#specifically in the gap forced by the air vent in the floor
sometimes you just gotta break out your own power tools and do something tangible and the world feels a tiny bit more manageable.
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cuddon · 8 months
How to Save Money on Heating and Air Conditioning Costs?
Are you tired of those skyrocketing heating and air conditioning bills? Well, you're not alone. Many homeowners are on the quest to find practical and wallet-friendly solutions to stay comfortable in their homes.
In this blog post,
we'll explore some tried-and-true strategies to save money on Marlborough heating and air conditioning costs while maintaining a comfortable living environment.
Harness the Power of Programmable Thermostats
One of the most effective ways to cut down on your heating and air conditioning expenses is by investing in a programmable thermostat. These nifty devices allow you to set specific temperatures for different times of the day.
Check out - Marlborough Heating and Air Conditioning
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During the winter, lower the thermostat while you're away or sleeping, and in the summer, raise it. This simple adjustment can make a significant impact on your overall energy consumption and costs.
Seal the Leaks
Your heating and air conditioning systems work hard to maintain a comfortable temperature, but if your home has drafts or leaks, you're essentially throwing money out the window. Conduct a thorough inspection of your doors, windows, and any other potential openings.
Seal gaps with weatherstripping or caulk to prevent warm or cool air from escaping. By doing so, you'll reduce the workload on your HVAC system and see a noticeable drop in your utility bills.
Embrace Natural Heating and Cooling Methods
Take advantage of nature's gifts to supplement your heating and air conditioning efforts. In the winter, open your curtains during the day to let sunlight naturally warm your home. Conversely, close curtains in the summer to block out the sun's rays.
Additionally, strategically placed trees or shrubs can provide shade, reducing the need for excessive cooling. These simple yet effective methods can significantly contribute to a more energy-efficient home.
Regular HVAC Maintenance Pays Off
Your heating and air conditioning systems require regular maintenance to operate at peak efficiency. Dirty filters, clogged vents, and worn-out components can force your HVAC system to work harder than necessary.
Schedule routine inspections and cleanings to ensure everything is running smoothly. It might seem like an extra expense, but in the long run, the improved efficiency will save you money on both energy consumption and potential repair costs.
Optimize Insulation
Proper insulation is a game-changer when it comes to Marlborough heating and air conditioning costs. Insulate your walls, attic, and floors to create a barrier against outdoor temperatures. This helps to maintain a consistent indoor climate without overworking your HVAC system.
While initial insulation costs might seem daunting, the long-term savings on energy bills make it a worthwhile investment.
Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Systems
If your heating and air conditioning systems are outdated, consider upgrading to more energy-efficient models. Look for units with high energy star ratings, as they meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the environmental protection agency.
While the upfront costs may be higher, the long-term savings on energy bills make these upgrades a smart financial move.
Taking control of your Marlborough heating and air conditioning costs doesn't mean sacrificing comfort. By implementing these practical and cost-effective strategies, you can enjoy a cozy home without breaking the bank.
From simple adjustments like using natural heating and cooling methods to investing in energy-efficient systems, every step you take brings you closer to a more economical and sustainable home. Start making these changes today, and watch your energy bills shrink while your comfort remains a top priority.
Source - https://cuddon1.blogspot.com/2024/02/how-to-save-money-on-heating-and-air.html
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
I don't generally request stuff and the reason why I am doing this is because I absolutely love your work, especially the Kingdom Series and the Mermaid!Younghoon and I am a little embarassed to put out my little imagination request out
But I would like to request
Sunwoo + colour lavender but could you make it best friends to lovers au too? (It is okay if you can only work on one part too!!! Whatever you are comfortable with)
Thank you so much! Congrats on your 4 years, and thanking for alllllll the amazing work you have put out!!!!! Really big appreciation for you and your writing!!! Ly❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
hi love! there's no need to be embarrassed at all about this - it's a lovely idea, and thank you so much for your kind words and the request! I hope you enjoy this token of my thanks for your support <3
4 year anniversary drabble game: send me a Stray Kids/The Boyz/Golden Child/Ateez member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!
Title: Palette
Pairing: Sunwoo x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 1.8k
Triggers: none
"What color am I?"
The question comes on a hot day spent on the couch with the air conditioner broken, when everything feels like it's melting under the heat of the sun baking your apartment to a crisp. Somewhere in the building, a repairman is trying to figure out what's wrong.
You and Sunwoo, however, are melting into puddles on the sticky hardwood floor.
"What?" You shake yourself out of the blank state you’ve slipped into, staring at the empty ceiling. You've never spent much time looking at the ceiling. It's off white, maybe eggshell, a little cracked and blemished but not enough for you to say to no to the cheaper rent. Looking at it now, though, it's kind of ugly.
"You said Juyeon is yellow, like sunflowers.” He pauses. “Eric’s... green, I think. Sangyeon was red, Changmin was also green, but brighter than Eric. Right?”
Something tugs at the back of your mind, a memory of using your paints to describe some of your friends. Your eyes drift to the abandoned easel in the corner of the muggy room. You can almost feel the canvas melting off of it into a paint-splattered puddle on the floor. “Right,” you reply, wiping a bead of sweat off of your head. 
“You didn’t give me a color,” Sunwoo says. You can’t spare the energy to look in his direction even though he’s literally right next to you, but you imagine he looks about as wiped out as you feel. “So I wondered.”
Colors. Yes, colors like the off-white eggshell of your ceiling, the blue of the sky outside... 
What color is Sunwoo?
Orange is the first one that comes to mind, orange like a sunset, burning as it slowly dips under the horizon. Its rays wisp into the sky, fading in some places, intensifying in others, turning it into a mural of oranges and pinks and yellows, burning like the passion that fuels Sunwoo’s soul...
Oh, but yellow. Yellow exists - maybe not as golden as Juyeon’s yellow, maybe not as bright as the burning sun, but darker, deeper, like marigolds - orange mixed in, perhaps, but still yellow in abundance, like flower petals bursting into bloom. 
You frown. Sweat drips down the side of your face, but this time, you don’t even notice. Orange and yellow - they’re right, but not quite right. Not exactly. Not yet...
Sunwoo’s voice interrupts your thoughts. “Still thinking?” 
“Shut up.” You flail around a limp arm, smiling with satisfaction when it hits his stomach with an audible thump. “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
“You’re thinking about a color.”
“How long do you think it takes me to mix the exact right shade for each part of a painting?” You turn just enough to let him see your raised eyebrow. “Thinking about colors takes a lot of work.”
He grumbles but shuts up, eyes closing as he settles back onto the floor. You keep watching him though, follow the curve of his jaw down to his chin, tanned skin shiny with the sheen of moisture that seems to have covered everything in this tiny apartment...
Bronze comes to mind, warm, metallic, rich like the color of his skin. They made weapons out of bronze in the past - strong, steady, unyielding, like Sunwoo’s will to push past obstacles no matter how hard they seem at a glance. He could be a bronze statue, for all you know - he’s handsome enough for that, certainly some sculptor from the past would have been taken with Sunwoo’s looks if he’d been around and created a statue that would have lasted for centuries afterward. 
But it’s warm. Too warm. And maybe it’s just because of the hot sun pouring into the room even with the shades drawn, but thinking about metal, about bronze, makes you feel like you’re touching a burning hot stove on a day like this. There have to be other colors, right? Other colors that aren’t bronze, green, pink, maybe blue - 
Blue. You latch onto the thought. Not the color of the relentless sky, but maybe like the ocean - cool, deep, ceaseless in its flow but not overbearing until a storm comes, whipping the waves into a chaos of whirling water that slashes and swipes across the beach. Sunwoo’s a little bit of both, you think, the part of the ocean that goes with the flow, but also the part that gets a little angry, a little passionate, a little too worked up about some things sometimes. 
But his anger isn’t quite blue. Not really. Sunwoo is quick to anger but also quick to calm when dealt with correctly. The storm builds up its rage and lashes out as long as it wants, but Sunwoo... no. He’s not that way. Not quite. 
You stifle a groan. Is there any color that fits Sunwoo perfectly, then? Any single color on the stained palette next to your easel, any single color in the world? He’s too complex, too much of everything all at once - he could be blue, could be bronze, could be orange or yellow or pink, of all things - you could find a way to justify every single one but none of them would be enough - 
Your gaze rises from his chin to his lips, and your mouth goes dry. 
Maybe he’s red, like the first time you ever noticed the fullness of his lips. 
No, don’t think about that. You squeeze your eyes shut tight before opening them as though that’ll erase the image of his lips from your mind. It was in high school - you’d handed him his water bottle after ten minutes of running laps and you’d watched him tip it against his lips so full and soft, and for a moment, you had let yourself imagine what it’d be like to have those lips against yours. 
You force yourself to look somewhere else, anywhere, just away from the lips and the shade of red beginning to shimmer before your eyes. Red, right - your mind scrambles to turn its thoughts away - red - colors - that’s what you were supposed to be thinking of - not lips, colors - 
Your gaze rises above the lips to Sunwoo’s closed eyes. 
Only they aren’t closed anymore. 
You can’t breathe. You literally can’t breathe - how long have his eyes been open? How long did he see you watching him like some stupid creepy stalker?
Did he realize you were looking at his lips?
“Done yet?” he asks, breaking the silence. Is it just your imagination, or do his eyes flicker down to your lips too?
Just your imagination. “Shut up.” Even the jab comes out weaker than you’d like to. You want to look away, but you can’t seem to do it - something’s rooting you where you are, eyes fixed upon his. “Give me a minute.”
“How many minutes has it been?” It’s just your imagination, just your imagination... “Is it really that hard? You thought of Eric’s in, like, a second.”
You’re too much, you think. Too many colors all at once. But instead of saying that aloud, you just swallow, like the idiot you are. “Let me think,” you say. Your voice almost cracks. 
Red. Shades of red, beautiful red, the color of his lips, the core of the sun burning at sunset, smoldering embers on a dying fire splashed across the canvas of your vision. And yes, it’s almost perfect, almost there - you have his flaring temper caught in a color, now, but it needs something to cool it off - 
Blue. Blue, like you thought before, the ocean and its ceaseless flow. Blue and red, blue and red, blue and red...
“Purple,” you whisper, too close to his lips. Rich, royal, the coolness of blue and the fire of red... “Some shade of purple.”
“Purple.” Sunwoo repeats the word with curiosity on his lips, almost like he’s tasting the color on his tongue. “Why purple?”
“I -” You swallow when the soft puff of his breath hits your face. When exactly did you two get this close? It wouldn’t take more than a few inches to close the gap between your lips. “I couldn’t choose between blue and red,” you say honestly. “You’re both. In fact, it feels like you’re a bit of every color. But purple... that’s the closest I can get without giving you a specific shade.”
“Which shade?”
Something clicks into place in your mind, and it is definitely not your imagination this time when Sunwoo’s eyes fall down to your lips. 
The dryness in your mouth makes it difficult to swallow. You try anyway. “Give me a moment,” you murmur, heart beating unnecessarily quickly. 
Think. Shades of purple. Do you go darker or lighter? Warmer or cooler? Is he magenta? Mauve? Violet? Your mind flicks as quickly as it can through the catalogue of colors in your mind. Cooler, probably - he’s more the ocean than the fire, more embers than a full flame - lighter, too, like a breath of fresh air - 
A blast of cool wind gusts down from the vent. It’s gone almost as quickly as it comes, but it stays with you in the name of the color forming on your lips. 
Your voice comes out like a whisper. It feels wrong to speak any louder. “I’ve got it.”
Sunwoo blinks. His lashes look so lovely, framing his eyes. “Really?” he asks, and you have wonder if he closed the distance slightly since the last time you spoke - the few inches that separated you before seem to have decreased to a mere centimeter or two. “So what color am I?”
There’s another blast of cool air. Neither of you reacts to it. Instead, as blissfully cold air begins to filter through the vents, impulse drives you to lean forward, to close the entire distance at last -
Sunwoo’s lips are softer than you ever thought they’d be. They feel cool and warm all at once, purple as a base but lighter, cooler, a breath of fresh air on your face after a horribly hot day spent in the sun.
“Lavender,” you whisper against his lips. “You’re lavender.”
You don’t offer an explanation, but he doesn’t ask you to elaborate, like he did with purple. It’s okay. You think he knows it. Feels it, at least, when you kiss him once more, fresh air washing over your bodies, painting the canvas of your skin in cool, blissfully cool strokes. 
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themockingcrows · 3 years
Doki Doki Grist Panic Ch. 4
Another chapter of my Magical Boy fic, sorry for such a long wait while I got my brain in order!
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27802735/chapters/79562023
This chapter is sfw!
Soft, repetitive beeps were the first things Dave heard when he woke. The whirring of machinery, of a barely there fan spinning in a metal case. He’d know the sounds of technology anywhere, used to the hum and breath of his own computer tower in his room. Nothing was overheating, the room was a comfortable temperature, just warm enough to feel cozy where his skin touched itself at the crooks of his elbows and the backs of his legs. He was aware he was lying on his side, but it was so hard to wake up. Opening his eyes felt far too difficult, let alone moving his limbs. Dave settled for a fingertip stroking at what felt like a blanket or sheet beneath his body and sighed a breath exhaustedly.
It wasn’t fully dark in the room. He must have left his lamp on at the desk and taken a nap, or the door was open somewhat to let in light from the hallway and living room. He didn’t hear anything from the front room, Bro must be napping as well or doing something with his headphones on at his computer. Maybe dinner was cooking, or he was waiting for something to be delivered, indulging in his free time doing this or that. It was a comfortable silence. Dave blinked a few slow times before taking in the strange blue tone to the room’s light, cooler than his usual warm home light. Bulb change? Slowly he rubbed at his face and slid to his back, wanting to stare at the ceiling so he could come back to himself more and wake up properly.
This wasn’t his ceiling.
Instead of the textured white ceiling he was used to seeing for so many years, the ceiling was metallic and matte in color. The walls were matte as well, though at least they were white as his own were. Fat load of good it did him, considering the walls didn’t look familiar in the slightest either. Where WAS this place? This wasn’t his room, it wasn’t the living room for sure. Was it a friend’s house? A hospital?
Dave sat upright and lifted his hands to his throat, his face, a sudden feeling of breathlessness hitting him as he panicked. Breathless… It all came flooding back to him in a rush, mind swimming. The attack, the lack of air, choking, suffocating. But it still didn’t answer the question of where he was, nor what was happening. When he went to rock to his knees, Dave paused, feeling a tug of fabric at his waist and chest. That… didn’t make sense, his uniform wouldn’t do that, nor would his casual clothes. Instead of wearing either outfits, he was draped in a soft white material that was tied at the waist with a woven red cord, though he couldn’t guess what type of fabric it was. It was too soft to be linen, too sturdy to be cotton, and didn’t match anything he’d ever felt. Were it not such a mystery he’d probably even go to say it was quite comfortable.
… Where were his boxers?
Who had undressed him? Even the lack of transformation would be something of importance, he’d go back to his civilian clothes, not… whatever this was. When he finally managed to stand, the room span and he sank back down to sit for a moment on the edge of the bed with a grimace, taking it all in as his mind raced in circles like a penned dog. Dave realized that it wasn’t just the garment that was covering him either, but what looked and felt like strings of pearls and golden beads. They were settled around his neck as if wrapped specifically to make a draping effect over his chest and shoulders here and there, and clasped together at the ends behind his neck with what felt like a filigree hook. Someone had taken great care to dress him like this, but why? Who?
Panic rising in his throat like bitter bile, Dave stood slower this time and headed for the cracked doorway, surprised to find the room unguarded. Cameras? Or was there some other way he was being watched? Paranoia ate at him, but when he poked his head out into the blue toned hallway, he heard nothing but the same soft hum of machinery, felt the cool air blowing from unseen vents. Barefooted, he padded along down this hallway to the left of his room, prepared for any threat. ...Or. Well, as prepared as one could be while unarmed. Dave knew how to defend himself while unarmed well enough, but the desire to have a sword was strong. Maybe he should change before exploring further, get his powerup back and-
“You’re awake. I was wondering how long you were going to be unconscious for. So long as your brain waves were healthy and strong I wasn’t worried, at least. It’s fascinating how fragile humans are once you remove their air.”
Dave froze in place. He knew that voice, but the things it was saying weren’t making sense to his brain. John wouldn’t talk like that, but that was the first person that came to mind upon hearing that specific tone and cadence, the way it handled words as if they were fluid on one's tongue instead of just a thought. Swallowing and taking a deeper breath, he rolled his shoulders back and strode to the full end of the hallway and the room it opened into.
The space was massive. The hums were definitely computers, projecting screens and physical and digital keyboards everywhere, holograms and different moving charts and images dancing in the air. Each wall seemed to have some kind of a space background, stars and a moon, a view of the Earth like a peaceful screensaver. In the center of it all stood a figure with glowing eyes and gray skin, unfamiliar clothing and decoration adorning him, a serene look on his face. He looked calm, in control, but there was no hostility to be seen.
“You can come closer. I’m not interested in fighting you,” he said.
Dave frowned and strode closer, observing the different screens as he went, unable to read any of the angular text he saw. When he was a more reasonable distance from him, he finally talked.
“So you’re the one that brought me here.” It was John. Closer, he could see the shape of his eyes, his mouth, the way his hair sat on his head, his broad shoulders. The appearance had changed, but the core was definitely the same. His stomach churned sickly. He’d kissed this person. He’d been held by this person. He’d contemplated doing more with this person, and it was all a lie.
