#specific reader x david king
futurecorps3 · 1 year
Hi!! Wanted to drop by and say that I love your fics and how you write! I saw that you're taking requests for nikolai and I'm so in the mood for some angst with him after watching season two. So I have this idea where the reader is taken by the darkling as leverage against nikolai (maybe she was one of his grishas before or not) and she tries to escape or something, but nikolai saves her.
Thank you in advance and hope you stay hidrated and happy! 💗
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐞
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Summary: Nikolai is sure he's never been this empty. Pairing: Nikolai Lantsov x fem!reader Warnings: Kidnapping, blood mentions, Nikolai being sad and a bitch to everyone but it's okay bc he's going through something, kinda show!Nikolai for a tiny little second Word Count: 3.2K Requested: Yes
A/N: I added a bit of angsty spice because I'm a SLUT for that good Nikolai hurt/comfort. Sorry for the delay my love and tysm for requesting!!!<3 Hope u like it.
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He wasn't sure how it all came to be. Moments like these made Nikolai realize he was a boy born with tragedy knitted on his skin and calamity running through his blood. His light. His queen. His love. His everything. Kirigan took everything from him.
When in war, everyone knew disastrous things could happen with every coming sunrise. In this specific war, you could wake up with the news that the fold had swallowed the nearest city to yours, or be in the city that was swallowed. Maybe grishas working with the Darkling burnt your house to the ground overnight. Maybe you didn't wake up at all.
The king was aware of the madness going on outside the spinning wheel's walls and all over the country. Kirigan and his army had the upper hand and grew bolder with time, but that wouldn't last, Nikolai was sure of it.
Until they took Y/N.
Not a single guard or grisha seemed to be aware of the enemy taking the one person most precious to the king. She vanished, and he blamed himself. If he hadn't been so stubborn and listened to her, he would've been there.
"There is no clue on where she might be" Zoya asserted, exasperated and scared for her best friend. Saints knew where she was. Tired of seeing Nikolai sitting with a heavy head and puffy eyes trying to work out a way to find his lover. "Time is a crucial matter on these things. But being out there would be a risk. For everyone here." Said Genya, who was standing next to David.
"I can't stand sitting here doing absolutely nothing when she's out there, Genya. Let me go out, it's been three days since t-they..." he couldn't say it. In the past hours, he realized acknowledging the fact Y/N was gone only made his mind run wild over the events that transpired the last time they were together.
Y/N paced back and forth in the grand hall of the royal palace, her heart racing with anger. Nikolai stood in front of her, his arms crossed over his chest, his expression cold and distant. They had been going back on forth for about an hour now, exhausted, but neither of them would give in.
"You're not even listening to me, Nikolai! This is important," Y/N said, her voice rising in frustration. "I am listening, Y/N. I just don't agree with you," Nikolai replied, his tone clipped and dismissive. He came up with a plan to ambush Kirigan, one Y/N considered being ruthless; they knew for a fact he was expanding the fold over some little farmer's village and he wanted to let him just so they could enter to fold and Alina could work her powers out.
The young king was sure that if they were quick enough, the habitants wouldn't immediately turn into Volcra. Still, it was risky and very thoughtless. If it didn't work, hundreds of people would die, which was the last thing the nation needed. Y/N shook her head, her hands balling into fists at her sides. She couldn't believe Nikolai was being so stubborn at a matter like this.
"I can't do this, Nikolai. What if it doesn't work? W-will you be able to live with that in your conscience?" Y/N said, her voice trembling with emotion. Nikolai didn't say a thing, his expression still gone. Y/N took a step back, disappointed.
He knew it was not an easy decision, and had been pondering it for a long time before voicing it to his love. Nikolai, too, battled himself in the classic dilemma he found himself in; was he willing to sacrifice hundreds of people to end a war that had started far before he was even born?
"Y/N, do you think I don't care? It's hard, but it has to be done. Everyone agrees. We'll do our best to get them out of there, but if it doesn't work, they won't die in vain. This could be our one chance to save Ravka," He said, his voice somehow hurt but firm. And with that, Y/N turned on her heel and stormed out of the grand hall, her footsteps echoing off the marble floors.
As she walked through the palace corridors, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of anger and disappointment that lingered within her. She had always known that she and Nikolai had different opinions on certain matters, but she had never thought it would come to this.
The days preceding the supposed attack were filled with quiet meals, nights sleeping with backs facing each other, and no kisses. Alina and the other grishas knew what was off between the couple, but figured that if someone made even the slightest comment, Nikolai would decide against what needed to be done.
Last thing she said to him was an apathetic "Take care, don't be reckless". Y/N was worried for him but still angry and a bit shocked at them actually risking the lives of breathing, sentient people because of this stupid war. She knew it was a good plan, but either way, lives were to be lost. Nikolai nodded and turned around, mounted his horse and rode down along the other grisha to the border where Kirigan was.
Or was supposed to be.
They waited for hours, even remained hidden for quite some time, and there was no sign of Kirigan. Zoya insisted, against Alina's wishes, to go back to the castle, and they did. They did and Y/N was gone. Maybe the Darkling was more clever than they thought; he figured out the way to weaken the king by taking everything he held dear.
He heard from a friend over in Ketterdam not to love anything, ever. That was his trick and the one thing that kept him alive in many situations while he was working his way up in gangs and gained street credit. He understood that when some minor range inferni approached him with a pale face and trembling hands, saying they had taken the queen and had absolutely no idea when or where.
The king had been too daft, too stubborn to even see through the trap they had set up. It all clicked in that moment, really. The intel on the attack came from an unreliable source, and the former general relied on Ravka's desperation on ending this war. Aleksander knew they'd take anything they could get. He outsmarted the most cunning grishas and royal individuals, hurting the king greatly.
Y/N's absence felt like a never-ending void, and he was plagued with visions of what could be happening to her. No matter how hard he tried to strategize, Nikolai felt helpless, as he didn't know where Y/N was or what the Darkling was doing to her. He ached to embrace her once more, to whisper comforting words in her ear and tell her how much he adored her.
His Y/N was a bold one, and he figured she was putting up quite a fight. He prayed to his saints for her to hold on, to wait and endure until he found where she was. Everyone was working full time, maps scattered in tables with discarded locations, search parties in the land... Nikolai knew this was the time of his ability to find quick solutions to shine. He was going to find her and kill that bastard.
˚ · • . ° .
"Will you stop that already?" Aleksander said exasperated, dodging yet another one of Y/N's blazes being thrown his way. She didn't reply. Hair messy with her gown in shreds inside a cage, all dirty with how much she had wrestled with Kirigan's crew on the way there. Truth is, she had no idea where she was. "He, for once, is right, child. Stop it or he'll put these things on you."
Baghra, in the cage next to her, showed her the iron shackles he had placed. "You'll get sick if you can't use your powers". Y/N sighed, annoyed at everything. She was not scared, not of some coward who caged his own mother out of fear. They were close friends before all of this. With her childhood best friend and boyfriend enlisted in the army, Y/N was left alone. Being one of the most talented Grisha of her age, it was only natural for Kirigan to notice her standing out.
She, of course, knew nothing about his plans and was grateful she had someone to laugh with. "Darling-" "Do not call me that" she spat "Y/N, you know this could've been easier if you allowed it. Your problem is you're too stubborn, too prideful, and way too enthralled by your prince to see clearly." "He's your king, Kirigan. And you're a murderer." Of course, he didn't see himself as such. Everyone with half a brain could see he really thought he was doing the right thing, even when that meant slaughtering countless amounts of people.
The man inhaled sharply and turned around, a certain dramatic flare in his kefta as he did so. Y/N knew he wouldn't dare to hurt her, he needed her alive. But being locked away from everything known in enemy lands was not exactly the ideal situation for her at the moment; even if she scaped she would have nowhere to go. The last conversation she had with Nikolai had been everything but pleasant, and truth be told, she was worried he was worried.
She felt a bit remorseful, her words shot to kill when mad and her soon to be husband's indifference against the fierce words made her even madder, so seeing the situation at hand coolly was not an option when they argued. Also, she knew him well and Nikolai could be too hard on himself most of the time; the speech he was giving himself in that very moment was clear for Y/N.
He most likely was overwhelmed by feelings of guilt, and his head was filled with mean words, whispering that he had been the cause of all this, and that if he had just paid attention, she'd still be there. Of course, there was no way she could ever blame him for the kidnapping/becoming a forceful guest of some lovely little house on the hill, but he could. The demons could be very mean fuckers to the puppy king prince.
That night, Y/N fell asleep on the piles of blankets thinking of those blue eyes. Those blue eyes in the time they spent at sea together. Sunlight danced upon their iridescent sea, unveiling a symphony of hues with delicate glee. Celestial eyes, a glimpse of heaven's embrace, where mysteries and magic interlace. Where she found a place to be.
She hoped she could see them again soon.
˚ · • . ° .
Five days later, Nikolai made search parties go through the country to see if they could find something, anything, all a desperate measure he never thought would pay off. He was wrong.
"We found Kirigan" were the only words Zoya said, already in her kefta ready to head out. Those simple three words had the king sobering up, getting up from his seat as he felt the numbness of his body leave eagerly. Less than fifteen minutes after, he was outside the castle commanding very small teams of grisha with different tasks. There was no need to get there with the manpower they had a few days back in the fold's border. There was one singular purpose that day; getting Y/N out of there.
Nikolai's mind raced, strategizing and planning, his thoughts a whirlwind of possibilities and contingencies. The rhythmic sound of his heartbeat echoed in his ears, a constant reminder of the stakes at hand. Yet, amid the chaos of his emotions, a flicker of hope burned within him. It was the unwavering belief that he and Y/N shared a love strong enough to defy any darkness, a love that would guide him through the treacherous task ahead.
Alina stood at the edge of the hill, her gaze fixed on the horizon where Nikolai and his small army disappeared into the distance. A knot of admiration swelled in her chest as she watched his retreating figure, the determination evident in every stride. Beside her, Mal followed her gaze, his eyes narrowing as he took in the sight. "That man's love for Y/N is unparalleled," he remarked, his voice filled with awe. "I've never seen someone fight so fiercely for another person."
Alina nodded, a wistful smile playing on her lips. "It's true. Nikolai's devotion knows no bounds. He'd move mountains, cross oceans, and face the darkest of enemies for Y/N's sake." Mal's gaze softened as he glanced at Alina, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "Just like we would for each other." She met his gaze, a tender warmth filling her eyes. "Yes, just like us."
The wind rustled through the grass, carrying with it a sense of anticipation and hope. Alina's gaze lingered on the distant figure of Nikolai, his silhouette a testament to his unwavering resolve. "Do you remember when we first met Nikolai?" Alina asked, her voice carrying a hint of fondness. Mal chuckled softly, a reminiscent glimmer in his eyes. "How could I forget? He was all charm and wit, always scheming, but with a heart that burned fiercely for his people. And for Y/N."
"He's always been one to wear his heart on his sleeve," Alina mused. "But it's during times like these, when the stakes are high, that you truly see the depth of his love." Mal's gaze shifted back to the horizon, his voice carrying a note of admiration. "He's willing to risk everything, including his own life, for Y/N. It's a rare and beautiful thing."
Alina's voice grew quiet as she added, "We're fortunate to have witnessed such love. It's a reminder of what we fight for." Silence enveloped them as they stood together, their hearts swelling with appreciation for the love that bound them all. In the distance, the sun began its descent, casting a golden, almost hopeful hue upon the land.
˚ · • . ° .
