#specifically her role as james bonde. or yor
the-cs-oc-archives · 9 months
gonna throw up need to go listen to heera's voice claim's vocal demos and imagine scenarios like the gay little freak that i am
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jamethinks · 24 days
I am being a bit of a hypocrite here but I really do hate when people nag too much about the conspiracy of sxf. Mainly about Anya and the source of her powers because while it is a very interesting story it’s also interesting to not know. Like something certain things we don’t need to know. I am being a bit hypocritical here because I do ask a lot of questions but my questions (at least to me) are centered more around world building than actual lore.
I don’t need a full depth deep dive in Donovan and why he is the way that he is I just want more of an understanding of how politics (specifically his politics) played a role in the conflict b/w the east and west. I also want an idea of why there is a conflict in the first place, I don’t need a deep explanation for everything but a simple tidbit to launch myself off of.
I would still like to learn more about Donovan and see him be fleshed out as a character rather than just a target but that’s just to do with the narrative and me being invested in the characters.
Of course a lot of what I want is what the author is actively avoiding. I want concrete politics and actual commentary on world issues when Endo just wants to promote love and family over war and strife so in that case I am the problem.
Similarly with Yor I don’t need her full backstory I’m fine making that up myself but I would like to learn more about her and a few hints of why she is the way that she is. ATM she feels shallow and one dimensional TO ME PERSONALLY but again at the end of the day I’m just a consumer here.
Personally I don’t care about the mystery behind Anya’s powers I don’t need to know the lore about her powers. Most I am concerned about is how her powers impact her and affect her well being, a more in depth exploration on how being a telepath (a good metaphor for disability) affects her and how her parents and the adults in her life can help her cope with it even without a clear answer.
I don’t want to know more about project Apple. Whenever they drop subtle hints about it I’m just like yeah ok I don’t really care. Until we reach that point where it’s actually being addressed and expanded on I just move past it. Like last chapter (103) Loid mentions project Apple and everyone was freaking out and I was like who cares.
I saw a post on Reddit that was like “Anya had #007 does that mean there are more out and when we meet them” and I get it but also she probably just got that number as a reference to James Bond and nothing else. It would obviously be a cool and fun story to have another telepath or someone with powers appear but until then I don’t care.
I also don’t think Twilight’s dad is alive and until he is confirmed to be alive I don’t care about the possibility. His dad being alive is meaningless to me unless the story is going to use it an actual interesting way to expand on Twilight or the world.
I just want the story to get too caught up in lore and mystery that it forgets what’s actually important, the characters. Because again Yor and Donovan are two key characters that are very flat underdeveloped IN MY PERSONAL OPNION so I would like to get more info and expansions on them. I wouldn’t advocate for more lore when there’s still stuff to be established in the primary story before you get into the expanding.
So for its fuck project Apple, tell me more about Yor’s experience raising her brother and how hard it was for her losing her childhood 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾
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