“You seem surprised and yet not surprised enough,” he said with a hint of a smile. It looked a little forced, stiff at the edges of his mouth as if the gesture were foreign to him. “Might I ask who you were expecting?”
“...Nobody specific,” Dave admitted, trying to keep his cool. “Where is here though? I assume you can at least tell me that.”
John lifted his foot and stomped downwards, forcing the ground to shimmer for a moment before it turned pitched black and then seemed to dissolve. The space pattern from the walls blended to the rest of the floor, leaving them seemingly free floating in space despite walking on solid ground.
“I’d thought it would be fairly obvious, but I suppose even someone like you might have been confused at first. Does this clarify things, then?”
Space. Dave knew Bro had gone before, he’d talked about it in the past, but never did he think he’d get to see it himself. Much less in a situation like this one. His fingers curled into the sides of the new draping clothing he wore, steeling himself as he stared directly down towards nothingness. If Earth was on the wall’s side, then they must be at an angle without even being able to feel it. Whatever technology was doing this was astounding.
A gray hand was suddenly touching his cheek, cold and lifeless feeling, and Dave jerked his head up and took a step backwards to put some distance between them again. The look in his eyes could peel paint, aggressively defiant as he’d been during battle, though this time with the added benefit of betrayal as well. This person had lied to him, led him on, played with his emotions. Made a fool of him. He was a moron. Of course he couldn’t have nice things like romance, they weren’t possible for someone with his kind of career. This just hammered that idea home even harder than before in a way that made tears sting in his eyes and threaten to show themselves.
He kept them down out of sheer spite.
“You hate me so much already,” John mused. “Not even a moment's hesitation before pulling back.”
“You’re not John.”
“Yes, I am.”
“You’re not my John.”
“We are one in the same, Dave. Open your eyes to reality,” John said with a flourish of his arms, displaying himself in his entirety as if he hadn’t been seen properly before. “It doesn’t have to be so bad. Think of the possibilities you’re being afforded.”
“Possibilities? Don’t make me laugh,” he nearly spat. “My John might as well be dead now. I don’t care if you’re the same person, the John I gave a shit about wouldn’t be my enemy. I fell in love with a lie, but it was a wonderful lie, don’t even pretend to act like you’re remotely the same thing.”
John sighed a little and rolled his head on his neck to stretch it before rubbing a few strands of hair behind his ear. “You’re really in denial, aren’t you. I’m the same John. I have the same feelings for you, those weren’t a lie. The only lie is that I’m not human. I’ve no intention of hurting you.”
“You fucking suffocated me!” Dave reminded him with a hiss.
“It was the quickest way to end the battle and sequester you away,” John shrugged. “Would you rather I have beaten you senseless with my hammer? It could be arranged now, if you’d prefer. But I’d dislike crushing your pretty face.”
Dave scowled and clenched his fists tight enough that he felt his nails cutting into his palms. “What do you want with me. Hurry this up, I’ve got places to be.”
“You talk as if you’re getting out of here easily,” John mused. “But since you’re here, I’ll go ahead and extend my offer formally.”
“Yes,” John said, taking a step closer in an attempt to close the gap, though it renewed itself almost immediately when Dave backstepped again to keep distance between them. Frustrating, but fine, he’d deal with it. “I’d like for you to come back with me to my planet.”
“Why? Because I like you, Dave. I enjoy your company. You are… special to me. I would enjoy keeping you by my side.”
“Cute words, but you still kidnapped my ass and dressed me up like some toy. You’re not exactly still on the boyfriend pedestal,” Dave pointed out. “Why not just find someone on your planet?”
“There’s nobody left for me there,” he said simply, flatly. “It’s why when I’m done here, I’d prefer to keep you with me. I’ve got the technology to make sure you adjust to our atmosphere once it’s restored, an-”
John reached a practiced hand out to tap at a keyboard, bringing up a specific hologram of a ruined looking planet. Smaller screens lit up around it showing devastation, pollution, destruction both natural and man made. There was a distinct lack of life. “Restored. All it’ll take is enough grist, and my world can be restored to its former beauty. It’s not the same as Earth, there’s a lot different about it. But it’s beautiful in its own way, when it’s healthy and alive.”
“Why is it your job to fix your planet? If you’re the only one left, why not just live here? We have problems, yeah, but there’s plenty of roo-” Dave started, only to be interrupted.
“Because I’m it’s guardian,” John said simply. “I have a chance to save and restore it, to restore everything to how it was but better. I can fix things. I have that power, and I intend to use it. I just need grist from Earth, and my home will come back.”
“How much grist do you need…?” he asked, already having a sense before getting confirmation.
“All of it, preferably. I could work with less, but if I’m here already why not just drain the damned place and be done with it.”
Dave finally took a step forward aggressively.
“So that’s the entire plan? Destroy Earth, gain grist, revive a dead planet?”
“And have you at my side for the duration. You’d love my world, Dave. You’d be loved there. You wouldn’t have to risk your neck all the time as a guardian nobody is grateful to, either,” John explained, grin widening in an almost manic way. “Once I’m the one to restore things, everyone will realize they have a guardian with that power. That I’ll exist to them as more than a vague concept of right and wrong, that I’m a real person, and that I gave them their life back. It will be beautiful.”
The aggressive stance slackened somewhat as Dave shifted his weight back towards his heel.
“You’re crazy.”
“Am I? Or are you just not looking at the big picture clearly,” John said, pulling out his hammer from thin air with a shimmer. He was a guardian. They were the same, and yet, so obviously different in every way. John tossed the weapon easily in one hand, unbothered by its weight in the slightest, then pointed it at Dave before gesturing to the rest of the room. “I’m offering you a place by my side, an entire world. This is an easy choice, Dave. We were getting so close…”
“If I knew this side of you, I’d never have even called you a friend,” Dave said, trying not to flinch when the hammer swung down sharp enough it made stinging air snap against his face. “I’m a guardian of Earth, John. You know I’d never accept this kind of offer. I can’t let you do as you please. I’m offering you a hand again to join Earth, but that’s as far as this goes.”
“Fuck the Earth!” John shouted, eyes blazing. “It's time as the crown jewel of the milky way is over, Dave, open your eyes! Look at the writing on the wall! War, famine, pollution, greed. Your planet is going down the same path my planet did at first. It’s on its way out now. It’s dimming. Yet, it still has a chance to be useful. It can restart my planet, it can become a utopia, like it always had the potential to! A second chance!”
“And why the fuck should I let you kill my planet to restart yours? What makes all our lives inferior?” demanded Dave, jaw tense. This guy was crazy. Absolutely fucking crazy.
“It’s nothing personal, Dave. It’s just business. We can always work together to find another planet to restart yours the same way, another world chock full of grist for the taking. We could work together, even. Keep both our planets safe. It’d be great, it-”
“Isn’t going to ever happen.”
“I’m not going to let you lay your fucking hands on anything of mine ever again. The Earth is off limits to your grist mining.”
“Dave, listen to me.”
“The offer to remain as a friend of the planet is on the table still, but from the sound of things you’re expecting more. It’s not going to happen. I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“Dave,” John said again, sounding pained. The grip on his hammer tightened with every word, face desperate and tense.
“Not now, not ever. This planet is my responsibility.”
“Dave, listen!” John shouted.
“I DON’T HAVE TO LISTEN TO A FUCKING THING YOU SAY WHEN YOU’RE TALKING SO NONCHALANTLY ABOUT KILLING ALL MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY!” Dave shouted right back, raising his fists into a fighting stance defensively, prepared for what might be coming from their outbursts.
John lifted his hammer high, eyes flaring like electricity. A dark breeze rushed through the room, jerking Dave’s clothes left and right, whipping his hair wildly. He prepared for breathlessness, he prepared for the hammer. For what may come.
“WHY CAN’T YOU JUST DO AS I SAY?” John yelled, slamming the hammer Dave’s direction. It was a mistake. An accident, he’d try to tell himself. He would never hurt Dave, he’d promised himself he wouldn’t, yet him talking back like this, him refusing him, him refusing him the chance of fixing his world… it was just too much to handle, and he’d done the first thing that came to mind with the darkness.
The hammer struck true, but not on Dave, much to John’s anger and relief. Instead, it was struck and currently straining against a sword that he hadn’t seen before. It was white as marble, with a strange, almost conical looking crossguard. Solid as anything, with a hum of vibrant energy as Dave held John’s strike at bay. Gone were the white clothes, the beads, the pearls, in its place the familiar uniform and white hair John had seen so many times. The flashy red, the gears ticking in the air as he stared with piercing red eyes directly into John’s. No sign of yielding.
He hated that look.
He loved that look.
They strained against each other for a moment before Dave made a move, gears spinning wildly behind him as he slowed things down and surged forwards, sliding the hammer along the edge of the sword till he could flip the balance and send it away from him. Quickly, he angled his body and struck a blow across John’s middle, though it was far from a kill strike. Even now, Dave hesitated to kill some of his enemies, something that he knew would come back to bite him in the future in one way or another. He hoped that, possibly, there would be some way to save John from himself. To clear his heart, his mind. Somehow.
Maybe he could ask Bro, call a favor in from Dirk. Anything. There had to be a way.
As time sped back up, however, Dave knew he was out of time, metaphorically. Instead of attacking again, or preparing to intercept a second hammer strike, he instead clenched his hand over his heart and focused as hard as he could on home. He could picture it in his mind, the futon with Bro’s legs dangling over the end, the television, the wires crisscrossing the floor, food on the counter, smuppets and swords everywhere. The moon from the rooftop, the faint hint of stars in the light polluted sky, the heat of midday sun on the treated surface, waves in the air bouncing off the metallic surfaces of the industrial air conditioners. He could feel it so intensely he could have drawn it with his eyes closed.
Chest warm, Dave heard his heart ticking in his chest, the steady beat of the clock that he worked with. It ticked louder, louder, harder till it was all he could feel, all he could hear… and he was gone. John struck the empty space Dave had been standing in mere seconds after he flashed and disappeared from view. Growling in rage, dark wind wildly thrashing, he threw his head back and yelled wordlessly to the digital sea of stars above him.
This wasn’t over.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dave’s roof was exactly how he’d been imagining it. Comforting, welcoming, and entirely his own. Though relieved at his sudden arrival back on Earth, he couldn’t help but stare up at the sky to try and figure out which bright spot was a star and which might be John’s ship just beyond the atmosphere. He gripped his hand tight against his chest again, before finally glancing down towards his sword. This definitely was new, but what happened? Did he get gifted an upgrade, or had he unlocked it somehow on his own in a fit of panic? He gave it a twist swing, slicing the air cleanly with a vwip noise a few times before the door to the roof clanged open.
“Jesus fuck, kid, you’re gonna give me a heart attack. Where’ve you been? It’s like you disappeared!” Bro said, hurrying forward as Dave slowed his strikes to a halt. “I came soon as I felt it, but seriously, what gives?”
“Felt it? Felt what?” he asked, confused.
“The ping,” Bro said. At Dave’s continued look of confusion, he set a hand over his heart with a smirk. “I might not be a guardian anymore, but I’m sure as shit still tapped into the system somewhat, and just from bein’ who I am to you I’d feel it I’m sure. Felt when you disappeared… felt when you came back. Dirk no doubt felt it too, even if only a bit. Everyone must’ve felt somethin’, no matter how small, that changed.”
“Somethin’ sure as shit did change, did you see this thing?” Dave asked, hefting the sword up one handed to display to Bro lengthwise, offering it to him to hold and examine in the moonlight, white and all but glowing in its deadly way. “I don’t know what happened, one minute I was goin’ for my sword, the next this cropped out instead.”
“Nice. Solid as shit, too,” Bro judged by the weight. “This is a hell of an upgrade kid. ...I hope it didn’t cost you too much. You know how they are about their workers supplies.”
There was always a price. Be it in time, or be it in blood.
“I hope so too. I’ve got no idea, though. I didn’t hear Hephaestus at all, or see him or anything, just. New sword,” he explained as he took the weapon back, changing out of his uniform and into-
“What’s with the getup?” Bro asked, cocking his head to the side.
“Fucking-! Ugh. God damn creep changed my clothes while I was out cold. H- … Wait. Motherfucker, my phone!” he shouted, looking up towards the sky angrily. His phone was gone, his clothes, his everything was gone and it wasn’t like he could just ask for it back.
“There’s worse ways to lose a phone, kid. We’ll get you a new one,” Bro said with a shrug. “Come inside, already, before you get sucked back to space or wherever the fuck you were at. I’ll make Hot Pockets or somethin’ to celebrate.”
Dave smirked. “I survive a near death experience and you offer me Hot Pockets. My first time off-planet, and it’s Hot Pockets.”
“These are the garlic bread kind, and I’m willin’ to share.”
“...You drive a hard bargain.”
Bro clapped a hand on Dave’s shoulder. “We’ll try puzzlin’ out your powerup and talk while you eat. You can even change out of your weird drapey dress if you want.”
Dave shot another look at the sky as if daring John to react while he stood there more vulnerable, while he was with his guardian, but nothing came. He’d need to finish this. Maybe the Hot Pocket talk could include more strategy than anything else, a second head with more experience fighting off-planet threats to help him think of different options.
“Yeah. I’d like that.”
As they started walking, Bro chuckled. “If you wanna call your boyfriend I’ll lend you my phone for a bit if you ask real nice.”
Dave’s stomach churned as they headed through the door, mouth suddenly full of bitter spit. “No thanks. That’s. ...I’ll tell you while I eat.”
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grim-faux · 3 years
2 _ 11 _ Abandoned Realms
 All the rooms connected around to the corridor, but the furniture room was neighbored to the room with the recliner and not in full view of the doorway. From within the gloom, the delicate sweep of paper twittered forth.
 Cautiously, Mono shuffled along the doorframe to the opening and peeked inside, letting his eyes focus through the shroud. The Thin Man waited in the chair, studying the pamphlet. Mono couldn’t grasp the face or the eyes around the leaflet, could scarcely see the hat. It was only the suggestion of a hazy outline and the faint curl of fumes. He waited until a page fluttered, then crossed through the doorframe for the other side of the corridor.
 He already scouted through the kitchen a dozen times, and a hundred times over. Each time was a sour disappointment. He returned to the big room and the sideways laying sofa, only so he could retrieve his hat. From there, he went down a short sequence of steps to where the main door waited.
 Grooves in the wall of the doorframe afforded easy reach to the handle. As always, the door is not locked. He swung his legs as the panel swept outward, and braced himself before dropping. Now outside, he made sure to shove the door all the way shut until the latch clicked. It would be horrible if something stumbled inside and got the Thin Man.
 Debris littered the corridor and lay strewn about, the layers of the walls collapsed from their framing forged trespass into other rooms and chambers. However, though there lay openings within, this did not afford a safe passage. The floors creaked under Mono whenever he took a wrong step, and every few steps he stalled and listened to the dull song of the walls. When the lamps dangling from the ceiling pulsed, he knew without a doubt it was from the writhing storm. It was not the worst storm he’d experienced in a while, though the building insisted it was the storm of all storms.
 The stairwell lay in ruin, but that didn’t always mean creatures or other… things couldn’t find other ways. If Mono wanted, he could climb down the body of a Viewer strewn down from the rail. He didn’t want to go down there, not yet. He followed the corridor, until reaching a large break in the wall. The path extended only a few paces before the floor collapsed out, into the lower room. A tattered mattress hung from the warped bedframe, which dangled off the ledge of an upper floor.
 Mono braced himself and leapt. He latched onto the threads and exposed of bones of the bed; tugging and leaning hard to the side, he managed to force it around and face a cracked-out portion of the wall. Another leap, and he snagged the parallel boards there. After several feet, the pale radiance peered through the gloom above a break in the wall. As he crept through the narrow passage, blue spectrums pilfered through the gaps and the all too chipper tunes of the televisions wound through his ears. Once or twice he dallied to peep among the boards and check on the Viewers, count how many to a televisions. It was important to know how many would be where at any given time. None of the numbers appeared out of place, all accounted for and content to lose themselves in a lie cloaked in tranquility.
 It wasn’t much further to the opening, and the slant that led into the room. A bit more crawling, risking a venture in the open sprawl of a room, then through a twisted vent. The slates had fallen out some time ago, allowing exit at his leisure.
 Upon first arriving in the room, he checked the cracked door – the only other way out of this place. It wouldn’t close all the way, but the hallways outside didn’t really go anywhere aside from a few other rooms, and those contained nothing interesting. No keys, switches, creatures. No threatening sounds, not a strange smell, nor sneaky creeping.
 Something did exist in one of the bedrooms. Not enough light peered in through the boarded window, but his eyes retained visual in the murk. He didn’t go too far into the room, but strayed in the entrance exploring the walls and furniture with his gaze. A chair stood beside the bed, in the furthest corner of the room. The chair cradled a familiar sort of silhouette, motionless and placid in the stale chamber. On the bed, sheets sank down over a pronounced sequence of lumps. He didn’t understand the shapes in the room. He knew what they were, but he didn’t understand the together. He had questions, he always had questions. Rather stand and ponder, he shut the door and left it alone.
 The room he first entered held a cracked chest full of stuff. Mostly toys, some oversized clothing. Every inch of the walls catered to shapes and colors, all faded and the speek impossible to make out. Toys lay on the floor, scattered from when Mono first raided the room. It didn’t seem like anyone had been here in a very long time. Not until him. Not until they….