As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the land, Nikolai and his small, stealthy army approached the Darkling's stronghold. Their destination was a grand, two-story manor nestled within the heart of enemy territory. The imposing structure loomed before them, its dark façade a testament to the malevolence that lay within.
Nikolai's heart pounded in his chest as they neared the manor, his thoughts consumed by the image of Y/N trapped within its walls. The manor stood as a symbol of their separation, a barrier between them that he was determined to breach. The double doors of the building loomed large, promising the secrets and dangers that lay beyond. Nikolai turned to his loyal companions, his voice steady but laced with urgency.
"We enter quietly," Nikolai whispered, his words carried on a whispering breeze. "Our goal is to locate Y/N and bring her out unseen. Remain vigilant and stay close." The members of his small army nodded, their eyes gleaming with a shared resolve. They understood the magnitude of their mission and the risks involved.
With a nod from Nikolai, they entered the manor, their footsteps silent against the marble floors of the grand foyer. The opulence of the surroundings contrasted starkly with the tension that filled the air. Paintings adorned the walls, and ornate chandeliers dangled from the ceiling, casting a dim glow that danced with the shadows.
Distant footsteps could be heard, a day over for all the grishas on Kirigan's side. No one on sight downstairs, but, ever the paranoid, Nikolai made the five soldiers who accompanied him inside stay behind. It was easier, safer, if he wen't by himself upstairs.
He ascended a grand staircase, each step careful and deliberate, his senses heightened. The second floor held a maze of hallways and rooms, potential hiding places where Y/N might be held captive. His path was shrouded in uncertainty, but Nikolai's determination remained unwavering.
As he crept along the hallway, doors lined each side, concealing the secrets within, avoiding any wandering person in the hallways. The air was thick with anticipation, the silence broken only by the soft creaking of the wooden floorboards beneath their feet.
Nikolai pressed his ear against a closed door, straining to catch any sounds that might indicate Y/N's presence. A faint, muffled whimper reached his ears, and his heart clenched. It was the sound he had been longing to hear, the confirmation that Y/N was indeed within the manor. With practiced precision, Nikolai picked the lock, his hands steady despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins.
The door swung open, revealing a dimly lit room. Y/N was there, her weary form huddled in the corner of a cage, her eyes widening with hope at the sight of Nikolai. The room itself was sparse, lacking the opulence that adorned the rest of the manor. It was a stark contrast, a symbol of the darkness that had enveloped Y/N's captivity next to a sick looking Baghra.
"Oh darling" she whispered, melting the lock that had kept her there for days. The door fell open, and as Nikolai's arms wrapped around Y/N, a surge of emotions washed over both of them. The weight of their separation, the fear and uncertainty that had gripped their hearts, all dissipated in that single embrace. Time seemed to stand still as they held each other, finding solace and strength in each other's presence.
Y/N's body melted into Nikolai's, her fingers gripping the fabric of his jacket, as if she couldn't bear to let go. She buried her face in his chest, inhaling his familiar musky scent, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her cheek. A rush of relief flooded through her, knowing that she was finally safe in his arms.
Nikolai's hold tightened around Y/N, his voice a gentle whisper in her ear. "I thought I lost you," he confessed, his words laced with a mix of vulnerability and profound love. "But I will always find my way back to you, no matter the cost." Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she looked up at Nikolai, her gaze filled with gratitude and devotion. "I never doubted you," she replied, her voice filled with unwavering trust.
"We're getting you out of here," Nikolai whispered, his voice filled with determination and love. Together, they left the room, their steps light as they navigated the labyrinthine hallways of the manor. Each turn brought them closer to the freedom that awaited beyond its walls. Nikolai's small army, now positioned strategically throughout the manor, provided cover and ensured their path remained clear.
As they emerged from the grand entrance of the place, relief washed over them. The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a gentle glow over their escape. Nikolai held Y/N close, their eyes meeting in a silent understanding. The grand, two-story manor now stood as a symbol of their victory, its walls unable to contain the power of their love and determination.
In that moment, as they left the manor behind, they knew that they had conquered not just the physical barriers but also the darkness that had threatened to tear them apart. Hand in hand, they embarked on a journey towards a future where their love would be the guiding light, ready to conquer this war and build a new world belonging to the both of them.
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Hi! Thank you so much for reading, hope you enjoyed:) Hey, that scape seemed a bit too easy... right? 👀
Remember, the best way to support writer’s works on here is by REBLOGGING WITH TAGS. I’d very much appreciate it if you did!
Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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batmanego · 1 year
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have you ever wanted to read a story that will make you go 'hm, i can't decide if this depiction of DID is surprisingly progressive or reductive for the time'? have you ever wanted to kill charles xavier more than you already do? have you ever just wanted to see a 14 year old be the worst person in a 100 mile radius? luckily for you i've dedicated a non insignificant amount of time and brainspace to thinking about little miss ableism, david charles haller. below the cut is a list of recommended reading for getting into him and his miserable life, links included.
LEGION: SON OF X/X-MEN LEGACY VOL. 2 this is quintessential david reading, and while it's not where david's story starts, it's where i would recommend new readers begin. it's fairly self contained and gives us the basis for a lot of his modern characterization, as well as having a depiction of david's DID that resonates a lot with me. read lsox/xml vol 2 Here.
LEGION: SHADOW KING RISING shadow king rising is also quintessential david reading, and what i would recommend new readers read second. shadow king rising collect's davids first appearances and documents his time on muir island and also that time he killed destiny! whoopsies! read it here. also, you should read this specific issue of x-men forever.
X-MEN: AGE OF APOCALYPSE PRELUDE hey, remember destiny and how david killed her? well, there were some consequences for that action. age of apocalypse prelude explores the consequences of that, notably mystique trying to kill him. also, david tries to kill magneto and kind of fucks up spectacularly. read it here.
NEW MUTANTS VOL. 3: RETURN OF LEGION david was in the otherplace. now he's back. he's not having a very good time. start here to issue 5, then issue 14 so you can see his torture chamber, and then issue 24.
X-MEN: AGE OF X david shunts everyone into an alternate dimension again, this time spurred by medical abuse! you can read this entire thing if you want here, but what's really important is.....
X-MEN: LEGACY VOL. 1 ISSUES 247-253 more age of x stuff! and also aftermath! and also lost legions! just a whole bunch of stuff for davey boy. he gets to hang out with magneto. start here, end at 253.
WAY OF X way of x is a kurt book. but david is there. i'm not the biggest fan of what's currently going on with david, but he is there. read it here.
LEGION OF X legion of x is a kurt book being billed as a david book. it's fine. i really like the judgement day issue. this is what is currently going on with david. read it here.
anyway, that's just about it for charles' firstborn and least favorite son! he's had other appearances, but these are the ones that i think are easiest to collect and are the most important for his character. happy reading!
130 notes · View notes
spicysix · 1 year
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「eddie munson X gn!reader • roadtrip!AU」
2.7k words | prev | next | masterlist | ao3 warnings: trauma bonding! mentions of violence, of torture and of near-death experiences. also, they're both kinda in a bad mood. a nightmare will do that to ya songs of the chapter: ambrosia - carole king • move on - david bowie • i wanna be somebody (and the entire self titled album) - W.A.S.P.
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Friday, July 25
Eddie Munson was a hard-headed prick.
Not completely, no, you’d find out already he could be convinced at some point, but it took a while. And you figured the morning after your night in Sioux Falls that he was actually being really nice until then. Because on topics that were more important to him, the man was tougher to break than a brick wall.
One of those topics? His van.
Because Eddie’s back was still not completely recovered from the night he’d spent on the front bench of the van, and because of his nightmare that had kinda ruined his night, you told him you should drive the van to your next stop so he could get some more rest.
And, oh boy, was he relentless about that.
He wasn’t like Steve and the Bimmer, it wasn’t about jealousy or fear of you breaking something or getting something dirty. No, it had to do with the mechanics.
You had both woken up early, thankfully, for he had spent almost an entire hour speeching and groaning and basically throwing a tantrum about how the van was old, bratty, difficult, damaged, faulty. And how the van needed certain specific things to engage, to accelerate, to break, to park. And how the van had tricks and wiles and gimmicks to work.
You heard it all silently, nodding, not doubting him for a second even though his dramatics were off the charts. Only after his show was over and he had thoroughly explained everything about the van’s problems more than once, only then you asked him to show you, and if you could try. He showed you, also complaining the whole time, and then you tried.
And managed it just fine.
“Shouldn’t doubt my expertise, Eddie,” you winked at him — your grandma would call you smug — and he grimaced with a blush to his ears while you left the parking lot you were practicing on and headed for the road. You were cackling the whole time.
You took the I-90 and headed east, as Eddie had been doing since Chicago — on purpose or not, you didn’t know. Leaving the prairies behind and welcoming the great plains’ monotony, the beauty of the Missouri River once you crossed it again, the sun high and almost oppressive above you.
You were still a little tired yourself, but Eddie let you choose the music once again, bobbed his head to Bowie’s voice and hid a wide grin behind his hand as he stared at the window’s landscape, took a nap after two or three songs, and it was all right.
── ⇌ • ○ • ⇋ ──
“You ever been to Yellowstone?” he asked, reading a pamphlet while you gathered some food supplies into your basket.
You had stopped around midday in a town right by the border to Wyoming for a bathroom break and to get some snacks for lunch and for the rest of the road. The mid-summer brought its peak, and so the little town was unusually full of people going and coming from all kinds of nature adventures and travels.
“Do I look like someone who has ever been to Yellowstone National Park on a family vay-cay, Eddie?” you answered without sparing him a look, an abnormal tone of sarcasm in your voice because, yeah, maybe family vay-cays were a triggering topic to you. And you were a little hungry, which in turn got you a little over-annoyed.
Eddie didn’t know any of that, though, and you instantly regretted the way you said it.
“I don’t know you very well, sweetie,” he retorted just as ironically, the nickname raised in pure poison, and it hurt more than you cared to think about in depth. “All I know is that you’ve probably worked at every single retail job in Hawkins, that you go to mine’s to buy… stuff every four months or so without much small talk, that you, Harrington and Buckley are glued at the hip and that we’ve stopped the world from ending together. Nothing else.”
You stopped your strolling through the market’s aisle and turned to him, sighing.
“I’m sorry, Eddie, that wasn’t nice of me. No, I’ve never been to Yellowstone. I’d really like to, though.”
He seemed to be caught off-guard by your sudden sincerity and stuttered some words that he couldn’t completely form.
“And I’m sorry if I never stopped for a conversation when I went to buy stuff from you. I should have.” You took a step further, getting closer to him, and he looked truly startled. Was he really this unfamiliar with apologies?
“Yeah, no, I-” He closed his eyes and sighed loudly, “You’re alright. I was just thinking about it…” He went back to the initial topic, maybe not wanting to linger on the emotional aspect of the conversation since he’d been enough emotionally vulnerable the night before, and waved the pamphlet about tourist spots in Wyoming right in your face.
You caught the pamphlet in your hands, handing Eddie the shopping basket for him to hold instead, and examined it. You went through its pages quickly but with enough attention to catch the most important pieces of information.
“We could give it a call and see if we can make a reservation? It’s unlikely since we’re in high season, but we can give it a try?” you asked, looking at him again and he was still looking at you as if you were a hard puzzle to solve.
He cleaned his throat, “Yeah, sure, we can do that.”
“Not like we have anywhere specific to be or a deadline to meet, right?” You winked, handed him the pamphlet and took the basket back, continuing on your shopping spree, back with your enthusiasm. “We gotta stop by the camping supply store!”
