troll biology
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HEY! welcome back, its=s your favorite candy blooded bitch, s=sorry for the paus=se in your anatomy les=s=s=sons=s. what are we talking about today? Buckets=s! thats=s right, the fucking bane of any self res=specting troll living amoung humans becaus=se some as=s=s=shole decided to freak out jus=st a liiiitle to hard about it s=so now we all s=suffer! hopefully if you know Why we needed it, then we can put all this=s behind us=s and literally never bring it up again in even a s=semi humorous=s manner.
S=so lets=s s=start with what we know, the bulge and the nook. the common place phras=ses=s for the trollian s=sexual organs=s. The bulge being a prehens=sile appendage and the nook being a s=slit below it. now if you haven't noticed, trolls=s were more likely then not s=supposed to evolve to this=s point meaning our bodies=s are still figuring out where to put what and what all to get rid of. the bulge and nook are evolutionary left overs=s from when we s=still lived in a hive bas=sed s=society. whats=s a good equivalent... ah! bees=s! so, bee drones=s mate with the queen one at a time then carry off the eggs=s off into their lil holes=s to hatch at s=some point.
well that is=s how trolls=s us=sed to work! proto trolls=s fucked the big bug queen thing then we got s=sentience and decided that was=s gros=s=s=s s=so we invented a whole new argueably gros=s=s=ser s=sys=stem.
but that is=s bes=side the point. the bulge is=s the leftover of that proces=s=s=s, the nook is=s the werid new bit. now as=s you may have gues=s=s=sed, trolls do not have a natural means of being impregnated, s=so to have a hole that is=snt there to excrete something is=s Weird right? Right, well thats=s part of a joint excers=se of S=social evolution and Biological evolution working in tandem for once in a fucking blue moon. like primates=s the act of s=sex became les=s=s=s of a requirement and more of a bonding thing. you know how this=s goes=s, a mutation amoung a s=subs=set of trolls. in this=s ins=stance the s=spermatheca found within the mothergrub had appered, jus=st without the you know... Point B attached. it was jus=st a hole that ended up being a s=surpris=singly us=seful method of bonding with other proto trolls=s, trolls=s with more partners=s tended to do the two things=s needed to propagate the mutation (livin and fuckin). the bucket comes=s in WAY later and when things s=start getting Really fucking Freaky, you know with all of the mutations=s done to captive mother grubs=s to facilitate the need for exponential imperialis=st expans=sion out into space? given the faux s=spermatheca is clos=sed the bucket acts=s as a condom for the res=sulting s=spillage and is=s carted off to be turkey bas=sted into a giant bug, you know, as nature cries=s about to her therapis=st weekly about.
if you want s=some other gros=s=s=s s=shit explained to you, all you gotta do is as=sk!
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dabantam · 4 months
Homestuck: Troll Biology Head Canon
While brainstorming some ideas for a Homestuck au I’ve been thinking about, I stumbled upon the concept of “xeno trolls”, basically portraying the trolls as being more “biologically exotic” than just “grey humans with horns and weird blood”. With that in mind, I have a few ideas for the different blood castes.
Universal: Along with the usual grey skin, orange horns, and black hair, trolls also have tails and pointed ears, as well as limbs of equal length, allowing them to sprint on all fours if the need arises.
Rust, Bronze, and Gold Bloods: Have the greatest potential for psychic powers, with each specializing in different tasks. Rust Bloods use their powers purely for telekinetic use due to being traditionally servants (and needing to do a lot of heavy lifting). Bronze Bloods tend to use their powers to communicate with animals, seeing as they’re traditionally shepherds. Gold Bloods have the strongest control over their psychic powers, able to use it as a weapon and to operate a vast psychic network (though they do sometimes suffer from a condition called “void rot” that leaves them drained of both physical and mental energy, often requiring them to take pills or be attached to energy canisters to maintain their energy levels).
Lime Bloods: The transitional point between the low bloods and high bloods, the Lime Bloods lacked more advanced psychic powers (though having the ability to sense the emotional state of those around them). While hunted down to extinction in the main universe (though existing on in the form of their “candy blood” mutant variants), an alternate universe shows an Alternia where they continue to thrive, serving as mediators between the low and high bloods.
Olive Bloods: The closest to ancestral trolls, Olive Bloods tend to have more bestial mannerisms and serve primarily as hunters. These same mannerisms also lead to them developing hyper fixations, with many of them becoming avid collectors of various odds and ends.
Jade Bloods: The caretakers of the Mother Grub and the ones responsible for caring for the wrigglers. Jade Bloods are typically an all female caste (though gender is more of a vestigial concept from back before trolls relied on the Mother Grub for reproduction). Also, being a rainbow drinker is a condition that mainly affects Jade Bloods (similar to void rot in Gold Bloods), and while it’s often romanticized in books and movies, it’s often more of a hassle in reall life, requiring at least one feeding of blood a day to prevent them from devolving into feral, bloodthirsty beasts.
Teal Bloods: More or less the same as canon, though acting as litigators between the high bloods (especially the land dwellers and sea dwellers).
Blue Bloods: This is where things start to get weirder. Along with possessing psychic powers to induce limited mind control, they also possess eight eyes, though usually in different variations (like Vriska having seven pupils in one eye in canon).
Indigo Bloods: The second strongest of the land dwellers, Indigo Bloods tend to be a head taller than most humans and possess chitinous plating on their arms, legs, chest, and back.
Purple Bloods: The strongest of the land dwellers, Purple Bloods tend to serve as intermediaries between land dwellers and sea dwellers. Being partially amphibious, they possess slight webbing between their fingers and toes, flattened tails, and eyes and nostrils that are usually higher up on their faces than normal (kind of resembling a weird, fucked up otter overall). As designated leaders of the land dwellers, they’re also leaders of the new worlds’ religion, worshipping the holy trinity: the Grand High Blood, the Sufferer, and the Mirthful Messiah.
Violet Bloods: Second highest rank in the hemospectrum, Violet Bloods tend are much taller than most land dwellers and humans (Eridan being the exception, which is another sore spot for him). Along with having gills, webbed hands and feet, and finned tails, they also possess a secondary set of smaller arms mainly used for grooming.
Fuchsia Bloods: A caste containing a singular member, the Fuschia Blood is the strongest of the trolls (supposedly). Along with the usual sea dweller traits, the Fuchsia Blood also possesses four arms total, as well as being incredibly jacked. While the Fuchsia Blood is the designated leader in the main universe, on an alternative Alternia, they actually serve as the second in command to a higher blood caste known as the Prism Blood, who possesses both powerful psychic powers and physical strength as well as ruling from a floating sky fortress.
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