 He climbed into the chest and scavenged through the orphaned gifts. There were no more ducks, but there were other creatures – cats, dogs, other birds. An assortment of boxes sat layered in among the clothing and artificial creatures.
 One of the most interesting artifacts he drew from the chest was a train trail. At first he didn’t know what the pieces were and dismissed the box, to continue digging through the clothing. Hoping for a new paper bag, maybe? None of the shirts or pants fit his size.
 Until he realized more boxes of pieces sat in the chest, and began putting them together. After perusing more toys, he found the toy train with the key in the back. Keys unlocked doors? The key was actually a crank, and when he turned it until the crank could go no further, it made the train wheels twirl. When set on the tracks the train rolled dutifully to the end, unless the two ends of the rails had been connected. Sometimes he piled toys into small hills for the train track to run up and coast down.
 He tossed out another box and hoisted out of the chest. The box contained new pieces for the train, additional carts in different shapes. The carts attached by a sharp metal hook, then he wound up the train and let it loose. In this iteration of the train path, the trail wound around some of the toys and the cracked chest, roaming back out around to where Mono crouched. He set his hat on the spare cart and let it go for a ride.
 In quiet he browsed through the toys, studying the interesting shapes and colors. They are all very old, maybe they have seen a lot. Or not. None of them can tell him what they have been through, what happened here. They wait in this lonely room, for someone to come and move them from place to place. No one came to visit them, but maybe no one knew about them. He knew about them.
 This was a nice place. It was one of the rarest of spaces, where the world outside seemed isolated from. Untouched. The walls encasing this little world stood silent and absent of warning speek, of pictures or sketches of dangers and stories alike. Nothing lived here but the orphaned gifts and empty air. In that aspect it unnerved him, to be so far from the vibrations coursing through the dark tinge of environment. In other ways, it felt all right. He could let the train and its cart stop completely, and absorb in the unnatural tranquility. He could even ignore the dry groan of the building, always threatening its inevitable disintegration to time itself.
 In a moment of weakness, he almost wished that another child would stumble upon this mythical space. Entre from a mysterious crack overlooked by Mono, or from the doorway, like a draft. Someone he could share this with, show them how to make the different winding paths. Share the other toys, have together.
 He’s realistic though, and understands how dangerous it would be. The Thin Man might come, and the other child will run. Or they would be caught. Mono wouldn’t know what to do, let alone what he should do. He had questions, so many questions. The Thin Man didn’t like his questions.
 When Mono could get the Thin Man to do speek, it was only to tell about simple things. The stuff and ways Mono knew a little about, but nothing new. No stories about why the Tower made buildings crumble and bend, or why adults needed televisions. The world they existed in was harsh and merciless to children, that was how it was and always would be, end of story.
 In the chest, he unearthed a new box. It was shockingly light, it almost floated away when Mono heaved it out. He carried the bent container to the carpet and opened it. Very little of the contents caught his interest, he had hoped it was more track pieces, perhaps different bends or curves. The contents of the box are layered pieces of thin wood, among pieces he’s not familiar with. A paper pamphlet is provided loaded with speek pictures and marks, but he can’t read any of it. The marks he cannot, anyway, but the picture speek does make sense to him. All picture speek tells a story, if the appropriate pieces are provided.
 Shapes popped out of the thin sheet of wood. At first he was startled, believing he had broken this speek. However, some of the pieces came in duplicates, and catered to very specific shapes. This was different. Briefly, he flipped through the mark speek, and compared the pieces to the pictures within. The lines and shapes held faded, but he could see clearly enough with the mournful little bit of radiance.
 He followed the speek. Slotted two pieces together. They fit. Little by little, he pried and worked. A puzzle. A trick. Not for survival, but for game. Maybe not even for a game. This was happy.
 Off and on he paused, to wind up the train and keep it busy on its track. Then, returned to the loose pieces of the thin wood, and the thing he was putting together. He was very careful, the pieces of wood nearly as thin as rotten cloth. Though sturdy, like him.
 A few additional knickknacks came in a small box. Metal bits, a rubber band, some wheels. He followed the speek to connect them rightly. Now. He was all out of bits and parts. What was this thing? He’d seen it a few times, in rotted pages of magazines. Nonetheless, what it did specifically mystified him. He turned it this and that way, his completed thing. It was impressive, but now the thrill of doing something was gone. He’s disappointed.
 Mono traced his fingers along the sides of the thing he built, feeling the materials. Flimsy. Delicate. What the point? He plucked the little fan blade on the nose, and the rubber band.
 When he wound the fan a bit, it took off. Shot upward with a BRRR! and Mono scrambled backwards. The thing went several feet, nearly to the ceiling. It ran out of vigor, then came all the way back down. On impulse, he rushed out from the chest and caught the thing, before it could smash into the floor. That was surprising! WOW! Why did it do that?
 Once more, he began winding the little fan. As before, it shot off into the air when he released it. Incredible! How high it went! TOL! He caught it as before, and repeated the game several times.
 Oh, but if he kept the thing leveled, it would zip across the room! It would go a far distance! Further than he could teleport. And he chased it, until it floated to the floor. This was so much! Most important of all, he had built it. And it worked. Whatever it was, did something amazing! This and that way it flew. He could angle it up to sweep high, stand on the chest and let it go. So much!
 On a whim he chased after the train, wound it up, and let the little thing – he guessed it was a plane of sorts – let it take a ride on the train, in the snug cradle of his hat. Up and down the little hills he built. On an important mission. Look at all these things he built. Remarkable Game! All this he did on his own. No one helped him, no one showed him how. He was always good at puzzles and tricks, he would never stop being good.
 Though he tore the eyes out of many, some of the plush toys he arranged around the latest build of the train trail marveled at the clever trek the little machine made all around the room. Off and on the plane might smash into one of the stuffed toys, but none ever minded. Other times, the plane would coast in gently across the floor on its wheels. Only one time by miscalculation, did the plane land directly on the track and nearly too late, Mono realized his error. But he was just in time to save the aircraft. After that he was much more careful to keep an eye on the plane, wherever it went.
 It took a while to build it. Actually build from nothing but flat pieces of boring wood. The plane was special, and it could do special things. Mono was ecstatic about the things he built, the games he could make and play. All by himself. It was a good feeling, this sense of accomplishment. It wasn’t what he might’ve felt if he and She managed to topple the Tower, but it was close enough after everything he had endured. Someday maybe he could go back and try once more, when he was better and more able.
 That time was not now. Perhaps someday, or perhaps even never. He didn’t know. It wasn’t so important now, but nonetheless and never ending, he hated the Tower. It felt right to hate something like that, after all the things it did to him, and to Her. Someday out there somewhere, he would hurt it.
 Here and now though, no. Not for a while. He had treasures, he had some happiness, and that was more important than the painful hate that ached him through. He was not ready to face the Tower and all its devious tricks.
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toptrampolines · 4 years
In ground Trampoline Review: Why is In-ground Trampolines or Ground Level Trampoline Safer?
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An inground or ground floor trampoline, you've heard, is cooler than a leg trampoline. So why is this the case? Centered on a variety of critical trampoline properties, we explain why these versions are safer. And you'll quickly understand that your inground or ground floor trampoline is the perfect and safest trampoline for you.
In Ground Trampoline
Low stepping
One of the reasons why an inground trampoline is better than a leg trampoline is the low stage. A buried trampoline is 20 centimeters above the ground on average. It is suitable for children as young as three years old. Another kind of buried trampoline that is the safest is the ground level trampoline. Since it is buried in the earth, there is no move at all.
Both kinds of trampolines have additional advantages: no fumbling or risky scenes on a ladder, and no headaches for you. As a (possibly concerned) parent, you stand there watching helplessly as your child climbs up his jumping device. And, of course, you will enjoy it to the fullest in this secure setting.
Low fall height
Before you buy a gorgeous trampoline, you don't want to hear about the risks of trampoline jumping. However, it is important to consider this. Your child has a risk of falling off the trampoline. The 'dropping distance' of a trampoline on legs is far greater than that of an inground or ground floor trampoline. Under the case of a buried trampoline, the kid will crash on a soft surface if he or she falls (which we hope will not happen). A trampoline with a built-in trampoline is typically covered by grass or rubber tiles. And, of course, seeing your jumper land on grass rather than the rusty asphalt floor you chose to replace years ago is a better option.
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There isn't much under the trampoline.
The more items you can stack beneath the trampoline, the higher it is above the deck. Kids, for example, enjoy building a hut for the dog or forgetting to put their balance bike under the trampoline due to their excitement. When jumping on a trampoline with the thighs, this is exactly where the risk is. Both in-ground trampolines and a trampoline on the ground floor are fully enclosed. A long skirt encircles the dig hole and is securely tied. This indicates that there is plenty distance between the trampoline and the void. As a result, in terms of protection, it has an advantage over a leg trampoline.
Both trampoline components are essential.
As a result, we can conclude that using in-ground trampolins is better than using a trampoline on hips. Of course, this isn't the case if the trampoline's components don't follow the required safety standards. The in-ground trampolines are not stable if the safety net is not correctly protected or if the trampoline edge is broken. As a result, we suggest that you thoroughly inspect all trampoline parts. Are they all up to snuff in terms of quality? You will find out how to do that in the article:
How do you know if an inground trampoline is of good quality?
Well, indeed! You've been kicked out. You'd like to purchase a trampoline for yourself, your child, nephew, or grandchild. When it comes to trampoline efficiency, you simply don't know what to look for. When are trampoline components of decent quality? We'd like to help you out by describing which points you should pay attention to in this post. Parts that are crucial A trampoline is made up of a variety of fixed components. In a few years, they will need to be replaced. When you need to fix an item, it depends on the part and how much you use the trampoline. However, the nature of these parts plays a big role in this substitution. Pay attention to the following things to determine whether you are purchasing a high-quality trampoline:
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The trampoline base, springs, trampoline edge, jumping pad, and safety net
The framework
A trampoline's base is similar to a house's foundation block. It serves as the trampoline's sturdy, stable foundation. Stainless steel is used for the majority of the doors. A decent frame has a tube diameter of at least 1.6 millimeters and no more than 3 millimeters. The frame is also galvanized, which adds to its consistency. The frame is rust-resistant thanks to the additional zinc coating, and it can survive all weather conditions. The consistency of the frame is often determined by the welds. To avoid denting, a thicker frame tube has a smooth weld seam without additional metal plates. With a warranty duration ranging from 6 to 10 years, you can be assured that the frame will fulfill your expectations. And the longer the service span is, the more robust the trampoline is.
The springs are plentiful.
The quality of a trampoline's springs determines how well it springs after a hop. The more the strength of jumps is spread, the longer the spring. Pay attention to the length, thickness, and form of the springs to assess their consistency. Feathers with an average length of 16 to 18 centimeters are used on a less robust trampoline. Springs that have been treated against corrosion and have an average length of 21 to 23 centimeters are used in healthy in-ground trampolines. The more a spring will stretch, the thicker it is. As a consequence, the jump's force is more evenly spread. Conical springs are shaped like a cone and spread force more equally than straight springs.
The edge of the trampoline
A trampoline's edge is typically brightly colored. The edge's primary purpose is to conceal the iron frame and springs. So that your child would not interfere with this situation with his foot. Closed cell foam that is firm and retains water is used to make a strong trampoline lip. A minimum thickness of 20 millimeters and an average width of 26 to 40 centimeters are needed. The safer, firmer, and more robust the edge is, the thicker the filling. It's a good idea to cover the edge with a cover to preserve the quality. This indicates that it will last longer.
The trampoline pad is a versatile piece of equipment.
Check to see what kind of substance the jumping mat is made of. This tells a lot about the trampoline's stability and consistency. The majority of jumping mats are made of permatron from the United States. Polypropylene and plastic fiber are combined in this product. Permatron from the United States is UV-resistant and mold-resistant. Permatron also performs admirably, allowing for high leaps. In-ground trampolines with a non-permatron spring mat are less environmentally friendly. The jumping mat's material can seem to be the same, but it is less sturdy and robust. A jumping mat will last for years if properly cared for, but it must be treated. On the trampoline, jumping for your pet or wearing sneakers is not a smart idea.
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The security net
A trampoline safety net protects the trampoline from falling over which is essential for safety. A safety net is required, especially for in-ground trampolines with legs. However, the standard of safety nets varies greatly. Polypropylene piles are covered with firm foam and surrounded by a PVC cover in a high-quality, good safety net. These nets also have additional fastening solutions, such as screws to connect them to the frame. The net will remain close and firm around the trampoline in this manner. Finally, it is important to close the safety net. A overlapping closing is more secure and long-lasting than a zipper. Here, your child will have a more difficult time getting out.
High-quality in-ground trampolines
So, ideally, the above points have given you a better understanding of trampoline efficiency. If you want to leave the trampoline in your garden for an extended period of time, anchoring pins should be used to protect the trampoline. The trampoline edge is protected from dirt from the outside by a plastic shell, which increases the trampoline's longevity. The consistency of your trampoline will last longer if you maintain it properly. According to our research, the following trampolines are the finest. Examine your own desires and interests in particular, and focus your final decision on them.
Final thoughts
As a result, a trampoline with legs is smoother than one with a built-in trampoline. Because of the low step and the drop gap, this is the case. Stepping on the trampoline is simple for kids, and they fall from a shorter distance. Soft materials, such as grass or rubber tiles, are often used to surround in-ground trampolines, reducing the effect of the fall. Furthermore, there is no room under the table for children to store their belongings. It's time for a side note. Every trampoline (both an inground and a trampoline on legs) is dangerous if one or more sections do not meet the safety standards.
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• Everything you need - Our full in-ground trampoline package comes with the trampoline, retaining wall, and simple directions.
• Brilliant Bounce - The springs are the key. Our in-ground trampolines are the only ones to use commercial-grade springs, are extra-long, and use 33% more springs than our rivals.
• Shhhh - We're the only ones that use the one-of-a-kind TDU Vented Frame Pads, which enable all of the air to escape through the padding, avoiding the annoying pad slap noise.
• Security - We are the only organization that offers absolute, half, and quarter net solutions if you want to install a safety net.
• Easy - Our trampolines were created with ease of installation in mind. Don't take our word for it; see what our customers have to say.
• Long-lasting - Our in-ground trampolines are made entirely of high-quality European materials, from German steel to Italian springs.
• Are you not a fan of digging? - In certain cases, we have expert installation services.
Specifications Made in Europe
Capital in-ground trampolines are made in Europe from the best quality fabrics and components. Quality monitoring and inspection practices are strictly followed in our European manufacturing plants.
Frame with a Purpose
The frame is made of galvanized steel that is heavy. The top of the rectangular frame is attached to the mat, while the bottom segment serves as the foundation. The top and bottom frame pieces are connected by the retaining wall.
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Built-in Retaining Wall
The retention wall keeps the earth firm around the cavity and prevents dirt from slipping into it. This tough and long-lasting retention wall is made of an eco-friendly recycled polypropylene/polyethelyne compound that is 4mm thick. Self-tapping screws are used to connect it to the frame quickly and securely.
TDU T Pads with Vents
Trampolines Down is a trademarked trampoline. The under-ventilated safety pad makes proper ventilation across the pad, which eliminates 'pad slap' noise that can occur with most in-ground trampolines and increases bounce efficiency.
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Springs of Superior Quality
Pre-tensiled and conical in shape, these German-made 8.5" springs will never stretch or deteriorate in performance. For added rust resistance, the springs are double dipped 'cooked' galvanized. For added protection, the springs have a curl at one end.
Instructions for Assembly
Installing a Capital In-Ground Trampoline in your garden is better than you would imagine. See this brief video for a step-by-step tutorial about how to set up your trampoline:
Visit Our Official Website
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ks-caster · 4 years
The Future is Infinite (Chapter 6)
Chapter-Specific Warnings: moderately graphic gore, non-graphic magical torture
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Navigating around rivulets of lava probably should have been a little more thrilling than it was. Wong had dropped them off on a hillside, a 5-minute walk from where Nebula’s sensors showed the fleet was parked. 
“Why can’t we just magic portal our way inside?” Peter asked when Nebula showed a map of the terrain they’d need to cross.
“The ships’ defenses are designed with portals in mind,” Nebula explained curtly. “Nothing short of the Bifrost or the Space Stone itself could penetrate.”
Nebula led them towards the huge ship, and the fleet of smaller vessels being released from it to open their fueling vents - each taking a turn docking at a more permanent-looking structure built into the side of a gently spewing volcano. Octavia felt half-naked, running around an alien planet in casual clothes and ballet flats, nothing but a barely-visible forcefield between her and enough heat to melt lead on contact. She knew that her armor wouldn’t really protect her in this scenario, but she would have felt better, having it on. The comforting weight of her sword at her back was small consolation. 
The four of them crouched behind a rocky outcropping, discussing how best to get to the detention area of the ship without being detected. Octavia kept watch, listening while her eyes tracked everything that moved around them. Some of the smaller ships were triangular, and others were massive loops. 
“Just make sure you stay out of grabbing range,” Nebula reminded Peter. “If they rip the field pod off your back, you’ll cook in your suit in minutes.”
“West side of the fleet, start causing a distraction in 5 minutes, meet back here, don’t get cooked. Got it,” Peter listed before slipping around the rocks and running, low and fast, to get to the designated distraction point. Wong wrapped a web of golden light around himself, and when the light dimmed, he was barely visible. Octavia scuffed out the map Nebula had drawn in the dirt, and all three of them ran quietly towards the Sanctuary II.