His laugh reverberated through the isle and into a little warm space between your ribs as he went after you with a muttered ‘Fucking Yellowstone, man’ under his breath; following your plans once again, giving you his trust so openly, and you wondered if you even deserved it. Probably not, but you’d take it either way.
── ⇌ • ○ • ⇋ ──
Everything fell into place perfectly in a summer miracle as you used a payphone to call the reservations number for a camping ground on Grant Village, a last-minute cancellation from a couple that had given you and Eddie the opportunity of a lifetime — you were also able to make a reservation for dinner on the Grant Village Dining Room for your first night. And as it seemed, the entirety of South Dakota’s population had decided to go camping all at once and left you and Eddie the final tent to buy at the store. You also bought other basic camping supplies that you didn’t have and deemed important. That government hush money was making itself very useful.
Eddie assured you he was fine to drive and so he took the wheel for the rest of your trip for that day — it was too early to stop yet, but Yellowstone was too far away still, so you’d find another place to spend another night. Your reservation in the National Park also didn’t start until the next day, so you’d have to wait anyway.
You were once again delegated to co-pilot duties, reading the map and giving Eddie directions. You also picked a tape of his own for the soundtrack this time.
Not even an hour in, something caught your eye on the map in your hands. “Eddie, what do you think about a lake day?” He chuckled and shrugged in response. “Look, there’s a lake less than ten miles from here.”
“Let’s go, then.” He didn’t take his eyes off the road to check where you were pointing at the map, just followed your instructions.
You drove for just a little while until you reached an exit with a plaque that read ‘Pine Haven’. In about 20 minutes, after a few more turns, some decision-making about which way to go, and the payment of a fee for entering the State Park, you were the closest you could get to the lake, in what looked like a growing little town with a few houses built. Eddie parked the van a little further away from the road and you both left it, you stretching your arms and legs as he went around to meet you on your side.
A man approached you, introduced himself as Coop, pointed at his house — told you to knock if you needed anything — and then pointed to the best way to the lake (actually a reservoir). He told you all about the region, the State Park, the reservoir, his family; and you and Eddie were enchanted by his hospitality, the fact that he barely batted an eye about the weird combination that the two of you were. So when he invited you to stop by later for a shower and dinner, you didn’t hesitate to say yes.
After that, you and Eddie changed clothes to more appropriate ones in the back of the van and walked a few more minutes until you were finally facing the reservoir waters. Eddie found the nearest tree and rested under its shadow in no time, taking his notebook and a pack of cigarettes from his jeans pocket. You came to leave your supplies by his side and looked around. There were a few families, not many, it was very quiet and you were glad. On the other margin, though, you could see a few more people — Coop had told you the roads were more accessible and the state park was first established there, making it more popular. But you liked that you were on a more recluse part of the reservoir.
You stripped to the top and sports shorts you had changed into — intuitively, subconsciously, somehow you had brought many useful clothes so far —  and covered yourself in sunscreen. Eddie had sunglasses on and seemed to be invested in whatever he was scribing in his notebook, but you felt his eyes burning on you from time to time as you turned your back to him. It made you smile for some reason (your grandma would call it wishful thinking).
He was still wearing dark jeans, they seemed more ripped, but less tight than the ones you had seen him using before, and so he rolled the hems up, took off his Reeboks, and buried his feet in the rocky sand. On his torso, he had a white tank — a surprisingly bright color, but you guessed an all-black look would make it unbearably hot for him. The scars on his neck that went up the left side of his jaw to his cheek were pink in the sunlight, but he didn’t seem to mind showing them off.
You approached him and offered the sunscreen: “You should take care of those battle scars, Eddie. They’ll likely be more sensible.”
He looked up at you, eyes still hidden behind the sunglasses (unfortunately, for he had pretty eyes you’d like to be seeing) but he accepted your offer and protected his scars and uncovered arms.
“How come you don’t have any battle scars yourself, soldier?” he asked, still spreading cream while you stretched your limbs.
“Mine are just covered.” You pulled up the hem of your shorts on your left leg and showed him the bite marks you had received from the bats on your first encounter with them when you all went after Steve into Lovers Lake. Turned around and pulled the fabric of your top that covered the bites on your right shoulder blade as well. “I was the one who got Dustin and Erica out back in Starcourt, so. No Russian torture for me as well, luckily.”
You draped a towel on the sand and lied down on it, ready to catch a tan. Your sun marks wouldn’t look pretty, but you weren’t so worried about that.
“If you hadn’t cut the rope, maybe we would be matching,” you said finally, before closing your eyes and enjoying the burning on your skin.
Eddie didn’t answer you. You didn’t intend for it to come out in a mean way, but maybe that’s how he interpreted it. And maybe you weren’t sorry for that — he could use a little snarl.
You were on his team with Dustin in the final battle. You were there because you had been able to protect Dustin once before, and you were trusted to do it again.
Which you did. You kept Dustin safe.
But you couldn’t keep Eddie safe, because he had cut the rope made of sheets after you fell through the portal, and left you and Dustin in the Rightside Up as he went back and faced those demonic bats all by himself in the Upside Down. If he hadn’t acted so impulsively, maybe you could have gone with him. Maybe the two of you would have been a more fair fight against the swarm of bats. Maybe he wouldn’t have almost died, maybe you wouldn’t have to see Dustin crying over his limp bloody body, maybe you wouldn’t have your own nightmares about that night.
You tried not to dwell on it.
You tried not to blame Eddie for it.
You tried not to blame yourself for it.
“You slept on my bed last night?” he chose to ask after a little while in silence, his voice a little shaky, and you bit your lip to stop your own eyes from tearing up before answering. You didn’t like talking about it, and maybe neither did he.
“No, I waited until you slept and went back to mine.”
You left out the part that you watched him sleep for hours, he didn’t need to know. You didn’t need to scare him like that. To make him aware that you were afraid he would stop breathing at any second, that his skin would go cold and his heart would stop beating. Like it had happened before.
No, he didn’t need to know that his worse nightmare was the same as your own.
He made a noise in acknowledgment and you took a deep breath and focused on the sun kissing your skin and the laughter of the kids playing in the water a few feet away. He focused on whatever he was doing, and you kept it to yourselves whatever was plaguing your thoughts. The air was crisp with tension, and you hated it, but you tuned it out. You could talk about it later.
── ⇌ • ○ • ⇋ ──
You didn’t talk about it later.
You didn’t talk about how neither of you dared to go diving in the lake, how you lingered on the margins, only going as further as to where the water reached your knees.
You didn’t talk about how Eddie didn’t take off his tank top.
You didn’t talk about how a couple walked past the two of you and stared too openly and too rudely at Eddie’s facial scars.
You didn’t talk about how you asked just as rudely what the hell they were staring at. But he smiled gratefully at you for it.
You didn’t have to talk about it. You knew how each other felt.
So he dragged you to a more hidden part among the trees and shared a joint with you. You laughed about nonsense together and went back to Coop’s house still giggling. You shared a towel for your showers because Betty (Coop’s wife) only had one to spare and you didn’t mind. You shared a couch during dinner because the table was already filled with Coop’s family and some other welcomed tourists, and you both received tight hugs from Betty before you went back to the van for the night.
You thought it best not to take the tent out of its package, both of you too high and afraid you wouldn’t be able to put it back later — and forgetting about the entirely available back of the van. Oh, well.
You both agreed to sleep on the same mattress, as much space between you as possible, backs turned to each other. After what felt like enough time, after you noticed that he was already asleep, you turned slowly not to wake him and stared at his back for a while. The repetitive movement of his muscles was soothing, and you matched your breath to his. The warmth of his skin still radiated and reached you somehow, even with the distance still fairly big between you two. And his calm, even breathing rhythm scared away your fears.
None of you had bad dreams that night.
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end notes: i've made way too much research about this area of Wyoming for this chapter. Pine Haven was actually only Incorporated as a town by december of '86. I have no idea how the town looked months before that, so I didn't describe it a lot, made it vague on purpose. fun fact: Coop is the actual name of the guy who, alongside his wife Betty, founded Pine Haven back in the 50s - at least that’s what the town’s official website told me lmao. i obviously have no idea if they were actually this nice, but i wanted them to be a very wholesome and welcoming couple for the sake of the fic. also! let's suspend our disbelief, i know the chances of them being able to get a last minute reservation on what's probably the most popular national park in the US was very unlikely if not completely impossible. but everything is doable in a fic-world, right? right. to yellowstone we go, then
taglist (is open!): @amira0303 @rupsmorge @wyverntatty
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yinorathedragontamer · 4 months
Hellooo could you write crystal x fem!shapeshifter (could be associated with catking but it's not necessary!but she's mostly using a cat form yep yep) and she's been helping the team for a while and like niko sets them up for a date 😭😭 at some point reader like runs away during that (DISCREETLY 🏃) but she and crystal meet up on rooftop shortly after, so it will end all sweet and stuff 🤭🤭 thank you!!
a/n: i love this request! thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy! also i really hope i wrote it the way you meant for me to write it, so please do let me know what you think! <3 pairing: Crystal x fem!shapeshifter!reader
since the whole ordeal happened with Edwin using a spell on a cat, and the cat king putting a bracelet on him, the cat king had sent you to stay with them to make sure they weren't plotting anything against him, much to the team's distaste.
though that distaste went away as soon as you turned out to actually be a big help!
since you could shape-shift into animals, though you mainly used your cat form, it was easy for you to go into small spaces, and follow people around without them suspecting.
you even got to help out saving Niko, and since she joined the team you two hit it off instantly!
she would always hang out around you, which is also what caused this all to happen.
see, you had grown... fond, of Crystal, and Niko being who she made it her mission to make sure you two got together.
there were multiple instances where you had to practically drag her away from Crystal before she let anything slip.
you didn't think it would be the right moment for you to confess to Crystal anyway, with David constantly trying to get into her head. now, you THOUGHT you were doing pretty well with keeping an eye on Niko and making sure she didn't do anything rash.
you thought wrong.
Niko had told you to go to the front of the butchershop, though she was awfully excited for you to do so, and she even told Charles and Edwin not to bother you.
against every instinct telling you there was something going on, you went, and you saw Crystal standing there, near a table with two plates, a candle in the middle, and rose petals on the floor.
the thing that caught you offguard and let you know it wasn't Crystal's idea though, was the fact that she looked just as confused as you were. "you are the one Niko set me up on a date with!?" she doesn't seem very happy about it, which instantly makes you panic.
you quickly walk out the front door, without saying another word, turn into a cat and practically run away.
Crystal tried to follow, but before long she already realized where you'd go: the roof of the library.
she discreetly walked into the library and took the 'personal only' stairs up to the roof, and as she expected, she saw you sitting there, in your cat form, on the edge of the roof as you looked out over the town. she quietly walks over to you, deciding to stand next to. "sorry for running away like that, it wasn't because of you..." you whisper as you shape-shift back to your human form, though you seem to refuse to look at her.
"it's just, i specifically kept dragging Niko out of any oppertunity to do something like this, i didn't want to put you on the spot and practically force you to go on a date with me, i mean, with David the demon that keeps trying to get into your head and with the cat-king practically being the only reason you decided to stay here with Charles and Edwin i didn't think it would be a good time" you ramble on a bit, failing to notice the soft smile on her face.
"you like me, don't you? i honestly almost started to think you liked Niko with how much you hang out with her, but then Charles made a comment about how you always act so much more soft and nearly gentle with me compared to the others" you looked at her with confusion and surprise, were you really being that obvious?