It didn’t take long at all to slip onto the massive ship; Nebula lead them unerringly to a supply room where they slipped into whatever armor they could find to camouflage themselves. Like the kings of old, she’d described while drawing the map, Thanos had designed his ship with servant passageways, so that the people bringing his breakfast and mopping up the training rooms wouldn’t need to be visible among the warriors and allies who he believed deserved to be there.
“What a prick,” Peter had muttered, sounding very, very young even through his suit. As Octavia followed the blue woman through the detention level of the ship, she finally understood why Nebula had insisted that Peter be the distraction, rather than using his stealth skills with the team and letting Octavia run around and kill people outside.
No child, no matter how powerful, belonged anywhere near here.
They took care to keep their steps measured and even, soldiers marching in a familiar direction, following familiar orders. It was difficult not to look between the bars; to glimpse the faces of the poor souls trapped here. Maybe they should have brought the whole team, Octavia thought, her heart twisting. But, she reminded herself, there wouldn’t have been near enough space suits to rescue this many people. 
When they defeated Thanos, that would have to be rescue enough.
The codes were changed out regularly, according to Nebula’s briefing, but they followed a predictable pattern. They had to, when one had so many dumb lackeys wandering around the ship, she’d added, lip curling in disgust. Her deft metal fingers typed a code in on a pad, and the door to what she’d described as the high-profile section whirred open. The three of them marched in, and Octavia had to work to control her breathing when the door clanged shut behind them. She wasn’t trapped, she reminded herself sternly - Nebula had given her the code to get out, and if that didn’t work, she could always just kill people until someone opened the door to escape. She swallowed, squared her shoulders, and followed Nebula to the little electrical room directly next to the main interrogation cell.
Octavia and Wong were silent as Nebula carefully untangled wires, plugging one and then another into ports in her forearm. The woman’s eyes were unfocused, her shoulders and jaw just a bit too set, and her breathing far too shallow for Octavia to believe she was okay. Maybe Strange had assumed she had PTSD because so many other people around him clearly did, she thought, remembering Stark barely staving off a breakdown. Wong reached up a hand and gently clasped Nebula’s shoulder, his thumb rubbing soothing circles into her skin.
Octavia leaned against the wall, where she could just peer out the door and into the cell. She saw Strange, clearly unconscious, on the way in, but they’d ducked away before being spotted by the two beings in the cell with him. From her vantage point, what she could see was a smaller cage, containing what she thought was the Doctor’s red cloak. It was moving, apparently on its own, trying to either break the door open or find a gap in the chain link sides large enough to squeeze through. So far, it was unsuccessful.
“Let me try,” a voice demanded, and a third person entered the cell, the door closing behind him. Out of the corner of Octavia’s eye she saw Wong stiffen, his eyes going wide. She turned to glance at him, frowning.
“Mordo,” he breathed. “Old friend…” he didn’t sound at all sure of the ‘friend’ part.
“Wizard?” Nebula whispered, as a few sharp slaps and a gasp heralded Strange being revived. Wong nodded.
“Quite a spell,” Mordo complimented, and Octavia could see the flying orange sparks and warm glow in the air that accompanied magic. The cloak’s agitation grew; it nearly knocked its cage off the table, and one of the original interrogators walked over and punched it back into place. “The trouble with a spell like this is, it’s all or nothing. Your very essence is feeding into it.”
“That was the idea,” Strange grit out. “Even if I die, removing the last vestiges of it from my corpse will take years.”
“Of course, of course,” Mordo crooned, and then Strange let out a choked cry. “But why would I break the spell when I can do this instead? The bill comes due, Strange…”
“Fire suppression system activating in 5, 4, 3,” Nebula counted quietly, and Wong waved his hands, summoning a long rod of golden light.
The buzzing screech of the alarm would have knocked Octavia off her feet if she hadn’t been braced for it. Sprinklers deployed, and Octavia surged out from the hiding place, fingers moving quickly to type in the code before anyone realized something was amiss. The two beings who had been in the cell originally ran out the door right past her, not looking past her stolen armor; they paused a moment once they’d run out a few paces, but before they had the chance to return and demand an explanation, one had met Wong’s magic rod, and Nebula had stabbed the other in the throat. 
Mordo had his hand resting near Strange’s lower belly, fingers curled inward, palm up, with some kind of swirling light resting on his skin, and Strange was mid-scream of protest when Octavia’s first strike forced Mordo to dodge, releasing whatever he’d been doing. Nebula flipped a lever and Strange dropped, boneless, from whatever force had suspended him. Octavia caught him as he fell, but Mordo was on them again with a cry of rage.
“Master Mordo,” Wong roared, intercepting him. “You have betrayed the brotherhood of the mystic arts, and your planet of origin.”
“That’s not how I see it,” the other wizard growled, and Octavia’s eyes widened. The gold necklace where Strange kept the time stone was dangling from the man’s fingers. Wong spotted it at the same time she did, and he slashed downward at that arm, but Mordo vaulted backwards, turning to run down the hallway. By now, other guards had realized the source of the disturbance and began to congregate. They opened their ranks to let Mordo through, but then closed again, baring teeth and pulling out weapons.
“Here,” Octavia said, handing over Strange’s dead weight to Nebula. “Get him out. I’ll meet you at the rendezvous point in 20 minutes.”
“Octavia,” Wong started from where he was hurriedly releasing the sentient cloak from its cage, but she cut him off.
“I need you to do what you do best,” she said quietly, pulling out her sword and whirling it in an arc of sharp steel. “And let me do what I do best.”
Killing had always come more easily to her than rescue, hadn’t it?
The alien soldiers were weak. But god, there was no end to them. Nebula and Wong had gotten Strange safely back into the servants’ passages, and Octavia had defended the entrance until too many bodies had piled up around her for either her or the attackers to get much fighting done. After that, she turned and ran, the rabid horde chasing after her as she threaded her way through the maze that was the detention level. 
Nebula had suggested a couple of exit points, in case everything went to hell; one of them was a small intake hangar where captured shuttles were impounded while their crews were killed or imprisoned. She made for it, but the creatures headed her off, surrounding her and forcing her to stop and defend herself. Time was ticking by, and she knew they couldn’t wait for her forever; she wasn’t foolish enough to believe that she’d distracted 100% of the army all by herself.
Shuri’s force field seemed to be effective at blocking whatever they were blasting her with out of their guns, but the physical ends of bayonets claws were able to penetrate. However, while she would bleed for a moment when cut, the wounds closed themselves with a dark red glow. 
‘How was I making holes in the floor back in the medical center?’ she wondered, and then she was falling - only one story this time, and she landed on her feet.
“Yes!” She hissed, turning to run in the direction she judged the impound to be. The creatures followed her, snapping and roaring and clawing their way along the walls when there was no more room for them to run side by side. She slowed to turn a corner, and with an ominous whistle, a thrown dagger sliced through the air - and impaled the pod stuck to her back.
The pain of the blow and the jarring feel and smell of the ship without the forcefield around her slowed her down for a moment - long enough for a blast of blue light to hit the back of her calf, the pain searing up her leg and causing her to trip.
But instead of hitting the cold metal floor, she fell into the arms of a woman clad in bloodstained white armor.
“Is he okay? Why isn’t he waking up?” Peter was demanding, the eyes of his suit tiny red points as the Instant Kill function kept off their pursuers.
“Whatever spell Mordo hit him with, it did a number on his magic,” Wong responded, angling the round shield he’d conjured and spinning it to slice two of the attackers in half. “I’m going to take us the roundabout way to the meeting place,” he announced, opening the first of a series of portals placed strategically to split the horde up chasing them.
“What about Octavia?” Peter exclaimed, jumping through the first only to swing out and bash an alien soldier right in the chest, landing him on top of two of his comrades.
“I can run on my own,” Octavia gasped after the woman had helped her limp a few steps. She’d been holding a large gun, and laid down enough cover fire that they had a few seconds to breathe - and gave the Reality Stone enough time to put Octavia’s leg back together. “I heal quick,” she explained as she took her own weight back and they ran side by side towards the hanger. She vaguely recognized the woman - she’d been in one of the cells when they’d first entered. She must’ve used all the chaos of the breakout to escape herself.
“Do you have transport off-planet?” the woman asked, pausing a moment to shoot behind them.
“A wizard is making a portal in about ten minutes,” Octavia responded, pulling the small handheld alien gun out of the holster in her stolen armor and trying to fire back. It clicked uselessly.
“Safety, on the back,” the woman instructed. “Press twice, wait for the light to go on.”
This time the weapon sent out a jet of blue light and a creature fell to its death. 
“All of the captured ships have homing technology installed in them,” she continued as they arrived at the hanger and Octavia disabled the guard with a powerful roundhouse kick. “So I hope your wizard can do his bit.” She pressed a few buttons and the outer door opened - bringing with it a wave of heat that had Octavia falling to her knees with a cry.
Right. No force field.
She hyperventilated, inflating her lungs and hoping that whatever this woman was, she could survive the climate long enough to catch up with Wong and the others. Apparently it was time to test the“functional immortality” bit of sharing her body with an infinity stone.
“She should be back by now,” Nebula growled, pacing back and forth behind the rocky outcropping where they’d met to discuss their initial plan. According to her internal chronometer, it had been 23 minutes since Octavia had said 20, and while she understood that people without a computer for a brain rarely meant time as specifically as she did, that made it hard to judge how long to wait for her.
“We can wait a few more minutes,” Wong said in a deliberately calm tone. He’d led their pursuers on a wild, backtracking chase before hiding them away behind the rocks, using his magic to make them unnoticeable. “Until they find us, we’re safe here.”
“Where’s the sticky boy?” Nebula asked suddenly, frowning at their surroundings.
If this was what Primefiya had felt like, Octavia resolved to treat Clarke with a little more respect from now on. Her skin was burning off and healing simultaneously, and she could tell that whatever the other woman was, she wasn’t having such a good time of it either. Barely able to see straight, Octavia stumbled forward, trying to keep the part of the ship they’d originally approached behind her and hoping that the pursuing soldiers had assumed they’d stayed onboard. She didn’t know how long she could fight in this state if she had to.
She caught sight of the specific group of rocks they were aiming for just as she heard the screech of one of the creatures. Two small groups of them approaching from different directions. How had they even gotten out here so fast?
The woman shot down one group, but then the gun sputtered and died, out of power. Octavia pulled out her own gun, but she could barely aim it. She couldn’t breathe, could barely stand to keep her eyes open… 
“Hey ass-holes!” a familiar voice shouted, and the creatures turned just in time to see Peter swinging from one of his webs which he’d attached to the outer wing of the ship. They didn’t even have time to dodge the spider-leg-like extensions from his suit.
“Nice job, kid,” she rasped before collapsing. The woman in white caught her, and between her and Peter, they supported her back to the portal.
To Be Continued...
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choombata · 4 years
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Part 9 - Secret Labs in the Desert
Friday, June 26, 2020 - Our players met for evening drinks at their usual haunt: Millie’s. During the week, another riot broke out. A crowd had quickly and suddenly amassed at City Hall, attempting to get in, but NCPD responded with deadly force. Millie noted that this one was similar to the La Croix incident: just a sudden mad rush at a specific target that seemed suicidal.
Turns out Millie has been digging into the Kaleidoscope mystery on her own. She had contacted a medtech named Jane Weyss with the info the players uncovered, and asked her to look into the nanomachines. Jane found some answers, but needed more help, so Millie asked the players to go meet Jane and assist her.
Our crew saddled up and moseyed over to Jane’s front: a pharmacy down on 22nd street. They walked in and introduced themselves as friends of Millie. Jane got down to business immediately: she had discovered that the Kaleidoscope nanomachines manipulate the neurochemistry of their victim in order to control their behavior, but she hasn’t yet figured out how it changed from just random, aggressive behavior like Deck suffered to more the directed, coordinated attacks like the riots.
Jane did, however, find out that just like most nanomachine designs, the Kaleidoscope nano has a chemical killswitch that can be used to deactivate it. When this specifically-formulated chemical is present in the bloodstream with the nanos, they interpret its presence as a “stop” command and (harmlessly) self-destruct. Much like a password or a secret command code. Jane could brute force this killswitch formula and figure it out on her own, but that would take a long, long time. If our players could just find what the killswitch formula is, she could skip right to the production phase.
Jane’s sleuthing turned up the creators of the model of nanomachines found in Kaleidoscope: a company called Locutis Pharmaceuticals. They had a lab out in the desert not too far from Night City, but it was abandoned after it was attacked by a rival corporation. If our crew could search the lab, they might find the formula for the chemical killswitch. The mention of Locutis Pharmaceuticals triggered a memory in Frogs, and he started shouting out its GPS coordinates in the desert.
In order to get to the lab, our players were referred to the Ace in the Hole bar: a hangout for ex-military pilots that fly AVs for hire. The players piled into their station wagon and drove over to check it out. Once inside, Heavy quickly made an ass of himself and ended up being fooled into drinking a shot of aviation fuel. 
The players tried chatting up some hotshot pilot who was asking for a hiring fee they could never afford. Luckily, they were interrupted by Hops, an incredibly kind and boisterous woman who likes a good adventure. She agreed to do the job for free, as long as they bring her a souvenir from the lab. After a few Human Perception checks in order to look the gift horse directly in the mouth, the players were satisfied that Hops seemed to be telling the truth, so they agreed. Hops took the players over to her AV-4 named Lurlene and they hopped on in.
Lurlene lurched off the ground, then sped off toward the location of the lab. It wasn’t long before Night City was faded to a distant glow on the horizon. Hops warned the players to be quick, as the desert is full of Nomads and not all of them are friendly to visitors. Hops’s constant referral to the players as “kids” made them question how old she was. She didn’t give them a clear answer, but her war stories indicated she must have been a veteran of the Second Central American War.
Lurlene touched down in the sands outside the derelict lab and our crew disembarked.
The lab was full of holes and collapsed walls, so it wasn’t hard to find their way in. There was also suspiciously fresh human activity in the form of bloody footprints throughout the hall. The players followed the footprints to their origin and saw they came from a room full of a noxious gas, with a hole in the floor leading into the lower levels of the lab.
They dug around the main floor, disarmed a few small traps laid by nomads and previous raiders, and shit in some non-functional toilets. Along the way they found a trucker cap with Icarus LLC’s logo on it, a callback to the names of corporations associated with Integral MedTech. They also found some clues indicating that the chemistry lab is down in the basement, past the fumes, and was likely where they could find the chemical killswitch they were after.
Finally, Ackbar uncovered a maintenance room with logs about the poisonous gas, and surmised that they could vent the gas if they could get the HVAC system back online.
She nearly lost her head a second time when grabbing a booby-trapped toolbox off the floor that was tied to a shotgun on a hair trigger. Luckily, she had learned since the incident in the Slammer, and the reinforced plates in her head stopped the buckshot.
After rallying the party, they branched out to the uncovered sections and found the parts they needed to restart the ventillation system, this time taking the traps a bit more seriously.
Tic Tac found a sample of an anti-cyberpsychosis drug, something she’d been after since she wants to replicate a treatment to distribute to those who need it. She also found a series of records that indicated Locutis Pharma was indeed making a prototype of Kaleidoscope before the lab was destroyed. 
It looked like Locutis was trying to make a nanomachine to treat cyberpsychosis, however their early results on test subjects only made them worse: subjects injected with the prototype became paranoid and aggressive. The records for this experiment stopped suddenly, indicating that the raid on the lab put a halt to any further development. It looks like this nanomachine, or possibly a derivative of it, was now appearing nestled inside doses of Kaleidoscope being sold in the streets of Night City.
Frogs found a pile of papers containing a termination slip that contained his name. He struggled with another flashback, but he still didn’t have an explanation for why he knew the location of this lab, or why he was fired from it.
Eventually after some more atmospheric digging, and some lucky looting of a microwave pistol by Bud, they found the equipment they needed to bring the HVAC system back online. Ackbar used her engineering prowess to put the pieces back together, and turned it on. It sputtered to life, and the noxious fumes blocking the hole to the basement were cleared.
Approaching the hole, Frogs spotted something revealed after the fumes cleared. Something that brought him joy and closure: his precious mop and bucket. Overwhelmed with joy, the memories came flooding back: he used to be a janitor here at Locutis. There was still a bit of a gap after his “termination”, and was not really sure how he ended up in Night City, but whatever, mop and bucket!
After the reunion, the party entered the hole in the basement where the bloody footprints came from. It was dark down there, and it looked like it had been turned over and looted many times. However, they spotted a case that contained the killswitch in the middle of the lab floor. Ivy drew the short straw and approached the case. When she got there, she noticed the giant pile of bloody bodies that was hidden by the darkness. She also heard a voice calling out, greeting her warmly.
A man emerged, completely nude, flesh torn and hanging off his bones, but fully augmented by cyberware. He was a human who underwent full-body conversion with cyber augmentations (you know, a cyborg), and despite his friendly greeting and ragged appearance, Frogs smelled stranger danger and started firing.
The party was swarmed by other deteriorating cyborgs and tried their best to fight them off, but it was Bud’s lucky discovery of a microwave pistol that clinched their victory. Bloodied but victorious, they scrambled out of the lab with the chemical killswitch and the Icarus LLC hat. Ivy decided to take the decapitated head of the main cyborg as a souvenir.