"right, so what your saying is i should see if Charles can really go through walls" you say in a slightly joking tone, obviously implying you'd throw him through one.
Crystal laughs though, and it makes your heart race.
you made her laugh.
and it's the prettiest laugh you've ever heard.
"hey, maybe, if you want, we could go back and actually have that date? now that everything's cleared up between us... i actually think it might be good for me to just let myself have a good time with someone in a more 'romantic' setting" Crystal offers her hand to you, and you take it with a nod.
both of you walk back into the butchershop, and you can see Niko quickly running back to her room with a smile, which made you roll your eyes playfully.
yeah, maybe having a date set up by Niko isn't so bad.
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death-to-posers · 1 year
As promised, here’s that list of people I will/won’t write for, and also my boundaries etc.
Will do:
Some averagely kinky stuff✅
x reader fics✅
platonic ships & fics✅
Queer fics (f character x f reader, m character x m reader etc, I will write for non binary readers too. Please specify the gender you want the reader to be when you request or I will default to non binary)✅
Won’t do:
R*pe/Non con❌
Adult x minor ❌ (no weird pedo shit)
Anything that glorifies or sexualises severe domestic abuse❌
Pregnancy fics (I can’t I’m sorry.)❌
Shit kinks💀 (come on now..)❌
Vomit kinks (why.)❌
Foot fetish related stuff❌
furry/zoophile shit❌
eating disorder/self harm stuff (I know a lot of people originally used this as a coping mechanism but it eventually evolved into the romanticism of anorexia and self harm and I do not stand for that.)❌
Might do, depends on the request:
Ships between two real people (unless they’re an actual couple I will probably be against this)
People/bands I will write for:
AC/DC (all members)
Alestorm (all members)
Abbath (all members)
Alice In Chains (all members)
Abbath Doom Occulta
Bathory (all members)
Behemoth (all members)
Billy Idol
Black Sabbath (all members)
Bon Jovi (all members)
Burzum (all members but it’s just Varg so this goes without saying)
Cannibal Corpse (all members)
Carpathian Forest (all members)
Courtney Love
Celtic Frost (all members)
Darkthrone (all members)
Disturbed (all members)
The Doors (all members)
Dream Theater (all members)
Evanescence (all members)
Foo Fighters (all members)
Ghost/Ghost B.C. (all members)
Gloryhammer (all members)
God Seed (all members)
Gojira (all members)
Gorgoroth (all members)
Green Day (all members)
Hanoi Rocks (all members)
Helloween (all members)
Hole (all members)
Immortal (all members)
Iron Maiden (all members)
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts (all members)
Joost Klein
Judas Priest (all members)
King Ov Hell
KoRn (all members except David Silveria)
Lamb Of God (all members)
Lana Del Rey
Limp Bizkit (all members)
Marilyn Manson/Marilyn Manson & The Spooky Kids (all members)
Mayhem (all members)
Megadeth (all members)
Metallica (all members)
Misfits (all members)
Morbid (all members)
Motörhead (all members)
Murderdolls (all members)
My Chemical Romance (all members except Bob)
Nickelback (all members)
Nirvana (all members)
Old Funeral (all members)
Ov Hell (all members)
Ozzy Osbourne
Pantera (all members)
Powerwolf (all members)
Pearl Jam (all members)
Queen (all members)
Rammstein (all members)
Rob Zombie
Repugnant (specifically Mary Goore)
Ronnie James Dio
Rotting Christ (all members)
Sabaton (all members)
Serj Tankian
Sirenia (all members)
Slaughter To Prevail (all members)
Slayer (all members)
System Of A Down (all members)
Type O Negative (all members)
Twisted Sister (all members)
Tool (all members)
Varg Vikernes
If there are any members I’ve excluded it is most likely because I fucking hate them. If you submit a request for someone and I refuse to do it then it’s either because: it makes me uncomfortable to write for said person especially if it’s smut, I don’t know enough about them to write a fic or I hate them. It’ll probably be one of those three reasons so please understand and respect that. If there’s someone/a band not on this list or the “won’t do” list, it doesn’t necessarily mean I won’t do them. I might have simply forgotten to add them so please ask.
I will also write for certain non-musicians such as historical figures and/or fictional characters. Give me a shout in requests and I may or may not be willing to write for them. As an example, I will write for Manfred and Lothar von Richthofen. Not musicians but I adore them.
People/bands I will NOT write for:
Any kpop bands.
Any actors/actresses
Deftones (there’s no negotiation. I will not write for Deftones. End of discussion.)
Blink-182 (same as Deftones)
Falling In Reverse (Same reason as Deftones)
Yungblud (come on now. Be serious. Be so for real.)
Panic! At The Disco (fuck no.)
The Beatles (no.)
Mötley Crüe (no❤️)
Tokio Hotel (nothing against them but no thanks)
One Direction (come on.)
C*rey Taylor/most of Slipknot. (I will write for Joey and Jay though, my pookies)
Mindless Self Indulgence (foul ass band I despise all of the members)
And when I said I won’t write a romantic fic between two real people I meant it. Platonic is more than okay, we love some platonic bandmate fluff but beyond that is a fat no unless they’re actually married/dating. So it goes without saying that I will NOT write Davisdurst, don’t even start. Do not.
- 𐕣𝕶𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖎𐕣
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deady-nightshade · 2 years
About this Blog: Dead by Daylight Edition
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This is a rather dark blog. I will write about Killers and Survivors. This blog will NOT contain the following; necrophilia, incest, non-con, or minor/adult content. It WILL/MIGHT contain the following elements; kidnap, murder, blood, gore, morally grey readers, manipulative behaviors, victim mentality, torture, swearing, knives, guns, chainsaws, death, corpses, cannibalism (for writing pertaining to Leatherface), bugs (spiders included), nightmares, dub-con, human sacrifice to The Entity, etc... I will warn you of the story’s elements, like how I already do with my other works.
These are the Killers and Survivors that I feel comfortable writing for; the list will change as I become more comfortable/knowledgeable (please feel free to send requests for other characters — I will research them and get familiar with them). I will try to write the characters as close to the source material as possible, but I will add my own twists and head cannons — there will be some divergence from cannon (seeing how they will be reader inserts).
Also, feel free to send requests. When you do, please specify who you want (Killer or Survivor), the rating, Reader’s gender, and any other tidbits that you want me to include. For example, NSFW Scenario with Ghostface (Danny Johnson) becoming obsessed with F!Survivor who happens to be dating Leon. 
By default, this blog will be F!Reader inserts unless specifically requested. I have never written M x M, or F x F, but I will try my best.
Content Offered
HeadCanons (HC)
Blurbs (500 words or less.)
Scenarioas (word length ranges, but they will have a beginning, middle and an ending, with the possibility of becoming miniseries).
Content Guide (sexual content wise)
🔪 Knife: SFW
🩸 Blood: Soft NSFW (oral sex, fingering, masturbation, etc...)
💀 Skull: Hard NSFW (penetrative sex)
Ghostface (Danny Johnson/Jed Olsen)
Trapper (Evan MacMillan)
Pyramid Head
Pinhead (Hell Priest)
Wraith (Philip Ojomo)
Legion (Frank, Joey, Susie, and Julie) 
Trickster (Ji-Woon Hak)
Huntress (Anna)
Artist (Carmina Mora 
Blight (Talbot Grimes) 
Leon Scott Kennedy 
Jake Park
Quentin Smith 
David King 
Felix Richter
Meg Thomas
Mikaela Reid 
Kate Denson
Cheryl Mason
Ada Wong 
Feng Min
**I will not write for Michael Myers! I have too many family members named Michael, and using that name in any NSFW content gives me the heebie-jeebies. Nor will I write for Freddie Kruger.**
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phthalology · 6 months
for the director's cut asks: PLEASE tell everyone what went into crafting the xreader section of Backstage. The People Need To Know.
TLDR: i need him
ohoho. so, I have read x reader fic in my time. not many, because there aren't many in the character tags I use (for good or ill). this fic both was and was not intended for the x reader audience. those folks don't seem to be reading for mr. door  (although, for the other people out there thirsting in public, I See You). so I was writing for myself and for my friends who would be more entertained by some twisty metafiction than by straightforward kissin. you can see the genesis of this fic back when I joked about x reader fic where door is reading the fic itself. that of course is inspired by him holding the alan wake novel. I wanted Backstage to be thoroughly "inside the house," by which I mean being by and for fanfic writers. we have seen how that is handled in the game, and, at best, rose's story is fun but it's not entirely our fun! rose is a parody of a fanfic writer in the way alan is a parody of stephen king, but tonally she isn't quite right. (here is a good fic about rose from "inside the house".)
and ... I need him! I wanted to do indulgent shippy fic where someone is taken (in) by door's magic, and by the fantasy of working in a cool, spooky place, right? I don’t feel strongly about shipping door with anyone in the game, so had considered making an OC — but is the dark place even real? I’d need to explain so much about how a new character came to be there. The x reader section is actually simpler and more consistent with the canon than doing that would have been. 
which brings us to the beginning of the x reader section (finally), in which I start with a formatting joke about the sort of delicateness of shipping. I wanted to start with two different drafts, one in which the writer is self-conscious and one in which she discards the self-consciousness. 
that bit of playfulness also let me establish that the reader is an adult with a job, although I was careful not to give them too many specific traits — but putting them in the new york area required some geographic specificity, and thus the “from across the country or across the Hudson.” 
(these things perhaps make it an unconvincing facsimile of x reader fic! but if I had fully discarded my own voice it would have started to sound more like a parody from someone who didn’t read fic, not less, and besides it wouldn’t have been as fun.) 
what else. the jove/ukko wordplay references lance reddick’s role as zeus in the percy jackson show!! david harewood all but confirmed that the role of door was meant for lance reddick originally, and I do picture the one gradually shapeshifting into the other over the course of this story
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Tier 2 Recap
256. 254. Andrew Ryan from Buoshck
255. 216. Nyssa õf Traken from Doctor who
254. 228. Asha from Iji
253. 22. Whisper Schnee from Boldores and Boomsticks
252. 253. Chuuya Nakahara from Bungou stray dogs
251. 18. Mapleshade from warrior cats
250. 190. Andrew Eldritch from real life
249. 120. sans undertale from undertale
248. 219. T-Rex from Jurassic Park
247. 141. Karkat Vantas from Homestuck
246. 53. Rasputin IV from X-Men
245. 20. Hunter | The Golden Guard from The Owl House
244. 7. Kim Dokja from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
243. 50. Death from Darksiders
242. 266. Dave Miller from Dsaf
241. 174. Dr. Miranda Jones from Star Trek: The Original Series
240. 274. donquixote doflamingo from one piece
239. 92. Hyakunosuke Ogata from Golden Kamuy
238. 11. Kha'Nel from Dragens Øye
237. 139. George Costanza from Seinfeld
236. 121. Rampage from Beast Wars
235. 62. ε (epsilon) from Mathematics, real life (kinda? Not sure maths qualifies as real life) ) (common phrase: Let ε>0 be any real number)
234. 134. BoJack Horseman from BoJack Horseman
233. 291. Juleka Couffaine from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
232. 129. Flavio Rezza (MC Flava) from real life
231. 215. Goodtimewithscar or Scar for short (the minecraft youtuber)
230. 186. Percy Weasley from Harry Potter
229. 170. claude frollo from the hunchback of notre dame (specifically the stage musical)
228. 217. Grian from Life Series (3rd/Last/Double/Limited Life)
227. 168. the submitter from real life
226. 269. Mizi from Alien Stage
225. 96. Robin Stuart from Arc of Infinity (Doctor Who)
224. 172. Tessa Minsky from Imogen, Obviously
223. 267. Ea-nasir (real life copper merchant - 1750 BCE)
222. 37. Kokichi Ouma from Danganronpa V3
221. 147. Rose Lavillant from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
220. 135. Fiver from Watership down
219. 251. Keith Kogane from Voltron
218. 63. Cricket from Wings of Fire
217. 146. Adric of Alzarius from Doctor Who
216. 177. Mort from the Madagascar Movies/All Hail King Julian
215. 59. Edward Elric from Fullmetal metal alchemist
214. 290. Jimmy Solidarity from The Empires smp
213. 259. rayla from the dragon prince
212. 205. Starfy from The Legendary Starfy
211. 232. Taako from The Adventure Zone
210. 188. Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid
209/208. 182. Matt Murdock from Daredevil (Netflix)
209/208. 107. Ted Kord from DC comics
207. 86. Juleka Couffaine from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir
206. 27. Sailor Saturn from Sailor Moon
205. 197. Marc Anciel from Miraculous Ladybug
204. 159. Yona from Yona of the Dawn
203. 220. David Chiem from Danganronpa: Despair Time
202. 125. Tynan from Aurora Webcomic
201. 169. Kid Blink from Newsies
200. 128. π (pi) from Mathematics (as in half a circle of radius 1)
199. 275. Zee from Total Drama 2023
198. 278. Flynn Moore from Echo (the furry vn)
197. 270. Caim Tivh from Mørkalven
196. 195. Grendel, The Grimm General from Boldores and Boomsticks
195. 280. Hermie the Unworthy from Dungeons and Daddies
194. 181. Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way from My Immortal
193. 247. Monkey D Luffy from One Piece
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pyode-luar-ke · 2 years
thanks for playing!! 💞💞
B. what’s your favorite fandom to read?
can’t pick a fav, but probs the most i consume by sheer number is star wars. 💀💀💀 then of course yautja (bc this is a yautja sideblog) and i also love hobbit/lord of the rings 😌❤️ tho i do also read some dc comics fics (specifically dcau/jlu) and the labyrinth fics bc david bowie as king jareth owns me.
E. who is your OTP?
tbh i don’t think i really have one? like there’s couples that i think are very wholesome when written well (bobadin, shaak ti/luminara unduli, to name a few) but none of them really reach that “OTP threshold” for me y’know? 😅
G. longfics or shortfics?
for reading, longfics bc they are the only thing keeping me afloat, and i generally tend to write shortfics.
X. give a summary of your current project!
.... soooooo i kinda have multiple wips atm. most are requests (one of which i’ve made a carnation prequel 👀), but obvi the final part of carnation kinda takes centerstage huh? 😅 but to make a veryyy long part short: basically it’s a collection of snippets of khu-eon’s childhood, new additions to the clan (wink wink), and reader’s journey to becoming welcome to her mates’ clan ship. plus a very special ending (wink wink wonk). 😉😉
fanfic author asks
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hooman4ever · 2 years
Hello, match-up for survivor (Dead By Daylight) please. I’m a transmasc and gay (I like men) I’m 6’1, 22 years old. I’m Mexican, tan skin, short black hair, and pretty muscular. I have a habit of switching from English to Spanish. I can be sweet, calm, humorous and then suddenly serious, scary, aggressive. Strong, sarcastic, loyal, and overprotective. I spend most time outside, I love the woods. Unafraid to get dirty, a thrill seeker, and a handyman. I know wrestling and fistfighting. Thank you!
I don't know why but the thought of you and David is stuck in my mind.
David is a pretty outspoken man and he is quick to greet you when you show up in The Entity’s realm. David loves your sweet side as much as he adores your scary side and often teases you when you're more serious trying to make you break out in a smile and lose your tuff demeanor. Much like you David is unafraid to get dirty and lives for the thrill of a good fight. Man will be more than down to playfully fight with you and will randomly sneak up to you and put you in a headlock while relaxing around the survivor camp. David loves how handy you are too and would try to help you with whatever project you set your mind to.
He fonds over you and your muscular form. David loves holding onto your arm or biceps when both of you are relaxing together. David would be more than happy to go on a forest adventure with you if you want he would be boasting about how he would “Protect his [Y/n] at all costs,” and he would if a killer were to appear David would be there taking hits and making sure your safe.
You wouldn’t be the only overprotective man in this relationship as David values you over everything and would rather die than see you hurt. Loyalty is a big thing that David himself values so you being a loyal person is perfect to him.
When it comes to you switching between English and Spanish David he would simply nod along with whatever your saying simply happy to hear you talk even if he doesn’t understand a word you're saying. He would press you to teach him some Spanish though and he would work hard to learn everything you teach him.
David would have no qualms about you being trans. He would be the kind of idiot to cry when you come out saying something stupid like “I feel horrible-- you mean to tell me I've been misgendering you this whole time.” while thinking you were cis to begin with till you explain you were indeed a man. After that David will be relieved he didn’t make you uncomfortable and nothing about how he sees you would change.
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writingmaneskin · 3 years
Slipping Through my Fingers || Damiano David One Shot
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Pairings: Damiano David x Fem! Reader
Words: 1.5k words
Genre: Angst, hurt, tiny bit of fluff
Warnings: blood, gunshots, violence, death, hints at pregnancy
This was my first request and to the anon that requested it, I hope you enjoy!
My requests are open!
Join the taglist || Buy me a coffee
Taglist: @queendorkula , @que--sera--sera, @teenyweenynightghost, @idyllicbutterfly, @mywritingonlyfans, @its-afucking-mess, @hiraetheral, @homesicam , @ilwiwbysmv, @bieberhoodforever, @katyldamusic, @vita-thrasher, @ccweasley @ethaneskin , @iosonoarina
A/N: Ahh, this is so so intense!! Wow, okay. I hope you like this! Feedback is welcome!
He was the King of the World.
Running the Mafia was a tedious task but he was happy to do it since it ensured peace and quiet, and most importantly, the safety of those whom he loved most.
“You’ve overthinking again, amore.” You scolded him, tracing your fingertips over his chest tattoo. The two of you were laying in bed, winding down after your nightly activities but you can see the gears turning in his mind.
“I am not.” The corners of his lips turned up slightly and he turned his head to give you a kiss.
“As if I could ever lie to you, amore.”
You pressed a kiss to his lips. “I love you, my king.” You smiled, resting your head on his chest, letting him play with your hair gently.
“And I love you, my queen.” He said softly before starting to hum a lullaby.
The family gathered once a week. They were less than ten - Damiano’s inner circle. They were the people whom he trusted the most and getting to that inner circle meant that the person had earned his almost irrevocable trust.
You gathered in his favorite restaurant, same time every week like clockwork.
Vic, her girlfriend, Ethan, Thomas and his girlfriend were already there waiting for you.
“Buona sera.” Dami greeted them, offering a flower for each of the ladies. You smiled, loving the gesture and him giving you this specific shade of red rose that you absolutely love and that he loved showering you with.
You kissed him gently before sitting down in your place next to him. He had ordered a table specifically wide enough on the short side so that the two of you could sit there together, as this was your family and your empire too.
“Buona sera.” All of them replied.
“What is on this evening’s agenda?” Vic asked, pouring some wine for her girlfriend first and then herself.
“We are celebrating.” Dami announced, shocking you with the announcement as well. You could see the smirks on everyone’s faces.
“And what is the cause of that celebration?” Ethan inquired.
“I recently acquired a beautiful property just outside of Rome, where I will be building us a home.” He announced proudly, giving you butterflies. “I only got the keys yesterday, cara mia, but I wanted to share it with our family.” He dangled a little golden key, a symbol of the promised house in front of you. Everyone cheered as you pressed your lips to his.
“I can’t wait, amore.”
He kissed you again and kept touching you during the dinner, both of you needing more, needing each other like oxygen. Also, there was something that you really wanted to say to him but for that, the two of you needed to be alone.
Since getting with Damiano, you had practiced on being patient as sometimes, you had to wait before seeing Dami, sometimes he was away from you, sometimes there were more pressing matters even though he always did what he could to prioritise you.
You had planned it all out for him as there was a brief period of time today where he had to be away (which you now understood that had to do with your new land), so you prepared balloons, and a picture and wrapped everything nicely so you could tell him what you had, and what also surprised you for your future.
His phone buzzed just as you were leaving the restaurant. Everyone else had left, leaving the two of you last at the restaurant, as always.
“Cazzo, I have to take this. This is the architect.” He kissed your cheek before taking a few steps to the site. He didn’t really enjoy talking on the phone so he always paced whenever he had to.
You saw an old lady sitting on the ground under a lamp shade near the corner and decided to walk over to her. You always had a soft spot for old people and didn’t really need an excuse to go over and find a way to help the person.
“Buona sera, signorina.” The old lady told you as you looked down at the flowers.
“Buona sera.” You replied, scanning over the flowers that she had gathered up in the bucket. “These flowers are beautiful.”
“They are from my own personal garden… They are the last happy thing that I have, signorina.” The lady confessed, handing you one of the flowers. You took it from her, smelling it, sweet and spicy aromas hitting you all at once. Your eyes were closed, trying to absorb all of it.
“What is it?” You asked as a loud bang was heard. You gasped and pressed a protective hand over your middle, feeling the wetness already gathering there. “Oh…” Was all that you could manage. You fell over, the ringing in your ears getting louder and louder.
“The flower is a Hyacinth, signorina.” You could barely hear over the ringing in your ears.
You felt that someone lifted you off the ground. You felt some warmth finally seeping into you.
“Y/N!!! Amore, amore mio, please!!!” You heard soon after. It felt like you were there but also not really. You could feel the warmth of Dami’s body but you couldn’t move, everything hurt too much. You wanted to cry, feeling helpless, the shock completely overwhelming you.
“Hey, hey, listen to me.” He cupped your face and made you look at him. “Help is coming, okay. Help is coming. Stay with me, amore.” Your heart was broken into a million pieces.
Mercifully, the pain started to fade. You knew what was coming.
“Ti amo, amore.” You said quietly. “Per sempre.”
He had never been so scared in his life as when he heard the sound of the gunshot. He knew he was a target and yet he never suspected that anyone would dare lift a finger against you.
He dropped his phone when he saw you falling to the ground. He started running, adrenaline coursing through his veins.
Blood was getting everywhere but all he cared about was keeping you here.
“Stay with me, amore mio. Please.” He begged, trying to hold you. He was crying, his tears falling down on you. He gently moved your face so that you would look at him.
“Ti amo.” He heard you say. “Per sempre.”
“Ti amo, amore. Ti amo, ti amo.” He cried, holding you close as the ambulance sirens could be heard in the distance.
His heart broke when he saw the light in your eyes fade. He looked at the woman who had done this.
“Why…?” He asked, emotions threatening to drown him. He didn’t want to let go of you but he also wanted to make that woman pay. The woman who had done this had sat and watched you die expressionless.
“You took away my happiness, Damiano David. Now I took away yours.” The old woman explained. “My son died because of you. He was my only happiness left in this world. Now, your happiness is gone from this world too. She didn’t deserve this.”
The next few days were a blur. The police took him to the station and asked how he knew his woman, they promised to do an investigation but nothing that they could say or do could bring you back.
That evening, Ethan took Damiano home only to find your surprise waiting for him there. He saw your surprise and his loss was amplified even more, as he realized the true extent of his loss.
“Dami, I am so sorry…” Ethan cried quietly, resting his hand on Damiano’s shoulder.