They rendezvoused with Hops who was waiting patiently in her AV-4. They climbed into Lurlene and flew off, giving Hops the hat as a token of their adventure. Not long before they took off, they found themselves being chased by air pirates who attempted to board their craft. Our solos’ adept use of the door-mounted miniguns made short work of their pursuers, and the crew made it back to Night City alive.
A job well done, they turned in the killswitch to Jane and competed their quest. She thanked them valiantly for their efforts, offered the sale of her black-market combat stims at cost, and promised to assist the team with any pharma-related efforts in the future. In the meantime, she estimated it would take her about a week to analyze the killswitch and come up with a method of production.
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iacon-city · 5 years
roses on fire
✷ driftrod; tw for suicidal thoughts, depression, dark feelings, slightly ooc characters.
Summary: “The matrix. Oh primus, it hurts so damn bad.”
There were nights where Drift just couldn't force himself into recharge.
There were cycles when his memories, Deadlock's memories, came to life inside his chamber and blocked out whatever slim shimmer of light made its way into his quarters, when the only solutions that remained were knocking down cube after cube of alcohol or simply wandering the halls into morning 'light'; clearly, he reasoned, the latter was far more healthy.
Yet never before had he experienced this.
The warrior was making his rounds along the outskirts of the ship, footsteps tracing patterns on the floors of the more neglected areas of the Lost Light when his optics caught sight of a form hidden away in the shadows that were cast along the cold metal walls. "Hello?" Drift's voice echoed as he slipped further down the hallway, and there wasn't a response as the figure shifted slightly. Now, Drift did not come to this area of the ship very often- no one did, in fact. This specific wing had been out of use for months, and the warrior couldn't fathom why anyone would be in this corridor at the present late time, let alone who. He narrowed his optics as his servos subconsciously settled on the hilts of his swords; "I-" he froze as he came to a halt in front of the mech, digits falling to his sides as he stared, surprised.
It was Rodimus.
"Rodimus? What the primus are you doing out here?" Drift shifted on his pedes as his captain merely dragged an arm across his face, a shaky vent escaping the prime that was pressed along the wall in solitary motion. "Roddy?" Drift's confusion quickly morphed into concern as he dropped to his knees beside the leader, a silver hand reaching towards orange.
The prime's face plate was stained with tear tracks.
"Drift," Rodimus' voice was surprisingly even, "what the hell are you doing up so late?" The swordsman faltered at the sudden question but responded nontheless. "I was just clearing my processor-" he hummed, spark hammering in dull panic, "but I think I'll stay for a bit, with you." The prime cracked a smile that didn't quite reach his optics, turning his gaze away from his crewmember; "Nah, there's no need. It's late, and you should get some recharge- it's gonna be a hectic day tomorrow." Drift grimaced at his captain's words, not moving from his kneeled position. "Rodimus." The warrior's voice was soft, "Are you-" he was interrupted with an abrupt "I'm fine." Spouting from Rodimus, and Drift scoffed in mock disbelief.
"Like primus you are."
There was a pause as silence filled the gap between communication; "I can't do this right now, Drift." Rodimus finally spoke with tired words, "Go back to sleep. We'll deal with this tomorrow, or, I dunno, never." The swordsman shifted to sit closer to his prime, his captain, his leader; he had never seen Rodimus like this, before, and the fact was scaring him. "I don't particularly find those odds comforting," he mused, "so I think it would be best to get it out of the way, now, when it's just the two of us and the cold air draft from down the hall." A small smile slipped across Rodimus' face at his friend's words, and he took a shuddering breath at the thought of maybe, perhaps, letting someone know, letting someone in.
"Just hurts, is all."
The captain gave Drift a weak laugh, "'M getting real tired of it." Drift tensed at his words, offering a gentle push to keep him talking. "What does, Rodimus?" The warmly colored mech beside him pressed a palm to his chassis, optics flickering closed as the prime's voice descended into a hoarse whisper.
"The matrix."
He dug his digits into the metal encasing his spark, "Oh primus, it hurts so damn bad." Rodimus' optics rose open, "It burns, all the time. It's growing and transferring and molding, molding me into the perfect little leader everyone needs me to be." Drift's optics were wild at the amount of pure pain that intertwined itself through Rodimus' words.
"Optimus talked about it once, y'know."
Drift's gaze was locked onto Rodimus as his grip tightened on the handles of his swords. "He told me, way back, that a prime wasn't allowed the luxury of having anything for himself; I didn't understand him, then, but it all makes sense now." The captain looked down at servos, optics staring at his hands as if they were foreign to his body; "A prime exists soley for the people, nothing more than a puppet controlled by the masses- everything he did, everything I do, is for the benefit of someone else. The greater good." Drift broke into Rodimus' train of conversation. "That doesn't mean that you have to throw away your personal ideas, Roddy. You can still have dreams, you can still-"
"No, no I can't."
Rodimus laughed, "I can't have a normal life, can't have friends, can't have lovers- in the end, the matrix won't even let me have myself." The prime's vents stuttered as his emotions overwhelmed him, "I don't know who I am, anymore. Hot Rod died the day the matrix touched my spark; when I am no longer prime, who will I be? What will be left besides a primus-saked husk and a disappointment?" There was a tinge of desperate panic in the underlying question, and Drift's own vents clicked on softly as he inhaled sharply; this version- no, this side of Rodimus was not one he ever foresaw existing.
It hurt him, seeing his close friend in such misunderstood agony.
"The matrix is a curse, a damn prop to support the ideals and tradition of a long dead society- all it does, in reality, is destroy to rewrite something 'better'. Make me into something- make me into something I never wanted to be." Rodimus' voice wavered,
"Sometimes I'd do anything to make it stop, even if it meant shooting out my own spark to make the burning cease."
His words made Drift's energon run cold, "I wouldn't wish the burden of being prime upon even the worst of my enemies." The warrior raising a servo cover his intake as a wave of pure panic washed over him. The prime noticed his action and let out a loose laugh accompanied by a tired grin. "Oh, come on, Drift; it wouldn't matter anyway, if I were dead. I'm already a ticking time bomb, so what would be the harm in offing myself sooner than later?" Drift recoiled at the utter nonchalance Rodimus spoke with. "You-" the swordsman's voice box gave out, "you want to kill yourself?" His captain waved a servo flippantly through the air as lubricant welled in the usually cocky mech's optics-
"It's not my first choice, but yeah. Yeah, it's on the playing field."
Rodimus' shoulders began to shake as the tears fell from his eyes, his little smile of melancholy dissolving into a quiet sob as he buried his helm in his knees, arms wrapping around his body as if he could just pull into himself and disappear.
"I just want it to stop, Drift. I just want peace and quiet, for once, instead of this static inside my helm."
Drift didn't hesitate to pull his friend into a close hug, burying his chin in the crook of Rodimus' neck as he held him close with shaking hands; "Don't ever take your own life, Rodimus." The warrior's voice wavered dangerously, "We need you. I need you." Drift held Rodimus tighter when he didn't respond, afraid that he'd disappear if he were to let go. "You should- you should talk to Ratchet tomorrow about the matrix and see if there's anything he can do for you. I'll even go with you, if you want. Just don't-" his optics fluttered closed as his vents clicked into high-gear,
"Just don't give up on me, okay?"
Rodimus let out a soft laugh as he once more dragged an arm across his face plate, erasing the tears that still danced down his cheeks. "Okay." He responded with a small smile, "Okay, I'll try." He leaned into Drift's frame as they stared into the dark, bodies held close as they kept each other from falling apart;
They stayed there until first morning light, a shimmer of silver and red.
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human-resourccs · 7 years
He Just Likes the Rush - Ch. 1
edit: here’s chapter 2!
In which a pre-Scarecrow Crane gets his fix of fear from death traps and attracts the curiosity of a certain green and purple genius.
No particular DC Verse. ~1570 words.
You’re both horrible enablers, so here ya’ go.
Jonathan Crane was a man who would often be the first to insist - with no small amount of snark - he was the only sane person in any given room full of ordinary folk. The only sane one, as professors and doctors of this, that, and some othersuch fussed and forced smiles and faked laughs at organised events in order to gain the favour of beneficiaries.
The only sane one, as he administered his own creation; his prototype fear toxin on his own body, completely taken by the feeling of icy cold dread creeping up his throat since he could remember.
Unfortunately, like any drug, prolonged exposure had led to heightened immunity and lessened effect. Quite a problem, then, for a man who craved fear and so rarely felt it.
lt was this predicament that had found Jonathan Crane; sanest man in the room, willingly walking into a building he had on good authority was owned by one of Gotham's so-called Rogue's Gallery. The Riddler, specifically - in recent weeks, the challenging of these infamously difficult and cruel death traps - puzzle rooms, he called them - had become something of a common pastime for his in his rare gaps between teaching and personal research.
The first time this happened, in his defence, had been unintentional. Jonathan was not a man who closely followed the general news and if the Riddler's traps were easy to avoid - well, now, what would be the point of that?
He'd found himself venturing through a few of the lesser-inhabited buildings; particularly stressful weeks often saw him going on aimless wanders in order to clear his head of tension. The gothic aesthetic of the city was something he was able to thoroughly appreciate, and he was more than capable of defending himself by utilising the working prototype of the toxin he carried out of newfound habit.
It was then, while inspecting a green question mark graffiti'd onto the wall that the door to the room locked and previously unseen, concealed neon lights flickered promptly to life. The gaudy shade of green suddenly piercing the room sent a few rats scrambling for the protection of the dark once more. Speakers that had been cleverly built in to compliment and blend to the building's crumbling geometry crackled loudly to life and caused Jonathan to wince slightly. A grimace creeped across his face as he squinted at the neon tubing - also shaped as question marks - and came to the conclusion that this night was to be more eventful and possibly lethal than he'd hoped.
Finally, discernible audio began to play through the speakers. A loud, projecting voice filled air, proclaiming with complete and utter self-confidence.
"Well well well! Greetings and salutations, my fair, nameless little Gothamite. Now-"
Jonathan immediately tuned out from the obnoxious voice currently assaulting his ears - the loud charismatic tones were reminiscent of greasy carnival barkers or tacky game-show hosts and he did not care for it at all. He realised now where he was and he what he had to do; solve whatever the riddle was, obviously, or perish. He had absolutely no intention of allowing the latter and wandered back over to the wall that had the graffiti on it to begin with the former. It was the only thing in the room with any sort of note and so he asserted that whatever the answer was would lay here. Since the voice simply carried on, unresponsive to his apathy, he surmised it must've been pre-recorded. Sensible. At least the lunatic had some common sense.
He mentally tuned back in just in time to hear the riddle proper, now that the man had stopped babbling of his self-proclaimed duties about…. Something.
"My head is a question; I've one pointed toe
My name is a murderer, of one the most old
You can grow me, eat me, walk with me though
Strong as the oak, I'll carry you home.
Who am I?"
Jonathan paused, considering the words carefully. He squinted at the wall, intricate depictions of a great deal of household objects littered the scene - it looked like one of those Lost Object books you gave to children.
"Tick-tock, my clueless friend! Better think fast, or you'll soon meet your end!"
He cringed at the incredibly smug tone that accompanied the taunt. Nobody should ever be so proud of such a cheap rhyme. He noticed then that there was a heavy gas seeping into the room, settling thickly on the floor. His eyes widened slightly, feeling a rare pang of panic spike up through his stomach. There were only a small handful gasses that lay like that and he wanted to inhale exactly none of them.
Thinking fast, then.
His eyes darted back across the imagery, running all of the clues through his mind.
A question for a head?
Something curved, then, surely. It had to be literal, or that statement would be far too abstract. That narrowed it down a fair bit. The pointed toe, of course, must mean an object that comes to a point.
A murderer…
He was more than familiar with the bible, but… Cain? There was nothing about Cain that matched the other two statements. So a snake, then?
After about thirty seconds it was clear there was no sign of any reptiles on the wall, and the thick gas cloud now crept up past his waist. He glanced down and took a slow breath.
Cain. Cain. Ca-
A cane. A curved head. A homonym of Cain. Sugar canes are grown and eaten. The walking cane spoke for itself. That had to be it. Sure enough, after a moment searching, his gaze fell upon a depiction of a tacky looking gold cane with an exaggerated curve in the handle. He slid his palm over it and quickly found a slight depression in the wall. A dull thud reverberated around the room as he pressed into it with a fingertip; just as the gas had begun to encroach on his ribs the flow was cut short. The speakers crackled back to life as Jonathan released a breath he hadn't realised he was holding in. It was shakier than he would have ever admitted.
"My, my! Colour me impressed, my dear little Gothamite. You've got at least half a brain! Congratulations on your... continued survival."
A slow clap that dripped sarcasm rang through the audio feed. The gas dropped, seeping out of some sort of hidden vent.
"Run along now, before I change my mind. Off you go! Be free!"
Jonathan would have scowled at the teasing tone. However, as he quickly exited the room - he wasn’t one to tempt fate - all his thoughts would linger on was the panic, the fear he'd been chasing since the toxin stopped having an effect on him. Despite stoic appearances, the very real and very lethal threat to his life had set his heart rattling in his chest in just the way he had been chasing since his first trial of chemicals.
So it was perfectly understandable, then, when his habitual walks for the purposes of de-stressing then became the studying of Gotham's more... decrepit buildings in the search of further puzzle rooms. A perfectly sane thing to do, he thought to himself with no small hint of sarcasm as he entered the sixth of the death traps he'd discovered.
It had not escaped Edward's notice, this curious stranger that had been so completely taken by his devious little puzzle rooms. Well, who could blame him? They were absolutely perfect; in design, execution, and… well, executions! He chuckled to himself internally.
His work on them had succeeded in thinning out more than a handful of Gotham's less-intelligent population and they had been set up so as to leave no evidence back to his control room. Well - no evidence that anyone other than a genius of his own calibre could ever hope to detect.
The man - A one Doctor Jonathan Crane - had caught his curiosity after the third riddle solved, and had certainly captured his attention by the fifth. Now he watched over the security feed with his chin rested in his palms, fixing his gaze to the screen with heated interest. The good Doctor was a curious man in and of himself, from what Edward had gathered - which was actually startlingly little, as the man had been born before things were recorded digitally - after the fourth completed conundrum. Even for a university professor he had quite odd habits, Edward thought idly.
A few minutes passed by, and Dr. Crane emerged unscathed yet again. As always, it was a rather close call. Normally, this would have irritated him, but he was by-and-large simply impressed by the other's active search for his cleverly-laid puzzles. He needed to know what was motivating him to go to such lengths. Clearly, this Crane was an intelligent fellow - he wouldn’t be breathing anymore otherwise! - so the mystery of why he would so eagerly throwing himself into harm's way wasn't something he could easily fathom.
Doctor Crane seemed to be in and of himself, a riddle, and Edward found himself interested in the answers - though he wasn't to know that only time could solve this particular enigma. It would be another two months before the Scarecrow would terrorise Gotham for the very first time.
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Buy Pet Grooming Dryers for Dogs and Other animals. Speedy dog grooming dryer are built in the USA and Shanghai with high-quality components and all metal housing. Unlike plastic dryers, they will not melt or crack. These dog drying machine are specially imported by ABK Grooming to fulfil the advancement of pet professionals. Less noisy, portable and easy to use blasters.
Cyclone Single Motor Dryer with Heater
Cyclone Single Motor Dryer is a high velocity dog grooming dryer delivering a high volume of air to blast water from coats. It can be used with or without heat with a built in independent unbreakable incoloy tubular heating element. This dog drying machine works on a two stage filtration process. The variable speed air flows up to 60 metres/second and is controlled by solid state controls. ABK Grooming offers a Powerful 600W long lasting Japanese carbon brush motor with a 2 metre long puncture resistant hose.
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·         The breakthrough technology brings natural heating and has quiet insulated operation to improve productivity in grooming shops.
·         Powerful, high-velocity dryer delivers a high volume of gently warmed air to blast water from coats without damaging them with heat. Unbreakable "Incoloy" tubular heating element.
·         Two-stage filtration and solid state variable speed controls. Variable speed allows you to control the airflow to suit your drying needs.
·         Dual mounted legs, which allow both vertical and horizontal use. Weighing approximately 5kg makes it a portable dryer, easy and convenient to be carried and handled anywhere you need it.
·         Maximum Power: 1800 W
·         Heat Power: 600 W
·         Blow Force: 605 g
·         Maximum Speed: 60 m/s
·         Highest Temperature: 52 °C
·         Noise: 83 dB
Product code: TD-901T
Monster Single Motor Dryer with Heater
Monster single motor dryer is bridging the gap between single and double motor blasters. There was a big gap between single and double motor dog grooming dryers in both terms of wind speed and blow force, ABK Grooming has now imported a super powerful single motor dryer to match the performance of double motor models. There are a number of advantages to a single motor dog drying machine in regard to being lighter and ease/cost of service.
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·         This dryer offers the ultimate in flexibility with a heating element to provide a drying as well as blasting function.
·         One-click Easy Operation: allows the operator to remove nozzle head with use of just one finger, with a simple click of the attachment.
·         With heater function useful for cold weather.
·         Maximum Power: 2800 W
·         Heat Power: 600 W
·         Blow Force: 895 g
·         Maximum Speed: 90 m/s
·         Highest Temperature: 52 °C
·         Noise: 86 dB
Product Code: TD-901GT
 Hercules Double Motor Dryer
Hercules, The Hero in the name of Hero! ABK Grooming has got a Hercules Double Motor Dyer which has a blow force of 955 grams and even more amazing wind speed of 95m/s. This dog grooming dryer beats every recorded cyclone on earth, makes itself the most powerful dual motor pet dryer available. This dog drying machine has the longest Motor Life Span, Energy Savings technology. It has variable heat and power controls.
·         Super Blow Force - Incredible blow force of 955 grams and even more amazing wind speed of 95m/s.
·         Motor Life Span -Longer carbon brush of 38mm (1.5"), is the longest currently on the market. Smaller sparks created by smaller carbon pellets and smoother rotor give it a longer lifespan (by 30%).
·         Energy Savings - A better airflow system and a smaller flow friction force, has allowed TD-900XT to perform at a higher energy efficiency ratio, yielding a 30% savings in energy.
·         Maximum Power: 2400 W
·         Heat Power: 600 W
·         Blow Force: 955 g
·         Maximum Speed: 95 m/s
·         Highest Temperature: 65 °C
Product Code: TD-900XT
    Edge Ionic Wall-hanging & Finishing Dryer
 Edge Ionic Wall-hanging & Finishing Dryer is the world’s first professional dog grooming dryer with ionic technology. ABK Grooming offers maintenance free, energy efficient drying with electronic adjustable air speed and temperature. Dog drying machine is complete with heavy-duty wall mounting bracket for space saving advantages. Ideal for smaller salons where floor space is confined and maximum work space is essential. It has a variable speed and air temperature controls. With a Durable DC Motor and Breakthrough technology ensures this dryer is much quieter than others in its class.
·         A quality finishing & styling dryer leaves hair smoother and easily combed after use.
·         ABS surface of the body, resisting harsh chemicals and strikes.
·         Outside-inside is two layers, preventing from over-heated.
·         The nose is made of PPS material, resisting over 260 °C high temperature.
·         Hanging arm could be lifted and lower for approximately 13 thousand times.
·         Removable, washable air filter.
·         Heavy-duty wall mounting bracket for space saving.
·         The nozzle rotates 360 ° so can be positioned at any angle.
·         Detachable directional nozzle.
·         ABS body surface resists harsh chemicals and knocks.
·         Air Temperature : 25 ~ 75 °C
·         T.P.O. : 1800w @ 220/240v ~ 50Hz
·         Maximum Wind Speed:  38m/s.
·         Noise: 40dB
Product Code: TD-905
Edge Ionic Stand & Finishing Dryer
 Edge Ionic Stand & Finishing Dryer is the world’s first professional pet dryer with ionic technology. ABK Grooming offers maintenance free, energy efficient drying with electronic adjustable air speed and temperature. Dog grooming dryer is complete with height adjustable floor stand and swivel castors. Dog drying machine has a Durable DC motor and variable air and temperature control, suitable for all kinds of breeds.
·         A quality finishing & styling dryer leaves hair smoother and easily combed after use.
·         A heavy duty 1 HP fan air-cooled brushless motor, solid state controls heating element, and air adjustment.
·         Maintenance-free, brushless motor.
·         Provide hands-free fluff drying.
·         Non-slip sturdy stand, powder coated, with long-lasting locking casters.
·         Balanced design provides better stability.
·         Adjustable height.
·         Removable, washable air filter.
·         The nozzle rotates 360 ° so can be positioned at any angle.
·         ABS body surface resists harsh chemicals and knocks.
·         Air Temperature : 25 ~ 75 °C
·         T.P.O. : 1800w @ 220/240v ~ 50Hz
·         Maximum Wind Speed:  38m/s.
·         Noise: 40dB
·         Height Adjustment: = >125cm
Product Code: TD-906
Infrared Therapy Cabinet Dryer - For Small Animal
ABK Grooming introduces a NEW PRODUCT for the groomers! Infrared Therapy Cabinet Dryer – For small Animal is a revolutionary product! Groomers just need to put pets in and press some buttons to start drying. When this pet is being dried in this dog drying machine, groomers can turn for another drying.  Cabinet drying brings groomers a totally new drying style. No tables, no blowers, no noise, no hot air, no close touch and scratch, no pets out of control, no floc and hair everywhere. What you need to do is just to open, put, close, press, open and take out. This Dog grooming dryer requires less labor and expense, more customers to serve. Especially good for sensitive species like cat, avoiding scratching accidents significantly.
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·         Super Efficiency: TD-907T saves labor, expense and time. The enclosed circulation of heated air makes a fast and energy-saving drying. When one pet is being dried in the cabinet, groomers can start drying another. Much greater efficiency will thus be achieved.
·         Safe Grooming: Many cat/dog scratch accidents happen during drying process. These potential dangers are eliminated by TD-907T. The vent holes at the bottom of the door ensure pets’ refreshed breath. Anti-overheating system will shut down the machine when the temperature is detected over 40℃.
·         Near Infrared Treatment: The Infrared Therapy stimulates animal body recirculation, helps raise tissue cell vitality, reduces granulation edema, improve partial tissue nutrition and promotes recovery greatly.
·         Negative ion Therapy: TD-907T will dispense hot air with highly-concentrated negative ions to make the coat smoother, more moisturized and easier to comb and brush. Negative ions can also purify the air in the cabinet.
·         Voltage - 110V~240V (alternating voltage) 50~60HZ
·         Power - 2800W
·         Air velocity - 25m/s to 65m/s
·         Working temperature - 20 to 60°C
·         Noise - ≤65dB
Compartment Dryer- Large
Compartment Dryer is suitable for all breeds of dogs and cats, especially older and nervous animals. When on, this dog grooming dryer is amazingly quiet, virtually vibration-free. It appeases the most sensitive animals. High air volume, helps to remove and dry water from under the coat. Dog drying machine has a solid state control switch operates airflow and temperature. ABK Grooming provides a two powerful motors which generate a huge volume (2,700 cubic feet per minute) of air, enough to dry up a thick coated golden retriever in about 25 minutes.
·         Specialized PTC heating element keeps the temperature safe and steady from 35℃ (95F) to 50℃ (122F)
·         Efficient and reliable air exchange system makes sure the humidity is low and enough fresh air circulates for dogs comfort
·         Stainless Steel faceplate and grill are durable and easy to clean and keep sterile
·         Ozone function removes odor from the environment and refreshes air inside the compartment. (Warning: Ozone should never be used when there is a dog inside the dryer)
·         Ease of operation makes this an incredibly valuable and time-saving machine
·         Dimensions: inner size 106 × 65 × 105 cm
·         Voltage - 110-130v/220-250v
·         Power - 2800W
·         Air velocity - 25m/s to 65m/s
·         Working temperature - 30 to 50°C
  Product Code: TD-907L
Metro® Air Force® Commander® Variable Speed Dryer
MetroVac Air Force® Commander® Pet Dryer has been the world’s best-selling dog grooming dryer and is now available in India as ABK grooming has got this for you. This dog drying machine known for its power and durability, the Air Force® Commander® Pet Dryers are the compact and lightweight solution that will suit all of your pet grooming needs. Whether you use the Air Force® Commander® Color to groom your pet at home or as part of your business, you’ll find that it cuts drying time by two-thirds. 
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·         Powerful motor up to 4.0 Peak H.P. cuts drying time by as much as 75%
·         Compact, lightweight for professional or personal use 
·         Standard two-speed model great for dog breeds of all sizes, long or short-  haired 
·         Powerful enough for drying heavy coated breeds without damaging coats 
·         Rugged all-steel construction designed for years of hard professional use 
·         Dual-mounted legs allow vertical or horizontal use on the floor
·         Includes a full range of attachments for all drying needs 
·         Design includes easy change filter
·         6-ft. flexible hose with air flow control, air flare, grooming rake and air concentrator.
·         Motor: 4.0 HP
·         Air Speed: 71- 142 m/s
·         Air Volume: 130 CFM
·         Power Capability: 1350 Watts
·         Amps: 11.5
·         Airflow: Variable Speed: 0-18,000 FPM
·         Size: Compact 12"x7"x7"
·         Warranty: 5-year limited Warranty
Product Code:  AFTD-3V
Metro® Air Force® Quick Draw® Portable Pet Dryer
Grooming your dog with a dog drying machine after an unexpected roll in the mud doesn’t have to take hours. With the MetroVac Air Force® Quick Draw® Portable Pet Dryer, you can rest easy knowing that it’s possible to dry your pet in minutes!  The hand held Air Force® Quick Draw® Dog Grooming Dryer produces 10 times more blowing power than a human hair dryer and best of all its SAFE for all pets because there’s no heating element to dry out their coats or burn their skin. ABK Grooming provides the Metrovac Pet dryer is India which gives the best power-to-weight ratio.
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·         Cuts drying time by up to 70%
·         Produces 18,000 ft. /min. of warm, dry, clean filtered air.
·         Easy to use-lets you groom like a pro at home.
·         Compact, lightweight and easy to handle.
·         Safer and more effective than human hairdryers. 
·         Promotes healthy coat and skin. 
·         Rugged all-steel construction, built to last. 
·         Motor: Powerful 1.3 Peak HP 
·         Power Capability: 960 Watts
·         Air Speed: 72m/s
·         Air Volume: 85 CFM
·         Amps: 8
·         Electrical: 120-volt, 8-amps, 950 watts 
·         Warranty: 1-year
Product Code: QD-1
Metro® Air Force® Master Blaster® Variable Control Pet Dryer
ABK Grooming importing best of the best deliberately from USA. Metro® packed so much power into its innovatively-designed Air Force® Master Blaster® series, they cut drying time as much as 75%. Just flip the switch and these two high-speed dog grooming dryers literally "blast" water off the wettest dogs, faster and more efficiently. Pound for pound, dollar for dollar, they’re the most powerful dog drying machine available today. You’ll groom more dogs in less time for greater profits!
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·         The Air Force® Master Blaster® features two twin-fan, 4.0 Peak Horse-power motors with variable control capable of delivering up to 0- 58,000 feet-per-minute.
·         Cuts drying time by up to 80%
·         Reduces noise levels by 25%
·         18 amps/2,160 watts
·         10 ft. x 1.5" flexible commercial strength hose
·         Heavy-duty neoprene blower and air-flare nozzle
·         Motor: 8.0 peak HP Variable Speed
·         Power Capability: 2280 Watts
·         Air Speed: 0-297 m/s
·         Air Volume: 0-400 CFM
·         Amps - 19
·         5-year warranty 
Product Code: MB-3V
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[SP] A Curious Mob
With each and every visit the room gets brighter, and the edges become less defined. The hospital, as real as it is, never quite feels real. Each time I leave it never really feels like I was there at all. I can remember walking in and speaking to the nurses and family, but when I think back it feels like a dream that is moving away until I can’t remember any specific details. Only the mood.
Too many times did I come to visit only to find out, “he’s sleeping, he needs his rest.” a statement that is no doubt true and inarguable. Why would I wake him, when it’s advised against. Because I want to talk to him, even if I have nothing to say. It’s just an urge when you're used to talking to someone everyday, even if it’s just good morning and goodnight, it’s hard to just stop. But that is what was happening.
Last night was my day to stay the night. I didn’t have to work until the next afternoon, so it was no problem. He slept the entire night but there was an interesting moment. Around one in the morning I saw his hand pointed at a cup on his table. I moved over quickly. His frame was still strong but what was attached look sad. What was left of it didn’t look as it once did. I filled the cup with fresh ice and fed him a couple. He kept his eyes closed as he chewed. The rest of the night was much less eventful. I left in the morning and was back the day after. But this day was slightly different. I didn’t feel like sitting there for hours to be told to let him rest. When the sun started to touch the top of the building I left for a walk.
Sunset Boulevard is a popular street no doubt. Full of people of all different kinds. What was to be done. Sitting there did nothing, so walking should at least help me. After a block I already forgot the hospital visit. I could remember where I was but the nurses faces were blank, the design of his gown was blurry and the bleeding fluorescent lights made everything else indistinguishable. But in front of me was real. The sunset on Sunset had vibrant colors that couldn't be described as just orange or pink. There were shades all throughout that made this sunset different than any that came before or will come after. A comforting thought. After a couple more blocks of people and mindless faces came a construction site.
The gate around it had graphics of what was to come, a huge mall that would be part outdoor and indoor with too many shops to name. The workers had gone home. I crossed the street to get closer for no real reason. After a few steps I saw a rip in the vinyl material that covered the chain link fence that wrapped around the soon to be mall. I pulled back the material and saw a break in the fence. A gap where one end of a fence had been pad locked to another leaving an opening two feet wide. After no more than a moment I stuck my first leg through, then my head, torso and other leg.
There wasn't much difference as far as view from the inside. Just the ground level full of supplies stacked throughout. The ground, however, felt hollow. Like my steps were making an echo below my feet. I moved over to the concrete to feel better and wandered around the skeleton. When I started to move back to the opening to head back to the main street the air started to feel thicker and the sun seemed like it was set in place. My first step off the concrete and back onto the dirt shook throughout my body. That feeling when your falling asleep and get the sudden sensation that your falling and have to catch yourself hit me harder than it ever had before. I instinctively Stiffened my arms and stuck them out, palms faced down, bracing for impact. My jaw dropped and I inhaled sharply. All that for nothing. Nothing really happened to me, I didn’t fall or trip.
During that step I had also looked down towards my feet to see where I felt I was falling. And when I looked up the world changed. The air was wet. Not humid but actually wet, with little to no taste. I could smell nothing but I could feel the moisture work through my nose to the back of my throat. This had been an adventurous ten seconds but I still thought little of it. It was when the windows of the building in front of me began to light up that I was truly frozen in shock. With a steady pace, starting from the top, each window began to carry a golden burn. Then I felt it on the back of my neck and knew that the sun was beginning to rise from the west.
The heat of the sun made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I peaked quickly to my left and confirmed it. After a minute of my mind racing no positive thought came to mind. I couldn’t decide what to do. So I took another step, hoping that my step would set everything right in the world and the sun would set in the West. But nothing came of it. No falling sensation, the air was unchanged and the sun continued to rise.
I ran to the break in the fence and squeezed through the break and made my way back to the Boulevard. Things were different but couldn’t be more uniform. People were walking and their hats would float upwards towards the sky. Cats were walked like dogs, worms had nests in the bushes and dogs were asleep on top of fences. But it didn’t seem to bother anybody. I stood there in awe and out of place.
My strides backtracked immediately towards the hospital. With each stride I could feel the eyes focused on me. No part of my body was dripping, no article of my clothing flying away and my eyes and paces were worried. After one block, I could feel the eyes on my back. After the second block the starring intensified and people would stop to stare. Even people working in the buildings or in cars or buses would cock their heads, or at least their eyes in my direction.
With three blocks to go for the hospital people were actively following me. By this time the sun was already about to reach its pinnacle in the sky. I looked back to see at least twenty things following me, and the number was growing. These things varied form fully fleshed humans down to skeletons. When I looked more intently I saw the sun was beginning to melt the flesh and muscles clean off the bone. And floating neatly folded above each melting person was their clothes. With my attention in front of me again, I could see the hospital, bright as ever, glistening in the watery air. A block left, I could see the doors to the lobby. The sidewalk was beginning to melt and float away into vents that apparently existed under them.
When I made it into the Lobby I turned and began breathing intensely in and out. The curious mob had stopped and tilted their heads slightly to the left. Even the clothes rotated an angle. I backed away until my elbow banged against the front desk, turned and blurted my father’s name.
A curious looking man dressed as a security guard but with a gaunt eyeless face, tilted his head the same way at me. He bent his back slightly, but without breaking eye contact scribbled the room number on a hospital sticker, peeled it and stuck it to my shirt. I slowly backed away towards the elevator while he slowly followed. I ran towards the elevator and when I got there I saw that he had made his way outside with the others. As soon as he took that first step outside, his clothes immediately transcended his body floating above him. His skin and muscle was stripped and by the now bright yellow sun still burning at its peak.
The elevator stopped on the 11th floor. The halls were nearly deserted as each step forced a clear satisfying sound that echoes through the wing. However, the unit was the same before my walk. Nurses, families and each bed full with a patient. The nurse at the desk pointed me to the correct room as she noticed the number on sticker. It’s worth noting that the nurse was clothed with clear normal skin on every inch of her body.
I was terrified to take each step. The door to his room opened and I walked through. The had no one else and the TV had a basketball game on. My dad, awake, alert and sitting up in his bed with a gown on, eating a small bowl of ice chips with a spoon turned to me and said with the brightest smile I’d ever seen on that face:
“You found me.”
submitted by /u/13useless13 [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Mi78bK
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engineercity · 5 years
Новости сайта #ENGINEERING - 工程
New Post has been published on http://engineer.city/conveyor-transfer-point-design/
Conveyor transfer point design
As tons of material per hour are quickly dropped with great force through receiving chutes onto a receiving conveyor, fugitive cargo often piles up around the frame and dust migrates throughout the area, collecting on idlers, pulleys and floors and affecting air quality. Workers have to continuously clean up the material before it encapsulates the belt, potentially exposing them to a hazardous work area around a moving conveyor, where even incidental contact can result in serious injury in a split second. Considering that most conveyor injuries occur though routine maintenance or clean up, controlling fugitive material is becoming one of the primary elements in a well-organised effort to reduce hazards and prevent injuries.  
“Conveyor operators need only take a broad look at the expense that fugitive material has on a system to realise the full cost that accompanies inefficient transfer point designs,” said Jerad Heitzler, Product Specialist at Martin Engineering. “Problems such as improper belt support, badly sealed chutes, damaged idlers and uneven cargo distribution can all result in spillage and belt mistracking. They also contribute to increased costs for lost material, premature equipment failure, maintenance and cleanup, as well as the potential for injury and compliance issues. These factors raise the cost of operation and reduce profit margins.”