Damiano didn’t say anything. He put the tiny promise that you had made him in the coat of his jacket, next to his heart.
He planned your funeral and had you buried close to the forest on your new property. He commissioned a mural and all of the flowers he could buy in your favorite shade.
The family did their best to be there for him but there was nothing that anyone could do to console him. Sometimes, he cried. He cried for you, he cried for your love, he cried for the promise. He cursed himself for taking this phone call, for leaving you alone, for not being able to save you.
He cursed himself for bringing this on to you.
He stayed at your grave for a while after everyone had gone home. He softly sang the lullaby that he sang to you to put you to sleep. When the song ended and the sun had set he set a final flower on your tombstone. Traced over the picture of you there.
“I will be with you always, amore mio. Ti amo, per sempre.” He promised.
Your funeral was the last time anyone saw or heard from Damiano David.
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A/N 2: Hyacinths are the flowers of sorrow and regret.
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sunflowerharrington · 2 years
Get To Know Me Better - Tag Game
I was tagged by @friendly-neighborhood-ghoul, my love <3 Thank you for the tag, babes! (i also added some bc why not)
Relationship Status: Single, not looking for anyone. TaKeN bY jEsUS my ass. Mentally dating Billy Hargrove, however.
Favourite Color: Baby blue and baby pink, pastel colors.
Favourite Food: (I have never been so tempted to say ‘ur mom’ than I am right now) Chocolate Ice-Cream.
Song Stuck In Your Head: TBH there’s like 20 songs going on at once right now but I have to pick one. Betty by Yung Gravy (he’s so hot for what omg).
Favourite Song: it’s basic to say Running Up That Hill right now so I’m not gonna. It Wasn’t Me by Shaggy.
Last Thing You Googled: How do I become Joseph Quinn or how do I make myself famous and likeable to date him (no results showed up lmfao :()
Time: 7:48PM
Dream Trip: My dream is to meet my best friend, @will-byers-is-my-boyfriend at some point in my life. ❤️
Last Book You Read: Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover (no, I haven’t finished it, I just started it).
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: Steddie Fanfiction. No it’s not a book but shush I don’t follow rules.
Last Book You Hated Reading: Harry Potter. (Because JK Rowling wrote them.)
Fun Fact: I have heterochromia iridis! Which basically means my eyes are different colors to each other. My left is mostly brown with a tiny bit of blue and my right one is fully blue. Another fun fact both of my eyes were blue until I was 4, oh how I wish to be that age again. And at least I didn’t get surgery to look like this, Sarah McDaniel.
It’s bonus time!
Favourite thing to cook/bake: I love love love making homemade pizza! I also transform into Gordon Ramsay when I do which is a blessing in disguise cause he’s an icon.
Favourite crafts/things to do in your free time: Painting, drawing, writing, thinking of fake scenarios, watching booktok compilations, reading steddie fanfiction, specifically x reader smut with the both of them (and billy, and henry, and mike, and—), makeup, oh bestie omg I watch Love Island too (all hail king davide and queen ekin-su) and Drag Race.
Most Niche Dislike: People. No literally, like I actually can’t be around people for long. I want to be around people but I just can’t. I have self diagnosed but that’s the only way to do it cause it’s so hard ti get a diagnosis. It’s called Misophonia and literally every single sound triggers something in my mind. It’s horrible. I hate it so much. My thirteenth reason why. Also I hate my facial structure cause it’s lopsided :(
Opinions on The Circus/School (same thing): I went to school for 14 years, never again. I got bullied over something I couldn’t control and that ✨traumatized✨ me, but it’s okay I got over it.
Do You Have a Sense of Direction?: Kanye West. One Direction. Up & Down by Vengaboys. Kate Upton. The entire Cha Cha Slide song. YES. Actually no, I get lost very easily.
Tags: open for everyone!! <3
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promenadewithme · 3 years
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First of all, I want to thank all of you so much for the follows, likes, comments, reblogs and support in general! I can't believe I hit 50 followers so soon! I know it’s not much, but I actually didn’t expect any at all so I’m so happy!! Thank you ❤️
Now, this is how the celebration is going to work: first you chose a song and a character. Then send it to my requests with your pronoun of choice, along with any other specifications and I'll write you a fic based on the song! You can either send the song or specific quotes as prompts
To find the fics I will write, use the #Anastasia's 50 followers celebration
This event starts today (May 20th) and ends June 10th
Support Me on Ko-Fi - if you’re feeling generous 💕
Fluff (Romantic)
Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
London Boy - Taylor Swift
Love Story - Taylor Swift
Lover - Taylor Swift
King of My Heart - Taylor Swift
Willow - Taylor Swift
Crazier - Taylor Swift
New Year’s Day - Taylor Swift
Daylight - Taylor Swift
Jump Then Fall - Taylor Swift
How You Get The Girl - Taylor Swift
You Are In Love - Taylor Swift
It’s Nice To Have A Friend - Taylor Swift
Today Was A Fairytale - Taylor Swift
State Of Grace - Taylor Swift
Mine - Taylor Swift
Delicate - Taylor Swift
Say You Won't Let Go - James Arthur
Naked - James Arthur
Rewrite The Stars - James Arthur + Anne-Marie
I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran
Tenerife Sea - Ed Sheeran
How Would You Feel (Paean) - Ed Sheeran
Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran
Afterglow - Ed Sheeran
Lego House - Ed Sheeran
Dive - Ed Sheeran
Galway Girl - Ed Sheeran
Everything Has Changed - Ed Sheeran + Taylor Swift
I Was Made For Loving You - Tori Kelly + Ed Sheeran
Make You Feel My Love -Adele
One Call Away - Charlie Puth
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars
Count On Me - Bruno Mars
Little Things - One Direction
Night Changes - One Direction
Can't Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presley
Andante, Andante - ABBA
Waterloo - ABBA
All Of Me - John Legend
Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish
Snowman - Sia
A Thousand Years - Christina Perri
Arms - Christina Perri
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
Halo - Beyoncé
The Only Exception - Paramore
Dandelions - Ruth B
Someone To You - BANNERS
Would You Be So Kind - Dodie
Someone You Like - The Girl and The Dreamcatcher
If I Could Tell Her - Ben Platt 
Absolutely Smitten - Dodie
How Long Will I Love - Ellie Goulding
Angst (Romantic)
Good 4 u - Olivia Rodrigo
Drivers License - Olivia Rodrigo
Deja Vu - Olivia Rodrigo
Brutal - Olivia Rodrigo
Traitor - Olivia Rodrigo
Enough For You - Olivia Rodrigo
1 step forward, 3 steps back - Olivia Rodrigo
Happier - Olivia Rodrigo
Jealousy, Jealousy- Olivia Rodrigo
Favourite Crime - Olivia Rodrigo
Hope Ur Ok - Olivia Rodrigo
Betty - Taylor Swift
Exile - Taylor Swift
Teardrops On My Guitar - Taylor Swift
Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift
Tolerate It - Taylor Swift
You’re Not Sorry - Taylor Swift
Should’ve Said No - Taylor Swift
White Horse - Taylor Swift
You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
My Tears Ricochet - Taylor Swift
Back to December - Taylor Swift
Breathe - Taylor Swift
The 1 - Taylor Swift
All Too Well - Taylor Swift
Invisible String - Taylor Swift
Evermore - Taylor Swift
Lose You To Love Me - Selena Gomez
The Heart Wants What It Wants - Selena Gomez
When I Was Your Man -Bruno Mars
Someone Like You - Adele
Hello - Adele
All I Ask - Adele
Let Her Go - Passenger
Say Something - A Great Big World
Stay With Me - Sam Smith
California King Bed - Rihanna
Take a Bow - Rihanna
Broken Hearted Girl - Beyoncé
Tonight I Wanna Cry - Keith Urban
The Winner Takes It All - ABBA
One Of Us - ABBA
Half a Heart - One Direction
Yesterday - The Beatles
If The World Was Ending - Julia Michaels
Colors - Halsey
Happier - Ed Sheeran
One Last Time - Ariana Grande
Why’d You Only Call Me When You High - Artic Monkeys
Play Date - Melanie Martinez
Just a Friend to You - Meghan Trainor
All I Want - Kodaline
Love You From A Distance - Ashley Kutcher
Potential Breakup Song - Aly & AJ
I Don’t Wanna See You With Her - Maria Mena
Let Her Go - Passenger
All My Tears - Ane Brun
Always On My Mind - Elvis Presley
Someone to you - Lewis Capaldi 
Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi
Sit Still, Look Pretty - Daya
How To Be A Heartbreaker - MARINA
No Body, No Crime - Taylor Swift
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
Blank Space - Taylor Swift
You Need To Calm Down - Taylor Swift
Getaway Car -Taylor Swift
Gorgeous - Taylor Swift
Bad Blood - Taylor Swift
The Man - Taylor Swift
22 - Taylor Swift
Dorothea - Taylor Swift
Marjorie - Taylor Swift
The Best Day - Taylor Swift
Mirrorball - Taylor Swift
I Forgot That You Existed - Taylor Swift
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things - Taylor Swift
The Lakes - Taylor Swift
The Last Great American Dynasty - Taylor Swift
Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson
When I Kissed The Teacher - ABBA
I Have A Dream - ABBA
I've Been Waiting For You - ABBA
You'll Be In My Heart - Phil Collins
Titanium - David Guetta (feat. Sia)
F**ckin' Perfect - P!nk
New Rules - Dua Lipa
IDGAF - Dua Lipa
Bad Guy - Billie Eilish
You Should See Me in A Crown - Billie Eilish
COPYCAT - Billie Eilish
Count On Me - Bruno Mars
Stand By You - Rachel Platten
Firework - Katy Perry
Because You Loved Me - Céline Dion
See You Again - Wiz Khalifa + Charlie Puth
NO - Meghan Trainor
Skyfall - Adele
Gasoline - Halsey
Castle On The Hill - Ed Sheeran
Save Myself - Ed Sheeran
Supermarket Flowers - Ed Sheeran
Small Bump - Ed Sheeran
Growing Up - Macklemore, Ryan Lewis, Ed Sheeran
7 Rings - Ariana Grande
Bad Liar - Selena Gomez
Rare - Selena Gomez
Who Says - Selena Gomez
I Turn To You - Christina Aguilera
Till There Was You - The Beatles
Sweetest Devotion - Adele
ps: sorry, I'm a Swiftie and a Sheerio <3
Character x fem! or GN! reader (ROMANTIC)
ACOTAR: Rhysand, Cassian, Azriel, Lucien, Helion, Tarquin, kallias and Tamlin.
BRIDGERTON: Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton and Simon Basset.
GRISHAVERSE: Nikolai, Mal, The Darkling, Kaz, Matthias, Jesper, Wylan and David.
THRONE OF GLASS: Dorian Havilliard and Chaol Westfall.
HARRY POTTER: Harry, Ron, Neville, Draco, George, Fred, Oliver, Cedric, Young Sirius, Young James and Young Remus.
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE: Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley.
MARVEL: Steve, Bucky, Sam, Pietro, Loki, Thor, Peter Parker, Ned, Tony, Bruce, Vision, Clint, T'Challa, Scott Lang, James Rhodes, Peter Quill and Stephen Strange.
THE HUNGER GAMES: Peeta, Gale and Finnick.
GREY'S ANATOMY: Derek Shepherd, Andrew DeLuca, Alex Karev, Jackson Avery, Mark Sloan, George O'Malley, Link, Koracick and Ben Warren.
TEEN WOLF: Scott, Stiles, Derek, Isaac, Liam and Jackson.