In a properly engineered transfer point, each component, from the chute design to the cradles and dust seals, is employed to maximise its specific function and contain dust while at the same time offering workers easy access for maintenance.  
Transfer points
Containment is the key to avoiding spillage and dust, and there are a number of components designed for this purpose. Although shaped transfer chutes and rock boxes direct the material flow to mitigate the concussion of material on the belt, most high-volume operations need one or more impact cradles to absorb the force of the cargo stream. Heavy duty impact cradles can be equipped with rubber or urethane impact bars with a top layer of slick UHMW plastic to minimise belt friction. Able to withstand impact forces as high as 17,000 lbf (53.4 to 75.6 kN) and drop heights of up to 50 feet (15.2m), support beams in the centre of the cradle are set slightly below the receiving belt’s line of travel. In this way, the belt avoids sustained friction when running empty and yet can absorb hard impacts during loading, while still retaining a tight belt seal. 
Within the settling zone — located after the impact cradle in the conveyor chute box — slider cradles can then create a troughed belt to centre the cargo and reduce disruption quickly, aiding in dust settlement. Slider cradles, located down the length of the skirted area, have several functions. One is to create a trough angle that adequately centres the load. The trough angle also plays an important part in retaining a tight seal between the belt and the skirt. Lastly, utilising track mount idlers in between each cradle, a smooth belt path is created through the settling area, one that can be easily maintained. A smooth belt path should have no gaps, minimising disruption and promoting containment, allowing dust and fines to settle into the cargo stream prior to leaving the containment area. 
With a constant stream of material crashing on the impact point of the receiving belt, the transfer point can be extremely turbulent, and this turbulence must be contained. By slowing the airflow in the skirted area, suspended dust is allowed to settle onto the cargo path. To contain the mixture of air and disrupted material, a stable, correctly-supported belt is needed for the sealing components to function properly. Without a stable beltline, the belt will sag between idlers, and sealing components will not prevent air and fine material from escaping out of the resulting gaps, causing spillage and dust emissions.  
Chute sealing
By closing gaps and keeping a tight seal on the belt, apron seals can also be attached to the chute walls to prevent fugitive dust from escaping.  “A crucial requirement in any transfer point designed for reduced spillage and high efficiency is an effective skirting and wear liner sealing system at the edge of the belt,” explained Heitzler.  “Modern designs feature external skirting, which establish the tight belt seal needed to eliminate fugitive dust.”  
The external design requires minimal tools and no confined space entry to inspect, adjust or replace wear liners or skirts, and in most cases can be performed by a single worker.  The low profile of the skirting assembly needs only a few inches of clearance, allowing installation and maintenance in space-restricted areas. The design of these components drastically reduces scheduled downtime and the potential workplace hazards associated with replacement and adjustment.
Dust filtration
In operations with limited space for a settling zone or especially dusty materials, dust bags and curtains may be essential components. Providing passive relief via positive air pressure created at belt conveyor loading zones, dust bags prevent the escape of airborne particulates by venting the air and collecting dust at the same time. Installed at the exit of the loading zone and mounted in the skirtboard cover, dust curtains can help create a plenum for dust suppression and dust collection. For additional dust control, an integrated air cleaner system can be installed at the point of emission, containing a suction blower, filtering elements and a filter cleaning system.
Managers concerned with the overall safety and cost of operation need to review potential hazards, the impact of rising labour costs for cleanup and maintenance, combined with the expense of potential fines or forced downtime, to determine specifically how they can affect the bottom line. Using the technologies described here, even poorly-performing conveyors often don’t need to be replaced or rebuilt, but merely modified and reconfigured by knowledgeable and experienced technicians installing modern equipment. 
“These improvements will help operations improve efficiency, reduce risk and contribute to regulatory compliance,” Heitzler added.
conveyor belts
[10] Materials Handling
Source: engineerlive.com
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Moveable Air Conditioner Getting Tutorial
Bedrooms, workplaces, garages, and server rooms will often be warmer than desired as a result of an absence of right air flow or bad air circulation. This really is exactly where by portable air conditioners are available: They're small, portable cooling programs that rapidly cool rooms devoid of entry to central AC. They are also great for spot cooling distinct parts like your bedroom, condominium, or business. For straightforward accessibility to the topics with this guide, use our topic listing: About Moveable Air Conditioners Wistia movie thumbnail - Moveable AC Obtaining Information - Intro A transportable air conditioner is utilized to supply supplemental cooling to unique parts in your house or small business. They do not have to have lasting installation, but most need a window for air flow or possibly a individual space to direct the system's exhaust. Most designs dehumidify because they amazing, and most also are very easily mobile. Portable ACs vary by manufacturer, maximum cooling region, venting configuration, power performance, and unique features-like several running modes, handheld remote control operation, programmable timers, and specialized air filters. Wistia movie thumbnail - Portable AC Getting Guidebook - Size The most important factor to determine when choosing a transportable air conditioner would be the sizing. An air conditioner which is also small won’t keep up along with the cooling requires within your environment. If it is far too massive, the AC will awesome the area and shut down ahead of eradicating surplus humidity from the area-leaving unwanted humidity in your air. The subsequent record is undoubtedly an estimate from the protection area to expect according to a portable AC’s BTU (British Thermal Unit) rating, and that is the device used to evaluate cooling ability. Use the estimates down below to discover an appropriate design on your place: Little Spaces: Moveable air conditioners for rooms as many as three hundred sq. feet are likely to be cost-effective and productive. ACs among seven,000 and 10,000 BTUs can swiftly awesome parts like bedrooms, small offices, or one-car garages. Medium-Sized Places: For living rooms, offices, and workshops, hunt for moveable ACs concerning ten,000 and 14,000 BTUs. They are generally perfect for locations involving 350 and 700 sq. toes. Big and Industrial Spaces: Cooling manufacturing facilities, big server rooms, and outdoor party areas can be demanding. Commercial-grade transportable air conditioners from KwiKool can manage these significant, warm locations. Take note which you should really boost the dimension and energy of your moveable AC if: Your room has a lot of home windows or heat-generating appliances You reside inside a heat, humid state You are cooling a poorly insulated home, these types of as being a garage or workshop Your place has significant ceilings If you need assistance deciding the right dimension on your desires, enjoy the video clip down below or connect with our solution specialists at one (800) 934-9194 for just a no cost session and a professional suggestion. Ventilation and Exhaust Wistia video thumbnail - Portable AC Obtaining Guide - Venting All transportable air conditioners vent hot air as component from the cooling process. This sizzling air is often vented from the area becoming cooled utilizing an exhaust hose and can be vented away from a window, fall ceiling, sliding glass doorway, or by way of a wall. Most transportable ACs have window kits or fall ceiling panel kits that include the needed exhaust hose and elements. For more specific details about air flow, browse our write-up Tips on how to Vent Your Transportable AC. Frequent Concerns: Moveable AC in Sliding Glass DoorSliding Glass Windows/Doors: Creating your exhaust hose to operate having a sliding glass window is feasible with just about all moveable ACs. On the other hand, relying to the particular design, a window kit may not go over the total length in the sliding glass doorway. If this is often the case, the gap will need to generally be stuffed with other materials like Plexiglas. Window Screens: A lot of our buyers are concerned about window screens once they take into consideration paying for a portable AC. While sizzling air will be exhausted out the window, most screens are unaffected since the exhaust hose doesn’t prolong out from your window. Solitary or Double Exhaust Hose? Moveable ACs might be single- or double-hosed for exhausting scorching air and pulling air in to cool. Some products have the two exhausting possibilities. Here is a breakdown of both of those options: Single-Hose Portable ACs: A single-hose transportable air conditioner performs by drawing in air within the place, cooling it, and returning most of the air back again into your room. A small quantity of this air are going to be used to neat the equipment and will be blown out of the air conditioner's exhaust hose. This does develop a slight unfavorable air strain considering the fact that it works by using air from within the room settle down the compressor. Dual-Hose Portable ACs:A dual-hose portable air conditioner pulls in space air, cools it, after which you can releases it back into your place. Considering that the device heats up for the duration of this method, a person consumption hose pulls in air from outdoors to chill down the unit. Then, this air is expelled through a second exhaust hose. As a result, a dual-hose portable AC will not create damaging force in the place getting cooled like solitary hose types, and it could be far more effective than a single-hose moveable AC s since the AC does not have to perform as hard in the cooling method. Nonetheless, dual-hose units use warmer, unconditioned air to cool their compressors, which may end result in marginally weakened performance. Also, relying around the style, a dual-hose portable air conditioner might use two inside supporters, which may also outcome in a little bit greater electricity use. Draining Condensate Wistia online video thumbnail - Portable AC Acquiring Tutorial - Draining Every time a portable AC cools indoor air, what's more, it acts like a dehumidifier and gets rid of drinking water with the air. Portable ACs have alternative ways of dealing with this moisture buildup: Absolutely Self-Evaporative ACs: Some models are fully evaporative, which means the AC exhausts all condensate and you never ever should dump the gathered h2o. These are definitely particularly attractive when you want the freedom to leave them managing unattended. Partially Self-Evaporative ACs: Models can evaporate a great deal of humidity into their sizzling air exhaust, and there is little or no drinking water to empty. How frequently you will have to drain the h2o will rely on use and environmental situations. Gravity Drain/Drain Hose: All portable air conditioners guidance the choice of a lasting drinking water drain hose connection. This allows collected drinking water to constantly drain out to the nearby flooring drain utilizing the drive of gravity-and also indicates you won’t need to drain the h2o manually. Condensate Pumps: Condensate pumps can be obtained as separate components to aid pump the collected drinking water via a drain hose. These pumps can transfer h2o in an upward direction to empty drinking water up and out of an area (by way of a window, by way of example). Buckets: The only portable air conditioners have an internal container that holds further h2o and needs to become manually drained often. Performance Wistia video thumbnail - Moveable AC Buying Manual - Effectiveness Portable ACs have a tendency to be energy productive and might conserve you funds in your regular monthly electrical invoice. Effectiveness is calculated with the portable AC’s Electrical power Performance Ratio (EER); in most cases, the upper the EER, the greater economical the product. A rating of ten is usually thought of a really excellent rating for moveable ACs. Read through our Lower your Vitality Monthly bill with a Transportable AC report for more about moveable air conditioners and efficiency. Electrical Outlet Requirements Most moveable ACs utilize a common household 120-volt energy outlet and need no special wiring. Having said that, some effective portable ACs, these kinds of as commercial-grade models, may perhaps demand exclusive stores. Browse the solution description and specs to find out the ability demands when picking a place air conditioner. Sound Stage Wistia online video thumbnail - How loud can be a decibel? Portable air conditioners make sound, mainly because they use motorized lovers and compressor units that great and circulate the air. Lots of people consider it “background sounds,” other individuals are concerned with equipment sounds. If you are worried about sound as part of your place, we advise buying a transportable AC with distinctive capabilities that limit the audio. Characteristics to look for involve a programmable timer, several speeds, as well as a Sleep manner. Some portable air conditioners checklist the decibel ranking in the technique at every fan velocity. You can evaluate these ratings to other indoor appliances, but keep in mind audio differs to each particular person. Many ailments can influence the sound amount, these types of as being the position in the unit, if you have carpeting, which kind of home furniture you've got, along with the fan velocity. For simple reference, utilize the comparison chart beneath to obtain an concept to the standard of seem a conveyable air conditioner is likely to make dependant on its decibel measurement. Decibel Comparison Chart - Transportable Air Conditioners Set up and Maintenance Protecting your transportable air conditioner is straightforward and necessitates incredibly minor energy. Most devices do the job like a "set it and ignore it" equipment. However, to acquire quite possibly the most outside of your investment decision, you'll want to keep up on basic routine maintenance to be sure it's got a protracted lifespan. Suggested upkeep includes: Clear air filters as desired (ordinarily as soon as just about every summer time). Assure it is set up appropriately for optimum performance. Drain your transportable air conditioner right before storing it. Check out your warranty for additional distinct info on the elements and providers covered. Cooling Server and Pc Rooms Additional cooling is needed in many server rooms, and transportable ACs are sometimes utilised as supplemental or major cooling devices in these locations. When considering an AC, overestimate the amount of BTUs necessary to great the space; these areas get pretty warm with electric powered tools jogging. Exhausting your AC is yet another thing to consider, due to the fact many server rooms don’t offer accessibility to windows. Our consumers ordinarily direct the recent air exhaust hose right into a fall ceiling or via a hole within the wall in these conditions. Verify out our ideas for computer/server area moveable ACs. Heating Solutions Moveable ACs which provide a Warmth manner create heat possibly through a heat pump or electrical heater. Electrical heat is usually recommended for chilly, northern climates although heat pumps do the job finest in moderate temperatures. In winter season months, a heat pump extracts warmth from outdoors air and disperses it all through the world. It may reverse its procedure to cool parts likewise. Warmth pumps usually be much more efficient than electrical heaters since they simply just transfer heat. In contrast, units with electrical heat convert electricity into heat utilizing a heat strip within the unit. While this approach takes advantage of additional electrical electric power to warmth than the usual warmth pump, additionally, it can tackle colder environments. Thinking about a conveyable AC with heat? Look at out our bestselling transportable air conditioner heaters. Special Attributes Wistia video clip thumbnail - Portable AC Getting Tutorial - Options Quite a few moveable air conditioners present specific functions that greatly enhance your cooling experience. These options increase convenience and help you save you dollars on power expenses. They contain: Self-evaporating technologies Directional air control Handheld remote control Washable air filters Casters for simple mobility Programmable timer Digital controls Numerous lover speeds Carrying cope with Transportable air conditioners for rooms More modes: Dehumidify, Lover, Heat, Computerized, Energy-conserving Even now Have Questions? For additional info on particular moveable air conditioners along with other indoor air treatment method alternatives, evaluate our intensive products listings and go to our Knowledge Middle. Unsure what is greatest in your case? We will choose the guesswork out of decision-making. Contact our product professionals toll absolutely free at 1 (800) 934-9194. We want that will help you make your indoor environment a wholesome one particular. MeasureMeasure Obtenez un compte Evernote gratuit pour enregistrer cet report et le lire plus tard sur n'importe quel appareil. Créer un compte
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Moveable Air Conditioner Buying Guidebook
Bedrooms, workplaces, garages, and server rooms in many cases are warmer than preferred thanks to an absence of correct ventilation or very poor air circulation. This is certainly precisely the place transportable air conditioners come in: They're smaller, portable cooling units that immediately amazing rooms without having entry to central AC. They are also perfect for location cooling particular places like your bed room, condominium, or business office. For simple accessibility into the matters within this guidebook, use our matter list: About Portable Air Conditioners Wistia online video thumbnail - Transportable AC Getting Guideline - Intro A conveyable air conditioner is accustomed to supply supplemental cooling to distinct places in your home or business. They don't involve permanent installation, but most require a window for ventilation or possibly a different house to immediate the system's exhaust. Most styles dehumidify because they interesting, and most can also be quickly mobile. Transportable ACs differ by brand, greatest cooling space, venting configuration, vitality efficiency, and special features-like a number of working modes, remote control operation, programmable timers, and specialized air filters. Wistia video clip thumbnail - Moveable AC Acquiring Information - Size An important factor to ascertain when choosing a conveyable air conditioner may be the dimension. An air conditioner that is certainly also modest won’t sustain while using the cooling requires of your surroundings. If it’s also large, the AC will awesome the realm and shut down right before taking away surplus humidity in the area-leaving undesired humidity in the air. The next listing is surely an estimate of the protection area to be expecting based on a transportable AC’s BTU (British Thermal Unit) score, which is the device utilized to evaluate cooling energy. Utilize the estimates below to locate an appropriate model for your area: Small Areas: Transportable air conditioners for rooms approximately 300 sq. feet have a tendency to be cost-effective and successful. ACs between seven,000 and 10,000 BTUs can quickly awesome places like bedrooms, modest places of work, or one-car garages. Medium-Sized Regions: For living rooms, offices, and workshops, hunt for portable ACs amongst 10,000 and fourteen,000 BTUs. They are usually perfect for parts in between 350 and seven hundred square toes. Large and Professional Areas: Cooling production amenities, massive server rooms, and out of doors function spaces can be challenging. Commercial-grade moveable air conditioners from KwiKool can take care of these large, warm regions. Notice that you must boost the measurement and power of your moveable AC if: Your house has plenty of home windows or heat-generating appliances You reside in the heat, humid condition You are cooling a improperly insulated place, this kind of as being a garage or workshop Your home has higher ceilings If you want enable identifying the proper dimensions in your requires, watch the video underneath or call our products professionals at 1 (800) 934-9194 for your no cost consultation and an expert recommendation. Ventilation and Exhaust Wistia video thumbnail - Transportable AC Buying Guideline - Venting All portable air conditioners vent scorching air as portion on the cooling process. This warm air is often vented out of the region being cooled employing an exhaust hose and might be vented out of a window, drop ceiling, sliding glass doorway, or through a wall. Most transportable ACs have window kits or drop ceiling panel kits which include the needed exhaust hose and sections. For more comprehensive details about ventilation, study our write-up Tips on how to Vent Your Transportable AC. Popular Factors: Transportable AC in Sliding Glass DoorSliding Glass Windows/Doors: Setting up your exhaust hose to operate by using a sliding glass window can be done with almost all moveable ACs. Nevertheless, relying over the specific design, a window package may not address the total size in the sliding glass doorway. If this can