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Damon, Stefan, Matt, Klaus, Elijah and Kai.
NARNIA: Peter, Edmund and Caspian.
STAR WARS: Anakin, Obi Wan, Kylo, Han, Luke, Poe, Finn and Din Djarin.
Character x platonic!/sis!/bro!/enemy!/daughter!/son!/mentor!/or anything else platonic Reader
ACOTAR: Rhysand, Cassian, Azriel, Feure, Nesta, Elain, Mor, Amren, Nyx, Lucien, Tarquin, Helion, Kallias, Tamlin, Ianthe, Suriel and Bone Carver.
GRISHAVERSE: Nikolai, Mal, Darkling, David, Alina, Bahgra, Zoya, Tamar, Tolya, Apparat, Kaz, Matthias, Jesper, Wylan, Nina, Inej, Tantee Heleen and Pekka Rollins.
THRONE OF GLASS: Dorian, Chaol and Aelin.
BRIDGERTON: Anthony, Benedict, Colin; Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, Hyacinth, Lady Violet, Simon, Lady Danbury, Penelope, Lady Portia Featherington, Marina, Sienna, Genevieve, Cressida and Queen Charlotte.
HARRY POTTER: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Luna, Draco, George, Fred, Oliver, Cedric, Cho, Seamus, Fleur, Pansy, Myrtle, Sirius (old or young), James (old or young), Remus (old or young), Lily (old or young), Molly, Arthur, Bill, Percy, Charlie, Xenophilus Lovegood, Snape, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Hagrid, Moody, Flitwick, Umbridge, Bellatrix, Voldemort, Lucius, Narcissa, Peter Pettigrew, Helga Hufflepuff, Salazar Slytherin, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Dobby and Nearly Headless Nick.
PRIDE AND PREJUDICE: Mr Darcy, Georgiana Darcy, Mr Bingley, Caroline Bingley, Elizabeth Bennet, Jane Bennet, Mary Bennet, Lydia Bennet, Catherine Bennet, Charlotte Lucas, Wickam, Mr Collins, Mr Bennet, Mrs Bennet.
MARVEL: Steve, Peggy, Sharon, Natasha, Bucky, Sam, Carol, Monica Rambeau, Pietro, Wanda, Agatha Harkness, Loki, Frigga, Odin, Hela, Thor, Heimdall, Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis, Valkyrie, Peter Parker, Ned, MJ, Tony, Pepper, Morgan, Happy, Howard, Bruce, Vision, Clint, T'Challa, Shuri, Scott, Hope, Hank, Cassie, James Rhodes, Peter Quill, Gamora, Mantis, Nebula, Groot, Rocket, Drax, Stephen Strange, Wong, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill, Thanos, Ancient One, Red Skull, Ultron, John Walker and Zemo.
THE HUNGER GAMES: Katniss, Peeta, Gale, Finnick, Haymitch, Rue, President Snow, Primrose, Effie, Cinna and Johanna.
GREY'S ANATOMY: Meredith, Derek, Andrew, Alex, Jackson, Mark, Lexie, Cristina, April, Izzie, George, Callie, Owen, Addison, Arizona, Miranda, Amelia, Link, Burke, Teddy, Maggie, Richard, Carina, Ben Warren, Megan Hunt, Ellis Grey, Catherine Avery and Tom Koracick.
TEEN WOLF: Scott, Stiles, Malia, Lydia, Allison, Derek, Isaac, Liam, Jackson, Peter Hale, Chris Argent, Sheriff Stilinski, Kira, Melissa McCall and Noshiko Yukimura.
THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Damon, Elena, Katherine, Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie, Jenna, Klaus, Elijah, Rebeka, Sheriff Forbes, Kai and Lexi.
NARNIA: Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy, Caspian and Aslan.
STAR WARS: Anakin, Padme, Yoda, Jarjar, Obi Wan, Kylo, Rey, Han, Leia, Luke, Poe, Finn and Din Djarin and Grogu.
No pressure tags: @venuswritesfanfic @for-bebbanburg @maggiescarborough @multifandomfix @sweetnspicysimp @lazypeachsoul @magravenwrites
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fanficlibraryposts · 3 years
Larry Stylinson(1D) Fic Recs
sleeping on our problems by falsegoodnight
I’m in love with you, Louis thinks. He feels empty, weighed down by his sadness and the loss of Harry inside him just moments ago before his knot finally went down. There’s moments where he’s sure Harry feels the same. Like now, when he’s gazing down at Louis with so much adoration and tenderness. It’s like they’re both on the cusp of something more, but neither of them ever say a word. His confession is on the tip of his tongue ready to slide out like honey, and yet he remains silent. They both do, looking at each other and recognizing the reluctance mirrored in each other’s eyes. It’s then that Louis realizes they’re both scared.
Or Louis sleeps with Harry and they have more than just catching feelings to worry about.
*A/B/O au, so soft and fluffy with just a dash of angst*
Foolishly, Completely Falling by dea_liberty
"Now that he’s actually gone and done it, there seems to be no way of going back - no rinse and repeat, no ctrl+alt+del, no abort button, no help to be had. He’s fallen into a black hole and he cannot seem to find a way out. The black hole is also known as Tumblr. More specifically, it’s known as Tumblr’s Larry Stylinson tag."
OR: The one where Louis becomes a Larry shipper by accident.
Put It All On Me by LoadedGunn
 "Yeah, yeah, give it to me, that's it, spread your legs a bit, there you go."
 The camera follows Louis as he does. Maybe if the modelling thing doesn't work out, he could try the porn industry. Then again, he's a bit too stocky to be twinky and a bit too twinky to be anything else. He likes that about himself, though. Well, directors and photographers like that about him. He could pull off pretty and edgy, could do GQ in the morning and a perfume commercial in the afternoon. Right now he thinks he could pull off anything, because it's Harry fucking Styles directing him.
Or, a Top Model AU where Louis is accidentally there to make friends, not become Britain's Next Top Model. (Also Zayn is the supermodel host.)
Promises We Made by thekindofworld
Its been five years since Harry and Louis broke up; they were seventeen and nineteen and it was messy to say the least. Cue Louis, who is worked off his feet making clothes for celebrities, Harry dropping his debut album, Niall who likes to avoid his insecurities by dragging Louis on Holiday, Zayn and Perrie as Louis' right hand stylists, and Liam who wishes Harry would just tell him about his ex-boyfriends before he contacts them about working for him.
Its either going to be a disaster, or the perfect timing they've all been waiting for.
*I’ve been very into fashion au lately*
but me, i’m not a gamble by orphan_account
A Posh & Becks AU in which Harry is a star on the stage and Louis is a star on the pitch, but they're both inexplicably terrible at articulating their feelings. In the end, it only takes a season's worth of failed matchmaking schemes, platonic dinner dates, road trip holidays, and one very convenient David Beckham cameo for them to figure it all out. And if Niall knew all along? Well, he at least has the decency not to be too smug about it.
Boys Fall From the Sky by fookinloosah
Superheroes. America is full of them — complete with masks, nauseating pseudonyms, and neon spandex suits. There’s none of that nonsense in Britain, thank you very much…until Harry Styles’ X Factor audition takes an unexpected turn, and Britain’s first hero is born.  
Also featuring Louis as a man of many masks, Zayn the rebel comic artist, Liam as Britain’s counter-attack to Justin Bieber, and Niall the trusty guitarist.
*I adore this fic, one my all time favorites*
The Last Something That Anything by jaded25
"You know my heart - so tell me honestly, did you ever really want this? So I’ll sing this song for every word that comes out wrong But I’ll be okay – is that what you want me to say?"
In the end, it's neither the fame or the pressure, nor Management or the constant hiding and denying that tears them apart. Or maybe it's a sum of all  and so much more on top. In the end, it's Harry.
When Harry leaves the band - leaves Louis - to pursue his dreams of a solo career, he breaks much more  than just One Direction. It's a gamble and a new start for each of the boys but while Harry walked away smiling, finally having got everything he apparently dreamt of, Louis is left to pick the pieces up.
Some hearts don't break even, some are simply shattered. So can you really learn to un-love someone?
*So deliciously angsty*
no pressure, no diamonds by karamelised
A life of crime means there is no nine to five, no white picket fence and definitely no happily ever after. In a life where lying gets you everywhere and stealing things becomes a sport, there is no place for romantic endings. Louis knows this, and so does Harry. Problem is, they're both wrong.
Louis is a thief, Harry a grifter. They are thrown together for a huge diamond heist in Paris, where their past soon catches up to them.
Blood Right by Evina1234
“Is that-him?” someone next to Louis asks. “Who else would dress in red if not for him today?” Beside Louis, Lady Camellia had her eyes locked on the one in red garbs, as same as many around them. Clearly this must be intended, or why dress in such a way today at first place? “My... He looks dashing." the first one licks her lips, eyes darkening in a laced lust. "Who would've known? Thought he'd be in chains, stuck in a dark dungeon." The other scoffs. “Have you been under a rock? He's the most privileged Lycan alive. The King's ward, some go so far as to call him his consort. It’s all hushed, but I have my sources.” she reveals like a dirty secret. In a world where the Vampires have taken over, Humans are just pawns in blood farms, Warlocks are extinct while the King has Lycans under his thumb - eliminating the threat of the lethal bite. The world is falling apart. Louis, nephew to the malistic Vampire King, lives away from it all in blessed ignorance until he gets dragged into the chessboard that traps him in front of a green eyed Prince who is bound to a miserable fate. Or where Louis wants to save Harold, the Prince of Lycans, when Louis' allies want him DEAD 
*super intense, vampire au with political intrigue mixed in*
the one that leads me on through by colourexplosion
Louis was certain that he was done with his tenuous connection with fellow skater, Harry Styles. But then, you know, the universe throws a wrench in all that when Simon takes Harry on for the next season.
Or, an AU in which the members of one direction are actually figure skaters.
Disclaimer: The fanfiction above were not written by me for I am not nearly as creative. However, I am an avid reader and movie buff so these are some of my favorite fanfiction within the fandom. I politely ask that you read the tags attached the fanfiction beforehand so that you know what you are getting yourself into, there may be crossovers. If you don’t like it then don’t read it. In addition, I ask that there be no bashing, the fics are based on my preferences and what I like. Lastly, if there are any specific genre or fandom of fics you want me to get into let me know through my ask box.  
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jemwritesstuff · 4 years
▪︎ David King x reader
notes: this is the first piece of writing ive ever published in english and outside of my friends and creative writing class lol pls go easy on me
content warnings: mentions of canon typical violence, terrible depictions of feelings
ETA: this was written before bhvr claimed david as a gay man and it's sat in my notes for way longer than it's been published, so you might have to use a lil imagination. i also noticed some inconsistensies with pronouns (im blaming english for that, my mother tongue doesnt have gendered pronouns) so im sorry bout any confusion. if i ever actually get my motivation back ill def edit rewrite this whole piece. sorry!
You were unconcious, just like everyone who appeared from the Fog, when he spotted you from afar. David didn't know it was you just yet though.
He called for Claudette. Most newbies did have some injuries. He remembers the detective coming in with a huge gash on his shoulder. David didn't ask him for specifics.
Just another month, just another survivor, he thought and trudged on. They wouldn't be dying soon and he knew it. The Entity is a bitch and works in mysterious ways. One day of rest, first trial, rest of the day off and then thrown into the same rhythm with the rest. Adapt or get killed again and again and again. Death is not an escape.
They were dirty. Leaves, branches and mud on their clothes, tangled in their hair. David recognized you. He froze. Cursed. A crow flew away from a nearby tree.