be the case, the gap will need to become stuffed with other materials like Plexiglas. Window Screens: A lot of our consumers are concerned about window screens once they take into account getting a transportable AC. Though incredibly hot air are going to be fatigued out the window, most screens are unaffected as the exhaust hose does not prolong out from the window. One or Double Exhaust Hose? Moveable ACs may be single- or double-hosed for exhausting warm air and pulling air in to chill. Some products have both exhausting possibilities. Here is a breakdown of the two possibilities: Single-Hose Moveable ACs: A single-hose moveable air conditioner functions by drawing in air in the place, cooling it, and returning nearly all of the air back again to the area. A little amount of this air will be utilized to amazing the equipment and will be blown from the air conditioner's exhaust hose. This does create a slight unfavorable air pressure because it utilizes air from in the room cool down the compressor. Dual-Hose Moveable ACs:A dual-hose portable air conditioner pulls in space air, cools it, after which releases it back into your place. Since the device heats up all through this method, one particular intake hose pulls in air from outside the house to chill down the unit. Then, this air is expelled via a next exhaust hose. As such, a dual-hose portable AC does not build detrimental tension in the space staying cooled like single hose models, and it may be far more productive than a single-hose transportable AC s because the AC won't really have to perform as tricky in the cooling procedure. On the other hand, dual-hose units use hotter, unconditioned air to chill their compressors, which might result in slightly weakened efficiency. Also, dependent on the design and style, a dual-hose transportable air conditioner may well use two inside enthusiasts, which may also end result in marginally bigger energy usage. Draining Condensate Wistia video thumbnail - Transportable AC Purchasing Guidebook - Draining When a moveable AC cools indoor air, additionally, it acts like a dehumidifier and eliminates drinking water from the air. Portable ACs have alternative ways of handling this dampness buildup: Totally Self-Evaporative ACs: Some styles are entirely evaporative, indicating the AC exhausts all condensate and also you in no way need to dump the collected drinking water. These are definitely particularly desirable when you want the freedom to leave them operating unattended. Partially Self-Evaporative ACs: Models can evaporate a great deal of dampness into their very hot air exhaust, and there may be little if any h2o to vacant. How frequently you will have to drain the h2o will rely upon utilization and environmental disorders. Gravity Drain/Drain Hose: All moveable air conditioners help the option of the lasting water drain hose connection. This enables gathered drinking water to constantly drain out into a nearby floor drain applying the force of gravity-and also indicates you won’t must drain the h2o manually. Condensate Pumps: Condensate pumps can be found as independent extras that will help pump the collected h2o through a drain hose. These pumps can shift h2o within an upward direction to drain water up and out of an area (through a window, by way of example). Buckets: The simplest transportable air conditioners have an inner container that retains further water and desires to generally be manually drained consistently. Efficiency Wistia movie thumbnail - Moveable AC Buying Guidebook - Efficiency Portable ACs usually be strength productive and may save you money in your regular monthly electrical bill. Efficiency is measured because of the moveable AC’s Electrical power Performance Ratio (EER); generally speaking, the upper the EER, the greater productive the product. A score of 10 is typically considered an exceptionally fantastic ranking for transportable ACs. Go through our Reduce your Electricity Bill which has a Transportable AC write-up for additional about portable air conditioners and performance. Electrical Outlet Needs Most moveable ACs use a normal residence 120-volt energy outlet and call for no particular wiring. On the other hand, some impressive transportable ACs, this sort of as commercial-grade units, may involve specific retailers. Browse the products description and specifications to determine the ability prerequisites when deciding upon a home air conditioner. Sound Stage Wistia movie thumbnail - How loud is often a decibel? read more Portable air conditioners make sound, for the reason that they use motorized supporters and compressor programs that awesome and flow into the air. A lot of people think about it “background sounds,” other people are involved with equipment sounds. If you are concerned about noise with your place, we propose buying a transportable AC with unique features that lower the seem. Features to look for include things like a programmable timer, multiple speeds, in addition to a Sleep mode. Some moveable air conditioners record the decibel score from the procedure at each and every enthusiast pace. You are able to look at these rankings to other indoor appliances, but recall audio is different to every specific. Quite a few ailments can have an impact on the seem amount, this sort of given that the place from the device, when you've got carpeting, what type of home furniture you may have, as well as the lover velocity. For simple reference, use the comparison chart below to receive an plan with the amount of seem a conveyable air conditioner will make depending on its decibel measurement. Decibel Comparison Chart - Portable Air Conditioners Set up and Upkeep Protecting your portable air conditioner is easy and requires quite little energy. Most devices do the job as a "set it and forget it" appliance. Even so, to acquire one of the most out of your expenditure, you should sustain on standard routine maintenance to be certain it has a lengthy lifespan. Advised upkeep consists of: Thoroughly clean air filters as wanted (commonly after each and every summer). Guarantee it’s installed properly for max efficiency. Drain your moveable air conditioner ahead of storing it. Examine your warranty for additional precise info on the parts and expert services protected. Cooling Server and Personal computer Rooms Extra cooling is necessary in several server rooms, and moveable ACs are sometimes utilized as supplemental or most important cooling methods in these spots. When thinking about an AC, overestimate the quantity of BTUs needed to interesting the place; these regions get quite warm with electric gear working. Exhausting your AC is yet another thought, since a lot of server rooms don’t offer entry to windows. Our buyers normally immediate the hot air exhaust hose into a fall ceiling or through a hole in the wall in these conditions. Verify out our ideas for computer/server place transportable ACs. Heating Solutions Moveable ACs that supply a Warmth method make warmth both by way of a heat pump or electric heater. Electric warmth is suggested for chilly, northern climates whilst warmth pumps operate ideal in moderate temperatures. In wintertime months, a warmth pump extracts warmth from exterior air and disperses it all through the world. It may reverse its system to chill locations as well. Warmth pumps have a tendency to be additional effective than electric heaters because they merely transfer heat. In contrast, units with electric warmth convert electricity into heat employing a heat strip inside the unit. Although this strategy makes use of a lot more electrical energy to warmth than the usual warmth pump, it also can take care of colder environments. Considering a transportable AC with warmth? Test out our bestselling moveable air conditioner heaters. Special Functions Wistia online video thumbnail - Portable AC Getting Guidebook - Characteristics Numerous transportable air conditioners offer special options that increase your cooling expertise. These options increase advantage and save you revenue on strength expenditures. They include: Self-evaporating technology Directional air control Handheld remote control Washable air filters Casters for simple mobility Programmable timer Electronic controls Numerous enthusiast speeds Carrying deal with More modes: Dehumidify, Admirer, Heat, Automated, Energy-conserving Still Have Thoughts? For more info on precise transportable air conditioners and also other indoor air treatment method answers, review our in depth solution listings and check out our Understanding Centre. Not sure what is actually very best for yourself? We are able to consider the guesswork outside of decision-making. Get in touch with our item specialists toll free at 1 (800) 934-9194. We would like to assist you make your indoor surroundings a wholesome a single. MeasureMeasure Obtenez un compte Evernote gratuit pour enregistrer cet article et le lire as well as tard sur n'importe quel appareil. Créer un compte
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Portable Air Conditioner Obtaining Guide
Bedrooms, places of work, garages, and server rooms in many cases are hotter than desired because of a lack of correct ventilation or weak air circulation. This really is specifically the place portable air conditioners come in: They are little, transportable cooling methods that promptly interesting rooms without the need of obtain to central AC. They're also perfect for spot cooling unique parts like your bedroom, condominium, or workplace. For easy accessibility for the matters in this guide, use our subject matter listing: About Portable Air Conditioners Wistia movie thumbnail - Moveable AC Shopping for Tutorial - Intro A transportable air conditioner is accustomed to provide supplemental cooling to specific parts in your house or organization. They don't have to have everlasting installation, but most require a window for ventilation or a separate place to immediate the system's exhaust. Most products dehumidify since they amazing, and many will also be effortlessly cell. Moveable ACs vary by brand name, most cooling location, venting configuration, electricity performance, and exclusive features-like multiple operating modes, handheld remote control procedure, programmable timers, and specialised air filters. Wistia video clip thumbnail - Portable AC Purchasing Guidebook - Measurement A very powerful factor to determine when choosing a conveyable air conditioner is the size. An air conditioner that is as well tiny won’t sustain using the cooling calls for of your environment. If it’s too big, the AC will great the area and shut down in advance of eliminating excess humidity through the area-leaving unwelcome moisture in your air. The next list is an estimate on the coverage spot to anticipate based on a conveyable AC’s BTU (British Thermal Device) rating, which can be the unit accustomed to evaluate cooling electrical power. Utilize the estimates down below to search out an correct model in your room: Modest Spaces: Portable air conditioners for rooms as many as 300 sq. toes are likely to be cost-effective and productive. ACs among 7,000 and ten,000 BTUs can quickly neat parts like bedrooms, compact workplaces, or one-car garages. Medium-Sized Locations: For dwelling rooms, workplaces, and workshops, try to find transportable ACs involving ten,000 and fourteen,000 BTUs. They're normally great for places in between 350 and seven-hundred square feet. Substantial and Commercial Areas: Cooling production services, significant server rooms, and out of doors party spaces might be tough. Commercial-grade portable air conditioners from KwiKool can tackle these massive, scorching parts. Take note that you must improve the measurement and ability of your transportable AC if: Your house has a lot of home windows or heat-generating appliances You reside in the warm, humid state You’re cooling a improperly insulated area, these like a garage or workshop Your area has significant ceilings If you need assistance figuring out the correct measurement in your desires, look at the movie underneath or phone our merchandise gurus at one (800) 934-9194 for any free of charge consultation and a specialist advice. Air flow and Exhaust Wistia online video thumbnail - Transportable AC Purchasing Guideline - Venting All moveable air conditioners vent incredibly hot air as element on the cooling method. This warm air is typically vented away from the region staying cooled applying an exhaust hose and will be vented from a window, fall ceiling, sliding glass door, or by way of a wall. Most moveable ACs feature window kits or fall ceiling panel kits that include the required exhaust hose and pieces. For additional in depth details about ventilation, browse our posting Ways to Vent Your Moveable AC. Popular Issues: Moveable AC in Sliding Glass DoorSliding Glass Windows/Doors: Organising your exhaust hose to operate with a sliding glass window can be done with almost all moveable ACs. Even so, based on the precise product, a window package may well not go over the full size of the sliding glass door. If this is often the case, the gap will require to generally be filled with other content like Plexiglas. Window Screens: Most of our buyers are worried about window screens every time they take into consideration obtaining a transportable AC. While sizzling air will probably be fatigued out the window, most screens are unaffected since the exhaust hose does not lengthen out through the window. Single or Double Exhaust Hose? Moveable ACs might be single- or double-hosed for exhausting incredibly hot air and pulling air in to chill. Some products have both of those exhausting selections. Here's a breakdown of equally selections: Single-Hose Portable ACs: A single-hose transportable air conditioner is effective by drawing in air with the area, cooling it, and returning the majority of the air again to the space. A small degree of this air will probably be utilized to neat the equipment and can be blown out of the air conditioner's exhaust hose. This does build a slight negative air force due to the fact it works by using air from in the place calm down the compressor. Dual-Hose Moveable ACs:A dual-hose transportable air conditioner pulls in area air, cools it, and afterwards releases it back again into your room. Considering that the device heats up for the duration of this process, one particular consumption hose pulls in air from outside to chill down the unit. Then, this air is expelled through a second exhaust hose. As a result, a dual-hose portable AC doesn't make damaging pressure within the place being cooled like one hose products, and it might be additional successful than a single-hose portable AC s for the reason that AC doesn't really need to work as difficult in the course of the cooling approach. Nevertheless, dual-hose models use hotter, unconditioned air to chill their compressors, that may end result in slightly weakened performance. Also, dependent within the design and style, a dual-hose transportable air conditioner could use two internal enthusiasts, which can also consequence in a bit larger strength use. Draining Condensate Wistia video clip thumbnail - Portable AC Buying Guideline - Draining Each time a moveable AC cools indoor air, it also acts similar to a dehumidifier and removes h2o from your air. Moveable ACs have alternative ways of dealing with this dampness buildup: Entirely Self-Evaporative ACs: Some models are wholly evaporative, this means the AC exhausts all condensate and you hardly ever really have to dump the gathered h2o. They're especially fascinating when you want the freedom to depart them running unattended. Partially Self-Evaporative ACs: Units can evaporate a great deal of moisture into their incredibly hot air exhaust, and you can find little if any drinking water to empty. How often you are going to really need to drain the water will depend upon usage and environmental conditions. Gravity Drain/Drain Hose: All transportable air conditioners assistance the choice of a everlasting h2o drain hose relationship. This permits collected h2o to continuously drain out to some nearby flooring drain working with the pressure of gravity-and also suggests you will not really have to drain the drinking water manually. Condensate Pumps: Condensate pumps can be found as individual accessories to assist pump the gathered water via a drain hose. These pumps can move drinking water in an upward route to drain drinking water up and away from an area (by way of a window, for instance). Buckets: The simplest portable air conditioners have an inside container that holds further water and wishes for being manually drained routinely. Effectiveness Wistia video clip thumbnail - Transportable AC Obtaining Guideline - Effectiveness Transportable ACs tend to be strength productive and might save you money on your own monthly electric monthly bill. Efficiency is calculated via the moveable AC’s Strength Performance Ratio (EER); in most cases, the higher the EER, the greater economical the design. A score of ten is typically regarded a really very good rating for transportable ACs. Go through our Reduce your Electrical power Bill which has a Portable AC write-up for more about portable air conditioners and effectiveness. Electrical Outlet Needs Most transportable ACs utilize a common domestic 120-volt ability outlet and need no specific wiring. Even so, some strong portable ACs, these as commercial-grade models, could need specific retailers. Browse the solution description and requirements to determine the power needs when selecting a area air conditioner. Noise Degree Wistia online video thumbnail - How loud is a decibel? Portable air conditioners make sounds, since they use motorized fans and compressor systems that great and flow into the air. Many people think about it “background sound,” some others are worried with appliance noise. If you’re worried about sound in your place, we recommend purchasing a transportable AC with specific characteristics that decrease the audio. Functions to search for involve a programmable timer, various speeds, as well as a Slumber manner. Some transportable air conditioners list the decibel score with the program at each supporter speed. You could look at these rankings to other indoor appliances, but don't forget audio is different to each personal. Numerous ailments can influence the audio level, this sort of as the placement from the device, when you've got carpeting, which kind of home furniture you've got, as well as admirer velocity. For simple reference, use the comparison chart under to receive an notion with the level of sound a conveyable air conditioner can make according to its decibel measurement. Decibel Comparison Chart - Moveable Air Conditioners Set up and Routine maintenance Sustaining your moveable air conditioner is straightforward and involves quite small hard work. Most systems perform like a "set it and forget about it" appliance. Having said that, to acquire quite possibly the most away from your expense, you ought to keep up on general upkeep to make certain it has a lengthy lifespan. Suggested maintenance consists of: Cleanse air filters as essential (generally as soon as every single summer months). Ensure it’s mounted appropriately for max efficiency. Drain your transportable air conditioner ahead of storing it. Check out your guarantee for additional specific info on the sections and expert services lined. Cooling Server and Personal computer Rooms Supplemental cooling is necessary in many server rooms, and portable ACs tend to be employed as supplemental or most important cooling devices in these locations. When contemplating an AC, overestimate the quantity of BTUs needed to cool the area; these regions get really hot with electric powered products jogging. Exhausting your AC is another thought, mainly because several server rooms never offer accessibility to home windows. Our clients usually immediate the recent air exhaust hose right into a drop ceiling or via a hole from the wall in these circumstances. read more Test out our strategies for computer/server home moveable ACs. Heating Selections Transportable ACs that offer a Heat mode make heat either through a heat pump or electrical heater. Electrical heat is recommended for cold, northern climates when heat pumps operate most effective in average temperatures. In winter season months, a heat pump extracts heat from outside the house air and disperses it throughout the realm. It might reverse its procedure to cool parts at the same time. Heat pumps are inclined to be a lot more productive than electric heaters due to the fact they just transfer heat. In contrast, models with electric powered heat change electricity into heat applying a heat strip within the unit. While this system utilizes far more electrical electricity to heat than the usual heat pump, in addition, it can handle colder environments. Keen on a portable AC with heat? Test out our bestselling moveable air conditioner heaters. Specific Attributes Wistia online video thumbnail - Transportable AC Obtaining Guideline - Functions Many moveable air conditioners offer you exclusive options that enrich your cooling practical experience. These functions insert usefulness and help you save you money on power charges. They involve: Self-evaporating technologies Directional air regulate Handheld remote control Washable air filters Casters for straightforward mobility Programmable timer Digital controls Several lover speeds Carrying tackle Additional modes: Dehumidify, Admirer, Warmth, Automatic, Energy-conserving Still Have Questions? For additional info on particular transportable air conditioners and other indoor air therapy methods, evaluate our comprehensive solution listings and go to our Understanding Center. Undecided what's greatest to suit your needs? We will just take the guesswork away from decision-making. Contact our merchandise specialists toll totally free at one (800) 934-9194. We want to assist you make your indoor surroundings a healthy just one. MeasureMeasure Obtenez un compte Evernote gratuit pour enregistrer cet post et le lire plus tard sur n'importe quel appareil. Créer un compte
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