He kneeled down next to you. Under all the dirt, you looked just the same. It made David question this reality even more. He had been counting days; four hundred and eighty nine today. Yet it seemed like you hadn't aged a day.
He didn't dare to touch you.
He looked over you. You weren't bleeding and every limb was intact.
He wanted to touch you.
Four hundred and eighty nine days.
He wanted to cry.
Not having you with him in the realm was hard but having you there with him was even worse. Death is not an escape. You die over and over and over and over again. Time stands still and yet one is able to feel it flow.
David felt his legs bucking underneath him. The ground was shaking.
He couldn't touch you. Memories of you were already flooding through him. It only gets worse. You probably didn't even want to see him. He had vanished without a trace after all. Left you all alone, dealing with his issues...
He wanted to hold you.
Claudette startled him from his thoughts.
"Can you carry her to the camp for me?" She asked.
David wanted to refuse. He glanced at you, then at Claudette.
At her waiting stare, he picked you up. He couldn't bare to look you in the eyes. They were closed anyway, what would it matter? He remembered. The deep color of your eyes and the way they shone in the morning when you woke up. He put you down where Claudette wanted you and walked away. He couldn't bare to look at you any longer.
Yet he did want to see you again.
He wanted to talk to you again.
He wanted to feel you again.
He wanted to love you again.
Truthfully, he never stopped. He did think about you every passing day.
David was furious. He was ready to do anything if he could get his hands on the Entity. Instead of the Entity, the nearest tree got a taste of David's wrath.
David was devastated. If there was one person on the whole goddamned Earth that didn't deserve what the Entity had to offer, it was you.
He glanced back towards the camp. Only trees and bushes in his vision, he dropped to the ground and bawled his eyes out.
He thought long and hard.
He couldn't just walk up to you, pretend everything is alright and continue on like before. It had been over a year since he last saw you. His last words to you were in a fight. He couldn't even remember what he had said to you. He could remember your expression, though. The hurt, sadness and fury, all mixed into one.
After that, he had disappeared from your life.
You didn't know he was here exactly. No doubt the other survivors would mention his existence. What would be the odds after all of you two ending up in the same place? If he could bare it, he could avoid you at all costs. He couldn't face you and he knew that.
So he chose the cowardly way.
You had been introduced to most of the others during your first few days.
To David it seemed like you had made some friends. On some of the easier nights, you sat at the campfire with the rest and shared your stories. Kate and you seemed to get along easily, sharing the same passion for music.
David couldn't help but to realize that he hadn't heard his name once. Although he wasn't there to listen all the time. It was hard to keep an eye on you at the same time as avoiding you.
David sat in the woods. He listened to the fire crackling and you talking. He'd heard the same story about the ducklings many times.
You asked whether you had met everyone already. David's breath hitched in his throat. In as small community as this was, it was a wonder he had avoided you even for a week now.
He heard someone elses name too but naturally he paid more attention to his own. He cursed Dwight for remembering his last name.
He couldn't see you but he knew what kind of an expression you were wearing. You asked for specifics about David King. Where he was from, what he did for a living; easy questions to determine if there was another David King who had gotten sucked into this bitch of a world.
There wasn't.
Someone pointed out that they hadn't actually seen David much out of trials. You hummed in response. David was glad you didn't start spilling your guts about the whole situation.
He knew there was no avoiding you now. You would confront him the moment you saw him, trial or not, it didn't matter.
He didn't know how to feel.
Four hundred and ninety nine days.
You had counted.
On four hundreth and ninety sixth day you had heard about David first of all still being alive and second of all existing in this same fucked up realm you were in.
That night you went through every single emotion a human was capable of feeling.
You were happy that David was alive. He hadn't come home after your petty fight, the cause of which you couldn't even remember anymore. You feared he got jumped.
You were also seething with rage. He knew you were here - Claudette told you he was the one who found you - yet he didn't even try to speak to you.
You were sad, too, and all for the same reasons. He was here and he didn't want to talk to you. Or so you thought.
Unfortunately, you were also glad. You had ached to see him, to hold him again. You couldn't say you had stopped loving him.
So you made a decision. You would find him and you would force him to speak to you. Didn't matter if it was on a meat hook or in front of everyone.
David had come back from a trial all beaten and bruised. If not for the stupid rules in the Fog he would've loved to obliterate that masked twink.
He was just about to head to the campfire when he spotted you.
You spotted him, too.
David couldn't run anymore. He had made it to five hundred days. It should be enough.
David turned to the woods. He knew you would follow. And you did. When the camp was no longer visible, you called out to him.
David stopped. His body ached to turn around and run to you. His mind, too, yet he was frozen in place.
You circled around him. If there was malice in your actions, you would have been the deadliest vulture. There was none. Concern, curiousity even, but no hatred.
You would've looked the exact same as five hundred days ago if not for the dark under-eyes that seemed to be the standard in the Fog.
He was about to open his mouth, mutter out something; an apology, confession, anything. His brain shortcircuited itself trying to get everything out at once. You just shook your head and wrapped your arms around his torso.
It was just like before. David engulfed you. His body working on its own, longing to be as close to you as possible. You were warm, maybe even warmer than before. Soft but muscles tense, ready to leap out of the way of danger like everyone here. It hurt David to see how accustomed you already were to the Fog.
"'M sorry." He breathed out into your hair once he finally found some voice in him. You just shook your head and told him to shut his piehole.
Pulling him even closer to you, David choked a laugh.
"'M sorry." He repeated and tightened his arms around you.
He smiled into your hair. He wanted nothing more than to say out loud just how much he missed you and how he never stopped loving you and everything else that was like a whirlwind in his head but his voice betrayed him again.
You didn't seem like letting your thoughts out either, deciding to just do your best at crushing his ribs.
David had a million things at the top of his mind for the first time in a while.
He didn't mind, he had you again.
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oddshelbyout · 4 years
King Of The World // Michael Gray X Fem!Reader
Summary: Just after getting dumped by your boyfriend, you meet Michael at a bar in New York City.
Warnings: Drinking, Swearing
Word Count: 1124
Author’s Note:
I’m open to any guidence on how to develop my writing skills. English is not my first language so if I have any mistakes, please excuse them and let me know if there is any I can fix.
This one is for my best friend who adores Michael, unlike me who lowkey dispises him. I love you and I hope you enjoy it. I hope all my readers do too.
Requests are open. You can request any Peaky Blinders related imagines or prompts for me to write. I’m a minor so I don’t take NSFW requests, please keep that in mind.
You can ask to be added to my taglist. You can be tagged to works on a specific character or just any of my works. Please dm me or send your wish to my ask box if you’d like to be added.
A glass of whiskey was all you needed. You had just got dumped by your long term boyfriend, David. You were extremely angry at him for dumping you while you were wearing your prettiest dress.
You were walking down the streets of New York. You didn't have a jacket because it was the middle of the summer. You had paired your pretty blue dress with white heels.
Your heels made loud noises on the pavement, the sound stopped on the doorstep of a bar. There was music coming from inside, it was exactly what you needed.
You stepped in confidently, there were so many women in with their boyfriends and husbands. You noticed you would probably be the only single woman in there. It was the worst thing ever in that moment but you needed a drink at that exact moment.
You got inside, sat at the bar. “Women can’t sit alone at the bar.” the barman said looking at you. You chuckled, “I just got dumped, I don’t care, give me whiskey.” the barman looked impressed by your attitude. He turned around to fill you a glass, “And make it double.” you ordered.
You grabbed the glass as soon as it was put on you, you drank it in one sip. You put the glass down and whistled so the barman can give you his attention again. “Keep it coming.” you said, he nodded.
The more you drank, the more you thought of David. You gave 2 years of your youth to that bastard and he just left you because he wanted to be single for once. He didn’t deserve you anyway or that was what you told yourself.
When the barman put the fifth double whiskey on the counter, another hand reached for it. A big hand, a man’s hand. You turned to the owner of the hand in one motion, put your chin up. That was your drink and you wanted to make sure he knew that.
“I thought women weren’t supposed to drink alone here.” the guy said in an English accent. His green eyes were fixated on you but you were too focused on getting you drink back.
You hit his hand and took the glass, once again drank it all at once. “I just got dumped, I deserve an exception.” you said simply, his eyes didn’t move away from your eyes.
“Who would leave such beauty?” you turned back to him, examined his features one by one. His lips were chapped, you immediately thought of hydrating them with your kiss. He was attractive, had a strong jawline and pretty green eyes.
“Apparently David.” you mumbled, he sat down next to you. His intentions were obviously the same as yours. “So unfortunate.” he nodded, you smiled a little. Your slowly fading smile made him smile big.
“Two more.” he said to the barman, you didn’t need to drink it all at once anymore. Slow was better and your need to get pissed drunk was out of the picture. “You’re prettier than him, I might say it’s fortunate for me.” he chuckled at your words and serious expression.
“We’re both winning tonight then.” he said, took a sip from his whiskey. You laughed, “Seems like it.” he was so pretty. So pretty that you were almost glad David dumped you.
“You’re English, what are you doing in the States?” you asked, trying to have a conversation. He lit a cigarette, “Business.” he said, “Wall Street, must be exciting.” you replied. He simply nodded.
“It is but not as exciting as being back in Birmingham.” he explains, you couldn’t understand why. “What could be more exciting than being in New York?” you ask, he took a breath from his cigarette. You were so attracted to him that you forgot David even existed.
“My family is powerful there, I feel like the king of the world but here, I’m just another guy working in finance.” he admitted, saying that always impressed women. The only thing making him feel like the king of the world in New York was impressing women.
“I’m nothing here and would be nothing there, nowhere close to being on top of the world.” you said, he felt proud of himself for impressing you just like he wanted.
“You never told me your name.” he asked, your mind stopped working for a second. “Y/N” you said and because you paused for a second he felt the need to ask, “Is that a fake name?” you shook your head.
“Oh no, I’m just too drunk.” being satisfied with your answer, he showed you his hand. “Michael, Michael Gray.” you grabbed his hand and shook it.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Gray.” you smiled, seeing your interaction as a win. It was obvious it was going to be a good night for you. You took another sip from your whiskey, “May I?” you reached for his tab of cigarettes. He did nothing but nod.
Just as you put the cigarette between your lips, he took his lighter out and lit it for you. “Thanks.” you continued, “What are your plans for this wonderful night?” you asked before taking a drag from the cigarette.
“Probably kiss a lovely lady.” you felt your cheeks blush. “Like you.” you had no mirror but you were sure your cheeks were burning red. You took one last drag from your cigarette and put it down way before it was close to ending.
You pulled your chair closer to his, “Then go ahead.” you said. He pulled you in to his lips. His chapped lips felt harsh on your moisturized ones. The heat of your bodies interacted, he was colder against your warm one influenced by all the whiskey you had earlier.
While your lips were colouring his red with your lipstick, his tongue slipped into your mouth. This was the last thing you expected for that night though you obviously wanted it.
After a full moment of sharing a passionate kiss, you pulled yourself away. You reached for your whiskey for the last time, pushed it down your throat. Now the glass was empty and you didn’t intend to ask for another one.
“What if we leave together?” you asked, Michael chuckled. He too reached for his glass, took a sip but didn’t finish it. He got on his feet, left a bit of cash on the counter and helped you get down by holding your hand.
Both of you left the bar, hands tied to each other. After getting dumped by your boyfriend just a few hours ago, this was obviously a fast shift into your new vision of relationships. You hoped he would take you to his apartment and he did exactly that.
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